HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-07-17, Page 8.4 Y 17 1. JUL H11r T11 RON EXP0S*ffOR* id taking in on to in the exeursi driven clear through his right foot, going in contagion consists in a person being in.con. —Mrs. R. Logan was called to Sault Ste. six months, by the Young People's Society from here in
Wson's Oash Gri .Guelph, to -day, (Frida behind- the joint of the big toe and coming tact, caring for and attending diseased aui- Marie, Ontario, last week, on account of the of Christian Endeavor: Mr. T. A. Me- the Model Y-1 Dcery I Gre and the Wood- rigold improved out -eating tuberculous meat, and drinking ti g- —The Kirkt ' o brans band il i fife and the milk of tuberculous cows. There are therii, —Mrs. McKinney and son, of Bervie, or, vice president; Miss Ma ie Burdge, haw a 4rum hand enlivened our vil-
(S t of Ontario Agridul- and being a healthy boy, he is doing day mo ng and eveni e lage on Mon ng, by The be r 'Ta will soon be as well as ever.— how two cases at Seaforth where a child is were , this week the guests of her mother, ecretary, and Miss Jessie M nald, tipas- field trot is the Improved - tural Coll 0, nice and affo, short whi . The beat wede tur6ip is the Monarch, tuneii going to and from the.sta- The beat Ma 'Itrow Is Evans' at the i�le. Luckily the fork was not mals, dangerous illness of her sister, who resides Laueblin, president; Aiiis Lot e Me
T Mrs. John Waugh was visiting friends in badly affected and the mother.is slowly Mrs. Sutherland, of William street. We re- rer.—Mr. George Forrest istreating.his playinj HalleWestburyor SkiivIrg, improved,.and thebest tioh.—Mr. Oeorge Baker, Howard Cityl, 1placeto buy them is right here, as all our seed is the village last week.—SeVeral of ourentbu- dy, both being diseased with tuberculo- gr6t to learn that Mrs. Sutherland is not dwelling house to a nice cost of fresh paint. a 8 ng' -milk from a cow which improving i ying at M10hi isitirig his parents, Mr. mad of 11 The Yellow," went. to having used the n health so much as her friends Miss Fannie Fotheringham is holida igan, is v
striwyDewand of the best quality. Our prices are siastic admirers Ile. m. S. Baker, Huron street.—Mr. M awaf own bellow the regular combination pfices. Goderich on Monday last to 6ght., in fancy had to be destro account of the dan- wodld wish.—Mr. and Mrs.Duffield, of Pat- her home in Tackeremith. W Choice seed, barley, clover and timothy seed at dise Th�max Daw has been engaged by Mr. E.
e very fine the battle of 1690 over again.—Mi. William gerous ase. arsons having cattle erson, New Jersey, are the guests of Mr. lowest prices. Have just received som now Ceylon Tea in bulk, which we can sell at 100 per Anderson of Marine ci y, Michigan, id a which present the I ollowing symptoms, Alex. Davidson, at the Commercial hotel.— Blake,, Chiistie to drive the 'bus to Grand Bend ny w wee p Mr. Alex. Cardno, jr., is able to be out every Tuesday and �aturday during the pound less than in. packages. Also some very ChQice- visit -this week to his sisters, M �&-MdDougal should, not �sellt or fee I longer, but should PRoPERTY SoLD.—Mr.! John Leslie has before our Fal Goods will Hyson and Japans, which we are'retalligg at camping season.—.The I Ching farm, on the T oun and Mrs. J.. S. Porter, and otter relatives attend to their examination as early as Pos- again, after his -late illness. Although a sold his store and storehouse in the Village of - Blake. commence td -arrive, and we !no ped or can afford toseltat. Giveus H�ay,was it.up at t�uction on 'Price, the way of I ke ro;i p
Canned vege bles, canne and dried fruits of e here.—Much amnsemei it was occasioned here sible : Beast dull, quie , staring coat, pulse little shaky yet, Mr. Cardno is on a fair way and Is now giving some good bargains In ake roi cheap goods, to reduce the stock,1or a few weeks. Saturday last a:t the 'ornmercial. hotel, but want lots of room, for the&g beat quality ab lowast prices. some extra fine cheese Woudaywienin byth antics of,' ahorse quick. and feeble, tem ra Ure high, respira- to reco;,V�iy. —Mr, F. Gutteridge has shipped 91 before giving up pomession. 1492-1 4a stocl,* just now. Have a well assorted stock of was not hold.—Mr. Thomas Bissett and Mr. F. G. Neelin. Every lane tions quick lo ish tih e of sl driven by.Mr. eneds yel 9 cin." a quantity of -his pres3ed bricks to Crediton, a big raft of new thinn rocerles, crockery and provisions of the best quality' PRESENTTiow. —Prior to her departyre �J. H. R 7ndinan left here on Friday last for Sid
and side street prese ated an irresistible where -they are to be used as, fittings for, a comin I 1a Manitoba.—Mrs. Alfred Bayley and family, ad will not -be undersold by any house in the trade. o 8 b-
west,"and new church being erected there. ftom here, Miss Mary E. Dick, wh The highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. temptation to the anin, al to 'r' go its report —Mrs. UxJUST :AND MISLEADU teted as. assistant and telegraph operator in London, are visiting r1lative in and around Cash paid for eggs. despite thle driver's be A efforts, the bcast Stobie has gone to Dungannon to The benefit of very lo* price& of the lacrosse match between Mitchell and Alex
'Mr. Leslie's store, was waited upon by!the thia.plc generally had its way The newspaper man, spend. a, couple of weeks at the parental C. WILSON, Seaforth. Seaforth on Tuesday! of last week, the '�members of her Sunday school class and for all clas'ses of summer goods. however, showed admirable temper 'under Mitchell Recorder gives a very unjust, and bonle. -Mir. Joseph Dorrence, of the 4th 1874 Bank of Commerce Block. Ki ivas ]presented with'a beautiful toilet case, a neatly worded address, -0-1
concession of Me lop, is, erecting a neat Bayf leld. shall be, yours for the rest of -
very trying circumstances, and by the *aid of misleading account, and one that will 'tend iaccompaniod by Th some-ofour good Samaritans, the cantan- t ew f raine - residen e, with a sto 01 ut not only our team, but the town as n ne founds- ER that you need not bring your the Season. There will, be no,
SNAPS IN I pressiveof their high appreciation of her kerous besst was got p %at the bridge, when Nerl in an unfavorable! and unsavory light tion. Mr. William Sleeth has the co Groceries along When you come camfing. H. F. utract P Gut- '1X8 a teacher. The presentation. was made reserve. it trotted off quietly towards the setting for. thel carpenter work, and Mr. F. y nd delive to 'he campers before all lovers of justice and fair play. We by Misses Agnes Douglas, Emma Edighoffer XAJEADY-MAME: sun, and We trust', rea�ched the camp in idge for the masc n work and plastering. each Tiiorning. 1492-1 EdwarAs can supply ou a r
can hardly think that 'thb Recorder would t( janA Ethel Swasey, on behalf 'of the class. if there'
t Bayfield In safety.—Mr. William Hills, knowingly grossly coin e the truth, —Mr. .1aines McNamara, of Harpurhey, re- Bpmuzy NOTES.—Mr. Benjamin Higgins Please bear in mind when yoll. lM iss Dick was. taken vii�y 'much by sur -"d how.., or turned home from Sault Ste.Marie, on Mon- has returned from a trip to Detroit, an4 is are purchasing that we walit, CLOTHING miller, of.Harrington spenta day or two and we are soilling to put %hoemmi Is genero to do w
us prise but in a few appropriate remarks, the guest of his brother day las", where he b accom panied by Mrs. B. Higgins and fArn- to sell, and as a: rule, w eaily in the week, J, construction on'the article. in question and as been visiting friends thanked the class for their.kindness and ex- ily, W Y -naining -a. here- Mr. Thomas Hillij of this village. consider that the elitor of the Recorder for the Past month.; He had a very pleasart ho pur 3ose re,
for a few week pressions of good will. Dxious, We have h; d the good fortune to secure a, big lot 0 time up' the lakes.—Mis.s Nellie Devereaux, —Mr. "and Mrs. Kemp and family, Seafortb has been misi�formed. -This paper at tea lies will
of made-up c othing of the celebrated SANDFORD CkrRISTTAIN EXDE.IlVOR UNioN-.—On Thurs� of Toronto, is at present home spending the pitchtil'thei to sell,t1lat's the place to bu MAKE at duprecedetitedly lowprices. Tbeywere that the Mitchell players were " poiin ed tent in Mr Jewett's grove on al?sorb n
ta bought In such a way that we are enabled 'to ,irive day and Friday, August 27th and 28th, the - until they were all ents and sca nd holidayg.—Mrs. Thoma Richardson is Cromarty. Wednesday. —Last week, Mrs. Neelin and Huron County Christian Endgaor Uni6n that they had to contend against 'no spending a few weeks. with friends in thb Some of the things We would our customers the most complete up-to-date clothing NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. DaJd Alliop: -left family, Sealorth, and Mrs. Matheson and wllI hold th6ir fifth.atinual -6nvention, in .0 township of Usborne.—Mrs. (Rev.) T. Wes- family, Detroit, arrived, and are also ca.np- 0 wholesale prices. Now is your& the lacrosse team but the whole to t �ly like particularly well' to sell at and b I wi�l as last week for their home in the far west.—
opportunity o secure ken's Boys' arid Chi i'y I Knox church, Godeiich. The sessions will well. These statements, as ever ley-Cosen.% and family are visiting a the -ing in Mr.' TowetVs grove. More are ex- ara Suit S, od"d C ats,odd Vests and odd Pants,of the high- y person Miss Jessie Hamilton, of Car in6ford, has it is, -j-u
ices. open on Thursday evening, at 8 'o'clock, u a residence of her father, Mr. Robert Gbven- been visiting her relatives here- or the past pected this and following weeks.—Miss Ida p
es a ndard of quality, at the lowest- possible pr who was at the match is aware, lack. eve _eople T. I
ay"pra two weeks.—George Hamilton, hkm,
with words 'of ..greeting ff om the president semblance of, truth. The Mitchell pl lock, McKillop. —,We are sorry to learn that Chat Effioti, who has conducted a.successful mil- followed by ad- were treated in a most ge ite the PARASOLS,, all kinds of MILLIN tbey.,D�
of the local committee, Mr. C. W. Dunlop is in a very critical a tat6- linery. business in the'store oppos
WIVI. PtCKARD & COS. ntlemanlyway�by 'is home foi, holidays, also Mood Clifford, of dres w- at present, and is daily growing weake Jdpsie and LACES.
sea on 11 Interdenominational. Fello our playeri, and w r. Albion, has closed the store until W.I.
ere never once interfered Chicago.—Miss Bessie Bain an Miss Bargain, CIoihiDg arid Dry Goods House, ship, by Rev. J'. S. Hendersop, of Hensall, with by the crowd.' We' are Mr. George Anderson, teacher in Win Isor Hamilton and Messrs. W. Ham Iton and D. Our Orangernen, Young Britons, a -ad a large 1XI
well aware
Naird of Motherwell, visited at Mea NR GOODS Seaforth. and 111, Why you are ue4aed in the Christian that after the game was over and the or-owd Collegiate Institute,iif home for his bolidj%ys. dow number from this section took in the cel- LIGHT �-COLORED ESS -by Rev' James Hamil- were leaving the gro' nds that the referee', —,The Beaver lacrosse team received their ebration at Goderich on the 13th. Our Endeavor Society " Farm one day last week.—Mrg. Will Bell u SILKS. In offeri
ton, 11 Wingham. ' On Friday moat of, the was attacked by a young fellow who, unfor-' ,first defeat on Wednesday at Bright.'; It met with a serious accident on Sunday eveti- boys looked fine.�--Summer tourists are- now SEPTEMBER arrivi I g in �v redul
topics are to - be presented by active mem- tunately, allowed his anger and entlitieasm was thei first one, but, it was a decisive one, ing, whild out driving with . her husband. large numbers. The latest LIGHT GROUND PRINTS. made,
arri aa, s, are as ollows:—The Queens—F. FALL bers of the locial societies, assisted by Rev., to get the better of bimi but his CoUdUCb the score being 7 to 1 in favor of Bright.— The horse took fright and became unman- Rev. S. ed but.0
Wm. Johnson, of Wardsville; was nA coqntenanced by either the players Miss Seegmiller, of Minneapolis. is a guest ageable. They were thrown from the rig and Hutchins, London ; Miss Esther not iquol
Bond, of Seafortli,-an(fotbeis. Mr. John- or by those, in attendance at the match, and at the residence of Mr D. D. Wilson.—Mrs. and Mrs. Bell is severely injured. Haye 7Brantford.; Misses Helena and Alice CHALLIES, DELAINES, price
son, who is vice president of the Provincial we are sure that none were. more sorry'that George A. Kidd and 'children, of Omaha, y, SUSlarys ; Mrs. Brotherhood, Miss SUMMER HOSIERY, 6LO Christian Endeavor Union, -and superin- the affair took place. than the players and Nebraska, are visiting at the residence of BrotbZr6od, Misses E. and M., and Master UNDERWEAR &c., Clinton. tenden� of the London district, will take as members of the Beaver lacrosse- club, who Mr. Thomas Kidd.- -Mr. Robert Richardson STRATFORD, ONTARIO W. Beotherhood, Miss Fuller, Miss V. What is
his, subjects, "Christian Citizenihip and always desire, and � have a reputation for left here on Tuesday for- Walkerton, where BRIEFS.—The Rattenbury street Methgo- Foo�e, and It. B. HArding, Stratford ; Arch- Young men and women who deeire to secure a first eatin their opponents in a gentlemanly William ists intend purchasing a residence ,Ior- their also app,
The Sprituality of Christian Endeavorers tr he has taken a situation -with Mr' deacon Davis, wife and family, Miss Green - are elesa
class business education are invited to orrespond Circulars and programs 9 Richardson, eg dealer,. of pastor. A committee has- recommended the These are '.Vae -oods up -)u are now being pre- 10 with us, This echool is thelne8t equipped business and sportsmanlike manner, whether they that place.— purchase of the residence of Mr. - S. W. W06 and Mrs. -Brummitt, London. At and if 8 which ive are, willing to mgl,,e
pared, and will be'sent-to the local societies are victorious. 'r not. The Recorder owes The -Conimercial—Mrs. Hendrie and Miss ALre iqatisl
college in Western Ontario. Write for circulars. W. 0 Messr . G. E 8resswell, Thomas Goven' Davis, at a cost of $2,000.—Tom Grigg, who
J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1144-62 as soon,as completed. an apol to th members of our Is case look an Stephet assing H�ndrie Ann Arbor, Michigan ; Mrs. will suit';
d Thom a were canv i liberal reductions. It wi-1 his 10 was a native of -!Clinton and learned 0 the other day n the int -ton. thetown
team anSto the ceitiens of the town fo: its crests of Lough and Miss Mary Lough, Clin —Mr. 0 r -r -1 E R might have been 'a untruthful account, and when it has been the Agriculturl Society for' membership trade in the foundry here as a moulder Charles Edwards, of Loudon, audLr. pay you to come OUR WAY A c c i D'E.N T. W h at many years ago died at the Windsor Hotel, any time or at all times d1lr- We -6hov
e fall very perious.accident befel. Air.. F., Holm- rightly informed we are sure. that il, will and donations for special prizes for th Harding, of Stratford, caught a splendid lot Regina, N. W. T., on Wednesday of last 1110' us -barrister, on Saturday evening last, as have the good judgment and fairueab to The 19th of June there will be two.boata a show. We understan-I t ey were very suc- July. slid_�Au,; week1tavingGoderich, oq Wednesday and Satur. sted, week, from inflammation of the bowels. He of black bass on Saturday. The finest catch ;: 1. I this Oeason.—Mis6 Ruby Fisher, of Kin- Oth. theame
daya. The Carinona leaves on Saturday the 2 ectify its mistake. cessful.—Mr. Ernest.Gie of Zurich, one of 1 was a brother of Samuel Grigg, formerly of he was driving home, to Harpur]hey. hen r
The 0. P.R. Steamships leave Owen Sound on Mon- Hays most intelligent and progressive car(Tine, is visiting -her aunt, Mrs. H; a short distace west of the residence of Clinton and London, now of Niagara-on,the days, Thursdays and Saturdava. After the 27th of r M Brown, his horse made a sudden THE AinENDED MARRLoE ACT. —It farmers, was in town on hursday- He as Erwin.—Mr. Emerson, �of Clinton, has MIME I r. Joseph Lalie.' The bowlero go to Galt on Friday e's th,
June the Alberta goes on Windsor route. -bolt to the, side of the road, causing Mr, would be - well for all who contern late delivering a horse whi h he had sold to -play London here next week.—Mr. opened a bicycle fivqry in the building op- anything
p and will E. McPAUL The more you use Dominion Express Money H o lose his balance,, a�nd he fell matrimony to b6ar in minA that at Ahe last olmested t' Messrs. MeMann & Arch .—Mrs. T. 0. site The Quee a. C. C. Rance will take possession of the' new- Po I require Orders, the better you like them. Issued for aby Kemp and family hav'e gone a partly between the ,box and the wheels of session of the OnIario Legislature - some to Bay- hotel in Brucefield� hen it is complet'd. uinmr w e
amount at anytime to any person. field to rnsticate for a: me.—Mr. Wm. n th buggy. I this position he was unable. portant changes were made in the ti B0more. Dry Goods idd Pant
act, e,- Th& little daughter of Mr., T. C. Edmunds MANITOBA EXCURSIONS. Brine is spending a few holidays at the pa.;- t6 help himself, not co-uld he gain control of pecially in respect to the procuring of Ii- died on Wednesday of last week. NOTES.—Mr. J. Mulvey visited friends in Good foz�sixty days, the lines. 'The horse' ran along the side of enses. Hitherto it was only necessary for rental home in Harpurhey.—.11diss GraceE I- —0— the township of Wallace last week.—Mrs. Company, doing June 30th returning August 20t.b der left for St. Thomas on Wednesday, in- Lo ;n and her- thre,
July 7th September 6th of the.road for a considerable distance,when one of -the parties to the proposed marriage little daughters,Annie, SeafortYs Greatest Cash Dry Gooijb Store.,
tending to do the r t t of the jour- AV
ashwood. toba he accidentcame to, the rescue and relieved a'�e' a nd calling on BRI ve rr3f., 21st 19th it was stopped by some parties who, seeing contract to make the necessary affidavi ney by stages on hker w e e3l, D Neflle afid Rhoda, A Carbe M ani WE H
To Deloraine, Reston, UsteVAn, Binscarth anI t Now, however, under the amended act each eF.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Shetler, ba were the -guests of her brother, Mr. John friends along the way.—Quit a number Of been isiting friend -9 in Hullett township Hoody, for a few* days last week. Mrs. tion at, a er modrate cost and coula 5. To him from his perilous position. He was of the a-rties.must make an affidavit be- v Moosomin $28. To Calgary, Prince Albert 43
Regina, Moosejaw, Yotkton $30. To Red Deer, p r town�people. took in the armers' ex y considerably bruised and shaken up and it fore a license can be granted. These affi- O' the - past week.—The- bricklayers have Buntin, of St. Thomas, another sister of be quickly and effectively used for thepre
Edwont6n.$40,. Half fare on Dominion D4y. was fear4 at first that he was inju'red in to Guelph to-day.—Mrs. W. R. Counter started at Henry Willert's house.—Mr. Mr. Oooey, and he 'little daughter, Olive, ent size and requzi em;ents of our GREIG.
dayits must set forth the date on which 'the 4 village,,.
and Mrs. Hugh Grieve are enjoying the lake ernally, but we atd glad to learn that Ii
'Is ceremony is to be held, the county or di- - Hooey.—Mr. Johnj and we hope a move will 'soon be. matle to
RANALD J. MACDONALD t -Henry Roese will have a cider. mill ready for werelalso visiting Mr. t serious, although somewhat breezes at Bayfield.—Rev. Mr. Hod ins is injuries are no trict, and the town, village or place in the 9 oleration in a few days.—The Flax Com- Ma!rihall has gon; to -visit his son, who secure at least some good tection before Agent C. P. R. ticket and telegraph, Dominion Ex- spending his holidays near London. Rev. pro painful. He had a remarkably narrow es- count or district in which it is intended ed'some of their machinery last lives on St. Joseph's Islad.—Mr. and Mrs. it is too late.—Mr. David Moir, of Pulman,
press and Money Orders. y ny receiv Cape, as, had the horse kicked, as most the marriage is to be solemnized ; hat they Mr. Cluffwill fill - his place in St. Thomas ek.—The stone wall of the Lutheran David Weir were visiting friends in Ethel Illinois, is visiting his many relatives an& 0.� T
we church next Su nd norses would have (lone under the circum- are each fully eighteen years of a:ge, and parsonage is completed. —Mr. Louis� Miller last week. —Mr. John Hartley succeeded in friends in this section.—Mrs. R. Coad IN& scances, or bad the vehicle collided with a that there is no legal bar to their arriage; occu&d the pul _pit in the Lutheran church passing his examinations af the Toronto returned home from London looking sucl
p 2 -iost certainly have and that one of the parties. ha BYTERY OF HURON.—The Presby- on Sunday last.—Miss Wurtz iDte Normal school, with bonors.�Mr. Joseph Jeelin ch ost or tree be would aln PRE- S uds to g mu improved.—M r. Harold N- BEAD
rij space. of fifteen days immediately preceding —AGENT FOR-- been killed. The horse was not i -ured, tery met in Goderich, on the 14th inst. Mr. take a trip to Dakota next week.--Jobn Murray Ifah added a new frame kitchen to Lion has been spending the past week- or butthe buggy was considerably wrecked. J. A. McDonald,% as appointed moderator Bowerman, our practical painter, who has his reBidence.—The carpenters are rapidly so at hoirne b is health not being good while Canadian Express (including money orders) the issue of the license, had his 0 her place Mr. Holmested'8 numerous friends, while of abode withia the said county or district. r some time, will leave for his pushing G. N. W.' Telegraph ; three old established for the ensuing six months. In the absence been here fo forward their work on Mr. John in London. —Mr. William Clauseii who hs& Fire Com-panies—Phoenix, Norwich i3nion, 'viri-nathizinalwith him in his misha , will the of Mi. McDonald, Mr. Musgrave was re- home in Dakota, on the 21st inst. His Love's new residence.—The Belmoe Loyal a good situation in Minneapolis'
One of the parties can, if desired, make and wbio. also conaratulate hirn on his fortunate es- affidavit before a commissioner, a notary, or quested to preside. Commissioners to the place here will be filled by Mr. Vanalstiu,6, Orange Young Biitonq, No. 11, .visited has -been there for a number of Imperial ; Dominion Steamship Line—Royal 0 A"g% I
WV %W cape. a justice of the peace, but at least one of the late assembly reported their attendance at Steamers, "'Vancouver," "Labrador," Can- from Parkhill. Listowel oD Monday.—On Sunda mith, Of Port, —0 - y morning
ada" Parker's Dye Works,. Toronto. parties must make the affidavit before the the meetings of that court. Rev. Mr. Weir last the members ot Belmore Loyal Oran Huron, has returned home, and he mother ge r 1490 SPECiAh prices in all kinds of Shoes dur- issuer of licenses. This official will, no "being present, was invited to sit as a cor- Mc Lodge, NNn. 852, and the Young Britons, is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,Jsyftes,. Killop. Ing the Su mer months, at the Cheap Cash Boot doubt, be furnished with blank forms of responding member, and was received in the No. I 1, t� ccompanied by a Dumber of visiting Taylor, of this place.—Mr. and Mrs. Mr.. and Shoo store, Carmichael's. Block, Seaforth. NoTEs.—We are sorry to learn of the iR-- 14921 affidavits, so that in cases where it is not usual way, by leave of the assembly, as a brethren marched from their hall to the Alpine, of Glencoe, spent several dsys liefe
parties to appear before minister of the Presbyterian Church in Can- Methodii t church, where they- listened to this week,visihig Mrg.McAlpine's brothers le the regular ada. Mr. Fowlie, student of Knox College, an excell.ent sermon by Rev. Mr. McKib- and other relatives and frieuds.—Mr. Maut�- bavitig greatly reduced their price61j us, I' AsHiniboia. At the. close 'of the term - she convenient for looth ness of Miss Grace Pollard, who - left some Turf
PL -',NOS ND ORc. ANs. —The mauufab6urers issuer of licenses, they can pro- time ago to teach school at Parklands,
1 arel
now enabled to sell flrat-clas3- pianos and organs at cure the necessaryblankfrom him and go t present assistant to Dr. McDonald, read bon. Intheir. meeting in the hall it was ice Walker, who was spending the nall,ithe prices formerly charged. See us before, before the nearest justice of the peace and discourse which was cordially sustained. went to spend her holidays at the home 'of moved by Bro. John iMulvey, W. M. L. 0. week with his father, Rev. James Walker, ister" Of DISTRICT MATTERS. buying. Agents wanted in 'every part of the western, make the affidavit, and then that affidavit essrs. R. Henderson, Anderson and - Me- ReT. A. Robson, Presbyterian min L., No. 8 , and seebuded by Bro. James of Ethel, has resumed his duties in the-. country. Scvff BRos. 1491-3 iP;, c, Indian Read, and who is also editor of the Anto can be produced to the issuer when th A Bicyci.,Es.�For sale, hree e see- ath, elder, were appointed to nominate Prairie Witness., Since then she has been Fleming, W. 11. L. 'O. Y. B. L. No. 1J, bank.—Miss Hotharn, music teacher, hu ladies'and one gent's second-hand Bicycles; d end affidavit can be made out anA the 11- he standing committees for the year, and that a vote of thanks be tendereW to Rev. been spending &-few days with friends4, ELECTIO� OF' OMGF.Rs.—The following �8 g;o�f confined to her room, nd is under the doc- M BALDWIN. cense procured. Where it is convenient, n their recommendation the following r., MCK. bon for his interesLing and in- Grand Bend. —Mr. E. Holder, who haa.bem, ew; prices away down. �G. M. a
have been elected officers of the Canadi&u as n tanding co tor's care, but we hope she may soon:- re- f or,th. however,the easiest and simplest way would mmittees wer 1492x e appointed, iz structivd i,ddress. in the employ of Messrs. McDon Order of Foresters for the ensuing term cover. ell Brothers, —Messrs. Acheson, Martin, hardware merchants- for -several years,, left, sizes 8 GIRLS' Button Boots— be for both parties to appear before the Ii- ome mission.,
__31r. Pattison orgemizer,
J. P. C. R., J. C. Thompson; C. R.9 A. R. worth 855c, for 60c, and the 90c kind for &; censeissuer, whenboth affidavits canbe ministers,andG. Strang, A. H. Iss 8 -Lea G6rrle. here this week.— That's wl
Sampson -. V. 0. R., F. Freeman; R, Sec., ditto—regular $1 for 76c ; Ladim'Aitto—worth $1'86 taken and the license issued. This change raccobsn"and the elder of Kippen, elders Tuckersmith. ling his and general agent of. the Home Circle Soci. NoTEsJ'- Mr. Win. James is spew C. H. Broadfoot; F. Sec.,W. G. McClellan; for $1, at the Cheap Cash Boot and Shoe store, Car- michael's b1cack, four doors south of Weir'a Hael -F MRS. -LovE.—Another of the ith. in the law may put. parties contemplating! ur6h life and work,�Messrs. Muir, An- DEATH o vacation mder the parental roof in this vil. ety, has been spending the past week wi
Treas., W. Sclater; Chaplain, D..Stepben. this important step to a good deal more! I
Seaforth. 1492-1 derson, J. A. McDonald, ministers, and pioneer settlers of Tackeramith has depart- lage.—M, -. and Mrs. Sutherland and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mm -week our air
family, son; S. W`�, J. T. Edwards,; J. W., Thos. trouble than formerly, but, as a rule, it only, George Walker,- J. E. Tom, J. Pollock, ed this, life. Mrs. George Love passed of Walk liton, formerly of Gorrie, F. G. Arnold. —Miss .9. Wright, of Lou
Oliver; S. B., C. Aberhart J. B., C. Spar- spent don, elders ; Sabbath schools, —Messrs. Shaw, peacefully away Monday last. She had Sunday ii . town.—Mr. Burns Smith wife ance. A occurs once in a life time, a;nd it is consid on 8nd Min B. Petty, of Toronto, are visiting,,
ling; Physician,, Dr. C. Ma ay. COURT STATISTICS.—The annual report of
ered necessary in the public interests, an J. S. Henderson, Carri�re, ministers, and reached the good a and familf are visiting his father, Mr. Alex. relatives and friends' here.—The large now the inspector of division courts and the an- gop of 84 years. She'had
was only adopted after careful and matur , W. Atoir, J. McGregor, elders isnjoyed her usual good health until within a Smith in1the north end of the village. Mr. flax bam of Messrs. McEweu -& Geiger. im A CALL To ACTON.—We notice:that Rev. nual repoit of the inspector of legal offi - ces, consideration. It --is also necessa er Finance—Mess -J. C. Hamilton, P. Mu been rs Hugh A. McPherson, who as assistant -to 1895, have issued, and'from eleven years in the States course of erection, was struck by lightning: t er some interesting statistics. either of the parties is under ee grave, �R. Henderson, ministers, and R. 9 e lots, Temnat
Rev. Dr. McDonald, in Sea orth last sum- �he�m -%ve gabh she seemed to be improvin . Howeyer, an( n� of the many Canadians who 'ar" during the - storm of Tuesday night, but
for few days of her death, and even on Sunday Smith h
years of age, for that party to proc re a cer-i 8cott, G. Habkirk, W. Waite, elders ; Ivith a person at her age, li He very fortunately- th 11 h r n do the eiAb. The amount of claims entered at the differ-. fe at best is un- receiving good wages in that country, e as a wn mer, has received a call from the cougrega- ent-divisions in this count' tificate from the parent or guardian, giving Superintende t of students—Dr. -McDonald, certain. She was a native of County -Cork lives in Bo8tou.—Mr. Leech, of Toronto, -is end of the baril, enterhag th any cause tion of Knox church, Act n, and that he during the year e ground with -
the consent of the said parent or guardis Messrs. Stem -art, J. Hamilton, ministers,
re as follows : iGo'derich, $5,834.42 ; Sea- Ireland, and came to Canada with her hus' the guest of Mr. Cummer.—Mr. and Mrs. out domili any damage.—Mrs, 'Sundercock, has accepted the call Thi the congre-, lie a to the proposed marriage. This certific Armstrong have gone to Brucefield to attepd. Of ar n at and J. C. Sm h, G. Swallow, ' W. McIvIatho band when quite young. They first settled hum, was here a few days.ago- ation of which Rev. Mr Eae was pastor forth, $9,892.19 ; Clinton, $Q,373.40 ; Brus- 9 must be attached to the affidavit, and must elders; Chris�ian Endeavor—Messrs. Flet- in Port Hope ayid afterwards re oved to, the marriage �of Dr. Armstrong, of visiting- her mother, Mrs. E. Wilson, And prices on tb
sels, $4,834.20 ; Exeter, $5,980-76 ; Dun- be given to the issuer before the license ca eher, Shaw, Graham, ministers, and J. m that vil
one. Mr. M'
and is a large and importan
gannon, $2,278.01 -Bayfield be granted. These amendments come int Hackney, J. Sproat, J. Torrance, elders. 46 years. Her husband died about six years friends inthe we0tern part of ..the county.— now in full bfkat in this tioril and the Pherson's niany friends here will be pleased $771.39 this township, where she had resided for lage.—Mr. and I Mrs. Mutch are visiting sister, Miss Bella Wilsidn.—Harvesting is for those w]
Wingbami $5,618.68 - Wroxeteri $3,395.46; sec
to learn of, his preferment bytheActon Zurich, $1,957-80 Crediton, $2,411.74 ; force on and after the first of August next The first named on each committee to be ago, and since then she has resided with er ick Spiarling, who has been in the haa�beqn -very favorable. Al r. D weather thus far a umber of ye congratulated on their choice, a 'Blyth, $1,939.27., Total amount of' suitors' You aii congregation., who, we are sure, are to be It w! ould be well for all parties intereate convener. Mr. Shaw gave a report on son. She was a kind-hearted, good iNing Northwest for ars, is home Mrs. R. Cook, who has been visiting for s -Mr. Al c- to bear. these points in mind and to act ac Christian Endeavor societies, respecting the woman and was held in the highest elateem
money paid into cori.: Goderich, $I,- on. a visit. —Mon ly was regarded by many some time with relatives and friends in,
Pherson is not only a good a cordingly, as by so doing they may sav6 organization 0 a Presbyterial society. The duty by �
preacher, but -a wek.—Mr.
g man. 246.18 ;� Seaforth, $5,656.98 Clintoxf, by all who knew her, and especially by he here as a; holiday, and those who did not Detroit returned home thl
most excellent you themselves trouble and disappoint report was reciived, and Mr.- Shaw instruct- y Exeter,- $ III " mused themselves in William Whitesides had the misfortune one-' .356 03.; Brussels, $1,787.86 , older settlers,with whom she was ivitima�ej attend the Several otherchanges in respect to the dut ed toprocure additional -copies of the can- acquainted. . The iemains were laid to test various ways. -a��hle x:cent rains b ne day last week, while engaged in raking salt 545.90 ; Dungannon, 8,564 76 Bayfield, ave do ies of clergymen in celebrating marriages stitution (if Presbyterial societies, and sea- in the Egniondville cemetery, onWed' much'to in�prove thie crops, especially the out of the pans, to ste i) Bo-wmN7a TorrXAMEXT. —A grand
4�24.05 Winghami, $1,719.3.6 Wroxeter, p back too far on the- On Pril
tournament will be held on the the registration of m sions were requested' -to consider the con- day, beside those of her 'ate husband. Zu M. - Kaine, principal, platform that extends ar.ound the pans, and-,
bowlin, arriFes, and so on, Thus root crops.—LN1r. J $1,480.28 ; Zurich, $810-17 Crediton,. have been made, but those e have allude� at't t' d port to Mr. Shaw as soon Seafor " 1 u ion, an re th'bowling green on Wednesday of, '$7108.36 Blytb, 491.50. Number of suits another link between the present and he of the Sault St.Marie public school,is spend- filling heavily on the hard floor, a distance -
next w- eek. It is expected that in addition to are the most important. as possiblej that he may be able to prepare entered Goderich, 237 ; 'ieaf th, 276'; past has been severed. ing his vacation with his parents.—Horses, of eightr nine feet, he received very paw- to m Mitche 1, Clin- -Cjin k . I the local club, clubs - fro ton, 173 ; Brussels, 125 ; EXE tdr, 130 ; , etc., still pasture on our at* ful injuries, but very fortuna Wy no boiies,
his report for next meeting. The next sheep, pigs reets, ton, Stratford, Paris, Galt, ad othe pl meeting of Presbyter'y is to be held in Clin- HODGi
aces Dungannon, 46 ; Bayfield- 33 Wingham, —The many friends of notwithstanding tbat-Gorrie is a "'.police ere broken, 'and we are pleased to see that LoCAL BRIEFS. Mr, Kippen. will take part. We are requested to say -30 a. in. now getting around nicely, again. 147 ; Wroxeter, 90 ton on the 8th of, September, at 10, village. "--Quite a few from here went to that seats will be provided for ladies, and I h, 53 ; Crediton, Christopher Dale, sr , of the Huron road, Bi,..TDER TNyiNE.—T. Mellis is now I has riow commenced, aud 50 - Blyth, 60. From the report of the�in- McKillop,, will be sorry to learn of his Seri' ell Listowel to attend'the " walk." V pulling
sup lied with twine for the b 3neflt of all In X111i that -all wi B
11 be made welcome, and that n Varna. ned, ----------- 4 admission fee will be aharged. This wil 0 pector of legal offices we- find that the ous illness. - At laest accounts, however, having four diff urent brands In stock, along with the fii9e tiumbi�r of our y' ien, boys and I -heriff of Huron received the following fees Mr. Dale was improvin'.—Mrs. W.' LiAtE.—Mr. John Foote, the o did reliable blue ribbon and r, id cap, which ever Rensail. girls find it convenient and. good payingg- lindoubtedly be the great bowling event of 9 Q. 47A and re- during 1895 : Earned on the administra- Willis is visiting friends in Preston.— liable lime burner, has another kiln 6f nice, fresh tenda to keep the farnierin go)i humor. work, and are in this way enabled, without Witness an tion of justice payable by the Pr' al low water mark prices. Cal L and inspe A ing far from home, to - earn considerable- the season, and all who desire to' ovince, Messrs. Richmond and Lister, of Toronto, lime ready. Is selling it at 12ic a bushel. First , t . n d �Og,dt D7R. dentist, Seafortb, will visit go exciting and interesting contest in this pop- come, first served. your supply. T. MNhL18. t-2 Hensall profeesionally every Wednesday, st Hodgens, $830.41 ; payable by the 149 ular-pastime should not fail to take in this County, $518.89 ;, were last week at Mr. A, Young's, The NOTES. —Dr. Elliott, of i o'i made a Hotel. 1492xl money during the school holiday season. X fees otherwise earned, $1',401-74 ;.,total, w NOTES.—The annual garden party under Ditr t, we bad only a few more indifstrics of thi& ere on a bicycling tour through the counli BRIEF.—We ba 8 been 'favored in this friendly call on Rev. and �4ra. S. Acheson, section du much $8,757.04 ; total disbursemenfs,, $1,722.81. try. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powel the auspices of St. John's church, Vbrna, ring thev;pa8t week with rain kind in our village they would be of o
of the manse, last week. —The fall wheat in greater worth than all the booming that "v 28th -ular monthl judicial offices in this county is as follows : b6me here.—What. remained of the ol Grace Elder, publiev (�s.—The re The amount of fees earned by the county Philadelphia, are visiting at Mrs. Powell, will be held here on Tuesday evening, the this neighborhood is about 6:11 cu. 5, and all which was very badly needed.—A very be done in print.—Miss 0 y meetinc, L JOy. The Seaforth brass band has it is a good yield.—Large qi antities large number left tbie'station on Monday of council was held on Monday Surrogate judge, Judge Doyle, $794.50 ; Pinkney hotel since the -fire there has bee been engaged for the occasion. As usual a say. -Of morning lasti to celebrate . t school teacher, of Seafortb, speiA severab. evening. Nlessrs. R. G. ScoU and Noble registrar, S. Mal- cleared away.—Dr. Henry Krug, of India- big time is expected. ----�Mr. J. F. Cairns has grain are being chopped at our m I], he d eput beingicompelled to feed more on %ccount of 0 da in the villAge this wecir.— t trzip:
Cluff reported that they bad visited Hain- colmson, 50 ; coi:nty attorney -laid up for the last few days with in- hour the crowd began to assemble, and the Jules I
farmers Twelfth of July in Q dericb. :At an early
local mister an 6 glorious days with frien ilton and bad examined the stone crushers sl'-') Ira napolis, was this week a guest �t the resi., been the scarcity of pasture.—.Mr. John McLean, Mr. H. Cook, of the firm of Cook RrotheM
Leivis, $600. 10 ; clerk of the peace,, Ira dence of Mr. A D. Wilson.�Mr. W. Me-, flamm4tion of the bowels. We are lad to r millers, is, with commendable enterproal Lewis, $1,290.50 ; depticy clerk of the Dougall, wh' I say be is now on the way of recovery. of Alessrs. Copp Brothers, and found them 9 of- the 2nd concession, of Tuckeramith, left people, together with the sti ring music of Fraiace
to ork very satisfactorily. The report of 0 has been playing lacrosse N�it —Mr. 6, gave our village taking steps to provide re prote lor crown, D. McDonald, 274.60, and salary the Murray, of Detroit, is on a horb visit, at A. McPherson is visiting Torontos, has returned t on Monday morniiig last for a trip to Scot the local Orange lode rtial line of appear- . ction
these gentlemen. was received, but the �paid by Gov o town. land. We all unite in wishing Mr. McLean - quite a lively and ilia- his mills.—Mrs. Tom I
ernment $500 ; county court' special Mr. J. Wanless'this week. friends in Goderich and vitinitv.—bliss, council decided to take no action at, pres- service for the Ancient Order OV i an enjoyable time.—Our river is lower 'ance.—Mr. Winian Ido"ison, of London, 10011 4
Jennie Alurray, who has been: in Wingham; ent. Accounts to the amount of $768.28 clerk, D. McDonald', 1'8547,30 ; surrogate- Foresters Will be held in the Methodist� than it has been Imown to be for many long formerly of this village, and who is recover reuistrar,' D. McDonald, $1,867.15. The church on Sunday evening. The members I Brucefileld. - , me time, keeping house for her brother
t� ing from a long and serious illness, ha bee for so- _gqw, were passed for payment. A claim of - dam' actnal net income of the different officials is are requested to ineet in the lodge room at years.—Fifty four ticketm were sold at our spending the past week wi n John, is at present home on a visit.—Aft. J. Ages for $35 for horse hurt in a drain has as follow I B. R. HIGGINSi general fire and life insur- tation on Monday for Goderich. Two h friends in and and 8
4': Sheriff, $1,1713 ; surrogate half -past six o'clock, and march to the, near Hensall.—M' Willis, of Rodgerville., recently mae a ship- Listd A
been entered against the town by,'E. Ham- &nee agent, notary public, oonveyaneer, commissioner trains with 23 coaches, pashed our station hddie Bell, of the Judge, $794; local master, $1,250 ; county church in a body.—Mr. James Holmes, oC for taking affidavits, &c. Money to loan at 5 per cent. London roa( rn men - of bogs from this station.—Alessro.
ilton, and. one by Mrs. James Constable, for 1, retu t 0,
attorney anil. clerk of the p a 6 about 10 o'clock in the evening bringin ome last week from wit e e, 1,142 ;''de- near Brucefield, was ticketed through to on first mortgage on good farm property. At home 9 visiting friends in - George McEwen, D.. Urquhart and (look- arri
morning and Wednesday of each week. 1404 home the excursionists.—Mr. William Ale at
$65, for injuries sustained on a defective puty elerk of the c I Fakqubar.—Mr. John Brothers have each been doing considerable,
county court clerk Egtevan, Northwest Territory, last week! "very
sidewalk. , Both these claims were left I — Cudmore, the largest hay dealer in Huron, Dick, of Clarksburg, accompanied by his of la in and urrogate registrar, $2,301. per Caknadian Pacific Railway. ' Mr. George' BitiEvs. —Mr. Donald Dallas is home from sister, Miss Bertha, wh hipping te in their re,spectiv lines of
the hands of he s6rect com, mittee for in- I 0-� ---- :_ .1 - E. MeTaggart of the Rodgerville cheese British Columbia, visiting friends in thi" is this week shipping several tons of hay to o has been sgendin manufacturing, while Mr. R, BeH,-jr.14of vestig&-tiOn. Messrs. Gunn, Smith, A. LE WiTu Tv iLondon.—Rev. Mr. Waddell, the new a number of months with her bro g wils BERCULOS-Is.—The fol- factory, has r ceived the bronze medal and vi * it Mr. Dallas looks as if life in the Methodist minister on this circuit, relatives there, are home this week on the Hensall machine shops, is coustaiatly- on, Grillespie and Roberts were appoint- is now IV THE
re -write the P niInyce where the waves of the mighty Pa- visit.—Mine H. Sutherland is visiting nd machinery on ed a committee to, lowing, -whi h first -a peared in a TO ount diploma awarded to him for cheese at the p reciv sit among his people here and keeping botk lumber a the, town b- Forest paper, is going the rounds of he World's Fair, Chicago,in 1893 friends in Ailsa Craig and Forest.—Rev
laws. Council then adjourned. This cheese I cific beat with ceaseless energy, agreed getting acqu ni6ve in the way of shipping. —Trade _i& W b:i
1,h h,
press. With regard to the Seafortb woman was made at the Rodgerville factory -and. m.—Miss Anderson, of Blyth, is the ainted with his flock. His Mr. Crrabam, of Bayfield, and Rev. i. S* somewhat quiet. in the village, it being the- eo le here speak highly of Mr. Waddell'as and child referred ' 0, it must be a mis�ake, after being1ept all winte� was as fresh 'and Iguest U Miss Graham, of Stanley.—Mr. T. Henderson, of Heneall, will exchange Pul- busy time with the farming community.— nessl
&;iroll NoTEs. —I am Very grateful, and some other 'place must be meant, as we sweet in the spring as it was when tested 1A Is B eaker.
�eneatubblin left here on Saturday to pits on Sabbath fir8t.—Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Miss Mary E. Diik, who has been assisting -ious fall.—A large number froin lidays at his home in Brussels. Of ek or two with will st
Mr. Editor, for your timely intervention in have never beard of these cases, nor can we the prev s bank
ITly behalf in the rriatter of the House of find any perso n E 0 Exeter. Ottawa, are pending awe Mr. Leslie, gener�l merchant a;nd postmas- n who has. . However, :�attle town and urroun:diiig country took advan- IwThe folloving pupils from School Section Mrs. Rose's pirents, ter, of Blake, for s, number of years, hait-
9 Mr. and M ra.. John �at- ba
Refu e, but I most emphatically deny inten- with this disease are dangerous, and should tage of the I twelfth� of July excursion to 0, Stanley, wrote on the recent exam- BRUSFS.—The farmers in this vicinity are McEwen, of 5he township of Ha' 0 returned home, Mr * Leslie having sold out. ding the remotest reflection on the inanage- bet destroyed, and soui steps should be Goderich o4 Monday. Five hu and ��tiops'in Y.— n man; of near Sexmith, wa& to an�
ment of RClinton: Ella Graham, Helen busy harvesting their fall wheat and barley. Tuesday eveni ig last a message was sent Mr. Wm. Chap the institution. It was urely a taken to prevent the milk or meat frbm clis- forty five ti�kets were sold at this static n for iggiss, oy Boyce, Albert Aikenhead and —Mr. James Archibald, Seafortb, was in from Zurich to Vensall statin *9 that a serl- ITZLEPHOI I
p in Teeswater recently, visiting friends. 110!
joke, prompted by the running away of two eased animals being furnished to people -for that point. Mr. and Mrs. J., C. Smith were eo ge C:tmpbell for public school leaving; town on Tuesday puicbasing horses—Three Ous fire had broken reports the crops in general as looking much of the inniates just then, whom I liappened food. The following is the paragraph re- rusticating . in Ba field this week. out in Mr. Jobnson�a better in this section than up north. y - -Ivl r. ai art, May Ross, John Laird, Thorn. hundred tickets were sold here on Monday 0 threatened the- whole vil- ferred to Dr. Tanner has lately called John R. PaiiI, the energetic manager of the y stard, Chiqlie M ustard and Neil Ross last at the station for the Goderich lage. to kno-w, Gporge 'TNIcLeod and Kirsty Me woolen mil Martin. No, sir, I am not so careless of my Twelfth McEwen, teacher, of -Clinton, is spending to examine and treat a sick (g A -a BOOF 1 as the word was received. rade milch flax mills, as had the roof and woodwork or high school ntrance.—Mr. Wm. Ross celebration. —The Exeter and Centralia Mr. T. ah, proprietor of the livery- her va lutu re welfare as to i cat -ion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs-
ntentionally offend the cow, belonginor to John Dillom of Arthue of.the. mill icely painted and it now looks as purchase'd- a ew threshing engine from Orangemen paraded t6 the. James street stable, John McEwen. Votera' Lis,
tht"dThdeo 'up his speediest span of W was p
9 uounced tuberoulos d (or- consumptive). earnest on 'ednesday. The crop this year ias also placed a dust'collector on him sep- the Centralia fife and drum bwad. The Rev. our stalwar.1t f re figkting men boarded it, Cons -ee. ois d tAme may render it necessary for me to take # Killop,
ignitaries of the institution. The wheel of After 'an examination 'the co, ro- as good as new.—Flax pulling began in he White Manufacturin Company. He church on Sabbath morning last,headed. by horses to th6 Is rge pleasure van, and 17 of
refuge within its sheltering walls'
What The cow was destroy d, and thepostmottern is a splendid one.—Mr. J. W. Snell, of the rator and a pump on the water tank. Wil. Dr. Willoughby preached them a Very ap. and insid ' delivered to thl
hing 'a W58 --f the'votere
then, if I should be at cross purposes, even revealed the left lung a ma of blood, Gadt dye works, formerly of Seaforth,claims iam always has an outlook for anyt propriate sermon.—Mr. Wm. i, and Miss Zurich to r�nd�er any needf I istance. re in GARDE -.\v PA-RTY.—The annual garAem
that " The public is a curimis animial.,,� 0 ril Very shortly af ith the Matron ? A scribbler soorr learns tubercule6 and pus�; tb ght lung not so to be the'ehampion checker player of Galt, that will be a convenience to his customerF. Bella Westcdtt visited relatives at Ben party, under the auspices of the Froshy,w seI badly affected, wa di t�rwardg as man more from terian congregation, at Constance. will bs� made pur4
4 scoered to be filled and is willing to defend his title against all --Mrs. (Rev.) Simpson is at present visiting a —Miss Millie Cu& y surgical operation Vftring by ty,
hae heard it said that a miller the p at week. our village r�ode and drove out but held on the grounds of Mr. D. McGrev, # -
with diseased spots.. rhis cow had been atab- comers... So says Irieiads in Toronto and Oakville.—One of more visited r r 0
is sometimes required to ge� a joke into the led along wit loctorpro- the Reporter.—Mrs. elatives at Hensall on Satur- ery happily thb people of Zurich had' sue- one and a half miles south of here, on wed- Ifi lit
h herma e,which the d Thynne and Mrs. McDonald, daughters of it hose events which always cause a flutter day.last.—Miss Myrtle Cadmore, Kippen, ceeded in confi�m'g th re to the woolen nesday evening, 992nd inst. Tea heads of some people, and if I did not know poses bxamining with tuberculin, which has. Mr. Frank Scott, who have been visiting i0f excitement occurred -in our iill siting relatives here.—Mr. 1Y.Johns and mills, in which # had will be, the worthy Editor of the Clinton New Fra age on 1B v, started, and prevent. served from 6to8 o'clock, after whichaninter- pq
Was 6th day ol
io ne
I t W� �007
been ordered for the p arpose. -This dangerou s relatives here for several weeks past, have Tues�lay evening, the occasion being the wife; Mr. G. A. Hyndman and wife; Mr. ing it from spire�ding to the wooden strue estm,gy programme vrill be presented. Address,* I might be in danger of falling into the be- disease is getting A'mongst our cattle, severs I returned to their homes in Chicago and 'i �ar�iage of Dr. Armitrong to Mi Florence G. P. Hyndman Miss Edith Hyndman; tures that surr6unded it. The hand, fix en.' es In lief that he belongs to this ilk.—Miss Kate head about Mount Forest baying already Petersburg, Michigan.—Mr. George Laid. , amieson Will. be given by Revs. Messrs. -Mn59MT0t "d it
daughter �f Mr. J. B. Jamieson, Mrs. W. . Bissett, Master Barton Hooper, of Zurich'! did splendid service and Shaw, Stewart, Saiyyer, Andrew andoth0r Ato tound cri
Stevenson of Linc1say, is visiting her uncle, become diseased, and were destroyed. Tub- law, of Philadelphia, -mephow of Xis. James (f this village, The wedding was a quiet Miss Wollett, Mr. John McCallum, Master tleas maved'thousaads 0 -Mr. D. Stephenson of this village, and other loiluleb f dollars worth There will also be - foo 1114va the. isaid i
erculosis in cattle is communicable to McMibhael,Goderich streetest, isholiday. lie, only the immediate ffiends of the cc Alfred Davidson, with others. are rusti. of property, a tball match bet'wem relatives and friends in this vicinity.—Alas. anouits work W" laneh admired mankind, and according to the best authori- ing here with friends. He is the guest of acting parties being present at the cere. eating at Grand Bend park this week.— by our villagers, It Kinburn, Harlock and Bandon, for wbich'16 -ter Joe Collie was so unfortunate on Satur- ties, this disease causes a big perce�tage of Mr. and Mrs. McMichael, and will rusticat r iony. Rev. W. Muir officiated.—The fol. Pibuics to Grand Bend are becoming very here that if we In is gelmerAlly eonceded liberal will be given. IT, if' expectea AW At wir
ad coup e of good
IdIV 188t U to have the proiiS of a pitch fork humall mortality. The Principal danizer of for a couDle of weeks. at Bavfield with thom 1,.w;v%v _4W__ _ .1�f&A fd%v- f.16A nnmarnnz and i�onular__A I.— .— ___ "..:- — V . 1- ordis- that th=d will be in attendance., and'*