HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 12�1[801 FEBRUARY 1 x896 - Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 0 Or 2 a 0 3J 4 4 5 6 ia; If -which may,, 4od not igrant-you believe it to be rour dutf to accedo :9: 10 11 12 13 �7 t4: 18.1 5 46.17 i kebp tlhe r nathlos I e oro the fiublic� and i8 19 20 21 22 �23 24 2.5 26 �27 28 29 e keep- Ooisg son �ethirsg. i hesei however, are b C Ltional Council for cond 1hJ depart- husband, w so preceded bar b�_ death 0 ing firm to the.(nd of the struggle, I V44" ""Lu wo v44u quir on- cept yourTouQ 1ssionuLf In VU mv- any ac- +yFW,u �V VU%WV%A, 4%0 %AV�41JU AAJ y VA UJ�VLJA ill e d apped, for the father of a good rT OULAVUL UKUISL43CO IJU 115OU0 ufouciauuran ears instead of for 20 years, as at Lur ou present, n"Fic UJI(A p arou U1 -goULL, 11mbAipa UP within ten a er doatbi 'The int el count, and we ill do the best to aght it, inan bi Is, espee &117 the municipal act, thus placing them in the same positlion,, ie gibnee of .6r . deatk Wag, received by ro&V ia; If -which may,, 4od not igrant-you believe it to be rour dutf to accedo (To not.. to our give hen birth, not with, the lepectablon tho hey will live n - grow -bu simply to with respect to iecuritiesi an public I ave occupied for many yearn, schools with deep egret, as $be, P08400 friends. ceased. was lborn' In' the i jusb'aemand, Lad that- the 0wovernment i kebp tlhe r nathlos I e oro the fiublic� and The bill, with -respect to the Ed licationail part of Romems kile, Ross-shir Scotland, an A which.is anxioui to give u the p,omised %, thus let heir oon'tituents know they are I epartment, proposes to establio an edn. was. married in the same place to her late law, be beaten d ov.erthr( hi 1W e keep- Ooisg son �ethirsg. i hesei however, are b C Ltional Council for cond 1hJ depart- husband, w so preceded bar b�_ death 0 ing firm to the.(nd of the struggle, I inform z�o int ans the' mon I -useful members of t e nentalexaminatione, heretofore nduoted yearn ago. - She was the mother of eig tr son. you With regrei,that the ep, opacyglike is Abuse, a,,; they ar' not unusually the ones b r the Education Department, Tb council children, all of whom are dead, except 6 -e 4 �AWDZRSO� the iv! one man,. nited to the clerga ill rise to Who really do least. ii to be composed of twelv4. person's, four of sons John a id James. dauxbU Sup t -those w io may have. fa en nXor fe us. Please In fri to de- 6n-kness I_1E ' -COU.1�01LS. K MUC _N'0F CotTNTY whom are to be appointed bythe Elucation Pprtment- four hr Lh in. BAke-has purchasl6d the rle -W 50 -ac farm fro ` J Mitch 1heing pardon which leads me neak thun: Thouals to 8 I of %e most important Q overnment Ifelti e Senate of W. h +,ha V Toronto in ell, Dhn 00 uth half Iry We,, res roddeed by.Ron. r. Aasociatio r not 'our intiate in is way wa rd th respect to C' n of the province a $1,700. It is a good but will rQ* friend, is that iub F i rm am lunar, weinave been on good t r lways W, ounty councils. It am 11 I the great educational isiteresU of the gire some f xin -u h re is Lno house, i MO thm-probable, however, that -this fa, -1 leman, a respect&- It iSLa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I have eemed y DU A gelit 11 be represented. The I le"achers, at a good lank 117- Mitchell stW JON p vince wi 11 in y n 3t be preised this sessiow.; ble citi2 m, and a -man well able to be af the through their own association, will be given owns 60 acres in this to hip, on which ho V rv. C Ilt subject to deal with, and the MTbe figure between ther parenthesis after each of head o a poli biCal pMav Divine �ry a voice in the appointment of the persons resides. no denotes the rage of the. paper on which the gr�4 iposed in a some4hat radical one, Provide icekeep a your courage inll� your t . I o are to determine th i --A few d ays of eir , ro ional since,Mr. John Sebwantz, adverbigement wil be,found. altho -it can not come into "force I energy I Dr th of our common cOntry. a siding, while the orne tio shi t M ace - Great sale continues- W. Pickard & Co. (5) interests of ig ier edU- -ith an ugly . X - 11 the p ple vote iia favorof it. T& is 11 61Y P, mp R-1- N G G 0; ODS I remain, sincerely and respectfully,, 4onor- ion and any other interest of a general dent. He as shooting sparrows with a Great opening sale -J. L, Smith (5) to ni w th considerable opposiUou in: the Hard tins#-MaKinnon-& Co. (5)-- x UJ able air, your ir oat humble and d evoted 0 ractero will be protected by the Univer- breech-loa, g gun, when �he breeeb, whilak Spring Goods-Wrn. Pickard & 00'r (5) Lbg&isl tur a, and after it is disomssed,' bn -91 Second Milestone -Dill & Spears. (6) Departmen;. Thid� as sormne t worn, flew back and the t. (Signed) A. LACOMBE,. 0. M. si y and the Edadiktion a t ie o 1110 is of members obtained on A, it In EL e sIN - win '91 Bargain day -Robb. Willis (1) m,,asure will not relieve the Educa, Aon De- charge strao him in the face. One of _iq :41F Information -Greig & Macdonald (1) 11P. S. -Certain members of youi -party h Ad back until the following ! sea. rtment of the entire responsibilit3 of the eyes was - 'in red, and h . face om de pf was a e'L XOWL=_ sion.,. In i his act provision is ma' or tak- Silks, Corsets, kc.�W. W. 11011man (5) blame me for Ftandink aloof from you' and as nual exnination's, bat it will far sh the wh- ii at out, was a wonder he escaped as Cots iU to fit everybody -W. W. RoffaAn (8) in th vo ie in 1897, the year mi! whic the C chases are comiDg in'�r�Lpidly Jewels b Daly . 's [61-(8) ignoring you. on ;ha;ve too much sense blic additional guaraztee's that t e work well a";s he d. ur no Rr spring pur allad already' y at bargain prices a a is o come into effect. lbouncils of 'niore d my. position. pt Asi actual fact ­13, roadfoot, Box & Co. (8) not to be able * uJuderstan =xamining teachers and others w Jo may -Notwit tanding the severe torm 'on b than t en members are e to kub- ome e have a splpndidly assorted stock for earj-r daugbtel -fivive to C before the copsicil, will be oat, ifactor- Tuesday of ast week, reeve, Bawders, of Brick and tile yarld for sale- A. George (6) Belon to --politicalparty, rl6quh? Oustoin Sawing -James Lockhar (5) etors lot I �Go 9=9 . mit th tion to the ele 16 en- go to those o I eve been placed power Seeds -.Robert Seett ily done. The Opposition, with t As bill Exeter, once ded *in di sing of about 49 eral uixi ipal election in 189 father, z Milk- Routes --IL H.- Ferguson (6) - I by.tbe p3ople. I one day the voice of the before them, will not complain tlat the acres -of -bus land in I Among the of lwalu Boarders wanted�Nxpcsltor office (9) Le 4ailss u -to govern the Con try, I submi NO is. optional with 01 un(.iw of over'sinlesib in grasping more power, or that purchasers ere reeve Ilveen, ton, Nov Mressrs� Unreserved auction, sale --D. bers or less. In conni ies adbpt- daughtel pen twent in G Doria,64 (6) Wi7be I )yal a d oonfident in you, a am e IWALRE8­4 U the Education Department is ndc avoring Donaldson, Harriston, ter and Wood. Farm. to rent -James Snell iRk th act, the councils shall be' composed Spring B'sines Cbuntry store foir sale -John Leslie (6') y to secure more political control inAhe ad. Some of it a( Id pretty low, to -day p ward thosewhom on oppose. if of ffro nit e to thirteen membe ac in tit the average bridel's V_ 'see me a to secure to 1pop I&t OA. . , r I I cord' ld V h to ministratioti of its affairs. ice roalizel t was about a Unreserved auction sale --S. Dickson (6) 'A. F_ Bargains in Jewelry [61 -Fred Davis (8r) fft'�Iler ex Aana on a,- I will be Nine councillors re al owe I - at se vice K', t 20 acres to a 11. that In ISiberian Seed Oat# --Peter Durand (8) to con tiej of less than .40,000 inhabitaints, CITANOINIG DATE OF ASSESSAIENt. yet abo hen -At*&.re ut meeting ol the Huron Veb Clortehing r(eduottlen mT.1110ick.ard (8) ewase U, either the bride?s Of at our pr vate Lapslis (6) l6y of eleven to aunties of from 40,000; to 66,OW, -We are pleased f 1� Some of the munieipaliiVies are pet tioning Jn E; rvelaue 017ZW le _ m - and th 4ry Mad cal Associatic i I, held- in Cli by Rev. Universi a. Y�ro y ermiiry Mad Impro ratei of exchange -T. 0. Kemp (8) rooms, provid �d on inform me of- the hour I n to counties of morel� than 60,- the Government to allow the assess 'Min BOT 000. ,an idates cen ere to be abl cities. the follow , ig officers w e to say that we have 1-karcely e .r. 'for 'll be in L Ottawa� 010 th Grand concert in the Methodist. Church (8) fixed by M. I for the council board in be made in townships th,i y electedor a current ye! �r: President, J.1 paren i to 23rd inst. subh couqies as are subject to the pro- The reasons advanced are that tythfiig left from la�t season and. for fiev ral days. (Signed) A, t., the ountry visions of the -act, mus, Golley, Win ham vice president, Charleo' that our stock is 4 ---receive the written is covered with. snow at the seaso, of the 'McGregor, M. I." tance Dr. J. J. Walker, of� tobs, to OL Aneiio of twent- �'#ve or in year that the assessor n 01 ore munict- 'Londembdro, for tbiaL 90 9 ca -3 a are their James F; as returned] I. his former pal ele �torsthe nom"ination,paperls to be de- rounds, and that reason hey are �WHEAIZLEI unable to judge of the proper v ue of paqs. y Y, a it Clinton, w" re-elected trea i uror. The next 11r, r. El. A. X Macy, the head aiid fou ider r I at. farms. is possible a bill for this, 3 r Ose BF-AFORTH. F-RIDAYL Feb. 2Sth, 1896 re than the riquisite gumber ,be will be introctaced. meeting will bo'held in Wh ghammiuly. 0 of the "Well kno _XfAssey-Harris implemen't it as aseretar nd br. Blackall of Notef and Comments tli,�ei with the county clerk on I or - befoie C B ted, the county clerk is rl6quired to -The MAchell Recorder of last week YV fa CORONERS' INQUESTS. says, Mr. John Rolph, wh lives in the vi- ltba. anafacturing c pany, died at Torc nto, no�if� the elerks of the uicipalities Ale lo inur o i Fridaypiornin'g, last, at: The Dominion Parlioment. Mr. ish, of Elgin, is anxious for in- cinity of Wu wale, a. distance of about forty' the age o 1 73 ano'-forwaild vo 1115 padro,' the forms of CTR Like almost all the preceding weeks, the formation relative to coroners' irquests. miles from. hi re, was in to" � laaLt week, and arty years %o, Whi6h are'stipulate in t 6 act. !['he reeves -,ars, About fifteen or twe IN EVERY from eW proceedings in the Dominion House during ande -reeires at. present He asked for an order of the House for a took back wi �% him from thetownship of R PE �r. Massey removed his works puty constituting a return showing, first, the number of cor- an a load of hay. He i says the farmers the past week have been colorless. castle to TorontD,where he made money county Council, have under the, proposed eeti t& f law th( poi ver to el Oners' inquests held in the province (luring in th t nei h orhood .-have used all their V go t The debate on the budget is still being car- ryiapidly,.and t is said he leaves an. o members OM &U nomi over ted It -th ei tate worth three millions of dollars, fr ai iong the, candid a and 1895;'second, ba' d nearly all their itraw, and ried ouby a few, and rt from the. fact b -.sides large 'ben6hicUons which he made is ded that each r e anW de�uty- the length of time consumed at eLch in man of thes i will ha-ve hard work to get ieN that a few privae quest,;'Third the object for which ith h feed I o ke their stoc meas res have been in-:� diringhislife. Hisestatewill likelyyield reeve 5 a -k o We are sho��ng some elegant ave nine, e �ven o, rteen ler e do Ibe signs in r wf later. �ZU, I WA troduced, nothing hasb en done. The pio.: tl Le Province a I adsome sum - undee the v6t R,alcorling to the nun of ( ouncillors quest held ; fourth, the Cost each such inquest to thd county o ---:One of t lose happy'ev( Februa* st, ccessions daties act.' H( ieaveo a, fax aily toe 6 ectcd;and may gir'e' all.t:) one can- r City in which nts that neverL hibition question was introduced onMon didate such inquest was held. He intends. to in- fail to crea;e an excitement, especially lGrey tow ol two sons and o or thme daughters or distribute thetr,'ag he desires. day, and was pretty erierally- discussed by troduce UP The vollang papers are to bb filled up and a bill providing for the payrutent of among the fa r sex, occurred at the .ro C a -sged St- 1� it the meeting of the- local Councils u 8 e a:m:sg 'Crinkles,, The feelincy of the House Sir Donald Smith has bean in Winuip Ilett, on - I - Z its advocates' oroner jurors. dence of 31 Prints, 4ingh r. R. Sanderion, H eg he do I Ith inst., whc his sister, , is$ aged -23 1 bo the third Monday 1i Jan Pro- 'TAL FATUNI STOCK. Wednesda, !U is a u ited in the onds of matri- ns wever,, seemed to be lin favor of dela:ying. for several days &�d has been in onsulta- yy legislation in that direct�oa until the Privy ti n with mmbers o via on r forw,),rding e voting The Minister of Agriculture, in answer to MU -811118 10faut a Z5. 0 is made fo Lizzie, wa b Duck, Piq f the Aanitobr. Gov�, pa�ers :;o te county -clerk a, and or count- a question, said the eatim&ted value of mony with I fr. Albert Howlett,, a pios- perous youn Council haz given, its decision as tcrwhether- 'er iment. It is a&: (I he was, deputed loy �tfie ing the vot s1n the preseted of t e g farmer of lorri. The cere- ounty stock at the'experimental farm, Gue�ph, on th jac gel o.- sh wiff, or, in their mony was pei e power to pass a. prohibitory law rests Dominion (lovernment to try to arran,,e absence, the formed by ReAMr. Bagagin, of J. Little. January lst, 18941 was $8,178, and o' Jan- clerk, of the county court. All details h,,i-n thd 'overnment of 1anitoba some nary lab, 1895, was $8,640. Blyt presence of abiut one Iiiindred Ot r with the Dominion or Provincial au.thori- I'vith, the the lAnd a 9 -Teat vari[ety of he' thi and thirty in 7ited guests. oiprornise ties., a�hd ou, a vote being called for, an i an ca t �On Mond ay morning oi last week an- th,- Ottawa (4ove rninent ' -ould withdraw. ��, ly worked out. The election- of fori the affbi tual operation of the! act have Son P`10g- on thE school: question, so'that be -e 'th 3 Andersox amendment to that ekeet was carried. remedial bill -.i bich is,,n)w before 11 6rs )y popular nominatio and in- Huron Notes. i other happy ( vent took pla at St. Colum- Parlia-- aged ft, It U'as stated few da�s ago tha the re- ment. His miss n, -how ver, is likely to dirhA iote nn- bus' church., I rishtown, in he marriage of will be a most interesting i o- The new Blyth public school m4ll be ------ niedial 1A711 would have 1 its second reading pr)ve a failure. e: reason for th ation. It may afford a Win. Flanner y, to Miss ellie is evi- methodbi escapi faced with pressed terra cottaArick. of Walton Th ng de atly is tbat :Sir Donald% object was to the' dificuffies inseparable fr O' utke, o� McKillon )IThe ceremony Very Pick of all that-vo on te 2nd of bui from present ap- oni ievery- at- , ��-Afessrs' Logan & Fraser, -of Blythl, will- W -bew Murphy. The tC11 a performe I by Rev. riances it is hardly likely that suc ge; concessions ani I not to give. Bat Mr. tpuAD re luce - represent Aion on legisla- manufacture tile this pring. br de looked dharming in a awn a NEW pe�l h -will Gieenwaisnotto be caught�inan,� I tiN bokies - The membe -who:'fear they suit. She F,%U Wheat pi -Mr. Beek, of Wingharn has purblia3ed b Alias Katie be the case. The Conservtive camp is still r y, even.by a nia� 10 t ieir offices by such r4ductions, a lot:in Harriston, wai -attended y her siste o a� Spring Wheal tute a wire puller'as Sir on whicu he will wl ile divided, an I a, portion of them have. been I Dc nald- SnAffi, B ly takes the areigon tall, su Patrick e very prDper ecessful in opposing them. large store. wriery, brother Gate per bu* There n a be a.possibil Of he &OOM, acted as best aan. We wish r"s per bus po 3ition that as tl e overtu res came - from y ity )f numoroua ties -Mrs. John McCrostie, of We I .Oyage throu ftyley -p eir bi pr�ssinf, Sir ackenzie Dowell to drop it at aw&- tb young coi ple a happy I c h reeve ani in rnmen;, some Pro 081- Ing -rav gh a t ther. Thi cteE to himself, bu -, that! danger is sly, de by th in. * It is under. d tub�s�' the Do inion Gove p throug I dey. uty-re4ve givi nosh near Bel e died suddenly o Sun- s, h wever, does not meet I tions should be m allhis 6th inst:' I rX r e v with the approve of Il that Greeni.V11 mainly LITI �,tnary. The pt ogress The Harston Tribun a�s: W..Uaui-_ the Premier, who te stc od ly is will ng e N f the b ilt� &�gp per do2 lwl6nty-five carloads of N%?hea n were should )e -%i atched attentiv by al who the Howick lime ing, was Flour, per 10 them that the constitution compelled him the schools, 1�ut is not! willii g 'to '.make any qbipred from Brussels station last in conces i6tEr sted in municipal legisla�ion. lefessr'a. Stewart and Graham. � I riday, looking as hale and er ton 4 w '�k) by town on e tor tLke the course he has done, and he must sions involl -ipg re e itablishment of are nides p me eparate schools. He is firin-in his position THE FINANC1 S. -1kobert Ferguson, ns, Cask of 'sup- Sh6pSkins..' _a by it. ir Donald Smith has ust re- of West Waw pl, ing ibis whole country, W J tbit but one System of schools shall be �nosb with the 'best he annuil spee�b of the had Oree fingers cut off whileclittiDgistraw o:d frona. Winnipeg, whither he went on maintained in Manitoba. DWARID' provin ial treas- I he rty as ever. The iin E FAUL au lity of Ifir e does not se the other d to take any iirer war, this year an e. cepti ally able I Bait tretwn) MY. h: off his bones. He infor' wood per 001 enry Millin, ed Ow- ha sacceoded. in getting i' -4n imnieuse, Wood parw.v I. -1 larcout! has t '� e his own responsibility, at least without hapr faculty of G, ed us thib he r. McKim, who resigned his seat in the Satuiday, 15th insbo, from the effect of a at -;aut6rib from the Premier, to con of go interlarding Miss statis ical in rmation of woodl� and that the prospectl y sult with Dry Goods Com in his 9ide. are Apples per bi :Dominion Parliarrentfor:t0ae Brn, n wiQb other interesting in r, tha his' ad- eanc pan Al Greenway regardin, a settlement of 'the t - yJ this on t* b of lime this ro Ming geason orcler He was i Timothy S-eei his face sehDGI question. toletSirChrl ­XtiDvergebbis seat,) drellsd does ot become wearisome -31r. Robert Str nthers bad w I he 4�s't for niajqy own ears. Paik. per 100 nite is kn b, M r. TV lyfr en, Iving from Teeswaper to kile dri haagothisreNvard: been ap ta PDrth, who I has remimed ce" 0 C .. f former r on Tallow"per 11 y 0 of As4fie 'a ee it the per on of Wbd P f Air. Clan on'Tueed of last Week. I ham, ate. ed to the Sen t an expeiiive fraud ye�rs, a� opposition critic.. Mr. Win t �R Nothing defi- es kes t4e' , e t S n to the result of Si DonalWs mission,"and 'point re0lied t( latbeoA, of he ster hand of deat 0 the�Consservatives am ex eatantly waiting .%Iathes be can- jol Ir Fartist p Tin. Hall", of Ael-, has 'let as "' , 0 was on ion Jece ed, h A his I th", Senate is, but the Conervative Gov- is 14Y no ineans as able a Man tract for a new house to R. G. Wils n, Of 67 t i year, Cali ne to this � co Ltry abou t ee if it will not present- som as I iis prede- e loophole erx en t would, 6%, ideat Brussels. t 40 y, be bad' off r the experierib 'TIORONTO if it cesior, a i, I b as neithe" enovthe It will be' a brick veneer., yea ra a and - Wed on the' se !�' enter ana bu e d receipts i (ge. lie had, it is true, a hard task tilder by calling and serve injury, alth thr6ugh which, they can escape the dreaded w4e abolished, in w6re-he Sunday, 16th inst., the annual mis- die, 1. ouglk the trouble did ot -de- We W is always of an unusually t is all speculation, at sin measure. Of coure, i bef6re Um, as Mr. Ha;rcourt had made na�,y collection was taken str is apprentief ship with Wm. McDonald, f ve o? for a long itiMe, was the came of her �Comina ha i h ii� ag ; and r bust nature' until abone one T e report is being persistently eirbulaed eve�ryth r g i �o plan, that he left lilttle room sels 14ethodist church Sabbath school. The xeter. Forov: r, thirty years he resided in death.- .,_present, as to -how the vote would stan(,l ye ago, whe i he began to d, -clisse, chsaige M'- I fau t fil Lding or first employ �th t Hon. G. W. -Ross, ,he popular and ef- for, contributions amounted to $14. an4 has �inton, and v ed by the I& -feeling ill :;,-sho,tild the bill come vp for its Vecond read-' criticism. So that a gra al�ly'don; so until the th te -7-James W. Ferguson, of 'Atwood ­Seak thieves are getting in their work read MeTkgga For 28 years he was, a disposed of his residence has 0ioiceo but b&4 cas n boor hands is not'calc4lated to an n ficiant inister of Education for Ontario ed abon 2 o'clock on Finday me ing, i a 06inpleteat authorities state, however, fit faithful I I be irery in Brssels. Such things l4t ev. A. -end on quantities-, Ing or useful to anyllone and as coal, wood, ploye of the foundry, the the R W 4 t ie way ar 0 astltwelve YeW4 asforemanof thewood of $700. that; at least twenty Out' io Conservatives with Mr. Mathesonjo 0 Mon 'will shoruy -re-eater Dominion politics. hay, �ats, etc., are being appiopriated by fa inst. H leaves a widow and a Urge �1, era i M. A., for the sum le quo. rn le oss of a kind has T Mr. Ross is one of the most eloquent and ape ch on the budget. The, i u band these individuals. rtment. Will: vote against it, while a number Of Gov- Itreas rer all I Andrew Melville and Miss Rog and 107W foreeful spealc d pos -,-The Great Northwestern exhibition will Pon Igent ther. -One after ai o t�lier the old residents of lish, both of th priv ers i Ca!iada, an sesses" bro. ght oft several viory important points. e Eng- 4 1 e e - Sth line, Wallace, were emment supporters are at present doubtful. �the unbounded con dence of the people, not' Fo example, the neome from succession. V deAt; of'I'Londeaboro, died very suddenly on ley towns P are passir 'On married in Listowel, _hy Rev. Mr. Cooper, ilson Pringle, a welirknowii resi- be held this yekr at Goderich, on Tu A 19 away- to 141c --cl Should these conjecitures prove true, the only for his ability but for* his sturdy, pa- dat es his =w, becom Wednesday and Thured Je Alo day aftern of last week ther assed on the 12th inst. ery a, _n e a very flaiportant ay,. Septeml 212, Alo#daT morning of last week. He &rose at so letly inde:1 - i th( revenue, as' thus that Government, whose majoriLty is We do not 1, w what, founda- factor -93 and 21. only forty 0 -tly to his r� at, for, under qXl - -The 9-year-old'son of A& W. =ents axe % tt I .1 his �uouq6l hour that morning and to ui Schafer, tion the report'. reft rr.ed to has to rest ulpon, Ahio -!-Winghi - all Is departure wX a abarcely noticed, John at best, will most surely be defeaed. he e receipts have been In got its name from Win ham, pea ed in his usual Of Mitchell who underwent a edlv e an(es loot, ation a In $758 in 1893, $45,507; follows: England, so called because Cut of the value of the reinforcement Mr. age I Loos, aged 84 yk ra. Decease deeid I health surgical �opex_ 189 d was born in few weeks ago, and who was -at bro�Lj_litT,'OW in 1894 the maul who ate a ht arty b - akfast and made the Aeces. e incardine a - G no A Remarkable Letter. p1para _e 9 Scotland, toil's would bring to the Liberal' party at $150,75 slid in 18915, $298,825. Our eso first surveyed it came from Win ham in 1812. time very low, is now doing well. Bar tions for going to the bush e e paid, 7. England. �eani grated WINo va Scotia at the aeOf Ottawa there can be no! question. But he tima we t to the -9 �able to water the co* of Elma who te r $95 was -$17,5,000. Altogether -Thomas Hardie o'Wautel The following letter, addressed by Rev. cannot be very well spared from 0 tario. w -Mr, 11 W. Allen, of Hull and an a wh 11 e terin the stable -door be was Joexil, -and n vjTg n e -bav to the'elosi ett, in with fte I - i there for eigLhteen years with a terrible accidegnt last w o 'nt Father Lacombe, to H ceiN ed i ? o4i last I year, re- el seen: I tomove'd �'ft his bra Wilfred Laurier, th s way, the considerable surn of a very painful accident the other day. ther Donald to the pit cavingin upon him, has ilbeen iiceiv� uroni he re he has to ger an.5 fall to thi� ground, where he .0 nty e is now able -to sit up in bed, -lontreal Gizett6, although profess;. $50 While going across the barn floor, he all died instantly. lived for that h &1" b�eL_gVre-IrVaedl The I Leo far the leader of the Opposition in the- Domin- . � I &I lof which has been. aliplied to- He was in the 37th year of 3 p- stead W W t .�&.overnunentb ped through a hole, dislocating le las ty- re y arg. The deceased was f On- war& m itintenance of the hospitals and his an le. his ige.1 A -The McTavish Is ion Parlianient, has been published. It widow and a son, eight Vears a 91, ino ensive omestead in So tario is extravagant, is constrained to say asylums, as- �rovided by statute. )Last year -Mr. Dan McKenzie has pure ase the old, saryLve hi n. iet, unass; min 6 man Easthope, is to be sold =d Me fori speaks for itself, and needs little, comment., weve and -held possessi gives the one, This! was the her. The con- Thq Clint d Ross, Whis de- well situated, and Kormann House, Wingliami a a will' Very married I lived d his life March 4th next. t�eifie 7. z r ceived frl6m one- estate, �e wa I un 111 T the n take I r The farm i It is to be said, r,that much of he ver nic 3 8 in of $134,693.. New Era 8 a fine SaMee it to say, that in sending such a on on the first of Octo Ilow- *ith ls� a brother, til Ing� account 0 Clinton leap year leigh aae four years a nd since th expenditure in 0 tario is r1epresented in sideration is in the neigh containing nearly letter, the reverend gentleman has not been -estate ol th '114te Mr. Gilmour, of' Ottawa. borho d a at time acres. firxi drive. It a& One evening I ith his nephew, t He le&, o d et heirs, the sole b4eaeficiaiy chool t to Donald Ross,, re- -Mr. W. Wilgows ho material Properties The Province has ex. The date of the county lood of 000* set w k a Ce Ug nurr use, Prospect xnemUde-d p -year cl�iving every attento and having all the Hill, was burned to theround on al V le ire n to the de- ole �hin� par to. a numter of the TU aday er rovision stm ger in blood ng ladies gave, a lea well advised, as it is calculated to do great- eded all the othe a in be' meeting Jab ath ber� of yo Makin as3ociation ak be(, fixed, for arch cause which c mf he req Part of e the treasurer remar ir gen- �d, and which willing, evening, 11th inst. for injury thanood to the he for the insae, tI e blind, theg Nea anA ce ked : 1 1 th and 12th, at Heass,11. Rev. Mr Rae," tl if the f urlleitur.e dumb, and in the separating o 44 �i ; or cers 8ma seems to have so much at heart. Uhardened I any f Acton,and INJ eft an frien -taking a trip out uds ouldcontrib' te'6 He was a consis- was saved'; all else. was a inore. ' The It may be -one in this House, -or,out of it, 0 r. Day, Provincial ecre- M �t to the acrificed to the Criminals from lesser offenders in prison. f or Riun( me r' tary, will be am' Ai an con osion. Barring the fac well to remember, however, thab Father Presbyterian church, of flames. �be -about 21 t think of even quesbioni ong the speakers. t theit tent meniber of the ng the n e tip wisdom of our legishi, d the premi es of hich the late Nearly a million of the total xpenditure'iS fair, as oi z --Turkey thieves visite the ent�leme had to jump iDut tiQn in the Mow W Rose was pastor. He -An interesting te n &I plie 'to this, ibe most impor S. Parkinson, J. Horn, R. Jones, f Us- several )Imes, the trip out was Ainevei tful. had very little to wi th public affairs, vent, at Kikto, the ourse pro ; Lacombe is, evidently, not. conversant with for the maintenance of public institutions, wh ,taut other evening was the m wh them an the way in which Political. affairs: are man- the chief of which are 'the asylums, etc., ca ch as &risen under it." borne, and, T. Whalen, of Biddulph. Aftjr-arjoyinj selves until an arly Choosing ratb arriage of Norm One er to a tend to the affairs of a Switzer, to Miss Laura Whaley. The bo �quppiy 91 and chariries. Th6re is, also, fine agri. 2.60 er iery impgrtant point made . me 1ritance. His death has aed in this country. -He has been Pangaged a night Is" week, �nd'earried off ab ut 15 h f 5he m( rhing, they started f6i h :) nduring'inh _vs a - 11 wore e, turned 'out in force slid gave them a goo(] u"tiwere upse in a are I e u e7, was yar rea - a e ano er in for the best pat of his life as a mi roac cult ural- college Ow aled by the Proviac , and the by turkeys. b the faimer's in e circle-al- thit although the Gov7, the i leigh t serenade. quoted at 11 ing Ale dEiver declined to dy broken by t ssIOnary" it h.�s other works trid institutions of Zener- ern en, a 0, during' the past year, A delegation irom Goderich tart death o onald Ross,' -John Forrest an 16C dis- w -re in C1103" the Indians of the Northwest, and al lienefit., hich other Provinces could pos o: Ottawa last week, inteniewing the Minis- d had no a, ttities to t until da rlight and the crow d Peter Chalmers, of an he amount of $17111 - native bit t ter. id of onald� o fs, sr., four years ago. Poole, are scouring the country in search Of Eggs -Fres ke copy, if the[r means, wouiLl permit 000, th t back in the house. he r ains d eased were interred in hogs for hi r has,eonsequently, not pk in tout& with ter of Public Works, and endeavori )g to reby increased the thein to do so." I aird's ceniet r 8 ipping- - A little over 4 cents per tock,& te -xK the progress of free thought and fre� of �he province, as the mone ob- -Cha,les via died at the resid pound has been pad) bu persua ac- lial 11�,itil de him of the necessity of f -,rther en fa iri�d i i tb y harbor improvements for their town. his son John, th line I of t the tion ad -has llo wed his zeal to over-weig _V have dropple(i h 0 way can only be used for pay- Aorris, on T e d4y �, of a cent lately. Zol ing, �off Ili 3d boffinj n raililway. certificates, so S. Merrill has purchased fro n afternoon o t week, after a brief I Notes. Charles ood who Wb . At -wood I timed 4ro, I h tudient. It is also stated that &1: E ONTARI LEGiS'LATURE, Charles Hanley, on the Maitland cono ssion I TH ri g Mr' that it 0 the recovering of one form of having att the patriarchal age 92 summe thoalgh his letter would seem to indicate the eptablishment of another. years,,6 in P1 sician, Dr. RicharLL' Another n r, for the Northwest has secured the Goderich township, the farm he has b, en on a and 2 weeks. He was born t III hingle in Mitchell. TA eek was But, in. dd' n sun lon, has hun Position of assistant G. P. It. agent a r, vernment bout '2,500 Tie principal ev t of the past w for a year. - The in Belfast, Irdland, and came to Ca*ada Broadview, Assiniboia with the proapeet:of that he isqpea,king for the entire clergy of to this, the Go a paid was a the elivery, by t e treasurer, of his annual aie,yea ly t ing up these annuities and a this is not the o nd his house and lot in 'Holmeaville He I ,--Mitchell 'es 1 or�anized a Pedro the province of Qt7.ebec,. along with his parents. -when nine' mouths something better in 'jje near Ile ase, f uture. finw, icia speech,, a d- the"subsequent discus. paying off- e railway 'certificate takes possession in March. old, locating i :t the Bay Of Quinte seel ion, -There is a live debatin�. elLib at WAlow -Luther tamb of Ito i1e. own views 8, out of s his letter sets forth only his current r-6 ue in addition, to� erecting -Dr. James McKay, a h- hl ected and afterward moving to Victoria county, rove cheese factorl, Loga4. v ting friends in. Waji'Mani'laba, has been r es a y of his brother cler thereon, whia 1, up to the time costly ub] buildilsigs, besides providing udde T on easet lived for about 35 - ars. the (I that tria of writ resident of Dungannon, ZI L where dee isi ace tiowshi fok gymen are I Monday morning, 17t e ceased YE I -Mr. Ward, b Northwest Logan, is ast few week reported that -lie few oor is not yet con uded.- The budget de. for,tbe rdi ure,. so that in this. eaves t fall. kin prepkIrati net ill sympathy with his views, and par- The old coup came to Morris I&S N a ry expendit� h ins p is 1] g' ticulm- bate' way the liabi ities of I*hind a i U f nab Mrs. Davis ons for a new bick is caled vailed of by ulie province are being ami o one' da �n( five w o survives her husband is g will take & 'WAllace girl with him when he e e eased. With regard 9 six -0 U as a Miss !Do- i was slow, reasurer. o Afilverton has a bal- -The rime light. ethibition of Bible PIC- ar. ce o ried life etfen� ed over 57 years. f $488. 6 Ion. hand in favor of the reaction, b) under these Circumstances, the letterw' I ,Legislature,, and thus to let their Con titu. purchas al: ur sale will receive less n, pr given in the town hall, Mitchell th menibers who desire to be beard to the last sil of annuities, he said,:" The al.�O. , rinds, Donabla , 0 elleville' and their 3 ly with his methods of enforcing il as it is usually a ed ased, in incr wife.havin about 75 year of ate. Sh Of� lea a. �of local b, them. It is not likely,' therefore, that in the d osons, his died ato I years f 'he t -Messrs. garris & MeLauchli Ile- Mr. D tures have ay material influence with ents know that they are not -thain 311 per C nt. iuterqst tors of the B I'vis �ge. le hat all Imt, ire y russels cheese fact was a heart3, able-bodied man, 6 fe;et 2 1 W, W. Schulte, of IV, h other night, by Re ' �Ir. do' ent* I On his investment a de- . Tavis� -Adam Armatron has sold his barm, at I0 cided to make cheese this yea a a in el an weighing over 1200 tock was not largely attended, owing to osay, Mr. peaker, that at n at 2 cents I make Laurier or a of his Liberal colleagues dumb ga." In taking -part in this dig- ti Toppingandas pur "based- one near Shakes- oon and, ny me no, ocasionin ou ei pound, as against 2je. in 1895. p ds. The -ause of the stormy weather. r history, bag the They is death, in addi�ion putas well *orth gq.; confined strict y omini. n, crany one of ave nakrly completed their Cali to extreme o 'd age, was an attacks of peare. He.distends o move in March. whieh vesn' its provinces, or i -as %ii d ex - ing to see. f rom Quebee. The following is the letter ion, the speaker is not D Oil and it is safe to say that none which d, any city, wit -F. W. Wilson, I arrister, who has been advance. to any particular- s abject, n he can. wan- n its borders d;arrhoea. h p!ect a big make during the'com ha; der a sweet w a, salt eff6eted so fav- -Mr. Arthur Couch has rent ealptir a �resident Of St. Ma, -ye for the past th -Mr. Albert Johnson formarly. of Fill- vount, but a area f securities The purchaser ree larton _a been published for a long tim e Ila ted ill, wer the entire range of orable d a[i fa in After a till ring and at times a very p).;:, years, b e writing frain Zxboiv, Manitoba, a greaer at t 8,:: ur last sale, t of this on the Huron road, as d ciaed t( remove to Petroltia. a11 choiCe bee is a residen Tuckerain sensation in Political circles, b11t Piovincial politics, and even beyond that, f. h W r. ft I illness, all' of which was borne it!j -A firm in St. I Aryl OTS Times Are a 4ittle brighter at pres- "co )ro-Nyin-c and eorge White,of Tuckeramitt, burki s recently disposed as the circumstanceg aq;iwe have. explained the pi.rit.promptk him. The Oppositibn, 'A no ex pew n account of ex- as 0 en heat, No. I hard. having advanced to we were) therefore, absolutely w kes Ciristian fortitude and resignation, the of 15 b, e I whatever o possession at once. Mr. -COUCh i"' ae ured 91 irit of Mrs. J - M. O'Connor, of Brusf 8,1 while averaged 18 pounds 47 Cents. We have lot to 20 per. Brokerage fees, is Whke It ri Saurday night, 15th - i Isit. , i -Rev. J ohn Scot i, of Berlin formerly Una Skis w, theali, above, became m ore understood, its employ this opport anity to make a genefa :c ge or commission els, apiece. 8 of snow, and 'very od ten& t, and Air. good arm. tc ok its ft cold weather." offerea. ig I 91 occasion r attack- upon the Government, while Wro Couch reserves bout 40 a es er mai -Mr- William Edwards u -60 much su� the qba P n ti a I and exchange� add Materially fo his H den na to Ue r tee f interest, when a foreign own use. e was Sarah Jane Liftle of. of Mitchell, who wever, the inten feel- supporters of the C overnment- employ ir light strok EAST prise. It shows, ho inher home -being in London, Ontario. 11 f1j St' 'far: 7 -all 1will I'd t�6 Japan as a inis-' had a few week;s Bt se the nary, e of Daral!ysi, es or is rhe p rchaser. I will give! an illus- -At the meeting of the Missi a B ard the year 359 the de ELVA is recovering. Edwards is nearly stion, Med -Georf"e Roffman Ing hich many feel on this que time parl yi ff these attacks. The rat!i�pn,: Tb' of the Met , held i reft p anFred Calvin uebec Government oegotiat- rio onto united in marr agi to his ov of 86 years of age, aud't4is -is the first time good to Opposition also gen Van 80bringvi le,� shipped a le his life that -he- ever which, after 41, and when thoroughly sifted ly'take ad fage of A of -,333,976 in Paris, M Decent. last wee�, Rev. John'Scott, D. of er. ner and slarge part of their 'life waus a itnd lambs to, Tbiinto, last week.- r car lead of catt bW to. have a dew er,!,'189 he net proceeds of lo lin,,formarly of Wingham, wa called in. ,at, Oems to us of very secondary this occasion to mo 0 some particular prin a appoi ted in-Ifitchell ind toBrussels 10 or 1 �-Newto ImpQr- n 0 SvIniz ciple in their platfo in, as an amendment to mo to , 104;803. Ap4rt from vari- head. of the: theological depart OCnnor's death was about to be made -Mr. ;John Pletsch; of 8 keavy h tance o� years ago. -in 0 committee 'of I ul t expenses connected iwith kio college, J&pan. He O' 111 e 'a money o haktapeare sold the motion to go UTP ye 8 0 t will I& le sh rtly result of a tum er; office. 1 It will also have a A pure-bred white legho St. Peter's church, 107 Visitation street, - it, from which, 'he had . savings 43.W - AU 4 2 was Pent in commisgions ' UnTI54 ingdom. tha. *Last f I I 'bi departi6ent. ru hen the .,other This is c lled- a m -31 for the 8 Ki '61 ot on of want of colis ence rd ad- -fei �ed for the tast five mon day, for $10. This in a beaU2t nment, and, if a motion of this ert,stng,, ich Erb, 'of � Iowa, who has been poultry., Not I 8111C price for Montreal, January 20th, 1896. Aly Dear in the Gover he Paris canit,aligt -Mr. James McFarlane, of 4,a 16 G ove all b went to Lo (lon to undergo an'operati;Dn v 9 70 he solT the Male Sir, -In this critical time for the question t , 0 a realize b ortbg: ix1g le 2, or it* fr' ds'in the nei o or tb�: r kind is carried, the practise 1 Stock � farm, Stanleg, has just j old a fine b the phsi tans thought she' g, asreturned is, for the Gov- tb�n 4 er cent. on tfielir inv stme t. a, ghborhod of Top- teto th for sheep of the Manitoba. schools permi a - -d since Eml was t is hen for 1:8, but -the Ura un- an aged ernment, to'resign. Wh' uch e gures from a recent Polled Angus bull yul 20 4 to ab Pi to his home in the west. fortu U-70; goo Wissionary'L t -G -day represen, ether or not a' 0 icial Irle- t nately died before the Purchaser came ting the Bishops motion will be made 1is session is not known. bee Legislature." nie Bunch, daughter of Mr. J. for it. of our country in this cause, whiqh con- But,, whethe rt places the liabilitie�' Of f i g a r Be Mris sh e B ch, of Kutnerville, and Mr. Simon to il turn tof tl�e Q Mesa i, of a to 8 an it. In addition to n d, ba, d, three ch ldrert survive, -viz - Af ` r made r not, it matters not a- I the f Mr. arla E. -The De Cerns us all, permit me, I. say, to appeal to '18 i .1 W. Hunt of Exeter - I it great dqa prov� not be c i � two B ckman, Of Wkrtbur were un e's our faith, to your patrioti :1ve; W2, to place against hich have started laril ing, one having nnor, of! D rham, and Miss O,Conuo�, ited in Downb%iOhas changed V.80 to am and to your. m4 be said here q 04 Ti i h y the Opposition is isc h,asjets-&MOuntingto$5$108,4§2,bav- another three. r h y �mat ay, 18th inat. R C or aCattle clo ig surplus aBece LISed was a bright, in I i- Jam aril -haser - 1% acres n w" the 011174 spirit of justice, to entreat on to accede to docile in the extreinq i. They seem to have 11 a 1equiva4ent, of ussel ',e, of Carlinkford, p Cash, or it _Mr. John Potter, of Fast W wan gej it woman' who hAd at $3,92W. Waff most highly eateeme it right hand ainputated th same.townnhip, I hands zen some time 49o, had the roadf has purchased ' the Atkinson Our request. It is le name of our lost all snap, and tho �re is nj fight in them. has recently, retaine hi Patrick- Relly, of the mbro 11$5,0 8,980. "his is over and aboVe any d from e 0 1�� Qu c, wh e --A most Pected death took place A, 0 7 1b Bishops, of the hierarchy and 'of Canadian The Patrons, also Val that� nia y be- placed on the a fingers of hi farm Ae I iv'b been exceedingly he purchased. t a, tha we ask your party, of bi v11aluable a thorough-bied Lo .. r 0 u- Clinton on Frida eve 14th inst., blemil ot4er day. e consisting of 141 acres, for Catholie, ch Ir"011r, erty adian Prench entire horse, Na (Iniet this session. I b is whispered that this cau ied by the old Parliament 10on 2 d. that of Mr. ANTil I im He are the worthy chief, to assist u the sum of $6;oW. 1% to 10 a in is due to internal di ensions, but w-lil6ther ail d� 4 -The oontract of sFpplying 34,0()o fee orth a ana sal" -�_ you :iid rounds, said to be He is a, fine specimen of the Lowce an about the h �use had be7n t of -A friendl aft, 900 settling this famous question, and to do so this be so or not, I an not say, a q urine the day, tho, h n it lu !tber, for cor Y game Of carpet hall wsis roper. iYorkers d amicable on thd French korab, and has proven hi niself to' be feeling ct..uite as U Mit` PlaYed in Alitchell the other every- million -do ars and other valuable _ppration purposes, i I ell a�s usiial, and ch 1, has been let to Mr. evenin- be- medial bill. We do not You to vote for ht" wit pro-- the evening w 01 'George 'Rock, itt tween six ",e Ca -11 1$4. as 4ken sudden] ill 114.. 0 per tho th lar $12 nadian Order. of all that ts and 0i -Mrs. Anderson, relict of the late Rod, ?a1giaof t Iturnber of the Ancient 9 n bji voting with the 0�ovemlnient on the re- thing secins smooth an ties nd b tildi ags which mig a fine stock getter. ad algon outside, althbu h it 's,.known to prie , be olim ' t�d as asse pir. neui and 9 For;; ;aLnd br e Government, but for the bill whinh will te�ey have held several mi ters and e sa ame pro eities wh ch are clas a as 8 eriek Anderson, and one of th the bear Lin� the d -The deAth Of WilUam Jack took place Order, th ( by wi-11 cause ofidev a at the rei 0 F00 n w J u stil , Ls��' e Ins 014e lire i n gly 'h an e P1 1 el e t L 'y 31 tu C at u op sg ey �d IS w ras i liel to an tiltet, y r, no W an t f reader us our rights, which, bill wili; be'pre- since the session -o ened, But, near y evry local municipality. Yn' of the county, died at the iesiden"' I*Uce of Mr. HughRoss, Mill- 9 Off Victorious, A �stormy caucuses ie h e earl' settlers re He recently lost 9340Zr comin perhaps, fae of 8 y - AhPA. e u the Oe of I;-er pox tion of his hai id in a machine, and a nAtch Will be played in a few d to the House in a few day% I con- both Patrons and Co ervaiv n, return goord-shee uffei bwtk, on th 18t inac, to the es ay brush statement, it is scarcely to be son, Mr. John Anderson, lot 26, e r Ilse regret of his weeks. 150 lower; wo therefrom, althouLyh th many frien Bider, or rather we all consider; that such an up after a little, and give us some full ye n ered that the Opposition eriti� could 14, Hallett, on Friday, 14th inst.,! ai 4 for ie, .1(,,t of courage, good -will and sincerity on V theY do not ertain rfow thasiastic. age o at the h A was doibg 19 welI as it :could, and bel. Ernest, Julius and Harry Zang, we are almost c not row f 91 years and 6 months, Duo'ng her ii aMCGOWandied the other of Weepaws, TIGnON-W For, althou� the interests of number of private bi being r Me VixitiAg thetr mother for -4 your part, and from those who fo to ig soniewhail of nervous teinperament, i� at th '�kesii -ance of her mother h -�lauitObs,* who have been olicy. will be greatly in Ilovir your have a short session. ,h a large T M 17 BILLS. life she had not been sick in bed oi�e hou is thought th in day e ome at Poole, P 8, as well as several' If Ro always a hale and hearty lils system may have bee* D. Stratford. e yo your party, ckpecially in the genera elec:4� $ 'With tespect to 0 arate i1womati. affc eted ther y. He Nvas a native of thi# was ear a of !g!. realizeA wl (4overunient onesof some importance p Death.w'as caused from lady 9 some time, -intend' aw-n to return to the have scho)lo is si ply to uthori 13 a general vil�akneaa county, being �orn at Rodg, Yo Miss ut five years pra' Lnarkot do.2 ize sOparate and oli pi, -111 erville, neat aL so 3 171le Province. They ftpoafg u -i- e to be %Qout t e lijx ter, abou It 4_1�&i her Knee-, b Of Mam.toba, an a's t,onchea 3:� l[i`0 Year 1843. He was triking it againqt v6 swp_1 disay fheyL,have'yone Well T a A40 der, and t *n0e they went thre.'