HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-03-20, Page 7ung le, we j!avan f the nyorte 0 step- ? fine at tons ,dsin , also ET the L, SEAFO T I. business H OR TRADE. y the ones that art. -ell to feed ugh. A horse es al a -Man, ning up. s - ['rifler .,Land puts the loIding up his ie toned awn from, the 11 Montrealj 4144,1*** tTION ' k of . IARE results eut in TIN - ed in We 'AI LS no for hard- anized fbrth m ee with all known d treatment -a ,re in all stages of ;Eutivsiorts, Mental ,Sitmu:ani, all of ly grave. Wood'a easee that seemed' After Taking in the Dominion-. , leellittelleaemheette- . EIVIERCE, 168,0001000 $ 1,200,Q00 liseountecl, Daft al cities in a, cto, rates of interot May and _Novera- Paper and ,Far- rs, Mana;.zer. MARCI 00 1896. THE I HURON IXPOSITOR. , - 1 - a e.. - LEIVING E - TO N. mommmomEmmEs• Having decided to niove o r business frdm eaforth,we will for the NEri" 6 WEEKS lel goods at ri I g us low p!sic • It takes money move gools. Just to and It\ 'wort and c you .aonab New New New New New New New New- New New .New .New ew Sprirt.g Spring Spririg Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Sprid,g Spring New Spring Wu - s. Dress Goods, Teles, Silk, Creon, Prints Gingh rue, Dneki Shirtti Cottonades, FIarne1ettes, Cottons, Towelings Embroideries, cro New Spring Laos, , - . Nev Spring Ribbon' s, Nevi Spring Kid Gioves, New Spring Coret. to • ill pa.y,every lady 1 efore buying SI of pods to call aind visit Pearce's mpare prices. It is a chance th t ay never have again to get ,niee se e coeds at such low prices. • Boys' Clothing. Laid Low by Indig was so run down! had work. Scott's Sarsaparilla he cures. ' :Indigestion or clyspept a i thousands, and is one of pressing of afflictions, toa: impure or impoverished con blood, which weakens the assimilative organs, ren eri capable of performing t eir tions, and if neglected, tes flesh, complains of exha sti exertion, and becomera idl • Mr. Wm. W. Thomps n, resident of Zephyr, Ont. Aug ifth, 1895,says: pleasure to testify to th Sarsaparilla has eaus.ed able -change in my con much run down I had and felt as if life were -Mr. Dafoe induced me saparillai and after talt4 am now feeling as I fo ago, a!nd I want to say those suffering from in ig ing, •to use slang phr knocked Out,' don't es Scott's Sarsaparilla fair Scott's Sarsaparilla i stimulates all vita o normal action, ena In off .all poisonous an de Sold by druggists a tn, sut one Scott's. The le'rid ti t astion: ti) g.lve up 4ind that the bane of he most de- ses from an i ion of the estive and them in- atural func- fferer loses alter slig,ht debilitated. Tom inent tter dated s me great at Scott's t remark - 1 was so up work rth living.. cott's Sar - r bottles I. yl did years e benefit of on and feeld completely til you give 1.” lood food, it to healthy - •m m to throw ting humors. there is only s UrCS. The Original 0 Adam had slept too long He felt sure of it as he s ret hed himself, . awned and rose with a he vy sensation in is head and a lightness ro nd his stomach, to take a turn about the ga de. But suddenly he donbte wh ther he was yet awake. There in front oflim w s a animal he had never seen before, Hi th ught it was an animal. But it wee str nge y like him- self, yet strangely different. is surprise increased. For some mei nts he was speechless. Then: "What are you?" he g spe . The unusual creature sm led She picked a .1nose air off op his shoulders, compared it wi .h hs wildl, un- kempt locks and smiled ag in. "1 andthe New W men " s e said. • eIfL You are \veal health is frail Doctors call' ine in .your L Emulsion of str y.o lo 211 a fat -fel in - d. Scott's_ (1 liver oil; 1-410\ -n, -th g-( ne. case an - With hypophospnites, isthe best food-inean.. o getti11.2; your strength .)a -k---yoL r doctor -will tell 'on that. Mc.: knows al,s, that when the digestion is w. oak- it is better to. break up od-liver oil out of the bc d than to burden your tir d digestion ‘vith it. Scott'._ Emulsion does that. SZOTT & BOWNE, BiAleVille. Ont. • A Ship Captain's •A coasting vesSel once w in the British channel. crew took to -the boats They might have been ettv mained on board a for a hu the vessel up among the r ebbing tide left it high a captain's cabin 'a hymn lying on his' table. It we pencil still lay in it which iac favorite lines of the stout sal . just about going info. e j While the hurricane was the captitin had. drawn I these gloidousrwords of eh en • nt 'he a,nc lee 5c -c. and .5 .00 il Marks. n the rocks captain and were lost. lad they re - vete carried cies, where the d icy. In the oel was found Ali en, and the -marked the r, who was. s of death. ling outside iencil beside 200 pairs of Boy's Pants, limed, for the small s im of -23 t perpair. 1 - Boy's suit of Clothes, price $2.50, includes •ae extra pair of pants. We are world beaters when it oomel to the price. We still take the lead in low priced pants, and are now selling or $1.50 pants for $1. ft4.,acks of, Men's and Bey's clothing, all eiees, qualities and prices. • :4erde led's from $3.,(0 up. t will pay you it this store ; wili sare onqf every th e. to you BUTTER, AND EGGS arne as C. PEA THE SEAORT13: CLOTHING MAN. ressemmetsaesseeesseee bo is er "Jesus, lover of rtiy ul, Let me to Thy b so fly; While the /wearer tats roll, While the tempest sill s high. Hide me, oh my Sae iou hide, Till the storm .of life I past, Sefe into the haven g ideee Oh, receive my soul at lest." • Take t a_ . 3 e-th'Talte o other For Coughs and Gray's Syrup THE OLD . FOR. COCO, and -all Aire of TANDAR S, COLD tions Of the Pc sure you g t-Git AV' S avni that CUM'S. 23c. aud 5)c. everywhere. E RY WATSON & Co. P (2 News ellevil'e liietesev aggregating $10,000, sid walks. Felix Elsinger, of Dal eswick, has received $43, brother George, who did i Les. It is proposed to hold ria e exhibition at Hamill wh n a large number of m on their way from Chicago -I-Inspector Pearce, of reports to the Minister the rural schools in his dis as .ny in the province. -Rev. Neil McPherson received aa anonymous let for the home and foreign says' he would like to sleek donor. -In Guelph the other d y lady was on a very slippery spot on a ill nd was afraid to move for fear of falli A small boy proffered his sleigh, which w aceepted,and the two had a fast ride de a the hill. -Twenty•four old r.id.ts of Wood- stock, whose average age 's 76 'yearsengath- ered at the rCsidenc f M D. C. Rich - mod, another old resid at, recently, and talked over old times. e ldeet of the in West Oxford in 1808, tge, who was born party was Mr. Seymour -The Rev. Duncan BO er ehe King street • Presbyt ri don, has handed in hia rest Presbytery, owing to ilt hea ertson is a young man an a land. For about kwo ye rs t$ London he was assiete t p chureh, Hamilton, in co jun Rev. Mungo Fraser. --In referring to the sti de Dr. Yelland, the Revie s death which has occu red Br his olds ruce um REMEDY , ASTHMA Lungs. eids Gray's bottle. Sold Notes, n suits risin o on, noc to Va f E r e of r issi th OPRIETONS n its hands, t of slippery ousie, - New 00, left by New South orseless car - on July lst, eles will be tochester. erloo county ucation that are as good Petrolia, has ntaining $60 n• funds'and • hand of the °in recrnt years has caused such gen- eral an1 sincere sorrow Dr. Yelland died from pendicitis. An operation showed that.a. range seed had lodged in the veri- miform appendix and perforated the intes- tine." -Baegessville has lately lost three old residenbe, Gilbert Sackrider, aged,80 ; S. S. Burtis„ 80,- and Robert Vanclusen, 77., , • 1 -Poe that tickling sensation in your throat try a 10 cent. bok of "Mist" Cough Lozenges. They will allay the irritation at once. For sale by druggists and The Key Medicine Co, 395 Yong. e Street, THE IVIcCORD CASE. His Iisease Pronounced Diabetesi ' ' arkd.IncurableLGiven up by, * Himself and Friends — Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. ' Rani eitnen, March 16th. -(Special)-The abo 't the astonishing cure of Wm. Mee talk o farmers and others in town is most- ly _Cord, a tanner near here. His presence, madeiassurance visible,and he said- 'After theeditetors pronouncedimy trouble Diabetes /0 one thought reconery possible. I was partially paralyzed, wee nine months in bed hind I ran down until I,, was a mere shell.: i When I commenced taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I stuck close to directions. One box helped'me and nine boas cured me. Am sixty years old andhavlived here 40 years," DOdd's' Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists l e anddealers. Price, 60 cents a box., 1 • . son pastor Of ch4ircb, Lon nation to the th. Mr. Rob - &five �f Scot- ttio.fodrnr eNo. nni:ohxge taking off of ys that " in Peterbo o Childr n cry fo Pain! You know wh t it is 1,ifyou've hatt1 Rheu'iiatism, uralgia. eton's 5ci.tica tar N R.e-ii.ef? Te Pilik Poivde ..i q*k----..- , Fier sale in Seaford: by -School was closed at few da', the teacher hay funeral. of his siker, the 1 Hart, \ ho was buried on eleven Months before she and wa6 strongand health which he caught, develot destroyer, consumption; a Ip i give t J, S. Roberts. 2iith -A I very pleasant gat pacious stone mar ggins, of the town when their eldes was united . in n P. Lemb, of Mani elebratecl by 4'ev n lonite church. I in the Mrs. L etston, Sarah, Luther being the M some 5' gnests, and Many ablept'esents were given Iamb aeft for Manitoba a Wards) -A i old and esteemed res rodhagenn for a eg to attend the e Mrs. Anthony he 28th ult. Only ad been a bride, . A slight cold, dint() the dread . she died on the ming -assembled e,ion of Mr. and hoe, near Beoth- d' ughter, Miss ar 'age to Mr. ob le the nuptials r. Gowdy, of he e were present us ful and ,vadu- , Ir. and Mrs. few days after - dent of Groin - arty p4.ssed away on Thursd.t.y, last week, in the erson of Jarees_King. He was near- ly nin ty years of age, 1, having lived about sixty nears in this chuetry. IDeceased was native of TyroWas the only persbi of his family in this r countand et Ireland eountry. He was never mat ied, but lived. alone in a very solitary, and t unpretentious way. Bing at one, time fairly well off, he ,was atIthe time of his death without enough ..o pay his funeral expenses. Kind friends ministered.to his wants, and he receiv cl a respectieble . A iiVELL ENQIVIN CHE.M IS WHOHASTRIED EAKS OF ITS WORTH. My h. iik had bean falling out very freely for some , lei th time. .4coming anxious about the matter I ught 1 would xperirnent upon the properties of Mal else, and on application actually stopped it at one. 1 applied tip afterwards, using in ell about a quarter of one bottle, and have not required to use it since. It , eeems telhave given renewed and healthy vigor to the , ' scalp, frotal I can recommend it in all confidence. W. B. IN:Laminae Chemist, Ganam5r,ue, Ont., Jan. , 18,1794. i Halrl ue Cures Dandruff and Scurf, stops ' .,:iFillin and snakes Ilto 1151;.• 6.0 iv - all :dealer . Sold id Seaforth by J. 5. Roberts, Druggist Perth Items. 1 4 --Th Jesuit Father e are holt ing a series of Meet ngs in the St. Marys R man Catho- liejohnkch. .-T1i, Mitchell town councill have raised the ren of theitown hell to daicing parties -rom $1 a night to $5. 1 -La ge guantitiee of sawdust are being drawn , rom the Trowbridge mills by farm- ers for attle bedding.1 • -Tht directors Of the South Perth Agri- cultural society have d,ecided Inot to hold any spring show undertheir au pices. -Fie thousand pounds oflroll butter were shipped to the eastern:markets the other cl Yeby Mr. S. M. Edwards, Of Mit- chell. -Mi-s Kate Kenny, formerly of Dublin, i: lately f ,Detroit, was married recently in that city, to a Mr. Lapp, anelectrical en- gineer. , -Th1e man James Bates, who was arrest- ed neait St. Marys, under the charge of sev- eral mi demeanors, was given six months in the Central Prison. ' --Iti ssre. Brown & Rogers, , masons, of Fuller on, have secured contracts for build- ing se en barns, three houses and three brick kitchens. -Mt. Robert, Fleming, of .Poole, recently refuse $142 for a Clyde mare. Mr. Fer- guson 'sold one for , $95, and Mr. James Chalmers one for $90.1 --REV. W. H. Harvey, B. A., of Clifford, deliveded a very fine lecture at Atwood, in the interest of the Epworth League, taking for his subject, "To and fro in the Eternal City." ', There was a large ,attendance, and the League find thetr,excheguer enriched by the aniount of $25. HOW A HOME WAS LOST. ISO thb od is sure havoc somif.e- ere. The only dile is souild neys, the witly es kidney mpclh ic ne, the oply It debt is Do d's idney Pill axiixiiitervie maul told year's ago catarrh of i obli ed to g has not bee disease, sh veloped int ' front which During his • speciat sts ij well as thos his former into requis with Mr. Elwood, that gentl e Reformer that about eig t e was attacked with uleerat d the head and throat, and w, ,Tt-work, and since that time 'able to resume his calling. The rtly after he taken ill, de - neuralgia of tie lower limbs, he suffered terrible agony. long illness. he serivces of both Toronto and Buffalo, as of local ph sicians both in home and Sinicoe, were called tion, but all to no purpose. 1:4+ neereeter:. - ah.s. ewes ‘.‘ WAS !',7NABLE 'TO WALK All,OUNI ..e So bad did he become, and so grea were the pains that shot -through his limb, that at times Me Elwood had. to be held d wn on his couch. His stomach and 3owel were seriously aldected and he was inde dein a deplorable djondition. About a year ago he lost.the use of his left foot aid an le.and wa:s unable to walk around hi honu with- out giteat dthculty. At one ti ne Mr..' El- wood was p ssessed of a good 1 ome, nit so long evids- 1)1 ill th t he speut 11 hi prop- erty in the hope o regaining his ealth. Last fall Ir. Elwood comme ced. taking Pink Pills nd shortllyafter he egau to feel an improvetnent in Ihis conditio . con- tinued thehise of jiI1s until h had taken thirteen bo -es, whei he regain;d the use of his foot auc ankle awl thought e wa about cured and liscontined their u e. 8 long hadhe beck a suffei en however that it :was impossible for him to become onva escent in so short r time. t An attack f the grippe again brot ght on the disease, but not by any means So terrible as forme ly. Mr; El- wood 'again; commenced taking the pills ,' and is fast regsfining hie former health a.nd feels .that the lPink Pills will exterminate all traces of disease frdm his system. He feels so gratified at what the pills heve done for him that hie gladly gave a--ii-e- information to the Refor iier for ipubliiation.'in the hope that his experiene, e may bed a benefit to some othei eufferent Dr. Willt iams' link Pills eitrike. at the root of t lie eliseale, driving ,it from the system an Irestoring the patient to health and strength. In eases of pardlysis, spinal troubles, etc, these are superior to all other treatrnent.I They are also a specific for the troubles'w 'ich make the lives of so many women a Itnrden, and speedily restore the rbireohk egnlo dwo fribblotbvIer=1;`;jo"rti;'ohrc'excl'eleeflil, will find i 1Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by 11 dealers or sent by mail, pest paid, at 5 , cents a box, or six boxes for $2,50, by ddressing the Dr.Williams' Medi- cine Com iany, Brockville, ()amid°, or Sehnectad , N. Y.' Beware of imitations and substi lutes all ged to be "just asgoodi'g • . -Mr. 11jnry Te pleman has rented, M. John Norr is' farm, near Staffa, for a 'term of seven y ars. -The 1ude1myer Brothers, who worked the lirst lot onthefirst concession of North Ea,sthope, fonthe past five years, will move on to Mr. John Hamilton's farm, on the 3rd concession !of the same townshiplwhich they have ren d for the next five years. . -A cl tely contested, game of carpet balls took place inllitchell the other night, between tlse Canadian Order of Oddfellows and the I dependent Order, which resulted in a tie. return match Will be played between t e Ancient Order of Foresters and Canadian irder of Foresters, on the 17th of March. . . -Miss t'tta Hodge, only daughter of Mr.. James II dge, of the Huron road, near Mitchell, ied on Monday night, 2ed inst., from cons inption, at the age of 27 years, and was bnried in the Presbyterian ceme- tery on the following Thursday Afternoon. Dr. and 1! es. Hodge, of London, attended the funeral of their niece. -Me. 1 arwood, of Downie,had his work- ing team ltilled on the railroad the other day, betw n the concession and ethe St. Marys wa r tank.: The horses were lent loose, and lurned up the railroad off the road. T • e were four together'one was in- stantly ki sac'onehad its backbroken, and the other aped. 0 TEFUL-COMFORTING. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Sir Life Awa, • Is the truthful, startling title Of a book about No To - Bac, the hamlets guaranteed t baceo habit ure that braces up nicotinized ner -es, eliminates Ithe nicotine poison, makes weak men gain stren h, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or fl an. dal risk, as No -To -Bac is sold Ender guarantee to cure or money refunded. Bobk ree. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by I. V. Fear, Drhggist, Seaforth. .16. • lo• —SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and t Cur» is in great demand. Pocket size cop twenty-flve doses, only 25e. Children love it. by I. V. Fear, Seaforth. "ii• *--vo----- Cat rrh Cured for 25 -cents NEGLECT e Id in the head and you will surely ave catarrh. N glect usual catarrh and you u'l as surely indii e pulmonary thee' e or catarrh o the stomach wit its disgusting attenplantsfoul' br th, hawking, sp Mug, bioWing, Ste, Stop it all by ng Dr. Chase's atarrh Cure, 25 cents a box cures. er• 1 CLOVER ROOT min] purify yoUr B omplexion, regulate your Bowele ead clear as a bel.' 25c, 50c.,, an Fear, Seaforth. Coughs and Colds lead to conSurnption if neglet ed. ...... Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly a d is pleasant to ake, r tip ins old —KARL' clear your rnake your' Sold by I. V od, and $1. Dr. Wood' Norway Pine. Syrup positively res Coughs, C01418, Asthma, Hoarseness Bronebiti4 and all diseases 41 tbe pulmonary organs. eie • oe Paraten. E BitATIR, 318 Jaokson St. West, 11 il- ton, says: i I took one bottle and a half of Roe nay Cure, and it cured me of rheumatism. No cold oi cough is tno severe to yield to th ra. tive power ef Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syr It has cured thousands of cases. sis • OW Relscued from Insanity. GENT'IninEV,—TO Bay all I onglit; o in two 13. B.B. would•f3e impossible. It has been a great h alth restorer to me and I do swear by . I am a different inan to what I wes ten ears ago, when it was expected I would be in the sy- lum'but now I am in perfect robust health a d it wasthe B. B. B. that did it. 1 suffered for Ets • or six years from constipation, lionietimes so sev ely that I went out of my mind. I tried various doctors, both in the country a • in the city, and took medieines too nuMerons to en - tion, but everything failed to have the desired e eat. When I need Burdock Blood Bitters it succeed be- yond expectationgerequiring only twO bottles to ure me. To make it still more certain' that B. B. . is the real cure for constipation, I may saY that • rne two years afterwards I felt the symptoms Attr mg and took one bottle more and from that time to this present day (over eight years) I haveinever had any returns of the disease. I never knew any medicine to work so \relit It Oee not seem to be a mere reliever but a sure and cer ain cure as I can testify to, for hundreds of Idol ars' worth of medicine and advice failed td dome any good, but three dollars' worth of B. B. B me e a pernetnent cure that has given me years of he Ith and comfort. Yours truly, C. L. KILME , Toro Low's Worm Syrup is the standard of x5dlleiee. Mothers recommend it. Children ery for i . Woxis . fly froin it. Hoast is the old Scotch name for a cokurti. ---a•e•sol----e--- Enelish name for the best cure for coughs is lr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. tu. THE BITTER EXPERIENCE OF MR. ELWOOD, SR., OP SIMCOE. --- I AttaCked with Neuralgia of the Limbs he becarae Helpless and sufferedg Intense ony—Spent his home ip Doctoring with Specialists With ut avail—Dr. Williams' Pink s Come to th el Rescue whe other Means Have Failed. , From the Simco. Reforine . Theinany virtues of Th. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have so often been pub- lished:in the columns of this paper,that they are widely known td the.reeidente of Norfolk county, and. it is widelY conceded that they have brought joy into more than one household, and their mer ts are spoken of only in words of praise. In this instance the facts are brought dieectly home to the ' residents of Simcoe, a nentleman who is , lad to testify to the benefit he has received ;from the use of these ping, being a resident . of this town. Mr. Wm, Elwood, sr., a I resident of Simcoe for about two years, and for years a resident of Fort Erie,a carpenter 1 by trade, and is loiid in his praise of the benefits he derived horn the use of Pills. In Fiqchers Castoria, , GP EP "By a t 'which gove tion, and b ties of well - our 'areakf eiage whic It ie by the a oonsti enough to dreduofgu to attack escape fortified wi rame."- Made el only in p JAMES EP --Captal nia, says: medicine I good." Fri 1 S'S - ccco EAKFAST-SUPPER. 'rough knowledge of the natural laws the operations of digestion and nutri- careful application of the }hie proper- lected Cozos, Mr„Epps has provided for and supper a delicately flaveuresi bey. ay save us many heavy doctors' bills. dieious use of euch articles of diet that may be gradually built up until strong let every tendeney to disease. Hun - maladies are floating around us ready lever there is a weak point. We may a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well pure blood and a properly nourished Service Gazette. y with boiling water or milk. Sold to, by Grocers, labelled thus & CO., -LTD., 11024030PATItIC OtINMISTS, LONDON, ENGLAND. s 1462 • weeney,-U. S. A., San hiloh's Catarrh Reme te ever foutd that wo , 60 cents. Sold by J.V. 1 When Bab as sick, we gave her eastorla. When she a Child, she ctied for Castoria. When she me Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shell Children, she gave them Castoria, iego, Califor- y is the flnit lel do nie any ear, Seaforth. • Weakness, Debility, Paleness, Anaemie, cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. ee • ess Chapped Han& and Lips, cracked slcin,, ores, cuts, wounds and bruises are promptly cured Lylctokia Carbolic Salve. c. ;Le AUCTION SALE. TJNRE.ERVED AUCTION : SALE OP FARM ST CK. -Mr. Wm. MeCley has beer instruct!. ed by Mr. Hugh J. Grieve to sell by pubhos auctioe on Lot 19, Concepsion 2, 11..L, Tuckersmith, on Wednesd y, Mare]] 25, 1896, at, 1 o'clock p m., th6 following 'aluable farm stock ; Horses. -one geld- ing corm cc five, i.)3t Crydal City ; one filly rising 3, by Crystal City one driving , gelding three yeare old. Cat le -Three cows, one newly eelved, twO supposed to be le calf ; s x bet eteers rising three;, steers risi g two, 2 heifers meg two, one suppose s to be ' in calk?, o.ne yearling steer, one yearlini heifer, 10 fallpigs, a'so one thoroughbred bull three years old, Shorthorn, by D D.Wilson's imported bull. The whol will positively be :sold without , reserveas the propr etor 'removing to as smaller farm and is over stoc -.ed.. Terms. -Nine Months credit will' be given on pproved joint notes; s A discount of 6 cep•te on the do lar will be allowed off for cash. HUGE J . GRIEVE, Proprietor; WM. *CLOY, Auctio1n4T2 • , UNRESERVED ' AUCT1014 SALE OP FAR STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr, Thome Brown has beea instructed by Mr. Jai ies Lockhart to sell by public auction on 1Lot 24, Conceseion 4, MeKillop, on Tuesday, March124, 1896, at 1 o'clock p. ti-., the following propertYl: Horses-Onework mg horse 1 heavy draught mare rising 7 years old, in foal to McGregor's importpd stallion. Cattier -- cow at the calving, 1 young :Cow milking, 1 you') dry cow, 3 steers rieing 2 yCTR old, 2 heifers las n 2 years old, 2 yearling calves. ta fall calf. Sbeep-IS good ewes in lair b, 1 ram. 11 s-1. sow at the far- rowing, 1 large brood sow, 6 pigs 6 months old.. s Im- plements -1 lumber wagon, I Pair bob deighs, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 sat double harness, 1 fanning, mill with bagging attachment; ,1 1.?.y.,”!.:k...,Tiii,auseV),F, s• eraith-ITernis-ill sums 01 $-; will positively b3 soild_ and under, ca -h ; over that &Mount 7 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved jint notes, A, ' discount of 4 cents on the dollar Will be allowed for cash on creditamounts. JAMES' LOCKHART, pros prietor; THOMAS BROWN, auctioneer, 147i1-2 . - ... i . fiLEARING OUT AtiarrON SALE OF FARM k J STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Wan, Me+ Oloy has received instruction e from Mr. David Mane son to sel$ by public auction on Lot 12, Concession 8°1 11.11.8., Tuckersmith, on Friday, Mayeli 27th, 1896. at 1 o'clock p.m., eharpathe following property, viz. Eforses.—One matched span of general purpose horses rising 6 and 13 years old. Cattle. -Two tends cows supposed to be in calf, 2 farrow cows, 3 heifere rising three years old, 1 steer rising' two years old, 41 heifers rising two years old, fs spring calves, 6 hie ing ew. os, 1 Leicester ram, 1 brood sow with litter store hop, about 100 hens. Anii1emente.--11 him er wagon,1 pair bobsleighs, 'I double buzgy, I land roller; reaper„ 2 single plows, one three -furrow gang plow, 1 fanning mill, 2 krind stones, il,. graYet box, 1 hay rake, 'Woking steve, 1 wheelaarrow,' 1 set iron harrows, 1 sealer, 1 set team barnes$, 1 hey rack, 1 water trough, i grain cradle, 4:milk cans and box, steel yards, weight 303 lbs.; a qaantity of timothy bay in the barn, a quantity of turnips and mangolds, also chains, forks,shovels, spades and other articles too numerous to mention. . A 1 wilt positively be sold as the proprietor has so)d he farm Terms. ---All sums mof , 5 and under, f over that aouet nine mon ' credit will be gi en on furnishing approved join notes. 4 discount of 4 cents on the dollar will be allowed for claeh on all credit amounts. DAVID MANSONa P op etar ; WM.- McCLOY, Auctioneer.1 74 : iLEARING SALE OF FA 51 STOft AN TIM- PLEMENTS.-MeJames Jones has recei ed in- structions from Mr. James Atkinson to �e1 b !a- lio auction, 04 Lot 27, Oneession ' , Ilib 0 on • Monday, March 23rd, 1896i the fol owi gat One mare rising 6 years old,'1 mire rising p y ars ol el 1 it mare rising 3 years old, 1 rse rising 3 y ars ol; 1 colt rising 2 years old ; 4cuirs suppo d 10 be in eCU to a thoroughbred WI, 2 he fere rising 3 years old• supposed to be ia celf to a thoroughbred lull three heifers rising 2 years old, I steer rising 2 near ol calves rising 1 year old, 4 'e11 -bred ewes rl b sow in pig, 2 fall pip, 90 hen, 1 WineconibIie1 eeeder and drill, 2 wagons,1 huggy,1 pair bobeei1h 2 sets iron barraws, 1 Fleur No, 21 plo' • t I gang plow, 1 land roller, 11 fanning na ll s f single harness, 2 seta double harness, 1 set Of eath r fly nets, 1 pulper, nearly new ; 1 hay raicic, 1 I horse power with rads complete, 1.sug ek We 2 sets whiffi trees, 1 dr zen grtn bags, e r' 2 t 1 scoop shovel, 1 neekyoke, 0 cow chain, forks. Scythes, shovels and a lot of °the numerous t.o menti n. • Sale at I o'cl All sums a 85 and under, cash ; over t at en orn-9s m nths' cr it will be given on furnish g t4ov d joint note. Six per cent, per annum lo f cash on cr dit amounts, -As the subsenb his farm everything must be sold. JA SON, Proprietor ;.JAMES JONES, Au ISPERSION AUCTION SALE OF TEIOR BRED AND HIGH GRADE CittTLi . D EICESTER SHEEP.-Tbe undereignrd will public) auction OD Lot 8, ConeeSsian 10, lielUntli on Friday. April. 10th, at 1 o'clock p.m , the olio ing valuable animals viz: Thorough reds. E • t thoroughbred Durhim cows with registcrcd pedi- grees, 5 with calves at foot, 3 bufl calv 2 eifers ; the other three CONS &reels° Ip calf 4 to year old heifers in calf ; the celebra .toe I, " Monarch." coming 4, bred by Mr. HuOter,of • and from "Old Barmton Hero," and i one 101 best stock bulls in Ontario; 4 bulls raiging fioni. 1.2d to 20 months ; 1 bull 7 months. , he cos heifers are from "-Old B.oysi Saxon," whichi prize at Toronto in 1894, and is now at the 1ad of 3 the splendid herd of Simmons & Meguarrie, 1.obe Grade Cattle. -Three good grade cows one w h lt at foot and the other two are in calf. Shea tiro alt good Leicester ewes with iamb. The hove i 'be sold without reserve as the owners ave siness interests. in Algoma and are retiring fr the thoroughbred stock business. Term .-7 !rta nt ' credit will be given on turn shing approved ' per. A discount at -the rate of 6 per cent.ip r antfu ill be allowed for cash. Catalogues , aplii tion. Kippen station is within 3 ilespg, lot n whthicehmit AY .13 04:, Pr • Mee Yi, Auc1 ar. e sale Willbe •on. All animal 48 , 4-4 r -neteneeteesereeeterese see- t '4,4', What is „ AVIk, 1/1/ ,k\\ \\\ NN .'•\ - Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants an.d Children. It contains neither Opitun„ 'Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thit-ty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves _ Teething troubles, clues Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castor's is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C OSGOOD, Lowell, MISS "rhe use of Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that. it seems a work of supererogation bo endorse it. Fen, are the intelligent families who do not keep Castorira within eaay reach." CARLOS MARTver, D.D.; New YorkCity. "1 prescribe Castoria every day for children who are suffering from constipation, with tter effect than I receive from any other combination of drugs." Dr. L. 0. MORGAN, SOLIth ..sartbOy, N. J. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior" to any pre- scription known to me." H. A. ARCIIER, Rrooklyn, NY.. For several years I :tave recOmmencled Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." _r_nvt-Ar F. PARDEE, MD., New Ydrk City. "We bare three children and they Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' 'When we give one a dose., the others cry for one too. I shall always take pleasure in recommending this best child's me:Heine. t" Rev. W. A. COOPER, NeWPOrti Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TTAIURRAY STREET. NEW YORK cfry. 1896 <2, Is gradually unfolding itself. It order to add our little assistance towards its general enjoyment, eve have been at unusual pains in mak- ing our selections of general Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Hats, Cars, Carpets, &c. We would draw -especial attention of our cus- tomers to our Carpet and Oil"ClothDepartment, which we have largely increased in size and range. In Drees Goods, we claim to have the newest, nobbiest and up-to- date goods to be found in the French, German and British markets, imported by us direct from the makers. Black and -Colored Lustres play a prominent part here for Spring wear, Our selection of Cotton wearables for ladies of Print, <finghams, Crepons, Zephyrs, &c., vd11 be found much larger and more attractive than usual, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear in immense variety.. Staples, including Cottonades, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Towellings, Cretonnes, White and Grey Cottons, alt to hand, and:will be sold at the smallest possible margin on cost, which the -closest cash buying can secure. In Men's wear, we have just received from Glasgow a fine range of Suitings, Gents' Ties and Hats. We will zell a good fine Hat for $1.40. Our milliners have returned_ to work, and are prepared to re- ceive orders. . The made-up Clothing Department is now full. Call and. see what we can show you in Men's Pants from 85o er4er pair up, Men's : Suits from $3.75 up, special values in Men's SuiIs from $6.50 to $9, splendid variety in Boys' and Children's Suits. WM. PICKARD & CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. Seaforth's Largest Dry Goods and Clothing House. Have you Seen it be conveyances on the no forth is wjthin 7031105. Mc Kippen P. O.; WILLIAM N.B.-Stock purchase.1 at t free on board at Kippen eta the riek of owners, :00 . . THE . . EAGLE BICYCLE Large Tubing, Large Barrel Hubs, Detachable Sprockets, Adjustable and Reversible Handle Bar. PATENTED _ ALUMINUM Highest grade only. Call and examine it al 0.' Ws PAPSTS 33CDC.03KSTOIRM, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • Special Notice TO ALL. • Another ear just arrived at the Great Bargain Grocery, consisting of jaitts also canned plums, pears, turkey, pig; feet, chicken and duck, canned beef, kippered herrings, sardines and lobsters. - 8 lbs.sulphur for 25e; 5 lbs. raisins, for 25c; 3 lbs. evaporated apples for 25c; 3 Ib.. apricots for 25c; 4 dried apples for 25e; 3 lbs. evaporated peaches for 25e; 4 lbs. prunes for 25e • 6 lbs. currants for 25c ; 5 lbs. igs for 25e. Sweet cider, fresh buckwheat flour and maple syrup. A great Clearing sale of crockery and glassware at cost. Green apples in different varieties. WANTED: FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS. A. G. AULT, C4th. LOST. _ On Friday, February 281h, a Musk Est Skin Glove, right hand. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at this offi3e, or G. T. TURNBULL. 14734 1 , bi UN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. tml g z 1:$ Pa 0 tte ° eia eo t-ta 0 P-1 0 P 4ss 0 p-. el CD /.7t1' P-#4 0 RID IQ -el O02 PI 0 jE ID. o o P.1 0 Cig et- so 100. 1-j ti) Leer -el 17' 0 1-••• oe •-•4. ' CD F-4.4 ' caa a> 0 ),74- 0 .- 15 aq a) re cp t'1"- - 0 tr latt �Q e•t• t-Nolt ev+- C.) P. KEATING • Contractor and Builder, Seaforth, DEALER IN Lumber and Shingles. Good Hembek Lumber alvraye on band. Partie• wantlng lumber don't need to go 20 or 26 millawfunt they can get it se cheep at home, iind better linaberse - 13611-tt.