HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-14, Page 4r T" L 4 07 Or Ry 114, 1,896 FE_.BR'UA_ E, H JL Re T EXPOSIT laration ot Ilia -much anxifaby,a f in 6rder to secure the beat talent was remaxi unt 'I now NE N 7 ADVERTISEUMENTS. the Canadixi�n people- held dear. It ilth�.Gdayof Re w thobtlis ago, is not like- cause of he ro ble i vas the eirenl:L Aoul of' Jame -s I'll r4l biall, D. C. Ross$ Alex. Strachftn, Pains -to e bion which is'!' des0e support th' l pu� lie schools, Ibis ly to lead to lValter In a in ISO$ Malcolm the ocea464, a, g od'time nia for pledging itself pours of ae, a ru: Aure ;of the peaceable re- slande r oritp,reflecting onbia m(raliti who.re irl 0 be expeettL ram a ateri 106 attributed- to � blq� Black, te ke ar �e VLTbe figu to between the parenthesis after o.ach clause "is fashioned a ter a somewhat a in r lations which-ha� a ao 14iig existed between Those ie o Spoixt Arch. Bishop, Donald Among the fivori a to.ta- p w 0 0 of the paper �u which the an ty Otte denotes the 'to iln ose upon* Q madi a the necessi for P Qlause in the Ontai io aft, and iwhioh has -the two nations. It is gratifying to believe, Iurdy. a fancied- grimmela advertisement ilrbe, found le b ad! also Crerar Wit i etire in 1897. Treasurer 1 tice t e name of Will:31eLeod who to le .,retary, m era of th Ske e; Daniel war a e boaijd over G. Ste substantial sacrifices. It. f was not tin oc- been most, bitterly posed by. -the 0oser. that in ease of anyi trouble, affecting tgainst the oth t; #L' di;.' always a whole host in bimself., also Wanted -Real [ley, Itarriston & 0). (5)� iflin for boastin and there waso oast. art in't"i pask, Cas the interests of r coun- :he loeatibin of he i cho.ol house.. Tylonle oU, to meron, W. is racksell, u6f Sleafortb. 1 Longest pole- -R. NVIIH3 (6) In addi p the mothe rs, J H. Mi T Pg6 wire On —0, 0. Wilson (6) ing, in Z here 0 om- tr7, no sacrifice W urn ances �he vietb#a were arty ed, and aw RalcllfteT sionary Asqb(iation, Tlio,. Strachan, Alex. to these artists th best- lqoa tal but, the wokld to -day knows where Can- e on Catholics pre� hich' the dire at ent otoo demau'd ould be con The brightest: -11odiren.9 $too, (1) an soliolol, istriat and Pr tai%t might sidered too, fle in h4 been ecured. ad ands, and that, 11"Iecordiii ,rid, stood between them. and tho"4 Stewart r issels), Mrs. Barnhill, �Mri _J childrewhavia to att d these schools 'pro- great e 170. A Nott to creditors 7R.S.Irays (5) t �g to th �t by the People of Ontario, should they oor tile was 110 e84 ape. Taft5, 31r NoTts yery p easant at(I os n Illouthpiec's. of the great. Political 0. C allmn, M J. Scott, M vision is made for dua iegar& to the wi%,hes be called -upon to repal invasion - or tode- McGowan instructive debAte Insolvency X tic -11� Halme'sted (5) t6okplacehere on P9 ofthiD Dot A09n, fa 6, er iother'a of,* pirent.s iii the mAter of'allowitig to integrity. 6f1he: British putpire. -Tbe Cliton Now Era rernairks: One day evening, in connection with the Kippett. spe,00 -A. G, Ault (5) rt a those. fend ti t It It on Notes Hur h Ito rcill i ith a L 11 , a lady in town met wi Take Xotice, 131-W. If. NiVillia (8) 1 Brussels haq. ligious-bxer6isos the d!pr'ession fiom:wbich the !farmeri ar Ap-dij Int. Her husband was awak- ly reported,.,was Aesolv-ed tb ! , Catholic re-� I am pleaacd to observe, notwithatand derary-Smiety. Thosllbject,asrre Rant k Pickard & Co. side,`1 rough good Or evil report. children to- remain. away from Ing tie, of ng Mr, $amuell Bea., A good invaAmetit—L V. Year (8) 0 of mahased an -hotel in Paisley, at tile Study I Peculi Free -1. V. 4 ar (8) Be cola in io are sufforiiig, the growing interest Inspectors of It ny be Ontar eiied 113 cremning at tile top of ber of agiieulture should be introduced- into 0ar Gr e e any and. Trunk Changes, --Ther i tati�n in. Clinton to Catch on— harJson Maltir-la (6) pointed and in b of School and enthusiasm which exhibit in ever .0 is some ag 7 1-t . y Lee In te appointed i* tha, Re rand� roving ineffloienb, bl la provincia, nt may department -Of agriculture. Their d- 1, 'Wrong, but Sll only continudd to scream, were brought forward on both B Carri P I il k B. %villian- Hays, till.' 116W�tmanager 6f I.gra voice. i tied to discover what, was public chools." Many strong arg Mr.. atten Ave a poli agistri To Rpl� a a ln,,h,, C, M the'(�' 0 ides, ance at meetings during the list year, for own. Farm Jane Walker (6) Trunk Railway, is 4aking wondroul' and ge withdr 4wn. without: bef able apparently to speak. the able releree, Mr. R. B. AlcLean Btills for 4ale- John Fell (6) There is; no provi! k �n in the bill governing the diseussion of agric in fiters, has ib,beh' id over dered his decision in favor f the affirn)a, -A realdent in t he vleinity� of Le6nru, uIttlia a Thinking She was in a, h urrie 'i-m#ortan -Of Stock fbr s2le D. miloo (6) t ella, ei in the working k�aff laims to have seell'� It wild eat one 4y, re-; prov incial: aid, it I el ag. taken - for gr�nted greatly increased, ana.all the a0sociations uild, on his arrival, tb at tive. Arrangements. have been niade to. an that a. provine al ra be made to blie' aided by this Legislature, which depend I;ud7 b ad d isIdeated her jaw by yawn- have a debate at the next regular meet'll., i . I I to a doctor, �w ia fo FLAW ltyr gal Macilonald (t the company, Seargant, genera r oral Clark (6) ' - I 4he in Reroovi 8 to J. vg�l g � I t will -Catbolic sell —A 'lad �es' bicycle (Ib has been org4 Special Val lie Litinsdoit & Wilson (5) ager, has Telin i ished. Ilia position - Air. bols as tJ the public schools.. for success upon the support of the farming Ing. The lin4a nd wickedly remarked that on the's0ject 41 Resolved i Goderigh) and alre�dy there is &.membor-, that country Truth--41cKin on & 0o, (6) classes, are in a fl.ourisfiiug fiandi-tion. It is for onCe, lie %v a glad her jaw wa's not in Ii I Hanaford, for ii any year pany.'s fe is prc-ferable to ity life luspectiou iny Led—NY. Plaxard & Co. (6), 8 tile Cc The alfirma- f 50� gratifying to know that many!of the -nieth- S working ord An Inclependent Opinion.. ip 0 tivo is to be led by engineer, has topped �,out; Mr. James Ods initiated 'in this Pr�ovince for the im- Air. James —The other evening, sneak tbievesi; stolef Adam Lit s, highly esteemed reai� supporteiJ, b tepbenso Tbe� Montreal Star, which a quarter of beef from Mr. Will rd $6uth-' y Aliss Aniarantba ;AlOG-regor n hag -esined his position,.and it professses to I provement of agriculture, have been adopt- den of Qorr passed to tile great beyond 'and jErnest Carlisle - while the 3) oila Cal ei ei r Prov-. Otte fesidence, in Hxeter�. on 3 ikult. The occasion is made tive Side �$ to be upheld y is said that Mr. 'Nallace, the me i bi in pplities, but which -has a ed -by the Governments of th othe so-. ridt�y, nuel don ife partner Thomson,; supported, by lgiss* 1�,,l inces. —A. NOvin, of Centralia, received lill shortly, be required tot strong lean v are injur� to his right akfit the other d.k%r sail bYitho fact that his h Ion '-N I.puperintendent, wa ing tow ds the lonservative side, does nob:re-joi!p( very loudly over The pioneer farm, establis4d in Western - ere ed the dai k river of death only a few and Mr. ame� McAlordi AF andIRSt, bat'not least, Me by'& k1okirom a horse. ie lany nove 'AF ,do likewise SEAF FRIDA)�, Feb. the Algoma, promises to prove highlyuccess. 14th, 1896 w e a ago. funeral took placen,$nin- features of , this -subject will likel . Spier'bas tali n his departure. et, return -of Sir Charlei Tu'pperto the Con- fUl. L From investigations ma4e, it is quite son ex- Oth v1r. Will Jr. Ja:ck of Grey, h4s afternoon)l when his remains were laid brought ojii; which ervative foll. It sai a. removals -are als) rnmoired, and.a, very. gen. certain that much of the land in .!sur- P4rish, will prove Interest— c ianged his farm for that of the: towns besi those l'of his late help -m- ate, in to the residents ur fair city. d line hip. ofo -of To arrive. at th ,,Morris t a o on out,- oll's The IJ ion Parliament, rounding district is Well adapted for * afrri I eral fe' eling er aility and uneahiriefs babie'efface Beld cemetery. He leays, to mourn —Messrs. Ross & Climie, of tile Brussels M tony rent olitics 14 t&'�re.ult 6f yesterday's culture. The dairy schools establishex in his loss, thrte' daughters: Mrs, George The mon which has maiked the pervades the rnks of the staff,-, as 'no: flour mill, have dissolved partnership.!' r, McIday, of T I tirinberry Lizzie, �aged 17, arid Lakelet. ght, ot us stop to t ink Eastern and- Western Ontario have greatly hat would. have -ten since the rc turn one seems kricw'whose turn it mky be improN pinen proceedin a n Parlian - imiewill retire, on account of ill-belath.j I been e effect on the situ tioo - had. the �ma_ ed the equi t of theLProvin6e y, aged 14-4 NOTL$.—The Patrons of this, division and, —Messrs. Gibson and Ireland, of W een re rersed nr h d it been much hap 4 the bolte' to their respictive posMons, next.- The'n'ew broom is vident!Y, in -1 jqrit� i — Quite an! adventure of No. 1; Royal'Ok lodge, bel. t of the bolte for dairy instruction. 'Experiments in fruit rox e;e ened heir xs broken _h roWin and orchard spraying have r, have purchased the Blyth flcnrin�,11 aloyster.supperattbe residence of Mr.L' was ;a Tuesday, and the remai ader tended to make V 'er, HadSirChales -been cow bqlongi�g to 'Mr. Din 11cLeod ni s clean sw6ep.L Pst oi a'. Con defeated the 9 ill the pric;6 being -$6,500. Charles, Wright, on Widay, 7th inst. There th success Ily conducted during the past year, 'of bile o e Gveernmei 1 which :was being - wintered at G. kill - of the sessio promises to be,., a ively one. those hav -mvdy retired nt would 'h'. West Vvawanosh and L W110 e ; �I� L are Pricing! have been inev' and pr miae good results for the - flitiare. Aslifiell Ag.i Were La gr( itabl. �, dornplelte and' inime- ford'A barn Leeburn. :She -was In sed t many, present, who appeared to /t Immediatel-j, after th rj�"aulltilireal-:' Sof�iety will hold their e opening of -the -the-oldest and it ost trusted offi-cials The torthwestern part of the I rovince a inual on.Thursday 'of tlid] di4e. Ha&heattaixeda,grea�l Increased fair iternoon - * tbems6v&. Speech making . by continues to receive. the attention )f pros- i this ybar on October 6th and I th. no trace or i idings could be fo;n1d of a. Wood, Ferguson and Hoeg ; musi I a ouse, on Tuesday, 11r. Altilock moved for 'company, and wiether or not their rewo I' majority'th'ere would no —Antho�v black, an old and high es- va oubt. ave.arisen .'the reinstat te demand for. I her ilitil Tuesday morning, emelit of -*his bin abolishing -will prove be an iminedia, ectorsiand-minerso and go14-bearig oros in all itli 'forms by Misses Ritchie and[ neflDid or othem'ise to the Ili; l6inthronement t, emed resije�t of Dungannon, has ssed. when it. was in the teaderabip. I he (ert4in _. effect . of gave been discovered lin hat region 4 iver an four d lha64 h Wright, and Messrs, Wright rld Ritchie meinbers' railway passesi which had 'been oompany,,.and iti aid by some means got into e inter sts 'f the ublic, at the adua result will be tx or te' a differ. ny,,:aiid i� an arew of two thousand s4nare till e Sev- 0 �qr to, tho,sile'rit majoiity, the goo age proved a*,od programme.:—T-here willbeu qA 0 voted down in committee. On 4 call foi remains t6'be . oral Stamp m ills have bden d 7 71 years S all piglen, underneath ricert Jill ihe L 0 le n. If is iportant ini­ ence 6 � opinion- betwe en tie ! onaervative -erecto in the stac She. W 8 gotten out the straw 0, G. T. hall hae the Ist asure wa defeated by 0 to provements in districts of the Lttke- of the Woods, Rainy t1herday, a little daugliteno Mr. but wasnable mpany not only as I o the ii-nificand'o of —The o to Si rid, and as quite stiff from being in of votes, the me evorking of the Cc factiol 8, Friday in March, when Mr. Nar-ce Amon,� those ho voted for the eine river, and the prospect for n so long. A strange thing 101. a lakei and 8-1 J �hn C�oll, of Clinton, had &.narrow escape be made, the public will not.feel disposed to the elt ctio.n, hub as t( the oli y that should rem serious ifijur4, while stealing a A' tb'e &me posi Paisley, ho was unavoidably. afi4ent at th6 be foll )Wed. the employment th, a ' t one iqe on Mr.- Jobn McUil- Complain of �tes' anship that b ill hold fbrth. As vexxtrilo� were Dr. 31apdonald and All th at ;re of capital i nd labor, 810i h ao t it.is tb Mr, Fulford dreamt that last a_ the pa, -t esses wll b ;re oired to nin ial hopeful. The nickel and tliq lumber of,'officiaFhe ds in gold4mi Th g larli of this county -ve 'r. mild Mrs, Vil- quist, Mr.lPeared has few equals zxxyrwhexre� y poss -crisis. Pre. been fa e Iniant chi d of M isbewas there, and told the- boys to be sure and %Ve -vent nother Minist rial and look, that have b place' d'fix the Wit�out copper mines. ave -irly pro lucti V t bespeak fer o�ur Templars &,choice I I ughby; of Tonawinda, died The introductilbin- into the House of Sir basket during the past year and the com pletion t the itesi- questi ning the perfect unity that is Voung Liberal club has been form time.—Thijw week it Graham, God ed alloged tie oricb� on Mon is our sad duty, to e - exist betw�e' of a blast'furnace at Hamilton, wi, I it d e of Mr. E. port the death f Air. umes Ney, son f Charles Tupper, member for- Cape Breton to n the Bowell and the is in� Wiugharn,�,with the following officers:., f Tupper fl fiy of- last week'.. imuee party, it'is quite.- po �6ped,, lead to the -profitable w6rkin� of our Hbini xy president, Dr. McDonald bono Ney, by Foster and Mr. McDougall,'Vas a, I ' - I . . o-kible to —Tke 20th nniversary of Hullett gr I who died here on Febru- .,Ohver!s 11ge )f,Sir Charlisarriving'in Ottkwa, ron mi, es, by providing a local mar cet for r ary Ist, at the early age of 24 yea", 4 !ary ekidents, Thoma;a Gibson, M PV Cause for much re oicing -and. cheetirg on The retirement of Sir Oliver MowatJS the ores. NP o. 393, was h d on -onday evellill i flushed rid tol re- - - months an 14 day.a. A year age, he was i rith victo d prepa, and . T. Garrow,*M P P ry, u Is 4 e After �.be routine business preeident, I regret to ay that there as been no o current _goaaip iliLTioron and is- an. -earIv yield to' de'tiny when'the or wu ]Brown.. one of the isVice-pra to the Part of the In nisteriaiss, but the ech to) fl �b been pleasant social Was ;for WLing. ardet and most robust �young we k .0d' P marked improvement during the past year men in thevicinity, but last winter he con- pirobabili�y,,.E H famous prohibition -p 0 " in -;-first vice, A. Burkholderi W. Vat& of their jubilation liad scarcel di6d. out I oe(T "Pon him, 'and. it is poss' y rom I . h( Id. in the condition 4 'the lumber trade, the i -A when tile Oppoiti Ise succesifully.shelvtd a troublesome ques- conceive of Sir Macke zie'refulsing t di. ston( e art, Dr. J. tracted a severe cold, and in the spring con - on had their innings, the o a -ity of which exerts so b neficial an Sandersoh� who bought. 8 be R. AlcDonald,1. tion just before a general eleetio and. has Cate, until, Ilia pledgeO are fillfilled. h prosper e Brtith-' Silited the ]bcat physicians in.- the vicinity, a e f Hul� Second dce� C A,. Carnpbell, T. E. Bowles occasion beirig the introduction of r- influence on'/�the general busintsa of �the Nv Lite'9 farm, on t 14th concession o I�ept it Shelved ever since. Ilia 'retire e er over- Parliament ill quh rson. Town but., thougli dobtoring aIll summer the Ais- inN.: A, I atr ship, of Morris— le t isinaking ex,ensive improvemenis to Angers, member fo'r Charlevoix, t re big wth crisis. Province.- While sales and price have been by, lr. will make a pre ty gituittion, And Provincial 8 - rb �v e, I ai LISO getting ill t W. 11, Maxwell.; second vice., ease developed into- consumption, and he hibitionists may. commence over agai fairly satiafactory,in he English market, hi barn. He is ateria on fell a prey it, af ter suffering intense pai and Afr, Choquette. After these pro I 0) Alex,, elly, Fred Thompso. Township owing- to 6, C ice of busine tb P. ground for an w house. t two months. demontrt ions Nver6L not where they Were two years , ago, but t - as and of at Waw for the The funeral on over A r. Dick, ie otes and Comments. a mosh—first vice John Carrie e Mr. S. S. Cooper, of Clifiton, hai the "_Wata atterided by a vast con - moved for the introduction of the remedia Cc Aract of buildin -, a fine two story brick further back than thatt, for tile* �onditions finaticial disturbance, th � market for sawn I secoid vicol,.,� . Cochrane; secretary-treas' which mad The +nitoba Legislature as lumber in the United States has rem! e the magnificent converition of sembledl on tined in Course p ople, who came to show their urer, J. hitch e, H. B. Elliott. be use for Mr. Will i?an Stewart, of 1161lett. edaesdAy of last iveek synopos of which will be foulidi else.. February Gtb, 1894, do not exist to -d iluggish condition, _`h( arinkia I meeting of the Orangeme esteem for 'hot'jebeased, and sympathy for AV hen c6 mpleted Aiis ill be'amongi, the &rIes Tu, er's first day in the That opportunity has gone. forever. Your attenti8n, wil I probably be invited n where. the sorro ves,—_ of o Lit] 1 Hur Da Was lt�Ifl at Exeter, Il g parents and relati Mr.' b bi bill extending the provisions �of the e I tt. lar, The Tuesd!Ly,oilastwll�ek, wb�,en the Lre r ured from Goderich -last Sat - Was art lllleoMfortmble, fne for him, The above, from the 'Ha�miltOn'Tern "on in ortlitimberland, New IV'bi1e Mr. Hutchinson was wdrkin at Hou e ta a Dulmma bye-electi e r e further. siniplifyiIi the proced-ur -Iton, the chanics'. Lien liLws, and at the sam�e time, office; 7a ivere el ated County maeter uday, e attending the County, Council. lie had scaveely.taen big place whn the is a, fair samle,of th in! the Dohe ty factory, Clin hu e nonsense ..which even runs*ick, to fill the vacancy caused by gills will also e 11 under %-Oil CentraIll, a, (second term) ; deputy tl da�, a piece f board, thrown by Ole Opposition demanded that he take back the can their opet ation; ' I sensible people be s�brnit- e sometimes talk a -fid the appolt;ttment of Mr.,; Adams, tile, sitting ebunty'niasteri G. M. Kilty, Summerbill; ted resileoting City, 'ouncilso for - red ucing Elensall. erals write. The' retirem ent of Sir Oliver, lembe�i, i Clinton record- taitem-ent made bv him that the Lib ;a� ""Stru k lifin iii, the pit of the atom ob chap&ir Re,% W. Stout" even o the Senat durin the MUtiLny inj iring Mi internally, but not serio sly. the number of me ))era of.Councils, for Ing Seen tary, in' Clinton - finan- IV. Ei:bEh. has see d the -agency 9 61 had spent in the C e Breton elet- shodld i ,, result 41 in lie Robert BurnS. farm on the for and Lot in any wa re- T 01P G take place will n P. . Cantela r. R the election of,- improving County C rts, for revisii4g and lire oThis called forth the rnaiden speech lievo his colle of over L orris, 2-& miles south.. of Brus CIS, _qr Adrylli, or the two fitrous uhio wind. t ohilison, by a n4jojity Cial 8�11 A.' Nevin, Ce�tialia,.- treas- is nav iakingiordiers f agues.from the 00 consolidating the Ad respecting P'ublic and ro' mills, made bJR. Mntfin� & Son. of CligitbattiV17-- 6acom, pledge which o er-H . oil. Peter Alitch -,11. ur�r,i J)ho' "'ILinton; director Of The Rjecipro"tiag G o a 61d Nvar horse, a most disp- he made, and in which they ll conct4re Wa, �ecently, by A. Cousley, Brus �18, of t fligh Schools, the E tication Department, ceremon .13 ear Power Will and the Ececutt.1; d. to R carlett, Leadhury; lecturer, the University of V onto an 6 r 11 rd, of Hibbert for movement PuknP Milh, IntendibgPilre4sersshou t one for his admirers it was. He As soon as the defii d for f4irther Sion of ihe F. Davii Id - Sum I f, - - -deputy leet wo splendid:loteel nfills before p ivy'C6uncil improving the 0 0 will be g urers, Jaz. see, tbeae t em At a meeting, of ti Canadian' -,, the Agrikeu ture and Arts Act. $2,500.' Posiessi ,on ipress'as­ 7 theirrdera was Compelled Wadmit that be had on 11 Goderich, and, W. Kennedy. Hen - r in ade is g�iven`, definitely defluiug the jurisdi-etion Fo severalyemis he brewers and distil- pril Ist. w. GO d 8 ciation, held. in Tor onto last W! ovince, the pled e v ecident occurred 4he. LT and erich.eachmade a strong bid BnrEm—The road r sa the ststerilent, and made it without2the of the Pr' ek, Mr- lers of the Provin6o have dispnted.the right ning nor an - .9 will be fulfilled 'j fo� tel 2tft of July celebration, but Gode- south -in this neighborhood re itor (I Thomas of the Legislatuie to charge the Brierly, e if the St. da to a son of Solenic n Bell, al blocked ap sligilitest foUndation in- fact, bixt that it to the very letter no matter w o Sir rn with Ii- ot" b ome Journ; d Presid rge t Air. rrL ton, A own fertile truagin-, Olivees Successor in the Premiership.ni al, was elecie cense fees. To settle the question of -auth- 't c6unty meeting in Clinton. higliways,-�-The allow Hol on's ric yard, in Ha 0411. a �qcce.; sful. It was decided to hold and1he fields in mariy places are tow. th was an, invention of his the nex- beal fro the roof of th 'R, b t Holmes, of the oity, a test case, at their instance,was -sub- fe dr.,ing kiln, dve storm of Monday was er inton be, so that the jL N w Era., 0 0 dng particular,, ae learned one of the wonst this aridaused the e -vyeight tr 111�k winter rance question' will a,d mayor a elec bed vice mitted to the Court �f Appeal, and judg- h or ill The f�jllov' temple of Clintclill wa w a. und G glve� till lip an of a dd i of eorge Baladen, for- trains to b' and Mr. ent has been oi the - back. a e considerably lateon Tuesdsy.— any degre suff�r by his retirement., P D Al'G'illicuddy, of the !u i in favor of the Pro i firly of Vsbarne township, near Rodger- Air. and Mrs. James:Bonthron 0 it *as expected tha the advent of Sir. not n, e Sever ri a 'Were rles ino the House ould 'Sir The r v- bro en and the Spine injured.. t w Cha le _i position G derich Signal, a me'l f,of tli'e executive.' ince. b ewers'and distillers have ap- f the see Mae- whi U be in a vastly better i� I ville-: There -died on;January 21stil, 189Q, home of Mr. W. G' lie at ship of Hay. were in London this Co mittee. pealed from t6is jj�dgment to lewesl, 'of kerizie Bovvell deposed fron! bis position as than if the o ernm the Privy her home it Cavalier � county, North Datk� tenditIg th 'f"erai we a v ent had followed the Council. Tuel ersinitb, was the scene of a r her f Mrs. B'onthroxil-step ipireinier, but the -old man still holds the ad vice of the Templar add If ta, Jane-Balsden, wife of Geor e Baladen. niother, the late -Mr . Logi.—Th sD.eC raria, though pleasing event, on Tue few other ar. i The arbitrators to whom were referred ial 11 on. Clark 'Wallace, speaki an ;n lay Lung and heart trouble caused ter death. meetings that are behig held in tl�e Afetho� a even, gr, when Rev, H. J. Fair baptized advocAtes, -and ena 'd ge, meetino Mrs. Balsden. (nee 'Branch) was born in dist church are being.. fairly well attended reins of power, and, will, in all likelihood, dent temperaqce rig at cert in un4ptiled accounts between the e,e,, sniall children. e 36n in, Ottaw the other, night, G vernmentsof t ces of Ontario 1836 evensbire, England, and was mar- and. -tile iuter�sf in iftem is eepe children all 0 e Provin he end of the session atleAst. legislation which mi ht afterwards bi enjoy their evenin do so unt t and Quebec have d ring the past year dis- g e r marked, amidst chee thailthere was seemed to, atD A A1r. Foster, howevo a cerem( or, gives tip his position proven to be beyond their powers and thus e Cli ton follili ried to George Baladen in 1856. They left -very lafge,quantity one Orange lodge oi t of tw posed of several of I the matters referred to Muir, of th grain, Nood and hogs 1 9 in mark 'y w OUSIL'ud England in theispring of 1857, an as leder the House to the Baronet. hav bad accident one d a last w4 ep, ht t thrown the inet with d settled Continues to of the ve been mad entire regulatio� them. Appeals h1t,' �e against t and ad at passe4 i� Usborne t liship, Canada. They re 10 liqu or traffic into such (lire confusion' that d inning him, and he ha" itrators -to Caucus was lield n highest, A big C onserrliti ve ' es fingers. While e' - meets with ready der aa th had a resoi ion -read th i Ex C"On- some of the deeis ong of the arb w hex eby lie los g�, n ioved tothe hom le in Cavalier county, d eter I at! the: --bu�zz- planer, his ban& gage market priclas,—Mr! Charli the Supreme Court, and against others to S Burford, of b If ge bad don:e 'so. If So it W, : yea,s of earnest effort Would e required to IY Dako.. in 1889. Three children Wingham j unctie, Tuesday to consider the Reinedial �he oii catig it, la�cerating it so badl 7 that North the Privy CouaciA,. As It, I and formerly o The cauel preceded her ti eat h. A husband, eight f this recc ver lost ground, and restore or der and foun ielessary to amputate I a was very largely'attended, 4nd three )k�_ the -thisweekn busi- place, w as in the vil The Public A�counts for the year just I er! gra�d ge chi ness.—Quites., m con xol.. But Sir Oliver hag not retired I , one r of our youn V -irliders did, all in their' power to w ip yet, closed, will be p14,ced in your hands at a fin a. c Aldren I m the report of the Ly becp e 3"re b- t 0 so, Solo as Providence other, (the ]it 6er i� n -toviaj -ace them.. and he will not d ont6r. very early day. —Q, ednesday, 291 aP. D. th e� m6nit era into line, and to convi 1, Lh ult., an int're in Canada,) and continues' �ou will be � glad to know N I�ilf dam 5 088. quite- regulia�ly_, for t e purpose of skit ilt r, Hon..*Mr. Daly, we Marn tha t e n1in, that the total eipenditure of th ing fawent. ook place at the residence 01 Laxly friendA,: n n le e Province Ing - that it is 1eir bounden dn 0' -rid oir fall giv(s him health. and streng1th to Cc fi. tie —A most 6 11 iuyral on D. Urquhart was in London this ty, t sta of John Hun -,er, 71bb conce ile time was spen in tie service of his native Ovin b �r inimigrints who ca* to Canada last was -kept well wit!hin the appropFlatiQns,and ssioni Orris, W ell Priday ovenin' [at m1t., when some Sixty weeL-L —Airs. 'G,. A. abaa returned b I t h a a( cond Vaughter, Alice, w marK6 y this m asure.., Despite 01 their erb ' ce. that the actual receipts were considerably to invited uest- az,, -r fronx quen -a r was 23, i i Aed at the beautiful Luean, whereishe decre"I e , Of" in exceass of the 4thnate. i eorgo 363,f a of r. rank E. Ann fforts,hmi-ever,ailumber of.their foll6w ett,, of All for oe ir, Cranbrook. Games ��ynt had rjUj�e county., The ceremony was -dr their ip'tent' . The estimates for P4 eof his JIUMber 17,�31 declar, ion the cur ent year will, sidenfi' ture a e era, headed by Clarke arfo�rmeild by Nv ven. Wallace and Dr. That Remedial Bill. i of all kind Sh a a ;aged in t;appearo he w,Lsi np. 0 becoming residents oft, e Dominion. The 'Without delay, be submitt d for your Rev. E d. aw, of Belgrave. one of the inga ago. Stairs in the d 2,114, aprval. - They will ank Oliver h ar be fo rid to —3 irs. -pop charades, and these real, of the Ober Tlielong talked of Remedial Act, It )r iestea d- entries last ye ere' he ost ing verprintingrooms, an kn Weldon, I ail, to see thingrs inithat ligab t, and -1 ill -L . numb as purchase en I This N16 ere Illost will str ously oppose the �ne,%sure. Posing sepaate schools'on' bhe Province of againat 2,683 the year bef have house arid lot on Queen Street; in Er a Is autly interspersed with p the back- door to get Sam _.ening re. Of the home-" �befi*epared with a due regard to econ- lathing lie in. (11 ht, coffee and a tempting -wanted outsid4 he fo rgot L for the moment a! eaders 527 were u t Yr. usic. At only - land, the, necessitiesi of the public Im m- -I rich . appear to disappear, and jollity how I -not satisfy the bossei another lar J toba, from William Hablkirk, p�ying $632 for�i� 4oes rid �N -has atlength Canadi a, 432 , United been laidbefore'P f diat� Sua, tea, 261 English, 23 Iri h, 76 Sc6tch,��81 �serVl possession was giv rar he from. terra 6rinm and en, s, Alt. reneWe to Teeswater. rs. or Opened to empty sp be hold before Oita second read- liaw ent. It WAS Introduced into t'he' Com- d Vtf f F en ll,'67 Russiarl, etc. Habli irk r4moved It resh zest. But, like all that the do ng of th ace, aa. 1110 a ueMai­ Olive I move�l into Bruss' g od things, this eve -by theAlinister of Justice on T els a short time; ako, Ing had to,corne to ail before he bad time te realize the real state f the W�e' ek all, Sol, I ho rtly f 'r I o'clock, Jehoso- News 6 ei topped fo the ground, a dis- U� ei it the Roman Cathoilics lie' average atinur i front'her farm, 6th concession� Grey. p at bound )A his of affairs he d will be ex - I d itiliorblitioll of horses DisruRA.CE IM FOR3164`5A.—The hisur- —1 he. follbiwinLy a moccasins and betook tance of about,14 feet, and ith erilfted from' paying tax' re a few of the Mae o IS= er h Hdrmo!nios For 0nao, es Ito sup rectigh against- Jaanese rule in the Isla Statistics h- W in a couple port the' ilAd Great Britain a' ounts 'to 20 000 and If t hi in-law's and elsewhere of feet of rid of t nley lLown�hip, for 18905: The totA4 pub-ieschools, but ill t'alone, an Open ciptern. A miss hoV- ha�e the right t6 of Formolia. is spreading. Ten thousand an a tdrivishing and Mrs. ever, in his case, was as good asa, mile, and till very rgoentl or It is no! often that such it 1 spirit of liar- assessment as $1,660,540; on. this th� Mr. do so, on giving notice to thd was Id -Vied f9r county rates, $3,487.61'; to AlleNairmany tunately lie did not sustaii, a y the supp I ly calne from the rebels are reported t 7e its 0 happiness and very for 4- -Eu�rope. " But sinbe 1890 the A —Louis Allard a French township, $2,989.09; for general ch' P osperity - injury from is fall.—M ­ 13e, ny 11011y.aInd brotherly love preyades the dis- Sop arate school con 'hent of o be in the field. tias bees of their interibi in t ir. nc w home. on to adhere- to the Un 8 oc serious Iss tha. i ed States and —The report f �tfie Educational in our Dominion Parham Canada have catured a Canad an, died at his home in xate, 1;13%75, and for special school ratom s. The eparae. sichools coni ide'rable percent I of usiness. �In. cO on Saturday, at th; age of he J whore one -of eat as Gov Brnment. school Cohoes -Society, Dick left hereon Tu day for Clarksburg t1lat which characterised the debate on Mr. age the un New York d also that ilissionary "Society, of 2,811.55 other purposes, $121.215. Toba e and sister -established in, their entire't' 189a theformer countiy e tor�aedd to Eng., of one hundred an nine years. thle, Al e th o d are will be re hei.bro b vlo_Neiirs resolution, express. ng, tile loyalty Y) amou: t levied, $10,556.25. ist! 0 11-reb, fbr the years 1894-95, living, an 6 intends visiting for an d where, sit lanl6 4,733 horses, whil a�s quota T have bee ne time.—Our respected tonsman and witha Catholic section e No DTvoRcr I ERR. n issuid, au(. tW6 following p'artic- Sol of Canada., to D ritvin, which It I tfie Council of —Two liale *none- —T , e other day, all the members of. th of if of Holleall ari Moulder, of Honey ingthe Cc itributions from vari- founder, or c a un&nimGus-, 'at no it a amo rited � to 5, 000. ' A Lo i gen ins, Air. and of Londesboro, * sat'foi ulirs, show Pub Ic In r don firnio'f horse Mrs. Craw �.Ord family, y f.at her t�'f y adopted a few day tic d an rganizatio ' - ; . . I !�: � n di d e ra advise that from JE ua 1boL Creek,1, Indiana, celebrated the � sixty-ni roup photo, at Foster's OL ous circuits in the Goderich district, are Janigs Petty, has- xecently added a 1i 4 ago. tChe resolution May is, nth It tograph gallttf vidE I into school diiatricts,- -to the. wer. a. eat time to put horsek on anniv sary o t -.marriage last week. linton taL-en therefrom vas moved by rom the Con- the Exigli� h ieii They in el- firs. Crawford, fi'v "I'allo to his d -welling. larries Bel, ;of r e xes,. build and e schooLILS'. Sizable carriag 3 horses 'OSED lfiffionarY Edna&!,' the Londoi by Mr. Davis, 9 son,from Je' and secanded raiso ta di n r 15.2, -to PR ME W � JOHANXESBURG,—It is sons- a ad two dau liters. 6 read- ijao b man 16 b ds high, Suitable fo private One f -Society. Fund, Usily engaged 4raw_ rect,-d by trustee f, , 13 '1 ing material for the tion Of sb q eleeqted b the -rat bay propoE ad t under British adminis- la'vnev, Manitoba is on a visib to' the dl rec rick - era o create,� North street, qo,Oericli.... $316.6-9 $37.44 dwelling in the sprit leadng memer of the Liberal and our -London job mast two, realize fro�rri tratiox, a new Joliannesberg in Rhodesia. I rid the reunion was a most, happ ionic, a P&-rty' The Catholics will. htt've a right to their at the Corner of 11 �oth gentlernen itiade able ail Victoria-street�' Oodeiich.. 63.38 S the district one. d patriotic - 0 ( to ding to dze and quait�- is very Heusall and the Lon( n 500, accor Mr. C�cil Rhodes 18.10 share of the Government se 001 a The Stronger Win. —0 1 onday afternoon of last weelk- �peeelxea, as -did also Ron. Mr. Laurier, Sir sub idies in here, used in our Omni. iiLch in mineral a d be predicts a 41.40 Caldwell was in Exeter bis week class I t a Ri ttenbury stieetli Clinton 385.05 pral ortion to their number. The following buses, trams and vartivork, fetch from $i�jo great future for the asMrfl. en e.. 0 o eric I, with- Or tario street, Clnto: 1.50.32 14.6- V%iting Hon, Poster, Sir t r also in the NV� Se iforth ............ friends.—Mrs. to' 9 -TyTHOUSAND OSL001-[Fr.S.—Twen_. 26.1.3 -sa r 250. The age should e f roni five to six TWE.N Hector Lamgevin sions of th ty r tile i Sumnay of the further pro Child In view of in ber sister Mrs. A.- dVi I year ren as vin over t e railw H(Iniesvillb,_... 153.79 1.8.00 illitge visit rn ousand,spectafors"*ere at the Rtigby bridge leadin rd, train Taylor.—Mrs. - D.eLio returna rs. e They must be.�lpie in. ha -esa and 0 SI bill ivill- ive birr readers a very goqdinsirtht �o ride, Ilia Ba yfi-eld.. . d' -home this -1- th Re. vitteratives by the leders, 'And so ell- I n . - ­ ­ I ..... 48.76 4.115 week fr tinder football mach Va rna, ................... . 97.16 Rev. Mr. e, intoL its naure and scope %a the cage lilay be, and without be ween Wales and cot ed 'the horse; wh' om visiting friends in London. ___.TjI0 thusiastically assei�ted to by any the rank and land, played at Cardiff. The Welshmen away, upsetting the cutter, in th McWhi ey, of Kirkton, arlil The measure re'citea in the:* p� won b H(naall. ................ the-ocellpauts oul Roy, Pf 8 Paul's church y 6 points to 0. Though no. bones we Ki?pen ........ ....... 53.4 . 3 intend file of bo�th pm,tiesl it ill becomes any pa1-ty rel%mble the 191.10 ov. r�, E. e derful —The Rev. John Fitz- broker, iAIIAn was serious in Canad to arrog �owe �i of e ty So changing pul as ns which -hav :& the Donii Tie wo'n GETs TEx YEAW 41 0 _r e induce Dion .36 'PI 8 C1 91 1Y Dungannon.... ..... 169.00 19.51 A] r' Henry Welsh have been via . iting rela- te to itself tile em on Sibbathnext —Air. axid 814 ti cter &-rid will declare it expedient to do so tenced ori rday to, t —0, 1 Tuesdav fternoon of la lb week, t', i e ........ only right ParRainent to puss Legislation of this Char- to bt, limitless. I arald, of RochestEi,.New York, was sell- Wa Ill io one of ti e children. t las facer ac n at potenb be: Cal ed loyl find to taunt its opponents h- 4 in oM 0 en years imprison- 90.50 vesad friends in Bratitford.—Mr. ,N-1 e title of the bill is the.16 Stu bi� of Be 2miller.. 81-65 merelt w vit disloyalty, as The'Rem(ji&i rid d with* nent' hig ell found guil the Huron and Bru,,e W ugham sley accompartie T was so Common with in aving abullial x-neetinj of in n titoba). the past few weeks h ty C 5-10 Alrray, of Pai d by his .......... a eve, utical has been arson. I the Conservative arty in tl.1 Loan d Investent ompau 2102,39 -24.56 wife, has been t here e carripagn of was he] 1,1 W oxetei ... for the past week visit-, niade,in Photogra J USTI ffi� her Sister, -Mrs, James White.—Mr. A I ROE L'CATHOLIC TIOARD. hv b it 1 use. in the board room, God-erieb Tile 0 d Br 71.85 12,10 Sse a ...... ..... ... 101.52 1-1.00 hori; e 'it wag onl �08! ible to photqgrap�, Walton ....... intends' asions. Tie Provincial authorities �d' Cently board of directo was re-elec 3891, and on Some inore recent occ, Until re- c SUCOESS611--The are aut, 'bairmanship of the [rish party, rendered ted. J'. 11. G. Ross, of near Rodgerville It. is hoped therefoie, that 4uch unqeemly to a])Point a Catholic Board of Educat' the xterior� h vacant .... 44 88 1,80 shipping on Saturday a car loadof very fine by the resig Ajon of ir. Justin Ale- n o a obi, experiments Colborne was re -e ected presiden i� S. Slow . Lo idesbmto. . . op e tie assistance of e -pr!sident, d He 1EEo.,tbn,j ma ..... .. es for Boston. ora uplicated. Car y, hag been t red to' Mr. vice 162.20 clain not mor y Thoma race BI, -th ... ..... 138.49 Ate believe 9 g i be d Ilia consisting of :lhave b ext iucces ful In 1-5.10 It coliduct, may never EL, for the provi th' The loyalty of Canada 'to the nnoth* than nine persons, Nvho must be Royr ail "eloctrica power, ., en b Sexton. he is buyin and 0 tb y 1)ersons are ell- ag V. R. lbertson and iB4 lip another fine lot for' eds no protectio 0 ics, three of whom will re abled 'to ph6tograp Irw pointed auditors forhe ar 1891 1 A� burn 0 shipment to the old iiie tire xxinual. tl d . i "ternal com -SAXONY ; Xr-,w B6 .—The Government Wf -50-2-3 20-40 emintry Two lar' 081- 11 But, as was ren'�arked ly This board will be chiarge �ge� 4eigh oads of tile of the human Of Sixony hasp Be'grave... y repar of Hill 'creators of Court ivk Green Lodge Hen- arin� the d Experts Mans, lett, has Cc! r -Touse of Commons d ieb are the control also been lena:bled'to aN p- election system, and A t Bli evale. .......... 107.38 6.32- sail in the I duks chief among wit d with rn"Y tic"- 6 a bill. changing the M 80-70 16. 11 0�t araph through ually disfranchising tracts. for the drove from here on Monday e;exing to course of this most� notable discussion ther an d Y�anagenlent of 4parate schools - the rubber, leather, and o the working classes, tb �b ec fd, lowing work this i yeai Ma in stre 3t, Exeter, 267.40 24.79 e t bei attend a special, strict meeting at Ex- 7aw 'nos ism time for e� ext books - e issuing er 1 like materials, t g to ex- ']bank barn for or di se,ecbipn of t Jol n Daer, East N Jar lies str et eter,, a dnow ibis their purp s alists-frorn e spoke in t -CryiIiing, an(l..now is the of . n ie to photograph the elude Soci bank bir. for Georg k 277.73 49.21 eter, and they terms of of t h e Watt, Har ock'?, ba; The tot I qFLe era certificates; t is speci Cal- rain -of human bei' a, i hich will I in ail_ 'ER Comm, I �mdunt irylsed for missions, on how they the but i L ol, time for some, sit ell 'I declaatiou as ly ident, barn f or William! Sm enjoyeft eh ed on the. Kruger, of the Tran va LI, It 6nderaon, 1� th Con - thel Gode ic, L was 1, 973. 51 ; on manner in which the inin and the 1 in board that the,text proba ility prove su ssfu This discov- ted the sion H illett' ba I k barn for- Job I Moilro Win haM ldistri:�t, 1,346.22, The sumptuously y CCE as acce istrict, res4lution to those- used in tho� er'y.*.0 Were o kindly and - Weill subm r. bo aks ust be i - undoubtedly work wonders in thi invitation extended o him by Colo ial See the' Morris baxi� b- enter ed -4 sets fo th th chools of Ct n e unalterable loyalty a. P1 blic the bile the' inedifal, profes retary Chamberlain t b n. for M. nni Goderich is' b he Exeter province,- w �riglt was econd hi eat' the brethren. They ha t9itite 4LU visit c. lorris: bankbar for James Nei hei adventure mpanied b bers of th T elp �onferexlcf uelph alone e. -V-Q 1 0 e C811adiall Parliment ltqL the &t;ai ets to those h- surgery. The next t will be to co rans- ris, and other'mitilor work. just -before leaving to, rn. 'a ering ce b - nri o 'have passed tell vael Executive to acf, a Cc up the lead or w, While th Sion, partieu I along the Erik and, -a Ir �y eding it t*07 f the �d de te Ch themselves ae not to be inferior in' line 0 -' i 9 y some me Al' Old GU 'h Bitish Throne a%4 constitution th ).'I Y the aid of Photogra what people isal, n. ----m`Thi Orangemen of North, Hi ron met in P -urdock, the ran incia, Wil th I the. provi normal sell TwF, SAM Iq Mr. M proprietor of the ools and are t�inking.abl6ut. C A t -,N USTRY. Wingh4in, on Ttftsday of I k n ivery, was —,Sir am. em )loy Joseph Trutch, ex -G eve ast all I' weak a e boards are n Dan lingriess of theCanadian people to male sub ed in the public schools. The rnor of British Col- I Ing around theillag edl.ected ftohe following officers: �'oh the brethrenwho stantia sacrifices _h; t thes unibia, sailed on SataFday for en and to inaititain un oint in this is, t iM red Europe. He n Wilford, D. AL were alreaAy in-thosl B... Perki4nL I BOOT�s Zi were all itting to be t Ila judges of the comparative quli_� THE ONTARIO L' EG LATURE stated that the cauning industry of that chaplaiu ;W. J.�Fleutv recording seer SI�OES- 41aving finished stock- on h e 8 having in vie-,tv that the integrity,and inviolate the honor of Her fi c %tio, 8 of the rig an taking, I ft I iin oventoOked In Boots Ln4 Shoe teacheis and standar3s exceeds three million dollars a tary: J, -Alooney, finxit" In order to. they -would thus. b A- work' i province lajesty's Empire and, at he same time as com )&red with th� publi school teachers; year. cial SeCr5tary; W� FOCIU08 this stoclr4 I will.give 10 per cent. heir hicks to the 'The Ontario' Leg 'e rry off all regu 1 win -ire of Cana to rk. This part of the bi ent d at J-1 Gr er�, treasurer Benjamin G s for the next So dayt. storm on driving he e Exetr, and in the des and m o slature p tr prl4 maintaill 'the 11 most. WrLL C01',T $47'500,000----�The Brothers Owen Moot offer a, varld tines Wlow cost and 41 turnin Seems to r- I 0 1 and McKee There Hav;iag bo bt nto n Tues 9 WInter friendl with the United tates. -eq 5()o corner I the a I leigh capaiied, and, being aov- y day fdth rnoo British naval programme Will cost largely for Spring, I 'A be m& eled after* the Quebec school lectur r� good 9 somewhat sniartl at CoxworthA relations law. ere at Wingba SE Ult= SCHOOL SUPk was decided on as th ext plao t must r u my.prosents ck. CaU and get, prices RINTE-110). I . with I which will be constructed four eeth has, unnecessal y the usiml formalities, arl.d th to COT ent A on imrintendont of.Eeparate schools to: of Si battle all ps, four fared one, the occupant tis, per 1;.:.VT. us�al crowd 000, of in 9. before buyl 9 else*bera. J. CA�XO. 1"9-2 a had no way appointed by the The pro amhe 4-:- rk themselves an -the I g4t-seers. first-class cruisers, four —Jam.,s Thomson, formerly to, le NOTrm esult be for the es. - largely upon the exithusiasxi characte�tiZing provinciail au third-clas 17 jumping to save thorities, cruiser of tra�v is nc w finding ,Sion's 1 vork, as laid dow a insithe addres i of destroyer any years P y the discussioxx6f this motion in the who will- have the getiera supervisi, t 9 resi- at $5 n and and 66 torpedo Godeiriel, and for In sale Was that Mr. David W. Foss got his shoul- ouse .50 �er ton,. andi large quantities are der dislocated Mr. J7ohn"F, e h' the akota, is low iving r is wrist, tion n the p Failing tains se've'rall ac olic.school. Li eutenant-Goverrilt r, 'c TS TIM OYSTER being pr ased- 'n thi's neighborhood, for while. Mr. iKrdoe_k d t ers received A friendly li,XTINCT in AzasaN .Los Angeles countyi a .—Mr.' David D barrister, of some smallor injuri alud its unanimous adoption direction of the Cath dent of I �owesrnout, D axt of ave Californi r�valry marked the efforts of the tN e, this su� v -caused immense damage whither e went owing to the F, 1 -health 0 Grand A14rclues,�visit6d at home of Mr. grit th& es. However, -with the the provine Cry inportant subjecti, a hi It Starfish -vo t* w le , with among t e Connecticut oyster� ds this Mrs. Th t charaeterizess p�r tea perint dent will -be appoint d by t he Do- the ust a rush of private Iq1 islation, �ill_ ison., Previouff to their r VV William D Og' e people of Hensall, _e t� speak with no une be the fartain sound as 0 the minion season. ill tie grower has spent, .$8000 in oig, during the week. Mr. Doig they, got th ern des make ),�tolerably busy 'ses'io The d at th4' residene is among the Hulron boys who- are bound to went on loyalty of the Canadian Se a ate school districts a farewe party was hel eir inju attended to,. and a to the nation Under P may be reated the last few months in an effort to check o f J. I H row, also a former Gdorich man make their mark in �heir pro-fleasions.—Mr. on' th no per- e have )ell already ita, d, a fine time -whoe br on the fatition of ten heads o families who d the ravag % of the starfish, but *i and Mr. rid Mrs. Thomson *ertal made th Dougal McKnight is �Iow in the employ of oad shield they have bec'me dress it i reply to the ape eeb, Is move theiway rejoicing, and a t as in a ar� Ca&Olics -and who pledge theme ve to Wedue;day, by Mr. Af. [McLean, of! ceptible . 'esults. The Chesapeake oyster recipientA of valuable preseripe—Jbbe forrnox� Mr. D. C. McLeAll. !Mr Exeter.—Mr. -James C ur has be great people, and as to their certain amount of financial support, to tile beds are rapidly diminishing in productive. receiving a beautiful field-glaaa heart od South. uron, and seconled JMr. T, w. I tie* McUatn will find spending the past few �veeks visiting en will to their cousitas of the neighbor school leach year. re- and a gold Mr. McKnight the ri,ght man in i:ela- the right &blie, it sand Where a niiinicipality f' North Ontario. hei address is: about 10, furnished chain, an� I the latter a diamond �rooch. place.—The ives and friends- in To onto, Galt and else - in I - apply of Fi teen years ago they a wood yards of our village are wbere.—Mi Melv Ile church, R e ails to org russels, hpld its an- now well stocked t wood, which is a so Vance,, of . Toronto,, and thing, that for beefIlini'lig Catholic school district, the power will de-_ follos . product 1000 bushels Of oysters. The — Once it' long and year will not be more than nual V strY volve on the Board. of Education. me tin on Mondav eve6in f brother, are - visiting their 5,000,060 -a els. g o last good f 'end during aunts, Afro. while the parties have found a theme! It iswith feelings of mile e cold season. —Aliss orrow that I, artments of its Lizzie I ltzgeral& of Shaffer and Mrs. T. Dick.—Mr. nd Airre. !-apon M RDRR]@1) week, wb n tie various de�p nd�ple Ito at ne e t 'olss( GR 'ee 8 ay al eat e Pn' ti r to a T 1, b Dr( ly r P tic te work for 8295, were passed under revie*1., iting rith her un and cently of Thames In the event- of the- Municipal Council mentiol the bereav' THRrE MFN. -�-Benjamld which, in respect of its general pri faili xg to collect the alapars ement of lier Majesty!i 11 e Queen Cit is via. Wilkins; formerly of Londeiboro and re- te school taixes, the det th of her son 111 Rateliffe as hanged at De dorado ?�,We give e followin items from the print,--- Mrs. R. Mellii and aunt, Ville have moved into ur they can agree, it goes w oWer is given t�o the Catholic Board of of Bat& urg, in-law, 1?rince. Henpv! on Frida. 7th inst. The ltirinrveer' Cc 9 is. Re in tin a are ithout ainig' that ducation. i�eppessive now village. ir. Wil :all spirit of nb A esolutio, for which ed repor : Families 200 membe tre hodiat chute and are has secured work I. Of be- suffer -,d death was oxie 'of ra, 424 - being h Ad in I -ns rr. pa boastillg and vai, glory was TAXATIoN INOT (10'.NIPCIAORY, the sy 6thy, whi( am su�r a ee at the most receipts r all purposes, $2,507.09, of whi, with - Mr. A. Murdok.—Arrs, Harr Nrith t artling in the history h being fE irly well: att nded.— rs. William Arnold ent rt ine nuin r happily absent from the spe(ches. The No 'Roman Catho . y III vl�f I. be submit- 583.76 were for miss' y lie will be taxed 'for the ted Royal ho Ehold Prompted of Colorado. ionary purposes. The Cooper, sr., has be of her young by a desire for revenge for what balance in the treasury, after Meeting all hereon, John, ini H Cana:d' our consid i 14tion. 1 i r�ettl I ed to the home of 'friends an Tuesday evening la;St.-31iss �411 House of Commons in a full sense Support of a sep'arate school if he notifies I am h,6 considered grievous wrongs, he deliber- the ordina ad to notice - ick. —All should bear Yung, of SeafoAll Of its. responsibility was Solemnly ple(IginL that the l[action of the ry expenses and paying �8100 in mind the Siesd aL-nA 14_ the municipal authorities that he desire� his �Go "T-.* 4ely shot down in the so -h. -JI, on is the vuest of the + veri ient of ti, P 4 vary en- Misses Bonthron ouse at, luex- the Sheds, was 827-26- The new board 0' tertairii ient, . t e; %I Of � Rod.gerville.-Miss; tmu ou with re- f6 on, Park county, the three members of manageme at consists of i axes w go to tile public sellools but his re- Peet it ) the terrto�ial ri, on Tufasda�.y even- Ross o the maintena nee of principles which sponsibility to pay Cathol i c sch-o'lol taxes wi a at th, , of Lindsay was 61 ��'S of Gre ra the following: j".. Ing, under th - ail of the Hall Corn- I Ju. the vifflage this 11 Britaih� xi South Ame e school, board, Samuel Taylor, Lincoln y. Strachan, G. F. Blair, Thomas week visiting her siste'r Mrs, rici,_ whio ed 80 McCurd and George 1). Wyatt. The Alex. Stem -art (Grey Davidson,, pany. a e ly concert of theses. Lean. -Mrs IV. B. Ale - It caused so who retire in 1899;� son, on( I as the man nal,4 Miss Hall and MM have spared no I Snell, all of Dq�ahjvood spent last Sabbath a don. - tout b preml Zfersi tbe , I fev, -I AL -did z VVas when feel t2l . awlay p usbi, did 1411 lops 0 , t Ale abi for th poor I kind- xioll. food f, �oftexl price 1, eallEd, oaved- precul 4011103711 tbia lb foreig. -the be obar-64' Idea o' Frond bit edl gardelt Tanks .1 be fou 1lood .41 CS, 1. _410t for tU Imeat I to exil Iles$, 4 maenta .2nig4A 1 Tax mer at 1-h e tlie fa ,Georg4 vfteptl weleoll Barnu, barlds- �Vtrang, 4.urp J,-� Mr. L_ =pge4 T110 .-story, I TI -1017 P-1 edged' �chncld Iifethij lot his Inan 14 I "W1 13arnu BaTnu IDut 10 thews they V5, itiade, friend ferent ,ph= ,dorfirl o 4 AH in tb v1th seein �eonib .'of the, _S1 D NOW& Rob 'bas bei away I is Mott VnItem and V In a 4, A i N"el -place. ,or Vhen -the k -1- A -ehina, ��!ffilled and 41 --age, W.. the wal The ze m1l, al coil.. -Zerest tering was `don't -Wltho cirl in I that