HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-07, Page 8F i I ,'• I if 1111•111111191=MINIMIV Wilson's, Cash Grocery The ,est Mangold b grow is Evans' improved -mammoth saw log. (See report of Ontario Agricul. IOW College.) The best fiela carrot is the improved aort white. The best Swede turnip is the Monarch, galls -Westbury or Skirving, improved, and the best place to buy them is' right here, as all our seed is strictly new and of the best quality. Our prices are silwaY down below the regular combination prices. "thole° seed, barley, clover and timothy seed at lowest prices. lime just received 8011k8 very fine oew Ceylon Tea in bulk, which we can sell at 10o per pound less than in packages. Also some very, choice Toting Hyaena and Japans, a hich we are retailing at prices no pedlar can afford to sell at. Give us'a trial. Canned vegetables, canned and dried traits of the best quality at lowest prices.— Some extra fine ahem • In stock Just now. Have a well assorted stock of roceriee, crockery and provisions of the best quality ind will not be undersold by any house in the trade. The higheet priees.paid for all binds of produce. Ca.sh paid for eggs. C. WILSON, Seaforth. Rana ot Commerce more.. SEPTEMBER FALL TERM 1st. la -0Z At, rc 410" STRA.TFORD, ONTARIO, Young men and women who desire ter secure a first class busfness education are invited to correspond ;with us. This school. is the finest equipped busmess College in Western Ontario. Write for circulars. W. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1444-51 17T. SiOlVEMBATII.ILM 1 —AGENT FOR— , tWarners, "Vancouver " "Labrador," "Can- anadian Express (including money orders) ; . N. W. Telegraph ; three old established ire Companies-aPheenix, Norwich Uniori, mperial ; Dominion Steamship Line-Royaf eida," ; Parker's Dye Vorks, Toronto. aaaa 1490 Summer Travel. Through the 10,000 island archipelago of the Geer. gian Bay-. ,TH E STEAMSHIPS CAMBRIA and CA.RMONA I.esve Goderich on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 no., taking in this beautiful trip. The C. P. R. toasting palace, Alberta, leaves Windsor on August 1st, 8th, 15b1r, rnd and 29th, at 3 p. m. Fer rates and information regarding traiel, apply at this office. If you use them once, you. always use them ia rnitting—we mean the Dominion Express money orders. RANALD J. MACDONALD• Agent G. P. R. ticket and telegraph, Dominion Ex-. pre.se and Money Orders. Site Ilan txpoittiv. DISTRICT NUTTERS. TUE LACROSSE MATCR. - The lacrosse Match on the recreation grounds on Tues- day evening between Clinton and Seaforth cannot be said to have been eaciting, it was too one-sided for that. At no stage of the game dicl the Clieton players exhibit any great skill and the ball was almost contimi- ously on theirgoal. They came with only aeleven players and consequently each term played with only eleven men. Although the Clinton defence endeavored to prevent, big score, our boys scored the first four goals. By loose playing on the part of the Seaforth defence the Clinton boys sexed thenaselves from being whitewa..ehed. Seaforth shortly after this scored lenother goal and when time was called the score re - "maned at this, five to one in favor of the ° home team. The Beavers' next mateh will be with Mitchell in that town. Should our boys win this match, as they undoubtedly will, they will be the champions of the district. • THE NEW COLLEGIATE TEAOHER.—At meeting of the Collegiate Institute boar op Friday last, the various applications fo the position of classical roaster in our in stiterte to fill the vacancy cauaed by tb , resignation of Mr. O. L. Schmidt, wer considered. There were a large number o aaalleants,all very highlfrecommended,bu the board those Mr. J. F. Thompson, o Toronto. Mr. Thompson et:Imes very highl recommended by Dr. McLellan, •A. Car rathers, formerly of this school, and others Ile is it graduate of Toronto University an ab. honor graduate of the school of peda gogy. Should Mr. Thompson prove, as gpo as his credenbials, and ave have no. doub that he will, he will prove a worthy succes . Or to Mr. Schmidt, and Will add strengt te the already efficient staff of beechen* a oar Collegiate Institute. While welcoiiiin I Mr. Thompson to ter midst, we cannot bu regret the depart re of Mr. Schmidt an while his old frie cle in Pieton will rejoie at his return they will be able to full sympathize with us in our loss. * l'IIE ELECTRIC STORM. - The severes electric storm, of the sermon, passed over thi district on Tuesday night. The storm Om rnenced about ten o'clock and contin,ued witliont ceasing until about theee the nex morning; The rain came down in torrents and the lightning was sharp and vivid,while the thunder kept up a continuous rumble. We have not beard of airy damage being aone in this immediate ueighborhood, al- though the reflections of three or four fires vrere seen in the east. About eleven o'clock the fire alarm was rung, but it was found that the lightaing was playing pranks 'with the alarm and that there was no fire at all. -On Wednesday night another, though leas severe, thunderstorm passed over this parts About four o'clock in the morning kghtning caused a fire alarin to be given again, and the unearthly shrieks of the Broadfoot & Box whistle awakened many frdm their slumbers. The town authorities shOuld do something to 'prevent this continu- alla ringina of the alarm by lightning, as people, aft.er being fooled so many times, will fail to turn out when there really is a fire. ' o E0:11ONDVILLE NOTES.-MiSS Annie Den- by, of Hamilton, has been visiting friends ia the village for a week or two. -Miss C. A. Porter arrived home from a visit of six weeks among friends in Goderich on Satur- day last. Her health seems much improv -ed. -The Rev. V. K. Beshgatoor, of Newbury,„ Michigan, addressed the Endeavor society in our church on Sabbath evening. He gave a very interesting talk on the Armenian question to a large gathering. The reverend gentleman is a native of that country and has been an incessant worker in 'raising funds to aid the sufferers from the recent massacres. He and Mrs. Beshgatoor are holidaying at the Imam of Mrs. Saanuel Walla.ce, Tuckersmith, Mrs. Beahgatoor's raother.-Mr. Donald Clark, of .Allegany city, Pennsylvania is spending his holidays at the paternal h'ome Isere. He came up chiefly on account of the home -coming of his sister, Mrs. McDonald -Miss Agnes Citmmings is apending this week in the vil- lage. She seems somewhat improved though as yet very heipless.-Mr. George H. Jack - eon left on Monday morning on a tour through eastern Canada. He went by rail to Toronto and thence by boat down the lake and St. Lawrence river. Mr. George Anderson accompanied him part of the way. -The Misses Hill arrived home on Monday evening, delighted with their holi- day trip to the west. They went as far as Sheldon, Dakota, where they met relatives and a host of farmer Canadian friends most- ly from Huron. They also met Mrs. Smith, of Fessenden, formerly blisa Sproat, of this village, who, with her hpsband, Deane 200 miles to see them. They visited St. Paul on their return and werelthe guests of Mr. and. Mrs. David Baird. Among other efriends in that city they met Mr. Andrew a Y - Smith, who is enjoying hie retireMent from leusiness. At Fargo they were the guests cif Mr. and biro. Robert Porter. Mr. Pewter is the son of Mr: J. S. Porter, of thie village,. d holds a lucrative and responeible pos- pition in the railway office in that city, being divisional pay-maister. Old Huton was kindly remembered by and 'TM EXPOS - TOR is a welcome weekly visitdr to almost every home. -We regret teanote the sudden and severe illness of Mr. James Forsythe. He wail taken ill on Monday ana at 'present writing but slight irnproyemeit notice- able. -Miss Mina Thome, of London, is spending her holidays with rela ives tke village. • INTERESTTh.'G RELIC. -In the e days when eo Much is being said of anci nt relics of one kind and another, it is worth while noticing one which has been many years in the possession of Mrs. Alex. W lson, sr., of Silver Creek, aud which would be very in- teresting to an antiquarian. It is it bound volume of the Edinburgh.Journal, piiblished in 1820. The paper is ri, small ized quarto sheet, containing eight pages, and published weekly. Some of the eorly numbers are banded with black,. in mourning'for the re, cently deceased -king, George the Thira. From ats pages we learn that politierd fac- tions and rivalries were' fully as bitter in those days as at the present e. The age was not so. fast as now. Ste ni and elec- trioitar were not. motive powe s, but meh and, women were moved by the same emo- tions, they had loves, hater, anibitions joys. and sorrows similar to those that affec't the present generation ; and althaugh almost every one acitively engaged in the arena of life when this volume was published, is now silently resting from life's Cares, yet the world moves. The mantle hits fallen on the next generatioa. --,---=-• Deeent oe linen Molaattionecee.-FroM the Times, published at Paullin'a, Iowa, we. ake the following notice of the death of m onng man who spent hie boyheod in Me- illop, and who will be well remembered y his schoolmates and by relatives who !till reside in that township s " On Feiday, July a4th, at the home of *lie uncle, Mr. , itle the rest of the femily.te their present eetor Cowan, ar.,ocourred the death of lr, Hugh McNanghton, aged 26 years; 2 oaths and 17 days. Mr. MCI-Naughton:was orn in Huron county; Canada., rernoaing home in 1882 where he spent aka remainder of his life. , tWithin the last Wo yeers - his health gradualla failed. Lest March he re- turned home, his friends hoping that , a tame viebim to the dreaded diseaee, pul- hange of climate and home , care might ar- est the progress of his disease, but in spite f all their efforta he rapidly declined, an- rnonary consuniptiom. He ' endured the weakness and pain of the laet few months manfully and cheerfully, and when the end Was inevitable, he met death with great bilenness. His funeral eervice was con- aucted by his pastor, Rev. A. , Herron, on $unday, after which a lerge number of tele- tives and friends accompanied the remains to their last resting place in Upion ceme- tery. *All the members of the family. weae present except a brother, John, who w s triable to reackehome in time for the se ice. The•bereaved family have the sy athy of the entire community." , • ' 1 A GOOD general servant wanted. App a once to Mits. Psaace,'Idarket Street, Seaforth. ' .4 ', t 1494-2 1SERVANT WANTED. -A ;good general se -vent wanted. Apply at Tux EXP.OSITOR. Office, S f rth. . :, mem GIRLS WANTD.-At Henderson's hote S aforth, a dining400m girl and a girl for t k tchen. Apply to MRS. G. E. IIHNDERsON. 1495-1 WANTED. -To exchange a Urge stock f - beots and shoes for cash, at Cut rate prices, all this Month. Come early and secure bargains in all kinds of shoe& D. Mclymur Seaforth. 1495-2 • . _ - a A TEMPERANCE ADDRESS. -The lecture o Rev. S. Bond on " the present position o the temperance and prohibitioa ques- tion " -in the Methodist church en Tuesday evening was fairly well attended. He etated thet at the ptesent time there was special need of studying the question and ot stirring up the public mind on, the ques- tion. Political parties have not been- die - posed te t&ke up the question of prohibition, but have tried to use it as opportunity offered. The frieade of ' prohibition have been to blame for this, because they' have not been ready to etand by their principles, and so a prohibibion candidate could • not trust them. But- the qnestion has made t great progress until the Governmeht of the p ovmce is ready to enact the most favor - a le laws for restraint or prohibibion of the la uor traffic up to the 'extent of , their p wers and 'the Dominion Governinent is p edged by its party -platform to give an o po tunity of a public vote oathe electors t t et their- approval of the question. ter reading the demands of the Provia- el. I "hence, the aeCturer suggested the desir bility of leseening the „number of hems es, still inoree of_closing bais earlier, of g eater restriction of sale to minors,!of givin more pablieity to petitions for limns s with the naMesettaehed,of preveot- ing of encee always being regarded as a first ()Rene , making them ba correctly number- ed, a d not limited to a year, of preventing teems er, and of having inspectors and mag- isteat s more in harmony with the law. T en, as there probably will be a plebiseite 11,1, vo e I the Domiaion within a, couple of ,ye rs, it is necessary to prepare for ib. -Th,e v ters' lists will need to be watched, in behal of this interest ' We should have an lup to date list. Bat the vote should aot be eo fused by anything but such voters as ko e for members Of Parliament. The mand• Le would then be distinct and str n Prohibitionists 'nest be ready to do as much for getting out the favorable vo er as the party men are to get out the ao of their party. Then with all this the e horrid go on the public education of the; ople pn this question. The churches . :. muet till do the lion's rehire of • this work ; but t ey may and must be seconded lay parenial teaching, by Siinday school. teach- ing a, . by the public press. Most editors are re dy to admit matter favorable to this auestion and many of thorn distinctly ealvoc te • it. Taesesprinciples are in aro- ,. motio of the best ineerests Of society in gen r 1 and of the prosperity bf the nation. • Loo L BRIEFS. -Mr. Fred Satan ay on a trip: to the While away Me. Davis expects land, h reland and France. W ve a pleasant trip and t. e greatly benefitted t Maggi Roberts is home frOrn for !the vacation. -A flambe wheeled up to Cllinton on Frida acrosse- tch between on. The g bell by one the Clin Mit 1 avis left on old country. to visit Eng - hope thathe at his health eteby.-Miss Woodbridge from- here last to see itchell and me resulted i a victory for goal to none.---IMrs. Hough- ton, formerly of this town, and Mother of Mrsi P. Cavan, arrowly escaped serious in- jury! in ierunaw y accident in Wingham one day aast week. She was out riving with her daughter, rs. Dinsley, en the horse took fright an , running aw y, upeet the rig throwing t e ladies out. Fortunately both; escaped injury. -Rev. r. McDonald and Miss Allie are rusticating at Bayfield. Mrs. McDonald is visiting frie ds iu Elora. -Mr. D. Deveraux and wif , Miss Mary Deveraun and Mr. Nelson Ha , all of Chi- cago, are visiting relatives and riends here paesent.-Mr. Stevens, for erly of this town, but who is situated in N York,was call g on friends in town his. week.-- Mes rs. T. F. R. Case and W. G. McLellan left n Tuesday on a trip to th Soo. They went by boat from Gbderich.-Miss Fisher, of Toronto, is a guest at the residence of Mr. T. F. Coleman, Goderich atreet -Mr. Will Irwin, son of Mr. Jaines Irwin, of John street, who is attending al dental col- lege in New York, is honae for ;the holidays. • THE HtlyiN Mr. !tarry Cowan, formerly r Mr. J. S. oberts' drug store, but latel ef Grand Rapids, is renewing old acqu ntances in town just now, -Mr. S. Deem ad family, of Toronto, are visiting friends in town. - It the meeting of the Young* P ople's So- o erty of Chnetian Endeavor, o Egmond- v ile, last Sabbath evening, Rev. Mr. Besh- getoor,lof Newbury, Michigan; oelivered • ry interesting address 0-32 the iiersecution o the Armenians. Mr. Beskg toor is ex- ected to preack in Egmondvi ie Presby - t rian church next 'Sabbath orning.- r. and Mrs. Morrow, of Glen oro, Mani- las, aro spending a few days ere. They re the guests of Mr. R. Loge .-We are leased to learn that the prize f or the best petty on "Dominion Day " gi en by the ontreal*Star, has been won by our esteem- ed friend and former townsman, the Rev. J. Edmunds, of Preaton. The re ard is a re- turn ticket to one of the gre• t parks in the. Rocky Mountains. We ongratulete him on carrying the palm of ictory on so patriotic a subject. May he e joy his well earned holiday. -We are sorry o learn that Mr. Joseph Hammill, of Kale ney, Mani: toba, and son of Mrs. Hammill, of Goderich street weet, had a Want, of hor es killed*by lightning, also his stable bad y damaged, during a recent storin.-Mr. Ja ses Murray, of London, formerly of the Golden Lion store here, when the late R. Jamieson was proprietor was in town, cal ing on old friends thi's week. All were phased to see Mr. Murray looking well and prosperous.- rs. John Logan and her son )avid, form- erly ef Seaforth, :now residing n -Toronto, iire•renewing friendshipe in tca re -Rev. D. Perrie; of Wingharn, and rs. Perrie, are visiting Mrs. Perrie's m ther, Mrs. Knechtel, of Goderich , street west. -The choir of the Christian Endeavor the Pres- byterian church here, -pionicke at B o.yfi e Id on Wednesday. -Mr. and Mrs. . Ieninsden and Mrs. Campbell a,nd fa.mily re occupy- ing one of Mr. Jewitt's cottage:, in The Cedars," at Bayfield. -Miss Bar ara Young, of Ayr, is a guest in the family her un.- cle, Mr. A. Young. -Mr. Jam s Wright, of John street, is laid an with severe at- tack of fever. This succeeding the long illness of his little son, who, tho igh recov- ering, is not yet able to be arou d, is a se- , vere affliction to himself and amily, and their many friends deeply symp thise with them and hope for a speedy recov iss Marion McMichael is spending a th her sister, Mrs. Wm. Snell. of De. D. Ross, son of Mr. Finlay hu street, was here this week, at to his mother, who is very ill. -a Fear and two children are 'iris Feat's brother; Mr. Wm. Steet, I rs. Last week, we made note of th ay of, a team belonging to Adam n - stead of being Mr. Hays' team, es belonged to Mr. Thomas alurdocl sall.-The many fnends of Mrs. r - ranee, of John street, will be sorr 9,r that elle is not impeoving any. er from here teok advantage of th 1- -lows' excursion to Nia'gara Falls ay on r- g- •ve OU re he 's eh 118 he t he he a.- • t, s - L. w, s- e- cl • y. r. 1 ry.-M eek wi Hullett. oss, Jo ending rs. I. agiag M -1'rinerit I le v. ays. I he hors , of He avid Do tnpunhibe Oddfe n Frid last. -Don't forget the base ball match th recreation grounds, this (Frit ay) afte no n, between the married arid ingle m of the town. Both have chpsen t e stron est possible teams from their espeoti re ks and both are •ietermined to via. Y wi I miss the event of the season, f you a no present. -We are sorry to lear that t Re . Dr. Battisby, pastor of St. ndrew eh rch, Chatham, who assisted at tbe ann ve sary services in the Presbyter' n chur he e last December, received su h serio injuries in a recent driving accitlen that wait not able to occupy his own p lpit la .Sabbath. -Mr. Ritchie Common receive word by telegram on Tuesday of t e serio illness of his father at Galt. 11 left t sa.me clay to see him, but his fathe :died t same night. -Mrs. A.J. Murray is spendin a few weeks with Dr. Murray a Wahn pitae.-Mrs. W. McGlauchlin, of Willie streetwas called to Elmira on Tue day las o ng to the death oU her mother -Dr. H. McFaul, of Toronto, was this eek vi iti g at the residence of his lathe , Mr. L • cFaul.-Miss Alma Murray i visitin frie ds at Burlington Beach and T route. Mr and Mrs. James McMichael and nephe Mr G. Laidlaw, are holidaying at Bayfiel thi week. -Miss Brine has closed er dres ma ing rooms for a month. She will r (me after the holidays. -Miss . Cowa has returned from.a very pleasan visit t frie ds in Illinoia-Miss Kate Mc aughey of' ngersoll, is visiting in :town.- he bas ball team of the Coleman foundr inten chi lenging the winners of the mar ied an sip e men's match this (Friday) a ternoon Th foundry men are confidenc t at the ean defeat any team in town. -M s. A. K Chi tenden was visiting her nep ew, D Tu ord, at Staffa, this week.-Mis Anni Kill ra.n hes secured a situation in schoo in rockville, and will assume char e afte the olidaya-Miss'Elliotts of Lon on, .wh has een a guest at Ingleside for the pas mo th, left on Thursday for Moun Forest -J hrt Green and George Nichol, ho wer com itted to Goderich last week by Joh Bea tie, will come up for trial before Jralge iMae on on Tuesday. -The children of St. Jamas' church Sundey school, along with thei friends, picnicked in Coleman's grove on edneeday afterhoon last. F ot ball, 1, base ball and other sports were indi lged in, and his with an elegant ,spread of good thin s for the inner man, contribu ed to e- very pleasant afternoon's enjoyment. -Miss M. McLean leaves to -day for oronto and icton, where she will spend several wee s visiting friends. --There will be bi- cycl races on the recreation gross ds on Wed esday evening next when an ' i terest- ing a d exciting programme will be resent- ed. . There is to be a grand Masonic demon- strat on at Stratford on the 20th ins Any bret ren who may desire tickets can rocure them from Conductor Hunn, who r ns on the orning train from Stratfora to Goder- ich, rid who returns in the evening at five o'cloc .-Mr. Fred. Clarkson, who is princi- pal o the Princeton public school, ha a pu- pil w o -took the highest marks at he en- tranc examination of any pupil in th coun- ty of xford, while his brother, Mr. arold Clark on, principal of the Drumbo public schoo , turned out the pupil who to k the highe t marks in thes public school 1 eying exa,mi ation in the sem s coanty. Bo h gen- tlerne are sons of Mr. Charles Cla kson, head master of the Seaforth Collegi te In- stitut , and must be chips off the old lock. -We earn that on Tuesday night last a bank arn belonging to Mr. John airns, Hibbe t, was struck by lightning and burn- ed, to ether with, the entire contents. Mr. James Broadfoot, Mill road, Tucker mith, had a nare and foal killed. 13; ance ag for .taki mortga IllOrnin • Brucelleld. . HIGGINS, general fire and life nsur- nt, notary public, conveyancer,commi sioner g affidavits, &c. Money to loan 0 first on good farm property. , At home every and Wednesday of each week. 1464 No .-Mr. Frederick Waldron an Mr. Wm.R ff left here on Saturday last en route for the old country, taking With them three car loa s of fat cattle. Messrs. Gr ham, Turner and Monteith also shipped ei t car loads o Wednesday of this week. o dwin Graha and George Turner go in char e of them. We wish mar young friends a leas - ant an profitable voyage. -The Bruc field Auxila of the Women's Foreign Mi sion- ary Soc ety had a special meeting on F iday last, t e occasion being the collectio , of the clot ing for the Indians of the North:, imp box was well filled wit, ap-i west. propria e and comfortable garments, tech will no oubt be highly appreciated b the poor de pised red man of the plains.- frs. Graham who formerly resided in this vil age, was her last week renewing old acqu int-. ances.- r. A. P. Ketchen,having lesi ned his posi on. at the model farm, Guelph, re- turned onto last Saturday, where he in- tends emaining for the present.- r. Joseph Morrow, of Fuller last week. -Mrs. (Rev.) field, was the guest of manse la.st week. -Mrs. to, is visiting her slate Brumfield, and other frie -Rev. and Mrs.; Ja la. H ain, are visiting at the on the Bayfield road. -LA derstorm passed over th Wednesday morning. A ings could be rseen burnin Mr. Elcoat's.nibe brick el smith came very near It Was struck by lightnin shattered and othervvise • Morris. • NOTES. -Mr. Thomas Russel had a bee a few days ago logging up his swamp. A splendid job was inade and tie young folks were asked to come back in the evening, when they spent. the night and. a good deal of the morning too shaking their feet to the music of the' violin. -,-Wm. Michie de: livered nine cattle to Watson and Emigh;of Blyth, On Wediaesday of last week. - Mostly all the flax is pulled, and teamsters are starting to haul it to Brussels and Blyth. -The Messrs. Munns have moved their saw mill from Sunshine to Wawanosh. They cut something like 45,000 feet in* nine days. -The centre bent is up for the new bridge. -The late oats are badly rusted, while the early sown are entirely free from rust. - can ride very well. Miss Maggie Agen got a new wheel, and ConstanCe. .GARDEN EARTV.—One of the most success- ful garden partiee that has.been held aere, took place at Mr. McGregor's one evening recently, under the auspices of the Presby- terians of this place. Excellent music was furnished by the •Seaforth brass baud, The evening was somewhat chilly to be favorable for out -door aatusernent. However, there was a very large attendance and all seemed to enjoy themselaes in various ways. The ladies in charge, az well as the worthy host and hostees Dna family; did all in their power to *make the occasion agreeable to all, and we feel assured they succeeded admir- ably. The proceeds amounted to over fifta dollars. • RE -ENGAGED. --Mr, J. H. Lowery has been re-engaged in S. S. No. 5 for 189.7. Mr. Lawery is an excellent teacher and 'the people of the seetion „fully appreciate his worth. I aa XPOSITOM n, was in town Graham, of Bay- rs. Muir at the eadlaw, of Toron- , Mrs. Hart, of de in the vicinity. ggins, of Mount - old family home ery severe thun- vicinity early umber of build -- in the distance. elling in :Tucker - being destroyed. and the chimneys raaged. • Ethel. DOTS. -John Eckmier had one of his fingers dislocated last week. -Mrs, Men-- zies, of Molesworth, is • ill at her mother's residence here.. -,A nurnber from here in- tend taking a tries to Manitoba this fall. - Mrs. -Lindsay is-vreiting in Cleveland, Ohio, and councillor Lindsay is blooming alone. - Two of the candidates for entrance from our achool were successful. -Mrs. S.- J. Nichol is visiting her mother at Belmore. .Sam has secured employment at Auburn. -Mrs. It. Holland, of Toronto, has been visiting at postmaster Spence's.-Mre George Dobson, wife and soe returned from a trip to . Mount Forest, Shelbourne, Stayner and other places lasb week. -During the thunderstorm on Wednesday morning of thie week, a cow belonging to Jaseph Ardell was killed by lightning. C4tralia. . BRIEFS. -Mr. and, Mrs. Delgaty are rus- ticating at Grand Bend.-Oub af an en- tranc,e class of 6 aha a leaving class of 6, Mr. Delgaty passed:11 at the recent exam- inations, which is agood record indeed, one of the leaving scholars, Harvey Hicks be- ing only ten years old. -Quarterly meeting of laat Sunday morning was one of great interest and.spiritual profit. -Miss Louisa Hack , who is home for her holidays, has been ppointed director of the Lorne avenue kind rgarten scheol, London, and the Ad- verti er says Inspector Carson laid stress upon the abilities of Miss Hicks as a kinder- garte teacher, °liaising her as the best in the ominion.-Rev. W. H. Butt and wife are vi iting their atother-in-law, Reeve Mc- Ilvee of Stanley. Goderich. A REAT DEMONSTR.kTION.-Friday, Au- gust 14th, promisee to be a big day at Gode- rick, On that day a mammoth excursion from Berlin, Waterloo, Galt, Elmira and inter ediate points will inn to Goderich, where under the apspices of the Goderich baseb 11 club ana Huron bicycle club, of Huron'secounty Wan, a series of baseball and bicyale events Win be held. The cele- brated Waterloo fblusical Society's Band has been engaged far the occasion, and the Elmira band will alio enliven the proceed- ings with choice seiectione. A fine excur- sion steamer has' also been- secured by the committee of management, and as there are many row boats and a number of sail boats, a splendid opportunity for an outing on Lake Huron, will be afforded: In the even-. ing a promenade concert will be given in the curling rink, ; West street, where a choice selection of music will be furnished by the Waterloo lYlusical Society's Band. A day of enjoyment is offered to all who come to Goderich oo Friday, August 14th. For particulars, see programs. • Kippen. PLOWS AND GANG PLOWS. -T. Mellis now has his attention turned to the plow trade and with a bigger supply of Plovvs and Gang Plows than ever. Now is your time for good bargains. A number of good skimming or eticond-hand Plows away down in price. Plow and Gang f low Castings, Mould Boards, Handles, Skimmers, Wheels, Bolts, and all plow re. pairing. The biggest eelection of plow repairs to be found in the trade. Call and be conVinced. Thomas Mmxis, Kippen. 1495-2 A Goon OneHAnDE.-The writer had, the other day, the pleasure of a visit te the' plum orchard of Mr1 T. Mellis, of this vil- lage, and it was a maim of pleasure to see such a large number of fine healthy trees, just at the age for the most prolific bearing. , Every tree is ladep with the most delicious fruit, and the whole orchard is proof of Mr. Mellis' success as a fruit grower, and par- ticularly of plums, which are his specialty. Any who desire first class plums could aot do better than call en; Mr. Mellis.-A VISITOR. • NOTES. -The harvest is now well ad: vancedathe cutting being all done except the pea crop. Thecrops on the whole have been a good average, for whi h -we have reason to be thankful. -Mr. D. C, McLean shipped a car load of cattle f om here on Saturday last. Mr. aames Cooper also made a shipment from Seaforth, all o which were destined for the old • corintry market. We hope to hear of their succesa-The biggest storm and.the heaviest down pour of rain of the whole summer, was on Tuesday night, when it fairly poured, giving every- thing a good drenching. -Mr. Wm. Kyle, sr., has had placed ori his farm a fine wind- mill. As a convenience and. saving of label., Mr. Kyle wall find it a good invest- ment. -Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, of our village spent last Saturday and Sunday at Grand 'Bend. Mr. Mdore enjoyed his outing and says there are hundreds there from all parts. -Apples were riever mote, plentiful in this part, and the pigs and cattle are get- ting their share. -Fourteen tickets were told at our station on the excuraion to the Thoee that went report a good time, though somewhat exaensive on the pocket while there. -Mrs. Wm. MeOlymont, who lives near Toront o, is now visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClyment's, and other friends. -Miss Maud Ricker hes gone to Bright to attend school. -Mr. Shaffer ia now receiving large quantities of fish from Kincardine, tvhich he Hays are tae best he gets. -Master Morris Ross, of Wingham, is paying a visit to his cousin, Master Alvin si McLean, of Gregor, of. week, as bei recovered Clarisse Mel visiting fri Mordie and Mordie, of spending a here attend Benjamin holidaying Bayfield. semarMerella Taokersmith.-Mr. John Me- Jeom mention was made last g poorly, is now sufficiently be able to go about. -Miss is and her sister, Maggie, are ncle in Stratford. -Miss M. ale• ea nephew, Mr. William Me - the Forest City, have been *eelor among friends, and w e d the marriage of Mr. and rs. mialie.-Miss Stine Acheeola la with friends at Clinton itaid • Brussels. BRIERS. Th regular meeting" of council was held on M nday evening last, wben a number of ac ounts were passed. The county rate for Brussels this year is $2a0, being $113 ess than last year. -C. Smith, of Teeswat r, as in town Tuesday pn business.- atson Ainley's horse an away c -on,Monday but did little damage except a broken rig. Reeve Kerr is into , he racing business h ving bought a pacer y Oliver Wilkes, 'fro Reeve Strachan, of Grey. It is said to b a promising one. aome are wondering whether our worthy reeve Will race him. George Edward's new cider mill is now in full blast. ---A number of the sports atte ded the horse races at Wingham this week. The protest in East Huron was choked off at Toronto, and some of the Tories feel s badly about that as they did over the el ction. They thought they had a chance to et square. -Business men corn - complain t at business is very quiet, but it will seon righter', as farmers are now through with their rush. • Blake. NOTES:— very severe thunder storm passed over here on Wednesday nighb, little damage bei g done. The very heavy rain which fell ill do a great deal of good, as it was very badly needed . -The season of flax pulling vill soon be over, but a great amount has been pulled by the girls. and boys. -Mos of the farmers hive finished their harke t. In general, the crops are fair.-Thres ing is now the order of the dey-There is an immense crop of apples this year, nd a, great many are feedeng them to the igs, as the demagd is very poor. -Mrs. 1 red Hess jr., and son were visiting her areas dr. and Mrs. itobert Allan of lake, 'last -week.-Mr. James Delgaty, w e and son, who have been -vis- iting relativ s in this vicinity for the past few weeks, h ve returned home, and intend camping at t e Bend for a week or two. - The pupils hat Mr. McTaggart fitted up for the eirtra ce, were all successful. This speaks highl for the teacher and pupils. - Mr. Peter D uglas, jr., and his two sisters, were the gue ts of Miss Mary E. Dick, of Hensall, last Sunday. -Mr. Harz* Parker took adva,nta e of the cheap trip toiNiagara Falls on Frid y last. • Wroxeter. BRIEFS. -T ere is a rumor of a change in the time tabl of the railway line running through here. A splendid time was had at the house of r. Thomas Hemphill by a number of in ited. guests one evening last week. -Wm. anderson, our popular cattle dealer, whose arm has been lying in sod for a number of ears, is breaking up 50 acres, and has had a number Of plowing bees to assist in the a complishment.-Thomas Gib- son, jr., is cting as local agent for the Standard Di -Assurance Company, whose headquarters or Canada are an MontreaL - Our second ni e baanball team is sweeping al before th . Last week they defeated Palnaerston, ore 18 to 3 ; and on Monday last defeated orrie by one run, with an in- nings to spa -Mr. and Mrs. Arch.lfow- son, of- Tees ter, were visiting friends in town last we -W.R. Thompson, of Tees - water, was s pping lumber from here on. Friday last. homas F. Miller has moved into the Pat n house,near the Presbyterian church. -Mr McTavish, of Seaforth, WI; been visitin friends in town. -Professor Taggairt, the hrenologist, has been read*ng heads -here fo week.-Mrs.George Yre eh has gone on isit to friends in Markh m and Niaggr Falls. ----Complaints of st among the o of this neighborhood re heard since t reeent showers. rysicor_aie. D NOTES. -T men of this neighborho d are busy har ting at present. -Mr. Jose h Jeoffrey's ba which has been sick for t e past while, d last Friday. -Last Sa r - day aaternoo our or five young ladies w o live quite a y from here, made great_p parations and tarted for Bayfield for a go d afternoon's fun but before 'they had go e far the rain ca e on, and they were fore d to go home gain to wait till it stoppe . But, sad to rel te, it did not clear off I day, and so th y had to stay at hom though much d sappointed.-Mrs. Newco and daughter, Lizzie, of Goderich, D ha e been visiting riends here for a couple 1 weeks. -Miss P. Johnston and Miss Nicholson wer the guests of Miss Mau Nicholson oue evening la,st week. -L t Saturday after oon, Mr. George Beatty, th peddler, of Va na, when on his rounds, g b storm -staid at aple Grove, Mr. Robe Nicholson's, an 1 had to stay over Sunda • Hensall. LOCAL BRIEF . -Mr. Samuel Rennie pu hased Mr. Cha les Meyers' dwelling at •th ale on Tuesday last. It is a good propert nd more than orth the $1,151 paid for it Ir. Rannie is among the largest real estat wners in our village and is not afraid t uy where there is a bargain er fair margin Dr. Ferguson, of Blyth, Who purehase 1 r. Thornson's ractice, and who intend hortly locatin here, hare urchased th ne corner lot a the London oad, and' th ne immediately adjoining to land west of i wned by Mr, R. Bullard, and intend ecting a nice welling thereon. Thus i that our villa is constantly having it , rds lengthene and its stakes strengthen- . -Mrs. Reith, who has been visiting in` ondon for a nu ber of weeks, has return - home. -The isses Dent, of Stratford, ho were spendi g the past week here, are. w on their wa to Quebec', where they tend spending he remaindei of their va- tion.-Miss Ha tie Setherland has return - from her vis t in' Forests -Mr. Jesse ay, of London, and family of this place, as in the villag last week renewing old quaintances.- he Oddfellows' excuision Niagara Faits n Friday last was largely tronized from t is station. -The heaviest in and thunder torm of the season visited on Tuesday ni at laet.-Our base ball b are prectis nig every evening and are proving wond rfully.-Mrs. Balfour, of ppen, is open jag a few days with her usin, Mrs. C. A cDonell.-Dr. McLeod, Detroit, Wee n the village last week iting his father -law, Mr: James White, d brother -in -la , Mr. Wm. White, of dgerville. Thr many friepds of the last ntioned gentlesoan will be pleased to rn that, albh o ugh recently at death's y door, he 4 experienced a decide -d ange for the bet er and is now doing nice- --Mr. Robert ell, jr., the enterprising, prietor of the Hensel' machine shops, t week added a fine 'new lathe to his chinery. It w ghs over five tons. -Our a fi er is CO ed ed HO in ea ed ac to Ps ra US clu im Ki CO of vis an Ro me lea Vet' ch ly. pro las ma civic holiday was Ivery generally observed by our business mdean voenryFraiudiaeyt laasptpeaanrcl.. thesvillage present ance, a large num village this week re - r leaving on the excurs- newing old acqu Brussels, wars in th day at lake Huron. ion for the Palle g art of hirvacation with el others spending the a intances.-Rey. D. Bin Professor Hawkins, of bchisanpaanreisntsspe, yindr.ina4 mrs. A. Buchanan, of street near the railway east side of Broo track, well up. Ito the walls of his nO this village. -Me. ill be quite an improve - R, Cudmore is getting brick house, on the AUGUST 7, 1.896 tml:eentot wnsto iitihpaf pa of the village. -The Misses McMahon, London, are the guests of Mrs. john Mninee., Ti s h vo emr ya s n ewe n irnof_ of Us d iotfionherof dvea elnege proving the rs.-Mr. W. C. Davis vperorapnedrtay ahnedneshbuYt 'aPPe ishencead is also adding shut ere to his fine dwelling. Mr. R. Patterson, r., is doing -the work for eacY.-A number o our villagers were at Bayfield on Mends last spending the day at the leke.-Mrs. Gilchrist is spending a few days with relat ves in Winghana-Mr. T. Murdock toe& b s trottieg stallion, King Stanton, to the Wi glum races on Wednes- day by the Monde. expresa-Mr. Charles Gilchrist has purch ed the bakery business and good will of r. Hewitt and. intends engaging a first -el baker. --Mr. D. Mc- Coll shipped away a car load of apples this week. Mr. John Willis also made a shi ment of hogs. -Mr. Robert Bell, sort of a Robert Ben, of the London road, had four fine catttle killed y lightning during the severe storm of Tu sday night. -The Meth- odist choir of thi village attended the seryices held at ethesda la,st Sabbath moaning and led t e service of song. The pulait was occimi d ha Rev. Mr. Kerr. - Rey. Mr. Waddell nd. wife were in London a few days ago cons lting specialists regard- ing their infant 'chld.-Quite a number of . our lovers of sport ttencled the races held at Wingham this week.---aMr. H. Reynolds, of inneapolis, Minnesota, has been renew- ing acquaintances in this, his former horn during the past week.--Mr.^11. Softley an sister Miss E. Softley, of London, spent last S'abbath with friends here. -Mr. W. R. Thompson, of Chicago, is spending a, couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. G. Thompson, and other friends. -Miss B. Wilson is at present. suffering from illness, but we 'rope she will soon regain her usua.1 health.-abfr. Kan , assistant to Rev. Mr Kera, iaspending few days at Gorrie.- Mr. H nra E yee of Detroit, has been recent] visitiag his sister, Mrs. - John Coulter,land his p rents, who reside near Chiselhurst -Mrs. Coulter, pf Rochester, N. Y., Who was ere visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles .A. ' edmond, left this week for Kinlough, her former home.-blesars. Cook Baps., of the 1; ensall Mills, are receiv ing and grinding ew wheat into flour. - Mrs. °harks As M Donell was called home to Foresa this Wee through the illness of her father, Dr. Hu ton.-afr. Thomas Bal- lantyee finte,ndsi sh rtly taking a trip to 'Manitoba, and +ill combine business with pleasure in the w y of purchasing cattle there. -Miss Jeesi R. McLean has gone on a holiday trap, ariei ing friends around St. Thomas and Port Stanley. - • kelet. • NOTBS. -The 1 fa mers are all buckling into the work. 1We hear many of them nay they do not remiember of ever cutting peas And oats in Julyi but this year a lot of each will be levelled'. The threshers are at it hard, and say the yield is quite satisfactory. --There is quite a senaation in our burg this 1st of August, on ite becoming known that Alex. Burnett, -who for nearly two years worked at the blacksmithing here, skipped but under cover of the darkness. Financial trouble must be the cause, though during the tiniehe staid here he appeared to be do- ing an excellent business. -The seven pupils who wrote from this school, school section No. 2, Howl*, at the recent leaving and entrance examinations, were successful. Their names are : 3For leaving, Richard Theiniltop and R. W. McConnell ; for en- trance, )1 Mahood, M. E. Scott, A. Mc- Connell, M. Hamilton_ and J. Allere-One Of our young women, Miss M. Horton, was united in marriage to Mr. Elliott, of Mary- boro, Wellington courety; on Wednesclay of last week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Hooper, ef Teeswatet, at the latter iplace. Only the immediate relatives of the parties were present. -Rev. Ma. Mahood, brother and sister, purpose re- turning lo Iowa next week.f.,--Miss Ens - Mahood spent two -weeks visiting 'at Rev. Mr. Pathers, of Hagersville! and returned home on Monday. -Mr. Lowish, of the 16th concetision, is building a fine stone kitchen these dap. Mr. Nash, of Gorrie has the contract -Miss E. Ritchie, of the'17th con- cession, returned from fier visit to Wash- ington on Friday. -A. W. Hallad.ay, who last spring left there for Mildmay, has again sold out, and has left for Detroit. We fear that the old adage, " The stone that keeps rolling will gather no moss,' will apply to a Nd." -Mr. *.lohn Harristock has bought a new -separator from Mildmay. He has hid some 35 years experience as a threeher. - • Leadbury. NOTES. -The people are almost up to their tars in harvest work this week. -The shrill tones of the threshing machine whis- tle is again hea d in the land.-Fa.11 wheat is tu ning out f enn.ten to twenty busaels to the aere.-Oats although middling heavy in the straw, a e badly rusted and will, we believe, be eonaiderably behind last yeara, return. -We a softy to spoil our Egmond- ville friend's lit le blow, but must say that nearly two-thi ds of the former majority k ocked off i South Huron, and 'the st nding of t e parties in this Prevince a out the same as timer were after the elee- ti n of 1891, is o say the least not remark - a ly fruitful. g ut then, perhaps, our friend hi been awa doing Missionary work a ong the inha Banta of Quebec, or up in t e ilds of B itish Columbia where the t rn ver took lace., If so, we are prepared ta ta e back w at we have said. It is re- ported that bu s, beetles and worms, which eevea showed u in Canada before, have presented them elves since the 23rd of Jape, and audging by he last clause of ourfriend's remarks, we fe r he has got the insect pest slightly on the rain. However, if there is such a thing as worm eaten politics that is what the present government seem inclined to give, or, in other words, they have copied the vices of the late Government and none of their virtues.* For instance, the other day a chap was pensioned off in the Senate to make way for a renegade Tory, who is now the Reformer's darling, and again there is weakness and co-waadice exhibited in the mention of commissions to do work which the legislators were aent to perform and with which any person -with ordinary lirains is thoroughly convenient. It must be re- membered that those who compose theae commissions are paid, and well paid, which means a double dose which the taxpayers must swallow. BRE ZY NOTES. -Miss Lottie Martin, of Toron , is home on a short visit. -The Salvati n Army officers of Seaford) and Bayfiel exchange on Saturday and Sunday. -Mr. ohn Mitchell, of Lobo, visited his uncle, F. Edwards, this week. He was accom nied by Mr. J. Fonger, also of Lobo. Dr. Elliott, of Lueknow, was the guest of Mr. J. Fraser last week. -Messrs. Cudmoae, Clinton ; B. Williams, Seaforth ; Miss Baown, Sereforth ; Miss Ha Shaw, To- ronto ; have taken rooms in Mrs. Walvein's house. -Mr and Mrs. Howell, of Hamilton, were guests at Dr. C. Sheppard's this week. --Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden, of Seaforth, have taken one of Mr. .Jowett's cottages. -Mrs. J. T. Kerrin and family,of Mitchell, are the g.uests of Mrs. Ta Jowett -Miss Maggie Beattie, of Brume* is renewing acquaint- ances. -Mr. Geminhart, proprietor of our oldest established; cider mill, has begun opeaations.-MeEWan Brothers, pump. deal- ers have put in machinery and intend operating a eider mil' 'Tar the front road school. -Mr. John Whi don is preparing to have has evaporator in. aunning shape very soon. -The enormeus crop of apples should make business lively for the cider mills and evaporator. -The annual garden party under the auspices f Trinity church is te THIS WILL BE A Busy 'Month BUSY * Clearing out what's left of Summer Goode, BUSY Taking in large quantities of Fall Goode. BUSY Checking, marking and shelving. BUSY Getting everything into shape zo as to'lie- thoroughly equipped to wait upon you es: early in the season aa you: like to emu:, We will let you know when we are ready.. There are a few summer things here yde suitable for the warm weather, and for tina next few days, you can have wiatever left of them at much less tlan their teals value. For convenience we have edemas them upon - A SPEC -1144 COMTE at prices which oil' ght to clear them out rt rr3am E. BleFAq Dry C4d4ods CartlIpany, Seaforth's Greatest Cashi Dry Goods Stem-. sienssassammeNsesa - be held on the lawn in front of the reetorr on Tuesday next, August Ilth. The - famous 33rd Battalion band of Seaforths.,- has been -engaged and wgl provide most ex. °talent music. No efforts will be spared to, make this garden party a success. Slipper -- served from 6 to 8a ---An urelesirable arrival here this 'week is a merry-go-round„. which is located on the 4ver bank. Tues- day night's storm blew over the tent anda the lightning struck the k pole at tiles • lake. -Last week a stairway was phteed down the hill to the lake by the malts. This is very eonvenient for summer teuristee who spend much of their time at the lake. • Exeter. BRIEFS. -The thermometer registered 104; degrees in the shade here on Wednesday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, of Toronto, art -- visiting relatives here, -Mr. George • Stew- art, of Seaforth, and Mr. Wm. Cudmores. jr. of Kippen, wire in 'town on Wednesday: keit, purchasing horses. ---,The many Mende.. of Mr. Wm,. White, horse buyer, of Rodger- ville, will be much pleased to hear that he; is fast recovering from his recent severe nese. -A bus load of the youth of this - place picnicked at Grand Bend park on. Wednesday last. -Mr. George Easterbreek, returned home from Burlington on Saturday - last, where he has been working at his tra•ftss as brick layer for the past few monthe.-• Mrs. W. Cudinore, of Kippen attended thev. funeral of her niece, bliss Eliz'a Ann Johnsj.. on Wednesday last. -A very heavy thunders storm visited this plaee on Tuesday night. last. -Messrs. John Cuamore, George Oud- more and Thomas Prier attended the fun- eral of Miss Eliza-- Johns, of Elimville, en Wednesday afternoon lasp.-Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collins spent last Tuesday and Wed- nesday Lyndon.e-Miss Emma Faulk, ofa Shakespeare, is visiting her cousin,. Mill Adelaine Murdock, this week.-Itlaster - Bert Heaman, of London is visiting relit- tives here. -Mrs. B. Windsor and family, of 'Brown City, Michigan, are visiting rela- tives here; They drove all the way. -Mrs. Thomas Fitton, who has been visitinig rehe tives at Hamilton and Toronto, has return- ed home. -Mrs. Walter Andrews and fam- ily, of Pontiac, Michigan, who 'rave been visiting her mother, Mrs. John Gould, for some time, returned home on. Thursday of last week. -The harvest is nearly all flank- ed, artik-the farmers seem happy for having an abiliclance of grain. -Civic holiday pass- ed off very quietly on Friday last. A large - number spent the day at Grand Bend park. -The Exeter brass band spent civic holi- day at the Bend. -Several ears of cattlen were shipped froM this station during the past week, by Mr. P. Curtin, Mr. J. Willis - and Mr. John Wood.-Rdeent reports from - Cypress River, Manitob6,, say that the - crops for twelve miles square in that district - were destroyed by the hail storm the past week, and many farmerafrom this dist-Act, have sustained a very heavy loss. -Miss Edna Rutledge, f A. H. Lofft, Company's store, St. Maria, is leaving fors Montreal, where she goes ant° training in. ene of the hospitals for prefessienal nurse., -Mr. George Davidsono of Mitchell, re- turned last week from a trip to Manitoba. - He met many former residents of Mitchel/. • and vicinity, most of whoxi are doing well', • while others appeat to be fi ruggling for an, existence. Mr. Jerry Robinson has an im- mense business in Winnipeg, and employs. fully forty clerks. The early crops aro - good, bat those sown late, owing te the web - spring, are poor„ Prices, however, art so. low that many farmers will be ruined. -On Monday evening, last week, a foot- race took place from Stra.tfard. to St, Maus" - a distance of 12 miles, gotten up by tiler sportsmen of the stone town. The runners - were Richard Grant, Michael Hawkins, and A. Williams, of Montreal. The object of the race Was to provide art evening's srtts to establish a road record and to WII1 flo trophy. Grant ran simply against time,and- made the distance in hour, 26 minute& Hawkins and William:le, who were compe.ti- ttoimrse,. made the distanie in 1 honr, Mirt'" cnuath ii,:gas npdrelvehnotendr, G32ranmtinfltems mraeskipengctutiveterlY- bt:stuGt ratrihdirtBye t cAheml loitnegs ore mr111 and Mrs. J. Barnett and three -children 7, Miss Boy 1 and her sisters, Miss Beatrice and Miss Alice Boyd ; Mr.. and Mrc, mDeaanteer Moisidse FDreendba Dmeirsiat, AMgrgieW3). oterter Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott and two children ; MRorbes. rWt l'irFanralleiscis;1MM188a0Ah nn anti oe n aHlidarrialhasat'erla her little girl Mr. Frank James ; Mr. ands. WMrsitheManahrriledisMs aLyianlYcdMMary.,JanapdWitfalk484;11; The time is put in very pleasantly rib( aoating, bathing, fishing, reading, vieitingt ete. —77- .y -.„s tr dia is reaso farm li0 tO Vel bUilt the busier requires I hat, a shi a sox am from -US t follows :4 - A rather -your harV Ind that tioned ava ing qualit fast deo -doing the Bathing camping large Irait imam —Uptown sto Carmfoha Opposite Expositor Offi el rin Or until the We are offerin At greatl Pc These goods and.of the Straw 11, ,44 43 Negligee 33ayo wn, Hats, nun wear, and in ga0CIS at a g Aa there Lir o the,se oods y by ega g DLL