HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 16FEBRUARY" 1896
ITE -H RW� EX' 0 OR'
alcol n Vine ini Port Blake, a 30- ihorse power engine anti YOU
n. W. R. TI f Teeswater) wis sh p. preciat, d by all, and Mr. M
Seventeen d4 liars went to the tract soci t Pesbyterian churh, morning an eve lompson 0 1 fr. boil r, an:(! placed
Dr. N16Dofiald con- on Tu s- e a lengthy temperance admess.
80 Grocery. ety,eleven di liars to Knox College'stiadonts ret far -them. on John Wood's Are
Wit' n's Cash in , li at Sabbath. Rev. ping map le blocks' froin this poi nt on the 4'h concesion of "Goderich
'Rob rt ap I des er ret
missionarysociety dridabout thirty to d bte L: the anniversary a ary ces in Mr. Mar day last. --We understand that Mr.'Rob incen i is a great orator, hie (16, iv- t w ship, where e had erected a saw mill.
table syrup and a 6i. -Mr John Ward U Gr6sonhais rented the Fordwich flourm
a great o edit for the Way in whic
tro values just now in fine h Re
tins, yepow sugar suitable for making syrup ; fresh Armenians. - -M Thomas Hills 'has sold ti 0 (hurdh in Exet
ding j t Aortli of I r eq rom I on brothers le ored b 9 address. Mr. Silas Stavinlake, r., T r. ompson is receiving Et
ground buckwheat f his hosp? A( A to Mrl. in nil �o b f Wi The mi a: is cap i winter ;M Lower and maple errup just in J. -8. Porter's resi hi gj the b IV ladr, ) patronage, d is busy converting all
firo of do g I ixcellent work, and we have o also ga e an address,the topic be!n Sodom.
We baive, sd.mothiq extra fine In choes). Our ate �erj stable, and forme rly sed as a 9 to look at the
dence, for tI. e snu sum $1,0001, to a Mr Bert CoAlander, of the el tric Ili hit ki 'a of timber into lumber. At present.
of Teas and "off ce is second to none (or. quality and The -,housei is a- i h4 611 ed up for his use as a harness slkop.� doubt Mi. Gibson will run it to the satisfac- -,Mr.
-umber. things in Pri.ntfif
or i Hi A; he as an extra, a ly of hemlock I
price We Will gURMutee you better vxl ue than you iCkle, fr c resel it put ng
atry-and you occu, a Mr, D..Stevens6n. W4 - M a Case is -visiting friends in Toront�,,, tion of hi 3 custo m-ers. -Mrs. IR Gibson, of ompar Y, of London, is at p
can a haud- 'a this a ir Mr. Thompson does a
got f rom, any peddlar in the oat present
have the advantage of. bein bl to t n anything believe it i a T. ill's, intention to buil --Th romotion examinations in the public Maitland Brae,is at present visiting friends at irk tbe.'ights in Mr. Robert ckarO Bea do aw Zephyrs, Gingffiar%
a o� re ir
Sur stock f. I dried fruits of some esidencei-Mr. D." Davit, butcher, litrielusinetis ch(p Ing at his Bayfield flour s, C&M.
that don't please you. th no of - his vacarib a(hoo' of the count Huron will be held Markharr.-Mr. Walmsley, of Wiarton, D. Crinkles, Lawn
Roam in 4 sprin on 0
bacon, lard And all kinds of A. I I., paid For- killed irty-th-ree head of cattle
d0apg, starch, hams, on the126th'and 11 Maroh, and teacliefs, D. G. 14. Of the' A. F. a on Wid- m ill. -]W;n. -Peck is this week visiting at
family groceries is complete and of the. beat quality a brick this Maggie his si.stef's, Airs. W. Dawson's, near- Ztireich. They the lowest. We expect in a fevi qg for Tor - a -e requested to se' rid to Inretor Robb for eat lodge a visit on Monday evening last.' nesday
I very, pr
'auct our prices Aire I
on Tv esda
days, t4 be able to sell choice flour at ugalr mornii ourle a beat last
ess than the Pougall left exa ination era ou Brussel. W':d -A numbe�' of Goderich gentlemen were ettyj and
ve charge of t Wroxete stayed here last wee. -Special meet- Ct6n
onto. Miss MeD( *ill ha e r 4uisite number �of _pap storm
regulatprice. In fine dinner, ten, and ioltet sets we ispective so ea ing them 1 in McKillo grve you 3 0 4�t
�he milliner r department of Mr. Pickard'3 f, r t eir re hwls,-Mr. homa;o nesday b,� r 13 a ots, thus dof P.
have som
newest goods In the ingit ire bei6g bel I in the Salvation Arm
e of the best and 'IT P -to se I
src� ight." Lamps new store 6ring the coming season. -Miss It has decided, t try his fortune in- two consecutive games. -Miss Maggie. -WEDD11 a. -Another of those hal)py y -atterns ect-
market. Call and see them, pn barraipks tb!� week.,
e ce
rices TA
lanip goods, plates, cups and saucers, jugs, All at ggie Jacksork f iendsinAylkner t e far west, where his I tephew, Mr. Ja a ler has A turne, I from Toron't where i lie events book place at thd r siden of �Ir4
is visi %rd the pen rom — ALL
01 We -I Grieve, on Wednesday, . amel.
h7s week.- -Miss Maud ki, of Centralia, J )hn itont now is. , He -A ill have a sale of �his has been,esiding for some e cs.-Mrs. F. Williar
I vest prices. We give the highest to;' all RREEzy NoTE.s'-Mis Kyle, of Rip
is the guest:of liss Maggie Wild, Bauble
kinds of trade. 18th marriage of his eldest dau
of M 1 rch � and will leairO V. Dixoii pail friends in Owen Souild Eliza oth,
is spending - is� week with relatives. here. 8.6ok on the ghter,.
0. WILSONI eaforth, ice harve: it has bed -pit liike.�Mr. John Falconer has moved to everal
in you ing
Mout, the first of Aliril 1for his western visit last 'week.. -The to Mr. kobertB. Ho
99, a prom is in
1374 Bank of oomr. ierci Block. se r. Lapslip, in earnest on the mill dam, Tie qualit this township. The ceremony Louisia street, t;.o the house formerly oceu-
0 t h )me. Although sorry o is farmer of the hite, James Stoneho =e. -Mr.
-past Vwo o'clock Mon vi e join with his!xnititky fr* , ds in wishing not up to t1te average. -Dr
half day mornin fir wa Rev.', . Ale Do ald,; of Cases
FIRE Rrnkovrs k. -L; ANTIQUITY.
performed by pied �y
Seaforth's CaitbVess, a forni-er resident of the Bauble
was discove: ,ed in the rear of the' prc pert 7 Min. all possible protipel ity �n the future. Seaforth.' The groom wai assist -hrough
�eld in Clinton me, t now of Carberry, Manitoba, is re- 01 Cottons,Sheetin
Largest Clothin.g House. on Main street, knownin its balmy d, Lys as I I it- report. of a concert I T ckersmith. the trying ordeal by his brother, r. J as7
r old acquainta: es h .-Rev. G. A4 L6tely it kas been oc(upied linjon, New Era'bias th' whil r of the bri e, newing 0 ere It at v reek, the C e -M r. an Mrs. Jdsh -hirtin
Foster's hot A. WEST I P1N D N OTES. 'Linens,
Miss Agnes, sisto 8] -a weeVor so at Wood.
When in the history of thio es shnient has Mr. R. Haby as lanito a, Ac C As Twe�
f4 4loN ring compliment for Miso Norma, ide wae Ila! - Robson'is pending
iDn the ground 094 b White lef t las b Tuesday foi A bridesmaid. The br #d -stock and -on Sunday morning last Mr, Cottonade,
beeni at such low prices, the people soon! MI,. I ickson, daughte ',9f Mr.1 S. Dickson, of where they will reside in fattire.-M. 8 so ly attired in navy blue serge, trinii4ed
Clothfl.g lrestaurant an er a
Ferrier, of Huron College, London, who so
to wonder at such FINE GOODS f Dr ouch LOW J7 sasho whileAlr.-- tis town. The 6 Era says The Ross, of I Winni )eg, Manitoba, visite — I , &C.3havel-
times Gille pie, as a harne d re a- wi satin and lace, while the brideisrn4id
grea --at interest r a) genteired in the acceptably officiated in Trinit church dur been opened -up freh�
abd part of the "upstairs as a dwel - ti, et� hf,!e last _v'eek.'-Mrs, Lobb, of Ma i- wore a similar costume. The cc:. y
Men's Union Twewd Pants, ton's good Paxby u re fi� on to� Ing olidays, Preached a very
$I ; Mon's goo ling. . e ar cf the fairies, which we Ithe programmoi a, d ovwi about forty couples sat 1, t summer hc
heavy Tweed PanUi d reliable Th re stated in ere r Tuckersmith, visipe Ing down t a from the manjifactur_-
an wasasurprisel adinter til)g sermon.-Theice onthe lake
suits 6; Men's beautiful Frime Overcoats �uilding, bit its origin is a mys
te ry, a1s d ar�d delikht to old friends =Isof week.-Mmi. J. Crich sumpttous, :supper. which awaited them.
$5.86; Men's Frieze Overcoati, Black Ana part of' ymn, when Norma� Dic. ison�,, a pretty little affor excellent skating, and large crowds .
�here had bi on no fire in that the pent last we -Iii at her home in UsborncJ, The pAsento. on the' occasion were'varied, 0, yo
$8,60; Bay's Suits from 81.60 to 87;
a. jL(?r some: time. When it was n g rl, 4 Seaforth, � as! Q�eerI, came trippi 01 yo g people enjoy the sports each even- CHEAP.
a overcoata, all prices, all si ges, all kinds. Premisei nuniermts and costly. W -e cogratulate r -
had lamia. a
GY -nagic wand soon drew Hullett.
ii, with her I
tiLedd by Mr, Haxby and hie family i I Hogg in tbp selection of such an ing.4The j members of Varna foot ball club
have �een doing some pretty tall blowin
fth, prettiest little,to6s that ever War,
g�amiedj such headway thit they bal just 0 r his joys
WK PICKARD & GOS ITrivs,-Rev, W. Millson wfis unable ;to young lady,,who will assist to beiLl heir abiliGy to defeat the Bayfielg Opefled and
i1me to gather together a little wea;riiig ap- ed or tbebage, and the many-kno ementi and so�rosv� down the stream A 'Marm
-else to perish, "P WfOrrne at take his.work on Sunday last, en account'of
3rgAl0,Clotb1pZandD tjoadiff.Houte, leaving 9,11 1 i aub, tat �,n Friday last they must have felt
icknew-Miss Knox, of Auburn, is
saved a 'litil P s 0
Seaforth. the flame, Mr. Gillespie 111r. Hodgins wi I begin rath4 small when they were beaten at
parel and esbap(i, �d caused �fre tient ontbur of ap-,
�au he Rov. Marked cloor.
ting at Mr. L. Farnbam's. - -Revi-val ser-
a course of sermons Is igin an(
�Ifl his stock, but will. also be a heavy loser. th use �7"arna, by fhe soore of one to none A re�
C nifi -mation, in Si Tho as' ebt rch, on vices are in progress at the Methodist turn Matob may be played here next Satur-
The building, wb ich is -no w" a total wreck church, tondesboro.-A numb r from Con- NOTF. s. -Division court w as he. 4 !lIere Ion New arpets, S in& �y night next� r. an� Mrs. i mes A.' day.::4hel Salva;tion Army held a 'm"emorial
�616nged to the Coleman estate. * Thor 3.-.w Wedne Ida of this week by 1is HAor Crtais, new
In eting of the y
Se sib People C ine of Wingham, mme d)wn Satur� 'tancet attended the district Judge Do servwe",ork Sunday evening, in the bairracks, n insurance on it of $800., Mr. Gilospi le, the bar being repre
Independent Oider of Good plars, held sented b
y y in respect to the late In -New j3hipmentw
r. ax Messrs Sinclair and Blair. The as Mri;' W. G. Johnston, gl-
ad an insu ace of $7,50, 1
and M.' d , in D, visit of it �md d iya, t eaforth at Aubuin on Wednesday of t is week. courN
$800. It as &surprise. to most. leop f ends. -.M rs. T. W Duncan. of I h who *aa a;.member.-On Friday evening last
—01 i thelargestwebave had for some time'- bei, re-
US4 the ............. 00 rhen irhey cam d to bu iines is i reek the guest Mrs. � M. Th son� I � I an resting recital was given by the 'g
e down to atten Word.i ras received here to -day t aat A. M.
ceired and being
pupils f kirs. Sta;nbury, at her residence.
0 calling on old ienK Stephen.
polearn that there had been a fire. Thp Spar ig street, and Taylor,au'old Brussels boywas d Bad. After
tope on the aell. in ,Cardno's clock i �s Lena Cavan!' is via' fti ,nds in NOTE.�.-Mr% John SherristJs.danger- A nuird -rid friend were put at low prices
here and teaching for so e vears !he
owek er of the Parents a
i eavmg
C. P. R roke, s4 thi it a pr e- 0. inton. -Mr. Jameil Clark, formerl, , of tho: ously ill with infl�mmation of the lungs. - esent, and a choice programme was ren- OAS -If.
b oper,alarm could not b studied law and commenced prac, d pr
d n Lio s; in To der
given stea n a,, G n store, le�,h for h a home' *n 3ufferin ed in a manner refleeGg most creditably
bYj it, while the.absence' of ij Port� A great many p ple have N 9 ronto, where he staid several ears. 'He
L Tuesday. -�ffessrs. erritt, Strongl! from the effects f la, rippe an� I severe on bot pupils And t
ope or then wi tut to Duluth arid lately to Chica 'go, And t
RAILWAY the BroAdfoot &Box funiture factory pre- aichers. Among these.
came ere e said
ented tke unearthly. sbri�ks of their Duften and Ford, of Mitche on colds. -Mn Mar yn, W110 has been visitin where l,e ha's been for sorn . is taking art were Misses Ruby Wbiddon,
TELEGR H 9 time. It lednesday to bavel", a- friE idly,g e with Ethel ks, Lil an
histle from disturbing tlie peac6f ul sluml� friends near Sharon, returned to his home in he waE away out d Nellie- Martin, Mary
MONEY ORDERS west On a pl)asure tVip
eutle In t Da -CFAUL,-,
rr haV neve� Da ota last week-, -.5-Irs. Louis Shrader died Galbra;i h :Anna'Whiddon, Mabel Wh�id- X M
aberp of the in iajority of he -citizen our curlers. These when h.- -%vas seized'with ai'i attaclk of
tried before, and vi e. so aken 'th the -on 'Wednesday last. She waE a laughter
cl r
don, R ta and Flossie Staubury ; a fine solo
STEAMSHIPS monia, which cut him off in. a few days- .-Dry Goods-
ro e very Inxiou by M�. �&. E. Erwin, instrumental, music by
D. - h+ -
BOARDERS' WUTTE A. couple o arin' game tbap�they a ofMr.1�ippert,iear.DashwooA. Sielea,e' His bo, ly will be brokkg4t to � ntario fo'
b 'ders can ffil d pleasant home in private lamil3l tc lea rn. -Air. John� R. Lyork was i tow to mourn her lost a husband a ad � kifin W. and, A; Peek:on the violin. ad cello
t-- burial. His father lives iwith
)west car iis grajid-
Reliable Information an Lc Comfortable.rooms;-pleagant location. Appl The rec ut snow storm almost blo iked the
y a on oin ( .
t is mee Is camd'up fro; a To Flossio Staxibury on the piano, Ruby Whid! Companvy
E.<PosIT*Offl08. -in Wingham.-The lBrussels eurI6 re
Rates given by 14 724f terests of the insa�ance concessi na, and nuch shovelli ig w a neces. (Ion on the� autobarp. It is to t)e regretted
co panies, as val. went to Wroxeter on T 8 ay an ;
ne were de -
GET YouRRepairing. done by Daly. Sat. u or in connection With the late -fir 3. Hit sary. -Mr. Neeili I, of Credito I, d ed last at -unable to be Selsforth,
ITALA sfaction Guln citieed, or money. refunded feated by the club of th lace b 7 13 shot
IRANAL J. MAGDO that umber of pupils were
aold friends 'were pl6a4ed to ee hity i week. en ill for abot t a � ear. He prese owing to the 'impassable state of
many e had be _C
I Alliax intends put
SEAFORTR. 1172-1 ting a two 8 ry
-again. Three rinks. of ofir curl was a n tive of G He leaves a wife
e r armany
Comm �o fit everybody.-AVe ba�vv additiol to his otel this ng, rid is n the ads. -Jame Ferguson and Wm. along
the road. Tlie train hands ere all
colts, visited Goderich on Wednesday gro up far -lily one laii-ef iter and. Jowet t had a rough experience last week in
taken the Agency for the manufacture of -C orsets laying � own the brick. HU is tt, n
01 oss by hi3 sad death.�-Aflw.
d defeat at th� hands of the' dircular twp son 3 to mourn hi, rs. '�7eeliu is g the the storm, Bef6r it commenced they much affected
i, tej All � corsets in do from actual measurement. QAl L 81
ffere athe Her fryn yard. D via, o d,
al Steinbach, organist of Cannel Presbyterian
4nd! see the s plea. W. W. Hoffman. tc wn 31%yers by ten shots. -liss Me Ken drove do-tivii past Kettle Point, and had p
zie, at prese it seriously ill.
-stock o�', R. cG, 0 wan, hiir-oh,is-visitin-frieutls'inTor4jn.t has pur-based the 0 eing
Iffi i It time to reach horn, e� b
of Sai nia, is a guest at the residene of Mr. very di ou
and the Toronto Bankrupt i Stock Com J.E.McDonuCll, tardwame merchant, was ht
T and *edding ringsin. i I the K, Peacre.-Mr. Thomas Burr ett hat Bluevale. caugh in the worst of the stor.m. Their seaforth, Ise
have pu mhased the stock 6f Jarr es Irvine, kst wi . k, com bining business with
n off. ---�-A -Alr.Saknuel Rannie, of the
NowestDeeigns, at Daly". 1 72-1 returred home after a pleasant visit td joseph Pugh, of lie post andare now busy runnhigthe,!r waylhadtobeniadetbrouah fields, fences Pleas
TOP .. i - ur "l(th ue town-
CLOTRI-Nm ! Clothing 0 ch fHends in Fergus. -Mr. A. 5�oung h4s been! being taken down.
-est- best equipped and most popul r commerelil
Lar e has sold his stock o 3/ r. Rob large b ELutity -of square timber is' being ae- ship
stock is large and well assorted. Jusi new office stdt', Of Hay, was for many yearsne ot
athe Don.iniod; moderate rate eyerything sschool 11 31 fin 3d to his residence thio week throu all. rge -Casemore.---41iss Li kin of liverea i Lt the station for the expo�t trade. -er
ert Goo
flast.-class; for circulars. SIXAW&ELLIOTT, splemilid time f )r people in- need of Mob's and Boys c our. most nt
-prizing townsmen, and to
�uits to drop it and pick p what the need .-The heavy snowfalliWas too mu Southampton, c ducted revii al - meeiings
y Zurich.
1444-62 w him Herksall is much indebted for the..
Firomaing sp!cial reductions throughout thiss8de fO the'veranda in front of Mr. D. D. Wil; in -'the Methodistchurch all la t week, and ga
al discounts on all suits, as well a so 'if o gg emporium, and it g�veiway, unde Mr. H
Lakelet.. -enry Bauer h1,a businets enterprises that he -erk
do, the same this 'week. Miri. John
-9- pcdd�Coats, Pan a and vests. -All Overcoats t and t u d intends when it was but struggling, werney say in
artmerib. Spi ci i Noi Es
ITrims -Saturday was bo out Mr Justus Dernuth an
w ight of the be.autiful I that bad gath a nice da, old. Sol
the erectionof .
below cost. S] eindid *orldag,, Pants at 85c pc r pair,' erbd u it. y removibr-e 0 Velm f inglia, spent Tu sd q' visit shone forth in all his spl gi nf Lllc�, such
(81if to re in:about two Weeks. We, ive him its verY i' E
VT IF We�lare-olearic all Fur Goods at cost. W. MA thereb ne of th 'ord's.-31 endor an I eau�y.
RE mills, the large brick block of
ling at � Mr. Walter Ruthbr, r.
a hearty wel orn a nice place
relics )f'old time Seaortli.-�rr Taylor -Dr. Ross, of Clifford, passe c �e. H� has got splen4i
72 Charles �Roberts�n ri�turned -to Bo- a throu... h here
issevain, to hio--J.� W. Ortwine moved to Hensall stores on the north side of Kingtret,
ba;rrister, of Chicago, who is 1 W611. i: ly to cc Mr. George Scott, 0 t] Le 16th
You can I my a 10 K. Gold Filled nown t
Case,' Manitoba, last week-, after a p1asant visit U` P. Sippel, last Satu-
last Tuesday. Centennial hotel, and a number o
ith Elgin or,Walthain movement, for $10, at Dalyio. miny i ii this locality, died at Cripl le Creel, , 'who is seriously ill. Tv -o doe -
DISTRICT MATTE., 'S. under the paretal roof.-TEe late Mr. day, brought 6tramp in Che second
dwellings- Irk-addiion to all ' e a
tors, Ro;s and Tuck, performed a )ai 3ful op. from
1172-1 C610rat do, on - Tuesday, 23rd inst,, of pneul., James Warwick, of Morris, w b d in cOncessioll, and.. lodged him in the mentioned, we are pleased to say, that al.*
SiBEFAN.- Be - ed Oats, -To FaIndis and! monia His remains, will be. �broug t8l )u e
oration c a him a week ago, and sin�"ce hen
It to In+ the Bluevale ce . etery on Tu ay1after.
TuR CoLLE(,iztTF, LiTERARY 36ciETY.- ere wishing I o procure any of this variety. I wish geraw for interment. -Miss! C look- up t�n Alonday, and then took though Ar. Rarmiie and his family -are re.
arri 3 Moore life haul a in the balance- a him X
:The (toe- or ba
ostate thatl bavesold all my titook to Mr. Scott, 4 noon. The funeral was very I rge.-Mrs.
gul Goderich jail. -Mr. Pollock, siding on their fine farm 4 Hay, he has lost
There ar meeting of the Collegiate Liter- da�gh er of Mr. William 1A 'ore, as gone some h es of his ultimate-- rl�ccvery.�- from m
�edsman, of 8'aforth. Those -wishing to cure Abraham Jacks L, of the first line, Morris Dry Society was held on Wednesday last, f Arthur Mrs. Fee and family
iycandosoby8APPlYiIIgt0lAM, PFTBR URAD, to 1Lo don, to tae a course �n Vdio study, was ve ill I si we'ek.-Mr and Mrs. ooper, living 'south of� h. -re, has Manitoba isvisitink, noneof his old time spirit f enterprise, or
ry relatives of hiz--1Ae-v. D. H. Braund has faith and interest in and is it pr
and in the absence of thepresident, the vice rysciale P. 0., �4 1 �72-2 at the Conservatory of Musio.-Mi. Harold ent a few d' thi bought place south of Clifford, boil taining es.
George McDofiali I sp ays is
president, Miss Stephens) took e chair, Ja�vis, tenor, and Mr. Arthur been 1�; see his parents near New Hamburg, ent getting a large quantity -of material-
NicicL Al i Week visiting tBeir relatives near: Moles- lw'acr.( , at $3,400. The farm on which
arm Clocks for '5 cen ba, at Depew, or-
& -rid delivered a -very fine address. The pro- eyl. George Finkbeiner, of Elmira, has onhandfor the erection of u-nother fiiwl�
*1y 1172-1 ganist, of Detroit, will appeai in the Moth he live(. will, be sold about the � ist of
rendered in the usual bright man- been ere to- see his son, and was t brick block, imediately to the
odist c hnrch, on Wednesday Ovenir ig, Mare March. - -Those who readthe he g-dest west of and
FACT. -We will be more thain. se no es w 0 othe
2, f ner was as follows - Readings by Mr. Wil. I as'ed if oui customers. will kindly settle A P with lAh. This*wiil be a great musical treat for attendek our last c ' of , his at Mr. F. Kibler. -Mr. his present brick block,
3entre&a. epeind- r ei�iner, The
son and Miss Govenlook in itrumen-tal sleither by cash or note, on oriefire Marc) 20th- oui cit izens. Goo who , was kicked in the or of this block, we believe, he in. NOTES.-Mesz,3. Walker and Handford ent Ordt r of Good Te hall, 1 do not
in b horse
balanced up at that date. Prompt attention 8 very have -bought and hipped a number of horses
i n here
and triist be will be around again in a store- The erection of this block , w
solos by Al itises Lvnch and S he trio I accounts are now sent out, and books Er ust be want to orget the concmpare e g 111to recently,is doing welli tends tting up for a chartered bank and
by Misses Willis, Ite Z E'Tn i ert t6. �
:Compan�, Main Urn is at Cor.ath,-Miss on -Marc 6th. Mr. Pearce is co g,
as ry r adfoo Box 3�eadbllu. lately. -Edgar and
duet by Misses Porter aad Steve*ou -vio. feN�'*6eks.! Wim. McNevin, from,. Exeter, up what has been a gap for o e time, �on
112-3 tho'se w o paid for the -last will be a mitt led 'Was aIda Abbot has' l i one to Detro4l. to take'&
lin solo by Miss Parkohard ; seleo us from NOTES. -MISS Charlotte Dkindas rid Mis�
Corbr Silv Cai;e fitted with Wa� tham. this tim, for nil. -Mr. Haskett, o i* town last Sunday, for the first time our ain. street, and will sAd greatly.to itit
osition in a Arge ate Mande
King Richard II, by Alias Bond d Messrs. Di* ah Robinson have been roun P ul; hotel sthe operation was performed on him. appearance. -Mrs. William ]b
n takim si mai ougall, ar.,
iovement, for , at Daly's. 1 72-1 2, ha disposed of his property h to a
Holman and Byrne ;'and a' chor a by the Subscr ptions in' Hicks is -0 tin at Seaft Carry,
aid of Me odist issions Mr. Gal aher, of Belmore, for is doin well. -Mr. E. Dobrer was in left here on Tuesday morning, for Belgrave
NwKmL C fitted with -Waltharn ve- of Bryanston, is ? isitin� aht Ja ndon 1
Tliese oflec ore 0 We
glee club. After the editor -in chief read -ment for $5, at aly's. young ladies are c briefs MI ' 'F&U"s' have not heard what Mr. Haskett pprposes t week. -*Dr. B. Campbe where she intends - itiiig -friends whom a
72-1 missic 11, who vu
t appointment, rid hav Miss Be a catoott 0 a bei -ri stay- doing.- was mi Toronto last eek on business, has has notseen for some time.
he 'Recorder, the mbeting. w" closed by G m6nies at Bethel -Miss Be w
P. -A. -ND C iaT.-Mr. Haro 1vis, 801 1 m all parts come cries 8car- We wish her
e society. i nor, of Detroi Mr. Arthur Do' M w th fair success.-Mr.Au t Lesa tit he., 'home pleasant time. -4-1r. It. Pate
raon a
in Exeter on Tu)sday.-4 f the public r., Is
until', Detio was itin frienAA i e
in via' here hav scarcely any feed: and th the' contract of at present in getting I
singing the national anthe T ing at the par qe, returned city of � -eturn�d.-Mr. Ed. Hagan -- our
pew, or at ist of _ 0 feed.
ill meet every week M. Ne First Presbj rian Church, lt,in t e letha. �u der of Brodhagen, t Many o �armers
l tast;6,� nspec school t acher, who has busily engaged
ited the school ast week, and gre
dist Church, Ism if irth. on W ednesday evening, March. section a few days agd��Pl Lug on Plan
in �his andevery- trouble they cannot at )reak in and training a horse for C. now machinery in position for his
11th General v d nimion, 25 cenis. 11172-1 n extensive scale w" thing all right 99 W get it. -The i here new.
A' VISIT FRun SECRETRY CoLE.---�On as all thO go- st-Mon, --A lecture on oman, 191 Lat Saturday bitched him d mg millai and we hope before ong to heam
ere nu!
rid po er," was deli ered' before kize it buzzing. Mr.
ffaes&y evening rhis. her place a are grad ally on the decline. We f r th '
Mr. S. G. C-oleL Provincial EVERy ard( 16 in FRED D_�vis' stor -, No. industry was con4ucte on the: ove 4 tit one block, when th D Paterson with - his
vening, are two cases that are hopeles fine
ristiark As- 2 at halt the for a . pr the Epworth Lei rue on Tuead .-Mr.
the You, d kkp� in al dire6- Dulmage, our reeve, attended ihe r to kick and made foi the ditch, new building and improved achinery, wAi
1 172.1 11?4da, which were rippe
ng Men's CE -ice. y e
But eeting
ciation b ere a visit. Improved r L'es of exchan tious.-A pleasant social party o,,' by the Rev. W. 'I t. -The funeral ser-
sociation, paid the aggo for fai mers We trol, bein. a better positio
invited 1 of the co incil in Fordwich on ut the nei soon had him under e6n to carry n hiss buss
Unfortunately, the public ineeting called 'ests met rs, Nairn was prea esday
wheat w -Owing il 3 the increased v up of w t - by gu, at the residence of Mr. L.�' mon of the late ched on last. -3,1 -. J6bs, who has been v isitii ig here d af ter making a few necessaryre� ire, iness 'than he was before the fire. W4
late advance in 1 does, we are giving 2 lbs. mor flour Sunday evening, a large congregation being
for that evenng was very 1 Wednesday evening of last I ove ;o!Hensall, no furtherds eing trust his business enterprise will meet -with.
-pr bushel than c rmerly.for fatgne h es at present. during t e winter -moxiths, left for Dakota
done. thesuccetis itmerits, as very few men
Mr. Cole gavo a brief qutlinQ (I the good iie!, mill, eafo, iemp, our stock rais- at big
-irork done by the association for the young Managec 1472-2 music era, viz.,A lessrs. Wallace, Ferguson anfl Lam- age, and in, view of the heavy loss he BIJZ-
Grey. tain
T. 0. A �iNgulrdohnad an enjoyable time games, —0 Friday witha bride. -Four of
4nd merriment being the order
uther* coun- Dashwood.
men of other towns. He is, a most tLetive Watolk, open night. Some of the 1young people ish, have gone to 8'md of the so ed., would have had the pluck to rebuila
SPECIAL. -Gold filled face, 0 andengage anew in. business. -The
worker in the cause, b 4 old drive getting there., but th AM ties in q eat of a fin anim I
and his h( of ul and decorated dial, f DI $8.60f at FR"-DAVIS'store No. 2. A PLE&SANT G_&THERi_,TG.-On Friday e a. DBA with feelings of greatre- revival
meetin are still being -continued iu t
cannot fa.' to ir�stil 14 72-1 * not mi id that a bit., Mr. 11aigu e uannY his evening , of' last week, a large number of -he
encouraging re�
�ret tb at we pen this week the particulars M.etho
t �hurah -�jmd are be- , Jarg
eatima Ae wife were untiring in their efforts friends go, L y
new vigor into those at the head of the' as- LADIE�-D) you want a *atcb ? If so theredat the beautiful and6om- en. (f the .. atli of Mrs. Lou -is Schroeder, who terided.-IN-liss X el
61)6nald of � t,
atiord, is
towar� a making those presen§ feel comfort-. modious new brick residence 4 if Mr. John NOMS. -Mr. R. *cMordie, a dir tor of � ied or hursd4y of last week, at her resir- he guest of Mrs. John Eigie.-Miss Ida,
sociation here. Rev. Mr. Bon was also new is your cha. i to buy one at ]�RzD DAVIS' store
a.ud expressed his sym pat wtih,the 2, at one -ho, f ihe regular price. 1 72-1 gin Buchanan, 16th concession., with the 4teu- the Owrk. Sound ifire insurance co dence he 14th concession, after -two
present, able.- rhe E ondville writeir tell i of two (I
M 0
noble object which the Young NICKLE Ali r n0locks, regu ar price.$1.25 gentler ion who drove to Henhall c a a very sible articipatin AlcFaul, of Luean, wasin the ivillage this
1 ree�,s' il eas The departed was a daugh-
urpose of n 9 house last weel attended their -annual siness week -visiting Mrs. T.
;Y, to comphall, i and 8.50 now G io and 95c, at F RD I)Avis'l store Cold day this winter. He speaks kindly of Muidock.
tian Associationis strivij warming. it was the largest athering of hat haz aken place f 'village
the kincl t years, nee to I e last we�k, the guest of Mrs. C. � A. M 6-
f $,o. 2. them for having -got there W' meeting in th t t ' .-We bespeak'), large t Br and Mrs. John -Lippert, ad,had Fitzgerald, of Toronto,
and assured 41 of his hear eratio 1472.1 ithou i givk was in the
in 0 and andie ;kbae leo�;nire of Rev. . E. Iff (nly been married about a year to Louis
ye- e
the work. SIECTACLES. e can suit any eye, and a their h)rse a rest, or freezing to dot th the 2 ras enjoyed b ry one to t fullest -ex- derson, in St. AndreWs church , M6XI 0�- Ochl oeae'r, w... en ath overtook her,
M at the Dortnell.-We regret to chronicle the deathr
pair will only co! it you one-half th . e former prce, at sebreti. Well, we believe t eK co Id have tent. The host d hostess. did all in their day everij ng, in the interests of tile Sabbath eal: r a
2-1 bla 2 eted, watered and giv t eir driver
the s:pitib power to
FREb DAVIS'401 8 No. 2. t eir guests a 9 of 24 years. She was a true, --of Mr. George -Mitchell son of Mr. Wili-ara
of Xrs. make fa
Seeds Seefla Seeds Three reasons fem mi lutes' breathing time with:)lab any time, an hool. his will be Mr. Hendeiison% first 1!1111 flil ife,� a helpmeet indeed,whose care, John McLenan took its flighit to of thip place hich occurred on
he raalms why it will P d to say at hey succe ded is only visit to u as a lectiiiier. His oyin, )a an, .9
presence is all d wffection the bereaved hus- Friday night of last week ong an
aboVe. 'Mrs. cLennaa had - obtracted iyou to buy your seeds a1ftott's dis Dlay of, craelty to the - arkinial, i md like-, putting -it mildly4 an early our in the that i ensure itr3 success -The an( wil I Bg took painful illness, which t
Mammoth Seed d Feed' Store. 1;,st. That 'we are a essary to dly miss. Her funeral
wit e might lave warmed their hands and evenin ac he beat of medical'
that d-rea d disease,. consum ption, vhich, af- able to su ly y with a stock of grain, clover and g the sweet, an' lively at ains of the . oil Sun eon,
annual rn eting of the shareholders. the in oren
and was largely skill and care could not cure. The funeral,
ter a liaird struggle, removed h r to that gt,ase seest; th "land second to nne. 2nd. That fee), taken a glass of toddy and lef the ho- violin were heairA,' acedniparki d by the at piteof bad roads. The ser -
buy field and garden. seeds- from one iday 'te: Lded
ourstoo Of I public ha company takes lace this jr on Monday, to MeTaggarts cemetery,, was
Ontario, so
home where -no sorrow or pain is. Deceased w' tel: keeper a dime, without i erilling patter and shuille of feet, tr ading the vice I were co ducted b Rev. 31r. Eby. fy. largely atfended, testify
of the most reli le wholesale houses in e, n ng i I the hall. -Mr. Afellis isited Ve
t the�r souls'salvation to any4larming ex- rih ti t N ing te'the re.
I thlat we can ho stly recommend them to our cus. which continued wi. on in er. z am.�-T f
was Ju -s i the prime oof hif g only 3f ve i in Stratford during the for meetings are still
was I fr e art spee
be tent.. o -day, the same as- �t; mazy dance w iends reviva t felt for deceased. The
e s -of aige, She leaves a hu ajid and tolue ardeonfident that when you ex. "ghteen mission till midhigh'ti. After r reshments uner-4 sermon
t s strZ;- ha, r r, the week, During the late storm Th keptl on- with good success, as there have
ine or stock you will Bud our ggods and prices ceri:burias ago,there is such a -thine CE
3 'was preached in the Methodist chdr
0 small children to mour - her loss. d been ervedt, dancing was resu POSITOR urmounted all di beenisome fif�y converts. -The great storm
fa f 13 w med. ch by
right, 11,72,2 fficulties, a d was the pastor, Rev. Mr. Swann, Rev.
The funera took I Ing- at a gnat and swallowing a!'ca`m, -1. -e hiLd last week made the roads impassable
place on. T1. esday to Social converse Imps, etc., als occupied V
0 . I on band tD its many readers as usual -The
the Egniond% ITEAT 3. -Mr. John Scott left on Tuesday' Roy, Hendersonarld Wilson, taking part in.
-ille cemetery.-Oln Monday, the time of ' a� 10 nsiderable nu ber until f Ir % c6 up16 of ays. Some snow drifts
0 TnE LITERARY AND DEBATUNG CLU wis . ng ice ha-rveE t, is now in full swing. M& ky are -ere so, large, that tunnels were dug through. ch e. The attendance was
ng, alled for Friday evening litit, no of our brightest yoking men - host and hostess ipany years of happiness -a widow and his
j ist east f T& meeti for Dakota wherb he intends to remain.' awn, beni after �heir laying in store of that cooling.ingi odient
Richard Dixon, of Tuck near the d the. chur servic
As he *as 0 missed by the' yo he laid up very lar e. The deceased'
a in their splendid I residende,, in a a n their
which debating club, was well atten�ed, find �the f oure admired ber of our. citizens are
town, died aer an illness Of caIrceli a for the �purpo,, e of for'ming a Iliterary and, he ' ill be much for the su mmer months, from over t mill _. ' Earents Wave the Symp
week, of inflaninmtory rheum ati w u6g folk' It Dean th f
t lagrippe. There are
went to his hea,14,- musin of Leadbury.-Mrs. Win. Scott, pond. -1V aster John Mollie, who hals been also some who erea-vement - 'r.
g death. Deceased 1 & has by all, the guests to for their re- .-M and
w �e ifts. John Weis-
intlerest disipla yed sh6wed that the club Will been se.,iously ill, we are pleased t is in Stratford for some months, has returned b i've a adverei attack of diphtheria, but we miller have.returried bohie from visit
was 43 yeare of age and iFeadveea's'ha- 1 rge fam - 0 know i spective homes, Well pleased and ith last- home fo, a time. -Business. Mg -
4 interesting one. Addresses 'recovering. -Mies Sophia MeGavin, is reviving
be !'� livelv an 'a" trust that good care will be taken not to
ing- feelings o . e' kindness again aft r the storm. -A fund for the Ar. a in the-
igri titu
ily. The funeral took place on ednesday in f the objects of the club d --m* h 10 this aread: disease to spread in the county of Wellington. They rep
t 0 now de for th�e friends in Glenallan, and other place
PPO,7 -
and hosp y is w
to the new Catholic cemetery, an was tin a L zzie Cruisti'and Mr. 1eaac McGavin itall il them by th host and orb the-
enFcluraging iqs mem H gh Sv Ila e. 311r; William Miller, while in town
1.�ers to proceed in the were I Ross Win hostess, menians as been started in St. AndreWs great -deal deeper there
der the direction of -the C, e ruests of M snow as being a
A.-, who go6d k re P e o. her da had the misfortune � through
congregat.ori, and contributions hkve already t J .
attended the funeral in a body, th than here, and, the roads almost
M. B wor r w de ivered by' Mayor Cray gunday.-Miss Dina Robinson re.
0 b of re- I I a e ac imassable.
i McDonald. After. corisi turned iome from -Mr. W. 0. -Davis, merchant, was irk. Tor
r- been han� ed An opportunity will be ciden to fracture his leg above the
o was one of t eir is a couple Of weeks' visit
apeet to deceased, wit h . 11�
0 it ws decided that t -A,6 sets in town. -Mr. and given to � ihose who- may feel'd* ainkle -All asi4ess placesin the village close
inot active member. Mrs. John Scarlett spent xpter. isposed to onto last week visiting his. brother-in.law..,
I didates nominated to stand an e1lec- last week in Goderich. o! following Sabbaths in at ei lit o' k,excepting Saturday night.- Mr. T. Higgins, barrister. -A happy
of and-idates contributf the tw c
-Mr. Albert Dandas LoCL BRIEFS. Mr. an Mrs. lexander envelopes or to any member of session. Mr. Henr from Toron is �0_upie,
tion, for app ntment.. The following i -are had the misfortune to lose a valuAble horse d t 0 y Schroeder to% from beyond Clinton were made one in our-
AcciD,F,,T8.-0n Friday eveni g last
t1ii li t H norary president, Dr. Qo1quhoun, an il en, left for their 1 h X6 in e v i a i tin hie j�r_;n'ts and other iela- village, on Wednesday afternoon H'ensaR
McDon- last w iek from inflammatio r. Frank home at
Itlue tick t -president, James Watson; 4,. i D.Ug as, ani a,.on tive &cob rmann was at Lon- t.
Blaster Arthur Brownell, eldest so of Mr- a McCull has.a ewe which gave birth to'rtwo' last.- . J M I a J, Tuesday Bayfleld. elle has always been a favored -place lo,
T Mr el an par lea -
oseph Brownell, met with a P&inj ul. acci- i president , R. J. Macdonald, Ja an, w e, of Bran- don t As twnInes week on business. -Nfiss Laura frorn adjoining and illages.1 halw'.
evexi- v
dent at the skating rink. He was enjoying lambs o January'15th, and b4th are doing don, Manitoba, ar vi itin'friendi and ae. I On Wednesday X ible -,from, Zurich, is the guest of Mrs. the knot tied.'�-Mr. arries
treasurer, D. Track.. well.- r. Johnston Kenny, �vho wa - a suf- quaintances i�n tow J. A. b. cDon ing of last week, there was an intiere ti W Smilhie eldeO
id t, 0. L. -Schmidt fering orn a severe attack of I la gr' otel man has laid i a 80n of Mrs. B, Singh -e, and, who'. is
the exhilarating, exercise, an�l in soi iie, man, J
ner accidenta,11y fell, SL elli. Red tick t-presi en t .-Our new h
ippe, is of the Can a mpany Toron ur,
Vic presid t Dr.- Dqwar, Chris. Sp 0 Toronto time at Afr. George Erwin's Com, ore )PIJ of ice. attend -
colla bone. He as lin Ilen again. "ne triking beavi y on the now ab In. e
_�r- Lai 10XA al -IAiss J. Holt will start
�reeSelretflir :4 day last spent Sunda I 'A fr. James & e, at London wa.8
ice, and breakitirr his to be around 0 t I ipi ei] rI i C it ing the Businew Colleg
I; c I Pla�ce. hotel, the 11
I . treasurer,,H. Speare. The week, hile Mr. John BarrW occasion bem' the rejuveria maoking shop in the villaige.-Mr- h4[TMe recently for a few -days. H
taken to me, where the inj ur d mem. arry
ion wi t ke plape in the council chain- through Leadbury, and 11q_o. Stephen, pendent Ord _9m. Michigan, who has been Bn�. is home visiting her father, Air. W.
his ho 10 wil �1
t 'n I was driving Delgatty, sch I section 1 1, of the Indi er of Fores a, i Qeork Griil�k -Mrs.
; a,- Qeorv' Gr
ber was attended to, and the unlortuixate not having a tight pai.d the town a flyl Saturday field lodge, A few memberse we ed Via" his
boy is now doing as well as could be expect- r lasu.-Miss P. Boyce, INt 1110ti-t6ii and other relatives for R. Hodgius, of the Comme '- hot,61.
this (Frid evening.' After counting. line, th horse ran against a � post 'at M T,
rid on e
ome mon
balots, ape ches - will be made y the Jones' h tel, an am ly entralia, Spent Sai- a al ago, and the institut ob. IB16 era we_�ka, in this village, has returned F. G. Arnold isin Toronto th
I .1fred Schroeder is home via- tending the millinery o,.m
ed. -On Friday morning a young son of Mr. d &shed his -oUter bad urday and Sunday last here, the guest of tained a,.' home. Is week, -at-
orlous as w R as by the defeatod candi. PD rtial existence, However, i Mr,
Win. Aberhart, of Tuckersmith, m A with a Mrs. Thomas Collin mings, and Abo vi gh not serious acci -Miss Jennie ti nder
d at. He '!Ing Wo parental roof, after 3pendin
minful, thou d lob . All tb se paying the me�nbership gwood. Swallow, c f Clinton, hfgh court deputyli put
t-wau, -6 e cents will be eftitled to Wroxete Taylor, of Taylor's Grove, ha' 9 iting her 'parents., who ;eside in that city.—
a bee a visitm*g in some go )d work for a� few days, witli the 84vera, Mga
i had been deliverin.cr milk in t6hu for hi I friends in the Village for thei� past week.- enthusiast organization Mr.
8 vol and it is oped that.a li&rge number of 1 NOTES -Sad indeed was th of last wiee� as 0 O'Neil, V , 8- of London, was in the
yvoi ng men wil the The Evening with Tennyson, he Id by the the result. Mr. Swallbw, with a num. r f village on Mondby attendig the funeral -of
father and when just south of the railway avitil themselves of, this
track he stopped to take on a pissenger. I 0P.- Brusbels orchestra, etc., on 'We anesday last, Christian Endeavor of Cmyen. Presbyteriku F "Hensall. his brother-in-laW, the late George MitchelL
a so oresters, ine over om Clinton to assist
after a fruitless. attempt to rea Jh this place,
At that time a train. came aong 1�oi tunity of up iting themselves %v�th , -
righteT ci4y which has such laudable objects. church, on Friday,evening 1 8 a g and in the intei -eating cc -Inspecto Tom, f Goderich, visited our*
The snow storms of
e in to play at the Methodist conceit inthe pa- success A large number. ony, and after the schools this week. -Air, J. IV_ Ort
ing the horse mad causing it to jun p. Th Loc. L ]�.R,6
I and a election of' officers urs ay land Friday last
sudden start made the boy 'illion, on the evening of the d�� aforemen. d the installafioh of completely merchant, has been busily engaged during -
and fall aff, his foot getting aught tied. th r duties, a number ked p thd oads for a t
ose his balaince 0 , length; programme was - dispensed with.- the officers elect t'01 bloc
c The sympathies of itizens here Miss Carrie McIntyre; of Toronto, is visit- of instructive a u also in moving his household -
in the the ime in tG see- the past week
U h
e ivil
n nj
be p
I r
I t
t it ims
6 nip int�
ali OCAL Bp S.--7'Mr. (4eorge heiii ty addresses were do- tion, aad t trains, and during those effects from Zurich -here, and is now com-
gh. Before the- horse cort1d be topped Patterson ere� greitly drawn -out to the whenhear-. ing friends and acquaintances in town,- livered b
appoi ited District -Officer of the ng 'of ng rid local brethren. days we were. h it off from the outer
his leg just at the ankle had received a se- ha bee 4 capsize after leaving their own iti world, fortably settled in the dwelling recentlK Va-
U tedVorkn en for Huron district. Miss Sniith, milliner for E. J. 8 3ackman, Court Ba 0 i no, v make a record for alid it was not In til after the snow plough
vere sprain. It is a *04der the injured -�Miss own, a full half mile. Bein ha ed her duties, witi'the best itself, wit the foll wing offiders at its passed thromu, g so very far a again resum cated by Mr. A NVeselob.
ie airlev
member was not more seriously h art, but, who has beenviniting friends roin! hoi is. at this juncture, ax �d fearful of Dn Friday afternoon,, that (look in moving
as it is, he will be confined to the wishes of her many friends.-Revi 7 into the fine new dwelling
own for a I w weeks past, left for her e val meet- head Chi(f ranger, George Erwin; vied- the trains wer able to run. -A very sad which he has rented from Mr. R. ratersoi,-
bouse for t t' rannous breathing of the north" ings ae still. being hold in the Methodist chief range 7, H. Drarmen; recording se2ro- aocident,.-, ing in instant death oc- ar.-Ifiss Gillespie, of Cromarty, has'beerk:
some time. ho ei' Carbe ry., Manitoba, on Monday.-- to faae, they turned their !faces south. church here, but will end with this week
Alx,Ri�hard P lard, of Leadbury ' d d soon were seekin olace from Rev Dr Me mol tary, W. J Elliott ; financial seer the -uest of Al r a-4 IV- 'A
al)ed on etary,,D; ourred at this t ion on Saturday eve'nm T_r
0 ar a 9
y e 1.11, preac ed Shoppard ; treasurer, W illiam, Bates -; chap- last, as the fre 11 t train was passing no Mr. and Mrs. James Lang, of inn'ipog?
us Ae other and in renewing his sub. the dea old " folks at ho e, and no. the anniversary services in Caver: Presby- lain, -Rev. . J. Oaten; senior woodwar It was very'm hours behind time, o Manitoba, were here recentl
NOTE.S.—The aniuversar ser ptiqn for a other year, informed us that ;'amo nt of telegraph
y u . despatch a could in- teria;n church, on Sunday l4st.-Alias w_ 11119 Y, xisiti g their
services of our church, on Sabbath last, thi i waI'a the t irty-first 'yearly payment he Iduce th m to lea.ye their Ellen John Gem' hard; senior beadle, A. T t6 the late ano � !storm, and while brakes;- many friends - and 'relat who wers!
own 6 side. owlt� w
Xis Brown, of this place, is visiting friDnds and send ; c` iii t deput ods. Aftek an Alexauder I Livin Ives.,
Rev. T. A. Cosgrove gaton, of Wingham, pleased to see them looki4g so wt.11, after so -
were well.attended, and the sermons from hm , m4de to THE EXPOSITOR. This is a �said the would have made the attempt to acquaintances at Taylor's Grove. -The far- the bu,8111(as of t e evening had been fin- as engaged ai-� his duties at the north
G. W. Wo"
-well received.' This Ion; tii�ne to b a continuous subscriber to a 11agaiiin " oat in" after the sad catastrophe, mers are hauling their wood and grain to ished,the -visit n brethren were entertained a, v co, ADUPling cars to eter, was, In the villagi) last week NY'
-wais the reverend oientleinan�s first appear- paper, Pad sue u ond tine many, years' absence. -Mrs. 1�-. H. Conine,
substantial appreciation of !had it nrL t been that a prominent rofessor to-wri daily. -Miss Miller and bl� as Horne by the loca 1 lo I of EX
a interests of at luncheon,.provid
y evening e struggle e AS ed'b$r b) ite t e sivitch, it was suddenly iting some of her friends. We are pliaseA
11 M nto mine host of Commercial hotel. No* n)tice -who near the cattle guard,that tosee thatAir, David W. -Foss, whoha&
glad to greet him again. Monda �ouragos us in �what ru npled by contact with � i little -speck this week. -Mrs. Rossieo who has for some is the time to unite, as rates are unusu%lly
&nee in our (4iurch�', but our Poo will be out. efforts in t the public n of the Company found hi shirt bosom some- 'attended the millinery openings in Toro* g
ple P Id e
e T1 F to keep up' the t e
;rOsITOR to such! a de. a light, with
-%ras in very -way favorable, and tin hou'r staodatd of EX ;of the b autiful, arid this bein too much !tirAe been visiting at Mrs. J. A. k� tewart's, low. �vhich he had been sign "1 9, Ago*
or two the basenient vas packe� with a ia as is sel6c if �ver re-ach6d by another Ifor the " professor " decid di glin his shoulder dislocated a few weeks
owing to an accident, is getting aroun
ed tters with of this place, returned to her home in Len- Ju=rxcui o-K.,Moorehouse and- W. H Agent -H tation, who was nicely, and although yet unable to atten&
splendid sociable crowd, for which ' isapPoare a,' and a moment later G,. T.
the time forceoll newspa in the Provinee.-The in ithe wh)le company. Wrox ar
P any , of a
seemed all too short. The wil ter citizens 14on on Monday last.-Xiss Morgan and rison drovf to Port Frank this week, the a sisting-at t . .. ..:
h � I P m Passing a to atten&
it in s6ri-y to hear t at she has been seriously ill non4ppearan es Ferguson, eet towards at on, found the body of on the shop, and to the delivering.-Mr-
symposittin, however did not seem to f few to all his duties as -a baker, is able
mis8ionary friends of Mis MiAnic Donovan I be ; have mo re- than once been disa pointed by �'Xrs. D. Spicer left on Tuesday morning to latter rem- Wing there.-�Jam
Ithe cc of Brusse talent a
8 Attend the millinery opening at T)ronto.- whil f
le play I g football on Tuesduy, had th-.6 P )or Livm on the track, with his bead Welsh is getting material ork the ground for,
after ; the addresses bein too lengthy and for the !past iv( -1k. Neuralgia of the heart Ibilled.—Jaimes Ireland, of Owe Sound,paid the dance held at the xeter N th tem. misfortim to severely sprain his knee, atJ, ei ushed on of adl form and shape, and his th erection of 4
lacking in interest to the large MEJorityof waithecauseif tbo, trouble. tele.- lthe village a flying visit one d I t
thosepresent. Theother partof thepro- hd a, ely.— [perance house, was a gran sorn i e riew-dw6lling, on theidta
ert ut'evening was a e a number way. A lar e number from
nes avebemput-in-byMosiirs. Rob' A pleas; a spent b cdl succes in every in consequ nee, will be laid, up for b -ains ooziug! out, and one of his &rme of his former one, which was destroyed -
gramme was very acceptable, and our peo. Co�,t, eedsm.; n, and - Hugh McIntosh. of young people at the house of Mr. W. C. 9 own an line, — ermen ave been very unfoi. si iashed. aowl : the poor fellow met
,le surrounding country atten his
p , deiire to acknowledge their indebted- Th4ir n, nibers ded, ar d repo tunate t i winter. , fire.—Mr. W. Gilchrist and sister, MW
rt About New YearIA % d.-ath, cannot Oil will not. ev-er be exactly Mary, are visitin" relatives in Wingliam.—
are 77 and 7 kespectively. Hazlewood, on Monday last.�Alr. Win. aving spent.a ver enjoyable evening.— number nets were lost, and since then own, but it isi supposed he had slipped The Misses Monnell, of near Seaforthp,
riess to our town neighbors for the. r kindly �-I)r.' Gibb, 'V.'1 8 has 'thoroughly over.- ISandep4on, who has been indisposed for the iti-ii of there ha een no fishing done, as th
rendered w4sistance, which, as on fc rmer oc- hau�led ofid it wee he open mee Royal Teraplars al ere was ut the es ! i e guard, and
a .. . --F- oKa7 of remperance hel in the 4-- - lball 14 �d
kov'ed his office on Main ipast k, is better.—Rev. Mx,1 M elg o7the a had fallen are vWting3disaHavart.—We are pleasea
casions, was so cheerfully given. T he finan - stniet and n-- h
e and con- �Lackn occu ied tile pulpit �f W� no ce on ie lake. Juast weews. cold snap a amst or und4r1tho -wheels. His remai to see that Mr. Maurice Wal6r has saffl-
ays oo up
-a grand success. Talent formed ice. and on Monday 'a number of were at once oared for byour medical men ciently r evered from his re nt illne
churen on Sabbath Iaot. His ser. J 'rom, town and Sodom ec cc as t&
cia.1 results of both d f 6 ;o.about 'ven�entlark office as one could wish for. byter the Pies- 1 lay evening, was
I ey a loin
cc took part in the pro. nets were,� et but on- Tuesday the wind Laar�_ and undertaker,' i4rid were taken along on re nine his duties at the bank. -Mr. A. So
$103, a credit -able sum those dull tmes, es- Mr. Sid' �bs has purchased Air. John Wons'were much apprecia-ted.-4 le r
pecially, as our people have had seyerad ex. Lyon's esidence tte amme. Rev. Mr.. Martin oc pied the ried the io � out, and another lot of good the tra
on High street.-ReV. Mi! cently received from Rev. R. G. Andre in to Wingham, where his mother Berry. of St. Clair, Michigan, and formerly
and gave a very able and lo thy ad. nets, sever4l of them new ones, were lost.- residea. The 4eoeaaed was an unmarried ofthii villaie, h4a been. spending the.pat'
trat demands upon their liberalitj littely. Martin, 1 of Exe ber, oaoupied the pulpit o 6011 repwrts great improvement Ju health e -r' Schair
Miss kry Tait's recitutio st fau r. James ThomzGrk purchased
iwpre ap La
at Map) #n4 I W48 very much respected all we4k with bla relatives hire.
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