HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 13• >DS an d early ady Our sack is PECT. is 1 Crinkles tins th 6 • . cable did note de - in the cause o her n, of Atwood has and shoe sh p tc, A., for the I snm d Miss Rose Eng- ne, W ailace, were Rev. Mr. Cooper, f Mr. W. Schafer, eat a surgical d>per- rad who was at one Eng well. t` lama, who met last fall, by a gi•avel :las so far recovered up in bed. nestead, in Snuth n public auctie1n on farm,. is a fine one,. taining nearly 150 Ouse, at Pro.pect round on Tu sday •t of the furn'ture sacrificed t the , at Nirkton, the arriagek of Norman 'holey., Theoys ave them a Hood eter Chalmers,_ of untry in search of le over 4 cents; per hey have dropped left Atwood ast t, has secured: the P. R. agent ht th the prospect of ar future. nitoba, has been township for the eported that he th him when he on of Bible pic- Iiitehell, the 'eItalte, of Tats s- nded, owing to as well worth go - formerly of Ful- bow, Manitoba,. righter at Pres- •ing advanced to snow, and very of Mitehell, who ysis a few weeks wards is nearly the first time in O have a doctor iakespeare, soil hen the other fancy price =-sr° sold the male at • the bird un- purchaser came n the Gore of Ends. SiIvanus ser ; 100 acme of the Emnbry Atkinson farm, € f 141 acres,. for nrpet balls was cr evening, be- irder of Forest €�f the Ancienf victorious. 4 t•ed in a fete' n4 Harry Zang,- ' have been y mother for return to the k very highly, ve gone well._ FEBRUARY 28, 3 896 Births.. WEBER. --In Egtnondville on February 21'th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Weber. 0 a son. FROADFOOT —tn Soaforth, on February 23rd, the wife of Mr: Alexander Broadfoot, of a ion. EEACOM.—rn erioh township, on February lith, the wife of r. John Beacom, of a daughter. CCR,NYbi —re Rineham, on February 18th, the wife of Mr. John ornyn, editor of the Advance, of a son. ANDERSON. -71 East Wawanosh,on February 14th, the wife of Mr. Wm. M. Anderson, of a daughter. '€EIA—In McKi lop, on February 16th, the wife of Mr. A, Reid, f a eon. `GRANT. -cin Gr y, on February. I7 th, the wife of Mr. John Gr nt, of a eon. CLARK. -{-In Mc illop, on February 12th, the wife of Mr; A. CI rk, of a dtughter. -OLIVER.--In Gr y on February 16th, the wife of 31r. John R. Oliver, of a daughter. LLARTi, i Tn Cle'eland, Ohio, on February '7th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Ci rk, son-in-law of Mr, S. Barton, Scafcrth, of twin eons. Marriages. `H' HURON EXPOS Ic ttle were from 3c to no w 3}n per lb. The ulina figures f' r g per lb,. ,r In ttle sold as low as usual, theang be ' fr be 2c to 20 per lb. The best Sal of d. y wa a ear load of eife s, 1,050 hs er _ :a which sold for is per lb,' less $15 t e dea . Another los of good , cat le s fo Pe 5 per cwt. A bunei of cat le, erin .900 lbs, brought 2 e per, lb. Th w re about the outside sales at ach en. t gamut. Bulls -A few ` head. we pi e ' up to -day for exportand stock pupo: p ices ruling from 2e 3C, per lbi. 1 many are wanted.heep and Lamb R ►ther.,slow sale. Sheep are not want -and are quoted nominally at from 2.19 to p -r lb. Lambs are quiet, several head . an_ left unsold. Pricer, run! from 3' c to Er lb, only an extra' fancy Iamb going i her. •. Calves—These are selling fai w 11. hoice veals are in demand. Pri ;r e fr m $4 to $6 per head for the • •st, • :chaps a fraction _higher fora nr fa' ry veals. Common are hardto sell a' y .price. Milch Cows and fpr. ger •i41 • stt the figures paid are from $18 to p head, only something extraardi' : ry in - any i higher than the latter qui esti. H' gs--Firm. Offerings were heavier • b t the market held its own at le pe th : best bacon hogs, down to about l c lb for lot er kinds. Stores sell as ell an ' thin . Sows are quiet at a out i .; c lle Good hogs and -stores are ante `llioMANNUS—MCKENZIEa At the residence of the bride's parents, Mildreay, on February 19th, by Rev. J. H. MoBain, Mr. John J. Metslannus, of Whichever to Mies Rachel Euphemia McKenzie,of Mildrnay. :iiOWLETr—SANDERSON.--In Mullett, on Febru- ary 12 , at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. R chard Sanderson, by Rev George Buggin, 'Mr. A bort Howlett, of Morris to Miss Elizabeth, daugh er of Mr. William Sanderson. BODKIN BOYD.—At the residence of the bride's father, on February 12th, by Rev.W.M.Pomeroy, of Walton, Mr. James Edward Godkin, of Dray- ton, North Dakota, to Miss Dorothy, second daughter of Mr. Anthony Boyd, of McKillop. :WALKER—CROMPTON.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Carlisle, on February 19th, Mr. A. E. Walker, of Crediton, to Miss Annie, daughter of Rev. E. Crompton. LIIAM1LTON—MOLLARD.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Grand Bend, on February 19th, by Rev. Mr. Thompson. Mr.Bichard Hamilton,to Miss Balla Mollard, both of Grand Bend. KIDD—F4LLI8. —At the residence of the bride's parents, on February Toth, by Rev. T. Wesley Oosene, Mr. Thomas S. Kidd, of Virden, Mani. toba,Miss Margaret ane, eldest dao hter of James FaIlis, Esq., of Minto. "WHEAT Y—ARMSTRONT .—At the roan , Hen - sail, et February 26bh, :y Rev. J. 8. He demon, Mr. William George `"beatley. of Clinton, to Miss Mary Arn3stren, of the township of Tuekersmith. "11OGG—GILIEVE.—At the residence of the bride's father,' on February 26th. by Rev A. D. McDon- ald, D.D., air. Robert B 11cgg to Miss Elizabeth, eldest idaughter of Mr William. Grieve, all of McKiilpp. Dea DINON.—Xn Tuokeramith, and Dixon, aged 43 year McLENNA;N.—In Seaforth Howard; wife of Mr. J years. WA RN ER.—At Moose Moue February 16th, Willis Grey township, aged 7.' ROSS.—It Stanley, on Fe aged Si years. IIE3S.—In Zurich, on Feb aged 28 years and 10 mo CAMPBELL —In Brussels, infant son of Mr. A. months and 11 day. O'CONNOR.—In Brussels, J. Little, wife of Mr. years. JINGLE.—In Londesboro, son Pingle, aged 36 year A\DERSON.—In Mullett, Anderson, relict of the need 01 years and 6 mo 1 he. ' .n February 24th, Rich- . on . February 23rd, Ida hn McLennan, aged 36 Hain, Ave., N. . T., on n Warner, formerly of ears. ria ry 17th, John Ross, nary 16th, Heny Hese, ths. on February 18th, Mark, igus Campbell, ; aged 7 on February 16-h, Sarah M. O'Connor,,' aged 64 n February 17th, J. Nol- and 6 months. n February 14th, Mrs. late Roderick Anderson, ths. THE MA ;: KET . S . oarn, Feb. 2;, 1E96. Fall Wheat per bushel, • 0 76 to tl 73 Spring Wheat p^_r bushel,.. 0 76 to 0 78 Oats per bushel.....,...... 0 23 'to 0 2371 Peas per bushel............ 0 50 to 0 61 Barley per houthel 0 32 ,to 0 36 Butter, No. 1, loose..., .. _ _0 14 to 0 14 Butter, tub.... ........... .......r 0 14 to 0 Tggs per doz...........,........... 0 12 to 0 Flour, per 100 !be.. ... ... _.... 2 40 to 2 gayper ton new........... .._..... 12 00 to 13 Hides per 100 The:..-. ......... 4 00 to ' 6 Sheep Sins .0 90 to 1 022 to 0 Potatoes per bag, 0 25 Ira) 0 Salt (retail) per bareel... ......... 1 00 to 0 Wood per cord (long)................. 2 75 to 3 Wood per cord (short) 1. 50 o .Apples per bag...... .. 0 75 (t Clover Seed ....................5 75 ttoo Timothy Seed 2 75 to Pork, per I00 IDs...... ` 5 00 to Tallow, per lb.................... _ 0 04 to 1 1 6 3 5 0 14 13 40 00 00 00 24 25 00 00 75 00 00 CO - 11 04 Dairy M : rkets. TORONTO, February 25th.—Butter—The receipts have improvd and all that is coining in is well clean d up. There is no change in prices,althou h there is an easier feeling all through t e market. Really choice butter is not received in large quantities, and ,the demand is firm. We quote ; Dairy tubs 14e to 15c • edium and low grads dairy to 8,. 8c to 12c, dairy pound prints, 15c to 1 6 ; large rolls, 13c to 14te ; creamery tub , 19c to 20c ; cream- ery rolls, 20c to 22c. Eggs—Delayed ship- ments are now arrivin , and the market is decidedly easier. The milder weather has brought out new laid, nd 17c is the general price paid for this lin . Cold storage are not `wanted. Pickles are rather • scarce locally, and several in uiries for thm have been received freed th east. Price , fairly steady. We quote i ew laid, 170 to 18c; limed, 13tc. to 14c for - ve and 'ten case lots, and 14c for single cas s ; good cold stored and held fresh, 130 t 15c. MONTREAL, Februar 25th.—Butter—The slightly firmer feeling in the market is well maintained. Sales f finest late made creamery are still rep rted at 2.2c, and gro- cers for small quantiti s are paying lc or so more. The present i ea for lots seems to be about 2Ic to 220. Earlier makes are of course proportionatel cheaper. There is not a great deal doi g in dairies, but the supply of good stock s rather limited and prices are well maint fined. Townships is quoted at 17c to 20c, a d western in tubs at 15c to 16c. Rolls are looted at 14c to 15c. Eggs—Fresh eggs, th t is . fancy boiling stock,are not any too p entiful. '.: Sales have been made at 25c a dozen. For ordinary good boiling 20c to 21c is abouti the range. Limed are quoted at 13e to 14c.! • Live Stock Markets. - GLA soow,February 17th.—Market for cat- tle unchanged ; present prices for best, 10�3c to ale. MONTREAL, February 25th.=There Were few poor cattle on the market, and this strenghtenecl the situation. The attendance of local buyers was largo-, but trade 'early was slow, as they held off, anticipating a reaction, but holders we i . firm, being aware that all cattle offered ti ould be wanted. The demand improved co'siderably towards noon, and a fairly activ trade was done, which resulted in a goo clearance at the advance. There was enq :iry for export ac- count, but no sales were. -ported. Good tc choice beeves sold at 3:t• to 40}; fair, 3c to • 31,c 1 common, 2•c to .? c and inferior, He to 2c per lb. There were no sheep or lambs offered. The demand for calves was good,. and sales were made at fr rn $2 jto $10 each, EAST BrFFAI.O, Februa •y 25th.—hogs-1 Market firm_ ; Yorkers,;, ' .40 to $4.45 for good to choice ; light 1 orkess, $4.45 to $4.50; mixed packers, $4. t5 to $4.40 ;, goo mediums, $4.35 to $4.40 ; good to choic heavy hogs, $4.35 to $4.40 ; rough, $3.65 t $3.90 ; stags, $3 to $3.6' ; • pi s, fair best, $4.25 to $4.50. Sh ep ape lambs --1 Market slow and lower'f lambs ; steady for sheep prime to be t lanribs, $4.65 tc $4.70 ; good to choice, „4.4. to $4.60 ; heavy dull at $4.50 to $4.60 ; mi ed Sheep, good to choice, $3.65 to $4 ; ommon to fairs X2.80 to $3.50, exports, $3.40 to $3.65 Cattle closed fairly s dy for butchjers grades ; all of 10c lower or shipping an heavy steers ; bulk ofsale =, good 1,300 1,500 ib steers, $4.05 to $4 35. Hogs close 10c to 15c lower for all grades ; clogin sales, good Yorkers, 84.32 to $4.35 ; light Yorkers, 54.40; mixed packers, $4,35 heavy, $4.30 ; roughs, $3. 0 to $3.75. Shee and Iambs closed very dul and weak { fo Iambs, with all of: 60 to 0 loads unsold good sheep steady ; common to fair 10e t' 150 lower ; export grades slow at $3.60 to 83 65 for ewes and $4 for vethers. ' TORONTO, February 26t1 .—Butchers' bat tle—Buying was fairly act" ve,but the price: realized were no better th n they were 'las market day. Some of t e picked catti: touched 3te per lb,but mostly the top'figur. •1 lb British Grain Trade. od on he v- is v- Se of es, ot dc\ e- le ny ly •ea or. at or er as er IMPORTANT' NOTICES. .1 ARM TO RENT.—To rent for a tertu of 6 years, a res, nearly all cleared. There are 40 acre plowed Lot 6, Concession - 7, Mullett, eentairog 100 a d :0 acres of fall wheat. The land is all in f rot. el se condition. There is a good bank b rn, good h use and three good wells. A creek runs through th back of the farm. It is near the village o ' I iuburn, w ere there is store. blacksmith shop, sehool ehu eh an post office. Will be rented on reitsonabl ter ns. N ne but responsible parties need apply. Apply te riOL"STItY STORE FOR SALE—Forj sale, ler country 'store in the Village of BI4e, k the poet office store ; frame building 40x sto 'es, and dwelling attached : five rooms eve ven ences ; store house 403(22, and good tabli dro ing shed. The aoove will be sold inj one se rately to suit purchaser, and will be seld as t e pgoprietor is in poor health. For parti app toLJOHN LESLIE, Blake P. O. 1 OWII El g ode sto e, lot r ula 72-4 'AUCTION SALE. uRESERVED AUCTION SALE 4)F FAR I STOCK AND IMPLEMENT3.—Mr P: Briue has been iustructed by Mr. David Dorranee se 1 by p blie auction, on Lot 29, Concession 1, Met illo , the ollowin valuable property. viz.: _ orses On span of aged =norm Cattle—Six cows s pinned t be calf to a thoroughbred bull, and n "sr ca 'Yin ; 4 ye fling e Ives, 3 steers rising 2 years. men s—One lumber wagon, one pair bobaleigh juin er, 1 mitten I buggy, 1 sulky rake, 1 ro ler 1 pai iron h rrows, 1 wagon rack, 1 fanning mill, corn arker 1 set double harness, 1 set einglei ha ness, 1 strin of bells, 1 leather fly net, grain .cridles, sot es, foo s, chaies, saws, 2 milk esnoej pailit and dish one'c urn, 3 ladders, 100 hens and roo ters and ther ar icles-t-o numerous to mention. All th ahoy will b sold without -reserve, as- thei proorietoe has e Id his farm. Terms of Sale—All mime of et and unde , cash ; over that omount 6 months' cred,i! wil cow r f five cents on the dollar will be allowed fo prop .tetor -; J. P. BRINE, euctioneer. 1472-3 ESERVED Aucriox SALE- OF FAR. STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.—Mr. Tbu sv, March 12, at 12 o'clock noon, eharjp, th folio ng valuable property : Horses -1 aged mar in fo 1 to " Manner," 1 aged heine, 1 mare 9. Year old y "Claw Grit," 1 mare, years old. by t Ca year old by Manner," 1 -horse colt coming 2 yiears Catt e—Twolthoraughbred cov.-s with calves at foo year ing heifer, 2 grade cow? supposed t be calf etee rising 2 years, 1 grade bull ten months old, stee calves, 8 well-bred ewes, 1 Leicester ram. Ion 1 Ma y Mersey mower, 1 horse rake, on land roller, large eutting box, 1 pulper, 1 set plat forni scales, 2,1,00 lbs.; 1 hay fork with ropes, pniley emit 'a vice, 2 age double harness, 1 set bar nese 1 sickle grinder; a quantity of hay will b eold for dash ;, also forks, rakes, shovels- and bthe smal articles too numerous to mention. EVerY thin will be sold without rsserve. as the ' proprietor has ented`his farm. Teastss-Al sums of 86 an und r, cash ; over that arnount 9 months? credit o allo ed for cish on credit amoun .' S. DICKS01. Pro rietor ; GEORGE KIRKBY, uctioneer. 1472 - TT RESERVED AUCTION SALE GE &AR U Farm Stock, High Bred Horses, Inipleinent and Houeehold Furniture.—Messrs. J. P., Brine an Will am McCloy havedseen Jost rusted by Mr. Thome La lie, to sell by public auction on his farm. jug rode) ning Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 1896 at 12 o clock, noon, sharp, the following jvalu able property : HORSES.—One span f wdekin hor , 2 brood mares 1?y old Clear Grit, re td fo on larch 28th, sire of foal, Tarentum 1 drivin geld ng risin 4 ; I carriage mare rising 4 ; 1 drivin geld ng risi g 2, by Young Sidney ; 1 mare and geld ng rising 2, by Young Sidney ; 1 yearling road ger oal, by Tarentum all the above yotmg horse have dams b old Clear Grit ; 1 brown mare rising 4 bred isy A. 11. Moore, Pennsylvania, dam, CaMill 2:20 by II imp Medi m, sire Albert a , hy Re Grey Stone, y Nntwo d, dam by Hambri,no, his ful slate , Dive ion, got a ark of 2:191 at 4 yeare old , a ful broth r, Prince Epwood, a mark of 2;22i at year old. ATTLE.—Eleven cows, same celved 2 ; • heifer biting 2 ; 1 yearlong steer ; 11 thorpug - bre Berksh re boar, 10 months' old, and lOtho ugh - pas plows, gang plo , 1 Reader spade harrow, Pat non bi der in go working order for cuttin n▪ ew ; 1 grin stone, 1 steel land roller, 1 set eeales, new ; 1 8 -ho se power, bout 80 rode of *oven , WIEN cart 1 track ulky, 1 ou ter, 1 trotting el Igh, 1 root put er, 1 gar kettle, troughs for water and f r mix og feed, also abou 10 tons of hay in the bar and" 0 tons f straw, a ew h mired bushels of tu nips carrot and ms got 's ; alto a quan it f suc ae sped s, shovels, scythes, etc. Tie. ,.. — ere will Mao be sold on day of sale, f not pr vio ly sold, the farm, ovhioh contains 100 'ores f ex llent land, well drained, well feoeed and a 1 und r cultivation ; there is a good brick! house 'an -new bank barn, 60x7p, with goad stabling ionde nes h ; stone pig pen and hen Ionise and i good drios Thi excellent farm adjoins the town of eaforth a d has a half an le race track on it ; the only teack n eon ()Won with the town. The above will positiv ly e sold as the roprietor is going out, We t. TE 118. --All sums o g5 hod under, cash ; ,over th t app ved joint notes. A discount of 7 per cent. p r ann m will be allowed for cash on credit anioun For terms and particulars of farm opply on t e pre ises or to the proprietor, Seaforth p.o. VI S. LA SL1E, Proprietor ; J.I, P. BRINE and WM. a - CL Y, Auctioneers- j 1472 - 1RD � INVITE THE INSPECTIOpT OF LADIES At their tore to xamine the new arrivals of Sprin G Prints of only th best qualifier and latest designs • Zephyrs with ,the n w stripe ; Gingams pretty cheeks and stripes ; Cr'inkle stripes in bea tifu Crepon designs in black and Colored grounds ; Satinettes for street wai ts The goods abet% mentioned are fast colors and the lat t des direet from foreign markets. Clerks will be pleased to s ladies through the range of goods. OW ne dongola colorings Samplep given for washing rial. 0 ver 500 diffetlent designsii in tilris range of goods New White and gray co tons, shirtings, 'etc., to hand a large direct importation of new dress good from French and English manufacturers have come to hand, amongst them 8,r a beautiful ran e of black and colored plains, stripes and brocaded lustre Our Milliners are away this week gleaning the latest styles in MILLINE'RY ART. PICKA.RD 84c Co. CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. Seaforth's Largest Dry Goods and Clothing House. GOIdet Ft4A1- COUNT SALE. Lim! OPENING DIS - COMMENCING Friday, Februaty 28 CONTINUED FOR 1 MONT J. Li SMITH, SucTssor to Hard times J. F. CLARK Beafo th. NoN onesty IF M4KI SELL IT t us have a little talk togethe Perhaps we have ot had the pleasure of selling you goods. on may haVe been buying your sae:miles at the same place for some time p it's not the best thing to get -"n a rut. 'How would it be if you were to to k around and see what can !be d ete otho towns and other stores. These re hard times and one must e one's money go as far as possible. We are here to supply you at the lowest possible prices ; in fact a little lower than y other store. because this is a, cash store. Our advice :—Look around nvestigate. ' It took iterve to buy th quantity of READY TO WEAR PAN S we did. The pat- , terns tfe good, the material ie good, and so is t e fit. The priee—well, that is w y we bought the quantity. They are w th $2.25 a pair, h , at Ion they last they will pe sold at $1.50 a ir. We have a few Overcoats le t ; they Will be sold cheap, our spec a HEAVY FRIEZ will be cleared o t at $4.99 The heavy shirting that we ld you about las week is giving ig eat satisfaction ; it 78liould be 12.12- cents la ya.d, hut we got an extra " cut " in the pie and its going at 19 cents a yard. Cardigan Jackets, -Worth $1, for 75c ; Caediga,n Jackets, wo t $1.25, for $1. We have another lot of Gingham just to hand. Probably you hav seen some of it. IV cheap at Se a yard, but it's cheaper at 5c ; that's o r price. " do as we advert* in every r sVect." Mc INNON ,CO., BLYTH. , SALE REGISTER. I On Thursday, March 5th, at 1 o!c pck p. m., an Lot '6, Concessior 13, Stanle_ Farm • Stock and , Implements, Mrs. pa herine Walker, proprietress ; - E. Bosse berry-, in the village of Zurich, Household Furn- iture, &c. - Justus Demuth, proprietor ; E. m., on Lot 28, Coneession 11, McKillop, Cooper, proprietor e Thomas Brown Auc- On} Friday, March 23th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 19, Hurbn road, two mike: west of Seaforth, Farm Stock, Without' reserve. Thomas Jarman,pro,prietor; Thomas Brown, On Wednesday, March 18th,at 12 c'clock, noon, eharp, on the farro adjoining Sea - forth, Farm, Fenn Stock, High Bred Horses, Irriplementa, and Household Furn- 17 Brine and William McC1 y, auctioneers. in the village of Dashivood,l Household Furniture. Phillip Zi mer, , proprietor ; E. Bosienberry, am:goner. l l On Tuesday, Mareh 10 .h, at l 1 ci'clock P. - Stock and Implements. lJacobiZinemerman, proprietor- E. Bosienberry, auctioneer. . On Wednesday, March. 4th at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 21, Cencession 12, Hay, Farm Stook, Implemental and Household Furn- iture. Geiger Brathers, proprietors ; . E. On Thursday, March 12th, .at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, on Loti 6, Coneeilaton 12, Grey, • ne o'clock p. in Stock and Dickson, proprietor ; George tioneer. On Tuesday, March 3, at m., on Lot 1, Coneession 2, Assignee's Auction Sale of Fa Implements. Peter McCan John McDougall, anctioneer. On Tuesday, March 17th, 1896, at one o'clock p. m., sharp, on Lot 29, Concession 1, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. David Dorrance, proptiet-or ; 3. P. Brine, On Monday, March '2'nd, at 12 o'clock sharp, on Lot 8, Concession 10, Hullett, Farm Stock and Implements. •hos. Car- ling, Auctioneer ; George Allen roprietor. Waists a d Blousee JUST T HAND. Call and ?ee Them. W. VV. H ffman, SEAFO TEL Brick and Tile Yard for Sale. The undersigned offers for le his Brick and Tile Yard, situated on lot 3, conc ion 17, Grey town- ship, /- of a mile from Waltonj and 6 miles south of Brussels. It is in good runnijog order. The build- ing and machinery were nearly all new list sum- mer For particulars apply to ALLAN GEORGE, • CUSTOM S WING, Farmers and others requiriog Cuetom Sawing CAD get the same done at the New Saw Mill, lot 32, con- cealer, 0, McKillop. Terms reaeonable. JAMES LOCKHART, Manager. 1472-4 New Assortment of CORSIETS BEST VALUE I We ever, had. SEIAFORT The Milk Routes f the Walton Union Cheese and Butter Factory wit be hetd on Friday, the Oth of parties interested oil' govern them elves acoordIng- lea B. C. Holland, nheese maker ; H. FERGU- SON, Seteretary. STOC bpi' crowds of people ARE SIOWING 1 ntecost s .OLD. WIT -Y. - FOR ARGAINS THAT ARE BARGAINS. STAND This st Gen ck is but ne Balwains. conifposed not only of Fancy Goods of g?bd staple ry goods : reiif oirOs Cott nel linen and ns OAS, gin hams, flan - gloves, hosi ry unitler ear of all Iiimds. nee An se range of Dress oo s pf dpscripions. People appirecia01 goOds at such low prices as we are offering hard Ohes are 6ount?rbalanced by cheap goods, hence we get the croWds. We 'again press the fact that this stock must be 13. limited. space of time, hence Our low im4ces. Cash teirms. 'Thi4, is grand opportunity for th'e people to secure good fresh goods at Wholesale and less than rpp in mici 104 throiigh cour we won't 6rni 'you' ; no fuislay. ork about tijis s raight busine0 ..... stock w4s bought at a low rate on the ; the people oet. 4611 adiantage of bank-: ruptcy. Be sure and strike yslile the iro is hot Trimmings. Laces, Hosiery, Gloves Parasols, Large range Of Corsets, Blouse waists, White wear, - Men's Shirts, Underwear, Staple Goods, Dress Goods, Knitted Goods, Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING CHEAP EVERYTHING INTERESTING Terms strictly cash. At Pe Stock purchased by Pio tecost SeA ard Co. orth. TRE SECOND !When we close our shop next Seturclay • ..,.. ,..evening, February 29th, we will have `._passed our second milestone, as that date eoncludes our -second year in lanai- Iness as tailors and gents' furnishers, and (luring that time we have been favored with such a, large proportion of your esteemed patrona ,e, for which we are truly thankful, tha it is with the most sanguine expectat ons that we open our doors on Monday morning, March 2nd, and piece before you our Spring istock of SUITINGS OOLLARS TIES I BRACES HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR, 840 A full range of Rigby wa.terproof -cloth by the yard. Also Rigby and rubber rain. C011trff ready to wear. One Door South of Exi3ositor Office THE City Grocery WANTED FREE TRADE. do not want all the trade in town, but Ile wordd like a large share of it. We think that ave can do as well for yon as any other house in our line. We do not adver- tise to be giving away our stock, but try to give you att good an article 'for your Inoney as pessibIe. Gobds delivered promptly aud with. care. 0.y stock of Crockery is of the latest patterns, and we are eeiling at very close prices. :Ro0b & Currie, SEAFORTIL f3utterkk's Pattern Are the best__ SHEETS LATEST ISSUE W W. Hoffman, CATCH ON TO THE Best Opportunity OF A LIFE TIME For buying cheap Winter Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. It's a quick turn oia very elose margins, to make room for our Spring stock. CATC1I ON TO THE That- these goods can- now be bought at prices never before named. No one should Illi/315 taking advantage of this LOW PRICE BALE. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. DISPERSION SALE BATES SHORTHORNS The undersigned -will sell at his farm Stratford, by public. auction, his select heal of Rates Short-horne, On Tuesday, March 17th, 1896, Consisting of Four Bulls and Thirteen Fe - Positively no bye bidding, and no reservo. ° Sale to commenee at 1 p. en. Terms—Nine months' -credit an approved joint notes, and discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for etush. Cataloguee sent on application. to SOHN IDINGTON, 1471-4 STRATFORD, ONT. Otiat Flannelettes, Prints, Cottons, Ginghams, 4414. Are A Value.