The Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 3189(;‘
- the United States,
.available in ail partie
vances made on sant*
tecl at higheat careen
)(tine and Deeember.
E.A.RCE, Agent.
!CC13r in the
all Affec-
Throat cx::°'
assaintsammem se
Ler. Par
for fall wear
and neglige wear.
ef coats, umbrellas
L'Ight price e entire
es -e -es
by the
ith the
geed on
triode,. Everything
'reirlial* School re-
riad. we are
tiring fur-
lefore pur-
every reflrieCt, aJ
Funeral Director.
s office.
FEBRITARY 21 1896. ,
T McKENNA, Dominion and Provincial elvend
e Surveyor, Member of theAssoolation of Ontario
Land Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386-52
rflOWNSHIP FUNDS TO LOAN. -To loan on farm
i property, drab mortgage, township funda. Ap-
ply to JAMES MURRAY, Treasurer, Tuekeramith,
Bewail P. O. 1462 ti
. ---
STALLION FOR SERVICE, - The standard bred
stallion, " Wilder Lee," will stand for the ire.
prevenient of stock at his owner's stable in Renee%
T. J. BERRY, Rented'. 1457-tt
- .
TJARRY STONE. -The uudersigned has for sale
at his quarry at Cranbrook a quentity of choice
sto se, suitable for corner stones, sill donee and
oridae stone. Will be sold at reasoneble priceS.
GEORGE BAKER, Cranbrook, P. O. 1408-tf •
TORN BEATTIE, Clerk ef the Second Division
eJ Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con.
veyincer, Lend, Loan and Ineurance Agent. Funds.
Invested and to Loan. Oftico-Over Sharp &
reives10' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289
sale, six' grant 3 et ung Short -Horn Balls, from
eeo up; a few good sound young working hereto);
a number of geed 13teere and ninth cows; aleo a few
sheit horn COW44 and Heifers, whiter I ill 8011 on
easy Urine ; alio a Iltp,atity Of Black Tertarten
°ate, grown from seed imported from Scotland In
180e -price 40c per bushel, or 35c in ten bushel lots;
ale° White Poland and Banner Oats at 30r; else
Prursian Blue Peas at 00c per Nellie], n11 good
grain and ekan end pare. DAVID MILNE, Ebbe!,
Ontario, 1170
4/ 300 Private funds to loan atlowest
$ 500 rates of interest in sums to suit
6 • 700 borrowers. Loans can be com-
$1,000 pleted and money advanced
$1,500 within two dare Apply to R.
62,500 &Hays, Barris ter, iSs.c.,S eaforth.
flOWS FOR SALE. -For sttle, three good young
1j cow)) to calve in April. App'y at the EXP
TOR Office. 1468-t1
rS FOR SALE -The undersigned has for sale
wo thoreuehbred Durham Bulls, 13 inonths
old. He false has for sale White Po'and Seed Oats.
Apply on LcIt 24, Concession S, Hibbert, or to JOHN'
Staff a P. O.
gale t o thoroughbred Durham butte, one 18
months and the other 10 months old, both off prize
winning sto k. Mao 1,000 Seder r posts for sale.
Apply en tot 19, Concession 9, Morris, JOHN
SHORTRE D, Walton P.O. 14611x4 •
two T
pedigree, 01
one year oh
cheep. Ap
addrtse Til
oroughbred Short Horn Bulls, registered
e red end the -other white, and about
-, very eaperior animals, and will be sold
le nil Lot 30, Conceseien 5. Usborne, or
Ct-D30RE, LurnIc3-P. 0. 146941
i f
DURHA 1 BULL FOR SALE -The undersigried
ha e !r salq a 1.4 inonths' old Durham Bull, red
in color, a. d with registered pedigree. He is from
imported Eoyaiailor, and is a particularly floe unl-
ined; will 1 e sold ,on reaeonatle terms. WM. Ce.R-
NOCHAN, Jr., Lot 13, COW: CSSit 11 4, 11. R. S., Titbit-
s. ran ith, Et tuondiville P. 0. 146e- 1
•., 1 .
made signed, breeder et Lange Eoglieh Berk-
ehires,bas tor sale boars and sows in farrow. He will
also keep for service the stock boar Gladstone, pur-
chased froiMr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms,
-al_ payab o at the time of service with the privilege
of returnine if neceggeary, if booked 51.50. JAMES
DORRANCE, Lot 26, Conceesion 5, MeKillop, Sea -
forth P. 0. 1465-52
signed will keep for service, at the Brucefield
Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar,
with registered pedigree. Terms, 81; .payable at
time of service with privilege of returning, if neees-
eery. HUGH McCARTNEY, Brueefield. 1405-tf
1DULL FOR SERVICE. --The undersigned will keep
I) on Lot 34, Concession 5, McKillop, a thorough-,
bred Durham Bull, to which a limited number of
cowa will be taken. Terms, $t, payab e January lab,
1897, with the privilege of returning if necessary.
In tracing up some of Santa laus' good
deeds this year, a lady gives us the fol-
lowing account of her Chri tmas box.
The lady's name is Mrs. H. G Ferguson,
and she resides at 211 Churc st. , Mrs.
Ferguson began as follows
I have for years been a gr at sufferer
with kidney complaint, severe .ain under
shoulders and across back, ane latterly so
weak that I aould not walk out or do
housework. Seven years ago the doctor
told me I had Bright's Disease. A number
of physicians foist me I was past help;
one of there said I could not 11 -e a month.
I have taken.a great deal of medicine, but
without relief, and had given up hope; in
fact, told my son that I did not expect to
live until spring. My son saw the adver-
tisem.ent of the Doan Kidney Pill Co.,
Dec. 3rd, and told me. I asked him to get
a box and I would try them, although I
had but little faith in them, because all
other remedies had failed, and as a result
I had given up hope. He got one box of.
pille at J. R. Lees drug store and I
commenced taking them. The result
has been mare -elle -tic's. After taking them
once I experienced , relief, and after tak-
ing them three times the change for
the better was marked. I have only taken
one box of pills, but I feel like a new The pain and other symptoms
of the dreadful disease are gone. 1 am
stronger and better than I have been in
many years. I am now able to 'do my
4iousework and walk out without suffering
any inconvenience. That box of Doan's
Kidney Pills was indeed a grand Christmas
box for me. I am glad to let everyone
know about this wonderful care, in the
hope that some one who has suffered as I
have may try the remedy and be benefited
as I have been."
Steam Saw Mill and Grain Chopper (stones) for
sale in LakeIet, in the township of Howick, in the
County of Htiron. Bath saw mill and chopper are
now runningeand in first-class order. There is an
acre and a half of orehard and garden, with two
dwelling houses, stables, etc., atteohed. There is
plenty of timber in the neighborhood, and the grain
chopper getti all the work it can do. There is a laree
quantity of It (cuetore) now in the yard. This is
a gond opportunity for a live buaidess man, as the
property will be bold at a reasonalple figure. Good
reasons for selling-. For further p rticulars, apply
to J. COWAN, Wroxeter P.O. 140911
, - ....„7" S
iseaseasaaa- pa
a ss f et
";e...2.t9D R.V13LER,CRESCONT,
-zoo• x'• v,. . , . e`'• = \ 'PO'SD P ci SPECIA LS.
, , - 't- ., I N ''...-A, AN!) trEolCO N Cv-oH Atol O.
, o'? I'S / -AA "1- • • 21 tA•i•rk-tilv.rre. .
tj }.4.7,:o•e•LIo•-•••- -...., - • ' ••••"..1Ar! t.'i:',:tilit I 'Ive nuilit:-tv .
.‘,. ,T ,,„
---;-,n --.• ,. t 1i ••-•-..•.v.• "...- P•141) ri IC ICE..
:J4 NI G.
• .• 0. ,l.' .t.o,1 o....t!.2 1:rec.
1„..f. aZia
,*,••Is,.. ze et.., I teietecal
. Of good eharacter, who can furnish horse and light'
r.2t. F-,75 to z250 a month. Applieants write -fully.
Co., Limited, Brantford,
Ont. • 1470-e2
As the TreaStfiter for the township of McKillop has
aeseeised, any petson eppIying for the office should
send in their application in their own handwriting,
and the names of two bondsmen, at next meeting of
Couneil, to be held on Monday, February 24th, at
Leteloury. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk. -1470-2
amily Medici:1i of the A e
Taken InternaIy,ItCure
larrhced, Cramp, a ci Pain In the
taniach, -Sore' Throc4 Sudden C Ids,
oughs, eta, eta,
Used External! , It Cure
uts, Bruises,. Barna,: 8oulds,7 Sprs ins,
oothaohe, Pain in ihel Face, Weura giu,
heumatism, frosted eet.
No article ever 'attained to e soh imeouneed po mar.
t.-WSadttati bar t
.recesrilmony to ilia Olefin' of tho Pohl'
Hitler Wo 'taco se -n Its mottle effects in soothht.; the
werera palm and know It to be a geed artiete.-c 'nem -
at rilaipeders.
reef en ham yetromp:wed-tie wh eh is
elle most valuable family inedieh snow in use.-2en teases
Orrot.t. ,
it has real merit; as n. means o removing pit /1, no
medielao has eequiredn reput.ttion equal to Perry avls'
nitn.tiller.-Xerrpo)rt Neu tor, - .
11,tivaro of imitations. Huy only the genuine any
nbold everywhere lingo bottles, 250.
The bet Buggies and Wa Qns.
. • ..,._____
My stook of Carriages Is very complete ; al hand
made, under our own superviefon. Don' tbuy °reign
faetory-mado buggies, when you oan get bette made
at homenand as cheap, if not cheaper than th work
brought in, from outside towns. Why ' soon your
money in building up rival towns and >injur your
own whenyou can do better at home. Call a d see
me and be .convinced.
All kinds of blacksuilthing and repairing pr mptly
and eatisfa torily done. .
A fun steek of Cutters of the best materi I and
latest et les, which will be sold cheap.
wis McDonal
:te`t-e'144'' mayor of any city
n Canada if any ingredient is found in
he new medicine,
11: first named lily the
• kOOEij
g 1:
DOLLARS Wi[11 be
given to the clhari-
t ab le instittition
that is injurious to the system.
what it does :
I, Besides curing chronic rheumatism and
blood cbseases it has a wonderful effect upon
fever a td. malaria. if t ken in time, aid we
ohallen e the producti n of a CARO oll long
standinj sore, or homo rhagc of the kklueys
Kcoten4tY will not cure. i
2' It s a Fplendid to ic Und makes y u eat
and s1e1-). It cures indigestion. -
3. It itea microbe killer and when us d f or
th off Ots following the use of morphi pro-
peoatio s removes every trace- of the oison
ir m the system, as also mercurial depoa ts and
th resUlts of nicotine-froM the cigarette habit.
. Mr Chas. MeOracken,i 184 Adelaide
W st, former night clerk at the "almer
H use, Toronto, says th t he was ereatly
tr ubled with eruptions sa. his face, in et his
ele n was literally covere with pimpl +sr and
lel tebes which . was atte ibuted to cies retto
sn °king. • Ordinary medi MO did uo goo g One
bottle of -Kootenay lei 4 s -kin entirel free
fr m every trace of their). Write th S. S.
R -crionaa MEDICINE -00.,,i Milt -011, fo paw -
et of startling cures. 1
I will do all kinds of Turning to or
short notice, and I will, do it as chea
oau be done. I will pay e. good pri
Nc. 1 White Ash. Give me a .call a
er on
as it
e for
d see.
JOHN KLEIN, Seafo th.
r • •6 •• 0 • •
• i‘n 1 " MENTH I. 0
• 0
• r have pres ribed MortholPlaster In a nit • ber 0
of cases of n uralgle rheumatic pains, and
:am very rn eh pleaiid with tho effects and
pteasantness f Its application. -W, H. 0
UR, M.D., H tol Oxford, toston. Eti.
nave ,iced Menthol Plasters in several�ses
of uscular houmatIsmnd
, afind In every case A
mMalt gave a most instant and permanent r lief.
-J. 13.,M00RK M.D.. Washington. D.O.
O It Cures Sedation Lumbago
, eu- •
,in ralgla, Pains in Ilack or Side or ,.
SP any Muscular Tains. yr
. Price I Davis it4 Lawrence CO., tel, •
,25o. I Sole Proprietors, Alcorree L.
o Farmers of Can da.
Several kinds of wire fences have beenlaced on
• e market, none of which have proven enti ely sat-
s actory ; but in placing before) you our
w do so confidently, believing that we ha e over.
c me all of the objections that have be n raised
a ainst wire fences in the past. It is corn sed of
aiiy deaired number of galvanized steel wig° , placed
a a suitable distance apart, upon which ar plaoed
t o half-inch half -round Steel bars, one on itch side
o the wires, with groove between to fit 41L htly on
the wires, and bolted with four bolts holdi g them
fl mly together and preventing the wires 1 om slid -
11g up or down. It Is also arranged that e actions
o heat and cold in expanding and contrating the
ires are thoroughly controlled by tighte ers, and
tie fence can be kept taut at all seasons of he year.
All we ask is an examination of its merits and we
re satisfied you will decide it has noequa Menu-
f ctured by
Dublin P. 0, Ont.
B. SCOTT, Seaforth, Ts agent
• for the sale of County and Ton -
ship rights.
Made Into Christmas eef
pled Children of L
Our readers are accrual
farae of Frederica, the. m
. Shorthorn prize winner in
the present year. Her pie
published several times in
The illustration here giv
likeness taken of her befor
the slaughter pens.
At the, London Smithfield
show in Agriailltural hal
00W, WO1li over $1,500 wor li
She had been boru and
queen's Own farm at Wi
the time of the show; w a
months, '2 weelni and 3 d• y
Ram n Organ iSt P
What we say is true and
Everybody icnow
Our success demonstrates ,that eusin ss can be
done on a fair, square basis, and be succe fu
There's a reason for us continually g tti g Ithe
greatest share of trade. Never has our tri ste y been
so complete as it is now. No other °once n an sell
at the prices we can and will; none can g ve you the
choice of so fine a line of instrumeots as ours, in
square or upright pianos, or for church or ,parlor
All new organs and pianos warranted 10 the • term
of seven years.
TERMS. -$3,$5, or 810 or more monthly until paid.
What ean be more liberal, more hid)) lye, moro
afe than to buy a KARN.
J L. Do no
499 ANA
or the Crip-
ted with the
st noted fat
rent Britain
ure has been
this country.
IS )s the last
Ilie went to.
bib cattle
his youua
of prizes.
red on the
or, -and at
,O years, 10
old. Her
color was red. This remarkable anima
Was not only the best animal of her sex
class and breed in the display, but wal
the best animal' of either eex and any
breed. .A writer says that the success of
this heife may induce ,breeders to "go
in for t3 artistic instead I of the im;.
mense,1 since Frederica gained flist
prize eve animals heavier than herself.
Her form will be atUdied bY•Americau
breeders. An odd thing about the.big
monej sh won was that the 'main prize,
the queen $ cup, valued at $750, was woe
by the ern en herself.. .1
After t e fair 'closed the -heifer was
bought b a rich an, and after slaugh-
tering he4 carcass was cutup into roasts
and seat. Jaround to make a Chriatmas
dinner fot the cri pled children of Lon.
The Three orkslhire Breeds.
' At the New Y rk live stock show the
small white Yorkshire hop attracted
-raticb aft ntiou, ot the least- perhaps
becatise o their rtistic ugliness.. They
looked fie .ce eno tali and homely enough'
to scare' a timid erson. A youug lady
who tried to floc sbmething pleasant to
say about every nimal she gazed upon
looked at the w olly, long tusked, fiat
-nosed be s being slowly diliven'aroupd
the ring, iesitated, stammered and final-
- ly mauag d to say, "How. fat they, are,
aren't thy?"
Of the three breeds, the arge Yak -
shire, M ddle Yorkshire 1 and Small
Yorkshir s the Smalls are the ones niet
popular i the east.
In othe parts of the Union, however,
and in anada the Middle and Large
elt est fte r,
e. ; • ee,,,,e,
"Yorkshires are r ared. Il'his year a
canadian ad a.Ltrge :York that weigh-
rr eI 139nd° Englande°P
rsutciirdas i. itse inot n
aS111 three families-ou
al common for
be same farmson
These hogs are soe-
rhinEnglandgefafa4wainthdrAiemh efraincaeY. fTarhmeeirls-
ustration shows one each of the three
orkshire families, Large, Middle and
mall. It also shows better than any
icture we remember to have seen the
elative full grown size of the breeds.
hich is Which Is easy to be seen with-
ut explanation. It may be said, how -
ver, that even the Small Yorkshire
rows to the average size of hogs.
• WW1 Plenty of Corn.,
1 should rely almost wholly upon corn
o fatten steers, as it is the cheapest sin -
le fOod to be had. In order to make the
ood somewhat more .effective, to 'keep
he digestive ti:ack of the steer in better
ondition and the animals more healthy
morally, and finally to give them a
igher finish than is possible with corn
nly, I should use from two to three
otind's ef oilmeal per heed daily.
I do not know whether hogs will get
an' material advantage from the oil-
meal in the droppings, thOugh I see no
reaSon why they should uot if they con-
sunie them to any considerable amount.
Usually the droppings from steers fed
on ground grain are not consumed -by
hogs in any considerable quantity. -
Professor Henry.
. Walmted.
A bisrse dealer who writes to the edi-
tor of, The Southern Stock Farm ex-
pressei a very general wan't in the fol-
lowing: If, you ever hear of a pair of
geldings 15% heads, matched, sound,
bay, btownt or chestnut, that can trot to
a to wagon in three minutes (full
milea, and! don't pull or wear boots, I
want: to know about it. I have got no
less than ten different parties who are
lookiag foit such a team to drive them-
selves, .anul price Would net 'cut much of
a figare if (it was riot ovei $1,000.
Wit tconstitutips a Vicious Horse.
i 1
1 i
It is tot necessaTy that a horse should'
be sr ipiCruS i o make !the c
for lujury done by bim
er's negligence. If the
be driven yet so nelglig
jury to persons or pro
or driver iill be imp
ao less so if the hors
.turned loose in the s
traint or control. -Ne
Court Decision:-
-Persons suffering f
should never use a cou
ing chloroform, Heart f
resale, Procure instead
Syru of Turpentine) it
cious and the safest.
ee. ' What is the eh
prise ier ?" ; Ofileer-" I
ne in his possession
" Azierchist or bic
weer responsible
;hrough the own -
most docile horse
ntly as to do in-
erty, the owner
usible, certainly
be negligently
reet without re -
x York Supreme
tie -
omheart disease
h remedy content-
ilure might be the
a he most etfica-
rge against this
aving an infernal
yer honor." -Jus-
eliet ?"-Brooklyn
. t I
ihntoortnee of Giving - Thein Proper R - Their Delicate Tasks In the tocietyof
t ons and lionrishing Drinks. 1 Capitalists Froin Abroari.
The treatmentli of yearlings is Pract - 1 "He's the entertainer of a: ralhioad emit-
lly the same as that of the-suc lin pany," said 0130 man to anothcr about a
°opt that 1 would feed them, (hikib third man who had eiduted the speaker in
es a day and advance the feed1ratiI.b passing.
. .
"And whom does be entertain?"
Is mewbat. Give. the midday feed of d "Mostly men from the other side of he
atter-some whole oats, a few Carr Atlantic whom the company Wishes to in-
nd.some bran and (nit hay. NeVer f terest in its schemes or seeriritieg. Other
get the cut hay. Give them such :vari 4y persona too, if need be. Dotibtless he )13.8
Q1 roughage as is handy and keep th itt work of other sorts Oil . 13aHd, Linti he is
gool condition all wiutea. If one Jxf chosen PriinatilY because ho knhAt's how' to
t em ets behind, give a conrse of dri
�l oatmeal gruel and cow's milk, w
lally. I do not kaow of anythiag 4
Our r ofive tablespoonfuls of lin
ill build a florae up se fast, WI
when.we used to. be making horses
fer the sheiks, we gave Our big her
Sitch drinks three times a day. It ta
the place of food and medicine at
same time. The slime geucral rules n
apply to colts1 year old from a hygie
point of view as te the rest.
With the 2-yeariolds it is soraewl
different. Naturally we want to win
them as cheaply as we can, and if
suggestions have beeu followed out
will have nice, big, thrifty fellows ti
need little paraperiug. Two-year-old
would feed but three times a day, cru 'li-
ed oats, bran, cut bay and carrots iu he
morning, whole oats, bran and cut hay
in the middle (4 the day, and a ig
warm supper at uight as above outlin st,
Those that are Welching up the b st
ought,to be put together, and if 801110 of
them are perpettially wrestling, Wait
them up in stalls, or let them out in
lots by, thernselvesthat is,. each y
himself, so that he may not jump ou er
with his neighbor; This sort of a colt it
is better to take right up, break to hi r -
mess lind give him his daily exerc se
with the.colts 1 and 2 years older.
I will , say,- in ;elation to the we
lings, yearlings and 2 -year-olds, lo
out for worms, and if the colts sh
symp/ oms of attaa combat it
once. Areca nut, powdered; is as uee
a remedy as any. Then wifili the 4 -ye
olds be careful to have their mou
examined should why of i them 8h
sigus of going- backward. The foregoi g
is a resume merely of what I have do e
plyself in rearing horses, and if it c n-
ereys lany useful hints, I shall be glad
Indeed, -Cor. Chicago Horseman. '
Making and LoSing Money on Hogs.
TWIG hundred and forty bogs I scld
on the Chicago market Oct. 8 averaged
840 pounds, They were shipped withdut
a dead hog or a crippled, and I was sally
docked 40 pounds on the whole lat.
They ,wore beauties and brought the tlop
price for that class of hogs that clay -
viz, $4.30. I raised a portion of th4ra
and bought the rest in November.
These cost me $4.25. I kept all of them
in good growing condition until the ist
of April. On the 1st of January 1 I
coramenced feeding 100 steers shqck
corn and had half the bogs runnit
with them. The others I fed by the
selvesi as I had been doing. The ist of
April I put all the hogs after the catitle
and fed the cattle all they would ettt:
also fed the hogs- pretty strong, but kot
all they waited. The cattle were s ld
.Tunel$ and t ie begs carried over, tho gh
they should 1iave been sold thea, wl en
they.. would by.
-They were 50
cent dern frobi ntil
sold. ! I thin he
last month.
old at time of
a little money
I would li
er, give my e
the last six ye
years ago 1 fe
September nn
were then 23 nionths old and weig1bed
450 pounds. hey filled a medi ra sied
oar, and all fwre shipped wilthou4 a
dead Or crippled hog and wit out
-e entertain.''
The entertainer Of it railway ecimpan
a well fipoken man, who knows ustw
to say Lind when to say it. lie takes
hien made some mon
n full feed on 45 and
the middle of July 'u
they gained ,hut little
Or were about 17 months
sale, and I think loot ue
to say a word, Or, lralth-
perience in feeding or
re, and that is thlis
$5 hogs from the ls
il the 1st of April. T
dockage, and they Jost rue plenty 1 of
money. The ollowing year I had 12
head which weighed 850 pounds. All
k -
e a
went through
age, and they
The next yea
. averaged 35O pounds. They all
through with only 40 pounds doe
and made me plenty of money.
e result as above sta
me I have fed qui
lots a reasonable le
ve dame quite well
one to the conclusion
to feed a bog after ye
SO or -300 pounds. In
Iswill sell when my
arket, regardless of
*dors' Gazette.
e Stock Points.
The finest herd of bee cattle of 1895
was said to have been raised, fed land
fattened in Illinois. They were Short-
hornand grade Herefords and weris so
superior that the owner got 50 cents it
hundred above the market price 1 for
them. They are said to dress out nore
beef .than other people's cattle. lThe
breeder dehorns all his beeves. One tear
be sold a herd that averaged 14680
pounds each. It is not that this gentle-
man is particalarlY lucky. He haa, to
be sue, fat lands to graze them on and
raiselfeed for them, bat other men just
as favored ia this respect do not iake
meat' equal to his. The secret is inj the
blood of the steers to begin and the Icare
traigbt without ay d
lost me plenty of mo
bad three carloads
year you see
During this it
number of ca
of time and )4
theniJ Ihave
it does not pa
him to weigh
future I think
are ready forl
price: -Cor.
y get afterward.
orse owners should
he selection of hay.
atly from the eati
ed y bay,
Galloway heifer s
Union stockyards f
de yielded 67.79 p
en cold.
ire each a your c
r a couple of bens, and le
• or girl take care uf his or be
p rty and raise it to maturit
e ef the hens let the child ha
ce of their eggs and chickens.
the pig or lamb give them a sh., re of
_price of the animal after it is sold.
t the children have the nioneyl, too,
'their very own to do what ther like
take greatericare
Colic comefre-
g of moldy', and
ld to the (idea -
✓ the. Christmas
✓ cent pure imeat
iildren a lai
b, a
e the
with.: This 'will encourage lel
habit's and thrift.
I -
visiting capitalist in hand, introduces h4n
to the dght people 1113d 51368 thfit he diem
not fall in with the wrong I people. Per-
haps ho sees that the strenget is made
conifer able at souse good club or oven II.
vited to fashionable houses, nitilough th6,
entertainer does nob make Use unnecessa-
rily of What is kIrOWL1 aS society 15n further-
ing his• ends. There aro still. 'some rich
Britons win hope to be rlchet through
transaction in American stocete, bonds
and mortg ges. There eve 8onie emazing-
ly green fo eigners who have hisions of
sudden wet ith to be had in sugh transac-
the meet part, however, the
ign capitalist is liil team') of
. that will pay hitpier di -d-
in -vestments at home. It is the
the entertainer to =eke such
road as the in nagera wish it
The' task is It d dieate one, for
capitalist is oft n shy and, sus-
picious. eing a great m u at home, he
would resent a palpable att nipt to manip-
ulate him. .11 he is to see t a rigtt people
and be kop away from the Wron people,
the =obi cry that coin apses, all this
must be kept out of view. 1i
The enterm
entertainer coes out n g eat form
when he sdnds a party of 'de,Pita lets on a
tour of inspection over th3 road. Some
Buell tours aro historic, a cl when their
history comes to be writeit will be
found vastly more entertai itiag than the
Mt of distinguished gueetsgiven to the
press througlethe agency of the entertain-
er. That shrewd person sees that the trip
is embellished with all the ke:exurIes of the
table, solid and liquid, that the eight men
encounter the visitors at WO right places,
and that the proper statist i s aro thrown
in the way of the strangeri„ '11 ere are a
great many clever pe1'so4 employed - in
managing a' railway systeni, andi eonsider-
able sums are expended by every. Company
for lubricating oil to kip en lines and
other machinery in order, but ti ere is no
cleverer person and no in re el, cient in-
bricator than the enterr
tain .. 11 has been
said that he could not st ud t ib test for
moral color blindness, butt dou ttless this
Is an invoution.-New Yorik. Sul
Admiral Itynig. i
The government equipped (v •badly)
a fleet of ted vessels and leave he cdni-
ru an d to dmiral Byng. He I ought an
action Wit] Cote do lit ails spiel. , in
which he was defeated an fel bac to
defend Gibraltar. At Gibralta , Ha 110,who was sent out to replaeb Min depr ved
11181 of 1118 command befor0 the hole 1eet.
He was brought to trial let cour ma tial
in England, condemned and s iot. Old
Blakeney was deservedly leaded i ith on -
ors. He lived'another fivei year to e joy
his peerage, a oolonelcy and the ed ri shon
and was buried in Westral ster hhey. •
Byng has never been Jll'OJ01'ly under-
stood. Few people even a the time ef his
iniquitoue execution really supposed hat
he deserted death. ID fill men's eyes
Newcastle was the real primi;nal But
the people must have a victim, and ow -
castle was tbeyond their reach.' The loss
of Minorca stirred the people to their
depths. They were ixi no:rnoocl for dis-
criminating. All they could insist on was
that some one must bang for Poet Mahon,
and so Brag was flung to them 4 a soape-
goat for the ministry. 1
But Byng was not exac4y am r r. He
was at the time of his death a g ntle an
of 53 years of age, the son! of tim founder
of the Torrington peerage and i!cii II ' all
h ,
his life have had any appointme4 h 1,eared
to ask for. Ib is no proof of Po a die,
that he chose easy posts,' Byng 1 as i„
brave man, but he was a dattdler, and
when e came to light lami
stest enga °nt
he reaped the fruits of his davedli g life,
for he was outinanotaverest-Tainple Bar.
'yiSit in g for
investm out
(lends than
business of
men see hi,
to be seen.
the Visitiu
One of the Vagaries. cif MeMory.
A child of American parents was born
In Spain, and although the language of
the family was English, she Named to
speak Spanish fluently. She thenre-
turned to America and went into a hoard-
ing school where Freacb was the ,only
language spoken. Of come°, hearing tio
Spanfsh, the child gradually seemed to for-
get it. Her knowledge of French was per-
fect, and that she used as well es English.
When she became an elderly lady,her
health failed her, and she sank Iinto aCon-
dition of physical and mental weakness.
After a time her atter:ululate observed that
she seemed not to understand anything
that was spoken in English, but, conversed
in French with ease, and comprehended
whatever was said to her in that tongue.
At last she lapsed into a long interval of
semiconsciousness, during whieh sho un-
derstood nothing. During the last days ,
of her life she suddenly rallied, and her
command of Spanish came beak to her, so
that she talked.fluently in it and thor-
oughly understood it. As a east) of mental
lapse and peouliarity of =emery, this is
oonsidered quite worthy of note. -New
York Ledger.
Icebergs In the Antarctic Ocean.
Icebergs of large size were everywhere
to be seen and showed distinctly whether
they were beoken from the big barrier or
discharged from the glaciers on Victoria ,
Land. Like fairy palaces were these Mae- I
terpieees of nature floating about, so Clean,
so pure, that thia eye of mortal man seemed!
unworthy of such beauty -beautiful be-
yond description, terrible in their gigantic;
majesty, the crystals of their walls gine
tering in the sun, while eaves and archesr
were half hidden in a mist of azure blue,
and about them the ocean, roaring some
times with great fury, throve Waves far up
against their perpendicular sides, to fan
back again in clouds of foain.-t"The First
Landieg on the Antarctic Continent,"!by
C. E. Borchgrevink, in Century,
The Secret.
First Woman -I wt e suffering mite 4
aggnecYse'od Woman -Dear me! What 1i 11
Woman -Oh, a neighbor happea
in just in the nick of time and 1 told lie
-Detroit Tribune. •
Our war department cost in 181 •44
567,930. Our army is the, _most expenstv
proportioned to its MUD bcirs, in the wo
411chigan is rich in inanufactilte,
ploying 163,041 men and sending out
ery year127,789,706 worth of geode.;
-Mrs. McGann, No. 123 Centrveite,
Toronto, says: I used Dr. Laiviole te's
Syrup of Turpentine for coughs and b on -
chide, and it is indeed a Splendid 'em44y
One 25e bottle of this preparation templete-
ly cured my husband of a, most severe aa -
tack of bronchitis. ,
-" This reminds me a rny scheel days,'
remarked Fogg, as he dropped into -his new I
(easy (ihair. Caned seat, you know."- I
Boston. Transcript.
Posit ively Cures
in a trarplieing:y short time. It's a sci-
endue ter taiety, tried and true, soothing
and bee:J.44 in its effects.
W. C. McColinea & Son,
Bouohette, Que.,
report In a letter that 1T -try -Pectoral oiled Mrs.
Calveau of chronic cold in chest: and bronchial
tubes, and also oared W. 0. _Member of a
long,.standltig cold.
MR. J. 11. HUTTY, Chernigt,
seS Yongo St., Toronto, writes
general cough aria lung syrup Pyup
Pectoral is a most Invaluable preparation. it
has given tho utmost 6101f:talon to all who
have titled it, many having spoken to me or the
benefits iletived from its use In their families.
It is siiitabla for old or young., being pleasant -to
the taste. Its sale with ;no km beenv'fldCTfl 1.
c.4n always recommend It aa 5 safo and
relLible cough medicine."
Large Bottle, 25 els.
Sole Proprietors
. . THE
S. Roberts,
Graduate of Detroit Optical
Institute also Chicago Ophth-
almic College, is prepared
to fit all defects of Vision
Astigmatism, Hypermetro-
pia, Myopia. Prestyopia or
any compound defect.
Intelligent people have given up the idea of buy-
ing ordinary common spectacles at a counter,because
they see well with therm It may be that only one
eye IS brought into use, while the other may be so
strained as to result inblindnees. If your eir are
re.rg Store an have them tested. Does the print
• lur or do the eyea tire when reading 1 Do the eyes
eche ? Do the oyes water? Are they sore or inflamed'?
These symptoms point to defects in the tefraction, or
litre mu cies of the eyes and can be perfectly eor-
DI you have headache ? Eye strein CAUSCII more
hettdac ea than all other causes combined. Thous -
Ode of
eye str
eith g
The eyes of children should be carefully tested.
In many MOB tire defect in the eyes is shown by
earloue symptoms, such as inability to see figures on
blackboard, holding the book close to the eyns,
lurring of letters, erosscd eyes or eyes turning in,
watering of the eyes and particulatly head -
elle. In many cares the child Ls accused of being
ull or stupid, when the fault le in the sight, and can
e eorilected with glasses. If 3 ou are wearing glasses
that elle not satisfactory, bring them to me. In ease
of disease, you will be recomniended to the physician
at once for treatment. 103
rain or sight poor call at J. S.' ROBE T'S
people are suffering who do not realize that
In is the mune. All these came can be cured
asses that are tuade to correct the error in the
L-RUpeiGelS N THE SK 1 N
ic11, re as Iv WI - dr au
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or ,sent by Usil. 25c., 50e.,
at d 51.09 per package. Samples free.
KO - NOfor the Teeth and Breath, 25o.
ilFor sale by L V. FEA#, Seaforth.
1 .
We are giving the best value in har-
ness e er offered in Seaforth, made by
workmen, and only first-class
material used.
.• • ••• • or oe
airing promptly attended to.
along your olcl collars and we
ake them work.
Light harness a specialty.
Corner Main and John Sts.,
Doctor What 'tut od
for cleansi5 the Scalp and
Hair. I seem to have tried
°aryl-hiil). and am in despair
Why Mrs 1Uhvery
be Mitt is PALMO.TAlt SOAP
's splendid for Washig
ill head irpreventsdryne35
tiis put5 an end to Dandruff
and Fiesliens the kair
M. Robertson
Undertaking ,warerooms op-
posite A. Cardno's Confection-
ery Store; Residence, 116
North Main St.
In connection with the under-
taking business, a cabinet shop
will be conducted for Furniture
Prompt Attention
A feature of
Both Branches'.
Our direct connections will save you
time toad money for allpoints.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chieage,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We hive them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for yeur accommodation. Can
for further information,
Station G, T. R. Ticket office,
Train Service at Seaforth.
Grand Trunk liaiiway,
- Tubs leave Segortb and Clinton ateliers ae
i:ir.ea Weer- 8LtPORTL MINTON.
Paaseuger - _ ...alse 1.07 P. ra. 1.23 7. m.
Paeserer- -. -.- 9.05 P. M. 0.22 P. It.
}fixed Train_ _ 0.20 A. it. 10.15Aar.
Mixed Train........ 6.20 r. er. 7.05 r. Itl.
Paescuger. ,- ...- - 7.48 A. M. .7.32 ,L. M.
Paseenger -. - - - 2.58r. m. 2.25 ea V.
Niece! Train-. a. e. - 5.1-.5 P M.. 4.20 P. n.
Wellington, Grey and Bruce
Genie Sot Tit -
Winer -am-.
131 -aerate
Brussels ---
Ethel_ • _
Pessenger. • ,ftned.
&00r.x. 03or,). 0400 A Sr.
8.13 1,43 9.41
8.27 9:67 10.10
8,37 10.07 11.20
Passenger. illbted.
6.23 A.m.11.20 A.M. 7.21 P
CH 11.85 805
fl.f 0 11.69 9.00
7.44 12.14 P.m. 9,30
London, iituton. and Bruce.
GOING NORTH- • Passinger.
Lender), depaet.... 05.4.11. 4.30/. at
9,22 6.00
Hansen.. ... 9,37 6.15
Kippen - ...-.. 9.44 0.90
Brucefield--...... 9.52 6.28
10.12 055
Londesboro 1.29 7.14
Myth. "Al p•• • ••• 0.0 10.38 7,28
10.52 1.37
11.10 2.00
Clinton.... mos ..olo a* so, 0•0
Wingham arrive- ....-...-
Gem Serail- P*6118Dg*r*
Wingham, depart-- ..... - 6,35A.m. 3.2.5P.e1
6.50 3.47
7.C3 401
7.10 4-08
. Ber.fraV e • • 00o owo 0 .0. OM .• 4±1.
lily h.... • • Or •
LOride600r01,111 • 1.11r A. sea
Clinton 7'.30 4.28
• , 7.49 4.46
= RiPPest.. - 7.57 4.13
.Honeall 8.06 4,53
Exeter.13,125 5.12
London, (arrive) . 0.45 A.M. 4.261? m
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.,
Geo, Watt, Rreeldent, IIarlock P. 0.''amen
Broadfoot, Vice•President, Seaforth On W. J.
Shannon, Secy-Tree.a. Sealorth P. 0.; }Michael
Murdie, Inspector of Loses, Seaforth P. 0.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Leade
bury; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomes E. Hoye,
Seeforthr M. elsirdle, Seeforeh There Garbutt,
Clinton ; Thomas Fraser, Brueefiee ; John II. Mc-
Lean, Rippen.
Thee. Nellans, Ilarlock ; Robt. McMillen, Seafortle ;
James Cumming, Egnaondville ; Getrge Mnrdle and ,
John C. Morrison,audi mt. -
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trans.
Set other business will be promptly attended to on
application to any of the above ofdoers, addressed to
their respective post °dirges.
Stock for Sale.
The undersigned has on Lot 11, Concession 8, Kip.
pen toad, Several *dolma evell-bred zilch tows,
neanthe calving. Moos matched span of splendid
young Clydesdale mares, coming six and seven.
14 Sx4 JAMES 'maxvisir.
McKillop Directory for 1896.
JOHN MORRISON. Reeve, Winthrop P. 0.
WILLIAM >ABC/1113AL% Deputy Reeve, eiesta.
bury P, O.
WM. IteGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. .
JOSEPH a MORRLSON, Couneillor, Beechwood
I'. 0. _
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0,
SOLOMON J. SF ANNON, Treasurer, Wentheop
WM. EVANS, Aesessor, Beechwood P. O.
00A.RLE8 DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P,
• RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inepector, Lead
bury P,