The Huron Expositor, 1896-08-14, Page 3J96. itheqt• (vac°. n d Gen- , Agents. Iref.k'SRT.Fre o LThited Staten, ,ilable in all parta Pere Made on same . • hittheat current nee December Odit. 10E, Agent. G ES g Goods aforth. ISON --e- L3 IN HEELS e the agency ; ESCE2'1T Quality but be CM , the priee of :::kr to create [Y. cipeap. It's customer above high STREET :ispeet, and Director AUGIIST 14, 1896 IMPORTANT NOTICES., - .------.---, CDAR POSTS. -Ten thousand choice oodar posts for 10o. each at COLEMAN'S, Seaton)). 148041 e.....-.......................- ladLegagfieINA, Dominion and, Provincial Land Surveyor, Member of theAseociation of Ontario ' Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386-52 TrIDIBER FOR SALE. -The undersign;c1 haa on -1 band at Kippen station a lot of goo hemlook lumber of all kinds for sale cheap. JAMES COOPER,. 1486- tf ANTED. -Old established wholesele house VV want e one or two hamlet and industrous re- presentatives for this seetioe. Can pay a hustler about 812 a week to etar m ith, Drawer 29, Brant- ford. Out. .1477 YOUR BEATTIE, Clerk et the Second Division J °nun, County Commissioner, of ninon, Core eeyanotr, Lend, Lean and Insurence Aeenit. Funds Imitated and to Loan. Offiee-Over , Sharp 8; tepeestore, Main street,`Seaforth. 1289 CitED WHEAT FOR SALE. -For sale, a limited quantity of Diigh Estete wheat. This wheat is mit proof, and will yield 50 bushels to the ante. Min one pcund of it was grown 96 bus Iels, third Leming. Apply on Lot 21. Concession 13, McKillop or at Scott's seed store, Seaforth, at 8L25 per bushel. JOHN STAFFORD, Walton P. 0. 1493x4 FViARNI TO RENT.- To rent, a 200 acre farm, 2i Miles from IS ineham, with first-class buildings, and weti watered. It is all in pasture, and is an ex- cellent olianbl for either farming or pasturing- cattle. For particulars, apply to Box 125, Winghern 1473tf WANTED. -Three General Agents for a block of counties ; also five canvassers forl each. A birthing, and those who get territorial rights will be fe luck. Can also employ eeveraI bright ladies at the own hornes. The Braciley-Garretson Company, Limited, 49 Richmond Street west, Torontd, Ont. 1477 CDER MILLS, WINE PRESSES, TANKAGE presses for pinking houees, all kindspreeses and apple machinery, perirg machines an encore. Catalogue free. Address S. PATTERS°1, te CO., the manufacturer, 19 Jarvis street, Toronto. 1494-3tn • POP••••••0000 °Poo/ $ 300 Private funds to loan at1owest .$ 500 rates of interest in sump to snit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Appy to R. $2,500 S. HAY; Banister, dtc,,Seaforth 125 STOCK FOR SALE. MHOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL- FOR SALE, The undersigned has for Fate a thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 months old. Ile is red in coler and Is eligible for registration in the Dombeion Herd Book. Will be sold reasonably. W51. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 18, concession 4, II. R. S., Tuckersrnith, or Egmondville P. 0. 148141 P DIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVCE.- The undersigned, breeder of Mtge English Berk- shires,has for sale boars and sows in farrove He will oleo keep for service the stock boar GladstOne, pur- ...leased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, -41 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary,if booked $1.50.1 JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, Melillop, Sea - forth P. 0.ce 1466-52 BOARS FOR SERVICE; MAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERV10E.-The tinder - A_ signed will keep for service, at the Bruoefield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, 81; payable at time of service with privilege of returning if nacos- tory. HUGH MoCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405 -ti AUCTIONEERS. JOHN H. MeDOUGALI4Liceneed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the County. Terms reasouable. From Mr. MoDougalI's long experience as a dealee in farm stook of all kinds, he is specially qualified to judge of values, and can guarantee satisfaction. All orders least Tim Exnesircet office, or at leis residence, Lot 3, Concession 3, H. It. S., Tuckersmith, will be promptly attended to. 1466 DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Goderich street, opposite Ai ethodiet ehurels,Seaforth J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron, C. MAGKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, gold meoalist Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ohtario. 1483 BISMARCK. The Belgium horse "Bismarck," will stand for mares at Dick's hotel, Seaforth, after the season, every Saturday afternoon until the end of August. 1492 Great Excitement, THE RUSH IS (2N. A. G. Ault is now clearing his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery and. Glaesware at wholesale prices. Now is the time for great bargains to be had at the greet bargain GROCERY AND TEA STORE. A clearing Bele of all kinds of Crockery and Glassware. I will quote you a, few articles which is less than the wholesale cost. Fruit Jars, pints 6c, quells 8e, gallon 10o each. About 15 hundred on band. 6 lbs. Japan Tea for 50e, worth 15e lb. 3 " Gunpowder Tea for 50e, worth 25e. -lb. " Eraperated Peaches for 25c 6 " Bice for 25c 6 " Tapioca for 25c 6 " _Botteices Fieh for 25o 6 Currants for 25c 6 " Raisins for 25o 4 " fresh Prunes for 22e 5 tins Sardines for 25o 4 packages Corn Starch for 25e 3 cans Apple Butter for 25e 4 cans peas, corn and tornatoe8, assorted, for 25o Globe Washboards, 10c each. Broome 10c each - a boxes Matches for 25c lb. Louie Baking Powder for loc, A. G. AULT, C4th • . THE • • , EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, 1 Graduate of Detroit Optical Institute also Chicago Ophth-• almic College, is -prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- • pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or -any compound defect. Intelligent people beim glten up the idea of buy - i g ordinary common spocteeles at a eountenbecauee T4tey see well with them. It may be that cniy one aye is brought into uee, while the other may be so strained as to reeult in blindnees. If your eyes are eak, or sight poor call at J. S. ROBERT'S rug Store and have them tested. Does the print bur or do the eyes tire when reading? Do the eyes he 7 Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed 7 ese symptoms point to defects in the retraction, or e muscles of the eyes and can be perfectly cor- e tee. Do you have headache? Eye strain cLuses more eadaehes than op other causes combined. Thous - a ds of people are suffering who do net ;realize that e e drain is the cause. All these cases cen be cured ithglssaes that are made to correct the error in t eeyes. The eyes of children should be carefully tested. I many easea the defect in the eyes te shown by ✓ nous symptoms, such as inability to see figures on a blackboard, holding the book close to the eyes, lurring of letters, crossed eyes or eyes turning in, linkin , watering of the eyes and panic tarty head - a be. In many cages the child is moused of being dull or Stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and oan be corrected with glee/tee. If you are wedring glasees that are not satlitactory, bring them to e. In ease tel doner 18:a8fOiou t will be recommended to t e PhYlitern .rea.neent. • , THE HIJR,ON EXPOSITOR. CLEARING • 04514- _E m is L It requires no head to see the - , Bargains in our great stock of high , grade goods. Yee can't go wrong, , when you buy from as, because we .1 lean give youedollars-worth at priced , that other competitors cannot : touch with the same goods. ;Our 1 stock is rapidly going. off, but we : have -still Bargains you cannot : efford to miss, as we are al ray redueing lines in price so as to 11ea them out. Our stock is wel es sorted with up-to-date noveltie • and styles, and you have only t step in and be convinced we ar selling pods cheaper than an • house in town. Richardson & fil'Innis _ MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • PARALYSIS CUBED -SWORN. STATEMEN . Mrs. folaggie McMartin, 27 Eadenhuret St, Toront , Ont, swears that Ryckman's "Kootenay Cure" eureol her of Paralysis which rendered one side of her body entirely useless. Physicians said there Ayns no ellen it of her ever recovering the use of hert37mbe. Ho e deserted. her, bist to -day she is walking around tellit g her friends how Ryekman's "Kootenay Cure" ga a her life and happiness. Sworn to, -July 10, 1890, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF • GRATEF L MOTHER: Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered wi k ' Eozema since her birth, has been entirely cured aed her general system built up by Ryckman's "Kootenny Cure." The above niece are given in a sworn eta e - anent made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., Hamilton, Ont., dated July 3, 1398, before J. F. Monck, Notary Public. i A COMBINATION DISTURBED - swonN STATEMENT MADE. t Charles P.., Newman, 13 Marlborough St., -Toronto Ont., had a complication of blcx?d troubles, Rheu- matism, severe litclney trouble and constipatiOn. Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appetite and was a very sick man.. His Kidneys are now in a healthy ' oondition, his appetite good,, 'sleep undis- turbed and constipation cu -red; all this was done by Ryokman's "Kootenay Cure." He makes sworn statement to the above facts before J. W. Seymour 0Orley, Jttly 10, 1890. e • .. The McKillop Mutual Fi e insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW PROPERTY ONLY' INSURED °Moan& Goo. Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; J Broadfoot, Vice -President, Seaforth P. O.; dhannon, Seoy-Treas' . Seafortis P. 0.; Mie Hurdle, Inspector of Loeses. Seaforth P. 0. • DISEOTORIi. • " Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, bury; Genrge Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Seaforth; M. Murdie, &Monet ; Thos. Gar Clinton ; Thomas Fraser, Brueetield ; John B. Lean, Kippen. MUMS. Thos. Nellans, Harlook ; Robt. McMillan, Seat James Cumming, Egmondville ; George Mardi John C. tforrison,audion. n' es . J • eel ad anYt7i, Me- rth and Parties desiroue to effect Insuraticee or nine - set other bueiness will be promptly attended in n application to any of the above officers, addreseed to their respective post ofilees. THE CHIEF ENGINEE The "Empress of India's" Chief • Engineer Tells an. Interesting Story. Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best known men in the steamboat traffie on the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having been engaged in this business for fifty yeers, and who resides at No. 195 U per Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks' as follows of his recovery from the sick ess Which has affected him for some time. Said Mr. Somerville: "The grip left me with kidney troubles and gravel. I had severe pain over the kidneys and in the small of my back, also between the shoulders and in the bladder. •"The urine was very dark -colored ith a great deal ofinudely sediment. I went to Mr. McLeod's drug store and bou ht two boxes of Doan's,Kidney Pills. I ha'e taken them with what people tell me the usual good result. "They have cleared the urine, removed the sediment, relieved me of distressing pain in the back and between the should- ers, and have built me up in a surprising manner. 1 In. fact, I am the troubles which aff taking these remarka ntirely free from cted me before le pills, and I recommend them as a certain cure for all troubles arising from ki ney disorders." 1 - -Whig, Kingston. CARRIAGE P_A_Il\TIT INC+ BERT WILLIAMS Degree to state to the public that he will continue the business so ong carried on by his father, the late James Williaree and et prepared to do all kinds of OARRI GE PAINTING In the best ant most reasonabl Iioted. HOP-Asf0 merit', over L. elcDonakve Carriage W rks, Godorica street, . most artistic manner, and on the terms. A trial is respectfully 8e- 147041 " INDAPO Tlig GILEAT .HINDOO REMEDY rsenuois Tint ABoirit RESULTS In 80 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory, Fares's, Sleeplessness, Nightly Ernie- "WM, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly_ but surely restores Lest Manhood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price .1.0e a, package. Nix Lor $5.00 with • written guarantee tower. or nione7 rate ode& Don't buy an imitation, but insist on having INDAPO. It czadruggist has not l'Ot it. WO will send it prepaid. tal Medias' 0o.,rope.. Otsego, Itl., weer meets. SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. EAFORTH. DUCEil[ndapo Made a well Man of Kier USEFUL STABLE; APPLIANCE. Device to Keep a Kora° rom Rubbing His HItir Qff. The American Agricult e rist gives the following. arrangement foi preventing tail rubbing by horses in t stall. The Agriculturist says: Among other causes, igh feeding with heating food and but ittle exeraiso brings On an itching whic I makes many horses rub theittalls whil .4. in the stable-. The itching is often so slvere that the hair is nearly all rubbed f om the upper side, giving them a most • ecidedly un- pleasant and ragged appe ranee, This state of affairs should be corrected by codling food and proper .o .tward appli- • ANTIRUBBEIL cation. In the meantime a very simple arzangement, similar to that shown in the engraVing, from a sketch by L. D.1 Snook, should be used. It is simply a fr mewoik of wood hinged to the sidel of the stable immediately baek of the st 11, and so arranged that it may be fo ded by pulling on the rope. The ends should project beyond the division of the stalls and be about three feet from the floor. If the animal,is tied short, it will be impossible for him to rub. An- other plan is to tie a chain or rope across the rear of 'stall, or a board may be used instead, being so arranged as to be -eas- ily removed. The'folding plan, hrsi de- scribed, will prove the most convenient, and when not in toe may easily be raised up out of the way. Lung Worms In Pigs. . Verminous bronchitis, is due to the presence of hairlike worms (Strongylus , elongatus) in the air passages. Burning sulphur and allowing. animals to inhale the fumes is a good method of destroy- ing the worms, but it s advised that the administrator shou11 stay with the pigs in the building to tvoid adcidents. Turpentine in milk or il is a sovereign remedy in connection 't ith the sulphur gas. It may be given ii doses of from 15 drops to a teaspoonfful, according to size of pigs. The copperas is useful in ridding pigs of intestinal worms, but has no"effect upon the bronchial worms other than in bracing the swstem against their ill effects. A correspondent writes: , I suggest that the pigs be give a cop- peras in their feed, and ;that they be penned up in a close place and required to inhale the fumes of 1 burning sulphur and heated carbolic acid twice a day for several days. The copperas may be given in slop, water or milk, a teaspoonful to each pig twice a day. In order to make the pigs inhale the furaes of the burning Sulphur it will be ne4,ssary for them to be confined in a tight room or large box. At most' drug stores you can obtain what are oalled sulphur candles, which con- tain sulphur, some corrosive sublirdate and other Substances, which when burn- ed are very efficient parasite destroyers, but care must be taken in their use, in that the animals must not be long don - fined in the fumes or, it will kill them. • It may be well also tolgive some caxbelic acid in milk, making it sufficiently • strong to make the tongue tingle sharply • when applied. The c4ndles above men- tioned are in boxes abut the size of an ordinary axle grease lean, and havel a wick in the center where the fire is ap- plied to light the candle. After burning a few minutes the can- dle• should be extinguished, but great care must be exercised by the person ad- ministering, so as not to inhale any of the fumes. A good way is to place the candle in on a long In ndled shovel, iso il • that the candle can be drawn out with- out the person enterin the pen or.box, and when the candle is\ taken out it can be smothered out by .pl cing over it a heavy woolen cloth and pinching it uP close around the blaze. Efreeder's Ga- zette. \ 1 - Devon Sheep. I In England there is a variety of sheep called the long wooled Devon. It is be- coming popular and at the late spring live stock shows the displays of this family of sheep were described as partic- ularly interesting. The Devon is not mentioned in the \ older sheep books, but is coming to be n"..oVoh o • 'Co 'otii • - ,,.: . ,x,-, ' N v" , . "•`*,k. -, , \,. •••. • LONG WOOL DEVON RA 1. ighly prized. It is compar tively un. known in America. It belon s properly n rich lowland regions tha :are shel- tered. It con.ld not well roug it on the snowy and blowy ranges o our west or upon cold mountain sides. Wherever, the land is uitable, howeve ,there can be no better sheep than thi. both for wool and m tton. The long vool sheep is ad ptable also to dry plains where the win ars are not too severe. 1. • The Missouri river range attle round rte value of the round These are rjre, S. D. tip this year1 is probably of over $1, 000, 000. The cattle rip number about 800,000. uearly all shipped from Pie -The Rev. Dr. Battisby, Andrew's church, Chatham, injured one day lately whil At first he thought the injurie occupied his pulpit as usual on ing Sabbath. Since then he h ing a great deal with pains in chest, and from weaknees, as a shock. Be was not able to co vice e last Sa.bbath. astor of St. as seriously out driving. trifling, and the succeed - been suffer- s back and eesult of the duct the ser - - ••••••-o-or INSURING LIVE STOCK. Terms Allowed on Valuabie Animals by the Leading Conipanies. • The banking to death of so many val- uable horses by the fire in the American Horse exchange suggests the question of i&surance upon blooded stock of all Olds in this country. The unfortunate incident has developed the fact that this kind of insurance has grown to be com- mon, and that it is a matter of calcula- tion, based on premiums, value and risks, which makes it possible to insure a racing horse aa high as, $30,000 and other horses according to their value, and down the grade to the working horse at1$250. Insurance men say, however, that the instances where valuable racing horses hav been insured as high as $8.0,000 are rare. • There 150110.fire insurance 00 pany ii his city which reakes a speyialty -of-insuring horses in the "$2;- 500 line," as the officeraof thecompany call it -that is to say,. $2,500 is the limit of insurance which the company will allow. This, hoirever, does not necessarily prevent other Companies from writing policies to the same amount, making a total of $10,000 in- surance upon the animal. The reason why a fire insurance of $25,000 'to PA 000, even upon the most valuable horse, is a rare instanceis that the risk in undesirable,,because, as a rule, such horses are moved from point to point throughout the country, and so are subject to fire risks whieh they would not encounter were they kept it private stables constantly. The insurance companies, it is under- stood, prefer to insure the ordinary run of horses aid cattle to running riaks upon the blooded and higher prieed Glass of stock. Still, the matter reaolves itself to one of premiwnis, after all, except in extreme cases. Insurance upon racing horses and roadsters and fine breeds of cattle, including valuable cows and heifers, is conducted not only 'by fire insurance companies, but also by acei- • dent companies. An officer of one of the well knovfn fire insurance companies of this eity said yesterday : "The policy Of insuring the life of a horse against fire is vari- able. Any one may set out to get a large insurance on an animal, but we insure hor,ses oaly when we 'know the owner or satisfy ourselves that he is re- liable. Our company places the limit of its insurance upon horses at $2,6.00. We also insure not only valuable cattle, but cattle in slaughter houses. "There is a large amount of insurance carried _by many fire insurance cora- panies in this line. The stock upon farms is included in this line of insur- ance. When it comes to an animal of unusual value, then the liinit may be fixed by the policy of the company or it may be a question of special condi- tions. Of course the owner of the valu- able horse takes eveiy precaution to protect his property. This diminishes the riskito the company. Where horses are in private stales the risk of injury from fire or other causes is much fess than kn a general place of temporary aceommodation." An officer of another fire insurance company said: "Some fire insurance companies, like ours, will place a $1,000 insurance on a valuable horse and no more. We make our average limit at $2-50. Of course this does not apply to valuable horses. We do not as a rule insure su.ch horses. We take our risks on the best class of working horses. They are generally well taken care of and are kept in private stables. There are companies in which one can take out an insurance of $10,000 on a horse, but as a rule he must divide the amount among four or more companies. There is no trouble in one's getting a horse in- sured. "When it comes to the owners of val- uable horses, they do not wish them burned, not merely because of their in- trinsic value, but because of the breed, which owners may be unable to replace. All insurance companies have a limit to the amount of insurance they will place on valuable horses or cattle, and yet they may get around this by allowing an owner to take out the full amount in several companies. -New York Tribune. Live Stock Points. It has been proved over and again that with extra good culture corn fod- der crops and all drilled fodder crops will make a reasonable growth even in the dryest summers. And with even a moderate fodder •crop, if sufficient ground has been planted, farmers and breeders need not sell off their stock. • Wean spring lambs not later than the middle of August. To do it most easily, leave the lambs in the pasture where they are accustomed to ran and take their mothers to another pasture, out of sight and hearing. When you take a lamb away from the ewe in order to wean it, feed the eWe rather scantily on light and dry feed for a few days till, her milk dries up. It is well to examine her udder ev- ery day and see if it shows signs of full- ness or fever. In that case milk out the flUid. As soon as the milk is thoroughly dried up, then put the dam on fuli feed, so that she may be vigorous and in good trim for breeding again. Don't let your horse stand in a chronic state of terror of you. Let him know you are his friend. The horse that is afraid of his master is always treacher- ous and easily rattled. He knows not what to expect. The wretched horn fly got in it work unusually early this year. Fortunately there are various dead sure reniedies against the creature, however, which y,preeder may find out and use with little eXpense and trouble. Cooking feed for stock is a waste of time and labor. It is always profitable to grind such grains as rye, wheat and oats, howlever, before they are fed to animals..;They should be ground coarse- ly. It pays to crush corn and Cob to- gether. 1 The judge of live stock at fairs Should be neither an amateur nor an ignorant old fogy farmer. WINN. MARRIAGE LI ENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITO1 OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. For the convenience of those pre- ferring it, the Issuer will be at the office any evening from 7 to 10, if previously notified. B'JIL DEAD IN EaS TRACK. 1,o,Mo•PNIONOI More Te Tiblis Than the Brockesille Shoot - f , ing Tragedy. • That good; citizens of the town of Brackvi4e should. be shot dead in their OW4 tracks was an occurrence that camel W th shocking suddenness to every o e in C4nada. And yet some- thing m re shocking and dramatic is the daily -and sudden. deaths that occur in all p rts of the Dominion through heart d4 ease. Men and women are lallin'g dead all around us from this malady. without even: the warning - that might come from the pointing of a shot gun. The conditions suggest the wiseSt wariness in keeping near by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hearit, ae remedy ivhich has proven miraculous in its- certainty and quickness of Cure. Mrs. 3. ; L. Hiller; of Whitewoqd, .N.W.T., Inas said that the remedy sa..*-- ed her lite' when she -had been given up to dIe by doetors and friends. It will positively give relief within half an hour4 Sold by L V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson # A Boy's Chances. There Ire many who will agree that boys who bave to work for a living should be en- couraged rather than commiserated, Their chances eq achieving real success are at least equal to if not greater than those of boys / . who star life with riches. R. J. Burdette says trut ifully that the working lit, being full of gr t, reaches out and takesi all the chances e0,thout waiting to have one given him. But for the poor man the world would have cast anchor six thousand years ego, and be covered with moss and leichens 0 -clay, like a United States man-of-war. George Peabody was a. . boy in h. small gredery ; Benjamin Franklin, the printer, the son of a :tallow chandler; John Adams, the son of a poor farmer; Gifford, the first editor of tho "Quarterly Review," a com- mon sail r ; John Milton, the son of a scri- vener; 4ndrew Jackson, the son of a poor Irishrnar Andrew Johnson, a tailor; Gar- field, a boy of all work, -too poor to even have a trade; Grant, a tanner; and Lin- coln, a keel boatman and a commonfarm hand. If there's a patch on your knee, end your elbows are glossy, there is some h pe for you, but never say that the poor loy has no chance. He monopolizes all he chances there are. • re • RAS STRONGLY INFL;UIDNCED TIII., COMMONS. Not Less 311sin Fifty Members of the Mouse United on the Question. It ie a fact Worthy of record that at least fifty members of the House of Commons are able personally to bear united and convincing testimony to the good effects of Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder in case of cold_ i the head or catarrh in its several di ereni shapes. These columns have rded the testimony of members repr sent- ing cqnstltuencies in every co er et the Lominion. At this writin we have before us the, words at Mr. Arthur A., Bruneau, M.P.„ of Ric elieu, Que., and Hugo H. Ross, M.P., of Dun - des, Who join with their other mem- leers In telling what this remed has done for. them. in eases of cat rrhal trouble. At the present time w en so many i are suffering' frorn influenza la the -head it is a. friend indeed. Sample II•ottier and blower merit !by , G. D-etchon, 44 Church -street, Toronto, on., receipt of tett- ,cents in. ally r or etamps. ,-, -. - -- - _ - Sold by I. V. Fear and Lumsden & -.4 Not Repeated. ' - • ilson Andy Smith is a bright boy, and is in no way inclined to hide his light under a bush l. 8ome time ago he ran away wih a circu , and when he returned was more than ever disposed to teach the neighborhood, especially the boys with whom he associ- ated. One day another circus came to the town, and Andy was promptly on hand, assuming all the airs of a proprietor as he showed his friends around. An elephant was among the attractions, and Andy actually made him kneel and raise his trunk, and go through other simple performances. But at last the elephant seemed to grow tired of this, for he suddenly threw his trunk around Andy's waist and tossed him high in the air. Andy came down with a tremen- doe& thud on all fours. "G-ood 1 good l" cried the boys, thinking it pert of the performance. "Do it again, Andy. That was splendid I" Aody rose deliberately and wiped the dirt 4) ff his face. "No, no, bays," he said, " that aet is never repeated. It would spoil the ele- phant. • RHEUMATISM B]3LJ1GTJ1D IN SIX HOURS. South American Rheumati Cure Givtt li Reef, as Soon as the lErirst Dose I Taken, and Cures Ordinary Cases Rheumatism and Neuralgia in From One to Three Days -What a Grateful Citizen of St. Lambert, Que.. Has to Say. For many months I have suffered the most excruciating pain from rheu- matism an 3 had despaired of getting permanent relief until South American Rheumatic Cure was Irotight to my notice, procured a bottle of the re- medy and to my surprise received great benefit from the first few doses. In fad within six hours after taking the first dose I was free from pain, and the use of a few bottles wrought a per- manent cure: It Is surely the best remedy tat the kind in.'exiStence. Sold by 1. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson. • - • Card -Playing at ome. Can any father or mother pray the Lord's Prayer as Jesus taught it, and teach their children to play cards in the :wme ? writes Elijah P. Brown. What would be thought of the mental state of the mother who would put a razor in her baby's hand, and pray that it might not cut itself? Isn't knowing how to play cards dangerous knowledge, and is it any safer to eat fruit from that tree than it was for Eve to eat from the forbid- den tree in Eden? Is it not true that thousands ofiprofeasional gamblers learned their first leseons in their mother's parlors? But if only one bad started from :the pit by that route, Would not that be sufficient to prove it a way of danger into which no pa- rent had a GO. -given right to lead a child? A father at Niagara unintentionally threw his little daughter into the abyss, but it killed her just the same as though he had done it purposely. HAETI SUBSTANCES OR SOLIDS lire Found zi the Blood of All Affected With •Ktdiiey /Disease -A 1Solvent ox Liquid Must Be Used to Remove Them, and Egeet a Cure._ Dlstresslflg kidney and bladder dis- eases relleVed in six hours by South American Kidney Cure. This new re- medy Is, a great surprise and delight on aocount of its exceeding prcimpt- fleas in r ley -Mg pain in. the 'bladder, ok and eVerY Part of the es in _male or female. retention of water and pain it almost immediately, 41 kidneys. urinary p it rellefvee passin you went 4uick reliet and oure thl is vow. remedy. The secret of its success Is that 11 Is a powerful solvent and e solids 143: the blood which •d derange the kidneys. _ dissolves irritate a Sold by 1. -The C New York immense ult. The and fright no one w V. Fear and Lumsden & W ilson • rder Etruria, which arrived at- oll Saturday, was boarded by an eve on Tuesday morning, 28th wave did a good deal of damage ned the sleeping passengers, but hurt. 1 Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia aid California points. Our rates are the kwest, We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CAIS for your accommodation. Call for further information. StatiOn' G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Service at Seaforth. • Grand Trtink Railway, iollTort,.irtsn:s leave Seater& and {IP '...in stations °°PnlasseciWerf- sr- - _ .SNAPORTH. Paseengler. 9.06 P. m. lifixed Train... _ 9.80 4.. M. 0111xmaelsiA drra_in. _ . 6.20 is. n. Paseenger. - - - 7.41 L. M. Paseenger ... - 8321 r. m. Mixed Tretn- - - 5.26 r n. 3b CLINTON. 1.02 P. M. 9.22 r. m.. 10.15.8. . 7.051'.M. 7.25 A.M. 3.05 r. 18 4.35 r et Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING NORM-. ' Passenger. Mixed. Ethel. ..... .. .. ln.41 r. m. 9.80 P.a. 9.00A n. Brussels ... 12 64 9.43 9.46 Bluevale .. 1.r8 9 67 10.10 Witightim.- . „ 1.18 10.07 11.20 GOING SOUTH- Passenger. , Mixed, ; Wingham.... .. 6.04 A.M.11.20 8.18. 7.20 reel Bluevale - .. .. , 6.13 11.85 804 Brussels f.98 11.59 9.00 Ethel...... .... 6 41 12.14 r.m. 9.31 omomoo.omorP000....00•oom London, Huron GOING NORM - London„ depart.... - Exeter.. Heneall- - .- Kippen.. - Brueefield- Clinton-. - Londeeboro - - Be:grave .... Wingham arrive- -. GOING Wingham, depart - - Belgrave Blyth.... - Londesboro-o.r. - - Clinton..- - Brumfield., _ Kippen - Herman. Exeter London,•(arrive) MOO PO !PO OPO OOP and Bruce. Paaesuger. - 8.115a.e. 4.45e m 9.80 6.00 - 9.44 6.16 - 9.50 6.20 - 9.68 6.28 - 10.15 655 - 10.38 7.14 - 10.41 7.28 - 10.10 7.37 - 11.10 8.00 Paimenger, • 6.30s.w. 8.258.0 644 8.15 - 6.56 6.L3 - 7.08 848 - 740 359 _ 7,59 4.23 - 108 441 8.15 4.e3 8.35 5.08 9.50 A.M. 6.25 P.m, F. GITTTERIDGE Sole Agent in Seaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT -AND- GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This is the best lime on the market. Full instruc- tions given for all kinds of cement work. I will also keep in stock Portland Cement, Paris Plaster, Lath, Hair, Brick, etc. • A full aiock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. Prices right. Warehouse eolith of the railway track, opposite the freight shed. F. GUTTERIDGE, Seaforth. • 118141 JUST A WORD -ABOUT- ........ HARNESS • • • • •• We are giving the best value in har- ness ever offered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material used. 111..epairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. M. BRODERICK, Corner Main and John Sts., Seaforth. SIGN gt; CIRCULAR OF THE SAW gg MONTHS., 100 YOU CAN BUY ENOUGH EXCELSIOR EGG PRESERVER To put away 10 dozen Eggs, which will keep as fresh as new laid for 12 months. ' Eggs are cheap now. They will be ex- pensive next winter. Look out! Put down now. Full directions with each package at Fear's Drug Store, SEAFORTH. P. KEATING Contractor and Builder, Seaforth] DEALER IN Lumber and Shingles. Good Hernlecli Lumber always on hand. Parties wanting luntber don't need to go 20 ier*miles when they can get it as cheap at home, and better lumber. 146941 CASE/ & CO. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURN& MANGOLD S -B1 HIDS As Cheap as any in thetrade And will not be undersold. Before buying giVe us a call. During July WIDD 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50e., cash.' • This is not a tea dust. , Some good Soap yet. Will give 7 five cent bars for 25c; 12 three cent bars for 25e. In Canned Goods We keep nothing but best brands. We have yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25e a quart. CASEY & CO., SEAFORTE WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior EGGS FRESH WILL itilLeir roll 12 r•-•3 sho can No • SEAFORTH ANDLE WORKS. will do all kinds of Turning to order on notice, and I will do it as &eaas it be done, I will pay a good pnee for 1 White Ash. Give me a eall and see. JOHN KLEIN, .Seaforth. 11 IT IS NO PICKLE, Von siinpiy treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away in a basket or box. meawasestee4ta LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. Call for book giving filll information, free of charge. Fo SALE BY ALL' DREGGISTS. Karn Organ & Piano Company. What we say is true, and Everybody knokrs it Our success demonstrates that business ean be done on a fair, equare basis; and be enecesetni. Tbere's a reason for us eoutinuelly getting the greatest share of trade. Never has our mastery been so complete as i4 is now. No other concern oats sell at the prices we can and will. none tem give you the Choice of so fine a line of instrunsente se ours, in .quare or uprightpianos, or for church or parlor organs. All new organs and planes warranted for thS term of seven years. TERMS. -03,06, or 910 or more monthly,until lard& What can be more liberal, more induelve, itlOre Safe than to buy a KARN. • J. L. Downey, 1429 MANAGER. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LAIROMST SALE IN CANADA. McKillop Directory for 1896. = --- JOHN MORRISCilie 'Reeve, Winthrop F. O. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lead= bun P. 0. IrM. MeGAVIN, Councillor, Leadhury P.O. JOSEPH C. 1101ilusOli, councillor, Beachwood. P. 0. ; DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beachwood .P. 0. JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID Y. Rt)88" Treasurer. Winthrop P.O. WM. EVANS, Ate:or, Beeithwood P. 0. CHARLES DODD8, Collector, &Worth P. 0. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead bury P. O.