HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-14, Page 6"seeen
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It. free from the injurio
The more you use of i
you like it. ,
was GC). E. TUCKETT & S
s colorinl
N CO.,
\I "11111
T0111 GRIEVE, V. S., honor gra
•i Veterinary College. All Eliseo
animals treated. Calls promptly a
barges moderate. Vete rinaroDentistry
Offiae and resideuce on Goderich
Aar of Dr. Soott's office, Seaforth.
Male of Outer
es of Domes
tended to a
a epeeist
street, one do
G. H
Veterinary Sot
reterinary dentiets, Hon
arinary College, Honor
an, Medical Society. All
kilfully treated. Alt
ay or night. 'Dentist
Office and Dispensary-
Wain street Seaforth. Night
r Graduate
ember of
ieeases of
ails romptly
y an Surgery
r. Campoelre
calls a aswereci
of Ont•ario VI
Ontario Veteri
domestic anImi
a special!
old offh
fi OM t
Clinttin, w
odgene' Hot
at Zurich ti
7 _ month 12
, .. ....
'1' ""6"
-I= Tr.- KIMMAN, Detielai,
- • r 1 , Exeter, Ont. W
.. -
at the Huron Hotel,
LAST TntrasDAT in ea
at Murdock's Hotel, Hensel], on the
n each month. Teeth extraated
pita possible. All work first-class
riAr G. CAMERON, fo
LV Cameron, 13arris
antario, Office-Hamilt
erly of sarneron,
er and So
n street, tpposite
kilter, Goderio
TAMES SCOTT, Barrister,
e) Bon's Bank, Clinton.
Winton, Ont. Money to
.oan oil mo
Bolter for Mc
Elliott Bloe
1110-1 . HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor,
LAI Notary Public. Solicitor f •
sank. Office-Clardno'a block, Mai •
(limey to loan.
tuaseyenees al
r the Domini(
Street, Seafort
1 1286
lyi Agent, Coramieel ner for
3onveyances, &o. Money to loan at
IL. Eforunsotr, Walton. .
ten, lissom
king affidavit
the lowest rate
T M. REST, Barriste Solicit°
a! . Office-Romus, five 'doors no
lard, ground floor, n xt door t 0
ewelry store, Main et eat, Seat
eau-Can:wren, Holt a d Cameras.
, Notary, &
h ofeenamerei
0. L. Papal
rth. Goderit
(-4 ARROW & PRounr ar, Barriaters,
l..i &o. Goderich, On o. J. T. Gaarion,
Q. C
lioitora in Chancery &o.,Gode soh,
atlint0g, Q. 0., Pntio. Howe, DIMWIT
Barristers -S
Out M. I
Ti EtOLMESTED, Buccosaor to t e late firm 1
U . McCaughey & Hohnested, Thrrister, Solicit.
Conxeyancer, and Notary. Salle tor for the Cs
adieu Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Far
for sale. Office in Scott's Blco6 , Main Strei
TN& G. F.
..Li and gas
Beat plates,
work correspondingly
ard's Store, deaforth.
4-'6 All
F. ...
prices, and the
--Over Richardson
BELDEN, Dentist. Local
for the painless extraetion
$7. Extracting teeth125c.
cheap. Office
of ted
All ott
ciirer Mr. Ph
i 1461
Dentist. :est
other work at e•rre
best workmanshi • gu
& MeInnie' sh e Mote,
nibbler plat
pondingly 1(
ranteed. Off
TAR. II. S. ANDERSON, gradu• te
„If of Dental Srageons Ont: rio,
ronto University. Office, 'Market
.f Royal Calle
D. D. S, of 1
;lock, Mitche
AGNEW, Deotlsts
visit Hensail at
: ey.ery Monday, and
second Thursday hi Wien
Clinttin, w
odgene' Hot
at Zurich ti
7 _ month 12
, .. ....
'1' ""6"
-I= Tr.- KIMMAN, Detielai,
- • r 1 , Exeter, Ont. W
.. -
at the Huron Hotel,
LAST TntrasDAT in ea
at Murdock's Hotel, Hensel], on the
n each month. Teeth extraated
pita possible. All work first-class
L. D F
be ai End
orner on ti
h month, at
mar Pim
with the lea
at liberal rate
I 971
D 'John McGin
Hon. Gradua e London Western Univ.rsity,
of Ontario Co ege of Physiciansand S
a.nd residence Jarvis street, Seafolh,
pled by letr. Jahn Downey.
is, .
rgeons. Of&
formerly met
XI Victoria
Elliott aloe
BeId, Ontario.
RONG, K. B. Toronto,
hi. C. P. 8., Ontario, s
lately oeoupied by Dr
M. D. C. M
coessor to Di
Ellett, Bruce
..1_, corner snuthwest
Night calls at the
Physican, Surg4n,
of Dixon's Hotel,
&o.- Offic
„t -t, College
Incoeesor to
iy- Dr. Maoktd,
-Comer of Victoria
ty L. E. Danisay.
If. D, Fellow
of Physloiansand Surgeons,
Dr. Maaltid. Mos
Math. Street Seaforth.
Square, in house
of the Roya
lately °couple(
lately °couple(
Li/ Glasgow
oujher, Ganstancas,
M. D., ltd. B., L.
&c., Physioian, Surgeon
F. P. and S.
and Ao
OFFICE, Goderich
>lurch, Seaforth,
. 0 SCOTT, M.
M. 0. P. S.
L MACKAY, 1.1-.
O. P. 80.
ate resident P
ral Hospital.
ierober at the
f Ontario SOT
y Dr. Smith, opposite
Telephone -No.
N. B --Night
- MA
OE, next
n Arbor
it! ity, )
and Viotoria,)
T. M. C. hi.
D. C. M., (A
D. C. M., (r
.J. BU R •
ysician and 5 rgeon,
onor gradoat Trini
,ollege of Phylsloians
FFICE-Sam as for
Public Sollool
calls answered rom off
Toronto Gen-
y University,
and Surgeons
erly occupied
Seaforth. '
co. .
kir G. DEWAR, M. D., M„
11.. Member of the College .f Phys
sons, Ontario. successor to )r. Ca.
ad residence, that lately oceu • ied by
in street, Seaforth. NOTE.- r. DO1,ar
y practice, galvanic battery, to., an
treat all who may require h s services
. the latest and most &deal methods
itch pleasure in heartily reco nmendi
topic as a man of ability, le, ming
his pra moon. Jens Com) .r.a., M.
F. T. M. C.,
cians and Sur -
pbell. Office
Dr. Campbell,
has bought
is prepared
f have
ng him to my
Ind experience
D. 1466x62
the County
rta of the County.
:Dougall's long
ick of ell kinds,
values, read can
1 at 'Dm Eames
Coueession ft,
Deo:1)W attended
;cation given
Lars es moderate.
es this Fall should
rtioulars, apply
t at the a:seminar.
must attent;oo.
of Huron. Sales
b Terms reasottab
experience as
he is specially
guarantee satisfaction.
ma office, or
II. R. S., Tockenn
to. .
a dtaler
at his
Auction er for
in ell
e. From Mr.
in farm
to judge
All orders
residence, Lot
sith, will be
for the County-
to farms and
Parties contemplating
giVe him
by letter to
Office, Seaforth
Ontario, Licensed
of Iluiron. Special
farm stock sales.
a trial., For further
Exeter P. 0. Orders
will receive
stioneer for the Counties of Huro and Perth,
I Agent at Hensel' for the Massey- arris Manus
hiring Company. Sales promptly attended to,
ages moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
[era by mall addressed to Hensel' oet Office, or
at his residence, Lot 2, Concessi n 11, Tuck-
nith, will receive prompt. attention. 1206-tf
A good reliableperson to take charge
houee at the brielt works, Tuckersmit
as, J. SPROAT. Egmondville.
, --
Old Midarre Peradis had caught seventeen
setall dore four sucker, and eleven ehan-
nk-catfish'before she used up all the wefts
hi her tomato can Therefore she wa ri in a
clieerfa and loquacious humor when f, came
allong and offered her some of my bait
1"itierci ; non, M'siett. sDat'a'neff .fishird
kir me. I got too old now for fish too much.
You like melee you present of six or seven ,
dere ? Yes' AU right. Then you make
me present of one quarter dollar." I.
When this transaction was completPti,the
old lady got out her short -Meek clay pipe,
and filled it with tabae blane. „
"Ver' good smell for EMare mosquitoes
said, she. " Sit dow•n, M'sitie. For sure
like so be here, me, for see the river when
she's like this."
Indeed- the scene was more than pic-
turesque. Her fishing -platform ex ended
twenty - feet from the rocky shore of the
great Itata.plan Rapid of the Dtta.wa,
beginning to tumble a mile to the- 'west-
ward, poured a roaring torrent half a, mile
into the broader, calm browe reach below.
Noble elms towered. on the shores. l3e-
tween their trunks ' we cooild, see- many
whitewashed cabins, whose riloors of bine or
green or red seareely diselosed their colors
in that 'light.
The siuking sun, Which already touched
the river, seemed somehow the source of the
vast stream that. flowed radiantly from its
blaze. Through the glamour of the evening
mist and the maze of June flies we could
see a dozen men sceoping for fish from•plate
forms like that of Midame Paradis.
Each scooper lifted a greaqhoop-net aet
on a -handle some fifteen feet - long, threw it
easily .upstream, and swept it on edge -with
the current to the • full length of his reach.
Then it was drawn out and . once thiewn
upward again, if no capture had been made.
Incase he had taken fish, he came to the
inshore edge of his platform, and upset the
net's contents into a pool separated from
tahtoenems.air.i rapid by an improvised wall of
" Prn too old for scoop - some now," said
Ma.,'arne Paradise with.a sigh. .
"You were never strong enough to scoop,
surely," said I.
'No, :eh,? All right, M'sieu. Then you
hale% nesd hear 'boat the time Old Man
Savarin was °etched up with. No, eh?
Well, tol' you 'out that." And this
was her story as she told it to me..
• a •
Der was fun ,doe time. Nobody ain't
nay' °atoll up with t old rascal any other
time since r11 knee him first. Me, be
only fifteen den. •D t'S long Gime 'go, eh ?
Well, for sure, ain • tact old like what I'll
look. But Old Mai Bavaria was old al-
a, ready. He's. old, olc old, When he's only
.; thirty ; an' mean 'bapteme ! If de old
Nick ain' got, de ho teste place for dat old
stingy -yes; for stir .
" You'll see up de 'e where Frawce Seguin
is scoop? Dat's . lattroque platform by
right. Me, I was a Lagogne.. My fader
• .wakuSe for scoop d re, an' my. gran'fader-
the Larogu.es scoop ere all :de dime.since
ever dere was some Rapid Rateplan. Den
Old Man! Savarin 's buyed the land up
dere from Felix Ladoucier, an' he's, told ny
fader 'You can't scoop no More wisout you
pas. me rent.' °
" 'Rent V- my fader say. "Saprie !. DIV§
my fader's platform for ,scoop fish! ou
ask! ane/body.' " I
'(5h, Pll know all 'bout 'dat 'Old 11,1an
Saviarin is say. `Lad,oucier let -you saclop
front .of his land, for Ladoueier one 'ijig
foo]. • De lair's mine now, an' de lishln"
right is 'mine. You can't scoop dere liftriSOUt
yeti pay me rent.'
"Bapteme khow you 'bout dat,' y
fader say.
-"Next mawny he is get for scoop same
like always. Den Old.Man Savarin fetch
my fader up before.. de magistrate, De
magistrate make my fader pay nine shillizi 1'
‘Mebbe dat 'relearn you one lesson,' Old
Map Seeearineis say.
"My fader swear pretty good; butd Toy
moder say: 'Well, Narciese, flere babe' no
use for to take- it out in malediction.% De
nine shillin' is. paid. • You scoop More fish
-dat's the way. - .
"So my fader he is go out early, early
nex' mawny. He's scoop, he's scoop. kers
catch -plenty fish before Old Man . Savarin
"'Von ain't got 'miff yet for fiehin' on
my land, eh? Come out of dat,'- Old Man
Savarin is say. •
"d8aprie Ain' I pay nine shillins for firth
here?' my 'fader say,.
" 'Ovi-yoo pay nine :ghillie' for fish. here
wisout my leave. But you ain't pay.noth-
in' for .fish here wis my leave. You is goin'
up before de magistrate some. more.'
"$o he is fetch my fader up anoder time.
•Are•de magistrate make my fader pay twelve
more •
"'Well, I s'pose I can go fish on niy
fader's platform now,' mj, fader is say:
" Old man Savarin was laugh. Your
honor, dis man tink he don't have to pay
me no rent, because you'll -make him pay
two fines kir trespass on my land." . .
"f.So de magistrate told my facier he hain't
got no more right to go on his own platform
than he was at the start. my fader is -ver'
angry. He's cry, he's tear his shirt' but
Old. Man Savarin only say, 'I guess I learn
you orte good lessee, Narcisse.
" DP whole village abet told de old '-ras-
cal how much dey Was angry 'bistit dat, for
Old Man Savarin is got dem all in debt at
his big store. He is gain, grin,band'told
.everybody how he learn my fader twegood
lesson. An' he is told my fade : ou see .
what PI1 be goin' for do wis you if ever you
go on myland. again wisout you pay me
rent.' .
" 'How much you want?' thy fader say.
"'Hall de fish yea catch.' .
" `Monjee ! Never 1'
"'Five dollar a year, den.'
" Saprie, no. Dat's 'too -much.
"'All right. Keep off my an', if you
hain't want anoder lesson.'
o tief, my fader say
'"Hermidas, make up" Nateis e- Lareque
bill,' de old rascal say to his ole k. If, he pay dat bill to -morrow' I ue him.'
"80 my fader is scare mos' to death.
Only my moder she's say, I'll p y dat bill,
"So she 's take the money she's saved up
long time for make my wedd n' when it
come. An' she's paid de bill. 8 den my
fader hain't scare no more, an' h is shake
his fist good under Old Man SaN arin's ugly
rthee. But dat old -rascal onl laugh an
say, Nogeisse, you like to be ned some
more, eh?'
"'Tort Dieu. You rob me o my place
for fish, but I'll take' my platfori -; anyhow,'
my fader is say. . •
"'Yes, eh? All right -if- you can get
him wisout go on my land. But you go on
my land, and see if I don't learn you anoder
lesson,' 01t1 Mi.n.:SaVitrin is say.
"So my fader is rob of his .platform, too.
Nex' ting we hear, irrawce Seguin has rent
dat platform for five dollar a year. .
"Den de big fu e begin. My fade an
Frawce is cousin. All de time before den.
dey was good friend. But. my fader he is
go to Frawce Segui s place an' be is told
him, Frawce, oin' lick you so hard
you ean't new' scoop on my platform.'
rewee only laugh.. Den Old Man Sav-
arin come up de •
." 'Fetch hint up' to de magietrate an.
learn him wieder leseon,' he is sa to
Frawce. •
".'What for?' Fraivee say.
"'For try to scare you.'
"1 -le hain't hurt ine none.'
f a boarding "'But he 's say he will lick you.' -
Apply to " Dat's only beca Ise he 's vex,' Frawce
1460-2 I say,
44 6
pteme l Non I' my fader say. • 'I'll
be go 'for lick you geed, Frawce •
44 t f' r sure ?, FraVine.say. '
prie 1 Yes ; for pure.'
„II 4 ell, .dat's all right , den; liareisse.
Whe ou goin' for lick me?' ,
rrit time I '11 get drunk. I '11 be
goin' or get drunk dis Same day.' '1
it t 11 right, Nareisse. . If yon pin' get
• run for lick me, I '11 be gam' get drunk
f r - 1 ek. - on "--Canadleri hain't nev'fool
tuff for ght, M'sieu, only if dey is got
' ell; irly fader he's go on old Marceatds
ote1,1 -an' he 'rf drink all day. Frawee
eguilu he '8 go -cross d road on Joe Mena
f aud a hotel, an' he's d ink all day. When
e night eome, dey is b se stand out in front
f de.two hotel for.fig t. i
'bey's bose-yell an' ell for make de oder
monde. an' Jawnny L roi dey 's Ilheorldmidni17
f Ilereicare bad before c ey begin.
f der for fear he 's go,' rOas de road for keel
'I retiree Seguin dead. , Pierre Seguin a, i'
fa,gloire Sauve is hold 'Fromm) for fear hes
meeross de road for I keel my fader dee
ridAlose inerefight dat way 'cross de roat
' t 11 ey hain't hardly ble for stand up o
" My fader he 's tea his shirt and he s
jell, I'Let me at him 1' Frawee he 's tear
is shirt and he 's yell, ' Let me at him 1
-ut de men hadn't goia' for let dem loosP,
r fear one is strike de oder ver' hard. De
I hole, village is shiver bout dat ofille fight --
es, Peh, shiver bad ! ' •
" Well, dey's fight like dat for more is
f ur hours, till dey hadn't able for yell no
i ore, an' dey hail* got no anoney left for
uy .Wheeskey for de crowd, Den Alarceaia
a d Joe Maufraud tol' dem hose it was a
s ame for two cousins to fight so bad. An
n y fader he 'a say he 's ver' sorry (Int he
1 ek Frawce se hard, and dey's bose sorry.
o dey 's kiss one anoder good -only all
t ei close is tore to pieces.
" An' what you tink 'bout Old Man Sav-
.arin .01d Man Savarin is jus stand in
free of his store all de time, an he 's say :
'1 'I tink I'll fetch him berm hup to de
magi trate, an' I'll learn him bos a lesson.' '
" e, I'll be only fifteen; butI hadn't
scar bout dat fight same like in mother is
ScarI. No more is Alphonsine Se uinecere,
She' seventeen, an' she wait for de fight to
be al over. Den she take her fader home,
sa like I'll take my fader home for bed.
15 't' after twelve o'clock of night.
ex' mawny early my fader he's groan-
[ai d he's groaned : 'Ah -ugh -I'm sick,
sidk, me. 1 '11 be goin' for die dis time, for
sure '
" 'You get up an' scoop some fish,' my
med r she's say, angry. 'Den you hain't be
sick o more,
10 ' eh -ugh -I'll haint be able. Oh, I'll
he so sick. An' I hain' got no place for
scot) fish now no more, Frawce Seguin has
robze3r platform.' .
ake de nex' one lower down,' my
r she's say.
Dat's Ja.wriny Leroi's." .
11 right for dot. Jawnny he's hirefor
'rue t'mber to -day.' .
• 1" ' gh-P11 not be able for get up. Send
foi:a.- 'sieu le Cure -P11 be goin' for. die for
.81Are. ,
11Sere ! Ibut (let's no man ! Dot's al
• i t 4 •
d un pig,' my metier she's say, angry.1
' Lel., eh ?Lazy, lazy-dat's so. An' dere'
hand no fish for de little chilluns, an' it's1
Frida enmity.' So my amder she's begin
for. e v.
lot d
4.4 y r
i •
for dab, I'll throw de scoop n' catch him ; ,
an' for aurae he'sihold on goo - - .
"So ere's de old rascal in de scoop, but
him in one bit. 111I hain'b able for. pull
nly be able for hold
when I'll get himl sal
on and laugh, laugh, -he's lo k ver' queer !
All I can do is to hold hi dere- so he
can't go down de cam* 11 can't pull
him tip if I'll want tt.
" De old man is scare N r' bad. But
pretty quick he's got bold of e cross -bar of
de hoop, an' he 's got his ugl r old head up
good. •
" 'Pull me in,' he ay,i' er ngry.
I'll hadn't lie able,' 1111 so, .
, "Jus' 'den Alphonsine slie a me 'long, an
she 'a laugh so she cap% h rdl hold on wis
ane to de hantile. I. Was aug good some
more. When de old Villa n se us have fan,
he's yell : 'Pll learn you bos one lesson.,
Pull me ashPre l'
“ 'Oh ! yeu'e learp us horse one • lesson,
M'eleu Sae -a in, eh :0 Alphonsi e she's say,
' Well, den, us hose will learn M sieu &warns
one 'orlon hist. Pull hitn up a little,' she's
say to me. ,
" So we p ill him up, •a'n' den Alphonsine
she's say to ne ; ',Let out de ha nle, quick '
--and he 's under de water ome more.
When we st p de net, he 's got ees head up
pretty quick ,
" Monjee! I'll be drown, i you don't
pull me ot t," he's epos' cry. Ver' well
. yous drown, your family be
vex,' glad,' AJphonsiiio she's say, 'Den
they's got al your money for spend quick,
ell, M'sieu, I'll Make, de rest short ;
sun is all gone now. What yeti tink
I do c at mawny? I take cle big scoop -net
'end I' I come up here for see if Fll ibe able
for semi) some fish on Jawnny LerPi's plat-
form. Only dere hain't net.' mtieh fish
dere. 1
"P etty quick 111 look up and I'l see' Al-
phons ite eeguin scoop, scoop, scot) on my,
fader' old platform. Alphonsine's ader is
sick, ick, same like my fader,. an' all de
Seguir boys is too little for seoop same like
my br 'ciders is too little. SO dere Alphon-
sine sl e's scoop, scoop for breakfas'.
de cor er 'IA de cedar bush, an' I'll know
seas ateatemeesaseseassee-es-
" NA hat you tink I'll see some more ? I'll
see 01 Man Savarin. He's Watchin' from
yen' g od iwbet he's watch for. He's watch
for cat b my fader go on his own platform.
Helt • .ant for learn my fader anoder lesson,
Saprie ! dat's Make ver angry, me, M'sieu !
"A honsine she's scoop,' scoop plenty
fish. '11 not scoop none. Dat's make me
more ngry. ' I'll leek up where Alphonsine
is, an' I'll talk to myself':
t 4 6
at 's my fader's platform,' I'll be say.
‘Dat's diy fader's fish wh it yet; catch,
Alpbo mine. Youk handt nev' be my cousin
.no Inure. It is mean., mean, for Frawce
Segui to rent my fader's platform for
please 4:let old rascal Savarin.' 'Webby I'll
not be so angry at Alphonsine, M'sieu, if I
was a le for catch some fish ; but I hadn't
able- don't catch none. ,
W li, 11Psieu, dat's de l• way or long
phonsi e yellgood., Pll look up e river
time alf-hour mebbv. Den Ill ear Al.She's try ha d, hard, but she hadn't. able.
some ore. She 's try for lift her net.
De net is down in the rapid, an' she only
able fo hang on to de hannle. Den I'll
know he 'e got one big sturgeon, an'- he's so
big sh can't pull him up. 1 ,
"M 'njee 1' what 1 care about dat ! PH
laugh e. Den I'll -laugh good some more,
for I'll want Alphonsine forsee how I'll
laugh ig. And l'Il tai to Myself :-
'1) t's good for dose Seeuins;' I'll say.
'De bi sturgeon villain 11 away de net. Den
Alpho sine she will lose her fader's scoop
wis de tur eon. Dat's good ' nuff for dose
Seguin I ake my fad r s platform, eh?"
"Fo ' sure, ni want for go an' help Al-
phonsi e all de same -she's my cousin an'
I'll wa t for iee de sturgeon, me. But I'll
only jut laugh, laugh. I Non; M'sieu ; dere
was no one man out on any of de oder.
platter dat inawny for to help Alphonsine.
Dey w s all sleep ver' late, for dey was all
out v ' late for see de °file fight I told you
'bout, .
.tt 11, pretty quick, what you tink ? I'll
see 01 Man Savarin goin' to my fader's
platfo . He 's take hold for help Alphon-
sine a dey's bose-pull, and pretty quick de
big st goon is on de platform. I'll be more
s before. .
tort Dieu I What you tink come
den ? Vhy, dat Old Man Savarin is want
for tit de sturgeon !
"Ft t dey hadn't speak so I can hear, for
de Ra d is too loud. But pretty quick
dey's se angr, ., and I hear dem talk
le t s my. eh,' Old Man Savarin is say.
'Did IA I save him ?, Was n't you goin' for
lose hit , for sure ?:
" Me -I '11 laugh good. • Dass such an
old ras al.
" 4 Y u (set off dis platform, quick!' Al-
phonsii e she's say.
-e me my Sturgeon,' he's arty.
".Dat's a lie -it, hain't your sturgeon, It's
my sturgeon," she's yell.
" I'll learn you one lesson 'bout dat,' he's
" We 1, M'sieu, Alphonsine she's pull
back de fish just when Olcl Man Savarin is
ina.ke o e grab. An' when she 's pull back
she's st to one side, an' de old rascal he is
grab at le fish, an' de heft of de sturgeon
is make In fall on his fade, so he's tumble
in de R pid when Alph nsine let go the
sturgem . So dere's Old Ilan Savarin float-
ing in cl river -and knee ,11 don' _care eef
he's dro -n one bit ! 1
One time he is on his hack, one
time h is on his face, one time he is
all uncle de water. For sure he 's goin' for
be draw into de eulbute an get drown' dead
if I '11 ot be able for scoop him when he 's
go by in platform. Pll want for laugh, but
PH be to much scare.
" We 1, M'sieu,- I'll pick up my fader's
scoop a t I'll stand out on de edge of de
platter . De water is un so fast., I'm
mos"fr id de old man is oua' for pull me
in when -',11 scoop him. B t Fil not mind
" M'sieu, dab scare him ofli
gin for ery like one baby,
" ' Save me out,' he's say. "I'
anything I've got.'
'How much?' Alphonsine sh
"He's tink, and he's say, 'Qua
" AlPhonstne an' Me is laugh, 1
He's be -
1 give you
's say.
ter dollar.
"Save me,' he's cry some inert '1 hain'tfit-for die dis mawny.'
' 'Von hale' fit for, -live no maliny,' Al-
phoneine she 's say. - 'One quarter dollar,
eh 9 Where' S my sturgeon?'
'He's got away when I fall in,' he's say.
'How much you goin' give
my big sturgeon?' she's ask.
`liciw meal you'll want, Alpl
'Two dollare. .
' Pat's too much for one stu
. For all he was notleel fit
more *aid for payout his money.
'Let him down some more,' Alphonsine
. .
,say. .
'Oh, inisere, miser -el I'll pay de two
are,' he's say when his head come up
e more. -
"Ver' well, dee,' Alphonsine she's say ;
1 be willin' for save you, 'me. But you
i't sbooped by me. You's in Marie's
I'll only come for help Marie. You's
sturgeon; an' Alphonsine she's laugh
an laugh.
• " 'I didn't. lose DO 'sturgeon ter Marie,'
. he'll say. ' '
"'No, eh?' I'll say myeef. 'But yo
steed my fadees platform. You's! take 1 is
fish n' place: Yeu's got him fined two tin es
You's make my reader pay his bill wis ey
weddin' money. What .you. goin' pay for
all dat? You tink I'll be goin' fdr mos' kill
mysef pullin' you out for notin ? When
you ever do esometing for anyb dy for no-
ting, eh, M'sieu Savarin?' •
".Row much you want?' he's s y,
. "'Ten dollare for de rilattorm,dat's all.'
"'Never-dat 's robbery,' has say, an'
he's begin to cry like vet.' li '11 baby.
“ 'Pull him hup,Marie, an' give hiin some
more,' Alphonsine she's say. -
" But. de .old faecal is so scare 'bout dat,
dat he 's say he's pay right off. So we's
pull • him up -near to de platfisrm, only
we hain't big 'miff fool for let him -out
of de net till he's take out his pulse anpay
de tWelve'dollare. ,
"Monjee, M'sieu! If ever you See one
angry old rascal I He not even stop for say:
'Peek you for save me from be drown'
deadin the culbute 1' He's 'run for his
house an'. he 's put on dry clo'es, .an' • he's
go up to de magistrate first ting for learn
me an Alphonsine one big lessoni
-" But de magistrate hain' vet.'; ad rnagis-
trate, He 's only laugh an' he's "'M'sieu Savarin, de whole river will be
ay ;
laugh at you for let two young girl take eet
out of smart man like dat. Hain'. t you
tink your life worth twelve doliare ? pici
n't dey save you from de eulbute Monje !
I'll tink de whole river not -laugh so ver' .•
bad if you pay dose young girl re hunder
dollar for saveeyou 86 kind.' ..
"One hurfder dollare i' he's -mos' ory.
'Ilein't you goin' to learn deaf: girl one -
lessbn for take advantage of me • dat way •?'
" ' Did n't you .pay dose girl yoursef ?
Did n't you took out your puree. yoursef ?
Yes, eh 1 . Well, den Pll goin' lot learn you
one lesson yoursef, M'sieu Savarin ' da mag-
istrate is say. 'Dose two young giri is ver'
wicked, eh? Yes, dat's so. • But for why?
Hain't dey just do to you what' you been
dein' ever since you was in beesness ? Don'
I know ? You hain' never yet 'got advan-
tageof nobody wisont you. rob 'him all you
can - an' dose wicked , yOung ghil... only act
O for lose
onsine ?'
geon,' he's
r die he
like you give dem a lesson al your life.'
"An' de best fun was de whole river did
laugh at M'sieu Savarin. An' my fader and
Frawce Seguin is laugh most of elle till he's
catch hup wis hose of dem weeder time.
You come for see me some more, an' I'll tol!
you 'bout dat.' .
Who Have Used DP. Afirizews Catar-
rhal Powder. and In the Interacts of
Illutfering HttmanIty Say Hew Much
It Has Done fop Them. 1
In the eeoluiastical history of alined* the
names of the Right Rev. A. Sweetman, D.
D. D.O.L., Lord Blehop of Toranto, and
xtiiv. John Langtry, M.A.., D.O.L., staind
out prominent, and within his Own paruh
may be added to these the name of the
Rev. W. R. Williams; Dr. Lengtry's poiSukt
Lar curate. These gentlemeu believe in
toting out the axiom ef the Good Book,
their duty to. tell the good Immo to others,
that, having learned of that whit) ' I hae been
a. source of benefit to theriale ves, it is
whase three clergymen of the Episcopal,
Oliuroli have each used Dr. Agnew's 0,-1
tarriial Powder, and found that for Cold
It the head and catarrhal troubles it la el
t helper, end, over their own slime.,
uree they have said to the pUblic twill
these things are so, tbAt others may be
iikewise benefited and helped.
One ahort puff of the breath tb .ough the
power, supplied with eitch bott a of Dr.
lkiimetw's Oetarrhal Powder diffusat thi
owder over the surface of the &sal pu,
throat, U1411142- and deafness. 6 cents.
Pe. Painless and delightfu it re).
aaievtaearrhIn, theanynifienvuetres. , caonidda.pebritraadnaeh'tel,y csuorrei
Semple wlth blower sent on r eeipt 'o
10o in stamps or sitter. S. G. De °bon, Mt
47Aurch .street, Toronto.
Sold by I. V. Feat and Lumsden - Wilson!.
At the Grocer's Empe • se.
The other day I dropped into t e store O
grocer out in Kensington. He w s in a ba
1 umor and I &sired him :
'' What's the matter with you?
" Oh, I went down to the th etre the
ether night, and I got thorough' disgustf
ed ?" he replied. ,
“ What was the pley ?" I asked " Trilb
or Uncle Tom's Cabin ?"
"Oh, it wasn't the play so much,' salt
the grocer. "It was the people I saw there
I had a seat where I could see the whol
house, and before the curtain went up I
had a good chance to look about and see
who was there. I've got about twenty-five
people on my books w o I have been trying
to collect from for years. The best one is
thirteen months behind. Woulc you be-
lieve it that I saw twenty-thre of these
people sitting there in 'that theatre enjoy-
ing themselves, while, I whistickl for my
IeY'got so hot about it that I went out
before the show was over," he adt ed.
. .
" Can't you get anything out e them ?" I
' Get anything iirit of them !" snorted the
cateful *omen
most careless.
a woman b
are the,
herself up, puts on
heavy clothi g sad
wraps and o
keep out tlee cold ---
keep out ste n a
-when she' i
letting . th7
worst sieknes. t et
can c me to a o -
man. She is i Alio
nig a slight di or r
to grow, to b co ie
worse,' to slos '1 aid
istuyr_ely1 bsaapiilittle pita li;
and. ih , other lig) t
indi 'ation of
trouhl Seem .n
ht t
Uniiiip rtant, $11*
pays ti attent'i
thorn. By • an h
the3r grew a litt, li
7 41 1 1111,
ml timid to thbrn.
awi 0:3 S. take;qbu to 1 : ,
matte) of course. By and by, they
gmwn into dragging pains that oce
ally keep her in the house --that occasio ially
put her to bed. Then she knows what is
the metter, but she won't go to a doetr be-
cause she krtOwS he will insist on "lekarg-
inations '' and , '` local trea Linen t," i She
goes on, with increasing euffering,i ntil
. life itnelf becomes a, drag. Nervens ess,
sink ing spells," die-, esti ve disturbances,
and f fty °tit er complications ma rise
front the same cause. Frequent' uch
symptoms are treated as digestive di -
eases .vhen the root of the whole ma er is
the ci rangement of the organs dis etly
femin ne. Over thirty years ago, theeed
for a eliable remedy for so-called ", nale
.compl ints," was recognized by Dr. . V.
Piere_ , then, as now, chief consular' hy?
skier; to the World's Dispensary and ve-
lids' I otel, at 13tifialo, N. Y. He prep e,d
Dr; Pi nne's Favorite Prescription, the oat
wend( tinily effective remedy that has ver
been 1 sed for such maladies. Its sale noW
excee e the combined sales of all . ther
medicines for women. Its effect is joie cep-
tible 'most immediately, It relieves ain,
allays inflammation, checks debilitating
drain., aud quickly subdues other distress-
ing s mptoms. It makes the organs and
their surrounding tissues strong and
/malt y, thereby correcting dis.placements
add i vigorating the whole body. '
grocer °indignantly. "None of them have
got a lamed cent ! How could I get any-
thing • ut of them? Lots of these fellows
,make ood salaries in the millshere, but
you ea 't seize their salaries. I tell you,"
said t ie grocer, "there ought to be:a law
giving us grocers Kane' protection It
. ought to be fixed so that if a man Takes
aisy m iney at all, the people he owed hon-
est de ts to could get it out of him."
I ag eed with this perfectly. By the
way, hat a dramatic scene was presented
in thi occurrence -the twenty-three shy-
sters s tang there happily, laughing at the
jokes ' the play, and having a good time
all ret nd, while the poor grocer, whose
money bey were using, gnashed his teeth
in sile t rage, and went out before the
show es as over. Grocery World.
The Unparalleled Success of
D dd's Kidney Pills ekeitee
t e- Envy and Greed of
nscrupulous Imitators.
A kit ney treatment in pill fo wag ti
known ntil Dodd's ICI.dney P111 came in-
to use.
If Do a ds Kidney Pills were not indeed
"the b st in the world," no one would imi-
tate the . 1
Who s defrauded and who ockets the
proceed when a counterfeit boi is passed
upon yo ?.
Neve • let any one persuade yen to buy a,
substitute or imitation of the real article'
you nee .
The g 'mine are put up in ound, flat
wooden oxes, white lettering on blue label
with re band.
You elm get the genuine Dod s Kidney
Pills froin any druggist or dealer in Canada
at 50. bents a box, or by Trial from the
Dodd's. Medicine Company, To onto, On-
• Bob White,
Bob Wh te from the fence rail is call
The fi Id for the harvest is brown.
Cool de • on the hedgerows are (alli
As be kward I come from the town
A year ' iid its din I've been working
But n w at the border of night,
I pass Ahern the deer -mice are !midis
And hbar the thy call of Bob White.
I pause Ity the wayside inicertain,
A lane branches off, and I see
A light and a snowy chintz curtain,
Familiar as daybreak to me -
And ine ern s are rising unbidden,
Of ey eH that were full of delight,
When I Ipy the hedgereses hidden
Nocked daily the call of Bob White.
And one
A 'ker
Who ca
Her c
Like got
Her st
Sweet h
The tear
'Tis man
in the doorway was listening
hid thrown over her head,
e at the gonad to our trystin
eeks as the roses were red,,
of the harvest her tresses,
p as the tbistledovvn light ;
ur of love's vows and carestesi
by the call of Bob White.
from my eves overflowing;
wn pn thp ild roses' bloom ;
y to weep at the knowing
Lifete lossom has lost its perfume,
A quarrel,cold words, and we parted ;
1 notic l her cheek had grown white,
She left p alone broken-hearted,
Alone ' the lane with Bob White,
Just once for the snake of old pleasures,
To -night I will phiy we forget
And whhttbe the wel -recalled measure's
That farmers translate as " More Wet.'
The door is thrown open,] wonder
If ghos B walk abroad in the night.
No; thercj is her face smiling under
The 'k rohlef ; she's coming, Bob White.
But what was the past to the present?
A year as but deepened our love ;
From th ir hiding place partridge and pheasant
Peep o t as we pass, and ab)ve
The rob{ s are chirping together,
Oh' everything's b a iy and bright,
Our life slualJ be all pleasant weathrr ;
Call on from the fence rail Bob White.
Leila Moho% in Good Housekeeping.
. • .
-The Stratford Herald last week pub-
lished a Very interesting narrative of the
first pululic school established in the mine
bryo Low4, and other reminiscences of the
early day of Stratford‘, that were exceed.
iugly interesting. e
-On riday evening, 24th ult., Mr. John
Morgan, Hibbert, the highly esteemed
conductor of Psalmodyin Scott's Presbyte-
rian ehur h, Russeldale, along with his arai-
able life jart.ner, were the recipients of two
substanti I richly cushioned chairs, fur cape
and slum frorn the'members and adherents
of said cotIgregat.in. After the reading of
an addres and the presentation which foie
lowed, a 1ew hours were pleasantly spent in
social con erse'when the friends, after ex-
pressing'Manv kind wishes for Mr. and MO.,
Morgan, took their leave.
Sold in Se
teeth by J. S. Roberts, Druggist
Guaranteed- by tte Manufacturers to be
ire* Water, Wind, Snow & Lightning fitoo.
Nearly as Cheap as Wooden Shingles.
I • . • _
Encouraged by the success of the. past four Years in this brawl o
i)nsihesS, halie made arrangem*s for placing
- •
560,000. PEEP - THIS SEASON.
;OUT friends 'will find it to their .advantage to consult ns before closin
cOnracts for buildings of any kind, as we are m • a position. to _supply go:
.40 Roofs in 2eaforth and vicinity, and all giving:
MULLETT . CO.) Seaforth
General Hardware; Stoves and Tinware.
;- Once more at it, invigorated by a couple of weeks rest, gladdened by the -
sight of man/ new faces, down to hard work for another year. Perhaps you
thought of a course, but could not get here .on the opening day, Remember,
we are open for the reception of students at any time the year round. rCo»ie
when you can. New students will be entering every week. In the mean—
time, write us for free catalogue. ' It is no trouble to us to give information.
SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors P, Meng 1.0S11, Principal,
Fine Drivers
cannot be made outof horses that ate
out of condition. Merely to feed
plenty of oats is not enough. A horse
gets run down the same as a man
and needs a general toning up.
Blood PuriAer
is a scientific preparation In the form of a powder; It purifies the blood; strength- •
ens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a Smooth and glossy one and puts the +
animal “in conditionl' He then has "good life" and _feels like holding up kis •
head and lifting his feot.
MI LC H COWS are greatly benefitted by it. The whole system is toned
up. The digestive organs being strengthened, more nutriment is drawn from the
food and the flow of milk increased.
Dick's Blood Purifier will pay for itself ten times over.
It For nle by druggists, at general stores or sent post Paid on receipt Of 50 as.
;11* **************************-
Dlcic Co., P. O. Box Oa, Montreal:
(PAID- UP) SIX MILLION DoLLARs, • whootwoo
AI MI S112001000'
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts,
issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in
the United States, Great Britain, France, Bennuda, &c.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest
allowed. KrInterest added to the Principal at the end of May and Novem-
ber in each yelr.
Special, attention given to the collection Of Oommeroial Paper and Far -
tors' Sales Noltes.
ItOLMESTEI), Solicitor. X MORRIS. Manager.
506-- PIECES
Also 100 volumes miscellaneous cloth
bound Beoks, slightly shelf worn, at half
, Large' assortmeitt paper covered Novels
at reduced price, for ONE WEEK, at
Clearing Sale
As we intend giving up the Crockery
business, tow Jr). the time
(bget' .
Bargains • 1,1
'Nineteen dollar dinner sets for 813; $16 dinner
sots for 810, $12 dinner sets for $8 ; $7.60 dinner -
sets for, 85.50 ; $9 toilet sets for 86 50 ; $6.50 toilet
sets for $4 ; $5.60 toilet Sets for 83.75 ; $3.50 toilet
fiats for -$2.60 ; 82 toilet sots for 81 45. tamps and
lamp gaoda very cheap; the best lantern ever offer.
ed 111 Seaforth for 50o, usual price,850; lake herring.
$.3 per paIkage ; we keep on hand Canned Beef,
Tongue, Turkey mad Glasgow Beef Ham. Have you
tried Frankfort Benno, just the thing for tea or
' ilunoh, ready for use at
"Popular Store."
0 1'20
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