HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-03-27, Page 8•
. •
MARCH 271 1896
'MISOn's Cash Grocery.
Have just received, iron one of the most reliable
wholeeale seed growers stud importers, a stook cif
field and garden seeds, including Evans' Saw Leg
Mangold Wurtzel, Golden Tankard Mangold, Mem-
arch, and other varieties of Swede turnip, Improved
Short White Carrot. The very beet and newest geed
in the market ; no old seed carried over for years
and mixed up with the new. We will sell for cash er
trade, at much less than combinatiori prices. Give
us a call -you will mere money. Choice clover mid
timothy at loweet price. A quantity of choice seed
barley . see it before buying priee is right. b
Teas, S'ngare, Ccffees, and all kinds of Grocertes,
Flour and Provisions we will give you as good er
better value than you can get anywhere else. The
highest price paid for all kinds of good trade., Bnt-
ter, eggs and fowl wanted juat now , will piaY cabh
cr trade for the right quality. Cash for eggs, ailwaYs.
- C. WILSON, Seaf iLth.
1874 Bank of Commerce ock;
Our Spring Stock of Made -Up Clothing is now
-complete. The great bulk of the made-up clothing
tuindle is the best make and, we think, the only
thoroughly reliable clothing made in this countey.
The eel( brated " Sandford''' clothing are thee goeds
upon whick we stake our reputettion as clothing
dealers. For fitting qualities, trimmings, and gen-
eral service it stands awaY in the van of Canadian
productions, and, we verily believe. is unexcelled in
America or Europe. We handle lines in Ilideri's,
Youths', Boys' and Children's in all prioes, from
lowest.to highest grades produced. Children's sults
frem $1.50 up ; Boys' suits from $2.50 up ; Men's
suitafrom $3.75 up. A man's size good reliable suit
for e6,65. Inspection Invited.
strgain. Clothing and Dry Goods House.
The More They are Known
The Public Like Them.
Money Orders. Rates :
Not over 85 6 cents.
" 810 -43 cents.
$20 10 cents.
S3015 cants.
$60— -20 cents.
We mean Dominion Expees
Are You going West ?
If so travel by the C. P. R. Rates and inter-
reation freely given by
Agent 0. P. It. ticket and telegraph, Dominion Ex-
press and Monty Orders.
I_Jargest, beet equipped and mot-. pepOar oonimerclal
ehool in the Dominion • moderate ratan ; everything
aet-clasa ; write for oir'oulare. SHAW & ELLIOTT;
rincipale. 1444452
ght won Cxpooitov.
the Refor
the counc
at eight
that all
.ing for th
of the ne
It is also
from tow
ing to be
April 4th,
will be m
not fail t
Efts ATTENTION. -A meeting of
mers of Seaforth will be held in
1 chamber this (Friday) evening,
clock. It is particularly desirable
eformers should attend. this meet -
purpose of organization, in view
approach of the general elections.
mportaait that a large attendance
be assured at the Reform meet -
held in Brucefield 41 Saturday,
and at this meeting errangements
de for the same. Reformers, do
ineeting 1 lacrosse enthusiasts, on Tuesday
evening, he Beaver lacrosse chtb was re-
organized for the coming season. .BusineSs
in the in rest of the dub was transacted,
and the following officers were elected
Honorary president, Dr. C. McKay ; hon-
orary vice president, John Smith ; captain,
T. Johnston ; aeoretary treasurer, W. H.
; el rritnittee, J. Bell, P. Mulcahy,
W. Pay's G. Boyd. The Beavers will sup
port Ear Qlsoughlin, of St. Tatharinee,
•for preeid nt of the C. L. A. 1
6 -
MR. CC LEMAN'S SALE. -The dispersien
eale on M . E. C. Coleman's farm, on Tues-
day last, as fairly well attended. The im-
plements nd vehicles sold fairly well, as
did also t e cattle, but the prices of horses
was low, considering the breeding of t e
animals o ered. They were in pdor shep
however, nd buyers apparently were nu) e
ready to lid for good Iooks than for goo
breeding, nd at the present tirn peop e
generally think twice before piirchasing
fancy sto k. The sale would total up
about $1, 00. Mr. Coleman remov
into town t once.
Citae;nEt Couitae-On Monday the
apring sitt ng of the Chancery division f
, the High ourt of Justice was opened in the
Court e, Goderich, Mr. Justice Falco
bridge pre iding. Fanson vs. Fanson-a
action to set aside a nonveyance. After
hearing th evidence His Lordship set asid
the convey nce that had been made to d
fendant's die, and ordered the property t
be sold. arrow, Q. C., for plaintiff, Glut
Q. C., for defendant. Beattie vs. Hanna
was an act on to set aside a conveyance
made by tl
o ctefend a.
the eviden
ment. Ga
worth and
e assignee of the Hannah estate,
t's wife. At the conclusion of
e His' Lordship reserved judg-
row, Q. C., for plaintiff, Ayles-
Best for defendant.
a meeting eld on Thursday,last week, the
Collegiate nsti ute foot ball club was re-
organized or the coming season, with the
following officers : Honorary president,
Dr. McKay ; honorary vice president, W.
0. Reid ; president, A. J. Robertson, B.
A. ; vice president, Mr. Esler ; eecretary
treasurer, R. J. Muldrew ; captain, C.
Stewart ; managing committee, R. C. Ches-
wright, T. J. Wilson, A. Bethune, A. Moe-
rison and K. McLean. The Collegiate will
have a strong team on the field this year,
and are prepared to defend the Hough cup,
which they have held for niee successive
seasons, against all comers.
EOMONDvILLE NOTE,, -The teachers and
and scholars of our school are inclined to
weloome the change, giving them a free
week at Easter. They will work all the
better for it after, and not forget a bene-
diction for the good Grit Government. -
Miss Neelans, of Harlock, has been visiting
friends in this village and vicinity lately. -
Mr. James Hudson is now comfortably lo-
eated in Mr. Wallace's brick 'residence, on
the hill, south of the river. -Popular gov-
ernment, in its workings, presents some
:strange features, or, perhaps freaks, is a
better ternif and the vote on the remedial
bill is certainly one of the most peculiar.
Alanitoba sends five members to Ottawa,
four of whom voted straight coercion, yet
her Provincial Legislature is ahnost a unit
against it. What a farce popular .govern-
inent has become in Canada since gery-
quander, a partizan franchiae, and Ian un-
ecrupulous administration have had
contra -We regret this week to note the
continued serious illness of Mr. John Mc-
Lean, of the Mill road, but trust thet, as in
timea past, returning spring will effect some
improvernent.-Several of our people went
to see and hear Bengough last week, bub
n-eport says that a dime concert or a country
dance has often proved
-Mr. A. CharleSworth
these days in trsining h
horses and colts, mong
a promising anin als.
more entekt
is busily e
s string of t
which are
Tun HURONS AGAIN. -At" a m et g on
Wednesday eveni g the Huron footh 11 olub
reorganized for he coming Beasdn The
following is a lis4 of the officers; : Hon-;
°retry president, E. 'Jackson ; pie ident,!
Robert Jackson vice, president, . .
Schmidt ; secretary treasurer, R. C. Ches
wright ; captain, T. J. ; Stephens ; c !emit
tee J. W. Livingstonea W. G. Will's, H
&Aeon and T.Murray ; honorary in mbers1
H. J. Crawford, George Dewar W. Pren
dergast, David and Will McD'onald. Th
Hnrone will again join the Western Associ
IItion, and, with the strong team which the
'11 put on the field, Should make a goo
howing during the corning season.
6._.. --
ONE OF THE OLDEST, -Of late we have
1 ad occasion to refer, with pleasure, to eel,-
ral of our subscribers, who were readers of
RE EXPOSITOR in the days of its infancy,
he latest of these, and one of the oldest,
' Mr. Duncan McGregor of McKillop. For
ver thirty years Mr. Mcbregor has been a
inontinuous subscriber to THE EXPOSITOR,
d was 'one of the first on its list of sub-
cribers. At the time he first subscribed
his paper was Isublished on a small scale in
n office on Main street, north of where the
ueen's hotel now stands. Since then THE
xebsieon has continued to improve, until
ow it is one of the largest and best news-
apers published in the Province.
1 he last meeting df the literary society for
his year met on Tuesday, and was largely'
ttended by visitors. Mr. Robinson, dresi4
d aa a negro, gave a humorous recitation,
ntitled " apples." Mr. Hays e3ang two
elections in his pleasing style. The Peak
sisters rendered a very enterteining pro-
gramme, and won shouts of applause from
the appreciative audience but when one
young gentleman grew so told aa to throw
a bouquet at the sisters, he was uch dis-
comfitted at the camera of the le der. The
Misses Porter and Stevenson sa g ii. duet,
after which the editor-in-chief read the Re-
corder. The closing scene, a play, entitled
" Under the mistletoe," was then aeted by
the Misses‘Bond and Flannagan and Messrs.
Schmidt and Killoran. The part were well
played, and the audience, ap ared very
much interested. . The meeting cloeed by
singing the national anthem, and all left ap-
parently well pleased with the f noon's
many friends in town of Mrs. Themes Jack •
son, sr., of Clinton, and mother of Mrs.
(Dr.) Belden, of this town, were pained on
Monday to learn of her death, which took
place early that morning. As we rnention-
ed last week,the deceased had been-strioken
with paralysis, from the effects of which
she never rallied. The deceased was born
in Oxnam, Roxboroughshire, Scotland, in
the year 1839, and in company with her
mother, two brothers (Thomas and •James
Fair) and an elder sister, emigrated to Can-
ada in 1851, landing , in Hamilton, Ontario,
about the middle of May, where they re-
mained until August, 18S5. In 1855 she
came to Clinton, with her brothere and
mother, her elder sister havin died in
Hamilton. In 1856 she 'harried r. homes
Jackson, who survives hstr, and also their
family of three sons and four dau liters.
The funeral on Wednesday was very argely
attended. i
Cies FLOWERS. -Any person wantixig cut
flowers for the leap year danoe,leave orders at C. W.
Papetlf bookstore before Friday, April 3rd. 1476-1
-New Spring Stock, just in. Don't fail to et them
ANN IVERSARY Shoes for Boys andj Girls.
at the Carmichael Block Shoe Store. We keep the
biggest variety. and about 10 per cent. cheaper than
other stores, W. II. WILLIS, Manager. 1478-1
Dry Goods Company- have arranged -to make their
display of New 'Spring Styles on Thursday and Sat-
urday, the 2nd and 4th of April. All are cordially
invited. 1476
BICYCLES. -The Larrst Assortment and
beat value, at Lumsinni & "ILSON'S. . 1417.6.1
Boys' • School Shoes, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4„ for
76 cents, at the Carmichael 'Block Shoe Stove
only. W. IL Venus, Manager -4 doors im
Weir's hotel. 247
WILSON S. 14113-1
'SOMETIIING Very Choice in Dinner Sets
and'Toilet Sete opened out at A. Youtoe's, Seaforth,
th of
EN &
this week- 1 19
the servioes of Mr. W. R. Counter, he will, in hiture
be in charge of my stock of Jewelry, and will else IA
prepared to do all kinde of jewelry and watch re-
pairing, where he will be ploaSed tO meet all his old
customers and many new ones. I have alsb pur-
chased a full and elegant selection of Am14417r6iclan
jewelry. C. W. PAPS; Bookstore.
WALL PAFER.-New Samples now ready.
Cheaper than ever at LUMSDEN & WILSOW& W6 1
A. Ydetto, Seisforth, has Home -Grown
Clover aed Timothy Seed for sale, at rook bbttom
NOTICE -OF REMOVAL. =1 Sliall occupy my
prices. 1476-2
old office over Mr. Johnson's hai!dware store, Sea -
term of years. G. F. BELDEN, Den ist. 1476-1
forth, after the let of April, havii rented it for a
ROBE LOST. -Lost, on Thursday of last
week, between Silver Creek and the Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth, a prairie wolf robe, with four tails.
The ander will be suitably rewarde on leaving it at
THE ExPosrroe Office. 1970 1
FUR GAUNTLET FOUN D. -Found, on North
Main Street, Seafortb, on Tuesday evening,11 black
dog -skin gauntlet. The owner can have the !ewe by
applying at Tui-Exeoarroe Office and paying1f4o7r8t4his
As PREVIOUSLY Stated, the delivery of
machinery and implements for Frost & Wood end
Mann Mfg. Co., takes place .on Saturday, April 4th.
The teams will be all loaded, as early in the fore-
noon ae possible, at the G. T. R. freight, shed, af te
which the customers will be dined at the several
hotels of the town. A procession will thenke form-
ed -at 1 o'clock% sharp, -and parade the principal
streets,' halting in front of the Commercial
where addressee will be delivered by representativ
of the firms, aud other prominent gentlemen. Th
33rd B ttalion Band will be in attendance. 1476-1
Ou Spring Millinery ning Day wil
be Thuisday, April 2od. A co ial invitation ex
tended to all to inepect our super display of goods
W31. PIL3N.44.RD & CO. 1476-1
TUE STORM. -The fine weather of th
first part of last week led many to think tha
the back bone of winter hed been broken,
but the storm on .Thursday demonstrated th
fact that, there was still considerable vigor
left. Although not so severe in this vicinity
as have been some former blizzards, furthe
east,' it was pne of the mos)isevere experi
enced in many years. T e trains fro!
Stratford to Goderich ran ith a show o
regularity, but for three da s it was irnpos-
Bible for traine bound wes ward to leav
Toronto, and, consequently the people i
these parts were deprived of their daily mai
from the metropolis, had it not been for th
meagre telegraphic bulletins we would hay
been entirely ignorant of whet was trans
piring in the outer world.- One gentlem
remarked to us that it was the most severe Bal
had a moire disastrous effect on traffic i
general t an any storm experienced durin
his forty ears' residence in Canada. Man
of our su cribers in the Southern part o
this coun y would not receive their EXPOS'
TOR at he usual time; but the genera
blockade;and pWrticularly that On the Lon
don, Huron & Bruce division of the railway,
was accountable for this.
day vs. tbwnship of StanleY-Osler, Q. C.,
for plaineiff, moved in the division court on
Tuesday, last week, to set aside judgment
entered by Armour, C. J., dismissing with-
out costa*n action for dan ages for injaries
sustained by plaintiff owing to alleged non -
repair of Kitchen's bridge in a highway in
the tovrnship of Stanley, The trial Judge
held thatidefendaiate were not prejudiced
by the abeence of the notihe required by 57
Vie. (0) th. 50, sec. 13, bat held that there
was no re Boilable exceee for the want of it.
We would again remind our readers of
e fact that the terres for THE HURON
XFOSITOR are $1, pa eblel within three
onths ; $1.25, if pai within six months,'
;Ind $1.50 if iipt peid until after that. A very
rge number have taken adtantage of -the
1 ash ip advanbta price, but there are !still
tome who hate neglected thie. To these we
ould say thet -the time is now short, and,
fter April lst, ell subscribers whose label
ears date, 1January 1st, 1896, will be
harged $1.215. By attencleg to this at
nee you wilt salve money and trouble, and
onfer a favor en 118.
Counsel cienteincied thsit the f
fot six week afterw rds, a
tiff was rent:ed. helptss b
miles away from home amon
ratepayers of1 defendant, tha
tice was not pleaded Until ac
heard in Septerriber, 1'895, !a
dith, J., who had presided' at
after -hearing the evidence, r
miss action fin' want of not
the act was passed only five!
the accident, afforded resp
within the aet. Garrow Q.
ants, co tra; Reserved'
of iCourt f Appeal in Drenn
strewese h
east, an
ham an
is very
ed medi
The sl
bare, and
Quite a is
ileges h
cts that plain -
the aocident
d was many
strangers; but
want of _ no -
ion was partly
d that Mere -
the first trial,
fused to dis-
ce ; and that
weeks before
nsible excuse
., for defen. d -
ding decision
ye. City of
FS. -Large quantities of baled
y are being !shipped from the
re his week. Some of it is going
aet of it is being sent to Wing-
ther northern Points, where feed
rca-Dr. Scott has been appoint -
1 health offioer far Tuckerstnith.-,
i hi g in tckvn ia getting pretty
so e wagona are being used . -
ei 1 innovation is to take place
T ing advantage 'of their priv-
s year, the young ladies of the
town wi I entertain their -gentlemen friends
at a leap-yeer dance, to be held in Cardno's
hall on Wednesday evening, April 8th. -
Mr. William Henderson, son of Mr. Wm.
Henderson, *minter, of this town, ia taking
a course at Ole optical school, in Toronto. -
Mr. Fowlie,1who was selected as; Rev, Dr.
McDonald's assistant for the summer
months, has accepted the appointTnent, and
will aelfulne his duties on the second
Sunday in April. -+The Messes. Cole-
man have made several large shipments
()finale pivdt rollers litely. One ear load
went to Manitoba.-iMiss S. McLean re-
turned honSe from Toronto on Monday.
-The Preshyterians of this town are send-
ing out a 1 rge number of boo s to the
Northwest, to help farnish a lib ary for a
oor congre ation there. -Ms. or Holmes of
linton, paid us a pleasant ea 1 on
Mr. Holmes was oni his way
Stratford; here he had been r
one of th Methodist chure ea the day
a .local preecher are ound in o e and the
previous. 8 is not °len that an;ditor and
same person. -Mrs. Robert Chishelm sister
es Soott, of Roxboro eft' Mon -
g for her home ii't Lothair,
ak River district, Mani -
Chisholm has spent the
months very pleasantly among
latives an friends in this vicine
join with them in wishing her a
leasant j urney to her prairie
C. King, formerly. of the Bank
e staff her , was visiting friend
pecial services will b
hurch every evenin
aturday, comment:sin
cMillan, of London
he rector ach evening. -Mr. J.
ticketed through from her
this week, via the C. P. R.
ere' delivery horse took a run
esday, hu no damage was done
king was the cause. -Mr. W. J
Hamilton, who was doing business here e
few years go, in the boot a.nd ahoe line
but who as beee i living in Los Angeles;
California, or o couple of years past, is vie-
iting at his old home M Stratford at pres-
ent. Mr. Hamilton; was in Seeforth this
week, call' on a =either of his Id friends.
He looks w
ilton are gr
the Pacific
of Ingersol
ome from,
aching in
of Mrs. Ja
day morni
in the
oba. Mrs
past three
her many r
ity, and we
safe and
home. -Mr,
of Cemmere
in town thie week.-#
held in St. homes'
next week except
at 7:30 p. . Mr.
will assist 4
E. Kirk w
to Winnipe
Robb Brot
itself on T
A trace bre
11, and hoth he and it
atly pleted with the
coast. - Anderso
, was vieiting his o
other frien s here last eteek.-Mr.
Bradfute, Cliftont-Greerte count
in renewin his subeeription.to TH '
" I have ,1beeit much i
published in your pa
on county. We have
rs. HEAR -
r home on
her and
John K.
a Ohio,
er, eon -
, espec-
but the
ve been
of these
eedy to
ill hive
: A. E.
man at
e posi-
he curl -
of Mi.
o would
ank has
TOR, says :
in the pew
cerning Hu
of kinship to a good many of the
and around Seaforth and Harpurhe
ially the Bepadfooti, McCartney an
folk. have longed to visit -them,
such that I
busines: an
plish t is
hope, howe
d cares of my life h
have notlbeen able to
pleasure.; I am not
ver, that I may see some
friends in the near fUture."-Mr.J.
expecte his !new new etore will be
1110V6 bite next Wednesday4 He
one of the finest stores in tdwn. M
Pentecost, evhe has tern head sale
the golden lion, will 'occupy the sa
tion at Mr. 'Smith's new store. -In
ing match I between the, members
George Patterson's rink, as to w
hold the riak tankard this year, Dr.
came out on top. -T e Dominion
purchased the Good lock, on the corner of
Main and Gewanloc streets, and will have
it fitted .up at once fez. their own use. This
will make a most convenient bank and it
will be fitted up in the latest improved
styla-Mrs Sprague, of Michigan, sister of
Mrs. Willieen Carnochan, John street, is
over here ori a visit to friends in this vicin-
ity. -On a ecent Sunday night some persons
entered the residence of Mr. John Paul, and
stole; from his trousers pocket, a sum of
money. M . Paul thinks they must have
drugged hi self and wife, as he did not
tvakel at his usual ti e in bhe morning, and
it was with difficul , that he was able to
arouse his 'fe. Al Paul does not know
how else th y could ave got the money, as
his clothes Were han 'rig close to his head.
-Mr. P. Keating hee received the agency
in this vicinity for a' folding saw machine,
manufactured in Chilcago.-The literary and
debating club intend holding an open meet-
ing on the second Menday in April, when
an interest, ng progrerame, consisting of a
debate; an
will he p
open to t
left with u
laid by one
orcaa, whic
We unders
ganizing a
men of the
ef the tow
the purpos
All young
over are
material here, and
have a co pany
city corps? It woe
the town, rid of gr
Mg part, it is not
company order
struction. A large
musical and literary selections
ovided. This meeting will be
e pablie.-Mr. William Hartry
the ether 'day, a monster egg,
of his thoroughbred black; min -
weighs nearly four 'ounces. -
and that the officers of the local
voluete ra are desirous Of or-
ompany onsiating of the young
town, an have secured the use
hall e ch Friday evening, for
of inst tuition in military -drill.
en of ei
here is
12th, 'Jays that on that on t at date he had
new potatoes as large marbles, He
thinks that is prettY good r a frozen coun-
try like Manitoba. -
riously ill,
now oiniva
sold hi far
to rem ve
12th c nces
tity of ced
comme ce
a great dea
winter but
re. Robert Ir
ut we are glad
to.Mr. Ferg
Michigan sho
ion, is gettin
r hie mill,
eking shingl
of eickness in
moat of the fol
in has been se -
to hear she is
. Eagleson has
on, and intends
in a large quan-
d will shortly
-There has been
this vicinity this
s have recovered.
NOT S. -La grippe se
headq arters in our
Willie Pollard, of Gre
the r sidence of J. He
take ossession next w
worth, will occupy the ho
farm; entil Norman secur
-11. . Honsberger has
goods to Mr. Beatty, of
takes ossession on April
sale .h ld by David Milne,
fairly well attended. -Pr
tions re being held in t
ment f our school this w
ms to have his
age just now. -
has purchased
sworth, and will
ek. Mr. Hems -
e on the Cober.
s a housekeeper.
sold his stock of
rna. Mr. Beatty
st.-The auction
on Monday, was
motion examine-
e senior depart-
H. IF. EDWARDS le 110W
and large assortment of new P
this season are small and neat.
up. ..er. EDWAS.DEL
No Ts. -Mr. John Rou tt and Mr. John
two of our ola and ell known resi-
are very ill at p eseet. We wish
speedy recovery. Mr. [ and Mrs. A.
eve been visiting
eek. -Mr. John
df e heifer with
Ilabit of chewing
1 occasions vis -
n white shirt'',
A short time -ago
ev. Mr. Oaten,
e complimentary
peeiation of his
O . The address
$25. -Mr. H.
father, of Clin-
., W. Graham and
d pulpits on Sun -
War is advertis-
farm, on the
e ts, stock and
r day, April 9th,
✓ has for many
yfield and vicin-
Bayfield will lose
showing a choice
rinta. The patterns
Prioes from 6 ciente
MeLe d, of Ripley, who
here, returned home this
Whiddon is the owner
sundial. tusks. Ithas th
ods, and has on sev
othes lines and ea
; white gloves, etc.
tation waited on
ry g
ited c
she t
a d
piosented him wit
rees, expressing the a
s in the congregat
w companied by -a
Ke pi had a visit from h
to , Wednesday. -Re
Rel.. F. J. Oaten exchan
day 14st. -Mr. Charles
ing a
at 1
ity, a
a goo
• 1
auction sale of
line, farm imple
old effects on Th
o'clock. Mr. De
een a resident of
d, by his; removal
B. R. HIGGINS, genera
awe agent. conveyancer. oo
affidavits, aro. Money to loan
tenet: At home every mo
each week.
has re urned from the
making arrangements fo
his hotel, which was de
cently. The new hotel
will be built on the mos
Dixon had not learned o
reached Halifax on his 11
He,lbeks as though the
with him.
BRIEFS. -Mr. B. R.
ed 50 acres of land from
gor, The land adjoi
present owned by Mr.
now have one of the be
antly ituated farms in t
ro . Mr. Wm. McBr
Va n , has removed to o
op ne out a tailor and
star formerly occupied
Do a . We have mue
co in Mr. McBrayne t
kn w that those who fa
pat o age will receivd
Mr ach his let the co
an a dition to his h
Fr e , of Stanley, is wi
as a exporter of pu
sheep He disposed of
ra t a entlemon fro
re and life ineur-
issioner for taking
e Inwest rates of in -
lug! and Wednesday of
E -BUILD AOALN. W., Wm. Dixon
tld country, and is
the re -building of
troyed by fire re-
in, be of brick, and
modern plan. Mr.
his loss until he
meward journey.
ld :tountry agreed
gine has iturchas-
ie Peter McGre.
the pro erty at
iggins, an he will
t mid most leas-
e ; c unty o H -
yri for erly of
✓ illage, and h
arb r sho in t e
by Ir. Ja les Mc -
p asure in w l-
ea midst and e
or i1 wi h th ir
eve y at ntion.
tra t for erectieg
tel. Mr. Thomas
ni g, quit a name
red Shropshire
to th
tota of 21 meld
a short period -of
United States.
able s
W otietoc
to he s
line, fo
Pr, ws and Gang plow
priees In order to make a o
to the cor_e_in prices. A goo
plows !ways on hand. All k
with a tette stock of mould
plow a d gang outings, bol
T. Mellis oan supply all your
.A number of second hand
repair to be sold at a barge
meeting of the Kippen
be held On Fridareveni
promises to surpass all
The programme will con
ing debate on. the followi
solved that aetual posses
patton." Affirmative, -
Will Thompson ; Neg
syth and J. McDougall.
bate, Shakespeare's tri
"Merchant of Venice,"
pils of No, 2 Tackersmit
and realistic feature.
musical selections by
will go to make a mos
tractive programme.
NOTES. ----;The home
the Women's Foreign
held last Friday evening, was wel
ed. The good Methocrst peopl
place know how to do t ings in g
The tables were laden with the
dainties and very pleasin to the
Revds. Messra. Walker, wan and
were:present and gave
addresses. The evening
music. All spent a good. ti
of last week was the wor
our train service, and ea
good time, as usual. -Mr
McKay, of° Summerhill,
Bright, spent a few ;days
tour, et the home of Mr.
-Mr. Thomas Forsyt
very narrow escape from
ago, caused from the ch
-eistance of Mr. James
was extinguished. Mr.
school at the time, and
ance of Mr. McLean, 11
have found himself With
for, sale a
ean eweep I
line Of prows
nde of plow
beards, plow
skinDimers, w
anti in the
lowsI on bin , in good
T. Mews leippen.
NG. -The closing
iterery soeiety will
gi April 3rd and
ist f an interest-
for,shier eet'ings.
g subje t " Re -
ion exce antici-
. D, But hart and
tive,-T. N. For -
In addit on to de.
scene, tom the
ill be ac ed hy pu-
, a very amusing
here w 11 also be
ocal tal- t, which
comple e and at, -
, mak-
e party
expor t
have cut
and gang
low line.
cial in id of the
iasionar Society,
attend -
of this
od shape.
choices t
hort and przictical
as enlivened with
e.e-The big istorm
t of the season on
sed delay in mails.
OR.S got along in
and Mrs. James
and formerly of
n their wedding
and Mrs. Ricker.
's residence had a
fire a fewealays
mney. By the as -
McLean, the fire
orsyth was at the
nly for the assist -
a Forsyth might
ut a house on his
return. -Syrup making a now engaging the
-attention of many i th's part. stdrs. Geo.
Thompson, of the Lon on road, was the
first to make, on atur ay last. Where is
Mrs.Dick, of Hay, his ear ? She does not
.-Mrs. (Rev.) Mc-
nt the fore part of
rental roof of Mr.
'Hannah Ivison is
at Porter's Hill. -
d Mr. Fred Tisylor
or Michigan. Why
r young men se&
in Uncle Sam's do-
eLean, of whom
mention was madeZast week, is atill poorly
and has since been-lund r the doctor's at-
tendance. Her many f ends will be pleased
to hear of her improve ent.-Mr. Ricker is
now busy with his er ers for buggies and
wagons. Mr.Ricke be g a good mechanic,
knows when work • we edone and `how to
do it. -The Hensa c riespondent of the
Exeter Times appears have arrived at
fever heat in regard o the forthcoming
election in South H n. Never mind, my
good friendethe Ref r era of South Huron
will be able to 1 ok after their own fu-
ture, when the time co es. -Large quan tie
ties of &pule timbe being delivered in
the station yard f hipment to the, old
appear first on th hs
Mbbon, of Moncton, s
the week under the p
and Mrs. R.Mellis.s-, M.
hteen years of age and renewing old friendahi
attend this (Friday) Mr. Albert Anders n
an abundance of good left on Wednesday ast
hy should not Seaforth is it that the best o
ual to any of the crack homes for theme
d be an acquisition to main ?-Mrs. Robe
at 'benefit to those tak-
compulsory .to join the
participate in the' in -
number should avail
themselvea of this o portunity.-Mr. Fritz -
ley, an em loyee of the Seaforth flax mill,
had his ha d badly Cet one ' day recently.
when they ot clogged up, and in attempt -
He was wl king atl the sketching knives,
ing to relie e them, his hand got caught,
and before! relieve it, st was very
'11 necessitate his lay -
weeks. -Mr. E. Me. ,
is week on business. -
on, of Pierson, Maui -
der date of March
# .
e could
• severely cut, which
ing off work for som
1 Faul is in oronto t
, Mr. Thome Robert
I toba, writ -1g to us,
conntrel.-$21 has been *mit to; the Ar-
drew's cohgeega-
mernan fund from St.
tion, w.th more to follow, a few days. -
Miss izzie Monteith, a ter a , six weeks'
visit among friends in the Forest City; has
returned home to enjoy the pure country
air one more. -Master hn lel eLean, on
of Mr. and Mrs, James1 cLean, who , as
been detained from his at dies in the high
sheohnosonl. by a cold, is still confined to the
CO:UNCIL DOINGS. -The Council ,niet at
Weberrs hotel, on Saturday, March 21st, as
per adjhurtainent. Members all prese t. Dr.
J. G. Scott, of Seaforth was ap inted
medicalSiealth officer, as recommen ed by
the board of health. It Was decided to di-
vide the amount realized from the sale of
a street in Egmondville, after deck° ing ex-
taegnes, e t ns , b eb et nwseeednbtyhethpeanithimnaaretpearirs inofg ahterevellts-
nder their control, said arnount to be dis
aided as follows : TcsJ. Folland, p_ thmase
ter of the division in which the s reet itS
situated, $8.25 : to each of the other fre&
pathmasters in the village, $6 each. Ads
counts amounting to $97 were passed forpaYS
ment. The next meeting will he held at
Kyle's hotel, on Thursday April ISOth, at
A 0 o'clock. 1 ' t
1 it
few of the very early settlers who are sti '
left will remember Mr. Patrick McGrath .
township contiguous to Egmond,vi le. W
One of the pioneers of that part of th
regret to hear of his death,wlaich ark plac
near Danbury, Iowa, on March 12th. lir
McGrath settled On the farm on the I5th con
cession, now owned by Mr. Camerdn, man
years ago. cleared it, and put it in ilshat wa
m those days,conSidered a high sta0e of im
moved to Wisco in, where he lived for
provement. In irsie spring of . '6;7 he re
few years, and went from there to the west
ern part of Iowa 1 when that fertge Stat 1 -
was an unbroken prairie. He readied th I
allotted three score and ten a few years ag
without having seffered much from the or tdi-;
nary ills of life, eaen up to a few weeks pres
vious to his death he enjoyed weed health.
His wife and a faMily of three sons end four
daughters survive him, all of whomi live in
the iminediate vicinity of his late home.
Deceased was a step brother of Mr. John I
Pre dergaet, of this township, an& Mr. C.1
Pre dergast, of Dublin. l ;
t 1
410--.......• i
Wroxeter. .
I eme.-The snow blockade on the Can-
adi n Pacific Railway occasioned a 400d deal
of u easiness among the politicians of our
vi ge last week,as no mail was recaived for
a c uple of days. -Messrs. Hamiltote& San-
de on shiPped a car of stock on Tnesday
last -The gospel temperance revivalists are
hol ing ;Edith in the pavilion thi's week.
The r singing '' is much enjoyed, and no
dou t good, will be done by their visit here.
Tob cco is almost as strong a point, of at-
tao as wh' ky, and consternation is visible
on he fac of many who indulge in the
weel.-To Hemphill has a display ,of bi.
cycl on h d, and his converse.tion savors
stro # gly o the merits of the silent steed .-
Mrs Robe t Miller has returned from a
visi to f 'ends in Elora.-ReveMit Mine
doe , of ucknow, will occupy the ,pulpit
of t e Pres yterian church on Sabbath. next.
- r. Joh Fowler, of Wingham, was
tow the e rly part of this week.
Nom. An old and highly esteeme
resi ent of the 8th concession passed quie
ly a ay fr m earth on Monday, laet wee
in t e person of Mr. Robert Laidlaw, age
63 ears and 7 months. De eased came
Mo ris about 40 years ago, where he ha
continuously resided. He was united '
marriage, 32 years ago, to lies Euphemi
Moore, of Halton county, who, with si
children, survives him. ' Me. Laidlaw, w
an industrious, active ni n a PresbYteria
in religion, and a Liber 1 politics. Th
funeral took place on W dn day afternoo
last week, interment be g ade in the U
ion cemetery, Blyth.. Mr Laidlawl had
been ill for a year,.drop y ing the causie
of his death. Mrs. L idl w and femily
have the sympathy of he comniunity in
their hereavement.-Th storm of last week
made the roads very h at . The -a *zee-
sions got the moat of it this time.; The
weather continues eold, an , althoug the
sun has crossed the lin , t e wind in a
cold point. Howev r, e #, ay have a fine
spring yet. -Fall whe t q tends a' pock
chance, as the field are co ered wit ic ,
and the wheat was are nea ly all w nte .
The snow did not ove 1 as in f rmer
Cr dit n.
FIRE. -On Satur ay 1 t t e pumPahop,
owned by Messrte enry an John kilbee,
was destroyed by fire. It appears' they
were in the buildin an di aome *irk in
the morning ; they a doWn town for p.
few. minutes, and n t at time the shop
caught fire. The b eke brigade turned out
in full force, and di all they could, hut to
no avail. Everythi g w s destroyed. One
of our citizens tu, ed out with a tree
Baurs:-Mr. Cu tz, f Indiana, is visit-
ing George Holtzm , sr. -Charles Fritz, df
Dashwood, was in t wn on 'Tuesday laat.-1-
Samuel Lampert ha secured the agency for
the London Parisi* steam laundrys-The
plans for the new church have arrived and
the mechanics are busily engeged figuring
on it. They all say it is going to be One of
Messrs. Eilber desire to return thank*, to
the finest ohurhes in these partsSse-The
their many kind friends who assisted at ,the
fire on Saterdatr. Their efforts are OpPre-
ciated.-Josie Moate and bride leave for
Elkton, Michi an, next week, their futhre
home. All jo' in wishing them -prosperity
--The Royal .Templare will hold aegran
concert on April 1st. A splendid program*
has been 'prepaiod.-George Z wicker inten
opening jewelry business in Hensalls-Th
ssleighing has gene and spring weather is no
far distant.
[ -TI y , 6
grade wheele-not the cheap kind, but the very bee
makes. As prices have to conie down when thei
boom has buena, we will start the ball a rolling by
selling '96 high grade bioyoles from 855 up. Wei
have several V5 seco4c1 hand wheels, good as new
Repairs kept In stock and repairing done at reason-
able rater'. Give us a, call. Write for plrtiOulara
COon BEDE., JR., Hem% Ont. 1476-2
LOCAI, BRIEFS. -The weather h ' been
extremely cold for this time of year, ering
the past week, and sugar making as 're-
ceived 14 decided check: -In last e k's
James Bell, jr.;ninstes.d of James W4 B U,
issue we should have given the n me of
as having retn ed from the eld cci ntiry,
after . disposing of a shipment of horses
taken there. -'Phe quartettes:9f the etno-
diet church choir, Hensall, togeth with
the Alleges Hotham and Chapman, a nded
the tea -meeting held at Varna last week,
and rendered a number of fine sel tions,
which were well received. -Mr. Bai d, are_
of near Brneefield, was in the -villa e the
end of last week, visiting his old riend,
Mr. John Soott,--Miss Latimer spe t last
Sabbath with relatives in Exeter -Mr.
James Sutherland, postmaster, was in Strat-
ford on Monday last, attending the uneral
of his sister -be -law, the late Mrs. E. Dent.
-Mr. Geer e MeEwen has remov d the
small office h had to the weiit of R nnie's
block, in ord r to make room for t e fine
new brick bl ek which is geing 'to erect-
ed there as n as the weather per its. -
!Mr. R. Coad recently of the firm of load &
Rennie, has urehased the gents' f rnish-
ings stock Mr. John Pope, m rchant
tailor, and tends adding largely to the
sbt:scink'esans,danca he is now having the s op ex -
g on a gents' fith ishing
tended and ; putting in a fine r- 1.-A.
, ..
1 large qi.ant by of tow and baled straw has
been sh pp d f dm this station during the
past week r I' Miss S. Ingram, who has
been in1Lo d for some months, returned
home on S tu y evening. -Our oatmeal
and flourin m are doing a large amount
of both c is work and shipping. ---Mr.
and Mr . J Mee Sparks, and son, Eld.on,
were the uests of Mr. James Delgatty,
principal o the Centralia school, last week.
-Mr. Joh Vir, Bennett, of the Hensall
machine sh p, as in Exeter several days
last week, tan up engines in some of the
leading ni Ils f that town. Who says
Henson ta es s cond place ?-The following
recent ship mite have been made from the
Hensall, in chine shop : A saw mill outfit to
Mr. G. C. Abbott, of Coldwater, Ontario ;
anether , t Mr. Ainsworth, Brighton, On-
tario ; a , litill another to Mr. 0. Brown,
of Tupperviile, Ontario ; a lath trimmer to
S. Paquett , Scotstown, Quebec ; an eight
horse pow r engine to a well known dealer
in Toronto also two sand paper machines
to the sam party; some engine repairs to
Alia Them Bell, Portage la Prairie, Mani-
toba ; a ,25 horse wer engine to McEsven
& isicKey, of. orb Findlay, Algoma ; a
steam engme cylinder to Mr. W. J. Dick-
son', Wilton, Ontario, and a large heavy
sear milt pernage to L. McDonald & Com-
.pany, Walton. The above shipments speak
for ' thernIs lves of the reputation of the
Hensel' a achine shops, not only locally,
but abroe throughout the county, and is
certaitly most creditable to the enterpris-
.ing, feelider and proprietor, Mr. Robert
Bell, jet,1 and we have no doubt but what
with leus taff of skilled machinists, and
eveky Om enience and advantage for carry-
ing ion the buemess, it will still more and
more api y nerease.-Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Ellis eve ret rned home from Brownsville,
Mani ba, the home of Mrs. Ellis' late
brothe , ho so very recently died there. -
Mrs. e ion and Miss Ida Dick were in
London th Week, in. connection with the
millinery usiness, and we believe intend
starting a beahch store in Lnean.-Mrs.
(Rev.) He derson and Master Roy are vis-
iting Mr. enderson's home, Thornyhursa-
Mr. F. My es, who was here for some time,
learning tailoring with Mr. John Pope has
returned te hie home, South Woolelley.-
Miss Hodgine, of Lucan, who was in charge
of Mr. El' photo gallery during his ab-
sence, returned keine the end of this week. -
Mr. R. B. Rees, i of Rodgerville, shipped
frorh this stacion this week, for Boston, a
car load of fine horses, and we believe in-
, tends shortlyishipping another car load.-
' The Measrs. Albert and William Whitesidea
ileft here this week for Morden, Manitoba.
1 -Mr. Thomas Berry shipped a car load of
fine horses to Boston this week. -Mrs. Ur-
iquhart has returned home, after attending
'the funeral of her brother-in-law, the late
IMr. Simpson, accompanied by her sister,
1Mrs. Simpson.
i I •
i Hullett.
AFTER I ROAMING CarrnE.-A petition is
lbeing °initiated through the township, for
!signaturek to be p4esented to the council,
!asking that body to pass a by-law prohibit-
ing cattla, horseseiheep and swine from run-
ning at large on the public hig.hway. The
petitioners claim that these animals when
.lallowed to roam at large destroy property,
',and are a source of great annoyance. This
is a move in the right direction and we are
eure th petition will. be largely signed hy
the ra payers.
, i IN UCK re M iNITOBA. -In a private
'letter received fro Mr. John Clark, son of
Mr. G rge Clark, f this township, who
Went t Killarney, Manitoba, last spring, he
- tates e is feeding,60 head of cattle for the
ay arket, and has just finished deliver-
ing 3, 0 bushels of wheat to the elevator.
!Mr. Clirk is doing Splendidly, and is quite
' love with the eintry. He has not for-
gotten pie old horn associations in all his
Successes,lhewever, es he enclosed his early
eubseription to the Kinburn Met odist
phurch: Mr Clarkl's many friends will be
pleased to learn f his success, and will
hope that he may e ntinue to prosper.
, ,
1 •
NOTES. -Mr. Amias Schweitzer, who has
been herel visiting friends for four weeks,
left last Tueeday for Marlette, Michigan. -
Mr. Jaceb ;Zimmerman, William Bender
and Mimi Rickie ,Zimmerman all left for
Cavalier, Noeth Dakota where they intend
to stay this Summer -ilr. William Baker
has secure& a po ition with Mr. Owen
Geiger, tO tend t his horses --Mr. An-
drew Hes , from linton Collegiate, was
home ov r 6unday last. -Mrs. Buingue,
from Por Haronehas been here to attend
her mother, Mrs. Heine, funeral. Who was
buried laet Tuesday, The old lady had to
leok to the township for support. -Mrs.
(Dr.) Buchatian hasIbeen to Toronto to see
fier son George.-Mre. Pogson, from Point
Edward, has bmn heee visiting her brother
and sisten-We are glad to eee Mr, Audolph
Weyer on the streets again. He is doing
well. --Last Monde in the public school
yard on of Philip Si pel's boys got his leg
laroken i bile seufflin with an Other boy. It
will te e seme time before he can get
- i
ing paragraph from the Woodstock Sentinel -
Review, of the 20th inst., refers to a son Of
Mr. J. C. Miller, of the hotel Clarendon :-
The parlors oif the Hotel Oxford contained
a jolly crowd ,last night, assembled in honor
of Bert Miller, the popular clerk at ' that
well-known hostelry. John A. McKenzie
presided over the withering and during the
evening presented MreMiller with a- hand -
1301110 baby carriage accompanied by a
verbal addres expressive of the high esteem
in which " B rt " is held by the donors of
the gifts. purse of money was also
;presented. The company numbered about
itwenty, everyone of whom spoke in the
highest terms of the kindly relations that
have alwayS existed' between them and the
genial clerk. Speeches, songs and dancing
were included in the merriment and a right
good time was spent. Bert is to be con-
gratulated in so marked a manifestation of
his friends regard.
Exeter. s,
LOCAL BRIEFS. -Miss Leiria Brawb, of
Wroxeter, is at_present visiting her grand-
mother; Mrs. John Bravin, of this place. -
Mr. Thomas Prior left on Thursday • last
with a Car load ef cattle for the Toronto
maricet.-Mr. CopP, of Seaforth,
paid the town a hying visit, on Thursday
and Frid y of laet week. -Mr. Alfred Biller,
who has or some time past been working
with Mr Peter Bawden, masoni left for
London n Saturday last, where he will re-
side for ome time.-Mrse Hugh Ross, who
has bee visiting her father, Mr. David
Johns, o this place, for some time past, re-
turned her home in Winnipeg on Thurs-
day. --M s Edith White spent Friday last
visiting friends at Kirkton.-Mr. John
White, ho had the misfortune to fall and
fractuee is hip, is slowly recovering.1-Miss
Eliza Oke,who has been visiting her parents
here f r some time past, left on Saturday
last r Sarnia, to 'resume her duties as
tail r ss. --Mrs. S leer and Mrs. Mor an
will h ld heir mi inery openings to- y,
(Fri, ) a a will continue until Saturday
eve g. Messrs. . Aubrey, of Mentreal,
and P Da t of ston, shipped a car load
of ho ea ro th' statien on Saturday last,
for g hm rket.-Miss Fiore, Dyer,
of Ore ito ho been visiting' friends
in toviin, et rne home on Wednesday, -
Mr.' Voge Of Tor nto, spent Thursday of
lasttkteek *u t wn. Miss Bens Dodds spent
Fr', p ,S tu lest the guest of Mr.
of haron.—Mr. John Mellis,
ieh rd Seldon, of Ingersoll,
at p sent visiting friends in
spent Se da and Monday the guest of his
The opening display of new mil-
linery has been arranged for
- DAY of next week; April the.
2.ad and 4tb, when our store,
will be dressed in its new--
- Spring Costume.
this season is to give Seaferth a
millinery and dry goods dis.
play that will reflect credit upon,
the ability and taste of her en-
terprising merchants. We have
'brought from every fashion
centre the brightest and best
we could find.
we -make the invitation gelierals,
and welcome everybody to en-
joy the first view of the Spring
styles. Our display will tell a.
story of newness and novelty
that cannot very well be de-
scribed in print. The new --
things must be seen.
This is your opening) yours to,
look at and enjoy. Bring your.
friends along with you, and 'let
them enjoy the display too ortl
Thursday and Saturday of next ,
-Dry Goods,
mother; Mra George Samwell, of this place.
-Mr. Nieholas.MeAvoy, of thin place, left
on Tuesday for Petrolia-Mre. John Stan- ,
lake, of Sodom, spent Sunday last in town,.
the gueet ef Mr. George Cudmort.-Mr.
Brown, of Crediton, paid the town a flying
visit on Monday. -Mr. James Delgatty,ser
Centralia, occupied the pulpit in the Jame&
street church on Sunday evening last. -Mr.
William Hill, who has for some time pue
been working in Richard Pickard & Son's --
large establishment, left on Tuesday for Oil -
Springs, where he has secured. a situation.
We wish him atIeeeES,-Mr. liezekiak.
Towle and sister, who have been on a busi-
ness trip to Southern Iowa, returned home
on Monday last. -Mr. William Grigg is at
present very ill with la grippe. -The Exeter
hockey club, drove to Clinton on Monday
last, and crossed sticks with the Cfinton-
team, but were defeated by four goals to
two. This is the first game the Exeter -
team has played, and we hope they will init
prove in the future. --Miss 'Milly Bertrand,
who has been visiting at Mrs. Israel Smith's a
for the past week, returned to her home iii_!
Crediton on Wednesday. -The last carnival
of the season was held on Monday evening,
and was a decided success. The ice was me
good shape, and a large attendance was the --
result. ----Mr. James Turpin, of Toronto, -
spent Thursday of • last week in town. --
Revival rneetings are still going en in the --
James street church, with good results. -
Mr. Arthur Hotham and. wife, of Staffa.,..
spent Tuesday in town. -Rev. W. M. Mar-
tin spent the fore part of the week in Tor-
onto. -Mr. William Dinnin,of Lumley, peg.
the town a. flying visit on Wednesday. -
Miss Martha Butt, of Brucefield, spent
Tuesday in tewn.-Richard Hamilton and
wife, of Staffa, spent Tuesday in town, the -
guests of Mr. William HodgerL-Mrs.
S. Lang, who has been sick for some time -
past, is recovering. -A large number from
this place will attend. the concert held in
Drew's op: ra houee on Wednesday evening.
-Miss n unah Butt, who has been visitieig,
here for some time past, returned. to her
home at Kippen. on Tuesdays -A large. num- -
ber of fish peddlers come to town daily, -and
have no trouble to dispose of their loads. -
Mr. Hezekiali Towle and wife, of this •
place, attended the funeral of the former's
mother, at Centralia, on Weduesday.-The
vestry meetings of the Trivitt Memorial
church were held on Monday and Tuesday
DEATIL-TherBellideiVeald Blueva.le, on.
Thursday, March 19th, Mr. Thomas E.
Mills, at the age of 68 years and 1 month.
He was born in the towhship of lienting-
ford, Quebec. He lived in Stanley town-
ship for some years then moved to Turn -
berry township. Where he his since
resided. The deceased had about eight
montha' illness which was caused by
grippe. When quite young he was -
converted to God, and from that time- toe
his triumphant departure, he continued a
eonsistent Christian and a devoted member
of the Methodist church.
NOTES. --Mr. Wm. Grey, jr. of the tail-
oring establishment of Mr, liutchhason,
Stafta, spent Sunday at his home here. -.A.,
farewell aocial was given in the Methodist
church, on Tuesday evening, in honor of
Miss Zinkier, Who has been holding revival.
meetings here for some time. -Mr. John-
Mosgrove gave a large dance to his friends -
on Tuesday evening last. -Since the mar-
riage of Mimi Bella King to Mr. Gedrgs
Macdonald, the Presbyterian church has
been without an organist, but, at a meeting.
held at Mr. John Burgess' lost Friday, Mrs.
Joseph Pugh wets chosen to fill that posi-
• tion. -Mrs. R. N. Duff spent a couple of
days this week visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm.
Elliott, of Wawanosla, who is very low with..
congestion of the lungs. -The remadns of the
late Mr. Thomas Mills, of Turnberry, were,
bduayrielaad tin. the Bluevale cemetery on Satur-
MOB LAw.-----Considerable excitement has.
been the outeeme of a disg,raceful and re-
grettable occurrence in Lower Wingham.
It seems that one Fields, a butcher, was, -
considered in the neighborhood to be grate'
of the heinous crime of incest, and. after
repeated warnings, one bitterly cold night, -
recently a mob ofmen, most all of W110101
Were under the influence of liquor, marched
to the house of Fields and, finding him is.
bed, dragged him out into the cold in his
night clothes, where he was detained until
his feet were'badly frozen and A sound horso
whipping had.. been administered to hires
A promite Was extracted from him that he
would leaVe the place, and next day he InUt -
shipped to:Michigan, but returned to Lon-
don, wherri he was found hy the police in le
pitiable condition. He was removed to die
hospital, where he died shortly afterwards.
Although no direct evidence has yet kows
found inerizninating the unfortunate mot
still it is the general impression that he vs*
guilty. Nevertheless, it ts most regrettable'
that such a disgraceful display. of mob how
should take place m this enlightened ege
and country. What will be the outcome of
the affair ia as yet unknown, but all right.
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