HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 6a
ee fe
a 5,
era- --ea' eteee ---ereeseee a
] - ,
Know What Yo
Ia free from the InjOrioua • coloring.
• The more you use let it the better
you like it.
— - - — -
I TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., lio or graduate of On Ario .
e./ Veterinary Colleee. s 1 diseases of D9 antic
il animals treetett. Calls promptly attended flo , and
chores moderate. Vete rinary Dentistry a s ecle.ity
Office and rea:eleneo on Goderich street, ore door
Aar of Dr. Seett's oflieo, Seaforth. 1112t1
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiet, Tdro to College- of
veterinary dtatists, Honor Graduate olj Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Honor member of On ario Veterin-
ary Medical Society, All diseases of doiicti� animals
skilfully treated. All calls prom.t13f attended to
day or night. Dentletry andSurgety a specialty. -
Office:end Dirpeneary-Dr. Campbell's old office,
Main street Seaforth. Night calls answered from the
office. 1406-52
By NI,
m s cant into th j parlor' and broued the.
• col nel itheni. Ile was still and white.
Th y as c that he was dead, and that the
bo was dead alio. And his wife, all in
bl ek, w pt and wept as though ,she would
di solve in tears.
• e laythere, . and I looked down !upon
hi and his marble face seemed continually
to say,- " I 1iflTt like my port ait any
m re." I looked and looked, and strange,
a ful thoughts came to me. And vixen at
la t they took urn away again, afte solemn
ce i emonies, I aid, with ihor or I liay! no
wards for : .
'Now, who o shall wish t see t oolon-
el, must look t me. 1 atm a!1 that is left of
hit "
'he widow came and kiss d me once or
twice, each dy walking u1ore feebly.. Then
tih y said that she was dead also.
gain those 'solemn ceremonies. Again. a
I was paint d' years ag . The first I
knew of myself heard some one say : '.
"Wal, dab am de 'tunnel hesef, sertin
shore. 1Jes de•herry leaf in his eyes, You
done bewitch de kunnel into dat yar co, vas
sartin She, Mars Adams," sah.",
" I think ' t is a- likeness mysalf,'- said
somebody els
And then a mist cleared away, and saw
,a shiny black face looking steno ; two black
eyes, like those of kine ; et full get of ivory
teeth' revea ed by the. Wide partieg, of
thicklips it the -laugh that accompanies
every plea& le motion in ••a full-blooded
negro ; a fla nos; reed a head of kinky,
wool. -
" DO kunn 1," said the soft voice again,
in lovihg ace nts.
"My kunn 1! Hew.you done do it, Mars
Adams ? I arri't tell •fo' de good Lord,.
"1 think n ys If it is the best' likeness I
ever painted, ' aid a tall, fair man, in an
embroidered c et and a little blue cap,
who was posinggracefully, with a mahl-
stick and a p I t, a• little farther away.
" But the co el hsLavery striking face,
and it is easi to catch his expression than
if it 'was com onplace.
" Mars Ad n s, sah,' said -the negrci, " the
kunnel; sah, n de berry harnsomest gem-
plemun in ol Birginny, sah ; jes de harn-
1 '
Well, be :very car ful, Jim," said Mr,
Adams. " did it. so, and don't hit the
frame again t anything, arid do not run
against anyb dy." '
" Wid de kunnel ?" ried Jim. "No,
sah; no sah. I'se keerful ob de kunnel, you
be sho," W th which sv- rds he took ine
carefully froi the easel, vrapped nie in a,
cloth, and ea ried me away. . .
My only m mory of the joarney . is that
there was a rest noise, and that I hoped I -
should not b- bliged to be wrapped in a
cloth forever he glimpse of life 1 had seen.
I had found i1 t resting, and very glad was
I when at las , amidst tries of -" De kun-
uel's portrait! De kunnel's Portrait done
come home!'
The cloth w s unwrapped, • and I found ,
-myself in a s 1 ndid parlor. I stood upon
the floor, lee i g against the wall. In a
chair before sat a very pretty dark:eyed
lady, who r rded me with a smile, and ,
behind her c air.was a very handsome gen- !
tlemen ; and k eeling or squatting, to get a
better look a zrie,wee black folk of all
111. aamerotairetarajooredeIh
Ontario. Office -Hamilton street, opposite Colborne
Hotel. 1452
-TAMES SCOTT, Barrister, &o. Solicitor tor Mot-
• Fon's Bank, Clinton. Office Elliott Sleek, •
Clinton, Ont. Money to loan on mortgage.
RS. HAYS, Bairister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Publio. Solicitor for the Dominion
Bank. Office-Cardno's block, Main Stied, Seaforth.
*gluey to loan. 1235
AM Agent, Commie -toner for takingaffidavita
Conveyances, &c. Money to Ion at the lower rates
Moaaisos, Walton.
T M. Barrietcr, Solicitor, Notary, &c.
. Offico-Rocans, five doors berth ofConitnercia
Octal, ground floor, next doer to C. L. Pepst s
newer/ store, Main street, Set/forth. - Goderich
ents--Carneron, Holt and Cameron. -- 1216
AaRow PROLIDFOOT, Bs:listen, aoliritors,
Goderiels, Ontario, J. T; Goesaave Q. C.
Prounneee. 465
BALM EIROl, HOLT & noLur,s, Sauident So-
Ileitore in Cleeneery, 4c.,4oderk One M. C,
krzneet, Q O., Pnxr,rr Hew, Dinrair Halailifl
TJ e HOLMESTED, successor to tb late firm of
_U e McCaughey & Helmeted, Ila rister, Solicitor
Couxee aneer, arid Notary. Soli i or for the Can
adiae Bank of 'Commerce. Money o lend. Farm
for Bale. Chloe in Scott's Elo. , Main Street
DG, F. BELDEN, Dentist. L cal Anaestbetica
and gas for the painless °rift Wort of teeth.
Best. plates, 87. Extracting teet 25c. All other •
week torreependingly cheap. Odic over Mr. Pick-
ard's Store, deaforth. 1451
F. 6. Alt other work at cor espondingly low
W;TWEDDLE, Dentist. Bot rubber plat3s,
prices, and the beat workmanship g aranteed, Office
-Over Richardson ee McInnis' ehoe tore, Seafolleh9,
-rift. H. S. AN LARSON, graduat of Royal College
ji • of Dental Sargeons, Ontari ., D. D. S., of To-
routo tinivereity. Otlice, Market Block, Mitchell,
Ontario. 1492
a I
RAGNEW, Dentiet, Clinton, will
e visit Bengali at Ilodgene' Hotel
every Monday, and at Zurich the
second Thuraday in ea= month 1288
Kfiff8MAN, Dentlrt, 1.. D S.
4f xeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich
O'e - 11-1, t Huron Hotel,- °NIX on the
oes--1-4 LAST TruRsnAY In eaoh month, and
at Murdock's Hotel, Bengali, on the FIRST Fainev
n each meeth. Teeth extracted with the least
pain poesibbe. All work first -oleos -at liberal rates
Dr: John McGinnis,
Hon. Graduate London Western University, member
of Ontario 0ellege of Physicians and Surgeons. Office
and residence -Jarvis street, Seaforth, formerly ocou,
pled by Mr. John Downey. 1453x12
IR. ARMSTRONG, M. B., Toroato, M. D. C. M.,
11 Victori.., M. C. P. S., Ontario, gummier to Dr.
Elliott, office lately occupied by Dr. Eliott,
A LE- X. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal
en_ College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston
Suoceasor to Dr. biaeirld. Onto. lately ocioupied
ny Dr. Mach id, Main Street Seaforth. Residenoe
-Corner of V -torte Square. in house lately °templed
by L. E. Daniay. 1127
-aiD E. COOOER • M. D., M. )3,; L. F. P. and S.,
JA/ Glasgow, Physician Surgeon and Ao
coacher, Censtano , Ont. 1127
OFFICE, Godetieh Street, opposite Methodist
Church, Seritorth, RESIDENCE, next Agricultural
J. 0 SCOTT, M.11, C. M., (Ann Arbor and Viotorie,)
M. 0. P. S. 0.
C. MACKAY, M. D. C. M., (Trinity,) p. T. M. C. M.
C. P. S. O.
Late resident Phyrilcian and Surgeon, Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital. limier graduate Trinity University,
member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
ot Ontario tarOFFICE.-Same as formerly occupied
by Dr. Sneith, opposite Public School, &Mortice
Telephone -No. 48. 1386
N. B --Night calls answered from office.
f C. DEWAR, M. D., C. M., F. T. M. C.,
111 „ Member of the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons. Ontario. successor to Dr. Campbell. Office
and residence, that lately occupied by Dr. Campbell,
Main street, Seaforth. Nore:-Dr. Dewar has bought
my practice, palvanie battery, etc., and is prepared
to treat all who -may requite his services according
to the latest and most selentffic methods. I have
much pleasure in heartily recommending him to my
people as a man of ability, learning and experience
en hie pro!ession. JonCowin:at, M. D. 1466x52
I OLIN II. MeDOUCiALL, Licensed Auctioneer for
ei the County of Huron. Sales attended in all
parts of the ("aunty. Terme reasonable. From Mr.
OIeDougall's long experience as a dealer in farm
stock of all kind, he is specially qualified to judge
of elites, and veil guarantee satisfaction_ All orders
left at Tee Eeeosiroa ofilee, or at hie residence, Lot
3, Conees-len 3, H. R. S. Tuckerentith, will be
prompeei attended to. 1466
eenetioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth,
and Agent M Bengali for the Massey -Harris Mann-
facturing Coo oeny. Sales promptly attended, to,
enlarges mdderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Orders by mail addressed to Heneall Post Office, or
tad at his realdence Lot 2, Concession 11. Triek.
ers.nith, will receive prompt attention. lallhtf
for them- -'4
get them, plant
them. They are the
standard seeds every- TA
where; sown by. the
largest planters in the world.
WI -flier you plan t 50 square feet
of ground or 50 acres, you should
hitt e Verry,a Seed Annual for len% -
The most valutible book for far-
mers and gardeners ever given
away. Mailed free. fr
D., H. PERRY & CO.,
Windsuir. Ont.
ages and siz
Yas, dat at
took awful g
" Do yott
of the lady,
" It is peri
He gave a
I knew that
flush 6f pride
handsome rt
seemed to be
red cord over
room, I felt
I had a sor
brought in t
me. The lig
on me, and t
hearth lit rn
When pre
themselves o
Me, a-nd
much as 1 di
the garden
cared for by
-nodded int
say : " Calon
saltite you."
of cut roses
the wall ben
first they We
by fading ve
A little •
. •
"papa." wh
every night;
candle, he st
and said
" Good ni
you !"
And sp t e years went on, with ' some-
thing pleasa t all the- while ; dentin!, and
the laughter of young people, and th- wise
words of -ole er people. ales -told beside
the fire of w ter nights,and , kisses s the
guests depar ed. ,
I said to n yself over and over agaa
portrait, Could you hav had a
than this ? A sweet r or a
ears went by -I mark) them
• Christmas time -and some -
ed. I contd not guess hat it
The talk was. all•a ,ri die to
knew the colonel; ‘Wa going
v him standing in th -great
uniform -they said it v1as, his
s sone -the baby who h d tod-
" papa" when I first anie-
lien, dressed as he was, and as
is wife wept on his sho Icier ;
tamed and sobbed ; .aeic black
s who, continually repeated :
de ki nnel, Dat pietur am
orle Kart n 'sho."
i e it ?' asked the gentleman •
et," sad she.- •
ittle w 11 -satisfied laugh, and
le was my original. I felt a
in heiu 'the portrait -of such a-
1 and ne so well loved as he
and When they hung me -by a
the piano, in that handsome
that I was. one of the Ricky
of-rec ption for some weeks.
hat car ie to the house Was
see m . Everybody praised
ts fron the wax candles shone
e blaze of the logs upen the
ty girlsang, accompanying
the piano, they looked ' up at
.felt that they admired me as.
them. Often the' flowers .of
utside-rich &Were daintily
y first friend, .old black Jiin
the windows, and seemed to
l's portrait, we see you; we
servants brought great vases
nd set them upon a bracket on
ath my frame. But though at
e a delight, they saddened me
y soon.
hild used to run in and :say
n it- looked up at me ; and'
before black Jim put out • the
od before me, and. saluted me
ht, kunnel, de good Lord bress
better hom
pleasanter ?"
So twenty
by the mer
thing happe
was at first.
me. Bat I
away. I sa
parlor in his
uniform. II
died in to'sa.
stood beside
tall as he..
the servants
Jim knelt do n at his feet.
Take me 'long ob you, leunnel," hie said,
" take me '1og ob you. Don't go to de wash
and leave ole
you gits hurt
But the col
"No, Jim,
home. You
rm. Who take care ob you if
kunnel? Take me 'long," •
Anel said ;
you must take care of the old'
must take care of your mis-
tress. You , jmnst take my place until I
y, 1 and Frank, here."'
ose up.
kunnel," he said, " trus' me.
come to mistrese, nor to de ole
life kin stand between, Lord
me !" , •
he room was and I
heard them r'cle away ; and wails followed
them down the hill, and I heard a negro
= •
unnel ;-ohI ode kunnel and
Dey is gone forebber !-dey is
come back,
Then Jim r
," Trus' the
No harm kin
place dat my
Jews helping
And then
woman Aide
'a ! de
Mars Frank-!
gone forebbe
Afterthat o one came to the great par-
lor to Sing or lay. Only the colonel's wife
stole in, arid 1 eked at me, and kissed at
me, night a d 'morning ; and every night
came Jim -wit his salute ; and now he • said
these words:
"J comes o report, kunnel. • 1 is doin'
my duty mos a ---I is dein' my ditty. God
bless and car for you and -missus," •
It was ver sad in thosedeys, but it was
to be still sa, der.
One night I heard strange - seunds-the
firing of earth n, theshouts of men -a red
glare flisl ed 'hrough the windows.
My kni. tre s rushed shrieking into' the
room, fol ow 11 by -her maid. Jim joined
them. !H 1 esought her to seek safety in
, the ce la think. he teak her tjhere
shortly aler a shell exploded outside. I
learnethen me of these thing's by hearing
them s )ol en f ; and I knew that this was
It ar.
As d
outside, drop wig wounded or dead to the
ground and or awhile the house was 'full
of sold ers, w us sat about the qoors, and
ate am (haul and slept there. They cut
up the .eupet for blankets; the beauty of
the rpon vanished. before them. But 'once
when a soldic • had lifted his bayonet to run
Inc through, i n ollknr struck it out of his
" IC.: only the portrait of a -confounded
reb," Si t1 the man. •
" Of m officer and gentleman' thougl lye
-do not hick a ike„ saiel the ohieer and
a noble man, . if it is a rood likeness-- ,Be -
Fides, i is the. best head I ever. saw: s a
-work o art it 7hould be. honored,"
tri .to t iank him. I think I thist
have nu de some sign, for the soldier cried
out, • How he eyes follow you 1" and
turned away. Later on all Was quiet. 1 hen
'one day I hearmoons duel Wails again, and
deviled I could see men fighting
ite face I did not keow. Then. dark-
s and dust -dust that lay on everything
made all grey at lasti And there was
no sound, save when the mallows fluttered
in the chimney, or one of Ithe strings of the
pi no parted•witha twanlg. How long I do
no know.
'hristlmas 'festivities tp
TI ey
•I -
here were no,
rk the years as they drept by. But ono
they flung th shutters open. - Mar.'s
t.,t'aropled tlirot gh the house.- Women
. swept,
ked at the
o' the roo
LI em there.
s going to be an
pith red, and;
, pia form •bef
s sold to the hig
se, a
traiti 'f -a gentl
r ? Five -five ?
()one ience to o
Adan s. -Ten ; .
'Ten. Mars Job
new. "I's got
right hem,- Mar
ay. 1 my pocke
t was old black Jim. •
' Ten , I am offered t
1 Fifteen,", shouted a sl
'That's a picture d
ird," said 4 man near n
ng,, or he' Inot Offer." .
ga'n Jim, vohe aros . •
T. -TatO.
y, arobso I's got sabin's.
ent - --hei e I is -a -twenty." 1
'Twenty- ve," cried the dealer. - I '
• '.Twenty- ight," said black 'Jim. "Mat's
Je son, dat,' my karma's picture, dat ar is.
1 i ready. t
I's de kun
Jo son. I i eeds that picture." • .
• 'Thirty," said the dealer. i
: ' I's got so me' " stqc1 old Jim, with a
g an. " l' got nuflin /but ."Igyself. I ask
de e good ge Alan -ten, one of 'em,- for tobuy
it. Pll work It out, erue and honest.
E rybody knows ole Jin. Buy my kun-
ne 's pertra:t-abuy it, Air de lub ohde
Lod."1 . . .
'Forty," said a man near by. "I hia
foi Jim." 1 . 1
- ' Lcird bless You !" sa-i4 Jim, 11 ,
'Fifty," said the dealer. 1 1
'Seventy-five. I am ready to go on ai
lo g as you earl. Jim has got to have the
co one, and I'm • the richest man areund
he :;" said the man who wasbidding against
nd scoured and dusted.
furniture, They brought.
And?they set up a
heard them say ' there'
auction, and fat .last 'pee -
the auctioneer stood on
re a desk. Each thing
lest le'dder, I was ICA--
,onderinge when at, last he turned
d pointin , said I: ,
much a I offered for this fine
Man ?1 How much do T
Hossit can any one have
erfiv dollars for a head
lo I h ar ten ?"
on -at ea" cried, a Voice
ten do Lars. I eller ten.
Job, on; sah, wid de
n," said the arm-
arp voice.
aler from Rich-
" It's a flood
gib all I has. Twenty-eight.
let's own body -servant, Mars
. I -
'Sure as dere's a beallenayou'll get •dar,
m rs " said Jim. •
he -dealer turned as ey. Jim went ip
to the buyer and kissed 1 is hand..
• 'I'll work it oat hone t," said he ; " h n -
•es , Mars Edwards."'
"No you won't," said the -man. " It's a
pr 'sent.- I'd have bougl t it for myself if 1
ha n't bought it for you I loved the c i-
on 1 like • a brother. o hake hands, Ji
Y ur heart is as white iyour face is black
I onor you." .
At dusk, Jim carrie1 me through pine
w ods -and past tobacco 1felds, to a lit, le
h t of. one room: Some strew in the corn r
'be way of a bed, a table a chair, -and n
olf trunk for furniture. And- there he hu g
m= where the -light of the window fa Is
neon me, and I can see iyself in a brok -n
lo' king -glass that sta d upon its si 1.
T ere I hang sti 1; and v IT morning,
fo e black Jim g es to or , he stands e
fo e me, and s ys ; "Is come. to, report,
k nnel. I's wai in' fur e call."
nt what he ays at mght-for I hear.:
'hi in the dark -is :
God bless A ars EdWarcls !"
• -
Te all used r. Agnew's Catarrhal
wder and Declared Strongly in
to Favour. •
ho clergy of °spade of all denominae
tol , ',Mom hesitate to speak frankly In
ti interests; of a geed cause'or on behalf
Of some meritorious article." Pores is given
to utterances; of this character when the
tu , oan speak-froin individual caper once.
f , is the ease with the }Rev. A.B.
be 0. LL.B. arid Rev. William Galbraith,
L .B., andllRev. W. IL Withrotr, D. D.,
MI n whom ]few Weisser& of the Methodist
oh rah are better known in Toronto . Or
e where throughbut the Domtplott. Aa
wi h Many other these brethren Dave been
su erere with cold, in -the .head and its W-
yss ble successor, catarrh. A remedy how-
ev rpwas within their reach. They used
Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Pywder, and found
as every one else. finds, that relief was
dy and effeottve, and desiring to bone -
others -they frankly make this state-
nt te the world over their own tient
elf. I i , i;tos
shore Puff of th� breath through
blower, supplied wtit back bottle of Dr.
new's ' Catarrhal P Wder, diffuses this
der over the aurfiioe of the nasal pas.,
.• Painless and delightful to use, it
eves is 10 mlniztos, and PernAlnentlY
1 catarrh, hay fever, Golds, headache,.
throat. -tonsil.tis and deafness. 60
ts. 1 . 1
mple with blower, sent for 10a la sliver
or atainr. S. G. Detohon, 4,4 Ohureit sila
, .... .
So d by I. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson.
1 •
Horn. - okness.
bright youn fellow left his borne in
Ne ' Zealand to ma e his fortune in Amer-
ica He was an' els trician, well educated,
bu he could not fi id employmentin Brit-
ish Columbia, wh re he landed. He was
eqt ally unsuccessful in California, -where he
loo ed in ram for work, and spent his last
do lar. t
horoughly disheartened, he had only
on thought -to return to his i home and
fri nds in New Zealand. In his despera-
tios he applied at the office of i steamship
cot ipany for permission to wok his pas-
sage to Auckland, but met with no encour-
ag rnent. ' Overcome with hoMesickness,
an being at the end of his resources, he re -
1 t,
-ed to steal ,an board the steamer and
see ete himself in the hold. -
On- th morning after the ship left San
Fr ncisc the 'stowaway was discovered,
anc tun ed over to the mercies of the cap -
tai i. ir gave a pathetic account of his
ri e of ha d luck in America, and told how
fti ious 1 e was to- reach home, and how ;he
h offer d to work his passage.
Oh, ery well !" exclainied the captain.
Yell give you work as far as Ifenol lu.
0 down below,among the firemen.'';
1 he -st waway shovelled coal all the 4. -ay
td fonol du, and was then ordered to leave
the ship vithout receiving wages for bis
sto er's vork. He begged hard to be al-
low d to remain on the ship as a fireman,.
but the a leers said to him that he was not
p coaled, and continued her by-
outh Seas. When she was out'
land, the young man sudd nly
n deck and touched his hat to the
He hail secreted himself a- sec nd
itt the- hold while the ship was In
had no money captain," he said, a ol-
epAly, "and I was dreadfully hone -
Forth his
Tlie shi
age to th
IA* s ght o
tpp axed'
apt in,
sick. I couldn't endure seeing the ship sail
away without me." .
- The eaptain was very angry, and sent
hini below again to shovel Niel, with the fire-
men. When the ship arrived at Samoa the
stow way was sent ashotelwith a, warning
that close watch would bli kept, and that
it w 'uld be useless for hiM to attempt to
steal on board the third tith. -
Th ship sailed and he dist; not. reappear.
The precautions taken by ,the officers had
rend red it impossible fel.' hitrto get on
boar ., .. .
But what -was the astoni8. 'anent of . the
captain, when the ship was Moored at Auck-
land, as a c leery voice fr mitfie wharf -gave
him-greetin -: .
"Good n orning, *capta a I The Canadian
steamer e me in ahead frf on. I thonght
you'd be glad to know I 't'a a home"
The Canadian:: stettni r 1 ad anchored off
Sa nott a few ho ra after aliei other steamer
.I; a Isaanil.ed. .. Th homesick stoker embarked
as stowaway,, nd worked his passage as a
fir m
" Well," said the captain,' "1 mrtet • say
yo 1 A‘I'ere. pilleit .".
" No ; only c esp rat*homesick."
• i
Fortm at Husloands,
'You pretty av 11,- Jou4?" Mr. Bart -
let had helped iis eighbors wife from the
wart° , and hes nt ahenevalent smile after
he as1 she walked °ward ;the hones). The
neighl or came olut f the barnin time to see
th smile.. It fief) red his question.
a Who, me ?" the visitor osked, absently.
es, I be, Aaron," he ansWered, With sud-
de 1:M rhrni.slIcii eesv: "I ain't :no richer' n I
was''n' I'euinaticky 'S 1 can hold, but
I'mtha kful? I Soiled this noon I'm thank-
fuldreamed O'l bein.
leilr'ot know my woman 'n' yourn's been
neighborin' to -day. I was putterin' round
hi the Suminer-kitchen, 'ti I heardn good
deal o' their improvin' Le atrersation. Did
yen know the minister's -w-.fe uses butter for
s ortenin' ? Your womei wouldn't, do it.
Aline wouldn't, nuther.
"But that ain't nothin' o the wasteful
n ss o' some others. Ails' Beads had two
ii w drosses Jest fall, 'n' Yet her ragbag
her ragbag,mind yo's-fi 1 O' good. clothes.
Mis' Tucker *ore one h t to meetin' for
four summers. - She'd oug ter gib another,
1 take it ; but ye see sti *quanders her
in ney on fine undercloth s 'for her young
01 es. Young ones is both cross-eyed, too.
M r woman says she's gla purn ain't. So
d es youen.
"And speakin? about ye in ones reminds
n that A.lis' Peters' baby' oeglected so he
y lis - all night, 'n' • he-ey Mis' Adams
lambastes- that boy o • h rn is ridic-loue.
'Your woman says s ie wouldn't have her
tongue 'n.. temper for i, hu • dred dolla.rs. So
does mine. -
"Did I tell ao Mitt! Hat iliton ain't had
her frontrootn ' carp t up for three years.
Ae for Miff Walker s boa e, you c'n *lite
y'r name in dust, any hers.
"Moreover, . Ails' wit hell don't do no-
thin' but s.candalize i er ni ighbors, 'n'• Mis'
Ross ain't not bett,r'n he should be. I
declare, I don't len «w wl at folks is comin
- -"But yon 'n' Me a e al right, Aaron,"
Mr. -Bartlett endad, as he limbed into his
wenn. "We'd rough ter. b thankful! Yes,
indeed! I gathered from his 'ere coner.:
sation that yours and mi a was about the
only perfect women in this town:"
Dr; gneiii's Coire far 04 Iliiiii--
lied me of Agonizing Pain in 20
M1,7inutes and -was the M 6
eans of v-.
ing Kliife, Says Mrs.; John Ja to -
son Thrill Ontario: ' •i
About three months ags I was attac ed
With nervous heart troub1e4 Tito pain se
so Soeror• I could hardly brephe. I a uid
b nn relief and feared that I coul4 01
it've. I saw advertised An the Tara La _or,
D. Agnw's Cure fer the art, and t i
diately procured a bottle. I" goo ea,
. rfeet relief inside of 00 minutes and ft " •
iy believe it' waa the mets Of- saving my
0. ] .
If yout heart flutters,. palpitates or t res
out essiXT, it is diseased, and treatm de
should not be delayed a single day. sr.
Aignoe's Ottre for the Heart relieves a
testgativ. eact ATM stink 4 kadkalsAre
.. •
(ici, by 1. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wil on.
In -Memo
These lines are dedic ted in affectio ate
remembrance of John M• Douglas, son 'of
Mr. -Allan Douglas, of Stanley, nea: Blake,
who went home on .Decernbr 19th, 1895,
jot in the first bloom of manhood, a young
man highly esteemed by all Who kne-w him,
and those who were most intimately ac-
quainted with him would say, "To know
him was to love him, for only they knew of
the genuine worth and beauty of . his noble
character. A son, brother and friend in the
truest sense of the teems to those -who en
joyed the inestimable privilege of an' of these
relationships of life to him."
The pearly gates were opened
- Just ere the breek of day,,
To let the Foul of our brother •;. '
Pass in on its hcnneward wan:
Out of the shadows and darlineis of earth,
. into the marvellous light,' I
Where Christ our Savior sits enlIhroned,
And faith is merged in eig t.
. Yea? though 1, walk thro' t 6 valley, he said,
No evil, I know, will beti e
Because I have trusted my olor;
And In Him I still will catielle.
His dear face is missed from one circle,
How much we never can tell ;E ,
But -We strive to be patient, keowing •
That He doeth all things well.
Why should we mourn for our dear one,
As those to whom hope is not given
We know he's go e home to our Savio,
Audis safe In the Kingdom of Heaven.
Hes not dead, but more living than ever,
Bis spirit is riot in the tomb
But is waiting just ineide the portals
To 'Welcomei is loved ones home.
Come, let us al trust in our Sevier.
And walk in the paths that Re trod ;
That we, too, May also be reedy,
When He calls for the Kin `domof Oodo
-Ms. J. T.
-For that tickling se sation in your
throat try a 10 Cent box o "Mist" Coug
Lozenges. The' will allay the irritation t
once. For sale by druggists, and The Ke
Medicine Co., 395 Yonge Street, Toronto.
The Plighting Stone.
. The Globe of Tuesday, llth inst., has the'
following regarding a valuable Acquisition to
• the Provincial Archeological Museum
Among the odd customs eonneeted with
caurtship and marriage taere- is none more
siagular than that of plighted mutual troth
through a natural or artificial 'aperture- in a
stone as praetised iia Scotland. and perhaps
other countries in northern Ehrope for cen-
turies, Stones of - the kind' in question -
were extremely rare and lovers travelled
scores of miles to consecrate their vows
through plighting stones, whieh in some in-
stances, were built into chureh walls, thus
adding to - the sanctity and solemnity of
pledges made between the enamored pair -
elle man oil the one side and the wcimati on
the other, erraSping hands through the hole.,
Of the dtzeh or so known to have been
considered esplecially auspicious in the whole
of Scotland scarcely one remains in situ,all,
with few exce Alone, having been removed
tothe antiquarian departments of museums
in Edinbuigh, -anden, • Oxford and else-
where, and iii every case a high value is
Placed upan the article. It may therefore
be regarded as worthy of - note that /sibs
Mary B uchatian, of Lttirg, Sutherlandshire,
8cot1a.nc1, writes to aIr. David Boyle that
she has shippe 1 to Iiiin for the Provincial
Archieological Museum, a plighting stone
from the walls of en ancient ch•urch, proba
bly the last stone of the kind in Scotland
outside of, a glass ease. Even when -in mu-
seums the use of the plighting Stones are
eagerly sought for by numeeous loving
couples who rather enjoy the romance of:
• - - •
; •
- • It ]
„ .
Sa.....e.ea"'1.7-tafe' a ea
• E
- -•
FEBRUARY 21 1896
i 1$11:1111' '
11111111."' -I. i f ,--I'-
‘0S„ iiirt: -
Row nuli
business c, 6 I
a in Ian ido
t of disereet
m, ie
?• I
Headache is onl$ 1:
sym tom, It 6 ITO
dise se. The ai .
the lead is the eigll ,f
rebellion. There 11-e1.
bee mistakes in tilete,
' The e has been o'er-,
wor - AO sleepless nigh s. The machinerTe
he *hole syitein i dmoralized, L
us ness man feels that ee caunot floe* to
e i 1 enotip,sh tocuitworc, tie din s alAi.
lay after day, makes had &is, F. y,4 thi,
vivo ig- thiud hwl
m and abs(Lass col.
Lips • together. ' here's no need of
ia-lirtrr. Dr. Pie ee'a Pleasini. Pr lets ate
a g. ntle, effttiv vet-tow:ot of bot i st ;m-
ach and ht..t‘ :',s. Tlvz.1 assist n8!..1 .. with.
wit irreatenioz. tear the boly pie e-rr eat.
il '.: are et i gtipmg pains, 110 he al,. eao.
Oi; :1' ea rr :y perueptilele lasatie, w
?lye ln:.ne, no;lcab1e. resuts, n.,4 ti ey nay
.1! c.leitin‘ed until the system tea, 'Ol3 bly
..,,.:i.,.."7 -.1:e41, 15*.r.zuattiel;cd, ;.-• IA put i ti... Jar-
- u only wit.li na,ture. (inc need tot le r- a
na ,it" ef talkiig t1;e " Pleasatt PII(tS-11
As ;:1111 as he ettli le restored Illey ma be
idea witi out a return of itir,si-. he.
:...1.-$.: ,,f '..11..i atience. Th fore, you
a sla •Te to their use.
0_ A GREAT 13001( FREE. , '
77e1 en Dr. R V. Pierce, of auffelo, N 'V., pub-
, he firet editiot of hi's %ore. The People's
en en of.e lalyocal Adviser, laoo renounced
''.4.... id rr ituatei ceptee bee been Roia at the !eg-
,*:' ir te loe, el r eel- ccpy. the profil oe w ich
eol. t repsy lion' for the great emo n 1 of labor
n le e iniey ex pe Mild 'h producing It he would
d en. teoe the next half million fie . As thi
e iier of copies has already beer, sold, e e is
,i, v li-t ri heti lig , 0;Ohl/ill Are,5oo,c o coplitih
',hie tuuet complete; interestinf.
g .a va
comi 1.03 sense medical weiric ever oblined-
the r cipient only heing required to 1 ii to him.
at th above address,. thirtyeone (31) e ts in one.
cent -tamps to cover customs and .aling mil"
and t le book will be sent post-paid. I s a verita-
ble r ediear library, complete in out v lume,0 li
cou I t ins over rem pages and more t ie i eoo ‘Iles-
trati new, The Free Adrten; is precis I the same
as th se sold si Or.so except only th t he beaks
are b und in st, ong manilla paper c ve s inetead
of ci th. Send NOW before all are en away,
ma,ki g promises in the old -fits toned way,
and h re are not a few young eople who
yetii ard this ceremony as tare' binding
than the office of the 'Waist r and the
pari 1 clerk.
Mi s Buchan n1[also sends a relic of the
ston age in ecotla.nd and an extremely
ancil it stone eight on . which is Mit in
Rom n letters is equivalent in pounds.
W fen these aOicles reach the musen 1 it
is s t improbable that a large numb° ' of
old f sliioned S Otis') folk, as well as oth-
ers, vill find heir way thither to see the
anti( uities, and who knows but what eome
youn e people nay desire to elasp hands
tarot gh the pli hting stone for thesame rea-
son t at thousa ds of others have done so
in th past. It was through the agency of
Mr: Hugh Ni hol, jailor, Stratford, that
thes valuable i lice were proured. While
Air. ichol Was travelling -in Scotland last
year he met liss Rachanan in the villa e of
Lairj, the bi thplace of his mother, and be-
ing s methin of ah an, dquarian, he fund
in h r a con enial spirit. She is an enthu-
siast ° collector.of old C ltic relies and., had
thes stones in her pos ession, whichl she
placejd at Mr. Nichol's disposal. On Mr.
Nich • l's return home he decided to pffer
-the to the Provincial Arelneological !Ala -
sea and the offer was accepted. Miss
Buc anan, writing to Mr. Nichol under
date if 14th December, 189, says: "Now
abou these three stones of mine, I am quite
willi es to let -yon have them as I promised.
1 pri them very much, but still I think
that n fa away Ontario they may have
their miss on. A, son or a daughter ofth
Surlant, '
shire mayhap a child of the
mon tains, sickat heart and Weary with
the Iiattle of life may rand by and teueh
them,and in fancy sm 11 the br ' kens and
the 1eather of its bon ie straths mci glens
and ipe the better for it"
M4. . Nichol has s nt Miss B chanan a
num er of arrow ilea s and othi r Ind an
relic e from his fine 011ection, hich he
highly appreciates.
T e Man Unde Thirty -Five.
Mss Lilian Bell, thi clever Chicago u-
thor ss, prints rathek a caustic view of
e Man Under Thaty-Five," in Dee
ber tidies' Home Journal. She asserts t at
cony nation with a man under thirty-fiv is
impossible,- because th man under thir y -
five 4ever converses ; e only talks. nd
youriehief accomplishr enb, of being a g ocl
1iste4er, is entirely thr wn awa1y on
beca,Use he does not in he least. are wbe h-
er ydat listen or not. -either A it of ny
use fhr you to show th t he has urprised or
shocked you. Be ea es not f r yo r p-
provai or disapproval. He is utterl
diffeient to you, , not because ou d ot
pleas' him, but becaus he has ot see ou
at al . He knows y u are th re in t at
; he bows to yo ii th stree ,, ,h,
yes ! He knows your ane an wh e 3 ou
live.4 )3ut you are only ani entit' to hi f ot
an intlivival. He cares not fo yo 1 es
and • islikes, your cares, oi, hop s, or ears.
He o ly wants you to be prett and Well -
dress d. Have a mind if you w 11. H will
not k ow it. Have a heart nd a oul.
They do not concern him. He ants u. to '
be t -dor-made. You are a g rl to iim.
That,' all.
t't rtr
L -Y"11 II..
pTII ir ir ir
e en of the fundamental principles of this business. Whatever yon read -
in our " ad " you may depend its so. If we advertise an article at a cer-
tain price, we have it, and we have it at the price- stated. We never ad.
vertise an article unless we have a good citiantity of it, but kindly reinem. .-
ber that if you do not come for it until three weeks after . you see tise-
notice, we certainly cannot guarantee you will secure it. The word .it -
" Act Quickly." A few pebbles from the Sea Shore of Bargains.
hirtin fast col
Shirting heavy q
teri s, will no
re, good patterrs, Worth 10e
or Se.
ell v, in bine or brown pat-
ted°, worth I.O.c for Le'
A lot of'en's hea .y grey wool sox were bought
to sell a '20c-'ve ave too many -ging at two
air for 25e.
A very s eclat ine of men's heeyy sox werth SSec
for 25c.
Carpet rp b:et uality, color, green, vibite,
ed, orane, blue and brown.
Every 'screen is pleased with the fackey eateeee
we're selling at tic.
"Good -fresh Groceries." Five pounds new Cure.
rants for 25e,
The test Tapioca in the market; sb. pinnate for -
Iftwe you tried our Raisim ? We give 7 pent*,
• of good Raieins for 25c. - -
Fruit Beane. Evaporated peaches are -excelint;
we sell 3 peenos for no,
If you will favor us With a call we will be pleased to show you DM' gOOtis
and will not alk you to buy a cent's worth. We show the goods, you
do the rest,
GUaranteed by the Manufacturers to be
Water, -Wind, Snow -86 Lightnfnsg Pivot
NLrii as Cheap as Wooden Chingle.
branch of our-.
Encouraged by the success of the past four years in ti
business, We have made arrangements for placing
Cour friend *ill find it to their advantage to consult us before closing --
contracts for b ildings of any, kind, as we are ina position to supply goods.
40 R
ofs in eaforth and vicinty, and all giving
LLETT & 00., Seaforth.
.General Hardware, Stoves arid Tinware.
ice more ;at it; invigorated by a couple of weeks ret; gladdened by the'
sight of many new faces; down to hard work for another year. Perhaps you
thought of a course, but could not get here on the opening day. Remember,
we 14.0 open for the reception of students at any time the year round. Cote-
when you can. I New students -will be entering every week. 113 the mean-
time, -wite us for free catlogue. It is no trouble to us to give informtion.
SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors. P. McINTOSII, Principal.
sawn iummonomimmunimitimmummummimmitimmuitimalffimiffiminuusimmil
keep Milch Cows
In Good Health I
IT PAYS. --It is useless to expect, -3
lean, run-downcow. to have a good flow or
milic, though she will eat more than an animal a.-
4.) in good flesh. The flifficultyls the nutrimdtit
is not a extracted from the food because her digestion 16 out of order.
Striking a Bala,ne.
Sh4 was young and good looking, but
very ritral, and the drummer i in the seat
back of her did want te move over and talk
to het, but she didn't give him anych nee.
Final y he offered to put the window ir for
No," she said. "1 don't want it p"
"1 beg your pardon,' he responded. • :
"You don't have to," she chirr
" but if you want' to set in this seat
me, hy don't you? I promised my Inis-
band Ithis morning that I wouldn't tal to
any 1tan that wasn't homelier than he
and Ile said if I would keep that promi e he
was Willing to let me go clean aroun the
world by myself. You never saw my busi
band, did you?" and she moved eve tel
make room for him, but he heard se eal
peopi laugh, and he backed out and (int
into ailother ear. -Detroit Free Press.
Escape From Justice.
at the ice-cold •
d iron in his mouth !" •
ie his heacl back so that he cautiof.
move it !"
At this critical moment Mr. Finkenbin-
der awoke with a start from a horrible
drearn, in which a lot of lferocious horses
had gist hold of him, and' wire losing him as
he was in the habit of nein his own horse.
Chi- ago Tribune.
Noby •
The joints would swell a good deal
and were exceedingly painful. Sone -
threes it was so bad that I found it
almost impossible toworit. You will
remember that I obainej a box of
powders from you oji the 25th at 0
o'clock. The two p wd rs which I
Wok helped me w ade
after taking four
walking around wit
capable of doing oda
truly, W. H. Lewis,
TiScise powders are a posi ive cure for
Bkenictitilsm. Neuralgia, Eclat en,Iin Grippe
Sold *Seaforth by J. S. Rob rts, Druggist
fully, and
owdiers I was
le no pain and
°Swnk. ,Yurs
algarty, Alerta.
tek, s Blood_ Purifier
: wi1 strengthen the digestion and make the food produce milk. It will cost
i 1 but fifty cents to try it on the :poorest cow you have and you will get back
1 .
ii yoi r money with interest in i few weeks.
For 42, e by ruggists;„ at general stores or sent postropiacit oar' rceco,pt o.f05.0.8ets02. 482, montrod. 1 iiiiiial'iihili mitillympLiallitytniumniummummilminiquimmiaminumummuua
RESIr'- - - - - - - 1,200,00a
Ore arid. Bahking Business Transacted, FarMere Notes discounted, Dr
ssued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities "in
th -United States, Great Britain, Franc), Bermuda, Jco,
eposits f $1.00 and upwards received, awl current rates of interest
d. Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem-
each ye r.
Special a
041es Notes.
HOLME1STED, Solicitor.M.
elation given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far- .
MORRIS, Manager.
Wood's FlioDllodino Greal English Remdy.
Is the result of over 3 years treating thousands of cases with all known
drugs, until at last we have discovered the trtue remedy and treatmet-es
combination that will effect a protnpt and permanent cure in all cragesof
t'exual Debility, Abuse or Ezcesses, <Vrroul Irea,;:to.vEc- 12.mi,sionr, Mental
trorly, Excessive L. of Opium, Toba,co, AAvitak Shmulaue; all of
hieh soon lead to Insanity, Consumption: and aT11 early grave. "tood's
hosphotline has been used successfully by tundreas of cases that seemed
a ost iiopeless-caes that had been treated by the most talented phisi-
: claps-eaes 9iat were on the verge of despair arid insanity -eases tha,t wrre
tot tering vetthe grave -but with the continued and persevering 1160 01
o 's Pl1dphotl1ne, these eases that had been given up to die, were
tb ed to Manly vigor and health. -Reader you need not despair -no fliat-
45111 wio has given you up as incurable -the remedy is now wahin your
re eh by its use you cat be restored ton life of usefulness andfriappiness.
ricei eine paeltage, $1; sspackages, $5; by maildree of pOstage.
e lea. -e, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any addres.
, The Wood Company, Windsor;Ont , Canada. 1
After Taking
.9 Ph spliodltie Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists inthe Dominion. -
efore Taking.
All 8,0,
All 9.3
'ice si
Tit wi