HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-07-03, Page 6ITH EXPOSITOR. 4 JTJLY,3 Know W hat You Chew 'A *INISTER OF J!HE WORLD When a baby coutes each that Isermonj he experienced it. c house real hap- ti to th On abOut-the weathel-p the work ingenerra �Breathlevs, the contr bou and 1vork said care and 6 go d ens, but largely about who Ot in&- "xiety count fdruoth. wer and fervor which thrilled through NICYN
Would hinder them? d plucas comes. worry egation iat for a m:). crop, cows, colts, b acking CAROLI"LfB #TWATM MASON. ent, and then toget er rose ana mang with chick an S,
VIIL ging against the y heot I/ Ose bo Are deprived Xull
�nopthly dainty,' of the vivile a ic , e sto X Yes, Wa�do, ou. will find them a loyal,. 'The son Of Ood koea forth to war, indulge t6 little in innown clinging touch. of the A kingly c gossip and in ke united people, unless they have greatly rOW4 to gafn2l Ilittle hands atid the their &ffAirs known to eite other. - Mayl n The service wris over, 0 -ANNWAF iW1
a changed in the year& since -I lelt, here�& 1 sound - of the 11ttL the excitement of 506 I or moral infecton be bred at �he eceiving hundreds of eager men and wo- rural rendezvo good ple to work with, and Thornton is -voice. The highes us On 4 ainy day I an, who had press6d to the pulpit tairs NOW let us go back to that more f goo�eoj 11 function giveu: tb hu -place if you Want to -study. It was Stephen Castle speaking. inan beigs' is: brin 0 touch -bis hanq, had reached its height welu&d He and little room we mimed, Pulling a- I 4 subsided side. it -he n happ and Stephen a Waldo sitting at a bare, round -table on healthy,.. stood leaning ourtain,wesee the e 411 - I ; �4 J 3 La I e n into the abe at the writing b which stood a Small lamp in the mid� ldr alust a pillar, exhplsted with the tension desk, kept mute coi y It, of a Id. Noth i ng equAlE a fellow -variety of miscellaneous articles, The Ot of people toiler, reading with a n 10 -,J� I-Atful" kn lent& ap ebi
y that - nothing 1 cont, Ila r e, beside UrroUnded were in the sitting room �f the Thornton pe sates for the los iin�, but the church was the stove� Don't distu rb them.� th N arly empty- an( parsonage Which was -a I the hour was late, iy seem icene of the com- Of it. The- om Aeepinthoughb. Theipattering rairi-drops Cov. 'IL. -
Ina Barry, plet(i confAsio incident to t has not borne a c as never COM mtrried now, held at, 'was
8 eepy, to e real fullness of-womanbood I Ove - a Jand that belongs to ;he e�rly at -age of wh hild It had brouglib -on the shingles is a. ol settling a new home. In the little flaxer ll�ired boy ; and her mo- wper
room the sacred me mories of home, and the.s6und I which had formerly'been Stphen's study thirty years ago the needs of �yoiu��n p h r and a few ob�era lingered still peated to Dr. Pierce, now chief co 5unin Ili, in Mrs Westdobt,l among makes these inmates pensive and.perhaps ,bDohl of Bnzc,
IAs of old" she had lends inspiration to the writdrlo en. there stood' an old fashioned sofa of liberal physibian to the invalids' Hotel atid nore to say than itho others. It free 60121 the Ifflurfous cotorl ize; on which heF was to. sle�p, while Waldo ical 1iistitute. of Buffalo, N And now behold! The ritin C3 turned pressure fron
Robinson wz
The,`wsore you use of It the betta* would make. - Y. The resuX DU jest,what it is, now; Elder into snow and covers the . -ground with. I'll tell Y4
3rou like ft. 77 floor. a ed for himselfon the parloe 'of his stuyl improved by thirty Y�, ra O "Ne," she beg '14 know I always number of.
Ste e had been in - ille house for Pl'a6tice is embodied in Dr. Pierc� a �a- you White mantle. The "boys' outsidpe4re id haN it amount
VMS ar-0. E:�'rUCICETT & 'son CO., LTD. half an hour, nd it -had 'taken nearly &I voKite Prescription. re to tpeSrout, and you Won't inind pelting each other with snow balla,until i It serves but6tie pur� paused to flash a roguish an item of.$5
Here she ' I 14X-kA1r_TON, 01-1T. that time to r C01101ile With Waldq�s over- PO�6- It strengthens, purifies -and makesl they Shake their hands and Bing their fin- lu . hFalthy the organs distinctly fendu i. h4lienge at Stephen� from her black eyes, gers about wit cold. Ina jiffy they a 'The Ae)�t in,
flowing hospiti ity, his objections to, let ille. Ttl bing
0 lth� Poor ac necdssary -for the production of bealtby bright -as ever, in spite of the muffle up to defy tlie' Ma anow storn I II'how, 'tiength and hea ere
so distinguish(d a guest Share such gives weak w men the s ell w Head, rters. -
acommodations. as were "ust (2,,Ip line V hich he �yeara had cub around sadd�e their 11 cayuser- to go somewhere," I now at his dia- children and it makes the bearitit of those For evie.r0hing in the -Grocefolf b "TZRINARY tb� in search of the co*s on the unfenced 9, V. a., honor rAduate of Ontario w eFe e 'Was expected to nessi or derangemeo�t peculiar to women; anguidl posal. He bad proposed to takce Stephen to children easy. It is sure to cure any weak- rl�o, wou'� mind you, TORN GRIF he farm hous b h Stephen praides. An d 0 Veterinary, Colleg was Juilmald treated. C4 tic oyfring night, but Stephen beg- stop�pain, soothes inflanimation, strength- . . . . . ..... ri , - - iowfirat began - 1, �, I... - : ens, ptirifi�s, invigorates. Well$' when wit
attended to and' ged:so ea eat y for the favor of -oleepIlIg - I igham a
-a of Do stay the foll, Lin led back I
-its prompgy
G obarc�m moderate. Vote rinary Dentistry a Thousands of and after Oftlee And residence derich street, roo lomes d gone on for qtAite - a piece, thinks Ii on Go one i ht nd,r the - 0 arsona have been made hapty by,itp use. An of Dr. Scowff omee, sesfor.th. He Stopped the Sale C CL Asyed with f;
Thousands of letters like t is one! frotu k4ow-I cruess afte)r all, I i 1112if W, o.. yie de althougi that ell now I don' Choi] nd N ew__Iil� Mary. MIS- the Oya W-04
I ler Gas, $tudi ham b
rheny Co., Pq I lIr mystei4es of nature, he were now spending an hour M113- W. P. CAXN, of CJ1')1Jo11, Al le don't beat our _Iittl� minister. the" with the mierc scope. !AT -M WhR
Cau come up Man
G- H. Q 113 Bg in di cusaing hornton and Waldo's pros wbo'Writes: " X was affected with all sorts of ibis.' But by -and -b T11E LOWEST POSSI Ormog,
fe- ye B] -'E PRICK FOR' CASH kuow4
Veterinary Sur inlile, trouble: I tried three doctors, and seven Learn what the old mother of us alfhas geou and bentlst, Toronto College o Pect in his fi t field of. labor the younger kinds of patent medicine, and found no O I got to goin' ther in the r OR TRAD* middle, of the
�a I Is fi
Ve ruaia lif -relief. rought in aboubjayin' nysterie of her inner nature," and Choice butter amd we Veterinary d6atists, Honor Graduate of Ontario e where you
ienin 8 hens �Wrds as if each Xy husband said 'try Dr. Pierce's medicine., aside every weight, made the ,we
eflaary College, Honor member of Ontario Veterin o be eggs Wikuted, for which will pay the t " Ig o"n all that, h. e assed a slide a nd a bf9bcs* mark-et'price. ary Medical Society. All diseases of domestic anima one wer le of pir founTest weight. He, was a I told him X 'slight as weft throw his mopey in and I t4ll you I had to give in icroscope of
the fire as to try'anytiting more. I had lost all t h never h M'rd anybody preach f treated. All Calls proniptly 41�nd wibh,straight -in my 011 0 a sad looking I had not taken more than half a. J)ottle, n. The slide I had a bug on'' 'it 4 Short, slender ellow, Waldo, out for the inspecti
night. Dentistry, ana Sur d d k eyes, a thou' btful face, - I . - for the methol
gery, a ) I ih like th gentlema
day or e� black ha& an I could eat and If ar 9 sleeP well, I tO01c four t he seat 1" St. You preached me ight oft and the sad looking ge ffice and Dispensary -Dr. Campbell'i k nbletiian tippe and a way pea -ing which gave- an im. bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and d �back JORDAN eafoAh. ternoon, as i
KafastreeMikforth. Night cAllsanswered ftom I ral vials of his I Pellets., One year Zer I men i Emily Merle came, up to t, and gaze([ long..aud earn' tly S
r a Very enlo..
gave birth to a fine baby girl. I Tot Wong so lit little group, a ad; "I Lee" pression o a ost intense einceri4y. t O t f Seve i Lt this mo his f4ded ha
Yes Ika n 4e wrifgling legs. of the ins -present. =T -h
w I shall be happyhere," 'he much better than when my other chi d was born. I ollible speech. 'r onderful, used 'in her ect. Three of my friends are taking your medjci�es a letter in her remarked no in response to $artin w soliloquized h6.
Enily had' Ste h
11 ell 13 and are impro-tring." h ed theLyen
wor whic she hOld Out to Scephen. m LEGAL d N on, you know, who! Yours truly 1 �e Sir, wonderful -11 t
e wed Some of the n�enlhave been u
CAMERON, formerly of Cameron, Holt you, bad a, ver good pastorate bere. He t the dor. One of those in' your anilly will be Cameron, Barrister anci Solicitor, Goderich, is abroad n a adying.11- 8 es , a continual source of pi isarnia, to 1) 081 office," a�cl ly, II.auTth'O ut-' #asure and instrue- Offlce�Hamjlton street, opposite col-_ Yes, I t h uiet tion. e kept track of his move- Cxf or on. Shall I do one u air ? Only for you, 1452 ments, Dr. Pierces I lepb�en It t le 1 tter in his hand. a quarter, twenty-five tS." mt sunday
Common seus� 'O The P, nes.-Se 101: , ,
good fe low, He had a Aledical'Adviser, a W The sad- xooS age doct, looking man, with his face fall of urn Up in th
JAMES SCOTT, Barrister� &o. Solicitor for moi- family, I b h e, did he not or boo7b-,, prof -u n1elo )e W 8 lar96 and square and b illustrated, of ore a wok i e
0 L ElTiott Blo2k, Yes, A wife an wbict aO,000 have been sold Upon the seaA, The hand -writing of woll t puttin in, his Pon's Bank, Clinton. one ebild. The parson 8ely$1.5o a copy will r, y his hand at e Ar, as jUSL r t e address -was altered by physical weak rid m the Clinton, Ont 0. age has not beell'used sified,'they left." tomsaudinail entlen7jan fro be sent rRF;-- on receit of- Sx cents to cove cus- pocke when a iugv1e1j,- -1varld'sDispeusarylvred- 0 plianie. Money to loan on mortia ical Association, 663 Ivrain street, Butr country,placed Your Toes �'Hdw is it with you, W r es but he knew it t' be that of Ste -his hand on his shoulder. ',ald�? Are you 9 0f n -bouse-keeping ? These. prepar� J;X using himself ' him friends be lefb the A word with you,, Said L he solemnly. J5, AYS, Bprlstar, Solicitor Co�voysncer P, g to
look like Stepben remarked p1da- ate, stalwart men wit"ll manly fa.ces. c h u:rqh 110 could,- but not be microscope?,, co=y deformityl otary Pubile. Solicitor far the. Dominion is quicklyt Ar YOU going to buy hat Not eachhorny 'r, . - . At his orn I e of doin t to loan. 4land 1could )y Ught f frietid
ho 111 -:ft Ung Bhoes did It. Putting 7our ew
Offlee-Carduo?s block, Main Streeb,,�; antly. rigbtand so near' that hi f)r(`EMilY lllerle� had seen that be had 61 �e-yes, g it- t With fbabZ's to sa In bo, boots that fttted ihave touched him, was Waldo' y Your eye 0131Y- HeM 18 06 c1236 Oh, ye replied grown white to the lips. is ow
otli4l ng high' Do you realize what you are doinLy Ost $5 00 0 tb e,
ightly, I mysister i smili ft 131i00 'WbIch I$ niade t6 lit lqaturois fee t. It C
ATTHEW MORRISON br a c ining next cousecraion of the hour ible in his (To bo' continuetl,) iwallon, to take car of eelc la Well' tO Produc Iff Arnnt, Commisatonez' me. well- 0 the first or taking affidavilvn I have no prospect. cc, a face made strangely beautiful by the I -that isi-I thought�1,' perfect Palr� but you can 13�0vT to o ba e anything f rther than that, L' Mr. of In him y n XOn0Y to loan at We loost rgteri. man's spirit. bu i �g a microscope, just as you say. bave the r),o au marAfBox, Walton. Castle, at Stephen seenied'.-to see lL RiEdny Day-11ow it 00th pair for $8.00. MaCe, of the best -Xepairing, pres�nt. his own former self, he had i been bb 6 ImMig D instead buyin 11nPorted calf-sk-121 fal4lous before- is Spent at misery- and g.4ilty in bla"k or tan., by ,u12e has r u a Writ mo ent Stephen tb fore Cnowled Goodyear Welt proc otlg'hb f 'Emil ed to " travel daily ant Shed in Didsbury. Sir, last y -1 purchased! one 085, wWch gives ease w tile foot_ X, REST, Barrister, Solloitor, Notary, &c. farther fronq the of thos 91, ar - h --yes, fi nd-invention' Werle oveiro there in, the east, and see the e fiendis 61"UCA7 tD the sole, $3-00o $4.00, $5.00 per i3adr. J4 Office-R.00ins, five d Correspondenc -stock- of n t'6- Berlin Telegralph.) oore �norhb ofoommercia chureh at wor vision Splendid"" of old e for ffetel, gr5und 1100r, next door to CL L, apet a among the owe's his youth fade into the light of co! my son Israel, who was anxious to ]etc. Whe lawalry BtOrO, 213in street, Sbaforth, - GDdericb inialit ba fi od h study S and a vision of, what aF:)r the convenience of incoming settlers, the secrets The hoe erort,.Uolt and Cameron. Im at fierce, m* h( need Shelter t1nti17 th (10f Men.) ents-r- atu with a a ey can pub up a of nature. a tv. -Te vbildr:e
1215 desire to 4 wart such a possibilit L Before him, amo I "The first day he infol WE d Ring of their o�wn, a prominent Govern- berries looked PROUDY00T, BA.-rlstord, alf carelessly mer t Land agent in Ontario has put U attended And
only said y but he arid N'Vomen whose ng the solid. mass of men med me that straw- ilig, at -the faces were turned ex- -jest like fli� . The n xt day ex &0�, Goderich, Ontario. j. GAR=,7, The � .8 plenty of pectantly to him, were his old fri an he scraped some sugar Dut of 'a box -Children% tin
time for' all that i of ends,; tried inr t shed at�Did'sbury ing runes I had n n at a time. 'A folk who ir 11 built o WN. 6so sort 1i 9. One thi and -true ; plain, simple hearted ligran The buifd F just boughb, and went ro nd ful training.
an UA"ERuz4, LEGLT A; HO mai had faithfully lo,ved him lox -00, IV " I on a slide andl abowed it to the _cti
ation is enough. of an event for good spruce pine, two h one 1. d loved -and thiemesses of Siding, with.tar aper be- h ire d nen. bonored him §tiII, far 'be' bealki I
"Is ib �ot, indeed due. Almost bidden' OBE ;crowds, C ar as alive with s ' I exp, ra ome C., Pllmn- HOLTj DuDir Howag cried �1�aldo, an by the bowe' of materproof by first-�Iass cedar shingles. Of durlidest �T WlLLIS, SOLE AGENT FOR SEAF r �bo )3,T
idtars th Chavearyj &e.,Gope-eleh, Onk V. C. felb, bey.Ond his t ve u. The floor i� good,and the roof made rently that Sug ae been partitioned see d I co king orms you ever' ORTHIN 3ression pf sompbbing like awe coming eele b her bands had fashione'd in- S,,veral apartments: h' did
t w ich nHOLMESTED, successor t4 the into firm of e- uldn't get a an to eat prune
fish'. d,l Barrister, Solicitor fore it, You kno, and Pam sure you a of the sat 3�iniily. smit 'I end iff tenan Sam that summer.. 'otL can realize how Coux and Notary. 5 licitor for thecan derstand wha my fiielings m1ast be. U13- Merle., . .1 tp . - that is if you've e er hired me and pro
F. McCaughey & Holmeste n 0 his fac Thip is'niy- I gr sp ry Pulpit, f;6" con- oi F i� ii each end foi, delling.� rooms. The �st night be-- the ace's at the sideof the
"n r cea. I the barenes alls adian%',,kCeot' d by the vener�ble Ra tough
Commerce. Mon y to lend. Farm I . r-
sc n f tI for sEde. office in Scotts seens sc munity. -His rooms contain was ll�ntffig for cbeap sa s. ndo. glorious aprivilege, in o As he stood, during the singing o . Cot. tl le Om Zro
lock, main Street ne way, to f if �e Tos�tlogce, whoie mail services are ever I hos-wilipped Israel be dedicated , onation" which preceded Ito the one single life --work the - Sermon in r wing. The so.- Lild. he kept q�iet occupan d looked at E mily, whom 6 bad ar Ot so station s and to carrying '1� bel Y to'Chri is ts of the other end for two days., But he evidentlylad some- ong,solel 0 Stephen ba 0
e aq as the pastor and his WeWs beau DENTISTR qao,,e ; bat then, on the other band- 'it is hardly been able to speak with all - through fa mi -1 could see be was like mes, thing On his mind. Mr. Jewett bo
9� y. They are ufually settlers,wbo have to bust and be looked at me so 'These &me lo almost appinig to me the day,'and in a strange The reap6nsibility flash of ima til 1�i farn mysterious -ing unipte
gin- ilies with � thein,_ and leave these like that I couldnb hold ffi ger. rl W. T%VrEaDLE, Dentist. Best rubber lates, seems so enormous, the fear that the conse. te orary lodgings as, soon as they have Z. 1, lor 'a sake wh' ley atioulor perception he hardly knew hich ni any Ion
q6. All other work at ipondingly low cration may 'act be complete comes con Mon y EA- 'T'hey
itm.ight�q, the pe 'Be CEYLON T
ael, for, mei ,cy prices, and tire be8t,wor��an�thiep�gr:]rueaEratkteed. office alitY of Stephanie "sh cks' UP on their' homesteads -by the In Toil -what's at's
Orl a nnis a tore, Seatorth, you" ever troubled in On yol r mind?--' Ar� partly
he elleof C -Over Richardson& M I h such a ng came before him, as if the two' we. Way, som. , e are Putting�up houses. Between as m eyl, U. Improve your complexion. Ke ally. Were L aili
n t tell,"' Says he. a famil.7 of eigh
:d. in the wo extremities some of the batch�rs'l YaS You says I Ef you don nerves Your for a couple f en's eyes. ves showed forth the two influences do 'b mist right. Li*e Ion looked appealingly into Stepb nan themsel' ll1469, way, Mr. Castle ?" and the young r men tood together in his sight,
le of
and gold plate which bad ruled his life. ake them for 'I bachelors hoss-whip yer." DR. BELDEN dentist i! i iv�ing, ',)rid "a-ft6r could only boiv his head, 9 and ha py. The
tt tige wOlk The
work. Sped %I a given Both were beauti- )a gers or P1 'Camp wi,
to the preservation of the natura a race peculiar to this coun I teeth. All work fi�l, both correspondea An? Yer'll hoss-whip e if I do." �much Johnson Bros., have their abodes. They :'P'r;%ps,1 sez I LUD t1L and climate,' carefully performed. Offtce-ovr(r such questions of a in&,, like You, who of hisnature, but how erful instincts tr. A CEYLON TEA Tow on the riv,ej-
am afraid. it is presurning of me to ask to ed' ar not crowded,, fo5 the whole middle part He! hollered* FILL THE -BILL FOR YOU -forth. 1451 so far beyond me in e re Jn Stephanie, Stephen saw a fall a boats b
hardware store, Sea wiseollyl, they dfffer WILL
vA_ry 'way and boo ooed but he ha�d eing.
I nd per-- of he shed is tbe;rs. The have everal ter tel continued diffidently of Royal coil ust art in the highest ap irt ments -y 11 and wbat do you si Pose 'twas ? Wal. ore t is n rices than Bay.
ANDRSON, gradua. -I know it in manifestation of _e4 c
Waldo feet ege sense Oms. that ph
of Dental Stlygeons, Onta io D D 8 of fc� seem weak and cowardl while in his own ro air, he allowed me a Fou'L —25c, 40 y to you. I Emily was as cler an dror er -water rigbi roaW University kffice, Marko il�ck, Vitchell, that I fear , em. )n an occasional morning the pioneer re- out'n aiwell that I have i sed for 9-2 re
c that too much is exacted -of, sac- ent of truth.. C9 5OC- and 60c. pearances the
W year. Ontario. 1402 rifice and all that. I think I need not sa With Stephanie, all the natural reso rei Ins of reality -it is' inflx of visito
tu� mf from the pleasant lan4i of od to the An -'in that nted the cost a pattering reality millioul snakes an'scor .0- e AGNEW, Den st that I have cou' urces ater there we a moreln nineteen All -t d
andhave le7t' of life were,mealls adiipted to. an euU, ana on tb see mornings. pims aim' stingaroo te BtOrOk spe-rs sell it. Tr Hansa at Rod nY Hotel ;In a dual mood -glad an' Bich' like. Cuss1t if it be �eon,. visit Clinton' will all to follow Rini as Peteraid-. I do not that end beauty, harmony, delight -a ;fair t be thought of a !pretext for not getting crowni4l plint! 'hat 1 warn t t�e in th e b arn ain't drink nothing bjat every Mond& , and atEl.h the even fee -I this part' to be aaacrifice. It does End and well attained -the proper aim of ess for a day -aa if it were a milk se� �Couiacil met in
second u a hard," a but I knocked Si tc take an 62casioilal holiday anyway; the e*lastia' stuffin on "th, 1896, pura
in each montlx i2ss not seem as if death itself for Him would be art. Art Was in her face, in her. voice,' in. ce with any relis i,
nd, as he Spoke, the earnestness of her conversation, her motions� her dr wh 3n the sun shone, for ope. 7ET RIMSM
Dentist, L. D. 8_. t e, - that microse Zurich asuch is the industry Don't f6rgit that Are member -a were al
YOU 01 they6un face witnessed to his' sincerity etual activitie of h, a'pioneer ell g "13g to r, JUL. Exeter. out, will be &I her intelle a in fine,' in all aracter-VeXed at anotfier same snare. ir. Alinutes StS,vilie Huron Hotel, OXLT on the d into tb ?4n e her and that a de urrounded in seeding or' harvest time -he rolls sad faced mi IIA" TKulm"' In each month," and - but what I feel is my Own' unworthiness' in that expiession of ov on his ot in wi �hdre* his b t and' Stepten found it bar to in et his look � that belonged to Iher. -And o. MOP FRmAir LUMS EN
k� a each Mont Tooth e;,*rac�ed with the I calling ; th' harmony het side for another nap, and 0 m ��i nd it w azid tion No. 2apile-
�1, Hensaff on ilia east h W1 to enter so bigh e danger that and ty he had, found pleasUre of a hi philosophical i resignation, says: by 'V�ay beau fr
$Ain possible, All in ii pocket a
work at liberal rate& ay bring r�proa,ah upon His name,even 1) one thing which he 9 14 111, in �s eritpty� Then quality ; but the ore he mo,% tures
on and i a rai d on and Xas loob Pt the crowd." his . voice fell and his face clouded', failed to fi had 11 that I Yad was satisfaction. 1, the wet day for the might �seek mys'elf in my wo its. duties and its THE ON tchool house, to instead of k ei too, for him, thou LY 1ELP. 1-n Emily MerlEi, Stephen recognized the UED Hia will and the saving gin t*O W ON nents. ATO of men." very OpPosite type of ho a later thain usual, ved
Steph� Womanhood. This m ruing he -ed by Jama Lin
U 0 A Victim u ratirmured a half4rticulate re- was th� vital principle, the ru ry knowledg'- Of Bright's DiseW Tr th re e rs his culina be grat,ed antl
in e an adroit- M901 of dWs to pnr6panli:e. ex r6 ren Castle," the y made warin and August I ceti."
non. Gradu4te London Western Uplyaralty, member ce) mor& scientifibally, Dr&cbi,.l in E
'L 11 t .* MEZY Years-Cu]'ed bY Do
sponse, for Waldo's words were like -a Sword her nature liDg force nes , 'all learned in. the co d Se or Dr. John Mcqnnis, piercing his soul. and in her life. ' Not truth in oking- sch 9"Wfflwwl� AR -STILL SIELLI.N.0
cold, bare outlines but Ki, Iney Pills. -In the rooms over Mr Jo d ri 0 'any �iqycle made" -.0 fL I oung man asked radial pre ilpg his breakf st.� The i16' Although we d not pretend to supply I _'
of Ontario College of Physician m9P Womanly nature, with idge must WKEPIWA nt by a lovin a
and Surgeons. you bave gone far beyond me in An endless capacity I h Special) un 2.9th. Yve at -ill ha-ve the -&VA W1 our i a -Mrs, T. ift-Seaforth 2&q1nne to next door to Tify ExposlTos, i t buble boiler; t H. McNee, formerly for the old reli�bles,'viz -ion givinj itself for edes,
kno edge and experience. I know through gen O� a uf he be 3t
b , othera. As-cerbai�eleor a j
-Formarly occu Jed by Mr. Win: mentrin We], came he�,e 'oncOSIO'n 13 cl
is own pa- 4-
ickard,. Victori P , (they as a Isst! resort, forth. Residence the people here how exalted 'your spirituQ ture had. leaped use bolted flot, 'ad an ee wonderful bread,) TJtE RYSLOr; THE BRANTPORD, attend t'o it,
CiLtholle 0burZ, meet th ir nor leavened red ten years
a Street noxk to th life has always b n. -1%fay I� ask. YOU be. ebar . in of Stephanie to MUIC n e just with Bright's -disease. e orted to THE FLEET, or THE AWNight calls att6nd so -the be t when he saw her first ba ter must h4ve the help an y Secondrl by W1_1�1
from resid 1453x,2 cause ou have won the victory 06 d in his 'boyish experience d ing; her rea t And the and 'te4mptations like the' ''so now, but with pro] e consistency, Ullskimmed milk street i earance, on y are the., eaders and sellers in all parts of the Is 'year. Q der of D� W.. 'D
ARLM� e, to p�ay � court
STRON(4, K. B., Toro to, M. A that I may be saved fro 3 and apparent good Ith, was a'Weat- th, Uality VIM
D'Victori.,'All C. �� , = far greaterpower, did'otber and deeper left a eggortwoinit;t-thee9gS must be' an b surprise. tell. ou bannot,go wr
t& su�oqssor td Dr. know. m 9 by purchasing ofilae 1, on %tely 0 tel u n tion given' Was ow office I a by Eliott, Bruce- Pelf to be r 150-de�re 8 for 15 minutes. that h6i little Of them., ev the right price, but be 'be
chara als that t
m them, weak as I elements rise to the- sense of beauty in the Thea e ha boy had. i sisted that' he for 1101 in wate The expla, the d,,Onta eter Of E 113ily- Merle. But Steplien a regal fa your guard ;We b�ve heard of uns,cmuptilns dealers in so Stephen could not m- �e,,,-.he thinks; and o' should 6e dd's Kidn me places qu for ])is P L' i
heta a -request like held himself �in. band. The thou lit 'of alate� a %bat they were not selling, nlUh L ting the prim of Do 9 ndl� correct would cure her. - She says below their value, in rdr to
w,au few doses I began to feel et er"te. the due complefti
this with mere -assent. IffS was honest.� Stephanie Was always with him no frori his abstinence from highly seasoned the impremi� th 't the wheels t'heyere actu true a Pills, which high grade Wheel
COO -PER, If. D., M. B., L. F. P. and 8,, d h6 99 i
Rising from the tible he held cub his hand knew himself to be, pledged to her, and no Mre0r, he Ikuows ter, and after ally agents for, were qually heap. J[V ing to
116asgow, &0- Physician, Surgeon. and Ao- and took that of� food. And From the
coucher,. Constance, out. W Mo, who sa that taking four and a half bo an old Mck Plans nd
27 w with sur-' longer free to yield to the influence of pise the e1notion in his lace. Wa -dsworth)s mott', es, I BaY'it with nd e public are getting onto it, but still othera for 11
'Other artfel gratitude occabionally. i,Av disappointment andave money byrdring. one 'Of the aboe is advantageous to he i it catches -an unwary cust*W�
Woman. He co-uld. liot regret the step' I will pray foryou my dear fellow, you. which be had taken, it had belonged to the Wh" �h latter he does is t 10.W of the L him Plai P1IL � am
RETEW—WK. M. D. n living )erfe W h dt hp a. M, ng re. nore Eastern the world t at h only medicine in grade I the only authorizdagents in Seaforth. alad 12, And
has ever ,ured a case Of othe n3a
T den victo Of Victoria aquare, In hous lately docupi mine, as- you tho grant I
ftoftal$or tOL 0�fflo 11% man o: edu culture imagine, Bright' Idisease, at such a stage.
occuple py Dr� Maukid, Main real dangers. I have -met them) and the life beforelhim Ilopeless confusion. cation an4 Ong these blied for a
Al"obege 'ofphislolans and, 9u geon may be an The dangers Youpeak of are- very nature of things, but he Saw in the IP f7high thinking,, of Do' e' ctly cured."' y. than the wheels
filreet A o4her favorite Imotto am
ry has not always been Good -night, I believe T am tired," introspection i S cient for the day i r Phoe. & WILSON,
by L. E. Daucey. suppose. Aroused frorp the I tf�l Young meh is a Scripturs,l One UMSDEN 1127 COndibion of intense . !I Y.y US lato, which he had fallen _b To. ary this has more meaning than 1319FORE4 the evil thereof." e r the cessaion of the music and the rus Ual. and he took the candle which was r i He Tied He Turnbull ae
DR. F do him and abruptly went to his dy fo' thO sum of,.'515 b,�
SUFtRqWS room. tle;Of fori i14 -ib is -the day Which his procrasti� Kerr Late real garments as the congregation resumed I tied her, shoe 03 T I 9 ff dent Physician and Surgeo m their -Applid for
0, Toronto Gen- abr ays referred his soiled cloth Waldo leftto hiti-self, reflected thab this seats, Stephen ca nati n alw She a nOral Hospital. Honor me -forward, a hush , aked me to graduate Trinity UnWersity of -hi es to n _&U ? by James Li t,
V eb, w�uld y uds - e- his a ng boots Panting after grease, his ell She HISIOP, that th
Inember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons' man er -which .one� Must ex-. The text But iv UPtIlOss was, perhaps, a touch of the eager expectancy prevading the hou uttouless jacket, his Ihol I.did'Wkhurry mu grand seigneur ey' Socks'
which he aunounced consisted torn of but se harness.. He -has to establish Ere I got through Of OrtUrio, AT"CIFFICE--same so formerly o(cuplexi Pect'in succe en bub!of Nvhi . ell he bad knew
by Dr. Smith, opposite, ftblio School Seafo I ;h. saful m the bou,dary of
lase, d th
three words Who emptied -Him. this a laundry, a repair shop, a bakery, was No. fry'll, Provided th
--Night calls answered from. him, self Mkde ready for the until now seen nothing' in Mr. Castle and Sell-" It was not the text which he had a b r shop, a 'scrubbery,) and a oorre- N- B� nighL r I'd See the Size U sum. -Curti
was the followin selected the day before on his journey to sporildj cc off Ai?TEP_ 9. �vening, and the Th ice. Wb ere is the leisure time? islo, J, iseconded
horn ornton, not the serMonL tied. her shoe 0. DEWAR M. ton church L which he bad Thr;e a ,ore in Ds 'L,! F, T. ff. was cl�owd6d to the then,elaborated out of thi 99 and ten, and ff by reason the reev and t 'y ors. From all the coun philosophical and 0 She t1cId me to- 31, Member of b116 College of Pb 'icians aid Sur T �O Xeons, Ontario, successor t6 Dr. ti�y side the farm- poetical elements, ater his present me'th�d of management, four Score things- lbew the not�e in
no eboice, and thil she sels, Lfor tflree In
and residence tha-t lately r �ell- office ere' families bad driven o4r t of i g :iecessities to look after. Hear him knew -P. trifil I had!
aps. more soliloqu ze wi�h I bad six pairs of, I pm to L ber f aftounts��
my praebice, L -Dr. Dewar as )ought an even more especially thought or the"Dioctors of DIFY-Inif w b ation makiff-, a:nd with perb For she's the shrew Nalastreeb Seaforth. Worm, f Dr Cai ipbell, ceremonies. d 0 t e ordin* of sermo 0 TIC14NS
alvAnic batte . r , y, etc., and I 1h to bear- St 11 .1 8 p pared epben 'Castle preach married to treAt at an and six tb
I W o rna,y requir He h a:d would hear b pairs of feet '.: and Iac rding im, to the latest and most 8clOntifte methods, have his old church. ein women ain, so whab she says you et I do, th n1L him to my i athe ree
much PleAsurc in beaLrtily reco In the I
far and wide, church going people t laz And _e
a his services been a -favorite among than forthe rust c 701k of tbre I eads. Tb Are entirely engrossed at the present time -with the PON mendin g when he was preceding night, after a 1. Soon, however, the 'as a man Of Ability, learrd.ngL he Young pastor after his interview with cloth es rn OP'L and exp(dence in Thorn ton%; now he become -a noted had foil Waldo, Stephen bung over a rope suspende A took place at. situation and the probable oLuteowe of the appreachimg-
his profession, jolm are a ell es,sant even Ild that to preach that sermon bad the afl era of the e reaid:�Ycop Of Mr. J D YSPOL
D. 14aN52 city reacher, and grea d from th election f ' s the curiosity become 4n impossibility. roof not very far over- oh Andrews, of S, but the gieit questin witl�you just nw to see and hear him. A profound desire head Then the bread and cakes Elimville, on Wednes ay, e ing of last any rreople,
I DRS all the neighboring villages I 9, for a week week, bei�g the marria arge ver of the clergy and more is seco d y etrongl I I on y daughter, Minnie, to Mr. R CLOT` xtre
numbers for ever the anificial mothods, in which this the iffe ren b bakers. Each one's ' e f h -
SCOTT & MacKA)" I , are b kid. In this there is a rivalv between Fro4 Pmbroke and had taken-Posse2sion of him to fling . side URGEPNS, r0lbillent laity D vid Roweli jL:L
AND S had come and I aesthetic and the liters, genie are The _LNG11 niel mell med1by Rev. T. t: glass of hot its dclewation VA 86 simple them'&$ they are dr�wn' steatfting hot out 0 me', YOUT mind 'at rest just eall on US ancl Goderich street, opposite Methodist cUurch,Seafortb. �bad contributed re ry predominated, and a as e's mouth water to a - cerempily was perf r
,�urn to the simple prea'ohing of Coupland, �in the presen e Of 4b0ut 75 guest Arbo "IeclOglains, who 'with 964el- And to-hight be did it. I I I the in and e most pleaaat ti froirr the sa, ego of Physicians avite Suitin the I eweSt an g2, n d nobylftt impressiveness to the e himself, 'with each �th)r to their several rooms for din byallpresent. Theprgaqu our Sum night.
d Ann 'if More than of the � iffer nt ovens. Then 1rhey i after which a ; elegant lines of Su
J. 9. SCOTT, graduat their gr�ve and dignified pr6sence laa�d lent' to others he was preaching to dulged in +e was
0 Victoria an ow
member Ontario, Call
Surgeons. Coroner for count�, of and xerclses of the day. searching and deliberate direAnes ner numerous and 6ostly. to. were Iner Furnishings, the very 1A.tel3t and Pretfeat-. �uron. Thei order of the evening 8. The and spI er, to enjoy the fresh. baking mp� Ripe fruit
I r may
C- MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity UnIveral y - consecration of'the candi was the formal country People, who were awaiting a bril- getbe;r. to- Our Jummer Underclothing, the most c
gold medalist Trinity 3tcdicat CoUeg daie y liallb displa It makes the butter fly. ------ for Ikeakfa
to the ininistry of Ch natic or&. orafortable and th& - e, t Me mb,' W Ido y of rhetoric And drar t, �Citjj
rist th beSt quality. ki ig through little SUga
4',e of hy'sicians and Surgeon W da busy metropolis all i5t
of hands. on CQllL On arid.: b� J'g tory, Eitened at first with a distilleb sense undle� Ole roof, the visitor deo good mmd#d c f a Dute4 I 'roperly co
must be re. _W -EQ 1 0 1 �83 Aftex this ceremonY,,�noble and of disappointment. Rhe learned. men aroond 13 1E irmes. affectingin its simplic him praised him iii tbeii; bearts for the re- Room the first :'Smiling house- than preach, Step en Castle verytbing
going�on. straint and &iulPliciby of his speech ing wife 6v' fread is good I
AUCTIOWEER& flis whole envi Iliake a point of
de v t lu(king a prairie obicken for di ner. 1JL) "-L Df TORN H. McDOUGALL his past., Arou sire to produce'a strong personal impression ii .4 "GHT BPOS,,. ironillent Was surcba�ge.d the temptation to sacrifice . thes6 I! realiz lving a big cliurnful of butter, Ber. Licensed Auctione, with suggestions of nd -him o the tf the Count for Sat the venerable P-6fe T`bin;�, ti ly enough, �every day
Y of Huron Sales attended in all ter, under p parts ot tilecounty.. TL - from Winches� But as Stephen a Proached the close of hi* Fyom,Mr ation for -whose traini -a Ro;m illeecond: MAIN STRK i" prepar. 'Bel Husb4nd mending grain IISEAFORTH. neither e forgot- i 9 U fresh milk t e Danny breakfast be
office, or at his residence rn THE Of ren ass speWallj' qualified to judge a number of clergyineu who' had been his the approyal of the other were alik k. Or h , ot I 11,11
long experience s a dealer in the MiniAry had,bbeni made, and 'mon the- disappointment of dog and cats lie I ng his own
St V . one class and lbags, ivif(
ock of all kinds h - 'f�� r scrubbing floor
of values, and can'�uaraiitee satisfaction. All orders friends -in the days of his Tho ten in bhe over mastering powTr of his ut D Roo ra
left at TuR Expo t
the third. 3i ,Done 'I, It ak, �Lot ton ;�ilr barber cuttini 11 e hair- ig Crop, ble as leather S Tu eremith. wll� be Spoke to igbt, perhaps never 'would he dexte ity of hand LS CANAD AN A PrculPtl� a . ttended ta. I -Pastor- 'teran. Never before bad bespoken as b �d not expectueb W, hen extricated again) for this was the suprerne hour of from I is ar, the sheared an gets up'and 14M ae wo EMD
crisis in b is. life, th flo Oals tbatu PIL _B AT. V. K O'" Co onfal
-BRED Jr 3; f,
W-ves re -lief
andAgentxtHenaall for the th, Huron and r lu- e humiliation which in the past weeks he the .IAtle boy sweeps e floor, puts the OAPIT4 P Take L JtL Auctioneer for the GOuntios of a wonlan is pale�, �f Perience All of the despair, the re orse and barber tal es the chair, �er he is clipped r HEAD OFFIGEs TORONTO, WPM M'CLOYg od tide of his ex- becoin�s bbet"806alartA and the first ALWAY 1867.
m S CU anuinic, lowpiri th AE had atiffered i- all of the conflict' factur ,a VOUs1 sleePlessi, there is I t and battle 60
S 00 4W Ing Company. Sales romptly Attondedl to weepings into a bask UOFERINCL spon
moderateL and sa gusrantped: -or be had waglid, with the baser elements oj� 'a AFTER TEri VEARr, S ' - A t,risk
ea 40 sure U; SIX MILL t
by M-01 addressed to outto bed the cows, REST, 'Mdrel ra - she has her his own soul ; all of the profound in life f r till ask and carries them ION DOLLARS sWith which he nlourneU his failuro-' Nex roDm : Young - I a:n soling boote. WALIK aination of the unconscious self, P and hisn " Whii �k wh left at Hensaii ost office, or sYstem Put right by Lot 21 Concession will receive prompt attention, GR*mAm KAxAGRp tite c, y R'O
1296;tf Short coude ack 1 how he drives in the r liroakfa�st,, h S T1*0 130=_ TOO Inu-ch bute
new aspir. be or FOR ISRANCK Indian WO'Mall% Is ness of his purposes all the he seems to ho, e mended shoes SEA
_S Bt t TH
9, Ion of his faith and the 18M d A Qen�ral ]Bank in
Teachers and desire, for purer We' x, 2&m J Bus%eas Trall I service and a single aim, -wee fus CTLY, sadted. pastry-
N'T Ei 1) It is the u e bTrLVZRTO Farwer4e X-otes diacoutec� Drdtis, omBat -he r, e1v ng, without a' ten I issued, , AhOuld.be d into the thimbI a Gentleinell,-For the last yearS I had ason new. can pay Bob b t bled with kidne th to ek)KY90 With ua during V'Aeatioo wowen nfaffing rernedy for all soleinn. appeal with Which he closed. )lack button. 0 e at all oints in
entirelv 4b,".-.8200 for the full dark sbirt, P canAda and the principal m m Void IV cores h assume mae being' :� -
Rve OPerated 4- Omen and a power of left �huz ib. 'B'Oeeb'I'atillter-vals that Fran
's lethin� & cfebiUtatec4 d YSP tic desponent fine Physi4ueseemed to His using hit, thread.. Dro of blood ion end t Istate91 :Great 1BrjtSi;1., cot ]Bermnda, &c, Cn=pd pernianentlyl cin vacation, have 9NE Qm rich beyond i.tself ; his face was d 323t lie In 13344e rtment (uno also rk our atafq to their groat Ze Ove$ the Sixb4 apa c upied.) I bad tried all the Deposits SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Meat, vea
bei'Ie�t w blood and jn� -illuminated by bed at nigh)b nor stoop
and solile baL to the 93 -owid, spiritual light'which made it as it had n4 000 %'11d Upwards i� d6ulit "a inade -f*rtunes, Do ,act cornp Fann�ng nill rattling men from nearest without effect,; but heard 'of IWO'S R:ii.,� &IJ em-i'vedy and oUrrelat L rateS of
T41M r Until you fi6d out the facti and that will cost face Of an angel." . It was the houq boniest d wed. nothis 151xion. been the remedles I Could fi J
if. Address '.. diately: t dfuggists, to truth ind Unity Pa� 9 winnowing 0 ts. for seed; jol. 11 Pills'and procured j bom TuK ' e t of the return t added to the Pr'nc'P&I 4t the end of 9-y .d NaVOW -&Ia Lo ;ADTVY-(;ARRHTqo,
_% in yekr, Toronto most1appy to ft r Y. 1-hafort
of a great soul, greatly'confused angone sake as well � as for ot owil Ltd., ot purpos� lity an s ing, Ifaum'.
ber For -9ale_in Saforth by astray. several rustics tba S cial atter tion APrprS f the J, S.Robertp. Waitirig lWtay cured 4fter g1veli to the colle(,tio), Of 0oinniercial Paper aud hi_ .Araerican 44
pa, ently for the Arain, two hours Alterward Stephen said that he did not behind Post office 0 to brigg the Imail.' Conversa- tell f & 40 sn ILMESTE I Solicitor. *was re
Ied 'had a horn$
Or field causeA it's
ach-Breathle", t
'h a b conies
L ally I
h h Se
aon re� r3r �ent , d thell
comes. W ivork and eve and ty ou tf
ii oruoth. Ower fe
i n 't tU ery bee
n nd
ge !f