HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-06-26, Page 3IKoot nay Contains the new ingredient, and is made by an electrical process that will revolutionize medical science throughoUt the world. Kootenay cures all kinds of Kidney troubles, and is a positive cure for Rheumatisrn. Spring IT CUOES DYSPE ,SIA, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, And every form of bad blood, from a pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and we challenge Canada to produce s;s. case of Eczema that, Kootenay will not icUre. Medicine S. S. HYOKMAN MEDICINE Co., HAMILTON, ONT. Who% 26, 1896 $1,50 Si 50 SEAFORTR. the United, States. [ [available in adl parts& vanceS made on eame NI at hialiest curren ;me and December. deposit. LA:ROE, Agent. RT N G tr, express the Clear rirts-Art Print- MDEFFER, 'WRITER net ribben, andsoon ribione alone. ag, alone is worth w.-. Lhs en ly U lbs. 3.(!teri. It will de all d .1, 111. d )it East. I4S6-8 serel re -1 essel_ef; e de, e .Toronto. stuants slvarttase of rARE 21LS tin in We IrsCi ifor as1- sea aforthx Ltention to the - College Ev,rything s,thooi re* gtun 26, 1896 ..,............ - IMPORTANT , NOTICES. „.......- call POSTS. -Ten thousand choice cedar posts bele°. each at COLEMAN'S, Seaforth. 148041 jeltelLENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land Lisurveyor, Member of theAssoolation of Ontario 1 surveyore, Dublin, Ontario. . . 138642 STALIsION FOR SERVICE. - The standard bred stallien, " Wilder Lee," will stand for the int- , otassment of (dock at his owner's stable in Hones% LBERItY, Bengali. 14674f . TIMBER FOR SALE. -The undoreigne.d has on hand st Kippen etetion a lot of good hemlock boner of ail kinds for sale cheap. JAMES BOOPER, 1480 tf not 1NDER FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, a Massey. .1101 Barris binder, nearly as good as new. Apply to be undersigned lot 23, concession 3, McKillop, or liaoressSeaforth PO. THOMAS M. GRIEVE. 1486-4 FARM TO RENT.- To rent, a 200 acre farm, 2,1 miiee from Whighain, with first-olass buildings, snd well watered. It is all in paature, and is an ex- eellent chance for either farming or pasturing cattle. Tor partieultirs, apply to Box 125, Wingham. 1473tf court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con. JO BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division mencer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds ranted and to Loan. Offiee-Over Sharp & bans' store, Main street, Seaforth. ooloo -1AUTION.-The public is hereby cautioned by kthe undersigned against picking berries on lot L. R. E., Tuelorsmith, without, first getting per. salon and settling for same. All parties not cetn- yiyhig with this rule will be prosecuted by law. 0 and W. SLACK. 1488x4 300 Private funds to loan at lowest • $ NO rates of interest in sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pletecl and money advanced 11,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,1500 S.HAYs,Banister,&c.,Seaforth. 126 naTOTICE TO CREDITORS. -The creditors of Margaret McDonald, tete of the township of liullett, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on the 24th clay of March, 1896, are on or before the 2nd day of July, 1896, to send to Neil McDonald, of Blyth P. 0., one of the executors of thedeeeased, their names, addresses and descriptions end full particulars of their claim or claims, state- ment of accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, After said date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts or claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said executors shall not be Sable for the assets so distributed or any part there- of to auy person of whrse debt or claim they shall not have had notice at, the time of such distribution. This notice is pursuant to revised statutee of Ontario, chapter 110, section 36. NEIL McDONALD and PETER McDONALD, Executors. Dated at B'yth, June 2nd, 1E96. 14864 STOCK FOR SALE. frEfOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. The undersigned has for rale it thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 months old. Ile is red in color and iseligible for registration in tho Dominion Herd Book. Will be sold reasonably. WM. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 18, concession 4, IL R. S., Tuokereroith, or Egmondville P. 0. 1181-tf ISSIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The I undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- shires,haa for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will *leo keep for SOTS ice the stock boar Gladstone, pur- chased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview., Terms, -41 payable at the time of eervice with the privilege of returnine if necessary-, if booked 81.50. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 6, MeKillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1465-52. BOARS FOR SERVICE. rillellWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under - I signed will keep for service, at tho Brueefield Cheese Factory, it thoroughbred TamworthBoar. with registered pedigree. Terms, $1; payable at tkne of service with privilege of returning if neces- HUGII MoCA.RTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TIARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned has twenty Ji; Choice Farms for sale in East Huron,•the ban- ner County of the Province; all eizes, and erioes, to snit. For full information, write or calf personally. No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels P. O. • 33914f TIARA' IN GREY FOR SALE. -For sale lot 12, 1. concession 14, township of Grey, containing 100 acres, about 85 of which aro cleared, is in a good state of cultivation and well fenced. The balance is good hardwood bush. There is a good frame house and barn and good bearing orchard. There is a well at the house and a never failing spring on the farm. It i 3 within two miles of ,the village of Cranbrook, five miles from Brussels and the eame from Walton, with good gravel roads leading in all directions. This is a splendid farm and will be Bold at a bergain as the proprietor is anxious to retire. NEIL DUN- CANSON, Ctanbrook P. 0. • 148641 FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 3, concession 17. Grey, contains 100 acres, 3 of which are used as a brick yard. The hied is all cleared, except four acres- of black ash and cedar. This well fenced, well underdre.ined and well watered. There is a good frame house and large bank barn 80x40 feet, and other outbuildings. This is an excellent farm• and there iiaterial on it for four brick yards. It is half a mile from Walton, where there are good store?, school, cheese factory, churches, sew mill, etc. The farm will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For further particulars apply on the prem- ises or to Walton P. 0. DAVID CAMPBELL. 1485-14 -LIARM AND VILLAGE LOT FOR SALE. -For _12 sale, Lot 15, Concession 10, Hibbert, adjsining the village of °remedy, containing 100 acme, less two and a half acres disposed of for village lots ; 70 serer' cleared, well drained and in a good state of cultivation; the remaining 30 acres is a fine =pie sugar bush. There are several never -failing spriogs on the farm. There is a small frame house and frame barn, also the village lot in the village of Cromarty. There le a good frame house, and large stable and shed on it, also a splendid garden. This place was formerly used as an hotel, and will make • an excellent business stand. This property will be gold together or separately to eat purchaser. Pos- session given after harvest. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor, ALEXANDER BOYLE, Cremarty P. 0, • - • I 1487xI3 QOOP S ...gout; come and gtt soma of ' the great bargains that are to be had at the 'Great Bs.rgain GroCery sin(' Tea Storie. All kinds of goods to be slaughtered, groekery and Glassware as well as all kinds of Groceries and Provisionit. • 4 cane first class leon, peas and tomatoes, • assorted, for 25o 4 Ib,. Prunefor 25is '5 " Raisins for 2u • 6 " Currants for 26e 6. " Rice for 25o 6 " Tapioca for 5o • 8 " Tea Duet fo 25o 2 " Japan Tea fer 25d • 4 " Dried applea for £6a 8 boxes Matt:dna foe. 25e Maple Syrup, 25e per quart • Globe Washboards 10e each. • 1 box RedHerringj for 100 Pure Honey, 10o per 1ln • Mixed Picklee, 10e a bottle Fresh canned Turkey, Chicken, Duck and Pig's Feet. • Don't fail to call at A. G. Ault's great bargain grocery and tea stSre. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 22, conces- sion 2,11. R. 8., township of Tuckeramith, con- taining 1CO acres, with 90 acres cleared. Land underdrained and in a good state of cultivation. There 18 00 the premises a good orchard, also a good brick story and a half house, 24x34, with woodshed tie brick kitchen 18x20 attached, bard and soft water. Two good frame barna each 35x50, one with 12 foot lean to and stone stabling underneath ; driving shed 20x35. Buildings in good state of repair. Farm is well eituated ; about five miles froin Clinton and six from Seaforth, on good gravel road ; school within it mile ; church opposite place. Posseesion any time to suit purchaser. Peke very reasonable. Apply to A. E. TURNER, Clinton P. 0. 1481.41 A. G. AU T, C4th. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance qompany. FARM AND ISOLIATED TOWN PROPERTY. ONLSY INSURED , • OPFWBR. Gee. Watt, President, -Th1rlock P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice-Presiient, Seaforth P. O.; w j. ethannon, Sooy-Treau.'Seaforth P. O.; Michael Mordie, Inspector of Losscs. 8ea1orth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jria. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Load bora; eGeorge Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Bays, Seaforth; M. Ideetlie, Seetortl, • Thos. Garbutt, Clinton ; Thomas Fraeor, Brucefic.ld ; John R. Mc- Lean, Kippen. AG BEM Thom Neilaes, Hae -bock; Rohl. McMillan, Seaforth James Cumming, Eginondville ; Gecrge Murdle and John C. Morrison,audiors. Parties deeiroue to effedt Insuraeoes or trans. act other business will be proMptly attended to on applicahion to any of the aboyeofficer°, addressed to their retsemotive post off t eete ' LTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -The undersign- ed offers for eale the following vatuable prop- erty in Chiselhurst, namely : A good, frame dwel- ling, with art acre of fine land adjoining it, on which there is at present one-quarter acre of good, healthy 8trawberry plants and over 100 gcod fruit trees of limey every kind, including a large number of splendid plum and pear trees of the latest and beet variety. There is also a large quentity of small fruits, end besides the dwelling house there is a good stable and well on tho premises. The property is nicely situated, being right beside two churches, store and postaffice, and. blacksmith shop, and will be sold at it very reasonable price, on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to THOS. NICHOLLS, Proprietor, Chiselhuret P. 0., or to G. J. SUTHERLAND, Conveyancer, Beneath 1477-13 11011 SALE OR TO RENT ON EASY TERMS. - ..12 As the owner wishes to retire from business on account of ill health, the following valuable property at Winthrop, 4. miles north of Seaforth, on leading road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm or In parte to suit purehruter : about 600 acres of splendid farming land, with about 400 under crop, the•balance in pasture. There are large barns and all other buildings necessary for the implements, vehiteles, etc. This land is well. watered, has good frame and. brick dwelling houses, etc. There are grist and saw mills and store which will be sold or rented on advantageous terms. Alao on 17th con- cession, Grey township, 190 acres of land, 40 in pasture, the balance in timber. Possession given after harvest of farm lands ; mills at once. For par- ticulars apply to ANDREW GOVBNLOOK, Winthrop. 14864f P. KEATING Contractor and Builder, Seaforth DEALER IN Lumber and Shingles. Good Hentha Lumber always on band. Parties wanting lumber don't need to go 20 or 25 miles when - they can get it as cheap at home, and better lumber. 146941 W AN'IF AD_Teachero and College stud.. nts,men or women, to thgage with us during vacation at something entirely new. Can pay as high as $200 for the full tertra Scores have operated during vacation, have engaged permanently on our staff, to their groat beeefit, and some have tnade fortunes. , Do not doubt until you find out the facts, and that will cost nothing. Address immediately, TIIK BRADLET.G.Altag2BON CO., Ltd., • 14877 Toronto, Ontario. Our Manufacturliig Interests, What a Hamilton Manufacturer • Has to ay. ay. Mr. James Brayley 'speaks for the public good. THE PROPER POLICY. Our representative interviewed Mr. JAme6 Brayley, of Hamilton, at his office, 58-saK1ng William Street. Mr. Bra,yley is an enterprising business man, and one of eiamilton's foremost , manufacturers. His goods, Saddlery- hard- ware, punches, dies, eto , are known from Halifax to Vancouver, andi‘stand very high in the estimation of the trader. Mr. Brayley said t "Fcl years I have been troubled with gravel and weakness of the kidneys. I had to stand up and clench my teeth when urinating, so intense was the pain. The pains around my loins where almost intolerable, and I felt as though it eab were being pulled down my back by the hind lees. "I went from bad to wore till at lasti could not urinate at all, and had to be operated on. I had no confidence in anything, and made up my lined to suffer torture to my dying clay. Reading the testimony published by the Doan Kidney Pills Co., I saw a siMilar case to my own, and, being in constant ageny, decided to give them it trite, and got it bee of the pills from Spookman's drug store, at be corner of Market Square. , • "It did me no good, so 11 got 'another, and another, until I had taken lfour boxes, and was about giving up when relief came. I continued to take them till the pain left my baek„and r am now as limber as an eel. Instead of getting up it dozen times it night I never get up more than onoe now. The urine is now perfectly clear and has no sediment of any kind. "I am delighted to testifly in behalf of Doante Kidney Pills, as they °avid me after the last ray of hope had fled. ' THE HIT ON P$C11.41Dif In tegar g°tlie n-tOPIP. THE ORNAMENTAL AND THE usa5w_. ?Beautiful Horse In a P*turesqne tudo-Just a Plab4 Jack. In our first picture the' artist shows oncaof nature's perfect creations, a beau- tiful, spirited 'horse. He is at the head of the herd. His quick ear has heard a sound that may mean danger. Perhaps his delicate nostrils have seented his enemy, mail, far off. .A SCENTING DANGER. horse's nostrils are' his lingers, Gleason saps, and through: them he examines whatever is novels to him. Therefore Gleason particularly directs that horses • shall see and smell till they are 'satisfied as to Whatever they are inelined to bear. The attitude of the horse illustrated, the fore feet set together, the bind feet apart ready for the start,' the head turned in the direction whence the Sound or scent comes, and his fine, outstanding muscles , show him off in one of his most striking poses. The drawing is by Artist Spring - stein of The Horse World. Next we come to an animal not -very far renaoved from the first, a half biother, in truth, but how different! Neverthe- less the bumble half brother to the spir- ited horse has earned a worthy sum oi money for his owner, and that goes a long way. The business of jack and jennet breed- ing has been brought well nigh to per- fection in Tennessee, Missouri and pne or two other southern states. The jack TENNESSEE JACK. in the illustration comes 9f a long line of Araerican jacks and j0tinets bred in Tennessee. He is 15 hands 3 inchesin height, which is a good size. He is black, with white points. His body is long and strong. So are his ears. .His ears are something that any well regu- lated jack might be proud of. He is deep and strong in his muscles and very nimble and spry. Raising Calves. The calf should be weighed at least once a week, ancl if the daily increase in his weight amounts to. 1 pounds, everything is all right. Calves gaining less than 1;4 pounds • daily that do not relish their food, suf- fer from diarrhea, or in other ways do not appear to thrive, should be taken off the skimmilk. Six weeks' feeding on skimrailk is sufficient; if the feeding is continued for a longer period of time, the results are apt to be less favorable. • The quantity of milk to be fed daily per head varies from 5 to 16 quarts, ac- cording to the age and appetite of the calf. An increase of the feeding value of skimmilk by the addition of other feeds calla for great care, both as regards kinds of feeds fed and quantities given. Quite good results have been obtained by the addition of boiled flaxseed and a thin oatmeal slop to the skimmilk. The aniount of these feeds added should not exceed a pound of dry feed per 50 quarts of milk. The flaxseed is boiled in water; if lumps are found, they are thrown away. lett keit' pure br our grade looting wi foal sow, a long that t greed stoc • brood sow In sel choose one teats, say a long, ro ears and 1 how big t legs. In breeder w find it pro to the ha' fine, sleek not preve sex 11 it fi having tol we selvt, essential breeding. We rais our sows t cember. to each so while in p of grass a water an enough to about two-thirds- gone. We then increase the feed t s' what elle will dat up clean until she makes her bed to en we let her alone for 24 er they farrowwe give them for a few days and one or corn, according to the size and increase the feed gratin - they have all they can eat. ss ground wheat slop to in - ow of milk. We wean our st week in May and Novem- n the sows will come in heat to seven days af terward. To sows' udders from caking in on corn and grass, only ear of corn twice a day to e feed the male hog plenty at or rye slop and corn, and, ve them, pumpkins and tur- e hiLve nothing else for a use louse slop, such as ac - in a swill bucket in any ouse or yard. We always ale .14g in a yard to himself e soWs to him at the rate of • peiday and do not leave her louger than four hours. prefer only one or two a day ld eome insight, but we try the pigs about the same age time. the pigs growing as fast as corn and wheat or rye slop, mice of blue grass and clover we have. We prefer clover, keep it, as hard freezing and ill kill clover out in our cli- marketing our hogs at from ths old we have them weigh o 800 pounds on an average. ✓ what cholera was, but ad - AL B COSTS NOTHING FOR REPAIRS. It Does not Get out of Order. SOLD ONLY BY. • • W. PAPST, SEAFORTH - EXPOSITOR. DEL HOG RAISING': ' 4 Feeding For the Highest Market Prices. to our mode of breeding and li'dgs With which we have g the market in Chicago the ars we would say we use the Poland -China male hog on ows; which we have been se - an object of getting a.typ- d they'have been crossed so ey are as pure as any pedi- but we prefer our type of a ather than a pedigree. ting our sows we always with the greatest nnmber of 2 to 14, and one possessing d body, a short head, small go bone. We do not care ey are so they do not run to electing a male pig for a follow the same idea and es good. We also look closely of a hog. We want a good, coat, but a rough coat will t us from using a hog of either is all the other points. Now all about the type of hogs the next point -which is as s the others -is the time of two litters a year. We breed e first week in June and De - his gives two litters per year . About treating the sow g, we provide a good pasture d brush if possible, with pure but. very little corn, just eep her about half fat until twice 13, da farrow, w. hours. Af some wate two ears o of the sow, ally until We also n crease the pigs the 1 ber, and th about titre prevent th we -put th about one each sow. of good wh when web nips:, If change, w cumulates farmer's keep the m and turn ti two to thr them toga We would if they wo -to have al at weanin 'We keep We can on with abun -such as but canno thawing mate. In 9 40 12 mo from 250 Never kne VT here strict y to cleanliness for health, as in all clur observation in regard to :ages we always traced them er and filthy wallows or to g decayed vegetable. matter mals. This winter I was con- th a gentleman who makes a specialty, and, of course, hog raisers; we exchanged on found why he was always • with cholera. He allowed wallow in the filthy wallows tura until he said the mud aked an inch thick on them, ad to drink from these same told 1310 there would always ial smell about Cie lot, and pinion that most of the chol- traced. to these death dealing, eeding, filthy wallows. All I s to epiote the old adages, ss next to godliness" and of prevention is better than cure." These mottoes should t of the mind of a successful -Stewart 4 Brotherton of Breeder's Gazette. swine -dis • to foul wa their eati _or dead an versing w stlaog raisin ,being bot ideas. I s losing hog his hogs t in his p would be and they places. 11 be a mal am of the era can be microbe b can add "Cleanlin• "An o-anc a pound of never be o hog raise Missouri i • Can Harness In Half the Time. A,short time ago I stood in afire sta- tion in a small New England city and watched the horses go through their 9 o'clock drill. When the alarm sounded, every horse burst from • his stall and trotted to his place in front of the en- gine, or ladder and hose track. The har- ness was. down on their backs in a twinkling, two or three snaps fastened, and all was ready. The idea came to my mind, Why do not farmers have similar arrangements for harnessing? and I de- cided then and there that too much time is spent in harnessing and unharnessing horses. Fifteen minutee a day saved amount to 6,475 minutes, or 91 hours in a year -time enough for quite a va- cation, Of course, One would not expect to have his wagon house fitted up like a s j fire station, b t certain improvements could be made that would lessen the time require o harness in the ordinary way one-half or more. = Rural New Yorker. • A ration half corn, one-fourth bran and one-fourth oilmeal is a good food for fattening sheep. Feed two pounds a day or each 100 pounds of sheep, with all t te rough fodder the animals want. When crowded s throws th into conf With c $2.39 to corn at 50 • to make 1 Badly 1 eye troubl tilated on stomach t Under untied. It then the you hadn' The fiel to scrvr fo north is at all the pea of th will not the count Many ,this year, One impo and 13 m Those in -Indira cially to somethin keep the Never less you When goi your hors upon hie When colts and. daytime at night. for them • Now 1 and go to and sadd more CO and look Live Stock Points. on are driving along in a reet, never stop suddenly. It whole procession behind you sion. IT MIARRIAGE LICENSES THE NO -ISSUED AT- • HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE RAFORTH, ONTARIO. WITNESSES_ REQUIRED e rn at 20 cents a bushel it costs ake 100 pounds of pork. With cents a bushel it costs $3.98 0,pounds of pork. ghted stables are the cause of s in animals, and badly yen- s are the cause of lung and oubles. o circumstances leave a horse may be entirely safe 99 times; undredth time you'll wish , and wish very hard. pea which it is recommended ensilage and forage in the e fiild pea of Europe and not owpea of the south. The cow - south is a bean really and ow in the colder portions of ackneys are being imported some of them very choice ones. er brought over 2 stallions es and fillies in one lot. • ho have tried feeding potatoels ted quantites to stock, espe- oung stock, have found that besides potatoeS is needed to in 'good growing order. top a horse going up hill un - ave a brake on the wagon. g at full speed, never stop suddenly. It is a great strain houlders and knees. he. flies are very' bad, keep the calves in the stable during the o d let them out la the pasture This method is as profitable •s for the older animals. t farmers get their courage up - breeding high class carriage e horses or heavy drafts. No on stook Breed carefully • ead every inch, of the way. m. Andrews and Mr. Joseph he St. Marys curling dub, have e two -gold medals given by Mr. 1 s 1 T With 'Nor 'pus Deb11:17 ai- In ligestion. ENGLISH -MID CANADIAN- .P1iY3 Gi;%1',1S FIL,411.1. ''1 tYc1;:t1 Lt.') Plva To - Day \Nor 1t No For South • American Norvina." 1101-il all r, rts of the world people in II -health have travele.i. te Cleeat Britain to consult with the late Sir Andrew Clarice, the me d4 al adivieer of Hee Majeety Queen e ietteeka; wilo 11.M; as a recce; nition of tr, the honor oi ktileht- d's G. 0. M., Gitedeteee, a tried couneleoe and Imes- without number It vn that when tee high - kill has fa.led to E cure, 'an Nervine ha taken en almort fron 'pint of id given back to them remarkable ea e omee resent time. • iijrs. Har- an old and resnected e well-knowntown of te-' had almoet reached "I have been troubled," wn words, "very much of years (since 1878) debility, indigestion and have been treated by he best physicians, both England, and had tried tary medicines, lent obe 1. 'I was advised three take South American nust say I do believe If ne so - I would not .be I have received very from the medicine, the n having a -most bene - strongly and cheerfully uth American Nervine fer as I have. I will ut it." asked? Mrs. Staple- s its counterpart in ndreds of homes, in nd hamlet in the Do - 'n are terrible sufferers, said she had become so was afraid _actually to o the ground; and was, d of lier own shadow: a desperate One indeed, t beyond the reach of n Nervine. It cured In conferred on his great tale hoed. Engle.] Lound In hi friend. But has been sho eee meatical South .A.meri men and wo the grave, a lost health. • to us- at the let Stapletoi resident of t Wingham, 0 death's door. to quote hr for a nurnbe with nervous dyspepsia, an a number of in Canada an several prowl tained no reli months ago t Nervine, and I had not d alive to -day. great benefit first doses ev ficial effect. I recommend S to all who su never be with Can more b ton's case h scores and h every village minion. \Vern Mrs. Stapleton had that she put her foot in truth, . afra The case was but it was n South AM elle Mrs. Stapleton's case. It will cure in others just as despairing. Sold hy.L V. F-ar and Lumsden & Wilson. • • Grace Before Meat. A BRUCE CO NTY BALLAD OF FACT. Old Tonald ads Hielanman, From Ileach n Argyle ; She'll wise a Pre3byterian lnsan Of goot rAd Bielan etyle, She'll gone out a ta butte ne tay, Ta ponnet on ta head, Ta old plack b ttle in ta p ueh-- Ta goot chee e and ta each Ta old dog, Sa oiy, ehell go to - Ta Saxons ea Is him Ali k - Ta dog, she'll o.jyhatonel fault, She'll no could spoke ta Iae1io, Ta tail wies jus tree ine e long, Ta hair wisengan' t ny- There'll pe no i cg n all Pc»vmore Who'll not p, pet by Sa Now Tonald, s e'll chop al ta day; Ta dog, she' no pe still; She'll chase tab uirrel up a tree, Ta hedgehog up ta h 11, She'll serape ta ground ar4und ta stumpal • An' tuzzle wi h ta bee; But when ta ti ner hour chme round She'll let ta *Abbas peS Tonald she'll p a godly Man; She'll no peg n to fare,' Pefore she'll p 38 ta vittl s with, A goot big G elio praye She'll Om ta read, she') pies° ta cheeso She'll pless t heather- ew ; She'll piers ta °dip in ta world, , And pless ta heathen, t o. She'll tell ta L An' all ta let An' how ta god In all ta Cou How Toilgall 5 How Sandy's She'll pray for For all tae h She'll told ta I How pig Joh She'll pleas ta A hundred t She'll pray for For grace fo An' when ahe'l .open up t eyes - Ta dog, she'll have ta diluter. Tonald she'll was a godly man, An' elder in Kirk, But in ta peat • f godly leas Ta godless p• salons wo k, She'll swore a oot long soli° swore Ta dog wets ar away She'll only h ve ta heather -dew For dinner all a day. rd Of her iainsel, st newss ly folk'll pe ty Pruce nclair's loat a coo, horee la tend ; grace for all ta, poor, ngry pread. ord how Angus lied, Douglass swore : reat, pleas to cheeee mes or inre, eyeing on all men, saint an' flnner : She'll take ta To chop ea t She'll think of Upon ta god She'll know th Tey'll work But next time he'll wate x Up in ta hand, ees again, . all tit ills tat come y men, t when temptations- come, a good alWay ; when she'll say ta grace as well as pray. • A EW CLUB. Our direct connections will save You time and. money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and. California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOW - IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Station G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Service at Seaforth. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Goole Wear- SwAroarn. Mums. Passenger - 12 46 es et. 1 tet r. Paseenger•- 9.05 r. 9.22r.. Mixed Train- - 9.80 A. et. 10.15a.m. Mixed Train........ 6.20 P. M. 7.06 es ete OHM Zen- - Passengar- 7.41 A. X. 7.25 Passenger e, 8121 P. m. 8.05 P. Mixed Train- _ 6.25 r 4.35t x Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING Mew, Ethel Brussels........ Bluevale...... •. GOING BOUTu- Wingham.... Bluevale Brussels Ethel.... •• • • • . Passenger. 12.41 r. a. ISO P.M. 8.00A 1254 9.43 9.45 1.68 9.57 10.10 1.12 10.07 11.20 Passenger. Mixed. 6.04 a.m.ILTO a. IL 7.20 rai • 6.13 11.85 806 6.98 11.59 9.00 641 12.14 p,g. 9.80 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Paasenger. London, depart 8.15a.m. 4.45r fa Exeter.._ - -. - ... - 9.80 • 6.00 Heiman_ _ - au •.• Nu e.“.• a* 9.44 6.15 Kippen ... _ _ ...I .1.. .,.. ... .... ..... 9.50 8.20 Brucefield- ........... ,....... 0.58 6.28 Clinton. - 10.15 6 55 Londesboro - .... -.. - - 10.33 7.14 10.41 7.28 Belgrave. •10.16 7.37 Wingham arrive_ _. _ _ 11.10 8.00 GOLNG BLUTH- Pssseneer. Wingham, depart ....,... - - 6.30a.m. 3.25r.x Belgrave.,.. a.- -..... _ 6.44 8.15 Blyth.... .....-__ - 6.56 8.e8 LondesbOro- - - ..... _ 7.03 8 48 Clinton.... _ _ _ _ _ 7 43 $.59 • Brucefield - _ _ _es _ • 7.59 4.23 • Kippon- - -.- a, - 108 4 41 Hensall _ _....- -_ - .., 8.16 4.53 Exeter 8.35 6.08 Landon, (arrive) . . 9.50 A.M. 6.25 len, JUST A WORD -ABOUT-- •••••••• HARNESS •..•8 Name Sugg sted for *New Social Organ]. ation itt London. , LONDON (Sp eial) June 22. -It has been facetiously sug ested that a new social club in process of or anization in this city shOuld be entitled "T e Dodd's-Kidney Pill Club," as the present 1 embers are all enthusiastic i advocates of t at remedy and in common' with many oth r citizens declare that in all: cases of kidne trouble no other agent has! been found soi completely effective. Most: Londoners have at their fingers' ends thei particulars of the many marvellous cures through the use of this specific. In everyi drug store in t:se city the medicine is kaiak in large g uantit-es and warmly recommended. IT if TT -Mr. Oddy, of received Thomas president ation, tot for the- ta very ban the name 11 41 oodyatt, of Brantford, vice - of the Ontario Curling Associ- e skips of the last competing club kard of 1896. The medals were some indeed, and inscribed with of the recipients. t • A cyclist bragging abou such an extent to make a bet said the man, that you can't till the church shouted the e he was speedin After about th riding up and of the bystand yet struck foin was the blun never strikes.' We are giving the best value in bar. ness ever offered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first.class material used. Repairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars and, we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. Hard Task. as in a Scotch village irin his abilities as a rider -WI that the publican ventured, ith him. "1 say, mister,"I "I'll bet you half a erow4 ide up and clown this road clock strikes four." " Donell clist, and the next moment up and down the road. ee- quarters of an hour's hard own, the cyclist asked one rs if the church clock had "Struck four?.No fear," reply; "our church clock The locale Conntrie whic ized in -his w Comparativel ever, of the e and Mr. Wat who was "Thrums" h fore his birth - of the fact. ed the word, some time I inventor, but only a poacher." Drum situated in IC cardineshire, is a deep ly wooded va ey, about twb miles in Away to the north opens the valley o bervie, the fatherland of Robert Bu a few miles much of M passed, and which the Ye mmtochty. M. BRODERICK Corner Main and John Sts., Seaforth. F. GITTTERIDGE Sole Agent in Seaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT -AND- GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This is the best lime on the market'. MI instruc- tions given for all kinds of cement work. I will also keep in stock Portlend Cement, Paris Plaster, Lath, Hair, Brick, etc. A full stock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. Prices right. Warehouse south of the railway track, opposite the freight shed. F. GUTTERIDGE, Seaforth. 11814f SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. f the district of the North Ian Maclaren has immortal- rks, is pretty well known. few persons are aware, how- "stence of a real Drumtochty, on himself -like Mr. Barrie, robably una-ware that a d been created a decade be - was until recently ignorant 'I thought that I had invent- ' he wrote, lately, "bat for have known that I am iiot an chty, rich-. ength. Glen- , and where • the south is Fasque . Oladstone's early brfe was to the early associations with an statesman likes to revert. ct- 1-11• et - CD e a 1 pit[ eq . og. euij l=3"' ep esa riD es- W P w C2-1 Cb F.,1 .44 IT IS NO p, PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away in a basket or box. 4*•••••••4141016e0 SEAFORTH • OAR R I AGE WORKS. The best Buggies and Wagons Mystock of Carriages is very complete; all heed made, under our own supervision. Don' ;buy foreign faetdry-made buggies, when yen:can get bettermade at home, and as cheap, if not cheaper than the work brought in from outside towns. Why -spend your money in building up rival towns and injure your own, when you can do better at home. Vail and see me and be convinced. All kinds of bls,ekseeithing t3,nd repairing promptly and satisfactorily done, A full stook ef Cutters of the beet material and latest styles, which will be sold cheap. Lewis McDonald, SEAFORTH. 1480 CASEY & CO* ARE PREPARED TO SET,T. TURNIP ANDAteeitts-iee MAN GOLD • S=DS As -Cheap as any in the trade And vsill not be 'undersold. Before buying give us a call. During June WIDD 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50c., -cash. This is not a tea dust. Some good Soap yet. Will give 7 five cent bars for 25c; 12 three -cent bars for 25e. In Canned Goods We keep nothing but hest brands. We have yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25e a quart. CASEY & CQ. SEAFORTH. Horse Routes.' The following horses wilt travel the routes roentioned as under, during the season of 1896 :- CARLISLE, ROBERT WILSON, Proprietor. Melees:re-Will leave his own citable, Seaforth, and go by way of Beechwood to George Leinhartit's, Brodhagen, for noon ; thence by way of Longzway11 hotel, Logon, for night. TUESDAY -To Motakton, for noon ; to leilverton, for night. Wee:I/MAY-TO Poole, for noon ; to Millbank,for night. Tnuresoate- At Newton, from 9 until 11 o'clock, thence to Done- gal, for noon ; to Branderberger's hotel, Atwood, for night. FitiretY-To Ethel, f ir noon; the Queen% hotel, 135u88e18, for night. SATCROVZ-LeadVary, for noon ; then to his own -stable, where he will remain until Monday morning. 1484 KILBURN, No. 15,179. BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors, The pure bred shire etallion, "Kilburn," No. 15,170, imported this 3 -ear by Berry & Geiger, will stand this season at his own stable, Etensall, Terms eie 40 insure. 1,482 WONDE,RFUL DISCOYERY. Excelsior •Egg WILL KEEP EGGS F RESH FOR 12 THS,_ SEAFORTH HANDLE WORKS. LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. Call 0or book giving full information, fres of charge. Foie SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I will do all kinds of Turning to order on short notice, and I will do it as cheap as it • can be done. I will pay a good price for • No, 1 White A.56. Give me a call sad see. JOHN KLEIN, Seaforth. 1400 -if Karn Organ & Piano Company. What we say is true, and Everybody knows it. Our success demonstrates that business tombs done on it fair, square basie, and IV succeseinl. There's a reason for no continually getting the greatest share of trade. Never has our mastery been so complete se it Is now. No other concern oan at the prices we can and will, none .38.72 give you the choice of so fine a line of Instruments as ems,* equare or upright pianos, or for church or peeler ' • U new organs and pianos warranted for the tern of seven years. TERMS. -$3,85, or /10 or mora monthly,until pal& What can be more liberal, more induelve, more safe then to buy & KABIT. J. L. Downey, 1429 MANAGER, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAR DUNN'S 'BAKING 'POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McKillop Directory for 18 JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLTair ABCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, bury 0. WM. McGAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Reeehw P. O. DANIEL MANLEY, Connellior,3ecebwood JOULE C. MOI03.1f3ON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID If. ROSS, Treasurer, Wintbrop P. 0. WM. EVANS, Aseessor, Beachwood E,0. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafarth P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Impeder, bury P.0. •