HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 1528, 1896 .wide and put u stylish patterns. c. spring goods, oillng colors. making house and Wide . white, iiflpoit. Axes. You will eaper than those. In us .whea at 896 co plete A -)s for Lad rtan. d ies' if these lines in less. -ourchasers w uld do :expect, happe again " -err wheel, an4 we Flue verY long. .7se c --se .';'.. HAIN STREET itning Proof hi ngles. this leranehof our ,It us 'before closing Lim to supply goods YEARS and all giving Sbaforth. are. ;••-- qt ; lened Ly the - year. Perhap8 you etg ditty. Remember,- ' year round. Come reek.t In the inean- g * formetion iv . 1 OS II, Principal. LMEROE, ▪ $6 000,000 • $ 1,200,000 ounted, Drafts ipai cities in Lb, &C. 6 a 7; interee F• May and Novem- Paper and Far- RRIS, Ma (ter, FEBR it ARY 1896. seem 311 EXTROAGENT :Statenten but it P t make, tpue ; tat ARC Clothing Man .Is determin d to sell ever WE DO IT All $7.50 ove All 8.00 ove All 9.00 ove 41. eAt:e We always plain figure wha, the hum eig ; abolt it, fu If yu w and have yon seascin for your chance overcoat is all his s What we nn well. This phasize THISWAY. coats for $4.9 coats for 5.0 coats. for - 6.0 lark goods in , you can see rice was. No no nonsense t plain facts. ` an 'overcoat een thinking -ait, until next one This is because every ew style and ason's make. lerta,ke we do ale will em - hat fact. 35c. STA. KS 0 UNDE Away do -iv WEAR in price. It will pc take int 0 0 y you to store when out shop mg. Get our AND Compare prices Qualities. liVelite•eee E A CE, THE SEAFORTH: CIA THING MAN. HURON. EXPOSITOR. ,Racke *ith Rhe i a Ism 'Unable • Walk, owing to 'tor elat- 1ing pain. i After ten years' terrible 1 91 ureg Curec by Scott's—Sarea ari la. ! A. hristi tting fr rn the ansen, wr I c Clifton House, Niagara Falls, Sa 's: "1 tove you More than I can ever' pay. , For itftre years' I suffered the tortures of the :damned with rheumatisn . Faith r had :it before me, and I believe it s al here - el. !tary disease. kly kneel. joins Would get inflamed and if I was ' �iJt in any .• weather " I was sure to be i id up, \i et ich to a, travelling Man is rat al: nifty, 14 a score of Canadian towns lotI ,. ottors treated me, scame giving I reli 1 • thers none. I read that Sarsapari11i as a rheumatic cure, and I asked, ah. d fgist for "a bottle of the best Sars goY s'` on the market." He gave me , re- in -larking that it was an irnprovena nt on , :all others, and that he could honestly recommend it. I have taken four b.ttles, and am as free froi-n pain as a m n can hope to be. I was out in arairilsto m two days ago and never felt attwinge. As I said before, to Scott's SarOparilla. I owe more than I can ever repayr : i The best remedy for 1 rhaum tism, ' sciatica' and neearalgic paiies-1.11 rising from thepresence ot poison in ;the blood —is Scott's Sarsaparilla, a moiler con-. ul. At Si per ottl o yonr , a centrated medicines, prom t in its cura- tive effects. Doses from one half one teaspoonf" druggist. ht ttroit Cxplot ov. DISTRICT AES .Stanley. Cotezeolle—!The council iret ii th town hall, Varna, on February 15th, t t e call of the reeve. The council gave ull ower for the reeve and deputy reeve to 'efend the suit of Halliday vs: Stanley. Th tors' report was accepted, and 50 cop es or- dered to be printed. The foll wi g ac- counts were 'ordered to be Ipai cLean Brothers, advertising °omit" o re dsion, $1.50 ; A. M. Todd, printing accot nt, $6.25 ; W. Cook, stove pipes • and woo , 2.75 ; John Davison, repairs on GoShen lin , George Baird and Peter Campbell, an litors, $6 each ; Dr. Armstrong, eXamilnin Miss E. Johnston, $5 ; Dr. .Shepherd, ;for same, $5. The next meeting will be held at the call of the reeve. 1 . • Hullett. ,Cot-xere Dossos:----Councir met, at Londesboro, on Saturday, ' Fe. 15th. Members all 'present. - The aceepted for the supply of elm pl nk S. S. Cole for 2,0.00 feet, at Sprung,5,500 feet, at -,-48.75, deliver -ed auditors' statement and abStre,cs township treasuter's accounts for th ending • 31st December were broiig wa,ed, examined and adopted,' andl th was ordered -to send a. copy tolth.e 'a Industries in the form subreitted council. Tenders will be received Friday, March 13th, for the 'buildin bridge, 116 feet long, 'over the iaiU concessions 4 and 5, opposite Ict 16. and Specifications cart be seen t the office, Londesboro. Wm. Rion, jr., pointed as an inspector to examineith burn swamp drainage worktwiee ear and repbrt to the •council as tie (ructions to the free' flow of the wilt mints for boundary line •itnpr ve and for hall rent for division °Om, $15 were passed. Council a ntil Friday, March 13th. • School Reports. No. 9 McKee -retie -I-. The' folloivin tandine of the pupils in section e o. illop for the month Of Januery,.basE roficiency, regularity of attendanc rood conduct : Senior Foui-th Viltsie, ud Davidson, Cra phraim De a nis. Junior Fourth,—,. I avidson, alter Davidson, Sebula tta Petrie. Senior Third,—Manesta„ es, Janet da Davidson, Clara "Cbiw R‘os Junior Third,Itose Sn Bell's ruary iders It -ere 1 M. The the year for- lerk en of the p to of a d on lane erk's ap- Kin- very ob- Ac- nts, ourt t rned 0 homes Haeltwell, Aggie Campbell Sy ves- er Stitt. S cond Class,—Emehon , De nis, arvey Young, Annie Bella. Petriet Ch rlie sie, the • Mc - on and ggie ord,' ggle bes, For - Ord, ith, oltom. P avid Hall, "ILISLLETT. or sections. iligence, p upils. Fift • odden, jos limning, L. McCool, Erna W .J our th,—G. Webb, C. -Tyner, .Ves.Voc - Cenior Third, D. Carter, M. • eble R •-oungblut. Junior Third,—W. 'lair M McCool. Senior Sewn ,—, .;liddon, L. Cousins. Junior Seco (1, TocIden, J. Snell, . Gliddon., Alert nc1,—J. Vodclen, A. Vociden, art First,--1Ernest Lee, Herry.Mcc,(ool 1. • Vest ,Wa,wahosh Fire Tiastra • - Company. The annual meeting of the Wed osh Fire Insurance Company Was et Second,—Ilar4ey Wi Llyod Dennis, Adc ie Hall.' The following is th r o. 5, for -January, ase nctuality and demeanor of Class. —Henry Wallace, ph Carter. Senior Fourth, W hol , e -court room, ' Dungannon, On Jan 2nd. A large number of the...el intere 'ere present and expressed- t -tem elv ighly pleased with the efficie cy aid e my with; which this company- s, arried on. Satisfactory and enc1 ura r ports were read by the secretiery !Inc r (tors. The nualber of polici et I in anuary • 1st. 1896, were 2,644, an -er the previous , year . of 295;- rce on January 1st, 53;164,895 prene tes on January '1st, 8121,566.15 ,; lo. tring 1895, $4,019.94. There tieere lever e losses in all, fifteen. of 1Whidh • ore net- iek ort the the illie T. nior den. bert ,T. am. M. See - GE) wa- in ary ted s as on- ieen ring d on ; ase ma um ses tyL ere Lused by lightning, and all of !Whid.1i have mg al- b en satisfactorily Settled. The f011oes a -ethe officers for 1890: Cheeks elle hsq.,;Nile post office, president ;-Joi n 1 ntyne, Esq , Pine River -post Offiee • B c linty, vice president. .Directors, A 8 ewart, Esq., St.Helens postsoffice ; Fi A clerson,Eeq.,Belgrave ; Edwaid A he E q., .Holmesville ; Wm. StOthers E B lfast post office; J. H. Kaake, Esc., I lo s- post office ; Isaac Fisher,Es.i., G der p st office; John Griffin. Esq.,I i.ing bri Ige pc st office. J. M. Roberts,' se et, ry- tr aSurer, head office,. Dungannon,: 1' • . 1, Chewing Gum Mama ct Prior te 1867 spruce gum ths - t m terial used in the • mauufac4ire di tinctly Atnerican confectio ,, c 5 in. 1..: that' year, hovievele a t scovered in Mexico yielding}a sh k own as "chicle." Chewing ghm a d yawas in its infancy ; tOelaly th t fenty-five factories in the I Stet t ere are between ,25,000 and 35 000 enermaremot rice ex. lay n, in- ch re. e o ly f t at ew ee vas stat ce t ose re are s, nd pe ple Tobao'vgambeeatesi arseksidnwizi R with Seisdlio dis • d with Neeralgih ersaferis TeartyrtouLa's PGinrikPPPIclinliiinIners :nil . late saved you a 14tid ig a filtelsregnereateed to give Immesh telid and germanent maitollia. ,ailments. Why suffer vlienreliefran be obt ined ISM by all druggists, 4fflupblet free daapplistio Vie TemAton Pink rasder Co Toronto, Oltari For sale in Seaforth by J. S. earning a living in .or by Whileiimme isel quantities o 'the product are torisum,ed in the States, the made enough last year to spare foreigners abut $1,000,000 worth. Sensational riewspapqs have some- times Mused themselves lalf teplling how old rubbers, etc., were gromi U and made into chewing gum There are mily three ingredients i the pure article—chicle, su- gar and flavoring. The chicle i ground into fine powder and •hen with sugar is' boiled in large kettles o er hlow coke Brea It is then Oared On m rble slabs to cool, rolled the cleeired hie nese and mitt into fornis autornaticall T e ay aftersit is made it goes to the w app ng oom,where a, hundred. girls do the work. . , . 'Williams' o al CrownRemedy The King of Blo d Purifiers,I prepared by Isaac Willi& ns' ompa,ny, 9ntario, is a remedy composed of 'extraordinary medical prop,erti s, essential to purify, heal; repair. and invigorate th broken down and wasted body, no mat er y what -Jeanie the 'com- plaint May b - de ignited ; Whether it be scrofulaS sy hillis, ulcers, sores; tumors, boils, I erysipelas or salt rheum, and diseases' of the lungs, kidneys, bladder, womb, skin, liver, Stomach or bowels, either chronie or cons4tUtional. The disease the blood, which sepplies the waste and builds and repairs1 these organs and wasted tiasues of the system. It should be taken until the cure is complete. For sale by J. S. Roberts and I.V,Fear. • Hon. Wm. Gladstone's Opinion of the Cl rgy as -Preachers. One thing have against the clergy, both of: the count y and in the town, I think they are not evere enough on itheir congre- gations. Th y de not sufficiently lay upon the souls and ;consciences of t Mr hearers their. moral Obligations, and ' probe their hearts and bring up their whole lives and actions' to the bar of conscience, The Class of sermons Which I think are most needed are ' the class which offended. Lord' Melborirne. one day. I Lord Mel- bourne; was Seen one day corning from church in the country in a mighty fume. Findinga fOend, he exclaimed : !" It is the ch rch and I have always I upheld the, trio bac ! I have always been a supperter pf clergy.' But.itl is really top bad to have to listen to a ser • on like that we have had this . morning. Why, the preacher actually in- sisted n applying religion to a man's priv- ate life!" But, that is the kind of preach- ing which I like best ; the kind of preach- ing wb eh men need most-, ; but it is also the kind of which;they get the least. —Wm. E. Gladetene. • 1 ., • , • I is Li k . FEL) CL-elieLt ... ! _ e V-.71t.le 'fan co CenseentCleveneezrinle, of Lesad- ing Dan :mei slant:ins Spleen.- in Iniala T3Prit.s or De. ingazorren ! Catarrhal "Poevni ore Ie inntti. r t f doetrine and ceeed the c:er- evince' t f tni vi: ILL; reins:ems cleaonena- •ifens exit differ. It has Ineea atid. however, that iu title d ev- the !treerl -of religions tboeght throtigh all denominations is to- teards enion c n thte main essentials. It, Is certeinIn the ease that the clergy seem well of ono mind regarding the merit.' of Dre A.g•- naw's Oa ttu•rhal rowdDr. Li UM F,piscopal Church ' the lAishop of Toronto, Rt. Rev. A. S well t man, ID. D., D.O.L,; the- Rev. John Lent, ry, M.A.,' D.C.I.., and the.' Rev.' W. R. Williain4, names' familiar, to everyone, have spoken in warn" praise of -this excellent epee elite for cold in the head or ceterrh. Thin 'medical' has been used In the nom° [ of the Rev. Al. II. Newman D.D. LL.D.; Rev. T. Trotteeeir.13.A., {and Rev., Malcolm S.' Clark. 33.A.e eh osuineot members of ehe Faculty. of McMaster University, and like their Epis- copal 'In ethren . they say good. tbingst -of it. A. Mg& d opinion has been expressed over their own Diznifbares by leaders Of the Me- thodist Oh urch, like the Rev. ..A.,, S. Cham- bers, LT .13.; Rov. William Galbraith, LL.B., and the Rev. n . IL Withrow, D.D. Juat as hear ily theltev. S. Nicholle, of =Olivet °entree a timed' Church, Toronto, vvrites of _this pie licluo, ttnd so the list Might be ex- tended. : 1 ' One short puff of the breath through the blower supplied; witb each bottle of Dr. Ag - news CI tarrinit Powder diffuses this powder over the stirfece of the n.neal twang S. Painlees rent delightful to use, it retie es in ten o • nfteen rulnutes; and permanen ly cured ci turrle 1 hey f ever, oolde, beadac e, sore t h on t, t ensi lit is and dopiness. 6 tic, Sample bottle, and blower sent on recel,it. t 'if 10 c nta in atamps or 'silver. S. Lent:bon 44 0 lurch st., Tspecnito. , Sold by V. Fear and Lumsd-en & Wits n. i he industry. lia,ms' PipkPills and this4t last deter nined-0 setagarzeo•---eymenwsoos7 three boxes be noticed ; and the slept better and • proved. T iete t • subside, and afte , she was able to g I continued. the us longer, and tho • twinges of er, she no has done fo as ever else • • Vicious Com.pany. Sophr nious, wise 'teacher, would i ot suffer ev4n his' grown up sons -and daught rs to associ te with those whose conduct as not pure rid upright. " DeaasPathei," said the gentle Eula ia to him one days when he forbade her, in company lwith h' r brother, to visit the t o- lative L einda-e-" dear father, you, mi st think as ,,-ery childish, if you imagine that we shoul4 be e.xposecl to danger by it." . : The litither took in silence a, dead coal from the hearth, and reached itl to his daughter.; "It vil1 not burn you, my child; take it." Eulalie did so, and behold, her bee,. utiful White hand was soile1 and black- ened, ands as chanced, her white dress is • We cannot be too careful in holding coals," said Eulalive in vexation. " VPs' Indy,' said. the father. - " Von see, my child, that coals, everr if they do not burn, bleciken ; so it is with the company of the viCiout." • A LIGHT KEEPER'S STORY. HIS WIFE WAS A FEARFUL JSIF- FER FR(U1 RHE,AFISM. -ter Joints Were Swo len and Dis- torted. Her • Nihis Alnaost Sleepless and er Appetite Gone-- Suffered for Several Years tefore Reliefwas Found. From theKingston News. , Mr. 1-lugh McLaren, lighthouse keeper on Wolfe Island, is one of. the best known Men in this section, and Us' his vigilance in the perforniaecc of his duties is due the safety of the many craft sailing in that part of the St. Lawrence. Mrs. McLaren, his wife, has been an invalid for a number of years, and in conversation - with a re- porter . reeently, Mr. McLaren stated that - she was rapidly regaining . her old-time health under the treatment of that, most marvellousof modern medicines—Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Asked if he had any ob- jections to giving the partieulars, Mr. Mc- Laren replied. emphatically he had not if such publication was likely to benefit any other sufferer. He said: ." A number of years ago my wife contradted rheumatism rse • • „inn" ;.- • ...tonoonan 10.'" era re see. iv 11, les aud for a emesiderable time was a helpless illy lid. Her joints were swollen and dis- torted; her nights were pleepless and her appetite poor and very fickle. During those yea s she experienced excruciating tortures, the pain never ceasing day or night. She had the benefit of" skilled medical advice,but the treatment afforded no relief, and we began to fear that her trouble had gone be- yond human id. On a number of occasions I had read in the papers of case* of rheum- atisna being tired by the use Of Dr. Wil- • us to gi e them e' trial. he had used some ! 1 ore any improvement was Be I Careful I ! we began to note tbat she hat her appetite was irn- e pains gradually began to • , Yonr Health depends upon it • using about a dozen boxes t up and evalk about She W ort less of the ,pills for a while ' gh occasionally she feels he tr uble in changeable vreath- enj ys better health tha she years, and cati sleep as so mdly id i her Wei while her ppe- trte never vas b tter. 1 , look eapon Dr. Williams' Pnk ills as a wonderful se, a d I feel certain th t if nedi- c lt eine, for I now hey have done woncl rs in my wife's any who are MN' tted as she was will1 give them a good t ial, equally happy r sults will follow, , and I therefore give this •efiti- tnony freely, h ping that it will h4npfit some other suffer " Mr. ISIcLaren's strong testimony p the claim made hat Dr. Williams' Pills cure when ither medicines fail that they deserve to rank as the gre discovery of mod rn medical science. public shonld a ways be on their against imitatio s and substitutes, some unsceuindo s dealers for the sal extra, profite urge upon purchasers, is no other remecl "just the same as "just as good" a Dr. Williams' Pink for Pale -People" on the wrapper ar every box. Ne • —There is a cl which has thro ployment. —The Turkish order pirohibitin key, of the En 1 lth. ---The annual Royal Tempi rs on Werineeida of —Dr. Wa ace of the Hamilton Port Elgin, on M plexy, aged 59. —Sir Edward guished criminal for- the defence trial in England. —Miss Clara of the Red Cro Constantiuople, a for the distributi Armenians. s Notes. „ thing strike in Ger any, n 50,000 men out of ern - authorities haveissuerl an the circulation, in ur- lish papers of Febrkiary rovincial convention o f the f Temperance, was opened last week, in Guelph. formerly superinte4lent Insane Asylum, did at nday, 17th inst., of, apo - Clark, Q. C., the d' tin- dvocate,has been retained f Dr. Jameson, upoi his arton and het colleagues Society hese arrived at d are organizing a sy tem n of -relief to the suit's ring -oiees Pnk and fleet The uard hich e of here " or ills und —Rev. . George P. Knapp, one of American mission who ;is encased of tiouS inevement will receive a saf ople, —Ezekiel J. D ton merchant, w estate of $600,00 decease of his wif used ,.to establish in New York. s—'Phe highest le to be erected in, I\ of 210 storeys, ueei the Eiffel tower,, city block. The Various floors are desti for shops, stores and business places of v ous kinds. • —The annual imeeting of the Gr Lodge, Ancient Order 'United Workui was held in Toronto last week. Some portant aniendmeets to the constitution were' made, and 19, large increase in he membership of the,order- was reported. eilleftLes Enclossid In Pia -Star of Par.4s C atat Four Vio!nl. hs- Hands Drawn Out of Sha.pe aLi Eody One Mass f Deep, White Sciars. Peterborn': "Ft). four menthe I endur d rheumatism in every part vf my body, cit r- ing which time I Nytis blaster:id Ly accto o ten di flora ne tim in us many " di f fere t pla , and am now covered with deep willies scars theresult bf action of f v-elletete., My kands ware drawn out of enepe 1; fingers almoet destroyad, and all the Aix .43 the pein was 111014 exerucietinge My len ' leg had t,-; be eneiise 1 in a plaster of Paine mist for four mont is in order that it inteet not be drawn out of hape, awl now lie tr the statementtl ot cen be veuehen 1sr by pbvelcians and atizens of Peterboron n twonty-four hours aft -or be nun tee u ef South' American! ltheumntic Cure I ty s a now man, ann inene week from no f:r t doso was able to n to work. The' re- a. is a 1 lensing tri mat kind, D. DFS.e L Sold by I. V. Fear jand Lumsden & Wilson. th e ries stationed in Betlis, having encouraged ledi- among the Arineniktus, conduct to Consta, tin- nnell, the New York cot - o died recently, 1ef4 an , which, iri• case of. the and daughters, is tol be free circulating lilmicLry •Aiding on earth is ah * York. It will con dy three times as hig d will. occupy one la out •st as ge ed ri- nd n, tn- •z' • —The great inte abroad in the Briti be held in Montrea est that is being tagn h Empire Exposition, ()- this summer is sho by the fact that Mt. E. Vassein, of Berli Gerinany, one of th greatest restaurateurrs of theworld, has ai plied for the privile e of opening e restau. ant on the grounds si 1- ilar to that which he had at the Chica /0 World's Fair—the rucca, in the Mania 6- turer's Building, t e largest restaurant t the World's Fair. I —Dr. Donald SIM h, a young Philadelph a physician,has arrived. from an expedition o Lake Rudolph, Mantle He reports havi tg discovered a hitherto unknown tribe of pig- mies: These carious people'. are of necto type, are coal black 4 and absolutely naQ. Although of great !physical beauty, with well formed limbs, they are barely removed from animals. They are all between fo ir and five feet • high, and live in primitive huts. 'Their only industry is corn raisin, and the rearing of sleep and goats. ,Th are born' hunters. In warfare they u e poisoned arrows, tl e wounds inflicted Iy which proving fatai within an hour. • se -The Turkish estiniate of the vialen e in the Province of Harpot and: sortie of the adjacent villages, places the total nutuber of ,A.rmenians k ille 1 t 39,234, and the number deetitute at 9,' i 11 They are divided as follows: Males, si orn n and girls murdered, 29,544; persons b irn cl. to death in the fires, 1;283 ; min stets, priests and schOol teachers killed 5 ; dea,t he from hunger and cold, 3,266; cl eat is in mountains and .snow, 4,330; numb r wounded,8,000 ; number of buildings hi rnetl, 28,562 ; forcibly cir unscisecl and converted to Islam, '15,180 ; 4iurnber of violation, 9,530; -monasteries, jsohoolsl and church4ts demolished or burijted, 227; number 4f women and girls for ibly taken in marriage by the Moslems, 1,532; number of met , women and children in a destitute oondi- tion, 54,770. • . 1 —The baptism of the second son of th Duke and Duchess o York, took pli.ce e the uhurch at Sand ingharn, on Mondasi, 17th inst. The occalon was made a generll holiday for the people of the neighborhood!. The outside of the sacred edifice was decor ated with flags, and he interior, which wa crowded, was pleutifjiuly hung with Iflora, emblems of all descriptions. Among thosdi present were the Prince and Princess o Wales, and their daughters; the Duk an Duchess Of Connaug t, and the Marqi is o Lorne and Princess ouise, The Secrete of State for Hone Affairs, Sir Matthe White Ridley, the iourt officials, and th Duke and Duchess of York, entered to gether, the Duke of 'ork being the last o the party, and carr ing in his arms his eldest son, Prince E • ward Albert, who waii born ;Tune 23rd, 189 Accompanying th Duke of York was a urse, bearing the inf. fent Prince. Dr. e heepshanks officiated. The Princess of ales pronoun.ced th name, Albert Frederi k George Arthur. hymn and the bles ing finished the eer mony. —There is a young lady, residing in th North-east corner Of uron t wnship, wh is to be commended f r her go4d !settee an firmnessof character. • She w s engaged t be married to a youn man, ho at tirne looked upon the wine when it was red. Th wedding day Was se, after i was well w- derst�od that an esee Ltial condition was fo him to gait drinking. He promised:, bu did not stand to hi pledge. A Move' peppermint, judicio sly administered b himself disguised tbej aleoholie breath for time. The wedding day was eet, invita.tio 1 Jipita bodes' Wiley Pills. Are being offeied for sale.] It wil cost you listle to buy them bu a great deal to recover fron the effects, So Don't ;Experimely but buy the real thing, because ALWAYS CURE. . . TAKE DIAMOND DINNER PILLS for Dyspepsia. 25e. a Box. 1 alln.811110.11811114MAMMININIIII were issued, Rev. Mr. Sandereon, of Berrie, was present to tie the nuptralknot, and everything appeared to• be all iight, until the bridegroom elect appeared, and with him the knowledge that a good sized "jag" had but recently been carried. The rever- end gentlemen was informed that the mar- riage could not take place. It! was in this connection that the young lad showed she was endowed with grand common sense,. and her hosts of friends congratulate her. The fact Of the matter is that in this en- lightened day 'any young man who gets drunk is no good. • THIS ONE THING DO, — South American . Kidney Relieve Distressing Kid ey rkrou"Sle ..... In Six Hours. • . The symptoms of kidney t otible are so manieri eet ndei pnf al that 'ne- enerintion of them is neotlf el in the publie "Ont. rn..11'whO are a 1 fil_.ted kn nv how inuell d;ntree und in- conveninu.6 eo cetueed them,. Tim in porteet matter is to kaew how to 1 &'u.1e 1 ba.1 and a radical cure. The tin i •tlene r .• wern of South Amerle ea Mein et- Or e is to give the neotlea letter. It, deos not undeetalre to do anything o'.s .., but no medie lee nes been diemovored that au t 0 oeletely. and. oenenly cures kidney ai.:4:' Is i . of wa ite ecir 11. -1 he weehl hag rens. el to f - 1 nsyous le ' t . the dieeoveeer of • tins gneee rea eny enex tile Unlit cf day. . SOH by 1. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson. , • • , —Public meetings are being 1 eld in Mer - sea, Gosfield and other townshi s in West- ern Ontario, to arrange for the fpannfacture of beet sugar. Stock- has be n taken by citizens of Leamington and. Iersea, in a company, and application has b ;en. made to the Proviumal Government for ' a, charter. It provides that the farmers wil use 7,000 acres • annually to raise beet a Arrange- ments have been Made by -whi li the rail- ways will transport the beet - from any depot 50 miles from the sugar factory, for 50 cents per ton. It is orin puted that $500,000 would be paid yearly to farmers for the produet. • _ GRATEFUL—COMFQR ING. Cus veil]. EPPS'S - COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. "13y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestien and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper- , ties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr.Epps hes provided for our nreakfast and supper a delicately 'flavoured bev- erage which may save us many heavy; doctors' bills. This by the judicious use of such artic0s of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Ann- drede of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point., We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a propOrly nouriithed trame."—CiviI Service Gazette. Made simply- with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, by grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., Homeeentnino CEOWSTEI, LONDON, ENGLAND. 1452 —Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says': " Shiloh's Vitalizer SAVED MY LIFE.' I comneer it the best remedy for a debilitated eyetem I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it exult'. Price, 76 eta Sold by I. V. Fear, Seatorth You Don't Have to Sw ar Off Bays the St. Louis Journal of Agri ulture in an editorial about No -To Bac, the famous 1tobeo habit cure." We know of main cases cured lw No -To -Bac, one, a prominent St. Louis archftectj smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes Inred nein) tio tbat even the smell of tobacco makes lini sick." No - To -Bae sold and guaranteed no cure, no pay, Book Tree. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. P ul 8t, Mon- treal. Sold by L V. Fear, .Druggist, Seaforth. sale KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great 'pod purifier gives freshneEs and clearness to the C mplexion and cures Constipation, 25 eta., 50 eta, $ .00. For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth. —SHILOH'S CURE is eol4 on a nuarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ets, 50 eta. and n1. For Salo by L V. Fear, Seaforth. 1 i • will • 40. - Cured of Chronic Catarrh. A Remarkable Cure.—J. W. Jennisoe, Giltordo rpcnt between e'200 and $3'10 "n consullting doctors; i3 tried Dixon's and all other rentments, but got no L 'NU. One box of Chase' Catarrle Cure did me more good th-n than all rther remedies, in fact I consider myself cut el, and with a !,,5 cent box at that. •-• • BARAD • ITERBErtr, Se John itobe, says: I was entirely general debility by R3 citron +a Hoed it the old Scotch na Ene/ish name for the best e Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. St-, n inniPee, Mani- ured o f-etatica and Kootenay Cure. After La After la Grippe obstinate c frequently follow. There is and at the same time effectu burn's Cod Liver Oil Eniulsio Hypophosphites, which is the binafion of antneensumptive and $1.00 per bottle. • re for a Cough. Th for toughs is Lr ° ri-PP tigns,lu rem 1 and with latest temedi The Plain Truth T Constipation, Headache,Bil ousness are promptly cured by Burdo k Bloo acts upon the stomach, liv 71, bow ounng all their diseases. Chapped Hands and Lips, cracked a wounds and bruise e are promptly cu Carbolic Salve. trouble,etb. y no promPt exeunt. as Ifil ild Cherry a and hest ce s. Prices 6e adlinSLd Bloo Bitters, wind' Is and blood lasores, cuts ed by Victorle Beyond Di put There is r. o better, safer ar mons leasant eaiugb remedy made than- Hagyard' PecttorImBalsa cures lioarseneas, Sore roa,ghs, Bronchitis and all throat and ung tro hies. Weakness, Debility, Palen ss, An enlist, etc., are cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and W' e. Skin diseases are more or 1 98ems eir Disd beay8 blood. B.B.B.B.B. cures the fo wig b-'erti ts r Shingiest eEryaipelas, Itching Ras es, Salt Rheum, Scald Had, Eruptions, Pen les and , Blotchen by removi g all impurities from be blood from a mon P mple to the worst gcre louScie, cam - I 1 • Le '0 Worm Syrup is the §tandarc lig exceneneej Mot era recommend it. Child fly f ona it. Obstinate C Skin Dis asi36. ren cry or it. Worm ug•s bstin te Coughs yield to the gr teful !soothing non otNorway Pine Syrup The ticking, per$ls- • tent_ co et of constunptives s qu'' irly relieved b this un vaned throat and lung rem dly. Price 2,5c and 5tIrc. • As a Scalds, Sprains, tlie mos • No Equal to It re for Frost Bite!! ChiIbl hos, Burns and haling, Chapped Hands, itt mod Brea* Wounds, Bruises, ,Hagyard Yellow Oil le reliable reniedy on the mar et. AUCTION SALE. , ("ILE RISG SALE OF' IMPLEMENTS, FARM 1,..; STOCK AND FURNITURE.—Mr James Jones has rec ive instmetions from Mr. Robert Dalton, 3r ;to s 11 by public auction on Lot 18, Concession 4, Township of Bibbed, on Wednesday, March 41h, 1806, this following: 1 mare 8 years old, 1 mare 6 • years old, 3 Cows in call to a thoroughbred bull, 1 , cow 4 years old, calved in December ; I farrow cow, ' 1 eteer iising 3 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 1 heifer. rising 1 year old, 3 steers rising 1 year old, 1 steer anif 4,months old, 10 well-bred ewes, 1 ram 1 y ar °)d, 1 brand ow, 11 Inv 5 weeks old, 8 pigs 3 us nths old, 50 hens, 6 tons of straw, 200 bushels of m tan Ids, I pulper, Coleman's make, nearly ne,v ; 1 . g. a lb bsleighs, -ready new ; 1 wagon, 1 double ggyi with pole and shafts, 1 single buggy, 1 binder, 1 ox n mower, nearly new ; 1 pee harvester, 6 foot c t ; 1 sulky rake, 1 re.aper, nearly new ; 1 lend ro lere nearly new ; 1 Noxon combined seed drill, n arlyniew ; 1 Wilkinson plow, 1 sod plow, 1 gang pl iv, 1 set iron harrons, 1 hay rack, lgravel box, 1 ' m mire box, 1 fanning 'mill, 1 pig box, 1 set double rne s . I ti i , nearly new ; 1 set plow harnees, 1 set it gle arness, 1 hay fork with ropes and pulleys, 1 u• r :kettle, 1 grain cradle, chains, forks shovelse the, ladders, grain bags, and a lot of others . lar fele too eurnerous to n3ention. Pyrniture9—One po IF stove, nearly new ; 1 coal stove, 1 box stove, 1 gl ss aupboard, nearly new ; 1 extension dining itn le, 1 bedstead, 6 chairs, I milk can, only used one Re- on; milk pans, tin pails, wash tub, boiler, and a 0 of Other -useful household articles. Sale at 12 in loc , sharp. Terms.- All sums of $5 and under, pa li : lover that amount 10 months' credit will be ni en on furnishing approved joint notes. A dia. ..0 nt of 6 per cent. will be allowed off for earh on r dit mounts. There will be no reserve. JAMES , NE , Auctioneer; ROBERT DALTON, ij4riixP-2ro- p etor. UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEMENT-I—Thomas Carling has been in- trueted by George Allan to sell by public auction n Monday, March 2nd, at 12 o'clock noon, on Lot 8, oneession 10, Hulett, the following property, viz : beery team risine 6 and 6, 1 mare 8 years old, 1 erse 4 yore old, 1 filly coming 2 3 eers old, 2 calves, fa -row cows, 1 cow to calve In July, 2 cows to calve bout lat April, 8 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 steers lieing 2 yearsold, 2 heifers coming one year old, 5 wes supposed to be in lamb, 7 fall pigs, a quantity f hems, 2 sets double harnese, I set single harness, oar, fork, slings end 'rope ; 1 democrat buggy, lumber'eagon, 1 road cart, 1 culler, 1 set bob- leighs, 1 stilk3 hay rake, 1 sheep rack, 1 hay rack, I -furrow gang plow, 1 set Iran harrows, 2 handle lows,11 land -roller, 1 binder, Patterson make ; I *miner, Patterson make ; 1 seeder, 1 culivator, 1 revolving rake, 1 turnip drill, 1 turnip pulpen 1 grain cradle, a quantity of grain bags, 1 ecythe, 1 scathe 1 horse power to run straw eaten 1 hand cutting box, 4 creameryeans, 1 milk ean,1 hay knife, a small quantity of hay, 1 fanning mill. 1 lounge. I cupboard, 1 table, 1 crow bee, 1 Iron kettle, beams for weighing, forks, rakes, shovels, spades, grind stone and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything will be sold without reserve as the pro- prietor hassold his farm. Termis.—All sums of 410 and under, cash ; over that am...unt 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- moult of 6 per cent will be given on credit amounts. GEORGIE ALLEN, Proprietor ; THOMAS CARLING, Auctioneer.. 1471-2 Pa Covered Books, Regular 20c and 25c editions, NIF 11$ THIS WEEK — —FOR - 0. W. PAPSTS 330CDIC8111C)MZM, MAIN STREET, Harnessi and Saddlery Stock for sale by Tender, • The undersigned will receive tenders up to MARCH 4th For the purobase of the stock in trade—Harness, Trunks and Saddlery, also Shop Fixtures; amount- ing in all to about $828, belonging to the estate of John Ward, cl Setiforth. Inventory may be seen and terms of sale Obtained on application toundersigned• R. LOGAN, Assignee. Seaforth February 10th, 1896. All persons indebted to estate of John Ward are requested to pay accounts at once to the undersign- ed. In default, will be sued in Division Court. ROBERT LOGAN, • act.te/GF, ev,oicito Cook's Cotten Root Compound Manufactured. by The Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. els the only known safe, reliable monthly -medicine on which ladies can depend! in "The bour and time of weed." !Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for ite6 amide , aennvde. if41:1:articulars, which we will send by r eturn mail in plain. sealed • An old physician, 35 years -con- tinued practice treating diseases of W0111.811, has charge of the office, and capenrsobne. coAndsdruletessdourbymlainettepraocre THE COOK COMPANY, goom 3—No. 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. glr Cooles Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in. the Dominion of Canada and United States for.One • Dollar per box. IVO TT OE IN REFERENCE TO Fear's4 'Condition. Powders. The greatest care is exercised in selecting the in- gredients from which this valuable compound is pre- pared, so that we are willing to pledge them strictly pure. This -explains In a measure their great popu- larity and unparalleled success. As a blood purifier those Powders have no equal for any disease or bad condition caused by impure blood. They are the best known assistant in fattening cattle or horses, AD ,they keep the system ill a healthy condition. These Powders may be given with great advantage irk all eases of ••worms, loaf; of appetite, roughness of the hair or coat, stoppage of water and bowels, recent founders, swelling of the glands of the throat, all coughs and colds, horse distemper, hide bound, botts, scurvy, etc. It is also beneficial for the . heaves, and in recent cases will effect a cure, 'In !act, in every case of disease among horses and cattle,these valuable Powders should be given, and by their timely use will save the lives of many valu- able animals., 1 ' 256 per Package, three packages for 50c, seven packages for $1, at F' AR'S Drug Store r „ BEAFORTH. $Tecial Notice, ',FRESH ARRIVALS AT CHEAP STORE, SEAFORTIL Eight lbs.Sulphur for 25e, 3 lbsevaporated peaches for 25e, 8 lbsevaporated apples fax 26e, 5 lbsof figs for 25e, 5 lba. le:melees fish for 25e, 6 lbs, rice for 250, 3 tins Sardines for 25e, 2 brooms fax 25e 3 packages corn starch for 2.5e, 4 lbs. good pelmets kr 25e, three boxes Matches fax 25e, 6 lbstapioca for 25e, 2 Ibis. pure boney for 25c, 1 gallon tanned apples fax 20e, fresh haddie 8c per lb., wash boarde 15e, mop stick 16e, sweet eider and talmaa sweet apples, maple syrup b3 the quart or Ralittn, fresh buckwheat flour to sell loose. Try my Monsoon tea, it takes the ieade A cleating sale of Chita, Crockery and Glassware at cost. All kinds of Teas at bottom prices. •Fresh eggs and butter always itt 'stock. Now is the time for bargain's. G. AULT, Celtha TRAOMARIC 4firugaiar,„, STERE4tinMae wileia tililt Man or er INDAPO TIM -GUILT HINDOO REMEDY venires ena REall 114 In 80 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory, Paresis,Sieeplessnese, Nightly Emu - mons, eta, eteased by nest abuses, gives -vigor and sirs to shrunken organs, and quiekly_loutsurely re.storee Loot Manhood ID old or young. ti.stly carried in vest pocket. Frieest.eo &Dockage. nixtortn.00ltritit wrItteniguarantee to euro or nteneyreraaded. Don't buy an imitation; but Jusist on having INDAPO, It yorm druggist hasnot got 1 t,we will -sendltprepale. Orbatalitedisaltio..Prfts.. %team 111.1orafte spat& SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAPORT% ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR • SAW5 caa r$ re crg cr- 4 Everything Goes We are clearing out everything before stock -taking. Only a few -weeks more before new goods ar rive and the room is wanted- Bargailts'in • Dress (10od8, Opera, Flann.ele, Mantles Flannel's, Flannelettes, LCPIoevs n:' •laosierY, Underwear. Furnishin You cannot afford to stay away from our • store during the progress of this stale. Don't delay if you want f npnerAT, pRicEg choice new goods At McCosh & Jeffery, CARMICHAEL BLOCK, - 04th TO FAR WIER& An excellent opportunity is now afforded to farm ere with email eapital who desire to obtain improved farms, or Stock ranches, with irrigation, buildings and fences, in the District of Alberta, North West Territories, on easy- terms. The raising of learned -cattle, horses, sheep and pigs is rapidly developing in the District. The undersigned will furnish infor- mation or answer enquiries. Address H. W. C. MEYER, q.c., -Calgary, 1451-24 ! RE4WOOD,RAIIBLER.CRESCENT. CRAWFORD and SPECIALS. -szw Ana osonereneseeto. We reit enerywhere. Get ourprices andsavemoney_ •FILP4LIPSI NZ A24-17 triciaraeareee Catalogue Free. - T. W. ':goy -o 4 SOli, 1623 r....zare-maniest.,riontrakit _