The Huron Expositor, 1896-08-14, Page 2•
Special Alalues
Lekther Goods
Reduced Prices.
Tobacco Habit Cured
bacco Cure.
Read 'Llhe Strongest Endorsement ever given
ay Remedy :
" TI e• United States health reports have
-exarat. ecl and e investigated many prepara-
tions, rat in the light of out examination
OUR we are but performing a duty to the
Pidgin when we endorse the same . and,
stamp it as the crowning aehieverneut of the
Nnaet oath Century in the way -a destroy.
tug & ijabit as disgusting- as it is common,.
for eal Ea. Hence we earnestly advise you
to wri e: them for fall particulars."
I. V. FEAR, Druggist.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
ciuded to sell Pi os and Organs at
tly Reduced Prices.
Orga s at $25 and upwards, and
Pi os at Corresponding prices.
I carry -the largest stook of new designand finest
goods at the lowest prices of:Any house in the county.
'r, New good sold as eheap as any old Stook or out of
iate godds, Why I can do so is because goods bought
now are bought from 1 to 10 cents per roll less than
• they were when old stook was. My expensee are low.
I have a b'g stock and need the money. Wall paper
from 3-i Cents per roll up.- Window eludes, Mould-
• ings, Co nice polls, &e. &e., as cheap aa any ia the
• trade. City Wall Paper llourse, Main S. Seaforth,
• opposite John R.
rractifal Paper Iiinger and Painter.
1 have seemed the services of three firstaclass paper
hangers ilnd oan do work at the ahortest notice. All
Work gitaranteed unsurpassed. or proof of the
above call and see for yourself.
Wall paper trimmed free. GQ.
33 _A-L\TICE R S
A Getteral Banking business transacted.
FarMars' notei discounted.
Drafts boughtland sold '
Interest alloa-ed on deposits at the rate
af 5 percent. per annum.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE-nFirSt door north of Reid &
Wi1lie/1'a Hardware Store.'
Barkkitig House,
. sm.4.Epopati-x_
(In coatteetion with the Bank of Moatreal,)
! LOGAN & CO.,
OFF' Lelt—In, the Commercial Hotel h add-
ing, Beet! to the- Town Hall..
A General Banking Busineis done. Drafts
leaved and cached. Intereat ailowed on •deposite.
Ou ..;00d notes or inortgag-es.
, I
earn Boiler Works,
(E5TARL1SHED 1880.)
8ttesrosaor to Chrystal bleak,
iffaa ere of all kinds of Stationery
Marine, Upright & Tabular
Pao* Smoke Stecka, Sheet Iror Werke,
etc., etre
o dee era In -Upright and Tiorlaoatat Slide Valve
nee. - utematio Cut- Od Eughtee a xpetialty. Ali
of p pa wird pipe.httir.a, constantly on hard
tee ftrantstuat on ehort notice.
drissi—Oppodite Lia T. R. Station, Gocierloh.
it is simply a blear, pure, hqne
soap for laundry and houscho
use, made by the -most approv
processes, and being the best,.
has the largest. sale in the worl
It is rnade n a twin bar for co
venience sake.
This shows
The Twin Bar
very 12 Wrappers sent
LEVER Saes., Ltd: 23
tt St., Toronto a se -
paper -bound book will
rt-SgiE OR To RENT.—Th house la
oupted by Wm. Carnochan, East of St
Church, Seaforth. Apply to F. HOLMESTE
ely. oe-
F1ELD.—The house contains eight ro nuawith
adjoining- woodshed and cellars The lot oo siets.of
one-half sere- of land and contains a well and a num-
ber of fruit trees. Terms reasonable. App y to R.
L EO D, Brucelleld. •490-tf
FA•RMS FOR SALE. -L -The undersign'ed ha twenti
'Choice Farms for isale in East Huron, the ban-
ner County of the Province; all sizes, and 1rEoe8 to
suit. For full infornaatIon, write or call pefrsonaily.
o trouble to show them. F. S. SQOTT, Brussels
o.• 1191-tf .
1GIASia FOR 8ALE.-100 acres, in the to inship of
r Grey, near Brunetti. There is on it i early 60
acres of buah, about half black ash, the ret hard-
wood. A never -tailing spring of water runs.through
the lot. Will be gold at a big bargain, Foripartieu-
Jars. apply to MRS. JANE WALKER, ...Box 219,
Brussels. • 1470
VARA FOR SALE. --That 'vaitrable farm, 'tieing
• 12 lot 13, concession115 township of nay, the
property of the late Jacob Schatz, contOning 85
acres, more or less. about 67 acres cleared,balance
well timbered with hemlock and hardwood. Good
frame house aud bank barn. Well fenced and well
underdmined. For pertioulars apply to nEORGE
• EDIG COFFER, Zurich P. 0, 1189 8
VARA -FOR. SALE. --For sale, lot 20, Huron road,'
Tnekersreith, containing 100 'acres., ail cleared
except 10 acres of good bush. There is egged frame
house and good frame barn, and other outbuildings.
The farm Is an excellent one ;-it is well underdrained
and well fenced, and there is plenty of good water.
It Is two mike and it half from Seaforth. This desir-
able property wills be sold cheap and on easy terms.
Possession given October 1st. For further particulars
apply to WILLIAM FOWLER, Huron rood,' or Sea -
forth P. O. I • 1490-13
QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. --Lot 10, conces-
sion '6, township of Stanley, cOntaining 100
acres. This Is one of the best farms in the township
and is situated in a good and pleasant neighborhood.
Soil of the best and not a rod _of waste land on it.
There are all the buildings on it that are required.
The whole farm has been newly fenced and drained.
An orohard of 70 bearing trees, Panty of poxd
water, convenient to soliaols, churches, post office
and market. Apply to WM. SINOLAIR, Varna I'.
O., or to WM. COPP, Sefitorth. 1491-tt
VARA FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 11, Conceesion
_17 6, Hullett, containing 100 acres, all cleared,
well underdrained, and in a good state of ealtiva-
tion. There are 15 acres sown with fall wheat, and
all the fall plowing done. There is on the plaoe a
frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached,
has two frame barns with other outbuildings. This
is a good farm, well situated, be'ng 9 miles from Sea.
forth, 7 mike from Clint7n, ruid-'14- miles from the
village of Malmo, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. Apply to the proprietor on the prerniaes, or
address W. LEITOEL Constance P. 0. 1481-tt
•;sion 0, Townehip of Morris, containing 150 acres
suitable for grain or stock, situated_ two and a half
mtles from the thrivina village of Brussels, Et good
gravel road leading Mier to ; 120 acres 'cleared and
f ee from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance
hardwood. Barn 51x60 with straw and hay shed
4 x70, stone stabling un erneath both. The house
I brick, 22x32 with )(Hob n 18x26, cellar underneath
b th buildings. All are new. There is a large young
orchard. School on next lot. The laud has a good
natural drainage, anci the farm is in good condiaton.
Satiofactory reasons for setting. Apply at Tug Ex -
roar -rola OFFIOR, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE,
. • 1335-tf
FARM IN GitEY FOR SALE. --Por sale lot 12,
concession 14, tow narhip of Grey, containing 100 •
acres, about 85 of which are cleared, is in a good
state of cultivation and a-oll termed. The balance is
good hardwobd bush. There is a good frame house
and barn and good bearing orchard. There is a well
at NM haulm and a never failingspring -on the farm.
It 13 Within two miles of .the village of .Cranbro6k,
five miles from Brussels and the tame from Walton, '
with good gravel roads leading in ail dirdctions.
This is a eplendid farm and will be sold at a bargain
as the proprietor is auxinus to retire. NEIL DUN-
ANON, Cranbrciok P. 0. 1480-tt
VARA FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 8, conceseion 17,
Ckrey, contains 100 ares, 3 of which are used
as a brick yard. The lar.d is all cleared, except four
acres of black ash and cedar. It is v.'elt fenced, well,
underclrained and well watered. There is a good
frame house and large bank barn 80x10 feet, and
other outbuildings. This is an excellent fern] and
there eatterial on it far four Prick yards. lt is
half a mile from Walton, wherg there. are -good
stores, school, cheese factory, ehur-hes, saw tai 1,
etc. The farm will be sold cheap and on easy
terms,' For further particulard apply oa the prom -
tees or to Walton P. 0 DAVID CAMPBELL• .
• ja. pale, Lot 15, Concession 10, Hibbert, adj .ining
• the village of Cromarty, containing 100 acres, less
two ard a half acres disposed of for village lots; 70
•aerea cleared, well drained and in a good stale of _
cultivation ; the remaining 30 notes Is a fine maple
sugar hush. Thore are several never -failing springs
on the farm. There is a small frame house !tad
frame barn, also the village lot in the:A(11;9,ga of
Crortiarty. There is a good frame house, and large
stab'e and shed on it, also a splendid gar& n. This
• fARCEI %SW formerly uded as an hotel, and will• melte
an eXclient business stand. •This preperty will be
sold together or separately tD suit purchaser. Pos-
scste.on given after harveet. Terms eaay. Apply to
the propriator, -ALEXANDER 1301TLE-, Cromarty
P, 0. '
FOR SALE —For sale, lot arid part lot
1 9, coracesaion 1,', O rev township containing
163 aesee, all cleared except twenty aeries,. WiliCh
a goad bard ,v,00d bush. The land is in A state
of eultivat'on, well ordeal/rained and we!l fer.carl,
without any waste- land There is a goad frame
house, s ith soma er kitchen -.lard a'-od 3od; largo
bank li-trn, 8-(x52, with storm stabling undian_atb,
ard other outbuildintse. There are frau' • eons of
orchard of one ot tire sarivtios of fruit; three
'good, paver -failing wells 13ithpnnps in them... It is
a mile rata three-quartere from the vitk.gc of Brua-
, u-ith good roads leading in all directions. This
excellent property will be said cheap and on easy
terms. Ap ly on the preni'ses or by le_ter ter box
1 3, Bruasele P..0. JUIIN HILL. •
14 -Lf
1-1,01-1. SALE OR TO asNr ON &SST TERM3.—
32 As till owner wighes to retire from business on
accaunt of ill health, th, fo1 valnAqe property
at 5Vinthrop, 4 miles north o4 Sratorth, on lesdicg
road to Drudge'c. be soli or rented as one fartu
or in parts to eta purehaper : about 600 acres of -
splendid farming 'land, with about 400 under crop,
the balance in pasture. There are large barns n1:
alt all other buildings neoessary for the smplaniaints
- , etc. This land is we'.1 watere• , has ',good
frame and brick dwelling houses, ete . 'herd are.
gri=t and saw tains and afore which will ba -scal orrerit•
c on ads antageous terms. -Also on 17;13 ean•
cesaion, Croy tcea ship, 11/0 acre§ of land, 40 in
pasture, the balcuree • in timbar. PO3R8)i3t1 gircn
atter lairs -elk of farm lands mills at once. . tor par-
ticular:I apply to riNDREK'GOVENLQCE, Winthrop.
Apple Better and Jelly Factory,
tam now. prepared to meat the 'weal; of all my,
old eustoniers, and es many new once as can make .
it convenient to trade with lee.
OH N .1CLEIN, Proprietor, Seafonth..
149-144 ' -
1 -
Ite,r. Dr, Talmage It'reaeha An Earn 'st
Sermon, ViskraIng the Irnpeniterit Ageakst
VAilsiaji Yoe the Not World Bei* e
Corwsettiatg the Mistakes of This. •
WaillfarMiN, Aug. -9.—De. Talmage to-
fiay diataanses 'a queetion _that everybody
i ' Inscusten It is ono of trernxi-
Ions . ' i, Shan We have anot er
chance? „ Tho text is -Eeelesiastes ii, 3, "If
the tree fall toward the south or toward
the north, in the place where the tree fall-
hth there it shall be." ' •
.1! There is a hoveringhope in the minds of
t. vast_ multitude Of people that there will
an opportunity in the next world of cor-
eting the Mistakes of this; that howeverc$o=plot° a shipwreck we may make of .our
'tidy llfo it will .be on.a beach up which
. , e may walk to a palae,o; that as the de-
fendant may lose his case in a circuit court
and anpeal it and have it go up to the su- ,
bternetourt . or court of chancery and all,
e costs. thrown over on the other party,
sO a man may lose his case in this world,
but in the higher, jurisdiction of eternity
have the declaim of the earthly casei sot
%tide, $t the . costs remitted and th&de-
fendanhibe triumphant forever.
- A Baseless Rope.
The object of my sermon is to show you
that co' mon sense declares "ewl th the ext
that se Inan expectation Is chimerical.
-the ter fall toward the south or to•,
the north, In the place where the tree
eth there it shall be." - There' are t
who say that if the impenitent andu ors
given man enters the next. world .and `sees
the disaster, as a result of that disaster he
livill turn,' the distress the cause of his ief-
-ormation,:but we have 10,000 instances all
around about us of people who have done
wrong and disaster suddenly came upon
them. Did the disaster healthern? No;
• they went on. .
There is a man flung of dissipations.
'The dOntor says to him, "Now, my friend,
If you on't stop drinking and don't Stop
this fas life yore are living you will die.
The _patient thanks the pity/A:clan for his
.-frnin and gets better. He begins to sit
up, begi a to walk aromad the room, be-
gins to o to butiness, and takes the sa ee
round of grogshops where he got is
morning dram, and his evening dram, and
tne draane between. Down again. Sanie
doctor. Same physical- anguish. Sallie
medical warning. 'Bet .now the sicknec .
Is naore protracted, the liver snore obsti
nate, the Etoniach more irritable, tho diges
tive organs,more rebellious. But still, un
der merit& . skill, he gets .better, goes
his'physical health. • Sometimes he wakes -
forth, coin its the same sacrilege against
up to see what he it doing, and he realizes
he is destroying his family, and that his
life is a perpetual perjury against his mar-
riage vows, andthat that broken hearted
woman is so different' from the roseate
wife he married that her old echoolmates
do not recognize her on the street,, and
that his sons are going out in life under
the taunt of a father's -drunkenness, and
that his daughters are going out In life
•ancestry. H s nerves are all a -jangle.
under the scrification of a disreputable
From crown pf head to sole of foot he is
one aching, asping, crucifying, damning
torture. NV re is he? -
He is in JicIl on earth.' Does it stop him?
Ala no! Af er awhile delirium - tremens
palm Out u n his pillow 'a whole jungle
Of.hissing reptiles: His screen -is horrify
the neighbor* as he dashes out of bed cry-
ing, "Take these thing off me!" He is
drinking do$"u the comfort of his family,
the oduoatlos of his children, their pros-
' poets- for thh life and perhaps' their pros -
:peas for the life to come. Palo and con-
valescent he sits up. Physician says to
an't save you, and all the him: f 'Now, my good fellow, I amegoing
to ha,ve a pla 11 talk with you. If you ever '
have an atteln cif this, kind again, you
will die.' I i
doctors itt cr tion can't save you." ,
The patienJf gets up, starts' out, goes the
same roond J f dissipation and is down
again, but his time 'medicines do not
thech his cas Consultations of physicians
say -there Is 1O isope. Death ends the scene
That process! of inebriation and physical
suffering and medical warning and ditso-
Intim is ta Ong place within , a stone's
• throtvof where you sit and he every neigh-
borhood of iiristendoni. Pain does not
reform. Su ring does not num What
Is true in re rcl to one sin is true -en re-
gard to all sins, and yet men die expecting
in, the next life there will - be opportunity
'Ler-purgatorial regenerationa Take up the
printed repos ts of the prisons of the United
•Statesand find that the vast majority of
the criminal were there before, some for
two times, hreo times, four times, six
times; pain lied again and I again, but
they go righ on. Millions of incidebts am].
instancoswqrking the other way, arid vet
men think that in the next world punish-
ment will work out for them salvable ef-i
feats. Why, you andIca.unot imagine any
worse tortur from another world than we
have seen-xn n in in this world, and with-
out any salu ary consequence• ,
he Last 'Chance. ,
.Furtherin re, the prospect of reformation
itt another a orld is more improbable than
here. Do y u not realize the fact that a
Man starts u thle world with the inno-
cence of tufa eye In the other case, start-
ing in the o her world, he etarte with the
accumulated bad habits of a lifetime. Is
It not to be e pedal that you could. build
a better'shinnut of new thnber than out of
at has been ground up in the
tenting -with comparative in -
Ian does not beceme godly,. Is
at starting -with sin a seraph
,cd? Is there not More prose.
ulptor willenn.ko antler statue '
of pure white Pariau marble
black rockthat has been
wisted and. -split and scarred
ms of a half century? Could
a last will and testament, or
or write, an important decal -
ire white sheet of paper easier
Id write it uppn a sheet scrib-
an old hulk
breakers? If
noeency the
It possible t
can be evolu
pent that a s
out of a bloc
than out ,t
cracked mad
with the sto
you not wri
write a, deed
ment on a p
than you col
bled all over witli infamy and' blotted and
r to bottom? • And yet there
• are so unconueon sensical as
t though a man starts in.this
torn from to
aro those Nvh
to believe th
World With
suicide. irsoo yetirs or ittetime
cure the antedilevians of theirin
undertake to say that_ all the ages
nity would be oply prolongation o
"Ben" says some one, "in the
the evil surroundings will' be wi
and good influences will be sub
andlenee enpurgatlen, sublimatio
fie/Woe." . But you. must remen
the righteous, all tneir sins forgly
right up bete abeatinc statesand tiing passed up into the beatific s
needing Any other Chance, that wi
all those who . have never been t
and who were impenitent aloneat
and. Where aro the ealva,ble infin
come from?* Can it be expected
Dtiff, who. spent hin whole life in p
the Hipdoos to -heaven, and. Dr.
who spent his life in evangelizing
and that Judson, Who spent his
preaching the gospel to Burma,—
be expected that they will be seri
from some celestial missionary so
educate and save those who waste
eartialtexistenee? No. We 'are t
tinctly that ail missionary and eviler
influences tvill be ended forever,
good, having passed up to their
state, all the morally bankrupt wil
gether, and where are the saIva
flu/maces to come from? Will a spe
bad apple put in a barrelor clieeased
make the otber /entries good?. Will o
Is down be able to lift others up av
those hio have mieera,bly failed
business 'of this life ableto pay th
of other spiritual i solvente? Will
lion wrongs make o e right? Pone
was the ityswhere tug Rufus ef. T
put all ad peoploof his kingdom, and
wheneve there were iniquitOus people
found in any-partorithe land they were rill
sent to Poneropons. It wasthe great capi-
tal of wienedieten. Suppose a man or a
worn= had openeln a primary school... in
Poneropelis; would the paren ' th
of oer
nere tole)
coma eat larger Rouse, a briOhter nouse, a mere
iquity, 1 •luxuriant abode. • Let me in. Give me an -
of eters other chance?" God has spread. a banquet
f deprav- of his grace before us. For 866 days of
•; every year since we kravw the difference be -
next life tween our right han
thdrawn invited us by his p
stituted, spirit. • Suppose we
nsglori- and all this kindne
iber that is spread in a larger
en, prise
len hay -
tate, not
11 leave
Prices to
that Dr.
life il
can it
t down
ciety to
d their
old dis-
and the
1 be to-
ble in
." -
eked. or
apples •
ne who
? Will
in the
e debts
a mil-
.cities have sent tad children
enucated and reform ?
Words o Warning.
- If a man in. this World was surrounded
with temptation, In the next world, all the
righteous having pasted up into the beatific
state, the association will be more dete-
rioriating, depreciating and down. You
would not send to a eholera, or yellow fever
hospital a min for his h*alth, and the
great lazaretto of the futurn.ln which are
gathered the diseased and the plague
stnuck, Will be Lapeer plate for moral re-
covery. The Comet of Chateau riand, in
order, to make his Child courage° s„ made
him sleep iu the turrets of the caste, where
• the winds howled ani specters were said to
haunt the place: ' T e mother and\ the sis-
ters almost died of fright, but the on aft-
erward gives his aacount, and h.
"That "That gave me nereee of steel and g ye me
my friends, I do not thin
courage that has never f4the tuts of But,
• darkness or the spectral world sw pt by
sirocco and euroclydon will ever piepare
a soul for the eternal land of suushi e. I
wonder what is the emTieulura in th Col-
lege Inferno, where a mai, having been
prepared by enough sin, enters and go s up
from frsehniart of iniquity to sopho 'ore
of abomination, and on on from e phre-
inore to junior, and from junior to Se ion
and dayof graduation cemes, and the
I diploma is signed bet satan, the presi ent,
I and all the prefessional denionittes ttest
the fact that the candidate has been Aj suf-
ficient time under their drill and thi en-
ters heaven. Pandemenismi a prepa tory
school for celestial ricl.midionl Ah,1 iny
friends, while sutan and lilt cohorts .haya
fitted a vast multitude for ruin, they never
fitted one soul for happiness --never,
Agate, I wish you further to -notice that
another chance in another world means the
ruin, of this. • Now, suppose a wicked man
is assured that after a lifetime of wicked-
ness he can fix it all right ,up in the fu-
ture. •That -would be the -demoralization
of society, that would be the demolition of
the human race. - There are men Who are
now kept on the limitof sin by their fear.
The fear that if we are bad and unforgiven
here it will not be well with us in the next
existence is the chief influence that keeps
civilization from rusbing back into semi -
barbarism, and keeps sernibarbarism from
rushing back lute minnight savagery, 'and
keeps midnight- savagery from rushing
back into extinction' ...Now, the Mall ' Is
kept on the limits of sin. But this idea
coming into his soul, thie }elm of inn other
"chance, he says: "Go to, now. Pll get Out
of this world all there is in it. COMO, glut-
tony and revenge and uncle/time& and all
.seesualities, and wait upon me. It 'may
abbreviate my earthly life by dissoluteness,
but that will only give me heavenly in-
dulgence on a larger Kale in a shorter
length of time. 1 will overtake the right-
eous -before-long. ' ,I will only come in heav-
en a littlenate, and I will be a little more
'thrtunate than those' who have' behaved
themselves on earth and then went straight
to the bosom of God, because 1 will see
more and have wider excursion, and I will
come into heaven via gehenna, via shooll"
Hearers! Readers! Auother chance in the
next world moans free license and the
demolition of this.. Suppose yeu had a case
in court, and all the judges aid alt the at-
torneys agreed in telling you the first trial
Of it—ittwould betried twice—the first
trial would . not bo of very rauch impor-
tance, but the second trial would deed& ev-
erything. On which trial wonld you put
tho most expenditure? On !which trial
would you employ the, ablest ceunsel? Oii.
which trial would you be most anxious to
have the attendance- ef all the witnesses?
"Olen you would say, "if there arc- to be
two trials, and the first trial doest not
• amount to much, the second itrial being
, must have the ' Mast eloque t at.
everything, everything dependitigiron
that, I
I, torney, and I must have all my ; witresses
present, and I will expend my Mon non
that." If those men who are impenitent.
and who are wickedfelt there were two
trials; and tho first was of Meyers- reat
tmportance, and the second trialew s the
ono of vast and infinite impertauce, a 1 the
preparations for eternity would lie post
niortem, poet funeral, Poet sepillohral and
this world would be jerkecl off_ int inn
penitency and godlessness. Ancither c ance
in another world Da0n1)8_the deiniolit' n of
this world: .
As to the Invitation!,
tihermore, my 'friends -4 for am
ing to myself as well as to yo 'It we
the same level, and thoueli the piet-
a a little higher than the pew, it is
r convenience, and that We may the
speak to the people; we are 011 on
ne platfoien, and I am talking to iny
bile I talk_ to yours—my friends,
tether chance in another *orld When
e declined so many chanes itt this?
S5 you spread. n beetsinee inn y u len
ast number of friend", and az tang
you. send an invitteflori to a man
,..iregards it or treats a
It in'n oinox
thus way. During 20 years y it giye 20
banquets, a' bangeet a year, and you in vite
your friends, and every time ou invite
tide man, whet disc/vein/1s ..yotiv invitation
or sends backeeme nen gutty. A ter aiyhile
you 7110V0 into a larger ..hoirse and amid.
7-1101'0 luaurimit euctettedinses, n d you in-
vite, your friends, nut roil do not invite
that man to W110111 213 times y u sent an
invitation to the arnalter Anse. Are you
to blames? Yee weird only mane yourself
absurd before Ged and ettalt ter send that
man another inritahisn. For 20 years he
hat; been deciiniegyeer offers and sending
tiestelt for yeer • 4 - lout comrtesy, and
eau he bia.rae yak? e ,. he erne up to yortr
house on tho it" iit , . s- nauetf Look -
big up and stsi,p. inns a; ner-house, will
he have any riiiht, tip in/a 'Let rae in. I
teelieted all tleap siinint aims, net trials is a
Pitcher's elgoitsriao i
aro on
ufaney turd its innoeenee and form b
turns out badly, itt the next world leacan- only fo
etart with a lead faller/rand turn out well, , betthe
"But," 84. seine people, 'we ought to wttheysaa:
soul w
have auothe chalice in the hext world be-
cause our 1 fe here is so very brief. We
scarcely, hav room to turn around between we has -
the deadle-a . Suppo
d. the grave, the wood of the
one almost striking against the marble -of
the other. 'We ,ought to • have another
change because of the brevity of this life."
My friends, do you kaow what made the
go' a necessity? It was the
he autediluvians. They were
second century tIntis in the
se when they gob 800 years
so at,, 400, and worse at 500,
600, akd worse. at 80, until
d to be washed and scoured
and scrubbe I and ,.soed :1; sink ,and
ILnchored. a hole mont is sb r water be-
fore it was fl. for decent pe Iple to list he
have seen many nee eras of, old. Time wi th
his-sCythe talent-, but .1 weer saw any tic-'
tune of Thee with a dint of medicines to
heal. &mewl said that in the Beet few
years of ins Public life Nero was set up as
an examine Of clemeney and kindness, .but
Ise got -worse aud werse, the path deereard-
until in 68 years of sdie he Was tha
Children Cry .for
ancient deli
longevity, of
worse in the
first, !Tha wo
.91d, and WO
fliesd worse a
the world_ hi
Who di
and our left he has
evidence and by lits
°cline all these offers
a Now the banquet
lace, in the heavenly
palace.. Invitations are sent out, but no in -
vitation is sent to o . Why? ' Because we
declined' all those ther banquets. Will
God be to - blame? ill we have any right
• to rap on the door of heaven and say; "I
ought not to be shut 'out of this place; give
/118 another chance?" Twelve gates of sal-
vation standing wide for free admission all
our lifo and then when the 12 gates clew
we rush on the bosses of Johovah's buckler,
saying, "Give me another chancel"
A ship is to saltier Hamburg. You want ,
to go to Germa.ny by that line. You see •
the advertisement! or the steamer's sailing.
You see it for tivo weeks. You emit 171
the Morning papers and. you see it in. the
evening papers. !You see it placarded on
the walls. Circulars are thrown into your
office telling you all about that steamer.
One day 3-ou come
the., steamer has s
'You say: ." Oh, th
swing up again to
plank ashore that ,I may come on board. It
isn't fair. I want. to go to Germany by
that steamer. GiCe me another chance."
Here is a magnificent offer for heaven. It
has been anchored within our sight year
after year, and year after year, and year
after year, and ail the benign voices of
earth and heaven have urged us to got on
board, since it may sail at any moment.
Sappeee we let that opportunity sail away,
and then we look /int and -say: "Send back
that opportunity. I want Yet take it. It
isn't treating me fairly.- Give me another
chance." Why, my brother, you might as
well go-oub and stand on the Highlands at
the Navesink. three days after the Majestic
has gone out and shout: "Captain, come
back. I want to go to Liverpool on the
Majestic. C01110 back oyer the sea and
through the,Narrows and up to the docks.
Give inc another, chane,e. " . You Might as
well do that as, after the last opportunity
of beaven has sped away, try to get it -back
again. just thinhe of it! It 6717110 011 Me
yesterday in my study wth overwhelming
impressiveness. Just. think of it. All
heaven offered us as a gratuity for a whole
lifetime, and yet we eventing to ' tush
against 4od, saying, "Give me another
.. chance." There ought to be, there will be,
no such thing OR posthumous opportunity.
. A. GraztoChance.
down on the wheat, and
ung out into the stream.
t isn't fair. Come back;
the docks. Throw the
You see c0711111011 nsei agrees with my
text in saying that "if the tree fall toward
the south or toward tne north,. in the place
where the tree falletie there, it shall be."
You. see this idea lifts this world from an
unimportant way anal n. to a platform of
stupendous issues and ekes all eternity
whirl around this hour. Ob, my soul, my
soul! Only one trial, and all the prepara-
tions for that trial _ be made in this
world or mener made at II. Oh, my soul,
my soul! You see this p les up all the em-
phasis and all the cli xes and all the
destinies into this life. No other chance.
Oh, how that intensifies the nails° and the
importance of this cbance.. Alexander and
his army used to come -I round a city, and
they would kindle a grea li gilt, with the un-
derstanding that as ton as that light was
burning the city might surrender and alle
would be well, but if th y let that light go
out thennne battering tams would swing
against the walls and here would conie
and Conqueror, Christ I Surrender hearts,
disaster and demolition. Oh, my friends,
all youand I need to do prepare for eter-
nal safety is just to. su , nder to the Ring
surrender life surrender everything. The
great light keeps burning, light =kindled
by the wood of the erase, light flaming up
against the dark night of our sin and. sor-
row. - Oh, let no surrender before the light
goes out and with -it our last opportunity
of making our peace with God titre/ugh our
Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, my brother, talk
about another chance; this the supernal
chance. In the time of Edward In at the
battle of Messelburg, a rivet° soldier saw
that the Earl of Huntle had lost his hel-
rnet. The private soldier took off his helmet
and went up to . the Ea I of Huntley and
put the helmet on his h.. d. /now, the head
of the prit-ate noldier tneovered, he was
soon slain, while his c inmander rode in
safety through and out f the battle. But
it is different in ours se. Instead of a
private offering 'a nebn t to an earl, it is
the Ring of heaven. an earth offering a
crown to an unworth subject, the King
dying that wo might I ve! Oh, tell
the points of the compa. today and
night, tell it to earth. / nd neaven, telt it
to all the centuries and 11 the millenniums
that God has given us eel' a magnificent
chance in this world th t We need no other
chance in another! .
A dream. c'..,I am in isle burnished judg-
ment hall on the last da -. The great white
throne is lifted, but the Judge has not yet
taken it. ,While we are vatting for his ar-
rival I hear the immorte is in conversation.
"What are you waitin for?" says a soul
that went tip from Mi dagasear to a soul
that went up from An erica. ,The latter
responds: "I was in An erien, 40 years ago,
and I heard the gospel p walled, and I had
plenty. of Bibles in in house, and from
the time that I knelt at my mother's knee
in prayer until my Ias hour I had great
opportunities, but I did ot improve them,
'and. I am here today w biting for another
chance." "Strange, s range," says the
seed. jest come up f pm 3faclagasear.
"Strange. Why, 1 neve heard the gospel
call but once in all my 1 re, -and I accepted
it, and I don't want nether chance."
"What are yen waiting •r?" says one.who
on. earth had very f eble intellect to
one who had great brali , and whose voice
Was silvery,.and who ha
scepters of pow-
er. The latter replies: "I had great power
on earth, I mutt -laded , and 1 enattered.
languages, and I Inas red. libraries, and
colleges conferred upon me learned titles,
and my name was a syri nyin fer eloquence
and.power, but someho I neglected the
matters of my soul, and Lnanst confess -to
you I am here today w titing for another
Now, the ground tre ibIes with the ad-
tend/3g chariot. The reat folding dOnrs
t f the burnished hall of judgment are
thrown open, "Stand back," cry the
ushers, "and let the Judge of quick and
dead pass through,"
Ho takes the theone. He looks off upon
the .throngs of nations come - to the last
judgment, conic to the orply judgment, and
one flash from the thisone reveals each
man's history to hinisel , and reveals it to
all the others. And the i the Judge says,
‘`Divide!'' and the liernielled walls eeho it,
"Divine," and the genies angelic answer,
"Dividen and the immortals are rushing
this 'ay and that, untit there is an aisle -
between them, a great aisle, and then a
vacuum, widening and Widening and wid-
ening until the Judge 14Irok-s to one side of
that va-cuuni and riddresses the throng head
says, "Let hina that is i ighteous be right-
eous still, and let him Matt is holy be holy
still." And then, turning to the throng on.
the other side of the vacaum, he says, "Let
him. that is unjust be unjust still, and let
him that is hithy be filthy etill." And,
then he stretches out bet& hands, one to-!
ivaid the throng on each side the yaenuna,J
arid says, "If the tree fall toward the'
south ortoward the north, in the phiee:
where the tree falleth there it shall bet",
And then I bear something Jar Witte a gime
sound. It is the closing of the:book clf
ludigna,. ent. The Judo ascends the stab's
nelabad the thione, The hal/ of the.kiet
ats120 is cleared and shut. The hignreeeett
of nitf adietitueA kite_yiw_..
AUGJJSI 14 1896
Its the truth, and desirable that you ihou
know it.
has the fullest st
doizbt the -oest
Lead cPackets
era! gtoreke!epe
H. P. gOKA D
-enE,,th, the richest flavor, and *Mont
hatThatoney and brains can produce.
only. From Grocers and Gen-
& 00., Toronto,
-• Wholesald Agents.
REST, . 1 -
Aseneral banking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the .United States,
Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all part.
of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes conected, and advances inade on same
at kwest -ate.s.
Deposits of One DoUar and upwards received, mid interest allowed at highest curren
rates. Interest added tbprincifial twice each year—at the end of June And Decembet
No notice of withdrawai is required for the whole or any portionof a deposit.
R S. HAYS, Soliitor, W. i. PEAR E, Agent.
And parties intendingto do any roofing will be wise to
consider the: MET L" SHINGLES before purcha.2ing
other?. Very little tia 3ost and every shingle guaranteed,
yileh lin Need of any of the following Goods
Also a full line of BUILDER'S HARDWARE.
V111.1E11111 & 00., Seaforth,
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Merchants.
Furnace and Galvanized Iron Work a specialty.
I-, 118.DEN
& *-1-/ ILSOA
'Althaugh We do no pretend to supply "any bicycle made" we still have the agency
, .
in Seaforth for the old t liable, viz :
" 1
And they are the leaderand sellers in all parts of the country thi ;year. Quality will
telt 'You cannot go w4ng by purchasing either of them, at the right price, but be on
your guard ; we' have heird Of unscrupulous dealers in some places eeloting the price of
high grade wheels that titey were not selling, much below their value*;_ in order to create
the iMpression thatt,he Wieels they virere actually agents for, were equally cheap. It's
an old trick and the pub),
le are getting onto it, but still, it catches an unwary easterner
occasionally. Aar/id dis ppointment and save money by ordering one Of the ,above high
grade wheels from the only authorized agents in Seaferth.
. .
11 j
We are still' adding to our already large stock, and we are
_now prepared to meet the wants of every one requiring fur-
niture. It will pay you to examine our goods before pur-
chasing elseWhere, as we are sure to please you in price,
style 'and' quality.,
• .
Our undertaking departmenk is complete in every respect, And
We guarantee . satisfaction. S. T. Holmes, Funeral Director
Residenee next door to Drs. Scott it McKay's office.
Main Street, Seafo h Porter's Old S
tor Vv.
Lens *raven°
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$12:11 Wi
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