HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-07, Page 1: -1. . I . � . 1�_ . I I � � - � .
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L 1. TWENTY-NINTH YEAR' L . � , L I � L I - " . ! %,
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�4 WHOLE NUMBER, I . � . . . � . . I I
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� (-,f new t1li"P14. � . I __ 11 , I . L. . *k&FORTII, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, IL896 . I MICLEA�X BROS., Publisliew.
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1_� - I - I .� I 1 ,$1.00 A Year in Advance . ......
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� 0�p L _�INEZUEL Z= - Tuvwt seexi this ition, b I �
L 4 t.ry I il� I*YO � wide A hen' from twenty to twenty-six if the highwa from the station is to . - � -
0 __ ! " . . . ovr . I ) . T be ary, circulft3tances, she ought to have wai badly bruised; and. lier left leg was -
. ! - noidoVbt as to the trut of tile story -for Id accommodate -all the traffic over passable only wheu the mud is baked by he
� V - 1 w Prices, -L .Goods - "� ..' ' - I . _4� � ,
� w ", . � I . . wou
: C`f S11111111er, I : . I , - be�16S boina vouched fol.
- 000(1s� � IgPe�eial;Gorref;POndence. ] . by leiiAing pitt- _ t reached Airs. Latimer broken between the knee and Ankle, and her �
. - I . . � ' them, It 1 in perfeetly right that street 'sun ? . � w
, A,R, Venezuela -z -, -nee, told i . -tit half anklesprained The girls do not remember
iii -S for tho ri��;t of , -CIUDAD Bo I , July 24. s 'it luis, be6u, in sabsta as'born in Ireland, and lived abo
I . , . Isly I �
I . out of % . I- . ):W the allowances , should. be of statutory width, You councillors are elected by the people 4"er, life In Toronto. �
. Tliere 7ill �b � � iginal El Dora�do. st, Humboldt, N01ose ' IL '
� , p no� .. � I This Is the �r To t Geinian iiatti,ra I i 4' for the fre ,,anything after "the horse kitked -until thev
� . . . � , e ado ission of airand light. But to Qerve their best isiterests. You are sup. �U-T%Rev. W. J. McCaughan, the elo . ed ti L I - �
! be rer utatton for ventvity is -Lini nipeacli ' .
� � . - - tly C(JrTot should stay thia If '' Can ob,ltire , eIit I were assist o tho- house. The affair waz -
: / Perfee J able. to attempt to pave the whole six't7y-six feet posed to study out and frame the beat pos- ' ish 1, ar: witnessed by a man working Iwo fields �
� p .. .n divine, of Belfast Irelau�
— ! original Dorado, or. Golden Country,- ' the cliniai o long e otigii, 1. with roadway and sidewalk is little short sible plans for the improvement of hi b rived in lToronto a few days n C1110 away, who hurried to the spot �Id captured
. M. goillk out to flave a sh, y,at'tho electribs. Of , . I )_ I - .
. Season, ; of whieb. SIT I I T1 3re is little rl - a criminal waste )ublie money. These- ways and the expenditure of !the peolif I _� .
- ill lmn(l whe , L I Walter' iWeigh went . p e a i -The *ife of Farmer Jam ' '
1. I L i1sh. Tit are not es Mortimer, of the horse. The injured are doing nice y, �
I 11
� 11 yGir . . Deaf 90 narkow widths may s i in inslufficient, but in money. I am supposed to aid � you in this York township, last week gave birth to -The examination of the body of I 'Wm.
�1]4�� t I . in Sear&I L800 Y.&%J`�'J Ago, and which,"be deE dIj as solne of your strc'et tri -,
-it Nve �'W., I ) Support of my asserti. i I have but to- point by my advice. Lit us settle di�'ivn now and three bel'S'L
e � if
� 11, � -lilt . � f
- I heard; was -rul(�4 over J)y a king. L Whose wh t I see occasionally in the paper .be They lived but. it short time, M,etcalf, the farmer,hilled by lightning near
_,�' � � � to all the larger citic A the province where prepare a plan for the concent Z ti n of the however.; Komoka -revealed a curious state of facts.
I" q rult,, J�J,, � I .
ill .re_ The efficacy of attempting to sell goods only costume ,v�as a coat . trup, and -'there is i3ouiething e2xr-itilldin roadways of no great I wi(kh a xZer 01 !
Very alj�-iot,s, . .. . of gold leaf, e�wlld p-lun .. ecommodate forces at our disposal. Chi ,�jathmastera -H terloo, while play- It was found that neiMy every bone in his -, ,
I I out of season is now very generally acknow- hence the DUERO I He didlilt find the king t ges of the stricken hor3eq, a much greater traffic - 1an will be demand- who have niads a success of th ir own busi- ing catcher for a pitcher, misseci a catch, body was sbattered and reduced to small
� PJ11at, to buy. . I ledged. People don't buy and pile up',goods or the g431d, a�(J when he went- home to th"o. writhing fopi'lls of t] e snakelike 3als - ed,of the streets in C leton Place. 1410881, and furnish them widi modern instrua. and the ba�ll.strnck him square on the nose splinters -without burning or lacerating the �
_� Engl'st-Rd Queen ]�Ilz d Pie sh* tit"-
, A"-hhad his, eAd out am 0 Lug, 9PStic latilig,il4neros, Aii alinost entirelyl neglected feature of, tion and in!" no to make good roads. Often and broke every bone in it. the flesh. The horse that Mr. 11,et�ali bad �
.W J�y : intended to be used at another season - than - h .
L� Ulin-'s we Aroul - tile one in which the article was Ifi, aaid that wus the end of good gir Wal. It wiis, in tb is se4tion, a go, ttfa.t a e.A . I
11 I- I d - b9ught. - the f - ro4dmaking is the draffiage. Without good the beat clas's of farmers turn out to do iiibrk -The accommodation at the, Ce tral under a tree for shelter while in the field
I L � L . es rej .1 .
I ., . 't -' ' AM But the stari Mons naturalize, Nvatterto I had hJs 4 - underdraivage and good surfape drainage but find the pathmaster a man who, ex ept Prison, Toronto, is being enlarged byntbe raking hay, was affect'e'a differently. The �LL
I�Irly Nvell - r- . � mined to I lure many ture,vi,t1l P .eu
& -11 Values change too rapidly to Permit,of a man to his death, and they, are ' . lie hilxP yd you cannot have good roads, That a road when he received the statute labor list 'forty Ila. The - I a�iina!,t t��ough instantly killed byAhe sAnle
- 0 , �)io a I - r, W On
- - � told to- � . , ad addition of -eight new cc
L purchasing far ahead what. in * be go�dl day, and many a proF one androdo Min to sho , so lie wi' as muit be properly crow4ed so as to shed the not given the question of road maki g a ing twine department is also bein ex- lec ric, s
- . � ay I Peotor fully 1-6lieves � bind
I - : iltr 9 -,- , . aft remained standing on its feet,
i I - value to -day in clothing, to-morro.w- id high that the goldom depicted'in all the sehoolt. 00ks -of abo 60 water -to the open gutt'ro at the side, and thought during the whole year. He kn ws - tended. .t I
I .
. : L co still exists. I have I .
Ainds of ,NIILLIX�Bp in pric So that a great number of p'66�1e, no ddubt it d . Y011 a, o. But imople ' ,,re more gul I .
L .1. e. . ev 9 W: Ire more le that th, y have a good fall nothing about his duties or how his w6rk . its bones, joints and mus�les being made .
� 1 "7 a much as 16 ex , ese gutters musil ) -Dr. Brereton has commenced an action
I L A tC E.�4. 1 1 and the number is increasin did. for in th , ack of here gold io then than now. Nowadayi thei -,�ou!4 . rigid by the fatal sliock.
L 91 -.now NY 0. In't and a free outlet, you will alt readily should be performed. It is a solemn trust against the township of King, claiming
: . -
�I - � . � ,Dnly what they need for the time blejilg,� be- Y e t f onia d in g.reatL swallow Watterton, lot alone the E�Iligato ' $200 -A few days ago, Edward C ;oldwell, an
L . abundance, though..,.�t . r, agree. , But it roadbed must also be tbrougli- imposed on -you by the people to appoinb as for services rendered as medical health o - imbecile on of W I iam
q sides in most cases paying cash. 11 ' ,L�, ' - * has cost tho lives of t 0iisands. To rea,cli L , A. 1�um3v& ly rolled until it is hard and compact or else pathm :ffi s il Cold -Well, of Moira
;D1 DREISS GOOJ�s - : � . I thig 6it I I asters only your best and most public- cer during an epidemic. The townsbip, will village, Huntingdon townsbip,'Spra _L
�SILKIS:� ., . anit- : I y, which used .to be 'known as An- —4 . - F instead of shedding the4ater to the gut- spirited men. He must be capable of ng upon ,
� . . I .
� - I They are wise in both cases,-; foi by pur- gostura and. is el' r . GOOD RO., DS. . I t - cr, )at- -contest the claim. " his father, and with a sharp pocket'k-nife
, I 11434 �mous as the orig- I .L. -
.0 chasing,when in season waste is prevehted . - 1 . . I . . . - term, it will absorb it, sof ening the foun ing enthusiasm, not discourag*n it. He -Mr. Robert J&ffray, proprietor of the tt t d to stab his parent in the breast,
1 4
�"' 1: -ND PRINNT,i. . 1. . � . . L dabion aA well as the surface and permitting must be a man respected, that hegean e:ger- cago Referee, and son of Postmaster Jaf- � "I
I I by paying cash all inconve4, lence is avoidled. � - I 1�
I I I HINTS WORTH READING. it to yield readily under traffic. ' a 'empLeb
Y. I � . - A FJ1W over the eart. Mr. "Coldwell. was severely .
� I I , , Not only cise a controlling influence, and create infer- fr, , of Berlin, and grandsonof the founder jife in the encounter. The �
" m passing e �
, 1, A I ' X F, �3, ,NIU�, A few days ago, Mr. A. W. Cam st in the work. Lesson the, numberl' of o, he Galt Reporter, has purchR-Sed a half J oung man, who is 0-0 years of age WAS
� qLl�\� It remains for us to offer 'you good �-� ; must 'the water be kept fro .1 cut wit� the kn
; . � . s., in . piell, through the roadbed and ooftening it, but pathmasters, for you have only a few i -hen � in
(')��IEP-Y, GLOV.K - . season at reasouable prices. I , � . � : I provincial road instructor, was invite' by . rest in the Reporter. - shortly afterwards arrested, while in th*e act
81 L . ., dir i in fit be had to of this sort ; and when -you find' one kp'e - 4 -Rev. Dr.- Hunter, of Erskine church, of setting fire to the woods. He was -
, I I n er aina
rE'Afl, "'CC., I L . � the council of Carleton Pla _e to visit u
I , &c. I L hat plenty of u d p
. Straw Hats have certainly bee season- I I revent the water soN 1? i
� I town and deliver an address r,n road p . Ing in at the sides him in office. And when you have s -nany
� I I I . ak- ,oi T6 pnto, and Rev. Mr, Stuart, of London bro tight to thegaol at Belleville, for exam-
____ Ade lately. We are closin I and rising in it from the stratas befiath. of them, no one has s at 'his b I gone to.Montreal -with t L heir bicycles. ination as to his mental condition.
out t e bal'ance L ��� 11 ing. The following is a report 'of � ! I I
. I I address. t, is applicableL ta roads! and to do any permanent ,Work. Do T
� I of our stock at one d of regu ar price. 11 ! his- A road, like any other structure, musl have disposal ir intention is to indulge in considerable
- , -third o � I � ' I i ,Do ,
11 ?I � - I .. — - , ,ill L - -1 to those a secure foundation, and you need not tr th s and good roads will follow. . 4 I -Mrs. Thomas Stewart died At Belle -
I t*10 ""OO& ilp-ni . =_ --_ - 11 streets in general �as well ai i i4 the . � Y � wb eling in the province of Quebec. �
.I (! A great deal of talking hLa been .'done by .- . neighborhooel where dell 'lured, and; will to build one until you obtain this b der- Increased taxatio , our opponents tellius, Ville on u inering illness,
. - - , � L While hauling grain at A. Har . .
0 - __ - )y n . 9 . wood's
, Wi lill" to mike - - many people ,concerning the ehe 6ess of - �; - - repay a, careful perusal b drainage. You cannot build a roaKd adit will result from th front a complication of troubles.. The de� -
im�tion& I Pants. i - . . - , . - m4nicipal all- - is movemento, But 'in- pla e,nearlfickson, W. Osborne had the -
. .1 I _;� . .1 - . wetground any more substantially than creased taxation � ceased lady was 46 years of age, and a . ; :
.; . It wi I L I '. tborities and others bavin anything to do IF wit the present system misfortune to pierce the drum of one of his ught .
� . L � I- I I
1� '] _R WAY ' .. with the making and in riding of roads 1 you.can place a house on a similar foun. would only add to t e pre -sent waste,: A earg with a straw. It not only laid him -up, da -er of the late bursar of Toronto Uni-
i Me OT� * .1 -
L - . - .
- -
- -, L � versity,
I We nave a line- of all wool, ni , e, dark . 1 dation Very deep open ditches will tinder- change of system, go Mr. David Buchan. Bbe was born L
11 at till tilli,es dur- .� -,.C;e; ------ � � . - - . eitherintown or countr . Mr. Cam' bell � a, - roads- and decrda�ed but may affect his bearing for life.
; 1 4 I,, rU, . color, good fitting Pants at $1.50" which, . .. I— - . I � I I 9�__ P 1drain ' road but they are dangerous, ex I -esuld -The twelfth volume of short -horned at Braesi6e, near Pariia, bnt spent the great- .
� r .
14 ZI _,t. I ) L- I - - said: L I . . - taxation.are what, now, will I
0 when we say :is the best value we have ever __ __ � _-37n___=..-.-1' g . 1pensive to maintain and unsightly. Lay - - ��. � F ' er part of her life in Toronto, where she 1
_____7_ . . - �1! :7;' 11 ,-";I- - In lookin stiniates 'for the , . I . I herd books will be issuedLahortly by Mr.
. shown,'Implies more than the words conv . I ,Over your I two tile, drains, one oil each side of the road . Give T was married to Mr. Stewart fotirteen years
I . - �117 1 A yea,r I find the expenditure on streets to be he Standing, ; Henry Wade. Three thousand fi've hum-
�.. , .
I I . THE ELECTRIC TEL., . I � $2,600. John street is to get $10, i under the open gutters, see that they have � ago. Dr. H. E. Buchan, of London ; Lieu- .-
I ngdstiuA bitters, " street, $15, Bridge street, ,8200, and so on, . DEAR ExPOSITOR,--May I be permitted . u'ring tenant -Colonel Buchan, of Stanley Bar- �
� � The hottest August for years is a.head of.1 inal 'home of'tho "A ames GORRIE, July 271b, 1�90. dred animals have been registered d i
w free outlet as often as it can be obtained. the past year, only about a d6zen of which
.AUL - � us. You need'not � suffer- if you exercise a, When you see water standing by the road- racks, Toronto",.and Mr. Buchan, of Owen 4� -
i you. take one of were imported. �
I little thought about Neglige -Shirts, Under- I - the river steamer,c at Trin- almost every street in the town getting a through the columns' Df T.uj@ ExrosiTo4k to ,
.- side in the spring an'd fall you will know " Sound, are brothers of the deceased. �
. I idad, stiil up the great Orinoco t, monot. similarly small amount. From -this it� question the propriet r of the publication. of -Workmen are engaged putting the cor- . . . . . . .
r L'_�-oiods � clothing,, Ties, etc. onous journeyZi *360 miles and the got of! �vould appear as though it were necessary, that draining is needed. I the names of the sti'ccessful applicantfi at ner stone in position at the new Knox -Martin Kraii#, of Berlin, 'N under ax- ' L
.4 f lt� � .............. I I r - � . . in order to satisify the The road -metal used, 'whether gravel or the recent high schoo L -entrance examinAion one refit for stepling a note .
� : I . . . the boat. , . I I . onstituent8, far church buildit'ig, Woodstock. The st 'of $33 from Frank
,Company . hed stone, should be clean. 'Each stone in North - I weigh Hyman, of Drayton.' Kraus owed -Hyman .
� - Yt � I t it was hot In, Trin Ldad, the each councillor to see that every street in cruis Huron, witl out the statement of , s 4,250 pounds, and bears on its two
� L I � WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL t4 Ir"',"I'fi ,ing abou.t.100 In the shade should be compelled, by rolli g, sides! the words : "Knox church, erected L
, Ca%h Dry Goods , . � , �e ati �,B'l bisisection or ward gets a small share of Lhe to grasp the marks they resped - that amount on a note, and infqrmed him '
9tore, h )e I tively obtained. ,�,The -
I ,,, .re, i-.. 0 rourtli of July, but fIldt was frigid � opinion of the teach rs in convention! as- 1. .
! . . It; . 0 plunder irrespective of the requirements of firml those in contact with it, and: in this 11 A. D1, 1896." that he was ready, to pay it. Hyman came
. ------------------;- N al-,vays the streets, way a roadbed of almost solid tone may be sen-abled to the cont * --yark Kinsley, a Burford farmer, met to Berlin to get the money, and met Kraus I I
� arder ' as compared to this pl,we, ,which is . ,-:- ary, notwithstand�ng. L
. . ,
esent, bo d the. five, I Ina -in , f I as thougli: un- _ . n many inspectora es, not o the -,' a serious accident lately. He was at theolfieb of Messrs. Randall &-Brothers.
� I e, steaming, 11 ' And it looks as if your council ' secured. If dirt or sand is permitted to 1 with
- with � hot wa- me ,e remain arr cGnsolid- marks awarded to each ul candi ate. thro w'n frdin the seat of a binder, an I yrn,An to see the -mote before
ch the- I 1, I I in the neighborhood of this large amo nt ation, while presenting, per , aps a better given, but also the name - I I which =1 the money over, He was given it I
'lie esteem in whi, ' ' Kraus asked H
;,ndon and oLther pointai GREIG d MACDONALD ' " duty bound to raise and expend so wewrbel 1rn i i6ng the material, the 8
� anket. L,Xatedl succe sf d fall-
. der a vast 11
' vife�ted_ by the maily L � L . ter, and thai .a g leaf, instead of gold I I of the teacher ., ing, � struck on a projecting ---bolt, L
1-tL I is '
W L T CLOTHIERS every year, but for what urg?se it I � if. appearance at the time of completion, is of the school and the number of the sellooll' pier6d one of his lungs. The doctors think e put it into his
J leaf, .would. bave'been a ru.01re comfortable . . mouth and swat-
. I lowed ic, and made a dash for t �
v presents received. - a - . L 0. T. "'. W. S. O. T. S. Wstumo for tI.le I king. The large -river ficult to understand, Mt Ing of a er- less permanent, less durable, and attracts section where each'candidate had` been pre- that �y careful nursing he may recover. he door.
. ,
iv friends of the newly ' . I . — - steameisdonot il above Bolivur�, but you manent character.,is undertaken. V,r and holds moisiure. The gravelorstone- pared. - When then a departure is niade -At the Galt public school leaving.exam- He was stopped and held, and Detective ..
. I ..
p L . . t sent for to put him under arrest.
� _�_ . - can tako passag on, others smaller and
� . I. T. S. B. structed, and yet � this taxation has b en 'p
, ti,dshing them a� pleasan� , little outside of sidewalks has. been c n- should be placed in a-trenob, lin separate ftom a recognized custom, the public 1has I K'i' r
urney down 11-;e r� layers, the coarsest at the bott§m and each e ri ht to know inations, Christina MeL r' of Puslincli KI .
rmch as high as the rapids of what were the co a Hy-inaeu has alsoentered suit against Kra" 1;
I's fitful. th passed with 791 marks, being -the second
L Attire, 1,000 gent ', . I ...
i . - ONT. miles from, the � mouths of the Orinoco. d if I bad i If ry for the amount. --
I i going on for years� An .charge layer thoroughly rolled.' On 4ach side of reason which influenced'the convention to highe t on the list. a Pettigrew,
' ' jr., of daug 8
Jhn Afc(-re,,or,� - J � The actual lengtli of the river is estimatedi of the work and -,�ere asked to exp* W 158 opinion an . . . liter of Rev. Air. Pettigiew, of Glen- . -A fatal accident occurred Frldl morn� I
I - " nd t ese tile twenty or twenty-six foot ide road- form * I opinion seemingi
ileen on the sick list for a. . I . I small amounts ofi the different street , I way w . i ,y so morrio, had 871 marks. - Ing, on the 2nd concession of issouri
I .
� � - - at aboutL 1, 600 In les, but as it has exten- ill be a curb of cedar or stone, then a valuatle that the nspector was complaisant . .
� - . - , t I
.s many friends will be- . s 1' �L would not, could �ot, expec more than ou boulevard of two feet, then the sidewalk, enough to d6fer-to it. In the absence of an -Rev. Win. Patterson, of Cooke's church township, seven and .a half miles east'of � .
,�t he is iniproying.-Mm . - I . ve connections' (like all well regulitted have done -little or nothing. . . . then the row of Wees. The . t I ' London. Mr. Seth Young, the well-known- -
� . South American families) one can. keep on remainder of opportunity to judge of the weight this Toronto, �has completed his -tenth 'ear .
. the road allowance, . t opini . with the congregation I blacksmith and farmer, iyas instantly killed
4 her (faughter Ettie- I Vp-town store- I Down -town store - ter niont,lis, if he so The fault lies largely with the syslem 81
I desires 'and then not . if the expensive bu ought to carry, and of the reasons . At the Wednes :a .
i - . useless fences are removed, will become so upono: nightiprayer meeting he was presented wit on the C. P. R. crossing there.at, 8:30 a. m.
, Mr. anil AIrs. Johm Carmichael's Block I Cady's Block. :ftnd out the source of any one of them. which you have i In operatic n. . ' Some ri �ral I hich it was founded, I beg leav e to . K .
The farmers are now all. . L - In fact, the ori � noeo is the central municipalities have done imay with this much lawn space added to the original say that I consider the omission of the pub- a well filled purse and an appropriate ad-.- He was exercising a pacin horse, and was
irrest, 'and that means . - water- ward'systemofpilfering the public trcas- depthofthelots. Thisisthe plan Ihave lication of the marks obtained i - dreso '!by the members,of his flodk. � driving south when the 0. �, R. express ,go-
- r1or ol r
I . . way and system of the va4 inte the candi ! east came along. The engine struck
ur village.-IvIr. Squires,. [ ury, and buying the good opinions of the urged, and is the one which is being largely --dates whose names a �Cly iYour -Martin Breen, a farmer in the, town- � L
'Venezuela, r�nd, a� usual, the gnglish have -es on the streets adopted. It is economical and at the bame columns last w_eek, .a stupid blunder,! a -ad .ent Bridge, was
been spendinga a, few . I confrol. of its very best outlet, holding the L people by scattering the tax � W, Young, throwing him about 80 feet up
ar, , .. . key ti� the system in the I alan4 of *Trinidad I is unsurpasse Ock by lightning Wednesday afternoon
"t ht, _Nfrs. !ticker,. L � - 11 . in front of their property to he clucked over time ' d bk none in beauty or most unfair. 1. It is unfair to patents str r,rack. He was instantly killed. The
(I Enlarging ship of Chatham, near K the
t'�Mncsda � last. Mr. - I like corn scatbered in a I en -coop. ' Town' utility atid.if adopted by you, will add to who have children of public school of last week, and inati.ntly killed, ' borse'was also killed and the sulky smashed ��
I Y , . oppoF#e to which 'several of its 5Q mouths age. while I I
tghly of this, section -of I I the a 5 - . politidi 8 however, your tov�n in a, measure not to be appreciat- They ate unable to judge accurately of the � idin on a dime barrow at work in tb into - splinters. Mr. Young leaves nine )
__ belch �out thoii enormous- floods of turbid ,part reluctantly w ; go children among whom are I
, 9 h e field. .
nea -'alcDoug 11 has dis-- L � I I t*lis fo of patronage; Human natu '�e. ad in dollars and cents. . work done in �the section in a . cea essrs. George -
a Wa I � Now, I am'L not goffi,g.to say any- . u I . . . which they live, years of age, and $
L . L i I . mch. disciissed and dis- gentlem n, has es Air. 0 a urning his attention and if about to make choice of a new home al small children. an I
- I . 1. ""boandary line" , for o�e reason, 11 L -The little -four-year-old son of George �'.
. the wor d over. And you ill find under to the members of the township council, have not the necessary information about .
bay mare to Mr. Charles- i thin .about that � precisely t e same qualit �mpbell, in t leaves a wife and sever d Seth You% blacksmiths, London.
�t to 06 old country mar Store, . pu -Mr. Paul -,Dennie, wh6 died in Cornwall,
arrivF_d home from 'and �Iiat Is that 1,don' . t know almost Un . aculous escape from death -one day lately, ......
Jinore � - . for other, the war I-syAem, that loca. � jealousies m ill said that it seemed necessary to the status of the schools that often is decis_ recently, was the oldest'citizen in that Griffin, of near Burgesaville, had a very mir-
. .
day lw�t. A21r. Cudmore&- - . . . . arise, ai d that people will . clamour lou� ly spend any time in telling them that good we 1, influencing their judgment. , The town� He was born at the Cedars, Quebec
. anyt Ing about It; neither does anybody 'Lag I �
o' ' The little fellow was out in the field where .
ret in that district, and- else a q to that matter. Even here at the ship. for improvements in their section lestso e ruralroa areneeded and why theyare reputati n of the IrJorrie � school is wide- in 11109, and was therefore 97 years of age. I I
I F M ay.
I - He had been a resident of the town for 89 i i h
it & difficult matter to- . other a.-ction' should out spread, and this large y thiough the publi- his father was engaged drawIn
Ir. John Moffat is' Still iW G ping oLut. of the'guld region, the interest munificence of its expenditt re. The con - within W Xmitsof one address, since they cation year after year of the sitanding of its years, and leaves five sons and one 'daug'h- The dog w,n
I �r eat . -in it has about died out. It has always a them in t e needed. Indeed, I am at a loss to tell you ,I lay do in front of the wagon
ition, w th very little mi- � I - cillor wt. o has the courage t ) stem this so t benefit so 'any different classes of pe pupils. My' own removal here was- ,ter. iThe deceased was remarkabl wheel, and the little boy, not aware of dan- .
BL been wstinied that England will * b all 10 in ople in partly Y hale . I L -
arga i n SL gra of tide v ill find his head in )he,baske t so many ways. There are other more im* and hearty till a shorttime ago. ger, was soon beside him. 'They were un- .
)etter .Mr. Moffat has . � . she emn, wherever she sk t b, owing to the reputed character of the
'L in �is affli -M, . I . -can 11fid. it on top ol there are others, gentlemen, wbi el n portant features to discuss. Yon know or been 9pene . d
L ction. M. D ill list teachers and the school; and the judgment . -Two new postoffide's have- d notice by the men, and the horses started, I .
, Or Oash . grou-i.d,_and the Veneitlelans. haye been to this nian's tale of woe, and W' � McGillivray- township. One will be running over bofh. It is thought that the I
of��L F' I g a fuse ever that me, is should know' how important they are to the thus formed from the published results of In I
. .
-a 7 - since. the English sue, tirade, and the other in n's whim, a d welfare of a nation.- Roads . have frequently exam nes, w body of the dog kept the severe pressure off --
,cher- and daughter .
of "Nfardtoba, has beem- 11 � exp u .
11 , inations has been amply justified in. called Meru ith Thomas McInnes as
, . . I coed the Dutch in the adjoining territory when be gets at the counci meeting, w*11 been described an the veins and arteries of the present year. 2. lt is unfair to parents -PostlmteD� situated en lot 15, concefinion 7. the boy, who came out but slightly bruised,,
I .
.; .
, nt, AN111- . Jamea Mus- , L on all - . I
1 . : . of G LL lana. I I I rou -lower forms 0 I - w g died a few minutes after -
4 . Otandup and turn &round and talk to who have child hile the do
ad& This is Miss Mus- � . . I I I aih -so disappointed in the geneml as- � e a nation's life. The, illustration is a most ready fpr the I The second will be known as Hutchins n �
I- . ; si
. �ntario,._'Tho threshere' I __ audience in a most harsh a d blatant tone fortunate one, f6r jwhen I go into any of the high school. In making selection of Jamen; Rock Hutchinson, �postmaater, tu- wards. . �
� kinds of pect of flils so called city, whieR was found- in order to woo the fortuned of the mob and . _ ated on lot concession 27. The mails will -There died at Richmond near Parle, re -
ding from the four quar- , locality, � � especially' the older localities, a high -school to which to send their child- 51 �
I I ed in'1764, that I am.not going to waste bask in the lory of their a )plause. - - where ro' ds are bad, ill -kept and congested, ren, do not parents, caeferibuis fiaribus, leave Parkhill three days in the week for . cently, Agnes Bell, reliet of John Irving, s. I
h inst., the� : 9 . a pre -
i FJNE ! any words dw'ribing it, only to mention No permanent w6rk can be expected in I find thb country fed by them presenting fer that high -school at theme new places. � � well known farmer ofBIenbei-m. Deceased
' I
w many years. Farmers- � . I I - that it is a good place to keep aNyay'from, your town until the counci settles on sorr. e similar - a xamination - hich, as an -A Princeton correspondent of the Sen- was 87 years Of .%go, and had been for a long
y in gittina their thresh- . . . barren an I starved appearance. e centre, the st ccessful can- I
� � . ,particularly in the summer season, wheE plan by which the roads car. be uniforml , I e roads are c didates at the I high sch)ol entrance tinel, Review writes: It seems th e a highly respected' resident of RieY-
�, as there ca;'re a' number- SHOES When I well made, well kept, . I at the tim
� the typical bades may be considered as rnu Ig price of horses is coming down, and ries, Scotland,
neiollborhood.-Nilesm, I . � . I systematically constructed, doing as h the fa -me by their side also present have taken the highest marks? R ht- that of wood. She was born in Damf
0 1 cool and comfortable by comparison. But 'ent work with �he' funds at ha d evidences of properity. - ly 0 wrongly th of the work dog@ going" up, as there was a mare and came to Canada 55- years ago. 8even .
e a shipment of fine eat- I . during . v_ on the way uli I saw some few things of permall Some will tell us likel , to be done in the lowest form of and children are left to mourn their less. These I
oil Wednesday last.-- I . this year, and leaving it to be extend d that tb 3, country must become rich and 3 � thoroughbred 'colt traded for a dog here one , .
tc� rava interest, such, fo uccessive ea Had this urdy ,elore the roads can be built. a estimated y the char day last week!' are : Peter, of Woodstock ; -Johnson, Of
d some of the,- , r. I will the high school i and a horse that was valued
ge dwelling Indians, who have their summel tom , aterial likely to compose that -st,$1,000 ,in late deal by an American to Richwood; John,. of Orangeville; James .
- Tay plan grown up with the in your stree a 'it ,,teT of the in . 9
� instance, as the tr& next and eac"
_miss §usan lor is� Alteration . tell you that when the roads are what -they
- � -
. , . residen�� in the �ops of higb ttees at in- wo'uld now all be properly 0 - form.' 3. It is unfair to teachers ivho �have some Canadian dealers, was sold for a cow and George, in the United States ; Mrs. I
�s vi.aitiDg in the Forest - � - onstructed a d ought to�be, riches will Auickly flow over, I . I
�, . who has made one of' Sale. . tervals, along the lbanks of the river. I a credit to the la(,,e. The 'Only way to o them. -Their land will increase in value, madel teaching their life we, -k. They are two loads of bay, and, two small pigs. ` Alf -red Woods, Drumbo; Mrs. James Mit-
. --
, - didn't see-Inany o4 these miserable people, permanent wort is to con entrate the e - and in every way will come added strength denied the 6pportunity of coi nparing their � �C. Finkbeiner, of Cavalier, Dakota,' ac- chell, Bright; Mrs. John Cornish, Orchard.
ae this sea,qon, was im for most of them were away at the sea- penditure ; tinder the preseInt system it is and prosperity. , Good roads speak success; . work with that of William, a son, diej in Webwood a, short
. i surrou di U chools, companied by his sister, Alias Finkbeiner, time ago. . I I .
it O'clock wn Wednesday' ; - a "' � shore, or wherever the Indian aristocracy almost -impossible to do thi without arot a- and "nothing succeeds -like success." This which to them is a seriou� xn��.tter. 11 If the ,bave been visiting friends in TaviAock f�r a .
I suppl,�- in order to- 0 spends its heated term, but their dwellings r � ' -Mr. Jolin E. Wardell,'of the 2ad line
y I
Nflss Della MlpLean is- . . . ing sectional jealousies. is a mattor on which I am enthusiastic' and status of the pupils be lower than that of ' arles is a'Tavistock boy who Adelaide towliabi-pi had his stables, barns' -
" ew d
.. were tb6ro, looking like exagprated edi- A plan for some time in use in lar et; my enthusiasm is well founded, for I' know the pupils of other schools, they must at �earn(67L C' I .
1. iam, at Ba�yfield for, � . . � trade' in ihe . cutting department
.� (1 .13 I . � I 49� tions of tho, fL-Ah hawks' 'nests one geos aloDq - I and sheds completely destroyed by fire on
Ooad, of Hensall, was� . . nd if � I ,
. %A � is the Frontage Tax Sys em. Under *t in the next decade will be in, and will necessary arouse themselves to renewed ex- 0, large. business in the tailoring line out during the prevalence of the storm, When -
I I . the coast of New Jersey. ,This reference tb cities and rapidly growing n favor in towns that the advance which Ontario will -make once set, about to ascertain the cause, a f the Glasgow warehouse and is now doing Sunday night, 26r,h ult., about 10 o'clocky �
, ,�
I � I . P
:try -McLyiriont ditring � Jersey reminds' me of the mos'quitoos improvements on the street are paid for y. -largely spr . in out of good roael,is. ertion.' If their pupils maintain a high went. His former friends are pleased to I . 4
.I. Fluker and. baby,, of* � L5'Z7AF0,q7_g whichhaunt.thelo!wer Orinoco, And which, property,abatting on the w rk or benefitt d O�e difficulty is that the people -of the standing they are entitled to such encour- learn of his success. ightniug struck the barn, a large structure
'It her mother, Mr.s. G_ I I. � I 1'00x40 feet. H� had retired, but noticing
i . � - I I , from lack of human provendei, "take il by it. Se'ational jealo!sy' can do nothi g- province appear to think all that can be agement- as that brin a to themselves, as t -A party of enthusiastic canoeists left
I - i opposii1te f TWO I Oppositq - out" of all newcoi�ers on the boats. more than encourage the ra id improverne t done in rd'aamaking ba b n done. When well as to the commensation- of the'pnblic, Toronto Friday fok a month's canoeing up a bright light -shortly after a hard clap of � I
I-*— - I . Tbe'old historian. says it:7 is:betiveeri the ofistreets. -No coun even though som , thunder, he got up and saw the flames com- I
L - .
: i Expositoii, Office �STORES. J Town Building cillor a dependent, f r the time comes to do stRat7te labor they go I - e lazy or- incapable teachers i' north.. They intend paddling about 400 - 11 .
� . Ing
K:eter. I ; months. of 'May and September that "tile !. may suffer -b i thro ,gh blie,roof of his stable. He lost, , I
� I rel election' on his success i grabbing mon y out to put in time or send the hired man for y comparison. -4. It is unfair ; miles, going down the Severn .river to Geor- . �
; . . no time in endeavoring to get his ho
1,_- North 14,'acl Hote17- 2: � Orenoke riseth f till 30 feet u to lazy -,teachers. Such may well ask them- gian Ba , then by the Blackstone and Mus- . roes
. : . 11 . - pright, alid it for work on streets. The reAidenCs on a v his holidays. If one attacks the wasteful- I
Total Itos,%iarXenmillerr i� I Is for this cause, that the Indians are fore6d street can have any class o pavement th y selves, ,t" Why should I weary my mind or ,: koka laies to Bracebridge and the Height ,Out, but the flames,had taken such a hold
U auction, here on Sat� i I * . ness of present methods� in defence they III n tb * n d e d ne in the way of ,
. I to live in this manner. " About the only wish. In the end the cost is no greatbr n r point with pride to. the roads their fathers of Land, and on north -'by the Pettawawa, 0 .
� ;
. �M r. T. M. Carling� 01' � -nes is the-toi� of it 011�t pupil a sound mind in a sound body? Are river, to near Lake Nipissing, returnin to of the contents.
I son food ava4lable at such tii as great as at presen . is difference' a built, Nearly all the roa4s in the prey* � e 9 130 "' 0 1 gcoul ')
r-% tire my body in tr_ying to build up in a S,vin % either b7sei or any
H. R. JaLl . Ing � ome 00 or 400 bushels of wheat and 8 ok ,
ae harnmer.- - I I age - palm, In whicli, they some- that by one plan people g I good roads f which can, -with any d gree of truth be . -
. Th e Do . the cabb I I I not 422 marks as good in the eyes of � the Toronto by rail. I '-
1; sa I - - . . . e - 10 tons of hay were lost, and all his imple� - ;
)'e .
ill offer far � le tha- I I I 'Y th'e b Teachers' Association as 845� Why take -Patrick Farrel, proprietor oftbe Royal .
- I � times in&k-e their rests. . . their money while b th t er the tax(s 1 called good, are the old r ada,.1those started menti but his..bindur, ilow and buggy. The , �
1.3 by public anc-tion 0M There are scores of things more liarmf ul are iner6ly buried in e in d. The mone I a century ago. They were built by our the maximum for objective point when the ,hotel, Woodstock, has returned from - �
� & SON ,. . . . Win, property was insured for $1,0W in the Haab
4.-__Nir. J, W. .Brod-- I � ! I . .1han tfiese poor In ansinthc'Orino�oand israisedbythe issue of debentures, the fathers, not their hired ir en, and the work minimum is reckoned as good? *Besides, �nipeg, where, he was judge of heavy draught . -
It I � its tr --for example, thii annual rate of taxation is mall, Williams Company. Quite, a number of '
I.Mna.n and Rev. Win. . .. Abutary streams the cost c f done by them was. good b onest toil such as are -not the examine - rs merciful to the pupils 11orses at t - he Winnip�g' exhibition. , Mr. I �
hi,t Grand Bond park� , I Direct Importers of -*- caribs. The caribs are not men, but fish, maintenance is reduce& an the citizens get I neighbor,T'were soon on the scene�, buteould
� I . they were accustomed to in fighting,tbe of weary waddler? Do they not re -read the 1arrel states that this year's show beats all
I � i - do nothing further than keep the fire from �
_Nfe,mrs. Wm. J. and, I � Jules Robin & Co.'s Brandy, Cognac, and the -most ravex ous, bloo4thirsty devils immediate returns. Bad oads are alway � forest. I I papers after dinner, of the weak who may irecords,,. the crowd on the grounds on .
, . ha i i I
� I .
- .
I --perit liv.,4 Wednesday' - France;Jno.de uyper &Son, Holland Intheworld. Theyaxe sni&ll,notmuch expensive. . ! This sort 0 epping over statu . to labor ve pms d in each subject, but who have Thursday of last'week numbering 30,000. the dwelling house. . . � I .
�," Grand Ben& park, - : . 11 - fallen two or three marks short of the total !The Northwest crops- according to Mr. Far, -The Picton Times of last week says:
, (TUD, Rotterd�n -, Holland ; Booth's Jarger than goldfish,which they mugh ro- The frontage law whe perly frame � has in its turn bro 'ght aboiit a ood deal of . $ P
- I , - . . . u I > Mr. Reuben Young, of the Carrying Place,,
.rich friends. Tft re-- I Toni Gin, Lon on Bul- isemble,'-but swarm in myriads, an4 have is the most just and equi able manner cfl dreaming. ou spend annually on your or who may have'exceeded the total, but 1 rel a observabions, are fairl good, although made a pleasant call upon Lhe Times on
cy En"laind ; __Y I
I ' in - ouths like steel traps, -They are veritable levying the cost of street i ' rovements. roads a great maxiy' days and a great many failed in' one subject? Why should I, there- not up to last year. - I
.rvry enjoyable time.-, � loch & Co.'s Sc tell Whisky, Glas- 111 I � I Saturday. Mr. Young entered upon his
T * fore, worry myself ?", 'Win. Thurlow, of Woodstock, b -
. i - i
. Spicer are rugticating: gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish fresh water sharks, and, yvlicn z any One of To roperly - improve I Bridge street, I dollars but very few hours of thought. You as a
. i n . . 92ad
� i ' year a few days ago, looks well, seems
-We had a welconla ! Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port them closes its sharp ScQaws on a piece of would ?1e to establish th be,st and most merely dream about them In building a Now, Mr Editor space prevents my coop of Andelusian beng that he has re a 0, I
I 1 . I . ' . - h le nd hearty, walks with a firm step, has . . ..
Ir h i I - i heavy' I . herry W ne -from France and Ilesh be is more Insiolitent than Id S I Ic uniform grade lines on t Iks an road we must have a well thought out plan h rien I - or Y full pos-
st. � t was a. I � and 8 ' ' " , , ,h r si'd wa t,,fi ,, � writing_furt er. Let'me say, however, that ferred W with pride to his f i d f their an unimpaired memor , and is in .
' W
! Spain. Ag, ;or Walker's Whisky, in carrying it awak. The ta .' blood to construct theme walks ar e 11 of construction and proper machinery with �
.i was badly needed.- M,nts good teachers' iipstitutes were not formed to pass laying propensities and'bandsom� plumage. session of his mental faculties. At the re- . .
i I Ya ,6� of rea6 1
- 41 t it ims stone with 'a slope toward the roadway, lutions intended (or if not intended, at One p rticularly has distinguished herself
illa.kilig apple barrels Ontario ; has the samib effect upian them th., f, which to construct it. This is just as nee- �,
, I ! Distillery and Da,vis' . . 1. cent Dominion elections Mr. i Youn voted .
i least whose effect is) ti) shield the lazy- and by la§ing double-yelked eggs. 'A day or
v is to -day, Friday- Ale and Porter, Toronto, on a_wolf or'tiger, and woo to;the an or 1A inch to every foot in width. At t e* eshary so it is to study the rotation of crops � u
I I for Mallory, Patron, in East NoPlumber-
lenj intc i,nv to- I . a deprive the *orker - of encouragement,, two ago this same ben -presented her owner � I . .
� -nd go P. I � . beast caught in carlb waters, for th y wW roadside of the sidewalk h6uld, be pl ce or to use a self -binder in the harvest field. to -land - Ritchie, Liberal, in West Hastinge)p .
. -_ .
Tltlfellowa' excursion- I i sli flesh from bones in sh9rt or4e . a flagstone curb 4 inches in thickness d And whaV farmer is there among you who neither are inspectors bound by the acts of with two eggs at once, attached by a strong and ' I
2-1J feet in depth. This curbing can- is can affordi to cut hi wbea in the old way v Pettet, Patron, in Prince Edward. ,e -
, .1 I TO THE PUBLIC : - I it 8 . any convention of teachers. -.On the con- bar of pgg material. The shell eel * was born at ifie Carrying P4w, and has
,, ,N1 , I I North Alid- . . e residents of this reEflon: tell fearful procured in large quantit es in the vici - t trary, the duty of an Imspector Js to the soft, bl't the freak has proved 8.1i . cring was
41 pws.ser, hiff financial- ... - I t,ale6 of the caribs, but there is a�'uother with acycle,orto, sow his oeeds blindly. Road a object of- lived -there all his life.- His residence in a - I
Wh�y bere.-A neW` � We have open d a retail store in deniz' iin of these Venezuelan water I whJch ity of the town. The ce I tre of the roa building in a matter of basine4s,and business department of education, 6d the public who great i�terest to curiositv lovers. �
connection wit 0 ay. should not be as is now of ten t pay his salary, and not io any convention,, . large and commo(kous frame structure *
�t4 being put, down oIr . our wholesale busi- they also leox, and Ithat- is the 6leotrio eel. w methods im,ilst be applied to it. What has Tge prospect of free aiiver comiage in- erected by his father, the late. Mr. James
I . iv ponds h4reab�ut 013 case, higher than the'siial alk at the curl. been said i regarding d6inag' . composed o [-experienced teach- - I
[�, by the cangregatiom � ness in the rear ofthe new Dominion It 14ves! in the shallo e, crowning, even though the United States is greatly troubling some Young, in 1808. His grandfather, P-obert
bank,i The whole'street shoul- be improved b ers, instead of being largely composed of
William . n Goo(Ps; old stand, where we the Ilauos, ui�d its flOsh is considereii such cleanness and. coursing Of material, and the . of the American capitalists ' Wn
hurch.-�Xlr, . 'L . Awell-kno Young, was a United Empire Loyalist, who, - .
at tittle of writings is. will sell the be$ gooas in the market aluxur ping up the presen e .2 young ladies and gentlemen who do not i
, . y that the natives cannot, respt the rip � in tal - break *in � use of ma0inery for towns, will apply large- in- financial man of Merriphis, Tennessee, who wi -
, I � th his family, settled at the- head of the
any large stones, and removing entirel ri o,ads of rural districts. Too much com�,O to Canada for his holidays every sum- Bay of Quinte, in 1796, coming thence from
'. 71110mas Dearingc', Of, at bottom pripes. Goods delivered to mptation to" go eelIng, " even ly to the r!' tend to make teaching a prplession, but who
I I I � . _t�ougb the remainder of the i it uff which is prix - care cannot be taken to 'Preserve a .can at any time, by their votes, carry a .
Lie horse at Lucan 0,M- to any part of I he town -free. I theyrun.therisk f tti hocked,in the I i ppear- _n3 mer, �this year brought with him between Nova Scotia, having resided there temper-
, . - � ' ing' ' .
� driving hom ,,process of capture. . I posited arily'after the close of the American revolix-
� e froirk, I TELEPHONE I 1. ' K e6l (the Gyinnotus. cipally mud, dirt, and. scattered stow .� anegsi nor 'too much expense taken in curb-. resolution they wish. I am, air, - $40,000 and $50,000 in gold, and de
: . " bati , and After the excavation is y
L (";cd from being over- . 1489-13 eleotricus) is ferocious and com . nade the fou'n( ` ing ete. :! Underdrainage must be had as � Touris trul I it in -one of the city banks. - He is a far -see- tiona '
, .
. I - -thorou 1 ,iN - L ry war.
I ation should be g I y rolled with well an surface -drainage, and all drains 1. C. R. Gu � E. * Ing man, and knows when he has ,a sure I
i -re do, � I highly charge4 with electricity It is I
Ir cider -in -ills a . L - being _� . a I - - � . �
� let off , itg heavy road -roller. Place on this a 6 'no I must be provided -with an outlet. The I . �
QWifi,(f to the large, I , always willing and. iiJAim �s to -thi - I
' *
L 7. John Wood L shipped 31r_V :P -A- � S - r_V0 � superfluous eifergy. Being from 4 to 6 feet layer of 2- 1J inch crushE d stone and ro i appearance of most road allowances during Cana . nl[iso Totti� C. Moyer, the Berlin girl 11" ) .
I I . -e a laye 3 ix � wist seasons would lead I I il � -3dr. Adam Kay, of Galt, has in his pos- -
�'. Tdnesd447 0 0, .
1-()nto 011 NN7 in length, and one of Its dWharges �being thoroughly. Onthis play 17,1 I ne to believe that Two hundred nd ts are at work in ,who left a sho4 time ago, all alone, for San . .
' - ches in thickness, of I -IJ .inch stonf.11 the drains were intended to bold the water the vicinity of Lucan, ptilling flax. session a ticket of admission to a lecture
lioll Mr. R61)ert Lea- . equal to that of a battery of I A eells, �f can - Francisco, to get married, arrived all right
; . I I . nd so'bepumb Rolland then put on inches of I ine i instead ofto carry it away. Do 1. need to -Five young Toronto " v din the, town hall, Stratford, by the
I the old .4 ' e en
., is cattle to 11 ill the largeotfish. a roughs who stole a and her father t'eceived a despatch, saying
% I .0 1. ; easily k . stone and dress the durface with clea 20 to 30 days in the � CenL the ma,7ge oi - Mr. M. S. Springe a-ul ana ian Demostbenesi Thomas D'Arcy J .
J,erg aear St. Johns, . a marL . tl4ai he would becoine ap easy, prey. tell you that drains without outlets are use- sailboat, got from�' r .
� t harbol Now, it happens that Prov dence fur ished , mings. Spr -13 - C oy McGee, on the' evening of Saturday, May
lid up in tha, LL - I fine crushed sione scr4 ink less? That'water 'standing in them will tral Prison. � . Tottili er took lace on the 23rd of 292nd, 18557, the, subject of his lecture being �
0 with the watering cart tintil the surf c i certainly keep the roadbeds soft and yield- -Harrison Brothers, Georgetown, have .July. Mr. and� Mrs. Jpringer will reside in .
1'e hundreds of Ca" the ndtives With ,ail, easy. amner 5 cap- " e' . �
� � satnrated and continue th,- rolling until tb - 11 The future of Canada."- The -ticket is we
-) I a board,, and, turing the electric eel WAX011-t e osing . ing ready to absorb al I the gravel and broken bought a 7-acrej fruit pI0 within Guelph Sacramento, California, where Mr. Springer .
, th,e Iw The Canad whole is pe . preserved.
� : .
.1 ait e)& ,� E, siness College, ' rfectly consolidated, and wl stone you can pu�, onit? Do not try to city limits. �
I be at a gre . themselves to its violerim On t -1 'SaIne ' is on.the staff of the Daily Bee, one of the I -some t�en days ago.Mr. W. Foreman, of
I - CHAT11AM - ONTARIO, loins �Aere'are vist herds of wild -0' S) resist without displacemBilt, the beavie cover up the water with gravel. It can't -Rev. Priemal Bates, of Woodstock largest and beat conducted in Cali-
. -
A-1 r ' .. In any case it is extravagant and . I & ro Pros ect Hi , began a well, and dug it to
. -
ct�. until the repairg Is the oldeat busioess so � P.L� , load. Nothing but clean maberial shoul be done.- . College, who was %en serioual illatHem- forniA. He is al son of Shepr'778p, ,r �of .
,,,f thelpassengera Wh& - It ol in Camda under the a the wily nakives have to ve a . Y . ringe , T about eight feet, curbing it
I retull to Alcln.treal � . ,,Ullaffement of ita found r. Sbud&nts everywhere bcoYof thein into a I nit whM, e eel& he used, consolidation'being accomplishe ; wasteful. 'Drain ye,ur roads thoroughly at mil, Muskoka, is recovermig. Berlin. I . . the ept o
- I the vessel will be . successful. Nettie P,.r�,. -her 'm 1Xly urmse. by . rolling instead of filling with sand an I from top ottom. The other evening, to
A is "O , _J'indsor, has changed r P,' the surface and below it.: i! -During the past month the Bank of To- -on Thiirs(b.y of last week, Miss Jessie I
r9itlori, and , a" abundant to acoom�lisli thef I
01 tepog!apher foc Stanton & , dirt. The.road should be'cro�;ned so th in e it.secu e, it being ture field,
� ?�er, wholesale W clothiers, Detroit, Some Qf the , ,. at t half; ceiitury, railroads ronto has withdrawn from the United States Lindsay, third daughter of Mr. James,
10, of the, . -el , Iled bytherlope - ' During the, ,pas I j � � he covered i with inch i I'S
remainder - manufac urlul horses AT , I . -1 lizdps� The next
I Xlen Q per ak Cl � the gutter will be 12 inches lower tha�n t -ructed a enormous e
I umerous- . An't at $10 1 have been 6@W.s+, x- over $450,000 in gold coin. Linds4y, deput., r -reeve of Nicol, wam driving
; )135t p a0ed as a( (,� e ifford YeateO, G"It", ed shocks fr9m the enrage4 001a bu� of day his favo
I imple- L If] ra, e I � , centre the street. Tba gutters sh6 't,e blood mare walked on to
1enry Jones, I �en ph� r with Mechanical Super. C11 pense by the Teople- o. b i -A fog horn will likely be placed at the a horso' rake in, the hay field. Her younger
intendent D. L. :tnd 11,�,o�,,ar, Michigan. A. Me -Vicar, I , fai horses axt I have 'uniform fall and at outlet into ev ations, -but by on tre � the covering and breaking thi3 boards drop-
� .is nothing ) " crhea,�er bwl� �
in Selling t,Wo, NOXO-121 I tc ; money you eastern entrance to Toronto harbour, aa it is sister 1 'went out to the field and got on to - .
Maporwily a. with A. H. Shaun6ssy.' here,than'eelL After &while available watercourse. ped into the well. The alarm was giveni,
. ,.O,r theL a il
i I
I -11r. T. B, Carling, � *-it. I barrister, Petro] Fisher, Kineardine tera- � I .,� . � .- . r4c�le!! I hav 1A into the ublip' tr' sury. Efforts difficult to find the passage. - the alidt of the rake to have a ride. The �
.- ' e a .
# Porarily as Stenoe�r',pZ,"a,,' t1l S f f�7 ,d One of the first thing� to be done is ' have Cen m!ade to have theor roads hard and -Mrs. Elizabeth Latimer believed to horse kicked her off and ran away. The the neigh, ris gathered, and efforts 'Were I
ith . e0tive ,_ utherland, Innew Co., eels have exhausted all t4el-r elo , 'a I
� their resp - : CUtham, ._ I , 1. mad F her out, but it was not till & .
. I � � * Every' graduat placed in g6od position. - 43�d narrow the roadways oi esideuti I smooth no as to bring y0r f�Lrmz as close as have been the oldest woman in Toron I
��r'itwld Bend -park, 032' . � it PP,Y9 to attend th J'all t -He belpless on top 'of t& y0at4jr, your resideuti to, younger girl was drawn for some distance derrick was e vs, ar
I e beat. erm opens Septcm- X There is' no reaf on why roa(twa s possible to the markets of the w"Id. Of died last week at the size of 97. 1 reeted, ropes and pulle- -
178. i I tiij, For catalogue ad ree5 D. MoL4CHLAN & the usOVes wade -in and gdther thdni uuig_ streets. . I Her death acrout the field by the ,rake, and when
� _NI Win. fiper, af I be .
. Co. I %i �., should be built and maIntainea fifty fek what use vras all this eri ranged, an, nineteen men hid exerted
relativea heire tbia I . 1495 ts&&zen- --.-- I- - .- ... _-_ -,. - __7___, � i I ormons expenditure is attributed to a fall, a� that., under ordin- picked . up was mensible. The elder. girl I
; . I . : � I - I themselves4hat the suimal was landed-
� . . � : . I i,
I I I i . .
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