The Huron Expositor, 1896-06-19, Page 22 BARG„LANS -7-AT THE - POPULAR CH CERY SEAFORTa. Maple Syrup, 25c per quart; 5 lbs. new Prunes, 25e; 5 lb. dried Apples, 25e; 5 lbs. good Currants, 23c; 25 lbs. Raisins for $1. ; 10 lbs. Sulphur '5e; 5 bars Surprise soap, 25e; 6 bats Century Soap and a large pit- cher, 25c; 2 lbs. Japan or black Tea for 25o, giving geed satisfaction; try them. We can give you good canned Corn at 7c per can'or four for 25c. We are still giv ing big bargains in Crockery and Glassware, as we are giving up this line. We always pay the highest market price in cash or trade for good butter and eggs. The "Popular Store ROBB BROS., SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument • EMPORIUM. • ESTABLIHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices, Organs at $5 and upwards, and Pianos at Corresponding prices. SEX US BEFORE PURCHASING. SCOTT BROS. IMPORTANT TO SCHOOL - BOARDS. • THE . . Fisk Teachers' Agency, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, 25 King Street West, Toronto. Supplies schools with teachers for all grades. No charges. We make enquiries for confidential information concerning all applicants, and our recommendations can, therefore, be relied upon. Write us if you require a teacher. Information given to teachers on application. W. 0.• litipTAGGART B A ., (Toronto University) Manager, Liite of Huron Cbuuty. 1442-52 . . I carry the largest stook of new designs and finest Pods at the lowest prices of any house in the county! New good sold as cheap as any old stock or out of date goods. Why Ican do so id bee.ause goods bought now are bought from 1 to 10 cents per roll less than they were when old etock was. My expenses are low. I have a bg stock and need the money. Wall papr frank 31 coots per roll up. Window shcles, Mould- ings, Cornice polls, &o. &e., as cheap as any in the trade. City Wall Paper Houe, Main St. $eaforth, opposite John St. JAS. GRAVES, PraOtical Paper Hanger and Painter. L have secured the services of three flrst-olass paper hangora and can do work at the ehortest notice. All work guaranteed unsurpaased. For proof of the .bove call and see for yourself. Wall paper trimmed free. J. C. Smith & CO., A General Banking business transacted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold Interest allowed on deposits at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. SALE NOTES discounted, ar taken for collection. OFFICE -First door north of Reid & Wilson's Hardware Stre. SEM OTA. THE FARNIRS' Banking - House, Clizt`T :EFL (In connection with the Bank of Monreal.) • LOOAN. & CO.; RANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. - OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next be the Town Hall. A General Ranking Business done. Drafts, issued and cashed. iliterest allowed on depoits. MONEY TO I-E.'ND On geed notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1.058 • GODERICH Stearn Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. CITRYST A L Successor to Claryetal & Bleak, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marne, Upright & Tribrde.i BOILERS bait Pans/Smoke Stack, Sheet Iron Work, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valae ;wines. Automatic Cut -raft Eugines a ape:laity. All iZe3 of pipe and pipo-fittig ormatantly on hand Iteilleates tarnished on ahort notice. Woks-Oposie G. T. IL Station, Goderich. • • - • e. \a: Jafincs B. Nichols° • CANCER ON TH • lijUltED• BY - 9 Sarsa- "I consulted doctors who me, but to no purpose. I stiff seven 'long yea,ss. Finally, I Ayer's Sarsaprilla. In a- we noticed a decided improveme aged by tills result, I persever month or so the sore began after using -the Saraapazilla for -the last trace of the cancer dis JAMES -B. 1sTicnoris0rt, poren y abig. S OitySars parilla escribed for red in agony egan taking k or two I - t. Encour- d, until in -a o heal, and, six months, ppeared."-. eville, N. B. Admitted at the World Fair. 411wis ..r.rzzs zuguiate the .Bewea. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL. TiOlt SALE OR TO RENT. -The house lately oo- oupied by Wm. Ceram:than East of St. James' Church, Seaforth. Apply to F.'HOLMESTED; • 1453t1 MIAMI FOR SALE -100 acres, in the township of J !, Grey, near Brossels, There is on it nearly 60 acres of bush, about half bleak ash, the rest hard- wood. A never -failing spring of water runs through the lot: • Will he sold at a big bargain. For particu- lars, apply to MRS. JANE WALKER,- Box 219, Brussels. 1470 ASPLENDID CHANCE. -For sale, Lot 20, Lake Road East, Ray, containing 146i -wires of splens did land, nearly all cleared and in a good atate et cultivation, There is a good bank barn and two dvvelling-houses-one frame and one log -also a large bearing orchaid and plenty of good water. It is seven miles, tram Zurich and six miles from Dash. wood viflages, midis close to a good pohool. It is a most desirable farm, and will be sold cheap _and on easy terms, or will be exchanged for a smaller place. This is a spier did chanca ter any person desiring a good farm. Apply on the premises, or address the undersigned,Johnsores Mills P. O. ISAAC WHIT-. MORE, Proprietor. • 1487x4 FARAI FOR SALE.' -For sale, Lot 1, Conceadon 6, 'ilullett, containing 100" acres, all cleared, well underdrained, and 13 a good state of cultiva- tion. Them are 15 acres sown with fall wheat, and alt the fall plowing done. There is on the place a frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached, has two frame -barns with other outbuildins. This is a good farm, well situated, being 9 miles from Sea - forth, 7 miles from Clinton, and It. miles from the village of Kiaburn, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or address W. LEITCH, Constance P. 0. 146141 SPLENDID FARM FOR SLE. -Lot 25, Conces- sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 150 acres suitable for grain or stock, sitnated two and a half miles from the thrivina village of Brusele, a good gravel road leading thereto; 129 acres cleared and free from stun:pa, 6 aeras cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 5160 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabling. underneath both. The house la brick, 22x82 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both buildings. All aro now. There is a large youpg orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tux Ex- POSITOR. OFYIO, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE, Brussels. 133541 TRADEMARK GI REGISTERED. ra. INDAPO TUE GREAT Hikli200 REMEDY PRODUCES THE ABOVE RESULTS in SO DACIS. Cures 'all Nervous DiSeases. Failing Memory, Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly khnis- iol.'s, ec, caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size o shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood in old or young. -Eaily carried in velit pocket. Price ',Lae a package. Six for $5.00 with n written cr uarantee to cure or moneyrehinded. Don't buy an imtation, but insist on having INDAPO, It your drugg.ist has not got . it, we will send it prepaid dielentill Medical Co., Props.. Chlosgo, ID., or ear twat& SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. a Made a welt Man of Mee FACT SURE The Tobacco Habit Cured -BY- UNCLE SAM'S Tobacco Cure. Read the Strongest Endorsement ever given any Remedy: "The United States health reports have examined and investigated Many prepares.: tions, anclin the light of onrexamination and tests of UNCLE SAM'S TOBACCO CURE we are but performing a duty to the Public when we endorse the same and stamp it as the crowning achievement of the Nineteenth Century in the way of destroy- ing a habit as disgasting as it is common, for only $1. Hencewe earnestly advise you to write them for full particulars." FOR S ALE BY L V. FEAR Druggist. . • 1477-30 ; - • GUARANTEED' 1._ PUREANOTO CONTAIN. NO INJURIOUS CHEMICALS The Twin Bar WITH ITS Tvan Benefits Less Greater Labor Comfort If you wish your Linen White as Snow Sunlight _Soap will make it so. Books for For every 12 Wrappers sent to LEVER 13nos., Ltd, 23 Wrappers Scott St.,. Toronto, a use- ful paper -bound book will be sent. nii; • •;*•;-; ' 41111110"1"111111 • THE IfURON EX imissomm Amused= STORY OF HER RUB THE FAMOUS JEWEL IN T HE LCN- DON TOWER. Strata* Sarcaem or History - Hots. the Great • Ituby Was Quarriedl From the Z.IMe of Illuider-A. Picturesque and 'inv. , eel Glance at History. [Special Correspondonch.] . LONDON, May 18.. -In a grim and flah- Ing room in the Tower of London th ro lives a heart shaped ruby. I . •aay "live," for this restless drop ofjewel I blood, l4sls adent, beating globule of crimson 11 120, pulses with an awful llfe. Great memo les glance along its fierce eye. As the tduaist stranger Passes slowly befpre its pd.:1;318a beauty its cheek- seems to flush and th ill i and the wild, impatient Wood to b at against its barriers and start to tell he tell the whole magnificence of its old io- whole tale of how it came to ngland, to mance; to tell the whole sbanie of its clo- ture by Christian heretics, From the grim room where it lives akin° today it is carried once only in the annhls of a cenury. I say a "grim room," for no . THE QUREN'S CROWN. more imposing anafterrible structure hs outfaced the pale flash of phantcan yea ss than the Tower of London. A residen e for kings, across whose portals the proc s - stens of the Plantagenets sweptin gtea y civic) splendor wheu -men of other. natio s were cursing and squatting on vast leo e . piles of stone, to arise by and by on t borizon wall of history as the Krenali the Vatican and the Escurial; a fortre s, akleam with terrible challenge to nations, with impregnable outpats of pow r, Whose iron teeth of raniparts spoke' e- &Sive survey across the moupting oce n of red civil strife,- the Tower of Lend n 1 has gazed unshaken down the brawl f genratioos. "The Tower • of London is not xno e blooiiy than the crown of England," sa s one of England's foremost wrters. F d with murder and fed with night, nourish d with 'evanescent gleams of royal glo y whe a Henry III or an Edward In be d cour thereto, or when, In 1390, the ohi ••- alry of Europe tournayed on its fields,- t o life bf the old Tower of London flicke -s fron sunshine to shadow even as the play and all of cloud across England's skie. To xame its several towers is to name the long procession of England's Sttipendo s past You pass from one to •the other f these towers, conducted by the quaiilt beefeater. Ho wears the dross of the yo - man of of the guard of the days of Henry VIM It gives you quite a start to glance at the medals on his breast and see among' them the Balaklava 'distinction, and to know that he is one of the immortal Lig t brigade. , "What did you think of that day?' was the inane question once put tio the grim old soldier. "We only thought • how to get out of it," he answered lacon- ically. He shows you all the towers. He Ida you -put your finger into. the th um bscreW and lay your head on the beheading bloat -yea and try on the executioner's sneak -l- and suddenly, Lona out this room, whor the very air reeks with blood, there flash° beyond a wonderful light, the silicon of the crown jewel room, where the dianion sparkle is liko white (lowdropsi glitter o England's sward untinged by history pressed only by the glad little feet of En4 land'sthrushos in the first fresh time. 71 Locked in a ponderous cage. that standa in tho conterof the room, guarded all day long by an official, aro the crowa jewels of tbe realm. Amid all the dazzle your eye seks first the crown of England. TI1- cap of purple velvet is inclosed in hoods o silver, surmounted by a bail and cross re- splendent with diamonds. In front of the crown is the heart shaped ruby,. and this Is its history: Transport yourself from the fog of Lon- don tothe sun of Spain and the jeweled georoctu of the Moorish palace of the Al- oazar in Seville. It is the year 1367 A. D. Seville, wrested from the Arab, is the cap- ital of Spain. Peter the Cruel reigns' in the Aloazar. Peter the Cruel is entertain- . ing the RedKing of Granada, the Moorish prince who still reigns on the Alhambra bill. The Red Arab king is magnificent at the banquoteand among the jevvols that braid his garments one great rub tt shakes out its long spears of crimson light like tbe red sunset swords that his mighty an- 14EA i /NG BLOCK, AX AND MASK. ()esters w tried, reeking, over deserts.i This ruby nAS rested in the bosons of love; rising and ailing on his beloved mistross'i breast in ',110 tent life under the stars This ruby s dear to him as hor crime° lips, and h wears it grandly tonight. The ban( uot passes, and the night deep ens. The isd Ring of Granada is conduct ed to his s coping apartments that open upon the g rdens of the Alcazar, the gari dens where] the gurgle of the fountains fills the' 1 ng moonlit hours, where the breath of t e orange trees ascends. It hi Very still. A strange moonlight path-iS itP-is cree ing around the rooms where the Arab sing is dreaming of Kainar„ holdiug thred ruby in his huge fist as it i Wore her ttle soft hand again. The moonlight break creeps closer toward him. Hah I It $ a white belt of Dainasoua hwords tha flash suddenly into an awful alight and bew their way to the heart of the holder f the priceless ruby. The mid- night mnss ere of Peter the Cruel is ace . , [ eomplished and the old eye of the moon looks in at the red drops of a living blood on the ghastly face of the Red King of Granada. The priceless ruby is gone. Strange sarcasm of history! What's in a name? In the autumn of this year the Black Prince (as the Prince of Wales was milled from the color of his armor) takes up the cause of Peter the Cruel, deceived by his showy promises., Never was there nobler kulalit or szeptloraan than Ed - 0 ITOR. of th t stern old fighter Edw rd I. He wardt the Black Prliziee or noadd, son WIDS the battle of Navarete, nd all Cas- tile stibruits to Peter the Cri el. trange sarcasni of history! It is a d y of glit,ter- long siilight, and the tont of England, ainivewhase folds the etanda of the cross of Sa George float, are asti with royal preseace. There is that nobl geatleman himslf, the Black Prince, lo ked n full rase* the very armor you w 11 set bung tip in Canterbury cathedral, Engl nd, to- day, and the very iron gau tlet bat is stretclaing cut its battle pal to receivo just now on this sunny morn ng, 1 67, the Spanish : prince who is drawl g r with impoaing retinue. It is Pet r the Cruel, and a 'crafty light is in his ey. . Be ring a lordly cushion in his hands, hi dra s near with ceremony and service. Up'n the cushion rests a presenwhi h Pe .er the Cruel offers td the heir Of An laud. The FUR of the south awl s to c noon - trate till its rays upon atiros that burns upon the velvet pillow, a dr th t will. call 1 rover in red vocal re calm nt, no matte how high it rocks i _ED land's crown It is the great jewel d op of blood, the ru y of the Red Arab Kin of Gr pada. Stran e scaroasm of histor 1 Curious anomaly of name! Why mus the Bleak Prince the noble English gen Ionia a bear home as the choicest fraction t 1 his Span- ish foiay the great rod starling rop of Arab blood and set it in the sopma t cir- cle of Christian' Britain, Id ; jow 1 she wearsray quarried from the red ine of murde . Edward the Black P 'iD00 oubt- less k evv nothing of its stcoy. But the red bl od of the Red Arab ling, oozing out be oath the gorgeous pay: ent of the. Aloazalr, channeled for itself a errib e con- duit through listory, forever allin : "Th ruby is Mine!" Lucy CL VIA. ND. Edith Sessloise Tupper's Note o ife In New York. (Sipe ial Corresponden e.] YORK May 26.-I was goin ulevaed oar the other ay, snscions of a sudden sons bega4 wriggling about and sir hea s at a risk.of dislo soks and whispering. tron nd stred. Even chi dren pointed in excitement I saw that thefcause of his xi 11 Wilder learning to ri o a b tie man looked like o 001 es as ho olung to his heel, ing carefully steered b a r. He was serious and ervy Ir. But the fact of is le NE in a B was C Womet Ing th their n gaped up and out an Marsh The li brown was b struct the aff the wl Goi week, her ca and cm throu down ben I tion. turn- ating men stood ooked t was cycle! Cox's which ig in - about ruing eel nearly upset that entire car. g through Thlrty-flfta street last saw a lady step from riage. She was bee utif or hor face wore a thio 11 its folds I saw the sw of Mello Nevins Bull, former]. G. Blaioe, Jr. Mrs. Bull is her fo mer self."'. Sho is in ver and li es very quietly. A ad just now is the s nrise mark t in Union square. Po ple r o'oloo - in order to visit it an buy pans i s, geraniuins, candytuft,• fuchsias, daisie. , heliotrope and ot er flowers broug 11; in from New Jerse , Staten Is- land nd Westchester. Miss Julie Opp, who ma e her debut this. inter under Calvo's a spices as a recite -ionist of poems set to musio, is to go soon to London for a ;con se of tstudy. She is a handsome girl, :yam s peculiarly fitted or the stage. Miss 0 ,, has done some ournalistio work. Central park these days is In w ieh to study human sorts nd conditions are there The n illionaire on his drag, her conspicuous little wagon girl- 'ot only bloomers, but knick rbookers-Weary Ragg a bench and lazily eying the p the ni sher in the road wago the gi as out of tho' tail of hi leas cno to ride with him; th nur who r ads "Fedora" and letsthe p i tle baby wander outeto the ve y did where it is mooed by a spar ow o little ragarnufflns who steal it run einem d grass right under th' Dose officer the dainty curled dal! lags nouve na riches who live ab nit t side of the park -all are fou d he sunny afternoon. Who one thinks what this groat to then sands and then realizes that aro as many thousands in Nev Yor have n aver seen it, ono is apt fee depres ed and hopeless. There is a s of this city which contains a bpula 824,00 persons. Each poin °usurer nce of this tract is n 500 f t from any existing park as d 750 feet from either East ri . er. And no breathin apace for this ov rcrowded population! A co parison between Mit rOntals of toneme t houses in New Yor and those of Eur pean cities shows tlait the Dints here ar nearly if not more than double the pri es paid in many of tht European cities f r equal aocoinrnodatioi4i. In one teneme t of three rooms livtl husband, wife, o e daughter, two sons, married lodger, ife, three daughters, qne son and four m n lodgers, making a total of 15 persons in ,three little, hot stuflly roons. Suoh facts and_ figures, take 1. fro the official eport of the tenement souso com- mittee appointed by the legi latur , aro appall' g and will 'intrude heir ugly faces w en one sits sunning Ihims 1 in Central park these days and wat hing youth, ife, wealth and health about im. The •pal is no longer regarded with dark su pioious of its connivance wit the evil on Sensible people are buyin arid opals regardless of results. The nd in this country are' cons' g in are of, attention. Mexican pals icularly fine, some of the most, s nape at great un - are f und auds mest lave seen was pioked uij in D ran- ., by a New York w man, who Ii round with diurnondjs, and now her friends whenever lshe roves her hands. Opals are used in hat and stick pins, a d aro greatly favored fir mar Wee rings. Miss Grace Dodge, known iavery as She' Working Girl' Friend; "IS tronly 1 eking woman, with pi asant srnilin eyes, dazzling teeth aed a dimple, that Comesaind goes a she Her is ir is ash bloat], and s dressed severely. She has a voic, h t seems to speak with as if no taking her breath corr EDITH SESSIOS !TUPPR. her lly gc veil oor to, vined, But et, p:Io face Mrs. James shadow of poor health fiower se at 4 pinks, grosti place atur All repro tinted. e act ress in the acycle ight fitting es dcr ing on ssin e show, wh ogles eye Ind se- e gil, or lit - Tway, p; the on the of an 1 the • west e of a ark is there wh o a bit Won ion of In tie Gir- t less than ✓ proposed he North or wearill opals fo for a s are par beautiful coining from tho Ir Queretao. Idaho is said to hay developed opal resources. Man in New Mexico. One of the opals I go, Con had itis dazzleS here Ill a - face, ratty alks. e we rs it mei°.Nous reat ffort, ctl. MAMMY'S DISAPPOINT ENT The Character of Her Mistress' Guests Du Not Please Her. The wife of a member of lthec binet brought with her to Washingt n las fall an old fashioned colored ma my selio is famous for her piety and her c okin , and the dinners she has prepared duri g ths last two seasons have been the deli ht el the cabinet circle and the diplomatic corp because they have been so different from the conaen -Lionel dinners furnished faah- 'enable caterers and French chefs. her has been nothing like them in Washi gtor Slim the war. But the other day A.uni Melinda carne to her mistress With very solemn air and decided that sbe was °ulna beck to Georgia, that she could no live In "dis hyah wicked, God forsaken town no In .A llttila auestioning disclosed the atm of dialatisfaotion. 'Aram y's heart was br,o,kieisn. e toiled an I's 'pire,t India dark 011 - basement kitchen, ober da good for tsethin range, which ain't no lace for decent cooking noho, 'spoc1a11j for Boob as has bed cook houses all ter th irselves, an I'se got the best dinners in ide town, aa'ne you'se told me so you's lf, Miss Susie, aaposin dat dose forren ininlsters what comes byar so offen was g spel men. But las' week I find dey's nut in but good for nothin, worthless; triffin rash, dat ain't no preaoher's talk, and t Po better dan infiddels. Day don't pre a h nowhere; an dey don't go to no tailor la an dey ain't got no religion, an genie er ern oayn't speak the Christian langua e. I can't cook. for no such folks, Miss Su le, no, Loan't. I bilong to do Lo'd's peopl an I can't." "But, Linda," renionst ated Ole mi - tress, "they are ladles and widen:len -and have done no wrong. If yot mistook theirs for ministers of the gos el, it, pas not their fault. They never p etended to bo. They are membersof the di lomatic corps, representatives of foreig s governments who come to see the presisent, and they aro called ministers for (hat reson. I don't want you' to go aw y. I can't get along without you. Now o back to the kitchen and think it over." "I'se done thunk 15 o er MIAs SIMI°, and Pa rastled an I'se pra «1, but nobody has no right to call hisself a minister on- Vss he preaches the gospel. Dey la wolves in the sheep's olothin, an Jesus had no part with dem furriners ani sech." "But Jesus was a foreign r," responded the mistress. "Jesus did ot live in this country. He lived in Tus key, and the Turkish minister is one of It a ose that come here." Aunt Melinda gazed at he mistress with astonishment. "Is you sho: h ob clat?" she exclaimed. "Yes; get your Bible an read you about it." So began mammy's lesso is in ecclesias- tical geography and history, which result- ed in mollifying her senti ents,'but she will never recover from her diaappointment when she discovered that tbe foreign min- isters at Washington weren t gospel men. -Washington Letter in Chi ago Record. Thirteen Miles of sineri. "At the coronation of lexander says the Moscow correspond nt of the Lon- don Telegraph, "there were no las than 13 miles of tabla, 672 in number, laid symmetrically along the kh sdynsky Field; just outsidi of the city, an on the eve of the hlstorhl day they wer covered with various kinds of eatables for the multitude! Thus, on etteh table were pi tied five roast- ed sheep, the horns gilt or s lvered, and on each sikeof the improvise tables stood firs orasalies like the trad tional Christ- mas trees f the Gorman, from vvhioli hung, not nierely the usua apples, pears; sweetmeats and fanoy brea s, but likewise roastedplucks, (thickens a d bens galore. There sdbro no plates, and tho venerable old saying $vas acted upo. that 'fingers were made before forks, a Id hands before l "No government with he wholesome fear of bansruptcy before its eyes would dream or undertaking to s pply thepeople with alcoholic liquor in su is cient quanti- ties, and therefore barrels nd tubs of wa- ter wore plaoed within ea y reaCh of the thirsty mooshiks who tolg t be unlucky enough to miss their share if the 'creature comforts,' per excellence, bleb were also supplied lin vast quaotities free of charge. Belween' the tabes, anJ at intervals along She 13 uiles over w foil they extended, lofty ar besque covered ountains wore „erected,- phose capacious eservoirs were filled tol overflowing with Crimean wine and the curious drink call d toyed. The nationalvodka, however, as conspicuous by its absence." A Novel Indus The nian who timorous the door of the artist's apa belonged to the ranks of ous. "Pin 1 okin fur a job," "Do tone of s o. In ter m "Ever ou paint?" was rprise. 'In a Model -leas ko my debut ip d aye any experien "Nope but I'm a prize. tionist. II was makia good show broke up." "I don 5 soe why your ac as a coatertionist should a sirabilityas a model." 'Dat's 'cause yer got de a finaent an don't keep yor ey ness. put ye in shape fortune. All ye've getter d get good and twisted an de an ye kin draw dese here pos a way dat'll make de other fairly sick wit' joalousnes ton Star. rY• y pushed open tments plainly the unprosper- e explained. he query in a ways I'm will - 5 line." I• M a Oontor- money till de ornplishments d tO your de- tistic temer- open for busi- er' Make yer o is ter let me pose fur ye, er pictures in llers in de biz ."-Washing- A Ready Made 17 This stbry is told of the Frederick; It is strictly ag 1 of the Military acadeasy should enter any of the "b Berlin unaccompanied by young cad a hoping to be u tared one niglat unattended A gent eman came and table near him and began.. antly, when suddenly one clf the aoade ny passed them. pored the lad, "will you "Certainly," said the gentl Next morning at parade t youth, io had hoped to esc by name faom the ranks. ' obeyed the call and came fot were in the 'beer -garden' gruffly said the captain. was with My uncle." "You pened to be the crown prin this morning to ask me to le ishment, Never lot it happ Berlin qoarespondent. "I won when hes dispositio "Of course he does. Ever not do exaobly what she wisl tt hot for in.' '-Cincinnati ole. late Emperor et the rules hat a cadet gardens" in relative. • A. detected, von - at at a small attin pleas - the hiefstof "Sir," whis- my uncle?" an Smiling. unfertunate e, wes Called eMblingly he ard. 'You last night?" es, sir, but I 'noels' hap e, who wrote you Off pun - n again." - Very Sunny. or if Johnson te ys his wife has s pi! lis 51O truth cis a sunny time he does es sh makes Enquirer. Imosummumimmuse ff? If yOu Want to apples don't caus in the skin. The decay thrive rap]. So the germs of tion find good soil when the lining of t and luno-ps is bruis raw, or injured by coughs. .Scott's E with hypophosph heal inflamed rnu branes. The tim it is before serious has been done. bottle is enough ft dinary cold. 50 cents and $t. Sonar & Bowan, Chemist, B preserve a break g- rms of ijT there. f° sump - r work throat made lds and 11 La.Si0.‘vi, will -i:mem- to take damage • 50 -cent ran or- lleville, Oct. JUNE 191 i. 01 INION BAN CAPITAL, ; (PAID RET, MI IS SEAFORTII BRANCH. MAIN' STREET, - - SEAFORTIL A general 'banking business trannacted. Drafts on allparts of the United ,Saaaael Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in allparit of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made (mum at lowest rates. SAVI PIGS DE PA RTME NT. 161,500,000. S1,500,0004 - Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest curl* rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and Decembat. No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of a deposit. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. K. PEAROE, Agent. PRICE ONLY $45.00. This is the word to express the ClOiliP and Beautiful Fine -Art Print- ing olthe BLICKENSffRPER TYPE -WRITER Which prints without ribbon, and soon ewes its own cost in ribbons alone. 'Visible Writing alone is worth . the money. PORTABILITY, weighs only 6 lb& CAPACITY, SI characters. It will do .9.12ir1baon nihtne wsttd,, asi (13 it better. CREELMAN Blios. TYPEWRITER • Co., GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO. Toronto Office -19 Adeladec street East. 148641 The largest, best and finest equipped school west of Toronto. Everything thorough, practical and up to -date. New students admitted at any time. Enter this term, and take advantage of bhe low raes. Write for circulars. & ELLIOTT, ltsPIIIETORS. S. ; al 1G et CTIO. We have just completed the largest stock of NDMADE • TINWARE Ever manufactured by us in one season, and the results are that we .have been able to make another bigcut in prices We are now selling HANDMADE TIN -I WARE at lower prices than ever before offered in Seaforth. A full assortment always on hand. We have also a few hundred HANDMADE SAP PAILS at prices of machine made. Call and examine for yourselves that the above statement is Correct. P. S. -To parties building, lowest prices for hard- ware, eavetroughing, metal roofing, and all galvanized iron work. SEE '=SAMPLES AND ENQUIRE PRICES. LLETT & CO., Seaforth. General Hardware, Stoves and Tinware., A Lit le Knowledge Is not a dngerous thing when it directs your attention to tbe fact that the Ity Business and Shorthand uoilege ^I, 1.101\TJCDIN-T C)1\TT- giving t e r4iost practical and bueiness-like course in Canada. Everything strictly high g &ie. Write for catalogue and college jurnal' Soho -1 re. opens January 2nd, 1896. 1442 3.. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. IT WILL Ten - Mar Oullett, iU who died before the MeDolud -*lad anI lan 1:12.0nt '31 beld by proceed sinongtbe only to the have nestle flsble for at to any p !set have h This notice ispter 11 ER Ite June and, 1 4••••••••5•••••=•••••••,••••••••• MHOBATO The Al Durham in isoligible I Boa. Will lot Egmondvill MOWS ,FfJ ..L under shirs,has I also keep 11 -based Iron j --si papa, of returnin DORRAN forth. P. 0. —....., '.. j &Rts obaies1 tier County] suit. Por • troble 1 P. O. ITALUAIi big I)] with -hard house. Th1 Suitable tri Juno truck Apply to BIGGINS. note or Decl ore Januar ARM IN -emcee cid, about otate of oulti good hardw and barn so At the hou-s6 It is within five miles irS 'with -good g „ This le a -AP as the prop.] (JANSON. WARM F Grey, Seib brick ysl acreof blacl underdmina frame house other outbui there1s-m.4r halt s mle, stores,'Isch0 etc. The fr t-ena. For! ises or to Wi k11 -A1 Al sales LI the village o two sod a lu acres elere cultivation -sugar bush,'" on the -fare frame barni -Cromrty. stable ands1 place wasfol anexeellent sold togetb.ei session giver the proprie P. xi -Eton taining iCO tinderdrainil There is onl briek story brick latehl Two good It; lean to andi 0s35. Bali eIl situatc from Seafo nsllo ; chur to suit pure E, TURN ITOUSE ed o erty iz Cif ling, with a there is at al, strawberry nearly evel splendid 1311 variety. fruits, and stable and ricely situ store and p be sold at a purchaser. NICHOL . STAR 'TO EXAMINE OTM UE,NIr I ._ We are still adding to our already large stock, and we are n1•7 prepated to meet the wants of every one requiring fur- tUre. It will pay you to examine our goods before pur- e acing elsewhere, as we are sure to please you IR price, style and quality. UNpE TAKNG Our undertaking department is complete in every repect, and we guarantee satisfaction. S. T. Holmes, Funeral Diretor. Residence next door to Dr. Scott Ja McKay's office. .••••••11..WIEW••••10 • .32 As he teintrat nOt ot hei and:rvb sinian.dPaiadnnileouiri road to Pasture, th tiafiCriste.terdizahnrearyda,p7 rented BRO DFOOT BOX & CO Main Stret, Seaforth, Porter's Old