The Huron Expositor, 1896-03-06, Page 796 1$8 MARCH 6, .1896 now eoinp e prices for L ether Spartan. ar es' of these lines in k� I='arcltasers would dig. _expect, happen .aa oil your. wheel, and we • Continue very long, LN MAIN STREET' i urers To �ghtning Proof �en Shres_ 'rears in) this branch of our SC) to' consult us before clown a postt.tiOt, supplY good 50 YEAR ER aNTENT. may, and-ag mug'' IX PRICES. Seaforth. tinware. its Greet English Remedy. of sands ckf cases with all known. :he tetra remedy and treatment -a- 3 perManeut cure in all stages of aur TVkakness, Emissions, Mentor o, or .44a cache Sumulants, all or lou and an early grave. Wood's + minuireci of cases that seemed stented physi- aces that were >ver ing use of to cher were pair—no mat- 1}'ithia your ad happiness. E postage. -any address. Oanaesa., iAfter Ta retail druggists lathe Dominion.' [weeks rest ; gladdened by the another year. Perhaps yott khe opening day. Remember, , time the gear; round'. Come every week. In the mean- ie to us to give information: P. McI TOSS¢ Principal. lllllll�u i9.iiluu lluiildihJHiHU actlySir! I picked him up from; a man who knew nothing about a horse. The neigh- bors Said he was " Surd to keep.'' I knew wit 6 the trouble was. hair stood on end like the feathers on a Polaacl hen. Ws aide oras', so tight that the asap of your hand on highsounded like the haat of drum. $ was so thin , ou could sea him only hen he wait et... was ash ed. to be seal et ,after six weeksjust see him. Simply pests an inial right. it from drktggists or atgenesh something else au en—because S4 Montreal and t1ey will send muumuu iitt uu1i1111If11ULllllilll gals of with 4,tripes it or street n:1 the last:( e. -pleased lods. ding -trial prim` Goods the new fin dongols. beautiful colorings g waists andblouses.: st designs • to show :anew white and gray' cotes` tion of new dress goods :e to ;hand, amongst them ars. tripes an 1 Brocaded lus'tres. ,she atest .tyles in CO. othing House` THE HURON1 EXPOSITOR.] 0-#04#•••0: mg de ided to glove fo the Sell good at ridicu- lous lo prices, It takes money move (roods. ust to hand New Spring Dress yr oods, New Sprin,, Velvets, New Spring Silks, New Spring Crepons, New Spring Challies, 7.N7ew.. Spring Prints, New Spring Ginghams, New Spring D ticking, New Spring Shirtings, New Spring Cottonades, New Spring Flannelettes, New Spring New Spring New Spring New Sprin New Sprit' New Sprin New Sprin Laces, Ribbons, Kid Gloves, Co rsets. It will pay every ady before buying, $1 worth of goods o all and visit Pearce's and 'compare pripes. It is a chance that you may never have agaln' to' get nice sea - 200 pairs of Loy's I ants, lined, fior the smal Boy's suit ot Cloth s, price $2.50, include an extra pair o pants. We are worl 1 beaters ivben comes to th price. We still tak the I a,c1 in p iced' pan and are ow se ling our $1„5) pants Stack's of Men's Men's Suits from $ and prices. It will )ay yr u to visit this store ; lyou will save mone evel time., :SUTTER AND -IGGS same as CA THE EAFORTH AR Cit CLOT ING MAN. p_ Could not get Ipsured. MutUal Companies. But now insured in both. and 'to pay my insurance prernif s, y mily will owe their support to tss raaparilla. Two years ago I pp "ed ,o two COMpalliet3 for insUra,nce $1100 each. My face -was a mass of Imlay lotches and my urine did not st nd he st. One doctor in exa.mining e aid , could not pass, but that my, ro ble as curable. Be advised an alt ra ive cat's- Sarsaparilla. Both co pa ier ejected me, but four months' lat a ter had taken five bottlea of your em "dy he other a mut 'al.; The exam er he. ever saw such a change in any m n.,, his is indorsed by Mr, J. To d, the a,wford Street , Toronto. gar and vitali -clears and purifies the matt, gout, I digestion and all com- plain s arising from poor or Icsisoned blood. Of all uggists, Si per ott e. • *won txpo itor. McYillopi Council. Couneil met in jories' hotel, Lea bury, on February 24th, 1896 ; members al present. Accounts were passed, and paid a ounting to $116. Auditors' report was rec ived and passed. The resignation of Solo on Shan- non, treasurert yeas accepted, and avid M. Ross was appointed treasurer, he so receive all books and monies in three we:. s. The Council resolved, in the Matter or dispute between the township of Logan an Estate demanded by Logan...The clerk w s author- ized to notify pathmasters of their duty to open roads blockaded by snow d ifts, _and make the same passable in their ivisions. running at large on roads, to be assad at next meeting.. Council then adjo rned, to meet in Jones' hotel, Leadbury, oin Mo-aday, • West Wawanosh.. ing to adjournment, in the town hip hall, on February 23rd ; members all -pr sept ; Reeve Lockhart in the chair. .N inu es of last meeting were read and app ove 1. A petition was presented by A: D. Cal eron and W. A. Wilson, asking council to 1 ave board fence erected opposite E 1 t'l , con- , cession 12, West Wawanosh, to -ee the snow off the road. The corincil gr ed to attend to the matter, and hay a fence erected the coming summer. fov d by McQuillan and Webster, that th ta, es of Edward Craig, $1.53„ and -Mies M Mc- Donald, B5 cents, be cancelled. Q rried.„ Moved by Cameron and MeQuill n, t at 3. H. Taylor receive, balance of solar cl e him Quillan and Medcl, that 3. H. Ta lor e ap- pointed collectoT for 1896, 'at a sa ry of $65.—Carried. Moved by Medd a Web- ster, that baalaw No. - 1, appoint n town- ship officials, as read, be -passed.— rried. A communication was received fr Dr. MeAsh,. of Belgeave, with regard to rthur Haines, who is' sick, Communi at n laid Council then adjeurned, to meet t e call he st co ac co ti fo th la ac a dr 30 Hay Court il. ouncil met pursuant to djou nt, on bruaxy 24th. The minu es of la meet - were read, and amended as llows at J. Snell be member of th 1 ard of 1th for three years, W. St ne an for o, and D. Spencer for one. T e a ditors' tement was before the co nc found eptecl by coancil. Council o de ed 200 use oi town hall, by outside arta s, and 50 by residents, for entertain, ent , etc. ; t, the -platform be raised an en arged, rk to be supervised. by ale ; t at by- ounts were ordered to be par : K Kalb - loch, lumber, $12.75 ; Minn pal World rner and D. Urquhart mud' ors' sal ry, each ; F. W. Farucomb, wot re Zurich uncil adjourned to meet again. on March h, when pathinasters will be ap inted. Morris Colimeil The council met pursnant ment, 'on February 17th ; mem eat ; the reeve in the chair. last meeting were read it,nd • auditors' reportTwas then! receiv amined by the council. It was Thomas Code, seconded by Geor that said report be adopted.— request was presented by H. others, asking to have a drain o site lots 20 and 21, on 3rd concessi con all a lin ourn- pres- es of mo ed by Sell rs and led. A en d oppo- n line. led by giant - wed for top, the brush to be cut and la d c own on side of read., and dirt taken out of itch to be thrown en brush and prop rly spread, Mi. Bowman to attend to lay ng out and inspection of the work. --Carr ed. Moved by William Isbister, seconded by Thomas Code,' that the reeve take eh rg of he hall, on i iinday,i March 9th, a ,m.—Carr ed.I On Motion of by, seconded' by William Isbist of accountb Were !ordered to motion of 4a.rnes Bow Thomas Code, thp moaner to meet again on, the 9t hotel, on ThUrsday, Fehr ary George Kirkby, that said reques ed, and thise 40 cents per rod be digeing a 'ditch to be 2i feet de of s leo eco arc a ng R et co e to e Ki nUm ded jeurn Ky as allow ng he er HANDFULS Coriiing out every da • HAIREN It prevents the scalp nourishes tl hair idestro rous growth' For sale in Se ferth by 3. S. ing n don't tter try' , rids germs, nd pro - h air. Re erts. ehanges were ade in the list of ,path - Wasters for 189 ' : Division 27, Wm. Cam- eron instead of Edward Papple ; 61, J. stead of IL- Ohes ey ; '90, .D. Campbell in- stead of J. McK nley ; 79, R. Doig instead Rs Turner.. Th mas Boyce -and William C. Clark ; 20, 0 orge Turner instead of ,3-.; place of William Berry and j. p. Brine, who ' had_resigned. e following changes were made in the stat te labor road divisions : owned by W. G rdon; taken; from division 25 and added to livision 24 ; Ilot 25, comes- . taken from clivis on 24 end added to 25 ; .E Leatherland, ta en from division 59 and added to 79 ; lots 9 and 10, A,rmitage' survey, Egmon villes -owned,. by Lard Reinke, taken f om division 178 'and add to 90 ; lot 31, ccression 3, 4 R. S., own by D. MeTavisl , taken from division 2 and added to 20. The contract for the supply of 6,00 feet of roel elm, for cul- verts, was let t John Doig, at $9.95 per thousand. The auditors' report was ac- cepted, and the clerk instrueted to have 200 copies printed. The next Meeting will be held at 1sgmondville on Mar h 21st, at 10 IN OUR MIDST. ' RIGHT Mr. Siiipm Seven Ye SonNo Shipman tells h may benefit oth suit of a tumbl my bael, I hay kidneys all niy have been a gre until a friendly Docld's Kidney showed Diabete Ilhad found it down sideways. one dozen boxe healthy as ever The World The followin Sun, is .an•effec day craze for generate the w - life assurance a Saki Fanner Says Joiner N , The guild Pit For the aboli Meets at my 1 And so I cants • n, of Oviien Sound— rs' Acute Suffering idney March lnd, 's story in th hope that he rs, and says --Ail the re - when a bov, wine"' injured been trout)" d Iwith 'weak ife. For the past year t sufferer, govring worse, druggist advited me to use Pills. Tests of the brine and I realize my danger. impossible hen tired to d at such times was drawn In all 1 has e used 'about , and am now as hearty and in rny lite. Reformer! and Hie Wife. k rhymed Steil, written by published in the New York ive satire upon; the present ilds, fraternal societies, lit- asiociations that are to re - rid. Some ot these have ta.chments, wh ch is worse ohn back d to you inter hmen t get door on my lied," arm er John. 'back door o sted in of sin is very daa, Come down t morr w and begin Said Farmer he t Joiner Ned " To -morrow either can I come, The Friends .1 thellillennium Meet at the h.utie Of Deacon lien And I 'am Prop vice -i resident." " Weil, then next Wednesday, wi bout doubt, when your in llennium's started ut, • And put that rack door on my shsd." Before the Ci ture lub, upon • The Easiest letho to Restore Our Long -Lo Eden 'Here Once ore,' To foster pea , abolish war, And render v tuipopular." 1 By sunret, p And then, n Come, put tl " The Anti - Next Thurs. al And I have On how to 0 Man's tende r Eden here all ri b back door on my down to Hiram 0 m sed to orate h and extirpate for Mb and meat desire. to eat." kt But, won' We'll say tw You'll have h come down , And put tha iff you will -For my wife 135 ou come down, by and by, ur various scheme put through, en, with yclur tgolikit, Ned, ack door On my s ed." It s Ned, " Pil take hat chance roe in advance ; . ys that we've no meat And no lieu ia the house to eat T/3at cash may save domestic str.fe And kind of ;pacify my wife." • ON - 4 BICYCLE TOUR. TiaNT oil His reflecti the S Dange Prom the Uti The Rev. lled Fully 3 ns on the ort, and te ture we give 1 elow, will not e unfamiliar by sight to M, ny readers. A young man, he has still h d an extended xperierice as foreign missi nary, teacher, e iter, lecturer and pastor th t has given him a wide ac- quainta.nce ir many parts of the country. In an inter -iew a few days ago, he said : " In the e rly summer of '94 I went upon wheel.. My oute w s from Utica, to Cape Vincent, th and from. thp -lake 'to Torq Falls. I at wind all day Miles ekes some s of the ce by steamer Ito Kingston, -e along the north shore of the to, an around to Niaeara g.ridde againstla strong head • After a, delightful sail thr ugh the Thoueand Islands, I stepped on shore in that quaint city of Kingston. shower had fallen, and the streets were amp, 80 that wisdont would have dietat d that I, leg -weary as I was,' should hav kept in doors, bet sO anxious was 1 ,to se the old city that I spent the whole even g in the o'clock the next mornin brought a very unwelcome discovery. as lame in both ankles and knees. Tlw head wind and the damp streets had proved en unfor- tunate combination. I gave, - however, lit- tle thought o it, supposing it would wear off in,a few ours and the fiist flush of sun- light saw m sp e'ding out the splendid road 'near Port Hope but found me still lame. I rested the nextl day, and the next, but it was too late ; the mischief! was done.' I rode a good many miles dnring the rest f the season, but never a day .and seldom a mile without pain. " The winter came and , put away m wheel, saying new I shall get well,' but to disappointm6it I grew worse. Some; days my, k-nees al nost forbade walking, an my ankles would rat permit me to w r shoes. At times I siiffered severe pain, severe as to make study a practical. imposs bdity, yet it must be undetstood that I co "From being lecal, the trouble began t spread slightly, akid my a -Ajety increase their excellent a vice, bu 'without resul . So the winter pa sed. On day in March I happened to take in my ha d a newspEtp r in which a great eal of s ace was taken b an article in rela on to D Williams' Pin t Pills. I did no at tha time know wh t they were suppos d to cu .e. I should has e paid no attention to th article had I n Reading, I found that she, had been great benefited by 'th use ot Pink Pills, a knowing her as I did, I had no doubt of t e truth of the stat ent that she had autho ize4he first box a change, and th troubles were go I say gone t has been the troubl and iaever I have ha was not gone before s third had not been fi signs of my rheuma at y,' for though the very o par umty for a return , I hal e fiat felt the first twin before ith so little discomfo some f the -most severe tests strength and enidurance, and have co through hem withoUt an ache. For e ample, on afterneon I rode seventy mil preached hat night, and made fifty miles the hard st kind lof 1road before noon t run,' the last forty miles of which w and slush " You Id think I would recomme feel that w s neg lecting a duty if I fail cl. knew to from rheumatism. " No, t the only disease th cure. I now of a cures fron ed them but fair t been bett my life." elements ho t. 8, of e. re hat is n ersonall ;other tr add tha r this au Mania' Pina Pills contain a• ll necessary tie give new life a nerves. They are sold in boxes (never loose form,.by the cozen or hundred) at cents a box, qr six mxes for $2.50, and be had of all druggi ts or directly by m from Dr. Willia.me Medicine Compa, u les, but I at? though it Ely general umber have ne would before of be as he ed in 50 Yr 10 • Riding o H:rtrslibac k. Horseback richt' is not very gener ly -practised in Canad ,except y the wealthier classes of people, The me conditio s, moreover, exist over a larg extent of he United States. ' . . The reason. for iis it is ot easy to la. Riding on horsebae r is such healthy f rm. of amusement that it might well be 'nit eh more extensively pi actised b the well -to do every occasion, a id, -whe possible, try horseback exercise stead.; This should be done more general' by th younger in in - where the kind of 1 orses t and bred are such as are suitab ddle purpo es. The farmers' eons ould we come with. de- light the opportuiity pf b' eaking in the colt for riding purpcses; and they may est assured that, if the r wlork is well done, the Value of the animal will be increased in the buyer's estimation. There will thus e pecuniary advantage to be obtained, be- _Ns.iidewes. looking at it If soma healthful poin of We have -written these few lines, ca. ling attention to riding on horseback, bee use we feel that the e .bouragement of it will be conducive to lthe interests of sa, dle horses in Canada. We .can raise exee ent horses here for s;addle purposes, as our A.merican cousins a ell know, and we an- nually ship a cer ain number across the lines to the stout , and alio to . 'reat Britain, but the n mber sent is below al hat could be exported -were there sufficient horses of that kind to be got. And no on- ly can our export t ade be largely lucre sed, but our home mark t an also be cultiv tea. Fashion is everythi owadays, and, i we do the same,. we I soon find a gr ater the greatet numb r qf _people using • them. There are some pecarle` who .think that, the introdnetion .of bi; cies and electric ,cars means thegradual isuse of horses for kvad purposes, [but we are not of that opiiiion. Horses are not likely to fall into disuse ;' at. any rate, not for sqme time to come, ev xi if then. There is tl is, too, to be sai for horseback riding, Oat a good rider alWays looks graceful, whereas a bicycle rider, with his humped back, ,an hrird y be said t do so.—Farrn Journal W lams' Ro al Crown Re see res the harmo ions action of each o tire system functi nal harmony, and healthy current ofinew life. The skin, a- f w days' vise of Ithe Crown Retried co es clear and beautiful -pimples, blo bl ck spots and skin eruptions are rem so ea and ulcers sdon cured; Persons s ingl from: Scrofula., I Eruptive Diseases Eyes, Mouth, ars, , Legs, Throat Glinds, that have accumulated and s fro the use of cOrosive sublimate m ly n a. e re, if th Royal Crown Rem pr ssion n the sy tem. $1, Pills 25e. bo tles of Remedy! and 5 boxes of Pi liams' Cd, London Ont. dy the en- sup - f ter be- ffer- f the and read, y re- cly is or 5 ls for Wil - Old ,Dog Yar ow. Fon SA t7RDAY We've bail; ene gh to doe, In life's yo °yells May. But ea 'rythihg c mes to an end And ail the um ons must attend, We've Ian bee warn'd to flit ; Regrets nae se o you or me, For dogs as eel s men must dee, . And we m st j let submit. But ye were aye And little 1 ye With wh Great gape: fuil social °hell, d sport or dine ; -natured pugs eens o' thine. Naedoot at ime by passion caught— Or it might e m re want co' thought— Ye did th ngs in a hurry, Tho' o' some krrt es ye lvere seant, Still, my au en', I dinna want Your wee bit f uts to 'ten ; I ken en ugh toidae To answe for tuyael'., Wbose very me iory kes me glad, Whim wo e ere ha 'ng green Nature's un rod en haunts to seek. Where n hid seldom been. iNADI REST A alio ber me THE BANIc. ESTABLISH HEAD OFrI9E01 E. WAL ER 1G SEA OT issued, payable 0;11 po'nts the United Si tes, Great ed. gap -Interest added t the rincip u each year, Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far - Sales Notes. OF COMMERCE D 1867. N DOLLARS Papr Cov6red $1,200,000 Books, NCH Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts a and the principal cities in , trance, Bermuda, dm EPARTMENT. ed, and current rates of interest al at the end of May and Novem- M. MORRIS, Manager. AFTER TEN YEARS VIINBATON 281'11 Aux, 1825. Gentlem n,—For the last tenlyears I had been troub ed with kidney i'di0ease, being so bad at tervals that I Could net lie in bed at nigh nor stoop to the amid. I had trie all the remedies. eo. find 1 am mos happy to say it or nay own: sake as we as for others ba ath per- fectly cure after using fou xes, JO And well e loy'd me to stray a, Through the rude forest's pat est; *ay When in the opening spring • , The hale from southern elim s strive, And ' the wild woods are aliv • The rild geese sought Ontari 's ke. Th squirrel on the bough ; Ob, en your heart was full o gl Hap as but a dog can be, Ho v unlike what thou'rt now. • And i by lany chance we e'e In 11 bis branching pride, And eget then as fleetest no nd With wnat a rush and leap a mind Ye tarter' from my side. We And we were happy dog The very images o' joy, Far In the leafy lane. When tose'd upon life's storm sea An, errything Idok'd dark to e, Oh, then, my poor old frien For pen thy fidelity ey 'svere days ere sorr w' dart ierced or scarified the da t— loy'd the very rain : and boa And oh, how often at t 'A d watch'd and lista And t the sound o',com As i' all -hail did M did wait, ng feet, pranga I've een you coup *I sh .er delight, Ay, ven like a thing gage gite, The orrow that was on thy cheek, . , Wne a' your vamp attempts trii speak B t ended Ina bark., ill • , • But ' our strolling days are done, Ne'er to return, and very sune. • The turf wilt eleed us baith,' The question comes—at least for men 1 And wile amang us a' does keg What's to come after deathIA For bave ye soul as well as sense, Or is 't but intelligence, . Mere canning intellect ? I ken ye're sensitive to blame, ' And that ye hae the sense o' shame, , And evert eelf respect. And many a time l'm sure I'Ve caught i YOu in a mystic maze -of thought, In deep investigatibn ; And I had gen a deal to ken What youradea wee 0 men And o' this strange creatioit I've bothered myself to ken The diff'rence between dogs and men, . Nor, can it surely be That our thought laculty's the same And only (lifter but in name , And somewhat in degree. Yet sometitnes r ask, who am 1,4 That settest myself up on high il To look oan upon others, And meas re the distance between A being of my lordly mien , And my our -footed brothers. Why shou For ye can As well Be but th And lac d I call you but a brute 13 feel and thi k, der if yla ea ing but a lin And there s an entity w That tells e we're som Anal children of one n And we have in thit va Met for some end suply My puir dumb, faithf how iakin, other, How often I have klok' in \Isla Into thine eyes in'h pe to gain Some index to th mi d ;. Of a great dumb intelligence In a dark cave °annuli. And may not higher powers hint we Be looking in our eyes tO se ' , Though all unseen the 'whi e, The causes that set tift aglee Our glorious humanity By paesions ,mean and vile ! But, my mild Wen', it gives me pain To be told we'll ne'er meet again Nor ken ocht o' emelt other : I'll no give up the hope that we in some shape may each other see My dear dumb, faithful brother: But why keep wond'ring over thee, When (Wry object that we see— Creation without end— " Is an enigma unto me, Yea, a whole realm of mystery, None e'en can comprehend ? —Mr. Andrew ourley sold his farm in ebtingville, to Mr. T. itew he has taken Up. e Wage. Mr. GOurle ved. to ,lebrIngarille last EPPS'S COCOA BREAWF ST—SUPPER. the vicinity of S rnith, last fall, an hit residence in t Was born on that farm, and' lived there a 1 his life, till he rem " By a thorough knowledge of the nature laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine prper- %s of well -selected Coeos„ Mr.Epps has provided for onr breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured hey- eaage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, It ie by the judicious of such articles of diet that a constitution maybe radually built up until strong enough to resist eve tendency to; dimes. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies &TO floating around us ramie to attack whinever there le a weak point. We ma escape many a fatal shaft by keepin ourselves we fortified with pure blood and a i roperly nourished frame.” --Civil Service GazetU. Made simply with boiling w r or milk. Sold only in padkets, by Grocers, la I 01 ed thus:: JAMES EPPS-- It CO., LTD., Iloat ‘ +PATRIC Claming, Cured of Chronic Catarrh. . A Remarkable Cure.—J. "W. Jennison, Gilfordr spent between $200 and $300 in consulting doctors ; tried ,Dixon's and all other treatments, but got not benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Cute did me niore good than than all other remedies, in fact I consider myself cured, and with a 25 cent box at —Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Califor- nia, saya: '" Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever kind that would do me any goodP Price, •60 cents. Sold by I.V,Fear, Seaforth. a Spraine, the 133013 No Equal to It. ure for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Bums and hafing, Chapped Hands, Inflamed Breasts Wounds, Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow 011 ts reliable remedy on the market. —x,A. rats CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, clear a otir Complexion, regulate your I3owels and make our 'head clear as a bell,' 26e, 50c., end $L b Ft v. Fear, Seaforth. Do Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away.,_ Is the t Othful, startling title of a bobk about No -To - Bac th harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure nic tine poison, -makes weak men gain strength, vim and manhood. You run no physical nr finan- eiallrielr, as No -To -Bao is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul SC, Montreal. Sold by 1. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. —SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure is in great demand, Pocket size contains twentat-five doses, only 25e, Children love It. Bold by L IV. Fear, Seaforth. l Obstinate Coughs. Oblit not Coughe yield to the grateful soothing two orway Pine Syrup. The racking, perste- ent u of consumptives is quickly relieved by hie 14 riv led throat and lung remedy. Price 25c. nd 60 Sail ri Reamer, st. John st, Winnipeg, Mani. !Whir, aysl: I was entirely cured. of sciatica and I Beyond Dispute. 'The 's*n better, so.fer or more pleasant cough waled malle than Hagyard's Pectoral 13alsam. It ewes Hoatseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colda, Bronc itis end all throat and lung troubles. Wea toes , Debilitya.Paleness, Anaemia, etc., are cured 3,31- Al lburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Skin Diseases. Skin disetses are more or less occasioned by bad blood. B.B.B. cures the following Skin Diseases : SOU Head Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, by Shingles, El. sipelasieItL____ng Raehes Salt Rheum, ly remeving a 1 impurities from the blood from a com- Low's Worm Syrup is the standard of excellenee. mon Pimple t_ieo the wors.t.e.___Scrofulous Sore. Mothers recommend it. Children cry for it. Worms . fly from it. English na e for the best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood' Nor ay Pine Syrup. and 'at ITYPoP binal to After La Grippe. la Grippe obstinate coughs,lung tronble,ete., tly follow. There is no remedy 80 prompt, • e !Jame time effectual and pleasant. as Mil- d iver 011 Emulsion with Wild Cherry and osp ites, which is the latest and best corn - of nti-oonsumptive remedies. Prices 50e. r bottle. The Plain Truth Tells. COnstipati n, Headoche,Biliousnees and Bad Blood are Ipromptl cured by Burdock Blood. Bitters, which gets, upon t stomach, liver, bowels and blood, touring all th r diseases. • Chapped H nds and Lips, cracked skin,soreit, cuts, woUnde and ruises are promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic wing Wood. A. TORONTONIAN OF 85 YEARS WHO CAN STILL HANDLE A J31JCICSAW. o find a man of 85 sawing and split - tin& wood without any trouble -would • eu prise most of us to whomsuch vigorous ex rcise is—to say the least—distasteful, bit to hear the Circumstances under which it teak place but increases the wonder, eOur representative visited Mr. John Clyne Ia'ai Sackville if., City, a sufferer fr in kidney trouble for the past to years, li ming undergone two operations during th t time. Mr. Clyne was for some 30 ya, rs engaged in the express and cartage bit iness for such well-known firms as Swan. ,Beos., Hugh Miller, J.P., Wm. Rennie, ete., and having been a resident of Toronto for 5o years, is well known. Mrs. Clyne - was interviewed At then. residence and said: 'Mr. Clyne was in a very bad state, - his urine almost black with sediment and - he was expecting to have another opera- tion such as he had before. The pain in 111.3 back was at times very severe and kept him from doing any work. Mr. Clyne got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at J. R. Lee's drug store and was relieved from the first dose ; the nrine is now clear, no trouble or burning sensation, and to -clay ; , ou would say that although 85 years old, ie has taken on. a new lease of life.' Mrs, lyne then took our reporter to the yard,- nd to- his surprise found Mr. C. sawing ood for over Sunday. He emphatically . nclorsed every word Mrs. Clyne had said - :t From the very first they did me good; r ,anl we known here and yon can use my name reference. Two weeks ago I. . 'expect to be operated on perhaps to ,die --to ay 1 am well and s'trong, better s and Saddlery Stock r sale by Tender. e undersigned will receive tenders up to MARCH 4th r tbOurehase of the stock in trade—Harness, ks•and Saddlery, also Shop Fixtures ; amount - In ail to shout $828, belonging to the estate of Ward, of Seaforth. Inventory may be seen and 818 -0 sale obtained on application to undersigned, R. LOGAN, Assignee. orth February 1896. loons indebted to estate of John Ward are to pay accounts at onee to the undendgu- n default, will be -sued in Division Court. ICYCLES GRAWFORD and SPECIALS. We sell everywhere. Get ourpricesandsavernoney. Catalogue Free. AOgular 20o and. 25o e ons, THIS WEEK 'e W. PAPSTS MAIN STREET, 0,,EAFORTEL OIGN 00 THE OINCULAI .35 ma ft' elg .00 rf 3 et ri co tn fat '1 Sia pa Er. C113 • rim CD 1=1 II ▪ crtz Cn cD 014 0. era o et- Zr) Cfc2 et - 4114 imat nidt •Don't let chance detertnin rry nu Seeds. Known and sold h Seed An al your crop, but plant Ferry's everywhere. tical information for farmers for DIA Contains more p Before you plant, get ' PLANTING wewennbeguby guetletibngalpf demon% Be and gardeners than many high - prised text books. MaiW free. MAY A CO., smosekoar. Everything Goes 0 We are clearing out everitbing before stoek-taking. Only A few weeks more before new goods a.r rive and. the room is wanted., Bargains in . Dress Goods, Opera Flannels, You cannot afford. to stay sway from our store during the progress of this sale. ItleCosh Jeffery, CARMICHAEL BLOCK, - 04th TO FARMERS. An excellent opportunity is now afforded f ere with email -capital who desire to obtain in3proved forme, or stook ranches, with irrigation, buildings and fames, in the District of Albertt,. North West Territories, on easy toms. The rimemg 0/ borne& cattle, horses, sheep/aid pigs is rapidly deve/oping in the District. The undersigned will furnith lido/ - motion or answer enquiries. Addreis