HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-21, Page 3tti 189 _ _ -1-eOse - d Kind kt Money d Purifier efreshing, g 1 Ints is given away $1,500,000, $1,500,000. SRAFORTIT. the United States, :available in all parte t-ances made on sa.rne ed t highest carrell - lune and December - deposit. URGE, Agent. C 0* 7ing Goods )WARE. ea:co NGLES h. J!SON. IIHEELS ' have the agency THE C RESCENT aeut Quality will annee, but be on 'tin g the price of in order to efeate ttally cheap. It's wary cast artier t the above high - ; STREET ve *Ye :4 far- e Or - `I y respect, and DirecSor AUGUST 21, 1896 '7 1 TIE IIHRON EXPOSITOR: IMPORTANT NOTICES. spa POSTS. -Ten thousand choice cedar posts for aec. each at COLEttAN'S. Seaforth. 148041 toltellENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land Li --: surveyor, Member of theAssociation of Ontario • surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386-52 /TIMBER FOR SALE. -The undersigned has on hand at Kippen station a la of good hemlock , ember of all kinds for sale cheap. JAMES csOPER. 1486- tf o; liSTAwants one or two honest and induetrous re- NTED.--Old established wholesale house reeeadatives for this eection. Can pay a hustler shout $12 a week, to tart m ith, Drawer r0, Brant- ford, Out. 1477 JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk ef the Seed Division ceeet, Countv Commissioner, of Huron, Con- seyeecer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & Ivens' Store, Mein greet, Seaforth. 1289 SnD WHEAT -Tbe underaigned has a quanity of Davaoli'd Golden Chaff fell ,wheat, free from foul seede, suitable for seed. Thie variety leads the it of experimental tests over the province for five yen's. ROBERT B. McLEE1N, Klppen. 1496-2 FARM TO RENT,- To rent, a 200 acre farm, 24 miles from W itigharn, with first-class buildings, and well watered. It is all in pasture, and is an ex- tollent chance' for either farming or pasturing cattle. For particulars, apply to Box 125, Wingham 1473t1 g-ITANTED.-Three General Agents for a block of VV•counties also five canvassers for each. A big thing, and tkose veho get territorial rights will be in lack. Can also employ several bright ladies at their own homes. The Bradley-Garretson Company; limited, 49 Richmond Street west, Toronto, Ont. 1477 CIDER MILLS, WINE PRESSES, TANKAGE presses for panking houses, all kinds presses and apple machihery, paring machines and slicers. catalogue free. Address S. PATTERSON & CO., the manufecturer, 19 Jarvis street, Toronto. 1491.3m OEED WHEAT FOR SALE.-DAWSON'S GOLD - 0 EN CHAFF. -The subecriber has for Bale about 7C0 bushels of the above variety of wheat, which he will guarantee free from all noxious eeeds or aey other kind of grains, and will sell the same for a little over market price. It was grown on land that had been in pasture 20 years. A fine ehance. THOMAS GOVENLOCK, Township of McKillop. 1406-3 $ 300 Private funds to loan atlowest •500 rates of interest in sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be,corn- $1,000 pleted and money advanced 41,500 within two days. Apply to R. 12,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seaforth. 125 STOCK FOR SALE. . MHOROUGIIRRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. The undersigned has for eale a thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 months oid. Be is red in color and is eligible for registration in the Dominion Herd Book. Will be sold reasonably. WM. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 18, concession 4, H. R. S., Theireramith, or "Egonondville P. 0. 148141 .11 PIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- shires,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar Gladstone. -pur- abased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, -111 payable at the time of eervice with the privilege of returning if neceesary, if booked 81,60. JAMES DORRANCE, at 25, Conceesion 6, McKillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1465-52 BOARS FOR SERVICE. friAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- signed will keep for service, at the Brumfield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, $1; payable at thne of service with -privilege of returning if owes. sory. HUGH MoCARTNEY, Brumfield. 140541 AUCTIONEERS. TOI1N 11. McDOLTOALL, Licensed Anationeer for r) the County of Huron. Sales at ended in all parte, of the County. Terme remonab MoDougall'e long experience as a d stook of all kinds, be is specially qual Aof values, and can guarantee satisfactio left at Tins ExPoSrroa offioe, or at his 3, Conceselon 3, H. R. S., Tuckers promptly attended to. e. From Mr. aler in farm fled to judge . All orders esidenee, Lot ith, will be 1466 DRS. SCOTT & Ma PHYSICIANS AND SURGE Gederich street, ypposite Methodist ch •KAY, NS, reb,Seaforth 3. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and A ,n Arbor, and member Ontario College of Phe siciane and Surgeons. Coroner for County of uron. C. MacKAY, honor graduate Trini y University, gold medaliet Trinity Medical Coll ge. Member College of Playeicians and Surgeons!, Ontario. 1483 Great Excitement. THE RUSH IS ON. I A. G. Ault is noW clearing his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery mad Glassware at wholesale prices. Now it the time for great bargains to be had at the great bargain • GROCERY AND TEA STORE. A clearing sale of all 'kinds of Crockery and Glassware. I will quote you a few articles which is less then the wholesale cost. Fruit J3.re. pieta 6e, quarts 8e, 4 gallon 100 each. About 15 hundred on hand. 4 lbs. Japan Tea for De worth 16c lb. , 3 " Gunpowder Tea for .50c, worth 26e lb. " Evapnrate d Peaches for 25o • 6 Rice fez 25e 6 " Tapioca for 25c 6 " Boneless Fieh for 25c 6 " Currants for 25c 6 " Raisine for 26c 4 " fresh Prunes for 250 5 tins Sardines for 25c 4 packages Corn Starch for 25e cans Apple Butter for 25e 4 cans peas, corn and tomatoes, assorted, for 25c Globe Waehboarde, 100 each. Broome Mc each 3 boxer; Matches for 25c 1 lb. lo:ee Baking Powder for A' Ors A. G. AULT, C4t1i. THE . . •EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts 9 G-raduate of Detroit Optical Institute also Chicago Ophth- almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. Intelligent people have given up the idea of buy- ing ordinagy common spectacles at a countenbecause they see well with them. It may be that only one eye is brought into use, while the other may be so strained as to result in blindness. If your eyes are weak, or eight poor call at J. S. ROBERT'S Drug Store and have them tested. Does the print blur or do the eyes tire when reading? Do the eyes ache? Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed? These symptoms point to defects in the refraction, or tedheoetniu.soles of the eyes and can be perfectly con Do you have headache ? Eye strain causes more headaches than all other causes combined. Thous- ands of peopie are Buffering who do net realize that eye strain is the cause. All these cases can be cured with glasses that are made to correct the error in the eyes. The eyes of children should be carefully tested. In many elms the defect in the eyes is shown by various symptoms, such as inability to see figures oft a blackboard, holding the book close to the byei, blurring of letters, crossed eyes or eyes turning in, blinking, watering of the eyes and particularly head- ache. In many cases the child is awned of being dull or stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and can be corrected with glassee. If you are wearing glairees that are not satisfactory, bring them to me. In case of disease, you will be recommended to the physician M once for treatment. 1458 CL ARING • SALE 1 It requires no head to see the Bargains in our great stock of high grade goods. You can't go wrong when you buy from us, because I we . can give you dollars worth at prtes that other competitors can ot touch with the same goods. Our stock is rapidly going off, but .We have still Bargains you ean ot afford to miss, as we are alw ys reducing lines in price so as to clear • them out. Our stock is well ias- sorted with up-to-date novelties and styles, and you have only to step in and be convinced we are selling goods cheaper than any house in town. Rictiardson &,Inn's MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Z.t • ‘t'''7'5*,71 • iickt-11.1 • BOVINE BEAUTIES. Which Is Handsomer, Aberdeen-Angns or Sh rthorn, Is Hard to Tell. If ther is any four footed beast pret- tier than a lively heifer of one of thtz3 best bree s, then we have not seen it. The life, symmetry, docility and col r of her would win the heart of anybod who was not a soured old chump. Our first illustration shows two tea+ tiful young Aberdeen-Angts cows. Ther , A 4'‘",, .,. A 01.. 2 ,.. - P ' 1, „.. fi '1 .4 , 1 # -40 'e ,'s• PARALYSIS CURED -SWORN STATEME T. Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhurst St., Toro to, Ont., swears that Ryokman's "Kootenay Cure" -cu ed her of Paralysis which _rendered one pide of her b idy entirely Useless. Phyeknans said there was no oha ce of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. II pe deserted her, but to -day she is walking around telling her friends how Ryckman's--" Kootenay Cure" vs her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1 90, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Publio. SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATE UL A. MOTIIERe Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered *th Eozenne Since her birth, has been entirely cured nd her general /system built up by Ryckman's "Koote ay Cure." The above facts are given in a sworn et te- ment made by tier mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St.,Hamilton, Ont., dated July 3, 1 96, before J. F.Moncir, Notary Public. A CO7B1NATION DISTURBED -- SWO N STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toro to Ont., had a complication of blood troubles, R eta- inatiern, severe Kidney trouble and constipat on. Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appe ite and was a very sick man. His Kidneys are now n a healthy condition, his appetite goody -Sleep un is- turbed rnd constipation cured; all this was don4 by Ryckman's "'Kootenay Cure." He makes s orn statement to the above -facts before J. W. Sey our Corley, July 10, 1890. The McKillop Mutual F- . Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TO PROPERTY ONLY INSURED • OPPWIRS. Geo. Wett„Preeldent, Harlock :P. D.; J tree 13roadtodt, TiomPresident, Seafoith P. O.; . ' J shannon Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; hael Murdie, Inspecitor of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DLRBOTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex, Gardiner, ad bury; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. aye, Sesforth; M. Murdie, Seaforsh Thos. Gar utt. efinton ; Thomas Fraser, Brumfield ; John 2, ca. Lean, Kippers, ACOOTTS. Thos. Nellans, Harlodk ; Robt. McMillan, Seat rib James Cumming, Eginondville ; George •Murdi and John C. Morrisori,audiors. Parties desirous to effect Ineurancee or 4 ewe act other business will be promptly attended n in application to any of the above officers, %adzes@ d to their reepective post oili^es. DOAN'S Kidney Pill DOAN'S Kidney Villa AN'S Kidney Pill ..Ftememb'er 0 N'S ey Pill THE BEST by,I. V. Fear, Seaforth BE Desires to at the business James Willie ARRTAGE T WILLIAMS te to the public that he will cont ' long carried on by his father, the s, and is prepared to do all kinds nue late CARRIAGE G In the best and most artistic manner, and on the most reasonable terms. A trial is respectfull so- licited. SHOP -As formerly, over L. McDonald's Carriage Works, Goderich street, • SEAFORT14. 1170AU TRADEMARK 4 EMSTEREN apo Made a-welti .flan of INDAPO Tile altitiT HIROO° REMEDY ranee/cm ass Ahovii JrEaI!LTM in 80 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory, pareels, sleeplessness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and else to shrunken organs, and quickly_ but sureiy restores Lost Manhood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price 61100 a package. Six for $5.00 with written guarantee to cure or stoney refunded. Don't buy an imitation, but insist on having INDAPIK It your druggist has not got it, we will eend it prepaid. Oriental Medleal Oaa Pena. Mese% Greer siesta ls YOUNG ABERDEEN-ANGUS COWS. are about 4 years old and as fine spec - linens of this admirable 'beef breed a,s can be found. We, say beef breed, but the Aberdeen Angus cows are often excellent milker On the ranches of the west and north west, where farmers are too far remove from markets or creameries to make strictly hater cows profitable, the Abeil deen-Angus answers every purpose, fuif nishing milk and butter, all that are, needed, to the farmer's family, whi producing calves which quickly gro into juicy fat young black steers for t e beef market. In Canada the Aberdee Angas is a great favorite. It *does n t grow quite to the size of the Shortho usually, but matures quicker and ready for beef at 20 months and 2 yeas old. The second picture is that of two fine young Shorthorn cows of one of the most approved -families. •It is net one of the dairy Shorthorn families that is here represented, init SHORTHORN COWS. one of the best known and -purest blood beef strains. The young cows are alm st perfect in form. They are red Sho t- horns belonging to a western herd. Plant Some Root Crops. The mangel beet can be grown with success in any rich, loose soil which has deep tillage and sufficient moisture fpr the demands_of this succulent root d ing its rapid growth. The black, muc soils of many of otir river bottoms is pecially adapted to it if properly und drained- and sweetened by a fertili This may be of well rotted compost p pared from barnyard manure, with mixture -of unslaoked lime careful added, so as not to produce too mu heat, or one of the commercial ferti zers containing a large per cent of p ash. When this kind of soil has be put into good order and carefully pla ed with mange' seed in rows 2j4 o feet apart and thinned in the row from 8 to 12 inches apart, the orop is enor- mous; 30, 40 and even 50 tonaaof roqts. are frequently taken from an acre, with vranch a feeding value 'very above an thing else that can be grown upon tlae ground. This provides fresh and healthful foOd for cattle, which they greatly rel- ish during the winter and which has a marked effect upon the flow of milk with the dairy cow and a rapid increase in flesh with fattening stock. When once the importance and value of this root for stock in the winter are fully realized, it will cpme to be a necessary food for the dairyman in America, as it is now in France and Germany. T mangel seed can be sown or drilled a ly time during May or June and need n` t • be dug until frost. The roots are easi y kept during the winter with a very 1 t - Ile portection from a shed or straw coh- ering. They can be fed from a pile al- most as easily as corn. • The ruta baga and other turnips m be profitably raised, as they can follo, other crops and furnish a succulent feed in the absence of pasture or green en-' silage. Sheep and fowls relish these roots during the winter and. are kept healthy by tteir use. -St. Louis Globe - Democrat. SADOCE T.-IORSES rAiRs. - 'Training Them and Showing Off Their Points to Good Advantage. The Breeder's Gazette held a sympo- sium on the subject of training saddle horses for the show ring and showing oft their gaits ill the most taking way while in the ring. Various breeders and trainers gave direetions. J. W. Brooks, Jr., says: In regard to the handling of a gaited 'saddler in the show ring I would_ simply say that, in the first place, the horse should have show qualities, such as size, style, flashy gaits, carriage and form, and be quick and handy in changing his gaits. Sec- ondly, the rider'should be master of the art of riding gaited horses. This is an education that talres time to accomplish. The horse should be on edge at the time bo is shown. L. B. Sraith gives directions as fol- lows: Educated and trained animals will, special care is neglected, become rusty and slow in the performance of their different gaits and careless or in- different in regard to their manners. In. order to be successful fn the show ring every step must be taken in a bold, prompt manner, every duty performed with a willing, cheerfal spirit display- ed. These kind, attractive and obedient manners and ways will go a long way inrtzheinterests of victory. and a pie. furet The amateur showman must first compel his horse to stand in an defiant and graceful manner in a commanding and attractive way and perfectly still - the horse appearing to do this of his own free will and choice. I world sug- gest the proper place to rab up your horse in this line is tire side of a barn or building where you can be mounted and see the shadow cast on the building. Next will come the performance of the different gaits, viz.: 1. Flat footed walk. 2. Slow pace. 3. Running walk or fox trot. 4. Canter. ' 5. Bold, fast; square trot. 6. Bold, fait rack or single foot. Teach your horse to turn with rapid- ity and ease. The above gaits, or as many as an animal has of them, must be performed in an elegant, graceful, prompt and bold manner, with all speed and ease possible. If necessarY sacrifice a little speed for grace and elegance. The animal should be so entirely under the control and direction of his rider that the changes from one gait to an- other will be made so readily and easily that the action will appear to be prompt- ed by 'the animal's knowledge of his surroUndings and not from. any visible motions of his rider. Thus you will ex- hibit an animal in totich with his mis- sion and in perfect obedience and sym- pathy with his rider. Demonstrate the fact to the judges that he is a horse of perfect manners and finished education. Let your treatment of your'horse always be kind, yet positive. The distinguished Kentucky saddle horse breeder Colonel John B. Castle- man writes: • I beg to remind you that all exercise, while governed by a general fixed rule, is nevertheless individual. One often hears the expression "he is a good whip," a "good rider" or "a good ath- lete' so on. In each instance a gen- eral' governing principle applies, and he case just in so far as f that principle is elligent enforcement, ent enforcement is a duality. So it is that s will destroy the best adster or the easy bal- horse. Yet it seems at by some unchange - wing of a mere rule gaited horse through which would destroY Horn Fly Remedies. °rade carbolic acid, an ounce; sali- . Olio acid, one-half dram; turpentine, sine -half ounce; cottonseed oil, a gallon. T. T. Jones writes: I dehorned milk cows about a month ago. I have been using linseed oil and carbolic acid; about 16 to 1, to keep away the flieS. Drop a few drops on the head once a day. I have not noticed any horn flies yet, so the medicine is doing double duty. . I shall continue its use until the fly makes its appearance, as it is cheap and safe. Carbolic acid, fish oil' and rancid grease, whale soap, etc. To a gallon of fish oil use a pint crystal carbolic acid, a gallon pine tar, 2 pounds tallow o old grease. Put in iron pot and boil s as to unite,, this being the mother tinci- ture. Save strong soapsuds o wash day and use this with your t" Apply with a brush or swab. the cattle on the scales, a cou plank crossed over the cattle. Thi the operators a place to stand quickly done and effective for or more if. dry weather; can add car bolic acid -Slionld the mixture beeom weak, the greis e preventing bad result -Exchange. SOLD by 1. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and , leading druggistsewheie. 1 •1 BISMARCK. Th4 Belgium horse " Biemarok," will stand 1 os- utars at Dick's hotel, Seaforth, after the ;season, evor Saturday aftfrnoon until She esd of August. 1 1492 1 (-- , i TH le 0 gives nd ift wee -After a real Wingham, Mr. man house, h going to Guelp waited upon by presented wit tobacco pouch; with a hands° man with a wa 8 • ence of over 20 years n red Kormon, of the Kor- sold his residence and is . The other evening he was a number of friends ad a meerchanm pipe a Mra. Korman was presen e fan and Mr. John K eh guard and locket. ed IS expert in an the application coupled with in and such intelli question of indiv one who is carele qualities of the r ance of the ridin to be assumed t able law the foll can conduct the errors of the ride - the better qualities of the horse not gaited. Any one, two or more gaits will be disarranged by bad riding, as the trot will be ruined by bad driving. The exercise of good judgment in any case is necessary. Riding and driving are the result of experience. The peculiari- ties of the horse and the methods of the horseman are quickly indicated by sug- gestion. A simple vocabulary of a few words will be readily learned by most animals. A few persistently used signs or touch of the rein are easily understood by the horse. Let the rider first know how to ride and let him study the capabilities of his horse. Let him know how the horse may walk, canter, trot, rack and what simple signs are necessary to change from one to the other. Let him sit comfortably on his horse, and the interchange between the rider and the horse becomes complete. I often ride my m.are Dorothy five perfect and dis- trict gaits in 120 feet without any ap- parent sign, but Dorothy and I under- stand each other and a ;mown intima- tion from the rider is instantly obeyed by the 'horse. Live Stook Points. . DOCTORSGAVE REMARKABLE EXPERIE SALOIS, OF ST. ER UP. CE OF MRS. IE. .1411,Grippe, followed by Inflarnmation of the Lungs, left her on th Verge of the Grave -Her Whole Bod Racked with Pain -Her Husband brought her Home to Die,but she is Again ia Good Health. i , In the pretty town of 1St. Pie, Begot county, is one of the happiest homes in the whole province of Quebec, and the cause of much of this happiness is the inestimable boon of health conferred through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Mrs. Eva Salois is the person thus restored, and she tells her story as follows : Like a great many other Canadians, my husband and myself left Canada for the States, in the hope that we might better our condition, and located in Lowell, Massachusetts, About a year ago I gave birth to a bright httle boy, bub while yet on my sick bed I was attacked with la grippe, which developed into inflammation of the lungs. 1 had the very best of care, and the best of medical ' treatment and al- though the inflammation left me I did. not get better, but continually grew weaker and It is the custom with some farmers to turn sheep into cornfields to graze after the ears are formed. This should not be done, however, till the ears of corn are well up out of the sheep's way. The stalks will be tall enough just after the, grains are glazed. The animals Will eat off the lower blades of the corn as well 'as the weeds and grass along the corn rows. If you shotild thus pasture your sheep in the cornfield for awhile, turn them out of the field at night to keep them out of mischief. In the morning let them in again, when they will be BUffiCi ntly hungry to eat what is near- est thi without troubling themselves lo reach up and pull down the stalks. Begin to get ari animal ready for the &how yard before it is born. It will pay to have show yard ani- mals well groomed. .Have them well washed and brushed and have also all scraggly, surperfluous hair trimmed off. A few thorough experts as judges at fairs are much better than a large num- ber who clo not know their business. It takes a long time to evolve an im- proved breed of animals from a cross, 'but do not be discouraged. It takes a long tixae to d10 anything well. MARRIISGE LICENSES SSUED AT - THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAF RTH, ONTARIO. weaker. I could not sleep at night, and I became so nervous that the least noise would Rieke we tremble and cry. I could not eat, and was reduced Almost to a skeleton. My whole body seemed racked -with pain to such an exteat that it is impossible for me to de- scribe it. I got so low that the doct was attending me hist hope, but su calling in another (lector for consultat begged them to give me something to r who ested on. I eaden the terrible pain / endured, but all 11iinq done for me seemed unavailing. Afder the consultation was ended my doctor me, "you are a great sufferer, but i not be for long. We have tried every we can do no more." I had therefore pare myself for death, and would ha coined it as a relief to my suffering, not for the thought of leaving my h and child. When rpriy husband hear the doctors said, he replied, "Then w at once go back to Canada, and weak and suffering as I was we returned to oUr old home. Friends here urged that Dia Wil- liams' Pink Pills be tried, and my hitsband procured them. -After taking them for some weeks I rallied, and from that on con- stantly improved in health. I am n w en- tirely free from pain. I can eat we 1 and sleep well, and am almost as strong do ever I was in my life, aud this renewed health and strength I owe to the marvellous Powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in gr titucle I urge all sick people to try them. Dr. Williams' Piek Pills create ne build up the nerves,. and thus drive from the 'system. In hundreds o they have cured after all other me4icines had failed, thus establishing the claina that they are a marvel among the , triuMphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from t does round aid to will hing ; o pre - e wel- ere it sband ,1. hat e will 'blood, disease cases for Pale People." Protect purse imposition by refusing any pill th not bear the registered trade mark the box. • In Memorimn. These lines are 'dedicated in affectionate. remembrance of Eliza Ann Johns, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, of Usborne near Elimville, who died August 3rd, 1896 aged 19 years and 6 months. She was a estimable young lady. She - was a membe of the Elimville Methodist church for th last four years, and a member of the Ep worth League, and was one of the vice- presidents. She also attended the Sabbath school, and took great delight in workin for the cause of Christ. She was just in th bloom of womanhood, but death called her suddenly away, casting a gloom over the community. Death bas been here and borne away A sister from our side, Juet in the morning of her day, As young as we, she died. Not long ago, she filled her place, Add set with us to learn, But she has run her mortal race, Anduever can return. She in not dead, but sleeping there, Her epirit's gone above • It's calmly resting in that home, . Of peace, and joy and love. But will not He who watched her here, Watch o'er her there the same ; For 'tie our Father in Heaven, ' Calle her from whence she came. Oh, who would call her back again To earthly strife and care, To struggle on io this dark world, ; • While she ie happy there? The vacant chair ehe onoe did filI Awakeas fresh your grief; But dry your tears, for Eliza's gone, Where sighs are no relief. Her hopes grew brighter as she neared The brjght eternal shore ; For she knew aer0S8 the river, . Was the loved one gone before. One less on earth they seem to say, One less from pain is riven, One less the daily arose to bear, But there's one more in Heaven. '. : God has laid up in Heaven for her • A crown which cannot fade; The righteous judge, at that great day, Shall place it on her head. Th en let us trust in our Savior, And walk the paths ehntrod ; That we may also be ready To meet the call of God. -Edith M. Tuinbull. For the c ferring it, th any evening from 7 to 10, if previously notified. nvenience of those pre - Issuer will be at the office _ eV ; ea'alfe a a; eee vs, _ aa• , Our direct connections will save you time and Money for all points. Canadian North West Via ToFto or Chicago, - British Col bia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for yeur accommodation. Call for further infoiniation. Station G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Service at Seaforth. Grand Trunk Railway. faiTiorweirs-1 leave • Seaforth and C: -4..on etations as Vona) WW2-- • , ' SRLFORTH. Mixed Train.. • - 1190. 0!1322.6r. A. . .11.14m1 GUNTON. Passeager - e. - - 12 46 P. K. MIP38xSaednierarin--** - - 2.05r. M. me EAST- 9.80 A. M. 77726 PA..: Pr.ssenger. - - - -. 6.20 P„ M. Passenger - - - - 87i42.11 PA.. MX.. 48;3°55 Pr. M.itixed Train- - - 5.26 P N. Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING NORTII, Ethel........ Brussels........ Bluevale...... - Wingham.. GOING SOUTII- Wingham.... Bluevale Brusselis ...... Ethel.......... Paesenger. Mixed. 12.41 P. K. 0.80 r.m.9.00 A m.! 12 64 0.43 •9.48 1.C8 9 57 10.10 1.18 10.07 11.20 Passenger. Mixed. 5.04 Aog.11.20 A. ie. 7,20 Fad 6.13 11.85 805 6.98 11.59 9.00 6 41 12.14 P.M. 9.30 London, Hi GOING. NORTH - London, depart Exeter. iron and Bruce. Hensall- - Kippen... Brucefield:... _ Clinton Londesboro - Blyth Parseenger. 8.15A.m. 4.45r it 9.30 see - 9.44 8.15 9.50 6,26 9.68 6.28 10.15 855 10.38 7.14 Beigrave........ _ Winghean ftrrive _ - 61°11.4° Win8n- gLbuTana, depart - _ Belgrave.... o a.. age LB ol Blyth.... sbor o ....• ••• BCrliucentofinei.L. 1_2.7 Elppen . Herman. Exeter London, (arrive ••• •••• ••• It • 10.41 7.22 1016 7.37 11.10 8.60 Paesenger. 6.80A.g. B.215P.24 6 44 3.16 6.66 3.. 3 7.03 3 68 740 359 7.59 4.23 /08 441 8.15 4.63 8.35 5.08 9.50 A.M.13.25 F. G TTERIDGE Sole gent in Seaforth for USHER'S' • QUEENSTON CEMENT -AND- GUELP and ACTON LIME. This is the be tions given for keep in stocki' Hair, Brick, etc stantly on ha of the railway t t lime on the market. Full instruct-, Ilkinds of cement work. I will RIM rtland Cement, Paris Plaster, Lath, A full stock of all these kept con. . Prices -right. Warehouse south ack, opposite the freight shed. . GUTTERIDGE, Seeorth. 11814f JUS A WORD -ABOUT- .• ..... . 1iA1RNESS • • • We are iving the best value in har ness ever Tered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material ltd. Repairi g promptly attended to. iiring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. M. BRODERICK, Corner Main and John Ss., Seaforth. SIGN CIRCULAR ° ' OF THE., • •SAW Egg • Lincoln's Joke on Steward. On the -95h the Firet Corps, commanded by General Reynolds was reviewed by the President on Eif beautiful plain at the north of Potomac Caeek, about eight miles from Hooker's headquarters. We rode thither in an ambulance over a rough corduroy toad e and, ae we passed over sortie of the most difficult portions of the jolting way, the ambulance driver, • who sat well in front, occasionally let fly a volley of sup. pressed oaths at his wild team of six mules, Filially Mr. Lincoln, leaning forward, touch- ed the man op the shoulder and said: : "Excuse me, my friend, are you i, an Episcopalian ?" The man, greatly startled, looked around and replied : . "No, Mr. President," I am a Methodist." "Well," said Lincoln, "1 thought you must be an 1lpiscopalian, because you swear' just like G vernor Steward, , who is a churchwarden," The driver3 swore no more. -Century. 1 • -The quarterly board of North street Methodist church, Goderich, met on Tue-- day evening, last week. The finances f the church were found to be in good mid'. dos. The pastor's salary for the cum t yearrwawplaced at $1,050, with $10 for - cidentabs ad $40 expenses, and two weeks' vacation. • HIC)1R,Neuestaseee-e- 100 • YOU CAN BUY ENOUGH • EXCELSIOR 'EGG PRESERVER To put aTfav 10 dOzon Eggs, which will keep as fresh as new laid for 12 months. Eggs are cheap now. They will 'be' ex- pensive next winter. Look out I Put down now. Full directions with each package at Fear's Prug Store, SEA ORTH. KEATING Contractor and Builder, Seaforth'i LumbeDrjrAaLlInd'a Thingles. Good Henaleek Luni'her always on hand. Parties wanting lumber cion'eneed too 20 or 26 mileswhen they can get it as cheap at home, and better ininber. 146941 CASEY & CO. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP ANDIIIelb-Atke MANGOLD As Cheap a's any in the trade And veiWnot be undersold. Before buying give us a call. During July NviDD GIVE 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50e., cash. This is, not a tea dust Some good Soap yet. Will give 7 five cent bars for 25e ; 12 three cent bars for 25e. In Canned Goods We keep nothing but best brands. We -have yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25c a quart CASEY & CO., SEAFORTH. WONDERFUL DISCOVER E3xceisiorH FOR 12 MONTHS. , _ ,1 F gin MI <1 cp Sail C5 LI) 51 00 C) tit N. -1=-111-t '91 IP:)1 4+ L mit L_ cp W 1.11 - CA I CDid ct- ion o t5 it a) ta: rn Mit to Si 9) "Ig c) 0 ga 110 CD 1:11 mit 0 5- m -- p-a 0 0 Mr faJ a; cp 10 CD 1-0S gnib. um; CD `46 CD P t -151-t .117,M 12. • CD rn 0 1:$ • SEAFORTH HANDLE WORKS. will do all kinds of Turning to order on short notice, and I will do it as cheap ,as it can o done. I will pay a good price for N9. White Ash. ive me a and see. r IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away in a basket or box. -AtRAIMAEASAAIIIRA LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. Call f or book giving full information, free of charge. FOB, SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Karn Organ AL Piano Company. What we say is true, and Everybody knows it. Our success demonettrates that busIneeli oan be done on a fair, square basis, and be sumessful. There's a reason for us continually getting the greatest share of trade. Never has our mastery been so -complete as it is now, No other mace= can sell atthe prices we can And will; none can give you the choice of so fine -a line of instruments as euro, in square or upright pianos, or fog church lir porter organs. • All new organs and pianos warranted for the term of seven years. TERMS. --113,25, or 110 or more inonthlanuntil paid. What can be more liberal, more inducive, mors safe than to buy s EARN. 1429 J. L. Downey, MANAGER. 6 FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOOKSBESTTRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McSillop Directory for 1896. JOHN MORRISON,. Reeve, WinthrOp P. O. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, 1,01sS. berY P. O. WM. MaGAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury P. O. JOSEPH 0. MORRISON, Councillor, Beachwood P. O. DANIEL HANLEY, Cormallior, Beachwood P. 0. JOHN 0, MORRISON, Clerk, /Fluthrop P.O. DAVID M. BOSS, Treasurer. Winthrop .0. Wit. EVANS. Alseasor, Beachwood P. 0. JOHN KLEIN, Seaforth. 1RICHARD PaLIP.13, Soniitywil °r-, 140041 brury P. O. .1 J!