HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-03-20, Page 5u pet viz s ie id e. er It much interest ion therewith.— ran rec#Intly the eke—The Misses have been the i'. Davis,; of this -eturnecl home ori 'arlane' has pur- ,ling lot on4c Gluing hiS other a building Upon L—Mr- and Mrs- set last week, at- tSr. Simitsonr 1. I.Yrquhart,—'41re. roeriy of Heusail, l other relatives ?hell, of Thames at Mr. A. slur- s see Mr. Janes is again, after his a) soon :ice him es. Logan, has sold for the stern of :of the late James ars s, on the Gth over 50 years a he wa.8 a- sister of St. Marys, surviving c hild- Africa, Jaynes in •n, Joseph in St. 'eill, (M. 1'. P.) Stratford, eoii- d at $$6,011(1, has of Refuge COM - bear thir- st and have rep- ent and ])nilding mn it now • a Darn ; e house, and ifs tlanshard [satire ourt last reek- , W. Porter and of house in the Mrs. Ogilvie af- nd, and the re- `°eived a severe :agistrate fined all about h•60. m Mitchell to otieed when Fie tet town that he g a cigar, the his fur ever- . t it out a large tth of his eoa,s e papers .hwhit h e coat pe, k et.s fence factory, in ay morning, eth ich consisted of l snow shovels, vice,: as it le i4 e town was not Y occupied by *longed to' Mi•. had an iilsur- sapany. ill le •. Hamm csaw ho •ked by the heiii; de in the East- on which ii. i8 ill is th•it ender Mrs. .- Hamreett the estate, and d to his legal I was manic :n 'ears ago. His nd her chil.lre n en. A soli iter ford the ether the , hands c,f The e':cetrtorr of the rent- ended pita-tied- 1 MAIC 201.1896. The Wins pestonee of while drivi si was hen sudde s -oak still. ode his h o tofthe net his eye. ing in the . gleaming 1 .After Mr. from his into his w be moved, was. . He away, and the more,h Fn fires d hd'careen his own May credit Sivreet Hoare cite much otherwise. the ears Of a lb use, who ,g ns and stt si ht of t ,thought disc .2nd "vnmao ,F inti a Wildcat. ed itizen relates an odd ex - Ge rge 0. Hill of Bu g h me on a recentne1ig! riving along at a rapti ly lis horse stopped al t Ml se agor It midi the Hi b on, nd ould he win to t oln: The "ii errs The par e gs. e rc tic ed.' 'rville t. = gait, stood Hill, wendering k what tot in such a -manner, got , when Ib terrifying sight vas a large wildcat, 'stand- tle of the road, hie eyes darkness had son(tewhat roc tared made an attermptto get ut the c t growled' when Mr. Hill devise ore he. ed he hen he c e comf , he beg Citizen' a mann • ent if i staid where he no means to get ooked at the cat >'as home ILI. his impared his own rtable sitiiatioll in singing,if we story, "$tome, r that wot>I1d ex - he situation was sound found its way to y in a n ighboring farm - to the re soue armed, with The eat, when he ught 3scuing party, evi ently In the better part o valor Dia Ordinary .have talked gen discover It is the mos .in soience si ilograph.. T ery, which of one's inte to every Vis1! most interest -the promise the "cathode rayl to the through soli startling feat •ever come wh a world of h Clotho$ of co .*imply as a p erybody caul body else ha would be visi We should b crets of our And even no: good for us. thatthe oat camera. T Transcript. sang Possibility. le, Who don't buy onds, tlymore about the cent- an about anythin else. aui#lely astonishing thing he lnvontion of the pho- eel aspect of the disoov- eail to the photographing organs as a prelianinary he doctor, is possibly the ride of the mattes, though French savant to so adapt ays"---if they are the cathode eyes that we can all see substances may be the most of all. If the day should n that should be done, What mbugs would be at an end! rse after that would be worn oteotlon against Cold. - Ev- see how much money every - in his pocket. Skeletons le in carefully looked closets. gin to feel that the very se - hearts were being laid bare. we see rather mole than is Let us hope, on the whole, ode rays will be left to the at is bad enough.—Boston ge ce em ay nal of ng 1 f a erth Notes. Mr. Simm•ns, station agent at Dublin, has been very ill. —Miss Je • nie Lester, of =' Mite ell, has entered the t lining school for nurse in one of the Chieag • hospitals. —Jr Fre Stark and • family let ° Mit- chell for Boi:sevain,-Manitoba, last week, where they i tend to reside in the fi ttire. —Rev. M . Salton, of Stratford, has been invited o preach for the Mitchell -Ep- worth Leagu , on Sabbath, March 29th. —Mr. Lou s Seebach's mill yard at Ful- lerton, is ful of saw Iogs, and more coming in every day —Mr. Ja..es Sitwell had three of his fin- gers badly e t at Seebach's sawmill,' Fuller- ton, the oth=r day. —Frank 1''ebster, of St. Marys, has suc- cessfully pas .. d his second year's examiii- ation; at the hiladelphia Dental co lege. —Miss Mi o nie Detweller, of Tr mbleau, Wisconsin, is renewing old acquaintances a.t. Carlingford. —The sal ries paid by the Mitchell pub- lic school -bo rd last year amounted to $3,- 066..05. —Mr. G'llespie, of Cromarty, has sold - his farm, wi h a view of`moving. to litchell, and embark ng in the,boot and s oe busi- ness. —Mrs. A. B. Orr, of Stratford, laughter of the late J. C. W. Daly,,and alunt of the present Minister of the r Interior I died on Monday, Ot inst. • - —There i quite a building bodn, in Mit- chell at p esent. Some sever or eight houses have been contracted for, esides a large block •n Main street. —The bu ter made at the Black Creek creamery, i : Downie, last season, 'ommand- ed the high st prices in both Al nchester and .Londe • markets. —Mr.. George B. Jones, of Stra ford, has - leased the grist mill at Woodham, from Mn J. S • ier, and takes immediate pos- session. —There delivered a tory last se cheese was —The L. Methodist successful the proceed —Mr. W four year o _Moses Gri _ 590 pounds —Rev. Were appoi of St. Mar of manage —Mrs. S ing friends for the pas her home i —Miss pose of them in that -place. Mr. T omson as ma e several successful trips wi:h cat- tle pre ious to this —Mi s Gibb, .daughter of Mrs. David Gibb a d niece of Dr. Gibb, of St. arys, hes ju t returned to San Francis*., -Cali- fornia, o restune the practice of he . pro- fesision s nurse; after a four month:.' visit at her ld home in the stone town, —Th re arrived, a few days ago, ; t the residen e of . Mr. Henry Sehlot-.hat er, of Rostoc , Mr. and Mrs. August • oke, from Elkton county, Michigan. The "ou •g 'cou- ple are spending their honey mo wi h Mr. Sohletzhauer and other friends . nun o Ros- stock. ' —Drs J. E. Midgley, the De cit clan and former resident of St. ary became violently insane recentl , ha taken to Guelph for treatment. known in western Ontario, went six years ago from St. -Thomas, afterwards was married to Miss Hageraville. —There died in South E March 5th, Elizabeth, wife of Mogk, ar., aged 72 years, 2 mo_ days. Having conte to South Ea her husband, when all was bush, sh through all the hardships and tri : is o eer life, and under it all she prov • d husband a true and devoted help • set leaves a husband and grown up fa sons and daughters. —With their son-in-law, Hen the town line, near Tavistock aged couple, Air. and Mrs. Hen holz, who haven ow been marrie • years. Both a. able to go abou form all sorts of light work in spi age, up in the ei hties, and both their prayer boo without spent all couples are t us blessed. Ott 'TELE] MARKBTB. BRATORT11 Mar Fall Wheat per brie e1, Spring Wheat per bushel,.. Oats per bushel -. .. _ Peas per biiehel .... . . _ Barley per bushel Batter, No. 1, Jamie _ .- ., • Better,tub...... •- . . Riggs per doze,_ .. -!- FTour, per loo 51Iti...:.:" _ .....:: Rapper ton new... _-- Hides per 100 lbs.... ....... .. • . Sheep Skins Wool Potatoes er3r bag gale (retail) per barrel..... Wood per card (long).. — Wood per cord (short) . Apples per bag..... Clover Seed Timothy Seed... - - Pork, per I00. tbs., Tallow, per lb physi- o who been s well troit hprtly n, of on rner d 23 - with jeet on o iher- She ly of R+t , on li :5 an y shier - 81 y -six an 1 er of their ea • read les Not h 1 896. 0 77 76 0 77 22 ..0 23 49 . 060 3 0 35 1 0 14 14 ' 0 16 I 0 11 401 2 40 1 00 13 00 Ode' 600 90 100 22 024 25. • 0 26 000 8 00 t• 1 76 1 00 600 3 so I: • 4 50 O 04 00 76 1 60 0 76 6 75 2 76 4 26 0 04 Toaoa70, March 19.—Fall wheat,. spring wheat, $0:60 to $0.6) ; oate, pass, per bush, bale to 68e; barley, 3: ter ton,, $16 60 to $17.50; butter, 17o toes, per bag, 1$c to 220 ; . eggs,' to 150 ; dressed huge, per 100 lbe, $4 2 • D iry Market§ TORONTO, March 17th.—Butt ket was firm. Deliveries wer liberal and more wonld have b Choice butter of all kinds is mend. Fresh model dairy tubs 17c for the best,.. We quote : . tubs,14c to - 176 ; medium dais llc ; low grade dairytubs,8c t large rolls, 15c to_ 17c ; dairy 16c to 1Se ; fresh made cream creamery pound prints, 22c to - New laid were received in lar and the _market was easier Large orders sold at 15c and general price. Extra choice 16e.. Other lines were slow. New laid, 15c to 17c ; limed, -10c cold stored and held fresh, Sc t• 12 • MON rite L, Mai ch 17th. --Bur ter' ery is quoted at 21c to 22c, e: te ships at:18c to 20c, and weste 14c. Small packages of fres have brought 21c, while lc or added to the foregoing prices for small lots. Eggs -New laid and limed 8c to 10c. --+ Live stoop Marke GLASGOW, March 1611, --Mar tle easier. Present p 'rice for 10xc. • I , March .79 0 0.81 28 t . 290 ; to. 2•;hay, to 1: o ; pots - per do ., 130 to .0. r 11 en in 0 ho' to 10 ou ry t 3o. e q n' 5c ases We he mar - t ar t very andled. ood de - d bring e dairy 8, 9c to ; choice d prints, bs, 21c; Eggs— entities his line. was the sold at quote : to 12c; Cream- town - t 12c to wnships ore may be of eamery 17 to 18e, ere 1,156,760 pounds of milk the Willow Grove `cheese fac- son, and the sum `realized -from 7,760.70. - dies' Missionary Society of the hureh, Mitchell, gave a very • tertainment the other evening, s of which amounted td $40. m. G. Inglis, of Elrpa, has sold a d Chester White sow, to Mr. m, of Milverton; which weighed Brennan and Mr. P. Whelihan ted by the Separate school board s, representatives to the board ent of the public library. ruel Kirk, who has been visit - and relatives around Woodham few months, left last week for Herniate, Manitoba. ella Graham, daughter of Mr: am, of St. Marys, who went to hree years ago, diet there re-. o hoid fever. She was 2.5 years W. J. Gr Iowa some cently of ty of age. —David Eazlewoo has removed on to his new far , in the - vicinity of Kirkton, which has s • en oecup ed by Mr. H. Smyth, and George Hazle'4yoo is moving on to the farm that David left. 1, —Mr. • rrie, millet, of Atwobd, has just killed and ! tressed. a `,Berkshire hog, which tipped th • scales ate 580 pounds. It was two and a Daniel De alf years • ursey, of —Mr. J= mes Boyd, to the fa i of Ja the Scotch ly missed have been —Tuesd Id, and was bred. by Logan. of Britton, has moved res Grieve, M. P., of Settlement. They will be great- ound their old home, as they esidents there for many years. y night, last week,l about nine o'clock, le r. J. Chaniney's barn, ,,in the townshp 0 Listowel. S. et est, or cat - 100 to LIQ EROOL ' '4 arch 1 th.—Sup•lie.: on the London market are- .excessive. Ti +e best United States cattle is ;fetching herr to -day 5d and Argentines 4c1 r pound sh : ep are worth Sid. At ,Live pool • Uni • d States cattle are selling at 50 per poun • a • d Ar- gentines at 4id ; Shee sell at 6:1 ', MONTREAL, March 7th.—Th:. b:tchers were out in large n mbers, bu tr de was slow and prices very unsatisfac ory to the sellers, only prime bee es being a fai . price. The best cattle sold I at from 3i to nearly 4d per lie, pretty good animals soh fr • m 2ec to 31c per ib, common , stock :nd rough 'bullssold at from 2c to .2'c per lb. Is is probable that a. considerable 'n m d r will not be sold to -day. The calves :old fairly well. Four of the best were s.ld f •r $14, and others sold at from $2 to $9 =ach. The few sheep that were sold broug t fr m 3c to 3ic per ib. The spring lam ? old at from $3 to $7 each, but some of t em ought to have been kept with their da s •r an- other fortnight. Fat hogs sell a abut 4c per lb. EAST 13rseeeo, March 17th.— " og: low. er ; Yorkers, $4:15 to $4.20 ; ixe and inedium, $4.15 to $4.20 ; . heav-, $4 10 to. $4:15 ; pigs, $4.15 to $4.25 ; rou ; hs, $3.50 to $3.75 ; stags,. $2.50' to $3.25. ° hee • and Lambs—Market steady for lamb:, fi in for sheep ; prime lambs, $4.80. to $4. ' 0 ; air to choice, $4.50 to $4.75 ; mixed she :•p, g • od to choice, $3.60 to $4 ; common to air, $3.40 to ;$3.50 ; • heavy export lambs, ,$4.65 to $4.75.' Cattle closed dull and sl: at. Hogs closed -full easy ;. the bulk sold. .he:p and Lambs closed steady, nearly all s • ld ; heavy moderate export sheep, $3.65 to x•3.75,; heavy wethers, $4. TORONTO, March 18th.—Buri better to -day than it was last Fri as the result of light receipts. sold to -day before the close of th Of course there was the usual really goold cattle. The top figur to -day w s 3ic per lb. The qua cattle wa not good enough to wa price bei g paid very often. prices psi were from 3c to 3.lc mon and: or cattle selling at f 2ac per 1., and mediums at abou lb. Sale : 14 cattle, 1,100 1 • $33.50 pe head ; 11 cattle, 1,07, age„ $33 :ach , 14 cattle, 1,1001 $33.50 pe head. Those lots incl of heavy cows.` A bunch of th eighimg 3,300 lbs, sold for $3.4 1u11s—T ere are - a few being. e right kind are hard to get hich h d been on the 1 ko le lis for xport all last w ek a getting o • ly three head. rices nal at frim Tic to 3ic per b, or the his • er for somethin ch ulls ai' : quiet at from is tocker : • d Feeders -1%0e is and far small stockers at ,from r ib, b t not many are coming wo of t e distillery men are ood fee ern, for which they wi c to 310 per lb. It is- hardt[ to eeders. Sheep and Lam ere fir ier to -day, selling a ;c per I , which is about i'c han w paid last -Friday. 0 eery. ligh to -day. There is no fhipping sheep. A lot of 5x5 ca rozen m tton were sold to -d Sudbury. Calves—Offerings w eavier o -day, over 45 head, ere no etter. ' Choice veals er hea , the general run of rom $$4 $5 each for good ows ane Springers—lot man Prices w re steady at from j THE Hli3ON TAP c IToR. head. Therel! is a god demand forts geed cows. Hogs—Steady There was no change in prices, the top figure for - choice bacons being'3 c per. lb Other hogs - ranged 'es quoted elow.h Stores are wanted. 1 LJJCAL BOMI ERS ? WANTE boarders can fin pleasant Comfortable roopins ; pie Exrosiroit Office. ' AN 4CTII .L,FACT. pleased if our ou3tomers is either by cask or note, All accounts are Mow sent balanced up at that date. neecssary. Broadfoot, Street,8eatorth. OTItl S. 4 A , couple of home, in private family. sant location. Apply at 1472-t1 We will be -more than ill kindly eettle'up with n or efore March 20th. out, and books must be Prom)it attention is ;very ox &l Company, Main 1472-3 • SALE R°'GIS ER. On Monday, Marc 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 21, Conc=:sion 3,Hibbert, Farm - Stock and ,Inn lemen's, incuding 40 store pigs, also . same th . roughbred Berkshire sows. (Joseph Neagl Brown, [auetio eer, On Friday, Mare ` 27th; at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, on t 12, Cone Sion 8, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Fa in Ste k and Imple- ments. David Mans n, p prietor ; Wm. McCloy auctio neer. On ednesday, M rch 25 h, at 1 o'clock pp in., on Lot 19, Co cession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersnnith, Far Stook. Hugh J. Grieve, proprietor ; illiam McCloy, auc- tioneer. . - On Tuesday;, Marc 3lst, t 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 24, Co cession 4, MoKillop, Farm Stock and Imp ementst James Lock- hart, proprietor.; Th Brown, auctioneer. prod ietor ; Thomas On Friday, April lb, at 1 o'clock p.m., on Lot 8, Concession 10, Tuckersmith, Thoro'- bred and, High Grad Cattle and Leicester Sheep. McKay Bros., Proprietors ; Wm. McCloy, Auctioneer. On Thursday,April 9th, 1896, at 1 o'clock g m., on Lett 11, Concession 6, Hullett, Farm Stock and Imp entente. Wm. Leitch, jr., proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Saturday'; April 4th, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Qnaen's hotel, Seaforth,„ exten- sive sale of He Thomas Brows On Monday, on Lot 29; Ct Stock, with/Mt reserve. Edward Hart, proprietor ;Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Tuesday, March 24th, at _ 12 o'clock noon, sharp, on the farm adjoining Sea - forth, High Bred Horses, Farm Stock, Im- plements and; Household Furniture. E. C. Coleman, proprietor ; J. P. Brine and Wm. McCloy auctioneers. ses, Cattle, Sheep and Piga. , auctioneer. April 6th, at 1. o'clock p. m., ncession 2, Hibbert, Farm Wallace, about three miles from as totally destroyeci by fire caused by . lantern exploding. ; ' • —Mr. James Ferguson, shoe aker, at Atwood, h : s bought the propert of Mr. Thomas Dc ugias, for the nice sum of $1,200, and will g• into the shoe business en a more extended s •:.le than formerly. —Wm. I sr, of Gadshill, and some others were wrest ing the other day, when Lear fell and ,r,•i:e one of his legs. He was tehen to tl o Stratford hospital, where his •injuries w -re attended to. —Mr. . B. Holtby and wife, and Mr. Frank Can pbeil and wife, of Mitchell,drove to Seafort• on Wednesday evening, last week, to h : ar Harold Jarvis, the great tenor they were more than delighted. lice Copp, of Seaforth, was visit. t, Mrs. (Rev.) Fall, Let the par- ood, last week.; Miss Copp was suddenly to attend the sick bed er. T. Ross and Mrs. D. B. Ross, .a, Manitoba, and Mrs. Crozier, City, who have been visiting , Mr. and Mr . John Rather- th Easthope, aye returned to William, , F auk, and John th their' mother, family of Mr. bach, who is now in Manitoba, ville for Boisserain, on Tuesday st week, who iome in :the fn gh Thomson, o singer, and —Miss - ing; her au sonage, At calked hom -of her mot —Mrs. of Minnedo of ,Kansas the r parer for , of No the r homes Messrs See ach, wi An rew Sec left Sebring, rno ing, 1 m e their Mr. H. thi week fc thrbughbrec e they intend to • re. St. Marys, left r Manitoba w th some of his cattle and ho ses, and will dis- Usher's Queenston Cement. Mr. Robert E. McKinney, of Springfield, Ontario, whb has built one a the most com- plete two-storey brick residences in Ontario, writes us : My basement built of - your Queenston Cement is absolutely all that can be desired., The walls aIle dry, true to line, and perfect in every may—no frost coming through then-. The air seems pure all the time. My outside walls, above ground, are stained and .pencilled to imitate stone, and have a neat appearance. I am cure that walls built as youdirect are the best that can be built, and I think ' my walls are strong enough to carry a dozen such buildings as mine. In the near future I intend to raise my barns, and put underbasement stabling. I will build the walls and : floors of your queenston Cement. Wishing you every euccesa, Yours truly, RoST, E. MCKINYEY. Births; HUNT.—At Oarberry, Manitoba, ori March 2nd, the wi'egf M. J. D. Hunt of a daughter. J?OHNSTONE.i,—At Grand Forks, Dakota, on Feb- ruary 27t , the wife of hir- Henry IL John- stoi:e, of son. WALKER.—I ' Turnberrv, on March 6th, the wife of Mr. Ge rge Walker,'B litre, of a daughter. SPARL4NG.— n Grey, On February 27th, the wife of Mr. George Sperling, of twin daughters. MOOD -.—In Osborne, son March 7th, the wife of Mr.' Williada Moody, of a daughter. MASON.—In East Wawanosl, on March 8th, the wif of Mr: John Mason, of a son JOHNSON.—I4 Rodgerville, ion March 16th, the wife of Mr; James Johnson, of a'daughter. TREFFiERY.—$n Hay, on February 17th, the wife of Mr. eabarle'e Treffery, of a eon. ess was ay, hiefly ve ; thing arket. • ea th of t•uched "ty of the t that los ly the r 1•, col-n- om2c to 2-, c per a rerage, aver- s a erage. d: • a lot cattle, ✓ cwt. ed up; e firm ✓ good ded in a : nom - haps a Stock per lb. ght de - to 24c One .er oohing for 1 yfroin choice lambs m 4c to better ori gs were de and for eas : s of the go to re a little an: prices soli for. 5 6 s being Milch in; all sold. to $35 per •• • Marriages- LOVE-4-COCHRANE.—At the residence of the bride's parents,on March 18th,by Rev.S.Acheaon, Mr James*neve, to Mise Margaret M.Cochrane, all of Stanley. ROBINSON—LEEMING —At the Methodist ,parson- ' age, Walton, on March 18th, by Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, Richard Robinson, Esq., to Mise Mary Ann Alice Leeming, all of McKillop. WALLACE—ALLAN.—At Kildonan, Manitoba' on March 4th by Rev. E. Matheson, Mr. Joseph R, Wallace, 4th, of 'Winnipeg, eon of the late Samuel Wallace, of Tuckersmith, to Mise Maggie Alle n, daughter of Mr. Wm. Allan, of Eginond villd. W ALK R—AIKENHEAD.—In Goderich, on March 16th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jame A. Anderson, B. A., Mr. Hugh Welker, to • ice Catherine, youngest daughter of James Ai enhead, Esq., all of Goderich. MUSGROVE—W OD.—At the manse Wingham, on March 11thby Rev. D. Perris, bir. John Mus- grove, to Mies Agnes Wood, all of Turnberry. GRENgIDES—S EPHERD.—Io' Clinton, on March 9th, by Rev. W. J. Ford,Mt. R. Grensidee, to Mif Lucy. youngest aughter of Mr. J. L. Sh' pherd, al of Clinton. aSCOT- BANNEiRMAN.—At th residence of Mr. Jo n Sutherland, Kinlough, on March 4th, by Rev. A. Mdckav, of Luoknow, Mr. William Henry Scott,iof Kinloss, to dies Lena Banner-. man. It to in in 0 LIGMH;D N S4FOILTII. , • The eople of eaforth and vicinity ar elated o er THE SNAPS that are beit given; in Staple and Fancy Dry Gooci At Pente0sb's Old Staid. INC IN i".11. STORE EVERYTI I is be prices. See the a at 60 cen give peo Goods, Si Gloves, liner' , & Fres an foun no Deathe. L PAPPIfE.-In Egmondville, at t e residence of her sort -in-law, Mr. AlexandercKay, on March 14th, Mary Mlatheson, widowiof the late John Pa pie, aged167 years and 6 ii onthe. SCOT—In Honick, on March 8th, George Scott, ased 65 yeard. NEY.—At Lakelt, on March 9t , Sarah Elizabeth, youngest da ghter of Mr. Samuel Ney; aged 17 years, 4 mon he and 9 days. ROUTLEDGE.—I0 Clinton, on March 9th, Maggie, wife of Mr. E. J. Routledge, aged 27 years. MAR81HALL.—In C.inton, on ,March 4th, James Marshall, of Blyth,aged 70 years and 11 months. SCOTT -t-In Blyth; on March 6th, Mrs James Scott, aged; 62 years and 10 months. ' ELLERINGTON;—In Usborne, cn March 6th, Helen Lamon, a ife of Mr. Thomas Ellerington, aged 64 years, 8 m' nthe and 16 days. HUNSiCKER.—Foo Stephen, on March 6th,Catharine, relict of the late Henry Hunsicker, in her 90th. year. PARKER. -In Morrie, on March 4th, Margaret, relict of the late Charles M. Parker, aged 81 years. ' McLEOD.—In Welton, on March (9th, Hugh McLeod, aged. 73 years and 6 months. *YCKb1AN.— ti his residence, Hibbert township; Tobias Ryckman, aged 66 years, 10 months. McCOLL —In Hay townibip, on March 11th, Flora C. [McColl, daughter of Mr, Daniel McColl, aged 27 years, 2 months and 17 days. To 1 take this o customers for moon and res same and will may see fit to old stand in r highest cash 1473-3 y Customers. oortunity of thanking my numerous heir liberal patronage during the past ttully solicit a continuance of the e pleased with as many new ones se neer me with a call. I will be at the ar of B. B. Gun'n's, and will pay the 14100 for eggs and good roll butter. ALEX. S.OBIE. IM ' ORTANT NOTICES. D11,11 AM . 3LL CALF FOR SALE. -The under - signed h .Laathoroughbred Durham bull calf for sale13" wont old, roan oolar.Apply to JOHN REID,Lot 11,yfield Road North, or Varna P. 0. I 1476x4 BOARS FO i SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service, on Lot li), Concession 13, Hib- bert, a, thorn ghbred Cheater White boar, also a thoroughbred Yorkshire boar- These pigs were both prize vinnere `at the.Toronto and London exhibi- tions. Terme 1 1, payable at time of service, with privilege of retuning if necessary.; if boded $1.25. W. L. McLA.I1KN. I 1476x8 T ing sold At nd Under Wholesale. gee the ad' a tage the people have dvantage *s ave buying this stolek, is in. the loll r. We can afford to le snaps o e ery descri tion, Dr ss' lks, Staple Dry Goods, H siert' 'a d nderweai, I Fancy oods In fat „ everythin ou . nt ;(x ood • wi 1 1 e found h re, at psi es Oa other a e. rms trictIy cash. stock- purchased J Y' c Pickard At Perr'tecost's old stand, Oar dno's Bind, S Aj'QRTI3_ [)ROPERTY on the Ba as the Brunedc is a godd bricl a good jorcharc ni.eIyy situated sonable Gerais. H. Collins, Ex FOR SALE.—For sale, the property afield road, in B4 fleld village, known n property,containiog 16 acres. There house, a driving shed aid .barns ; plenty et hard and sett water. It is , and will be cold cheap and on reit- For further particulare apply. to R. ter ; F. Holmested, Seaforrh;; B. R. ; Spring te for a .business after the next m opens Tuesday,lApril 7th, the best time r shorthand educ tion. Our tuition rate term. Get your tr ining now, and be read that will be ready in the fall, SHAW 4r, ELLIOTT, 1436 PROPRIETORS. Spackrean, lot 5, L. R. S., S enley, Bayfield poet - office. 1475-8 Victoria street—o Which are two large rame houses. One lot on, Cdlina street ; good hone and barn„ and young Orchard, Farm—adjoining Bay- field—about 17 ea ; 4 acres bush, and b nee seeded down. Fra e ouse and barn, godd be ring orohard, and never ailing spring creek. Realega.3ble terms. Apply to M WALWIN. P. f the year to enter will be increased for the situations cINTOSH, PRINCIPAL. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF IGH BRED HO ES, FARM STOCK, IM LE - MENU AND HOU EHOLD FURNITURE —M re. .1. P. Brine and W . McCloy have been Instruct d by Mr. E. C. Coleman, to sell by public auction, o hie farm just adjoining Seaforth, on Tuesday, Mere 24, 1896, at 1,2 o'clock, oon, sharp, the following alu- , ii, Dick Wilkeseby Fe son, the greatest trottin sire for his opportuni les that ever lived. Fer on's dam is the dam of avorite, 2_25. The dam o Lick Wilkes is Jennie II milton. She is the dam of Mani-, bnno Swigert, 2.30, and Sprague Hamilton, trial.20. 2nd dam, Bachant , the dam of Minerva, ds, of Meander, Egmont and Nu get, and grand -da of CASEY 00 Havr now a full line 1 Fruits for the Spring trade, c nsisting of Eva orated APples, Dried Peaches, A Oanned and Pork and Beans i Tomato atsup in Cans, Venison in Cans, Jams Of all kinds Sheldon Messenger. sire of George Wolfe, 2 Niel 4th dam, the dam of 0 'non Pilot, sire of 'Jack wife 2.28a. • Collette's d m is Gussie Archer, 2.3311 by Also a fresh su ply David Bonner. Collette showed woaderful sPeed MANGOLD SEED, when weaned; and has improved stelaily ; veryillne and strong ; she i a rapid, straight trotter e un - i bred. BL CIEGUARD brown gelding, !foaled 1 92 ; sired by ick Wilk e ; let dam Pink, by Magic an ; 2nd dam y Genera Wolfe. Bleckguatd is an epen, easy trott r, with g od action, and can trot pieces verv fast broken harness. A sure trotter and a darld—Ba geldin , foaled 1892 ; sired by Dick Wilkes ; , by old Clear Grit. This edit is broken t Pumpkin in aaos, am, Mol id gaited, etrong trotter, 16 hands, ‘well harnese, and a fine individual. B ower led 1893 aired by Dick Wilkes ; dam us- sie Arche , 2:331, bY David Bonner. This animal is broken to hazness read is bred for epeed. Full sister to Colle . BAY OLT, foaled 1:e 3 sired by ick a) Wolfe. hie ant 1 is a full brother to Blackguard ; reci broken harnes; a good, strong individual, and promises welL B I' FILLY, foaled 1893, si by Terre Haute •, let am Gussie Pickard, by Carl sle ; and dam by Highlapd. A well brel, strong sal al ; broken to harness ; a splendid individual and s owe speed—good size, 01881'NUT Flier, foaled 1893, tired by Terre Haute ; 1st dam, Bate Weston ; 2nd idam thoroughbred. .k fine animal, strong, handstime, good size and • geed individual. Her dam CIL not be beaten as a carriage mare. Pixx, bay mare, ed 1887 ; sired by Mag, Man ; lst dam by Gen. W Thie mare is I5a ballads high, very fine, and as p as a picture ; has been used as a brood mare. colt, Blackguard, is very promiaing. In f Barb Wire. NAN:* bay mare, foaled 1890, eir Carliele, 2:34, sire of Dr. Livingstone, 2:31 ; da traced. Minnie is, a good driver, reliable, good appearance ; Would make a safe driver purposes, and een foaled 1894, sired 2nd dam by Geo. gelding,. eired by fine little fellow, 12 a great little driver with east- JlegNIE• foal - Her 1 to by un - d of for a r all oad 10 miles an hour. BAY OOLT, y Terre Haute ; 1st darn, link ; 7 hands high : strong and stirdy ; that can make 10 miles sill hour chestnut mare, Imported' from Scotland in 1889, nd used as a deiver and rood mare mimeo. Besutifully made, and a perfect little icture with het shaggy tow mane and tail. CAT - years old, 1 yearlin , 1 sow, 10 fall pigs, 30 hens, 1 mowing maehines, 1 roller. 1 long plow, 1 'gang - plow, 3 seed drills, hone rake, 1 spring- ' eulti- tor (garden), 1 luen double buggy, 2 e fork and rope, 1 cu sets single learn hand grass seed so ing cart for cone, 1 barrow, and other The above will posi has rented his f et iron harrows, 1 hand favo- gle buggies, 1 hay rack, 1 hay , 1 set double team ha els, I. er, 1 lawn roller, 1 lawn ower, ing mile, 1 gravel box, 1 break- ively be sold, as the pro rietor . TERMS.—All sums of IQ and aral under, cash ; over hat amount 9 months' cr it will be given on furnish ng approved joint notes. A dis- count of 7 per cent. per annum will be alto ed for cash on credit smo nts. E. C. COLEMAN, roman - tor ; J. I'. BRINE rid WIL McCLOY, Auctioneers. of TURITIP end Some cheap TEAL left t. CASE'S MEATS at LARD. CAWY- & do., SHIRTS. We have instlreceived 11, case 01 FLANNELETTE SHIRTS of gOod quality an well made, that we kave decidrd to run off at 25 CENT g well worth 500. Our stock of P int Shirts is now oOm- siis new an -novel in textnr and color, at al prices and in all sizes. Spring S-aiting Spring Trouser ngs, Spring Hats, Spring Caps, Spring Nieckwear, Spring Sox, Spring Underwear, 'Rigby Waterproolf Coats made to orce on the shortest notire. Qne Door South of Expositor Officio SiTIZODD Throush the store will reveal to you an array of exceptional at rac_ tion at every tam. Come and examine. We Rell Hats for boYs and men just the same way as we sell dry`goods. Buy them from makers - for cash; make a little profit on them ; they go out On the jump; there's -none like them for the money anywhere ; costs nothing to - make comparisons, lots of.Hats all about us to test the values. We invite you to see our lovely stock of New Spring Dress Stuffs Nothing like them ever seen here before. Only the newest hings found here. Golden • , Lien Removal Sale. Weintend to move about April 1st into the store formerly oceupied Jackson & Greig, across the street While we are here, we will sell our goods —the finest class of dry goods— AT PRICES WITHOUT PROFIT To ligliten the labors of moving. Don't miss this grand opportunity of S8C ing bargains in high class dry goods, 4. L. SMITH, Successor to J. F. CLARK, Seaforth. JAMIESON'S OLD STAND. 13TO-NZmOI.Js. The enormous demand for wheels the last two years, and more than ever this year has been the means of starting new factories all over Canada and the United States, and no donbt many of them will never, and others -will take years, to make a first-class ma— chine. I Why risk your good money in an unknown wheel ? The temptation for agents to push new wheels is very great, as the value is unknown to the public, and fiice looking wheels being innumerable, the prospect of large profits seem easily obtained. But nice looking wheels are not always high grade, and the incessant rattle which is soon develop- ed,`r and which no amount of oil will relieve, makes the purchaser only too glad to sacrifice half what it cost hire in order to exchange it for a really first-class wheel. Avoid. this dilemma, and purchase a wheel of known quality from known dealers. We have been in this business almost since the trade eommeneed; purehasing for cash. We have had the offer of almost every agency going, and can assure intending purchasers that we have accepted those wheels which the experience of past years has proved to be -reliable,r'and which we have no hesitation in recommending as the best value for the money in Canada. See the white rim "Hyslop," see the Brantford "Red Bird;" see the well tried "Fleet," see the " Spartan " or the " Crescent" Don't mind what other agents sey about price& Get OUR prices from OURSELVES. They range from $40 up, atileve nazi arid will give you lower prices on the best wheels than other dealers are giving. Call and see the wheels, and get our speeial cash prices. ,„ BICYCLE DEALERS, &c., SM.A.PQM:V±IJELI MAIN STREET 13 11 IT II. A BAKER'S DOZEN. rgain 1—Art Muslims, worth 9c, for 5c. B rgain 2—Cottonades, worth 25; for 20o B rgain 4—Table Linen, special, worth 35c, or 25c. 715c, for 50c. ! 13 rgain 6—Tweed for Boys' School Suits, wor h 45e, for 30c. B rgain 7—Gingham, worth 9; for 5c. B rgain 8—Prints, fast colors, worth 80, idea out and Bargain 10—Dress Goods, all wool, doubli fold, worth 40c, for 30c, Bargain 11—Towels, large size, fancy bor der, worth 35e, for 25o. Bargain. 12—Women's laeed or buttoner Boots, very special, worth $L75, fer-500. Bargain 13—A general reduction _ Men's, Women's and_ Children's Shoes. There's no word so much abused as the word bargain, but we want to impress the that when this store advertises bargains, they are genuine. We hs,ve been searehing he above .goods among the wholesale houses and the manufacturers fot the past three s. Now things are going your way. We are about to commence the greatest boot ahoe sale the eounty has ever seen. Bring the above lists and see if we do as we rtise. HAIR HAIR. Prof. Dorenwend Comings It is contrary to nature that the head should be bald. Let that be fully iinderstNid. Is it not a fact that many ladies and gentlemen do not wear artificial hair for no - other reason than prejudice. Unfortunately there has been a marked increase of late in haidness and gray hair, and the result is a loss of an attractive and refined ap- pearance. Many ladies have the wretched habit a crimping and curling their OWII hair instead of buying an article according to the style, The result is they ruin their hair, and when new styles come in they are unalel to followthem. Prof. Dorenwend, of the Dorenweild Co. Ltd., of Toronto, has for thirty years demonstrated the beautifying effects of wearing his hair goods. Thousands ef the best Ladies and Gentlemen of Canada and the 'United States are wearing his articaete to -day. ,In many cases the manafactured article ix more becoming than the natural growth, and not even an expert c.an detect that the hair is artificiaL The Professor tsar ries an immense stock of Ladies' and Gents' Wigs/ Toupeese thelf wigs), 138,11_.$6, WavY 1"ronts, Switches, Braids, etc" in every form, shade and quality, AU can be, pleased. Cast aside False Notions and Provide yourself, at once ev-411 a bear ' dress that will give charitling effects. Prof; Porenvrend will be in SEAFORTH, at the Queen's Hotel, op. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1. This opportunity should not be lost. It t be added thnt the Professor also tarries wit him a full line of flair Dyes in every shade,Hair and Face Bleaches, and Theatide- al Wigs, Whiskers and Mocustaehes. Let the date of the visit be borne in mind. WEND EE