HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-21, Page 22 Special Values Leather Goods PURS=S WALLETS SHOPPING BAGS CARD CAEES LADIES' BELTS SHAWL STRAPS B OK STRAPS SCHOOL BAGS • FOOTBALLS At Reduced Prices. OW. PAPST SEAFORTH. FACT BEAD SURE The Tobacco Habit Cured -BY-- SAM'S Tobacco Cure. Read the Strongest Endorsement ever given any Remedy: The United. States health reperts have examined and investigated many prepara- tions'and in the light of our examination and tests of -UNCLE SAM'S TOBACCO CURE we are but performing a duty to the Public when we eadorse - the same and stamp it as the crowning achievement of the Nineteenth Century in the way of destroy- ing a habit as disgusting as it is common, for only $1. Hence we earnestly advise you to write them for full particulars." FOR SALE BY I. V. FEAR, Druggist. 1477-30 THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument • EMPORIUM. ESTABLI2HED, 1873; Owing to htrd times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at :I Greatly Reduced Prices, Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at Corresponding prices. SEE US BElkatE PURCHASING. SCOTT BROS. ILL PAPE 11. I carry the largest stook cif new designs and .finest goods at the lowest prices of any house in the county. New good sold as cheap as any old stock or out of date gooda. Why I can do so is becausegoods bought now are bought from 1 to 10 certts per roll less than they were when old stock was. My expenses are low, I haveahrg stock and need the money. Wall paper from fircents per roll up. Window shades,. Mould- ings, Cornice polle, &o. &c., AB cheap as any in the •trade. City Wall Paper House, Main St. deaforth, opposite John St. JAS. GRAVES, Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. I have secured the serving Of three first-elam paper hangers and can do work at tho shortest notice. All work guaranteed unsurpassed. For proof of the .bove call and me for youraelf. Wall paper trimmed free. J. C. Smith 8.5 CO., A General Banking business transacted. Farmers' notes discounted. Dra.fts bought and sold Interest allowed on deposits at the rate of 5 per cent. par annum. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for collection. OFFICE -First door north of Reid & , Wilsen's Hardware Store. SEP.:FORTH. THE FARMERS' Banking - House, (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & BrNI(E'RS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next td the Town Hall. A General Banking Bll3i1ICE8 done. Drafts issued and .tatelted. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND \ On good notes or mortgage& 1.058 ROBERT LOGAN, Meseeseia. GODERICrri Stearn Boiler Works, (EaTABLISITED 1380.) A. CIIRYST A [I • Sucemeor to Otaryetel a Black, litheaufactairers of all kinds of Stationary Maxine, Upright & Tabular OTLE Salt Pe.ns, Smoke Stacks, Sheet her Works, ete., etre Also dealers inl-Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve twines. Automatic Out -riff Ensdnee a epealt,y. All gaol of pito aod pipe -fitting constantly on hand letimalbee kiraished mo short notice. • Worka-Oppotate Q-. T. R. fiteitioin Gado**. " REAL STATE FOR SALE._ 'MR SALE OR TO RENT. -The house .late1y.;pi- J. oupied by Van& Carnoohan'East of Jt. Jatnes' Church, Seaforth. Apply to F.HOLMESTED. •1463 tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN BRUCE - FIELD. -The house oont,aina eight roon.is,with adjoining woodehel and cellar. The -lot consiets of one-half acre of land and contains a well and a num- ber of fruit trees. Terms reasonable. Apply to R. MaLEOD, Brumfield. • 1490•U TIARAIS FOR SALE. -The undersigned hag twenty .11 Choice Farms for sale in East Huroo, the ban- ner Couuty of the Poovinoe ; all sizes, and prices to suit. For full information, yea° or call • persionall'Y. No brouble to show them. F. S. SCOTT, Brussel% P. 0. •1351-tf "DAM FOR SALE. -100 aoree, in the township of Grey, near Brussels. There is on it nearly 60 aoree of bush, abut half black ash, the rest hard- wood. A never -failing spring ot water runs through the lot. Will be sold at a big bargain. For particu- lars, apply to RS. JANE WALKER, Box 219, Brussels. 1470 171ARM FOR 8 LE. -For Folio, lot 20; Huron road, • Tuckersmit , containing 100 acres, all cleared except 10 acres good bush. There is a good frame house and good rame barn, and other Outbuildings. • The farm is an e cellent one ; it is well underdrained - and well fenced,' nd there is plenty of good water. It is two miles a d a half trona Seaforth. This desir- able property will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Possetsion given Oet,ober let. For further particulare apply to WILLIAM FOWLER, Huron rood; or Sea - forth P. 0. •• 1490-13 SPLENDID FARM FOR SATE. -Lot 10, conces- Edon 6, towOehip of Stanley, cOntaining 100 acres. This is oz of the best farms in the township and is situated i e good and pleasant neighborhood. Soil �fthe beet and not a rod of Waste land on it. Therforre all the buildings on it that are required. The whole farm has been newly fenced and drained. An orohard of 70 bearing trees, plenty of pood water, convenient to *wheal, _churches, post office and market. Apply to WM. 8INZL3IR, Varna P. 0., or to WM. COP!, Seaforth. 1491-tf :__.ARI FOR SALE. -For sale, Let 11, Concesaion J' 6, Hullett, containing 100 stores, all cleared, well underdrainedsiand in a good 'state of waive - tion. There are lasneres sown with fall wheat, and all the fall plowingadene. There is on the place iirs frame house with., kitchen and woodshed attaehed, has two trame barhs with other outbuildings. This is a good farm, well eituated, being 9 miles from Sea - forth, 7 miles from Clinton, and miles from the village of Kieburn, add will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or address W. LEITCH, Constance P. 0. , 1464-tf SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 25, Comes- sion 6, Township of Morris; containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated two and a half miles from the thriving 'tillage of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and lush and balance hardwood. Barn 51x60 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The house is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both buildings. All are now. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for sellitig. Apply- at Tax Ex - MOTOR. 017108, or on the premise& WM. BARRIE, Brussels. •1835-tf TISRai IN GREY FOR SALE -For sale lot 12, concession 14, township of Grey; containing 100 acres, about 85 of which are cleared, at ina geed state df cultivation and well fenced. The balance is good hardwood bush. There is a good frante house and barn and good bearing orchard. There is a well at the house and a Dever failing spring on the farm. It ia within two Milesof the village of Cranbrook, five miles froin Brussels and the same from Walton, with good gravel made leading in all directions. This, is a splendid farm and will be sold at a bargain as the proprietor is anxious to retire. NEIL DUN; CANSOIC, Cranbrook P. 0. 1480-tf ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL -For sale, cheap, • tae house and lot in Harpurhey, on the Rox- boro road, adjoining tbe property of Mr. F. Holmes- sted. There is a quaker acre of Isnot well planted with bearing fruit trews Also a good stable. Tce house contains 6 rooms, woodshed, atone cellar, hard and soft wateroind all other conveniences It Is very pleasantly situated and is an admirable plaoo for a retired farmer. Six acresof land also adjoin- ing this roperty will be sold Withit or separately. Apply to D. GRUMMETT, Harpurhey. 1498-tfxlm FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 36, concession 2, Kinloss, containing 100 ftbriss, 84 cleared and the balance is good hardwood bush. The land is in a high state of cultivation, is well underdrained and well fenced. There is a frame barn end log house on - the property, a never -failing spring with windmill, also about 2 acres of orchard. • It is an excellent farm and is within one mile of Whitechurch st/ation, where there are stores, blacksmith shop and churches. There is a school on the opposite lot. 11 is six miles frorn Wingham and six from Lucktrow, with good roads leading in all directions. This de- sirable property Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further prrticulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL, Varna P. 0. -• 1495)(8 'DAME FOR SALE. --For sale, lot 3, concession 17, I! Grey, contaies 100 acres, 3 of which aro need tis a brick yard. The land 18 all cleared, excapt four acres of black ash nd cedar. 11 18 well fenced, we I undeadrained and we:1 watered, There ,13 a goo frame house and arge bank barn 80x40 feat, an other outbuilding . Thisis an excellent •falen an there material op ft for four brick yards. lt half a mile from Walton, where there Aro goo( stores, school, cheese factory, churches. 18-1W mad, cite. The term wIll be sold cheap and on easy' terms. For further particulars aPplv 01 the pretar` ises or to Walton 11, 0. DAVID CAMPBELL. • -14.i5-14 la VARDI AND VILLAGE LOT FOR 'SAL.-Yor la saleaLot 15, Cortese -Mon' 10, Hibbert, adj Ming the viilage of Cromarty, containing l00 acri3a, less two and a half acres disposed of for villager; 7'0 acres cleared, well drained and in a good s ate of cultivation; the remaining BO acres ia a flne, maple auger -bush. There are several neved-failing prings on the farm. There is a small frame house and frame barn'also the village lot in the village of Crornarty. There is a gocd frame house, and lame stable and abed on it, also a splendid gallon This place was formerly used as an hotel,•and wit make an exe,ellent business stand. This property vill be sold together or separately to Suit purchaser. • Pos- ecesion given after harvest. Terms easy: A ply to the proprietor, ALEXANDER BOYLE; 'Cr warty P. 0. . , - : 1917x13 ARAI FOR SALE. -For sale lot 8, and p rt lot 12 9, concession 10, Grey t wnshtp, eon aining 165 aere3, all cleared execipt tw oty acres,. which is a good hardwood bush, The la d.is in a high state df cultivatain, well underdrain d and well fenced; without any waste laud. Tit re is a good frame tm house, with sumer kitchen and woodehed ; a large bank baIn, 81a52, with• storm etablhog underneath, (Led oth e outbuildings. There are four acres of orchard, of one of the best varieties of fruit; three good, nover•feiline wells with pumps in them. - It is a mile and three•quartere from Litt village of Brua• sole, with good roads leading in n1 direction. Thi . exOellent_property will be sold dhoap and on easy terms. Apsly on the prent.see or by letter to box 1 3, Brussele P. 0. .JOHN HILL. 1489-tf . TIOR SALE OR TO RENT ON EASY TERMS. - _U AS tha ownerovishes to retire from business on acceunt011!! health, tie. following valuable property at Winthrop, 4a miles north of bettforth, on lending road to Brussels, will be sold or rentrd as one farm or in parrs to suit purchaser : about 600 acres of splendid farming land, with about 400 under crop, the balancn in pasture. 2here are large barns and all other buildings necessary lor the implatuents; eto. Thia land ;is well watered, has good frame and brick- dwelling houses, etc. There are grist and saw mills and store which will be sold or rented on advantageous terms. Also on 17th con• cession, Grey towoship, 1110 acres of land, 40 in pattore.Sthe balenee in timber. Posies don given r.f.er harve,t cf farm lands ; mnilmm at oiles. For per- tieniars apply to D REW GOVFN LOCK., Winthrop. 1436-0 NOTIC Apple Butter and J lly Factory. I am now prepsted to meet tl e wanta, of all my Cad curtoiners, ant as many new ones as can make 'A convenient to trade with me. ' JOHN KLEIN, Prorrietor, Seaforth. iiO4-6] - .!E:E.EAFORTH CARRIAGE ...vvoRK'S The best Buggies and. Wagons -aly stock of Carriages Is very complete ; all lia.nd made, under nor own stipervision. Don' buy forelen faotoryonade buggit-&-when you can get better made at hown-.,, and as cheap, if Dot ch‘aper than the worli bron4ht in from outside-- towns. 1 Why spend your monet ix huildihg up riral towns and injure pour own, when you can do. better at home. Gall and see me and be cow. hileed. • • All liinds of blackawithing and repairing promptly so.tlenctorily dope. A fall stools- of Cattess of the beet material an -3 lateot cts les, which will be sold cheep. Lewis cDonaId, • SEAFORTIT. J 1420 IN REV. THE HtrliiON EXPOSITOR. THE COURTROOM. DR. TALMAGE DISCUSSES A GREAT LAWSUIT. rthe Indictment, the Testimony, the Sum- _ ming 17p and the tTudgment-Graphic Report of a Trial For the Life of, a Soul. A Call For Preparation, . WAsHINGTON, Aug. 1 6.e -The illustra- tions f • this sermon are drawn -from the • scene g in a courtroom; with Which Dr. Talent go became familiar when he was studyi g law, before he. studied for the minis ry. • The text is 1 John ii, 1, "We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."' Star ding. in a courtroom you say to yours f, "At this bar crime has often been rraigned; atthis witness stand the oath has often been taken; at this jurors' hooch the verdict has been rendered; at this j dge's desk sentence has been pro-- nounc .". But 1 hay° to tell- you today of a tral. higher than any oyer and tenniner orloircult or supreme or chancery. It is • the trial of every Christian man for the -life of soul. This trial is different from any other in the fact that it is both civil and c iminal. • The iSsues at stake are tremendous, and I shat in my sermon show you first what • are the grounds of complaint, then whe are th' witnesses in the cause and lastly who e the advocates. \Vh n atrial Is called on, the first thing I s to I ave the indictment read. Stand. up. then, 0 Christian man, andhear the in- aictm nt of the court of high heaven again t thy eoul. It is an indictment oI -ten c unts, for thou hest directly or Judi- • recti' broken all the Ten Commandments. You now how it thimdered on Sinai, and when God came down how the mountain rooke , and the smoke ascended as from a smol ering furnace, and the darkness gathe ed thick, and the loud, deep trumpet utter d the words "The soul that sinnoth, it !sh .die!'? ire you guilty or not guiltDa not put in dnegative plea toe quiel , for 1. hae-e- to announce that "all have inned and come short of the glory 01 Gad. There is none that doeth geed. No, not o e. , Whosoever sball keep the whole laW, et offend in one point, ho isguilty of al " Do not therefore be too hasty ir prop timing yourself not guilty. The Lawsuit. T is lawspA,before us also charges yon with the -breaking of a solerrui contract. Man a thne did wo promise to be the Lor. 's. We got down on aur knees and said, "0 Lord, I- am thine now and for. " Did you keep the promise? lima you tood up to the contract? 1 .go back to you rst communion: You remember il as w 11 as if it were yeaterday. You lnow how he vision of the cross rose before you. ! You remember how from the head, a,n the , han s, and the. Side, and the feet therE cam bleeding forth those two words, "Re. me ber 'Yon 11 how the eup ol com nunion trembled in your hand when you first took it, and as in a scashell you ma hear, or think you hear, the roaring. of surf even after the shell has been tak n from the beach, ea you lifted the (sup of ommunion and you heard in it the sur ing of the great ocean of a Saviosir's ago y, and you came forth from that corn- : mu ion service with face shining as though: you had been on the mount of Transflgu- rati n, and the very air seemed tremulous ! wit the love of • jeStis, and the woods and the leaves a•nd the grass and the birds were - Ibri liter and sweeter voiced than ever be - for , and you said (Iowa in the very depths • of our soul, "Lord, thou knowest all thi gs; thou know.est that I love thee." • Ha e you kept the bargain, 0 Christian ma ? Have you. not sometlines faltered , wh n you ought to have been true? Have , yo not been proud when you ought to ,ha e been humble? Have you not played the coward when you ought to have been the hero? I charge it upon you and. I eh 1 go it upon myself -we have broken the • contract. fill further. This lawsuit claims dam- ages at• your hands. The greatest sliendee .:on he Christian religion is an inconsistent ' pre essor. Tho Bible says religion is one tlil ig. We, by our inconsistency, say re- : ligi n is some other thing, and what it MO 0 deplora,ble about1tis that people eau see malts in "others while they- cannot see an in themselves. If you shall at any time find some miserable old gossip, with irnj opfections from the crown of her head to the sole of her foot, a perfect blotch ol sin herself, she will go tattling, *tattling tat ling all the years of her life about the inc nsistencies of others, having no idea tha she is inconsistent herself. God save the *mid from tho goesip, female and t ma 01 .I think the melee aro the worst. c No !the chariot of Christ's salvation goes a on hrough the world, but it is our incon- .sis 116108 311y brethren that block up the 11 • says cense-fence, "I was born in !leaven. I came down to befriend this man. I have lived with him, I have instructed him. I have w rned him. I showed him the right and th wrong, advising him to take the one apd °seise*, the other. I have kindled a greet ight in his soul. With a whip of scorpio s I have scourged his vsickedness, and I h ve tried to cheer him when doing right, a d Yet I a•m compelled to testify on the stand today that he has sometirnes re- jected my mission. Oh, how inany cups of life 1 -ave I pressed to his lips that he dashed ( own, and how often has he stood with hi hard heel on the bleeding heart of the Son of God. It pains me very much that I 1 aye to testify against this Chris- tian ma and yet I must in behalf of him who wil ina no wise clear the guilty say that thi Christian man has done wrong Ho has een!worldly. He has been neglect- ful. 11 has done a thousand things he ought ns t te have -done, and left undone a thousan things he ought to have done." • That w 11 do, conscience. You can asit deTwhne. t ird witness I call in the case is an angel of God. Bright and ahining `one, what do st thou here? What hest thou to say aga nst this man on trial? "Oh," says the angel, "I have been a messenger to him. I have guarded him. I have watched him. With this wing I have de- fended I im, and oftentimes, when he knew it not, led him into green pastures and beside he still waters. I snatched from him the . peisoned -chalices. When bad spirits came upon him to deetroy him, I fought hem back with infinite fierceness, and yet I have to testify today that he has rejected my mission. He has not done as he ough to have done. 'Though 1 •came from th sky, he drove me back. Though - with th s wing I defended him, and though with th s VOIGO 1 wooed Ishn, I have to an- nounce his une;tiplied imperfections. I dare no keep back the testimony, for then I shoul not dare to appear again. among the sin ess ones before the great white throne. ' i Ther is only one more witnees to be called on behalf of the prosecut' on, and , that is he great, the holy, the august, the omnipotent Spirit of'God. We bo down before inn. Holy Spirit, knoweet thou this m n? "Oh, yes," says the Holy Ono, "I kno v him. nave striven with him ten thousai d times, and though sometimes he did stalls : to repent lie fell back again as often f oni his first estate. Ten thousand times n thousand has he grieved me, al - thong the Bible warned him, saying: `Griev not the Holy Ghost. Quench not the Sp it. ' . Yes, he has driven e back. Thoug s I am the Third Person of the Trinitie he has trampled on iny i iission, and the blood of the atonement that I brought with which to cleanse his soul ke somethees despised. I came from; the thronelof God to convert and comfort and sa,nctif, , and yet look at that man and see, what h iseompared with what, unresisted I NV01.1 d have made him." , The Rebuttal. The evidence on the part of the prosecu- tioa hes closed. Now let the defense bring • on the rebuttal testimony. What have y to this evidence of the world, of the con- science, of the angel and of the Holy Ghost? No e faience? ATO all those things true? "Yes. Unclean unclean," 'says every Chris Jan soul. What? Do you not begin to tremble at- the thought of condemna- tion? We have come now to the most interest- ing part of •this great trial. The evidence all in, the advocates speak. The profes- sion of an advocate is full of responsibility. In England and the United States there have lerisen men who in this calling have been honored by their race and thrown i conte npt upon those who in the profession have seen guilty of a great many mean- nesse& That profession will be honorable as long as it has attached to it such nauees as Mansfield and Marshall and Story and, lieiit and Southard and William Wirt. . eurtroorn has sometimes been the 1' fl you, 0 Christian soul, to bring in repl 18 scene of very marvelous and - thrilling thing. Some of you remember the famous Girar Will . case, where one of our advo- cates pleaded the cause of the Bible and Chris ianity in masterly Anglo-Saxon, ev- ery p sragraph a thunderbolt. .•-• Sof se of you have read of the famous trial n Weetminster hall of Warren Has- tings the despoiler of India by splendid, talen s, by courage, by bribes, by gigantic dish° lesty, The whole world had rung 1 with pplause or condemnation. Gathered , in W stminster hall', a place in which 30 . kiege had been inaugura,ted, was one of. tho n ost famous audiences over gatherecL Forel n ministers and prince e sat there. Peens marched in, clad in ermine and gold.. Migh y mon and women from all lands ooke down upon the scene. Amid all hat i oinp and splendor, and amid an ex -- item nt such asshas seldom been se,en in ny ,c urtroom, Edmund Burke advanced n a eech which will last as ' long as the Engl.' sh language, concluding with this burn ng charge, whieh made Warren Has- tin,gs cringe and cower: "I impeach him in the n Imo of the commons house of parlia- ment whose trust he has betrayed. I lin- persel him in the narne of the English na- tione whose ancient honor he has sullied. I ins each him in the, name of the people deser And la tly, in the name el human of. I dia, vi.shos rights he has trampled on and hose country he has thrned into a not c, in the tune of both sexes, in the nam of every ago and rank, I impeach him s the co mon enemy and oppressor ofall" I tu. rn from the recital of these mem rabic occfasions -to a , grander trial, and have to tell you that in this trial of the hristian for the life of his soul the 1[1. advo ates are flightier, wiser and more Clore ent. The evidence all being in, se- vere nd. stern justice rises on behalf of the rosecutio to make his plea. With the ible open in his hand, be reads the Mw, stern and nfle-xible, and the penalty, "Th soul th t sinneth, it shall die." The he says: "0 thou Judge and Law- giver this is t inc own statute, and all the evidence in earth and- heaven agrees that the man h s sinocci against these C11- actrn • nts I Now let the sword leap from its sc bbard. Shall a man go through the very ames of Sinai unsinged? Let the Mw e executed. Let judgment be pro- noun ed. Let him die. I demand that 0 hristian,-.does it aot look very dark 'for thee? Who will plead on thy side in so forlor a cause? Sometimes a man will be brou ht into a ccontit of, law, and he will lia,ve io friends and no money, and the judge will look over the bar and say, "Is there any one who will voluirteer to take this n an's ase azul defe.tid him ?" And some ourig inan rises up and says, "1 will bo his coun ," perimps Starting on from that y rfp nt to e great and brilliant ca- reer. Now, in:this inauter of the soul, 1113 yea ve n thing to pay for co,unsel„ do you tl ink hat any owl will ee-oliinteeri Yes, yss; I oe one slain& He is a yeuleg man, nlor 3' yetori ipt yr& 'I see his coma- tona.n sniff with blood, al art • '' or hoaevend are th lied -itk.tlapessefAiele. Thablas be unto d, I' e idaffVfrareiWod!ite with the Father Jesuli Chit* th96figlatesui. " 0 C iristian gotg,,l yeint. „saw Isiegins to look bitt'er. I you Thi1.y not iiirill :411 ,± -after all be:8%154v°- eato in the rultiinoi tikkAn ,yOjar side. As knows all thettales ' 'to defend you. demands, all No ane was ever lie fats pe atia.q. ' s pta Ai ry a ready. new t n.,of the -gam link ' Ise htnn, and ke will plead biro ria*. , nothing as ear. ZUIStlY *emelt yeira: 3tsegnighCa woild ol treesto Ma fait, -tH..... ..thift... ite 4.1g wh w'hile all aloog the lino there ought to Isavo been cast nothing_ but palm branches, and the shout should have been lift d, "Hosanna to tho SOD. of David!" cnv you have heard the indictment rea L Are yo ready to plead guilty or nol gu pi wi the no wli tri: ty? Per laps- you. are not ready yet te d. Then the trial will go on. The nesses will be called, and we shall have matter decided. In the name ef God] make proclamation:, Oyez, oyez, oyez, •soever hath anything, to offer in thie 1, in Which God is the 'plaintiff and the Ch dstia,n soul the defendant, let him now ste forth and give testimony in this Bel- em trial. The Testimony. 'he first witness I call upon the stand half . of the prosecution is the world, critical and observant of Christian acter. You know that there are people end you who perpetually banquet on frailties of God's children. You may NV, if you have lived in the country, t a crow cares for nothing so much; as -ion. There aro those rho imagine t out of the faults of Christians they make a bridge of boats across' the am of death, and they are going te it; but alas for the. mistake! When , get midstream,. away will go the Igo, and down will go their souls to por- dit'on. 0 world of the greedy eye and the her(' heart, come On the stand noey and testify in behalf of the prosecution against thi Christian soul. on trial. What do yo,u kn w about this Christian man? "Oh," say. the world, "I know a- [mat deal abo id him. Ho talks about putting hie tre Sures in .heaven, but ho is the sharpest mai n a trade 1 ever know. He seems tc t -us to believe that he is a child al God Aft ho is just full. of imperfectiona do ot know but I am a great deal &fez tha i he is now. Oftentimes ho is very east sly, and he to•llss so little about Christ and o much about hims-elf. I am very glad to testify that this is siebsul man." St.j, 0 World, with tha greedy eye and hard wart. I fear you are too inuch'inter- et this trial to giese impartial es -is denc Let all those Who hear the testi- nion of this witness know that there it au ol femily enartel between these tare parti i. There .always. has 6oeu asvarlance betsv n the world and the church., ua(1, whlla the world on the witness stand to - dee, 1 Mid a great deal of truth about this Christian man, you must ta,ko it all with much tillowanee, remembering that they $till keep the old grudge good, 0 wqrld of the greedy eye and the hard heart, that at -'11, do. Yeu may sit down. The second witness I call in this case if CaUticiiC13.CO. Who art thou,. 0 eonsoienee! What 'is year bushress? Where were yeti teasa# bssimg "oh," in all eh aro tht kn th cra th, Ca, Str try the bri It• 1-8 nnderakeu the case of ffiousan46 as fo orn as you, and he has n case. ICourage, 0 Christian soul that, #tfter all, there may be so for yen, for the great advoca make his plea. He says: "I admit all that has been proved against my client. I ad - .mit ap. these sins -aye, snore --but look at that Wounded hand of mine and look at that other wounded hand and at my right foot and at my left foot. By all these wounds I plead for his clearance. Count all the drops of my tears. Count all the drops f iuy blood. 13y the humiliathin oi Bethlehem, by the sweat of Gethsemane, by thesufferings of the cross, I demand that h go free. On this arm Ise bath lean- ed, to his heart he hath floeva, in my teare he ha h washed, onmy righteousness he hath ( 0pol:idea. Let him go free; I am the ra 130111. Lot him escape the lash; took he scourgings. Let the cup pass from I lin; I drank it to the dregs. Put on him ti o crown of life, for I lia,ve worn the crown of thor. s. Over against my throne of shame set lis throne of triumph." Judgment. Well, the c unsel on both sides have spoken, and t ere is only one more thing now remainin , and that is the awarding of the judgru nt. If yoli have ever been in n courtrom , you know the silence and solemnity evil si the verdict is about to be rendered or th judgment about to be giv- en. About ti is soul, on trial -shall it be saved or shall 't be lost? Attention, above, around, benea h! All the universe cries, "Hear, hear!" The judge never to be el "There is; th tion to theni wilO were ver lost 13 I I think no chance rises to ises and gives this decision , nged, never to be revoked, refore, now no condemnas ho are in Christ Jesus." The soul that o Jesus bath leaned for repose I will not, I wilt not, desert to his foes. That soul, -though all hell should endeavor tc shake, I'll never; nd, never;.no, never, forsake., But, my friends, there is coming a &vs of trial in which net only the saint, but the sinner must appear. That day of trial will come very suddenly. The farmer wili be at the plow, the merchant will be hi the counting room, the woodman will be ringing his axe on the hickories, the weav- er will have his foot on the treadle, the manufacturer will be walking amid the buzz of loo -,ns and the clack of flying ma- chinery, the counsel may be at the bai pleading the law, the minister may be in the pulpit Pleading the -gospel, the drunk- ard may be, reeling amid his cups, and the blasphemer with the oath 'caught betweee his teeth. Lo, the gun hides! Night comes dowe at midnoort. The stars appear at noon to- day. The earth shudders and throbs. There an earthquake opens and a city sinke as a crocodile would crunch a child. Moun- tains roll in their sockets and send down their granite cliffs in avalanche of rock. Rivers pause in their chase- for the sea, and ocean uprearing cries to ilying Alpe and Himalaya. Beasts bellow and moan and snuff tip the darkness. Clouds fly like flocks of swift eagles: Great thunders beat and boom and burst. Stars shoot and fall - The Almiglity,risiniesen his thronesdeclaree that tinse 011411 be no longer, and the arch. angel's trump repeats it till all the living hear and the continents of dead spring te. their feet, crying, "Time shall be no lon- ger!" Oh, on that day will you be ready! I have ehown you how well the Chris- tian will get off in his trial. Will you get off as well! in your trial? Will Christ plead on your 1. 1(de or against you? Oh, what will you d3in the last great assize if youx conscience is against you, and the world is against you, and the a,ngeis of heaven are agalnst you, and the Holy Spirit is against you, and the Lord God Almighty is against you? .Better this day secure an Advocate. 1 'Wearing False Necks. . "The uSe of the false neck is risore com- mon than one would naturally suppose," writes a Paris correspondent. 'It is Worn by ladies ho are too thin to look well with their nee s entirely uncovered, and also by thetas who have delicate lungs and so are foraed to -eep the bust and throat thole oughly pr tected from the cold. "I once saw one of these false necks wore by a Pari Ian belle who had just recovered from a se 'ere attack of inflammation oi the lungs. The dress was cut square in front, the opening (which was very wide) being onl, filled in with a single•thickness of tulle, s ightly frilled and met at the top by a collets necklace of pearls fitting closely round the throat Under this -slight veil- ing of tul e there was visible what was ap parently t io rose tinted flesh of the fah wearer. "But I dulged in to her sca• noticed that after she had in - a dance and came panting back that part of her chest which was showsa by the square opening of her dress nevdr moved. It was not stirred in the least by lier quicke,zied breathing. My curiosity *as aroused by this phenomenon, anq on looking closely Leonid see how the thing was managed.. ' 'The false neck was in wax, fittine cloeely to the breast, and met at the throat by the col r of pearls. Sheets of flesh thit- ed yea,x sl ghtly softened in warm water VI render thin pliable are molded upon the wearer's 011CSt and shoulders by skillful fingers so cleverly that it is almost impos- sible to d tect the deception. It is said that 15 is the tharge for such beautifying."-' .Pearson's Weekly. eavgdOC:::6'nasNeavi. a band co all feedin AUG -UST 21 18961 DEPO .30102n4 ryaiit's oot eer The Genuine Old -Fashioned Kind The Best that Money • cari Buy A Great Blood purifier Appetizing, Refreshing, Strengtheriing 5 GALLONS FOR 10 cents. GrocersAll and Druggists. Ask for it. Dolls given. away Free. Partiouiars around. each Package. H. P. tOKARDT & 00., Toronto, Wholesale Agents. IN -TON a. *a. BANK. CAPITA (PAID LIP) MB e n SEAFORTII BRANCH. MAIN • MEET 1 A general banking business transacted. Draft e on all parts " of the United States, Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all parts of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest retell. 51,500,000, S1,500,00CR SEAFORTIL - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest omen rates. Interest added to principal twice each year—at the end of June and December No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of a deposit. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. W. K. PEAROE, Agent. S. 'MULLETT :Si Cat. HAVE JUST RECEIVED . . . $1500 WORTH METAL 'SHINGLES And parties intending to da any roofing will be wise to consider the METAL SHINGLES before purcha.sing. otthere. Very little xtra eest and every shingle guaranteed. - iNLSO REMEMBER US .When in Need of any of the following Goods FENCE WIRE,, MIXED PAINTS; HOES, RAKES, SPADES, SHOVELS SNATHS, SCYTHES, ETC. - Also a full line. of BUILDER'S HARDWARE. S. MUIriLETT. -8c 00,, Seaforth. Hardware, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Merchants. Futnace anfi. Galvanized Iron Work a specialty. Remarkable Sheep. i 1 the most ludicrous sights 1I as in New Zealand a few months Although we do not pretend to supply "any bicycle made" we still have the agency ' 1 . • a commercial man. "Imagini in Seafort i for the old zIeltabies, viz : taining hundreds of green sheep off each bther's backs and -get- THE HY LOPi T IE BRANTFORD, ,• THE FLEET, or THE CRESCENT -LTIMSDE.N. .&-. WILSON ARE.: STILL SELLINI WHEELS ting fat. Of course I inquired about it and got an eiplanation of the startling phe- nomenon. "The s cep had been turned beton stub- ble field, from which a crop of wheat had just been, taken, and the first thing they. tackled Was the straw stacks. They at right inte them, and what grain was left in the araw tunibled down into their tool. Then some warm rains came, and the wheat sprouted and grew just as it !Lacs out ef the wet gunny sack you see spread over hoer kegs in this country to keep them cool. But portable pastures Were new. to me, "-San Franeisco Post. The diseases of thinness are scrofula in children, consu mption m grown people, poverty of • blood in eit!Icr. - They thrive on leanness.' Fat is the best means of overcoming them. Everybody knows cod -Ever oil makes the healthiest fat. In Scott's ELTitaS10n of cod-liver oil the taste is hidden, the oil is digested it is ready to make fat. When you nsk for Ec,:tt's FirnulEton and voyi• druvst gives you a in4ckage.in a i4a.irr.t.n.cniore4i wruppi:r wit!' the pict- we 1,i the ;rim.% and ti:Ai on it -,you can trust ta.s.t. ro .161 50 cente and .s1,68 scon- & Boyass, Caernists, And they are the leaders and eellers in all parts of the country this year. Quality will tell. Yeti] cann t go wiong by purchasing either of them, at the right price, but be on your guard ; we have h ard of unscrupulous dealers in some places quoting the price of the impre sion t at the wheels they were actually agents for, were. equally cheap. it's j high grade whee s that hey were not selling, much below their value, in 'order to create an old tri k and the public are getting onto it, but still, it catches an unwary customer occasionally. Avoid di appointment and save money by ordering one 'of the above high grade Whe ls from the only authorized agents in Seaforth. LUIVISDEN & -WILSON, i .:;UOTT'S BLOOK, i NC --?4 -A-T-10P,1111" .iliAIN STREET 11 ILL PH 1" 0 EXAMINE OTTR NT MR It •."21:::::::=ZZICLVECW"'""""""ZglarZCZMITZ VirEp are 61611 adding to ,our already large stock, and we are niS* pre)are1 V) meet the Wants of every one reqliring fur- ptyle and tau litv. 1 nittre. It ill pay you to examine •our goods before pur- chasing lse here, as we are sure to please you in price, UNDERTAKING . . . 9ur unqertaking department is co333plete . h every respect, and Rwese igduenalei•aentneeextsadiloordatcotioDnrst. . SSe.ottTtig Holines, Director BROADFOOT BOX & CO y Main. Street, Seaforth Porter's Oki Sian& sue store, asi, eS-Pothnen "119117/1:es ivicat!allettlizsde.Trvartaiagob;ueuis,Ean:s.err_e:IseoTd;ra: BERT FA"thing, and tho heir own homes . - beunginteinic,k.4, itiCaehn tn: ..r -------MIL —7essesR for *Pile taiechir Vaselogn:i the manufacturer, - grin) WHEAT busmai thel, Ada gUirlintee he other kind of grail Mtge over nuirket bad been in pe SWAIM GOYEla s 300 PriAl $ fOO rates /00 borro plete 11,600 witial i2:500 8.111'1 ST( ffiRoROVGRBR J, The undersil Durham balI, 18 is eligible for re Book. Will be sol JR., lot 13, cenca endville F. 0. LUIZ FOR SA. bee fax sale LS alsO keep 1or4erv 41tesed from Mr. -11Uayableat tb el returning if ne DORRANCE, Vol dor* P. AP, 110A1 *RUE X3 signed wM-- 11h0eSe FnetOry, 'with registered p . time -of servieow loOry. =Gil MO Al TOON 11. MeV 40 the 0011tity - pasts of thee= Itolkongell's long Meek of all kinth of values, and osS unlit Ton Faro 3, Concession 3, promptly attends DRS. SI F.HYSI( Clederiels street, -4 Warr, rri tnember Onl Surgeons. 40 v.*M1AY gold medalis College of Ph Great THE I A. G. Ault • of Groceries, nitolessale pri greitt bargainE GROCE1 A clearing and Glasswa articles whicl coat. Fruit lbs. S St t ti 44 - 43 n 5 43 6 at 4 44 6 tins 4 wit '3 caul 4 mow Globe Emma sboxl 11b. E Y 1 J.SIF Gra Inal As tionl Pi* - an3 Intelligent Ing Ordinary ce they see well eye as brought strained as to weak, or sight Drug Store an blur or do the tithet Do the These syrapton the musclea of rooted. Do you hav headaches -Co Wade of people eye *train is ti with glassestl the ezes, • The eyes In Many Alas varlet= aym a bilaboar , blurring of lei wati ache. in vast duller stupid, be oar acted at that are not of diseneee yo est ones fortre