The Huron Expositor, 1896-06-12, Page 8THE HURON
Wilson's Cash Grocery
The best Mangold to grow is Evans' improved.
auammoth saw log. (See report of Ontario Agricul-
tural College.) The best field carrot is the improved
short white. The best Swede turnip is tho Monarch,
Halls Weatburyaor Skirving, improvad, and the best
place to buy th8m is right here, sta all our seed iS
strictly new and of the best quality. Our prices are
away dawn below the regular combination prices.
Choice seed, barley, clover and timothy saed at
lowest prices. a -Have Just received some very fine
new Ceylon Tea. in bulk, which we ean eell at 100 per
pound less than in packages. Also some very ohohie
young Hysons and Japans, which we aro retailing at
prices no pedlar eau afford to sell at. Give us a trial.
Canned vegetables, cannel and dried fruits of the
hest quality at lowest uric -s. Some extra fine cheese
in stock just now. Have a well assorted stock of
groceries, crockery and provisions of the best quality
nd will not be undersold by any house in the trade.
The highest prieea tor all kinds of produce.
Cash paid for eggs.
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
1374 Bank of Commerce Block.
We have had the good fortune to secure a big lot
of made-up clothing of the celebrated SANDFORD
MAKE at unprecedentedly low prices. They were
bought in such a way that we are enabled to give
our customers the most complete up-to-date clothing
at, and below wholesale prices. Now ia your golden
opportunity to secure Men's, Boys' and Children's
Suits, odd Coats,edd Vests and odd Pants of the high-
est standard of quality, at the loweet possible prices.
Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House,
From July 6th to July 31st, for Teachers, Senior Stu'-
. dents and others, at the
Particular attention to Bcok-keeping (by business
practice), Penmanship, Shorthand and Typewriting.
An opportunity to combine pleasure with profit.
Don't miss it. A postal will bring you all particulars.
Addrese, W. II. SHAWr. Principal, corner Gerrard
snd 'roost) streets. 1444-62
A Great Number took in the
The number will be greater this year.
$8.00 FIRST ; $4.50 SECO N D
For rates and information apply to :
Agent C. P. R. ticket and telegraph, Dominion Ex-
press and Monty Orders.
some old p pees, and the facts re -occurred wh
The caturon Cxpooittiv.
to him. H ' then puthis case in the hands I yea
of Mr. R. S Hays, who presented the mahnl ber
ter to the e 'unty council,but as, Judge Toms .1 MP
had died in the meantime it -was impossible i car
to comply ith the letter of the law as far I yea
aegetting h s order was concerned, and- the I bri
council wer ayerse to paying the teward,aS ' we
the law has since 1879 been amended by re- - Ilea
clueing the mount to $20. Mr. Hays, how- of
ever, perses ered and wail rewarded by being yo
able to ha d over to Mr. Dunlop a cheque co
in full. W, hope our friend Charlie will fun
fully enjoy the fruits of his labors, even at fro
this late da e.. sr.,
• Sh
DIED ,IN MANITOBA. -Many of the__ older to
readers of THE EXPOSITOR will regret to
learn of the death in Manitobae of Mr. Wm.
Angus. Mr. Angus was for many years_ a
resident .of the township, of Tuckersmith. •
He worked as a carpenter and framer here,
and there aim still many houses and barns
in this vicinity which were nonstructed by
him. He removed to Manitoba about nine
years ago, and settled at Sudburn, where
his sons -Who had preceded him to that
country, lied taken up farms. He also en- wo
aged in f truing there, and was doing well., led
e bad o ly been ill for about ten days.. ive
He was a honest, --industrious man, and bro
was highld esteemed in this community, jus
where belied resided for many years, and
was equally respected in his Western home,
and his demise will be sincerely regretted
by a large circle -of friends both here and
there. He leaves behind. Mtn a. widow and
large family. .
. , • .
THE NEW Tows 33ELL. -The new town
bell has.been.put in place in. the tower of
the town building, and was tang for' the
first time on Tuesday. • Thebell was manu-
factured by Mennely & Company, of West
Troy, New York, and weighs. 1,500 pounds.
Ori it is inscribed the mines of Mayor Gray,
Reeve Gunn, and the members of the- fire
and water coeronittee-Meesrs. James Gil-
lespie; J. S. &hefts, J. Gd Wilson and R.
Winter. The bell will be rung at 6 o'clock
in the morning, as well as at the houre at
which it has been customary to ring the bell
formerly. The work of putting it in place
was done by . Mr: P. K.eating. It is not
quite as heavy as the one in St. James'
church,. but the tower is moee open, allow-
ing the sound to escape snore freely, while
it is Very eimilar in tone td that in St.
James' churoh.
•.1 ,
A Coarsisiosa-A edllieion which might
have pnoved disastrous, took, place between
two rigs on Main street,on Saturday evening.
Mrs John Ma -ATI -tont, of Tuckersmith, was
driving north, at a- higher rate -Of:speed than
the law allows and when in front of Tau
EXPOSITOR ofdeeihe met a gentleman named
Lindsay., froin near Ethel, who was driving'
ie. the opposite direction. Some misunder-
standing seemed to exist between the par-
ties as to which side of the road they were
going -to turn, and the result was that the
two horses came together.- The shaft of
Mr. MeClymont's buggy ran- into the breast
of Mr. Lindsay's horse, penetrating it sevi
eral inches, •and it is a wonder ,that the
animal was not killed. Besides the drivers,
each rig contained two ladies, but they es-
caped injury. Drivers should be more care-
ful on Main street, particularly on Saturday
nights when there are so many rigs about,
and they should Jae sure to keep to the right
side al far as possible.
• - .
LADIES Oxfords at 75c, regular price $1,
and the regular $1_60 kind for $1.26, all other prices
in proportiat, tor two weeks only, beginning to.
morrow (Sattuday), at the Carmichael block shoo
store. W. 11. Witt's, Manager. 1 i87-1
Om °mini LOST.--4ost between. Dublin-
Juee 6th, a black oil cloth -
two rings Oa tO han it
rewarded by leaving ic at
Seaforth. 1487-1
Will address the Electors of South Huron
as follows :
Dashwood, Friday, June 12th.
Separate sehool, McKillop, 8aturday,
June 13th.
n so suddenly called away. About four
0 ago she was married to her now sadly
avert husband who has been left to
rn her lo a and cherish with two fold
an only child, a daughter about two
s old. T e deceased was a remarkably
ht dispos tioned person, and up to a few
ks agoalo ked the picture of physical
th. Iro true it is " That the arrows.
eath love a shining mark ", and that
th, beaut i wealth and every te poral
fort are no protecting shield. , The ,
ral took lace on Wednesday aft. ruoon
the resi ence of Mr. John McKinley
to Bayfie d cemetery. -The Resh Mr.
w left on Tuesday evening for Thronto
attend t e meeting of asserribly,-A .
lawn social u
Ai Society
Mr . Hallist
ins . The t
der the auspices of the.
of our church will be h
n's on Friday evening t
sual. preparations are
ma e for a leasant entertainment,
er ermittin .-Mr. James Harriso
Mi a Knight4 of Melrose, were the g
Mi 8 Stewart for a few days this e
Go d work i being done this week
Bengali, Monday, June 15th,
Red school, Tuckersmith, Wednesday,
June 17th.
Manley's school, McKillop, Thursday,
June 18th.
Learlbury, Friday, June 19th.
Seaforth, Monday, June 22nd.
The above meetings will commence at
half -past 7 o'clock m. Discussion in-
A PLEASANT EVENINO :—There will be a
strawberry festiyal in aid of the Alma
church, at the residence of Mr.' William
Dale, Huron roed, Tuckers.mith, on this
(Friday) evening; June 12th. Tea will be
served from six to eight o'clock, and there
win be a good programme of vocal and in-
strumental music. The object is to assist
in raising funds for the organ fund of the
church. This promises to be a most enjoy-
able social event, and we hope there will be .
a large attendance.
PASSED. -Among those who have passed -
their examinatiehs at the Toronto UniVer-
sity-, we notice the names of the following
from this county : Third year, -G. E.
Buchanan, Zurich ; J. A. Jackson, Egmend-
ville; J. S. Muldrew, Egmondville. becond
year, -W. M. Martin, Exeter ; C. L.
Willis, Seaforth. First year, -J. -R. Bone,
Belgrave ; T. A, Russell, Exeter ; P. H.
Tom, Goderich ; A. H, McLeod, Brueefield ;
S. P. MeMordie, Kippen ; W. J. McLean,
Blyth ; S. A. Dickson, Seaforth ; J. L.
Hogg, McKillop, and J. S. Wren, Chisel-
hurst. There may be others, but we have
not been able to r cognize them in the list,
as their residence are not given.
stead that Mr. J hn S. Brown, of McKillop,
has atarted on a trip to the old country.
He.sails from Moi treed on Saturday, by the
steamer Sardinia for Londonderry. After
seeing the sights, and visiting the scenes of
his boyheed, in his native land, he will
take a. ran thro igh Scotland. He intends
corning back by ew York, and will visit
Philadelphia and ooklyn, in which places
he has friends, D and Mrs. Campbell be-
ing residents of rociklyn. We wieh Mr.
Brown a please. t visit and a safe return.
He expects to be gone abont three months.
' •
A SMALL Slimy CveannE.-A heavy wind
storm, which almost mounted to a cyalonet
passed over this neighborhood on Sunday
-afternoon last. Throagh the town and
coantry a number of trees were blown down
. and fences leveled. The moat serious dam,
age we have heard of was the ahnost total
wreck of a barn on the farM of Mr. Charles -
Dickson of McKillop. Mr. Dickson had
the buithing raised up, and had it enlarged,
and everything ready to put m stohe founda-
tion under it. It was, consequently, not in
very good shape to withstand a etrong
wind, particularly one of each velocity as
that of Sunday. The wiad raised it off the
stakes and hurled it to the ground, wreck-
ing it badly. The loss win he a heavy one
oue for Mr, Dickson.
• —
REWARDED AT LAST. -A just - and well
earned reward is acceptable, even if long
deferred, and we have no doubt that such
will be the reeult in the cese of Mr. C. M.
Dunlop, of this town, who is richer by $100
since the recent' meeting of the county
council. In 1879, Mr. Dunlop arrested a
man for horse stealing and the fellow was
subsegnently convicted before the late Judge
Toms and duly sentenced. At that time
there was a eounty by-law offering a reward
of $100 on the apprehension and conviction
of a horse thief, providiiig the applicant for
the reward have an order from the judge
who sat, on the case. Under this law Mr.
Dunlop was entitled to the reward, but
leaving the country shortly afterward, the
matter slipped his memory until on his re -
urn some years later, he waz looking over
and Seaforth on Saturday,
with brown lining. It has
up by, The finder will be
JOHN Does's butcher shop,
GRAND Lacrosse Match on the recreation
ext, Stars of Bright vs.
ission, gents 16c ; ladies
ed. 14874
1 bargains in all kinds
deg to -morrow (Saturday)
Jude 27th, at the cheap
Carmichael's black. W.
grounds on Wednesday
Beavers of Seaforth. Ad
10o. A good game ia assu
two weeks of speci
of boots and shoes, begin
and ending on Saturday,
cash boot and shoe store
H. WiLiss, manager.
$100 REWARD. -The undersigned will
pay a reward of one hundred antlers for such in-
formation as will lead to the detection and convic-
tion of the iaerson or pereons who, early ou tho
morning of June lOth, cut my cow loose, drove her
away, tied her to a peat and out her throat. ROBERT
TORRENCE, Ilarpurhey. 1487-2
DOINGS. -The regular meeting
of council was held on Monday evening.
The sum of $1,000 was placed to the credit
of the public school board. By-law No. 5,
for street watering purposes, was finally
passed. Wm. Campbell was granted per-
mission to occupy a portion of Goderich
street for storing material during building
operations ae his store. A by-law authoriz-
ing the council to lay down granolithic side-
walk, provided the property enwners pay
one third of the cost, the time fanipayment
to be extended over • five years, was
passed. The council approved of the action
of the street committee in placing the Sides
wilke outside of the trees, and the commit-
tee were empowered to so place any side-
walks that they deemed advisable. An ad-
ditional grant of $80 was made to the band,
for the purpose of purchasing instruments.
Accounts to the amount of $538.68 were
passed for payment. Councillors Scott and
Cluff were appointed a delegation to • go to
Hamilton to inspect, Copp -Bros.' stone
crusher, and to report at the next meeting
of council. Bro dfoo & Box proposed to
pay eine hundred and seventy-three dollars
monthly, in settlemen of the loan got from
the town. , This prop eition was left in the
hands of the committee appointed for that
purpose, to deal with the proposition as
they deem best in the interests of the town.
Meore, who has been on a lengthened visit
to relatives. and friends at Sault St. Marie
and Port Findlay,arrived -home last week.-
-In the public .sche 1 football tournament
held in Seaforth on Q een'S Birthday,. the
team from our school on first honors, thus
carrying off the first prize, -fifteen-dollars
worth of' books, from Messrs. Lumsden &
Wilson. We inadve tently neglected to
notice this victory t the time, for which
we owe the boys an a ology. To make the
best use of the prize i has been .decided to
purchase a good encyhlopaedia, and for the
purpose, fifteen subleribers at one dollar
each have been secered in the village,
through the efforts of principal Baker.
Thus aur people will lathe the Arse of a ea of
valuable reference bo ks at 'a trifling cost.-
- Mr. J. S. Muldrew 1 ftn5n Tuesday for his
summer's work in the mission field. He
will be located in the udbury districa-On
Saturday last Mr. T. ills received a very
fine Ayrshire heifer from the herd of the
well known breeder, Mr. W. Ballantyne,
of St. Marys. This a imal is two years old
and took first prize at the Western fair last
fall. 'Mr. Alexander erey,of the Mill road,
also received one at e same. time, from
the same herd. Mr. Irey's is some months
older and is an anim I of great promise.
We trust both thes gentlemen will be
fortunate in their yen .ures and realize their
best , expectetions. Both . animals .. were
purdhased. by Mr. ills who is almost a
specialist ie his kno ledge of the breed,
having been a prize inner for many years
and now owns one of the best aged cows in
the country. -One of hose sudden and very
sad events, which mo re the deepest sym-
pathies of a community, occurred in our
village on Sabbath ev ning last. It appears
that Mrs. John. Mcl inley, jr., of Stanley,
had come out during he week to her father-
in-law's,for the purpo e of receiving medical
treatment from some f the town physicians
but their best efforts were unavailing and
she sank rapidly till the end came about
8 o'clock on Sunday. Mrs. McKinley was
born in the townehip of Hay 27 years ago,
and was, thus in the hloom'. of womanhood
rid Moo e, pathmaster, and his
keen. T ey are mending bur way
Mr. A salom Cosens, of Toron
sity is holidaying here, the gues
her, M . 4, Cosens, 1Mr. Cose
completed hie college fourse.
e 19th
ests- of
aYnn ci oer
.o Un -
of his
s has
Th annual Imeeting of the South Huron
Fa mers' 'institute was held at odgins'
hot 1, Hensall, on Tuesday last. C nsider-
ing the fact that this is a busy season
am ng farmers and that nearly everyi person
is ore or less interested and excited over
pol tical matters, there was a good lattend-
anc The chair was taken by Mr.' R. B.
Mc an, of Tuckersmith, and Mr. H. H.
Sm th, of Hay, was appointed t act as:
sec etary. The president, Mr. Robert
Ga diner, of Usborne, submitted a engthy
an most interesting report, in w ich he
gay at detailed account of the wor ing of
the institute for the past year. e also
rec mmended that an effort be mad to get
up n excursion to the model farni at an
ear y date, under the auspices'of the Insti-
tut The secretary -treasurer, Mr. Robert
Mc fordie, also submitted a detaile report
sho ing the amount of money recei ed and
the way in which it had been disp sed of.
Aft r paying.all expenses, there is a liberal
stir las left in the treasury to co mence
°Pe ations with during the curre t year.
The auditors, Messrs. J. B. Hendeeson and
Wil iam Lewis submitted their' repdrt
sho ing that the accoants of the t easurer all right. '' The election of offi ers and
dir ctors was then proceeded with and re-
sult & as follows : H. H. Smit , Hay,
pre ident ; Donald IVieinnis, Usborne, vice -
pre ident ; Mr. MeMordie having p sitively
ref sed to act longer as secrete y and
tre surer Mr; Robert Gardiner, f Far-
qu ar, was elected to that position: Mr.
eia diner was president lase ye er and
tho oughly understands the worldly of the
ins itute and will make a most, pai staking
an efficient secretary, and a good successor
to Mr. McMordie. The following gentle-
men were appointed directors : R. Del-
bri ge, Usbornee; George Samwell, 11xeter ;
Mr iShepton, Stephen ; Ernest Gie , Hay ;
Th hies Fraser, Stanley ; Willie. Elcoat
an R. B. McLean, Tuckersmith ; Robert
MeMordie, Kippen ; D. D. Wilson, Sea -
for h, and William Lewis, Creditori. John
B. Henderson, Tuckersmith, and Alexander
D ncan, Usborne, were appointed auditors.
. Th proposition in the president's address
re pecting an excursion to the agri-
cu tural college was thoroughly discussed,
an it was decided that if eeasonab a terms
ea be made with the Grand Tr nk, an
ex ursion of the nature suggested would
be desirable and would be largely patronized
by the farmers of the riding an others
in erested in the college, and Mr lel; -y.
NI 'Lean and Mr. Robert Mclelor ie were
ap °listed to confer with the railway
authorities, and, if satisfactory teritms can
be made, were empowered to make 11 other
ar angementa to have the excursionion some
d te between the 23rd Of June and •the first
w ek in July. Various other subjects of
in erest to the institute were discuseed, and
a hearty vote of thanks to the !retiring
o heers and directors, and particuiarly to
th; retiring secretary and treasurer, srought
a ery pleasant meeting to a clo e. The
new board of directors held a meeti g after
th close of the general meeting and arrang-
.ed the places at which the institute Meetings
du ing the coming season shall be held, and
tr nsacted some other business. rrhe in-
sti ute has an excellent staff of offieers fen
th coming year, and we may foe ly look
for -aril for a successful and profiteble
sea on.
r ous illness of her mot
orrence, er. of NAM°
t 'learn that 'Mrs. Dorre
c itical state, with little
eV. J. Galloway, of
reach in the Methodist
e ening.-Rev. Dr. M.cD
e general assembly in
, Mr. H. Bullard and. h s son Harry left
yesterday on their wheel , to visit relatiyes
in Stratford, Galt and G
London. -They will be abs
-Miss Reita young and
Hall, were visiting frie
and Exeter this week. -
of James Reidi of this
f om Scotland on Tuesd
ay to Algoma to join
a d Charles, who have t
e had a quick and plea
OCAL Bniars.--Rev. P. Musgrave, of
illop, is attending the Presbyterian
eral Assembly being held in Toronto. He
be away several weeks, and during his
nee Mr. D. Johnston, of Walton, will
ply fore him. -Miss Nettie McIntyre, of
onto is visiting friends in town. -Mr.
ip &ewes, ef Clinton, has taken a posi-
in Mr. Fred Davis' jewelry store Prior
caving Clinton, Mr. Crewes was enter-
ed at a complimentary banquet by his
y Clinton friends. -On Monday lwe had
pleasure of sampling some delicious
wherries, grown in the garden ef Mrs.
x Harpurhey. The berries wore fine
ones, and we are sure that it iwill be
tilt for any one to grow more lbscious
than Mrs. Knox. -Miss Hall, of Blen-
a is a guest at the residence of Mr. A.
ng. -Rev. Dr. McDonald preached an
llent sermon to the Canadian Order of
sters in the Presbyterian church last
ath evening. The occasion was thehix-
th anniversary of the seciety.-Mt, Aloe.
no, jr., was attacked on _Saturday last,
what appears to haVe been a paralytic
e, and since then hai been seriously,
ut his friends will be pleased tO learn
he is not dangerously so. -We ;notice
Dr. Burrows, of his town, h s been
coroner for s the
of Dr. Cat pbell,
appointme t is a
One, as the doctor iwill make most
ul and efficient official. -Rev. r. Gal -
y, of Leamington, and formerly pastor
he Methodist church here, ca led on
ds in town this week. -Mr. G. . Hen-
n is having the interior of 'his Ot411 at
tation thoroughly overhauled.- r. M.
ris, manager of the Rank of Co mere°
is line
w t
app inted an assistant
cou ty of Huron, in plac
who has removed. The
here has returned from his trip to B
and Italy. -Two hundred and twent
tick ts were sold epee poPuts along t
of ' ailway to Stratford on Tues ay, to
part'es going to"the Lautier demonOration
hat city. The following is a state -
from the different stations ; Goders,
10 ; Clinton, 15 ; Seaforth, 49,; Dub -
3 ; Mitchell, 131. -When Hoh. Mr.
ier was!. Chathani last week he ad -
ed a late French audience in his na-
language. He was presented with an
ess by Mr. A.J. Denomy, of Big Point,
Denomy is a former Huron boy, being a
e of Drysdale, in the township of Hay.
now a school teacher in the coenty of
. These Huron boys will come, to the
.--Court of revision will be held this
ay) evening. -Mrs. T. O'Bnien, of
ford, is at present in town, spending a
ays, the guest of her sister, Mrs. G.A.
.-The Beaver lacrosse dub ent to
Clinton on Thursday to play with t e team
of t let town. Next Wednesday,the Bright
boy play here, when a good game may be
exp cted.-The Ingersoll foot ball team
wer to have played- here on Saturday, but
hay defaulted, leaving the HuronS cham-
pions. However, our boys would much
rather have had to fight for it, and it seems
a li tle cowardly on the part of Ingersoll
tha after the boys going there, they ehould
be a raid to play the return match. -Mrs.
Wm. Hargan, of Ingersoll, was called here
on uesday last, on account of the very Ns
er, Mrs. George
. We are sorry
ce is in a very
ope of recovery. -
Leamington, will
church, on Sunday
nald is attending
oronto this week.
elph, returning ley
nt about te,n days.
her friend, Miss
ds in Rodgerville
ohn Reid, nephew*
own, arrived here
. He is on his
is brothers Allan
ken up land there.
ant voyage, leav-
g Glasgow ote the 29th of May, and ar-
th of June. -Mr.
tertainedthe choir
t their beautiful
on Tuesday even -
evening was spent
✓ ving in Seaforth on the
d Mrs. F. Holmested e
f St. Thomas' church
✓ sidence in Harputhey,
g, and a very enjoyable
by all presen_t. •
75c for girl's button
regular price $1.10, -for two N
te-moirow (Saturday). The 9
W. H. Wictis, manager.
NOTES. -Mr. William
'daughter were visiting re
in this section last week.
is in Hibbert. -Mr. and
been on a pleasant .visit
Albert. Mr. Dundas an
are deserving of all the g
-a-The Orange picnic to
of Winthrop promises to
-e-Mrs. Stenzel is away,
London and Strathroy.4---
arid Miss Maggie Bell'
friends in Wellington con
Smith has been in poor
itolitics are all the go j
week or two will wind th
a while, and the night of
the tale. -We are thr
grasshopper plague worse
These pests are more nun
Were two years ago when
destruction. A wettish
eher, knock them out.
have added much to the
try. The spring crops I
will be a fair crop. -Old
fell down over a ,year
walked since, is very lo
her death may be looked
Considering her great age
is a wonder she has live
Dundas had the thisfortu
able horse last week.
board, which penetrated i
death. -John feeeming, o
friends on the 12th line t
He i
f ron
oots, patent top,
ooks only, beginning
cap cash shoe store.
' 1477-1
H. Gray, wife and
atives and friends
Mr. Gray's home,
rs. Dundee have
o relatives at Port
his estimable wife
od things going.
held a mile east
e a great success.
isiting relatives in
r. john Sisimore
re away visiting
ty.-Mr. William
ealth recently.-
st now. Another
discussion up for
he 23rd will tell
atened with the
then ever betere.
erous than they
they worked such
eason would, how -
The recent rains
eauty of the coune
ok well, and hay
Ira. Fulton, who
ago and has not
at present, and
for at any time.
she being 98, it
so long. -John
e to lose a valu-
It stepped on a
s bowels, causing
Blyth, is visiting
is week.
BEFORE you place you order for Tea, try
Fi. F. Edwards. Be has bette Teas at less mono>
than the pedlars who canvas t e country. Provo it
by a trial. Ycu can save mon y.
BRIEFS. -Mr. H: Kerr, wife and Jamily,
of Clinton, were guest at The Queen's,
Sunday. -Mr. W. Clark, our popular mail
carrier, is enjoying a w ll -earned vacation°
visiting at Toronto. --11, r. James Pollock
recently sold his fast tr eting mare for a
handsome hgure to Mr. avidson, of Strat-
ford. -Mrs. J. McAllis er and son, of
Chicago, arrived here n Friday evening
last. Owing to the serio s illness Of Mrs.
Colloday, Mrs. McAllis er's mother they.
came earlier than they ntended. VVe are
pleased to state that Mrs. Colloday is
recovering. -A week fro Sunday evening
there will be a special c ildren's stervice at
the Methodist church. Summer tourists
are arriving much ear ier this year than
usual. Lase week Mr W. Knight and
family, ..of Belleville, t ok rooms in Mrs.
eck's cottage on the sc are. Mr. Knight,
ho is principal. of elleville Collegiate
nstitute, is expected I} s soon as school
loses. Late last seas n Mr. and Mrs.
Knight made a short ei it to friends here
and were so charmed wi IS the beauties of
Bayfield that they de ided to .come this
summer and put in a ftill season. -Mrs.
Whitmore, of Toronto, i the guest of Mre.
8. Sniden-Electdon mste ters are very quiet
about here.. Mr, MoMi lan addressed an
audience in the town ha 1 Monday evening.
-A few weeks ago we ade mention of a
few of the new buildings and changes made
this spring. We omitte the improvements
made to Mr. Burgess' house ; addition to
Mr. John Big art's residence on Chiniquy
etreet ; Mr. homes H rd's new kitchen,
end among the .more rece t buildings is Mr.
George Wood's improve ents toe his barn,
heing now done by erd Bros. Other
changes are in consicierat on.
Brucefi ld.
day for Hamilton, to
cohference, which is
week. -Our village ha
week or so, ass.the stye
and a number of new
old ones repaired. -M
and C. Hartleab have
ises with wire fence
has painted the front
also put up a new awn
his store greatly, and
ance of the village.
others would follow suit.
B. R. HIGGINS, genera fire and life insur-
ance agent, conveyancer, co missioner for taking
affidavits, &e. Private funds t loan at 5 per:cent.on
first mortgage on good farm property. At home
°Very morning and sWednesda3 of each week. 1464 ,
MEN'S shoes, all kinds, special reductions
the Carmichael block shoe s ore. W. H. WILLIS,
for two weeks, beginning to- orrow (Saturdlaty87).-Iat
BRIEFS. -Messrs. Joht Aikenhead and
John Murdoch attended he Reform dem-
onstration in London 1 t week, -Messrs.
Alexander Mustard, An rew pcott, John
Snider and R. G. Simpso atteaded a sim-
ilar demonstration in Str tford Ion Tuesday
of this week. They all seemed more than
delighted with the eloque t ad' ress of Mr.
Liturier.-Mrs. Waugh is at pre ent visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ken ard. Mrs.
Kennard is very low a d ne hopes are
entertained for her recove y. She has beea
confined to her bed almos continuously for
over a year.-Mr.McBray e haesecured the
agency for the Parisian st am 'semidry. This
will be a great convenienc for those having
work to be done. -The acratnent of the
Lord's Supper will be o'oserfeed in the
Fresh terian church nex Sabbath. Rev.
Mr. enderson, of Hensa 1, will preach the
preparatory sermon toehiy (Friday). The
collection to be taken u • at the different
services will be in aid of t e several colleges
in connection with the ch rehae-Mr. B. R.
Higgins was in Goderich ast week under-
going an examination b fore the county
judge preparatory to qual fying as a notary
FRESCO painting and g neral
in oil colors. Estimates furni hed o
and theatre deooration. Life size
churches and stage seenray. P TER
Zurich, Ontario.
Mr. Benjamin Phfile, of t e 14t
of Hay, purchased from IS r. Er
near this place, four thoroughbr
lambs, This year, Mr. hfile
wool product of these fo r y
very unusual clip of 48i lbs. of
wool was sold at the m
This is a most unusual yie
Mr. Gies has sheep which
beaten as money makers.
BRIEFS. -Messrs. Josepl
Oban, C. Laporte, and Ra
the Sauble line, went to S
church, hall,
pictures for
Last fall,
lest Gies, of
d Leicester
field as the
arlings the
wool. The
11 in this village.
d,and shows that
an n t be (sully
Bed ur, Richard
nie D irand, from
ratfo d Tues-
attend the Lutheran
in session there this
been lively the ,past
ute labor was done,.
side walks laid rind
assn. J. F. &lade
mproved their prem -
s. -Mr. D. S. Faust
of his store. He 'has
ing, which improves
improves the appear -
Ili would be well if
NOTES. -There will
ton's grounds, at the A
strawberry festival,
the Ladies Aid Societ
16th, comMencing
of speeches and music
Miss Mary Schoales h
Kincardine. -Miss
forth, and her sisterdi
*hie, are guests at
day to hear the Liberal ch eftaim Mr. Laur-
ier. ---Messrs. Alf. E. Fain and JW. G. Hess
went to Ailsa Craig on th ir bicycles last;
Monday, to hear and se Mr. Laurier. -
Mrs. Henry Schluchter lef for her home in
Pigeon, Michigan,: last W ,dnesday, after a
few weeks' stay with h r parents here. -
Miss Robinson and her sis er paid a visit to
Mrs. Gab Mernen-One d y last week Mr.
David Sararus„ of the Sau le line, had his
team tied, when- by som meaps they got
frightened, broke loose an ran away. They
started for home in full peed, but when
they got below Klop's fa re. they ran into
the fenee and got caught. The horses es-
caped vslith only a few scr tches.-Rev. E.
Sohuelke and F. Hess, sr., left lest Wednes-
e held on Mr, Brit-
illage of Kinburn, a
nder the auspicee of
on Tuesday, June
p. m. A programme
will be rendered. -
s gone on a visit to
aggie Sloan, of Sea-
-law, of British Col-
rs. Win. Snell's.
PIC -NIC. -The
holding a grand pie-ni
in Mr. Henry Allin's
tions are being ma
that it will be a gra
ock people intend
on the 19th of June,
ush. Great prepare,
e, and it 'is expected
success.' Sports of
all kinds are the order of t e day, for
which prizes will be given. It is expected
that foot racing, foot ball and tug of war
will be among the sports. A4arge plat-
form will be erected and 'sever musicians
will be present to addlto the entertainment.
A good programme iconsisting of Songs,
speeches, readings, el ., will be rendered by
both local and forei talent.' Picnic- will
begin at 12 and pro amme at 1. At 4 a
sumptuous feast will e spread for visitors..
Mr. l'sfcMillan and ot er speakers will be
present. All are welc me.
Blue ale. ,
NOTES. -Mr. Dicke son, the Conservative
candidate, held a pol tical meeting in the
Forester's hall last Mo day night. He was
assisted by Mr. Leit h, of COrnwall, and
Mr. Detrsan, of this place. r. G. F.
Blair represented Dr. Macdona d. A large
and enthustastie au ience las present.
Owing to such short n tice of the meeting,
the Reformers did not appear:hi such large
numbers as was e pected: Miss Bell
Burgess spent Sunday t home.e-Miss Daisy
Moss was- visiting at the residence of Rev.
George Buggin, of Bly
vale was well repres
meeting in Listowel
Jamieson, of Fordwi
daughter, Mrs. R. G.
Oliver, of Clinton, is
B urgess'. -Rev. Mr. M
conference this week.
h, last Week.-d-Blue-
nted a.ti the Laurier
on Tuesday. -Mrs.
h, is iisiting her
asemore -Miss Tilly
isiting at Mr.' John
ss will be home from
raise a barn on the
Stevens, London Road
the 2nd concession, go
med, and probably sot
which will lay him
more serious accident
of Mr. George Crich,
neighbors were enga
barn. - While Mr.
driving a wedge wi
lanced, striking him
Aedical aid was sum
certained that an art
are glad to learn that
The wind storm on S
erable damage ie this
Mr. John Stevehs' ba
and a number of a
were broken down, be
fences down.
JUNE 12, 1896
our yosng friend will yet attain to the
heights of excellence t p Christian Winn
istry, a d be the means, in God's hands of
saving any Precious souls. -The people of
rat feel With regret the near de-
Cp ahri ue lr
. sf otir respected pastor, Rev. 'Tarries
Welke e, who has labored among us faith-
fally rieig the last three years, and has
ever se before is in his daily walk and life,
an exa ple of genuine goodness of soul and
"true C ristian character, and as we extend
the ri ht hand of good fellowship to our
new m nister, we forget not the many -deeds
of kin riees and loving counsel we have re-
ceived. at the hands of the old.
East Wawanosh.
HYA li,LNEAL, -On Wednesday of last week
one of our bachelors, Mr. eV, E. Scott, for-
sook t t army and joined the benedicts
by ta irig unto himself a life partner in the
perso of Miss Ellin*. Sackrider, of Belgrave.
After sumptuous repast at the home of
the br de's mother, the contracting parties,
accom anied by a few of their most in-
timate friends, drove to the manse, Blyth,
where the knot was securely tied by Rev.
A. M Lean. The bride who was hand-
some' dressed in white cashmere, trim-
med Oh lace and ribbon, was waited upon
by Mi Annie A. Scott, sister of the groom,
while r. 3. E. Fells performed similar
duties Or Mr. Scott. The ceremony being
over, the happy couple left by the four
o'cloc train for London, Sarnia and other
points to spend their honeymoon. After
this th y will settle down to the realities of
life on. Mr. Scott's farm, 6th concession.
Their any friends will wish them every
happiness ais they -sail over the sea of life
While assisting to
farin of Mr. ; John
Mr. E. Plewes, of
his foot badly jam -
le bones in it broken,
p for some tit*. A
ccurred on the farm
as a number Of the
ged jacking np his
mos Townsend was
h an axe, the axe
inside the knee joint.
oned, and it was as-
ry had been cut. We
he is on the mend.-
nday last did consid-
ocality. The half of
n roof was blown off
ple and other trees
ides blowing a lot of
interesting item fro
June 4th : In BeIlevil
P. D. Sprung, of God
Curlette, of Belleville
Rev. A. C. Maybe
acted as best man, a
bridesmaid. The bri
known in this count
at one time lived in
large number Of frien
and surrounding co
the ceremony, were
Sprague, and Mr. -an
ley, Big Island ; Mr.
Grassy Point ; Mr.
and Dr. and Mrs. Cu
bride received a large
and costly presents, a
a going -away tweed.
left on the evening
where they will make
the following very
the Picton Times of
e, on June 3rd, Mr.
rich, and Miss , Grace
were married by the
E. Blake Curlette
d Miss Maud Black,
e and grooM are well
,. Mr. Sprung having
Picton. Among the
a from Prince Edward
mties who witnessed
Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Reuben Badg-
nd Mrs. R. Curlette,
. W. Roblin, Picton ;
tette, Belleville. The
number of handsome
d looked charming in
Mr. and Mrs. Sprung
train for Goderich,
their future home.
BRIEFS. -Ho &Ian
ding new machinery t
will assist them to do
may be desired. -A lo
went to Ailsa Craig o
tend the Laurier poli
was held there.-Quar
held in the . Methodist
next, in the English la
Eby is very sick with
Kellerman has taken t
lin"pianos and organs.
confined to his bed, an
J. Wambold is painti
which, improves its a
Mr. A. Thorne reshi
is also giving it a new
travelling dairy was h
very interesting and
were delivered about f
and working butter, w
be a great help to the
future. -A political m
Moser's halt, this Frid
cellent speakers will
rothers are still ad -
their factory, which
11 kinds of work that
d from the village
Monday last, to at-
ical meeting, which
erly meeting will be
church on Sunday
guage. =Miss Sybilla
diphtheria. -Mr. J.
e agency for the Ber-
Mr. Weber is still
is very low. -Mr.
g his barber shop,
pearance greatly. -
Ong his house, and
coat of paint. --The
re,on Monday, when
important addresses
&ling cows, churning
ich will, no doubt,
utter makers in the-
eting will be held in
evening, when ex -
present. -
NOTES. -A large nu
ship went to the politi
Craig on Monday last.
procession rode one of
mounted on a handso
superb trappings. All
pleasant as well as a
would gladly avail the
tunity of hearing Mr.
is confident of succes
hope he will not be
Maccabees purpose hol
nits to Bend on Thurssd
Epworth League held
on Tuesday. -The rece
done much good to t
very far advanced con
the year. -Mr. H. 'A
renewing acquaintance
week.-Shiplaa and
each held their picnics
week, the fermer on T
ter on Friday, in Spec
ITEMS. -Mr, and M
Mrs: Donald MeNaugh
rill attended the Das
picnic, which was held
grove, at Grand Bend,
school, of which Miss JS
oipal, is a very large on
people seem to spare n
make their annual pion
possible way. From t
full, one large wage
double -seated rigs left
morning, for the Bend,
a most excellent dinn
sports and good music
ing the afternoon. Chi
holding a picnic in th
Sabbath morning, in th
tor, we enjoyed an add
man, of Hillsgreen w
appreciated. Surely
ber from the town -
al meeting at .Ailsa
Conspicuons in the
he Stephen Liberals
e black steed with
repoet having had a
profitable time, and
selves of the oppor-
Laurier again. He
to his party. We
disappointed. -The
ng their annual pic-
y, the llth.-The
picnic to the Bend
t heavy rains have
crops which are
idering 'the time of
ing, of Zurich, was
around Shipka last
hiva public ochools
t Grand Bend last
ursday and the lat-
man's grove.
s. Peter Morrison,
on, and Miss Nor-
wood public school
in the Bossenberry
n Friday last. The
orrison is the prin-
, and the German
.p,ains or expense to
c 4 success in every
e village, five busses
and a number of
bout 8 o'clock in the
where they enjoyed
r. Boating, games,
ere in progress dur-
elhurst contemplates
near future. -Last
absence of our paa-
ess horn Mr. Cole-
ich -Was very much
ith Lerch a beginning
Loc a Betrens.--During the rain, thun-
der an lightning storm, last Friday even-
ing, th barn of Mr. A. Irwin, dentist, was
struck by lightbing. The fire alarm rang,
and th firemen were soon there and had
the fir extingnished. The barn contained
mostly wood.-rek. large bear was seen in
Lewer Wingharn one day last week. Bruin
hes no been captured yet. -Mr. T. Jobb's
brick r sidencet on the corner of Victoria
steeet nd Diagonal road, is almost corn-
pleted.-Mr. 9c,. Bell is having the front of
his show roome bricked. -The Geed Tem -
piers Will give 'an ice cream social in the
Meyer Iblock on Monday evening. A good
'programme is being prepared. ---The Presby-
terian Sabbath! school will hold their an-
nual picnic in tamlyn's grove Friday after-
noon.--eNr. W1 J. Chapman has purchased
the let beside his tannery, from the town
council. The Price paid was $100. -Rev.
Mr. Mason, of; Gerrie, has accepted a call
to the Congregational church here, and.
commenced his new duties last Sabbath. --
he Ma.ccabees lodge attended divine ser -
ice 'in the Beptist church last Sunday.
the march was headed by the town band,
who played very appropriately. -Rev. Dr.
Giffiird is attending Conference in %rat-
ferd.--Miss E. Marlow went to Manitoba
on Monday. --Mrs. Glenville, of Thesealon,
Algoma is the guest of her mother, Mrs. T.
. •
I Morris.
Peeeno.-A picnic will be beld in Wm.
Tayloe's grove, on' Monday, June 15th, in
aid of Jackion's appointment Sunday school.
Music swinging land other amusements
will be provided. A good time is expected.
. Nons.-eaMr. rind `Mrs. A. Clark, 5th line,
are able talbe around again, after being ill
a fe days. -The grasshoppers are more
ume oils than last season, indeed in some
astu e fields they arc as thick as the grass
itself, and in some cases they have corn-
pletel destroyed the mangold crop, and are
appar ntly ready for every green plant that
row .-A large crowd from this locality
ent o Listowel on Tuesday, to hear Mr.
Lauri r speak. -W. Thuell is building Wm.
unn gsham's stone wall under his barn
this eek.e-We are sorry to learn of the
illnes of Miss Annie Meiklejohin, 5th line.
-Mr G. Parker is buying horses for the
pld c untry market, and intends starting on
br ab ut the 15th of June. -A heavy thun-
der orm passed over this locality on Fri -
as kn wn.-Wm. Watson, 5th line, is build -
day ei)ening. No damage was dene so far
ing a new Avery fence along the front of
his f rm.-John Cook, jr., was away at
'Kipp n last week, on a visit. He reports
the rops as looking much better in that
loci& y than in Morris. -Dr. Macdonald
held ' meeting in the hall at Belgrave on
Thur day evening of last week.
MA strafoNrAL.-It is again our pleasant
duty to record one of . these every day
event ; which, though commonplace in
thems ,Ives, haye ever possessed a peculiar
char land interest, and shall, so long as a
man n love a. woman. We refer to the
marri ge of Mary T. McFadzean, at the
reside ce of her uncle, Mr. Thomas Love, of
McKiI op, to' Mr. Thomas Doddse of the
same township. At five o'clock in the
, aftern on the guests assembled on the lawn
and w ited for the appearance of the young
couple The bride was tastefully attired in
a be tiful cream dress, and carried a
bouqu t of cream roses. Rev. Mr. Mus-
grave, the officiating clergyman, went out
of his ay in the ceremony to warmly con-
gratul te the young couple, sayfng that
from t e moment he heard that this mar-
riage as to take place, be was glad that
two y ng people so well adapted to each
other ere to be united. This, coming from
Mr. M sgrave, says all that need be said of
them, nd we unite with him in congratu-
lating he young people, and wishing them
every appiness.
* ,
, B.ensall.
Dn.. ELDEN, dentist, Seaforth, will visit
etenain rofessionally every Wednesday, at Hodgens'
Mote . ll work carefully performed.
., BRIEFS. -The travelling dairly487sent
out , y he Department of Agriculture for
Onteri eunder the direction of Mr. F. J.
Sleight olm, and his assistant, Mr.H.Smith,
reache here on Thursday afternoon last,and
gave a esry interesting exhibition of cream
testing, churning and all the improved
method of butter making. Mr. Sleight -
holm al o gave much valuable information
as to t e management of milk and cream,
seleetin and feeding cows and making and
packin of butter. The Babcock teeter was
a matt r of much interest. The meeting
was airly ' attended, and will no
doubt rove of much interest Co all pres-
ent,- Irs. William Moir returned home
this we k from Galt, where she had been
spendi g a few days with relatives. -Rev.
Mr. W Ikei has been appointed to the
charge of Grimsby Park. -Mr. J. W. Or-
twein, enchant, of this village, conducted
service jet Bethesda and Sexstnith on Sab-
bath laet.-Mr. M. J. Wilson, who has been
assistant to ReV. F. Swann during the past
year, and whose services have been so mach
appreciated, was ordained as a regularly full
fledged' minister at the general conference
held at Stratford. The reverend gentleman
has been appointed by the conference to the
charge of Sombre, and will reside at Port
Larnbton--The annual Sabbath school pie-
nic of St. Paul's church was held at Bay-
field, on Wednesday of this week. The day
being fine, there was a good attendance, and
an enjoyable time was spent by the scholars,
teachers and friends of the school. -A very
large number from the village and country
attended the 'great demonstration held in
honor of Mr. Laurienat:Ailsa Craig:on Mon-
day last, and express themselves as highly
pleased with the address of that eloquent
and honored statesman, its well as with the
speeches of others who were on the:platform.
The attendance was large beyond all expect-
ation. The rain interfered somewhat with
the pleasure of the occasion, yet all who
attended from this district speak as being
well repaid fori going.—Mrs. 3. T. O'Brie;
Dry Goods Company-
]3.A. I INT
The back bone Of the epring trade
for 1896 is broken, and in order te
make a final success of a 'most sue-
cessful seeson we have deterenihed
to clear out the balaace of certain
lines at specielly low prices. These,
extra, low prices have been made
on goods here and there all through -
the store and include such goodsaa
these : -
Dry Goods
Seaforth'e G"reatest Cash Dry Goods Stores
of Londesboro, accompanied by Mrs. TM-
quair, was ia the village this 4reek, visiting
het parents, Mr. and -Mrs. A. MePhersone,
and friends in the township of Hay. --Mr.
James Bonthron, of the township of Hay,.
has been visiting all the premises in Hen--
sall during the past week or so, in the ta-
pacity of health officer, and reports with.
very few exceptions having fouled all the -
places ina a- splendid sanitary `condition,
which speaks for I:Tensed' as being what it is,.
a neat and. plea.n. village. -Miss Mary Cars,
lisle is in Whitechurch this week, visiting
her sister, Mrs. G. A. Found. -The friends.
of Mr. William Kerr, who has been very
seriously ill during the past few weeks, wilL
be _pleased to learn that notwithstanding,his.
advanced years, he has experienced a change
for the better, and although still very weak
and poorly, is doing as well as could be wee.
pected.-Rev. Mr. Tyler, son-in-law of Mr.
David Rhurnor, of this village, conducted.
service in the Methodist chureh on Sabha:W.'
morning last. -The Foresters of Ivy Green,
Court of this village, together with a num-
ber of visiting brethren, marched in proces.
sion to Carnfel Presbyterian -church on Sale,
bath morning last, when a very appropriate.
and impressive eermon wa$ delivered to -
them by the pastor, the Rev. J. S. Render.
son. His text mats in 1st Samuel, 18th
chapter and last clause of the 1st verse::
The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul ,
of David, au& Jonathan loved him as his -
own soul." The attendance was very good
and the services were listened to with muck.
interest by the brethren aud congregatinne e
—Mrs. Chidley, of Clinton, was in the vil-
lage on Saturday, visiting Mrs.James White -
and Mrs. George White.s.--Mrs. Beattie, of
Clinton, was also here the same day, via -
leg her :sister, Mrs. W. B. McLean. -Me.
John Scott, of this place, and Robert Resit
of Goderich, are in Goderich this week ma
jurYmen.-Mr. James Sutherland,. postmas-
ter, had new potatoes on the 10th, grow.n
his own garden. -Mrs. R. Coed is in Lon.
don this week in the interests of her
health. -Rev. Mr. Swami has been appoint-
ed by the stationing committee to Dun-
gannon. -Quite a large member of out vile
lagers intend attending the demonstration -
to be held in Exeter on Friday first, in hon.
or of Sir Charles Tupper. —Mrs. John Petty
was in Kippen on Monday last,visiting
R. E. C„Vgg.-Miss Arnold, who has been..
spendifik Some time here with her brother,. ,
Mr. G.D.Aresold,. left this week for Torento;,
where she intends spending some 'months
with relatives. -Mrs. Atchison and daugh-
ter, of Bay City, are visiting at Mr. T.Mur-
doch's.-The ladies of Carmel Presbyterian.
church have arranged to hold a grand steaw-
berry festival on the evening of June 16th.
-On Tuesday evening last,the music loving*
portion of oer village and neighborhoodbad
an enjoyable treat in Coxworth's hall, when
Mr. George, .who has been a resident ef one:
village for seine time, gave an exhibition of
his unusual skill on the piano.
GARDEN PeneSe.---T.he Ladies' Aid Society:
of Duff's church, Walton, have decided tos
hold their amnia" garden party ab the resis
of Mr. John Bennett, opposite the
church, on Icriday, 19th inst. This festiv-
ity, so successful in the past, has always -
been held at Mr. Duncan MeCuaig's, but -
the serious illness of his son, Thirteen, has,
made the .abhve change necessary. The
committee are'sparing no pains tet make the
affair as suceeesful as in previous years, and
a splendid time, is guaranteed. Tea is to ho4
served from15 to 7.
of the Queen's birthday, Mrs. Sage and
Miss Annie,Ithe well known Canadian mule
eal experts, *ere at St. Thomas. The Daily
Times of that city, in speaking of theme
says : The .oncert given Monday nights,
under the anapices of the Alma street Press-
byterian church, was largely attended;
Mrs. and MOB Sage, the musical glass play-
ers, rendered several selections very pretee
tily. The nbmbers that elicited the great-
est agplause were " Annie Laurie," " Neard,
er my God to Thee," The Irish Washer-
woman," " Then You'll Reinember Mel*
and others of similar popular repute. Pere
baps this was the first time a St. Thomas
audience had au opportunily of hearing the.
glasses -not only glasses, hut bottlea an&
sleighbells-and in every number the audi-
ence showed their appreciation by hearty'
-A young people's walking club has bees,
organized in St Marys, with a membershi
of twenty. The club meets every th.
Thursday, night, 'at the different Members*
houses, when they set out. for their tramp.
They present rather a imitehie appearance af
they march about the streets.
-Mr. F. L. Mennig, of St. Marys, it
about to establish the, manufacture of
pickles, sweet and sour, all kinds of condi-
nsents, cider, and fruit evaporating, en as
large scale, and expects that the farming.
community and citizens will take an inter-
est in this enterprise.
-William Hodge who lives on the bor-
ders of Fullerton alid Mitchell, has returned'
from Muskoka, where be had beeu visiting
his br2ther for a week. He had a pleasant.
time,t.-but does not think much of the coun-
try And fears that settlers must have a tere
ride struggle to make a livhig.
—Farmers in neighboring townships to.
Mitchell report the clover crop to he vell
short, the fall wheat patchy, the spring'
wheat looking very well since the late rains,.
while many fields of oats have been oom.
pletely destroyed by the ravages of the cut.
worm. The fruit crop promises to be yeti
IA a
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The J. D.
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