HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-06-26, Page 21
iMaple Syrvp, 25e per quart; 5 Ibs.. new
Prune; 25o; 5 lbs. dried Apples, 25c; 5 lbs.
good Currants, 25c, 25 lbs. Raisins for 81,
10 lbs. Sulphur 25c, 5 bars Surprise soap,
25e; 6 bars Century Soap and. a large pit-
cher, 25e; 2 lbs. Japan or black Tea for
250, giving good satisfaction ; try them.
We can give you good canned Corn at 7e
per can, or four for 25c. We are still giv-
ing big bargaIns in. Crockery and Glassware,
afx we are giving up this line.
We always pay the highest market price
in cash or trade for good butter and eggs.
The "Popular Store."
'1411SICal - Instrument
Owing to hard times we have con
;eluded to sell Pianos and. Organs at
Greatly Reduce Prices
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at Corresponding prices.
Fisk Teachers Agency,
25 King Street West, Toronto.
Supplies schools with teachers for all
grades. No charges.. We make enquiries
for confidential information concerning all
applicants, and our recommendations can,
therefore, be relied upon., Write us if you
require a teacher. Information given to
teachers on application.
W. 0. liTeTAGGART, B. A
(Toronto University) Manager,
Late of 'Huron County.
las H. Mutating&
ic Headache
A er's Pills
"T was troubled a long time With sick
headache, 1 tried a good many remedies
reeommeoded for this complaint; Dia it '
was not untill
Began taking Ayer's Pills
that "I received permanent benefit. A
single box of these pills freed nie from
headaches, and I ant now a well :man."
—C. RUTCHINGS, East Auburn, Me.
Awarded Medal et World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsapar4la is the Best.
-poR SALE OR TO RENT.—The.house lately coo-
l? "oupied by Wm. Carnoehan, Bast of St. James'
Church, Seaforth: Apply to F. HOLDIESTED.
1453 tf
MIAMI FOR SALE —100 acres, in the township of
..0 Grey, near Brussels. There is on it nearly 50
acres of bush, about half black ash, the rest hard-,
wood. A never -failing spring of water runs threugh
the lot. Will be sold at a big bargain. For particu-
lars, apply 'to MRS. JANE WALKER, Box 1,219,
Brussels. 100-
fkSPLENDID OHANOE.—For -sale, Lot 20, Lake
Road East, 'fay, containing 14si acres of spiels.
did land, nearly all cleared and in a good seat of
cultivation, There is a good bank barn and two
dwelling' houses—one frame and one log—also i large
hearing orchatd and plenty of good water. It is
seven miles from Zurich and Six mike, from Dish-
wocd villages, and is close to a good school. It is a
most desirable farce, and will be sold cheap and on
easy terms, or will be exchanged for a -smaller 'pl ce.
This is a splendid chancl for any person dellith g a
good farnu Apply on the promises, or' address the
undersigned, Johnson's Mills P. 0. ISAAC W T -
MO RE, Proprietor. 1487 4
riAltal FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 11, Conces ion
X 0, Mullett, containing 100 sores, all den ed,
well underdrained, and in a good state of cilt ea.
tion. There are 15 acres sown with fall wheat o nd
all the fall plowing done. There is on the piac a
frame bowie with kitchen and woodshed attached,
h has two frame barns with other outbulldi T is
is a gr.od farm, well situated, being 9 miles from Sea.
S •
forth, .7 nolles from Clinton, and 11 miles from the
village of ith.burn, and will 130 sold on reasenable
tcrato,, Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or
address W. LEITCH, Clonetance P. O. 14644
0 PLENDin FARM FOR-SALE.—Lot 26 ConcLs-
0 Glen 6, Township of Morris, containing 150 a° ea
angel) e for grain or stook, situated two and a h lf
miles from the thriving village of Brussels, a god
ravel road leading thereto ; 120 acres cleared ad
res from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and bale cc
hardwood. Barn 51)050 with straw and hay sh d
40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The house
is bria 22,x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar undernea h
both bn'ildings. All aro new. 'There is a 1 rge young
orchard. School on next lot. The land h s 'a good
POSIT° OrY10B, or on the premiees. Will. BARRIE,
nature. drainage, and the farm is in good' ondition.
Satiate bsry reasons for selling. Apply a Tin Ex-
Brusse s. 1835-tt
a al
Made a well
M n of
I carry the largest stock of new designs and finest
goods at the lowest prices of any house in the county.
New good sold as cheap as any old stock or Out of
'late good& Why roan do so is because goode bought
now are bought from I to 10 cents per roll less than
they were when old stook was. My expensee are low.
1 have a b`g stock and need the money. 'Wall paper
from n cents per roll up. Window shades, Mould-
ings, Cornice polls, &O. gre., as cheap as any in the
trade, City Wall Paper House, Main St. Seaforth,
opposite Sohn St.
Practical Paper Hanger. and -Painter,
I have aecured the services of three first -oleos paper
hangers and can do work at the shorted notice-. Ad
work guaranteed unsurpassed. For proof of the,
.boVe fall and see for yourself.
- Wall paper trimmed' free.
J. C. Smith »& GO.
A General Banking business transacted.
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold
Interest allowed on deposits at the rate
of 5 per cent. per annum.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE—First door north of Reid &
Wilson's Hardware Store.
Banking - House,
(In connection with the Bank of Montreal.)
LOGAN & 00,4
OFFICE—In the Commercial Hotel build-
ing, nen, to the Town Hall.
A General Banking Busifirsa done. Drafts
issued and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits.
On good notes or mortzagee.
Steam Boiler Works:
Successor to Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt. Peens, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Iltrorks,
etc., eto.
Alec dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
nginee. Automatic Cat -'Mf Engines a scesialty. All
!zee of pipe and pipe -fitting oonstantly on hand
Yetimateo furniehad on short notice. •
Works--OPPosite G. T. R,13tation, Ooderieb,
RESULTS in SO DAYS. Cures all
Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory,'
Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emis4..
slons, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size
to shrunken organs, and quickly_ but surely restores
Lost Manhood In old or young. Easily carri din vest
pocket. Prica$1.00 a. package Six f 0 with n
written attar MI tee te cure or money refund d. Don't
buy an imitation, but insist on having IND It
your drunIzist has not got it, we will send it repaid.
Oriental Medical Co., Props" Chicago. 1U1., ore r agents.
SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ON ., and
leading druggists elsewhere.
The Tobacco Habit C4red
BY -
Tobacco Cur*.
Read the Strongest Endorsement ever iveh
any Remedy :-
," The United States health reports ave
exerained and investigated many pre arta
ti ns,,and. in the light of our examin tion
an tests of UNCLE SAM'S TOB COO
0 RE we are but performing a duty t . the'
Public when we endorse the .same and(
stamp it as the crowning achievement b the
Nineteenth Century in the way of dest oy- '
ing a habit as disgusting as it is corn ons ,
for only $1. Henge we earnestly advise ott 1
to write them, for full particulars."
L V. FEAR, Druggto.
There are
soaps and soaps
but only one
which is the soap of .
soaps A`nd washes clothes
with less labor and great-
er comfort.
Makes homes brighter
Makes hearts Iiihter
Rooks .for to LEVER
For every 12 Wrappers sent
Bnos., Ltd„ 23
Scott St., Toronto, a use -
Wrappers ful paper -bound book will
be sent.
God Is In the Blade of Grass at 'Ortr Feet
as Well as the Clonds—Our 3 ntal and
Spiritual IncaPacity—DivIne In plration.
WASHINGTON`, June 21.—A mot uplift-
ing truth is presented in Dr. almage's-
discourse of today. His text was Matthew
x, 29: "Are not two sparrows sold for a
tarthini? And one of them shall not fall
en the ground without your Father." '
You see the -Bible will not be limited in
Phe choice of symbols. There is, hardly a
beast or bird or insect which has not been
called to illustrate -some divine truth—the
ox's patience; the ant's industry, the
spider's skill, the hind's surefootedness,
the eagle's speed, the dove's gentleness and
even the sparrow's meanness and insig-
nificance. In oriental countries none but
the poorest people buy the sparrow and eat
it—so very little meat is there on the bones
and so v..--ey poor is it what there is of it.
The cemfortable population would not
think of touching it any more than you
would think of eating a bat or a lamprey.
New, says Jesus, if God takes snob good
care of a poor bird that is not werth te cent,
'will he not care for you, an immortal? *
In Minute Affairs. •
We associate God. with rev-olutions. 'We
can see a divine purpose in the discovery
of America in the invention of .theart of
printing, in! the exposure of the gunpowder
plot, in the contrivance of the needle gun,
in the -ruin of an-Anstrian or Napoleonic
despotism but how hard it is to see God. in
the mini& _personal affairs of our- lives!
*We think of Gsed as making arecord of the
starry host, butsca,rmot realize' the _Bible
truth that he knows how many hairs are
on our head. It seems a grand thing that
Gad provided food for hundreds of thou-
sands of 'Israelites in the desert, but we
cannot appre,ciate the truth that when a
sparrow is hungry God stoops down and
opens its mouth and puts the seed in. We
are-stmck with the idea that. God fills the
universe with his presence, but cannot un-
derstand how he encamps in the crystal pal-
ace of a dewdrop or finds room to stand
between the alabaster .pillars of the pond
Lily. We can see God lathe clouds. Ceti
we see God in these flowers at our feet?
We are apt to place God on some great
stage, or to, try to --do it, expecting him
there to act out his stupendous projects,
but we forget the -tithe life of a Cromwell,
an Alexander or a Washington or an areh-
angel is not more under divine inspection
than your life or mine. Pompey thoeght
there Must be a mist over the eyes of God
because he so Much favored Ciesar. But
there is no such mist. He sees everything.
We say God's path is in the great waters.
True enough, but no more certainly than
ho is hi the water in the glass on the table.
. We say God guides the stars in their
courses. Magnificent truth! .But no more
certain truth .than that he decides which
road or street you shall take in comin.
g to
church. Understand that God does not sit
upon -an indifferent or usiesemp.athetic
throne, but that hesits down beside, you
today and stands beside ine today, and no
affair of our lives is so insignificant but
that it is of importance to God. *
In the first place, God chooses our occu-
pation for us., I am amazed to see how
many people there are diasatisited svith
the work they haVe to do. I think three-
fourths wish they were in some othee oc-
pupation, and they- spend a great deal of
time in . regretting that they got in the
lyrong trade or profession. I want to tell
you that God put into operation all the in-
fluences which led you to that particular
choice. Many of you are not in the busi-
ness that you expected t� be in. You start-
- eds tor no ministry and learee,d merchan-
dise. You sterted Or the laweand yen laro
physieian. You, preferred agrictilatre,
and you became a mechanic. You thought
one way. God thought another. But you
ought not to sit down and amern over the
past You ate to remember that God ar-
renged all these eircumstauces by which -
you, were made what you are. .
Man Proposes.
Hugh Miller says, "I will be a stone-
mason." God Biters, "Yoh will be a geol-
ogist." David gee& out to' attend his fa, -
User's sheep. God cane him to govern a
n tion. Saul goes Out to hunt his father's
a ses, and. before he gets back finds the
crovni of regal dolisinion. How much hap-
pier would we be if ive were content with
the places ' God gave us! God saw your
tenmerament and all the circiunstances by
_which you were surrounded, and I believe
n e -tenths of you aro in the work you aee
be t fitted for. I hear a great racket in my
w teh, and I find that the hands and the
wheels and .the Springs are getting out of
their places. I send it down to the jewel-
er's and say, "Overhaul that watch and
eh the wheels, and the spring, and the
hands to mind their own businees." Yon
knew a man having a large estate He
ers his working hands in the morning
saysto one, "You go trim that vine;"
nothere "You go and weed those flow-
ers; ' to' ano eer, "You plow that tough
glebe;" and each ono goes to his particular
work The owner of the estate points the
mart to what he -knows he can do best, and
so it is with the Lord.
I tereark further that God has arranged
the place of our dwelling. What particular
'city* town, street or house you shall live
hi seems to bo a mere matter of gLcoidont.
Youego out to hunt for a house, and you
happen to pass: up a certain. street and hap-
pen to seo a sign, and you select that house.
Was it all happening so? Oh, no. God
guided you. in every step. He foresaw the
future. Ho knew all your circumstances,'
and e selected just that one house as bet-
ter fop you than any of the 10,000 habita-
tions 1 in the city. Our house, however
phon:ta' s, is as near God's heart as all Al-
e roof, and however lastly the
hamb a, or a Kremlin. Prove it, you say.
Prov tbs iii, 33, "He blesseth the habita-
tion. f the just!"
I remark further that GOd arranges all
our friendships. You. were driven to the
wall. You found a man just at that crisis
who pathized with you and helped you.
You y, "Hove lucky I was!" There was
no lu abOut it.: God sent that friend.
just a certainly as he sent the angel tee
streng hen Christ. Your domestic friends,
your busine,ss friends, your Christian
friendt, God sent them to bless you, and
if any of them has proved traitorous it is
only tc• bring out the value of those who
may s
. if some die, it -is only that they
ud . at the outposts of heaven to
en at your coming.
always will have friends, Warin
Ileartell friends, magnantenons friends,
and w sickness comes to your dwelling
there •led.11 be Watchers; when trouble
comes to your heart theio will be sympa-
thizets when death eornes there will be
gentle fingers to close the eyes and fold
the hands and gentle lips to tell of a resur-
rection! Oh, We are compassed by body-
guard. iof friends! Every man, if 'he has
'oehated himself Well; ie ,ssuammded bjy
three circles of friendi----gose of the outer
circle Wishing bin; well; those in the next
circle Willing to help while close te
his heart are a few who would the for him.
God pity . the wretch who. has not any
blends I
Divine 'Allotments.
1 renana* again that God puts down the
slimit -our temporal prosperity. The
world f iina,nce seems to have no God in
It. Yo canna tell where man will
bankrsiptcy, whil Mit of the peatdugup
lands 'The eau nt fall, the poor rise.
The ingenious 1. the ignorant att. ceed.
An enterprise o ging grandly shuts in
frOIX1 ROM° New i rigland marsh the mil-
lionth -6 builds his f rtune. The poor man
thinks -it is chan that keeps him.. down;
the rich man th it is chance which
hoists- blue and t ie are both wrong. It
is so hard to real z that God rules thd
motley market an 1, 1 as a hook in timer:me
of the stock ga,mbl r, and that all the corn-
mercial revolution of the world shall re-
sult in the, very* b st for God's dear chil-
dren. ' -• a
- 1 - .
My brethren, do net kick against the di-
vine •allotments. Giod knows jest how
much money it is 1 eat for you to lose. , You
never gain unlets i is best for you- to gain.
Yell go up wheri it is best for you to go up
and, go down when ib i8 best for yen. to go
down. Prove it yen. say. I will—Ro-
mans viii, 28, "AL things work together
for good to them that love God. "- You go
into 0, factory, and:yeu ace 20 or po wheels .
and they are going in differett direction&
This band is rollin ff this way, and an-
other band anothe y, one down and an-
other up. You sis "What confnsion in a
factory!" Oh, , n All these different
bands are !onlyAiff nt parts of the ma-
chinery. So 1 silo your life and see
strange things. . e e is one proyidence
pulling yea ono* y nd another, in anoth-
er way. But thes re different paets of
one machinery by w ich ho will Menace
your everlasting a d.- resent well,being.1
Now you know hi t a second mortgage
and a third and-fo mortgage are often
worth nothing. I 1 the first Mort - ge.
that is a good inv s't nent. I have to -tell
you that every C is ian man has a first
mortgage on every trial, and on every dis-
aster, and it nrus make a payment of
eternal adyantage o 'is soul. How many
worrimente it wo d ke out of your heart
If you. believed hat fully. You .buy
geods and, hope *-6 • e ileice will go up, but
you are in a fret a d frown for fear the
price will go dOwn.. cm do not ' buy the
goods using your b at discretion in the
matter and then ty "Oh; Lord, I have
done the best I could. I COM-rnit thiS wh.ole
transactiOn into th h nds." That is What
religion is good for o it is good for neth-
There are twie t noLs,- says an old pro -v-
erb, you ought not to fret about. 1r !st;
things that you n help, and seco ! d,
things which you n ot help.. If you an
help them, why do me not apply the re n-
edy? i If you cannot h. 1.p thein, you nil ht
as evell smaender s as List. My d
brethren, do not i rty longer mom
about your ledger. D not sit looking
desponding upon yo tie stock of unsala
goods. Do you thin hat God is going
allow you, a Christ' n man, to do busin ss
alone? God IA the optrolling partner
every firm, and, a though Your debtors
may abscond, lath • ugh your securities
may fail, altitangh our -store may burn,
God- will, out ;of al infLuity of results,
choose for you the 'vary best results. . .
,Rule and egulation.
Do not lia,ve any i ea that you Call over-
step the limit that -G id. has laid down for
your prosperity. ' You will never get one
inch beyond it. G d has decided. ho -e
much prosperity you can stand henorably,
and employ usefull , and control right-
eously, and at the en 1 of the year you will
have just so many c oilers and cents, just
-.so much wardrobe, j t so much furniture.,
just so many bonds and mortgages and.
nothing more. I w' 1 give you $100 for.
every penny you ge beyond that. God
has looked over yo ir life. . Ho Iniows
what is best for you, ial he is going to
, bless you in time, a • d bless you for eter-
nity, and he will do t In the best way:
Your little child says "Papa I -wish you
would let MO have hat knife."
you say, "it is a..shtt, knife, and you will
cut yourself." 'Re stie c, "-I must have it."
"But you cannot hay it," you reply. Ha
gets angry and red in the face and says he
will have it, but you- y he shall aothave
it. Are you not kind in keeping it from
him? So God treats is children. I say,
VI wish, heavenly F: her, to get that."
d-odsaye, "No, nay chi d. " I say, "I must
have it." ' God tays, "You cannot have
it." I get angrY and sy, "I will have it."
- God says, "You ehall. ot have it," and I
de not get it. Is he Il t kind and loving
and the best of Father ? Do you tell inc
there is no rule and regulation in these
things? Tell that to tl e men who believe
In nci God and ire Bigle. Tell it not to
me! ,
A man of largo busi es conclude e to go
out of his store, Wilms much of his in-
vestments hi the bush ess, and- he says to
his sons: "Now, ram a oing to leave this
business in your head . Perhaps I may
come back in a little idle and perhaps
not. 'While I am gone you will please to
look after affairs.," ter- awhile the fa-
ther comes back and ft ds everything at
loose ends, and the wh lo business seems
t6' be going -wrong t Ho ye: "Tam going
to take possession! of his business—you
, know I never fully s rrendered it—and
henceforth consider se urselves aubOrdi-
notes. " Is he not rig t in dieing it? He
staes the bu.einess. i Th Lord seems to let
us go on in life, guided by our own skill,
and we make miserabl work.ef it. God
comes down to our sho or our store and
says: "Thing e are . goi -wrong. I come
to take charge. I am I aster, and I know
what is best, and I pro laim my anther-
ity. " We aro merely s bordinates. It is
like a boy at school wit I a, long sum that
een working at it
$ here arel rub -
d it, is all mixed
mg over the boy's -
cannot get out of
ate says', "Begin
to us: Our af-
le entanglement,
t and says, "Be-
ise.and loving in
he cannot do. He has -1
for -hours, making Eger
biag out figures there, a
up, and the teacher, loo
shoulder, knows that he
it, and. cleaning the s
again." Just so God do
fairs get into an inextrica
and he rubs everythiiig o
gin again." Is ---he not
so doing?
A Good Bac
I think • the trouble i
large a difference, betev
the human estimate as
I have heard of people
which is enough, but 1
one who had enough.
enough for zna,re Man call
man calls enough', God sa
The difference between a
rich man -is only he diff
The rich man put his mo
ington bank, or tie Cen
Metropolitan ban or som
that character, w e the
-up and makes his nvestm
of him who runs ell the
mines all the geld, all th
en. Do youthinka man
Is backed up like thatP
You may have seen a
that there is so
n the divine and
what is enough.,
trising for -that
ver heard. of any
What God calls
too little. What
s is too much.
poor man. and a
rence in banks.
cy in the Wash -
al bank, or the
other bank of
oor man. comes
snts in the bank
uarries, all the
earth, all heav-
n fail when he
11 ;
p on which are
desteibed with red IA the travels of the
children of Israel through e desert to the
promised land, You see how they took
this and that direction, c ssed the river
and went throughthe sea. Do, you know
Eod 'his naade a map of your life with
paths leading up to this •itterness and
,that success, through this r ver and across
that sea? But, blessed. be God, the path
always comes out at the •remised land.
Mark that! Mark that!
I remark again that -all t se things that
seem to be but accidentt in. nr life are lin-
er the div -in impervision. We sometirnes
seem. to be goiag helmless and anchorless.
You say, "If I had some other trade; if I
had not gone there this summer; if I had
lived in scene other house." You have no
right to say that Every tear you wept,
every step you ha,ve.taken every burden.
you have carried, is under divine inspec-
tion,. and that event which_ startled your
whole househeld with horror God met with.
1 •
perreat placfdity, b
fOr your good. It w
projected long age.
ceme to reckon up yo
pohrt to that afttictio
eft blessings.
God has a strange
fund his way to t
chair by being push
niany a Christian d
ust be flailed; the q
- the diamond m
Ciristian must be a
g14 event, which you
lyalene, was a co
two great chains
t ugh. all eternity -
c in reaching throu
—I -so small an event fas
[A missionary coird
'United States stopped
the vessel was taking
little child with him.
bY an embankment,
in' nent became loo
s sutly killed the chil
dent? Was it a surpie
all wed his servant af
tion to come to such
in God. There are
di ine mind, thongh
us God is good, and
de t of our life whe
ot erwise, before earth and heaven God will
debaonstrate his nie
hear a man say: 'That idea belittles
, . Yon bring him down to such little
things." Oh, I have more thorough rip-
preiciation of God in little things than I
ha e in great things. he mother does not
we, t until the child h. s crushed its foot or
broken its arm before s le lulniinisters sym-
pathy. The child co es in with the least
bruise, and the snothe kisses it. God does
no wait for some tres • endous crisis in our
11f, but comes down . us in our most lii-
slgjrillcant trials and throws over us the
arias of his mercy. .
Develop ent.
Going up the Whi mountains some
yea's ago I thought of that passage in the
Bib e ttt, esecaks of God. as weighing
mo llt- • a bala As I looked at
tho.e mtains I' thought, can it
be 31 God n put these great
as , attleeR t was an ideatoo
g i , grasp, • ut when I saw a
- - nule's foot on my
n then 1 under -
goodness of God.
la great things 1
' in little things.
hat doe -
tree he ioneee is Was
part of a great plan
eternity; when you
=erase, you will
as oneof your great-
ay with is. jeseph.
e prime eniniSter's
d into a pit, and to
is up. The wheat
un -Ty Inuit be blast-
st be ground; the
cted, and. that sin -
supposed stood en. -
meting link between
no chain re:Kiang
ast and the other
Ir all eternity future
ening two eternities
g from- India to the
at St. Helena while
water. He had. his
They walked along
d a rock tit that
ned, and falling in-
. Was it an awl -
to God? Had he
r a life of e,onsecra-
trial!' Not such is
• aceidents in the
hey may seem. so to
y every -single hith-
er it be adverse or
a by the
sto , the kindness and
It IS not so much of
can 'iunderstand, but of
There is a man wh • says, "
trine cannot be true b use thi
so'vory wrong." I repl it is no
moron the part of God, ut a lack of under-
standing on our part. I hear thi4 men are
making very line shaw in sona factory.
I go in on the firstflo.randse4onlythe
raw materials, and I a k, "Are these the
sEnefls I have heard ab. ut?" " o, " says
the !Manufacturer; "g• up to tbe next
floor:" And I go up, a d thee° 11 begin to
see tile design. But th man ys: 'To
not stop here. Go up to the top floor of
the factory, and you w' see the i ea fully
carried out." I do so, nd, having come
to the top, see the compl ;te pattern of an
exquisite sha,w1. So in our life, tending
down tea a low les -el of lnistia experi-
ence we'do not understa, d God's jlealings,
,H6 tolls us to go up high r and hi her un-
til we belga to under tend th divine
reeraning with respect 0 us, anl we ad--
vanee until eve stand a the verr gate of
heaven', and there see God's 4dea
wrought out—a perfect i ess of r4ercy, ot
love, ' of kindness. An. we say "Just
a_nd true are all thy ways" It is ill right
at the top. Remember here is n irleOtt:
sisteacy on the part of d, but ij is only
our mental and spiritual ncapazi
Soule, of you may be lsappoinjtod this
sumnier-Hvacations are Sat to b disap-
pointments—but whateve • your • -rplexi-
ties andl worrnnents kn sw that 'man's
heart deveseth his: way, b t tho rd di-
recteth his steps." Ask t eso aged men in
this church if ib is not so. It has seen so
in my own life. One sum ler I s ted for
the Adironelacks, but m plans- ere so
changed that I landed i Live • eel. I
studied law, and I got i • to the • astry.
I resolved to go as a miss' °nary to China,
and I staid in the United S tea It ought
I would like tb be in the iast, and I went
to the'weSt--all the cirmin etences f life,
all my Work different fr in that shich I
expected. . - man's h devis• th his
way, but -the Lord directot his ste •
So, my dear friends, thi day take home
this subject Bo content ith such things
as you. have. From every ass b de un-
der your feet learn. the lesso 1 of div e care,
and never let the Smallest ird fiit across
yOu.r path without thinkin of the truth
that two sparrows are sold for a f. lung,
and one ot them shall ne t falllesesend tbhee
ground without your Fath B
his glorious name forever. Amen.
gs do go
consist -
a 1 1
"Oh, it can't fail," he said in explaining
his scheme, "and there is a whole mint of
money in it. It's the greatest thing. in the
magazine line /that you over heard of.
You see, I would offer special inducements
to poets and literary amateers and accept
everything that they sent in."
"But that would' bankrin b you."
"Not at all. 'It would niake my fortune.
I would. accept' everything 'to be paid for
on pablication,' and. I'd have every poet in
the country buying the magazine. Just
think of the circulation!" Chicago Post.
Never Mind Yesterday.
This was Emerson's advitee to a daugh-
ter: "Finish every day and be done with
it You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can. Tomor-
row le a new day. Begin li well and se-
renely and with too high spirit to be
cumbered with your old no sense. This
day is all that is good and f ir. It is too
dear with its hopes and i vitations to
waste a moment on the yeste days."
in the Swim.
Ella—I hear that Mr. no ion is right
in the social swim when he's at borne.
Eva—Yes, he's histructer 'e a natato-
rium there. —Detroit Free P --
JU-Nt, 26, 1896
A geeral anking business transacted. Drafts on all parti of the Uated
Great i3ri am' and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all parte
at lowest ates. •
of Europe China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made en Baw-
Dep0 *tiS o One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest eUlTelt
rates. In -eres added to principal twice eaeh year—at the end of June and December,.
No notice f withdrawal is required for the whole or any porton,.K.
iofpadeAposiRot; ,
R. S. A'S, Solicitor. iv
This is the word to express the clear
and Beautiful Fl flt Art Print -
n g of she
Which prints without ribbon, and soon
saves its OW11 cost in ribbons alone.
Visible Writing alone is worth
the money.
PORTABILITY; weighs only 6 lbs.
CAPACITY, 84 characters. It will do ali
the $12)tln ) a inohiaa willdi a 11. di it
Toron o- Office -19 Adeladestreet East.
ST'17A_ITT" 0 1R,I), a 3.VT.
The I rgest, best and finest equipped school. west of Toronto.
Ever thi a thorough, practical and up to date New students
admitted: at any time. Enter -this tern), and take advantage
of bhei lo t4 rates. Write for circulars.
have just completed the largest stock of
Ester manufactured by us in one season, and the results
ar that we have been able to make another biglcut in
pr ces We are now selling HANDMADE TIN-,
WA ,E at lower prices than ever before offered
S forth. A full assortment always on hand. We
have also a few hundred HANDMADE SAP PAILS
at prizes of machine made. Call and examine for
yourselves that the above statement is correct.
.J S.—To parties buildino.e, lowest prices for hard-
ware, ,eavetroughing, metal roofing, and all galvanized
iron work,
S. MUtLETT & CO., Seaforth.
eneral Hardware; Stoves and Tinware.
A Lit -tic Knowledge
Is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention to the
fact that the
f -h
You are weak, “rui -down,"
health is frail,stren th gone.
Doct,-)rs call your ase an-
ff..:....1,—t1iere is a at -fam-
ine in your blood. Scott's
Emulsion of cod -1 ve77:77,
with hypophosphit s, is the.
best foocl-means of Igetting
your streligth
doctor wilt tell you hat.
He knows also th, t When
the digestion i we k it is
better to break up c d -liver
oil out of the body han to
burden your tired digestion
-with it. Scott's Er4u1sion
does that.
Scorr & Bow; Belleville, Ont.
d $1.00
est Oity usiness and Shorthand.
L z,-.qi ing the most iv ctical and business -like course in Canada.
strict y high grade.! Write for catalogue and college journal.
open January 2nd, 11896. '
1442 J. W. WESTERVAT, Princippi.
School re -
wtszzrzuwaszsamsites. ---- -werzurn -
We are still adding to our alread'Y large stock, and we are
now prepared to meet the wants of every one requiring fur-
niture. It will pay you to examine our ,goods before pur-
chasing elsewhere, as we are sure- to please you in price,
style and quality.
Our undertaking departthent is complete in every respect, and
wie guarantee satisfaction. S. T. Holmes, Funeral Director,
Residence next door to Drs. Scott McKay's office.
Main Street, Seaforth, Porter's Old Stanp
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