HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-14, Page 7und all
So afo' h.
gladtlened bV tl.D
y 179,
yeax. rerha t; 0�
ing day. R, Lber,
�e year round. xGM&
reek. In the inean-
give inform&tiGn.
i OS 11 1 Piii)_Lcipal.
.452,, MtDhitre
MM Rillu�t
toN EXPOSIT0110'
:IT PUT,. NNW, LI dtle�ate to thtal&and C�,uncil. he follow4
...... ing owd' for have presented the c4ecks tq;t. ti e 0 where she fell until Mr. M
S=t coun ele tJ-he current master at London, tellin 'h es returned
I A she !Q ut en o (
ALL I WD WAS JUST T AN illc�IN& abo t 4ock '91ho'ep Was found
AtOPR Alt D year cillor when
J. E. Tom, Gode 3hanged her mind ab
�'SCOTT .11 rih vice; councillor, Miss Af. tc � Xomoka, frozenatift. Everything
11 ly!,to
secretary, Re,..v. W.- R. -eturn the -;--Asevere shook of ea
and askin the co
trunks.- rthquake is report -
The W ly *eathcr He ie cdl o get a r'efun
en- 3 also'tr* on. ed to . have been felt in the township of
late a
hi g4 --%,e . Jr:
I nd tralia; -chaplain,- Willia Lewis� Ciediton �m.source of gra'atodigeomfoit., It's the uuusued tick Logan Cantley, Ottawa- district, a few days ago.
early Win- er finds t.h 'E. � A.!: Wai tless
r 3d to Varna; her4d, annoying to yo rself and disgust' a elue� On Sa ent to t. IThomas The inhabitants- -fled- from their homes in
stand the -change all e ing turdav
%r. Thif fact Is plai d,-Holijesvil Be] ds. I and seen latipn which r 0
T ing from 4�2 A
n1l r roved y the F. Piekar Itinel, William G® e,
d t Miss iLizzie Wanless,. Varna; guard, Aliss tc your fri red inforn es4lt6d in t6rr r,:to-find the bricks tambl
following opiniolis of �the arrest of the womin. 0 was their, chimneys and their homes rocking.
R -k Harris, Sodom ;,� Pali couacill r, George lf6st Omes dapdruff, scur�, or, broughb to the Carlini $tree 'lop.
-om Xpericlu . , - I t The The �ehbok lasted three minutes.. The peo-
U PiQnhalt. Exeter. � At he close o the after- Wtatles cause A,' an these, if ne� Purse -and money 1* - ec ov red, but, ple we e afraid to return to 'their homes,
felt I Lk noo ere
e a man-thf t could -co a �session, the ineeti ig ;ag4in )%djournedl leote'd,. produce 01 �ness. - By using !the prisoner stated th�b she night as best they could ng out every'thing
suidide. caujht k cc Id..)Yhile ( . for t a,� at the re ideno i -Mr. eMordle. 11 tl�e ticket' Be the cold We are cleari
a 1P of P
ng on d efore stock -taking. Only a, few -
am gmund, h. -wingesi of In the evening, a mo exe oncert y9 can th.e sTlP, in t e Open air. b
adA it elleitt.c' Fortunately no one was
rt L ne-w goods ar;-
elieve,tbe itchi g,j hu the falling bricks, but the -shock weeks more before
ouldn't d from he
may seem. awful mui ev R -eat a a was -given in. th hall by talent
Lr pains, ( ourish. the hair !�Tews Nct O'i
couldn't. s �ee, .' All I d,d w home and yi4ibi 9 coil ncilg. . Than were provedIvery severe to invalids who were rive and the room is wanted.
'as to m() 3e o6g, and ro -a'ce a vigor, s1kating or� e a� Brant-, confine their beds, and it is feared that
ar-oupd ax d tnake all I'l t1to li�u j� s tendered Mr. Al Mordie 'and tlxe Kippen ro, ous groft A hair-, ford, the other night,;
-miserab.le as"MYself SCott's Sarqa,�ar- -council foi the' . ind ind court( iotis 'treat, III Ala fell severalideaths will result.
and broke her leg. -Gotdon, a. young son
Tb us 61oh e
In me, a me, Ip e dP of Mr, James
illa, put, ric W life menb of th'
ele tes. d a bar- -Afr Jc 0. wid-
n all S e4E� 1, Fo - sale in Seafor J, S. Roberts. ilin -Pannell, is molliou -9c&-, f Sarnia township, met with a pecub-
thorgiighl, d in I use -pain 1� a CIA lea an,t iieeting in the inter- -i�as n
1, Alex lrAi - I — ower aged.70 years, -other iar-accident the other morf ing. was at
ancrer to me " lit, Toror . I tli�
str 4 to eat of_.Ltlie tem er nee, muse. He
-,V161aw, a mi-nin. prospect iday, to Mrs. Catharine Bi school Cole's Corners, and at recess the Dress Goods,
nine wonths old, th( bObviest one dressin S. T. Petitb, of I eirno "t E
f 4 s� o elegate boys ere pl Ing "- shinny Opera Flannels,
try 10 cenb.box- f Mist" Co*gb 4 , o ' tio.n" �s wa iching
'ess me t ation in ad ninet�,-four pounds, all rom the Ontario Beekee erg"
writing frc m Minden: E met e For thab ticklin sens our throat two hndred While ' he
EXTRA AGENT bottles &dtt's Sarsapri where b e. e game the ball, that was
eing u
SaturdaLy. * 11avo been 'A vaartyr o 96". The' ie irritaticn at once pounds.
Loven-. the smallest two hi�drcd and� sevelity lis in Obtawa promoting bil I - PC revent b 3ed for -puek struck hir� under the Flannels
y. will al ay t],
For sal Ithe manufacture and I ).f 'Cad-,tiltered chini E nd when his teeth caiiie.
rheumal�ism, and iadipstion'b - `h ru gi ts ad together Flannel�ttes
t d The Ky' Medi- -.Nki rs, George Die i[soi
"o' " I they B it big tongue and bit'the end of that oneys
-by 0 a�
- ,,,p, 4 cine C i4it , nee Miss Wood, P
exposi onge street: T rohto.
Scott S �a Y, 39 Y is de 1, and was I ur" in the Listowel -Mr. John Lee, concession Fast membei. o lea ving it hanging by a shied Moves,
rapddly cuing, me. d
cemet6ry, where he,. ther was buried a.' Zorra, has sold his firm, t') Air.
Stedentent to llaake.-
Nothin- has ever CD) Wittig. of skin,;' e severed pieces having 'to be Hosiery,
e ualled S months ago. i
Cott's Scho 1 R E)ports. few Be iiida her husbandshe It consisted of 57 acres, a id li: ed for 00- Undei*ear.
Sarsaparil a for buil e, s, sewe
ut tb yotell I WISTREOP.-The f6lowingis leaves a little aught �r five years old.. Her $3,500.
lie stand.
putting tle blood he Wful liculit' Ing 'of, the -pupils of the Winthrop,school for death has been expec,jed for s6me thne. --The, Lutheran church at B4d an has ex- MelYs Furnishings.
Vigorating th, bo A
Thoi L_' month of January;
tion and ft dy. the :GR TE tFL-COMF
but if ti .896 1. Fin t class, G; a call to Rev. Mr:. e
sands testify -to its -splendid effects . 'I Mor Al, Henderam, 'Q. Ale 01 Mich,
8 adden. DOU LCYLIO WITH RAWWAfISM. gan. He bag aeceptecal 6 e You cani;ot afford to stay away f
P aw I will be rom ur
his sale,
extreme -Weakness antl a,11 d bilit ft 2nd) 4. Ross, 1. 8, C. Dolmige. stor during the progress of t
'e 11al n [owe there before long. e
t no I tatio Juibr,125nd, AT. MoSpadden, 01. 13&ton, AT. A N oed Cithkoh 111valwas South ; -It is repo:�ted the Wa le Indians COCOA
diseases. On this acowu n S7.
of Scott's �o Id be atacdptO. -Po :BREAKFAST -SUPPER.
f yo Horn. Senor 2,ad, S. c8padden, � R. Allen, erloan RAGUMILS10 Cure. ave many huudfed cords of A to dis-. I i.
a a! tborovt i I
s 6bo. F. Aitche3on 'and J. Campbeill. Third Wil Pegg, No wobd Ont - 1,4011t ose the -ice is not very t) go. to owledge of the natural laws Don% delay if you want f 0brip bottle, otould Mali, of, as digestion and nutri-
&u gisl
class, V. Murdie, R, Grieve, P. Morrison walk, was near. Igonac to sell. In govern the operations of eo" new goods at
Xv d bled up with i rhibumsttk2h. I proo- Von, d by a care ful application of the fine roper- �runior 4t�, B. Grieve I
asp den, J. dured three bottlei o� South AmericAn -The 24-th annual meet g the Water- tide 0 well-selectec � Cozoa, Mr, Epps has provided for
Tudor. F th class, L. A] or ISOM' Mur. atto Cure frbih� W. RutherforA. loo County Teachers' Asioci 01 will be
o and i upper a delicately flavoured. bev-
die. it, of Norwoodi iand found it the WhIth may spvo us many heavy- doctors! billL
ir beei held in the Model school ., erl hn Thurs- e
No. 2 HAY. The fol' is Ito :eat acting �mOdlolne I ever; saw. It ly the, udicidus use of such articles of diet that
day and Friday, F 11
he month-- rat 1, dome gave - relief, ad the thre* ebruary 920t an a 21st. 1 tution in*ylbe gradually built up until strong
Ve PE 'A ow NeCosh Jefferv.
y re ort of"sobool secti )n 2) Hay, for -es Illetely ci�red me. I have had Anthony Shleftei, n Formosa, en I h 0 rb6ist every tendency to disease. Fluti.
1896i Names are in ordei of nQtho' a0hst nor ps- dr s of subtlemaladies are floating around
anuary, . 1.
_�p from rheumatim' sold -his 100�acre farm -to A Ir. at k Kiefer,
DIS RICT. MA' us ready
TERS. merit Fifth class, It. Chapman, T. E. dAft- for $4,000,, and then b6ii bt &r.1 Bernard 4ok wheitever there is a weak point. We -ms CARXIOHAEL. BLOOK, 04th
es niiiiny a fatal shaft by keeping 6ursel
osi. Fourth class, J. W. o4d, A. J. Sold by LI V. Fear an latimsden Wilson. Zuber's farm of 170 acres, i to Ill d Vth ves werl
n, r to re blood aid &properly nourished ---
Se i 'Brien, ervi
T4E Todil Nellie Gould. Se or 3rd, E. 0 �;a#,ek, fo fir Tye ABY -L" That M118t)BIEnforced. W. ii. Warren, 'Carrie 4ould. - Jitnior 3rd, —According to goes p in.8t. Petersburg, R200.- ng a 0�a ce Gazette.
—Distemper is ragi .01 e simply with. boiling wat4i or milk. Bold
t1i �: hors on n packets, by Grocers, labelled thus -
DrDAR Bk_ioiToR.---�-At th4 late- mauicipal Ethel Norbhcott, Johnston J. R. the
election, 'iftLM Ellip or and Em ress of Russia are C16- in the.localiby of Hartney, Ma, !Ito BysisLawi Nibs 26
S EPPS & CO., LTD.. HovicaoiPATato CBm
eKillop, a asidembile mc- NAcirthoott. � Second clai a, J. H. (�ould, W. ths lighted b their firs child in a girl. It -is iaid thatthe disease is bi4tig ts worst LoN-DoX, ENGLAND.
Gloth a n jority'of those who ve!;ed ve expressio 'r a 1452
i- E. O'Brien Luella Alun i. Part 2nd, R. F. said that upou ObeiInVg OF THE
ongratulated by one I)hases, and the want of a ve r 8ry sur -
to their desire to baVe.all kind of stoe"k pr eon is severely felt.-
Northeott,"T. Viann Magg
ie 19utheiby. of the Court Chamberl ins, the Czar said'- os st is the old Scotch name for a cough. The Town of Seaforth.
running at large on the publi Part Ist, Cpr4 Mann, Willie G�uld, Ro The Czarina and I a e rejoiced. t' e, ar., I f orberry, 'En)r1lihn4meforthe beit cure for coughs is Dr.
hibited fro y a o have a —Mr. George Hop
roads of th township. This is a, move'i: I Todd.. The. beat apel rs in the monthly da The child is ours, and ours only ; I lanitobi, acted as official um� ire for the, W�o& a Norway Pine Syrup.
the-- right direetion, for m 9 AY -LAW TO RAISt BY IVAY OP
we had a,son he itould have belonged
s..determined i o sell"every any reasons, k spelling 4istrict curling matches tetwqm I ortage,
]1114elies were:.Fifth cIW R, F. had
Ifew of whict we.will advance. Any on CliapAian ; 4th class, FlorlL LOAN, THE SUM OF FIFTE114.11.1 er
en a few miles on any of on -senior 3rd, W. H. Warran ; junior 3rd, H. United states Pos,office Inspect -or, W. lih Carberry recently.
who has drh 1�orthcobt; Ao 41 Ru�s a. 10randon and 6arberry, which Played After La Grippe, AUND.RP'D DOLL.
Erls-Grippe obstinate couglisjung tronbleetc.,
concessions on a su
ninfer evening, k --now F. Johnston ; 2nd, W. E. O'Brien ; part T. Fletcher, has just c mplet6d 'an inspec- —Mr. G. D. Wilson, tho la pri ci- fre ue ntly follqw. There Is no remedy so prompt, PURPOSE HERE"INAFTER MEAN -
P0 n
bee ri to-. pul 11 *2nd, 20aggi t the same time effectual'and pleasant. as Slit-
unplea ant it has
e Sutherby It Willie tion eorgetown,lndiana
how part ],a an a TIMED.
of the postoffice a p�) of the Brandon CentiAl Be ol, I iad the burn's Cod Llver�011 Emulsion with Wild Cherry and
Id. and put t o office in ne hands. This is a misfortune to have his jaw b ke while ITypophosphites, which is the latest nd best cam- Whe. itisnecasaryand desirable for firero-
sheep�and laimbs lying on the
OVFR 60AT short, of tiines, rather �han ruin ove Goli sumptive remedies. Prices 50d. tection Ourro3es to purchase and put in position a
raiddIe of the No. 6, Suti,jmx.—Th, followi,��.;g is the village of 00 inliabitW ts. The postoffice Practising at lian of anti -eon
a game of'ho
ey (one day
an 1,00 per bottle. bell, eir�ct an electric a
01 larm system and purchase ad- road, Again, it is almost mpo-5sible f report of seb�ol section No, 6, , t Ohen, for r more t.] a quartet of a century has 7ecently. ditionallhose for the Of Seator-th ost mot
9 fo
at a
P any of our youn eople nao have suffi. the month , of i -January : Fifth I Adeline be at the
en admii i stered by the Motweller fitmily, —Mr. . D. J. AePhaili: a ell exceed1bg in the Aggreote the sum of fifteen bun -
a and courage to- ri de a wbeel, to Ratz,,Lizzie Aa, Thomas,DinneyJ Fourth father a' Jntario Agricultural College, h big
cient brain' i :1 The Plain Truth Tells. dred dollaea and t6 ratie the said sum, it will be �.nec.
ad daughter. The father died fifteen
take a spin. on the' conve 868SKy f� issue debentures as hereinatt'
ir favorit yance, class J b M ttleboltz, years ago, - The A OW t1pation, Headache,BiliousT, e, -s and Bad Blood er mentioned-
T�as Dacoln)� Raz, Barbitia aughter; Miss Louis& et severely eat. while,� chbl
In th House, I the ar py )mptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, wbich Andpebereas It will require
'n the sum of seventy -&.e
owing to a blockade of the roads by hordes Tho Senior 3rd, Jane,McCarm, Alotweller, now BiXty �,qara old, has been in �uab. The axe glanced &'ad �st rue his -act ul on
fo.. the
dollars be raised ampually by specill late
the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, r
of cattle, A eep and hogs, 61rned out- by Jacob Finkbeiner, 'Mary McDonald. Ju charge ever since. Insp�ctor Fletche�-fciund �oot,- one of the arteries b it, g e The ou ng 411 theivdise3ses. terest as herdnafter nietiMoned.
mor payme -of in
thee owners in the spring 0. wander to 3rd, laggie *.�arry, Clara Ratz And- boreasitwill require the sum of tbrty-I
It niel Me�� the floot"of1he office cov ty lve
fro- in pl;
fi ve feet deep ?atient is getting along.-nicel ollars 4iod thir _sevetf eents- U be raised
and toes set apart for - travel and' Isaac. econq class, !Barbara Wit er, Simon with mail.i It 'requireig-, two days' hard —George Thorndyke, . a baT of r anuilall I
fir ei Cbap�ed Hands and Lips..cracked shin,sores, cuts -V
forucithingelse. Wem'otice.�furbher, no na McCann. T'art 2nd, ork to Sol It ath- ' Iate for the payment of.the said debt as
that' Alittleholtz", TI woUndd. and bruises are promptly cured by Victoria' bypecv-
these wayside J # it out. -Vorty caAloads of oy, h4s been arreited. on a cl rg� f big Catbo ib Salve. inafter mentidned.
herds, like- all tramps andW. Shrad( r, III& Wa
Allie H rding. Part' newspaper ome d back to 1876, were my.
a it is allege,4 that he rrie: . Miss hiereas the amount of the -whole ratable
vagrants, arte bold, an(i watchful' for weak Ist, Alice i&lc\ �Iiihn ner, du
prope of the corporation, irrespeotive
Laura F" kbei N1 agers could pick ottie. McWilliams, of Linda& , oil May
mped out Nvbere-tbe of any; in -
places.' on' th� ioadiide, and -will crowd Willie Bert. T come in the nature of toile, interest, dividends, tents
out.their ov,n mail, Ov r 4,000 undelivered ;Otb, 1894, and with
in- &� year WarriE I MiSS
WE DO IT THIS -'WAY E- theinSeLiVeS through and have an occasional LEA Beyond Dispute.. orlees 0ouit the said roperty and Men Irrespective
That isr.ob6tter,sa-feror more pleasant cough Of-a"Y i4come
following is the r1aport letters All broken a als theny Aay Jobilston, of trthro Tb
to be i erived from,the Unnporary in -
feast, and' whil`e their :d,%vners have'bee' d. mlade than ITaKyard's Netoral Balsam. It vestmeto of the sinki
n of the pupil§ 10if sell ol-sectioa No, McKil- postmarked tw ty year ago, were deliv- aves e remed, fund or any part thereof
of the Linda ta,4rigret1ha an
benefited by these raids, somebody has been 11-y oarsepeas, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, ording othelast revised aesessmenh roll for the
lop, for the 14citthlicif January, �based on ered. im A,11 tweller lived in the �game )roceedings. Brocl Itis and all Throat and lung- troubles. sw 'tbe Xear one thousand
oration, being for
.All $7.50 0V:e1CqatS for q, P,
Q�-90 wantonly plujidered. It has also been no- regul rit de . eano and efficien
Y, of the house of two rooms, and had for her coni- —The Ottawa Car Qomp&�6 indreased eight h1indred and ninety-fiv, is the sumof
ten cats. Thirfi:y-thtee pounds of ts capital by fifty per cept., i i WL h
rit6,, re-' pupils: Fou'rt elas Caroline Die el LIZZie, paritions undrecl and forty-one thousandthrob hundred -and
,5.00 ticed that f6rouad churches is 6 favoi
All 8.00 laterqats for ha, P1 oposes eaiuesg, Debilify, Paleness, Anatemla, et
sort for roa(bide herds. Th6r crowd Sabo Drager, Mary .7aw eni,or 3,d, Isaralv copper ce a, lwhidh, "with silver coin, 0 make wagons,,oecarriagea d other cured y Milburn's Beef, Ironapd Wine. a., are twenty-tilir6ilollars, and , tereas the easting de -
yards, take pos benture debt vf the said corporation is as follows
Adl 9.00 over ats fdr 6.00 'the ses3ion of the sheds, 7and J. Ricknell, Mary A fe G'eorg Hemma, amounted t $I.K were found in the office ehicles. ieir estimated on, ip farm -
Six th*e4nd dollars borrowed, utder the 4utborlty
coming sumt �er is *'Sltffi Diseases. of B31 -LI , �w NO.
almost dro%in the ministeys'. -voices with Maigie Bell, evi e, Carolinta� +rs' wagons during 8 A, of the said Town ct Seafot� and
their -u interes4fthereon at the rate of seven per cent.,
proar, � w ile roun (I the 6b u r6h steps, e, R. cKo ior V Mary' Mo hundrei 1, which re t be io 6 under skin. liseases are moreer'legs occasioned by bad able .4DI jw3
a*here wom en and children - walk 'anil eon- "aog'le, George B(ane ILL N G UNTO 'DEATH. hvlt yearly fiont the first day
Haegn 0 Dieuel
4m. Am. �,.kre- L he Snowbal patent.1- blood. )1B.B. cures the following Sicin Dseases: 169-5, aR11 eleven thousand dollarg borrowed ujldejr
9, Erysipe
lag, ItI.
gregat . e, is made unclean and disatis�incr by' 3,C11a Wager, bavi� QN1 - 6, Eggert, —Blandfcrd township farmar' hav ahing Rawhes, Salt Itheum the autl prity of By -Law. No, B A,,of the said Town of
i 0 , e beetk Shl" I
them. In conclusion, we hope ouri counc, Scald Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, bi Seaforti-c' and interest thereon si the rate 61 six
il, Katie R�ekj 17iolel 1,I. Irvine, Archy Ale- THE EXPERIENCE OF A LADY WELL aaking large sales --of t t ;i1s I I
in the which they intend I to pass, K D4d elms, urnips inter. r-emo impurities from the blood from a cam- cent. er
ay, CarolinE Pus �elberg. eci 3uyers say that the quality gi .04 Vn I"L that �Qon i a to the worst Scrofulous Sofe. p6r aunum, payable halt ytarly from 1phe
%vill make the penalty sever H KN)WN IN CCATICOOK. fifteenth day of October, A.D., 1995, -also tbouir-
e, ana.in this enry Diegel, Fred Aaegue, Robert 'Roul-: ;ection is superipr to anythiarr ! the- have
and five hundred dollars borrowed under the autlior�-i
We always ma�yl, goods in manner appl�. the la3h to �nY W1101 - actuat- den, H. BaueLitiann lAnnie Kiehnie, ninia' iN. crop being
ed by I wer handled. The price ai r i etadard of excellence. ity -of By -Law No. I1:A of the Townr Sexforth for
motives of- greed, may be tempted to Iplain figures, yplu can see, Eggert, LouiS4 Hen- ma, Edniund. Pell, W. Stricken'With La(frippe, Follow- ,00d, some farmers sold out their ! entire &16the'r x, recommend it. Childrecry-forit. Wors IE86 and Interest tberton Atthe vite of fk�,e per cent.
ard anti set -the law at etefia�ace, hen M cKay, Ida disreg 5y fron .1 per Allinqw, payable half yt rly trom tie Arst-Aly 4A
-Part 2adj Tommy ed i. She Langu- itoc;k, clai4ng that o" ereclieape
by Pneumom ats w food.
e I
t 4 . y
k Bd
efo f y
'111 al ay
rugg i ts
e by d g
omp y 39 y
�Cho "evil
Wil on
I a's
the grass presents itself in the ea'rlv surp- Al cK ��nnewie§, MryDiegel, ished. For, More Than a Year— There Nyere 42 tenders fo t e- b ildmi Obstinate Coughs.- rowed utdertheutbority of BY -Law No. '2 of the
what the price was.,. NO!, ay, Hen y B becemblir, A.D.,1895. alfo four tholieand di�ll
I I 9
-mer,- and by so doing ba've' this miserable Harry Bauer�Zann,j - Rachel Wiesenberg, Dr. Williams' Pil: k Pills Sved ad twelve for the stearn TownofiSeatorth fur IS87 and hiteresi thereon AM
'_hvi,mbua noi no-ijaense ie ing� Of the 'Obstinate Coughs yield to the-krateful soothing
nuisance -,reinni-tiad. Thanking you, Air.
(�ertie Hickne'L Fxat clas!, atte'ndance, 8. Her Wien Other gedicines Had n H6use of'Refuge. Tbe blo"- ten- from the'firat day of No q1y
r ambto' action �f Norway Fine Syrup. 'The racking, Vero' rate of bvet per cent.. per annum, payable halt ya
or your v ent couirh of consumptives is quickly relieved by vember, A.D., Is95. and also
about it, just lai a iacis. Editor,- f alaable space, I am, No. 9, HA Y. !ollowing is ihe eporb--- Failed [er of Macbeth- Brothers, of IS 1 brA �y, for. isix tbousaud dollars -borrowed under the authoritypt
;his unrivalled throat -and lung remedy. Price 25c,
Yours respectfully, of union Bch ad 17roin IZ1j.,toile de PEst, baticook, Que. 1 he buildind, $10,965 tha A Er. W. By -Law No. S for IM und Interest thereon the
If you W. aut overcoat and knd 60c
., J. Staulpy, for t te ihOnth'of Janh'ry. The The town of. Averill Vt., Barrie, of Sarnia, for the degim. hi ON rate U five per cent. perAnnum, payable halt yearly
are r o i situated from the first d of July, A'.D.,, 1895, andtwethous.
4CHMLOP, February 3rd,1896. names , �1 f I is
have in orde merit F1'fth class,
and -bee�n thinking I - about eight miles from oa�ticook J 406 were the lowest ani I �lle count
3 1 1 0 anunve unu
3 Lan ourrowe
in, Thompion, I)Iabel Caplingi Fourth f Afre. da Hartwell who t; As-acure for,FrostBItes Chilblains,Burnaan
rr. I d unJer thi64uthor-
you would wait until ne-x't rid is the home of 1fre. ouncil committke will so tep(r iti of BYi-law Xd� 8 for 1891, and interest thereon �Ivt
A VIETERAN 4DF TRFE 'CRFEf -WARR class, Peter D�uglas, d the rate of live per cent. per annurn, I payable ypArl
80,000,OOG Stisie Sway�ie, Clara has many rf latives and n merous friends in -:-The Kincardine council taO fix(d the 3caldF, Chafing, Chapped fr-Zds, Itiffained Breasts
3pralins, Wounds, - Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow oil is Oc6ber A.D i895, Slid fiIso
aior Mero, Bella the latter jp�ace. Mrs. icense fee for tra b D rom
season for our This is - Thompso 8 3rd, Arthur 1 f th@ 20th day of
C 1 - - artivell has passed nsient trade. -a, 1 Nv stay
uped of Flutterina of the. Houirt and
'ihe most reliable remedy on the market. tbrep. thousand Ave hundred 61lars."borrowed under
$ 1,200,00a Thom�;En:.Ii nry li�lijlioffer.- Junior 3rd, through an experience hich L'.E4 toile de la a $100. the authority of Hy-TAw No. 25
�or few months in the I pe,
your cliande,bep:ause every Smotherinar l0valis by Dip B, 61 the Town of
Acnsw'fili Bertha Qdigl , Allin Esler, kj'�Iith, Cap- PE'st thinks worthy of gi Ing the wid Aerry-go-rounds will be eharged!$35 or one thereoti at the rateof five er
Cure for y Seaforth, and interest
the i Hear't-lt �Always Re- eat -Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Mattanooga, Tenn., says: cent. per amnu
over and "Ito M, p the 20th Jay
coat isnelit stvle ling. �Lenior 12nd, Robert Agnew, Ah n publicity, as many other may derive much lay, and $1$ Per day for a nut it- or a days yearly from
11411vew In 30 Mhiutes, and Thus Saves Sbiloh's Vitalizar SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
Ediahoffer Jacob -ennel. Junior -.2ad April, A, D.,, 1895. and also fourteen tboutand dollars
all this seas �s i-nake. benefit therafrom. Mrs. Hartwell has ever eas than a week, and longer t ia a,%I,eek at t the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever borrowed under the autboriky of By -Law No. 8, of
Thousands ofIlLives. Alvin Nic�ols�n, Le -. Beekler. L S�nior�,part been considered a wom '75 per day.. ised For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it all
4 discou6ed, D-rafta enjoying a healthy
11. M an, member'of �the 00 2nd, Louisa Sherri, Job Esl�r Percy xcels.6 Price, 75 cts. Sold by 1. V. Fear, Seatorth at the rate of Eve per cent. per annum, payable
theT-6w_uof8eaforth-,1or1N2, d Interest thereon
What we un. ettake we do A. JR., Pa,�, constitutior until about wo years RgO,wben -Wm. T aylor, who 'was ki edl by a
lip or =,1rom the first day of Tauuiry, A.D lEury and
al citleR-in Ill have I
�indq)r. He
well will ein- the Heart,. hive btsen ont1r6ly cured- cinity,- stricken with in enza, or, as it is ad sued the suIstained lnterest.,,
I Qf Dr. -Airnewla* Oure for t Baker,. she was, lihe bundredLLB f others in this vi-- lorge, died the other night. at n t
Mo in arrears either for prin�iili or
uda, &c� ThiaL used two b o Ke�,s, Jdnio, parl 2nd, Robe�
sa a Willie Alero. Part Ist Ella D, rrit city for dama You DonA Have to Swear Off
p fluttoking I o I I She. 76
alpitation 0 the heArt Christian ErbJ Arth ir Edigboffer. i ents niore generally t g imo�iy kvs the St. Louf And whereas it Is made necessary to appoint the
phasize that fact. Par . )y falling into a trench � an d Li 1'i : tel
d Smath6rink" polls. I took 10 bottle$ 'me agrippe, a disease a Journal of Agneulture In an
are recl ties cbildr -re and plaw for taldng of the votes the �uly qual'
it ates of interest 4reaperilla, b t it filled in any *ay -L to ted. to sen I their regular- whicli 6arried to man eople in this town was being taken at his bedside, 'en 'he ditorial about No -To Bac, the fameus tobieco habit tin
the Value Of ure, " We know of manv cases cured by No -To -Bac, fied electors, and for appointing Dtpnty Returning
eve me. not think ly, and to seelthat ioniework re. eives due and vicinity, -and in the� case of numerous iank so rapidly -that the exalinnat in was Offl
no,'.& prominent St. L&n's architect, smoked and cars Jo t%ke the vat" of the said :electotg at the
�f :Alay trid _Novem- the Heart Cure n be estimated. It hae attentio�.
others left behind wr4 ed constitutions liscontinued. He leaves a and hewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so meeting
Wiought iuch change in iny co dition
%bat.1 faiM like 116W. m*WL As often happens, pneumonia' followed the even -children. at even the smell of tobacco makes him tick." No. Be It t erefore enacted by tbo Municipil Council
wo of Seaforth.
How you d� cou I Now- is the time
ial. Pap -Bac sold and guaranteed no cure, no pay Book
1r and- Far, -Scild by L 17". Fe and Lunisden & Wilson first -symptoms of la grip -Thevaluable and well dultur I
pe, and Mrs. Hart -
to t D L �iolett?a Syrup of T rpentine. ree. Siarling Wentedy Co., 374 St. Paul St. Man That It aball. be lawful for the Mayor of the
ry well was si(k, nicrh unt death. The best icre farm,, belonging to the eat aie of he late said comoration to raise by wAy of l0aT1 11170111 =y
op morp] da, no chloroform, and rhomas Hall, and for several 3 ears 0 6cupied. person
No ium, no real. persous. body poy bodws, torpor -ate, who
1ARIS. 1-Yanager. 0 0 Ijakelet. consequently o drowsiness, your head will Sold by 1. V. Fear, Drug -gist, Seaforth. may bemilling to advancethe same up
gMv;r Brothers, was sold a days prithe credit.
(Too late for laA.-week.) be clettr, you ill be fit for. busluess, you to meow of the debentures, hereafter mentioned, a 'sum of
r. George Easton 'sot of 'R Thos. Money not exceeding in tbeaggrepte the sum -of
will be cured KARVS CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purifier
NOTE",. -Mr. D almac�e our popular reeve Easton, who resides near the' tol�gate.at lifteen hundred -dollars,
A he Compl Ion and
gives Irealmess and clearneEs tot ex
ended the cot nty council, at Godericl Oil the purchwe price ures Constipat is., $1,00. A
It That it shall be lawful for the Ma
Ayr. 16 is under4to . y4y ;to cause
Nol Re For John � - t- -T- , . ber of debentures to lie made -for such sumil
last --Drs $9,000. The farm in �quaition is ion, 25 cts., 60 c For sale any num
was about
Men Caps att' *Veek, retu -ning 6n Saturday. 1. V. Fear, Seaforth.
land, th�e situated near Washington. in � B.enheim. Ared dollars each and not exceeding iri the -aggregate
In it -vr, I& PUD th! north of Scq of money so may bw rtquired not Ion than one hun.
v Geraves, Ferguson and Wilson, of Mildmay
an4 Tuck, of Cor -ie, perfortned a difficull sh minis er, T t* farn); servant -was va ue Tbe� illwe of Bearnsville furnishes quite a wonder esumo 0 are d that the said
C pari his flock owns ip, anc a ew years age n n re
"Wir I who was, I er rf Ing a the follow- debentutes a an be sealed with tba seal of the said
rices Were 50C 75' and �ion on -Richard AlcKinney, son o at $16,000. ul ease : 31r, Jacob Fisher, of that place, now em
eon ers T
wtion -.Aiisued 1. I.Y Aoyed at Niagara Falls, N. Y., suffered Irom rbeum. corp
ing eon oration and signed by the 3fayor And the Tr"z-
L L-111
Mr. Jeremiah AlcRinney,. an Friday aft -or -Mr. James Carmichael ArvE Al id- ti :scrofula and blood disorder for a long time, urer the7reof.
-Well, Jol�n; afi4 how are things doinz
noon. The!young mwi is. in a very critica ty, had 9, narrow III, That saiddebentures shall beat Interest At
rn U dlesex Coun e4caf from )ut was cempletely aud.permanently cured by Byek-
n a -%veel."
e with you _u are keeping in death recent He nan's Kootenay Cure, as the following ill i8how
-C Heeb ke effect.
ct- C> e, foys conditio ', -nd it is f %red he wjll not ge and after the rate of five per cent. per wanum, r*M
your ch, over it. The ape Sir cl work I bae tae dae be g suffocated to
0 1 __�i a h r -'the-.
eial meetings, which '-wer was prepsring food for swine in an o th4use Ay mentioned for this by-law to U -
nap. rest f mor , tae nichb; ork an' Testimony under Oath. which interest shall be pay -able annually ontlie Arst
-h e re'foe two we ta roit )r� IV built for the purp(se, when the - sn )ko be- 3lichael H. Dwyer, well-known in Hamilton, tells a day of March in each Slid emery year It LtbO 0111ift 431
lite's peace for me.*'
held in the churai li eks t
�aj Cl� minated on lFriaity. The meetiti ' , work, au',nae a I'll," came so intense tb ELt he barelyes a j ith tory that reaft like a miracle. He sufforod untold theTrewturer,0fibegaidUtinici ity;stthelowo
wer Pap tpX1
mu( Well John _� must all do our share. rmer
fairli, well attend�d, and resulted i�� C his life. Two doc �ors were summon E d� and alin and was told that only removal to a wa of Seaforth-
in the w*�k tl�is 61r1d.- Remember, it is liniate could benefit him, but- Kootenay Cure did Wr Tbatt,)ies�iddiebentartasballbe made
m Pay -
RE n
good being "011e. —,ZL ioad'of the br'ebhren f succeeded in bringing the pro4rat,_ ina hat the doctors could not do, and now be is well, I able at.the explystiob of twenty years from the date
0 Wroxeter court, anadian Order of Fore - only the 'Fire arati�ii for a better world,
'ill L be no
where U eere more work to be back to his normal condition. Ill be
6 volubteers a fitatatory declaration which wi mentioned for this by-lmv to to "- effect and shall
One of the number " w rites is i fol- have a*ched to them coupons f)r the paymettof
ters, drove to our burg on Friday , night, rwaided byaddressin
s. Sb 914cluvANx,, if. P., Hamilton.
,r neeting of coqrt, Lakele Al) e n -
C -2- and attended the i LE �0 RIM AVIT41017T F.ITMI VE. lows to the lbdmb er -Herald U
Weel, siq I ill 13!ae sure that there will V. T4atfor the purpose of forminz a sinking fund
583. The' NNrox ter brethren oave us niarried ladies of omber wish the un
9 for the payment of the said debentures an equal
n recta;rding 0 tb e w naetlling Ifor me to dae- in the ither of medical aid was suillino), ed, and' Mrs.
0 be "I, h - men to clear the a iow and ice Ctff annual' -sum. of fort five dollars andt-hirty-seven
0% valuable inform tio world. 1� told John, clean the sun Hartwell was savid ficim � at seemed to t e side Completely Knocked Out.
eVer-yLmember We have was bentfi rIl hb. canto, siall in addition to all other rates be rawd,
0 01 5walkinfrontof tie Methodist'chW6 for I wassomuchrun down Ibad to giveupwnrks
&lid e 'John, 11�,ng light her friends immifient, death, but when eon- d . I felt as If, lite was not worth livinir,"' writ, a W L m:. levitil aird collected by specitlzate upo a rate�
'01 ISTA KS Wroxeter b ethren are : gentlemen. 1c f oot �Ile moon;' I John, valescence came she remainp this year. This � s one yeat out ( f I four
The -nalith
able prciperty in'the Bald corporation during the cur -
I've nae doubt they'll ad de�rived of "I took Scott's Sar
er, ai v re the stars;'; d tbe7 W101 L� Thompson,'75epbyr, Ont,
the first wat i if they we not well, an' so on her appetite, extremely weak and in eon- given to the wom n an A like parilla and om now feeling as I did years -ago-0 rency of the said deberitura or any of them and for
always find a( 0 L The puriose of pqing the interest :of the s'Zd de-
nieth�rng Ior me to *.dae, un�
ment. Stan relapse, and all-Iler physi- cc, as t. ey will not hive another arilla tones up
CD -0s. X tVs Sarsad 'the efitire system, Pu- bentureii the sum of sevooty4ive dollarashall In :ad-
used,we did not reciprocate.th�e compli t danger of a some chan
0 luck nian that I a !"—Pearsoi NTeekly.
CD —There ft -re ma'n1. sick peo�le in our eom- y -ins-could do they could n' for seven years." as the blood, and eradicates rheumitic and scrof,� diti,, t�d all other rates, be raised, leviedand collect-
ei, bt bring about
—AT ouspoisons. Ask for Scott's aod gebit.
11 some of them nearitig health. Numerous rs. Thomas Batenian� an eld eyiwb- ed fromall the ratableproper vt the s co
inanity at pres a her former condition of r -
E WEA Mr.Rivers' ale, on' Wed- man, who lived with George A10,pe a of
thd d. - -'-Nf r. 'Rivers' ation during the ourreoc Of said debentall or
U14D border I&n VIERY �ELP UL TO LADIES. medicines were ti
0 -ivd, but to no avail ; she -SHILOWS CURE to sold an a guarantee. It SAY of them. I
nesday last,, was a decided success. N7v% Wa's weak, dispirited and( d of again, Bradford, met wilt a`� sad fate the other our cough VI. That It joblill be lawful for �lbe Municipal
lespaire es Incipient consumption. Me the best4
Away domn in ull ice. bear all Who were present say thlut they, QuIck Rella�f, with—no Aft -or Uk,iLPIefts- enjoying her for night. Mr. Mapt a and his NO& w nt:to a Cure. Only�one cent a dos�. 25 ate, 60 eta. and U. Council of the Town of Seafortb to alipropriate
nier vigor aild health. For the
funeral leaving At -s. Bateman For Sale by 1. V. Fear, Seaforth. said sum of fifteen hundred dollars forilbe I
never saw a, largsr.crowd at a ale. Every antn 2 0 to Tho*e Who Use a whole year after her attack of pneumonia in cli rge of vurchase
;M and pUtting.in Position of a bell; for fha�orection of an
-thing went well, the implenien Ac ut five
in partie- Bout] Mdne� Cu
-bringing a good ficrure; cattle also sold last one day her husband' purchased a few Year an. in -at o about Consp�pation Cured. electric alarm system,and for thotpurehase of ad-
mv� 1 1 n- she continued to languigh inotbis state. At 'their two small I iMldren, 6 1
-ular Whilet, bat# so% axe suff9riers from kid- a old and the Aber %litional bpee for fire protection purposes for the
ne 'any respects womea are
welb notwithstan ling the scarAty of feed, ,%,etrouble, i in bloxes of Dr. Williams' �IiikTills. one year. Some time during the d Town of ;Seaforth.'
to �pe;�ullar eaknessoa and pains, be- He W e, hen B�e a GBNT.4,1 who In very poor health for over four
f and the hay at $16 alip"pre"d ie do id. it was Constipation. Not lit day bf Match, A.D., IM,
a ton. H. TO- 6awo of diaorga zatiott -of !the -kidoneya,' read of the in Bateman went o-utaid VIL This by-law to came into operation on the
Esq. fford, wa.%J au ctioneer,' au d Objection, Is; take , and rfirbtly, to men any curei wrlougbt by this F ally she as' -'Or s' VJ11.
ranee, 3 of C1 y woriderf u! medicine, buL pro ured them, be and. fell. vide U able to , rige- ears ' t sp 0 n, much c"h, I got three bottles That the votes of the cleetotra sb4ll be taken
Wil has elicitod Manycomplirpents on theway reahedies bsoause f the mdihod of U46, as again, and as the eldest C 3iia W86 - I too t regular.
P �Y_ You t 0 well " alter -u leasantriess. - says, for pis wife, in order t be able to say u mable to yt_"B1iu-trgd( U Blood Bitt rs and took I on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1896, commencing
This Is It ly. I can certify that I am now in the very b,-st of
in which he p rformed his drity.—The render assistance, afid the neai -esi neighbor at the hour of nine 6!cloek fn'the;�o g, an rom.
never the case w th the South American we have tried all,, ra er than from health and feel iery grateful to 13. B, B. thence continue until five o'clock in't a a
i Noinaa 1 12,
Patrons of this dil ision anX ol I No. I, are Kidney 40urew it gives -aaae to the patient strong faith in them. `6 lived about a mfle a -way t ie +1 , - , at the fdI!owI I
C_ I lease her ling. ALFRED TEROUX,
in six hoiurs and Ino annoying effects fol -
take ill -is store going to hold A nc oyster supper, at the Montreal, Que.
91, gera- band, Mrs. Hartwell wi [ling y consented to i� For North 7,rPd',W1l*ing sub -division No. 3, at R.
residence of . (,'ha?les Wrig it next Fj i- vatod a Ontire cure is �'Bffsotedd take the Pink Pills, anq gre, 6t was her sur- .0001—
Mr .1 low, for In'& short time even li @ wwaa- Cash's sjore. Goderich street ; for the East 'Ward,
day - n�ight. result in Wellington h w whom to h Ain. upstrengtbene the Lungs and Bing sub-divislon No. 2, at the Town Hall, and for
di'a k her himbai id, when, af ter'
ill otner . It I Is ne, U a So!u -for. the and that of Norway Vine Byt PO -di
cure# all Throat Troubles, Coughs, Colas, etc. the South Ward, polling sub mion 1". 3, ato. 0,
when out - put vintin Patrons h(re.�Some )f prictan Kidney our Te a rentedi. pta'lsieng three boxes she was able to take a, I ____ WillsoMi store, AlOn -street, And -that Edviard Cash
ki 'a �bladd only -not A � general Be C I a
our farmers are b lyi ig straw at $10 a, to I'
s;dendTo Mat'is au posed to -cure everythIng short ride without 661ing any 'fatigue. be Dep -Returning Officer for polling aub7divislon
TO FARMERS. No. I, iftm, Elliott be Deputi-Returntug Officer
which comes fron tie r Seaforbh.- Thete is f4h&t ends -by effeCtinir no ours. South Am- She wisely resolved to continue -the treat- 0. 2: and 8L
sbo Ing* certainly t( be a famine for feed, he efloan Sidney Ours do" Its particular work ment, aud'before long fband that she had Your Heldilth ciod 4W 1� it for P.011i6g sub -division N amuel StArk be
going Z4. 4 1 ty Is now afforded to f0m Deputy-IfeturniDg offic -d
NJ any-, are feeling he effects ku enly no W. regained her old time strength, and she de. An excellent opportuni No, S. I; er for p9lling sub. Melon.
-by 1.� V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson.
old ere with small eapitsl who desire to obtain improved
clared that she owes her recovery entirely' Worth fam.6, oi stock ranches, with Irription, buildings Ix. Ziat theAfayor of the said munfelpol corpor-
orth West ation sb*ll attendat the Council Room on Friday,
to Dr. Williams' Pink �Pills. Last winter and feneos. in the District of Alberts, W . the 17W,,:dsy of Jsnuary,,-A.D. IBM at 1he hour of
Rbya,� lComplars. TerritorlM on easy terms. The raising of homed 0
-Zl i � I MrB. Hartwell felt a - sliTht reeurreiiee of three o'clook-p.w.j for the f pointing
tj Ig Of n tro "IS 1; cattle, horm, abeep and pigs Is rapidly developing purpose 0 4V
The annual a& Bfflings,� poultry her former weakness, an agrain resorled tol 9 to attend at the various pollinUplaom afore -
the Royal Tb —Messrs. it In the District. The undersigned will furaiih infor- POrsOn
9, 1 OP- said and -final summoning up -of the vo roupective-
lars.of the county cf Huron district, wis fancier of St M Fs� secured one �.1st, and Pink Pills, since which- time she has not hadl m*Uon or answer enquirieta. Address
ly, on behalf of toons Interested in And prow4tiug
H. W. C. MEYER, Q.C., Calgary, N.W.T.
I at Kippen, n I nesday., Januar five 2ad pri)zes fo owls at the Neiv a day's illness.
.71heir f r,
'or OPP-0sly the riaw respectively.
'Tha theCerkof the municipal oorpmation
13%let ou prices 'Iat'he absence of: tie select counciflol-', Haniburg poultr show. Among these Dr. Williams' Pink I?ills have'a more pot- 1451 A
'oderlich - tbrough illness, the birds was one whi h scored 94 points. ent influence on the *blood and hall, t_�h ek
past- eo rge Penhale, took e —.Mr. James Avonton, �has
_qw� cvktie, of any other known medicine, and speedily fe- Are being offered for Sale. All
A D chair and 6110 the meeting to ord(r. been in poor healt I ( a
lately but is rebovering store the blood of health to pallid cheeks. cost you little to b tv th� but a - - t"e,
Dodd's Kidney PIN 0 ' ","04 on
, th,
I t
The aelegates and Visi�org numbering*, now. A inu Pink Pills cure when all other medicines e Vel V aipa twelve & up t) I ToE lr-�
in 4h
R Tom, of G nerves than
-,ouncillor, 6'
%he as no
by w
eik wd r thc
cc T Abe ithwe d
for zndV
mber of neighbors met: in his to r r Qrn
OLM P tween .1 a great deal 10
and I -ere asked to regis r- bush and cut abou '20 cords of wood for fail. Sold by all -dealers or sent by mai at the effects,
w Ma, e a'WL
are Qualities. their names, and �x 'r_ fc Passed, JaaUar
eeting proceeded him the oth6r d y4 This was a kind and 56 cent's a b�x or si $0, by ad. V 2 -
It m t! IS96. L
Comm t k
routine business. it ees were stru' nr'L'rhb I' act dressing the Dr. Williams' cine Com -
Medi So Don't Expeldim
Wjf. M.GRAY, Mayor
and arrangements were made. for th ir —Mr. Yobn �krtiiur, of Kintore, who has p�6ny,-Brockvllle,'Ont�rio, or Schenectady,
4111,01 meeting,.after. W ich th a dplegates repair ad been seriously ill for some thrie is slowly re- New York. Refuse ag substitutes alleged. bu.t buy the feal thog, �e ause W. ELLIOTT, C_erk�
4% Sealf
e palatial sidence of MeMord e, -covnring. � At time as good."-'
'M �111C :0_70 to th, on be was in a very to be "just NOTICE.'
Egq., where a grand din aer was - a lc�rved )y critical conditi and an operation !:bad to
V fifflu rUT?
the ladies of the ippen -- eon cil. The...
n be Ferformed. A doctor from Loin4on was —Amiddle-agdd w�mian named ''Mom''s The above is a true and eorrect vopy of a by-4aw
ternoo A session as -up with e cal ed. in for consultation. ALT "INDOO REM
taken" was arrested at St. Thomas last Mond�%y Weed by the �muvlclpal opunellof theTown of Set -
=Ing* DAY& 0muress rerth, on the twenty-seveath day of Janum
reading of report' 4nd discussion therecn. —Chicken thi have been ge fing in Shf� is charged with li�ving, on January 22
AerV`0 D"e"ec V 11no Iffemarr IM, tand all personsarb heraby required lotaki%
r p an. dirty wor i glee tly X601 -no desirous of apply-bir to tave
These ecommended the holding of o their k the neighbo ood of stolen tL pocket book at the London Grani pleme It,
A -R C IN mottoethat any o
- i .: , 1 4
quent visits of the diffev- kx'owrie, Hibbert tow hip, and many roosts Trunk Railway waiting- room from
meetings ;_ more frip VMW enollyno amd qui(myt ut surely r"toret I qwwhtdp vaust make
Mis . such by-bw or saygrttherea
"Aft`o4*rJrqm%ff. "i earrWinveat his application for 0 to the High Court,
ent councils ; reduction of capitulati6n tmc have, In one or twilb cases McDonald, whose home ii at Komoka, b
been thinned. a nal P, pick&&. 41z, Purim
three monft AfWr*h*Wb11"o1k
giving prizes for �ssays 6n -tempera-nee, mid larger game were carried oft, Arth�ar - Col- who is living at present. at St. Thomas. at Toronto via"
THEi 'SEAFORTIEL ar - of this imotioet once 4 week for three atioeessive weekft
but ton T
the resuscitation of suspended councils 'A quhoun, of Gowrie, hi6vin two gees stolen. pame contained a rail*ay ticket, 8:bout TAKE DIAMOND DINNER PI�I-S ilL the newspaperealled Tur HU-JIMN XXPOSJUVR� Or
R., -----
decrease of 114 �rhemtere was reportcd. V —John Otto, of So ith astho killed in eAwb, and baggage checks. On the ni �DYS`PePsiA. 2*6c. &20. It, we W1 n he will
be too late -to be heard In that bebslf.
CL61ING MAY Rev. W. H. Butt, of Cei itriLlia was; �leet�d three Che SOLD: by J. Vt Fear# S WIL ELLIOTT, -Cletk.
a they were of January 23, Mrs.' Morris i allege - . 1 0 d
ster. ite pigs, whe I id' C druggists else ire,
)Fhorses that are,
Aferely to,. feed
111011g,4. A horse
same as a rn an
totting up,
I U i r T-1 I L! r
oblood, stre ngth-
�e and pu s tha
hol(lincr his
�-_-,Vstem is", oned
drawn frolia the
.452,, MtDhitre
MM Rillu�t
toN EXPOSIT0110'
:IT PUT,. NNW, LI dtle�ate to thtal&and C�,uncil. he follow4
...... ing owd' for have presented the c4ecks tq;t. ti e 0 where she fell until Mr. M
S=t coun ele tJ-he current master at London, tellin 'h es returned
I A she !Q ut en o (
ALL I WD WAS JUST T AN illc�IN& abo t 4ock '91ho'ep Was found
AtOPR Alt D year cillor when
J. E. Tom, Gode 3hanged her mind ab
�'SCOTT .11 rih vice; councillor, Miss Af. tc � Xomoka, frozenatift. Everything
11 ly!,to
secretary, Re,..v. W.- R. -eturn the -;--Asevere shook of ea
and askin the co
trunks.- rthquake is report -
The W ly *eathcr He ie cdl o get a r'efun
en- 3 also'tr* on. ed to . have been felt in the township of
late a
hi g4 --%,e . Jr:
I nd tralia; -chaplain,- Willia Lewis� Ciediton �m.source of gra'atodigeomfoit., It's the uuusued tick Logan Cantley, Ottawa- district, a few days ago.
early Win- er finds t.h 'E. � A.!: Wai tless
r 3d to Varna; her4d, annoying to yo rself and disgust' a elue� On Sa ent to t. IThomas The inhabitants- -fled- from their homes in
stand the -change all e ing turdav
%r. Thif fact Is plai d,-Holijesvil Be] ds. I and seen latipn which r 0
T ing from 4�2 A
n1l r roved y the F. Piekar Itinel, William G® e,
d t Miss iLizzie Wanless,. Varna; guard, Aliss tc your fri red inforn es4lt6d in t6rr r,:to-find the bricks tambl
following opiniolis of �the arrest of the womin. 0 was their, chimneys and their homes rocking.
R -k Harris, Sodom ;,� Pali couacill r, George lf6st Omes dapdruff, scur�, or, broughb to the Carlini $tree 'lop.
-om Xpericlu . , - I t The The �ehbok lasted three minutes.. The peo-
U PiQnhalt. Exeter. � At he close o the after- Wtatles cause A,' an these, if ne� Purse -and money 1* - ec ov red, but, ple we e afraid to return to 'their homes,
felt I Lk noo ere
e a man-thf t could -co a �session, the ineeti ig ;ag4in )%djournedl leote'd,. produce 01 �ness. - By using !the prisoner stated th�b she night as best they could ng out every'thing
suidide. caujht k cc Id..)Yhile ( . for t a,� at the re ideno i -Mr. eMordle. 11 tl�e ticket' Be the cold We are cleari
a 1P of P
ng on d efore stock -taking. Only a, few -
am gmund, h. -wingesi of In the evening, a mo exe oncert y9 can th.e sTlP, in t e Open air. b
adA it elleitt.c' Fortunately no one was
rt L ne-w goods ar;-
elieve,tbe itchi g,j hu the falling bricks, but the -shock weeks more before
ouldn't d from he
may seem. awful mui ev R -eat a a was -given in. th hall by talent
Lr pains, ( ourish. the hair !�Tews Nct O'i
couldn't. s �ee, .' All I d,d w home and yi4ibi 9 coil ncilg. . Than were provedIvery severe to invalids who were rive and the room is wanted.
'as to m() 3e o6g, and ro -a'ce a vigor, s1kating or� e a� Brant-, confine their beds, and it is feared that
ar-oupd ax d tnake all I'l t1to li�u j� s tendered Mr. Al Mordie 'and tlxe Kippen ro, ous groft A hair-, ford, the other night,;
-miserab.le as"MYself SCott's Sarqa,�ar- -council foi the' . ind ind court( iotis 'treat, III Ala fell severalideaths will result.
and broke her leg. -Gotdon, a. young son
Tb us 61oh e
In me, a me, Ip e dP of Mr, James
illa, put, ric W life menb of th'
ele tes. d a bar- -Afr Jc 0. wid-
n all S e4E� 1, Fo - sale in Seafor J, S. Roberts. ilin -Pannell, is molliou -9c&-, f Sarnia township, met with a pecub-
thorgiighl, d in I use -pain 1� a CIA lea an,t iieeting in the inter- -i�as n
1, Alex lrAi - I — ower aged.70 years, -other iar-accident the other morf ing. was at
ancrer to me " lit, Toror . I tli�
str 4 to eat of_.Ltlie tem er nee, muse. He
-,V161aw, a mi-nin. prospect iday, to Mrs. Catharine Bi school Cole's Corners, and at recess the Dress Goods,
nine wonths old, th( bObviest one dressin S. T. Petitb, of I eirno "t E
f 4 s� o elegate boys ere pl Ing "- shinny Opera Flannels,
try 10 cenb.box- f Mist" Co*gb 4 , o ' tio.n" �s wa iching
'ess me t ation in ad ninet�,-four pounds, all rom the Ontario Beekee erg"
writing frc m Minden: E met e For thab ticklin sens our throat two hndred While ' he
EXTRA AGENT bottles &dtt's Sarsapri where b e. e game the ball, that was
eing u
SaturdaLy. * 11avo been 'A vaartyr o 96". The' ie irritaticn at once pounds.
Loven-. the smallest two hi�drcd and� sevelity lis in Obtawa promoting bil I - PC revent b 3ed for -puek struck hir� under the Flannels
y. will al ay t],
For sal Ithe manufacture and I ).f 'Cad-,tiltered chini E nd when his teeth caiiie.
rheumal�ism, and iadipstion'b - `h ru gi ts ad together Flannel�ttes
t d The Ky' Medi- -.Nki rs, George Die i[soi
"o' " I they B it big tongue and bit'the end of that oneys
-by 0 a�
- ,,,p, 4 cine C i4it , nee Miss Wood, P
exposi onge street: T rohto.
Scott S �a Y, 39 Y is de 1, and was I ur" in the Listowel -Mr. John Lee, concession Fast membei. o lea ving it hanging by a shied Moves,
rapddly cuing, me. d
cemet6ry, where he,. ther was buried a.' Zorra, has sold his firm, t') Air.
Stedentent to llaake.-
Nothin- has ever CD) Wittig. of skin,;' e severed pieces having 'to be Hosiery,
e ualled S months ago. i
Cott's Scho 1 R E)ports. few Be iiida her husbandshe It consisted of 57 acres, a id li: ed for 00- Undei*ear.
Sarsaparil a for buil e, s, sewe
ut tb yotell I WISTREOP.-The f6lowingis leaves a little aught �r five years old.. Her $3,500.
lie stand.
putting tle blood he Wful liculit' Ing 'of, the -pupils of the Winthrop,school for death has been expec,jed for s6me thne. --The, Lutheran church at B4d an has ex- MelYs Furnishings.
Vigorating th, bo A
Thoi L_' month of January;
tion and ft dy. the :GR TE tFL-COMF
but if ti .896 1. Fin t class, G; a call to Rev. Mr:. e
sands testify -to its -splendid effects . 'I Mor Al, Henderam, 'Q. Ale 01 Mich,
8 adden. DOU LCYLIO WITH RAWWAfISM. gan. He bag aeceptecal 6 e You cani;ot afford to stay away f
P aw I will be rom ur
his sale,
extreme -Weakness antl a,11 d bilit ft 2nd) 4. Ross, 1. 8, C. Dolmige. stor during the progress of t
'e 11al n [owe there before long. e
t no I tatio Juibr,125nd, AT. MoSpadden, 01. 13&ton, AT. A N oed Cithkoh 111valwas South ; -It is repo:�ted the Wa le Indians COCOA
diseases. On this acowu n S7.
of Scott's �o Id be atacdptO. -Po :BREAKFAST -SUPPER.
f yo Horn. Senor 2,ad, S. c8padden, � R. Allen, erloan RAGUMILS10 Cure. ave many huudfed cords of A to dis-. I i.
a a! tborovt i I
s 6bo. F. Aitche3on 'and J. Campbeill. Third Wil Pegg, No wobd Ont - 1,4011t ose the -ice is not very t) go. to owledge of the natural laws Don% delay if you want f 0brip bottle, otould Mali, of, as digestion and nutri-
&u gisl
class, V. Murdie, R, Grieve, P. Morrison walk, was near. Igonac to sell. In govern the operations of eo" new goods at
Xv d bled up with i rhibumsttk2h. I proo- Von, d by a care ful application of the fine roper- �runior 4t�, B. Grieve I
asp den, J. dured three bottlei o� South AmericAn -The 24-th annual meet g the Water- tide 0 well-selectec � Cozoa, Mr, Epps has provided for
Tudor. F th class, L. A] or ISOM' Mur. atto Cure frbih� W. RutherforA. loo County Teachers' Asioci 01 will be
o and i upper a delicately flavoured. bev-
die. it, of Norwoodi iand found it the WhIth may spvo us many heavy- doctors! billL
ir beei held in the Model school ., erl hn Thurs- e
No. 2 HAY. The fol' is Ito :eat acting �mOdlolne I ever; saw. It ly the, udicidus use of such articles of diet that
day and Friday, F 11
he month-- rat 1, dome gave - relief, ad the thre* ebruary 920t an a 21st. 1 tution in*ylbe gradually built up until strong
Ve PE 'A ow NeCosh Jefferv.
y re ort of"sobool secti )n 2) Hay, for -es Illetely ci�red me. I have had Anthony Shleftei, n Formosa, en I h 0 rb6ist every tendency to disease. Fluti.
1896i Names are in ordei of nQtho' a0hst nor ps- dr s of subtlemaladies are floating around
anuary, . 1.
_�p from rheumatim' sold -his 100�acre farm -to A Ir. at k Kiefer,
DIS RICT. MA' us ready
TERS. merit Fifth class, It. Chapman, T. E. dAft- for $4,000,, and then b6ii bt &r.1 Bernard 4ok wheitever there is a weak point. We -ms CARXIOHAEL. BLOOK, 04th
es niiiiny a fatal shaft by keeping 6ursel
osi. Fourth class, J. W. o4d, A. J. Sold by LI V. Fear an latimsden Wilson. Zuber's farm of 170 acres, i to Ill d Vth ves werl
n, r to re blood aid &properly nourished ---
Se i 'Brien, ervi
T4E Todil Nellie Gould. Se or 3rd, E. 0 �;a#,ek, fo fir Tye ABY -L" That M118t)BIEnforced. W. ii. Warren, 'Carrie 4ould. - Jitnior 3rd, —According to goes p in.8t. Petersburg, R200.- ng a 0�a ce Gazette.
—Distemper is ragi .01 e simply with. boiling wat4i or milk. Bold
t1i �: hors on n packets, by Grocers, labelled thus -
DrDAR Bk_ioiToR.---�-At th4 late- mauicipal Ethel Norbhcott, Johnston J. R. the
election, 'iftLM Ellip or and Em ress of Russia are C16- in the.localiby of Hartney, Ma, !Ito BysisLawi Nibs 26
S EPPS & CO., LTD.. HovicaoiPATato CBm
eKillop, a asidembile mc- NAcirthoott. � Second clai a, J. H. (�ould, W. ths lighted b their firs child in a girl. It -is iaid thatthe disease is bi4tig ts worst LoN-DoX, ENGLAND.
Gloth a n jority'of those who ve!;ed ve expressio 'r a 1452
i- E. O'Brien Luella Alun i. Part 2nd, R. F. said that upou ObeiInVg OF THE
ongratulated by one I)hases, and the want of a ve r 8ry sur -
to their desire to baVe.all kind of stoe"k pr eon is severely felt.-
Northeott,"T. Viann Magg
ie 19utheiby. of the Court Chamberl ins, the Czar said'- os st is the old Scotch name for a cough. The Town of Seaforth.
running at large on the publi Part Ist, Cpr4 Mann, Willie G�uld, Ro The Czarina and I a e rejoiced. t' e, ar., I f orberry, 'En)r1lihn4meforthe beit cure for coughs is Dr.
hibited fro y a o have a —Mr. George Hop
roads of th township. This is a, move'i: I Todd.. The. beat apel rs in the monthly da The child is ours, and ours only ; I lanitobi, acted as official um� ire for the, W�o& a Norway Pine Syrup.
the-- right direetion, for m 9 AY -LAW TO RAISt BY IVAY OP
we had a,son he itould have belonged
s..determined i o sell"every any reasons, k spelling 4istrict curling matches tetwqm I ortage,
]1114elies were:.Fifth cIW R, F. had
Ifew of whict we.will advance. Any on CliapAian ; 4th class, FlorlL LOAN, THE SUM OF FIFTE114.11.1 er
en a few miles on any of on -senior 3rd, W. H. Warran ; junior 3rd, H. United states Pos,office Inspect -or, W. lih Carberry recently.
who has drh 1�orthcobt; Ao 41 Ru�s a. 10randon and 6arberry, which Played After La Grippe, AUND.RP'D DOLL.
Erls-Grippe obstinate couglisjung tronbleetc.,
concessions on a su
ninfer evening, k --now F. Johnston ; 2nd, W. E. O'Brien ; part T. Fletcher, has just c mplet6d 'an inspec- —Mr. G. D. Wilson, tho la pri ci- fre ue ntly follqw. There Is no remedy so prompt, PURPOSE HERE"INAFTER MEAN -
P0 n
bee ri to-. pul 11 *2nd, 20aggi t the same time effectual'and pleasant. as Slit-
unplea ant it has
e Sutherby It Willie tion eorgetown,lndiana
how part ],a an a TIMED.
of the postoffice a p�) of the Brandon CentiAl Be ol, I iad the burn's Cod Llver�011 Emulsion with Wild Cherry and
Id. and put t o office in ne hands. This is a misfortune to have his jaw b ke while ITypophosphites, which is the latest nd best cam- Whe. itisnecasaryand desirable for firero-
sheep�and laimbs lying on the
OVFR 60AT short, of tiines, rather �han ruin ove Goli sumptive remedies. Prices 50d. tection Ourro3es to purchase and put in position a
raiddIe of the No. 6, Suti,jmx.—Th, followi,��.;g is the village of 00 inliabitW ts. The postoffice Practising at lian of anti -eon
a game of'ho
ey (one day
an 1,00 per bottle. bell, eir�ct an electric a
01 larm system and purchase ad- road, Again, it is almost mpo-5sible f report of seb�ol section No, 6, , t Ohen, for r more t.] a quartet of a century has 7ecently. ditionallhose for the Of Seator-th ost mot
9 fo
at a
P any of our youn eople nao have suffi. the month , of i -January : Fifth I Adeline be at the
en admii i stered by the Motweller fitmily, —Mr. . D. J. AePhaili: a ell exceed1bg in the Aggreote the sum of fifteen bun -
a and courage to- ri de a wbeel, to Ratz,,Lizzie Aa, Thomas,DinneyJ Fourth father a' Jntario Agricultural College, h big
cient brain' i :1 The Plain Truth Tells. dred dollaea and t6 ratie the said sum, it will be �.nec.
ad daughter. The father died fifteen
take a spin. on the' conve 868SKy f� issue debentures as hereinatt'
ir favorit yance, class J b M ttleboltz, years ago, - The A OW t1pation, Headache,BiliousT, e, -s and Bad Blood er mentioned-
T�as Dacoln)� Raz, Barbitia aughter; Miss Louis& et severely eat. while,� chbl
In th House, I the ar py )mptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, wbich Andpebereas It will require
'n the sum of seventy -&.e
owing to a blockade of the roads by hordes Tho Senior 3rd, Jane,McCarm, Alotweller, now BiXty �,qara old, has been in �uab. The axe glanced &'ad �st rue his -act ul on
fo.. the
dollars be raised ampually by specill late
the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, r
of cattle, A eep and hogs, 61rned out- by Jacob Finkbeiner, 'Mary McDonald. Ju charge ever since. Insp�ctor Fletche�-fciund �oot,- one of the arteries b it, g e The ou ng 411 theivdise3ses. terest as herdnafter nietiMoned.
mor payme -of in
thee owners in the spring 0. wander to 3rd, laggie *.�arry, Clara Ratz And- boreasitwill require the sum of tbrty-I
It niel Me�� the floot"of1he office cov ty lve
fro- in pl;
fi ve feet deep ?atient is getting along.-nicel ollars 4iod thir _sevetf eents- U be raised
and toes set apart for - travel and' Isaac. econq class, !Barbara Wit er, Simon with mail.i It 'requireig-, two days' hard —George Thorndyke, . a baT of r anuilall I
fir ei Cbap�ed Hands and Lips..cracked shin,sores, cuts -V
forucithingelse. Wem'otice.�furbher, no na McCann. T'art 2nd, ork to Sol It ath- ' Iate for the payment of.the said debt as
that' Alittleholtz", TI woUndd. and bruises are promptly cured by Victoria' bypecv-
these wayside J # it out. -Vorty caAloads of oy, h4s been arreited. on a cl rg� f big Catbo ib Salve. inafter mentidned.
herds, like- all tramps andW. Shrad( r, III& Wa
Allie H rding. Part' newspaper ome d back to 1876, were my.
a it is allege,4 that he rrie: . Miss hiereas the amount of the -whole ratable
vagrants, arte bold, an(i watchful' for weak Ist, Alice i&lc\ �Iiihn ner, du
prope of the corporation, irrespeotive
Laura F" kbei N1 agers could pick ottie. McWilliams, of Linda& , oil May
mped out Nvbere-tbe of any; in -
places.' on' th� ioadiide, and -will crowd Willie Bert. T come in the nature of toile, interest, dividends, tents
out.their ov,n mail, Ov r 4,000 undelivered ;Otb, 1894, and with
in- &� year WarriE I MiSS
WE DO IT THIS -'WAY E- theinSeLiVeS through and have an occasional LEA Beyond Dispute.. orlees 0ouit the said roperty and Men Irrespective
That isr.ob6tter,sa-feror more pleasant cough Of-a"Y i4come
following is the r1aport letters All broken a als theny Aay Jobilston, of trthro Tb
to be i erived from,the Unnporary in -
feast, and' whil`e their :d,%vners have'bee' d. mlade than ITaKyard's Netoral Balsam. It vestmeto of the sinki
n of the pupil§ 10if sell ol-sectioa No, McKil- postmarked tw ty year ago, were deliv- aves e remed, fund or any part thereof
of the Linda ta,4rigret1ha an
benefited by these raids, somebody has been 11-y oarsepeas, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, ording othelast revised aesessmenh roll for the
lop, for the 14citthlicif January, �based on ered. im A,11 tweller lived in the �game )roceedings. Brocl Itis and all Throat and lung- troubles. sw 'tbe Xear one thousand
oration, being for
.All $7.50 0V:e1CqatS for q, P,
Q�-90 wantonly plujidered. It has also been no- regul rit de . eano and efficien
Y, of the house of two rooms, and had for her coni- —The Ottawa Car Qomp&�6 indreased eight h1indred and ninety-fiv, is the sumof
ten cats. Thirfi:y-thtee pounds of ts capital by fifty per cept., i i WL h
rit6,, re-' pupils: Fou'rt elas Caroline Die el LIZZie, paritions undrecl and forty-one thousandthrob hundred -and
,5.00 ticed that f6rouad churches is 6 favoi
All 8.00 laterqats for ha, P1 oposes eaiuesg, Debilify, Paleness, Anatemla, et
sort for roa(bide herds. Th6r crowd Sabo Drager, Mary .7aw eni,or 3,d, Isaralv copper ce a, lwhidh, "with silver coin, 0 make wagons,,oecarriagea d other cured y Milburn's Beef, Ironapd Wine. a., are twenty-tilir6ilollars, and , tereas the easting de -
yards, take pos benture debt vf the said corporation is as follows
Adl 9.00 over ats fdr 6.00 'the ses3ion of the sheds, 7and J. Ricknell, Mary A fe G'eorg Hemma, amounted t $I.K were found in the office ehicles. ieir estimated on, ip farm -
Six th*e4nd dollars borrowed, utder the 4utborlty
coming sumt �er is *'Sltffi Diseases. of B31 -LI , �w NO.
almost dro%in the ministeys'. -voices with Maigie Bell, evi e, Carolinta� +rs' wagons during 8 A, of the said Town ct Seafot� and
their -u interes4fthereon at the rate of seven per cent.,
proar, � w ile roun (I the 6b u r6h steps, e, R. cKo ior V Mary' Mo hundrei 1, which re t be io 6 under skin. liseases are moreer'legs occasioned by bad able .4DI jw3
a*here wom en and children - walk 'anil eon- "aog'le, George B(ane ILL N G UNTO 'DEATH. hvlt yearly fiont the first day
Haegn 0 Dieuel
4m. Am. �,.kre- L he Snowbal patent.1- blood. )1B.B. cures the following Sicin Dseases: 169-5, aR11 eleven thousand dollarg borrowed ujldejr
9, Erysipe
lag, ItI.
gregat . e, is made unclean and disatis�incr by' 3,C11a Wager, bavi� QN1 - 6, Eggert, —Blandfcrd township farmar' hav ahing Rawhes, Salt Itheum the autl prity of By -Law. No, B A,,of the said Town of
i 0 , e beetk Shl" I
them. In conclusion, we hope ouri counc, Scald Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, bi Seaforti-c' and interest thereon si the rate 61 six
il, Katie R�ekj 17iolel 1,I. Irvine, Archy Ale- THE EXPERIENCE OF A LADY WELL aaking large sales --of t t ;i1s I I
in the which they intend I to pass, K D4d elms, urnips inter. r-emo impurities from the blood from a cam- cent. er
ay, CarolinE Pus �elberg. eci 3uyers say that the quality gi .04 Vn I"L that �Qon i a to the worst Scrofulous Sofe. p6r aunum, payable halt ytarly from 1phe
%vill make the penalty sever H KN)WN IN CCATICOOK. fifteenth day of October, A.D., 1995, -also tbouir-
e, ana.in this enry Diegel, Fred Aaegue, Robert 'Roul-: ;ection is superipr to anythiarr ! the- have
and five hundred dollars borrowed under the autlior�-i
We always ma�yl, goods in manner appl�. the la3h to �nY W1101 - actuat- den, H. BaueLitiann lAnnie Kiehnie, ninia' iN. crop being
ed by I wer handled. The price ai r i etadard of excellence. ity -of By -Law No. I1:A of the Townr Sexforth for
motives of- greed, may be tempted to Iplain figures, yplu can see, Eggert, LouiS4 Hen- ma, Edniund. Pell, W. Stricken'With La(frippe, Follow- ,00d, some farmers sold out their ! entire &16the'r x, recommend it. Childrecry-forit. Wors IE86 and Interest tberton Atthe vite of fk�,e per cent.
ard anti set -the law at etefia�ace, hen M cKay, Ida disreg 5y fron .1 per Allinqw, payable half yt rly trom tie Arst-Aly 4A
-Part 2adj Tommy ed i. She Langu- itoc;k, clai4ng that o" ereclieape
by Pneumom ats w food.
e I
t 4 . y
k Bd
efo f y
'111 al ay
rugg i ts
e by d g
omp y 39 y
�Cho "evil
Wil on
I a's
the grass presents itself in the ea'rlv surp- Al cK ��nnewie§, MryDiegel, ished. For, More Than a Year— There Nyere 42 tenders fo t e- b ildmi Obstinate Coughs.- rowed utdertheutbority of BY -Law No. '2 of the
what the price was.,. NO!, ay, Hen y B becemblir, A.D.,1895. alfo four tholieand di�ll
I I 9
-mer,- and by so doing ba've' this miserable Harry Bauer�Zann,j - Rachel Wiesenberg, Dr. Williams' Pil: k Pills Sved ad twelve for the stearn TownofiSeatorth fur IS87 and hiteresi thereon AM
'_hvi,mbua noi no-ijaense ie ing� Of the 'Obstinate Coughs yield to the-krateful soothing
nuisance -,reinni-tiad. Thanking you, Air.
(�ertie Hickne'L Fxat clas!, atte'ndance, 8. Her Wien Other gedicines Had n H6use of'Refuge. Tbe blo"- ten- from the'firat day of No q1y
r ambto' action �f Norway Fine Syrup. 'The racking, Vero' rate of bvet per cent.. per annum, payable halt ya
or your v ent couirh of consumptives is quickly relieved by vember, A.D., Is95. and also
about it, just lai a iacis. Editor,- f alaable space, I am, No. 9, HA Y. !ollowing is ihe eporb--- Failed [er of Macbeth- Brothers, of IS 1 brA �y, for. isix tbousaud dollars -borrowed under the authoritypt
;his unrivalled throat -and lung remedy. Price 25c,
Yours respectfully, of union Bch ad 17roin IZ1j.,toile de PEst, baticook, Que. 1 he buildind, $10,965 tha A Er. W. By -Law No. S for IM und Interest thereon the
If you W. aut overcoat and knd 60c
., J. Staulpy, for t te ihOnth'of Janh'ry. The The town of. Averill Vt., Barrie, of Sarnia, for the degim. hi ON rate U five per cent. perAnnum, payable halt yearly
are r o i situated from the first d of July, A'.D.,, 1895, andtwethous.
4CHMLOP, February 3rd,1896. names , �1 f I is
have in orde merit F1'fth class,
and -bee�n thinking I - about eight miles from oa�ticook J 406 were the lowest ani I �lle count
3 1 1 0 anunve unu
3 Lan ourrowe
in, Thompion, I)Iabel Caplingi Fourth f Afre. da Hartwell who t; As-acure for,FrostBItes Chilblains,Burnaan
rr. I d unJer thi64uthor-
you would wait until ne-x't rid is the home of 1fre. ouncil committke will so tep(r iti of BYi-law Xd� 8 for 1891, and interest thereon �Ivt
A VIETERAN 4DF TRFE 'CRFEf -WARR class, Peter D�uglas, d the rate of live per cent. per annurn, I payable ypArl
80,000,OOG Stisie Sway�ie, Clara has many rf latives and n merous friends in -:-The Kincardine council taO fix(d the 3caldF, Chafing, Chapped fr-Zds, Itiffained Breasts
3pralins, Wounds, - Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow oil is Oc6ber A.D i895, Slid fiIso
aior Mero, Bella the latter jp�ace. Mrs. icense fee for tra b D rom
season for our This is - Thompso 8 3rd, Arthur 1 f th@ 20th day of
C 1 - - artivell has passed nsient trade. -a, 1 Nv stay
uped of Flutterina of the. Houirt and
'ihe most reliable remedy on the market. tbrep. thousand Ave hundred 61lars."borrowed under
$ 1,200,00a Thom�;En:.Ii nry li�lijlioffer.- Junior 3rd, through an experience hich L'.E4 toile de la a $100. the authority of Hy-TAw No. 25
�or few months in the I pe,
your cliande,bep:ause every Smotherinar l0valis by Dip B, 61 the Town of
Acnsw'fili Bertha Qdigl , Allin Esler, kj'�Iith, Cap- PE'st thinks worthy of gi Ing the wid Aerry-go-rounds will be eharged!$35 or one thereoti at the rateof five er
Cure for y Seaforth, and interest
the i Hear't-lt �Always Re- eat -Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Mattanooga, Tenn., says: cent. per amnu
over and "Ito M, p the 20th Jay
coat isnelit stvle ling. �Lenior 12nd, Robert Agnew, Ah n publicity, as many other may derive much lay, and $1$ Per day for a nut it- or a days yearly from
11411vew In 30 Mhiutes, and Thus Saves Sbiloh's Vitalizar SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
Ediahoffer Jacob -ennel. Junior -.2ad April, A, D.,, 1895. and also fourteen tboutand dollars
all this seas �s i-nake. benefit therafrom. Mrs. Hartwell has ever eas than a week, and longer t ia a,%I,eek at t the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever borrowed under the autboriky of By -Law No. 8, of
Thousands ofIlLives. Alvin Nic�ols�n, Le -. Beekler. L S�nior�,part been considered a wom '75 per day.. ised For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it all
4 discou6ed, D-rafta enjoying a healthy
11. M an, member'of �the 00 2nd, Louisa Sherri, Job Esl�r Percy xcels.6 Price, 75 cts. Sold by 1. V. Fear, Seatorth at the rate of Eve per cent. per annum, payable
theT-6w_uof8eaforth-,1or1N2, d Interest thereon
What we un. ettake we do A. JR., Pa,�, constitutior until about wo years RgO,wben -Wm. T aylor, who 'was ki edl by a
lip or =,1rom the first day of Tauuiry, A.D lEury and
al citleR-in Ill have I
�indq)r. He
well will ein- the Heart,. hive btsen ont1r6ly cured- cinity,- stricken with in enza, or, as it is ad sued the suIstained lnterest.,,
I Qf Dr. -Airnewla* Oure for t Baker,. she was, lihe bundredLLB f others in this vi-- lorge, died the other night. at n t
Mo in arrears either for prin�iili or
uda, &c� ThiaL used two b o Ke�,s, Jdnio, parl 2nd, Robe�
sa a Willie Alero. Part Ist Ella D, rrit city for dama You DonA Have to Swear Off
p fluttoking I o I I She. 76
alpitation 0 the heArt Christian ErbJ Arth ir Edigboffer. i ents niore generally t g imo�iy kvs the St. Louf And whereas it Is made necessary to appoint the
phasize that fact. Par . )y falling into a trench � an d Li 1'i : tel
d Smath6rink" polls. I took 10 bottle$ 'me agrippe, a disease a Journal of Agneulture In an
are recl ties cbildr -re and plaw for taldng of the votes the �uly qual'
it ates of interest 4reaperilla, b t it filled in any *ay -L to ted. to sen I their regular- whicli 6arried to man eople in this town was being taken at his bedside, 'en 'he ditorial about No -To Bac, the fameus tobieco habit tin
the Value Of ure, " We know of manv cases cured by No -To -Bac, fied electors, and for appointing Dtpnty Returning
eve me. not think ly, and to seelthat ioniework re. eives due and vicinity, -and in the� case of numerous iank so rapidly -that the exalinnat in was Offl
no,'.& prominent St. L&n's architect, smoked and cars Jo t%ke the vat" of the said :electotg at the
�f :Alay trid _Novem- the Heart Cure n be estimated. It hae attentio�.
others left behind wr4 ed constitutions liscontinued. He leaves a and hewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so meeting
Wiought iuch change in iny co dition
%bat.1 faiM like 116W. m*WL As often happens, pneumonia' followed the even -children. at even the smell of tobacco makes him tick." No. Be It t erefore enacted by tbo Municipil Council
wo of Seaforth.
How you d� cou I Now- is the time
ial. Pap -Bac sold and guaranteed no cure, no pay Book
1r and- Far, -Scild by L 17". Fe and Lunisden & Wilson first -symptoms of la grip -Thevaluable and well dultur I
pe, and Mrs. Hart -
to t D L �iolett?a Syrup of T rpentine. ree. Siarling Wentedy Co., 374 St. Paul St. Man That It aball. be lawful for the Mayor of the
ry well was si(k, nicrh unt death. The best icre farm,, belonging to the eat aie of he late said comoration to raise by wAy of l0aT1 11170111 =y
op morp] da, no chloroform, and rhomas Hall, and for several 3 ears 0 6cupied. person
No ium, no real. persous. body poy bodws, torpor -ate, who
1ARIS. 1-Yanager. 0 0 Ijakelet. consequently o drowsiness, your head will Sold by 1. V. Fear, Drug -gist, Seaforth. may bemilling to advancethe same up
gMv;r Brothers, was sold a days prithe credit.
(Too late for laA.-week.) be clettr, you ill be fit for. busluess, you to meow of the debentures, hereafter mentioned, a 'sum of
r. George Easton 'sot of 'R Thos. Money not exceeding in tbeaggrepte the sum -of
will be cured KARVS CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purifier
NOTE",. -Mr. D almac�e our popular reeve Easton, who resides near the' tol�gate.at lifteen hundred -dollars,
A he Compl Ion and
gives Irealmess and clearneEs tot ex
ended the cot nty council, at Godericl Oil the purchwe price ures Constipat is., $1,00. A
It That it shall be lawful for the Ma
Ayr. 16 is under4to . y4y ;to cause
Nol Re For John � - t- -T- , . ber of debentures to lie made -for such sumil
last --Drs $9,000. The farm in �quaition is ion, 25 cts., 60 c For sale any num
was about
Men Caps att' *Veek, retu -ning 6n Saturday. 1. V. Fear, Seaforth.
land, th�e situated near Washington. in � B.enheim. Ared dollars each and not exceeding iri the -aggregate
In it -vr, I& PUD th! north of Scq of money so may bw rtquired not Ion than one hun.
v Geraves, Ferguson and Wilson, of Mildmay
an4 Tuck, of Cor -ie, perfortned a difficull sh minis er, T t* farn); servant -was va ue Tbe� illwe of Bearnsville furnishes quite a wonder esumo 0 are d that the said
C pari his flock owns ip, anc a ew years age n n re
"Wir I who was, I er rf Ing a the follow- debentutes a an be sealed with tba seal of the said
rices Were 50C 75' and �ion on -Richard AlcKinney, son o at $16,000. ul ease : 31r, Jacob Fisher, of that place, now em
eon ers T
wtion -.Aiisued 1. I.Y Aoyed at Niagara Falls, N. Y., suffered Irom rbeum. corp
ing eon oration and signed by the 3fayor And the Tr"z-
L L-111
Mr. Jeremiah AlcRinney,. an Friday aft -or -Mr. James Carmichael ArvE Al id- ti :scrofula and blood disorder for a long time, urer the7reof.
-Well, Jol�n; afi4 how are things doinz
noon. The!young mwi is. in a very critica ty, had 9, narrow III, That saiddebentures shall beat Interest At
rn U dlesex Coun e4caf from )ut was cempletely aud.permanently cured by Byek-
n a -%veel."
e with you _u are keeping in death recent He nan's Kootenay Cure, as the following ill i8how
-C Heeb ke effect.
ct- C> e, foys conditio ', -nd it is f %red he wjll not ge and after the rate of five per cent. per wanum, r*M
your ch, over it. The ape Sir cl work I bae tae dae be g suffocated to
0 1 __�i a h r -'the-.
eial meetings, which '-wer was prepsring food for swine in an o th4use Ay mentioned for this by-law to U -
nap. rest f mor , tae nichb; ork an' Testimony under Oath. which interest shall be pay -able annually ontlie Arst
-h e re'foe two we ta roit )r� IV built for the purp(se, when the - sn )ko be- 3lichael H. Dwyer, well-known in Hamilton, tells a day of March in each Slid emery year It LtbO 0111ift 431
lite's peace for me.*'
held in the churai li eks t
�aj Cl� minated on lFriaity. The meetiti ' , work, au',nae a I'll," came so intense tb ELt he barelyes a j ith tory that reaft like a miracle. He sufforod untold theTrewturer,0fibegaidUtinici ity;stthelowo
wer Pap tpX1
mu( Well John _� must all do our share. rmer
fairli, well attend�d, and resulted i�� C his life. Two doc �ors were summon E d� and alin and was told that only removal to a wa of Seaforth-
in the w*�k tl�is 61r1d.- Remember, it is liniate could benefit him, but- Kootenay Cure did Wr Tbatt,)ies�iddiebentartasballbe made
m Pay -
RE n
good being "011e. —,ZL ioad'of the br'ebhren f succeeded in bringing the pro4rat,_ ina hat the doctors could not do, and now be is well, I able at.the explystiob of twenty years from the date
0 Wroxeter court, anadian Order of Fore - only the 'Fire arati�ii for a better world,
'ill L be no
where U eere more work to be back to his normal condition. Ill be
6 volubteers a fitatatory declaration which wi mentioned for this by-lmv to to "- effect and shall
One of the number " w rites is i fol- have a*ched to them coupons f)r the paymettof
ters, drove to our burg on Friday , night, rwaided byaddressin
s. Sb 914cluvANx,, if. P., Hamilton.
,r neeting of coqrt, Lakele Al) e n -
C -2- and attended the i LE �0 RIM AVIT41017T F.ITMI VE. lows to the lbdmb er -Herald U
Weel, siq I ill 13!ae sure that there will V. T4atfor the purpose of forminz a sinking fund
583. The' NNrox ter brethren oave us niarried ladies of omber wish the un
9 for the payment of the said debentures an equal
n recta;rding 0 tb e w naetlling Ifor me to dae- in the ither of medical aid was suillino), ed, and' Mrs.
0 be "I, h - men to clear the a iow and ice Ctff annual' -sum. of fort five dollars andt-hirty-seven
0% valuable inform tio world. 1� told John, clean the sun Hartwell was savid ficim � at seemed to t e side Completely Knocked Out.
eVer-yLmember We have was bentfi rIl hb. canto, siall in addition to all other rates be rawd,
0 01 5walkinfrontof tie Methodist'chW6 for I wassomuchrun down Ibad to giveupwnrks
&lid e 'John, 11�,ng light her friends immifient, death, but when eon- d . I felt as If, lite was not worth livinir,"' writ, a W L m:. levitil aird collected by specitlzate upo a rate�
'01 ISTA KS Wroxeter b ethren are : gentlemen. 1c f oot �Ile moon;' I John, valescence came she remainp this year. This � s one yeat out ( f I four
The -nalith
able prciperty in'the Bald corporation during the cur -
I've nae doubt they'll ad de�rived of "I took Scott's Sar
er, ai v re the stars;'; d tbe7 W101 L� Thompson,'75epbyr, Ont,
the first wat i if they we not well, an' so on her appetite, extremely weak and in eon- given to the wom n an A like parilla and om now feeling as I did years -ago-0 rency of the said deberitura or any of them and for
always find a( 0 L The puriose of pqing the interest :of the s'Zd de-
nieth�rng Ior me to *.dae, un�
ment. Stan relapse, and all-Iler physi- cc, as t. ey will not hive another arilla tones up
CD -0s. X tVs Sarsad 'the efitire system, Pu- bentureii the sum of sevooty4ive dollarashall In :ad-
used,we did not reciprocate.th�e compli t danger of a some chan
0 luck nian that I a !"—Pearsoi NTeekly.
CD —There ft -re ma'n1. sick peo�le in our eom- y -ins-could do they could n' for seven years." as the blood, and eradicates rheumitic and scrof,� diti,, t�d all other rates, be raised, leviedand collect-
ei, bt bring about
—AT ouspoisons. Ask for Scott's aod gebit.
11 some of them nearitig health. Numerous rs. Thomas Batenian� an eld eyiwb- ed fromall the ratableproper vt the s co
inanity at pres a her former condition of r -
E WEA Mr.Rivers' ale, on' Wed- man, who lived with George A10,pe a of
thd d. - -'-Nf r. 'Rivers' ation during the ourreoc Of said debentall or
U14D border I&n VIERY �ELP UL TO LADIES. medicines were ti
0 -ivd, but to no avail ; she -SHILOWS CURE to sold an a guarantee. It SAY of them. I
nesday last,, was a decided success. N7v% Wa's weak, dispirited and( d of again, Bradford, met wilt a`� sad fate the other our cough VI. That It joblill be lawful for �lbe Municipal
lespaire es Incipient consumption. Me the best4
Away domn in ull ice. bear all Who were present say thlut they, QuIck Rella�f, with—no Aft -or Uk,iLPIefts- enjoying her for night. Mr. Mapt a and his NO& w nt:to a Cure. Only�one cent a dos�. 25 ate, 60 eta. and U. Council of the Town of Seafortb to alipropriate
nier vigor aild health. For the
funeral leaving At -s. Bateman For Sale by 1. V. Fear, Seaforth. said sum of fifteen hundred dollars forilbe I
never saw a, largsr.crowd at a ale. Every antn 2 0 to Tho*e Who Use a whole year after her attack of pneumonia in cli rge of vurchase
;M and pUtting.in Position of a bell; for fha�orection of an
-thing went well, the implenien Ac ut five
in partie- Bout] Mdne� Cu
-bringing a good ficrure; cattle also sold last one day her husband' purchased a few Year an. in -at o about Consp�pation Cured. electric alarm system,and for thotpurehase of ad-
mv� 1 1 n- she continued to languigh inotbis state. At 'their two small I iMldren, 6 1
-ular Whilet, bat# so% axe suff9riers from kid- a old and the Aber %litional bpee for fire protection purposes for the
ne 'any respects womea are
welb notwithstan ling the scarAty of feed, ,%,etrouble, i in bloxes of Dr. Williams' �IiikTills. one year. Some time during the d Town of ;Seaforth.'
to �pe;�ullar eaknessoa and pains, be- He W e, hen B�e a GBNT.4,1 who In very poor health for over four
f and the hay at $16 alip"pre"d ie do id. it was Constipation. Not lit day bf Match, A.D., IM,
a ton. H. TO- 6awo of diaorga zatiott -of !the -kidoneya,' read of the in Bateman went o-utaid VIL This by-law to came into operation on the
Esq. fford, wa.%J au ctioneer,' au d Objection, Is; take , and rfirbtly, to men any curei wrlougbt by this F ally she as' -'Or s' VJ11.
ranee, 3 of C1 y woriderf u! medicine, buL pro ured them, be and. fell. vide U able to , rige- ears ' t sp 0 n, much c"h, I got three bottles That the votes of the cleetotra sb4ll be taken
Wil has elicitod Manycomplirpents on theway reahedies bsoause f the mdihod of U46, as again, and as the eldest C 3iia W86 - I too t regular.
P �Y_ You t 0 well " alter -u leasantriess. - says, for pis wife, in order t be able to say u mable to yt_"B1iu-trgd( U Blood Bitt rs and took I on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1896, commencing
This Is It ly. I can certify that I am now in the very b,-st of
in which he p rformed his drity.—The render assistance, afid the neai -esi neighbor at the hour of nine 6!cloek fn'the;�o g, an rom.
never the case w th the South American we have tried all,, ra er than from health and feel iery grateful to 13. B, B. thence continue until five o'clock in't a a
i Noinaa 1 12,
Patrons of this dil ision anX ol I No. I, are Kidney 40urew it gives -aaae to the patient strong faith in them. `6 lived about a mfle a -way t ie +1 , - , at the fdI!owI I
C_ I lease her ling. ALFRED TEROUX,
in six hoiurs and Ino annoying effects fol -
take ill -is store going to hold A nc oyster supper, at the Montreal, Que.
91, gera- band, Mrs. Hartwell wi [ling y consented to i� For North 7,rPd',W1l*ing sub -division No. 3, at R.
residence of . (,'ha?les Wrig it next Fj i- vatod a Ontire cure is �'Bffsotedd take the Pink Pills, anq gre, 6t was her sur- .0001—
Mr .1 low, for In'& short time even li @ wwaa- Cash's sjore. Goderich street ; for the East 'Ward,
day - n�ight. result in Wellington h w whom to h Ain. upstrengtbene the Lungs and Bing sub-divislon No. 2, at the Town Hall, and for
di'a k her himbai id, when, af ter'
ill otner . It I Is ne, U a So!u -for. the and that of Norway Vine Byt PO -di
cure# all Throat Troubles, Coughs, Colas, etc. the South Ward, polling sub mion 1". 3, ato. 0,
when out - put vintin Patrons h(re.�Some )f prictan Kidney our Te a rentedi. pta'lsieng three boxes she was able to take a, I ____ WillsoMi store, AlOn -street, And -that Edviard Cash
ki 'a �bladd only -not A � general Be C I a
our farmers are b lyi ig straw at $10 a, to I'
s;dendTo Mat'is au posed to -cure everythIng short ride without 661ing any 'fatigue. be Dep -Returning Officer for polling aub7divislon
TO FARMERS. No. I, iftm, Elliott be Deputi-Returntug Officer
which comes fron tie r Seaforbh.- Thete is f4h&t ends -by effeCtinir no ours. South Am- She wisely resolved to continue -the treat- 0. 2: and 8L
sbo Ing* certainly t( be a famine for feed, he efloan Sidney Ours do" Its particular work ment, aud'before long fband that she had Your Heldilth ciod 4W 1� it for P.011i6g sub -division N amuel StArk be
going Z4. 4 1 ty Is now afforded to f0m Deputy-IfeturniDg offic -d
NJ any-, are feeling he effects ku enly no W. regained her old time strength, and she de. An excellent opportuni No, S. I; er for p9lling sub. Melon.
-by 1.� V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson.
old ere with small eapitsl who desire to obtain improved
clared that she owes her recovery entirely' Worth fam.6, oi stock ranches, with Irription, buildings Ix. Ziat theAfayor of the said munfelpol corpor-
orth West ation sb*ll attendat the Council Room on Friday,
to Dr. Williams' Pink �Pills. Last winter and feneos. in the District of Alberts, W . the 17W,,:dsy of Jsnuary,,-A.D. IBM at 1he hour of
Rbya,� lComplars. TerritorlM on easy terms. The raising of homed 0
-Zl i � I MrB. Hartwell felt a - sliTht reeurreiiee of three o'clook-p.w.j for the f pointing
tj Ig Of n tro "IS 1; cattle, horm, abeep and pigs Is rapidly developing purpose 0 4V
The annual a& Bfflings,� poultry her former weakness, an agrain resorled tol 9 to attend at the various pollinUplaom afore -
the Royal Tb —Messrs. it In the District. The undersigned will furaiih infor- POrsOn
9, 1 OP- said and -final summoning up -of the vo roupective-
lars.of the county cf Huron district, wis fancier of St M Fs� secured one �.1st, and Pink Pills, since which- time she has not hadl m*Uon or answer enquirieta. Address
ly, on behalf of toons Interested in And prow4tiug
H. W. C. MEYER, Q.C., Calgary, N.W.T.
I at Kippen, n I nesday., Januar five 2ad pri)zes fo owls at the Neiv a day's illness.
.71heir f r,
'or OPP-0sly the riaw respectively.
'Tha theCerkof the municipal oorpmation
13%let ou prices 'Iat'he absence of: tie select counciflol-', Haniburg poultr show. Among these Dr. Williams' Pink I?ills have'a more pot- 1451 A
'oderlich - tbrough illness, the birds was one whi h scored 94 points. ent influence on the *blood and hall, t_�h ek
past- eo rge Penhale, took e —.Mr. James Avonton, �has
_qw� cvktie, of any other known medicine, and speedily fe- Are being offered for Sale. All
A D chair and 6110 the meeting to ord(r. been in poor healt I ( a
lately but is rebovering store the blood of health to pallid cheeks. cost you little to b tv th� but a - - t"e,
Dodd's Kidney PIN 0 ' ","04 on
, th,
I t
The aelegates and Visi�org numbering*, now. A inu Pink Pills cure when all other medicines e Vel V aipa twelve & up t) I ToE lr-�
in 4h
R Tom, of G nerves than
-,ouncillor, 6'
%he as no
by w
eik wd r thc
cc T Abe ithwe d
for zndV
mber of neighbors met: in his to r r Qrn
OLM P tween .1 a great deal 10
and I -ere asked to regis r- bush and cut abou '20 cords of wood for fail. Sold by all -dealers or sent by mai at the effects,
w Ma, e a'WL
are Qualities. their names, and �x 'r_ fc Passed, JaaUar
eeting proceeded him the oth6r d y4 This was a kind and 56 cent's a b�x or si $0, by ad. V 2 -
It m t! IS96. L
Comm t k
routine business. it ees were stru' nr'L'rhb I' act dressing the Dr. Williams' cine Com -
Medi So Don't Expeldim
Wjf. M.GRAY, Mayor
and arrangements were made. for th ir —Mr. Yobn �krtiiur, of Kintore, who has p�6ny,-Brockvllle,'Ont�rio, or Schenectady,
4111,01 meeting,.after. W ich th a dplegates repair ad been seriously ill for some thrie is slowly re- New York. Refuse ag substitutes alleged. bu.t buy the feal thog, �e ause W. ELLIOTT, C_erk�
4% Sealf
e palatial sidence of MeMord e, -covnring. � At time as good."-'
'M �111C :0_70 to th, on be was in a very to be "just NOTICE.'
Egq., where a grand din aer was - a lc�rved )y critical conditi and an operation !:bad to
V fifflu rUT?
the ladies of the ippen -- eon cil. The...
n be Ferformed. A doctor from Loin4on was —Amiddle-agdd w�mian named ''Mom''s The above is a true and eorrect vopy of a by-4aw
ternoo A session as -up with e cal ed. in for consultation. ALT "INDOO REM
taken" was arrested at St. Thomas last Mond�%y Weed by the �muvlclpal opunellof theTown of Set -
=Ing* DAY& 0muress rerth, on the twenty-seveath day of Janum
reading of report' 4nd discussion therecn. —Chicken thi have been ge fing in Shf� is charged with li�ving, on January 22
AerV`0 D"e"ec V 11no Iffemarr IM, tand all personsarb heraby required lotaki%
r p an. dirty wor i glee tly X601 -no desirous of apply-bir to tave
These ecommended the holding of o their k the neighbo ood of stolen tL pocket book at the London Grani pleme It,
A -R C IN mottoethat any o
- i .: , 1 4
quent visits of the diffev- kx'owrie, Hibbert tow hip, and many roosts Trunk Railway waiting- room from
meetings ;_ more frip VMW enollyno amd qui(myt ut surely r"toret I qwwhtdp vaust make
Mis . such by-bw or saygrttherea
"Aft`o4*rJrqm%ff. "i earrWinveat his application for 0 to the High Court,
ent councils ; reduction of capitulati6n tmc have, In one or twilb cases McDonald, whose home ii at Komoka, b
been thinned. a nal P, pick&&. 41z, Purim
three monft AfWr*h*Wb11"o1k
giving prizes for �ssays 6n -tempera-nee, mid larger game were carried oft, Arth�ar - Col- who is living at present. at St. Thomas. at Toronto via"
THEi 'SEAFORTIEL ar - of this imotioet once 4 week for three atioeessive weekft
but ton T
the resuscitation of suspended councils 'A quhoun, of Gowrie, hi6vin two gees stolen. pame contained a rail*ay ticket, 8:bout TAKE DIAMOND DINNER PI�I-S ilL the newspaperealled Tur HU-JIMN XXPOSJUVR� Or
R., -----
decrease of 114 �rhemtere was reportcd. V —John Otto, of So ith astho killed in eAwb, and baggage checks. On the ni �DYS`PePsiA. 2*6c. &20. It, we W1 n he will
be too late -to be heard In that bebslf.
CL61ING MAY Rev. W. H. Butt, of Cei itriLlia was; �leet�d three Che SOLD: by J. Vt Fear# S WIL ELLIOTT, -Cletk.
a they were of January 23, Mrs.' Morris i allege - . 1 0 d
ster. ite pigs, whe I id' C druggists else ire,