The Huron Expositor, 1896-06-26, Page 877W i TNE THE HUR(:,N EXPOS�TORG ----------- 7—'"w tic after hearing that very ent f Bias f all that is good. iso Nettil By tb( industry and good mfLn- o Martin,! of goyernment had been wiped out. ce; She leaves a honoring the aged, to whom lous, proceg- les�ue of her acquaintan 'th Mr. and Mrs., J. t o egem ee wx ',,r UL. ent he prevs�l, nt among the arly set- Exeter, spent a w amily f _ I s, z wa �here on the night of the wilson's Cash Grocery un F_. McFA ur* 806 and three daughters, all ion of yean i have inevitably 0 cils,of Mr. Prong t many Bsiour,-at the post lffi6e.�The c uri of -whom ace grown up, married and located tlers he soon supeaeded in making a corn. jec.tion i d kive a very brief speech in the orrows and trials, as well as joys a d bles ords of e an Was beet- Itangold to growls Fans! impr iggins, of B cefield, fooba�ble home for' : iimself and His Hay and Stanley iave had 200 e oved family. towri all, thi4ing the electors of Exeter, Pali in homes of their own. except one son and sings.—Mr. B. R. Hi twFen ip- (See report of Ontario AgrIcUI Dfy "oods C Jdammoth RAW IOX. w rely has b The wife died about fo artecu years ago. He has gravel put on, the toN rn line, be vatiyes 9A well as Liberals, for their arot is the Improved two daughter hom will so een ap 3ointed a Rotary Publ Conse a, and all of Thobestfiel4ct whliem. ThebestSwed turnipiathe Monarch bintmemj is a, good one as Mr. iggins,. been in failing he th since last November Pen and Hills (4reen. This i Dad is now in a I in reducin the Conservative re- app noble and long cherish in affectionate fair way of being one. of tie best in the g right here, ag all our asea is nee to the p Be ty in this place. elow are the latest Halls Westbury or Skirving, improved, and the best miss th-olightful, good -is thorough] yqualified for the posi on, and and was at times I, most evere on rer, so malo B membran(e, the kind, colunty.—Mr. E. Nablo, of Ailso, Craig, Maio EAFORTH.L. place to buy them is eople that the change fr am this life to that beyond are io as The fun- it will be a groat cony-egnie somewhat' correct: out prices are gone before." retu which gtCli;Py.. new and. of the best qualRy. mother wl ' b c ed on friends in the village on Tuesday majority, Biddulph, as & quiet, vid Fer- was a welcome one to him., He w Bill I the regular eombl�atlon prices. and the remains of Brue6fiel I and vicinity.—Mr. PaL ing a ballot for Hutel Ins, Conservative down be ow eral took ?lace on Mon a� wa II) CLS 1) mothy geed at I 9f i tuokei- genial, good livin Mali, -thoroughly upright last. Mr. Nablo MeGillivrav, 18 Exeter, -A 'FEW! DAYS OF GENUJ. E V� 9%110 aeod, barley, clovqr and t! 7th c6noessior J. Canning is freshen- l,96 ; Lucan, 87 were laid to rest in the Maitlandbank cem- guson, of the Mr. McMillan.—M -e- lowest prices. Have just Fecalved. some very fine And honorable in I his dealings, and being Ratz, R eld of oats, the stalks of Theie 94,1 ParkLhill, 39.. Total, 434L. :new Ceylon. Tea in bulk, whick we can sell at 100 Per etery beside -those of her late and much- smith, has a fi ol;;s in of a kind, obliging disposition, a man who ing 1' tore witl a coat of paint. ckago� boloved husbaind. 51 pound less than in Pa q. Also some Very choice which average 'three -feet four in up a look forme r, maiority, Stepheri, 165 -!.:East Wil- :B -A- ]R GI- -A- ; not, like ske thing I i extent. always seemed to feel it* a pleasure -to be is kilt to 335i 155 West Williams, 8.9, ; Aisa, H ield is ten acres 14 hams young , yaons and japans, which we are retaffing at length. T e f R. 4uray �riends will prIcesno pedlar can afford-ko sell at. GlV'eu8fttTisI- In. formerly owned iby Mr� ;able to do 9. servii e to a friend, he was much tiasty.—Sr. Is many f fruits of the PsuEnTioN ji.-f TowN. —Although This is the far that be. is improving Cr#igi 39. - 'Total, 441. Majority for Mr. Anned vegetablex canned and dried and, deservedly esteemed in the neighbor- be pleased o hea ,eXtra fine cheeRO Tuesday ast was a bu day in -town atnog Win. Allan, of Egmondyille, and it' looks as work of Ratz, Liberal , There -may be some little :k 13est quality at low�et pric,4. Some BY i The bri The bw bone of the 4ring traae -In. stock just now, a wen assorted stock of if Mr.- Ferguson is as good a f 'rnier as ho(d wherehe h6l.liy1ed so long. He was after his late sickne 3 di� and the changes madq�on Saturday, whenVir.Eilber the best quality the, politi -ians, there, wag no, undue excite- ' 4 eve and a I regbyttrian in religion and a Liberal in his new i house is - com 'a I for 1,89d is ;broken, and in order to rocories ciockery and provisions of so in the trade. ment, an I everything passed. off quietly and his prisdeci saor.—Mrs. James now. . b -to complii- the leturnind.-office, gives his offici usv n Rue- nd will ;ot be undersold by any hou an p itics. He leaN ed a family of-. two sons carpenters are b . lbringi; M urrgy, w t t nt, bti� it is the opinion here of both make'a, � final success of a Most. Tho highest pri3es paid for, all kinds of produce. good- nati iredly. Th6 friends of both'oandi- Mr Sainue , C�rnochan, of Tuckersmith tiozi, ad, in a few mpuths fr. eessful 4eason we have etermined of .111clUllop,left here and three daughterst all of whc?m are grown "'�a The work of hunting miss Rach(l Grieve, ine - resi ence'L which paiZi.T's that Mr. Ratz is elected. to clear.'out, the balance of oert4in, Cash paid tak eggs. dates di4' their best. on Tuesd' for North Dakota,, wh re they up and in comfox table eircumst ces. His be domiciled in his(. f Th up and bringing voters.tia the polls was lef b +1 apppa &nee 1 1 C. WtLSON- Seaforth. Ltly to th lines at'specially low prices. -TLhpm, will,soend .few weeks Visiting friends and deathlealesanot erblankin the ranks of will n t only add gr a n on extra low prices have be largely in the his A, , but e: ands of the younger me ce to. his comf rt as Well.— .1174 Bank of commerce Block. Ithpy did their work well, as having a g od time. —We aire sorryl to learn the noble army o pioneer settlers. of this of i makes it a on goods here and . th en inQ - a toWn, is seri- township. -Mr. B. McLean, who afw DR BELDE�, dentist will viai;t Herigall 'ere all through, h very few available that Mrs. P. Hayes, of thi sed of 'two by five o'cloc eip good --1 SNAPS IN k t ere were orses, di olo profeWonapy ev,�ry dne HtcL thetore and include aueh t keep good We s4ay,' at Hodg.ens' goods as, r J. T. P., of A Npw B�tux. -yr. Samiiel Cluff, past votes left unpolled. When the ballots were Po nw A to Mr. T. Berry, a sail, at these 'i Mr. McMillan's meeting in of the R is having a brick foun& lag�t M"dlyril, tl Taver t was found that Mr. McMillan —The f I 'wheat ii tHis -ection —Mr. Ale sounted up i 0- R AA o. - Moir, who 1ef t- HOSTERY! GLOVE This $eafortb, on Monday nig! t was ation pla ed ande his barn. At the time of 0 IN COL t had a mi he ro olorado ]READY-MADE, ijority of eigbt �11 round. ht last, iiind i g well, and are for -a ie m6hiths ago.for Deuver C, deriv ed one ��the beav wind Aormj 'a couple of weeks ig loo ini bere loorr. LACE% 4,M B R 011) E R1.9,9. was quite a disappqlntment� to the Conserva- the universal veirdict that he er lincla r, of Tucker, on stakes, all ready' 0 crop. —Mrs. Jo reports very 4vorably of that country, and PA. ASOLS, hey counted conddently on a. ma- of the beat and most able political 4ddresses ago, the arn was up i . I CLOTIEEING tives, as t it Ls visiting he� sister, M vs. Feiguson, as being . particularly jority of at least 2.5 while the Liberals seem'. ever listened to in -this town. It vraselear. ,to move. for the foundation, and was donse- -a expresses HAND_'KFD0_U19FS Inc -Ing, logical and e0quent. lCardrios quently, an easy the wina. � The o� BaRalov—Miss J )hnston, , vho has beem pleased with the beautiful scenery and the ed satified with the result, and thought' oonvi rey for UDERWEAR; ealth-givin ijulities 0 The Itim t --hall Was crowded.—Mess -s. Harry! B"ttie, !larger building w s. completely. h ocirly of late, i Lt he her ie of Mr, R. h ie climate. We We, baive bad the good fortune to secure a big 10 they had done prety well. �q consideration T�ompson, has been on- the Ir end the �ast of the colebrated SANDFORD, I a resident of Win. McDougal], Rarry, Fackson., and J. L. :but the smiller 9 e was olily;unroofed. The are mu h .1e., ed to note that he has been CARPETS, of reade-up clothing They were oi the fact that Mr. H eek.—Mr. and h �rs. Petefl, Mj�c-K�yy 'of, PA e Colorado teachers' examin- The Idw the town, and persona"'Tys, i: well liked- b Killoran came tip from Thror i . - at vnprecedentcdly low prices. Ito, 041 Monday 'lose will be a ser ons one to Mr. Cluff. The 'on B success LACE CURTAINS 'th t a month ago he was chosen isiting in A I- gh i -h a. way that I wo are toOZ Mr. foundation for t1i -new structure is being Tuckersm bo I t n sue enabled to give however, night, to take part in 1 he election ith, are r and oulmotomers the most complete up-to-date clothing all. The Conservatives, ma. They went by, boat fr m Sarnia. 11 Of 11 Brightside school for I C xaminaitions,and resident tu CHEN LLE CU4TAINIS. at'and below wholesale prices. Tho Pric part, and Killoran has pa Boys' and Children's n'8ive has only to put in a short ti e inore, when boys," in Do ver. Opportunity to secure Meri'a, here was no undue elation or offe TABLE COVERS Sults� odd C�ati,odd Vcst§ and oddranto of the high. m. Copp, of Seaforth. g Da6. iwood. 'A :MJSUND�:RSTANDIXG.—It reference to )w ia yOur golden their disappointment in - good sed all hi�s e erected by Mr. Im festival, bela iar& of qu:%li S eat stam ng on the part of the Liberal, as. is he iff be called to the bar. 'Mr.� Beattie 1 BED SPREADS, at the lowest possible prices. CrowL u(JOVISS _RTY STARDLY OUTR VE.—A mosb b eartless the report of the strawberr to eq the case with both parties in' wil write on his final. Pxamination next FUL GA RDEN P ---The garden �DA e grounds which M 0 fr 0 uent'y 'victory is ye . They are both ole party, Leld on the lawn of Mr. - George dastar rpetr Lted on i on ; the phurch and mans DRESS ENDS, CRINKLES an ther aces when a party, ver, industrious mid dly Gutrage was pe PICKARD-& GO 14t. Chrisbo�her MiOer, nes appeared --in the Hensall ite a 6r a w6o&, ffi )Ang men, alid, will do credit to' their na- 1 Murdie,, on Wed esday evening was a most the W Seor y . T PI 0 be yc whb resid.4 ins st PRINTS, C11AJL1 ,gaigain, Clong and Dry poods House, ed he cial count will not 11though this place, one nigh last'week. , It seems, tfiere , is's misleading statement. It was ELI P made until Friday afternoon, I but, Nive give tive town.—Mr.'O. L. Selimiat, -was one of decided success in every. respect. I GINGHAMS, 11 USLINS, at somel evil dispoi ied person or persons not held: under the auspices of theLadies' Seaforth. below the result of the vote'in ton the happiest men in town 6A- Tuesday the evening was i v litle cool there was a th CHAMBRAYS, CUATAIN Aline f spread in's p"ture Eeld on Mr. iller's* Foreign Mission, Society, but, as your cor- h o the' surround - 1383 MoMivarr'Hays evening w en he heard of the election !large attendance.)oth fr re pastur- res n en v MATE SOW 81 tempting tea James McMullen, in N6rth Wellingt6n. 1 be of cattle we d t ' Dported in- the iseue of the ing country an( town. A f4rm,�wh reanum r I) a qua s green mix _rr North Ward..... I , , by Carmel Presbyterian A SPECIAL S.ESS10N Mr.. Schmidt was served on Intity of pari ed with the ladies of went to Harristow to vote for th( lawn d ring the early pait Ea* Ward.. 60 -81 e �attle in the field chitreb. Fforri the very begin the From July Oth to July 319b, . Mr. McMullen.—Mr. D. A Wilson went to salt. A number of th for T aachere, Senior Stu 65 92 of the evening, a'ter whi( a splen South Ward ..... . I I See have The and ot ere, at the Toronto to vote, and Mr. C. diar son and A of the pois4 n and seven head died ladies of the Foreign Mission iety dentit Of vocal and ir strumental. music parto, E. XCIPAUL gramme B. tmillie, ;reign' oon after, and at 0 e 1ime of writing sev- stoutly refused to have any entertainments -224 216 Dr. Gibb, to St. Marys.—Mr. a and recitations was given 1 y local and fc of rai ing-mo.ney. They former Huron boy and student -of Joar Col- talent. The prodeeds were in. 6id of Dufrs eral others are sick.and are not expected to for the purpose s Majority for McMi an -8. legiat� InslCitnte, but. who is n6w j teachin t heartless and dastard- have never had., nor do they intend to have, 00c, kind 9 church, and. we are sure that all will agree recover. It is a ma Dry G I-LIJ I Iowa, is at present visiting friends -and that the goo&people of that church know ly. outrage, and it s a shock to the people any gathering for that - purpose. All the TnE Cup is ALHA's.—Tbe foot ba11 com- qTi� �OXTARIOJ relati�,es' in Huron.—Mr. -Isaiab� Hol f this quiet and. respectable dorn,munity-to money they have 'biiherto raised has been TOROI Recreaion grounds, o1a Sat- n1au hbv� to get up a successful and enjoyable 0 by voluntary contribution, and having siic� Company, Abo fo r petition, on the have characters in otir Particular Attention to .�,-o 4,0pinj (by business came from Berlin on'Taesday, Wvote thiuk� that we a rind Typewritil urday afternoon lastj createdL quite a little. garden party., ny one liat line they have no SeafortYi Greatest Ca-qh R Goods we practice), Penman rl Ing. Mr. McMillan. We ar midst who cauld do such an 'act, asis ceeded so well on U r Store ship Sh,rthaLrid ilad'to learn that I �8`ure Wfth Proft. interest among the friends of theompetibg b e p on in th' German who would be not An opportunity to Mr. Holman is doing wel guilt: r * of - such an ou trage , reason to abandon it for another) the scrip Don't mi -,s it. .tol I brih;� you all particulars. clubs. The matches- were' fdr the purpose'. reHi A pc ard ity of Ontario. —We are pleased to learn 1 would not'hesitate to take even human life. tural bas s of which is not so good.7 It was AW, rincipal, corner Gerr t -but Address, W. 11� S-11 62 of deciding who should hold the Orawfor& ELECTIONS. 0 lection night -lie Re. ii t the guilt ingly. pleasantz Congregation re will be jbilee fet�* I 14441w that Mr. Alex. Cardno, jr., is ual y im. It is to be hoped th ones will an , exceed the year, when the CUP for the next yea own ball and then te- and Yonge streeta. r. A year ago it was ,.formerb engaged li�t punished. I loh. a ver small eutra=e roving. —Wo -were pleased to see Mr. John V be 'discovered and fittingly gathering, for wb y similar to thos in 1887, on � the occalsion-or- won by the Alma club, and they were out' ceived the report;, !And the hall was crowd- Vre -1 as ch rged. This the f if tieth year cf her Majesty's raign. Kerr, of,the Grand Trunk Railway,* arou Muoh sympathy is felt for Mr..Millo'r under! feo, covered, expenses, again on &turday to defend their well or. �ast Huro 7 :W, IR . e.d to the do n was known to -nil nee of $36, which NC3, town- on Wednesday. Mr. Kerr has been the circumstances. a gave t Ies a bal MICII"Ai:'LRi.-LEAsr�.D.—Af-t-er fo earned trophy. Besides Alma, Eamond- be always safe, & A the ReformerEi were in And,no, T-. therewill betwoboat3a w in -they intend spending in a way that will, I Priee Michael K. Mik' The 19th Of Ju and orth were in the con-, Imid up for several months 'ith neuralgia piriti rind, as the cities one by years' confinement ville, Kippen Seaf the best of s P whole con- leader of ' i� - i - V rna. am sure, please and profit the -baiired srelites, h -to a weelcle vin� Goderich, o Wedn-estlay and Satur his head' and has been a very sev�re suffer the long da -s. 7he on Saturday the 20th. test. Alma and Eomondi;ille played off Lo6uridr, cheer upon 1 lo 1 ore were -reported foi er,—Mr. R. -'C.' Clieswrighb, of. the Col- eilt took grog tion. -A-.,- O_CcA,.910N.-,tL emerged from the State 11'rison at Jackson, live" C. P. R, Ste=ships le4ve Owen sound on Rop- ifirst, and in this mat6h ome h —A ve y p easant ev T ot playing legiate Institute, has beeEt ap�,ointed'an cheer followed ev ch. other. Thomas Bal- WEDDING: p Bmms.—Eleetiou day pfCs-sed over Michigan, & free man, nd resued his vex ds�5 3, Thurs.Ja,3 a and Saturdays. Aftor the 27th of -tone time as if d his pi$es were sent for, and place in- Goderich to ns ip, on Wednesday 4- L" June the Alberta 4,)es on windoor rout took place, and it looked a . examiner in connectiou with the lantine. an ition asi high mogul of the Dow greAtly -'coni last, when Mr... . E. R. Harnwell., very quietly here, it generally being conced the'matab would e to an end on acco�nt high* school and university examilIa1ions.— with that musi.c and national songs * the evening her rid pri: ed that Mr. NLIc'Millan's. election was sure. d0ep-9 eted Colony of'the fl� ing roll. )n Expres3 Money of a dispute, but after a while everything night was spent until the suinimary was re- the popular teacher neipal., of Viirn y The more' you usa D=1131( ut -th very great 'VS GRB.xT TumATRIM wn, ich His friends did not p fo) AN. Isisuo&'for any Mr. W. -A. Fairley, formerly of this to ie of Goder 'i� Orders, the btttor you li�e thetu. w-ent on again, and a � the conclusion of * art ceived from Toronto that the Government public schoql, ea ivate. or Wais recently appointedolerk and'treasurer son of effor , abd his opposers felt that it was a ME.N Dyigo,.—Tbe condition of Sir Au arnouut at anytime to azyi person. hour's play Alma, ba,1 four goals 4to their was defeated by f rom 30 to 50, and then no township's fairest damsels, in 'the per . But in the evening the eX_ 91!* 1 of Carberr�, 'Manitoba. Seaforth bos are for! u fiuht. tus Harris, - 'the theatrical mamager, AIANITOA, �XCURSIOZN$- dit while Egmondville had but ol Kipw clook a Miss Francis Elliott third daughter of Mr. aor more reports wer wanted. At 12 ol Good for s�xty days, always to e found in thp most responsible b med, headed Elliott.. 1marriage ceremony cite but ran high in MEwen�s kall,. when critical. , He was born in 1852, aud h�" 'Oth re'urning.: Pet and a town tea,.composed of playera I procession was f by Piper Bal 0abriel Is' . the eforme'rs met and as encouraging -re; been- the lessee 6f Drury he Going June August 29tb ht the Hurons, then positions, which they invariably fill witt I crowd marched to the as performed b �ev. Al. OateD, . 9f 9 9 who had never playe on lant,yne, and t o Lane T ater fbw Raptanitipr, 6hh -the ort came in, until Laurier credit to themselves and cou3.itry:—Oa R H * JI-. 3ort iaf ter rep ced a number of. 19th took bhe fiUld, MILLI CLf 6GX- 06n itvb�orestting ohn A 'Su6horlaiid had the britige ana back to the hall, cheering for Bayfield, assisted y 'the ev. , en I large majority, cheer after cheer rang 1879, where he,bas r6du 4A sm"Aa- Friday m.r. om, and 'Wev. successful pautornimes and several Anwat Diloralne, Reston, E,31.ovin, l3insearth an of one hour's duraticn, the Seaforth boys of Laurier 'and 'AleDenald. Large bonfires arnwell, brother of the groi aTo. 0 -king the Very roof and misfortune to have the ti n of the th�ough the ball, ma p pj� couple He revive& rand opera at Drury Laoia, Moosomin M. To Calgar rt Ptince - Albert S36,' To were declared victorious by 4 'to 0. Alma, were� also burned. Wednesday morning W. W. Leech, Varna.--- The - hap 9 xw, York on $30. To Red Deeri wa4lg tremble.—Mr. T. Neilands, editor of j the winners of thd filst series, and Seafortb, fingers of his Jefu hand �tQken off while Dr.'McDonald wit invited-, by the citizens were the recipient I f a large number (yf 1887, and at the -Royal Opera House, Edwonton $10. Half fare n Dominion Day. working amonu the in chinery at Optilvie's the' Hensall Olnerver, was in Wall%ceburg ibe winners of the second, tried conclusions of Brussels and other friends to. come to a beautiful and cost y presents. - After the u Covent Garden; in 1888. He was liteit Mill. On Wednesday, e felloff 6 bidycle on Tuesday, availing himself -of the ra and for an hour the'., excitement raii high, reception that e ning in'bonor of his vic- marri:tge ceremony )v,.r 100 g.nests!-partook in 1891 after the viaitf Emperor LD J. _CDONALD RANA I and Yractured - t�b colar bone 6 f the lef t chise and visiting big friendo.—Mrs. Crier, each leam bent on winnijig, but the Alma of -a sumptous repai it. The h py couple of Ger nyj to Londam The doet)r was the guest of Dr. all Agent C. P"R_ ticket and telegraph, Dominion side, and is mow nursing the double Y' �drralam.`On his a: riv I from Wing'ham, ae- lrif�Q to spend thei of Newark, United States, is spending a In Ex- boys wer -too man or tho,town boys, and boney-moon by tak- WonK - v GnFAT AF-TisTs.—Of the -four - ,press and M ney Orderv. �trouble.-�Frank, the only son of' Mr. d sister, Mrs. 1. C. Me� ays -wi her I or oi Dam-, succeeded in scoring 3 goals to KSeaforth's ight, has I-ee compaied-by about fifty friends, By the ing'a trip to the No thern-jart of the pro- few teen second medials awarded f 'I I to 0. Thus, for anothe - year Alma will retain James R. WX a serio 2 ill for Donald.— T. Deihl, ad Mrs. Deihl and i vince. Their many riends extend:to them i by 'the jury of the Champs 2 d past ten days. 'Fever, to an a armin congratulations an wish them � happ child, of Ails Craig, !pent a few hours on ingg the covete trophy, -for which they have the time of the proce sion the streets were full, Salon, Paris two went io British artiste - h 6 degrees, everyone seemed to be enthused,1 and all y .1 so extent, sometimes iig igh as R Monday wit friends here, on their. way to - 4 - Alma! C Xro ifto competed successfally and well. seemed pleased a d in good humor] A pro- voyage on the sea cf matrimonial life.— ene.toMr.Lorrlmerforhis "MarrageAw tem, �nd grave cession was form , at -the town hall and After the holidays r. and Mrs. Harinwell has weakened the boy's 4's Clinton.—Mi 3s Mary Murray, of-Clintou, is Convenanee," and the other to -Mr, Got* fears are entertained for his reco erv. —Mr. FiNEST line of. gra iite preservin gir kettles y*1 by the.,. nit, fully 500 stalwarts will reside in the col tage, recently vacaed here visitin her many frionds.—Mr. A for hlz ',Infat Jesus." There are no, DISTRICT �AATTERS. ever shown at B.MU110tt & CGA.' Price@ lower than H.M. Hirtzel,formerl of the Ba k -of Com- Murdoch w a in Thameoville on Tuesday !matched, with b onis and Laurier colors- by Xr- Armstrong, and we cordially wel- Americans; amog the recipients. Of tba, -wing old acquaint. ever. iL4sg.i merce staff here, is rene old recording hisi vote, and renewing acquain- th- t th -i flying; to Dr. Graho"Im's, there to repeive come the young brid a into our midsti ir y-) ree medars awarded, three JA Just ExTR&oTF to ,D a quantity of fine Ances i town. He is the guest of Mr. T. taficeabips 0nong his friends there.—Rev. our member and esoort him.to the hall.! He British artists. Of the forty-eigu Tim Selfoor, FVN'D�..—The: Legiglati F_ R.06ase.—M*iss Jane McDrmio, daught- fresh honey. Brilf YOUI cans and get them filled. e M69srs. Jamos Walker, F. Swann and M. J. grant to public 8611001FA ter the year 1896 h i only 10c per lb. HA ILTRY. 1489-1 was cheered to the echo as he passed along raha. artists who received 'honorable 111110*104 er of Mr. Augus MoDo�mid, of the Huron Wilson left. here this week for th ei new five were American and one English. been apportioned on t�e attenjance of 18 the streets by. the 1,000 or more people on -BRI RAsPBFnRiE8.—If you want a pail of rasp- oad, who is studying or a professional Ers.—Tb -sedarate school children fields of labor. They are followed by the SIR J101111T ILLAIS' WAN1NG tlm;�-A, Notice to that effec: I b,r.r'es, I will bave,thein every, day but Metridays. vrsd' in Detroit, is at present Visiting a and is now pay t them. At the. ball -sho i speeches were south of the villag� picknicked at. Grand good wishes of their people, as well as of touching account is given by ibe friends,of - has been Fent to the secretary treasurer' a First come, first served. Stage arrives at 11:15 and home here.—Miss Eden, 'of Harpurhey,. made by a. rium r of leading Reformers arid Biend on Wednesday last.—' Farmers here out villagers, —Quite a number of our vil- st9psat Royal hotel., W. J. 'CLARK, stage driver :the doctor, and he natioaa songs, were SirJohn�Millais of the distinguished!* BA every public school in East Huron. went to Toronto this week where she in- ate busy haying, and the crop is a fairly I And proprietor. 1189X3 lagers droye down toAxeter on Monday to ig, and at 11 p, In. the h throng dis- their eratate. He cannot speak, and cau oor� PuRE English phris gremi and ug finish tends to reside for a time.—Dr. 1 Elder of sur appy good one.—Eden public school had attend the Pveform 'political meeting. A communicate with tho-qe around hini A Vktrm.Tr WoRK'.—The eneyelopaedia, this town has white roses which Measure 13 persed,all in goo� humor. . The following is, picnic at Grand Benil- on Saturday last, and number from Zurich also iassed which was won by t�e Egmondville fo . ot at S. N.ULLXTr & 00.18. 06 moist eiiijoyable was spent hi botir old lar writing. But," n spite of all that he in gd- inches in circumference. —Mr. John Mo. the election retui no Wo A qP ball club on the 21th of May, has been re. R.FmmmBER the monster cheap excursion Tavish came here from Wroxetei � on Tues, Me Donald Dickinson young.—Rey. eor Jac4son, president of gh here on their way there.—Mr. and fering, he keeps hL� good spirits to Sarnia mil Detroit ta morrow, (Saturday). Train I M � John 'MeAllieter -spent part of last ,ceived, and is now in use at the school, leaves Senforth at 7.16 a. m. Farb only $1.23, ood daytovote for Air. McMillan.' J6bnnie- Blyth.. 102 10-2 t : 1�ondon co for nee preached in the rq. fully, never loses his patience, Sud isat .4 we weeik and this in Sea -forth, visit' rig their- Thia, is a most valuable, work, comprisin to return on Xond3y, 4iine 29bh. -See small MIA for Bruss?ls ....... S, 52 1107 re Sri Sund y mornin& times full of thought forthoge around lift t is an enthusiastic Grit.—Mre James Mo. thodist chu Nvai T - sonin-law and daughter, Mrb and Mrs. A. Indeed, it is said that hardly one ofids. ten volumes, and will be ar great help be further particulars. 1489-1 namara ro(le to London on Grey 20 276, �Ihe H worth Leag b0ris' helad an at!: ForUs.—M' . W. C. Charters &,rid d to the scholars and to chers. The � Bs suE and see t is four brands of binder on his wheel, to see the fan Howick ......... home I on Monday vening. 1he evening ro `ugh' written communication's to, the watchell by a amou ther� Tuesday Es .672 F of the prize won by the foot ball team � I Twine at S. 3IurLwrr & C ?.'a before you bny. - I on eleo- Morrisi ..... .... 357 .340 ter,� Miss Jessie, of Ashland, Wisconsin, and his bed has had any reference to himself 0 soft Lion day.—Dr. McGinnis, iventi to Mount was fine, and most f thd. members mere not cover the cost of the work, and the Turnberry .. .... 283 219 event, who evideni ly enjoyed themselves. formerly of this village, are here visiting his own wants. 16 is always of others ibst 70— Carmel, in the towh Otepben, big , Mr*. Charters' parents, and their many rela. liftlance of $15 was suscribed by the resi- Wingliam ....... 192 263 te cream and ot ier idreshment4 were he seems ta he thin -king. formerhome, on Tuesday last, to cast his A dents of the village, LaLud, we are sure that SATURimy Nr(.HT CLomn.—A petition ballot.—Sevoial inembers of, Britunnia Wroxeter... 68 41 served free'to all pr4 enL —A grand straw- tives and friends.—Rev. F. E. Roy, the late C.V JL - has been. circullAted ng the merchantb'in rector of St. Paul's church, was on Moliday they will be f killy repaid for their outla I hJ 4mo Masonic,lodge we�t to Mitchell 61�- Sabbath - berry festvial in to held in the pare South 'Pertb. .e . f 1,980 1,820 Iasi, in St. Paul's church, Clinton, happily nembers of the team. are to 11 town during t e pas� week, asking them to last to attend Divine service ; there. with : St. Marys, majority for Erb, while'the i 4wn on the lst of Aily. The Exeter = hich 'close their. respective places -of business at 1,820 united in mairriage to Miss Maggie Brown - congratulated on the wise mauner� in w their brethren- of that town. —M ra Duncan, hand and an array oftalented *iker have le Hibbert, majotity -for Erb., lit - Z, ze 11111 0 e, of Clinton, and formerly of this village. they have devoted tbe amount of the pri e o'click Saturday night. The merchants of near, Brossels,was visiting frie�n in town been secured for the occasion. This rom- Th� Downle,majority for Erb, 2n this'weok�—Mrs 'Hargan, of ersoll, rLity for McDonald 160 'The wonbythem. The teacher,- Mr. Baker, and of Seaforth are nev"-behin ' d in aiiy WorthK W. Maio ises to be one of the best ever held. happy couple, after receiving the warm the scholars also extend the!; thanks to or commendable objecton behalf 1pf whic who has Been here some weeks ttending Bnms.—Last Fridg, evening, as Mrs. con ratulations of their many friends,. and those Nvho so generously subscribed the they are appealed to.. On this occasion they par.. king of a timptuous reput, left'lxy tfie on her mother, the late Mrs. Ge rge Dor. Irelalpd and- Miss For� es were returitinj Wr4meter. afternoon exp 01111 Mitchell, majority for Pridbain, necessary amount. have responded most nobly, and the petition eas for Montreal. We j Vol]; iancii, leaves to -clay for her home. She from' Seaforth the horse ran a, Blanshard, majority for Pidbam, was signed by everymerchant in town, and I -H t e e and them will bi accompanied by her mother-in-law,. turned the corne opposite Dr. Grallams. ensall i rill ge wi th thdirl y friends in wishing A -rV we believe it is the �- intention to oommence r long and cout bued happiness.—A num er Fullarton, majority for Pridliam) M rs The 'rig was ups iait'holZEI%astor in thi persongoaf Rey. 121 X A FAr-sr ALARNI.—About haf-past ten Hargan - sr., who will visit for a time the ladies thrown out Usborne,'major-ity for Pridbam, I -Toung r, ge spent a Velock oriThursday evening of last week, the early closing movement on the first of witK her relatives in in er, oil.—Mr. and the horse thrown do -An. Dr.. and -Mrs.- Kerr w 0 leaves he �e this week, y ap. of the ople of our villa we —Miss Jean Gib. 'v wy p boasiant a sit P( er 0 im July. As it is now, the stores and other of er n ,e t of confer ]ace. 5 Bayfield, on Thursday eonaideri�blc . alarm and excitement was shops re kept open on Saurday nights un. Thomas Ballantyne, Hensa, hipped a Graham ran to their assistance, and the doe. son is he e from To of last week. e employees of Mr. R. Bla a onto, on a a caused by the ringing of the fire ala t here n Thurs. ter got the horse. Notbi bort yisit carload of fine fat cattle from Ing was much. the itten, eleven, and sometimes until nearly to her p4rento.—Ezi Coad and lohn Pope also recently en- Total net majority for ErL, 212 Some peron, o persons at presentL clay to the old country. He also phipped a worse.--�-On Thur day afternoon, last'*eek a Merkley has seanre a le a- it- outing at the same favored Sunday morning. The result is that the j6yed a Rile Donald polled as follows: St. Marys, Wrl known, gare the alarm from the box at the carload from Hbn Mr. John Hanna, of M orris, either took car' thegravIlling contract for the village this clerks and other em oyeeE, as well as the The as Wil. ear at place.— e Mr. Kerr and Rev. Mr. Wikd- Mitchell, 35 ; Blanshard, 402; Fulhwt0l� corner of Messr, Cluff &I Ben�ett?s Rlaning P1 son, son 6f Mr. D. D. Wilson, of t is town, bolic acid by acci lent or intentionally, and y .23 cents p( ' yard. — GraS.8110 pperi 107; 'Usborne, 26-; Hibbert, Do*14 proprietors, are so completely worn out that -has successfully sail c in two hours afte , he was de are ruining the pasti res and hair fie ifs iiiI dell, together ith their families. have ar- inill, and in a- very shorb time the firemen redit bly. passed his ad. Medical —Mr. Donald e many are frequently not in a condition, this neighborhood, a d complaints are mad6 rived I tow. -nderson, 115.; or 42.4 votes in all. He loses were on hand with the fie. apliances, but either junior examination' at bb. cage Dental assistance was sei it for, but the vital spark who has been I 'u the manse for a couple of Posit. their not required 'as the fire physimlly or mentally, to 'attend college, taking an average pereen 8,11 had fled before ti e doctor arrived. e was that fields of oats. e being laid wote b� servicesw r( of 91 e in home.—There were , q church -on. Sunday moriiing or %o profit by me the, h" rofrurned failed to materialize. If th� paties who subjects .—A friendly ga of bowls one of 'the early A ettlers of Morris, and left. the peat. —Arnong tl e number turning up me n- votes on the 27 spoiled ballots at this pol- Perh 'If.ems. the gervic�s even if thev did . attend. - This from a dista ae to reaord their no e8s than g&ve the alarm wished to test theL e fficiene was played on the green here on Monday a large family.—t'ames O.Le s Grit mare ew eystem of alarm boxes, on th Florence G., dro eir ot with rid Clinton club re great paoer, wit ped a colt Outline, the ilson.— -w lai&4own for twelve cenU 0 munt y. The fault, however, is n the form' of siame.—Mrs. F. Peco-ver, who lithic y is not as it should be in a ohristian - coni. last between Seaforth a Ir 23rd were Thomas W. Gibson, John W !ink � sub-diVision, owing to the cliangeade —The List6wel,counoll are.getting9mo* of the n byy' Sanderson, Robert B ae and Mr. Ne in 4 ly have been :u ting in a victory for Soafoxth by� 10 a mark of 2.04. It is do. alka own account, they must cartain the merchants e has been carrying on the millinery business foot. as every one- of th-em would -ts. Ing well, and James is as proud of it as if it The first issul Maitland Ob pleaged with this prompt manner in. which- only be too glail o close. at - 6. seasonable iere for some time past, has deeided to re - had been a son. published last week, and is very c ' reelitably —Dr. Williamlang, of Iowa, iia vWitbg the firoixaen responded to the call. As this hour if their-eu8tomers would allow them. nolre to Woodstock, where her husband has gotten up.—Robert ainstock's tender, for at the hoafte of big father, r. W1 140 act is ain infringement ef the la, 'to say EC-MONDVILLE NOTES.—Lmiss C. Porter 1 Now, there is- no reason why' any Pon, a� new bridge on -one of the H6wick conces. ec ed a very good situation.—Our village Lang, of Downie. nothing bf being a danger i us and annoying left for Goderich on Friday last, on a visit Zui-icii. either in town or'out, should not ha their enlivened on ThurBday evening of last along, was -acce'te last week, -and the —Mr. J. A -Stewart- of ticel the council have offered a reward Saturday night shopping done by nine O!c lock to friends. She expects to remain ithere for FnEco painting and genera decoration, structure will e iir oted forthwitb.—Miss A by a contingent of the Salvation clipped 5W roses from the biushej3 in his $W prac ;:f ten dollrs for the apprehension and con� ieveral weeks trusting thatthe change will in oil colors. Estimates furnished oiCehuroh, ball, Alberta Smale h eturned from ri ay from Settforth.—We regret this week if they were to put forth a littfe effort, It 18 Hamil- den in one day, reeant'- HA and theatre decoration. Lifo efte Pictures for viction df the guilty paxty. I r � ealth, hich has not o have to chronicle the death of Miss Bella, Aherefore reains with the- people of the-. be beneficial o he churches and stage i(eniry. ETER EISENBACH, ton. Ladies' Col e where she bug been for —Dr. Wood has returned to Mitch4: town' theniselves whether or not this com- been of the best for some Zurich, Ontario. 148tX6 some ngram, da;'ughter of Mr. Alex. Ingram, of time.—Lastwe , we mentionedthatDr after two months' study in the sulliat TuE t1,TL-R\,,.—A large erovkl-of �people me�dable novernept auqoeed,, ther ion services will be held in our church on A CLFvzn STUDENT-�'W are Pleased to Smale-b d irraind Valley,michi n. ay, after a long and painful illness, which 3ill College, Montresh it wil -, and whe e a gone to iga deparbmentof McG came to toval on Tuesda evening to ear, -iihen it is commenced 1 be continued. Sabbath next. Preparatory sermon td -day, notice the-succes which has attended A -Jr. It should have been 0 1 Grand Valley, Well-' he Lem W1 a rig ian a the real e ections, and Cardno'a If the peo,)Ie, th@ church going eo e4 (Friday), at 2.30 p. i In., by the Rev. John lude 0 George E. BuchaE an, of this village, at the ington county, wh rt --he was for a few or I I - vI e cup at a ma liall was wall filled with expectant and in. their pat, we are iure the merchants will Rose, of Brussels ;- thanksg,ving by,the Rev4 recent examinations at Trinity Univereity. weeks attending tb tice of Dr. R. R. come �eryy, on as very largely at- at Science Hill. Four -earns compeW. 9 prae terested persons, among whom were a num. do theirs end this evil of late Satu: A. MoLean, of Blyth, on - e 'Monday fol- He stood first in'the honor list -of classics of Hopkins, who was �bsent on a tr. to lies tended, testif ing respect in which I —The value of the business' bor of adies, and every person I seemed to night shopping will- be permanently iianye at the same he .—Mr.i Robert the third year. Mr. Buchanan is a' clever Cal of New York Ity and Londch, Eng - lowing, r deceF sed was held. he sorrowing parents last. year by. The Sebringville lax CoMPDX ulate him on his "I b the heartfelt sympathy of amounted to about $25,000. Let the people of Seafortl get young man, and we dongrat and. be full o' entliusiasm. As the differeu:t re- awa:y with. Southerland, of Buffalo i spending a few and nil y ve turns m. YIa in they were -g,reeted with cheers an example to the peopleDf other towr a in weeks at the parental ome here. His success, and hope that -this will only -be a the ommun7�y in their sad bereavement, —Five loads of ypsies passed t3-hr.00_ I - , I ye or whi s intebsified by the present illness of M- jority of the 'this respectas. they do in many 6thers. heal as not been good for a twoo �reditable commencement of an honorable Exeter. Atwood on. Friday. They were objects 19 or silence as they suited the a th h r audience. Considering the great difficulty and it is hoTed that the change ill be Of atiot er sister, and of Mr. Ingram himself, -rid young. t d brilliant career. He is the eldest sonof curiosity to both old a some ben t.—We dee�lyl tegret to BRUFS.—E Xeter ire brigade ip icnicked who in very delicate health. there ia in getting accurate returns from LoGAL BR:rEFS. —Mr. John Currie,. of Har. note Buchanah. rt. - J. C. d park on Fr L as returned home from Lam - distant parts of the Dominion, the results purbey, has-neiti tatoes almost read3 for the illness of Mrs. Wm. I Curnmi ig. She at i Grand Ben iday la .— he Stoneman h —Rey. J. C. Notbereott, ' f Wood1104 were made known promptly and acou'rately, 01 has been confined to bed fb,r som6'days. Eden public school icked at Gr end both, where she had been visiting her intends leavng in A few weeks for Englaua# use.—Mr.. and k1irs. John 'McAllister, of K ppen. He goes for the benefit of his healtb, aud.M.r. W. Somerville, agent of the Great r. Androw McCaa, f Torontoi'came up on Saurday last.— Christopher Baladen 44 Hensall, have been spending a weekwith i ) parents.—Mr. A McLennan, of tratford, Northwestern Telegraph Company, ho lasit week, and 0 he guebt.of hi� BiNDFR TwiNi FOilt ALL.—T. M61lis Melbourne, was in, )wn It Tuesday, and and formerly of Hensall, was in the village 'will be away for -six or eight weeks. * Forbes. Mr would remind all in ni ed of twime that he has a large -4 their daughter here, Mrs. A. will be 1 4 11 t had the affair in charge, deserves great and Mrs. Hugh -Oke, brothers, Mejars. William and Alex. Me pply on hand. whiel , for quality and price, cannot used his franchise t elect- r. Ratz.:�--Thero 'this W�ek.—Rev. Mr. 'MUls, successor to —Rey. Robert Kerr, formerly rector of Exeter, were I pra-i -is enterprise, and for the ale n ection daj pus ere some 50 vote Trinity church, kitchell, is the like1v AII& so. fc r h in which town on Saturd6y-list. , Mr. Oke has a Caa, for some time.—El ed �e exotifed, as T. Mal is always wakes It n point to w 8 Iled. ere orn.butsidi Rev. F. E. 'Roy, of St. Paurri uo and comprehensive manner the re- over very quietly here. The moon caused 4cep the beet at botto n prices. Call and get yolir cities, towns arid vii, ge a Tuesday last.— cessor of Cauoii Dumoulin, of f3t, farm in Hullett, near Kinburn which he preached his first sermon on Sabbath last I #upply. T. Alimms. 148912�* Miss Latimer, Hens 11, spent Su�dsiy in Cathedral, Toronto. turns w *e ruade known. During t1i) even- intends to dispose of ly allCtiLon.—Mr. Geo. 129 spoiled ballots, 9 being for Hays.—Mrs. . 1521 with much acceptance.—Mr. G. Ingram i's TO 7! ing a short address was given by Mr, J h Dallas. returned froui,�ervisit to Detroit on NoTys.—Mr. cl,.gg ent to London on town the guesbof Mrs. James Grieve#.— r. —The farm of the late Mrs, James o n Foote* pattin McMillan, TNI. 11. The Coniervati4s and McIntosh, jr., formerly ar teacher in the In- Tuesday evening.—Miss S. Ireland, of Mor- 4sday last, to vote for Mr. Thos. Beattie. James Ramsay,Det-roi . is visiting big parents store, g up an addition to. big furniture Fulliarton, lass been sold for the sum Of stitute for the Blind, af. Bra*ntford," but w which is occu )ied by Air. James Bev. he t M rs, ou C, ig t an children have he e.—Mr. Robert I weet and wife!, Dan- erlee —Miss Lain 'Weismiller the little their frieIidh�, t6t least A. number of thom,con- is now a student at the Buffalq Medica rig, has been -the gubst of Alias Stewart this gone to anitoba to reside $5,300, Mr. George Foster being the ?WW* grega.ted in th.e town hall, where they were College,. is spend a at the week.—The elbpem�'nt of -Miss Katie Cook '-for a time.— ville,5 visited relations here the fore t of dau ter of M r. A Weismiller, of this vil- chaser. ling his holida rl 1 �101 oi G6derich township, who had been lection day passed off very quietly here, thip week.—Mr. Wm. J. Stewart kept infort-ned byXr. R. J. Macdor�ald, 0. parental home in stay- B;Aetroit, lage' twas madd of honor at the weddin'g of Mr.-Nrval Babb, men of Mr. R, As well as the crowds who Cillop--We-,-if&ve re. and Mrs. there being no entl iusiasm, every voter go- is the guest of his g -andparents, 9. M r. and R�v UY E.- Roy and Miss Af. B R. agent ceived a copy of the N( with her grand-loarents, Mr. of Mitchell,. recently underwent an op irthest Spohrrm. an, V a e, James Stewart, Huron street.' rownlee.— al, for t;he t7i 0 a maA named Mrs. Mr. E. Nablo, of Ailaa Craig, w&, asse Ig PIA -068, t which contains a h ing in an ordeily way to cast his vote for Mt' ti mbled in these t* he published in M7' WcGee, of this a in -the on at the Stratford bopit innipel, s -.until Mid- pindler, from or hisfavorite candidate: During the whole M�llett and sister, Mli parli streetswere linedwitb, people photograph of the Car'b'erry - football[ 'team Se &used slight R. f U9, of village on Tuesday, costing his vote. D moval Of a* growth on one of his knee& nigh Wing pleasied with the I edne'sday last. an gry word was known to Sedforth, spent last undaY il town, the Th was, t. the maiority sensation here on e( campaign not champions of Manitom for the season of ornson went to Galt for the same pur. —The balidsome sum of $68 reliliw Lilts and N6re jubil'aut over the pass between frien( and neighbo TELEJ rea r. This I's gu(st of Mr. James rieves.— Ar. Henry 3 grand # Val given for victory won b Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. 1895, Among the pla rers we recognize the glirely 1 3. step in t e right direbtion.—INIt. Harris is visitin hi pose, and Mr. J. Holmes to London. at the strawberry festi faces of Messrs. W.. A Vaidey, Job.-. Fair, Tucl�brsmith. _g is one at V 1arton and benefit of Trinity church,, atthereddeA0 ley and C. Logan, all old tin visited f Mr. W. W. Hicks, Mitchell. Forsythe, our. per per evering teacher, whose Southampton. R4,%1VF.NT GozzF,.—Aw TFUL ACGI�ENT.—Mr. NeiIBrown, sehool � wa;a.- occup d on election day, In. friends at Mou st this NeWs of the Week. r in� Listowle Mr Robert Armstron of Hullett,has a'fiold -near the Red avprn, met with a painful ac- —Wool buye I are b a order that his sch lars who are trying for- George Jackson left f r his new�, f CHOLIaAA.—Cholera has broken out among large quantities of that commodity'. therof the obt residents of this vicinity has of lexcellent barley on his farm. -Portions of it cident on Satu day-las't. He was up' in the the enirance 0 ield of been called to her lorig home migh not lose the day, bad labor London south, n Thurs the Egyptian troops at Cairo. as day last. UU On Saturday- st�nd four feet six inches high, and thefield mow of the barn w4en he slipped, falling to woollen mills took in over 4iOOO POR ilast Mrs. G�eorge Dorronce, of the North is oretty uniform. Mr. school 6t big residence.—lkr. Canning has - TH'F, ELECTION.—Tu Bday aztwa�j, PAN -P1iESBYTZR1A'.%kT CO-U�vcm—The Pan- one day lately. Prices range from 111 the William Cameron, the floor, it distanev of eight or nine feet, preseen d himself with a family I calively Presbyteriian council'has unanimously ae- c. gravel road, McKillop, passed peacefull ofthe Mill road, Tuakersu buggy, da in this ace, the Tent bei the elee- y ith, has shown, alig4t�ing on his right thigh, and the bone which for cdaven.ence, style and finish ti for the north rid 4 awa,y after a-, pro(racted illness �iaving us some staks, howe 9 Mi Xsex, Both �!ePted th.6-invitation to hold its meting at —The farmer -i in the Zion er, that beat Ir. w. s broken at the sooket. Mr. Brown will would be hard t) surpass in a city shop. par ies worked hard for their respective �Ori: Washing in 1899, -and has thaned San meneed haying last eek, New aleadowt reached the age of 66 yeara. Mrs. Dor- Armstrolig's, they. --.teing four feet e hb be I id up for some *eeks, but is doiDg- as -Mr. Ricker, of this village was the maker can idate. At the Dominion el, Francigedlor th All po I e invitation extended by are very.heavy, but -the old me"Qws inches Hgh.—Mr. Wm. Somerville en well as could be expected under the eircum- hich �oes to show big ability as a work. 1891, Mr. Hutchins, Consery that city.- rence has been afflicted with" blindness for ha4 �ige ecti;n in many years and Nvas n�our, patient under her appointed agent of the Imperial Fire Insur- stances. man. ative, polled 'not turn out much better than last Yeu' of MOM] severe affliction. Her husband died some ance Company. ----4Mr. Benjamin Smillie, of Iowa, is 143 votes in Exeter, on Tuesday iis majority A FLorAL CUR-10SITY.—A quad Mr. Somerville will make DiATir OF AN 0 RF ... I . lit chame. bompoo)4 ve or six yer visiting A. D" 11 of Tu'okermith in the per _�umber �)f tW T_'P sIDENIT. — Another under thi n —Mr. and Mr. Walf-) a ago and she seemed never an: exe ' ellent agent.—Mr. Geo. Murray, has of the pioneers o Pare tal roof of Mr. was reduced to 94. A j the pres4 nt time of leonflower has been found in the Isthmus of Mitchell, -entertained a -of July. 1 to have fully recovered from the shock 'been using his gradi J.amesi$millie, of ur village.—Rev. Mr. writing a perfect account of the iding could Tehuantepec, and ill shor-tly be brought one' friends the other evening, dr, a machine'on High son cf Air. Angus Gordon, of the 4th con. w a not be arrived at to E The blosso which his death caused her, and, for the street. —M 'o Walke'," ' ho has been successful and , but at presen Mr. Val- urope. Ins tWir &U last year or more sh- has been pretty much w r. George od, of Wingham, cession, hiis departed this life. Mr. Gordon zealoud.worker ambn� e here for entine Ratz, the Reform candid, , is elect- thrice daily change color Mrs. W. W. Thompsau, of SeSbri as;in town o -one years died on Sunday, the 14th inst., having the'past three .. ears, preacbe Majority Ing, red at noon, e In the evening. *1v , n YiLesday. Eighty his peopl , , becomin white in the morn- down for the occasion. of an invalid. But, althotigb niau of the ago on d his farewell ed, by a small It see a mystery and flu aw : aat Sa batf, to a large con rega- to all politicians w y a proper coun cannot QUF--BX -VICTORIA'S SMIETH YMAI�,—Ori- has succesful1v passed the ilitOrm referenc� Waterloo as foujht ancl won.—Mrs. P. Gordon was a native of Sutherlandshire, tion. He too� for hits texi Cor. be give.Ti. Stephe to bave Tel pleasures of life which others tn On. were INI r. sermon —Mr. N6rmau Williams, of ,Thursday, 18th inst., the battle of rea6hed the good age of '9- years. ftuto 'A denied to her, she never murmured or com. Logan, mothbr of Mr..,R. ogan, bank -�Seotlind. He came to Canada abo nship, ve Ratz Saturday,:,June 20tb,the Queen entered u on law exa atioiLs recently hel al, er, ut forty d at but seemed perfectly resigned to celebratedher P' inthian, 13th chapter and 11th verse, giy- 165 majorit and a they i 9th birtl;k --on Tjursday, five Years ago, and located in Tuckersmith ing an M y and a 60 rojec d ballots, the sixttio.th year of her reign. If she ex Hall, Toronto, big name Stand VWZ lot. ing hIg Ifer kindly disposition. and l8th inst., at the residence o i press 1. rid tou.,ching discourse. which, -if 4 comes a recount or scrutiny to com.10te the year her reign will n, where f her ughter, on the farm on the 4th concession, which is Mr. and Mrs. N _J�r lef li . very ha:ve the li red wn aged confreres were assembled to assist in eE ere were 4 ballots Geot ereigri — kelmit. ; r ow owned and occupied by his � son, Alex- with the beat vi sh of a host of friends for handsome majority. Th ze IM reignedig years aind 96 da�y' ' N! hol, f the Stratford roord, UW greatly beloved by the members of her o Master Albert Nichol, Boll f P11tient, uncomplaining manner made her Mrs. James Cowa a fevv� of be Tuesday last, of the balldts will gii, Mr. Ratz a been. t�hi ilongest Of aliy"Mritish Bev '!his rot trider. He vva" young, strong, vigorous their new field Of labor at Ethel. The marked for Mr. Hutchins in'Exeter, which Beyond the usual ceremonies of accessiox was seize UmilY.. and caused her to enjoy in a bil h celebrating the auspicious event. It is a nan when be came to this countr and was good ,clegrea tbg people hel wil I find in Mr. and Mrs. if a recount is demandi d, will� be counted there were :no celebrations on He WPA steern of An who had le great privilege to have an opportunity of Of Et d with inflammatia11 Saturday, and died Sunday morning. kocompanied by his wife and one child, a Walker willing iworkeri for tke p-Fomotio p6gaiast him, The Reformers of this village these jiavmg been postponed until the end of of age. e, e ric 0 R �l M I iys ", Iall 114 9 t r w 4" ar