HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 54,1 seta tare and a ready early ;tely our stoek is , PECT. rl i Ma& While sitting by thei residence, where he passed away, almost aeceased was a native' Id, and came to Grey oviug from Waterloo honest, hard working iends. Mrs. Mitchell p. Deceased was 70 evife of Mr. George toro, died very tenex- - 9th inst. Deceased tud almost up to, the Sh'e was one: of the 'lett; a -member of the A a !woman who was and leaves a husband .lef :Ars. -Halliday, of ;3,- council, 'win again , inst., at Sarnia. At urv disagreed. The y, [has offered to settle the council refuses to iert triad willbe held. nth, wili again appear tri d has already been took place at the imee, of Clinton, on ith inst., wheo her was married to Mr. I t the Huron road, :iaille were dispensed given away by her Ir. Parke performed a wedding supper, e their lima, ntrry- -eeiti and gocel wiehea ; , 1 [ I .fist week, _Mr. J _ad surcessfuI fa Cioderielt tawn partner, in the per- : M eNen eh t ou, eldest '. , trolin MeNaug1teio, artvuship. The- ecl- . the residence oIr the ton, Rev. Mr. Parke, sisted by Rev. Rueal rth, tying the knot. o the number I oft.if}, I ' [ f Turner, in the n, passed away on e had been ill about a of the limp. De- file -thirty ,years ago, e ago he removed to died, lot in, comes- gok place on Satur- atetery. The Grange - took charge of ,the r cif friends followed metery. A wife and .t his demise. : If ;oderich township, pretty weddin' g en ci last week, when John Pickard, wag rids of Matrimony to -to-do young farmer flick was assfated by while Mr,' John e groom. Rev. Mr. neernorty. Both the U kuown and very hey take with them nf their numerous I : e John Tedford, of affliction and, 'her- b inst., , by the death 1911, aged 23 'ears. ngyoung man, who the dry goods bus- i.y went to Chicago, respells hie position if Marshall Field le a cold, -which ne- me home,. but it had on him to be cured, l best of treatments , I •mos nier FEBRUARY 21, 189 rth Items. -A new hallj a to be ereeted in the vil- lage of Russeh4 Le next summer. -Some Mite ell jehus endanger lives on the public streets by their 'fast driving. _Mr. Cherie,* Pollakowsky, of Mitchell, has entered Ms little pacer in two of the trotting races at Berlin. - - W. A. Myers, editor of the Glad- stone Age, Manieoba, ts on a visit to . -tie-es in Stratford. He veill remain for a few weeks. -Mr. R. Pettapieee, of Tonawanda, New York, has been spending a 'week- around :Motherwell, visi ing his parents and other reIatiVes. - Mr. Wm. R ppert, of Nadi' Easthope, was so tinfOrtt ate recently, while work- ing in a swamp, as to lose his $30. silver watch. -Mr. James Davis, of Dublin, grain buyer for Mr. . Thompson, was married •on Wednesday,] st week, to Miss Mary Moore, of Blans ard. • -The directo of the Milverton public library heve add d a large number of books, lately, and there are now nearly 300 Vol- umes in that ins itation. -The Shakes are Driving Park Assochi talon will hold r hes and other sports on May 24th. The -committee is already at wok' making pr parations. -Mr. Fred St rk, of Mitchell, intends leaving in March for Manitoba-. Ile work- ed all last aumm, r near Boissevain, and is wanted by, the sane parties again this year. -Mrs. Wm. Neil, of Avonton, accident- elly evalked into a trapdoor leading to the eelIar, dislocating her shoulder and reoeiving • several cuts on her head, but is recovering. -The Mitchell board of works have let the contraet for one . thousand yaatds of gravel, to be put on the streets early n the spring, at 35 cents a yard. -Mr. Wi J..Wright, of St. Mary secured the iGoiernor General's gold , has edal for general profiefiencyln the 1895 univer- sity examination's'Toronto. . -Miss Mary Hoch, of Fullerton, was married, a few days ago, to Mr. Frank See: bade of Ninga, Manitoba. The young cou- ple intend leaving for their home: in the west the beginning of March.i -A conference of priests, including about thirty representatives from all paite- af the diocese, " was held in Stratford on Tuesday, last week, under the direction of Rev. Dr. --At a Sunday school c,oncert in Grosch's hall, Milverton, the otherinight, a little girl of four years, named. McKee, gave which would have donecredit to a -three times her age. -About 12.30, on Thursday mo lest week, fire _broke out in the E church, at Listowel, and left the buil complete wreck. The fire is suppo have started from the stove. -Graudmother Wettlaufer, of Tavi mother of Mrs. Henry Roedding, very ill, and at her advanced age, n three years, the hopes for her recove not very bright. - The Women's Christian Tempe anee Union will hold a convention in St Marys on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 12th, when addresses will be deliver- ed by Mrs. Hartley, of Guelph, and others. -The electric light !committee of the =Mitchell town -council has appointed Mr. John Alexander, electrician, at a salary of $325, with free house,- fight and fuel, and Mr. Jahn Byers, engineer, at a salary of $350. -While Mr. Wm. Graham of Mitchell, was assistingin the pulling dowr of Kerr's old tannery, _he fell from one of the plates, and came, within an ace of losing his life. As it was he sustained a fracture of three ribs, and was otherwise badly shaken ep. Milvertoit correspondent of the Stratford Beacon bays : "Miss Dansinore, of Stratford, was here on Saturday, and took part in the debate on woman suff age. She is a, very pleasing speaker, and ope to have the pleasure of hearing her ag in. solo child ning, glish ing a ed to Lock, i .1s nety-, iv are --:-The Schwendimann farm, on the concession of Peel, offered. fo sale,the- day, was .knocked down io Mr. J Whaley, . of • St. Marys, at • $1,650. place is composed of 50 acre, with houee and a good frame bank barn. -Mr. F. W. Delmage, son of Mr. J Delmage, of $t. Marys, was successf passing the e amination in 4raatical istry, vehich was held rece tlY in M - University, elontreal, of daich he student. -Miss Sus e Brown, elde the Tate Mr. aknd Mrs. John Russeldale hotel, . is visiting Cole's, Russeldale. Short mother's death she went to r uncle and aunt living at Pu and remained -there ever sine -Stratford. !hospital has from the bequest of the late The trustees resolved that artist, be commissioned to trait of the late Mrs. Kneitl, placed Within the walls o building. , -Mr. J. Thompson, of A "onton, has se, cared the right for the town hip of DoWnie, to manufacture and sell, or s 11 farm rights of a very handy gate, called, " The World:- Beater Practical -Farm Gate. ' It is a very cheep gale, which any foam r can make for himself, and any of the Dow'ie farmers re- __ quiring gates should see it. ; . -Mr.. Jernes Fenton, who, for the -past twenty years, has been a well known resi- dentof Elute, left last week for the farm he I purchased in Wellesley. He sold his 100 acres in Elma, last fall, for $5,:.500, to Mr. A. J. aneilton, and bought the farm in Wellesl y, 110 acres, for $4,600. -Re4-. Mr. Bradley', ofl Knox church, Mitchel , preached a 'ser on on Sunday morning, 9th inst., to the pang people of the Sunday tehool, and et the era of the service he presented each of the scholars, who had passed a satisfactory examination in the catechism, with a bible. -A parlor concert, given at the residence of Mrs. A. Cameron, of Miteliell, on Friday evening, 7th inst., was the Most successful ever given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society, of Knox church, in that town. Amongst other eetertainment there Was a debate on the topic " resolved that in the interests of society the new women fad should be discouraged," which provoked a &cal deal of interest and*aimisentent. Rev. Mr. Bradley presided, and in giving his decision on the merits of the debate, remarked that the affirmative had devoted themselves .more to burlesquing the subject and 'making a joke of it than to treatiog it seriously, while the negative had attempted to advance some serious argument ; though he, being, a. conscientious man, did not like to say that they succeeded. However, he very proper- ly gave his verdict iniavor of the negative, because they made an honest effort at argu- ment and failed, and against the affirmative because they made no argument at all. a thee mes The 1 g. mes 1 'n Ge I is t daughter pf rown, of t e at Mr. To n y't after hr side with On in -Bay, Ohio, ea▪ lized 81,47 Mrs. Kn.eitl. r. Dierlamm, aint the poi. - to be suitably the hospital= SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, .March 17th, 1896, at one o'cloek p. m., sharp, on Lot 29, Concession 1, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. David Dorranee, proprietor; - J. P. Brine? auctioneer. . On Wednesday, February 26th, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, on Lot 10, Concession 7, Taekersmith, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Wm. J. Hudson, proprietor; Wm. McCloy, auctioneer. On Monday, March 2nd, at 12 o'clock sheep, on Lot 8, Concession ,10, Hollett, Farm Stock and Implements. Thos. Car- ling, Auctioneer ,George *Allen, Proprietor. On Thursday, February 27th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 23, Concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stook, Implements and . Household Furniture. aCex. McKenzie, proprietor; Weft. MeOloy, I3,uctioneer. I° - I BruoefteId. B. R ITIOGINS, general fire and 1 e insur- aniee agent; conveyancer, commissioner or teking' affidavits, &O. Money to Iota at low t r es ot in- ter*, - t horns eatery inorning and W nesday et teach we 1484 ememeareekame. Births. 'IRO/SR.-In Henn% on February st, In wife of Mr.,Sainta E. Troyer, of adaught HOLMES.-In Goderioh ToWnehlp, o Fel ruary 7th, the wife nf Mt. John Holmes, of. st$ . Stapleton, on 'February th, he wife of Mr. M. Gletv, of a s3n. BROWN. -In Hulls% on February 5 h, he wife Of Mr. Ephraim Brown, of a delight re JOHNSTON.-At Sault Ste Marie, o Fe ruary 8rd, the wife of Mr. Feed W. Joh sto „Judge of Algoma, of a on. COLVIN.-In Brussels, on Februar 8th the wife of Mr. George Colvin, of a son. SCHRADER -In Dashwood,On Pe rua y Oth, the wife of Mr. Louis Schrader, of a on. KESIP.-In Bayfield, on February 1 th, he tivife of Mr. H. Kempf a son. WOOD. -In Exeter, on February 1 th, the wife of Mr. Frank Wood, of daughter. HURDON.-In Beaten, se February 7th, the wife of Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon, of a son. Marnages. IRBINGS-HOLME ,-In Clinton, 6th, at the reside te Of the brid • by Rev. J. F. to Parke. Mr. Wm Gibbing% ot uck remith, Miss Margaret R. Holmes, of Clin on. ERRY-SHAW-LEE.-At the rest etc of the bride's parents, Essex street, Goderic , on -Feb- ruary lath, by Rev. Mark Turnbull, Benj. P. Perry -Shaw, Virginia City, Nevada, • Mies M. Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr, Wi Ran Lee. X-PICKAR.D.-In Goderich tow shi ' on ,Feb. ruary 5th, by Rev. F. W. Oaten. Ar. belt Cox, to Miss Msry, daughter of Mr. 51 P okard, all of Goderich township. e. on February • Deaths.. OWDEN-In 'Turnberry, on February Cowden, aged 61 years. • • ORDON.-In Turnberry, on February A Archibald Gordonaged 74 years.RDNER.-In the onse.of Refuge, Feb my 8th, Robert Gardner, of Step iu ears. OCKE ,L nchisboro, on Feb Elizabeth, wifenf. Mr. GeorgiCo kerl 71 yrs and 4 months: RNE --In Clintore on February Oth, Turner, aged 89 years and 10'months. OBB -In Sunshine,: on February 1103, rarest of the late Wm. Lobb, of Halmos 68 ears: . OHN Usborne, on February 9th,' In ant daughter of Mr. Henry Johns. I N" : ea -At North Calder, Scotland, o 22 d, Cetherine Gunn, relict of the la In • es, and mother of- Walter nue to nship, aged 85 yearn. ENN RD. -In Brucefield, on : F bru ria A. Kennard youngest danght Th J. Kennard, aged 27 yeas, an 2 days. OHN TON. -In Bayfield, on February ▪ 1 lo te, wife of Mr. W. G. Johnston, age UIR. In Clinton, on February ltb Ir, aged 52 year% 10 months ana 3 d emeeneenes THE M.A.RKET 13nAFORTH, all W eat per bushel, pring Wheat per busael; ate pr bushel - ..• • • WO . eas • r bushel . . . .. ..... ..... arley per bushel e utter No. 1., loose.... ..... ..- .. gngatte; roz. .. ,.... .; .... Flour. • er 100 The ... ... _T.__ .. ..... aypee. ton new...........'- ....- 12 it _ ides per 109 Ms ......... ... 4 heep..s Wool------- ....•,•.•.e...444,s•• 0 2 0 Salt raleai.. .. . 0 •.. • 0...• 6 .. 0 VOd Per.., .,, . . .. . _, .... Wood per cord (short) Applespeeing Clover Seed imot y Ered ork, er 00 lbs., alto , per Ib...... • - To tio0, Feb. 20. -Fall wheat, prin wheat, . .437i to $0,6ei -; oats, - as, per bush, e to 58; !barmy, `7c.t ar ton, $16 00 $18a0 : bietter, 16 to oes, per bagel 13c to 20e ; ,eggs, - pe o 20o ; dressed cgs, per 100 lbs,[ $5. 0 I ; '25 eb. O 7 O 7 O 2 O 5 O 3 O 1 91 O 1 _2 4 THE HURON e you seen them • • 5 , The new doub,le fold,prints,,36 inches wide ad p double fold, beautiful heavy cloth and stylish pat Opened up this week jlarge quantities of new spring g lovely new; prints, fine soft cloth and boiling colo t . ni Stylish' thingsinfan, y flannelettes, . fine for maki waists and wrappers. New things in faiicy Duck in light', biue -Cloth. One case of lovelylace cur ains in cream an 'd di .ect rom Nottingham, ours nd hese goods about 10 per cent. ch bought frOmipcal houses.1, Look in Clinton. GIL (3 WIREILEA lv a navy te, im s. Yo er than •us wh wide ll e will hose II. at Clintpn. Willb 0Si" and BIOYCL, th, James th, Mrs. riton, on 'eo, aged ary 9th, ne, aged Edward 11 e t, to 0 24 I 0% 100 00 0250 2 7 5 to 300 ' 1 .060 1 76 • 0 5 to 100 5 560 600 2 5 to 300 • 5 to 511 o 60 004 SIFOR 1896. ; sold at tinder COST This Stoc i.0� onsisting of Lumsden & Vinison haive now completed ar- rangements and are piepared.. to give prices for Ladils' oi Gentlemen's wheels in either. sold in argaret, lle,agecl atherine, January e George , Morris ry 18th, ✓ of Mr. months th, Char - 24 years. William 31 - , 1E96. , to 080 to 080 to 0 a3i-• to 061 to 0 36 to 014 60 e 14 10 013 to 240 to 13 00 to 6 00 to 1 00 1 -82 to 0.85;1 9 Briti • h rain LONDON', Februar Express, in it wee rain trade, s ys ere steady. me )8s to 30s. F eeig alifornia on p ssag d; prompt sh pme assage, 29s. , lou orn 3d lo*e e weree quiet Po tr TORONTO, F brna are light, and eale improvement -until ai firm. We quote geese, 7c to 8c e chi ducks, 60c to 80c. ° a, e• 17th. -411h M ly reviev1oth Friiglisli w ea wheats wetje wheats 41eo1 being qtete t at 28s 3c1'; 0 was 6d 4he arley, Marko y do not e spring. Turkey kens, 35c o to 290 ; 380 ; hay, 83 ; pots - dos., 17c $5.26. - rk Lane • British s to -day uoted at ned 6d. at 28s egon on •er and eas and he receipts tic pate any Th market 9 to 100; to 50c and . 4.--,.......—.• • Dairy Market. .. TORONTO, IFebrua y llth.--11311 • ter -The firmer tone in th inarket har a ted as a stimulant to shippees, and tratle ars been more active. In sprue t* is of v consiff,n Tts re- ceived here the bur mixed quality, which in icates that country 1 merchants have bee stocking. Si eh lines will have to be isposecl 4f t1 much lower prices. T s e mark4t s I firm. We quote; Dairy t bs,14c to T5c Medium and low grade dairy tab, 8c t 12 ; dairy pound prints, 15c t 16t; lar e . olls, 13e to 14o; creernery ibs,:19c to 20e; cream- ery rolls, 20e to 22c. Egg - he: cold weather will have a endeney t et rtail re- ceipts of ne* laid, nd the ti de mayre- ert to pickles again. Should he sold snap ontinue prices in a 1 lines Will no oubt go higher. Deliverie on IN ond y - are lwayesmall, nil there as no hemp. We quote New lei, 1c to 180; imedi 13tc to 14o fa v.e and t n ase lots, nil 14c for single In es • pod eel stored nd held fresh, 13c to 15e. Monnenen,Februi 8t1i.-Bt tte --There as little or nothin one in an ex ort way he past week. Pb -jobbing d mad, how - ver, continues fair, nd prices rule about tea,dy. Small lots creamer ha re been elling around 90Jec t 21e, an 1c to 18c or townships; west n in tubs is q oted at 3c to 141o, and cho ce rolls at 14c to 109. i'ggs-Although th e is an ,ea ler tone to he market there has been nio further hanges. . Good lim d stock is to be had round 13e, and ri W, laid ab 18c to 20e. eld fresh is quoted et 12c to 13e. • Live Stook Mark GLASGOW,February 17th. -M le unchanged; present prices f o 11c. ; 1 • lavan000t„ February. 17th •ere to.day was fair, and p hade better for cattle, thougb qu ere unchanged.. Sheep brought 5 er pound. I Moterita, re.February 8th.- Wi orthweste zephyrs tvaftin te ero aroirndi their ears th butc ers, • the best disposition for bu ine n addition to the severe cold, t e attle were about ic per pound ig n last week's markets, conseq en as unusually slow. A few f attle were sold at from no to 4c retty good animals sold at fro er lb. Good calves.bring very hi r about 50 per lb live,weight. . hree to ten days old, sell at f om each. There were no shee s here were no lambs on the ma at hogs are more plentiful th ast week, still prices are pr rom 4e to 4ge per lb. EAST BUFEALO, February 18 larket barely steady for light ;1 wer for others ; Yorkers, $4.5 l'ght Yorkers, $4.60 to $4.65; ixed packers, $4.50; mediums :45 ; rchIgh, $3.75 to $3.90; 3.50. -Sheep and lambs -M 15c lower for lambs and 10c irime lambs, $4.60 to $4,75; fa' " • .15 to $4.50; light, $3.85 to a i d common,, $3 to $3.75; -$3.15 to -$3.-65 ; handy wethe $1; heavy sheep, $3.25- to $3. dull. Cattle -Market closed I e I i ts. rke for cat - r bat, - usiness ces were a •tations to 5?,n1 h fresh below vere not s. But riees of. er than ly trade he best per ib; c to 3c prices, Ca es from $2.50 to ld, and ke to -day. •t i ey were tty high, or h. Hogs— gr des and t $4.60; igs • $4.65; an heavy, ta s $3 to et 1.0c to or sheep ; ti good, ; •culls sheep, .75 to d very ea with ' • The Regenti The Brantford. The - The Crescent. Thei The Fleet. Spartan. As we were last.year unable to fill orders for s mt than one month from opening of the season, inten in well to call or correspond tit once, as the same will w this year, You cannot order too early now to be s re are giving quotations for advance orders that may Address— . • • • LUMSDEN & WI BICYCLE DEALERS suoTis: 131OCIC, - - late sales of- light steers at $3,25 to $3,65. HOgs-Market closed dullarid 15 cars of late arrivals were unsold. I Sheep and La-nibs-----Only-half of the offerings were dis- posed of, market closing very dull and very weak. TORONT0,; February 19th. -Buying was a, little more active to -day, but prices are no better. Receipts were heavier, which had a tendency to keep down figures. Butchers' Cattle -The .top figure was -about 31e per lb, very few+ going above that. Common cattle sold at from 2c to 2',-e per lb,neediums at 2-ae and good to choice at from 3e to 3/c per lb. Export Cattle ---There was no trade done, exe pt that a few bulls were taken at from 21e to 2ic per lb; or 2-1, c to 30 per lb for those f better quality. Stockers and Feeders -.!A few light stockers were picked up to -da by one dealer, t e prices paid ranging ftoni 2c to 2ic per ib. 1 Those aver- aging fro ,100 to 1,200 lbs fetch from 3c to 3ic peri th. Some good feeders are want - 1 ed. Sheepand Lambs-Noth ng in sheep went higher than ' 2.0 per b. There is hardly an demanct far rnut ons. Lambs are firmer at from $3.5 to $4.40 per cwt. Good ones will sell. Calyea-Nominal. Prices rule from $4 to e6 for good to °choice veals, as to, quality. Only choice veals are .in demand: Common sell at . about. $2. 'Mileh Cows and Springers -Prices for really ohoic cows are firm, the ruling figures be- ing fr m $15 per head for poor cows op to. $40 fo choice newly calved ones and early sprin ers. , Hogs -Offerings were heavier to -da . , The market remains weak at 4c per I weighed off the cars, for best bacons, and a olit the same for good stores. Other hogs un from $3,75 to $3.87a per etyt most- ly. tores are wanted. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL-Etn A GOOD CFIANCE FOR RETIRED FARMS 11 OR MARKET GARDENERS. -For sale, thir y acres of choice and in Harpurhay, specially talented for a market garden or entail farm. Good buildings and every convenience. Apply to ISAAC MILLER on the mange% • 1471-tfx4 FARR FOR SALE. -North -halt Lot, No. 19, Lake ' Road Ea t, towrsbip of Hay, County of Huron, ! 75 acres, 50 acres of it nnproved, good frame house and two frame barna, besides other outbuildings ; soil, partly may loam; two acres in orchard with choice bearing fruit. 1 Also north -half Lot, 19, Lake Road West, Hey, 20 acres, all improved•, soil, clay loam, but no Windings on it. May be sold together or separat?ly to suit purchaser; will be sold at a bargain, aro the Executrix will give up farming. MARGARET JACOBI, Executrix, Johnston's Mills P. 0.. 1271x2 FOR SALE OR RENT. -100 acres, being north halves of Lots 36 and 36, Concession 1, Morris, half mile from Village 'of Bluevale, on Grand Trunk Railway, containing one of the largest and best pay- ing cheese factories in the Province, and four miles from the thriving town of Winghaqi. There are on the premises barn with stable and, root house. be- neath, traw shed, sheep pen, pig pen, implement house, driving house with workshop attached, large frame dwelling house with two cellars beneath and woodshed attachedlarge stock well beeide lane near centre of term, good apple orchard; soil, clay loam, and in very rieh condition TrOwethe manure of sev- eral hundred hogs fed on farm the past four years. Price $4,500, $300 or more down, balance at reason- able interest. Thie farm is considered one of the choicest in the county, and is a bargain. if not sold will be rented, as the proprietor is otherwise engaged. For further particulars. address the proprietor, J. J. DENMAN, Box 18, Bluevale P. 0. . 1471-2 Harness and Saddlery Stock for sale by Tender. , The undersigned will receive tenders up to MARCH 4th For the purchase of the stock in trade -Harness, Trunks and Saddlery, alio Shop6ixturee ;. amount- ing in all to about ens,- belonging th the estate of John Ward, of Seaforth. Inventory may be seen and terms of gale obtained on application to undersigoed, R. 'LOGAN, Assignee. Seaforth February 19th, 1896. All persons indebted to estate of John Ward are requested to pay accounts at once to the undersign- ed. In default, will be sued in Division Court. ROBERT LOGAN. Notice! to Creditors: In the matter of Joseph Nigh, the younger,, of the township of Tuckersinith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, debtor. Notice "is hereby given that the above named debtor has made an assignment to me for the benefit of his creditors, under the provisions of Ch' pter 124, It.S.O., and amending acts. A meeting of his credi- re will be held at the office of R. S. Hays at Sea-. f rthe on Wednesday,the 196h day of Vebruar ,1896, t 2 o'clock in the aft rnoon, to receive a statement f his affairs, appoint inspectors Ind 'give directions aa to the disposal of his estate. Creditors are ro- oked to ffie their ol hus with tiroole, as required y said statutes, wi R. S. Ha e, Barrister,!Sea- f rth, before said 1:fleeing. i , ETER Mc ANN, Assignee; . y I. S. RAS, his Solicitor. eted this 10th day o Fe,ruary, 1808. 1470-2 of these lines iz less purchasers wou d do expect, happen gain f your wheel, a dwe t continue very Jlong. SON, 40.1 MAIN STI.EET TION SALE. .fILEARING SAL OF 'IMPLEMENTS, FARM k_e STOCK AND` URNITURE.-Mr Jams Jones has received instructions front Mr. Robert Dalton, jr., to sell by publio auction on Lot 18, Concession 4, Township of Bibh rt, on Wednesday March 4th, 1898, the following : 1 mare &years; old, 1 mare 6 years old, 3 thwe in yell to a thoroughbeed bull, 1 cow 4 yearsold, Wrier! in December ; 1 farrow cow, 1 steer rising 3 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old. 1 heifer rising 1 year old, 3 steers rising 1 year old, 1 steer calf 4 months old. 10 well-bred ewes ram 1 year old, 1 brood sow, 11 pigs 6 weekold, 8 pigs 3 menthe old, 60 heni, 6 tone of straw, !WO bu els of mangolds, 1 pulperi, Coleman's make,Inearly hew ; 1 pair bobsleighs, nearly new ; 1 wagon, 1 double buggy with pole and shafts, 1 Jingle buggy, 1 iinder, 1 Noxon mower, nearly new ; 1 pea harvester 6 foot out; 1 sulky rake, 1 reaper, neatly new 1 lend roller, nearly new ; 1 Noxon combined seed drill, nearly new; 1 Willdneon plow, 1 sod plow, li gang plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 hay rack,11 gravel box, 1 manure box, 1 fanning mill, 1 pig box, 1 set double harness, nearly new '• 1 set plow harness 1 set single harness, 1 hay fork with ropes i and p Ileys, 1 sugar kettle, 1 grain cradle, chains, !forks, s$hovele, scythes, ladders, grain bags, and i a, lot qf other articles too numerous to ' mention. Furnitur .-One cook stove, nearly new ; 1 coal stove,[ 1 box itovo, 1 glees 'cupboard, nearly new ; 1 extension dining tanle, 1 bedstead, 6 chairs, 1 milk can, only u ed one season ,• milk, pane, tin 'pails, wash tub, boile , and a lot of other uthful household articles. ' Silol at 12 o'clock, sharp. Terme.- All terms of $5 and 1 under, cash: over that &mould 10 4onths' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A die - count of 6 per cent. well be allowed .off for Vah on credit amounts. Thera will be no reserve. JAMES JONES, Auctioneer; ROBERT DALTON, re. Pro- prietor. . 471x2 4 U0i-tON SALE OF FARM STOCK A D IM- PLEMENTS.s-Thomas Carling has 1 een in- structed by George Allan to sell- by public notion on Monday, March 2nd. at 12 o'clock noon, o Lot 8, Concession 10, Hullett, the following proper y, viz : 1 heavy team Yaw 5 and 6, 1 mare 8 ye old, 1 horse 4 years old, 1 fflly c3ming 2 3 ears old, calves, 2 ferrety cows, 1 cow to calve in July, 2 cows to calve about let April, 3 heifers rising 2 years old, steers rising 2 yearseld, 2 heifers coming one yea old, 5 ewes supposed to be in lamb, 7 fall pigs, a uantity of hens, 2 sets double harness, 1 set single anew, 1 car, • fork, slinga and rope; 1 democrat buggy, lumber wagon, 1 road cart, 1 oulGer, 1 et bob- sleighs, 1 bare hay Take, 1 sheep rack, 1 hay rack, 1 34urrow Igimg plow, 1 set iron harrows, handle plows, 1 land roller, 1 binder, Patterson • ake e 1 mower, Patterson 'make ; 1 seeder, 1 cult ator, 1 revolving rikke, 1 [ turnip drill, 1 turnip p lper, 1 orse grain cradretrantity of grain bags, 1 a ythe, 1 snath, 1 pcnver to tun straw cutter, 1 hand icutting box, 4 creamery can, 1 milk can,1 h knife, ,a email quantity of hay, 1 fanning mill, 1 le nge, 1 icupbosan, 1•table, 1 crow bar, 1 iron kettle, beams :for wefghing, forks, rakes, ehovele, spade grind ;stone and other articles too numerous to n ention. ,Everything %ill be sold without reserve as t e pro- prietor has Sold his farm. Terme-All sums of $10 and under, cash '• over that amount 12 months er dn. will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- thent of 6 per cent tivill be given on credit a •otints. GEORGE ALLEN, Proprietor ; THOMAS CA LING, Auctioneer. 471-2 4,54 riLEARING OUT AucrioN SALE OF- ARM V) STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND_ }IOUS HOLD' EtNITURE.-Mr. Wm. 31c0loy nas been inekucted by Mr. Alex. McKenzie, to sell by public auctionon February 27, at 1 o'clock p.m., the follow - Lot 23, ,421nceasion 4, H. R. S., Tuckers 'th, on Thursday,ing value le property, 11 rees-One eneral purpose hem 7 years old, 1 rime rising ip in foal, 1 filly rising:three, t filly risin t o, 1 wo kin mare, 1 mare 6 eearsiold. ' Cattle-, ne newly calve Ranch cow, 1 cow in alt, 2 farrow 'co s, 6 steers oming three 1 yearn • g Steer, 1 yearling heifer, 1 young call, 6 fall plge a let of poultry. Implemen s -One Massey -Harris binder, / mower, 1 hay seeder n good working order 1 horse hay rake, Sharp ma o ; one combined seed drill, 1 Bain Wagon, 1 pair bob 'eight', 1 buggy, 1 cut r, 1. new fanning mill with agger, MoTaggart,'s m ke ; 1 fanning mill, 1 plow, gang plow, 1 set dial ond harrows 11 set sing e ha nese, 1. set double tea harness, 1 liking ladder, 1 n kyoke, 1 set whiffietre s, 1 hayrack, 1 wheelbarrow, patent churn, 1 dam grain bags, a lot of cow chat s, one crewcut Saw, goat sk n ro es 1 hand se,w and a lot of smell Moles, such as forks, rakes, 1 ovele, &c. Also a 1.1 ot household furnit re. A lot of good hay in th barn. The above im 1 ment are all nearly new, h vine been in use only two : • aeons. The whole will positively be s,Id , with ut res ryese the proprietci • as sold his ;arm. Te sums of $5 and un e , cash over that amount 10 oaths' credit will •e given on furnishing a prov joint notes. A di “unt at the rate of 6 per cent. er an- num will [b ilowed for clash on credit a ounts. ALEX. Mai ZIE, proprietor: WM. MoCLO . RUC. tioneer. 471-1 11 15 DISP BATE The under Stratford, b of Bates Short -horns, On Tuisdar, lEarch 1 Uri 18196, Consisting of FOor 13ulls and' Thir en Fe - melee. • I I Positively no bye bit]; ing, end n Sale to comee menat 1 . m. • Terms -Nine Months' credit joint notes, and aiscount of (3 annum off for milt. " Catalogues sent on applicatic JOHN IDIN ]3S11N SALE --OF 'SH OHO NS MD I EN, 1 • As the premises in iCardno's Block iiiust be vacated in a very . 1 imited,Sp of Time In order to do 9a s we have arrang- ed things cbordingly rCeeTe'-'?'"re, A 11-EitIrgi staff' clerks; 'every, acornmodati�n for custom- ' I ! er ; the tock all in good , 1 sh p forinspection,and price ' 30, 6, 50 and 60 per . . . „cent. b iow re War . . . . , . ' . i • .•=••=mmine • igned will sell a his fa m in poblic auction s lee herd re erve. on app oved per cent. per n to 'TON, STR TFORD, ONT. 1471-4 ""54•41 ;455, prornisT yo prices .'hi on y foutd at -1 st goods at can s re vvhere t stock has beek3. bought Otichl. a low rate orik, the dollar. 4 44, t -1 gran Feature. This'Ststi)Ckis, niparl'all new, well , Se!4'c'te0 and xt.f.0-1.! kept, . , - ..Consequenilly.gotiOSJ::re aS good as • ---.:011* •1 This e tablisi*Oit has only be-9running about 3 seasonsk, ds that liave been kept onthe shelves for 20 years • ! enume Bargains Arc. the ordqr of the day, +erms str otly cash. ..• tiOck pnr4ia ed by ,eati " • SPEA: • • • '••••;,. ARE OFFERING EXTRA s VALUES IN ,- ; WTI NGS . 'OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS WINTER UNDERWEAR FLANNEL SHIRTS LINED GLOVES WOOLLEN SOX, &O. itt fact, all winter goods, prior to taking stock. The balance of ounFURS ata great- ly reduced rate. A range of Underwear for Boys, from 5 to 12 years of age, ,AT COST. A CALL SOLICITED - DILL &8PEARE, Bea:forth, One Deer south of Expositor Offica •220 THE Grocery Wt. nit tt• t •I _WANTED . FREE TRADE. Weelo not want all the trade in town, loit we would like a large share of it. We think that we can do as well for you as any other house in our line. We do not adver- tise to he giving away our stock, buttry to give you as good an article for your money as Possible. Goods delivered promptly and with care. Our stock of Crockery is of the latest patterns, and we are selling at very Close prices. Robb & Currle, SEAFORTIL CATCH.'ON - TO THE Best Opportunity OFA For buying eheap Winter Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. It's a qui* turn on very close margins, to make -room for our Spring e stoek. • CAM ON TO THE' That these goods tin now be bought at prices never before named. No one should miss taking advantage of this LOW PEWS SALE. Richardson & Minnis - 'MAIN STREET, 5WORTH, INSOLVENCY NOTICE. In the matter of John Ward, of the town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Ha,rness maker, Debtor. /entice is hereby given, that the above mailed Achim has made an assignment to nec for the bthelit of his creditors, under the provisions of chapter 124, R. a, anctarcending acts, 4, meeting of his cradle tork:will be held at the office of Messrs. R. Logan & Co,, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 18th day of Febru- ary 1.88$3, at 3 o'elOok in the afternoon, to receive a i sta trent of his affair'', Appoint inspector% and give dir tion as to the (Repent of his estate. Creditors are kequired to ille thew claims with proofs, as re- quieed by said statute, with F, Hoirnested, Seaforthe hefilre said tneeting. . It R. LOGAN, assignees, Li4 by F. HOLMESTED, be Senator. ited at Seaforth this llth day of February, 1896. o , 1470-2 Oaper. povered Books, R vilar 20c and 25c editions, —SELLING -- THIS WEEK • - 1.Q 1\1"TS. Cm W. PAPSTS matoirsilioxtm, MAIN STREET, BEAFORTEL. • ""-•••••-." - 2