HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-06-12, Page 4VJ U I JL�Kv Jui that lowering prices means diminished re- 3 4otes and Comments. eengineerof theateemboal,sud and two children of *tender years to mourn fo turns for' the use of capital. How stupid Sir - Charles - Rivers -WI denly an ounced that 4e w is going to, bloW his death. ison a bone� r up the blat. An investiga, ion i ihowe I that —The Brussels Post says: William Ain- e) this contention really. is -maybe seeii when moon car I'Violebll- was a gre t i N rth"Is C -W -r e�atest i the villAi had so fixed I the erigi ae tt at-. an ley,_of Brussels, is, quite a genius, and has we c6hsider. that lowering prices is the'in. feature of interest 'When 1 was u explosiTlwas imminent. BoatE wer 3 im- now in his possession new inventions in the 8 mediately lowered and !the' sorei ming child- shape of a tin aided cheese box; - an, octagon variable way in which increa,-,ed productive- Toronto. The- palace on wheel- cc t Iness of labor manifests itselfi and that the nearly $50,000 and it is said the item w, 1.1 rewhurriod -into them. M)re b)ats a vived butter tub; a bag tringy; and now is t e froin the ahore, and %11 were readued, ith- workirl- on 'a Venetjan Vliad that can be P-4 only return capital ca ever -hop,6 to get for arohar,�- V iflau 9-av me—et opposition at the forthcoihi in one mi�sute afCor the' last petson W La gob pen6d and closed ithoat g,,, ing outside or 0 'Us"I vigol its useomes from labor, therefore the in- holders' meeting as not being in harmor y off the stbamer exploded. raising the window. Mr. Ainley has the - I I Vith the r� RUNAWA.Y.—Hon, Austin recommends of practical meu As to ,the presen, creasedroductiveneis. of labor, the cause of wit4 G,e kera Managet Hayes, re cent effams KILLEI IN A the use, I lowering prices, must increase the return to at et.X-eliehinent in expenses. Mr. Hay 3, Corbin, the New York millionaire, is lead, fulness and vdlue of the ab. ve mentioned I wh I - Miss Berl en b 3 assumed ontrol of the Grand the- result of a carriage 0 capital, seeing that the owners thereof can T- aodiderib M his articles. We hope be will be able to plae gu"ts of i rank innotinced his intention of trav i beautiful estate. M r - Vorb in a AQ ears them' on f he" markeh and I hdr.ebv receive Ulm 1.-, I 70 J ---;Wvl ------ and do in a -very large measui:e decla the 'on-ordintry trains and old. In 1873 be organired e -Gorbin T abolishinj the man- remuneration for his work. share which labor shall get of its, (laboes)in- agerial ar altogether. Sir Cliarles gaVie Ranking Ompany, and fe-vt ins"ituticna, if Judge Dovl-e ha given jadgment in.the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. dleton, q Orders f r the " Violet's " constmetion jiio- any, are so well and favorably nown,in . . . . . . creased productivepess. The return to will case of Sjeers vs. Speers, an action be- self. It was chriate4ed for his wife and the Great B itain and in A' �rica. Re built MI tween Win. Speers and Joseph Speers,: of last, to c0i VM_Tho figure betet.n. the parentliegW �rter each e the first ailroad from Br6okly: oney e capital for its use in that, market where th i presen b a its second, trip. Sir Charles is ap, Asbfield. In 1890 Josepliv Spd' 8, the one denotes t o paper.ou which the r 4v., of Fon advertisement �%ill be found. cheapening effects of all modern improve- old robser who has,got a young wife, anO Island, 0, ro g is ins rum an a I y elder,. father of the above named parties, f if helia ce'lebratedthe eventlprovidi first*of tie large hotels erected hbr Two Larg- ments are felt in full force, to -Which ma be'; was made a will in which he left All his estate to e Stanks—Pickard & Co. (6) y ts as this pallaeb on wheels for his m d nterie Dy by Diy—M�Klaiyoxl & C-). added the immense' -bonuses 411 rotection- dding to r In additim to. his large rail rem Joseph, except a few hundred dollar Scasonzable Gooda—J, f,. 1AInith (S.)L. d. ailwa Sys' divided among the rest of ily p out of k ts own money, no person would ha e president of the Long Islan of six uden & Wilsin (5) ist countries are saddling themselves with, any right to kick at'hisfolly. tern, and his administration of e a Mrs Of bat in 1893 he carnq to thee 3nelasio tha V ilkSelling Whtels—ti u t Read On—Gilroy & Wiseman (5) in or&r to sell abea in that market, viz the Phil),delphim' and Readinji R�j Belladonna Pkster4­4. V. Fear (1) 1i Way11 this was an unfair division, and drew 9, new lVashville, The Eagle—C. W. Papst (1) the British market. is illustrated by the The Toronto Globe has made the ptat(l Mr. Corbin found time o put in operat'011 will, leaving the whole estate to -be abotit bolida;Yz -91 Farm Mr Sale—Alex. Boyle (6) vded Many fiu4ncial schemes,� philanthropic plans equally. di among his children, and A Special Session—W., H. Shm* (8) fact that not -only have �her people been, able inent I hat the Dominion Government havei t. 0 this locall A Splendid Chanca-18mao Whitowan (6) of, co oniz� ion and immigration. named his Eons, William and.Joseph, aud been remi to. 'supply themselves as regards capital out since the election 1 campaign ommencec' Waver so Cbeq—Grelg- Macdonald (I) Oil Cloth Lost --John Dopp (8) pas . sed ord oil grainting betwe AndrevMullin, the executors of it. Joseph of profits.' in spite of the stupendous expan- era in -G cc A tl protested this will on the gr and that the Grand Lserosse Match Huron Notes the late'sl'i Two Weeks of Bargains -1 1, sion of her domestic and'foieign but ten an velve Mi ion dollars Ao various Luck ow will hold 'a grand celeb ation testator had not. sufficient cal'acity of mini! to. . . . . . . . ... W el to lend to other countries $12,500,000,000 to railway i nd ot on the IS' of J ly. -he set thi i will, of 1890 Big Diacount--W. 11. Wil her 1like 6nterprises *hic to make a will, and RarKaing in.Boots—(S.�—W4 H. Willi -3(8) u as the frue, and I tat will, but, in his favor, in long lea,4 $100 Reward—Robe t Torranca (9) help develop their resources, and pay �he Ill 3rect it new I i4 ir are b air g ptomoted by friends of . th a —Thel ank of Commerce w Dental Card—Dr. Belden (8) verAnwat, and that these orders in cour,, building i 2 Goderich for their own use.' the judgment just given therill. of 189.3 -is A law -n V This s b6liuses. um almost equals her total go sustained. T�en The Patrone—Jbn Govealock (6) cil-are being peddled around by kovernmers; —Mrs. -,R. C. Kittson,'of Lower Wing- ABOU ERTMING eH. F. Edwards (8) Extra Fine Teas— capitalized wealth the day she struck the agentE as nong the cc J paying m anies and that on th 3 ham, has gone to California t( spend the p lawnr shackles from her trade, thirty-seven years, strength 6f them; sabscriptions to th3 itimmer vi -ith fr ends there. Cromart You may depend upon it that we're nio the Y. u da are being sc - rTent thunderstorm cOns n berries W flooded j)y the cheap party (ampaign I u —Duril og a of values ago, and began to be =NrAL.—A pleasaut-ev4 nt took place pri ter ood money to tell you that are =t licited, The state i at of the Globe is ont r Was done Shad.- tre4 - in on Wednesday eve of las week,-- at the me erable - da ale a Ashort bonus fed goods.'of the pamper b m ni godd. The double column is read and c'riticised by e gIvIen. y b denied b 7 theConse -vative' paers in a ver Goderich, b ightning. I residence of Mr. 1W Tow ra, when, h a world-." This almost incomprehensible sum half, heaj ted S women and men all over HuroD - and as Jonj as th ort of way. It is- given col —Mr. -Thomas Arher, of Hu Ilett, I las 01 rigeat da�bghter, Bella, was married to does not include a few.hundred millions heri. also by a statement which apea, in i field offa I wheat which was oA in'bead r. Donald L. Park, second son of James accept our statements as literal truth we sbal be satis- SEAFORTIEE FRIDAY, June 12tb, 1896 Montrea correspondence of the Toron -iwo we�i i ag people have lost in different countries Park; Esq. The'huot was siaeurely tied fied. The business has never be by —Dublil en DWorld, i Strong Government paper, an I —A in all child of Mr. E. Finch' of the Rev.Pete'r Scott, at 5 iii., after which is now and we mean to keep it so by k e ping faith uch schemes as the Chignecto, Ship Rai.- p which is given too, In' connection with w i Clinton,:i ras badly hurt the other day by a the assembled guests, to the i umber of 'one -or Revenue.' way. A return to a revenue tiriff V w Protection Vs. Tariff f with our customers. What *e tell of jv�e inter ie which.thel' correspondent had wita pick piercing its abdomen. ek by week i hundred, Eat doven to a reast that would Maria" the -citj �The East Huron anO Grey Branch, Ag- hi short worth knowing. The store is too lag -a tp' be looked —The $1 When trade is restraned in those aitioles remove the check to productio a' Sir Chaf es Tupperi who was in tempt the appetite of the I lost fastict, OILS Sys. the Sam i day ent a in a half hour, and shoppers like to h tbat protection entails,' and no doubt cause T e correspond -ricnitur&l Societies will hold apnual The iest of the evex ing wa,i sl ien a over. lie epicure. t ve the best lu ortant of foreign originwhiob. may be pFod ,ed, An ir in Be osels, on nd announdement regarding fa 0otober Ist a 2no.. in triVing the light fantu Mr. and 4 slight drop in prices, this drop in price. things pointed out. For that reason we :P W.. )II113CO; rint news po cottage� -in The U though under less advantageous ciroum- the railw iy licy 0 the Dominion Govern-, —Mr h Ross his sold his property in Mrs. ark will reside in the, ener en, 'near would be checked immediately' by an in-� ment wil be made t to 9r. Findlay, McHwan, of tan- Crom&rty�- where their nu-irerous fri of g al interest and stances, at home and the product is .an -merrow by Sir Charlep Clin n t invite your critioisin of the E. J. Flynn article in, which the use may, to a limited creased demand, resulting in a sharp calli Tupper, who will 1 form Hon. ley,for it e sum of $1,075, who takes pos- w goo& ish them long life and prosp)rity.—Cin�the be' tha fie' rposes to a e over all feeders of session th Ist of Septqi ber. for labor- and consequent rise in wages 10th inst., Mr. SimonA. Millerwagon extent only, be eqonom ized the following the Inter olonial, -such, as Baie des Chsleur —M rs.. indlay Me n, of Stanley, maker, took unto himself u I el partner; in was With agriculture relii�eved from the terrible bad a r -OW: results ensue —Prices rise and profits rise, road and v�ral lineis in New Brunswick, as the other by sy presen6ed with an* %ddre�s, the person of Miss Sitsie Stac of Lumley. at burden it has borne for. 17 years, the area of a portion of -the Canadian Government her Sun school cl The a ldr ass, es of course at the expense -Gf the consumer, was They will also reside in the v e, an4 we 0 U r. Dre'hss Depar men cultivation would extend rapidly t6nd pop-,.,-- railways. Taking !the two together, the r accom an d by a water- set and 61bilmi e rdially welcome the you rides into 0 Wage upward p a,. however, do not rise, for in so far as certainly form a most startling announce —One The backbone of a great dry goods business is thee as� goods stock. At ght recently iome per, ons g ined -by the competition littion. increase. Under such a system the . our midst.—We gain two, ut lose �ne, e n t r a -ce to N. - Bl�cknioie' � sto , in wages are determined ment. The scheme w6uld,certainly,be a mos entr Miss Maggie, daughter of Air'. retnrntocapital would ier e - R. Hatnil- no tin h., hae we been neggligent as regrda style or variAy, 'he present assort- employers for Services, the tendency is to-, e" ' by. le;aPS diabolical one, bu6 it is just such as TuppeT' Brussels, �nd helped themselves ban ass, t a ton, who, on W`ednesdayj wa i tnarrie4 to e and, bo'undi and be more diffused. -A million woaldde�ise. It isiquite true that-& simpl tobacco, cigat,'&c. ment'; e' tinably the most comprehensive ing unq"s ice cream,! we finve ever sho W&rde aL reduction of 'wages, Seeing- the use Mr. David Allison. They is Ltend lea%ii .�Chicag, ing o Wingbani met happy families would. upp orde.r in council would not be valid until i —Thoin" Woodcock,, of kind c a d es �u want, any color you waut.� Every tossibls taste of the product is not increased bat rather soon -be orting shortly. for Morden, Manitola, where Mi� his been —The, r recei ith a P�i themselves in plent on the wonderfully fer-1 ved the signature of the Governo'rl 'wi i�sful accident � one day last �eek. Allis '1 a been farming consid(rcd both in. plain aad fanoy materials. What YOU pay for ly Mrs.on,,,l a fo some years. them pea from t- cy G ral, nor c6uld any money be pad on �t A -cow kic4ed him, bre tined. Professor Rogers in E.4 clopedia, ene &king a simall bone in A ison will be greatly sed by her The price i J , secondary CM-3i4el-ation. Privess are R mi�le _'OL 0 V 88 coOiLn you until eng orsed by Parliament. But by the -back 6� his han& acquaintances, bat our loss 1; the gain of tile plains of our great West,, for g intol a to b Britannica 9th E d., Val. 9, page 754. 'passing t e orders'i imagp 3.q 11F.1ities to be so thoratio. ly good for the in healthy existence, from end to 'end of our i n council the govera- —The bishop of Hu n der to add Ixty head es ron has appoi;nted others. Weextend our neerst congratu- onoy, -a The, above explains in a measure th and i e, true ment pledges its -elf Ao -give the am6unto Rev. W. Duthie to.the parish of Luck- lations to all these yonng per ions in their W Special thin one -in- interes glorious country, the thousand and; 5 tolhis departiii,mt, we have peked oat u fe as and madle ago- athil has new relations. cause of the long continued fall in wages in -a that invariably follow the ex promised, provided lbey are returned t now and St. Helen's. Rev. Mr. specia A brol dnstrie� tension t prio(a in Order to 'a a11Y P)Ssible.risk of our )1,aving to c-arry them Canada and the United States since trade power, atd,if the c6rporations which giv been on 1�*ve of absence for a Year. f the a' NOTES.—The Young People held their 0 er. �be spille, 0 rea of cultivation. their sub criptions on the strength of -thes)' —A W di Ingham gentleman wai i fined w4kgon was prom IV �n Luckuow, the other day, be- election of officers and comm.ttees for the was restrained by protection. It also ex- 6:1, semi-annual meeting on Monday, for the ises nrece' e their reward:thei and costs W 0 can plains the cause of the rem-, arkable rise in will know the tleam of horses. he had ie —MT. A I eapon h There is n se a t d to a 'ensuin 'term. Air. Win. ywas appoint- Wag The Liberal Leader's�Visit to the least loubt bat if Si 9 "mow' has beeri, ea. in, Great Britain and Japan since ir arles and hi 1 shadp-treia !tore some of the bark c ff. ed i cat Miss Susie M(Laren, vice- pres nery Ue Goverami �nt are sustained on the 23rd o Ontario. :—The ew Thames koad osl in -Ou M 1 1 0 .1 r M W these countries remaved the restraints on offic siden ; Mr..Scott r a-, hn t pre Barr a tary ; and nship was 6 L on this mont i, there will be a carnival of exf Usborne tow peney 01 ay A-fr. Fre Kerslake, treasure —Mr. Alex.- their trade by adopting reenue tafg. Before -this reached :our readers Mabroad that our prices are low. ford, and -1 tiavagane �, and corruption the like of which of last wee' M I Job Pardon ad the misfortune to ',re It has otten r 0 Allison has been t his hand Thi is not 'by Recident, Ra:f!thoe� The people of -a country where a reven-Ae Laurier ver bee witnesed in this country. I�! apointed Ostmasteir, andthe initil wil-� bA will have completrodhis tour of has ne 3 lilline s wie canAol re y i I art while repairing a wind -mill at you utt see for yourelTAw seve y. is one of the thing -e an addition of at least ten tariff prevals feel the full benefit of al mod- ivill requi o# carried by r. B. r, M en lWeGilPs. In- endeavoring to notion. One good Vain- we cn-a say about this de- WeiAern Ontario. It has, indeed, been a e r. i7 ord(r to ot the propek —Mrs era improvements in. protection, and dis- twelv lio dollArs to the public debt Dr. Ross, of Nineto'�, has b tight ou. stop the machine, his hand got c . aght, partmf nt is hat the stool- does not get & chance to gro There p practic A L to he romises already made b e medical "I[em ntnt"' W Old. There is a con. trill! bbal march. -is no person who imp th e of Dr. tribution wherever introduced. All such yi: a, c I ik., breaking one finger ;iid otherw se laceratit 9 stant income and outgo that bespeaks the keenest of Boston, ar, can predict with any degree ' 'of Sir Charle Tuppe 1, e YCV -3 direc- Auburn, Mud tkes possession t the -hand. —Mr. oenien"s increase the product.' certainty and rs. es Labig are ur wa;nts in thi impr L iveness. The peopleW that -vicinity will find r. spendin h ad very, very che-a. liary tion. Almost all the time there are bright thilip'to be- wha the result of the elections will be on The gre lig g a few d(Lys with r at' ves in Grey. —mrs. I bts of the legal pr6fessio' amiable and siciah.. --Two 0 Barr's b Of labor, and as prices. in,general tend to-- n in Ross a N, jelever ph Mr: John thers, from -ion -to the 23rd of this M�ntb pend- this provi ce of Ontari —one d I 6 week while Mr. Glazier, Lanark Munty, are at. present visiting kim XcGarvin,4 wards the cost of protect but if any de o seem to be terribly' L , the benefits ence can aces, upoir who is e be placed upon appeara frightened t the otn' ployed by Rinsford Bros., at and his fi mily. iss Katie MeKaig left on - the clonsumer (another name for the whole -petition of women. public demonstrations, and npon the feel Stapleton, -�,as working in the -logging field, Tuesday :or a summer's visit. among rel rispet Department A Y-01 0 C community) are manifested by the gradual The law f o0fety at e g k by a log and injured so badly tives in t ie North-west Territories, for the ing of 'enthusiasm as displayed by the Peb- decided b5 a vote of nine to bix that Miss that -to be taken h! ome. Fc rtuna;ely hie The Cal -�ets are a separate department aiid for thes�e' w� -have fl tted up fall in the price of tbingq-ia general de- Toronco a few days ago, h qr Ohe h purpose !of iegaining her healt-b.—W le at these demonstrations, then we -can bt Martin on 8 w �en. mand. This coutintioasly oheapening effect p Clara Br( no b e re bro acleveri and plucky lylrs. Weitzman and sister, Mis., Park, weie room. special and in 'Go doing have saprised Ourselves -by seein how quic antel6n's mason gang, ave out driving on Monday, theii horse' too'k. —MRS J surely hope for the be8tresults,. from a Lib- —0 of Clii iton, I 9 kiy� laces the articles� within the xeac4 of an young lad who had passied all the examina-' sales are m ai The room is large with plenty of light so thit a cus p Mr. er4 point of view, ovelection day. ust fini* bed an excellen,bank, bat a for Mr. f Light, 'completely- overturning.the bu t a-,,, e o f the commun- tious necei sary, and fulfilled all the cc ggy hi,poor hel ag per cen ndi- -her judgment of carpet.. ever increasi John Stevens, London road, and a job of with its occupants. Beyond a F. evere fri lit, with a little It ne cannot be mislead in We -have a Laurier commenced his series of meetings in tions requ red by meii,should not be allowed for �Cbi�oag., ity, and also enables those NvIlo have hither-, masonry fo� J. McKenzie. C4ate'on* )ol- no harm was done.—A numbiar 4 Reform large assortiA n -t inc the heap hemp to the finest patterns cti8c -the profesiion for which she had era Tnndon,. on Wednesday evening of last to Pra borne have a barn on hand for Henry went totratford on Taesday, to hear our in Brussel . -n to do so w Al to ued the. th less repared herself, and for which 'she had so a full lineof the newest Aesigns in stair and 11 P: p d 1"' oleuv Dor oils, week.' The ieception there. given bim was Baker, 16t� concession, aodeiich owns ip. great leader, Mr. Laurier.—A e ri c Ivin proved h4 rself thoroughly competent. A et "Thomas Jor dan died at th6 Hous -, of storm passed through this distr A on killn- nowor h such as lifis niver been accorded to a poli- couple f i essi ns ago� the'Provinci Refuge,'onMonday morning of last w, day afternoon. In the immediai' 0 0 10 al Legis - Experience teaches that 0.ie consumption 2. q ne '13 r! tical leader of re, ased an act idl6wing womeif any pirty in that city, and I&tu to be of articles in general d Deceased wa's formerly a resident of Gli de- hood no serious damage was done, bigit,the em -and' increases at So called.to't he bar'o'n conditions that the law which bas rarely' been �surpassed in this iich towns� ip. He w%s an Epacopaflau. adjoining townships fared worfle. te'v per, greater ratio ihan the fll in price. For in- ciety benchers-gay.e' their cc so nsent. This Th.6 body -4as takeif in charge by meta, iers province. The procession was a magnificen� U Clothin Dw artment eta -ace, in Great Brittlin, when sugar was consent will be seen, they have with- of his famil�, for interinint. 9 Mouth . Br'� affidr, and the largest ISailding in the'eit held aud"ha,ve thus shown that they ate Gdorge Corbett � of near .pen. en- 20 cents per Pound, obrisumption per head 1. - —Mle.' Brinse 'f Kip In most o 'the (hry goods tores Clothing is a a- t and so 'it wa J r I - de 4epartmen —Air. .1 tirely too imid to stify the confidence the -underwentla t*"n a, Ex'mer, T. IvIFTLxs Nvou niand kept getting I spacked -by ais� immense audience of over )ainf al oi�ra Idl'ow take this U41 greaer and gireater until We bean b is wAtell was 17 pGunds, by the time atiga had fallen was with b t tl­ Legislatur 3 llk\re piiqed in them, and the terlihousandphople andmany- who con] on Wedues lay of last. week, -by havir, timity of asking -his ranny' look upon as a -,-,vd ing stock and it dropped' to 9, to 10 cents per pound conslimption was 75 Legislatur should take from thern the It arge and ftoublesome tun' Mowers r.nd nianbinery repairlog avel to it particular attentin. We not possibly qq[ieeze' into building had Oplolimln Id ior rem ved am Of bring, In in good time. T4 31ellis' long ex' ience in Ithis o w you the ne west and best malies' U 21en's Suitf?, pounds per hed. It will be seen from this power which they seem disposed to -abuse his shoulde!. The oper4tion was I or are always rea; y to P!i erfor ed work necds no further coinment to We public. t All AJen'S -.Odd C,loat to content themselves. vith an out,side and shoald.give7to iss Martin the powers b that the money vlue of the aug,ar paid for Afeti'j Odd Pant Alen)s Odd e t Drs. Rolins and.Amos. work will receive earefal atentl6TI t t tl)0 SMalle ticket. The reception accorded the distin- and privileges she has earned. There is no Water�proof the contrai each -individual was largest a -t the lower, rea. A horse belonging to Mr. J. -McClaekey cost. Farn)eis waDtlnK good scd (Y wide,tbfstlo Coats, Boys I u i dtc. that plate' son that we know of why the legal. pro- 8-tatesman was, also, as. watru kind ?our 41a; gaished ran away i� Goderich the other plowa of B Beil's nianuNcture, now is price. This ability of the conimf unity to fession slic uld be kept sacred, from iavrasion inust be sol� regardless of cost : also )no good oad liskey wer� thrown out and lm. MeCl Spot as cordial, proportionat6ly, as the audience by ladies more than any. Oth As maters uscraper. CAll and see them. T. bigUis. —i's Vie were not seriously injure The bum as nd more money at the lower range of re were no in n can no plead in the gy letter in 1 was -a s e prices, is accounted -for by the fact large. The terru,ptions or now are, bliss Marti' r smas r M dent s that 1 badly -ied, however, :I and the horse was ractise as a e' any b t b" gp —Th Gould mission band of disorder, 'except what wAs 'caused by a- courts of Ontario badly used 1up. NOTES. gra, dual fall in the rice of things in solicitor, -bat Is gto say, she may conduct Presbyteiian' chatch strawber'ry rralseral i Playing foo p Lori will hold a I Ot- Bay, —M is a I plause and approval. From don Mr.. —The name of Mr. Allan Sea r' soi s. of dernand, such. as kno%v toolc place in I - lwwn, at the arsonage on h about these here, but will giJes a short list and if such legal usineas as will nof call� her into festival on the We Caft Mi lie %v ere -P. M.Qharles Seager, of qodericb, alpeared Laurier -went to the� county of 13�e t, h a court room. Tuesday evening, 16th K trawber. a, A le any thing- that strikes you want in thereh�appe to Sturned to -h equal 1. in the - list of . those who, were oi daine ice cream '�'hy Just mention the rea Bi ed by an lty 'deacons at St. Albans, To�onto, or. 8 as he was received wit- cord and other refreshmets will be fact ivEen yo are� in, and we Will show you herein ihl bar,g,ain lies inci�ease in w "es, enabling the wage earn- an� ST, sery Luk News of the W-eek-� 31st ulb., by th meeting in the city of Chatba;m & a ed during the evening. I Ins e bishop of that dio6�se. ers, —The -P who are aways the maority in any th d6- and- vocal music wi I be f urni;hed by he PARA90LIRS Ing it being ooi he LACES - EMBROIDEIES 41 le BECOMING -PROF'RIB TORS. —*T best local, and foreign talent hvE ilable. monstration attenil x rparts Tui TA Nk T 1 Mr.'Seager has been appointed as assist amt country, -to spend m ore money on, the Ch�t Duke of F fe is selli g off many of es- 0 n 0 in sparing no pa na to cheapened articles than they of the Londo demonstratio�n. Fr his to Rev. J. �­Roper, rect r of St.Thorias, ET GLOVE Si- committee are CORS could possb' taes to th tenants. church, Toronto - HPISIERY 'joyable evening, and ould be n- 1V ham he went to the county of this'an eo leg hadly'� Ssex, of —Rev-. o Nvhen the articlei were dearer and wages —Sir. d Tiernay.. of i.ingst PRINTS GINGHANS T-Tnia Mcscow DISASTr. — t is, positively on, cQaged by a large turia out, I o en3ov t 0AAMBRAYS, which Windsoris the principal cen e. He asserted tt at 3,873 persons rished in the J g;land, arrived in Blyth on M on- delicacies of the'season.—The L rd's supper G wer. 'hv wages increase a Devon, E lo. W s prices fall pi e enin 01 was at every point 9 r,. a LA.0E URTAINS Ol stears 1 received, with as 'reat Mosco d t ad. that 4,000 persons �14Y v f 14st week, and i 3 now so- th lo will be dispemsed next Sabbath a St. And- Cim'-NILLE OURTAINS, rew's church. Rev. A. St I Clinto - - - - - which turi Wing werng were in, d. Journing t tie residence of his brotl Ler manfestations of approval and X otion as iur I J. B. war,, o 02 r e' 11 h He ABLE COVE, R8. an r. prices and i creasing dem dper mpita, h GoLD' RosSLA'ND. —Cecil Rhodes and K t e at the othe �ernay, in East Wawa Will bonduct the service on rl —Thee M. bulk- of the rnerchudis* Places. rom. Ess ,here- Barney Ba nato are turning their attention was so favorably impressed wit, Ca dav and e to be producedL vDr. McDonald, of Se4fort4, WiQ-t the I e county of�MiddleEex,'and on to the'mini g regions while*here 8ne'year ago, �hat he. 04 W.F1 turned to th 0 atio of British Columbia, I and . Mrs. Id a meeting at Ails& Craig, and have w an resigning his parish in X IV and distributed increases: at a greater r' n 'i' day, at eleven O'clozk.—Rekr. Monday he 'lie expert at Rossland, wba I logla, d , �1' d than thelaborers themselves,. this inoreftses in lX McKibben, of Monk,�no Isiting Mr. at t ere -is te times more wealtli in the interestri-of Mr. Valentino Ratz, -t says th, t ing this couhtry.his future home d t,�re or services, -he ai district than South Africa ever ey nd Mrs. R. Mellis ai rr fr ends.—Mr, ash the competition of employers f L —Gr t�wnship council has greed nL in the Tra� to Job McKay and son, of the Kh gston busi- popular Liberal candidate, for-'Norbli Mid-* ,�expend . $100 for and waes are forced saw. UP. out grwel on the west rn ness- college, paid a visit in'the fore part of Elgin cr� I W dlesex. Eve' n here, at. this of the wa, His �uc E, �s KMLE1 D 1boundary, �n the condition tha Mo ris the week at he parental home. - Air. and Goods 0 rei y HiAr.—S. H. Roper, castle Roe. The abject Of protection bei�n to exalt of Roxbur , Massac vusbip doo likewise. When i T 9 little village, he was greeted by an i' mense husetts, who 'had tON In s cons d- Mrs. Thomas McKay. Mr.! McKay is one t. rked for 25 years to perf6et a steani bi- ered that th' e.is about'ten miles A ro prices, which, with the ad of the combine crowd of fully five thousand people, �nauy wo of the many Huron boys who have climbed cycle, drop ?ed dead �f heart disease while and at very badly in need of and trust it sacceeds in doingit must neces- 40F part of �h of whom had -driven long distances to, t to the top of the ladder,and is row making 0 sarily follow, that in so fa -as protection ac- A —Mrs. Pelover, of and do honor to the Liberal leader, while dy last., have to be stretched pr�etty well to cc er rX hear maing first slecessful run on Mon- tenti n, thi� extravagano sum of $200 - ill big mark in the wo d —A nem Iffensall, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour on ownpli�,hea its ead.-in. this regard, it. must� the reception accorded him did oreidft to OAL ANNI)GOLD. -T he owners of the Cam- the ground.', I erd aco the.prop In c4, which tA]UL the . Sabbath last.—Thd foot ball 118'": Lam ourtail the per capita. consumption of the. bria coal fie Ids at Cheyenne, Wyoming, have —The oth ay, good peopl6 a ert� o a Craig, and theL Libera-1 Just discove�ed tha Albert Kneeshaw,, of derich, 1 vae f articles. &ffected, thus incrieasing the bullc to of Ails t the coal which they have i r -was layed on Saturay evenin lbetweeh Isr'. Th of North Middlesex generally The town �&�'Alma of T k ith will be 104, JLn the Eippen cluU- of T frami been selling at $2 per ton c a G.'T. R. engin , just at the fc ot over by arries $5 to 88 be produced arid distributed, necessaily was witnessed by a large num spee. Ei)wAia) as tastefully decorated, while. the': proces. gold per toi . of McDermott's steps, i tha;t town. One tiLtors. The game lasite'd an hou d reducing the number of naen required to a -ion and other features of the demonstra. THrs RIC] [ESTKNowx BuFwui� Dim.— leg was cut 6ff and anot was h r left hat ging 3y fast and furious, but neither aid as able., week rcula produce nd distribute it, wages in conse� John Hattel aged 65 years, the hide. Ipra sides, but our boys are still confiden of sue P -om anv. casion. From John Hatiol Brewing Company, of Cincin- climb the. hill by usin the broke I to score. n both S tion were worthy of the cc' -president. of the Nevertheless, be animal tried Good playing was doic e Dry Good quence are forced down iijider this system. here theLiberalleader went to St. Marys, natij, is deii . He was a multi -millionaire The owner, on hearin of the a 11 I This accounts f the well ku ccidTle t, cess ; although the admit that th� Alma -0`1" Rp orth 1 own fact that �where he was tendered another ii-tagnificent and one of t e ost prominent brewers y in' called in the iassistace 'of a- butel er, w 0 boys are good playes. These tw eltibs will —After -wages fall the lowes�t where protection and demonstration, and at nig.bt addressed an' the west, soon -put t A Sat out of trou le play he be the cobine are most effective as in Chiiia. cup at present li.�ldl by the S 0 -R for the iudgmeuV ad telegraphs f m Constantinople under date of � —Last Saburd AT WOF-1c. —Clara Barton from engines.� CLARA 13A TO- audiencd�' of many s, would ay, while takirig a Alma club, at Settforth, on the Recreation IDS have lvid an load f Grounds, oi� three It cannot be doubted but that!-reatfortuil audience Zoe as large had June 4th, t at thq Red Or tuff from tho in the course of two oss has serif Goderich crgan fa�tory, th hing touches in the in- the guest of Mr` George Sam y paymin are made under tile systein of ptotectionp there been. room for -lie interfor of Armenia to pu , i iorse took frigh� at the anti� e weeks. No doubt this will be an m:bfteatink putting on the finis well. —Mr. tl�lem. From St. 000 into f chase a of sever terior of Mr. haffer's hotel, by applying 1 Will Ross, of Cijnto�, 8;en-t- Sunday in jr-, who paper. --�Mr. tools, -seed and work cattle. She say'p hei ithers running at large c the paint and Chuq is' reputed to be Nvorth $1 d match.—Mr. Alexander Monteitt n the street, d Gilbert Dick has town, the guest 9f big parents, Mr. and the Aead 506L 000 Marys he went to Liatow4, on Taesda� f- t at was in the old country with- a lcld,of! cat 0:00�), chiefly bY its Projectors as agricultural yospectilate ,an away, throwing R. H, Clark, N% ho wi Ls tle, returned home on'thursda eated from MI% David Cooper part taf his Mrs. D. Ross.—Vz '11.a-rry ParRong of brighter. ast week' 25 acre lot, f, k here are made , Michigan, wtho Us bewn visiting after A6 0anada know-, but Such fortunos y Ive In ternoon, Nvh,.,,re he was ireeted with the A CrCLQ",.—A terrible Storm I iving it, off the wagon aild injur ng h Ir pasturing purposes.—Mr. Alma Amidst a' community w same warni enthusisni,' d was li4tened to" swept over a -portion 6f South-western'Min- lip. Commenting on t �lis accide it, th loo ing none the worse for his �rip.—Thel lVm. Logan aid Mr..: John Cochrane, of for some . time pbst, 6turned home on ge a. crowd Of last 8 e frequent showers of the past wee]. have had leaves d 0 S )I ffe, r actuld by as lar tow Hills Green, went on Monday to, Ailsa Thursday last.—%.�he a ople. - From L is- nesot, 6tarday, � in. which some lives a says: Some day tf, is bloomin-, n a berieficia effect on our rawberry p gar( eus.—Mr.:r festivol urna goo Robert Murray has been very n the Laurier demonstration heldun4er the ausl4joes-L-f the Ladies?Aid want, ag,rvted by the appea,rance of a towel he. rot Al to Sbr tford at 'night were lost an(� $300,000 worth of property have a d sized bill for darn mges t 0 Craig, to,take lY for and to hear Ca iad's coming Premier. They of the James stre�' Melhodist church, o -was 73 se r t, superaundalice of the things they need. destroyed. There we t least 1,000 cattle, et e, through allowing t 6 streets O be a )OOr where there was' an.ot"her great -ovation of a some- two weeks,"and underwelt M This sutrering-is intensified by the fact that 'Idrowned. say it was I 9, was r t Sheep, hogg and horse ree pasture for cattle an 'horse�. very t grand succes.—Mr. James Tuesday a member p as cl d success. COR_;\L -painful o eration on Sabbath last, perform- -ooper is di is hei 1,DS RUIFMD.—A.- terrible hail- —Mr. John Cameron,1' mp-maker, ed by Dr. eDiarmid, of Hensall, and Dr.. pro am ted to over $70.—Mr., popular favor, and here the largest -build- F* dis�osing � of big lum ber . and The ceeds 6uh h was packed by -an audience of Oyer ten -I at aq early h S day morning, Imtknow, had a very n4rrowesoape froin Gun;, of Clinton, which p shingles to t o4e in need.—The hay crop in James Pardn, NJ Ne� he Davdso —At 0L the increaaed prices lower I'le purchasing u ing storn roved very *noe, wb" destroyed thbusa, 1is section is r�aking 'a ohn Atkinson andill Annie Horton,- of power of the lowered wages, areatin, r an Sao-. n Mr want thousand people, and where there would, ads Irares of fine groNv- tatal accident'joii Tuesday of last week. "Be cessful. Mr. Murray's many friends Will be ring Ou nei as engage4 tatbg that it orse� with them this se;- this village, were I Mr. ugh 1�be guests C 4 �putting in curbing into a, pleased to learn that he is now improving on -than last. Mr. Peter Grant is having have been many more had there been room. cutting. stalks off like a inowing inaebine.; ell on the farri McDougall, of -Hibbert, ;on Sunday lask— and suffe ainog-st those who are able to ing corn in 8 th Kansas, 'the hailsto Woods, (f We,ft nicely, and and depriving thern of the ability ri of Mr RZ eiei�l get work them. Frain Stratford be went. to will be around again in a short is harvest ir. t e cabbage line. —Mr. 7R. Me- Mr. J thirty­si The storm was so seves�-e that the roadsidesi nosh, -when a portiont 'of the ground oseph Spearelfte to help their less fortu w time.—b .r. John t in Mr. naed the -weddin of a,te comrades 1 cc 9 Catharines, n d Mr. Cameron fell neaz ly fifty Laurier7s big political meeting at London, in more improvements tohis Mr. Simon Mille Steacy, at - HOW Guelph, an -d from there to St. are strewn. with (lead 4irds. !e d , an ordie is add r and Alos up( —Two et to the bot y Wage and it Was places- Simply a rep tom of the well. FoftursatE last week. John y Wednesday I evening last. ---4 serious this is)r will be vouched for b AT -1 YSTERIou DF­vu-r.�—At San Francisco Iready fine'res� deuce, in the way of a bal- Lumley, on b'both says it was well worth the Ony and tag Mary,, exrners enerally, for the gretttest. beefac 't' MissrMayrse Worrafl of Chester Lodge,-' I r for Mr. Cam eron he slipped into t �e we] I improving the lawn and number from'here z tende'd tke 'Serwus am 9 tion of the same story of '.enthusiasm trouble. —Our farmers and village folks are Alaocabeee tors workmen baye ever had are their fellow Gilston roaa L6ndon,' a highly connected' f et first, as. the falling earth buried b i now (loing honor to Her Majesty by givi ce and other attrac- Picnie, at Grad I.. d, on Thursday -of this tn,.vhi crowds and good Ab none of the youn lady, of 22 years of ae, who wwi ing, -ions. en ished th.ese will add greatly week.—It his b 1y reported that to Prope 9 i early to the' shoulders, and although a the roads their usual amount of gravel.— D the appearan e of th een curre�il a tour of the world' unattenided, was badly bruised,he is notseiiously hurt, Mrs. R. Mellis returned horne frowv'isiting Mr. Win. Brck, tie Pati' —Mr. workmen. It is the rise in prices and fall places was,there anything but' the gre, e place. 0 died suddenly- in her room at the Palacq on P. P. A. in wages, that 1�livo-YS follows the introduc. -kindness hown to the Liberal leader-, and d no bones are br'oken. her sister and other friends in Glenallan I didate for North *idJ 6n Tuesday 2nd inat�, Harvey last week, the fight, and has given tii>n of protect -ion, that acdounts for the at every ul.and i Hotel. Indicaions point to strychnine lookin 06 field is left to vk 05 last plce, his gracef nagnetic much better for heir trip, I poisoning. of Banno( Owell, of Goderioh, diec er. Inare M fact that the per centage of poor and crimi- oratory was listened to with ev 1,, after an illness —Miss Annie Foot, kburn, is Exet Hutchins, Conservajitive, aiia Mr. V. Ri%6� ery evident A FOOLISH P=,010, Or, LITIC.,ITIO-N�—A If three weeks, 11 %V I his 34th year. -Dkeased visiting. at the manse with 'the Mi' I Reformer. first MOM stupidly obstinae piece of litigation has stroDg,4hearty man until soine' fe and Stinie Acheson. --!�-Tbe- politic aylor, nals -are increasing in all countries that sign.of pleasure ancl approval, the. only i 'N 3ses Katie LoCAL BranFs —Mt. and . -Irs. R. T Y, f Tayvlor'r meeting ------- -- have. adopted it. Since Gireat Britain t e r p just been seffled by the House of Commons. was a 3 gr spent Sunday in town, Vil tions being those of appla weiiaks since, when be had an attack. of la which was held fiere last Friday veniag !�� he gauests o use. adopted a. revenue tariff -prices h Mr. Two Aberdeenshire land owners quarreled 'rip'pe, which the past week the interest r. Hu6 Brown.—Miss M. Wroxeter. aud Mrs, &Ve fallen Laurier coneltides his triumpha,1- march over the right to fish -in the River ee, of Mr. John MeM an was' ertraund, s for some time naat been 60 &r cent., wages have risen 50 D ltw fever of so serious, a visit to per cent., throucyh Ontario by a meeting in Afassey,hall, a character t; sat rE - fairly well attended.' Air. R. . deMordie. risiting friends in town, retgrn'ed to iler NOTES. —,Nea Parish aij which borders their estate for 150 yards. .; covery seemed beyond hope, � The IS, was voted to the chair, which pc some in Credit. the narnber of her Poorest ch rly ali the Grits- from the ass decreased Toronto, to -night, (Friday,) -and, jadging Both admitted that tbe fishing wa aitign he on Friday last.�M:Tfj, B. village and vieinRy attended the Laurier Englaud a of no Vey J. Howell was born. in Brant I Ounty filled with credit. Re also gave a few pre- Yv. urigg and s n, of Montreal Junction, 50 per cent., and her criminals 7I p value, bik-t they -spent $15,000 to have their' demonstration at Lfitowel, on Tuesday last, th,6 intea er cent, by the preparations being made for his recep- rights decided' Jnd removed to Colborne in 1869, where ha liminary remarks, strongly c(nde qjuebec, are at p esent, visiting friends - and —Two gentlemen f4)m the neighborhooct of A similar measure adopted by Japan in� 1866, tion. the�e, it ved 'until 8 years since, on the family the present Government on the felaiives in town —A large number from Walton came- to Wli' 1-N-CrDENT. —There was a rm. take the train, Will ftilly.equal, if it does not A TEP.Pi;L : rho ogl i, S P 0 d U a ing fa xeter to �Las retur siuWar results there. In Goderich,he was employed pui- question. Mr. R. B. McLean also raye an this place attend d the Laurier demonstra- and on -arriving fou�14 to their dismay that Scotland. eclipse the others. Even Tory Toronto will terrible panic the other day on an excursion in the waterworks, and for two yeari address oft the tariff, showing the e�ase of tion held at teamer on Gfemmener Lake, "in the vici Craig on Monday.—Mr. they had forgdtten b6 parcel. They Advocates of ji�oteetiun try to fl-kghten rise Lip almost en -masse to-do� honor to tile nity town contractor for,p' tting in rivatia the farmers' depression, at the n ent ti the owners of, the engines of production a rag' u he 0 me. Thomas Seldon and wife, of Egers att o � of our fast r. Wati Mr. Mom he eGs. %ddress, oil, nio bicyclistst ause he repre- of the public schools on board illan made t Spent Sunday ad Mo 4a Mr. Dan E-aaes, viho covered the distan-ce# nd great Libcxal le'der and the c If Berlin, Germany.. Th6re were 250 pupils strvices. F or about two years past ke h I n ly chartered - There seems to be victorv'in the air. George - nests of Mr. Ge rge Samwell. distributio, the W.Pitalists, by teaching r, em t t. the steamer. been employed at the organ factory, wher- Which was -a rousing one.—M y in town, the When 'tho centre of the lake had been he was much esteemed. He leaves a widoN' G .—Mr. Will sli miles, in, lesO tAan 2J hours, nd th r Potts, of Clinton, is this week in 'ur burg, Aeldon, of Ingers ll� ae b Sunday in to vvii, roads were both roirgh i6nd istuddy. ­­ - --- I 3 7 f VJ U I JL�Kv Jui that lowering prices means diminished re- 3 4otes and Comments. eengineerof theateemboal,sud and two children of *tender years to mourn fo turns for' the use of capital. How stupid Sir - Charles - Rivers -WI denly an ounced that 4e w is going to, bloW his death. ison a bone� r up the blat. An investiga, ion i ihowe I that —The Brussels Post says: William Ain- e) this contention really. is -maybe seeii when moon car I'Violebll- was a gre t i N rth"Is C -W -r e�atest i the villAi had so fixed I the erigi ae tt at-. an ley,_of Brussels, is, quite a genius, and has we c6hsider. that lowering prices is the'in. feature of interest 'When 1 was u explosiTlwas imminent. BoatE wer 3 im- now in his possession new inventions in the 8 mediately lowered and !the' sorei ming child- shape of a tin aided cheese box; - an, octagon variable way in which increa,-,ed productive- Toronto. The- palace on wheel- cc t Iness of labor manifests itselfi and that the nearly $50,000 and it is said the item w, 1.1 rewhurriod -into them. M)re b)ats a vived butter tub; a bag tringy; and now is t e froin the ahore, and %11 were readued, ith- workirl- on 'a Venetjan Vliad that can be P-4 only return capital ca ever -hop,6 to get for arohar,�- V iflau 9-av me—et opposition at the forthcoihi in one mi�sute afCor the' last petson W La gob pen6d and closed ithoat g,,, ing outside or 0 'Us"I vigol its useomes from labor, therefore the in- holders' meeting as not being in harmor y off the stbamer exploded. raising the window. Mr. Ainley has the - I I Vith the r� RUNAWA.Y.—Hon, Austin recommends of practical meu As to ,the presen, creasedroductiveneis. of labor, the cause of wit4 G,e kera Managet Hayes, re cent effams KILLEI IN A the use, I lowering prices, must increase the return to at et.X-eliehinent in expenses. Mr. Hay 3, Corbin, the New York millionaire, is lead, fulness and vdlue of the ab. ve mentioned I wh I - Miss Berl en b 3 assumed ontrol of the Grand the- result of a carriage 0 capital, seeing that the owners thereof can T- aodiderib M his articles. We hope be will be able to plae gu"ts of i rank innotinced his intention of trav i beautiful estate. M r - Vorb in a AQ ears them' on f he" markeh and I hdr.ebv receive Ulm 1.-, I 70 J ---;Wvl ------ and do in a -very large measui:e decla the 'on-ordintry trains and old. In 1873 be organired e -Gorbin T abolishinj the man- remuneration for his work. share which labor shall get of its, (laboes)in- agerial ar altogether. Sir Cliarles gaVie Ranking Ompany, and fe-vt ins"ituticna, if Judge Dovl-e ha given jadgment in.the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. dleton, q Orders f r the " Violet's " constmetion jiio- any, are so well and favorably nown,in . . . . . . creased productivepess. The return to will case of Sjeers vs. Speers, an action be- self. It was chriate4ed for his wife and the Great B itain and in A' �rica. Re built MI tween Win. Speers and Joseph Speers,: of last, to c0i VM_Tho figure betet.n. the parentliegW �rter each e the first ailroad from Br6okly: oney e capital for its use in that, market where th i presen b a its second, trip. Sir Charles is ap, Asbfield. In 1890 Josepliv Spd' 8, the one denotes t o paper.ou which the r 4v., of Fon advertisement �%ill be found. cheapening effects of all modern improve- old robser who has,got a young wife, anO Island, 0, ro g is ins rum an a I y elder,. father of the above named parties, f if helia ce'lebratedthe eventlprovidi first*of tie large hotels erected hbr Two Larg- ments are felt in full force, to -Which ma be'; was made a will in which he left All his estate to e Stanks—Pickard & Co. (6) y ts as this pallaeb on wheels for his m d nterie Dy by Diy—M�Klaiyoxl & C-). added the immense' -bonuses 411 rotection- dding to r In additim to. his large rail rem Joseph, except a few hundred dollar Scasonzable Gooda—J, f,. 1AInith (S.)L. d. ailwa Sys' divided among the rest of ily p out of k ts own money, no person would ha e president of the Long Islan of six uden & Wilsin (5) ist countries are saddling themselves with, any right to kick at'hisfolly. tern, and his administration of e a Mrs Of bat in 1893 he carnq to thee 3nelasio tha V ilkSelling Whtels—ti u t Read On—Gilroy & Wiseman (5) in or&r to sell abea in that market, viz the Phil),delphim' and Readinji R�j Belladonna Pkster4­4. V. Fear (1) 1i Way11 this was an unfair division, and drew 9, new lVashville, The Eagle—C. W. Papst (1) the British market. is illustrated by the The Toronto Globe has made the ptat(l Mr. Corbin found time o put in operat'011 will, leaving the whole estate to -be abotit bolida;Yz -91 Farm Mr Sale—Alex. Boyle (6) vded Many fiu4ncial schemes,� philanthropic plans equally. di among his children, and A Special Session—W., H. Shm* (8) fact that not -only have �her people been, able inent I hat the Dominion Government havei t. 0 this locall A Splendid Chanca-18mao Whitowan (6) of, co oniz� ion and immigration. named his Eons, William and.Joseph, aud been remi to. 'supply themselves as regards capital out since the election 1 campaign ommencec' Waver so Cbeq—Grelg- Macdonald (I) Oil Cloth Lost --John Dopp (8) pas . sed ord oil grainting betwe AndrevMullin, the executors of it. Joseph of profits.' in spite of the stupendous expan- era in -G cc A tl protested this will on the gr and that the Grand Lserosse Match Huron Notes the late'sl'i Two Weeks of Bargains -1 1, sion of her domestic and'foieign but ten an velve Mi ion dollars Ao various Luck ow will hold 'a grand celeb ation testator had not. sufficient cal'acity of mini! to. . . . . . . . ... W el to lend to other countries $12,500,000,000 to railway i nd ot on the IS' of J ly. -he set thi i will, of 1890 Big Diacount--W. 11. Wil her 1like 6nterprises *hic to make a will, and RarKaing in.Boots—(S.�—W4 H. Willi -3(8) u as the frue, and I tat will, but, in his favor, in long lea,4 $100 Reward—Robe t Torranca (9) help develop their resources, and pay �he Ill 3rect it new I i4 ir are b air g ptomoted by friends of . th a —Thel ank of Commerce w Dental Card—Dr. Belden (8) verAnwat, and that these orders in cour,, building i 2 Goderich for their own use.' the judgment just given therill. of 189.3 -is A law -n V This s b6liuses. um almost equals her total go sustained. T�en The Patrone—Jbn Govealock (6) cil-are being peddled around by kovernmers; —Mrs. -,R. C. Kittson,'of Lower Wing- ABOU ERTMING eH. F. Edwards (8) Extra Fine Teas— capitalized wealth the day she struck the agentE as nong the cc J paying m anies and that on th 3 ham, has gone to California t( spend the p lawnr shackles from her trade, thirty-seven years, strength 6f them; sabscriptions to th3 itimmer vi -ith fr ends there. Cromart You may depend upon it that we're nio the Y. u da are being sc - rTent thunderstorm cOns n berries W flooded j)y the cheap party (ampaign I u —Duril og a of values ago, and began to be =NrAL.—A pleasaut-ev4 nt took place pri ter ood money to tell you that are =t licited, The state i at of the Globe is ont r Was done Shad.- tre4 - in on Wednesday eve of las week,-- at the me erable - da ale a Ashort bonus fed goods.'of the pamper b m ni godd. The double column is read and c'riticised by e gIvIen. y b denied b 7 theConse -vative' paers in a ver Goderich, b ightning. I residence of Mr. 1W Tow ra, when, h a world-." This almost incomprehensible sum half, heaj ted S women and men all over HuroD - and as Jonj as th ort of way. It is- given col —Mr. -Thomas Arher, of Hu Ilett, I las 01 rigeat da�bghter, Bella, was married to does not include a few.hundred millions heri. also by a statement which apea, in i field offa I wheat which was oA in'bead r. Donald L. Park, second son of James accept our statements as literal truth we sbal be satis- SEAFORTIEE FRIDAY, June 12tb, 1896 Montrea correspondence of the Toron -iwo we�i i ag people have lost in different countries Park; Esq. The'huot was siaeurely tied fied. The business has never be by —Dublil en DWorld, i Strong Government paper, an I —A in all child of Mr. E. Finch' of the Rev.Pete'r Scott, at 5 iii., after which is now and we mean to keep it so by k e ping faith uch schemes as the Chignecto, Ship Rai.- p which is given too, In' connection with w i Clinton,:i ras badly hurt the other day by a the assembled guests, to the i umber of 'one -or Revenue.' way. A return to a revenue tiriff V w Protection Vs. Tariff f with our customers. What *e tell of jv�e inter ie which.thel' correspondent had wita pick piercing its abdomen. ek by week i hundred, Eat doven to a reast that would Maria" the -citj �The East Huron anO Grey Branch, Ag- hi short worth knowing. The store is too lag -a tp' be looked —The $1 When trade is restraned in those aitioles remove the check to productio a' Sir Chaf es Tupperi who was in tempt the appetite of the I lost fastict, OILS Sys. the Sam i day ent a in a half hour, and shoppers like to h tbat protection entails,' and no doubt cause T e correspond -ricnitur&l Societies will hold apnual The iest of the evex ing wa,i sl ien a over. lie epicure. t ve the best lu ortant of foreign originwhiob. may be pFod ,ed, An ir in Be osels, on nd announdement regarding fa 0otober Ist a 2no.. in triVing the light fantu Mr. and 4 slight drop in prices, this drop in price. things pointed out. For that reason we :P W.. )II113CO; rint news po cottage� -in The U though under less advantageous ciroum- the railw iy licy 0 the Dominion Govern-, —Mr h Ross his sold his property in Mrs. ark will reside in the, ener en, 'near would be checked immediately' by an in-� ment wil be made t to 9r. Findlay, McHwan, of tan- Crom&rty�- where their nu-irerous fri of g al interest and stances, at home and the product is .an -merrow by Sir Charlep Clin n t invite your critioisin of the E. J. Flynn article in, which the use may, to a limited creased demand, resulting in a sharp calli Tupper, who will 1 form Hon. ley,for it e sum of $1,075, who takes pos- w goo& ish them long life and prosp)rity.—Cin�the be' tha fie' rposes to a e over all feeders of session th Ist of Septqi ber. for labor- and consequent rise in wages 10th inst., Mr. SimonA. Millerwagon extent only, be eqonom ized the following the Inter olonial, -such, as Baie des Chsleur —M rs.. indlay Me n, of Stanley, maker, took unto himself u I el partner; in was With agriculture relii�eved from the terrible bad a r -OW: results ensue —Prices rise and profits rise, road and v�ral lineis in New Brunswick, as the other by sy presen6ed with an* %ddre�s, the person of Miss Sitsie Stac of Lumley. at burden it has borne for. 17 years, the area of a portion of -the Canadian Government her Sun school cl The a ldr ass, es of course at the expense -Gf the consumer, was They will also reside in the v e, an4 we 0 U r. Dre'hss Depar men cultivation would extend rapidly t6nd pop-,.,-- railways. Taking !the two together, the r accom an d by a water- set and 61bilmi e rdially welcome the you rides into 0 Wage upward p a,. however, do not rise, for in so far as certainly form a most startling announce —One The backbone of a great dry goods business is thee as� goods stock. At ght recently iome per, ons g ined -by the competition littion. increase. Under such a system the . our midst.—We gain two, ut lose �ne, e n t r a -ce to N. - Bl�cknioie' � sto , in wages are determined ment. The scheme w6uld,certainly,be a mos entr Miss Maggie, daughter of Air'. retnrntocapital would ier e - R. Hatnil- no tin h., hae we been neggligent as regrda style or variAy, 'he present assort- employers for Services, the tendency is to-, e" ' by. le;aPS diabolical one, bu6 it is just such as TuppeT' Brussels, �nd helped themselves ban ass, t a ton, who, on W`ednesdayj wa i tnarrie4 to e and, bo'undi and be more diffused. -A million woaldde�ise. It isiquite true that-& simpl tobacco, cigat,'&c. ment'; e' tinably the most comprehensive ing unq"s ice cream,! we finve ever sho W&rde aL reduction of 'wages, Seeing- the use Mr. David Allison. They is Ltend lea%ii .�Chicag, ing o Wingbani met happy families would. upp orde.r in council would not be valid until i —Thoin" Woodcock,, of kind c a d es �u want, any color you waut.� Every tossibls taste of the product is not increased bat rather soon -be orting shortly. for Morden, Manitola, where Mi� his been —The, r recei ith a P�i themselves in plent on the wonderfully fer-1 ved the signature of the Governo'rl 'wi i�sful accident � one day last �eek. Allis '1 a been farming consid(rcd both in. plain aad fanoy materials. What YOU pay for ly Mrs.on,,,l a fo some years. them pea from t- cy G ral, nor c6uld any money be pad on �t A -cow kic4ed him, bre tined. Professor Rogers in E.4 clopedia, ene &king a simall bone in A ison will be greatly sed by her The price i J , secondary CM-3i4el-ation. Privess are R mi�le _'OL 0 V 88 coOiLn you until eng orsed by Parliament. But by the -back 6� his han& acquaintances, bat our loss 1; the gain of tile plains of our great West,, for g intol a to b Britannica 9th E d., Val. 9, page 754. 'passing t e orders'i imagp 3.q 11F.1ities to be so thoratio. ly good for the in healthy existence, from end to 'end of our i n council the govera- —The bishop of Hu n der to add Ixty head es ron has appoi;nted others. Weextend our neerst congratu- onoy, -a The, above explains in a measure th and i e, true ment pledges its -elf Ao -give the am6unto Rev. W. Duthie to.the parish of Luck- lations to all these yonng per ions in their W Special thin one -in- interes glorious country, the thousand and; 5 tolhis departiii,mt, we have peked oat u fe as and madle ago- athil has new relations. cause of the long continued fall in wages in -a that invariably follow the ex promised, provided lbey are returned t now and St. Helen's. Rev. Mr. specia A brol dnstrie� tension t prio(a in Order to 'a a11Y P)Ssible.risk of our )1,aving to c-arry them Canada and the United States since trade power, atd,if the c6rporations which giv been on 1�*ve of absence for a Year. f the a' NOTES.—The Young People held their 0 er. �be spille, 0 rea of cultivation. their sub criptions on the strength of -thes)' —A W di Ingham gentleman wai i fined w4kgon was prom IV �n Luckuow, the other day, be- election of officers and comm.ttees for the was restrained by protection. It also ex- 6:1, semi-annual meeting on Monday, for the ises nrece' e their reward:thei and costs W 0 can plains the cause of the rem-, arkable rise in will know the tleam of horses. he had ie —MT. A I eapon h There is n se a t d to a 'ensuin 'term. Air. Win. ywas appoint- Wag The Liberal Leader's�Visit to the least loubt bat if Si 9 "mow' has beeri, ea. in, Great Britain and Japan since ir arles and hi 1 shadp-treia !tore some of the bark c ff. ed i cat Miss Susie M(Laren, vice- pres nery Ue Goverami �nt are sustained on the 23rd o Ontario. :—The ew Thames koad osl in -Ou M 1 1 0 .1 r M W these countries remaved the restraints on offic siden ; Mr..Scott r a-, hn t pre Barr a tary ; and nship was 6 L on this mont i, there will be a carnival of exf Usborne tow peney 01 ay A-fr. Fre Kerslake, treasure —Mr. Alex.- their trade by adopting reenue tafg. Before -this reached :our readers Mabroad that our prices are low. ford, and -1 tiavagane �, and corruption the like of which of last wee' M I Job Pardon ad the misfortune to ',re It has otten r 0 Allison has been t his hand Thi is not 'by Recident, Ra:f!thoe� The people of -a country where a reven-Ae Laurier ver bee witnesed in this country. I�! apointed Ostmasteir, andthe initil wil-� bA will have completrodhis tour of has ne 3 lilline s wie canAol re y i I art while repairing a wind -mill at you utt see for yourelTAw seve y. is one of the thing -e an addition of at least ten tariff prevals feel the full benefit of al mod- ivill requi o# carried by r. B. r, M en lWeGilPs. In- endeavoring to notion. One good Vain- we cn-a say about this de- WeiAern Ontario. It has, indeed, been a e r. i7 ord(r to ot the propek —Mrs era improvements in. protection, and dis- twelv lio dollArs to the public debt Dr. Ross, of Nineto'�, has b tight ou. stop the machine, his hand got c . aght, partmf nt is hat the stool- does not get & chance to gro There p practic A L to he romises already made b e medical "I[em ntnt"' W Old. There is a con. trill! bbal march. -is no person who imp th e of Dr. tribution wherever introduced. All such yi: a, c I ik., breaking one finger ;iid otherw se laceratit 9 stant income and outgo that bespeaks the keenest of Boston, ar, can predict with any degree ' 'of Sir Charle Tuppe 1, e YCV -3 direc- Auburn, Mud tkes possession t the -hand. —Mr. oenien"s increase the product.' certainty and rs. es Labig are ur wa;nts in thi impr L iveness. The peopleW that -vicinity will find r. spendin h ad very, very che-a. liary tion. Almost all the time there are bright thilip'to be- wha the result of the elections will be on The gre lig g a few d(Lys with r at' ves in Grey. —mrs. I bts of the legal pr6fessio' amiable and siciah.. --Two 0 Barr's b Of labor, and as prices. in,general tend to-- n in Ross a N, jelever ph Mr: John thers, from -ion -to the 23rd of this M�ntb pend- this provi ce of Ontari —one d I 6 week while Mr. Glazier, Lanark Munty, are at. present visiting kim XcGarvin,4 wards the cost of protect but if any de o seem to be terribly' L , the benefits ence can aces, upoir who is e be placed upon appeara frightened t the otn' ployed by Rinsford Bros., at and his fi mily. iss Katie MeKaig left on - the clonsumer (another name for the whole -petition of women. public demonstrations, and npon the feel Stapleton, -�,as working in the -logging field, Tuesday :or a summer's visit. among rel rispet Department A Y-01 0 C community) are manifested by the gradual The law f o0fety at e g k by a log and injured so badly tives in t ie North-west Territories, for the ing of 'enthusiasm as displayed by the Peb- decided b5 a vote of nine to bix that Miss that -to be taken h! ome. Fc rtuna;ely hie The Cal -�ets are a separate department aiid for thes�e' w� -have fl tted up fall in the price of tbingq-ia general de- Toronco a few days ago, h qr Ohe h purpose !of iegaining her healt-b.—W le at these demonstrations, then we -can bt Martin on 8 w �en. mand. This coutintioasly oheapening effect p Clara Br( no b e re bro acleveri and plucky lylrs. Weitzman and sister, Mis., Park, weie room. special and in 'Go doing have saprised Ourselves -by seein how quic antel6n's mason gang, ave out driving on Monday, theii horse' too'k. —MRS J surely hope for the be8tresults,. from a Lib- —0 of Clii iton, I 9 kiy� laces the articles� within the xeac4 of an young lad who had passied all the examina-' sales are m ai The room is large with plenty of light so thit a cus p Mr. er4 point of view, ovelection day. ust fini* bed an excellen,bank, bat a for Mr. f Light, 'completely- overturning.the bu t a-,,, e o f the commun- tious necei sary, and fulfilled all the cc ggy hi,poor hel ag per cen ndi- -her judgment of carpet.. ever increasi John Stevens, London road, and a job of with its occupants. Beyond a F. evere fri lit, with a little It ne cannot be mislead in We -have a Laurier commenced his series of meetings in tions requ red by meii,should not be allowed for �Cbi�oag., ity, and also enables those NvIlo have hither-, masonry fo� J. McKenzie. C4ate'on* )ol- no harm was done.—A numbiar 4 Reform large assortiA n -t inc the heap hemp to the finest patterns cti8c -the profesiion for which she had era Tnndon,. on Wednesday evening of last to Pra borne have a barn on hand for Henry went totratford on Taesday, to hear our in Brussel . -n to do so w Al to ued the. th less repared herself, and for which 'she had so a full lineof the newest Aesigns in stair and 11 P: p d 1"' oleuv Dor oils, week.' The ieception there. given bim was Baker, 16t� concession, aodeiich owns ip. great leader, Mr. Laurier.—A e ri c Ivin proved h4 rself thoroughly competent. A et "Thomas Jor dan died at th6 Hous -, of storm passed through this distr A on killn- nowor h such as lifis niver been accorded to a poli- couple f i essi ns ago� the'Provinci Refuge,'onMonday morning of last w, day afternoon. In the immediai' 0 0 10 al Legis - Experience teaches that 0.ie consumption 2. q ne '13 r! tical leader of re, ased an act idl6wing womeif any pirty in that city, and I&tu to be of articles in general d Deceased wa's formerly a resident of Gli de- hood no serious damage was done, bigit,the em -and' increases at So called.to't he bar'o'n conditions that the law which bas rarely' been �surpassed in this iich towns� ip. He w%s an Epacopaflau. adjoining townships fared worfle. te'v per, greater ratio ihan the fll in price. For in- ciety benchers-gay.e' their cc so nsent. This Th.6 body -4as takeif in charge by meta, iers province. The procession was a magnificen� U Clothin Dw artment eta -ace, in Great Brittlin, when sugar was consent will be seen, they have with- of his famil�, for interinint. 9 Mouth . Br'� affidr, and the largest ISailding in the'eit held aud"ha,ve thus shown that they ate Gdorge Corbett � of near .pen. en- 20 cents per Pound, obrisumption per head 1. - —Mle.' Brinse 'f Kip In most o 'the (hry goods tores Clothing is a a- t and so 'it wa J r I - de 4epartmen —Air. .1 tirely too imid to stify the confidence the -underwentla t*"n a, Ex'mer, T. IvIFTLxs Nvou niand kept getting I spacked -by ais� immense audience of over )ainf al oi�ra Idl'ow take this U41 greaer and gireater until We bean b is wAtell was 17 pGunds, by the time atiga had fallen was with b t tl­ Legislatur 3 llk\re piiqed in them, and the terlihousandphople andmany- who con] on Wedues lay of last. week, -by havir, timity of asking -his ranny' look upon as a -,-,vd ing stock and it dropped' to 9, to 10 cents per pound conslimption was 75 Legislatur should take from thern the It arge and ftoublesome tun' Mowers r.nd nianbinery repairlog avel to it particular attentin. We not possibly qq[ieeze' into building had Oplolimln Id ior rem ved am Of bring, In in good time. T4 31ellis' long ex' ience in Ithis o w you the ne west and best malies' U 21en's Suitf?, pounds per hed. It will be seen from this power which they seem disposed to -abuse his shoulde!. The oper4tion was I or are always rea; y to P!i erfor ed work necds no further coinment to We public. t All AJen'S -.Odd C,loat to content themselves. vith an out,side and shoald.give7to iss Martin the powers b that the money vlue of the aug,ar paid for Afeti'j Odd Pant Alen)s Odd e t Drs. Rolins and.Amos. work will receive earefal atentl6TI t t tl)0 SMalle ticket. The reception accorded the distin- and privileges she has earned. There is no Water�proof the contrai each -individual was largest a -t the lower, rea. A horse belonging to Mr. J. -McClaekey cost. Farn)eis waDtlnK good scd (Y wide,tbfstlo Coats, Boys I u i dtc. that plate' son that we know of why the legal. pro- 8-tatesman was, also, as. watru kind ?our 41a; gaished ran away i� Goderich the other plowa of B Beil's nianuNcture, now is price. This ability of the conimf unity to fession slic uld be kept sacred, from iavrasion inust be sol� regardless of cost : also )no good oad liskey wer� thrown out and lm. MeCl Spot as cordial, proportionat6ly, as the audience by ladies more than any. Oth As maters uscraper. CAll and see them. T. bigUis. —i's Vie were not seriously injure The bum as nd more money at the lower range of re were no in n can no plead in the gy letter in 1 was -a s e prices, is accounted -for by the fact large. The terru,ptions or now are, bliss Marti' r smas r M dent s that 1 badly -ied, however, :I and the horse was ractise as a e' any b t b" gp —Th Gould mission band of disorder, 'except what wAs 'caused by a- courts of Ontario badly used 1up. NOTES. gra, dual fall in the rice of things in solicitor, -bat Is gto say, she may conduct Presbyteiian' chatch strawber'ry rralseral i Playing foo p Lori will hold a I Ot- Bay, —M is a I plause and approval. From don Mr.. —The name of Mr. Allan Sea r' soi s. of dernand, such. as kno%v toolc place in I - lwwn, at the arsonage on h about these here, but will giJes a short list and if such legal usineas as will nof call� her into festival on the We Caft Mi lie %v ere -P. M.Qharles Seager, of qodericb, alpeared Laurier -went to the� county of 13�e t, h a court room. Tuesday evening, 16th K trawber. a, A le any thing- that strikes you want in thereh�appe to Sturned to -h equal 1. in the - list of . those who, were oi daine ice cream '�'hy Just mention the rea Bi ed by an lty 'deacons at St. Albans, To�onto, or. 8 as he was received wit- cord and other refreshmets will be fact ivEen yo are� in, and we Will show you herein ihl bar,g,ain lies inci�ease in w "es, enabling the wage earn- an� ST, sery Luk News of the W-eek-� 31st ulb., by th meeting in the city of Chatba;m & a ed during the evening. I Ins e bishop of that dio6�se. ers, —The -P who are aways the maority in any th d6- and- vocal music wi I be f urni;hed by he PARA90LIRS Ing it being ooi he LACES - EMBROIDEIES 41 le BECOMING -PROF'RIB TORS. —*T best local, and foreign talent hvE ilable. monstration attenil x rparts Tui TA Nk T 1 Mr.'Seager has been appointed as assist amt country, -to spend m ore money on, the Ch�t Duke of F fe is selli g off many of es- 0 n 0 in sparing no pa na to cheapened articles than they of the Londo demonstratio�n. Fr his to Rev. J. �­Roper, rect r of St.Thorias, ET GLOVE Si- committee are CORS could possb' taes to th tenants. church, Toronto - HPISIERY 'joyable evening, and ould be n- 1V ham he went to the county of this'an eo leg hadly'� Ssex, of —Rev-. o Nvhen the articlei were dearer and wages —Sir. d Tiernay.. of i.ingst PRINTS GINGHANS T-Tnia Mcscow DISASTr. — t is, positively on, cQaged by a large turia out, I o en3ov t 0AAMBRAYS, which Windsoris the principal cen e. He asserted tt at 3,873 persons rished in the J g;land, arrived in Blyth on M on- delicacies of the'season.—The L rd's supper G wer. 'hv wages increase a Devon, E lo. W s prices fall pi e enin 01 was at every point 9 r,. a LA.0E URTAINS Ol stears 1 received, with as 'reat Mosco d t ad. that 4,000 persons �14Y v f 14st week, and i 3 now so- th lo will be dispemsed next Sabbath a St. And- Cim'-NILLE OURTAINS, rew's church. Rev. A. St I Clinto - - - - - which turi Wing werng were in, d. Journing t tie residence of his brotl Ler manfestations of approval and X otion as iur I J. B. war,, o 02 r e' 11 h He ABLE COVE, R8. an r. prices and i creasing dem dper mpita, h GoLD' RosSLA'ND. —Cecil Rhodes and K t e at the othe �ernay, in East Wawa Will bonduct the service on rl —Thee M. bulk- of the rnerchudis* Places. rom. Ess ,here- Barney Ba nato are turning their attention was so favorably impressed wit, Ca dav and e to be producedL vDr. McDonald, of Se4fort4, WiQ-t the I e county of�MiddleEex,'and on to the'mini g regions while*here 8ne'year ago, �hat he. 04 W.F1 turned to th 0 atio of British Columbia, I and . Mrs. Id a meeting at Ails& Craig, and have w an resigning his parish in X IV and distributed increases: at a greater r' n 'i' day, at eleven O'clozk.—Rekr. Monday he 'lie expert at Rossland, wba I logla, d , �1' d than thelaborers themselves,. this inoreftses in lX McKibben, of Monk,�no Isiting Mr. at t ere -is te times more wealtli in the interestri-of Mr. Valentino Ratz, -t says th, t ing this couhtry.his future home d t,�re or services, -he ai district than South Africa ever ey nd Mrs. R. Mellis ai rr fr ends.—Mr, ash the competition of employers f L —Gr t�wnship council has greed nL in the Tra� to Job McKay and son, of the Kh gston busi- popular Liberal candidate, for-'Norbli Mid-* ,�expend . $100 for and waes are forced saw. UP. out grwel on the west rn ness- college, paid a visit in'the fore part of Elgin cr� I W dlesex. Eve' n here, at. this of the wa, His �uc E, �s KMLE1 D 1boundary, �n the condition tha Mo ris the week at he parental home. - Air. and Goods 0 rei y HiAr.—S. H. Roper, castle Roe. The abject Of protection bei�n to exalt of Roxbur , Massac vusbip doo likewise. When i T 9 little village, he was greeted by an i' mense husetts, who 'had tON In s cons d- Mrs. Thomas McKay. Mr.! McKay is one t. rked for 25 years to perf6et a steani bi- ered that th' e.is about'ten miles A ro prices, which, with the ad of the combine crowd of fully five thousand people, �nauy wo of the many Huron boys who have climbed cycle, drop ?ed dead �f heart disease while and at very badly in need of and trust it sacceeds in doingit must neces- 40F part of �h of whom had -driven long distances to, t to the top of the ladder,and is row making 0 sarily follow, that in so fa -as protection ac- A —Mrs. Pelover, of and do honor to the Liberal leader, while dy last., have to be stretched pr�etty well to cc er rX hear maing first slecessful run on Mon- tenti n, thi� extravagano sum of $200 - ill big mark in the wo d —A nem Iffensall, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour on ownpli�,hea its ead.-in. this regard, it. must� the reception accorded him did oreidft to OAL ANNI)GOLD. -T he owners of the Cam- the ground.', I erd aco the.prop In c4, which tA]UL the . Sabbath last.—Thd foot ball 118'": Lam ourtail the per capita. consumption of the. bria coal fie Ids at Cheyenne, Wyoming, have —The oth ay, good peopl6 a ert� o a Craig, and theL Libera-1 Just discove�ed tha Albert Kneeshaw,, of derich, 1 vae f articles. &ffected, thus incrieasing the bullc to of Ails t the coal which they have i r -was layed on Saturay evenin lbetweeh Isr'. Th of North Middlesex generally The town �&�'Alma of T k ith will be 104, JLn the Eippen cluU- of T frami been selling at $2 per ton c a G.'T. R. engin , just at the fc ot over by arries $5 to 88 be produced arid distributed, necessaily was witnessed by a large num spee. Ei)wAia) as tastefully decorated, while. the': proces. gold per toi . of McDermott's steps, i tha;t town. One tiLtors. The game lasite'd an hou d reducing the number of naen required to a -ion and other features of the demonstra. THrs RIC] [ESTKNowx BuFwui� Dim.— leg was cut 6ff and anot was h r left hat ging 3y fast and furious, but neither aid as able., week rcula produce nd distribute it, wages in conse� John Hattel aged 65 years, the hide. Ipra sides, but our boys are still confiden of sue P -om anv. casion. From John Hatiol Brewing Company, of Cincin- climb the. hill by usin the broke I to score. n both S tion were worthy of the cc' -president. of the Nevertheless, be animal tried Good playing was doic e Dry Good quence are forced down iijider this system. here theLiberalleader went to St. Marys, natij, is deii . He was a multi -millionaire The owner, on hearin of the a 11 I This accounts f the well ku ccidTle t, cess ; although the admit that th� Alma -0`1" Rp orth 1 own fact that �where he was tendered another ii-tagnificent and one of t e ost prominent brewers y in' called in the iassistace 'of a- butel er, w 0 boys are good playes. These tw eltibs will —After -wages fall the lowes�t where protection and demonstration, and at nig.bt addressed an' the west, soon -put t A Sat out of trou le play he be the cobine are most effective as in Chiiia. cup at present li.�ldl by the S 0 -R for the iudgmeuV ad telegraphs f m Constantinople under date of � —Last Saburd AT WOF-1c. —Clara Barton from engines.� CLARA 13A TO- audiencd�' of many s, would ay, while takirig a Alma club, at Settforth, on the Recreation IDS have lvid an load f Grounds, oi� three It cannot be doubted but that!-reatfortuil audience Zoe as large had June 4th, t at thq Red Or tuff from tho in the course of two oss has serif Goderich crgan fa�tory, th hing touches in the in- the guest of Mr` George Sam y paymin are made under tile systein of ptotectionp there been. room for -lie interfor of Armenia to pu , i iorse took frigh� at the anti� e weeks. No doubt this will be an m:bfteatink putting on the finis well. —Mr. tl�lem. From St. 000 into f chase a of sever terior of Mr. haffer's hotel, by applying 1 Will Ross, of Cijnto�, 8;en-t- Sunday in jr-, who paper. --�Mr. tools, -seed and work cattle. She say'p hei ithers running at large c the paint and Chuq is' reputed to be Nvorth $1 d match.—Mr. Alexander Monteitt n the street, d Gilbert Dick has town, the guest 9f big parents, Mr. and the Aead 506L 000 Marys he went to Liatow4, on Taesda� f- t at was in the old country with- a lcld,of! cat 0:00�), chiefly bY its Projectors as agricultural yospectilate ,an away, throwing R. H, Clark, N% ho wi Ls tle, returned home on'thursda eated from MI% David Cooper part taf his Mrs. D. Ross.—Vz '11.a-rry ParRong of brighter. ast week' 25 acre lot, f, k here are made , Michigan, wtho Us bewn visiting after A6 0anada know-, but Such fortunos y Ive In ternoon, Nvh,.,,re he was ireeted with the A CrCLQ",.—A terrible Storm I iving it, off the wagon aild injur ng h Ir pasturing purposes.—Mr. Alma Amidst a' community w same warni enthusisni,' d was li4tened to" swept over a -portion 6f South-western'Min- lip. Commenting on t �lis accide it, th loo ing none the worse for his �rip.—Thel lVm. Logan aid Mr..: John Cochrane, of for some . time pbst, 6turned home on ge a. crowd Of last 8 e frequent showers of the past wee]. have had leaves d 0 S )I ffe, r actuld by as lar tow Hills Green, went on Monday to, Ailsa Thursday last.—%.�he a ople. - From L is- nesot, 6tarday, � in. which some lives a says: Some day tf, is bloomin-, n a berieficia effect on our rawberry p gar( eus.—Mr.:r festivol urna goo Robert Murray has been very n the Laurier demonstration heldun4er the ausl4joes-L-f the Ladies?Aid want, ag,rvted by the appea,rance of a towel he. rot Al to Sbr tford at 'night were lost an(� $300,000 worth of property have a d sized bill for darn mges t 0 Craig, to,take lY for and to hear Ca iad's coming Premier. They of the James stre�' Melhodist church, o -was 73 se r t, superaundalice of the things they need. destroyed. There we t least 1,000 cattle, et e, through allowing t 6 streets O be a )OOr where there was' an.ot"her great -ovation of a some- two weeks,"and underwelt M This sutrering-is intensified by the fact that 'Idrowned. say it was I 9, was r t Sheep, hogg and horse ree pasture for cattle an 'horse�. very t grand succes.—Mr. James Tuesday a member p as cl d success. COR_;\L -painful o eration on Sabbath last, perform- -ooper is di is hei 1,DS RUIFMD.—A.- terrible hail- —Mr. John Cameron,1' mp-maker, ed by Dr. eDiarmid, of Hensall, and Dr.. pro am ted to over $70.—Mr., popular favor, and here the largest -build- F* dis�osing � of big lum ber . and The ceeds 6uh h was packed by -an audience of Oyer ten -I at aq early h S day morning, Imtknow, had a very n4rrowesoape froin Gun;, of Clinton, which p shingles to t o4e in need.—The hay crop in James Pardn, NJ Ne� he Davdso —At 0L the increaaed prices lower I'le purchasing u ing storn roved very *noe, wb" destroyed thbusa, 1is section is r�aking 'a ohn Atkinson andill Annie Horton,- of power of the lowered wages, areatin, r an Sao-. n Mr want thousand people, and where there would, ads Irares of fine groNv- tatal accident'joii Tuesday of last week. "Be cessful. Mr. Murray's many friends Will be ring Ou nei as engage4 tatbg that it orse� with them this se;- this village, were I Mr. ugh 1�be guests C 4 �putting in curbing into a, pleased to learn that he is now improving on -than last. Mr. Peter Grant is having have been many more had there been room. cutting. stalks off like a inowing inaebine.; ell on the farri McDougall, of -Hibbert, ;on Sunday lask— and suffe ainog-st those who are able to ing corn in 8 th Kansas, 'the hailsto Woods, (f We,ft nicely, and and depriving thern of the ability ri of Mr RZ eiei�l get work them. Frain Stratford be went. to will be around again in a short is harvest ir. t e cabbage line. —Mr. 7R. Me- Mr. J thirty­si The storm was so seves�-e that the roadsidesi nosh, -when a portiont 'of the ground oseph Spearelfte to help their less fortu w time.—b .r. John t in Mr. naed the -weddin of a,te comrades 1 cc 9 Catharines, n d Mr. Cameron fell neaz ly fifty Laurier7s big political meeting at London, in more improvements tohis Mr. Simon Mille Steacy, at - HOW Guelph, an -d from there to St. are strewn. with (lead 4irds. !e d , an ordie is add r and Alos up( —Two et to the bot y Wage and it Was places- Simply a rep tom of the well. FoftursatE last week. John y Wednesday I evening last. ---4 serious this is)r will be vouched for b AT -1 YSTERIou DF­vu-r.�—At San Francisco Iready fine'res� deuce, in the way of a bal- Lumley, on b'both says it was well worth the Ony and tag Mary,, exrners enerally, for the gretttest. beefac 't' MissrMayrse Worrafl of Chester Lodge,-' I r for Mr. Cam eron he slipped into t �e we] I improving the lawn and number from'here z tende'd tke 'Serwus am 9 tion of the same story of '.enthusiasm trouble. —Our farmers and village folks are Alaocabeee tors workmen baye ever had are their fellow Gilston roaa L6ndon,' a highly connected' f et first, as. the falling earth buried b i now (loing honor to Her Majesty by givi ce and other attrac- Picnie, at Grad I.. d, on Thursday -of this tn,.vhi crowds and good Ab none of the youn lady, of 22 years of ae, who wwi ing, -ions. en ished th.ese will add greatly week.—It his b 1y reported that to Prope 9 i early to the' shoulders, and although a the roads their usual amount of gravel.— D the appearan e of th een curre�il a tour of the world' unattenided, was badly bruised,he is notseiiously hurt, Mrs. R. Mellis returned horne frowv'isiting Mr. Win. Brck, tie Pati' —Mr. workmen. It is the rise in prices and fall places was,there anything but' the gre, e place. 0 died suddenly- in her room at the Palacq on P. P. A. in wages, that 1�livo-YS follows the introduc. -kindness hown to the Liberal leader-, and d no bones are br'oken. her sister and other friends in Glenallan I didate for North *idJ 6n Tuesday 2nd inat�, Harvey last week, the fight, and has given tii>n of protect -ion, that acdounts for the at every ul.and i Hotel. Indicaions point to strychnine lookin 06 field is left to vk 05 last plce, his gracef nagnetic much better for heir trip, I poisoning. of Banno( Owell, of Goderioh, diec er. Inare M fact that the per centage of poor and crimi- oratory was listened to with ev 1,, after an illness —Miss Annie Foot, kburn, is Exet Hutchins, Conservajitive, aiia Mr. V. Ri%6� ery evident A FOOLISH P=,010, Or, LITIC.,ITIO-N�—A If three weeks, 11 %V I his 34th year. -Dkeased visiting. at the manse with 'the Mi' I Reformer. first MOM stupidly obstinae piece of litigation has stroDg,4hearty man until soine' fe and Stinie Acheson. --!�-Tbe- politic aylor, nals -are increasing in all countries that sign.of pleasure ancl approval, the. only i 'N 3ses Katie LoCAL BranFs —Mt. and . -Irs. R. T Y, f Tayvlor'r meeting ------- -- have. adopted it. Since Gireat Britain t e r p just been seffled by the House of Commons. was a 3 gr spent Sunday in town, Vil tions being those of appla weiiaks since, when be had an attack. of la which was held fiere last Friday veniag !�� he gauests o use. adopted a. revenue tariff -prices h Mr. Two Aberdeenshire land owners quarreled 'rip'pe, which the past week the interest r. Hu6 Brown.—Miss M. Wroxeter. aud Mrs, &Ve fallen Laurier coneltides his triumpha,1- march over the right to fish -in the River ee, of Mr. John MeM an was' ertraund, s for some time naat been 60 &r cent., wages have risen 50 D ltw fever of so serious, a visit to per cent., throucyh Ontario by a meeting in Afassey,hall, a character t; sat rE - fairly well attended.' Air. R. . deMordie. risiting friends in town, retgrn'ed to iler NOTES. —,Nea Parish aij which borders their estate for 150 yards. .; covery seemed beyond hope, � The IS, was voted to the chair, which pc some in Credit. the narnber of her Poorest ch rly ali the Grits- from the ass decreased Toronto, to -night, (Friday,) -and, jadging Both admitted that tbe fishing wa aitign he on Friday last.�M:Tfj, B. village and vieinRy attended the Laurier Englaud a of no Vey J. Howell was born. in Brant I Ounty filled with credit. Re also gave a few pre- Yv. urigg and s n, of Montreal Junction, 50 per cent., and her criminals 7I p value, bik-t they -spent $15,000 to have their' demonstration at Lfitowel, on Tuesday last, th,6 intea er cent, by the preparations being made for his recep- rights decided' Jnd removed to Colborne in 1869, where ha liminary remarks, strongly c(nde qjuebec, are at p esent, visiting friends - and —Two gentlemen f4)m the neighborhooct of A similar measure adopted by Japan in� 1866, tion. the�e, it ved 'until 8 years since, on the family the present Government on the felaiives in town —A large number from Walton came- to Wli' 1-N-CrDENT. —There was a rm. take the train, Will ftilly.equal, if it does not A TEP.Pi;L : rho ogl i, S P 0 d U a ing fa xeter to �Las retur siuWar results there. In Goderich,he was employed pui- question. Mr. R. B. McLean also raye an this place attend d the Laurier demonstra- and on -arriving fou�14 to their dismay that Scotland. eclipse the others. Even Tory Toronto will terrible panic the other day on an excursion in the waterworks, and for two yeari address oft the tariff, showing the e�ase of tion held at teamer on Gfemmener Lake, "in the vici Craig on Monday.—Mr. they had forgdtten b6 parcel. They Advocates of ji�oteetiun try to fl-kghten rise Lip almost en -masse to-do� honor to tile nity town contractor for,p' tting in rivatia the farmers' depression, at the n ent ti the owners of, the engines of production a rag' u he 0 me. Thomas Seldon and wife, of Egers att o � of our fast r. Wati Mr. Mom he eGs. %ddress, oil, nio bicyclistst ause he repre- of the public schools on board illan made t Spent Sunday ad Mo 4a Mr. Dan E-aaes, viho covered the distan-ce# nd great Libcxal le'der and the c If Berlin, Germany.. Th6re were 250 pupils strvices. F or about two years past ke h I n ly chartered - There seems to be victorv'in the air. George - nests of Mr. Ge rge Samwell. distributio, the W.Pitalists, by teaching r, em t t. the steamer. been employed at the organ factory, wher- Which was -a rousing one.—M y in town, the When 'tho centre of the lake had been he was much esteemed. He leaves a widoN' G .—Mr. Will sli miles, in, lesO tAan 2J hours, nd th r Potts, of Clinton, is this week in 'ur burg, Aeldon, of Ingers ll� ae b Sunday in to vvii, roads were both roirgh i6nd istuddy. ­­ - --- I VJ U I JL�Kv Jui that lowering prices means diminished re- 3 4otes and Comments. eengineerof theateemboal,sud and two children of *tender years to mourn fo turns for' the use of capital. How stupid Sir - Charles - Rivers -WI denly an ounced that 4e w is going to, bloW his death. ison a bone� r up the blat. An investiga, ion i ihowe I that —The Brussels Post says: William Ain- e) this contention really. is -maybe seeii when moon car I'Violebll- was a gre t i N rth"Is C -W -r e�atest i the villAi had so fixed I the erigi ae tt at-. an ley,_of Brussels, is, quite a genius, and has we c6hsider. that lowering prices is the'in. feature of interest 'When 1 was u explosiTlwas imminent. BoatE wer 3 im- now in his possession new inventions in the 8 mediately lowered and !the' sorei ming child- shape of a tin aided cheese box; - an, octagon variable way in which increa,-,ed productive- Toronto. The- palace on wheel- cc t Iness of labor manifests itselfi and that the nearly $50,000 and it is said the item w, 1.1 rewhurriod -into them. M)re b)ats a vived butter tub; a bag tringy; and now is t e froin the ahore, and %11 were readued, ith- workirl- on 'a Venetjan Vliad that can be P-4 only return capital ca ever -hop,6 to get for arohar,�- V iflau 9-av me—et opposition at the forthcoihi in one mi�sute afCor the' last petson W La gob pen6d and closed ithoat g,,, ing outside or 0 'Us"I vigol its useomes from labor, therefore the in- holders' meeting as not being in harmor y off the stbamer exploded. raising the window. Mr. Ainley has the - I I Vith the r� RUNAWA.Y.—Hon, Austin recommends of practical meu As to ,the presen, creasedroductiveneis. of labor, the cause of wit4 G,e kera Managet Hayes, re cent effams KILLEI IN A the use, I lowering prices, must increase the return to at et.X-eliehinent in expenses. Mr. Hay 3, Corbin, the New York millionaire, is lead, fulness and vdlue of the ab. ve mentioned I wh I - Miss Berl en b 3 assumed ontrol of the Grand the- result of a carriage 0 capital, seeing that the owners thereof can T- aodiderib M his articles. We hope be will be able to plae gu"ts of i rank innotinced his intention of trav i beautiful estate. M r - Vorb in a AQ ears them' on f he" markeh and I hdr.ebv receive Ulm 1.-, I 70 J ---;Wvl ------ and do in a -very large measui:e decla the 'on-ordintry trains and old. In 1873 be organired e -Gorbin T abolishinj the man- remuneration for his work. share which labor shall get of its, (laboes)in- agerial ar altogether. Sir Cliarles gaVie Ranking Ompany, and fe-vt ins"ituticna, if Judge Dovl-e ha given jadgment in.the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. dleton, q Orders f r the " Violet's " constmetion jiio- any, are so well and favorably nown,in . . . . . . creased productivepess. The return to will case of Sjeers vs. Speers, an action be- self. It was chriate4ed for his wife and the Great B itain and in A' �rica. Re built MI tween Win. Speers and Joseph Speers,: of last, to c0i VM_Tho figure betet.n. the parentliegW �rter each e the first ailroad from Br6okly: oney e capital for its use in that, market where th i presen b a its second, trip. Sir Charles is ap, Asbfield. In 1890 Josepliv Spd' 8, the one denotes t o paper.ou which the r 4v., of Fon advertisement �%ill be found. cheapening effects of all modern improve- old robser who has,got a young wife, anO Island, 0, ro g is ins rum an a I y elder,. father of the above named parties, f if helia ce'lebratedthe eventlprovidi first*of tie large hotels erected hbr Two Larg- ments are felt in full force, to -Which ma be'; was made a will in which he left All his estate to e Stanks—Pickard & Co. (6) y ts as this pallaeb on wheels for his m d nterie Dy by Diy—M�Klaiyoxl & C-). added the immense' -bonuses 411 rotection- dding to r In additim to. his large rail rem Joseph, except a few hundred dollar Scasonzable Gooda—J, f,. 1AInith (S.)L. d. ailwa Sys' divided among the rest of ily p out of k ts own money, no person would ha e president of the Long Islan of six uden & Wilsin (5) ist countries are saddling themselves with, any right to kick at'hisfolly. tern, and his administration of e a Mrs Of bat in 1893 he carnq to thee 3nelasio tha V ilkSelling Whtels—ti u t Read On—Gilroy & Wiseman (5) in or&r to sell abea in that market, viz the Phil),delphim' and Readinji R�j Belladonna Pkster4­4. V. Fear (1) 1i Way11 this was an unfair division, and drew 9, new lVashville, The Eagle—C. W. Papst (1) the British market. is illustrated by the The Toronto Globe has made the ptat(l Mr. Corbin found time o put in operat'011 will, leaving the whole estate to -be abotit bolida;Yz -91 Farm Mr Sale—Alex. Boyle (6) vded Many fiu4ncial schemes,� philanthropic plans equally. di among his children, and A Special Session—W., H. Shm* (8) fact that not -only have �her people been, able inent I hat the Dominion Government havei t. 0 this locall A Splendid Chanca-18mao Whitowan (6) of, co oniz� ion and immigration. named his Eons, William and.Joseph, aud been remi to. 'supply themselves as regards capital out since the election 1 campaign ommencec' Waver so Cbeq—Grelg- Macdonald (I) Oil Cloth Lost --John Dopp (8) pas . sed ord oil grainting betwe AndrevMullin, the executors of it. Joseph of profits.' in spite of the stupendous expan- era in -G cc A tl protested this will on the gr and that the Grand Lserosse Match Huron Notes the late'sl'i Two Weeks of Bargains -1 1, sion of her domestic and'foieign but ten an velve Mi ion dollars Ao various Luck ow will hold 'a grand celeb ation testator had not. sufficient cal'acity of mini! to. . . . . . . . ... W el to lend to other countries $12,500,000,000 to railway i nd ot on the IS' of J ly. -he set thi i will, of 1890 Big Diacount--W. 11. Wil her 1like 6nterprises *hic to make a will, and RarKaing in.Boots—(S.�—W4 H. Willi -3(8) u as the frue, and I tat will, but, in his favor, in long lea,4 $100 Reward—Robe t Torranca (9) help develop their resources, and pay �he Ill 3rect it new I i4 ir are b air g ptomoted by friends of . th a —Thel ank of Commerce w Dental Card—Dr. Belden (8) verAnwat, and that these orders in cour,, building i 2 Goderich for their own use.' the judgment just given therill. of 189.3 -is A law -n V This s b6liuses. um almost equals her total go sustained. T�en The Patrone—Jbn Govealock (6) cil-are being peddled around by kovernmers; —Mrs. -,R. C. Kittson,'of Lower Wing- ABOU ERTMING eH. F. Edwards (8) Extra Fine Teas— capitalized wealth the day she struck the agentE as nong the cc J paying m anies and that on th 3 ham, has gone to California t( spend the p lawnr shackles from her trade, thirty-seven years, strength 6f them; sabscriptions to th3 itimmer vi -ith fr ends there. Cromart You may depend upon it that we're nio the Y. u da are being sc - rTent thunderstorm cOns n berries W flooded j)y the cheap party (ampaign I u —Duril og a of values ago, and began to be =NrAL.—A pleasaut-ev4 nt took place pri ter ood money to tell you that are =t licited, The state i at of the Globe is ont r Was done Shad.- tre4 - in on Wednesday eve of las week,-- at the me erable - da ale a Ashort bonus fed goods.'of the pamper b m ni godd. The double column is read and c'riticised by e gIvIen. y b denied b 7 theConse -vative' paers in a ver Goderich, b ightning. I residence of Mr. 1W Tow ra, when, h a world-." This almost incomprehensible sum half, heaj ted S women and men all over HuroD - and as Jonj as th ort of way. It is- given col —Mr. -Thomas Arher, of Hu Ilett, I las 01 rigeat da�bghter, Bella, was married to does not include a few.hundred millions heri. also by a statement which apea, in i field offa I wheat which was oA in'bead r. Donald L. Park, second son of James accept our statements as literal truth we sbal be satis- SEAFORTIEE FRIDAY, June 12tb, 1896 Montrea correspondence of the Toron -iwo we�i i ag people have lost in different countries Park; Esq. The'huot was siaeurely tied fied. The business has never be by —Dublil en DWorld, i Strong Government paper, an I —A in all child of Mr. E. Finch' of the Rev.Pete'r Scott, at 5 iii., after which is now and we mean to keep it so by k e ping faith uch schemes as the Chignecto, Ship Rai.- p which is given too, In' connection with w i Clinton,:i ras badly hurt the other day by a the assembled guests, to the i umber of 'one -or Revenue.' way. A return to a revenue tiriff V w Protection Vs. Tariff f with our customers. What *e tell of jv�e inter ie which.thel' correspondent had wita pick piercing its abdomen. ek by week i hundred, Eat doven to a reast that would Maria" the -citj �The East Huron anO Grey Branch, Ag- hi short worth knowing. The store is too lag -a tp' be looked —The $1 When trade is restraned in those aitioles remove the check to productio a' Sir Chaf es Tupperi who was in tempt the appetite of the I lost fastict, OILS Sys. the Sam i day ent a in a half hour, and shoppers like to h tbat protection entails,' and no doubt cause T e correspond -ricnitur&l Societies will hold apnual The iest of the evex ing wa,i sl ien a over. lie epicure. t ve the best lu ortant of foreign originwhiob. may be pFod ,ed, An ir in Be osels, on nd announdement regarding fa 0otober Ist a 2no.. in triVing the light fantu Mr. and 4 slight drop in prices, this drop in price. things pointed out. For that reason we :P W.. )II113CO; rint news po cottage� -in The U though under less advantageous ciroum- the railw iy licy 0 the Dominion Govern-, —Mr h Ross his sold his property in Mrs. ark will reside in the, ener en, 'near would be checked immediately' by an in-� ment wil be made t to 9r. Findlay, McHwan, of tan- Crom&rty�- where their nu-irerous fri of g al interest and stances, at home and the product is .an -merrow by Sir Charlep Clin n t invite your critioisin of the E. J. Flynn article in, which the use may, to a limited creased demand, resulting in a sharp calli Tupper, who will 1 form Hon. ley,for it e sum of $1,075, who takes pos- w goo& ish them long life and prosp)rity.—Cin�the be' tha fie' rposes to a e over all feeders of session th Ist of Septqi ber. for labor- and consequent rise in wages 10th inst., Mr. SimonA. Millerwagon extent only, be eqonom ized the following the Inter olonial, -such, as Baie des Chsleur —M rs.. indlay Me n, of Stanley, maker, took unto himself u I el partner; in was With agriculture relii�eved from the terrible bad a r -OW: results ensue —Prices rise and profits rise, road and v�ral lineis in New Brunswick, as the other by sy presen6ed with an* %ddre�s, the person of Miss Sitsie Stac of Lumley. at burden it has borne for. 17 years, the area of a portion of -the Canadian Government her Sun school cl The a ldr ass, es of course at the expense -Gf the consumer, was They will also reside in the v e, an4 we 0 U r. Dre'hss Depar men cultivation would extend rapidly t6nd pop-,.,-- railways. Taking !the two together, the r accom an d by a water- set and 61bilmi e rdially welcome the you rides into 0 Wage upward p a,. however, do not rise, for in so far as certainly form a most startling announce —One The backbone of a great dry goods business is thee as� goods stock. At ght recently iome per, ons g ined -by the competition littion. increase. Under such a system the . our midst.—We gain two, ut lose �ne, e n t r a -ce to N. - Bl�cknioie' � sto , in wages are determined ment. The scheme w6uld,certainly,be a mos entr Miss Maggie, daughter of Air'. retnrntocapital would ier e - R. Hatnil- no tin h., hae we been neggligent as regrda style or variAy, 'he present assort- employers for Services, the tendency is to-, e" ' by. le;aPS diabolical one, bu6 it is just such as TuppeT' Brussels, �nd helped themselves ban ass, t a ton, who, on W`ednesdayj wa i tnarrie4 to e and, bo'undi and be more diffused. -A million woaldde�ise. It isiquite true that-& simpl tobacco, cigat,'&c. ment'; e' tinably the most comprehensive ing unq"s ice cream,! we finve ever sho W&rde aL reduction of 'wages, Seeing- the use Mr. David Allison. They is Ltend lea%ii .�Chicag, ing o Wingbani met happy families would. upp orde.r in council would not be valid until i —Thoin" Woodcock,, of kind c a d es �u want, any color you waut.� Every tossibls taste of the product is not increased bat rather soon -be orting shortly. for Morden, Manitola, where Mi� his been —The, r recei ith a P�i themselves in plent on the wonderfully fer-1 ved the signature of the Governo'rl 'wi i�sful accident � one day last �eek. Allis '1 a been farming consid(rcd both in. plain aad fanoy materials. What YOU pay for ly Mrs.on,,,l a fo some years. them pea from t- cy G ral, nor c6uld any money be pad on �t A -cow kic4ed him, bre tined. Professor Rogers in E.4 clopedia, ene &king a simall bone in A ison will be greatly sed by her The price i J , secondary CM-3i4el-ation. Privess are R mi�le _'OL 0 V 88 coOiLn you until eng orsed by Parliament. But by the -back 6� his han& acquaintances, bat our loss 1; the gain of tile plains of our great West,, for g intol a to b Britannica 9th E d., Val. 9, page 754. 'passing t e orders'i imagp 3.q 11F.1ities to be so thoratio. ly good for the in healthy existence, from end to 'end of our i n council the govera- —The bishop of Hu n der to add Ixty head es ron has appoi;nted others. Weextend our neerst congratu- onoy, -a The, above explains in a measure th and i e, true ment pledges its -elf Ao -give the am6unto Rev. W. Duthie to.the parish of Luck- lations to all these yonng per ions in their W Special thin one -in- interes glorious country, the thousand and; 5 tolhis departiii,mt, we have peked oat u fe as and madle ago- athil has new relations. cause of the long continued fall in wages in -a that invariably follow the ex promised, provided lbey are returned t now and St. Helen's. Rev. Mr. specia A brol dnstrie� tension t prio(a in Order to 'a a11Y P)Ssible.risk of our )1,aving to c-arry them Canada and the United States since trade power, atd,if the c6rporations which giv been on 1�*ve of absence for a Year. f the a' NOTES.—The Young People held their 0 er. �be spille, 0 rea of cultivation. their sub criptions on the strength of -thes)' —A W di Ingham gentleman wai i fined w4kgon was prom IV �n Luckuow, the other day, be- election of officers and comm.ttees for the was restrained by protection. It also ex- 6:1, semi-annual meeting on Monday, for the ises nrece' e their reward:thei and costs W 0 can plains the cause of the rem-, arkable rise in will know the tleam of horses. he had ie —MT. A I eapon h There is n se a t d to a 'ensuin 'term. Air. Win. ywas appoint- Wag The Liberal Leader's�Visit to the least loubt bat if Si 9 "mow' has beeri, ea. in, Great Britain and Japan since ir arles and hi 1 shadp-treia !tore some of the bark c ff. ed i cat Miss Susie M(Laren, vice- pres nery Ue Goverami �nt are sustained on the 23rd o Ontario. :—The ew Thames koad osl in -Ou M 1 1 0 .1 r M W these countries remaved the restraints on offic siden ; Mr..Scott r a-, hn t pre Barr a tary ; and nship was 6 L on this mont i, there will be a carnival of exf Usborne tow peney 01 ay A-fr. Fre Kerslake, treasure —Mr. Alex.- their trade by adopting reenue tafg. Before -this reached :our readers Mabroad that our prices are low. ford, and -1 tiavagane �, and corruption the like of which of last wee' M I Job Pardon ad the misfortune to ',re It has otten r 0 Allison has been t his hand Thi is not 'by Recident, Ra:f!thoe� The people of -a country where a reven-Ae Laurier ver bee witnesed in this country. I�! apointed Ostmasteir, andthe initil wil-� bA will have completrodhis tour of has ne 3 lilline s wie canAol re y i I art while repairing a wind -mill at you utt see for yourelTAw seve y. is one of the thing -e an addition of at least ten tariff prevals feel the full benefit of al mod- ivill requi o# carried by r. B. r, M en lWeGilPs. In- endeavoring to notion. One good Vain- we cn-a say about this de- WeiAern Ontario. It has, indeed, been a e r. i7 ord(r to ot the propek —Mrs era improvements in. protection, and dis- twelv lio dollArs to the public debt Dr. Ross, of Nineto'�, has b tight ou. stop the machine, his hand got c . aght, partmf nt is hat the stool- does not get & chance to gro There p practic A L to he romises already made b e medical "I[em ntnt"' W Old. There is a con. trill! bbal march. -is no person who imp th e of Dr. tribution wherever introduced. All such yi: a, c I ik., breaking one finger ;iid otherw se laceratit 9 stant income and outgo that bespeaks the keenest of Boston, ar, can predict with any degree ' 'of Sir Charle Tuppe 1, e YCV -3 direc- Auburn, Mud tkes possession t the -hand. —Mr. oenien"s increase the product.' certainty and rs. es Labig are ur wa;nts in thi impr L iveness. The peopleW that -vicinity will find r. spendin h ad very, very che-a. liary tion. Almost all the time there are bright thilip'to be- wha the result of the elections will be on The gre lig g a few d(Lys with r at' ves in Grey. —mrs. I bts of the legal pr6fessio' amiable and siciah.. --Two 0 Barr's b Of labor, and as prices. in,general tend to-- n in Ross a N, jelever ph Mr: John thers, from -ion -to the 23rd of this M�ntb pend- this provi ce of Ontari —one d I 6 week while Mr. Glazier, Lanark Munty, are at. present visiting kim XcGarvin,4 wards the cost of protect but if any de o seem to be terribly' L , the benefits ence can aces, upoir who is e be placed upon appeara frightened t the otn' ployed by Rinsford Bros., at and his fi mily. iss Katie MeKaig left on - the clonsumer (another name for the whole -petition of women. public demonstrations, and npon the feel Stapleton, -�,as working in the -logging field, Tuesday :or a summer's visit. among rel rispet Department A Y-01 0 C community) are manifested by the gradual The law f o0fety at e g k by a log and injured so badly tives in t ie North-west Territories, for the ing of 'enthusiasm as displayed by the Peb- decided b5 a vote of nine to bix that Miss that -to be taken h! ome. Fc rtuna;ely hie The Cal -�ets are a separate department aiid for thes�e' w� -have fl tted up fall in the price of tbingq-ia general de- Toronco a few days ago, h qr Ohe h purpose !of iegaining her healt-b.—W le at these demonstrations, then we -can bt Martin on 8 w �en. mand. This coutintioasly oheapening effect p Clara Br( no b e re bro acleveri and plucky lylrs. Weitzman and sister, Mis., Park, weie room. special and in 'Go doing have saprised Ourselves -by seein how quic antel6n's mason gang, ave out driving on Monday, theii horse' too'k. —MRS J surely hope for the be8tresults,. from a Lib- —0 of Clii iton, I 9 kiy� laces the articles� within the xeac4 of an young lad who had passied all the examina-' sales are m ai The room is large with plenty of light so thit a cus p Mr. er4 point of view, ovelection day. ust fini* bed an excellen,bank, bat a for Mr. f Light, 'completely- overturning.the bu t a-,,, e o f the commun- tious necei sary, and fulfilled all the cc ggy hi,poor hel ag per cen ndi- -her judgment of carpet.. ever increasi John Stevens, London road, and a job of with its occupants. Beyond a F. evere fri lit, with a little It ne cannot be mislead in We -have a Laurier commenced his series of meetings in tions requ red by meii,should not be allowed for �Cbi�oag., ity, and also enables those NvIlo have hither-, masonry fo� J. McKenzie. C4ate'on* )ol- no harm was done.—A numbiar 4 Reform large assortiA n -t inc the heap hemp to the finest patterns cti8c -the profesiion for which she had era Tnndon,. on Wednesday evening of last to Pra borne have a barn on hand for Henry went totratford on Taesday, to hear our in Brussel . -n to do so w Al to ued the. th less repared herself, and for which 'she had so a full lineof the newest Aesigns in stair and 11 P: p d 1"' oleuv Dor oils, week.' The ieception there. given bim was Baker, 16t� concession, aodeiich owns ip. great leader, Mr. Laurier.—A e ri c Ivin proved h4 rself thoroughly competent. A et "Thomas Jor dan died at th6 Hous -, of storm passed through this distr A on killn- nowor h such as lifis niver been accorded to a poli- couple f i essi ns ago� the'Provinci Refuge,'onMonday morning of last w, day afternoon. In the immediai' 0 0 10 al Legis - Experience teaches that 0.ie consumption 2. q ne '13 r! tical leader of re, ased an act idl6wing womeif any pirty in that city, and I&tu to be of articles in general d Deceased wa's formerly a resident of Gli de- hood no serious damage was done, bigit,the em -and' increases at So called.to't he bar'o'n conditions that the law which bas rarely' been �surpassed in this iich towns� ip. He w%s an Epacopaflau. adjoining townships fared worfle. te'v per, greater ratio ihan the fll in price. For in- ciety benchers-gay.e' their cc so nsent. This Th.6 body -4as takeif in charge by meta, iers province. The procession was a magnificen� U Clothin Dw artment eta -ace, in Great Brittlin, when sugar was consent will be seen, they have with- of his famil�, for interinint. 9 Mouth . Br'� affidr, and the largest ISailding in the'eit held aud"ha,ve thus shown that they ate Gdorge Corbett � of near .pen. en- 20 cents per Pound, obrisumption per head 1. - —Mle.' Brinse 'f Kip In most o 'the (hry goods tores Clothing is a a- t and so 'it wa J r I - de 4epartmen —Air. .1 tirely too imid to stify the confidence the -underwentla t*"n a, Ex'mer, T. IvIFTLxs Nvou niand kept getting I spacked -by ais� immense audience of over )ainf al oi�ra Idl'ow take this U41 greaer and gireater until We bean b is wAtell was 17 pGunds, by the time atiga had fallen was with b t tl­ Legislatur 3 llk\re piiqed in them, and the terlihousandphople andmany- who con] on Wedues lay of last. week, -by havir, timity of asking -his ranny' look upon as a -,-,vd ing stock and it dropped' to 9, to 10 cents per pound conslimption was 75 Legislatur should take from thern the It arge and ftoublesome tun' Mowers r.nd nianbinery repairlog avel to it particular attentin. We not possibly qq[ieeze' into building had Oplolimln Id ior rem ved am Of bring, In in good time. T4 31ellis' long ex' ience in Ithis o w you the ne west and best malies' U 21en's Suitf?, pounds per hed. It will be seen from this power which they seem disposed to -abuse his shoulde!. The oper4tion was I or are always rea; y to P!i erfor ed work necds no further coinment to We public. t All AJen'S -.Odd C,loat to content themselves. vith an out,side and shoald.give7to iss Martin the powers b that the money vlue of the aug,ar paid for Afeti'j Odd Pant Alen)s Odd e t Drs. Rolins and.Amos. work will receive earefal atentl6TI t t tl)0 SMalle ticket. The reception accorded the distin- and privileges she has earned. There is no Water�proof the contrai each -individual was largest a -t the lower, rea. A horse belonging to Mr. J. -McClaekey cost. Farn)eis waDtlnK good scd (Y wide,tbfstlo Coats, Boys I u i dtc. that plate' son that we know of why the legal. pro- 8-tatesman was, also, as. watru kind ?our 41a; gaished ran away i� Goderich the other plowa of B Beil's nianuNcture, now is price. This ability of the conimf unity to fession slic uld be kept sacred, from iavrasion inust be sol� regardless of cost : also )no good oad liskey wer� thrown out and lm. MeCl Spot as cordial, proportionat6ly, as the audience by ladies more than any. Oth As maters uscraper. CAll and see them. T. bigUis. —i's Vie were not seriously injure The bum as nd more money at the lower range of re were no in n can no plead in the gy letter in 1 was -a s e prices, is accounted -for by the fact large. The terru,ptions or now are, bliss Marti' r smas r M dent s that 1 badly -ied, however, :I and the horse was ractise as a e' any b t b" gp —Th Gould mission band of disorder, 'except what wAs 'caused by a- courts of Ontario badly used 1up. NOTES. gra, dual fall in the rice of things in solicitor, -bat Is gto say, she may conduct Presbyteiian' chatch strawber'ry rralseral i Playing foo p Lori will hold a I Ot- Bay, —M is a I plause and approval. From don Mr.. —The name of Mr. Allan Sea r' soi s. of dernand, such. as kno%v toolc place in I - lwwn, at the arsonage on h about these here, but will giJes a short list and if such legal usineas as will nof call� her into festival on the We Caft Mi lie %v ere -P. M.Qharles Seager, of qodericb, alpeared Laurier -went to the� county of 13�e t, h a court room. Tuesday evening, 16th K trawber. a, A le any thing- that strikes you want in thereh�appe to Sturned to -h equal 1. in the - list of . those who, were oi daine ice cream '�'hy Just mention the rea Bi ed by an lty 'deacons at St. Albans, To�onto, or. 8 as he was received wit- cord and other refreshmets will be fact ivEen yo are� in, and we Will show you herein ihl bar,g,ain lies inci�ease in w "es, enabling the wage earn- an� ST, sery Luk News of the W-eek-� 31st ulb., by th meeting in the city of Chatba;m & a ed during the evening. I Ins e bishop of that dio6�se. ers, —The -P who are aways the maority in any th d6- and- vocal music wi I be f urni;hed by he PARA90LIRS Ing it being ooi he LACES - EMBROIDEIES 41 le BECOMING -PROF'RIB TORS. —*T best local, and foreign talent hvE ilable. monstration attenil x rparts Tui TA Nk T 1 Mr.'Seager has been appointed as assist amt country, -to spend m ore money on, the Ch�t Duke of F fe is selli g off many of es- 0 n 0 in sparing no pa na to cheapened articles than they of the Londo demonstratio�n. Fr his to Rev. J. �­Roper, rect r of St.Thorias, ET GLOVE Si- committee are CORS could possb' taes to th tenants. church, Toronto - HPISIERY 'joyable evening, and ould be n- 1V ham he went to the county of this'an eo leg hadly'� Ssex, of —Rev-. o Nvhen the articlei were dearer and wages —Sir. d Tiernay.. of i.ingst PRINTS GINGHANS T-Tnia Mcscow DISASTr. — t is, positively on, cQaged by a large turia out, I o en3ov t 0AAMBRAYS, which Windsoris the principal cen e. He asserted tt at 3,873 persons rished in the J g;land, arrived in Blyth on M on- delicacies of the'season.—The L rd's supper G wer. 'hv wages increase a Devon, E lo. W s prices fall pi e enin 01 was at every point 9 r,. a LA.0E URTAINS Ol stears 1 received, with as 'reat Mosco d t ad. that 4,000 persons �14Y v f 14st week, and i 3 now so- th lo will be dispemsed next Sabbath a St. And- Cim'-NILLE OURTAINS, rew's church. Rev. A. St I Clinto - - - - - which turi Wing werng were in, d. Journing t tie residence of his brotl Ler manfestations of approval and X otion as iur I J. B. war,, o 02 r e' 11 h He ABLE COVE, R8. an r. prices and i creasing dem dper mpita, h GoLD' RosSLA'ND. —Cecil Rhodes and K t e at the othe �ernay, in East Wawa Will bonduct the service on rl —Thee M. bulk- of the rnerchudis* Places. rom. Ess ,here- Barney Ba nato are turning their attention was so favorably impressed wit, Ca dav and e to be producedL vDr. McDonald, of Se4fort4, WiQ-t the I e county of�MiddleEex,'and on to the'mini g regions while*here 8ne'year ago, �hat he. 04 W.F1 turned to th 0 atio of British Columbia, I and . Mrs. Id a meeting at Ails& Craig, and have w an resigning his parish in X IV and distributed increases: at a greater r' n 'i' day, at eleven O'clozk.—Rekr. Monday he 'lie expert at Rossland, wba I logla, d , �1' d than thelaborers themselves,. this inoreftses in lX McKibben, of Monk,�no Isiting Mr. at t ere -is te times more wealtli in the interestri-of Mr. Valentino Ratz, -t says th, t ing this couhtry.his future home d t,�re or services, -he ai district than South Africa ever ey nd Mrs. R. Mellis ai rr fr ends.—Mr, ash the competition of employers f L —Gr t�wnship council has greed nL in the Tra� to Job McKay and son, of the Kh gston busi- popular Liberal candidate, for-'Norbli Mid-* ,�expend . $100 for and waes are forced saw. UP. out grwel on the west rn ness- college, paid a visit in'the fore part of Elgin cr� I W dlesex. Eve' n here, at. this of the wa, His �uc E, �s KMLE1 D 1boundary, �n the condition tha Mo ris the week at he parental home. - Air. and Goods 0 rei y HiAr.—S. H. Roper, castle Roe. The abject Of protection bei�n to exalt of Roxbur , Massac vusbip doo likewise. When i T 9 little village, he was greeted by an i' mense husetts, who 'had tON In s cons d- Mrs. Thomas McKay. Mr.! McKay is one t. rked for 25 years to perf6et a steani bi- ered that th' e.is about'ten miles A ro prices, which, with the ad of the combine crowd of fully five thousand people, �nauy wo of the many Huron boys who have climbed cycle, drop ?ed dead �f heart disease while and at very badly in need of and trust it sacceeds in doingit must neces- 40F part of �h of whom had -driven long distances to, t to the top of the ladder,and is row making 0 sarily follow, that in so fa -as protection ac- A —Mrs. Pelover, of and do honor to the Liberal leader, while dy last., have to be stretched pr�etty well to cc er rX hear maing first slecessful run on Mon- tenti n, thi� extravagano sum of $200 - ill big mark in the wo d —A nem Iffensall, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour on ownpli�,hea its ead.-in. this regard, it. must� the reception accorded him did oreidft to OAL ANNI)GOLD. -T he owners of the Cam- the ground.', I erd aco the.prop In c4, which tA]UL the . Sabbath last.—Thd foot ball 118'": Lam ourtail the per capita. consumption of the. bria coal fie Ids at Cheyenne, Wyoming, have —The oth ay, good peopl6 a ert� o a Craig, and theL Libera-1 Just discove�ed tha Albert Kneeshaw,, of derich, 1 vae f articles. &ffected, thus incrieasing the bullc to of Ails t the coal which they have i r -was layed on Saturay evenin lbetweeh Isr'. Th of North Middlesex generally The town �&�'Alma of T k ith will be 104, JLn the Eippen cluU- of T frami been selling at $2 per ton c a G.'T. R. engin , just at the fc ot over by arries $5 to 88 be produced arid distributed, necessaily was witnessed by a large num spee. Ei)wAia) as tastefully decorated, while. the': proces. gold per toi . of McDermott's steps, i tha;t town. One tiLtors. The game lasite'd an hou d reducing the number of naen required to a -ion and other features of the demonstra. THrs RIC] [ESTKNowx BuFwui� Dim.— leg was cut 6ff and anot was h r left hat ging 3y fast and furious, but neither aid as able., week rcula produce nd distribute it, wages in conse� John Hattel aged 65 years, the hide. Ipra sides, but our boys are still confiden of sue P -om anv. casion. From John Hatiol Brewing Company, of Cincin- climb the. hill by usin the broke I to score. n both S tion were worthy of the cc' -president. of the Nevertheless, be animal tried Good playing was doic e Dry Good quence are forced down iijider this system. here theLiberalleader went to St. Marys, natij, is deii . He was a multi -millionaire The owner, on hearin of the a 11 I This accounts f the well ku ccidTle t, cess ; although the admit that th� Alma -0`1" Rp orth 1 own fact that �where he was tendered another ii-tagnificent and one of t e ost prominent brewers y in' called in the iassistace 'of a- butel er, w 0 boys are good playes. These tw eltibs will —After -wages fall the lowes�t where protection and demonstration, and at nig.bt addressed an' the west, soon -put t A Sat out of trou le play he be the cobine are most effective as in Chiiia. cup at present li.�ldl by the S 0 -R for the iudgmeuV ad telegraphs f m Constantinople under date of � —Last Saburd AT WOF-1c. —Clara Barton from engines.� CLARA 13A TO- audiencd�' of many s, would ay, while takirig a Alma club, at Settforth, on the Recreation IDS have lvid an load f Grounds, oi� three It cannot be doubted but that!-reatfortuil audience Zoe as large had June 4th, t at thq Red Or tuff from tho in the course of two oss has serif Goderich crgan fa�tory, th hing touches in the in- the guest of Mr` George Sam y paymin are made under tile systein of ptotectionp there been. room for -lie interfor of Armenia to pu , i iorse took frigh� at the anti� e weeks. No doubt this will be an m:bfteatink putting on the finis well. —Mr. tl�lem. From St. 000 into f chase a of sever terior of Mr. haffer's hotel, by applying 1 Will Ross, of Cijnto�, 8;en-t- Sunday in jr-, who paper. --�Mr. tools, -seed and work cattle. She say'p hei ithers running at large c the paint and Chuq is' reputed to be Nvorth $1 d match.—Mr. Alexander Monteitt n the street, d Gilbert Dick has town, the guest 9f big parents, Mr. and the Aead 506L 000 Marys he went to Liatow4, on Taesda� f- t at was in the old country with- a lcld,of! cat 0:00�), chiefly bY its Projectors as agricultural yospectilate ,an away, throwing R. H, Clark, N% ho wi Ls tle, returned home on'thursda eated from MI% David Cooper part taf his Mrs. D. Ross.—Vz '11.a-rry ParRong of brighter. ast week' 25 acre lot, f, k here are made , Michigan, wtho Us bewn visiting after A6 0anada know-, but Such fortunos y Ive In ternoon, Nvh,.,,re he was ireeted with the A CrCLQ",.—A terrible Storm I iving it, off the wagon aild injur ng h Ir pasturing purposes.—Mr. Alma Amidst a' community w same warni enthusisni,' d was li4tened to" swept over a -portion 6f South-western'Min- lip. Commenting on t �lis accide it, th loo ing none the worse for his �rip.—Thel lVm. Logan aid Mr..: John Cochrane, of for some . time pbst, 6turned home on ge a. crowd Of last 8 e frequent showers of the past wee]. have had leaves d 0 S )I ffe, r actuld by as lar tow Hills Green, went on Monday to, Ailsa Thursday last.—%.�he a ople. - From L is- nesot, 6tarday, � in. which some lives a says: Some day tf, is bloomin-, n a berieficia effect on our rawberry p gar( eus.—Mr.:r festivol urna goo Robert Murray has been very n the Laurier demonstration heldun4er the ausl4joes-L-f the Ladies?Aid want, ag,rvted by the appea,rance of a towel he. rot Al to Sbr tford at 'night were lost an(� $300,000 worth of property have a d sized bill for darn mges t 0 Craig, to,take lY for and to hear Ca iad's coming Premier. They of the James stre�' Melhodist church, o -was 73 se r t, superaundalice of the things they need. destroyed. There we t least 1,000 cattle, et e, through allowing t 6 streets O be a )OOr where there was' an.ot"her great -ovation of a some- two weeks,"and underwelt M This sutrering-is intensified by the fact that 'Idrowned. say it was I 9, was r t Sheep, hogg and horse ree pasture for cattle an 'horse�. very t grand succes.—Mr. James Tuesday a member p as cl d success. COR_;\L -painful o eration on Sabbath last, perform- -ooper is di is hei 1,DS RUIFMD.—A.- terrible hail- —Mr. John Cameron,1' mp-maker, ed by Dr. eDiarmid, of Hensall, and Dr.. pro am ted to over $70.—Mr., popular favor, and here the largest -build- F* dis�osing � of big lum ber . and The ceeds 6uh h was packed by -an audience of Oyer ten -I at aq early h S day morning, Imtknow, had a very n4rrowesoape froin Gun;, of Clinton, which p shingles to t o4e in need.—The hay crop in James Pardn, NJ Ne� he Davdso —At 0L the increaaed prices lower I'le purchasing u ing storn roved very *noe, wb" destroyed thbusa, 1is section is r�aking 'a ohn Atkinson andill Annie Horton,- of power of the lowered wages, areatin, r an Sao-. n Mr want thousand people, and where there would, ads Irares of fine groNv- tatal accident'joii Tuesday of last week. "Be cessful. Mr. Murray's many friends Will be ring Ou nei as engage4 tatbg that it orse� with them this se;- this village, were I Mr. ugh 1�be guests C 4 �putting in curbing into a, pleased to learn that he is now improving on -than last. Mr. Peter Grant is having have been many more had there been room. cutting. stalks off like a inowing inaebine.; ell on the farri McDougall, of -Hibbert, ;on Sunday lask— and suffe ainog-st those who are able to ing corn in 8 th Kansas, 'the hailsto Woods, (f We,ft nicely, and and depriving thern of the ability ri of Mr RZ eiei�l get work them. Frain Stratford be went. to will be around again in a short is harvest ir. t e cabbage line. —Mr. 7R. Me- Mr. J thirty­si The storm was so seves�-e that the roadsidesi nosh, -when a portiont 'of the ground oseph Spearelfte to help their less fortu w time.—b .r. John t in Mr. naed the -weddin of a,te comrades 1 cc 9 Catharines, n d Mr. Cameron fell neaz ly fifty Laurier7s big political meeting at London, in more improvements tohis Mr. Simon Mille Steacy, at - HOW Guelph, an -d from there to St. are strewn. with (lead 4irds. !e d , an ordie is add r and Alos up( —Two et to the bot y Wage and it Was places- Simply a rep tom of the well. FoftursatE last week. John y Wednesday I evening last. ---4 serious this is)r will be vouched for b AT -1 YSTERIou DF­vu-r.�—At San Francisco Iready fine'res� deuce, in the way of a bal- Lumley, on b'both says it was well worth the Ony and tag Mary,, exrners enerally, for the gretttest. beefac 't' MissrMayrse Worrafl of Chester Lodge,-' I r for Mr. Cam eron he slipped into t �e we] I improving the lawn and number from'here z tende'd tke 'Serwus am 9 tion of the same story of '.enthusiasm trouble. —Our farmers and village folks are Alaocabeee tors workmen baye ever had are their fellow Gilston roaa L6ndon,' a highly connected' f et first, as. the falling earth buried b i now (loing honor to Her Majesty by givi ce and other attrac- Picnie, at Grad I.. d, on Thursday -of this tn,.vhi crowds and good Ab none of the youn lady, of 22 years of ae, who wwi ing, -ions. en ished th.ese will add greatly week.—It his b 1y reported that to Prope 9 i early to the' shoulders, and although a the roads their usual amount of gravel.— D the appearan e of th een curre�il a tour of the world' unattenided, was badly bruised,he is notseiiously hurt, Mrs. R. Mellis returned horne frowv'isiting Mr. Win. Brck, tie Pati' —Mr. workmen. It is the rise in prices and fall places was,there anything but' the gre, e place. 0 died suddenly- in her room at the Palacq on P. P. A. in wages, that 1�livo-YS follows the introduc. -kindness hown to the Liberal leader-, and d no bones are br'oken. her sister and other friends in Glenallan I didate for North *idJ 6n Tuesday 2nd inat�, Harvey last week, the fight, and has given tii>n of protect -ion, that acdounts for the at every ul.and i Hotel. Indicaions point to strychnine lookin 06 field is left to vk 05 last plce, his gracef nagnetic much better for heir trip, I poisoning. of Banno( Owell, of Goderioh, diec er. Inare M fact that the per centage of poor and crimi- oratory was listened to with ev 1,, after an illness —Miss Annie Foot, kburn, is Exet Hutchins, Conservajitive, aiia Mr. V. Ri%6� ery evident A FOOLISH P=,010, Or, LITIC.,ITIO-N�—A If three weeks, 11 %V I his 34th year. -Dkeased visiting. at the manse with 'the Mi' I Reformer. first MOM stupidly obstinae piece of litigation has stroDg,4hearty man until soine' fe and Stinie Acheson. --!�-Tbe- politic aylor, nals -are increasing in all countries that sign.of pleasure ancl approval, the. only i 'N 3ses Katie LoCAL BranFs —Mt. and . -Irs. R. T Y, f Tayvlor'r meeting ------- -- have. adopted it. Since Gireat Britain t e r p just been seffled by the House of Commons. was a 3 gr spent Sunday in town, Vil tions being those of appla weiiaks since, when be had an attack. of la which was held fiere last Friday veniag !�� he gauests o use. adopted a. revenue tariff -prices h Mr. Two Aberdeenshire land owners quarreled 'rip'pe, which the past week the interest r. Hu6 Brown.—Miss M. Wroxeter. aud Mrs, &Ve fallen Laurier coneltides his triumpha,1- march over the right to fish -in the River ee, of Mr. John MeM an was' ertraund, s for some time naat been 60 &r cent., wages have risen 50 D ltw fever of so serious, a visit to per cent., throucyh Ontario by a meeting in Afassey,hall, a character t; sat rE - fairly well attended.' Air. R. . deMordie. risiting friends in town, retgrn'ed to iler NOTES. —,Nea Parish aij which borders their estate for 150 yards. .; covery seemed beyond hope, � The IS, was voted to the chair, which pc some in Credit. the narnber of her Poorest ch rly ali the Grits- from the ass decreased Toronto, to -night, (Friday,) -and, jadging Both admitted that tbe fishing wa aitign he on Friday last.�M:Tfj, B. village and vieinRy attended the Laurier Englaud a of no Vey J. Howell was born. in Brant I Ounty filled with credit. Re also gave a few pre- Yv. urigg and s n, of Montreal Junction, 50 per cent., and her criminals 7I p value, bik-t they -spent $15,000 to have their' demonstration at Lfitowel, on Tuesday last, th,6 intea er cent, by the preparations being made for his recep- rights decided' Jnd removed to Colborne in 1869, where ha liminary remarks, strongly c(nde qjuebec, are at p esent, visiting friends - and —Two gentlemen f4)m the neighborhooct of A similar measure adopted by Japan in� 1866, tion. the�e, it ved 'until 8 years since, on the family the present Government on the felaiives in town —A large number from Walton came- to Wli' 1-N-CrDENT. —There was a rm. take the train, Will ftilly.equal, if it does not A TEP.Pi;L : rho ogl i, S P 0 d U a ing fa xeter to �Las retur siuWar results there. In Goderich,he was employed pui- question. Mr. R. B. McLean also raye an this place attend d the Laurier demonstra- and on -arriving fou�14 to their dismay that Scotland. eclipse the others. Even Tory Toronto will terrible panic the other day on an excursion in the waterworks, and for two yeari address oft the tariff, showing the e�ase of tion held at teamer on Gfemmener Lake, "in the vici Craig on Monday.—Mr. they had forgdtten b6 parcel. They Advocates of ji�oteetiun try to fl-kghten rise Lip almost en -masse to-do� honor to tile nity town contractor for,p' tting in rivatia the farmers' depression, at the n ent ti the owners of, the engines of production a rag' u he 0 me. Thomas Seldon and wife, of Egers att o � of our fast r. Wati Mr. Mom he eGs. %ddress, oil, nio bicyclistst ause he repre- of the public schools on board illan made t Spent Sunday ad Mo 4a Mr. Dan E-aaes, viho covered the distan-ce# nd great Libcxal le'der and the c If Berlin, Germany.. Th6re were 250 pupils strvices. F or about two years past ke h I n ly chartered - There seems to be victorv'in the air. George - nests of Mr. Ge rge Samwell. distributio, the W.Pitalists, by teaching r, em t t. the steamer. been employed at the organ factory, wher- Which was -a rousing one.—M y in town, the When 'tho centre of the lake had been he was much esteemed. He leaves a widoN' G .—Mr. Will sli miles, in, lesO tAan 2J hours, nd th r Potts, of Clinton, is this week in 'ur burg, Aeldon, of Ingers ll� ae b Sunday in to vvii, roads were both roirgh i6nd istuddy. ­­ - ---