HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-21, Page 1V%Ns U zarly P ri ng ad IN ow erled UP- UL Dry Goods- companyt
Seaorth. �un Thursday. --A load of 1i the Lucz�n carnival (;a
rwinz to the drifte(4 ere r.nable to T train the fol- Balkwell lefb' -11ontreal 4t �-ale.—A large Mic :i town dailv, ow- �artiea ai town.—A number of the vaneert held by of Centralia, on Notes. la"'Ides went to A -uh Yry ,eese fet( and Lety. The visitors were
reeeption by of thke estab- 51tuvred them over the courtc.-y. The ladies t -resting an(l profitable. room. iutter working, .e raodels Of neatness, . . . . . . .
w ho dicil recently in, il June l4th 18W, ia arnW ia the count-, Of Hal -
Dr. Carter7s� fainily. �rs Ehe has resided witit Mtwi 11� Dunbar- on the ownle. She h ipen chumh and bl r time was s hp 11v for t.. good of' ng Iwis th irvi e Only vi on ,orth 1,asthope.' Janu�
aged ev�nty- .e mouth. 01P ond .%nown residents of the
-ved s i u e e I on" the' .ed. He was 4metilber i.
. �r s
le bYteria-ri chureb' a -ad rong supporter, ofj the �051 John and liss'Var- .1vorth 1!,asthopie -, N4*ra,, iisley ; I'Mriand a, are chiltlren of the g was held hy the house at Zion, logarl ng The build"ing d .W o r with.. Old and President T. G. Hurl- mir- There were sev- 1111sle given, as woll as-,
ttious by the younger i
;Nlr� T. H. Rac1e, of 1117 A. t. Walker gava 1�1r. J. A. Donald !who Ear three quarters (It an thoroughly with the. January 3rd, is er to your enquiry Cement, I am gl�,d to
way satisfactory-
ebarns were struck by 4h, 1(14, and entirely mil� 9. new barn, 5(Y.x8O;- Ileenstoa Cement in7my -goundations were 2 feet. in then, 1, 13 7 feet hirth (the walls- set ort ii�e (-, entre of �7 1-2 inches thick on top-�
blies Square (the joists
ts), n�akina walls for
Inches in the clear. Ther
were plumb ; the in -
Ye battering 4 inches.
Pdation and 901
tended superin
Nihe walls personativ. I ,ir men. iWe weri terk P 9 feet of We-
ou the ISth Of Junep i the 21SWI We raised
July; a, very heavy anber p6sts 19 feet tin the t5th of July we� adh,
,trvest it untit %C17 at
stood 'here 1A not the least
good. it i,� possilile to build,
4awl for veneratiOn$-* p,y iloor all oirer tha. ' alls,eta,iiv
I it 4 '(!rl one barrel Of 1,L hve[beah iu ne-,-er been tho merit. that will uch less.
11iMure is lostr wP1
lanother i! barn of' I t�zz � , 01�81 �roiind line Wfix barn- 'els or rieci out,- iVours,
girl in 9 effmMown MINIM @I WNW= TY -NINTH Y MeLEAN BROS, Publishers. 1P R1 18960 WHOLE NUMBER, SEAFORT11, DAY FEBRUARY mi Advance .00
$1 a Year ever dh Qf congress adds the probabll. y Few RAPID L E G S -A1.10N_. Ities that naloreallly -oorn�,mhensive our.' Rev. A; E. A.!Rei &son, So the execu- Seal by plainti 'a fpl lil J.. gm nt of Mer :)odv hasbeen covered- up by the driftin 131ame., and he answered . h amile that liti g rengy, eg at n an be gotten through. tors, The estate trust coi sists $3%. ith, 0. J., dismissing the. otion, in whi i ino�w. A later despatch says - The body of up his whole face with softness, that be did It keally d es seem as it tb( more clearly 016 � in debe4ure , $5,345 i i not and the plaintiffs atta&ed I e validity of tbie Mr. James McDonald, postmaster of Crieff not wish to advertise himself, The. door- SPEAKER REtD WANT8 ONG E,9S-.TO $30%0294 in mdrVg ges) less a ium -a anced ich Uni 6in. School eouio -keepers said they didn7t know. he e?rplaln� a bill the more the southern roCeedings by wh n ho perished in the anowatoirn a -week ago, him and ADJOU MAY.., and'wester "members do ina bank accoun mountin to 16,832 Vo. 16 was formed, upon the ground that was found in a field about one in . ileest,of npne of the French Consi erations. n�o like It, and 16 members SpZe'ii. to leaving a sum �n ust of $327,'j53, --- he re- those proceedings w6re t4kerl dontrary t� c�uld recollect 'here lie came from, It his home. The body was almost completely while On t e- tariff party illnes are mm -t alty, is $1.1,400 foi aged and nfirm. minis- the ni of stb-sed, 11 of sce. 87 Of �els transpired later on that lie was the retired But the North En he capit is Pro. strictly dr wn than ever, airil what little provlBio covered with -snow, only one of his I d of t ters' fund, $3,000 1 or widows' ),nd 1phans' the public schools wt, BkVie. 6h, 55) and 1 iein a visible. p.imh priest from Rigaud a -parish down
It i ve ou division tb re Is on foreign; a ffairs Is with- fund, $1,800 fdr K iox. College. a holding that the �e fet the ifo t4e river, w a wl
rl�i&UY Slow, Alth g4 the 1gror of led titim mation :�&ev. Mungo. Fraser. D. D., pastor of ho had made a pilgrimage -to Out regard to The consideration of one" n rests party lines, 91 I the capital in -the hope -of he the House Is Having Its ffect �:111141100 It is to the executo�s in trgot to be held o the alteration or dissolution of a. in school Icnox church-, Hamilton, has been granted r fully admitted thf t 3 Ow 'i te RevIew now sor o the division order of the P�ssb: 7teriail Genep�al Ass mbly. section m1ust be in all cases� the joi is undoubtedly the Alpha and 0 ega of t - peti- leave of absence for six months during the Sion on the bill to reniedy the grie,%rances f of 6 is as bad a it vVas in the Vfty-third oon- atepayei -a fz om. each oming sum
every day business Iffe, and speaking:.gen gross, and he factions dr6 hic re numerous tion, of five -r of the iner. - He will visit Europe. the Roman. Catbolesf Maniiola [SPeclal Correspondenco.1 A Huronite in 4i rgentin munici eoncern� �d, r other ise the `1, —A bonus of �2,000 is being given by the —The Galb Reporter of last ��ek says orally the maim of business -who in tb 'When I Icalled on Ron. F. Loud of I[Written 'or To EXPOSITOR.) aiward aged upon it will �e void �binitio wne pres- WA8MNQTM1-T, Feb.� 11.—Con egg I citizens of-Rodey and farmers of the t During the high -wind oil Monday night s San Franollico, obairman o t e committee and'also that when the awird in su erection of a $9)000 flouring -that Is, th p6 Finding myself -with some leisure time. on a curious, sight was witnessed ;n the eat deceives, A a very- short-sighteid man I fru4bing things a ong7 pular indeed� and his chances fo e e branch df it Is—a on Postofficps and postroa I -found him my hands it o6curied tome that Icou not 'a that no action' be tat en, ihe restriction in mill, to'be built by a pdrby from � N wb Queen's Square and other open spa&i3s d evidence in ultiplies deep in flgtlrep QRL the v arl �u propositions ev 0 ite rests that -the vigor. of th do better than!ilet y old friends, the reid- sub-ec, 11 iaga inst ne w i I roceedings for a —Mr. John Toodstole, throughout the ys im W e considev our it' ID dlied. toivii. These -spots were e represent itives is to make th po;3toffloe self st pporting and period of five y"rs do,-� : Libit apply -11 on on Thu rsday, dug'as in W -it Th in O' I X'2081 Ton, hear somethin from i n year of Ii. erally covered Nvith suow balls from three
having its effect upo eis of THE E. ast -week the 83rd well and caref Ily in our futurity a and n the seuale, j 0 onsult4lou with represe itatives from this point refsing to ifo 1� w in re nio.n or four inches maianleter U thig- progressiVb ),nd certainly Minter sting his age. He was for thirty4ive years p to ea tw. c on appr( p nil at Wa it is 'with considerable pleasure, thm ommittee )Prlationg - 11s two Philadelphl� and other olli a who looked' School &ctioi i East a a' wancsh, presidt it of the Worth Oxford R,eform feet. These balls,, -or rather rolls, were
lore, cotifitry in which r iy tent is for the esent to I upon second and d that we thaul class matter Associa tion. illy a6knowledge the months abehid. of Its regular a great nu I pitched, I must. a ate at the start, how- 26 0. R. 463. Appeal dismissed with is hia e by the wind rollin-g up the suo'�V., and hearty san o s�k of "county bve and judgment elow in a4. when examined were almost perfect in four of Its six bills ad passed-tho. 14ouso f letter and, —Xi. Greig, of Wiarton, was driving their
re as th� kickers call tfie. ee brans r. Township O Morris County of HurMl :over tie river recently, when the ice -make up, resembling rolls of battib, vianner in whi hour customers displayed P�e.. Mp,ph was als that these are leisure time P0 . in con equence, I aim -the right to w rider —Judgment n appea y( g mlllief in o futurity sale price lArs other committees � are i , 1, or a fa cy maydictafe, w -out 'V in ividth to,, before the close of January Threei bills in tation of P�pers In the ' 13� 16fendants f gave w vy beneath the load. He pulled the their belief in o 10�;�,, int,les where 'on at
0 eal
n the centre and, increasing o wards the utside. -n a much ard td t t or resort to sts, ties. were busv f rom, i -ornincr- i ni dy- published, v� privilege so d�,�!,' to the dou judgment of oredi J., in fa %lo ;of draw b )It, and horses and dviver escaped and All other business is Iii'like f' U I
orw d� tatel try editor. 'Mr Loud ga, 0 many rea- Yet laintiffs hol g the !eititled to reco —Albert Newpart, a Hamilton b Speaker'Reed reiterates s ,I o e th th sewho m&y read -om. we axe'confident of this, tha for every cus- and so_ eola- I at- -r but the load went to the bott o wei,-, dant 40- per sons for his elief tbat"'cou by free' I does from defen c6n�,�!of the amo t A I iew post office has been opened. iil evere accident, the otberday, wbile a ration that the third week,ln the bag to out, least e a cWare idea of what this p of g tomer on this our fir t futurity sale day:, the rural ed tor na good, f,i!r e onagyrrmasium. The lad was ubt is i e- expended b ;hem. in the maintenance I of West Zerra, Mr. H. J. Smith be.. time , r adjournment.. And sc��n e pr ce of paipe the world i lik t an� the general r of t the seed has been sown. for quadrupling it down th his correspond, people in Nor certain of Jeir bridge;, Iip ti) the day 'on' the oat master. 'The post office of �bout-eigh-een. feet from the ground, ban would easily be I his f he could .1i' v ericarseein to have. ing to a piece of apparatus, iWhen another -that th cheap transp r tion of sea- their numbers in' future. and which the act, � 57 - Vic. i L �01 see. 14, tooki
way, but there is. a body av tb6 no end- The Republib -O�� gentina comprise the Vr90 O I.- a a e has been made a money order ond. class in tter does ra�pb more harm gres effect, founded on an Award, and holding boy pulled the i h Newport Of thq!oa�ltol which is projerbirdly. low, tb tel part of the ail of the South A mer. affice. rope w, ic had Ian good a d Is an IDjr1 ti e. A bill to ican Ontinent, n the old school geo .1 -that, the saving provi., ton� 'of sec. 14 of the —At arace hospital, Toronto, on Satur- hold of. The lad fell, to the floor on his and-scime critics are mean eno gb 0 say nge this., 3C sibility but grap i day mol ning, a needle, which was located su Echoes of the I I oha� s only a bare . Municipal amendment ael 157 Nri6. ch. face anaknees. 1edi4cal ala vm that ap a short sessibn Iviould' o dsly hi es it use4 to be -, artly designated as . he thinks postoffloe (01 d eas ly I 14, took. effect, fo ' dpL 11 on an ed, -and he was removed'to his home in -a e. U e see awaz by a photograph, �aken udor ons the ( Jua Pla ta and p� ly . Aataogoniabut o the the new holding thi6t the si provisio aid Mi-. Reed's aspirhti stern le il , before -me a whole was veir no Roent- n system, was successfully taken senatois generally ari6 bound to have a made self ou Rtaining and X and semi-conselous state. Re bled freely, and, mass of hgu:: 4 to prove ti ila It could be origin 14, of the municipi endment a TV his nose was nressed flat on his face, the Hundreds. of fully more than satisfied cus;. long oiie. But we -must not suspec state - Y, Of. courii like most of the other see. t, from t 4 i foot of a fernale patient. 57 Via. ch. 5C p r the- bone Wig broken. ' His face wa done a fair nil -very che4p -ates. Thus coun r es of th�s ntinent, a Spanish col- kon. necessary to.exelillae he appli4- Beaton,'& pedler, was charged with havin men 0 t I I �, do not c - r te . so as by i�n- es last week James as mean motives. ithe. I cost' o "transin coun At $e,Grey assiz bruised and his knees were badly injured, tomers. Its success was dne to the public Itting r 265,314,382 ony, . nd the ori a stock of i he gossips,of 06 0orridop are to ad In nbabil ants Pca t, 9 confid6nee in what we a are pr notpa bf anish origin. tioil of the interpretatic n S. 0. 4h. sold a mercurial ointment TO one Hammil, of —The first annual vonversazione of � the their a atemerits that the two housla have �poubds last. rear was $21 225,150.56, but Ily lof the govern mt got for this lass Of mat- 1, see. 8, sub -see. 43, d thl-the plain- Hanovef for treatmentof a child, which Western University, London, wAs held.last compi ely ichan god ch Araotdrs, for, i �k ough Abo, b twenty-fi �ears ago, or perhaps86 ore, the' att of Euro eans be- We had nothing in stock that could not it was the Intent of the constitubl(n il fa- ter only 1 oe t' per pound,A itotal of $2,- little tion tiffs were., notwithstandin -;4h�e repeal'of, caused it grievous bodily hixrrn. Hewas Friday night, and proved a success beyond I p withstand strict - examination. t 053,143.8.2. So its loss was'41 672,006A4, carne see. 533a of the consolid ate municipal act,'; dischar ea. the hopes of its thers fIfkt the Senate, should be the s, -owly irected tb gentina, and a rather promoters. The Advertiser -The convereazione 'was inval and M -r. -Loud uspects th4t On enormous vi rolis tide Of e igration et in, v hioh 189-2, by see. 14 of 57 V �c-� b 50, entitled —The ice scener luable -worn phrase, Can�t you. solemn' body to restrain the irnpre y at Niagara, at present, !sT6 Th6 time 'go" to recover the amount ex1p ed u to the is the moist magnificent and - wonderful eve in One respect -. It opened the yes of mbarly not t of the 4ouse, so far in this congress iuf r was� darrWd 'which ought bus continued in a j reater or less degree ever r it a little.less,' wa;s effectivqly silenced, and 0 ��O)a�v!ei'b,,,en.06 classed - and znuoh nee. At one time the increase many citiens to the agreeable fact th - 0 ai, date of the pa, ng Of tlle la er act; p'ross- seen there. i The gigantic ice bridge is a all th wild schemes h6ve come from the- of Po ula. 'a! now for Spring outfitting. We wish to ask er �ob ought nO"t to be carried tion here from imm: gration was so rap a as appeal by ffs f m�n e same Judg- mountain Of glittering grandeur, full of London has a large, admirably equip. e,%.
d by oth st plainti enatejandlia�e beein greatly mod1fle' in Add 0 cost of ca ent seeking to reco unt any lady who possesses any. valuable fur the house- It does l6ok - that w at all. p Itl rrying the 46, - to �establish -a orld's record. 1 Of these im- v er, t e full a0o . great ebasms that� are brilliantly illumin- '",,ell Officered and flourishing university,
The 820, Ou d, f - awarded.� Held, that bi igi t,of �ction ated when the sunshine sets -it all aflame. 1lichbids fair to become some day a great
ft�dard illustration of '85 of I'dounty free," and it rants the greaJer number by far -were garment, how do -the'eu of ot ten mig -you keep it in summer? which the plaintiffs had &;i at efendants --A ell -to-do farmer, of Blanshard seat of learning. It will be neAl's to WSA :nd the saiicdr� t6cool I Italians, but there were many Scotch, ' 'ng t, whil h - h is een 'ho Re by virtue of sub -see. of a e.- 533a at the towmship, named St. John, received a' ter- to learn that there are now 1,20 -students iii Do you have to use camphor,'tar, or other attributed in turn to Lincoln, Wast Ini ,ton lish and Irish, ed land in vaiious I coming int D parts of the co�nt quIr time of the o orce f seG. 14 was Fible out the artznd divinity deartments aud �05 disagreeable sinellig compo and o-thers wh(' with art axe the other ay while M . unds? The ond half a dozen British statesmen, s� at en-, not thereby affected. Il 7ar o tended that hopp'ing on his. own farm. Wit M Oreseit Inapplicable, for the senate spew gaged in commerce. In fact the bulk ofthe ,s,en , It one in tb I �i ratio oth and dust proof bar, does away with hes this was thd case of an n pand- str= acapital employed in tb' (if the axe his heel and part of his Perth -NOt6;. grown more vJolent, I min i e devolopment ol the in within the meauln? �f 'ec. 14 by - rea- ankle. Were completely ievered. all these things; comes in two Izes and dlairlbes of Lod country was Briti h. The u,nprecede ited 9 AIr. J. Uglow, of Fullarton, died 'on the scholarly g 3 and 0 ian son of an appetil from tbe'aw rd which was —A- r. Henry'Price, of �Louth tOWnshA.-P, Friday night, -7th inst., in his seventy4irab sells at two prices --75c and $1. No bother, growthof the oulminated irt a ler to the fr to n came in afitiol)h1lippic of "Pit(bb irk-,. tremendous boom,' an- institutioii. not un- pending at the time the sect to near Tt -died o no no moth nor dust, no spoiled furs, Ben, as' the new one from South C irc lina �n t Oatharines., n Friday last aj6d year, Mr. Uglow was one of -the oldest set- e pro- award was ten days ago Mr; Price com- "Fullarton, having lived there, since known'in -North America, during the fore . Held, that wh 75. ben tlerk no lost money. Ask- for them. Is affectionately called. H(wev(r, the made, the arbitration ceased :o be pending, menedd to bleed at the nose, and, � as uoth- 1860� of greBs- of which f)reign caital, mostly the arbitrators being ft ncti )fficio. It was Id bp done toitop -the flow, he died He leaves four of a amily, three Df quickest way of .estimating i he -P or, c of British, was sunk ab an astonishing rate, in ing cou, whom. are in the S �be house is to take the oomin ittee in the tates, and the fourth is enter rises, sensibl and otherwise, thmiigh also contended that, as a ec. 1, pro-vided,thab fr�m loss of blood. -ONE PRICE TO ALL. rder of their importance. P Mrs. ThomasStacey, of Fullarton.
Ithe medium of join; stock- companies., The such repeal shmild not iffect any contraqt e annual conversazione, jander the —The eight year old daughter f AIr. ..... By -common consent ways and means or agreement theretofore ir add, it was in- au ices of the Varsity Literary and Scien- Olin No Government piled up liabilities *itb the rton of St. M rs, Wits P4Y, ar3 ing 0 ety, was held in the University around the hol'use, when she accidentally fell 4nd Justly so, for' it deals wi h 01 there w Duld Otands. at the head of all-legisla tivo �� OdIes, most cheerful alacrity, as if tended to effect an awarl theretofore madel. t spel
'a, GREIV if -MACDONALD never be a day of rc ckoning, and—w eld, thab upon the affair ret ding of -see. 14 buildipg. Queen�s Patk,' Toronto, on Fri �en'a money, and a COMMItteE, Wil h k 110 ell- -the backward into a boiler -of hot wate�r, whien with see. 8, sub -sees, U and 48, of the in-� day V g, this (late being the annivers- Mrs. . Noiton had just lifted off the StGve.,, mernberg as Nelson day of 'reckoning, did come, and as is ual CLOTHIERS, Ding1kir General . terpretation act, the riglit Of Action of plai4- axy of t 4i fire of 1800. The crowd was in such cases it came sooner than even t ose and *as badly scalded from the waist Grosvenor, Sereno E� Payne, John Dal- tiffs was not affected or tI e award done imm who had kept it ininind expected. Drise and the entertainment a brilliant dowjl. The child is ei as w 11 Zell,. Charles F. Crisp, Bentol i N M 11111 lice ould to - be expected under �he cireumstailces, On tho*'Wrong side of the Street, great When the beautif ul bubble through v licit y with, for plaintiffs: righ; of actionwaa, a d ng as c:
.4nd their cor-apeers would- be ny- investors had been viewing entins had reo y grounded upon sul i -sec. 3 of see 533a, —Xiss Jessie McRae, a daughter of Air. Strong's Bock, The present oommitte 3 hah ra ely Arg --Ivfr. John Livin 'el burst and thd air' as clear, this is- about alth�u .,Whertl. -getone, jr., of Listow
W gh the award wi a a ri�cess'ary in� A McR� of Ilderton, near London, has has had on his -counter in r collee- an aquarm a,a
Icon equaled'in ongress, ani pTob bly hey ountry with preaum�y id'rit to the etistence of k ch right of been Pp intedsuperizitendet of tbeHar- tion of eight fine brook trout, which *er-e SE,AFORTH, ONT. what t saw 11, inlywith a rich land action. Judgment for pla tiffs againA vey r x ever exqellQd. It -has had 95 Alls an 25 ric so� -h e rces a S I Hospital, Chicago. Miss Al -c- makinot,'llnegrowth. hreis but" a jAnt resolutions referred t I of which tert r 0011 in —( 0 defendants for 40 per cez , of e cost of th R - raduatv -of the Union Benovelet lefti tMis fellow having -taken it one J6 bag -THE CZ Ut Or, THE SE. ile th, known parts—furnii hedd t e - me e nd ustruction and maintei iance the bridges 'associ ti , Grand Rapids, and is: in every into -his approy d 4 a passed 8' through with a beautiful Yen eer of. modern progre is in co the bouse—namely, . the bon s bill, the appears tbab- on a fair, uniform charge mentioned in the award al r agreed to way 9 etent to fill her new position. bead. that the others were in his way., and a the hope of railways, telegraphs, ti p that therem, a no room -for the others there. 1,0, ance. t Iff bill and the. bill -'to destro' for servi6e rendered the goviirnment might be Ipaid by pla Ito to sy 5th, 1894, e ther afteinoon Air.- Bell, who is G rsdt 'Ch y bhe In- intiffs prio ways, electric li t pla%ts', e c., not to r ien. and comme He bit and c;rmVJe �ax ireturn... It has decided td 61abo- actually make money. by currying mail worried them and drove them la for Bell & rate the fourth and mak tion a model mo Jan co 8 i tion. Bull all ncmg with an including the tienein Company, all to a violent �dath, and now reigns alone, Of St. e -it provid ef)r a So says Mr Laud, but I shan't -take old thesetbings were go far in. ad time from the commej icmei I of the year 'eorg as - unloading a straw cutter, ,e in& of a chance that don't come 0)mplete system 'of customs adminis, ira- as I don't know how soon I may have to monarch of all,lie surveys. Tnh,e 1893 to that date, witha reh �rence to � as- � w6igh. rig 500 pounds, from, a sleigh when r. 4-evelopmeut of the countr as to be (ma Joseph Goforth,,9f Alitchell,got ton The only other bill Which se'aiii i to be a country editor myself.!1 certain the amount. No cost], of appeal or by son e means it fell on hial, breaiting one very unsound and, I to us, day.- neathif,actory basis. To t coEd-e to you every Five much chance Of being, sup,poited OlAnd There You re." cros,appeal. Garrow, Q. for defen- leg a id badly crashiti pretty badly burned in 31r. I. M. B&i1ey's by be sure the interest on thebondo of in t of 'g the other, It is cellar, the other morning. lie bad put a It came to us i this way to keep up. 't. 'is committee Is that for Rivers and harbors 'Will p obably be'the dants. do .41 if he will. recoverr creating g ub- the railways was nA ubt' fire in the futnae,' but found that �he Igu aranteid by the goi ra. 11 c School treasury at Savannah,. Ga. ; Ih'sha t) the last committee to act, for bi6arings will be mint, but as -the go, rernme't wAs banki up' I Insp a-ught -was not good, and the fire -w 00 bill m do th t ck� A
v -trade during the dull Eeason the I ading committee,of the hol use Is' )ra ctl' ritinvued till March I anq� the �as not i)lgl utual Fire- Ja Ile, Florida, the other day, to at- doing %-cry well. After leaving the frurnace e outlook was not cheerful for shareh UsbOrnO & Ilibber t le su ry leisurely after that.�� The treas ry 6r, That Q est corset manufacturer in Canada of 011y funotus officlo, aswo. say In t - 11P VO is still a very fair descriptio�, in Insurance �end the eeting of the Department of Sup- for a few minutes, be returned fered t! �eme court, having donq about al It III- estimate. of the amount *h1oh migh be a general way, of !A rgentin The: annual meeti I og f the: U'sborne erintendelce of the Natioiikl Education to it and, opened the door to look in hen the flames o fhose merchants onl wh p profitably exponded put It . t $12,356, 00, Asaoeia'tii in. He will "ak on The In- t6nds to do In this congress. The Republic it -divided into fourteen Hibbert Mutual Fire Ii suraice Company rhalled into his lace, setting -fire to h would �-qy -a certin quantit, . i but all the members say th re Is no ng is oi-T o= An Unusual Feat., provincesand five territori6s, d the Arin was held in the pub: I all, Farquhar, on iluence,! of the Kindergarten Spirit, on the an loth mig and burning one of lils arm to. show a very'. .how near they wil opproxin ate of government is wry similar to that of the the' 3rd inst. There good, attendance corset he makes to sell The appropriations ooinml�tee, as' More- Higher ' 1.9 tication." badly before it could be Put out. a.- eat spasin i of the t$1.205 fo; to this, as there may be United St of members �-At tb residence of the bride',s parents, —Rev. A.:G. Doehler, who from Novem.- said, bas got four bills tbrough'thei house ates.. and th pracee in, through-, the sai4e price as -he sold. t�'e one m' ado -7pensions, . military abad ri, de- e0ODOmy toward the close.! Incident illy The most import ant and t -thickly p� pu- out were most harmonious leasant, Brantford, on Februaiy 13bh, King Laura ast fal -the pastor of the emy, urge her 1889, till I I was I may add, as the fact is so i Ad that n ost lated province is 13tienos Ayres. meetr SitauiI44 I
-to sell A merchanli had to buy '1enoy and ooDsular and diplon 16. Next q, it The president, J. Esoery, op( e 4 A� e d,, the &ccomplialied young organist Evangelical Lutheran' congregation, Tawi-
committees . have', :iei r ly people have forgotten It, thp t the treasory ta Fe, tho showing the large imot n6 of business ton., 'esbyterian church, and, M;r John stoc qu. nti,ty to get the lo; price, and- r estimates for the entire expe: ise of the 40v- Tu of Z' ]PJ ago in Wisconsin. 8. bills comes San n Entre�Rios, Cord�b ing y a .1k, dieaa few days
the 'r9iabd Y, so of the 13 dppropriation I ill i. V cuman and ble idoza. The three f xt done during the year, and ie' Amall ex. J. Shultz, of the well�known firm of Shultz Within one week from the day f his (le- onment for �'tho year end! ng June 80, )3rothe' , were united in wedlock. Thb f i I mentioned are tho.. rincipal,,wheat growing pense of managemeno as conpargid with to cease, he would have completed his Slat
tc hey cannot" bg bougbt . or less- are 8-9 good as done: with Secretary h ort - 1§96, We re!$�10,435,0.79.60,land conVes ovinoes, then other 'companies of sim4ar o. He con" 0eremoby was performted- by' Rev. W. G. tcn had his little wrestle With th, i.com- gh eat -growing herd is year. Four months -ago enfeebled health'
fl1og than t e regular price. We boughli really app�opiiated-$412,763,264,81. The rQly only in an oient stai state: era, a Buffalo, assisted by local clergy. on agricultuxei but the $1 10,)OO Ie as yet. 1 In gratulated the company 0 his compelledhim to resign his charge -at Tavi-
a] estimates or i 1897, which, as everyb6dy Tuou the qt antity and now our propriated by lasi'ybar's bill for tb a p ur- knows, man, and othe of th� northern prov. affairs, and hoped this bew�;hy condition men, -stock and he moved to his on!a residence comes. have to be appropria ed4h the pro. 111088, sugar -to a considers1ble —Aj� Italian miser named Analow died on in'T ol age and distribution' of valuable seeds cane Is grown would continue. The seeretW ry-treasurer's -e offer al ion Are $418,091'.. 8.17. These -extent, ness of vine growin . is reports� were , submitted por ed wo Rivers, Wisconsirij, where he died.. While the lot lasu" W 0 returned uriexpended by Mr. Mor, coding ye* and the b' and a ov of, F riday,i. at Niagara Falls. Daring his ill-� —James Newell was 1 -the Othr dayi -ton-
the reg flar $1. 9 leg, becoming ail'ii iportant one, but follow' , are taken : ness h � had claimed that hevas 0 victed of steilinjwheat, and was Bentencej figures, be t inoted, Ineltide' nly the defl . ' e4
25 Corset,for Is'again appropriat d by the com'Iniltee t Be and from these the follow . o poor to
ciency for' , ihe postoffice dep rtment, as medi ine or hire miedical �ttex-rdance. hnd -will be of bourse appro It industries, like NOb, st growing and otier Net risks on hand, 31st of De'. eu'iber 1895—
pays its o I bu76r big eath it was found that he bad to two years in the Kingston penitentiary. w: i way In most respects, so here ag e sti . versbadowed A giess. It appears that this depar;m3nb riculture, ar 0 by 1e policies in force, 2,218; cov 6: ring :risks to This charge ist only one of in is a fine op �nlng for the tr�Qks $2 50000 ��n eposit in the savings bank, be- , any hanging bas achieved the rer4arkabM feat of e %v,'ng Of Calc.u- business of pastifitir Rocks and herds. the amotifit of �3,518,51.5.0% secured by- over. him, and the others will be aoi 6r $1 OUP, 000 from. the - appropriat on G labors qn g(viarnment expenses, whenthe Thepeople,and.b that term, meaning - ihe remium. notes &'Mounting t) $105,162.75, aideseyeral sums bidden about the house. only,- on condition that he behave hi&zielf agitator W to to prove that It Is costing natives, I hesitateI 6 describe, because it is 9 lie wag! uz ed, and a shoemaker. He
8 Lew years, and the commlktoe has a de red tbing an increase of 71 policies, and- $85 - when he is liberat�ed, He is the only on per pair. It is a five hook,'long waist. it set aside as the nucleus of a fu or 0500,000,00 er your to.run the govern- unpleapant . to pas harsh judgment on 185.'00 at risk, over previow years. The had iio �'el = as far as known. f a highly respected South I Easth ope -far-
tb is erootidn of the new ., building "in the pos Anglo-Sqoion point of -ment, he I -Bot a toffine, and when anybody, but f l company has pai I for losses which were Th Old hwell oill fields hav been mer, and, through his drinking- and bad corset, M-ade from fine, strong i tbo the admin I ation member. seeking re. view the , )ecemberi Poute 11 ftartmentofagrIculture. ItIs, nter- rol d lot—flghty, with ut, 04, and for t&kell i# band by Petrolea investori. The are a unpaid on 31st conduct, has been a great grief to his �t fitting and- comfortab%, and all this speed ha se- election ta e the stump 6 onii :the honor 'losses which occurFed during 95, $9,0_28.. detnau4� for crude oil is so strong that wella father. is perfey es Ing fact that P�ithout 'miin a ard practically wi h. same, and t he�e you an out religion. On J:b 3 -other h of 11 yield are being pumped, —The ,creditors, of M. Rugh Miller, of orred without undue baste or a orl ce of and they are 66. The assets of i the com W, a very sma one of J,e beat selli 0 ir;lbleau. of Defe e. bright,. clever, good c mv onalists, pol r8' hotel near Mitchell, held a ng $1.25 Corsets a y one's rights, -and though the emo- qrsati e of cash oil hand,1 unpaid asf sinents an I Some ol the Bothwell wells yield a barrel the Farine One witho�t exp'rlenoe �wQuld urely and t residue .to 1$82,- eir Com- meeting in the The made in Canada. crits wanted more time on: the ta iff. it generally imoi Isively generous. I of notes.,!amountin- lau hour, which accounts 1or th e other -day. I k I The Record as if eVer ma bad say. that fb( la�st plac aboillt-,�he capitol to they are a degenera 1,e and rapidly degn n. 086.49, * with two claims un,,c 6 itle at the 1119 into u.- e, as some of the -wells in Pe- majority.of thered-itors belonged to sea- idi - 'ould b a in the roo Arolia, now y s;adg4at he -wa4ted to.� Accord g to look for f w M e er r there can, be no , two close of the year. The hea i: 7 lawsuit in ield only four or five gallons forth., �Rg ace; on tl : �a the heaviest ne being Mr. X R.. committee niaccour ts or any Other com- opinions. which the company has been volved for iper ay, 0 tom, the house did not limit th date i i Jackson, a wholeisale liquor in r6ant. Dr.
ne Price—Cash or Produce. ouo mitteep dEdfal no, th cold cash' e ��Last Friday, in 'ffamilton, two men e he pension bill, and It raged f five VV but there Wherever.one goei one finds the great the last two years has begn 1 won by th Cull, interim -assignee, not being a creditor, do Is a. deal th t is fudl 3rous In the extravii! bulk of the'busi 4 in the hands of Eu,,o. company, and all the moni0i k �eposited, re made a rm.rderous iittack upon John Can'-, aud the majority of them belonging o Sea- to the delight of the. ne�v me bers,. neps gant claims preferred and the contrasts peans, but, the natiVt a hold all 'the Gov - this suit, have been refunded �, to'-thd com- ley, about twenty-three years of age whois fort asitbak is usually their opportuA4 In I P . h and vicinity, Mr. H. R. Jackson was Not, the debate on pensions In the; h res�lts. For Instance, r�,Nolu- ,ment sit 'aropeans cannot p r $1,400. This-c.�rtaiily 'g, ployed n. the tobacco firm. of George I,. with the uatlions. - tany, viz Oil ht to em kett appointed to wind up the estate. 'The lia- HODIGENS BROS tions Were �rought In and referred 9 the ticipate in any way in the govern Tale r. Sons. Cauley was re
III, e a temperanoe mdetinj In' 9nJ 0 our inent of e satisfactory'to the member i,, as it allows turning bili -Vies amounted to about'
$2,(M, and the committee on 60coun askink for 48 extra the.country withou� becoming citizens, and that the company never was i fro. I bank with a satchel containing - assets to about $766. WE stert states. � It give's ambitAbu i more employees, and it only allowed 2. New most of, them appqe itly do not care U ce t dition than at esent� =.- $1,6 CLINTON. dalts; young lawyers and would be -oz ators ie 500 Jh he was attacked by two men,. —,Nlrs blary 1Connell and her two 1 e t74
befs oonplain, partiouparly lit the in their lot for who be t hilp into insensibility. Cauley
a chance to, got before and- in@Mej�tally to mem I etter or worse w h Uroluistchell who has been a aithfuli meta- 6bildrealfiid a narrow escape frorn'being
npractice -on the p senatep that thbir bills are sioobbered, but Argenti a. Howeyer, - as elections are t ber of the b'oard ever since th4 )rgani�ation.: may not survive his injuries. The men asphyxiated by gas from the coal sto*t,, at, Up -town stoe— Down -town s0re -when they ba. been here a fewyean they present carried on�', the whole Europe of the company, having resi ined, Mr. T. I succeeded in escaping with the $1,500, but her'residence in Stratford the Other night. I over Phe house had Its usual fun Vito likely to -become iotually, grhtef il for vote, even if cast solid, would avail lit e Ryan, reev6 of Hibbert, lind v -4 rden of the have� since been. arrested. Carntichael's Block Cady.'s Block. but Chairman Pibkler of Invalid,pigions. S&I a] When the family retired a heavy wind was Robert Payne, manager of the produce -tells we there w 11 be a deal mor fuli d smotheli g. - M iny an,! enthusAitio towards bringing. �ut better governmert, county of Perth, was elected, ftr one! year blowin - and on that account the dr-aftef ue 'ir a -Williamlff. Tighe, at Both- wb n -his ge al -regulation bl I Is oonstit nt sex ds In f bill to his mc mber The only feasible W y )f upsetting a o to fill the vacancy. R. H. ilId K warehouse of I tove were closed OJE About three br at very well 9u.99 rnment h $300 of hie ht for 1 final passage. here employer's money, aud taking as a compan nell 1. I � not to piass,' an I he ri ljoloes 0II6 constitu- Consequently they� ire. frequent. Indee years, The board, as consti ed for 1896' ,aw6ke with a dreadful feeling of numbness, which the I ter kno vvs in this coun - ut �w 11, has fled tle country wit U L' u Xy is by a re�ol Jackson were r4lected for a in of 'three, 'clock in the morning Afra. O'Con
are� I Fsaid hPal more private pension bills k ion IA-zzie Bur e, a retty sixteen -year-old e )re us no entla heart. g v reporting -thtit.tbe --there is almost alw�yo one just beginning r is: President, John Essery, , xeter ; vice-. and at once detected the presence of gas th' gr president, irl lemployed in t9le warehouse as a bean the -house. vin b f w than were tever In t this gr tly b.
Besides lea er in our .shoes 7 bill "bas beow cad tffllde and �referied," just over in some pirtbf the coun J. Jackson Mitch i -directors 9 sta go of the sesgiqn—over 900—and this try. T HA lt 4 lamp sheturned but knows j t tb( sarnelthat in the people not immediately interested, h6 e —W. H, Pasamore, Farqul D. Mc- ick�r. The couple went from Bothwell- -to to see about the child 00infalt is in theta small prices Coy Infittee meets twice a week. As for the ren. The little ones archives of the , mm: btee' It mill sloop the paylittle attention �Ito them unless they h Lachlan, CromarGy; T.- Ryan Dublin - R. Uamesville and took a wes'tbound train f were both atiffenefd out and apparently life- Fri day night sessions o pass priate bills � ( : - or for large shoes—smaller prices sleep bat kno a no i 7aking. pen to be in the beighborhood, when th4y H. Bain, Fullarton; :secret -trea 3'arer, th 74her sideo -Payne has a wife, and esis -but recovered after some hours, yot , know what they amount to. So I inve for smaller shoes.. Our'special introduced, -and �he -committee has Tb really is IOUs rk of this congress are decidedly unpleasant, as both -partim Thmas Cameron, Farquhar. faii d1v in Chatham and is well connected. —The.flax mill at Shakespeare, owned by IaP- In boti,houso 'the work which s costinj are sure to rob indiocriminatel -An incident that might have resulted Mesrs. Willilam. Heiderms�lln aHenry ys F -eLrrlly on.. proved and amenqed, a general bill to pro- fat 11 February Sale of shoes goes M more !kbxlous t ought to the � lidneot,men To sum up my birdoeye view—Argeu ha pen�d at orest public school re- Trachael, was completely de vide for the discontinuance of p@nsions, to ti Canadai cer tliv. Tt stroyed by fire Every day's mail, brin, and si adere pal lots c ngaged'In it, Is that is a fine, large country, with great nat appears that Willie Kingston ay eveningi Ilth inat. The e- gS US InVOld restore pensios,to -fa6ilitate the. allow- on Tuead es of advantages, w ed . as far' as There are 176 in- attendan e at Vie In. brd;L4� &,a apple'to school, which had been truction of the'ruill will be a severe n concei ning the navy and ooast! defenses., ell a4vanc tir I - 4rin,, aoods soon to arrive. W ' q of pensions, and for a general Morin Amos Cbmmi igs says that the Lpubllo outside forms of mod �'t - dil in croton oil, and upon being asked lose to 0 0 e must, a ern civilization ate dustrial. school, Toronto.. the village. About fifteen hands w m-
makc room— In.the administration. By this bill no 061- mind ii�d, wba Is perhaps of M�rb Owporm concerned, but dor'ninated L by a go _IMMiLgrants have un t6 or- b orne of the boys for he -consented to ere- ace is limited, winteir' dier Is to be dropped -from the rolISL -till vernir g already beg y p�oyed, and were -given work most f, the-
sp tance, the In( a of congressmen are in & class who leave only one hope for the couit. rive in Winnipeg.for the Northwest. ton it up among them. Balfour Dickens winter, when employmenteould scarcely be there Is oonolusIviaproof of.haud, and. the I � . iec red the a 11, d offer eating spart of Shoes must move oub�. NVe will close far be- itor state than they were w en he try, &ad tha:6 is that they*will eventually 1-e Grey county council has r �jected pro. Is M Rip e,an got'. elsewhere. Da-iid. Tracksel conducted &umption in law Is �o be, as it oaght 'C' — . it i as taken ill and went home, where he the busine . as for many years, but -a short pr was of airman ( f the I 0 1 ;tee' of swallowed up by a*. tide of.immigrablio'll of posal to establish a House of I efu out the month in good style by to I e, in favor of Irinoceuce. The pri son- 0 peopl —Business * failures P dangerously sick, an& at last accounU blae the Fffty-third ongre;s`.Va['nd6ed al meni- e of a better a -tamp. in Can. da fas*t week ago he disposed of it to the present y on era )f war are to ba-ve several special I ear- h% not recovered. another grand Bargain Da Ingi i before this com . mittee, and It Is likely bera a wle" e the supremle Ip( In other letters, yet to follow, I 1 numbered 67, against 51 the si e we. t proprie6ors, who were making a. ucee,-sf rlous cost i nd the go more into detail regardin tb Mr. James Hastie,eldest son of the 'late their venture. The insurance rate on flax
,T7U,R of act on, but, he enell g- e pea year. DAY, qFebruary 29tb, we, -nay adopt F, specific meastires- in their impos 111 bRity 6 -doind.anything I ZIn Ihrt ance of the country, its industries ho —A Mrs. Ellis, of Port: owan, aged W41ter Hastieof North Dumfries township'. mill" very high, and, consequently, this a Intc rests. Of course my bill *111 be 'ap� Nothing was saved but Good shoes at'the' plic 0 Is the thhe make'th in pa se. Gen I miles the people live. 93 years, has had her third sot of natural d1i at. the old homestead on Tuesday one was uninsured.
�9 proved bythe ouse, and of ourseals teeth.. I It h Inst., aitor'an illness extending ovr - aguariti y -of flarz roughly estima as the cost of effloien coast TnE WAINDEREP., i . . t eed. The total loss is asked for cheap stuff. management cf theipension office under —A -ew bornand lived all his' f I i estimated at $2,500, this admInistration -vylll be reviewed." defenses; at $80, 00, 000, and Genepil 19- t the Bkating carnival; ab I ucan, ear. H aA h e
9 8 hill, ql�lof of eng 1heers, U. S.. A.,, adds 17,- �egal Suits. Tommy Webster, of Forest, red � first on the farm where he died, on the 10th con- ;=-Ah And In. a ticiption of tbe11 ht th i In- event took il�, 'of Mr. F. urrant, of Fullarton, an
000,000-to-th�at, vind very earnesti petitions priie in the open race, one mi i h nine ce ion, and w, ich was owned by his father ble � 30th Oral al:ovor In away to re, The followu g cases of interest to Hur n starters. am gr at er befoe bim. Mr. -Rutie nesilay, 12th inst, The occasion w WE A RE LEADERS IN OUR' for speedy agitibi have come from pvety city. as the mill I one.of June sunshine on a ruE ged ireaders were disposed of at Oagoode. Hal —There were 59 fire alarmpi sent- to the �*t a thorough and consistent Christian and marriage of 'his daughter, Alias Adelaide to on bot coasts a d the gulf. . In obnolu4ion LINE. mot ntalln a] do., oronto,last v eek. Brantford fire station during t e ear 1895, greatly It ma5 be sald with tolerable ioertaInty community Mr. Charles H. Roger, a well to do young
Difforencem on Finance. ICurrie v. Ila e of Lucknow.—The dti The total loss by fire for he ye was We e had ived so long, He was . never farmer of the Huron road. The marria that, while themi will be a great[ Increase ge 0 airman V(Igiq C P Je d- from order of Judge $3,43-7.98, or at the rate of W.2 7 fire. ied an I was i his 51st year. a performed by R,ev. Dr. Wil- ph Alke.r. of bant Ing in the total, of ipproprlations;: erie Will 'endants, ap c in cererno aDd currency Is co Id rabI uut f Huron, in priest, who wouldn!t give his naule, liams. in "oell 0 Y discou' ed be none or even a decrease In hose for 0 y Court term, dismissing —A prominent citizen of Talvis;oak Air, in the presence of aselect OVeZ his P�PdSpeob$ 'motion
u general expenseS, th eof mtimate friends of the contract
t ooiii'�S p siriflinj e entIre Jnore�se going by d endan'ta to set aside Verdict R. WZon) died suddenly at J H.cks ii, on tt oted attention in the Speaker's gallery, ciml ' the land udgmerib at the trial for plaintiff for � Ottawa, t
bill"somewbat to add It means of defense. Friday. Deceased was an extei La� ve attle he other day. He was a fine ing parties. In the afternoon the bridal
oi our $200 in an act, on in the County Courb for dealer�, and was widely lonowii. 1 opking, big old man, with a massive head party drove to Mitchell, where the
Im .,Ovo(t. He is o�tainly no h amol Ist, . H., BEADLE. I .! I ama es or h juries receive pa i y — eV.- a r es and Powerful couple took train for Toronto.,
bu u Whitby and
a -.the cause of Much h mor In otherst. A(H la f 11 upon a I ighw4y in the fifteen years rector of the' htirp Of th As. yet ue. as accon and Diie of' his colleogues sa villa e, owin Y151 fo —The will of tie late Rev-- Dri William as e laintif ahm ed, to non -repair, e w 1panied by 'a de. other -points east. The groom is the young -
boa 'bug, beciaulse; P�.nan can be as rg dered' ig� rem gna-, raized da of est of a Mr hi hly'reapected family. on the
hum d cension, Toronto, has ten re coking elderly, unda me r Reid, of Toront( , has been publii'shed, and for a'non-suit Dra new trial. arrow, i �. tion, on account of . health.' irticular plain appearance, earing a. Huro. and is one Df the most ,enter -
wise as be, looks. lk.er -certainly, bhOws his perki I estate to be,worth $8,. C., for plainti oppos�d appeal. Dismiss, d —Mr. James Me o dip. t rii as r of au's u e high fur hat and garments and priolng and prosperous young farmers in his
does look the beau I eal of �4e fina, , '>90-74, mud thi i realty $7,900.1 !Dr.. with bests, th obiiib holding that there w Ls Crieff, township of been ments of an extremely sober and and oan-ei I plain his easure i*#Ibh dell" t- Reid rich as n t a MILK ROUTES., held personal ar d real estate iu � tr�st as the evidence for t ie J1 U on w ic lot irist. 0 vhen Iashion. neighborhood. When the young couple
The railk routes for fUl Clearness, which - s proved' by the ot h* h they. migl it seen since Alond IHe had the necessary bits of return they will go t to their home the
the Kinburn Cheeso Factor3 e iZ in Canada, ind a verdict for intiff. 9 7 diree Y
th, t he left Hespeler h i�g to sr a. )asteboard to secur admission. e -ead, 'which the groom
'will be, let at tho T perance Hall, Hinburn, oR 'that I undOrstood"It efore -he bad tal ed wa A dele t old Ro , r homeat
ag nt of the Pre i Dyterlan chu imn e 9
��ru�;Y 2 at I O'clock M. JOHNA, to Me Ave minutes. IZk briet at and made a will (onceraing is rust. Wm. Union School Be on Five of Township Pushuch. It is feare- .:r has been r C 5 1 c I he lost his w��' ih om the French oectlen of the ga er� managing for the put thrie� *r ain is
Morbimor Clark, James C. Z4mllton, and of Hullett v. Look t. —Judgment o that night, Ia th his' �Omptly waited on him to aseert h
n ab- the snowstorm four years, Iimp