HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-07, Page 44 "T um J 18961 AUGUST 1 .1180 Sun. Mon. Toe. W Thu. Fri. Sat. kenzie, would have been lsav*ed.- The .9 late 3 4 5 6 T 8 9. 10;11 sideralle, part provided for by the products of agricultural,horticalluiel -and 'Other 12 1.3 14 15 0117 earyl blunders w It y hilW learning heir business�as ministers. 18 ig ;o 2,1 .22 Z3 24 -25 26 27 28 :29 1,30 31 -.0 along Wth concession of Hullett' the horse CoLly f�-ightenerl and bolted so 'aud- manner. to him Very early enThursda morning i finest fesm who use to 11 are Dnree k, .3 e 0 rut, Imp V a con dence 1 the govegnment but yet to be elected., 0 elped. themselves 10'0 "1": 4 1 "1 d yea patriotism and unselfish honesty of those its act ial efficiency.' into the �L ii�'�:reht farm house. when it was meal of pie, cake and root At r in and 0 t7,' who will itand still, such as itt titan %�as suffering from eating a fair all Ur, beer. Af.* grand old men found tb eorge a . PP. if they do not go to the wall &It The Ontario Cpnservatives hav? not4 en- compo� IV, they took.lea.Ve of the been P oman ad fracture of the skull, and the place, taking -with! them a large fruit. itants of ol� oge�ther. "Brown Alexander Mackenzie tered any protests, and the Liberals. ha' I' dl saken up. others' aning ye y and carried, it to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and 1 Cle hem we might' mention, who �he side of Air. Onialette! have entered eleven. Scarcity of funds is likely —An �la resident'of 1131yth, in the persoa store cellar door. i They then V between the parenthesis after each It would seem as if Mr. Tart6 hat the True It Is, laid j3uch a splendid !foundation for this- the new of Mr. J'Pseph Z. Larnopt, died on Wednes- ade th4 naervative protes in ak, through one of one dnot:nrhe page of the paper on which the ter of Public Works the reason for no Co ay into the cell 1 ay morning, Lbe Dominion, and have done so much dows and then up into thesto advi rtisement will be found. There is a world of truth in Minis is, not'only an ts d -of' last we1ek at his residence the following to ease Ontario. re f Tor n that , Ilage They -w- Clea rtlqg Sale—Wrn. Pickard& Co. (6) terse sentences, which we the burdens of the present d early riser, but is also a �Iear head- i Re had 'been a great suf- ried out of the store, through' quote from a ay, bu the ellar of men lb� Better than Gold—J. W. Westervelt (5) hose ferer for �nauy months from cancer and in door, the cash registe liev er by Mr. G, rge W. Casey, who r e- best 'efforts have, in S Firni for lett eo ed business man. - Ile has no� only ur- At a large- anTrepresentative meetiii laS t r and Some epr gine instanc a,, been prised the employees of -9 January underwent an operation in These were found L the yard beside Brulas, secred M, d t A Rm%y Xonth—E.. hicraul Co.,($). sents West Elfr his' department by of the executive committee of the Toren to hospital, �but which did not don's shop. Therd ere three men seen all r the North EMS Ing Pretaises—R. Willis (I) 95in in the Do Inion Pa lia- - thwarted by tbelpeople themselves, n ha --Greig & ymodonaid (,I) ment, and who is one of the Sat f �by benefit to him, He leaves a the stort cellaro At jud irout of Season most experi- the people conti ued to them the d g ee of appearing at his bffice and being ready -for Grey Liberals, held -at Owen Sound. on prove o y -liters to, So a little while -is Sen ant wanted—Expceitor office (81 work ever morning at eight o'clock, but he urday afternoo term widow, three Sons -tnd three dau 4r, and al Plows and Gang Plows—T. Mellis (8) enced parliamentarians in the Dominion. nconfidence, to wMell they were rightf�l y en- n last Ron. Win, Pa mourn hip loss. after in Bruiisdns yard, -and when the -4 Tagn who is Fan r- for Sale—Mrs. NN. Harron (6) party who saw the' of is alsol determined to weed out the drones Customs in the Laurier Cabinet, -�-Durifig the thunderstorm on Wedues- in went towards the, moralizing on the recent elections., he %a titled, many mis �81kes and misdeed� olild and do-nothings i, Alini-ster they made Off through the next lot aelicst. 'ch ur,&h Goto the Best—ID. McLaehlin &Co. (1) ys, and n his department. The Nas tendered the unanimous nomination of day forenoon of last week, the residence 0 appeared, and the ��rty went home and 41d Oirli Wanted—Mrs. G. E. Henderson (8) A' new. �enerati� has arisen si have been avoid( d, and the - country ould f (8) Wan ted—D. Mantyre nce tb the committee. No local candidate -concession of a -nuc i better position fin� cially �iberal party last ba&,this task to public works departFrient ig one 4f the ws�s Mr. Job Hill, 10tb Greyj not think they were burglars, has marIffes perfor ; now be in mentioned. This is the constitue Cy made was strunck by lightning and from appear - in Dominion politics in t te member, ances the escape was certainly, miraculous. struoture.—A 7IZ. Proh- and commercially than it is.- Nay, erily, Government, a n 1873. principal, spending departments Of th 0 vacan by the death of the la. ably Tor a on e than half of the elee . tor the the Grits did not make a botch of it very great saving can be Mr. John Clark. The electric current came through the roof' Clorrie. -a have become conscious, o presefit lie", f Po- effected in its running expenses, or va;stw litical issued since that da I when they were in power." S' h t" NdTEs.—Mrs. te. Many wig tearing its waythrough ceiling, par ition uc sums of mon Election protests are bein McLaughlin, ife of g entered at an and wainscotting, but not setting fire, very or eat emed Aruggi t, is 'visiting her should be electors have been born -6d. at; sertion, although: frequently �lade, a ey can be squandered, for. which 46 the people receive no adeq alarming rate, and at preent it would seem fortunately. Another section of the elec- 1parents uate'value. The in Hensa of our . —Four tamed their majority, but are still deprived libel upon some of the befit men and a eat C as though there would be' I oupit tricity followed thei down -comer from the 'bicyclists went to'Bayfield on qaturdayL.j SEXFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 'ith, i896 of their franchise by that disgraceful onservative papers have been cbmpl i i amost anothe aining law statesmen. Canada has ever had, on U sp�nt its.f.ary in the cis- ternoda, 2,55th ult., And returi4ed on Suud*y� _ �ery _busia"S d general election, wereit not for the -fact ime. bitterly because Mr. Tarte has discharged te n, the fa�rgcst portion of - which is under Somef theim foua the trip 8, little which hasbeen operative for the last ti ad is �ave tr It is hardly wonderful that the L Ily unjust to the memory of soine of that a number of these pr6tests will equa youn generation of Conseivatives sh 9 some seventy or -eighty of the empl- ees of -be the kitchen. i long, and felt very much tired on —Dr. LeO1111 OY eventually withd rawn, and others will in —The- financial report of Ontario street —Mr. Win. Stine More. Abolit Good Roads. onid feel that those who have gone trom this sphere for the department sincebe took charge', a , nd all probability not be sustained. In Oatari( Methodist I' church, !Clinton, fW - the 'past 014 shipped cattle to -Tor - what has always existed in their time must ever.L Tork, Vvith In 'We publish in another coInmn an address be a law of nature. i It is natural that they that more are likely onto ion Monday of last week._)&r. to - follow. They say over a dozen have been filed; in New Bruns year, shows the delivered by Mr. A. W. Campbell, Provin- should doubt 1 the :aPacity of any otbe follo'wing contributions to accompanied a car 116ad of horses to Mani. —Dr, Pober r this is being done to get rid of the Conser. wick eleven out of the fourteen seats ha'vf the various -funds party to govern Some Membe of the N the church: Mission� �cial Road Instructor, at Carleton Place the icountry. -Conservative L M ew beenprotested, while other prov4neen toba, last week. —All t e a did wode -frolh Barn een, -to u y ary, $153,63 ; educational; $11.68; superan- our village school f�r public.,school leav- -one dity. rule' has b in like. the'blue sk Goveriment. vative workmen, and that the men difi- ates from supp e Among those it -nuation, $43 conflarence, $4,84; contin- -and M Tins address will well repay a careful per- above and the firm earth :beneath. -The In the St- Thomas ill'be replaced by, faithful Gri and entrance examinations were an charged ly their du' quota. u%al by all interested in journal of last week' tig Ontario, is one against the return of 'A. F gent, $4.17; sustentation, $2.67; quarterly There were two for, the fomer and 41ave, gone to i the good road change thE h n place is a bewilu and favo ites of the Minister. Mr MeLaren, in North Perth. es board, $815.80; 'tr ug r. eorge E. Casey T&rte, eat In this Prot six ues on. Mr. Campbell is, apparelitly, an storm- and parthquake M. P. for W astee board, $458.12'; the latter exam.—&- r. Reber f the rumuigrl, ly* L $lL.3.),. L i es a pen himself, owever, gives quite a a Petition to have Mr. McLaren disqualil 73; poor fund t Blow is doog .0 �h slast in hi's work, and it is evident he eral even some of the you some - fled. 1 work on —The bri en�h Po8sib nger ib- Elgin, g'v and'ink sketch of ' version different Sunday school, d R27; the brick r. Ben Scotts house -Z ttlr of the members of the new Dominion Clr o v a may have been'a trifle uneasy in o the affair, and the,absolute accur- know's whereof he speaks. 10 Ladies' Christian Association, $49.34; We- Mr. Burns Smith, wife lind family, left men% Missionary Society, $20, Senior Ep- iron one He is, too, as mi�ds as to how,': it might ll tu acy of I i statements have not been ques- Better times for this fair Canada of ears, worth League, for their home in Bostox bru erm6nt who are not so well known the hil Moaday morning edin the prin p�es $88.55; Junior Epworth —A game of base%l, pla. veci here on the Peo le of Ontario as others. Mr. is League, $7.75. judge of human nature, am well d of the party but had we men hing that is most earnestly desired by evening of Fri th'his iction. Mr. Tarte says that is a It ly between will be seen by his remarks, a pre�ty good They haveUtterly believ tioned, emn by those who find grea�,fault a.goo e b f astoy wi Pa netl 01 day, Xsryp, are apej 16 not-.' only an eloquent and fl —Oa , Friday, 24th ult., the new bank the married men a d the single men, re_ V&Uey Grove, I carrrying them out ? The idea -that, en blic all, and it i' pleasing to note'that there barn -on the. farm of William Pollard, 6th sulted in favor of soon as e took charge of his department,he road maker and an excellent speakIr. Mr. Grits made a botch of it when they wereli! speaker, but is also a ready andtPle� t.. e former by a core of many r. Campell, as we have before e I'* d tit n are bright prospects of such a revival. De- concession of Grey,vwvs raised. Therd were xp,?Ltne , is r- Fred. I " has been harped on. I too writel Although not an o d man e- is. on trip to Old b si 1�9 instruct theehief officers of the several 14 to 8. On severa, occasi b:f -the Ontario Governmealt, His r ec it. Now, as a matter of -f ons the marTied ernplo�yed by spite the fact that' the Liberals are ila� about -170 men at it. Sides were chosen by men succumbed t t nd expects lo Act, that one oif-the oldest members of the Dominion branches of service to furnish him with lits power, the Toronto W Robert Docket and Rob�rt McNaughton, of single opponents, b be prowes f —ReIv. Peter, datie are to prepare aild. distribute litera idea is ill founded. Experience has shoi rn -their of the n mber of -hands emplo orld, a stro, t on this occasion they Parliament, having represented hi yed in their servative and N. P. journal, sees ahead that it was the elector46te who -made a botch is pres tit ngCOT --Brussels, andlter an exciting race, the lat- IScott, ture bearing gii the paticular branch turned the table and thek in of it reepecti branches, and whether there- is h q�ft tbem.—Those intei- when they turned the 94 Grits constituency c ale of prosperity, if not a positive bo er won quite handily. The barn- is 45x6O ested in the recent! pa, eaviag If, ontinuously for abou t a outin pono em ief of one depart. blie ing relative which he is interested; visit municipalites 1878, and that their o ants got er a t quarter of a cenburyi and his work for th all. The ell In discussing the question, the World say�.�: 'feet, with 20 foot post.,�. Peter Bishop and �ntrance exams. were ve school I —Mir. A. R. "w where he is asked to visit'; inspect the roads -that time Under false pretences. constituents The citizen of Torontols to -day in a more made a good y much 4difti. Job of the framing and Harry pointed when they saw that his garden a fig taken many years o of him 'yet, as and streets aud give instructions as to the it ha ment ham thus far reported, and according to hopeful mood than he has been do not seem to be tired the marks were f hard times to c. nvince. his repor there were b at any tirn� Atwood looked after the stone work in good not given in the East Huron report. snore figs on �& f the people that Mr. 'Mackenzie'k es -ing the past seven or eight y The best methods of permanently repairing of I PtJ Mitch4 the 23rd of June las etween seventy and dui tyle, as a result Mr. Pollard will have a 'I ipl ears. W4 efficient teachers in eat Huron —The el under him who were� drawing he boom days have re� 1 No. I building when completed. government were as sound as his a minis. Py one of thr largest majorities o ghty III do not say that t are to be congratulated n th6 ing forater A - reports furnished the An,, the efore, is better u they are returning., odi8t charehes on P r inspec r. ose who cannot them. He will also when desired, uperin-- tration was lionest.' pay with all due regularity and for whom —From t' el financial re ort of the eth- press by thei -have inow. an AN turned. We do 'lot say positively that tend the conitruction of a piece of road or ough the Censer No m q alified there wai no work. These men Mr. Tarte What we do say is Olulesville circuit, the keep up in the race r pro street, as a pattern f'om which ti e roa tives assid. ouely ak from personal knowledge of the' following details �re ould abandon the pro- Alth va ape thA there exists among the people a -general tfiken :- Receipts— ion ard give p14 ce to better men anil at " the Grits inade -feeling that we are 611 the eve of decidedly $471 ; Ebenezer women- -To blam , pagated the belief th At once discharged, as he considere fess —ThP_,eigkt-_,y public men of this country. d he had Holmesv,lle qiiartera.ap quarterage, q be attached to Mr� 4 aut orities may copy. In additi��'D to all a botch of it when they v�ere in. befo e," a Mr.. Casey only makes* referelince to three eople to quarterage,$100. Ro Uier� of R061 In this letter no right �o pay the money of the P b4fer times. Canada's opportunity seems badly cat. on tbA this, li� will deliver a­ddr�s�es sticb, bb, a one mis.p at 8 it, aPP( ment has never members of the Government and we give his conventiontyeqsteil him not -to M 1 Oil- -Seaforth the mower. tr men who are not required in the pub Contributed to con exional fund 8 that more mons to have about arrived.. -ares ��Uat the teachers at the lie set which we c in wbi he gives i forma ary, $110.07; a apyi� been uttered upe annuation, �47;-edvca- publish th —Air. Thoma There was Inot vice and have no means of giving value for I e marks, 'y did -a line the tiono, C* remarks as follows: W�h the teachers 6 - continge, 1b, $1.75; gencra Coli- upwards of eigh Hu�ron o make this request?.1 Was it because the tion -concerning the a tifitc conar uGtion Mackenzie' the irione they receive. Furthermore, ference ale f higl 10overnmenVa olicy but hicb, HON.SYD E he threshed lasti 0 Ways. He is p id by the N' Y A. Frsi� Ji n church relief, $1,25; E ast Huron teacbersleared to have- -the re - I I George McEwen ern- had it beenadopted,. the e untry woula now be only discharged those wb , of Hensall, shipped Sunday school austentation,$2; Minister of Agriculture. om his. ll ment,and his services ar ou- be V 101000 bushels of oats to -Liverpool las t sults.of their labors astly betteroff. This has been abukd- ernment of tario set tj ma old him he bad no need- 11 r Vuoi It' Thel Liberal Gov- a y n Ze woman's missionar 0 ie precedent of of, and week. society, $31 ; all other ly to the municipalities I the West Huron te -Eight Stra r 11 era? Earnest, ener- ehe desir thern.' arLtiv-. choosing a farmer for this offic�, Pu Poses,' $206.28 ;J total for circuit, get -c and successf are 'never roven by exp rienc that he ade n -�While playing the other day, a little '$1,314.42. Members on the circuit, 250. 4ation in made .1 P e, and' hun� which has enquiry as to- what their teachers No.1bliat the people are becoming ware of dre4a who �oted bee ? daughter of Mr. H. Morrish, o asharned pf the results of their work., The ui Ion approved by MrAaurier, and Political roclivitie were. A similar result, 'The, Clinton 9 ment as soon as he had the !Opportunity. fell and broke her arm. 1N a Record says: On same Inay be said 6f worthy candidates. law. officer, and the out of pow�r, now admit i . Every person Possibly the other party. 'is likely 0 foll�w in all'the other depart utelo and Cantelon Broth.- Let us have a full the existence Of such an followed f Clinton, w Monday, D. CA may, -have been Jennie Million, teacher in the era shipped seveirat rep''Ort--even fuller than 7, 'as forced to selec iments. herb is no doubt but the public For a beaefit derivable from his instruct ons, his now,kno that the gatio M policy was a Ere of Duchess' apples the West Huron repo�t. Last ye&r,s rport b brewers, doctors, lawyers, b- special tj service are in great demand ,dwich school, died at her home in Tiaes- to Winnipeg, the flr�t of the season. Thi in THE Exifosrrop. and �,h6 like, f )r want,of a far Tier member departments ha,e water on Monday of last week. great mists ke that the ountry would be been t6rribl loaded up would have been coin- track bear his: already visited y year fruit is earlier than usual. act, in pletei had The fuller -of the co cannot reeall an the report the reall; interest do Is interested. and in -iiowick township, died at BowmanviIle, earlier a ason. the rate. 1, the ages be�_en given. -killed. a no of Robert Cunningham, a former resident the history of Huron we whoi!n they thought qualified for that rank with sup rnume aries for whom there In f many mun cipalities on the millions of dolla"re better o 'to day hAdMr. Mr. Laurier w:)uld have had no'such excuse, —Messrs. L9 unci Macltenzi3O'3� revenue tari ishe combines p use, and ho ha e' been placed on the pay on the 28th alt. A cancer was the cause of C On one occasion buyer D. payers of each ct just completea2 every instance, we notice, policy been in for Mr. -T ractical know- g the councils have ope me take in reading it.— ex�preas d by reaoluti ds, Vito. t is over. expres 1, ioli, t ledge with all hat is required to fi Ooliti,cal par cms. Indee Mr. Cumner, carpen rat iese past eighte n years.' ' rol telon shipped apples from Huron oij the Many I for purel an 'or otherwise t a man y P death- 8 of gust, but the general record shows 4r,'haa taken,'the job ht of tearing down Mr. I Hardng's house and quiteb, Al& y y 0 ng, t JismiBsed ry, rt but b Holniesville cheese facto 1�e ade about the erecting on the a —Mr 4P,41 atisfaciiOn given by his instructions and riiculedl,and yeti we now all know th wealthy, the g were �ut on at the bim - on Tuesday sold een in ame site a -new the will remember how his rail aY policy � was for public offic He is a farmer not by &c- Mr. Tarb) says �hat many of those already —Mr, James Connoll salesman for the a eident of bi hoice. You men to' h il i "fyid at-' 16th 0 telor one to e 9 to the benefits -o aduate of an English Univer 0 of the gri e year L shipped from vene red with lip e instance of tract of ter- L brick. Men are 'now work- sity .(C&6mbri he deliberately chose agri- -lection, a a vative sell, at 6 13-16c. he 6 of A ing at the job.—The or baseball f ay been Conser" I'lli n . .1 Juni wandered on thi y in economica and d "govern- culture as his rofessiony rathdr than those t and ithout the knowledge of .—Messrs. Fer uson Halliday, mer- The 1896 rui er than Huron. Wroxeter defeated t struck by a Palo r litt tice also, that the county con- cil of the bftilt b t�.,,gUst, team o We no-, had the Canadia;n Pacific Railw valuableow k -U btairied. ad Lt half the July make to Mr. Cook, of lager- Keq andida 11 11 e,li AdUnited 3Gunties of Stormont, Dundas anq other o,6'cupa lie juniors of o c ment, and, 1 138 to which that term is too t top i, abundant and fro ur village Glengar, in on our grounds,.on Monday evening of -this —Mr. John 10, ang 8 11, and an munage recently renW he proL- bIrain ow7er wl ich, meetings by Mr. Campbell in v' redi And as farming needs quite as M r. Fergueoi to spare. " Just a min aud irapIlemenU �and Population requi exclusi ely a plied. Devoting to it that great loos3ness o management. It nots by u iubso in future will be con- —On Nlonda ier than usual. weeki by a score of 12 to a the necessAtie , of settlement -tmen ebants, of Brusse s, have dissolved partner- two to th ee we -y have arr ed for a s3ries of -he depa t. This, of course, ear :hw shiep a dij �edThe bi of las week, George Lid - n. son, a chAd. be7een ten and eleven y�ara of in the ments who 1qorthINVeit 'Terri .,of Wingbam, latest baseball Phrase, and- i f u _w now have in,Manitoba� and the much t raise he standard, and the profits ppients wil be as d age, was 0 is - t has done —John Wilson,, V. 8 efor �,he N req ent r10 arts pofied, that instead of the much a do la' ikely, ho- vever - hat all the other depart UteLt please a P of the counties. It migh� be well, also, if tie Strag8lifig set and' medicine, he fou d Goderich police mag ably reside in ft the authorities of this c tin y wer to ab- Nort o, f agri'ulture,in efebbive as this one has just returned fr repetition Was quite noticeable so much so t oni a trip to Manitoba, trate, cha gefil ith stealing $1.43 from the hwest, the country woui Quebec. Be it understood �ai the deE artment of public works in'th'- says that the crope th that anld spectatok I care a. be compa�ct_ ere this year will- be store of remarked', " Some of —While F. I ries V�' - C. o o de. It appears that the of addresses that M . Fisher is not a kid -glove farmer these young lads have t oo much gab to play wheeling n a ec n rmer-o -the-platform at or �-Ouly but one ropriate, as Be 0 8, u from the cellar, it active ry app was attack, nd "oderich, and when in th .9 ef character- with his bike. of the rii4nicipal authorities desired speciAl a rch es and brains to make farming tit Order of Oddfellows, tt subject or if My w from Mr. Camp- ly inhabitated so the people forty per cent. -better than last year. I shild liftel a tra�p door i t the back of the ball." ThWphrase is e is a benefits of good roads, Out 'Id Government had been, for a long time, —'During the past year, Huron Lodge In-' 6ildi ig a , pd the one le bell on t�i import d h4ve the f 0 043, h oa� sit Mer the management of Mr. depende other e ph a is mone re y to the rewder the chi nveniegees usually in coilpact- _paying profei sion for himself as well am entleman who was neither., capable nor paid out in sick benafitsand to widows and On e,sto the sum tated, istic of the gaine.—Professor. Taggart and succeeded In information on any subjda connectEd with ly settled W ich th others. I At th( same time, his education crupulous, and who de orphans - and for benevolent purposes the i beifig 4rested, Im :-knowledged the of- com- —Mr. Bell, Of voted more attention ence and handed back ology incommunitie ey can: pa�liamen �ary experience will make 0 political sum of $71'3.86. our town hall, on Monday �ven Knox College, is menced a series of lectures on phren road ni�king or mending, -if they would ne�er enjoy where settl and 1he amount taken. It to the, care of h is The sparse and him anl able a lvoca te of good measures in intrigue tha Barkwell has rented his farm adjoin- was.ultim��i tely asc,,rutin, d that there were attendance was small.—Mr. communicate with. him,. I neA bets a other 6harges agxin�t hin Iliams On � being left for Shelbourne on Tuesday, where he But- there is not the least ing, the villageof Londesboro,-at pres two. -,Cooper the pas we are a ire he gli e far scattered, s is now the' the hou e. epartment. A. E. Listowel. Priby! 1., would be only too willing to give th-,m the camle. Besi es this LY DE LOTBINIEP. E. on ent called on t aV s,. is another s�ri�'i yt instead o ha G JO bt-,that many thousands of dollars an occupied by S. Woodmvm, to Wm. Rile consideration, sked to I e trieil at once, and photographer, left our town a few —Mr. -and mi I re. 'Mr. Campbe 1 11 isa deiI of debt ving kbur': elect he, IL't,r seemingly serious' has secured a sit AleArter, our infor mat�ion they, desi uatibAT h6lid s a result of the onstructio a of ii ng figure from Quebec, and being adjul'ged guilty days ago, Practical: engineer, a and the country all along take life easier. another, �ninis ually can be saved to who intends to give up fraining business he has nab only �Ie coun 0 tww of the three and has not since returned. ro-111 given charges, helwas sent to he Provincial Re t r deeply interested in agri- e line b3 careful and economical manage- -He is librarian Kemp, f To try woul now have. a' OUR* -1 As t the department under hi valuable e "Seigneur," —W. Doherty & Co., of- the Mechanics, Institute, an th 8 charge a or feudal land- of Clinton have or five years. d e mem. zreat de I of thought and asset, and the'trifflions which lord, ff vast es at �nent such as Mr. Tarte seems to have in- been awarded another gold medal for formatory 4 1 mazoo, Staffa loxt week. wen ts of Bir ti,ng his ret-.rn. His study, 1"ut has I es comprising a large part their —Thursday 'morning of last week bers are anxiously awai t into the po of thef count 0 Lotbiniere, he roduced-i I connection or an exhibition Geo. chum n ay E f ' russets, received a letter from their bachelor home. n t an� This is the second gold medal won b the hio Oth r -in-law e, etijnce. Si George Ste h --the 4hr members, also had uch prac Donald Smith, - I' I S -of 'their sister, A tical exp r y would rank with his department 9 at Leicester, England. H Mr- C. Yeo, is mona:rch supreme i P and Pe country as a�nobIeman— it is not only in conne�tion with the de y s WeLro �Mr. George Hazl —1 1 Ile b if ill Eogl d a Ong the higher class of Doherty organ this ear. Brantford '011 n J�nathan Kitchen, wQod left for Manitoba uesda ternoon, fellovW demons It is quite true that we havein this of the con*uction company; would rtments at Ottawa that ii Ing tb pa y county, rc ads about as good as can re aned in, tai w have, LaDilde I gent y.11 When the Sei neurial Last week, Robert Currie, 4th line of of May be enjoy a larcre measure o prosperity f inmense savings sad intelligence bE found en decease of kra. Kitchen. She tie and the pri-2 4 can be elfected. The 'Outside service is Morris, threshed his fall wheat' in his new home. in any m the p blic treasury and could i Tenures" act w a passed, the an eek, Gait -and, the rentg of the ally as He bad had gone to- 9reettland, England, t-5 visit :Ivlr. Win. Dane, millbr, L: have bepn used in easing the burdens of the,' tenau equ over 200 bushels, an avera is erecting a drivehouse. in most. them. co Inty in Canada, and better than asuel estates was permanently eavily over -loaded as� gre the ac of about 20 her mother[ and other relatives, and on i'�;; will be found i --fixed o But it is possible people. There are still not a f w 1, -fixed t the to,. figures—often a few cents deparmen'jo at Ottawa. There bushels to the acre. ay of Met —Dr. Hodgagi h per ac e t h h is scarcely It� is Of the Clawson Tusd week, a cable conveyed thia that -we iving w.o L w it had been put, perhaps a town or dity in the y expected in e o Marys for nearb W I er the Neebing hotel and the on , ce a'bun yepar ago. Dominion in which —John Elli e sorrow strick-en ight be able to obtain, through rememb variety, and an excellent hard qualit un t Chiselhurst. ott, an employe in Button husband. r,9. Buffslo� Xew celebrated karninistique River, and the*.Op- §ir Hjurv' is r not been established for the sole . P mation that would enable Even at these rates, "g offices bav( itchen CMI'VINGS.—Mr. an �rel ell, infor had not been in r importunate iad any-duotion that I �er deeease was so MeTaggart, ot London, is visit' Mr. Mackenzie 'be. . Jured ItJ 'd a our m heaped,u,,. on in e, for anada. But he -spends it purpose of making places fo d tr a �ciy. - US to spend the money we now sj�en probriu e orted to have a �Very large Fea6at's factory class be d Mrs. Shepherd are nership with Win ham, who was in- flrst-- i for some lie, but no per- n roais to better advantage, so tha r the i prevenient and encourage- board, died from the near at baliV She was u n vi( I Ing, in, this —Mr. John 0 and clamor 3 arriage a real WE could cause he prop'sed to establish the lake ter f agriculture, and has made the re us supporters, and which could -effects f his injuries on Friday, 24tli alt. n threb farm in Fullaru -1 '0 while atten ino, Ilis duties by being son I Itil visiting- fri ds at- Kiucardine.�Xirs. if. reely struck by a piece Olf met of 0 ited in I �inity--Mr. J. McLe' ize better value for the outay we make. minus of the Canadian Pacific at Fort W be abolished without in a' tol%fr. littelien' in the this year's crop this week. The yield f If we could accomplish this, we would ac ny way inconven- —Samways Old Land and was it- -storaton of ti ber forests a special study.' . Paul, of Morris, met with an the mother of t 0 gone ankl t] latter 'v,' i� f:�71 im,and usei the river as the harbor 6f - the A'Iany years ag , he gave a practical illu. lencing thc a accident I at week. He was ra fall wheat and oats was fairly good. Ing In comp, public, and effecting a I rge a 'Ing ced ' They resided hree daughters, and $3,000. Th, lish a great deal. If each a u Ality ation, -by pla t' in. Brus for about four W. McClymont,of Toronto is the guest of n the farm that set e of 'the doffa years, leavin ere fi�,e y an cedar log, causing him to fall arm ago. Perkins, in tbis Tilla can save tivo hundred dollars a year in the fath which be hadju: his cheme, he c d has now a large. be put to p ofitable and productive uses. quie —Ma4ter Zoliv -i nicip West, and. because as an evidenc tr Ing walnuts over the area saving of th emoney of the people, which can out of the swamp, and his foot gipipe of a good sized farm her sister, Airs. on a Om- quantity broken —A ve but pret ediug took Mr. R. Miller is the guest Of Mr. J. vlitz- 'ton school, won maintenance of its roads, and at the sae men.ced n of val able'marketable timber, in: S 0 limb, which ran.' into his thigh. The limb,, place in RILett, on July:) t gerald,.—Miss Mi. j. a i- M�orrifion is spending -chairman 'Of tb W Herrinitcu, bein her holidays ds as they woul6 ha-ve I Point foK the I ac of the 'trave wonld never ha 6 thought of trying to grow other member of the Government, is not �o g the mar- at her he time hive as good ro the erectio of an hotel at th er a man of less enterprise that if the inister of Public Works, or any was about one inch thick. at the re at a- district wh' with the g ampbell, f riage of his daughter, term on compl George, son of Air. Wm. C deuce of Mr me, reater expenditure, it is jus�� the 'ablic, and commenced the dredgin board, forthe —The a i ling P the black waln t. -His example might well guilty of greater offenc' BI th, met with what might to Mr. W. Me- -Tuesday evening was the heaviest of ,the same in have pr ved a�- Don . . . . . . Terton, taking tl ald, of Loi es than wee4ing out idon. �i lie bride was at. f3easOn--Mr. and Mrs, J. Fitzgerald took 4, money point of view be followed i serious acciderit, last week. witho some tended by Miss Me 'trance xaminatf-i g of to a'ldm it th n his natura home of all tim. the public Service in .:'the manner as it the the river e necessary, vessel aO- ber trees. 4 ndicated other young' lads he Was playing with a T farmers of ech township had obtPined two commodatio 9 nsall, lie Falls last week.— .8 factor in Dominion politics art,, of He in the excursion to t The,wiseacres of those days the peoplewill not be dis while the groo Aliss Em -Churic I m as an liorted b.Mr. 13. nten& leaving -seboQl &. Sir He re 'familiar to :those of osed to find much gun, an�d'as usual the gun went off, lodging Herrington, bro �r of I the shortly for London.—IM Mai hundred dollars more for th$-ir o ts, their a:d ma MeTaggart- i in P visionary, ! a;nd -that in favoring years or so nd they'may safety --ount iss Lill Alc&ow.n a he was who eb nri fault with t iem, a bride cattle or a4ything else �thpy m'ighb ba e to 'Fort I tered th arena twenty a ball in George'f; leg. Both y bride and brides 'ecominglyatiired -About 400 went'l P t al were -L returned to her home in C —Tile rize which. is annually , linton this week. Villiafii [be was� influenced by political ago. His char cter i's best denoted by the on a long lease of office. IThat Mr. Tarte given by in gowns of shad� green.I The house being —Afr. C. B. L run wasade ai atta, who has - been tahing in Miss Skimmings, of Goderich, for the high' nicely decorated with cu' London for'the past six- -months basac- all. Returning sell. Wer telieve there are few rnunic ipal- friends who iv' -niarily interested -in �o , f him I as t ' onservative journals spoke has a proper appreciatiou. o his dtities and t standing in English at the High Sebooi t flowers and 'let th# even �re peca h B f eb ayard Of POlitic3—"the re smilax.: Immediately after the ceremony town of Marys aboi�t r w,t ities even in this county, here a much the 'ell, Mr. Maokenzi6 was de- �chevalie' sponsibilit es, is shown by his remarks to ion in the place. r with t' fear and without re- cepted a resPonsible posit u entrance examination in that town, has been, the guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. Alvinston. —Mr. John proach.i� inc then a re orter w o inter by Willie Elliott. 4, greater saving than this could not b-, cf- feated The who 1 succeeded hill -I. in the i as Premier of e He He will take charge of the e mebhods -of i for a ti Qu bee . -P viewed him on the sub we" obtained -esteem in which the bride and groom AN-onbank 258 The senior division of the pfiblic school. We d--fectedbyiMprovementsin th- admin'strotio rever�ed his Policy. Th me a'd as a consistent Liberal Net. His losition will be heartily and marks out of a possible total of 315. were held was shown by. the many valuable the age of 42 yew understand that his work will be that -of has� one much to help his —The'200-acre arm on the 2nd concession presents given. preparing pupils for the pu lie aphool le&v and keeping in repair the ffigh- William,. made the -berminus thoroughly e dorsed b the people, as lie -Zome time. abandoned Fo�t 'y' always, 1he pro - ways vince. y as _W01 as in the- mll-in rt of new c of the railway [Re 'a 0' Huguenot extraction and nahan, b teitant in religion bu tA ., —A setious accident happened to Mr. Ing, commercial and third class examina. I A th only principles on which t Clinton, and for several 'years rented by John Miller, -survive him And c, Pt Port[ Arthur, and expend t alays, of Rullett, owned by'Mr. D. ' Sha sisters, Mr -S. these times every saying, i4o matter how ed hundreds of' thousau uffers i�-o loss of he ds of dofla�rs in arity in niece Miss tions. Mr. Latta holds a first class certifi- a rpr0, ebec count. publ Tyndall Brothers, has been purchased by Janet La-mont, on We —Rev'. Alex, P-0 ic 7wunsinegs can be properly or evonomi. work on either ac c of Hullett, and his counbs, It is in ways such as this,by Going f uither e tst, one must put cally conduced them, the price being $9,500. The farm is dnesday morning 0 cate, and lthoug a Young man� has had an Port rthur' harbo'r, and when they had He f sm�-ings by- i1aproved and a -fic says Whenever last week, For, a ;Rterted lAet weel all this everal days the 'had 11. DAVIES. ave up the y uffi0int Fluccessful experience' this country. cien done, t iey g HC N. L. an excellent one, with good buildings, and driven'in to Blyth to i see Mr. Jos 'County and elsewhere to warrant us. P a responsible Dffieer 6f m'y;* department -old epli Z. re- is a particularly good grazi pri 'a dieting a prosperous f uture for the Alvin - Ma ine Fisheries, in the' very ng farm. The Lamont,who was a broher of M in pr- �,methods of working, that our farm ers just all connected Milway stud with it a private. company f�ront !earn�loc.'Of C ali4dian politicians. ter ports to Me thaf he ha cc is considered a very fai i's mt- -pied in the w 8 90t men receiving Lamo -a the evA tmake up for the greatly depreci&ted prids of for nothin' awl, Wednesday morni log, while cros i .!,4 9 1 oung� he was Premier of,, sing a� fiton public school. , Mr. Latta beins with ori cond't' in En - ir one. And Ltheir products. Prices for farm products company go : a that ,he said )Olitics verVy pay for whi they make no adequate re. —On Saturday, '25th ult., D. Frain, car- Grand Trunk A which will 4 . P. E. Island at C, ailWay �* we I o.stZlon. . �he age of twenty-seven turn to the riage trim- tner and harness maker, wa 'n the boundary', the a salary of $600, no doubt be in - never Again be up to the has long been tj men will 8 —M r. George a d operate tile and untry, then these of Brus- horse tobk fright and iran away, throwing future.—Mr. Samuel -Week for Fn Ia c high water road, and pr 0 men glan go. oved from th, C ell and wife are spending the Sulam -the His er first introductio i thrown away On The g:)od over 'sixty mi ame company with that I d the Captaincy of the Salva- Miller was carrie 'Mr. Edward' old land J.,�tnark of ten or fifteen years a small,but Eelf-reliant community. ey; which is being rem boih occupants out ori their heads eae�eed the le "lost. prominent citizen' f have to go,. a els, and Captain Mary Sayers who recently creased in the near d int W is r, in connection w f 8 was be nd M is a'Air. Baxer old days of 1 a bushel for wheat, fi rtv cE nts ever, thati Ilion dollars more How- into Dominion affair without any results can tion Army corpA there, were united in mar- gibt'a house 6, Hag_ holidays With !Mr, Couch' parents. itration going the Aam v ound for beef, are at. -vobert Hughes" edical aid sentfor. a good school in the vicinity of T.Or.outo.�_ 4 -for oata and Ave cents R, p we want to Pt on the fishe returned to Brussels, Where they Purpose Di,s. Carder, Ferguson, to� the point h t4 Halifax'Arb used by the department to! some purpose. riage at Blyth. - Air. and Airs. Frain have Lamont into Mr. understand that Mr. Couch has also secured Milne and -18ame old points,. u-6 do Wau� to e estion, for which he large- There is no rei 6son why the, business of the mak- ing their -home. Hamlen Hicks, principal of Stoney Creek mphaIsize is,that I ly ass t d in pr Paring the Ca Mr. Jobu. 1111pro ed n�lpany now control -the re soon rendering a" wHenry I e nadian case— country shoul� not be carried on as efficient- 7=After'harvest, Richard istance and upon bx. publiechool has returned from a visit prie never to return. The recent this private c�, dhich aar -ed us five million of doll r' Bewley, of Alor-, hin to lit the producers o Australia, eonomic&IIY &a any other enter- ris township, and James &ion Logan transportation anti cultivtion, road, cohlposQ !of the slirewdesb, a- 8 ly and e al: ation was found that N Goderich.—iir. Henry Eyre, who has been ae brour,' keenestil at the expqnse f our souther Mr. Miller was n neighbors. McDonald, of ntLnent, aft He entered parli 3 ment in 18 prime. Grey, intend going to Yield. Tdr-o m 6r thoroughly test- 82, and hambeen New Ontario skit 1, and e,' is slightly better.—The a 2 men on the co� suffering from a compound fracture of the ill'for some tim I wheretheytook up 304 and 320acres n Of servIc( is Year the x. tion he is a barris To a goad of the�- brain and two brok�n ribs. ducted b Rev. Mr. Waddell, on Sunday rains. Ylow Zealand, the Argentine Republic and ing the -Port , Arthur te !rninus, abandoned it a favorite; there ever since. iss LamontIl from concussio of the Epwrth League was on. Aber 'countries from'which we legal d tand,isre ed t:: -ie -very policy which, Mr. ter of the, In- Editorial ]Tote .specively, last Jun6. This terri- -1--Two Benmiller cjU y e, London—lie adds long -and pomments. cated 80 -miles east of Ra made abet of It took the form heard, so much closer to the Ma' C k ory I ti rery seldon r . T'e i n'p'�' political t Port- $5e'ach �zenfl e`vfting. n enquiry perience ere the townships of Van Hdrn'l; fi b ­Fs thrc thirteer meeting, and The Stra go that the.Refortil e. Per- y Age, speaking of the new nd vernment of O�Iario eatin. ouncih bill and one' of t _y -he consameri of Grea Britain, thab"' C,�u. of the fines 11at%O he results tario Government. 'man yed b the On- than the 7nOOI1, last wek, e ainistiqua river is no his'ehief 1. erasonal and advan county c 11 �0�1 euzie, man' years before, had maxked ex and practical good senis Go of 'I a nter- e y i years t era of the world, and espec . i�ally to out, and th K a Walinwwright have b d the I w one I charm stand longer tage—besides Ili - Conser-vative rs gen ali whole souled man- -is V da, has twenty competitors now for ever in the world, just 1 ner rh at m a., the youthfulness it will have ir the eo H-. C. Cook, -Dominion, and,, the, bet' Crditon. near. -Mitch t 'Government of the on 'the be c IiRty,of Middlesex, —Air. !was decided on the of! his mind. Goderich township, who recently sold h TE with sIf its cont -4 ,,nashe had ten Years ago. h t Ir. Mackebzie often said it would be, of the Huron road, result of the last elec�ion. w We must, says: " Ill POit k Of Pocket, W. Vanstone I while Fort -w Politicians, of so long the place we all $.—The annual children'si day in con - herefore, prepare ourselve& W'lli4ln is a large and t di is was them.an who held, the stakes for all It was insured il busy an ing retain I ieir first enthusiasm, hope. look -to and g ard wi6h fath y- affection, farm to Mr. Gilbert Afair, bought another I theme' years, and paid it' Over- to 1 with the Evangelical church, will l9e to meet this UL, erl nectifZ town, and the ho� el there, under the man. pess, and high ideals. Mr. Davies seems one of, 100 acres in Ashfield, ij miles from the lucky held in company for $I.,, save oil Lucknow, from Mr. . Gentles, winner, Thomas Gled 1, a fe* d��ys ago. 9 Khaeardine, Thefollowing is a, copy Meg agenient of the C�rnpany, is one of the larg- in opposibion Ilel ti'Rg A saving of . twelve hun- the consideration being $3,509. t '-ThoiLss to be 'the best 0 he present place of -ed de ree. Years payer by eie'c of It'hea S promises hanged stae of affaira. If we can to, have done so 2, mark The town hall, t, the ne%v bill falls into favor With the rate- bit werf� s_llIp ar in 1 0 He has Gledhill, f the kind evereld.in rowly escaped unicipal. aud naional taxes as mucb, eat and bes er made him despondent, dred dollars a yaar, an bets that ille Reform Crdi nZ of public q is Governm A012 IPPIng hat Mr. AfAcke i views ingas the sides of 'the farnier'8 pocket-buok brother, Mr. Peter Cook. 4 se.—Mr. Charles cular t� on the liae. Thus Will be to take other t1lan th tein worth, mention- since re -sold, at the same figure, to h ent will stan' ton. Collection in aid of the miss" or inclined of Benmiler r half as much, as We lose by this ila seen t e highest ie's Policy has been d longer th I n the Do- ary CaU c&rried out i personalityj his uce has easily raw together." —A gentleman who has minion Government (Conservative.) Finkb4eineri of Da. back asan&� in the ompetition, alil at the saane tinie secure � a ue8tions. With such a gradually d I ; to th� letter by -the Canadian ! �iade hi nitural eloqiie recently been Sym R. kota) is visiting relatives in this vicinity.— atter and more endurino service, �dmply by PZ%CifiC COM ' !m the leader of Maitime Liberals, travelling through Goderich to onds, of llaitlandville� bets that it panyt winhip dsti- !will not. Eilber of Ubly, re) witnof gan, who has also showing that, 1,while h The fourteent ania-dal report of the Pro- malles that on ome line alone, the 4th an The a 'fatal- -inc`� On sci6litific and enlightened p" is lopal krioIedge specially qualifies Jerome Moo Michi "Int time his rin- notwithatand heetped upon hirn for thelporibf4lio he holds, vinoial Board cf Ilealkk f*� Ontario, has e M 0 d 'RioneY, -810, was handed over pent the past three-'iveeks undr the t)�r- in tine half tile probleva of existence is thus hilit 1) ing - I 5th concessions, there ar fro f ur to five W111, Vans, it t -he* binae to enital roof nicely. y his 6ppvll�erlts, he was right and 'just been issmd. We tone, v�ho h .has returned to kim home.—Mr- Ylved. This ifi one a 3 FIELDING thousand barrels of menchantable, as held the stakes George Holtzman is having his dwel)ing re - report shows that apples in and thus, also, I us ry that the public health iwA atee@l high, in since the 12th I December I 1-8&2—thirteeit —Xiss Kate F Is another ill t f the many directions they werowrong,' tien� of tile theo the orchards, and that the wkole township ears. Painted, which will add 'who wa-3 one of X which Governments exn aid the Provi 9 fis h di e b r a i I s It, brainia. greatly to its ap- peopl 3 relation tiall -_ kis keen, and accu ate foresight is good for forty thousand. Goderich town- pearance.—The many'friends of Mr. George ha Endeavor c r -years a —Wrn- tewart, son of Johy4 Stewart, Eilber, who left Crediton a few months been a3ke Mile they @an not increase the pric' leading othey equally fish-fe countries, dur. ship seeRis to be the leading apple towaship nurseryma of Benmiller Passed 4wa and uner -a 'His long success to othe d to o*kor d Nora ing 1895. Seywal kysibed outbreahe of Ago, C1 Al xeir products, Viey can and should es for ring judgment. The people of Canada, I t Sc6tians is proof t. it lie is Ale to h1old his of the county. y after WAI rePOrt, of the co, -fro R lectual power year, andl &ff ore with a fine Position as book ke-eper in Philadel- plaae howe,�er, were 1 sniallpox occArred 86 lingering 'illness of six months.iwkich he -be pleased to learn that ured cilities wii1xin reacli of the Pftple whicla ed away by t4e spe.cious own amongst tho 6 who derive their iniel- the *9 early part of —Another of the Old settlers f West hristian resignation�'� he, has see ichmond A &Rd Plaxsil,le, molitthings of PO the 101%'er,%ourcs 6f beef icts, 19cilig @*" 6"Y the Itimbering TVawanosh passed peacefully away 0 n- lip to the phia- state of Pennsylvania. is -one of the mol Al envbla thewt to meet and succesaftill y dem&gogtIes, an i litical and potatoes, wi h a little oat distr on Sa �jme of his death a an early hour Succesao you of n Thurs. Georie—Miss Martha '114 the coutitv, i forco they defeated Ineal. His U90%A0 *ne by vessels day afternoon, 26th ult:, in Oke person qay Morning, 23rd ult. The fs' chmidt intends me tke difficulties which the ckang d Mr. example leads to a, -w *SRI kh6 Uaited f6a6ims. likey w6re, how - e (I I Qrd on tke Mrs. R. Murray, of the 8th concessies, diseaae$ taking up a coarse this fall in 'the Alma —The reidew T a ahis governm1ent. As -'TusIbEii OF ever, of she consumption, brought on b &]:I tack ef L reauzst�aces have brought about. PR'OVINNIAL PRUMIARS Xk N*r We benefit of though an invalid- for years, the grippe, first a College, was t, e3wit of consumptives kk "FW6 SAV10oaics tkb es call came howed itself T.t fall, adiex' St. Thmas.—Mr. A� .-,_-=eILtedO this,theydo all theyshoul hit ckane, it is in the new Cabin t. This is made an objec- I dolenly at, the last. Atrs.Xurray Krime of NebraaL ka eent on the 15ti knowia tliat rilill n 0 "v tion by soine, bu tablishment of 1600we IW f&e Goverii vr a native of Argyle, and, calne n�edical aid- was sunim formerly " old Credi- i06 of dollars were'wasted a li'Me reffee'tiolt will I was an oned and tli�iq pAti show that it Inust iaor on some hal to tkis 9�tting graduall 411t ton re�ideiat, is the guest of An Thomas -riplze Of his sistel orse durimg the spring it n v e e 0 an 9M a es- eaa Popul&r cona- 1 p"teeted iract of land, country about the year 1847, beiag ab tit 66 was thou�ght 19, y W Yearly.—Ifies AMOS Doupe ofi' -at to consult an I!XPert sialz Ii *TONPreva forest g . rowth. I Years of age at the time of her Jeatk.o Sho 2?oronto�-who howeve Williams at present on the 'Was eould at.—Our base ball t-eam went t�o Zur- the glve:ag hop" ick On Sw'-urday last, to play the retum -of P 0 0 be el pected to do, and if the people do -,not i take Advantage of the facilities thus' placed for the people, which, had they been wise land continued their confidence to Mr. ac- dende. However. great the apacity for administration actually by the Such a -home would n ecessarily' be some- thing between leaves five of a family, three of whom are *� .7 11000 ........... for his recovery. The deceased, fA� wl at their dispo.pal, the'fault of failure will be their kenzie, would have been lsav*ed.- The .9 late Possessed 0 leaders in the C ninions, the et -remains hat an hospital anda, sinitarium, ithe mainter ance of which might be in c�n- in Dakota, wh'o, -with the soirowing line- band, have the sincerest sympathk of in his 29th year, was who, a fine young me, A� C, T a very pieCureof health own and willuo.t be chargeable to the Government. 'And as a, rule, it is those chapters Of Political history that shoult not be some of It them hive had no previous op. ertunit to show it! nothing to guard, them From sideralle, part provided for by the products of agricultural,horticalluiel -and 'Other very large eircle f friends in their bereave- UE to a few month... do' j -t, AQO, and will be rerneni ered by many t All who avail thernselves of these impro% red fa- fQrgotten by the Canadian people, and they will bear frequent earyl blunders w It y hilW learning heir business�as ministers. in- . dustries, and 1)y the moneys received from P Iment. i 1i -77,Taeodaymorningof last week, as �Jock wl�a r�ad this notice.and have had deal- withoix I - -_ ' Ingb -with the nursery, for,16 made himself in cilities, and vi ho mak6the best of the cir- repetition. It is �well tha t e young electors of to -day who The 1gr m mis a e eo e in. I caving us so on out of Pkv Patients of the better'class. 1 Miller ""d iisti3r, 9f Goderich, were driving & g gatly favorite *by hi eneral 8 obliging and coarte4jus curnstances ic'h surround them, that do succeed, and t is the. drones 'ref were not participant a in the political rug- 6fficei is the cause of this unm'elco e cir- curngt4nee. There can be no doabt thal the All the members of the Do�ninion G�v- along Wth concession of Hullett' the horse CoLly f�-ightenerl and bolted so 'aud- manner. to him Very early enThursda morning i finest fesm who use to gles of fifteen or twenty :8 years 490, ould introd otion of sevei at "old hands " from ernmerit whose elections have thu. far coine de�ly am t ol throw both persons' to the 'y of I% week the cellar. and kitche re n of Afr. from he see that time. have changed, but whapgr- be frequently made aware of the wi dom, the le islaburea wil I increase, not only the off have been elected by acclamation. -TheJre grou nd. 111r. Hamlin, of Detroib,who *r Xelville, of Londesboro, were hot Frid gist in keeping A hf. .1-- -;.� 4.1, IA I In *& a passind, b d fhe iniured ones carried visited some _1L L � 16V XAUR 11 are Dnree k, .3 e 0 rut, Imp V a con dence 1 the govegnment but yet to be elected., 0 elped. themselves 10'0 "1": 4 1 "1 d yea patriotism and unselfish honesty of those its act ial efficiency.' into the �L ii�'�:reht farm house. when it was meal of pie, cake and root At r in and 0 t7,' who will itand still, such as itt titan %�as suffering from eating a fair all Ur, beer. Af.* grand old men found tb eorge a . PP. if they do not go to the wall &It The Ontario Cpnservatives hav? not4 en- compo� IV, they took.lea.Ve of the been P oman ad fracture of the skull, and the place, taking -with! them a large fruit. itants of ol� oge�ther. "Brown Alexander Mackenzie tered any protests, and the Liberals. ha' I' dl saken up. others' aning ye y and carried, it to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and 1 Cle hem we might' mention, who �he side of Air. Onialette! have entered eleven. Scarcity of funds is likely —An �la resident'of 1131yth, in the persoa store cellar door. i They then V between the parenthesis after each It would seem as if Mr. Tart6 hat the True It Is, laid j3uch a splendid !foundation for this- the new of Mr. J'Pseph Z. Larnopt, died on Wednes- ade th4 naervative protes in ak, through one of one dnot:nrhe page of the paper on which the ter of Public Works the reason for no Co ay into the cell 1 ay morning, Lbe Dominion, and have done so much dows and then up into thesto advi rtisement will be found. There is a world of truth in Minis is, not'only an ts d -of' last we1ek at his residence the following to ease Ontario. re f Tor n that , Ilage They -w- Clea rtlqg Sale—Wrn. Pickard& Co. (6) terse sentences, which we the burdens of the present d early riser, but is also a �Iear head- i Re had 'been a great suf- ried out of the store, through' quote from a ay, bu the ellar of men lb� Better than Gold—J. W. Westervelt (5) hose ferer for �nauy months from cancer and in door, the cash registe liev er by Mr. G, rge W. Casey, who r e- best 'efforts have, in S Firni for lett eo ed business man. - Ile has no� only ur- At a large- anTrepresentative meetiii laS t r and Some epr gine instanc a,, been prised the employees of -9 January underwent an operation in These were found L the yard beside Brulas, secred M, d t A Rm%y Xonth—E.. hicraul Co.,($). sents West Elfr his' department by of the executive committee of the Toren to hospital, �but which did not don's shop. Therd ere three men seen all r the North EMS Ing Pretaises—R. Willis (I) 95in in the Do Inion Pa lia- - thwarted by tbelpeople themselves, n ha --Greig & ymodonaid (,I) ment, and who is one of the Sat f �by benefit to him, He leaves a the stort cellaro At jud irout of Season most experi- the people conti ued to them the d g ee of appearing at his bffice and being ready -for Grey Liberals, held -at Owen Sound. on prove o y -liters to, So a little while -is Sen ant wanted—Expceitor office (81 work ever morning at eight o'clock, but he urday afternoo term widow, three Sons -tnd three dau 4r, and al Plows and Gang Plows—T. Mellis (8) enced parliamentarians in the Dominion. nconfidence, to wMell they were rightf�l y en- n last Ron. Win, Pa mourn hip loss. after in Bruiisdns yard, -and when the -4 Tagn who is Fan r- for Sale—Mrs. NN. Harron (6) party who saw the' of is alsol determined to weed out the drones Customs in the Laurier Cabinet, -�-Durifig the thunderstorm on Wedues- in went towards the, moralizing on the recent elections., he %a titled, many mis �81kes and misdeed� olild and do-nothings i, Alini-ster they made Off through the next lot aelicst. 'ch ur,&h Goto the Best—ID. McLaehlin &Co. (1) ys, and n his department. The Nas tendered the unanimous nomination of day forenoon of last week, the residence 0 appeared, and the ��rty went home and 41d Oirli Wanted—Mrs. G. E. Henderson (8) A' new. �enerati� has arisen si have been avoid( d, and the - country ould f (8) Wan ted—D. Mantyre nce tb the committee. No local candidate -concession of a -nuc i better position fin� cially �iberal party last ba&,this task to public works departFrient ig one 4f the ws�s Mr. Job Hill, 10tb Greyj not think they were burglars, has marIffes perfor ; now be in mentioned. This is the constitue Cy made was strunck by lightning and from appear - in Dominion politics in t te member, ances the escape was certainly, miraculous. struoture.—A 7IZ. Proh- and commercially than it is.- Nay, erily, Government, a n 1873. principal, spending departments Of th 0 vacan by the death of the la. ably Tor a on e than half of the elee . tor the the Grits did not make a botch of it very great saving can be Mr. John Clark. The electric current came through the roof' Clorrie. -a have become conscious, o presefit lie", f Po- effected in its running expenses, or va;stw litical issued since that da I when they were in power." S' h t" NdTEs.—Mrs. te. Many wig tearing its waythrough ceiling, par ition uc sums of mon Election protests are bein McLaughlin, ife of g entered at an and wainscotting, but not setting fire, very or eat emed Aruggi t, is 'visiting her should be electors have been born -6d. at; sertion, although: frequently �lade, a ey can be squandered, for. which 46 the people receive no adeq alarming rate, and at preent it would seem fortunately. Another section of the elec- 1parents uate'value. The in Hensa of our . —Four tamed their majority, but are still deprived libel upon some of the befit men and a eat C as though there would be' I oupit tricity followed thei down -comer from the 'bicyclists went to'Bayfield on qaturdayL.j SEXFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 'ith, i896 of their franchise by that disgraceful onservative papers have been cbmpl i i amost anothe aining law statesmen. Canada has ever had, on U sp�nt its.f.ary in the cis- ternoda, 2,55th ult., And returi4ed on Suud*y� _ �ery _busia"S d general election, wereit not for the -fact ime. bitterly because Mr. Tarte has discharged te n, the fa�rgcst portion of - which is under Somef theim foua the trip 8, little which hasbeen operative for the last ti ad is �ave tr It is hardly wonderful that the L Ily unjust to the memory of soine of that a number of these pr6tests will equa youn generation of Conseivatives sh 9 some seventy or -eighty of the empl- ees of -be the kitchen. i long, and felt very much tired on —Dr. LeO1111 OY eventually withd rawn, and others will in —The- financial report of Ontario street —Mr. Win. Stine More. Abolit Good Roads. onid feel that those who have gone trom this sphere for the department sincebe took charge', a , nd all probability not be sustained. In Oatari( Methodist I' church, !Clinton, fW - the 'past 014 shipped cattle to -Tor - what has always existed in their time must ever.L Tork, Vvith In 'We publish in another coInmn an address be a law of nature. i It is natural that they that more are likely onto ion Monday of last week._)&r. to - follow. They say over a dozen have been filed; in New Bruns year, shows the delivered by Mr. A. W. Campbell, Provin- should doubt 1 the :aPacity of any otbe follo'wing contributions to accompanied a car 116ad of horses to Mani. —Dr, Pober r this is being done to get rid of the Conser. wick eleven out of the fourteen seats ha'vf the various -funds party to govern Some Membe of the N the church: Mission� �cial Road Instructor, at Carleton Place the icountry. -Conservative L M ew beenprotested, while other prov4neen toba, last week. —All t e a did wode -frolh Barn een, -to u y ary, $153,63 ; educational; $11.68; superan- our village school f�r public.,school leav- -one dity. rule' has b in like. the'blue sk Goveriment. vative workmen, and that the men difi- ates from supp e Among those it -nuation, $43 conflarence, $4,84; contin- -and M Tins address will well repay a careful per- above and the firm earth :beneath. -The In the St- Thomas ill'be replaced by, faithful Gri and entrance examinations were an charged ly their du' quota. u%al by all interested in journal of last week' tig Ontario, is one against the return of 'A. F gent, $4.17; sustentation, $2.67; quarterly There were two for, the fomer and 41ave, gone to i the good road change thE h n place is a bewilu and favo ites of the Minister. Mr MeLaren, in North Perth. es board, $815.80; 'tr ug r. eorge E. Casey T&rte, eat In this Prot six ues on. Mr. Campbell is, apparelitly, an storm- and parthquake M. P. for W astee board, $458.12'; the latter exam.—&- r. Reber f the rumuigrl, ly* L $lL.3.),. L i es a pen himself, owever, gives quite a a Petition to have Mr. McLaren disqualil 73; poor fund t Blow is doog .0 �h slast in hi's work, and it is evident he eral even some of the you some - fled. 1 work on —The bri en�h Po8sib nger ib- Elgin, g'v and'ink sketch of ' version different Sunday school, d R27; the brick r. Ben Scotts house -Z ttlr of the members of the new Dominion Clr o v a may have been'a trifle uneasy in o the affair, and the,absolute accur- know's whereof he speaks. 10 Ladies' Christian Association, $49.34; We- Mr. Burns Smith, wife lind family, left men% Missionary Society, $20, Senior Ep- iron one He is, too, as mi�ds as to how,': it might ll tu acy of I i statements have not been ques- Better times for this fair Canada of ears, worth League, for their home in Bostox bru erm6nt who are not so well known the hil Moaday morning edin the prin p�es $88.55; Junior Epworth —A game of base%l, pla. veci here on the Peo le of Ontario as others. Mr. is League, $7.75. judge of human nature, am well d of the party but had we men hing that is most earnestly desired by evening of Fri th'his iction. Mr. Tarte says that is a It ly between will be seen by his remarks, a pre�ty good They haveUtterly believ tioned, emn by those who find grea�,fault a.goo e b f astoy wi Pa netl 01 day, Xsryp, are apej 16 not-.' only an eloquent and fl —Oa , Friday, 24th ult., the new bank the married men a d the single men, re_ V&Uey Grove, I carrrying them out ? The idea -that, en blic all, and it i' pleasing to note'that there barn -on the. farm of William Pollard, 6th sulted in favor of soon as e took charge of his department,he road maker and an excellent speakIr. Mr. Grits made a botch of it when they wereli! speaker, but is also a ready andtPle� t.. e former by a core of many r. Campell, as we have before e I'* d tit n are bright prospects of such a revival. De- concession of Grey,vwvs raised. Therd were xp,?Ltne , is r- Fred. I " has been harped on. I too writel Although not an o d man e- is. on trip to Old b si 1�9 instruct theehief officers of the several 14 to 8. On severa, occasi b:f -the Ontario Governmealt, His r ec it. Now, as a matter of -f ons the marTied ernplo�yed by spite the fact that' the Liberals are ila� about -170 men at it. Sides were chosen by men succumbed t t nd expects lo Act, that one oif-the oldest members of the Dominion branches of service to furnish him with lits power, the Toronto W Robert Docket and Rob�rt McNaughton, of single opponents, b be prowes f —ReIv. Peter, datie are to prepare aild. distribute litera idea is ill founded. Experience has shoi rn -their of the n mber of -hands emplo orld, a stro, t on this occasion they Parliament, having represented hi yed in their servative and N. P. journal, sees ahead that it was the elector46te who -made a botch is pres tit ngCOT --Brussels, andlter an exciting race, the lat- IScott, ture bearing gii the paticular branch turned the table and thek in of it reepecti branches, and whether there- is h q�ft tbem.—Those intei- when they turned the 94 Grits constituency c ale of prosperity, if not a positive bo er won quite handily. The barn- is 45x6O ested in the recent! pa, eaviag If, ontinuously for abou t a outin pono em ief of one depart. blie ing relative which he is interested; visit municipalites 1878, and that their o ants got er a t quarter of a cenburyi and his work for th all. The ell In discussing the question, the World say�.�: 'feet, with 20 foot post.,�. Peter Bishop and �ntrance exams. were ve school I —Mir. A. R. "w where he is asked to visit'; inspect the roads -that time Under false pretences. constituents The citizen of Torontols to -day in a more made a good y much 4difti. Job of the framing and Harry pointed when they saw that his garden a fig taken many years o of him 'yet, as and streets aud give instructions as to the it ha ment ham thus far reported, and according to hopeful mood than he has been do not seem to be tired the marks were f hard times to c. nvince. his repor there were b at any tirn� Atwood looked after the stone work in good not given in the East Huron report. snore figs on �& f the people that Mr. 'Mackenzie'k es -ing the past seven or eight y The best methods of permanently repairing of I PtJ Mitch4 the 23rd of June las etween seventy and dui tyle, as a result Mr. Pollard will have a 'I ipl ears. W4 efficient teachers in eat Huron —The el under him who were� drawing he boom days have re� 1 No. I building when completed. government were as sound as his a minis. Py one of thr largest majorities o ghty III do not say that t are to be congratulated n th6 ing forater A - reports furnished the An,, the efore, is better u they are returning., odi8t charehes on P r inspec r. ose who cannot them. He will also when desired, uperin-- tration was lionest.' pay with all due regularity and for whom —From t' el financial re ort of the eth- press by thei -have inow. an AN turned. We do 'lot say positively that tend the conitruction of a piece of road or ough the Censer No m q alified there wai no work. These men Mr. Tarte What we do say is Olulesville circuit, the keep up in the race r pro street, as a pattern f'om which ti e roa tives assid. ouely ak from personal knowledge of the' following details �re ould abandon the pro- Alth va ape thA there exists among the people a -general tfiken :- Receipts— ion ard give p14 ce to better men anil at " the Grits inade -feeling that we are 611 the eve of decidedly $471 ; Ebenezer women- -To blam , pagated the belief th At once discharged, as he considere fess —ThP_,eigkt-_,y public men of this country. d he had Holmesv,lle qiiartera.ap quarterage, q be attached to Mr� 4 aut orities may copy. In additi��'D to all a botch of it when they v�ere in. befo e," a Mr.. Casey only makes* referelince to three eople to quarterage,$100. Ro Uier� of R061 In this letter no right �o pay the money of the P b4fer times. Canada's opportunity seems badly cat. on tbA this, li� will deliver a­ddr�s�es sticb, bb, a one mis.p at 8 it, aPP( ment has never members of the Government and we give his conventiontyeqsteil him not -to M 1 Oil- -Seaforth the mower. tr men who are not required in the pub Contributed to con exional fund 8 that more mons to have about arrived.. -ares ��Uat the teachers at the lie set which we c in wbi he gives i forma ary, $110.07; a apyi� been uttered upe annuation, �47;-edvca- publish th —Air. Thoma There was Inot vice and have no means of giving value for I e marks, 'y did -a line the tiono, C* remarks as follows: W�h the teachers 6 - continge, 1b, $1.75; gencra Coli- upwards of eigh Hu�ron o make this request?.1 Was it because the tion -concerning the a tifitc conar uGtion Mackenzie' the irione they receive. Furthermore, ference ale f higl 10overnmenVa olicy but hicb, HON.SYD E he threshed lasti 0 Ways. He is p id by the N' Y A. Frsi� Ji n church relief, $1,25; E ast Huron teacbersleared to have- -the re - I I George McEwen ern- had it beenadopted,. the e untry woula now be only discharged those wb , of Hensall, shipped Sunday school austentation,$2; Minister of Agriculture. om his. ll ment,and his services ar ou- be V 101000 bushels of oats to -Liverpool las t sults.of their labors astly betteroff. This has been abukd- ernment of tario set tj ma old him he bad no need- 11 r Vuoi It' Thel Liberal Gov- a y n Ze woman's missionar 0 ie precedent of of, and week. society, $31 ; all other ly to the municipalities I the West Huron te -Eight Stra r 11 era? Earnest, ener- ehe desir thern.' arLtiv-. choosing a farmer for this offic�, Pu Poses,' $206.28 ;J total for circuit, get -c and successf are 'never roven by exp rienc that he ade n -�While playing the other day, a little '$1,314.42. Members on the circuit, 250. 4ation in made .1 P e, and' hun� which has enquiry as to- what their teachers No.1bliat the people are becoming ware of dre4a who �oted bee ? daughter of Mr. H. Morrish, o asharned pf the results of their work., The ui Ion approved by MrAaurier, and Political roclivitie were. A similar result, 'The, Clinton 9 ment as soon as he had the !Opportunity. fell and broke her arm. 1N a Record says: On same Inay be said 6f worthy candidates. law. officer, and the out of pow�r, now admit i . Every person Possibly the other party. 'is likely 0 foll�w in all'the other depart utelo and Cantelon Broth.- Let us have a full the existence Of such an followed f Clinton, w Monday, D. CA may, -have been Jennie Million, teacher in the era shipped seveirat rep''Ort--even fuller than 7, 'as forced to selec iments. herb is no doubt but the public For a beaefit derivable from his instruct ons, his now,kno that the gatio M policy was a Ere of Duchess' apples the West Huron repo�t. Last ye&r,s rport b brewers, doctors, lawyers, b- special tj service are in great demand ,dwich school, died at her home in Tiaes- to Winnipeg, the flr�t of the season. Thi in THE Exifosrrop. and �,h6 like, f )r want,of a far Tier member departments ha,e water on Monday of last week. great mists ke that the ountry would be been t6rribl loaded up would have been coin- track bear his: already visited y year fruit is earlier than usual. act, in pletei had The fuller -of the co cannot reeall an the report the reall; interest do Is interested. and in -iiowick township, died at BowmanviIle, earlier a ason. the rate. 1, the ages be�_en given. -killed. a no of Robert Cunningham, a former resident the history of Huron we whoi!n they thought qualified for that rank with sup rnume aries for whom there In f many mun cipalities on the millions of dolla"re better o 'to day hAdMr. Mr. Laurier w:)uld have had no'such excuse, —Messrs. L9 unci Macltenzi3O'3� revenue tari ishe combines p use, and ho ha e' been placed on the pay on the 28th alt. A cancer was the cause of C On one occasion buyer D. payers of each ct just completea2 every instance, we notice, policy been in for Mr. -T ractical know- g the councils have ope me take in reading it.— ex�preas d by reaoluti ds, Vito. t is over. expres 1, ioli, t ledge with all hat is required to fi Ooliti,cal par cms. Indee Mr. Cumner, carpen rat iese past eighte n years.' ' rol telon shipped apples from Huron oij the Many I for purel an 'or otherwise t a man y P death- 8 of gust, but the general record shows 4r,'haa taken,'the job ht of tearing down Mr. I Hardng's house and quiteb, Al& y y 0 ng, t JismiBsed ry, rt but b Holniesville cheese facto 1�e ade about the erecting on the a —Mr 4P,41 atisfaciiOn given by his instructions and riiculedl,and yeti we now all know th wealthy, the g were �ut on at the bim - on Tuesday sold een in ame site a -new the will remember how his rail aY policy � was for public offic He is a farmer not by &c- Mr. Tarb) says �hat many of those already —Mr, James Connoll salesman for the a eident of bi hoice. You men to' h il i "fyid at-' 16th 0 telor one to e 9 to the benefits -o aduate of an English Univer 0 of the gri e year L shipped from vene red with lip e instance of tract of ter- L brick. Men are 'now work- sity .(C&6mbri he deliberately chose agri- -lection, a a vative sell, at 6 13-16c. he 6 of A ing at the job.—The or baseball f ay been Conser" I'lli n . .1 Juni wandered on thi y in economica and d "govern- culture as his rofessiony rathdr than those t and ithout the knowledge of .—Messrs. Fer uson Halliday, mer- The 1896 rui er than Huron. Wroxeter defeated t struck by a Palo r litt tice also, that the county con- cil of the bftilt b t�.,,gUst, team o We no-, had the Canadia;n Pacific Railw valuableow k -U btairied. ad Lt half the July make to Mr. Cook, of lager- Keq andida 11 11 e,li AdUnited 3Gunties of Stormont, Dundas anq other o,6'cupa lie juniors of o c ment, and, 1 138 to which that term is too t top i, abundant and fro ur village Glengar, in on our grounds,.on Monday evening of -this —Mr. John 10, ang 8 11, and an munage recently renW he proL- bIrain ow7er wl ich, meetings by Mr. Campbell in v' redi And as farming needs quite as M r. Fergueoi to spare. " Just a min aud irapIlemenU �and Population requi exclusi ely a plied. Devoting to it that great loos3ness o management. It nots by u iubso in future will be con- —On Nlonda ier than usual. weeki by a score of 12 to a the necessAtie , of settlement -tmen ebants, of Brusse s, have dissolved partner- two to th ee we -y have arr ed for a s3ries of -he depa t. This, of course, ear :hw shiep a dij �edThe bi of las week, George Lid - n. son, a chAd. be7een ten and eleven y�ara of in the ments who 1qorthINVeit 'Terri .,of Wingbam, latest baseball Phrase, and- i f u _w now have in,Manitoba� and the much t raise he standard, and the profits ppients wil be as d age, was 0 is - t has done —John Wilson,, V. 8 efor �,he N req ent r10 arts pofied, that instead of the much a do la' ikely, ho- vever - hat all the other depart UteLt please a P of the counties. It migh� be well, also, if tie Strag8lifig set and' medicine, he fou d Goderich police mag ably reside in ft the authorities of this c tin y wer to ab- Nort o, f agri'ulture,in efebbive as this one has just returned fr repetition Was quite noticeable so much so t oni a trip to Manitoba, trate, cha gefil ith stealing $1.43 from the hwest, the country woui Quebec. Be it understood �ai the deE artment of public works in'th'- says that the crope th that anld spectatok I care a. be compa�ct_ ere this year will- be store of remarked', " Some of —While F. I ries V�' - C. o o de. It appears that the of addresses that M . Fisher is not a kid -glove farmer these young lads have t oo much gab to play wheeling n a ec n rmer-o -the-platform at or �-Ouly but one ropriate, as Be 0 8, u from the cellar, it active ry app was attack, nd "oderich, and when in th .9 ef character- with his bike. of the rii4nicipal authorities desired speciAl a rch es and brains to make farming tit Order of Oddfellows, tt subject or if My w from Mr. Camp- ly inhabitated so the people forty per cent. -better than last year. I shild liftel a tra�p door i t the back of the ball." ThWphrase is e is a benefits of good roads, Out 'Id Government had been, for a long time, —'During the past year, Huron Lodge In-' 6ildi ig a , pd the one le bell on t�i import d h4ve the f 0 043, h oa� sit Mer the management of Mr. depende other e ph a is mone re y to the rewder the chi nveniegees usually in coilpact- _paying profei sion for himself as well am entleman who was neither., capable nor paid out in sick benafitsand to widows and On e,sto the sum tated, istic of the gaine.—Professor. Taggart and succeeded In information on any subjda connectEd with ly settled W ich th others. I At th( same time, his education crupulous, and who de orphans - and for benevolent purposes the i beifig 4rested, Im :-knowledged the of- com- —Mr. Bell, Of voted more attention ence and handed back ology incommunitie ey can: pa�liamen �ary experience will make 0 political sum of $71'3.86. our town hall, on Monday �ven Knox College, is menced a series of lectures on phren road ni�king or mending, -if they would ne�er enjoy where settl and 1he amount taken. It to the, care of h is The sparse and him anl able a lvoca te of good measures in intrigue tha Barkwell has rented his farm adjoin- was.ultim��i tely asc,,rutin, d that there were attendance was small.—Mr. communicate with. him,. I neA bets a other 6harges agxin�t hin Iliams On � being left for Shelbourne on Tuesday, where he But- there is not the least ing, the villageof Londesboro,-at pres two. -,Cooper the pas we are a ire he gli e far scattered, s is now the' the hou e. epartment. A. E. Listowel. Priby! 1., would be only too willing to give th-,m the camle. Besi es this LY DE LOTBINIEP. E. on ent called on t aV s,. is another s�ri�'i yt instead o ha G JO bt-,that many thousands of dollars an occupied by S. Woodmvm, to Wm. Rile consideration, sked to I e trieil at once, and photographer, left our town a few —Mr. -and mi I re. 'Mr. Campbe 1 11 isa deiI of debt ving kbur': elect he, IL't,r seemingly serious' has secured a sit AleArter, our infor mat�ion they, desi uatibAT h6lid s a result of the onstructio a of ii ng figure from Quebec, and being adjul'ged guilty days ago, Practical: engineer, a and the country all along take life easier. another, �ninis ually can be saved to who intends to give up fraining business he has nab only �Ie coun 0 tww of the three and has not since returned. ro-111 given charges, helwas sent to he Provincial Re t r deeply interested in agri- e line b3 careful and economical manage- -He is librarian Kemp, f To try woul now have. a' OUR* -1 As t the department under hi valuable e "Seigneur," —W. Doherty & Co., of- the Mechanics, Institute, an th 8 charge a or feudal land- of Clinton have or five years. d e mem. zreat de I of thought and asset, and the'trifflions which lord, ff vast es at �nent such as Mr. Tarte seems to have in- been awarded another gold medal for formatory 4 1 mazoo, Staffa loxt week. wen ts of Bir ti,ng his ret-.rn. His study, 1"ut has I es comprising a large part their —Thursday 'morning of last week bers are anxiously awai t into the po of thef count 0 Lotbiniere, he roduced-i I connection or an exhibition Geo. chum n ay E f ' russets, received a letter from their bachelor home. n t an� This is the second gold medal won b the hio Oth r -in-law e, etijnce. Si George Ste h --the 4hr members, also had uch prac Donald Smith, - I' I S -of 'their sister, A tical exp r y would rank with his department 9 at Leicester, England. H Mr- C. Yeo, is mona:rch supreme i P and Pe country as a�nobIeman— it is not only in conne�tion with the de y s WeLro �Mr. George Hazl —1 1 Ile b if ill Eogl d a Ong the higher class of Doherty organ this ear. Brantford '011 n J�nathan Kitchen, wQod left for Manitoba uesda ternoon, fellovW demons It is quite true that we havein this of the con*uction company; would rtments at Ottawa that ii Ing tb pa y county, rc ads about as good as can re aned in, tai w have, LaDilde I gent y.11 When the Sei neurial Last week, Robert Currie, 4th line of of May be enjoy a larcre measure o prosperity f inmense savings sad intelligence bE found en decease of kra. Kitchen. She tie and the pri-2 4 can be elfected. The 'Outside service is Morris, threshed his fall wheat' in his new home. in any m the p blic treasury and could i Tenures" act w a passed, the an eek, Gait -and, the rentg of the ally as He bad had gone to- 9reettland, England, t-5 visit :Ivlr. Win. Dane, millbr, L: have bepn used in easing the burdens of the,' tenau equ over 200 bushels, an avera is erecting a drivehouse. in most. them. co Inty in Canada, and better than asuel estates was permanently eavily over -loaded as� gre the ac of about 20 her mother[ and other relatives, and on i'�;; will be found i --fixed o But it is possible people. There are still not a f w 1, -fixed t the to,. figures—often a few cents deparmen'jo at Ottawa. There bushels to the acre. ay of Met —Dr. Hodgagi h per ac e t h h is scarcely It� is Of the Clawson Tusd week, a cable conveyed thia that -we iving w.o L w it had been put, perhaps a town or dity in the y expected in e o Marys for nearb W I er the Neebing hotel and the on , ce a'bun yepar ago. Dominion in which —John Elli e sorrow strick-en ight be able to obtain, through rememb variety, and an excellent hard qualit un t Chiselhurst. ott, an employe in Button husband. r,9. Buffslo� Xew celebrated karninistique River, and the*.Op- §ir Hjurv' is r not been established for the sole . P mation that would enable Even at these rates, "g offices bav( itchen CMI'VINGS.—Mr. an �rel ell, infor had not been in r importunate iad any-duotion that I �er deeease was so MeTaggart, ot London, is visit' Mr. Mackenzie 'be. . Jured ItJ 'd a our m heaped,u,,. on in e, for anada. But he -spends it purpose of making places fo d tr a �ciy. - US to spend the money we now sj�en probriu e orted to have a �Very large Fea6at's factory class be d Mrs. Shepherd are nership with Win ham, who was in- flrst-- i for some lie, but no per- n roais to better advantage, so tha r the i prevenient and encourage- board, died from the near at baliV She was u n vi( I Ing, in, this —Mr. John 0 and clamor 3 arriage a real WE could cause he prop'sed to establish the lake ter f agriculture, and has made the re us supporters, and which could -effects f his injuries on Friday, 24tli alt. n threb farm in Fullaru -1 '0 while atten ino, Ilis duties by being son I Itil visiting- fri ds at- Kiucardine.�Xirs. if. reely struck by a piece Olf met of 0 ited in I �inity--Mr. J. McLe' ize better value for the outay we make. minus of the Canadian Pacific at Fort W be abolished without in a' tol%fr. littelien' in the this year's crop this week. The yield f If we could accomplish this, we would ac ny way inconven- —Samways Old Land and was it- -storaton of ti ber forests a special study.' . Paul, of Morris, met with an the mother of t 0 gone ankl t] latter 'v,' i� f:�71 im,and usei the river as the harbor 6f - the A'Iany years ag , he gave a practical illu. lencing thc a accident I at week. He was ra fall wheat and oats was fairly good. Ing In comp, public, and effecting a I rge a 'Ing ced ' They resided hree daughters, and $3,000. Th, lish a great deal. If each a u Ality ation, -by pla t' in. Brus for about four W. McClymont,of Toronto is the guest of n the farm that set e of 'the doffa years, leavin ere fi�,e y an cedar log, causing him to fall arm ago. Perkins, in tbis Tilla can save tivo hundred dollars a year in the fath which be hadju: his cheme, he c d has now a large. be put to p ofitable and productive uses. quie —Ma4ter Zoliv -i nicip West, and. because as an evidenc tr Ing walnuts over the area saving of th emoney of the people, which can out of the swamp, and his foot gipipe of a good sized farm her sister, Airs. on a Om- quantity broken —A ve but pret ediug took Mr. R. Miller is the guest Of Mr. J. vlitz- 'ton school, won maintenance of its roads, and at the sae men.ced n of val able'marketable timber, in: S 0 limb, which ran.' into his thigh. The limb,, place in RILett, on July:) t gerald,.—Miss Mi. j. a i- M�orrifion is spending -chairman 'Of tb W Herrinitcu, bein her holidays ds as they woul6 ha-ve I Point foK the I ac of the 'trave wonld never ha 6 thought of trying to grow other member of the Government, is not �o g the mar- at her he time hive as good ro the erectio of an hotel at th er a man of less enterprise that if the inister of Public Works, or any was about one inch thick. at the re at a- district wh' with the g ampbell, f riage of his daughter, term on compl George, son of Air. Wm. C deuce of Mr me, reater expenditure, it is jus�� the 'ablic, and commenced the dredgin board, forthe —The a i ling P the black waln t. -His example might well guilty of greater offenc' BI th, met with what might to Mr. W. Me- -Tuesday evening was the heaviest of ,the same in have pr ved a�- Don . . . . . . Terton, taking tl ald, of Loi es than wee4ing out idon. �i lie bride was at. f3easOn--Mr. and Mrs, J. Fitzgerald took 4, money point of view be followed i serious acciderit, last week. witho some tended by Miss Me 'trance xaminatf-i g of to a'ldm it th n his natura home of all tim. the public Service in .:'the manner as it the the river e necessary, vessel aO- ber trees. 4 ndicated other young' lads he Was playing with a T farmers of ech township had obtPined two commodatio 9 nsall, lie Falls last week.— .8 factor in Dominion politics art,, of He in the excursion to t The,wiseacres of those days the peoplewill not be dis while the groo Aliss Em -Churic I m as an liorted b.Mr. 13. nten& leaving -seboQl &. Sir He re 'familiar to :those of osed to find much gun, an�d'as usual the gun went off, lodging Herrington, bro �r of I the shortly for London.—IM Mai hundred dollars more for th$-ir o ts, their a:d ma MeTaggart- i in P visionary, ! a;nd -that in favoring years or so nd they'may safety --ount iss Lill Alc&ow.n a he was who eb nri fault with t iem, a bride cattle or a4ything else �thpy m'ighb ba e to 'Fort I tered th arena twenty a ball in George'f; leg. Both y bride and brides 'ecominglyatiired -About 400 went'l P t al were -L returned to her home in C —Tile rize which. is annually , linton this week. Villiafii [be was� influenced by political ago. His char cter i's best denoted by the on a long lease of office. IThat Mr. Tarte given by in gowns of shad� green.I The house being —Afr. C. B. L run wasade ai atta, who has - been tahing in Miss Skimmings, of Goderich, for the high' nicely decorated with cu' London for'the past six- -months basac- all. Returning sell. Wer telieve there are few rnunic ipal- friends who iv' -niarily interested -in �o , f him I as t ' onservative journals spoke has a proper appreciatiou. o his dtities and t standing in English at the High Sebooi t flowers and 'let th# even �re peca h B f eb ayard Of POlitic3—"the re smilax.: Immediately after the ceremony town of Marys aboi�t r w,t ities even in this county, here a much the 'ell, Mr. Maokenzi6 was de- �chevalie' sponsibilit es, is shown by his remarks to ion in the place. r with t' fear and without re- cepted a resPonsible posit u entrance examination in that town, has been, the guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. Alvinston. —Mr. John proach.i� inc then a re orter w o inter by Willie Elliott. 4, greater saving than this could not b-, cf- feated The who 1 succeeded hill -I. in the i as Premier of e He He will take charge of the e mebhods -of i for a ti Qu bee . -P viewed him on the sub we" obtained -esteem in which the bride and groom AN-onbank 258 The senior division of the pfiblic school. We d--fectedbyiMprovementsin th- admin'strotio rever�ed his Policy. Th me a'd as a consistent Liberal Net. His losition will be heartily and marks out of a possible total of 315. were held was shown by. the many valuable the age of 42 yew understand that his work will be that -of has� one much to help his —The'200-acre arm on the 2nd concession presents given. preparing pupils for the pu lie aphool le&v and keeping in repair the ffigh- William,. made the -berminus thoroughly e dorsed b the people, as lie -Zome time. abandoned Fo�t 'y' always, 1he pro - ways vince. y as _W01 as in the- mll-in rt of new c of the railway [Re 'a 0' Huguenot extraction and nahan, b teitant in religion bu tA ., —A setious accident happened to Mr. Ing, commercial and third class examina. I A th only principles on which t Clinton, and for several 'years rented by John Miller, -survive him And c, Pt Port[ Arthur, and expend t alays, of Rullett, owned by'Mr. D. ' Sha sisters, Mr -S. these times every saying, i4o matter how ed hundreds of' thousau uffers i�-o loss of he ds of dofla�rs in arity in niece Miss tions. Mr. Latta holds a first class certifi- a rpr0, ebec count. publ Tyndall Brothers, has been purchased by Janet La-mont, on We —Rev'. Alex, P-0 ic 7wunsinegs can be properly or evonomi. work on either ac c of Hullett, and his counbs, It is in ways such as this,by Going f uither e tst, one must put cally conduced them, the price being $9,500. The farm is dnesday morning 0 cate, and lthoug a Young man� has had an Port rthur' harbo'r, and when they had He f sm�-ings by- i1aproved and a -fic says Whenever last week, For, a ;Rterted lAet weel all this everal days the 'had 11. DAVIES. ave up the y uffi0int Fluccessful experience' this country. cien done, t iey g HC N. L. an excellent one, with good buildings, and driven'in to Blyth to i see Mr. Jos 'County and elsewhere to warrant us. P a responsible Dffieer 6f m'y;* department -old epli Z. re- is a particularly good grazi pri 'a dieting a prosperous f uture for the Alvin - Ma ine Fisheries, in the' very ng farm. The Lamont,who was a broher of M in pr- �,methods of working, that our farm ers just all connected Milway stud with it a private. company f�ront !earn�loc.'Of C ali4dian politicians. ter ports to Me thaf he ha cc is considered a very fai i's mt- -pied in the w 8 90t men receiving Lamo -a the evA tmake up for the greatly depreci&ted prids of for nothin' awl, Wednesday morni log, while cros i .!,4 9 1 oung� he was Premier of,, sing a� fiton public school. , Mr. Latta beins with ori cond't' in En - ir one. And Ltheir products. Prices for farm products company go : a that ,he said )Olitics verVy pay for whi they make no adequate re. —On Saturday, '25th ult., D. Frain, car- Grand Trunk A which will 4 . P. E. Island at C, ailWay �* we I o.stZlon. . �he age of twenty-seven turn to the riage trim- tner and harness maker, wa 'n the boundary', the a salary of $600, no doubt be in - never Again be up to the has long been tj men will 8 —M r. George a d operate tile and untry, then these of Brus- horse tobk fright and iran away, throwing future.—Mr. Samuel -Week for Fn Ia c high water road, and pr 0 men glan go. oved from th, C ell and wife are spending the Sulam -the His er first introductio i thrown away On The g:)od over 'sixty mi ame company with that I d the Captaincy of the Salva- Miller was carrie 'Mr. Edward' old land J.,�tnark of ten or fifteen years a small,but Eelf-reliant community. ey; which is being rem boih occupants out ori their heads eae�eed the le "lost. prominent citizen' f have to go,. a els, and Captain Mary Sayers who recently creased in the near d int W is r, in connection w f 8 was be nd M is a'Air. Baxer old days of 1 a bushel for wheat, fi rtv cE nts ever, thati Ilion dollars more How- into Dominion affair without any results can tion Army corpA there, were united in mar- gibt'a house 6, Hag_ holidays With !Mr, Couch' parents. itration going the Aam v ound for beef, are at. -vobert Hughes" edical aid sentfor. a good school in the vicinity of T.Or.outo.�_ 4 -for oata and Ave cents R, p we want to Pt on the fishe returned to Brussels, Where they Purpose Di,s. Carder, Ferguson, to� the point h t4 Halifax'Arb used by the department to! some purpose. riage at Blyth. - Air. and Airs. Frain have Lamont into Mr. understand that Mr. Couch has also secured Milne and -18ame old points,. u-6 do Wau� to e estion, for which he large- There is no rei 6son why the, business of the mak- ing their -home. Hamlen Hicks, principal of Stoney Creek mphaIsize is,that I ly ass t d in pr Paring the Ca Mr. Jobu. 1111pro ed n�lpany now control -the re soon rendering a" wHenry I e nadian case— country shoul� not be carried on as efficient- 7=After'harvest, Richard istance and upon bx. publiechool has returned from a visit prie never to return. The recent this private c�, dhich aar -ed us five million of doll r' Bewley, of Alor-, hin to lit the producers o Australia, eonomic&IIY &a any other enter- ris township, and James &ion Logan transportation anti cultivtion, road, cohlposQ !of the slirewdesb, a- 8 ly and e al: ation was found that N Goderich.—iir. Henry Eyre, who has been ae brour,' keenestil at the expqnse f our souther Mr. Miller was n neighbors. McDonald, of ntLnent, aft He entered parli 3 ment in 18 prime. Grey, intend going to Yield. Tdr-o m 6r thoroughly test- 82, and hambeen New Ontario skit 1, and e,' is slightly better.—The a 2 men on the co� suffering from a compound fracture of the ill'for some tim I wheretheytook up 304 and 320acres n Of servIc( is Year the x. tion he is a barris To a goad of the�- brain and two brok�n ribs. ducted b Rev. Mr. Waddell, on Sunday rains. Ylow Zealand, the Argentine Republic and ing the -Port , Arthur te !rninus, abandoned it a favorite; there ever since. iss LamontIl from concussio of the Epwrth League was on. Aber 'countries from'which we legal d tand,isre ed t:: -ie -very policy which, Mr. ter of the, In- Editorial ]Tote .specively, last Jun6. This terri- -1--Two Benmiller cjU y e, London—lie adds long -and pomments. cated 80 -miles east of Ra made abet of It took the form heard, so much closer to the Ma' C k ory I ti rery seldon r . T'e i n'p'�' political t Port- $5e'ach �zenfl e`vfting. n enquiry perience ere the townships of Van Hdrn'l; fi b ­Fs thrc thirteer meeting, and The Stra go that the.Refortil e. Per- y Age, speaking of the new nd vernment of O�Iario eatin. ouncih bill and one' of t _y -he consameri of Grea Britain, thab"' C,�u. of the fines 11at%O he results tario Government. 'man yed b the On- than the 7nOOI1, last wek, e ainistiqua river is no his'ehief 1. erasonal and advan county c 11 �0�1 euzie, man' years before, had maxked ex and practical good senis Go of 'I a nter- e y i years t era of the world, and espec . i�ally to out, and th K a Walinwwright have b d the I w one I charm stand longer tage—besides Ili - Conser-vative rs gen ali whole souled man- -is V da, has twenty competitors now for ever in the world, just 1 ner rh at m a., the youthfulness it will have ir the eo H-. C. Cook, -Dominion, and,, the, bet' Crditon. near. -Mitch t 'Government of the on 'the be c IiRty,of Middlesex, —Air. !was decided on the of! his mind. Goderich township, who recently sold h TE with sIf its cont -4 ,,nashe had ten Years ago. h t Ir. Mackebzie often said it would be, of the Huron road, result of the last elec�ion. w We must, says: " Ill POit k Of Pocket, W. Vanstone I while Fort -w Politicians, of so long the place we all $.—The annual children'si day in con - herefore, prepare ourselve& W'lli4ln is a large and t di is was them.an who held, the stakes for all It was insured il busy an ing retain I ieir first enthusiasm, hope. look -to and g ard wi6h fath y- affection, farm to Mr. Gilbert Afair, bought another I theme' years, and paid it' Over- to 1 with the Evangelical church, will l9e to meet this UL, erl nectifZ town, and the ho� el there, under the man. pess, and high ideals. Mr. Davies seems one of, 100 acres in Ashfield, ij miles from the lucky held in company for $I.,, save oil Lucknow, from Mr. . Gentles, winner, Thomas Gled 1, a fe* d��ys ago. 9 Khaeardine, Thefollowing is a, copy Meg agenient of the C�rnpany, is one of the larg- in opposibion Ilel ti'Rg A saving of . twelve hun- the consideration being $3,509. t '-ThoiLss to be 'the best 0 he present place of -ed de ree. Years payer by eie'c of It'hea S promises hanged stae of affaira. If we can to, have done so 2, mark The town hall, t, the ne%v bill falls into favor With the rate- bit werf� s_llIp ar in 1 0 He has Gledhill, f the kind evereld.in rowly escaped unicipal. aud naional taxes as mucb, eat and bes er made him despondent, dred dollars a yaar, an bets that ille Reform Crdi nZ of public q is Governm A012 IPPIng hat Mr. AfAcke i views ingas the sides of 'the farnier'8 pocket-buok brother, Mr. Peter Cook. 4 se.—Mr. Charles cular t� on the liae. Thus Will be to take other t1lan th tein worth, mention- since re -sold, at the same figure, to h ent will stan' ton. Collection in aid of the miss" or inclined of Benmiler r half as much, as We lose by this ila seen t e highest ie's Policy has been d longer th I n the Do- ary CaU c&rried out i personalityj his uce has easily raw together." —A gentleman who has minion Government (Conservative.) Finkb4eineri of Da. back asan&� in the ompetition, alil at the saane tinie secure � a ue8tions. With such a gradually d I ; to th� letter by -the Canadian ! �iade hi nitural eloqiie recently been Sym R. kota) is visiting relatives in this vicinity.— atter and more endurino service, �dmply by PZ%CifiC COM ' !m the leader of Maitime Liberals, travelling through Goderich to onds, of llaitlandville� bets that it panyt winhip dsti- !will not. Eilber of Ubly, re) witnof gan, who has also showing that, 1,while h The fourteent ania-dal report of the Pro- malles that on ome line alone, the 4th an The a 'fatal- -inc`� On sci6litific and enlightened p" is lopal krioIedge specially qualifies Jerome Moo Michi "Int time his rin- notwithatand heetped upon hirn for thelporibf4lio he holds, vinoial Board cf Ilealkk f*� Ontario, has e M 0 d 'RioneY, -810, was handed over pent the past three-'iveeks undr the t)�r- in tine half tile probleva of existence is thus hilit 1) ing - I 5th concessions, there ar fro f ur to five W111, Vans, it t -he* binae to enital roof nicely. y his 6ppvll�erlts, he was right and 'just been issmd. We tone, v�ho h .has returned to kim home.—Mr- Ylved. This ifi one a 3 FIELDING thousand barrels of menchantable, as held the stakes George Holtzman is having his dwel)ing re - report shows that apples in and thus, also, I us ry that the public health iwA atee@l high, in since the 12th I December I 1-8&2—thirteeit —Xiss Kate F Is another ill t f the many directions they werowrong,' tien� of tile theo the orchards, and that the wkole township ears. Painted, which will add 'who wa-3 one of X which Governments exn aid the Provi 9 fis h di e b r a i I s It, brainia. greatly to its ap- peopl 3 relation tiall -_ kis keen, and accu ate foresight is good for forty thousand. Goderich town- pearance.—The many'friends of Mr. George ha Endeavor c r -years a —Wrn- tewart, son of Johy4 Stewart, Eilber, who left Crediton a few months been a3ke Mile they @an not increase the pric' leading othey equally fish-fe countries, dur. ship seeRis to be the leading apple towaship nurseryma of Benmiller Passed 4wa and uner -a 'His long success to othe d to o*kor d Nora ing 1895. Seywal kysibed outbreahe of Ago, C1 Al xeir products, Viey can and should es for ring judgment. The people of Canada, I t Sc6tians is proof t. it lie is Ale to h1old his of the county. y after WAI rePOrt, of the co, -fro R lectual power year, andl &ff ore with a fine Position as book ke-eper in Philadel- plaae howe,�er, were 1 sniallpox occArred 86 lingering 'illness of six months.iwkich he -be pleased to learn that ured cilities wii1xin reacli of the Pftple whicla ed away by t4e spe.cious own amongst tho 6 who derive their iniel- the *9 early part of —Another of the Old settlers f West hristian resignation�'� he, has see ichmond A &Rd Plaxsil,le, molitthings of PO the 101%'er,%ourcs 6f beef icts, 19cilig @*" 6"Y the Itimbering TVawanosh passed peacefully away 0 n- lip to the phia- state of Pennsylvania. is -one of the mol Al envbla thewt to meet and succesaftill y dem&gogtIes, an i litical and potatoes, wi h a little oat distr on Sa �jme of his death a an early hour Succesao you of n Thurs. Georie—Miss Martha '114 the coutitv, i forco they defeated Ineal. His U90%A0 *ne by vessels day afternoon, 26th ult:, in Oke person qay Morning, 23rd ult. The fs' chmidt intends me tke difficulties which the ckang d Mr. example leads to a, -w *SRI kh6 Uaited f6a6ims. likey w6re, how - e (I I Qrd on tke Mrs. R. Murray, of the 8th concessies, diseaae$ taking up a coarse this fall in 'the Alma —The reidew T a ahis governm1ent. As -'TusIbEii OF ever, of she consumption, brought on b &]:I tack ef L reauzst�aces have brought about. PR'OVINNIAL PRUMIARS Xk N*r We benefit of though an invalid- for years, the grippe, first a College, was t, e3wit of consumptives kk "FW6 SAV10oaics tkb es call came howed itself T.t fall, adiex' St. Thmas.—Mr. A� .-,_-=eILtedO this,theydo all theyshoul hit ckane, it is in the new Cabin t. This is made an objec- I dolenly at, the last. Atrs.Xurray Krime of NebraaL ka eent on the 15ti knowia tliat rilill n 0 "v tion by soine, bu tablishment of 1600we IW f&e Goverii vr a native of Argyle, and, calne n�edical aid- was sunim formerly " old Credi- i06 of dollars were'wasted a li'Me reffee'tiolt will I was an oned and tli�iq pAti show that it Inust iaor on some hal to tkis 9�tting graduall 411t ton re�ideiat, is the guest of An Thomas -riplze Of his sistel orse durimg the spring it n v e e 0 an 9M a es- eaa Popul&r cona- 1 p"teeted iract of land, country about the year 1847, beiag ab tit 66 was thou�ght 19, y W Yearly.—Ifies AMOS Doupe ofi' -at to consult an I!XPert sialz Ii *TONPreva forest g . rowth. I Years of age at the time of her Jeatk.o Sho 2?oronto�-who howeve Williams at present on the 'Was eould at.—Our base ball t-eam went t�o Zur- the glve:ag hop" ick On Sw'-urday last, to play the retum -of P 0 0