HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-03-27, Page 4alad oufferinj 'a the rule in- the commercial act, or calculate to. induc6 the ersons re" i ired object will I e kecomplishedi depends in this country, in September, 185d., And blas I c same, to beliei, at. they are a good deal he attit eiving the we that. tide of the Oppo. been a resident of Hullett ever since. 86 18961 MARCH 'I 1&)6 worK hat �e our Dominion rulers doing i tbr�e -1 -processes issued ithin the divialion court. fition. If t e O.M fight on the county never had any family, but 4dokted Fri. 5it. to mitigate t iis suffering ?'Simply -nothi ng. council bill, and one )r two others of au-mle Is one of whom is the willo Of NV. Sun. Alon. Tue, Wed. Thu. Another subje t of very material impor- hey are w lagling and fighting over , the tane importance, the Leg' lature may be kept in ill, of Colborne. She was aii amiable e, which hasi been dealt with: during the F essiop for a mont Dif ut if not the end of woman, a good friend and neibor, &Ad, at bee t is medial billi as it is oalled,which week, was the i I of the Minister of Educa. tilie another week may a the prorogation. will be missed. She belonge& to -3 14� a me�e matt'r n Ot B of sentime t, aqd it oes n tion for the co a lidation and amendment 10 I 1 12 1 Brethren. The remains were ii"rred iw of the public sch)ol act. Several, very im- 6wing re - Ball's cemetery, a large numbers if 'O 17 1 85 19 20 2 1 in reality ],,lake a row of pins differ(rice Iportant amendments have been made in this Hur in Notes. spect to her memory. I*hether it-, I' a placed, on the nation's law act, Hereafter, farmers' nons will have the li "S .27 28' -The amounts received from 6 book, or not. At best it only affec6, a N ex:y right to vote at school trustee �a& well as I _Mr. Nelson �in ham, of Hallett, will a of this. ment, for a4verti8ing, by the p 11 in at other elections. As we mentioned last frect a farine dwe�hir in the spring.' small portior. of the Dominion, and eve based county, will not make- thcm -,h. T#e 'tor was obliged t6 'ithdraw -Mesers. Davis-&' cCool have pure week,. the Minis positio a DO rd received $10; n NewJs. the clan se of his bill re ng county coun- urbull's livery bus ness in Clinton. quit Record, $3.3; Exeter Advocate,.516 ; Exeter hinterest :will be Be � Myth Stands, verely inte rfered with whatever the cila to levy on ea�lch municipality a special � -The chancery siftings for Huron opened Times, $23 ; Goderich Star, $55 Seaforh of the remedia; bill in Parliani ent uniform late ou*ient to give W to every o� Monday last, fite Jua;ice Falconbridge pre- Sun, $5 ; W�inghaxn Advance, $5. In addi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., public hool in! he county, a d $25 for a�dhn may be. Even if iVahould �e finally adopt- tion, for printing Dominion voters'. lists, the _�acher in eac school* to 19 are being, taken u f d. ea6h a itional- Sitedial collectioi a ed by Parliaiinerlb it can ne�er b I derich, in aid opf Brussels Herald got $40 ; ExeN e en or(e r Time VLThe figure between the parenthesis at ker each be in ad it I to all other in ne a 0w i St. George a eburet,, Go lot the paper on w hio Vidett�, one denotes the page. ol he8,�) that whet1ber it is passe� or'not ifi. in re- raised It the townships for scho I purposes, t e Armeniihs. 1 1$300 Goderich Star, $167 ; Gorri� advertisement -111 be fou id. -nee, 75. �1 'thdr4w] , of the Op- -Mr. J. C Cl f 11 noall, hais re- ly a thatter of sentiment, ar d can not in ny had to wl a qn account , e j$28, and Wibgham Ad 'aune Tendere for Caretaking- N. Cluff (6) tion to it. But,' hereafter, instead i of c ived a big order t' 'barviess from Mani -A goodly number of relaaF an Dentistry -Dr. Belden (Q. appreciable degree. affect the people- -of couln t cting from each ba. iends assembled at the residence of Joli'n P1 treafw�er 6olle Tenders Wanted -Alex, Stewart j6) Manitoba, in ach less those ( f the rest of 1 th It t fr $n We4. Farm for Sale or Rent -E 1. P&Pple (5) e municip Yty thel� amounts r qui ed, as an -Thomas Jacklini wife, ad family, of Roddick, 13th concession of Grey,i ness t! ie. Clearing sate_j6hn Gilli spie (6) and Grey, have gone to eepawa, ManitobA, to neday evening of last week, to wj�_ Dominion.. nd yet, altho gh this fact is eqiiivalent' to the Govern entgrant, Durham Bulls for Sale-, James Patterson (6) orce of paying i � back air�in to the muniipal treas- reside. tying of this nuptial bow betwi.en Dav f3eed.Pese--W. W. Thom freely adr�itted by all, the whole 0 Rry Goods Co (E) t � daught �r XV11nelry Opeoliti-E. Fan ure!rs, ti is circumlocutory system will , be undred and thiity cars of live Ritchieand Miss Bella, youxxg�s t6 Domiu�ion Government' machinery has -Ote h' Bove' School sbees--W. , Willis (8) aba1ridon 3d, and the amounts � will 'be raised Block were shipped from 'Bruseels during of Mrs. William Ballantyne, Brussels, at A Adnivenary Shoeig-W. I Willis (8) WeD kept in operation for i tore the v. Jol In a' & year directly hel mun;icipal, tre�oure -4 by t 1 tlie past year. grand iatighter to Mr. Roddick. Folding Sawing Machine- . Keating (5) r Anction Sale -Wm- Forb ne (6) 1 trying to set I this miserat, e question. On pai4 by. lim to the several school boarilld, -Mrs. F. W. P t rson, bf Wiaton, and Ross perforwed the ceremony. he w An Previously Stalled -H. KcIntosb (8) of i.1 e the couiity -grant. sister of the late . ats In, of Godericb, din gifts bespoke the populariby of a6count the' country ha i been kept in a thus dol, ig away !,with 9 y of e I -W. Pi-.kard & Co. (8) I Millinery Opening And instead, each township will; now have ed recently at Wia ton. bri e. Thundering Reductionit- �;ook Bros., Jr. (8)1 state of turmoil and unrest �, or' more tha a a 0 to �ez a rate ion the township to ro -Mr. Arthurouc has �Ilented his farm, -The services of Rev. D. B MeR Trunks -Robert -of a general electi D to r. 'George White, of Cranbrook, were called year, in expect -at' h! school ;and 00 east of Clinton, House Furnibixinji-C. W. Papsl (6) ion 50 for � eac ition on I�Grocery-C. Wilplon (8) and the election has not taken place, and for: each addi�ional I teacber� For � a. Tuckeramith. Wednesday afternoon of last w Wilson'l in. p Home -Grown Clover -A. Young (8) school, therefore, thv;t mplo a a prin- -Arthur Bowbrick, of Auburn, has gone nouncing Edward A. Fox, 10t 1101"Blo Something Very Choice -A. Young (8) there is no knowing when it will. Ther( in his Grey, and Min Flora Duncan 6 , 6f th the th Manitoba, when he will assist otice of Remival-Dr. Belden (8) cipal, and one anii t to cher, nothir g so paralyzing to business of all kil ids obe Loet-EXPOSITOR Office (8) amount, it will "tee iv rorn - t e general b rother to run a farm 18th concession oftheame township, hu# - as this is. to aggravate the evil 1% spe, iaf township fund ill e as on increase '-Whfledrivin f mWingbamtoWrox- band and wife, at the home� of the bride. Found-Exposrroit Office (8) N Eggi, Eggs --Wm. Hartry (6) )ntly, Wafter Belden, of Winghamo There were 150 guests in attendance. AD A New "Ttment-C. W. Papst p sessioO of Parliament is no* being �eld. It. of about $M over t Ie xistink amount. e ;er irect Th� will'afford "diti6n I reli�f to, weak b ad some of his finger frozen. elegant supper was rerved, after which the 13aby Camages--Lumeden & Wilsor (8) 1 4 has beenin operation for three Mon tho, find 13 elle*-Lumaden &WIlson (8) sections, or sections which have small as- -The other day, Ri Dhard Baker- delivered evening was enjorably spent! by ',,the COM a 0 J. L. I)oherty, of _' linton two loads of pany. The weilding presen a were numer- r2l Paper-Lumiden & Wilsoci (8) instead of striving to devise some means for Bankrupt Stock-WeKinnon & Co. 6) sessment and a � large! 001 t (5) usiness initer eta Ev41n thi a measure of inbrie ased ordo. e. More Now Good"Ur the relief of the congested It 7 one, usef III and expensiv oy & Wissm elief was, reen wood, which'm soured J e -Only-J. 1� Smith (b) lief 4 th h6i -has dis- :-Tuesday evenlnr, L 10th William A Few Days of the country, and give.some re I 6ver, bitterly oppose( by any wem -Mr. H. McC�( , of Clinton, Millinery Opening -W. W� Hoff"M141 (6), bar but, after a hard 6gl t, it as arried - BlAshill. and wife celebrated the 25th : ann Xbout Coreete-Hodgens Bros. (I who are struggling and groaning uU4 er t) ;ir osed of his 100 acre 'arm, on the Sth con am r Out Splendid Isclation-Greig & o0ald �I) rlre byllarge majority in omml tee of the cession, 4ullett, to r. S uel McCool, fo verai6ry of their marriage, at the; sidenl burdefib of, debt anddepression, o- ir lops- Aole, and will, -the -in Brussels, on which occasion OLlarge nu Millinery O�penfitg-E. Mcfaul Dry i Mis Co. (b of course, be,rat fied by 14800 what Say Ye ?-W. Pickard & Co. 6) lators have been, wrangling and 6 lit House. the �1, on Wed ber of Brusseliten and persons from I ' " Junior, of linton, (lied To Rent�-Jfohn Thomson (5) �Subi( assembled. An elegant sup� in thii connec on the er gave nesda of last week, aged 20 years. I Now Prints -11. F_ Edwards (8) over this miserable sectarian sen M D Dining localit i servy -C. W. Papot (8) the! Mel abers a somewhat agr eable c from -consum4 per was prvin the Oubied abilit Cut Flowers and sectional question. 'It is a all me. leist our" oaseT hid been oullerin. 'y impo the of the h to t is vei --- prig 11 16 said e was about to propose an tion for some time. thoseAn authority have not a'sufficient Sense ant department of house Id a Airs. Buchana R t rtat it ddition to the bill, one which -11" It &I hynas, of Gode- f fine character of thek duty to stop this mischievou asi Igifts of silverware were of wl pert tit 'of the establishmen � of con. been awa deq the' contract for 9 b icb hat a water tiltin large craot be - �w g pitcher anx new, the �eo ering so severe- tint t, I ses to. provide for the teach the erection of -the n4 iv Albion hotel in that [at 0 00 ple who are, suff Df n Ing especially noticeable. ng i mentar' hi h ' hool wo�k con- 10 rom ect should �try to adopt some. 1 OL IV f n4gi itl. ig Be i the public school 1, aving examina - nee, Aon .1 Constable 'th pp, le 813 Tinsley, of Brockville, wh -At klools. Y in was in - means to put a stop to it. They should at c Dunty �of fluron' ,SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, March 27 896 is Lapointe, is a tions, held last July, the tended appl �to ama, I towns n,d villages wa shot b the murc erov least, r test,,'and that most vigorously, where t ere is high school, h said, and (a Bin of �rs. Nei McLauchlin, of Brno. passed 141 candidates. T do was exactiv g the same number pawed )y the! whole of h 4 Th an wran 9 9�� ng over no inj a w re I conve ence as An pas re- Be South Huron�)Iefbrm Assoc �on. a the following thirteen c6unties:_ Ottawas ould e�stopped,at once. . Paflia, qu tly en c iAsed;' the p n wa to to- While going to t ic barn the other day Brant,! to -14th concession oi Frontenac, Lennox and Ad bgton� E�incoln� A meeting !of the South H vid co tinuati n' classes, and this -couly be 0 n Roddich, of ux�on e orm n!ient shql'�ld bo dissolved and the general arry, Xo4 arr nge t ry to the' Pr . li d and -fel , striking on &'pail, Prescott and Russell, Gle um - e. a i=g several ribs. Association, " �on'stitutied forl D minion Pe ard, lection held, widithien the Government and berland Stormont, Pe Irince 1 Ed-% I big Be 0018. 'It' would prove a great con: an �ros purposes Will be eld in Brucefield n Sat- Mr Dufferin, Oxford and Pa�ry Soun No efte to theliablic, and coul to cariied The other day, i rhile the wife of Parliament, no mitter what party may be veni on, Urday, April 4th,tt one o'clock cost -to Thbmas Fear, of ravel ioad, Hullett' county except Middlesex e near [it r et to �v is rn Orly two in. The bould i ork with'an. outl�so a to incur little or no e# iii power, a ;r ron had the lead. by, 21. object of the meeting is the electionof offi- thei� Go, ernmedt� The clause ouM read crossing the yan , she had the misfor- but Hu Dn'to do omething to it' ntieo, Simeoe and Kent, passed' halJf i . con ie�en that,. he regulations f the est determinati an )ject to, t, edu-' ;u&i6ve to slip down an,f[ break her arm. cers and the perfecting of the orgai iiZ tion 3 many as Huron. gate the terrible depress ion 'from which the cation d part at, any school corporation ',I .-William Phelan,,1 an old resident of the ai in view of the approdching election.. t is' country is now,� 8�'fff)rin This would be mla� eat blish cilass for p'pils who had Irddeoncession, 11V IWawanosh, died in -The Stratford Herald thus allud' to s. Iavish, o 'the 2nd couces- 1a ai� 5th expected that John McMill �I. P. d he pub ici school leaviD examina- 11 n on, on Febri Deceased was sonof Mr. D. MeT * - statesmanship, Ut the. r6seiat proceed ags pasoe Sion of Stanley: J. C. al Ivish A 't ctor 16 I 11 I rt rge such fees, Al. Y. McLean, . P. P. I land othet rom- t* 'th the )6,wer to ch i pwards of 80 years f age. " w fo in �' of the i wandst k nd, w) ich �H. Ox ria, the othe' in peninanship,:in the Centr il lu in 8 coi- re petti gyi on residen t !,and non res den lils as r day pup a inent Liberals will be present to address the days h r Anderson, In_ have been carried on to long al eaIdy, Ind h ight deerfl expedi Pupils who �1 ad the misfortune have one of his le a lege, leaves in might damaged slightly a pa sed the entrance 4ion w ile attempting to It d diana, where he has secure( the poatticti of meeting. A full attendance of ti�er�hql should now discontimed for ometlina in from all parts of the riding in partiou also be admitt d but in their case no fees te f horses whi, Ii had to some extent principal of the commercia� department of am Or practical and useful. in could chargedJ on the pri ciple that un ecome un the Indiana Business College. Me- anageabl StratOrd,for �til �be had co leted th public school John Glass er, an old and highly Tavish has been a resident p: ee !r e all wo sident of he 13th concession of about two years. He is active I rke cou, se ey weelienti e in public school ! e e( d re r THE 014TARIO LEGISLATUE E.. The Dominion PArliamunt. to a fre � edu*ion. The urne of study (Irey, died on Saturi Ly evening, 14th insit., in Knox church, being a �teacher 11 in' the too Sabb:ith school and presideixt oi hi 7 year, . `Ihe funeral K place f tho Chris - The past week has been One of the mosfl ToRo; TO,Mardh 24th 1896. waq to - 3e limited� to the e amination pre e acribed for candi4ates for a rim4xy certifi- cl ill be much the f6llo�wing Tue day, and was largely tian Endeavor So 'ety. If w eventful (luring th' Session of Parb 611t. missed, The. third regular party divn a�tended.W �on of the oat' A wo� f the teacher It has se n Ii I)c e quallfications -Avery happy 'affair took plak-el at) the: on read d '!that an assist- 11"k, (I e the pa ing of t1le see session took place one in: ght Iasi ieek, 0 at least required o I Ifullett, met with a' 11 a gi8l conces4 ing Of the remedia; bill, t�e le ' I d Lux residence of David Campb�ll, l7th 4 n O� nhool. The qovernment b3.d accid e o ierday. He, an ant in 'a high yOuld be �t the sam that 1111 were chopping u the bush' when iii sion, Grey, on Wednesday, 11th irls4, 1, resolution by Mr. Gamey, one f th P t on rl . I grant which ',his session was e as m* a ,,,palled to put ;"ffice: oor' o paid PE r p1apil in �,the case oi hri It. schools, some Way or other, �he latter. adeidentally ie members, to the effect.that no the inarri of 1B adwar- through. It has seen a depi' he Governme it should take any wl�h ti el right to'couinty co ci�a to give a Hesk on the le of his second daughter, Aliss etation appoint ployee of t in �ruck g, cutting it to the Lena, to liam J. Pampbell,- d anel depart foT Winnipeg, t dine, Manitoba. Aliss B. Johnston, Of Wal e 0 co er with pariLin an election t gislative.ke- sch a, as the,3�� deemed expelient. The b�xie. 0 the II 6 r. imon ton, cousin. of the grooM, acted brides - the 'MaDitoba, with a vIJW to a dvaut e accruing from this change, Mr. -A ti elve-year- d son 'of M seinbly, further than six Iply to, Vote, under economy; secon own maid, while Will Si�therland, of 0 sat", On � e Ross w Id fi d. lvfitchell, 4 f Wingba was knocked d S6aforth, amicable settlement of the, schoolcilesti n usin of the bride, performed a Ilike dut enalty of being subje -t to' al Ifine, This ly, tbal upils coilid, Wet�. t), Leir I third-class and run O' er byv a amintbat town, the co rtifici 6 t eaving ct�her day, Althoup h badly shak-erl up, no for the groom. At four while the Giaver�rtment, headed by Sir- motion was supperted I y the P "U n in( in. cc . . I I � P. 11tev. Air. �e witho home, pupils Charles Tu. - bones wem broken,' i 1 the a was able to Forrest, of Walton, tied the matrimonial per, are trying w1f th an o6sible bers, who were aided in theif contentions could e rJen go fial w to heir'matricula a* bow. Friends were pi ut from far t haste to make the bill law, by bl ering on out leav ng me;i W by the regular oppositic n. alualile usef ul al ti wi �6ut le v ott was fixing the eir:* near. The prejents were V Lnd Again"st the n6lO- Ross ol erved ere isl a str ng curre While threats and bulldozing. A bel G ,on It w nd ally,.Mr. alk bom �c I Sam Eli Ithough t ov- nt in as urged thai all the judicial C ffi- the pro vince lead ng tol the e ection of high cular saw at the'VV jigham -brickyard, the and numerous. oder�ch, whd had been 'COU] Lty hie me in- emment have managed t, �Ih U14 be %ell i' other day -Harry Hart, of Ough cers suo'll as -sheriffs", r%istrars, schools w Wh it ;o the a& being in motion, his 0 ill for over two years, died at the British sf'ems an I 0 stituti; Sof stances 0�6h hand got in the with he resialt O another of these tight places, ie crown attorneys, and i'those *who receive eck by th� inj these i - f Exchange hotel, in hat town, early Wed - Wising the fore fing f the le t hand. The lase. It is seldom i that any proposition though it was only a case of out of 'the fry- large salarieis, and who c whole time is le. nesday morning. The deceased gentlew meets with such ia iavorabler�eeptionas rest of the hand wa uninjure 'I seennug y ng pan -into the fre. A numberiof their went to Goderich some: ears since, a voted to ihe service of thecountry,,aie now thin did� all par 3 !the Hous6 -A petition has )ean circula4d 'in Gode- t stranger to supporters were only induced to vote for ant,'-, r ch an signe y one hundred of the though a rfee the People., prohibited by statutefTDM. Voting, and t at to agre, I that fill a long It w ng citizens, as Jrg the Ban o Mon- soon gainerthe confidence of the inhabi the bill on the understandini that after its as a and 6pc a' king in highest te a of com, li adi In tice no such officers o atter of pfac -t ,eal directorate t10 ie -conside -the qui�stion tants of Goderich by his kindness of heart mendation of it. twill allo a ch places i Isecond reading it wolild be dropped, and a now take.an active part in- politicaI-con_ and ever courteous condu��. Heonly tool vi ag man et H.. o � remo �ckwood f rom an Exeter, Bru Be a, Wing a , land other commission appointed to confer to his bed a few days previous, to his death, vv�ith the tests, and that the pron loters ofI the: mot n good pllbli:! is h oI oentres to have the: -bene- oderich. c Manitoba anthorities towards proei�ring an had utterly failed to P90 nt out even one fit of a art of the '-Last week iN1 99n. Da, id Qrawford and and was very low on Monday. On Tuesda' Irhos u of , not practical stance whpr'e this general rule- had b en, in a he seemed to be much better, and'was abl a,micable settlement. Th high Be 061 ithout , g i�ng -to the 7 is does not suit curid t�m w aniel M.,,Connel Hullett, cut fro iolated. But, that , 'th - inor Oiffi to converse with the friends who visite ei Is expens fprovidn� hi scho It f Ileu tree, and a lit and piled a cord of aother wine, of the party, who will have t gh o, such as license inspectors, division eb A him but as midnight approached, it wa y te er, iexp pherna a usuals a ort woo I in 28 s This was done ensivie para] only the bill and nothing but the till. To clerksl bailiffs, license commissioners t the end was approac a d the-farin of A J lea llcCQnnell 13th seen tha hing, and be r.. d therewith. It will als o do'away 0 neration fore the town clock struck one on - Wednes evade the dilemma ai,id maintain pe�ee, Sir. -this class of officials wh �se rewu is with th, o* that It ie son of the 1,00r man concession, and �i is - considered pretty small, and in some inst; Lnees moilling ut all, day morning, 18th inst., he bad �passec Charles Tupper is �,ry�ing the difchit fe'at of who ca4 not afford to send him from home good work. and who are actively engaged in the ordin- to get an educat t and ne-, -The fellowinEip(rsons left Clinton at&- Peacefully away. ion, is cut shor ridinf, two horses goin� g in opposite direc- - ary. business'and duties of life, it ould be he residence of Alex. Robinson, 4ti h tijn last week for distant poilats: W. -T glected b our Ii y t nd coercion, at a wron and a hardship to gav - that ti e ceassion, rey, was th i6ns, that of conciliation a , ISO k )'.' a eson and W Mit. con e scene one o� y will also d away M ith !the loudest and most E4gleson, W; shoulAte deterred f I one and the same ti' i exercising the )r. cbrough those. in' re ting events looked forward me. After 39 hours of ro popular co lain ' f the Conservative, party of, ell, for Milt )n, Dal ota ; J. Blacl Idiniary priv c-it,T*,ilship, -simply ')-- against urpublic�schoolsystem.l and family, orAn�.�onda, Montana,and h a mu h anticipation by the ileges of with a young cQatinuous, sitting a division was arr ed I V,[on Wed - em Mrs. Stewart, for Sp � cane, Washingt peop e, viz.. a marriage ceiremon, cause they happened to be ' ployed 'or It' -the Go- neaday evening of last vi at on Friday. morning last. Mr. Laurier's c rta"' The text most if xl�t the most e in purposes y vernment, a ad n The oollec tions t % I= up in the reek. J;ioph Shaw, Important measure before the House this fig amendment, 'to give' the rep a liurch and Sabha youngest son of Angus Shaw, 5th conces- edial bill a, six' for which they receive bu paltry remun- lidin Presbyterian i session, is that su itted a fewInights ago sion, was the groom, and Miss Minni4 E. months'boist, was d9feated by a majo"ritv ertion., Besides this, it was urged that no by, 0on Mr. H for the r duction of school on Sunt lay Ilan �, in aid of the suffer- such bariibr is'placed in the way of Domin, ing Armenians, aniot nted in all o $47.83 ; McDonald, the estimable atep-da�ugbter of Of twenty-four, 13 Conser'vatives voting for ion Official e gave the alient feat anionnt, t the -boot, the bride. Rev. D. B. McRae, of couxity ouncils. a, and that while similar officers of this ie. school contributed the amendment and six Reformers voting in the employ of:[ be Dominion �;overnment ure� of :his bill I week. Mr. Hardy has t 33. Cranbrook, was not long Epeakink the words abaladiDned his first bill on this subject, and Iwgains are permitted to�particlpate actively in t it. The division for the second' po -John Mil� 8 beta ased his brother t I, at transferred the groom from bachelor in in at le ispeech h introduced this one to ch litical elections, it would not. -be just a ad to a benedict, the ceremony taking place at William's farm, of 5( acres, in West. Wawa- xeading of the bill was then taken,and the thei very favorably Zouse It was received, fair to curtail the liberties of provincial, nc�sh, for $3,060. Thi i " a first-class farm, ,x o'clock. There was a, happy. compan tbou e Government was sustained by a majority official alt oil 1 here *�re some objectors. It is I s.. Itwas'alsourged that while'the arid is conveniently 11 �Uated, to Mr. Mills' present, and a joyous time was spont by aw., has ye however, U run the -gauntlet of the of nineteen. This difference in the, majori- Oppositioll in the. Le i !at ond other property. He er to The eddine izifte were useful and numer- gis ure c emned NN co �ee' ii now land own &rio Govern�- cartain practises of tle Ont bi ties was made by Messrs. Hughes, ' I mit ofthe whole House, :ud at the t extent of 400 acres ous. Mr. S w took his bride to the home- tim of wxr. T ting it had not yet c me up in besides several vil hicb, in their capacity lale I to. stead, where he succeeds his father, after a ment,,-w of private mlttee. is vray and Rose, who voted 4with the, Gov- thi co ta iornewillat revolu- exis, they supported or justified on the I at residence of 33 years. i o, - r. Lawrence 110y, when in a wel ernment against the amendmext, tio ay, m6asure, a4d it wipes out. one of voting part of the Dominion Government, they lay I Ashfieid,,the other day, got -One f the oldest :resident� 'of the J n Griffin's, ent municipal land marks of the the �rx� e head with a bucket, Lochalsh section, and a ntleman univer- against the second reading of the b;ill. The themselves open to the charge of incone is-' b dly wounded on ti provinc� teii,�y and insincerity. Beviides, it was asked:! and P*to which many are ranch sixt n feet and struck Mr. commission appointed to confer w�ith laui- w ich fell about sally eo".'med and reepec d, passed away att"119 .'Iand which has in the past done why; in this repect, single out the officers,' F on the head, ma ng a gash about four on Satula morning last in the person of grand �ry ce. It, -is not surprising, there- toba is composed of Sir Don4d m-ith) of the province ? If this policy advocated i hes lna. Dr. McLennan put several William urray, father f Mr.; John D' Mr. fore, th it inch a measure shouldi meet with Dickey, Minister of Justice; and' Mr. Des- by the Patrons and Conner' vatives in carried stitches ;in �he viroum Murray, -leattle ba'yerr f Ashfield. De: out to its logical conclusion, itliould apply e Clinton Col giate In!9titu football ceased was bom ard, Jardins,with power to treat with the Mani more or� less adverne crificism. Indeed, it in the a I wo�ld be much m6re surprising if it escaped -Th toba 0,overnment. The outcome of this to municipal as well as to prov rph 6tb, incial, a ad club has organiied, lith the following offi- Siatherlandshire, 8 t nd on thus every municipal, officer, such as a tolK D- opp?sition, It is freely admitted by every 1806, and.badd reac ed tb ri 0 age of commission will be watched with interest. cc is : HOD residen J. Houston, M. A. ; Ri 2 - one that a ,changel�of some kind - 90 years and 8 days, whe treasurer, assessor, s needed, ship'lClerki ,collector and president, lip W. T eleaven, B. A. ; vice eat claimed It seems rather doubtf Ul 7hether o d1i tly dexilanded by the people, r 110 even 1pound-keeper, would he lDrohibi d,' exident, F, �Buggi ; secretary -treasurer, hiin. He came to Canad 1830,, and hav- will look on them in a frie g in any, way -a municil al, ooper; calpota, it� P. Campbe Manitoba ndly J in slid tba t e Government is in duty -bound Pr H. C com- ing learned the trade 0 carpenter and from ssistin equa' to pay 'ee , to the general clamor for a ird kell and joiner, worked at that b inen for th r ree R. Baird, c ge. But, while this is unquest onably manner, and the oddo are again v- election, although in �ereated in. it mitteof st tl�e Go ly 4 with other, electors. The subject w� pret tyl the ca o! th , i ears in Toronto, after which. he got mar- ernment, whose sinceri , judging . Nesbitt. y Ity frc n e difficulty is to hit a scheme thoroughly threalle out in all its phasm'Ll on d ed on a farn their actions in which ill theploeit go----- -As Mr. 31 ocar �y was driving along ried and settl the township .-the House, i's rather doulit- and o:' ad! i ion 1bei 2g taken, the 1MO noriallyl, acceptable i n via tiDU An teld and tb e road- between West Wawa. of Zorra, Oxford court. 186�1 �he B_ ived to Huron county, a] id took! 4P, and wfiich, while devised inl the public f A - v�ori,yof thirteen, the far f ul. The Premier has decided that, on EU- was defiate 4 by a mi nosh one evening Is, I in going through r good, will not make more disturbance than -po Liberal vote being ul� roken, and the Con- I - I ing in thiii township of w count of the uncertainty -as to the'real lj one of the - many pitch -holes on the "w fe. is necessary Ashfi eld, 1' e e _serva�ives and Patroi jaL once more uniting. , and will hurt as fevi r people as ro , the draw bolt me out of the sleigh,. lived continuously till. his- 4eath.�, e% as of Parliament, it would ', be it wisi ible. It seems to us th 1r,oliardy, n e to cc4- their forces aganst t Lie Government. Pose d the her to run away. In the a man well known'and 1�i ly jeipeeto tinueafter April 24tb, m i it a d. cause in his bill, has very fairly h�, b t happy _d on that day, Among the many useful measures 'nt 10- r n, one of the ho i had its leg broken, 'and his funeral e Ish cometei eneral I I ttor fy large therefore, the present Pa`rliame't will coase (lucedi by the A medium, and we feel convinceo that the this Besot. 1), d had to be shot, on Mondky, 16 t., was ly ii�L-0 n i people only require a fair trial �f the Sys- I is onel respecting tr elling shows, cirep"Zoo tended d riends.� to exist. tho members and adher. old gh q tem �vbich he proposes, to be6omp fully eat- A number of arid other like exhi itions. he bill P' of the Bayfield road Presbytertim -On'the evening of W,od eada'' M 6rch hibits the e isfie with it, and �Ito wonder ho -O. they suf- a-hibition of travelling menagoe- i c ch met at the W ae of their Ilth, a very pretty han I." k I orgal!ist, feredi under the old.: one so I Who, w= A'Shame. iea, c! 09 rcua .wild West shows and Ott er M . R. McIllveen, Jod Tuesday evening, place gt the residence of the to Alexan er sbows, of th t kind, form'the opposition to the bill w��k take without a li I March 1%11. and.Ta h pleasant our- Campbell, KAnt&iL i t cense hn a It w'i t e marri Uof been ab ained fol that purpose frim U, Be by I a combination to 'Mr. a II n I r IL 1legialature, r ti The people of Qaua are, certainly, a Ing the iti is. difficult as et to say- in 3 en patient, and long suffe -ople. e The Patrons are unanimous in their praws ;!With h d Itter, Miss K 9 Cam bell k ring pe Thlq ovincial Treasurer,, he sum of, $,)'O For id tea set and a dozen of to% Is an Of ][)ninth. (of it 1i most of Are f �vorabl to T ner an eig, are now passing through the most sev'ore day is'to e paid for very day darin thetiberals k 'ves. it, while some seem- a brilliant galaxy of youn �a d commercial cricia: in the hit tory of t1he which! the i how is censed to be exh:�ibit doubtful a d .&, little, Mr. Willie Gan�ble, 4th concession, "ad of r, 110 r��de � -he d afraid to take so IPug at once sembled to participate in �the pill ut if the provincial de c- H wick) badly the evening. Fully sixty Ailvito# g to country. They are bese� by difEu n e a step had the midirtune to get 'ties thfes 0 be present a, every place at whi �h h'I th Co rvitives are, evidrtly wait- an every side, and there is ' Is 'Ise ed bv a falling a while working in we scarcely a business ee how the eat ju 11 they I was. mn the' showl is to i g 0 9 represent. The cere ly � i i bush, Zin last week. A fall- - �erformed by the Rev. tow to of i man in the country who. know be ex ibited� to see tiat t e t�`U they can U8461 it as an e ti ve weapon Monday o:3)e ed, and a What the la* is to protect tho public: in *tree struck the it which, in falling, the Ashfield Dh�r�r The a ainat the Government in the co try,they Presbyte I a 1 4 raid r I from f d impo iture� ca ht Mr. 0ambIe in the small of the bride' was pretwy attil rJe in Mliotrope, morrow may bring forth. All classes are If -the nbow is III In tionably, offer it th most bit- atriving toA an immo -al-or unpr o� tor one, or if practic. rY to make ends meet,, w slightly injuirin his spine, but it is trimmed with flpiin ribbgo. She hile r 0 wore a t hi M a e D eek r h y� LAM 0( r -and t wn h n1l Fol e it, e I n I t many have given up th ard all e4 in conne -,tion with it, whi, h =Ion, and they seem be tr*im- no thought veil and a wrea.6 of moew-roses, and carried e, terrible st ggle maybeiijurious to e public saiety, tj te, nitli,eir sails fo'. ow; ut-if they serious r this n -The following na from Huron are a bonqu* et of whitre, roses. �bridesm&id,.i have, abandoned all to the license can be ca use lit in this they may JDC01 d WAY9 official guee, and the: show in fi d 0ey =1 I - (L it a rwr and quasi support. i istes of the D d Dumb Institute, at Miss Nenie-johnston, of rrie!8 comer, and, after years of toil, WO d. The act 0 provides that.D). - rry and'afixiety, ey w"Ul have --to how their ban J in a few Releville: Francis B rtch, Gorrie Amo i handsomely attire& blue in. navy find themselves worse od to. and Provincial detectivea a meet and! over. yol t. Cole, Clinton; Al rt . Gies =h�s wim nd con- � J 2 trimmed with white silk and na blue n - tables are �o have fre� access to every me The night i was introduced to the come life's battles than they were �wentv 'ge �7;lature, thern re none of their leaders Martha Leigh, Port i L bert ; Mary L. Me-. bom The groom: was awistp( . by3fr. James' a -rie,circusorotherAikean III Moncrieff; Johr Iv. 01111JUICIOD, UTan- McGregoro After a -sumptuous wedding years ago. Th6v are simply relieved of one every horse race, ic4ltural, h4iticulturil the House, and Of the lieutenants b ok ; Mabel, , Ethi � !L U. unit bnrden to co' p6r4aps and industx�,,ial ex 'on, to the ground 3, w b, spoke were r guarded i'd their re- Beetri�e an per, the rest of the evening was, spent n mmence , another, mpson, ariety Of socia i W e hux�ble races and � x ions are held, and ever ever.1 that they w U OPPOAe it and try to -Another of the oll residents of Hullett co many equally'severe in a lower and mor tents find b ii i I marp. The gizener impression is, how- D On;! Nelson Wood, a I amusements. i The brii le gs n which the show Ex tei; Leon. "I I , Drysdale. W the Jeeipient of beautiful ar: ibi J. lic d - sphere. For business� in every departi'ient part thereof make a party U on out.�f it. We hope, 'O t presents. Mr. and )dra. Cambel's Th 8 also will have a tende - pfu Bed away on Sat�r i sappros po 11 ey to selliug, gambling, liqtlor� C of Ephriam, Snell is so terribly paralyzed that there is b houever, thatTetter couns�la ma, preval h e will 'be, in Duluth e chance for the poor in I not be Person of Mrs. Sn , ik 14th inst., in the ti selling, 'or other ill gal and irnmora, in their ranks, an4 that this *1 an who has aban-_ I prak-i; done, as party palitics shon d Deceased had 6D'_ doned his all to pay -his creditors, and tices, at these las named places. Anothe " t,.�ept out of ?f 'the loth concesfact I - ealth 'up to w '�reddii who bill introduc r,� a question of this kind if I 0"Mm Joyled ordinarily a few 0 rigs in Downie Or I Tusd ed )y the' Atterney-General I I da, a before he hich was due to 6 I t weekl, and. one on Wedo in fludw it absolutely nealessary to do Orne- is one respecting !*raud by debt collecto The Hous i fevath & air air y quiver wi e, 1� Z I e been worki at III h v �-eold contractel t eks before th! , f , I ve an 0 1 pressure for the p t two w o _�er brotherp- Or. Tuead -Mi Isabel W, LP IT w secure support for bi and I r, 1 mposes a pem 61ty of $-% for every aly, - ka, ith tbe e attending the 'r no I" , dau "Pon- Which the offence is 'committed (if' view of closing u 'od, was marrW to M fa(nily. This is not by any means t-oo dark at E star, A lot of th late John lul, W), i,.h used inflamma' M John"%"'D 1A W ftl Ing 0, but there is still a tio a J)icture. NOW, M-hile Ole demora za�ti d out notic(a or forms in imitation c f work has been �do of the lungs. 3be *as a native of te, - J. Fffiss, of Burnsidei Manito on the forms append( d to the division cou -tg great deal to do.1 Whether or nc t the de- DD eionshire, and waa njarried to Mr. Snell Mrs A:da Wilson, daugter of *r. r Ilaay- FA UL va;,nl whil t, be Dry Goods Cow any P Lee] The] -A O'JR rr turl Son,; near Harmony,'joined hands with Mr. tbrough� by a free kick for Goacricb tolwn_7 I IsSA�c J. Bennett. a prosperous young far- ship, and off side was called before the alt tun, mer of Virden, _1fanitoba. Thu7s Downie, was kicked, but as - it went through t1e, the it. HAlf-tiole e opponen as� in one day) furn:-hed two brides for Mani- goal, tb to claimed taken t� toba6, and the best -,vishes of all follow them was calle(f and- four minutes 0 -01 to their new hoee. change, when the 't On More game wen ite(Fthap ever. The "Little r being. Dia-sh-wood. now favored with the wind, soon shot the ; 'OTE third goal ami the great blockade, as the I.%L -s.—'06r grist mill, which had been nts were now playing a purely de-_ fourth, and last closed las� week on account of some in&- The game.. I ro en, is again running in. was in favor chin ery bei n . It k f 'the "Uttle Fr v, score full blast.- Tuesday last, Mr. Henry L. about four MI. tes before otae,hour play r4� bad a wood bee, at which piles of due, althou time was called' as tb� balt ii cod, were cut. —Dora Eifert bad a evere was going t q ugh the goal, which included leer a i ck of dj�phtheria� the fore part of the the four.mintiteif rest at _half time, Tfii6 int Ni ee ' b t being under medical aid in time, rincipd features of -the 'game were, tfie­� -=n a] ie wrecovleririg. The other cases in the Erge crowd Of spectators, consisting og of ]a- VI ge are Ooing as well as �an be expected- dies and 'gentlemen, who-addeA much inter- WAD -, John Schroeder again moved back to est too the *amle, and also the, gentlemwnly ,the old he tead n the Goshen. line, on way in which �he Goderich township team, the T a y, L—Mr., Gegrge Kellerman has W L used the Varnia boys. Loudalleers'greeted once building 'pother e house both teams and referee. io-th(l one he built last summer.—Mr. Job Brel Lner moved- to Zukch on Friday last." 1 av d Pfaff, who has been in Minden, Cromarty. Michiga'xi, his winter, has returned, and oTF-s.—Ttie're wag, SU Ainusually I i _01! a L eop e a Mect- lar ge iulds' ts i4i in the village this summer. crowd sti the Y tri P 11 -ing on 3=n Har th ;s, r Schroeder, from Zurich, was Sunday evening. The topic was introrTute(i in he I il ge on Tuesday.—On Saturday by Mrs. Mellridth.—Mr. George Harnilfen, I - home attending Pr even ng&,LL ins lsie Wyld was united in of Chatham, i v Mar lage' Mr. Henry Link, of the 4th brothe fun I hie ex oral, and remained for a few I-- ays. cone sict in the presence of a number of d —Mr. W ill Bell, our village black- frien4a -relatives. Their many friends smitli, was married last Wednesday, to 911 em a happy journey through life. 11iss L. o daughter -of ;ne wish tl� . .1 est Kenner: oif 6. We wish the it young ple hapgIness I hroughout their life. th Vakn& THE ILEN-1 MESSEN-Gr,.R.—Again has our Ndti s. —The largest and most successful village been visited by that fell destroyeri, Us, rhoetin that bw ever been hold here death, this timeclainning for -a victim, vim& ,unde the auspices of theIrlethodist- church, of our MoatL prionitaing young men, in tbo van 4,1 too place at the tempera -nee hall, person of William F. Hamilton, second sm on N ronesday last. The musical part of of.M`r. F. L. Hamilton, at the early Age of the I �Ograxrime was wellI sustained by the eighteen years. In the early part of 1895 male to U Hensall. Their singin he was engaged to teach a s600l in de, �quar 1rh ; the bestever heard in Varna district of Pariry Sound, rior to which U was and 'eatly delighted the large audience of had very creditably qualified himself for tu, I I* ris. ends from Cl inton also ren- profession, in Mitchell bigh and m-O&T one year &go he WU derer! val"ble sissistamee, both musical and schools, lite The redt-stions by Miss White whooping co which gradu&Uy developA and I W Washington were most appro- into that d .disease, consumption, pria a d were rendered in & masterly althou Lelhi he cOntinuedto his dotiff mann Short m1dresses were delivered by as teac er UACU the midsummer vacation, -ft the fo owing reverend gentlel�4eil-.` Walker was clear to his friends then-, that. a us" and Of- Hensall, and McDonald, of career W" socin to be suddenly chiecked, VA." Until 84"�L Yar". iThe prom5ds of tbo' tea -meeting he continued slowly to deeliu7e . . . . . . . and fr6e le6ntribution amounted to $105.55). day, when the, spirit quietly took its fi&t The ' in committee desire to expreas The deceased . t student, A Univer-,' t7lacir earty ankis to the members of ther sal favorite, Of a k d an loval)16 A'W. Y�e Vvi �dejio inaitions who contribated so liberally. miti6n, withip! strong religious incu.nationfl. ,..��Mr W H. M*obrayne, our fashionable we will be ssAly missed both in the UMAY- no barber, hm removed to Bruce- cirelessind the community where he was tO wl -field. e will min his smiling face and well known.' I.Th interred in til. l W e remains were wi sh forl him every sucoerse.—A very enthu- the Cromi%471 oftneta7j, wolls si� _4 h siastiell raeetiniz of ' the boys was held on thither At his!i,ei,qest by If Awph * 1"t for the pur Or_L M&tas. Mond � evemnJZ I pose of A larjel prooession followed the g� a foot -Ball clubwhen tll� following 9111111Z its lost resting pbw�, atummug-t1w 6ffice **Jere elected: President, John Me- a to� the bereaved mnnts 'Naug 6n; , vice presiden't, James Arm.- UpZt kersy. of socretaryatressurer, Frank Keyes P! James Foote. After, considerable —Mr.. T. W. Race, of the Mitchell RAW- '6n it w" decided to call the teim. er, while on s� ��it east iatejy. hiA 4w -dr- I - I a frotni gonne with the now famous- Uttle OC Mr. and m Fred 13le Starn " will in a f aw wee- ks be one time valued citizens f them oftey and comot .in a ition to accept a challenge from any found ably inter ate tesIth in the vicinit Miss but winewhit lonely, all their finfly, Anni Jo�hna left for Toronto on gio—nill.y, aws;y, Carl,1he only son�l le UQW 'or )lVe �very sorry to low her as - she is a of physics and science in A, irery tim,able young lady. sity,.New York ; Miss Annie Is F Lu—A return game of football a schdol in, Sterlfiw, and' Of 0?,T - hors lost Saturday, between a is Toronto Divers was p sly =ing the 0 It7w k d t4am, from School Sections Nos. 8, 9, —Mr. Niabit Potter,, who no Lod 61t towfaship Holmesville, and' ago mystuiouslyd1i"Pp'"rea ttleFry." the grounds were and for a ona ime was bhouj'hi **- condition, and the wind being gave his Mitchell friends a tq 9 *o high ren&red the game largely defensive. one day lowit � week, by a A�e pme wa's keenly interesmill; and there them. Mr. Potter is en a Mag i �Xoent display of scientific business in Buffalo, and is ing on i both aides, but as usual the direct o1bJect-of hie visit was to M OlLsTittle Fry"i acgitted thernselvesbeyond all of his I wre farm tsxpfttatioiu� he first gosill was in favor of speedily did to -Mr. George Giderip,li -to;�nship. The secolid was shot the sum of $5,200. pa 70' bad t 'Am An I I v THURSDAY SIARTA U, SlOn, -and 1 All I -OF- rT 4 we IL the 2nd and 4this .31 A light Ffshi T ae Spring season of 1896 is now upon us, and we are _S&P X pleased to Bay that our stock is ust about complete t this ei xly date. Thetospeets foretter business; all over the Icountry are enerally considered to be ­brig�ter- than for some time back, and the new goods and prices favor pur- chasers in every way. With -the expectation of a brisk PVT trade this Spring, we have prepared to meet7it by purchas- I ing large quantities of DryGoods Milline Carpets.' ry,, I,da3r A -Wriml and Clotbing.. weal Zeem time, In the selection of our stock, we had but one thought in fined our mind, and that was to secure the ve, 'beat things, rT these that look the best, those that keep their oolor the 'was best,- those that wear the beat; in! fact, the beat and w*el newest we could poss�ibly procure at A�ny reasonable figum The assortment, therefore, will be fott'nd -very. attractive. ih-e i Our experience is, that the people of 84aforth vnd surround- ing country are possessed of good tas& in veiiiecting their purchases, and that they also havej a pretty accurate speei knowledge of the value of any artie%� shown. We, there- givei. fore, invite everybody to inspect. oui offerings, with the Iconfidence that their indgment-will li� in or favor. We extend a hearty welcome to all to, visit Our store this S&iiig, and we promise you courteous! treatment, whether rj Y04 are a buyer or only a visitor. who past look. Seaforth7s Greatest Cash load-, Dry Goods Atore, tend Tem r Ilaay- FA UL va;,nl whil t, be Dry Goods Cow any P Lee] The] -A O'JR rr turl Son,; near Harmony,'joined hands with Mr. tbrough� by a free kick for Goacricb tolwn_7 I IsSA�c J. Bennett. a prosperous young far- ship, and off side was called before the alt tun, mer of Virden, _1fanitoba. Thu7s Downie, was kicked, but as - it went through t1e, the it. HAlf-tiole e opponen as� in one day) furn:-hed two brides for Mani- goal, tb to claimed taken t� toba6, and the best -,vishes of all follow them was calle(f and- four minutes 0 -01 to their new hoee. change, when the 't On More game wen ite(Fthap ever. The "Little r being. Dia-sh-wood. now favored with the wind, soon shot the ; 'OTE third goal ami the great blockade, as the I.%L -s.—'06r grist mill, which had been nts were now playing a purely de-_ fourth, and last closed las� week on account of some in&- The game.. I ro en, is again running in. was in favor chin ery bei n . It k f 'the "Uttle Fr v, score full blast.- Tuesday last, Mr. Henry L. about four MI. tes before otae,hour play r4� bad a wood bee, at which piles of due, althou time was called' as tb� balt ii cod, were cut. —Dora Eifert bad a evere was going t q ugh the goal, which included leer a i ck of dj�phtheria� the fore part of the the four.mintiteif rest at _half time, Tfii6 int Ni ee ' b t being under medical aid in time, rincipd features of -the 'game were, tfie­� -=n a] ie wrecovleririg. The other cases in the Erge crowd Of spectators, consisting og of ]a- VI ge are Ooing as well as �an be expected- dies and 'gentlemen, who-addeA much inter- WAD -, John Schroeder again moved back to est too the *amle, and also the, gentlemwnly ,the old he tead n the Goshen. line, on way in which �he Goderich township team, the T a y, L—Mr., Gegrge Kellerman has W L used the Varnia boys. Loudalleers'greeted once building 'pother e house both teams and referee. io-th(l one he built last summer.—Mr. Job Brel Lner moved- to Zukch on Friday last." 1 av d Pfaff, who has been in Minden, Cromarty. Michiga'xi, his winter, has returned, and oTF-s.—Ttie're wag, SU Ainusually I i _01! a L eop e a Mect- lar ge iulds' ts i4i in the village this summer. crowd sti the Y tri P 11 -ing on 3=n Har th ;s, r Schroeder, from Zurich, was Sunday evening. The topic was introrTute(i in he I il ge on Tuesday.—On Saturday by Mrs. Mellridth.—Mr. George Harnilfen, I - home attending Pr even ng&,LL ins lsie Wyld was united in of Chatham, i v Mar lage' Mr. Henry Link, of the 4th brothe fun I hie ex oral, and remained for a few I-- ays. cone sict in the presence of a number of d —Mr. W ill Bell, our village black- frien4a -relatives. Their many friends smitli, was married last Wednesday, to 911 em a happy journey through life. 11iss L. o daughter -of ;ne wish tl� . .1 est Kenner: oif 6. We wish the it young ple hapgIness I hroughout their life. th Vakn& THE ILEN-1 MESSEN-Gr,.R.—Again has our Ndti s. —The largest and most successful village been visited by that fell destroyeri, Us, rhoetin that bw ever been hold here death, this timeclainning for -a victim, vim& ,unde the auspices of theIrlethodist- church, of our MoatL prionitaing young men, in tbo van 4,1 too place at the tempera -nee hall, person of William F. Hamilton, second sm on N ronesday last. The musical part of of.M`r. F. L. Hamilton, at the early Age of the I �Ograxrime was wellI sustained by the eighteen years. In the early part of 1895 male to U Hensall. Their singin he was engaged to teach a s600l in de, �quar 1rh ; the bestever heard in Varna district of Pariry Sound, rior to which U was and 'eatly delighted the large audience of had very creditably qualified himself for tu, I I* ris. ends from Cl inton also ren- profession, in Mitchell bigh and m-O&T one year &go he WU derer! val"ble sissistamee, both musical and schools, lite The redt-stions by Miss White whooping co which gradu&Uy developA and I W Washington were most appro- into that d .disease, consumption, pria a d were rendered in & masterly althou Lelhi he cOntinuedto his dotiff mann Short m1dresses were delivered by as teac er UACU the midsummer vacation, -ft the fo owing reverend gentlel�4eil-.` Walker was clear to his friends then-, that. a us" and Of- Hensall, and McDonald, of career W" socin to be suddenly chiecked, VA." Until 84"�L Yar". iThe prom5ds of tbo' tea -meeting he continued slowly to deeliu7e . . . . . . . and fr6e le6ntribution amounted to $105.55). day, when the, spirit quietly took its fi&t The ' in committee desire to expreas The deceased . t student, A Univer-,' t7lacir earty ankis to the members of ther sal favorite, Of a k d an loval)16 A'W. Y�e Vvi �dejio inaitions who contribated so liberally. miti6n, withip! strong religious incu.nationfl. ,..��Mr W H. M*obrayne, our fashionable we will be ssAly missed both in the UMAY- no barber, hm removed to Bruce- cirelessind the community where he was tO wl -field. e will min his smiling face and well known.' I.Th interred in til. l W e remains were wi sh forl him every sucoerse.—A very enthu- the Cromi%471 oftneta7j, wolls si� _4 h siastiell raeetiniz of ' the boys was held on thither At his!i,ei,qest by If Awph * 1"t for the pur Or_L M&tas. Mond � evemnJZ I pose of A larjel prooession followed the g� a foot -Ball clubwhen tll� following 9111111Z its lost resting pbw�, atummug-t1w 6ffice **Jere elected: President, John Me- a to� the bereaved mnnts 'Naug 6n; , vice presiden't, James Arm.- UpZt kersy. of socretaryatressurer, Frank Keyes P! James Foote. After, considerable —Mr.. T. W. Race, of the Mitchell RAW- '6n it w" decided to call the teim. er, while on s� ��it east iatejy. hiA 4w -dr- I - I a frotni gonne with the now famous- Uttle OC Mr. and m Fred 13le Starn " will in a f aw wee- ks be one time valued citizens f them oftey and comot .in a ition to accept a challenge from any found ably inter ate tesIth in the vicinit Miss but winewhit lonely, all their finfly, Anni Jo�hna left for Toronto on gio—nill.y, aws;y, Carl,1he only son�l le UQW 'or )lVe �very sorry to low her as - she is a of physics and science in A, irery tim,able young lady. sity,.New York ; Miss Annie Is F Lu—A return game of football a schdol in, Sterlfiw, and' Of 0?,T - hors lost Saturday, between a is Toronto Divers was p sly =ing the 0 It7w k d t4am, from School Sections Nos. 8, 9, —Mr. Niabit Potter,, who no Lod 61t towfaship Holmesville, and' ago mystuiouslyd1i"Pp'"rea ttleFry." the grounds were and for a ona ime was bhouj'hi **- condition, and the wind being gave his Mitchell friends a tq 9 *o high ren&red the game largely defensive. one day lowit � week, by a A�e pme wa's keenly interesmill; and there them. Mr. Potter is en a Mag i �Xoent display of scientific business in Buffalo, and is ing on i both aides, but as usual the direct o1bJect-of hie visit was to M OlLsTittle Fry"i acgitted thernselvesbeyond all of his I wre farm tsxpfttatioiu� he first gosill was in favor of speedily did to -Mr. George Giderip,li -to;�nship. The secolid was shot the sum of $5,200.