The Huron Expositor, 1896-02-07, Page 8iF ilson's Cash Grocery. Extra valitee just now in line table syrun! and a Blue ,yello* sugar suitable for making syrup ‘; fresh eiroimd buokwheat Rower and maple syrup .1just in. e have something extra fine in eheese. Onr stook , Teas and Zloiree is second to none for quality and ; we will guarantee you better value than you c n get from any peddler in the country and you ve the advantage of belbg abIe to return anything t at don't please you. Our stook Of dried fruite aps, etarch, hams, haeon, lard and all kinds of family groceries is complete and of the best quality and our prices are the loWest. We eXpect in few rf di her wholesome literature. The sp a ✓ • his own !notice where good had b e ne, and the1whole current of life °hang the influence of this literature. The ty employs a number of avel through the new, p ttled districts- of the_ co mos of the people ; the camps, and other out -o -the-way pla stributing these books. The sailors e canals and lakes 'are Ise attended ass to be ahlo to men choce flour at lees than the . in this way. In al!„ these pilaces, colporte regular price. In fine dinner, tea and toilet eets we have some of the best 'nd newest geode hi the Ve •alwaYs market. (Tall and see, the lamp goods, plates, cups lowest price& We give t kinds of trade. olporteurs, or and spars ntry, visit umber and , Prices aro right, Limns, . books and tracts whieh the nd satiates jure All., at ' eagerly sdught after,' an 0 highest prices tfor all read. During the past y WILSON, Seaforth. or rost, has been opened at Rank of Commerce Illook. it intended, as soon 1.ra the 0. Seaforth's Largest Clothing Houpe. When in tho. history of tl Clothing been at such low pric to wonder at such FLNE Men's Union Tweed na heavy Tweed Pants, $1 ; 85.85 ; Men's Frieze 0 Beer's' Overcoats, all price ostabliehinent has s, the people eeem CDS for , nob LOW Men's good reliable 1 Frieze Overcoats, eremite, Black and r , all sizes, all kind& ahrgatn. Clothing and Pry Goo House, Seaforth. 1888 Sensible Peop use the MONE .ORDERS STEAMSHIPS Reliable Inforination and Lowest Rates given by • TORONTO, Larost, best equipped and ost popular commercial derate rates ; everything 1444-52 • RUTH Postponed -L NEM - Owing to grip and other Practice continued each Wed ititt L,s' won txpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. Wants sou Lreemeate-The BellTelephone Company would be glad of all the experi- enced telegraph or telephone linemen they can get hold, of just now to work in Toronto for a feee weeks. Application should be 'made et once at 37 Temperance Street, vious occasions the minstrel show on Friday erening last under the auspices of the Bea- ver lacrosse clab was well patronized, the hall being full. The many jokes of the end men were funny 'and of the latest ; while the various solos and choruses were well rendered and much appreciated by the audience. Mr. G. B. Seet0s sermon was, exceedingly comical and kept the audience in roars of laughter. The entertainment was wound up by an emusing farce, and all felt that they had s -pent an enjoyable even- ing ; and following the old sew of " laugh and grow fat," expected to wake up in the morning and find themselves quite.corpalent. RtssawAn.-A horse belonging to Mr. ieorge Levis, Massey -Harris agent of Cline on, made things interesting for a while on lain street on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. evis was driving towards the railway sta- on, and when nearly in front of Dick's he- el, attempted to turn around. In doing so he cutter upset, frightening the horse, Which made up the street at a lively pace. At the Queen's hotel it took to the sidewalk and after taking the cutter over a pump, re- tarded to the road, and continued its per- egrinations on up North Main street for some distance, when it trotted into a yard, and was then captured. Strange to say iteither horse, cutter, nor occupants were any the worse of the little escapade. i Ties PowEn. or LovE.-The Henna Ob- ' erver of last week lies the following, which s too good to be lost : One of our Ffensall itizens who took patt in; the West Huron Contest tells an amuSing incident in whieh he was an actor. Being requested pc. drive to a certain place and bring a voter to the poll, he went and after considerabie tramp - ;leg through the snow found the voter chop- p'mg in the woods. He reqeested him to go with him and vote . for Weismiller, but the man refuSed point blank. With disgust and discouragement pictured upon his face, ue Hensel" friend started back on biaweary errand through the snow. He had not gone far, however, when he met! a young man eoming along with determination outlined on every feature of bis neble countenance. " Can't you get that man ?" enquired the youth. "No, ' said T.; "I have done my best but he won't come.: ' " He has. got to, said our young hero, and continued : " You see it is this way ; 1 fini engaged t� hia deughter, aud if he don't come the whoIR -affair is off." The young man proeeede and delivered his intimation and the old man sprang off the log and struck out for the polling place with -the alacrity of a sehoed boy. Young men,- you have great power. Use it judiciously, • THE TR kilr Soo/Eva-Rev. Dr. Moffatt, the efficient and energetic agent of the Upper Canada Book and Tract Society, preached in the Egmondville Presbyterian church on Sribbitth merning last, arid in the Presbyterian church, tea:forth, on Sabbath i-, evening. Oo Montle . evening, the animal meeting of the societ - was held, in the lasetnent of the latter church. The night a as stormy, and there was only a, small at- teudance. Those present, however, were well repaid for coming out. The chair was oteupied by Dr. MeDetriald, and a most in- teresting address was delivered by Dr. Moffat, deeeriptive of the operations of the eoeiety, and the noble work being done by it. During the past year the society dis- tributed, by sale and gift, over ten thou - eland copies of the Seriptures,tuad thirty thou- sand other relig,ious books, besides immense et Other ports. The obje is to furnish a -quiet rind dispose of very gener Kiegeton, an finances of similar hon t Of these ho where sailors, ;when theyland, 'can meet o - their homes and frien s, and amuse them.: saves with harmless games, s ch as. eheck- ere, chess, etc., and in this way provide cbunter attraction to the saloons and other ingston home a thousand read, that re - ho ly he he re Ily it he es es questioriable resorts. The. I Was visited last year 'by ove sailors, and it is so linuels them, and its fame has so s qnests have been, received om sadori in other parts asking for!. the esta,blishMent; of similar resoets. This les ell missionary work • of the most praeticat usefitl kind, and those engaged in it 14oald receive the ems • dial and generous sympathy' and support of . all who wish te aid in the great; work bettering hninanity. We hope that m en the colleetors ifor this society call upon the people of this and other districts for contributions, the restionse will' be in keeping 'with the great importance !of the FROM INnonE,' IN kna. =Miss Sinclair, who h s spent fiveyears ie mission work at In- d re, India, and Who is now at home on fuVlough, gave a -most intereeting address in. the basement of the Presbyterian church on St eclnesday evening, last eek, to. a very 'good audience of ladies. Mi s Sinclair is 'a lk close attention of her a (Hence for over an hour. Her description o th condition and habits of the natives, apd of the progress of Christianization amongst them, • gained by five years of practicer experience, was most graphically giveo, and tari*' undoubtedly create muchlaterest in behalf of, the Indere mission, which Mies Sinclair represents. ' • ANOTHER shipment • of La, e Huron her- ring just to hand, which we are elling by the keg or dozen. ' Remember, that we re eive froah-Haddie from the packers every Thursday. FRED DAVIS, *the Opera Bieck Grocer, Seated . Collars lpft, to elear cheap W. W. Ilopealiix. Sea - forth. - 1463-1 EVAPORATED PEACH 13 make the nicest pies of any fruit in the mar et, and jest think, you ean get three pounds for 25c at FRED DAVIS' grocery, BOArinnes WANTED. Boarders wanted for a couple of comfortable r ores;in a private family in town. Pleasant and cony merit location. Apply at Exroarroa office. 1400-2 FIVE pounds choice b king Figs for 25e. Cranberriest Evaporated Apples and all kinds of dried fruits in season at th Opera House grocery store. FILED DAVIS, Seafort 1469.1 DENTAL ,NOTICE. -F. W. Tweddle, den- tist, Seaforth. Until Earth r notice, the prices of Rubber Plates Will be red el to 86 ; the Lest of material ;and workmanship guarimteed. All other work at correspondingly 1 w prices. Office -Over Richardson & McInnis' dire Main street, Seatorth. 1467-tf A BEAUTIFUL Ja,pa ese tea pot- given away with every 25e can of orest City Ilaking Pow. der, at the Opera House gro ry store. FRED DAVIS, MR. J. F. CLARK, f the Golden Lion store, semorth, has decided 0 continue his oiearing Bate tor ten days -longer-. ly ten -at the ,end of whioh time the store will be closed to business. ,,, 14681 CHILDREN FOR ADOMON. A widower with two little girls, 9 and , would like to get them adopted by respectable pe ple (Pr testant) in tne country., ' Apply at this ono . 1409-2 T - shoe repairing shop in con eotion ith T. V. Rut - ledge's shoe store. Work left at Mr. Rutletige's will receive prompt attentio 1469x1 last week in our churel was ot well at- tended for Various reas ns that chief being Miss Smelaq's lecture i a t'own' Which drew made the gathering mall, a week night tions for the gentlemen a sin ular circtim- stanee, but the ever in reasin number of.' lodge meetings May e an explanation. the Rev: Mr. ShaW being elect d president, • .Gordon McAdam, secretary treasurer. • Col- lectors will be appointed by the officersavho will call bn the people at an •early date. - In connectien with our societiee we are glad to see that our people have aot yet taken health of Mts. McFaving. The eye -socket - the craze of multiplying vice presidents to the fourth a d fifth degree. -7 -We are much pleased to n te the steady improvement in is resuming tts normal. condition and to all appearance ill eventually get well. ---Mr. D. Stevens° was confined to the house on account of illness, for seeeral deys last week, but a present writing is doing nicely and will soo be about again. -Miss Bur- gess and It iss Lizzie MeNay have' been spendin ti e very pleasantly lately .with relative and friends in Woodetock.-Mrs. Popple, who has been ill for some time, 'melees, e regret to say, ne improvement; but 'tee s growing weaker. -The pond is a busy 'pi ce just now, as the ice -harvest ha's bed n. The congealed stuff is, however,not CA BRIEES.-Mrt IVilliam J. Elliott, son of r. William Elliott, town olerk, has pas ed is firet year exa,mination at the On - tarifa, A rieultural College with flying col- ors,Itak ng honors in nearly every subject. -T e any friende of Mr. Andrew Smith, for erl of Egmondville, will be pleased to hea 'th t he is spending the winter very ple san ly 'with friends in St. Paul. He is enj YPI good health ; he likes the eity and is h ving a good time generally. He has a son an daughter residing in St. Paul. --7 'Mr. Ito rt MeMordie, of Kippen, the effl- den se rotary of the South Huron Farmers' Ins tut , wet in town on Tuesday. --Mrs. Tho , of Watfordeformerly Mrs. Armitage, of t town, is visiting friends in town this wee .-The ice harvest has commenced, and Mr. D. D. Wilson has a number of tea s hauling it ' from the Egmondville dam -Mr. Fred Davis was in town this wee -, and ..is much improved in health.- Mis Jessie.Gibson, of Stratford, is visiting cla.y ight, ant defeated the team of that towi by nine oals to one. --Next Wednes- day vening, February 12th, a juniors' tea will he given' in the • Salvation Army bar- , after which Ensign Ogilvie, of Strat- willelead an old time jubilee. - !She be assisted by Captain Ottaway 'and rack ford will Lieu enant Clark, of Clinton Captain See cordland her cadet, of Bayfieid, and others. -TWo rinks of our curlers went to Gode- rich Ma Thursday.of last week, and defeated the quriers of that town by 27 shots.' On Monfie,y, two rieks went to Stratford, to • play in the Ontario tankard series, winning from Lucknow by 16 shots. -Solomon J. Shaman, treasuter for McKillop for a num- ber df yeers, has sent in his resignation, ou acconnt of failing health., He considers the time and trouble worth more than the re- muneration. -The MeKillop board of health met in the Queen'a hotel, Seaforth, on Mon- day. The secretary was authorized to noti- fy all school -trustees to clean the sfells • and water closets by the first of May. -Mrs. Wataon Ainley, of Brussels, spent Sunday town. -A musics ent will be held i b the members' of t 11 members, with seir w a a invited to be lenson and bride, akota, is visiting kinsim, previous to i their western ho t prepare the dant t e vocal Ideas desk' b fore Lent, it has pril, when a beauti b expected. -The M S tith, and brother, remise° minstrels o era house this ( c tripany is very high ease of Toronto:, as d Empire says of t o artists has never b The whole entertain ish; is most pleasant • ounds in good sin fie-st-olass specialties. aid bride arrived ho oon trip on Wedn rilfliam Sperling, of IR v. P. Musgrave o Killop, is eXpecaRi to eery sermons in Burn • Sabbath next, an meeting, at the ea ening.-Miss Ada iting friends in t °Vicar, returned in e tures in the Pres ening.-Dr. Scott reside ee for seve THE . HURON EXPOSIT and literary entertain.' the OdtlfellOws' hall, e Ca adieu Order of ing, 14th hist. ves and friends, resen Louis At. f Witow 'City, North his b other, Cyrus At. king up house keeping e. -It being impossible ta of Ruth ee well as in the time I allowed, been postponed until ul entertainment may 'sses Bella and Gussie f Brussels, Were visit- er Sunday. -The San ill appear in 'Cardno's 'delay) evening. The y epoken of by the -el as that of all the -- The Toronto Mail : Such a collection seen in this eity. from start to fin - 11 es 1 so he Sa ta sa de ss, but I hope t o Mrs. ds in t iting urday tely h en is an a s stolen. one of the env en e is getting Fear is still ampbell an e country ) Fletcher ar Matt Mr ed a severe as , which recover ture, It was le trace of hoe store hal left, no ring shop utledgets says : Re fortune t British h was teke upknown in eetings ti ute, at nd entertaining, and e from their heney- sday evening. -Mrs. Hilton, who has been friends in : Seaforth Duff's churph, Mo - Preach the- anniver- also to address the e place, on :Monday ssionary from China, yterian church this as beexi. confined tq al days, throegh ill - all right now, -and in a few .ditys.- improving.-Mrs. C. ✓ Willie, wild have recovering, ' as are Mrs. Coulter, -The re pow very good: - this; week: -We are' B. Eden, of ilarpur- peralytio stroke on as rendered him coni - speechless ittle hope -During t Dr. Camp valuable V on a dr , and -after it could b s started ion with =The Go of Seafort , had the ast week. Whether take br st len, is as atitended on Wed - As Mr. e palliation ell's resi old watch ssing case the crowd shoe re- erich Sig - of the So ith Huron eurich an Crediton "dotr and Thursday,' •_ and add essed the ettng's on agriculturt,1 subjects. • • Olin THIEF CAPT ED. -On hursday, t week; a-- young an name B ennari est!, a horse and ri lat For es' livery bles, in this town, t g9 a few micas out uckersmith.. Ther was noth small meran about him. = !wanted t le befit eke; a very handeom and show animal, a it, cutter, harness a d robes t coffee - d. As he'did not r turn that ght, Mr. a that the man had [traded th harness t re for ainother, obtain'ng three alert to die etched Constable D nlop in. qa st (if his to ondon, and holt the e to 1St. Thomas. en drivin into that city he pied his m driving long the s reet with the' rig, ou t. He rought the an and t ie 'rig to 0 Monday Brennan as take before erich to tand his trf 1. 'He is- a stout, s rt, fine ooking yo ng fellow, about tw ety year of age, and belongs to ,,Dub. lin; although he has been in Chicago • for a cou le of yea s, -`and ret rned this winter on visit to is home. • e was negotiating ior he sale o the horsea4 St. Thomas. He ha !been offe ed $80 for.i , but was atand- fere g, and li got its she a changed in'Lon- eot ly one to 'him as he a 41- probably ,' get a I ti • d. ' affi vita, &c. oney . o loan t lowest rates :Of in- ter At horn ever actor ing and Wedneeday of OTHER naNeen G NC -Still another k ' has een made in the ranks of o• f Mr. D can McD;3nald, of the Lon - road, pas e,d peaceful y away on Friday a.t week, t the ripe age of 85 years and Mary M ghter of the late ihald Mc e was horn in, Bal- lich, In land, and came to country parents, 53 years She ha years of married ith her hey settled upon and laid to rest in allowed by many br do of 11 was Are s ag lif th th i fo Ch an aa an an tor urd the and Ste eon Mr. sar und nu atte Mo an squ T. holi Cowan, d erness, Sco enjoyed usband. resent fit m, from w carried 0 Monday, rucefield cemetery, ds,• who ame to pay their last respects he depart d, who hal gone to be with of the late Rev. s her aged partner shipped from the tem carloads from th expected work 'ea Union furniture -Miss Eva Daw -Miss Matt arra, of Miss Nellie Be of Stratford, is v a consist Ross' cht er son, J two brot r, Austra rat member rch. Beside mes, she TES. -A petrons will be h , 15th in ilk route eter, is v viemity.-Mr. Will ey, left here on S for the old countr -There bi quarterly meeting here in the Evarigelioal church next Sunday, commencing on Saturday at 2 O'clock. Rev. D. Kreh, presiding elder, will canduct the services. -Rev. D. IL Braund still carries on revival se •vices on the 14th concession. Much good being d nt3.-Mr. D.B. Geiger has gone to aterloo on a visiting trip. - Mrs. H. We 1 bah r turned home from a two weeks' visiting tt'p.-Mr. John Kibler left last Monday for rediton, where he has ot a position in a general store. -J, F. iekbiel an Sol, B. rdy were. in Exeter a few days ag on imp rtant business, -Miss Flora Hess arrived home a few daya ago lions a busin s trip o Varner, Michigan, a few days ago Ethel. ITEms.----J. Heyd spent a few days of last week with friends in Berlin. -W. K. Whaley, of Bolgrave spent Sunday in the John Fiansuld has purchased the MhDonald property in this village. - Mr. and Mrs: John Eekmier spent Sundlay with Mr, and Mrs.D: Sproat, of Belgravela- week. ! Mrs. Watt's brother is seriously ill in Dakota.-lhe Sons of' Temperance pur- pose holding an entertainment in the town- ship hall, this (Friday) evening. A good programme is being ,prepared. -Miss Bow- den, Of Chiengo, is visiting her brother here. -:Mr. and Miss Webster, of Lucknow, visited their sister, Mrs. _ J. M. Raynard, lest week, NorEs.--Mr. Brough,youngest son of Mr. Oswald Walker died on l'riday after several months suffprin from that dread &sews consumption. e wits juet in the bud of age. ---At the II sionaref meriting on Sunday .evening, very nteresting letters from dif- ferent mission fields we e read by Mr. Perk, Miss Gorle and Mr. Me Iraith.-Miss Turn- bull, of McKillop, is vis ting Mr. Laing a.nd family. -Mr. and Miss obhs, of Missouri, spent a few cleys with t dr' relatives here last week. -Mrs. Meat rdy, of Parkhill', is visiting her father, Mr, Themes Stacey, and • Leadb TOTES. -Mr. Ji. Y. C 71;e11; of Cypress R'ver, ManitoLa; is at eaent the guest of hi father -in latta M . John Berry. He br ught three tat loads f wheat as far as and a half, has been o e ed a position in So hia McGavin 'spent his weeki visiting at he aincle's in Tucker mith.-,Mr. Robert M rrison and wife spent last Sunday With Mt. John Robb, (:) Brussels • roxeter. OTES. -The Irating earth -Val on Thurs- daS, of Jest week was one of. the best ever held in the rink.here.: The costumes were nunierous and well represented. A trio from Wingham came over to oapture the three mile race prize, but they " were not in it," ite Dick Miller was one too many for them. -Our er viers were beaten by seven shots in a match! at Brussels last week.- Meesrs. Hilborn 1& MeTavieh, met new gen- eral storekeepere, are out with a circular which reads well ; they purpose inaugurat- ing the cash sp. tem here. -Rev. Mr. Ander- son, of Tivertoit, occupied the pulpit ef the' Presbyterian 'ellurch on Sabbath last. -Mr. 1 A. Gibson, %vile was so seriously ill last 1 week, is now los a fair way to recovery. 1 • ills Green. ANNIVERSAR SERVICES. -The anniver- sary services h ld here, in- connection with the Presbyteri n church, wore all that could be desi ed. The church was well, filled at all the ervices, and the discourses delivered by R v. A. Grant, of St. Marys, were conandere a great treat. On the Monday followi g the annual tea meeting." was held, wh. n interesting, appropriate and practical ddresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. G ant, of St. Marys ; Walker, rendered at all he services by' the choir of the congregatio The whole affair proved a gran success. The receipts amounted to • NOT s.-Mis M. Glanville is home on a week's visit, rein London. -Mr. John Keys lad a ood-bee last Friday. -Mit Maws° of 0 editon is recovering from the fey aand wi I soon 'be able to resume his work a teacher n his school,in McGillivray. Evang heal con regation, in Crediton, next spring. Alread Immense piles of brick 'and sa d have een drawn to the church Mr. eaten, f the Elimville circuit, preach cl to a la ge and attentive audience in the ethodis church, in Crediton, on the 26t ult. r. Westo was at one time pleased to have im again in their midst. • BRIE ' of Chat vices in day, Fe ruary 1 will be held in Thursday evenin. from Teeswater People's Union Fessant had the severely injured tory on Tuesday. -Mr. V. VanNorman, of 'Belgravet has be n appointed ehief of police for 1896. -There was quite a 4tir in town on Saturday. T o carloads of horses were C.P.R. station and four G-.T.R. station. - It is ill be commenced in the etory in about two weeks. on is visiting in Toronto. , of Clinton, is the guest 1. ---Miss Edna Strathdee, sitingl Miss Emma Ross. • app retook s stook, for th es bel ads of lambs.- hour( nt (aerial prepared lot- putting stables his barns during he summer .21-A s. -T Toron er of the young peop e of this village ded the tea meeting t Hills Green, on . erest mgha MENTIC am, wil conduct the Pre byterian th.-The first meeting of Young People's Societies' the Methodist church on .-A load of young people ttended the Baptist Young a Tuesday evening. -Mr. isfortune to have his head hile working in his fee - r. Bunningham, anniversary ser - church .on Sunr eaves two si Mrs. McFarl Michigan ; ia, and Joh , of Stanley. Id in Whit 4 hotel, on , at - t., for the hrpose of letting Siting frie ds in Brucefield am Graham, 1 of turday en . He took with ne, lex- BOOTS AND SI:I0 In order to reduce th off an regular prioee also offer several 11 goo& at cost. Havin must reduce my pros before buying elsewb BALFo MELT, is taken from the day, will be of in Ile timber is being laid down at the a v ery happy eve t on t Territory, and bter of Mr: Rob om, performs the The groom was si pport cousin, Mr. Melville Miss Campbell, of Luckn Hutton, of Forest and It gerald, of Toronto, co were the brialesma ds. somely attired in whi trim re ai er dr bell Hut station yard for ship ent.-Mr. John whe head, with his sister, Miss Bella, are wes elle McDonald- arriv d home for the of ys, on Tuesday eveni g. P. S F sale cheap, a fine Jetsey calf. Apply N vs. -1-111r. E. E. Faust left lest week for reedou, Pennsylvania!, where he has the ace well. -Mr. Martiln- Schatz, from Bern , .Michigan, is here visitidg . relatives has b en visiting his brother Philips -Mr. Just D y -ng o' ispose of his -dwell ng and other property AS soon as he does 1 e will move with his, family to Ash- land, Wisconsin. We eegret to see him lea,Ve, but he- says he can dh better there. • ng finished stock - d Roots and Shoes. I ill glve per cent. ext 80 days. 1 will w cost, ands. all winter Call and get prices e following, which o Globe of Satur- o any in this see - °route, the real- , as the scene of Onesday evening, of1 Regina, North - his Jenny Meths, atrimony. Rev.' -ip, uncle of the remony, in the ediate relatives. d by his brother, mat, Forest, and his lartin of Exeter. w, aii'd Miss Mina is Georgie Fitz - h▪ e bride was hand- med with chiron anal pearls, and car- e boquet of bridal robe . Miss Camp - wore pale blue silk w th chiffon, and ton and Fitzgerald Wore white -silk, boquets of pink carnations. After ,. r happy couple left far the west, a id show - ere of rice and good wishes." , Tn .. Expos'. Ten extends to Mr. and Mit. '111,1four its yery best wishes, while it congrat lates Ir. hat Balfour on the choice he has ma . happiness and prosperity m y be their fu- ture lot, will be the earnes wis of 't ery• III NOTES. -The meinbers of the tent so- eiety will keep in mbed the -!de ate in the hall this Friday eVening, , as ani interesting contest is expected, and a pleaftlit time ay be -looked for. -Mr. Thomas MeLyrnont- ustained a severe la' in the hall ',the other apsized. It will necessitate is tak'ng a l. tore finely improved havin pa ;ered nd painted, Which- ad great y It. its ap• I lay last in London, 'visiting h' brother illiam, who has been there f r s me weeks i any friends will be pleased t Ile r of his d the services of St. Andrew s e urch on In Weirs first coming anion , but We N rill look for hie corning ag la Mr. and rs. John Balfour arrived her op Saturday st on their wedding trip, au ar at, the the interest of hay for, some time, e as home dining the week. -Mr. Arthur iol 'ell, who li s been with Mr. D. C. Melee a for some t n years, and who intenda in t near fu - ?t re embarking out fer hime I , as pur- e :teed th fifty acre farm from hi brother Centtaha. a memory class heee last wee einbers peak in high terms t the ho se vacated by M Cu Wed esday evening, la t w er urch as well filled wit an t enjoy the meeting, but to jo"nt* c ant, who has disposed'of his bn his brother Andrew, and who .h s t ren ng as Sabbath school superin e past two or three years, air S t e platform, and the assistant up a dress, and the Misses -Oke an o behalf of the Sunday sehobl. 'M e eouraging words to his fell w oin he was about to leave. C lo s will be Howick's gain; and •e .1-rcks success in his new -field. • rganized 'Inch the e work r loved in- . Rieke al meet- ek, the u dience ot only e of the in mer- iness to een act- ent for ailed to eciative ill pre- cis. set, . Hicks d spoke tsh Mr. .9STERTAINMENT. -A grand 1 u cal and lit tary entertainroent was held i No. 17 pu chase of a, bell for the new school. la t, for the purpose of raising fund for th F fly one hour before the time rco m neing the programme arrived, th build in Was packed to the doori, but, ptwith at ding the. press such was the variety an excellence of ;he programme t sat t au fence was kept interested and emus las ed. Miss Dobson rendered a b. uti ul sol in her usual excellent arid aces; I n hall d manner. the duets and solos by less s Cra ford- and Miller, and! Stone n d cite . The comic part was aupplied by he audience while Miss:Mabel cLe rs full sustained her high reputation s a e - pro eked roars of applause Whenever he p - by t e young people of the section.; ,Other part of the programme were ably is Ppli di Whi e, of near Mitchell, NO, o was litt e b‘y peal talent, the veteran v olini t,' ' Is tinny" Horton, being called bac -a an and gain. The chair was decupied by , midi nee in constant good humor by his witi speeches, The proceeds a tiny • son and children, accompanie b Mi s ell McCurdy, of Winkhan, are isitin of t e 7th concession, was' last iweek the gues of her ouRin, Miss Martha Coat,* 10th coneess on. -Miss Nettie IVIeClinton and lara M Dowell, were guests t Mr. Hen y Edw rds' on Sunday last -Mr. -M . J. B. ichol, who recently returne fromlbalifor ia, was visiting friends ' Be gal, last w ek.-Miss Annie B. $ o t w. s last sifreek.- r. John E. Fells was ailing' and Miss S. r: Irwin were 'the gue tat' f DE TM- is Willia.m McGill, a (trine on T ursda of last week, after a lin erin Hines . - Th remains were interred in th relati es, al anxious to show the last m rk large conc urea of sorrowing friend% ,niida one so worthy. Mr. lish urch at Belgrave. The funeral as • Exeter. 80 ember being present from vari,us loads of the county. The next twelft of July elebra, be held at god4i h. Mr. M. Todd, Clinton; John Scarl tt, Wells Sa,wirtefictsrmdlijaert,ten}rdLdsatili4e etiihn .176 fine h rses sold here on ride and at r - day last to the buyers. Deteetite st. places on Friday, Saturda and undaf last cott was in London, St: 75Tiomits anld et er with Constable Dunlop, of 8 afort . hired horse and rig front Mr. A, For e ,of Seaforith, on Thursday, he 30th alt., and failed o return it. The captured their man a St. Thomas at noon on. Satu clay, and b ught him here on Sunday anorning last. n Monday night last,, Detective Westc tt met a young lad on Main street, carryi g a loaf of bread under his arm He at onc • accosted him and took Wan tO the Comm rcial hotel, and had him properly eared or. Mr. 'Westcott, on questichaing the lads found that his name wa NVillie Johnsthn, age 15 years, son of Mr. Villiam Manito a. The young lad had run away from his parents' home. His ,fathei was telegra hed for and arrived on Tuesday mornin and took him home. The anxiety of the areas ean be more easilf imagined than de cribed. They had been abseitt from home a Seaforth, and on their rani home they found' that their son had gone. They coneln4d that he had gone to ' t e lake skating land was drowned. Mr. Westeott young lad over to his fatherovho spo e in ords of praise to Mr. Westcott for his rompt aCtion in detaining his son and in- orming him of his whereabouts. Three leigh loads of Sunday school scholars from ere attended the Sunday school convention t Centralia on Wednesday last. -Mr. lackwell, horse buyer, London, was here Wedlnesday, purchasing horses. -Mr. times Archib Id, Seaforth, was purchasing times here o Saturday. -Mr, John Copp, Oaf rth, ava. in town on business on Ion ay. • • Morris. oW t he ho se of her sister, Miss Flem- ing. , 3 r. Wi . Hennas of the Oth line, gave Gillifl ed at 11 s home, on the 4th line, on Thu a a las week. Deceased had been ailing f r some timf3 with dropsy, The churel Dee ased was an active Orange- . man,a took a deep interest in the society. -The tin w lof Monday and Tuesday _made the a ei hing a great deal better in the towns, ! s ithe streets were getting quite tough fib heavy loads. -Mr. Thomas Rus- sell deliv red a fine Clyde horse at Wing - ham kit week, -Mr. C. Wilkinson is home on a vipi to his parents, on the 4th line; at presents, With fine' weather and good e sleighing a large amount of teaming has been dSeise in the line of wood and logs. -- Tiia has Jessie Close is visiting near Belgrave. is hoMe is near Ethel. Varna. St. John's church, Varna, was held at the reeidence ef Mr. George Beattie on Friday evening last. A good musicafprogramme wall carried out, a,nd the affair was a most atsccessful and enjoyable one. The proceeds amounted to $28. -We are sorry to hear that, Mk. Edward Wanless is at present in - divined, but hnpe soon tosee hirn around again. He has an attack of influenza,' whiCh iia very prevalent at present. -Mr. JosepVCS1dwell has sold his fifty-aerefarm, on the 6th eoncessiont south of the village, to Mr. William Dennison. The sum paid Harrington,. is visiting friends and relatives ha the viliage at presents -The funeral of B. . Wilker, relict of the late John alken, formerly of this village ' took place t the Bayfield cemetery on Wednesday. - A foot)) 1 Match took place in Varna on fi ld tea , nd the Small Fry, of Varna,_ w mil ; ilsu ted in a victory for the Small F y, of ihnee oala to one. --An" at home"under evenin last, hen a very enjoyable evening held in the Perance hall on Wednesday Nel-iactsedsP yntlibel ladies, ,After the inner man" bountiful spread was _pro was; a ti fie an excellent programme was render d, cOn isting of speeches, recitations, which the Sister society, of Clinton, took n, very prominent pait. The proceeds amount to, nearly $15.00. • NOTES.. M s Lizzie Richardson, of Brus- sels, is vis tin at Mr. John Burgesi.-The Foresters a home last Friday evening wax:very gime ssful. A good supper was provided bi the ladies. After supper a programm W rendered by local talent. Mr. P.:klieg! Garting, of Brantford, chief organizer for the Canadian Order of For- esters, adolres ed the audience on the bene- fits of then r er. In the absence --of -Rev. A. Y. Hir eya Dr. Toole acted as chair- man. M" !Flora Nixon, a Bluevale girl, now. livin lin Emerson, Manitoba, is a eredi to er native village. She is not sixte n yotl U.nd has. a second class certifi- cate lid 'hos assed the examinations - at Hart ey re eived a telephone message say- ing t at hi son, Fred, who WaS teaching theri at h boarding house. Mr. Hartley hurri d to nurse him. On Sunda he seem d bet er of the diphtheria, but a out eight o'cl ek that evening he died from wea eats oF the heart, Mrs. Hartley and the r st of the family, and all the villagers as we 1, were shocked to hear of his death on onday, He had been sick about a week befere his father had got any.word it. I is the saddest death that •has occur- red al out, here for a long time.- Fred was very trong physically, bright and deter and n t yet t nty years of age, who, if he had li wou d have been a credit to his farm' and; t his country. The remains were uried- in Clinton cemetery on Mon - on M nday.evOing. Miss Maggie Hartley, unusual had appened until after her brother was ,buried, when she received word of it,tind returned home to Bluevale. We are rounding count y will sympathize with him and h family hi their affliction. .. tion but every ne village and tsar- rday 'id*, February 8th, is the date business in Hama. Up to that date we oni 25o to on each pair. Don't miss the nity of get ing your supplies, for if you do re requeste to pay their accounts on oo be - ekingor r collect on A. NVetiston. tipLirspoy:ontumit.ia. Terms -cash. -Persons indebted nt Pum ruary 8 h. If not pa d then will be put 'fat* 1468-2 Sat we qu the f to me fore court is no iThe see t their Lo week andi mon brie ne J. ma bus der Mao Mr. but wee wee iPast uara Rev the past of his Wal illne secured, the agency for and for the two famous Ohio wind- artin & Son, of Chatham, viz.: ar Power Mill and the Eceontrio se two plendid steel mills before placing 11, Intending Purchaserslisehoo2uld L BRIEFS. -The snow falls of this ave lted the roads running east est g atly, but there is Scarcely h yet f r the teaming of loads. -Mr. wart getting a quantity of fine drawn for the erection of his fine wellin in MeArthur's survey. -Mr. fie, our enterprising merchant shoe- , believ ng that union is strength, has d &partnership with Mr. E. Robinson, Mbeth, land brother-in-law of Mr. J. oneman,1 jeweler, of this place. The as will be carried on in the future un-. svish the new firm all success.- Trn. McKay, formerly of Tuckeramith, w Honsall, was in London this --We omitted to Mention' in last 0 issue 'that the Rev. Mr. Shaw, of ndville, exchanged pulpits with the of Carmel church on Sabbath, Jan- 6tha and on the ' same Sabbath, the Mr. Taylor, of St. Marys occupied has been .visiting in London during the week or ito.-aMr, Kenneth McArthur, ilsa Craig, was here recently visiting rother and other relativos.-Rev. Mr. er has had, and still has consider‘ble s in his Wilily and much sympathy is felt or him in his work.-Speeial revival aervices are being held in the Methodist church and will no doubt be continued for some time to ;cornea -Miss Brett, of Sea.' forth, an formerly one of the teachers in our publ e school, is spending a week or so with he parents here. -The many friends of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, and formerly pastor of the l'''resbyterian church here, we e shocked to learn of the very sad death o his son, Fred. F. Hartley, which occurred 'n Goderieh township, on February 2nd, aft a few days' illness from that fatal disease, black diphtheria. The de. ceased wata a clever young meal of 20 years, wlio had passed Creditable examinations, and had *at been teaching about one year in his school in Goderich township. 'He Nov COON trade RE NOW 14' ein oseissessessms Was a genera favorite here, as well sies•] wherever he as known, and his familyse'. have . the hearfelt sympathy el their many friends he e in their bereavement. - Messrs. T. J. Berry and James J. Bell, of the Landon Road,shipped from this station,, on Saturday last, for i.„he old country twos - car loads of fine horses. This is the fouttlia'-.4s or fifth trip for Ir. Berry during the past ..ss ear and the se nd for Bell, and ws ope their ente .prise meet with the success it merits. Mr. Robert D. Bells brother of Mr. Sames J. Bell, also enemas .- panied the shipment. -Mrs. R. McGre r, of Toronto, is visiting her niother, R. MeArthur, sr., of this neighborhood. --- Mr. A. Westlake's auction sale of house... hold. goods on Monday last, despite the very_ cold and; unpleasant state of the weather„.: was largely -attended and fair prices were- - • hammer in his usual able, satisfactory ant_ businesslike mermen -Quite a number or our villagers atte,nded the anniversary ser vices in the Pres yterian ehnrch at Hil Green on Sabbat last, and the tea mee by the Rey. r. Grant, of St. Maryaa morning and evening, and of the A No, I - tea meeting on Monday. The church was crowded, -despiti the unfavorable state erf: both the weather and roade.Mr. Alex; Moir, Who is well known to the people of - this vicinity, left last week for Denver, Colorados•where -he intends remaining for! some time svith his brother, Mr„ Robert., Moir. •He purpoies to continue studies:, which he had. previously commenced in To. ronto, and at the same time te; enjoy Awe benefits to be derived from the genial% - climate of that health giving country. Al. though greatly missed from our midst, Wrle7 trust that fortune! may continue to smile s _upon him in his new Sphere of labon-Mr. and Mrs. 'James Dougall, of near Bossevain, Manitoba : who Were here visiting their- - Ingram, of London, was home recently visiting her parente /dr. and Mrs. Alex: has engaged in dress making here in the - shop adjoining Measis, Chesney and Ware ring,s, -Mr. S. Fairhairn, of Minneclosa, and family of this place, paid our village short eall lately. He is looking very well. -Mrs. p. McLean, of Tuckersmith, hate- returnect hierne from 8t. Thomas, where ahe was visiting relatives and friends, --Mr. Large, of Isistowel, is in the village this week vii3i4ing his brother-in-law, Mr. opened up„ etory Cottons, hite Cottons, inens, hirtings; ottonades, P into, ess Goods, Dry Goods Bayfield. NOTES.-Dn S ' day morning last, the ly businelmeeting was held on Monday, tui Methodist Church, t ere being a larger tit - when affair were found to be in a pros r - week, a large number of the members and adherenti el Cole's, church, Goderieh town- - ship, asieMbled at the parsonage here, bringing Wsth them, as a gift to their pas- tor, a largelload of oats. The evening was very pleaeaatly spent. -The -service of, the ''' Epworth tfa,gue, next Sunday evening, is, --a to be led 13s42Brother James Wallate ; sub ---4 ton is to hal Especial meetings in the Army barracks hu Thursday and, Friday evenings - of this week, and on Wednesday evening ef ' next week, Captain Seobell is to give sa magic lantern exhibition„ -Preparations are - well unden way for the tea meeting atul concert, !limier the auspices of Trinitsr church, in the town hall, on Friday evening, February ilfth. The programme will be an, entertaining . one. -On Tuesday, January 28th, one of Bayfield's best known and most -- highly respected residents, in the person of Mr. James Stonehouse departed. this life, after an illness of bn't a few -weeks. De- ' ceased was born in Sunderland, England, in 1818, and *as the eldest of a family of four sons. He ceme to this country in 1834, and. was married at Goderieh, some 38 years, ago, to Elizabeth Mackid, who survives - him. For 18 yeas% he pursued the occupa- tion of farrnmg, in Goderieh"township, and 7 years age he retired and lseeame a resi- dent of Bayfield. The funeral took plane - on Thursday, January 30th, to the Mak- land cemetery, Goderieh, service being con - again called upon to record the death of an- other of Bayfield's aged residents. ''C'Ve re- fer to Jane* Hannah, beloved wife of Mr - John Cowan, sr., who died on Tuesday, 4th inst., aged 81 years. Deceased was born in. the pariiih of Kirknabeek, Kirkcudbright- shire, Scotland, and in the early days of this country, with her husband, settled on. a farm in Tunkersinith, then all bush Ian near what ie now known as Egrnondvilles. where she fpr meaty years dwelt, and where she made many friends. Only one son, James Cowan of a large family, resides at honie, the otliers havsng settled in various. parts of the United. Sttates and Canada. The funeral took place on Thursday, to the- ce.m,,,etery, and was largely at- -A merry crowd of the friends of Deer - bank Sabbath school assembled at thelhorna of Mr. John Henry, of Carmunnoeke and presented Mrs. Henry with a hanglsome, centre table a,nd a drape in acknostledg- ruthers, arid the presentation was mane V t a 'ilea of services rendered. A neatly saW--is ed address was read by Miss Bell Car - Mr. A. Campbell. Mr. Heiarthi behalf of his wife, made a very suitable reply, after which they set to work with right good will Jr are f big a it ain hing name forg so ttef well scion- ApeciA use AI us to nerti grenn Day but Futu other Me futuri Me futnri Ye ity pr Boy price ity 13r Men ttwity Mery futurit futurit futurX '41 50 tnrity futurits price le", Men ti turity Weds futurity futurity price prsiPtutnits;:!. Suitsa Twettl Overcoat 75e anal LearpS GREI Best THE I THE PRI ever s They time zend brokh On F TED 'leaden ui for what lum corporation t quantities of free from eha ed where re stonee, earth; and ;Anacreon r6quirad. Th