HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-07, Page 7-tell we to 4i buy. for � I . I F ir per cent. 2 pet, per' 0en- discount per'' 1
per Oeut di8. eent dig.
oft' - -,-I ho6w a4 pil printg (t rer cent. dis. Ladiee per
0'" OverZtoek
moutha to les tile I*Vith You and maka, RGEST DRY, Co. and we are
reqt1iring fur -
before pux- 11*0u, in price,,
F-, ng-lish _&emed,� cases with an lmawh
,edy and treatlnefit`4 b cure in all stages 0 ss� 05C early- grave. of cases that
if After TakinX. IsU in ihe Dominion. 7- gjaddened bv t1le lear. Terbap3 y6u
day Re ' 1, member,, rea,r rund. Camp- ive in ormation, Principal,.
136%3, to expect
flow 0
d = an auimal
fflk it witl cost
iint, mst elll_ Far - ar[d
.7 FEBRUARY 0960. T HE. HURON OSITORS ml lo 1� of the� same -line, from tradesmen� lo uld like to furn Doet Tbbacco S UMATISM" Peter lived'' wl wo pit or Smoke Your wher he riarecl,fifteewohild' @ 0 -ft e reo, all of flowers for the wedding, or to cook the wed. Life Away. Its Cause- and .'Cur4j. lay whom are t liVe io-d Ro ert leaves ding'supl er (wb ether we were to have ono I Is the truth. 11 Ilubo t1t, f a book about No -To. g eo t seven sons n d d ghters. Bc ,rrg ea tob�Laco babit care th brothers Or not,) or to supply the 4hina-ware oil, the, Be Ca ref u a, To I BRc, the ha A poisonotta Add -in the I 1100d, - were -%videly I now and highly'�dap cted' cabs. Tli ey are fr that brace uP ulcottalzed inerves, ellminatesthe DUAV S om stationers who desire "!cotlne pqlsori, makes weak men gain strength, They were bo 1 Staunch Refor YourHealth depend; 40� It Whicli needs re mers. V6 print the cards, from-� en W* vigor and nigrihood. You run n 'Hay gravers, ro, do.n.physical or finan n- ly MO Mr. Wiliam I nl dressma :i cial risk, as No -To -Bac to guarantee to 0 ne means for a. for forty years jewelers kers, and tailors and to, ader r=lcal Cure, J1AVr I. -T cure or woney refunded, Book free. Xd. SterUng one of the 1% OSb o�4ent public in! en ill inilliners, from caterers who will fu �niah wortnksls Remedy Co., 374 St, Paul St.t Montreal. 1 d n w 'Fills Rheurnatis r in is blo Listowel, die rond night! 2�1th ult." waiters, r a ery, china, is6ase, R due ti i ;lass, plate—e�en 4 by 1. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. the presence- (f uric 4ergone an bridegroo . i hort, I imagine. The gold cid a. ols un the system, ani I it is only by t 4 re mova eraion. leceaso.dw4s head of� thegrain letters pil D up beside my wite's plate c very 's qt Guelph, re he bad ,n f We rans OF -SHILOWS CURB, the great Cough an -of this pain-produci ison' Ofipr -He was six��y-five morn %�d the most stylishly engiaved ng Xo ihat a Gurn is In great demand. Pocket eize d twenty-five doses, only 25c. Ottildren love it. Sold radical cure' '(an be e ecte .- Acute years of age,, an had been ai�sed in On- e a r d,,;, ge 0 a ring names of- men and women o rheum& - I . Ift tism is hereditary, taxio. iii by -L V. Fear, Seaforth. and th 8 it is whom we never heard, are sent up t( the_ M F11 Dodd S Iidnla -I*II$' t nmmay S thatyoungchidren qLre often victims to ook a. distracted woman from the front do r all all it 4 De AN'00' this torture, e usO of linimenn, em. dose of opiti in mistalie for OC18 1 fe w day long. Interesting? Yes,very; espcial- Are bein off red for sale It Will Constipation Cured. brocations and outward ipplications da a ago. (hortly afterwards', she 1��elt a ly the covert suggestion by P, jeweler oi two cost you little to buy them but 1 GENTS, -I was in very poor licaltii for over four May give temp:)rary relief, but can nevex queer tin Iiiir of the feet and hands, and that if we desire to Swell the displi y of ei Lra, the doctor said it -,yas Con-stipail.).0, cur( tho hV flasbed acros her! mind wedding reaents Of gold or silver or je vels, wa iting to spend too mu , and e awful NUB d I I for the poison is in' t�� bloo'l ti al to rcco er from : I the effec -h 6sh, I got three boUius
Ta -Blood Bit tit And took it regular- until it is expelled, rUeumatism, $1 �iatica 'a Ce' istalic. A ea, e had on hire."—New York h un. of Burdock
all that she had t I a opium by 13% I can certify that I am now in the very b-st of PAinS Will COMirille. licalth and 1,,61 very grateful to B. B. -13. I and j�euraligi physician summoned, and W th tte aid So Don't T.;rPCr12—,1er- ALFRED THROUX, Scotts' Sarsaparilla cures rlieumatismby Of a StOulftCh'31111) and energeti methods,, D E STRE ET, but buy ic real thm., b�cause removing the c 1 -use -by neutralizing a414 anaged to & 6ve t ie woman's lif -Archiba CamplSell,' ex -mayor of �R AN I expellitig this Foismous acid. Incaronid A That was what Happened a vell I cases, this medicine reaches the ;ource' fortR has )een pentenced to 115 month i Norway Pine Syrupstrengtbens the Lungs and get known Resident of B�itish Dol- res all Throat Troubtes, Coughs, Colds, etc. the rgans o it A LV;, "3YS f the disease as no! -other medici can. in the cornmon j�il,. for embezzling $90) umbia, who had been in 11)e- u gives rene d e ergy -to frorn the Dowinion Express. Company, olining Health. that stistai4 lif the�, otimpbell ha; been telegraph atld expres i forces that ma <e th or age or seve troub mdne h v i �Statejllcnt to w Wi
or tic nervous CURIP. -� -
blood. F es_Of agent at Rat P , t 1 f rallyears, A From the News, Union, B. 0. FER Mduqted a statio Ity that preck ea old ne�,,y businQ6 o the youth, for the ebili �ne tirrie he c A little DVer a year �Lgo the reportell 0 r severe on ta bult got In c �ge,. for ladies n thel' at'Rt Porta into !al difli I als, it News whi �e standing in front of the office, SEED415 culties, is without a coin an as so d out about 04 year ago, before its removal to Union, no icee, four *t true, Scott's ars4pUri'& -MIS. guso 11. W on, ar but it & I bo -resides rerfect weds grow is a concentrated TAKE MAIVIOND Payingerops. rerfects
men carr� nngy Mr. J. P. Davi the well LLS for compound of Mle fin island I n ic lak ' Peterboro, t re DysliciWa. t5c.'1113ok arenotgrowabyeliance. Not an a a st medicines, cnown el w wha� known floi ist-and gardener into - &e Court- to m6dern medlical E cience-Th she suppos d be�anold packa eofepsom Ing Is ever left to chance ingrow. e dose is salts into e. I enay House. The reporter, evei. on the ingFerry90 Seeds.. Dealeraseli from one half! to a ne teaspoonfu I Th t0fir rnmediatel al violent and alert for a, nbws item, at once we 6 over to them everwhere. Write for ed that ter during. its use - ie ot dinary vocatic ns ar explosion ocel red, wbich blew tlie stove to investigate the mattEir, and leat� FERRY'S intcrfered,vith. and flv ng boiling over'Mrs, I me, filled with dolls, all dressell, d the re- Mr. Davis had had a slight ptroke of ara- SEED ANNUAL e d 411t quest came with it tha;b I shoula e Chem atoms, _T ie sufipo D2 at not Ferguson. a a smoke- ."OAN'S
less -gunpowdo r.- 8 V, . yals, A note of tli-. eircurnstano 11V ear. sent to a children'a- ho it 1. ;There . is a 'Mrs. Fergusoli, who is IS for 189a. Brimful of vaivable ed in the News at the time an(i not ing Information aboutbestand new.. News Notes. years old, can ot rocover. hospita in the city of'Kez vl�fk for icon- further was heard of it. Last al ring Mr. est needs. Vree by mail ( lint, ill sumptive children, as well as :, for older conven 'on of the Davis wa3 oberved Ao be frel D. M. FERRY & CO., -The B troels who ir re m mberk -The 26t aiinual 1 d n e tyAr s pedition, bave em) arked e, a] meson a ex flowers and 1 ter v people with the same diseas A I gave ce PEAR C of Dr, Ja Youn Men's 'lirristian As&bciatibna of On- Union briuging in' ge- Windsor, Ont. la a comn enced. on Tburs. for En tario and Que ec I the dolls to a physician who io connected g ud. tables for sale, and t e reporter I mee ing, ult hospital. He said af er amrds: lie "rim -it . is Stated 2,000 Armen ans were day, 2.3rd at I St. Ca, illarilies, There him one clay, the following con ers Aoll with that. kiUedin the recent rict. The sla ighter wa were �.bout 301) dei6gates pesen� , compris- wished I could have seen e 'ebildrell you. lo)kingi 80 THE in tookplace: "Glad tosee ARE THE BE*
mostly done witli axes and chop era. r g the Secrete ries nd workers 6 I trooping toward him, each c f the twi) d *550 on' 'But thelmost touching thin� & dw0alls' or imperson i o t,�r ae a trip 60 days in jail., f7 William O'foole has bee vinces. On'Monday the viqitors were last tim'� I saw you yo med protty l,adp g ie a o. 26 Everything 0
treated to ro well, Mr Davis, said the reporter, " the
t 1107a 4 to Niagula, Polls, and 'a ly broken up." u see what the nurse told the docto�, tiat after NO
the Hamilton municip Ll elea ion.; trip was also Made' '0013Lr Oe rilver by the (aye every child was furnished with i d oll there B y ,
Clothing Mari 8, Said Mr. Davis," "I (lid ba e a -Tbirty-one bouseiolders in Torontoj Queenston an� Chi�pewa I'lectrio Railway, were a number left, and the I -or women i OF TAH pretty toug,li time of it. I was troubled -On 8 d 26th dviniz with consumption, asked if eac� were fined each $2 di 10 days in jidl on no" �'reek, noar Hamilton,. met my heart, having frequent severe ed the Saturday, 25 5th ult., - for not removi I el ham, of St ny ult.., 'Jon4than Dun- witl) m t have a doll. They all Wa it Town of Seaforth. g th pasins, an �l shortness of breath on 81' lit Snow` and 0J 'A coal id lamp e,-,,- n19 to , It
ice in front qf th6ir premises. with a sho,kh g death, a -each the dolls were gi�ei i,�! and th xertion. I had also a swelling of the n ck .-The( 4 overnar-Gen era] and Lady Aber.' ploded in t1le iedroom, ..q,here lie was'sleep- . nurse sa4�d- she could not have�t allied o A Wr-LANV,, TO RAISE BY WAY OF. s determined to seU every: hichwas said to be ��itre. Two ear, J OAN, THE - SUM OF FIFTEEN oes deen attended the opeping of the new Aber- Ing, their bel L L h the blaze, -rig such a comfort to ose Poo 1� tryi ig 'to e.,;t1nguis 4go I came up from T&fitimo and to the G 4 � I., I ' n school, in NTon tr eal, on * Friday 2 �h Dunbai a nig] t dress caug t fi �e, sick women. There ere iust� e u h CIO t iat 1) I e 9 'I1 "TER MEIN- ult. They worealso present at the aG was burned o ierribly P, died - six 1or each to have one. Ali, w4o an te I URPOSE HERE NAIJ ill hours afterwa S. I eB a Widow and He ieav thoughts they had of earlier d4y when TIO
Univor�ity dinner. We are clearing o4t; �everything Me eod f NJou one obild. took a little wee one close to, their art, -Mrs. D.I., L'od lit, Carmel, thel before stock -taking- -Only $ JJ it is neeefsary and desirable for fire pro. few OVERCOA� 1 Other- da accidentally swallowed Paris! -A def3patc i from St.',John's Newfound- as they now took those little dolls. Lerea,4, � I I . I 0 fiection pur )oses to purchase ard put In position 16 weeks more before new goods ar- I 'dical aid being summoned, he' nd, an the -?Oth ult. I says -. rhe orst bell, erect:i n electric, alarm frystem. and purchase ad- rive and the room is wanted. green. �e is �now Inio la ditional hof a for*tbe Town of Seaftnil at a cost not at snow stor in twenty y recovered somewhat, and- '6&r;, i4a ex0biri- Heart IDING&SO or Five Y -6,w is, Stand- exceeding I i. the aggre;ate the sum of fifteen bun. epeed here dui ing the la�t four � dr kys, and 1ncAb*01Ut813r Cuped by pi �, AsnovVis dred dollir afid t6 -raise the said sum, it will be nee. better. McKe.a. (1, of In erso 1, h4§ LM-' emar debentures M hereinafter mentioned -jr I Cuv* tbr the Heart -The 0 r4wt to 10 " 0 _Ml�s Flora drifts in the at reets are t6 ieet I ��gli. � Bus- us,
recently inbe (0 the iness is at a at indstill, wid raihv%y Hues are wl �6i mi it will require the sum of seventy-fl;� rited a fot tune of 30,U wavIng Remedy alvelo XtbU -equest of Miss Mary Ann Fuller, a on dollars tc li� riisod annually by special rate lot.the a d ed. All the t�legraph lines -,have block, ThIrt.V Xlftuteu. pa�3mpnt &f Merest as herairiAfter mentioned, B been blow d who died recently, in Detroit, leaviDg large o 6vu, an�l the colon.�, wag shut nd Thomag retr wl cmai it will require the sum of frty-flye Ayilno,! quo,! I estates. Dress Goodsl off froln, commanicittion with the outside hav* been.%oll led for aliout avo yo Ar with. dollars at d � hirty-sevexi cerits, to be ralzed annually woi 8 Opera annels, -1d for 48 Vero bear by special r or payment of the said debt as �Abra.ban,4'Toles, the'old. colored p -each- Bevelity of the oomplailt. At t4noq t a pain POvOrs that JL was i"No to st. Iso borellia Mantles er, 'Who became insane, apd bal to le sent �storm ias ggravated the nliae'.ies. of -the sotinen oned. e destitate, mid hundreds of me re'begging *64 PO' bU8111643. The slight4st oxertlon: I And whe niount; of the, whole ratable Mannels to Sandwich jiLil,.died Filiday inornin and rovbd voty tail IL I - 41124 nod titled tak. property" of corporation, Irrespective of'any in- laor or bread. I ng root.. I t'rfeudne 6we inbe re of tolls, intorest, Fla-nnliAtes, was buried by the Home for the. Fri dless .4r. A 0 p Oure for- nds, tents the Ifeart fees from
an -WB DO IT THIS W Y -Another p ioneer of East Zo Ima Isto relief. d obtained or said.propeity And also Irrespective Linens, ra in tile I have hoW an thee e b I - ak*n four botti of the rernedy, of id derived from the temporary In- Moves.., William'.s.thirty-seventh birth- rson of A %m'Marshall, died oil lmd am 0,�Jlrely, fre6 from yei sinking fund oi any p3rt tbercof ac. t, 'y rnptobx ond hope 1his stat 'e.
dav was celebrated on Mohday, 27tt. ulL, ay, 20th tilt. -He was ag d 81, and I FEI, DOW'_\ OX THE STIMV�. Of h4arb d a"@. n6 May corditig to the last mvis-ed assessment roll for the All $7.50 oveicoats foi, $4. 90 Underwear. 11111100 10th4ka troubled as 'A aj to glye said copomth n, being for the year one thousand ,iLh great 6erem nv. Di�Tine service"was liad lived for flae paA fifty years 11 lot 11, Harvey ran ch hoping a change n $his thoint *a1usbJ& r @dy. al., eigt i hundrei and ninety-five, would do i 0 tri Is the gum of six Man's Furnishin held -in the morning,' in the castle chael, concession I 1, Etvat Zorra. - He, %ime gw. -All 8.00 overcoats 5.00i from good, 1)ut in this I was disappointed, ind' jV- hiiodyed alidt rty-one thousand tbree hundred and i and laer, a, grand reCeptio4 was. held. Edinburgh,w) nbe wasabout tv enty years Sold by I. Fear and LurA., den so twent�-three c lars, and whereas the exis -de- 'of & seemed to e steadily growing wea booture debt c the said eorporAtiOu is AS ting All 9.00 Overcoats fo i 6.00 -At.'31, Paul, Minnesota, 0111, sat rd , a, and &� - being employ�d for several follows -� You canuot afford to Stay away from our ohad three ectors, Pt different times, but Six thiiusaod lars borrowed under the authority 25th ulti J, K., McCulloch, of' Win alpeg, at the 61 distillery, and store during t - years teaming he rogress of this sale. they ivpyeared not to"' understand Jnlly 0 se. A Good Reaon, No. A, ottliesid Town �f Seafoirth and s 0 Y;4 7 won the ten -mile ii)g rbce- in 33 min- to Brantford id Hamilton, lie t4 Olt tip the At la I n 4 r tiLt h Atthe rate of seven per cent., ps I sb g(tso, low that olieday I fell d(wn But, my dear bo Wai I Oe y- sec e -1 first day of Jx1y,A.D.0 utes anl 5 1 th fastest ti farm Y, why !�u i YOU able �b.lf . CI , e re- on wbich lie died. 'Do( ased had on the stre t, and those who pie ced me up You are in college, donl�' think elevc-ithousand dollars borrowed under DoVb delay if you want -eorded in"h, e bi at. hat dists-nae. eleven child niue of, whom an living. RRJCB_q I and I 1806, and
ompe n rer thou ht I was dying er that I ivas iVs well or a man coil the authority � tBy-Law No. 0 A, of the said Town of f 9 Aft e2 5, to be en- choice new goods at i -In 06 c: ntinued abg 0 ence, throukh' ill- -The peopl 3 of Lan caster and Cornwall urged to ta ce Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Lnd gaged." Scafoith, aiid J iterest thereon at, the rate of six per e�ss, of th' U a Rev. D. X, Macdonnell, ff . D.. distiiat are tul ti cmt.� per anr im, payable bait yearly from- the ing a lively drate psi; in, e almost fron t the outset they helped me and Perhaps not, Jennie; but ire're en. fifiteeb.112 day o Octo ev. D. 1) D.,' will' her, A.D., 1895,'also f1v6 thous- 3 se erftl Glej th� R' rtf)�rnoud, B. tl�oublca in ith Afrien") -3 d a v after the use of about half a. dozen boxes I gaged I'll have a decent excuse and five hundr ollars borrowed under the author- We alway mIrk croods i3 officiae-in. St. Andres 'church, Toronto, t ;for. leaving 8 I d 'A, 'i. t ga-rians from that village a4d ", h i y are was as well as ever." " Do you still take the College and going to work.* ityof-,'By-L*w:?o.11Aofthe Townof Seaforth for
I go out and take aae Of the congregation( , lwc-Coish & JeSern. "ring -in the I t thar plain figures, elil 1�86 �od ntero i -con at the rate of Ave per cent an can se i J.ol Ile i8titirb - distric -J. Pink Pills asked the rer.orter, "Well now, people will say it was becai e co t�e next,sj �JCL is I uld r anurn, pa �ible balf yearly from the, first day of eo NA &NA i 11 ai i, was the rg ly I stlll keep thein. -about me nt pass my examin4tions�" d, Hugh x -months. ! . . 0,
as, re ber,A.D,169-5, aliso four thupand dollars bor- OARMICRAEL BLOCK CM what the pri -,e w o r. tewart, 'of Xincardiw�, has ri W 6,eorge Rober'son, Allan Jame Cameron, and once in a wbile when I tbinl: I require ell, wha�-if tl�ey do? Yoa_don�t_calre "wed under 0 *authority of By -Law No. 2 of the sold lots 45 a d-46, -concession A., Tiverton n ToWn of Saafor',fi for 1887and ffiteresttheretin atthe humbug; nD notisenst and John B. ameron, all ancistr boys, a tonic I ta e a few, but as you.1 can se I wb�t people Say,— do; you '245. t. per annum, payabTe lisUyearly about it, just. -to 1\1 r. Neil 2 -hur,, for �Ck are at JohanDe -burg, buildi0ig a large min- don't look I 'ke a man who -requir'es to t ke "Yes-when'theV tell the trfth.-�-Har- from the first 01sy. of November, A.D., 1895# and also road, lc�krt I . rate of five per cen
plain ifacts. The farm comprises IN acres,. ancl, a �he ing I t T e Cam oys �re sons of medicine n(w."' EGISTMOMMD, an eron On this point the repox ter per's Magazine. i six tho: is% d dollars b rowed under the authority of oderick amer d quite agrees with Mr. Davis, as lie looks as and interest thereon at. tb- very beat 61 soil., A Stewart goes' to \1r. on of Lpdaster, an N 8 for I&Qg If you want an ove e Ltn'don.- Illy W6 er nt, rVv per annum, payable half yeistly 'Made a welt nepliewsoftbeNteJohn(Caribo Caeron, vigorous- an I rob ust a. man as yot"Ould ish -Henr�, Thibadeau, of Do%-er,-.'n-1istaking GRATEFUL -J from tl e a of and have bean thinking M and Cornwall's ichief of police. avis, 1e N July, A.D., M, and two tbous. ain Aor to see. After parting, with Mr. and fiv r dollars borrowed unjer the author. e p Er, se- a bottle of cr�rbolic.acid for eye wat f Mrs. War �n Rock. idow f the late reporter c 61led at inbu Y & C .'a drug ItV of I Y44aw No. 8 for 1891, and interest thereon t yolu would walt until ue\,t ry QA verely buined both:of his eyes. He was I W-arren Rock, . C., of Lon lo e store, wher he saw 61 e manager I Ir. Van' JUJI PP S 7S the rat of five per cent. per annum, payable yearly 1, Nvlio at tl- fro ,u tl I ie - This is- i - - 2 th day of oetiber, &D., 1895, and, -also oea on for o: driven to Chtham, where be was relieved M i I time of his dea h, in 1883, ivas irecognized HOutevi wl corrobo ated -what I r. Davis BREAKFAST_Sly�p]tR. three t ousand five hundred dollars b d under
of the pan. It, is feared his eyesic-lit W411 orrOwe yokir chance,b cause very tL3 one of the a lest itirists at'06 Canadian had said re arding the use of Dr.. Wil I 8 the au 3r�ty of By-TA,w No. 25 B, of the Town. of INDAPS be affected. bar, (lied at . Pa adeim.. Cali�ort4, on Fri- Pink Pills be - the finestAonic in the "By a thoroilkh knowledKe of the -natu I lawy SWor , mind Interest thereon at the rate of five per THIS '111ch overn the operations f Igeatic a an nutri. cout. Alinum, P13"able yearly from the 20tb day overcoa,t is ne, v styl� and .-Body 6natching is reported in the ya 11INDOO ItZMEDY ndghborboo of Perth, and the, _distri(t has day, 24th tilt. The decease4 lady Vag Aills world, and ra,Ve'. the names of several ho tion, stgd b darelyul appli tio i of h( fine ro or. Alpril D1, 1895, and also fourteen tbowand dollars rRoDlIrm 29Z ABOTZ' AlaggiellldFarl ej-ofWell�nd.' Herfathe bad-fouild remarkable beneft from their IT. EPPS ha, 1 prov ties Of well -selected Cc borr d under the authority of,By-Law 4o. 8 of IMESUL" I 80 AT, C re all this sew�,)n's i'aak be -,n thrown into a state of exciternew. It. elfor Nervous Dise"es. Failing Memo was at one t.im a indinber !of Parliamen 1188- our"ireakfast and supper a delicately i lavou.i d bev. the Town of Seaforth for IW2, and interest therfeon arage which may save us many beavi Jocto Vbills. at the i ratia of five per cent. per annum, payable is -,hargea thkt ther'is an organived s5 stein A depra exl or witery e�lidition of I he What -,ve.unde it to Supply medical colleges WiLh- bodies col- and all her brothers re Y�elf I..o. do and It is by the Judicious use of such artiol yea y from the first day of Jan toiihrunkenorgans, and quick but-surel !s Pf idt 6 uary, A.D , 1805, aud prosperou meli.. The fanii;ly donsisted f blood or shE tter�d nerves are' the two fr iD- a constitution mqy be gradualty built u Lost-X&hboad In old or Tounig. Iasi) _1 This sole vVill ei+ leated in the buria gyounds of Perth. uuti arl W nothing in arrears either for principil or yearr edInvest t,wo Ethel, idowi0f,00 late fal sources f' almost eve y disease tHat enough to refilst every tendency to I Pocket. fricet-1-90apackag. Slixorswo6witho Lseas H11 11- aterest. --For that tickling Sensation is your writcen tuaralitee toeure wr wancyrbNnded. DoWt reii I 'hereas it is made necessary to appoint the buy an irAfta st n RXInnir INDAVO., It afflicts hum U ity, aad to an suffiwers Dr. dredp of subtle inaladies are .11oatin und Atd w , t ingi o duat g an tion, by throat try.,% 10 cent box of "Mist " C�)Iigh U. Sayers, and 'Huron Rock', who was m! to attack whei evejr there is a weak po y time and pla2e for taking of the votes the duly quall- _=du lolbas not gt It, we Will venditpre-PIM& rat of Januar o e e wi flod0ectors,andfor appointing Deputy Returning SOLD by d at P Williams' Fit k Pills are" 5 d 'th a.con- tlila rie on the fi ys escape many a fatal shaft by ke Lozengqs. They will allay the Irri oil- eping 4 U�801 e
F�irbaa ks, a Petrolea young ;ady. fidenc# that hey are the oi ly perfect and fortified with pure w V. Pear, SEAFORTIT, ONT., and blood And aprope ly!"no riah,.d Offlows to take the votes of the said lectors at the at once.. For sale by druggists a:nd T e Eley fraine."t-Civil Service Gazette. leding huggists elsew#ie-re. unfailing bloc d buildex and erve, reston lr, weel Inj Nledicine Co., 395 Yonge Street,l 'o u to. Made -simply with boiling water oi millt� Be It therefore enacted by tho Municipal Council and that wl e gi�en v fair tria disease a ad Sc ld �--Thonias-(,,orrnan, anninate of Mid- -Rest MethoI of Cleaing- Black only in packets, by Grocers, labelled tlinj: of th -, I owb of Seafort.h. Buff-6ring m 13 vanish.' Pink Pills are sold dIesex House of Refuge, -who is' age I isixt JAMES EPPS& CO., LTD.. Hom(norATj n6 1.1 T! iat It shall be lawful for the Mayor of the Dre.$s Goods. by aU deal a or will b,- sent )y mail on re- BEd 0) poration to raise by'vmy of loan froin any 146 pbr or persons, body or bodies years, and was fo'rmely a British so'ldier -- R very one ha i Dr wants a blacl,-, gown LONDON, corporatei who 00. PH f'50 e;tsaboxor,,.rt,).,'Oforsixl)oies ma � e willing to advance theeame upon the credit ceip.t Of'50 11 el ppd recdntly with another.inmate called" by addresshig the Dr. Will anis'. -Mediciae- The VAlure of Beamsville furnisbes'q 'to alwoniddr- lebentures, hereafter mentioned, a sum of
IVI ry Ann' Orooks, aged 40. It is I e1i oved nowadays, andsuch goods as se e, cheviot, off 3,( Co.,.Brockville, Ont., or chcnectady, N. Y. ful case : Mr, Jacob Fisher, of that pl; Lee, ow sti- ley not exceedin cashmere, Heniie,ta, etc., are e ily clean- 0 g in theaggregatettiesum of th,-ywent in the direction of arnia. fit C, laffl.
ed. First rem Ve the greasp pots with Beware of imitatioO and-, always reft se plyed At Niagara F&M, N.. Y., suffered fro rboumT mt undred del --ThOMELS scroful' SHEFT.-MUS10
utli Yart a and blood disorder for a I tinie, .1 That it sball be lawful -for the Mayor to eaule Ell,in county,. -was out shooting with his naphtha, and -remember -that t... a fluid is- trashy substitutes, alleged :o be just as but was cempletely and permanently ct re Ryek- al).N tumber of debentures to be made for au2b sunis Men"s Caps Ve explosiveyhen 6.xposed to either light good.". man's Xootenay Cure, as the fallowing,rit a ow: of as in" be required not less than one hun- `D
br ther, &,turday, 5th ult. The latter's gun r -AN
or Ire. Make a lather of warni soapsuds, .fte o ars each an I not exceeding in 'the aggrWate acaidentally ivent off, and the contents en- I A N Releasid Testimony the Mi of fifteen hundred dollars and that the -said ng a good n( t strong, soap, and a, tea- Owl IffamburAr �Cltlzen under Oath. teied the former's legs.below ; the lknee. �1181 . 2 d0a itures sliall be aeoled with the seal of the asid,
_Pffie were 50c 755c d spoonful of bo-aK to every t D (fuArts of ftom Foi ir Months Impvt sonm6n Michael H. Dwyer well-known in Hai nilto tells a I Btood p,oisoning onsued, ad hCmas Idied � I . I I corporation and signed bythe Mayor and the Trw- MUSIC BOOKS
down Mr. Jdhn k, hotel keeper, Kevn H story th%t reads like a miracle. He suhare untold uker" or of. ; � wt6ter. Intb tbii � ip the goods u i and burg oot.- 0�c in and, was told that oull reluora :11 TLtsaid debentures shall bear Interest at and wash betwe ar the bands �eu wring 0 . I I haVe boen a Jr. eat suffer Minate could benefit him, b o a, wrmer OtqaN%-a -.society is preparing f)r' the trawl rbe tUrn. The last attkok cimmurn ut Kooter ire did a�d i gently and pal, partly dry ; �angn the cod i what the doctors could not ay C V Iter the irate of five per ernt. per annu in 'from VOCAL AX.D LNISTRUANIENTAL,
-wi ch o ice, fo gr; nd fincy (Iress bal to b 01*0an bv � do, and -nc w he j.5 w.ell. the I nientioned for 1his by-law- to take effect, Yo 0 1 or, in thma h I shadej and -wen iearl i on the tour, ont He volunteers a btatutory,de 11llt t shall be payable Rr.ually on the flist y, iran Wh -two bottl of -Sou. � clv ratio v hich *ill be 4ii 'I eres Em I L41y Ab�rdeen, in'the Se r y dr forwarded by addressi .1 � -AT-1 wrong- eide wil h a nio'derately warm ir n. 0A.M an 611171 Oure com.Plet6lY 6Tr ng, i fty 1 -March in each and every year at the office of on Fe,bruary 17th. A series of'eigbt lances, V1. P�, the 7 reavurer, of the said Municipality ly lan -m,a rm water, nd ed sno. H I a0cured the xemedy WhIn at the Town e blen atic of leading periods of: Canad' Always -rinse on!e in luke first,"oon of E e afoith. T A
Iiron until Oe� ma-terial is ppe. I first oont acted �rhoumatlsm i; would 110 f8 '111 . That the enid dcbcnturds shall b - e inad hiftory, is, being ar�ranged, and p'eoniises to ectly dry. Fay0d Mo montlis t pafn Rn4 tuffeinirK." 1 -Captain Sweeney, U. 8 I A. San 11D)J Cidifor-. PRICE 35C Never rub a you suffer roin rhoumaftsm or neLia ni -rh Rmedy is' 71 h Rhl( t the dxpiTatIon of twenty years from the date that is beh rehovated a "Shiloh's Cats, I be a gr �at' . att!i,i-etion. me first I Opned ifor this by-law to tLke effect and shall
railris doi mt dol4y, but try South Am* I- leine I have ever foucc fab (
on the was td,.,.no wring it tightly, and sn riheurn ure, now. It wUl 11 0 th t wouk do me any bay-. atit*d to them coupons far the payment of s orm W'10L Visited. TOM r a OJW Ing na, a 't roughens good." Price, 60 ce IN.Fear, Sea forth. was the -most destruftive, O" in wd �m iber tb tovi hours anf` cure, radics,l1y In The t h- Itl 0 nts. SDld b�
ys - I the hands, aL after 1113ig I' it is well diLyst. V That fbir the purpose of f8fining a slekIng fund Also� 100 v4wnes miscellaneous tloth know4 ior1yemrs.. Telegraph and telep ion� to patvaseline 1 11 them and t wear old ,'Sold by 1. Fear and for be paymentof the said debentures an Numl bounil �3opk, leightly all broken off by the weight of te gloves. �Vash 1paca in Lumsdea & NVi-5-oi I-, ColnlKetely Knooked 0 Of wolu, at half
poles w6re the Ea ne manner 'if - ann al sun, of forty,flve dollars and thirty-seven irE on the �wires; Iii -ribs of trees were tcm was so much run do n I b d ta j. ive 1i p w-rks cenis. sball in addition to all other rates te raised, price!. �i
as CaShinere, ad ing a little gill arabioL to and I felt as if Ifte wAs not oith Jiving, , wrIGS Win- Ie,,4d and c011ected by special rate upoin all the TAte- off and bo h the 0-reet car and telep, one Suspicious Praise. W. Thotopson, ZLphyr, On I took Sao . wl sar- abl� property In the said e poration.during the cur- La�o assor�lnent paper covered NV6U
I the tinsing wate', "if the mack, goods are i
id nts a or systems were disorganized, Many ac', d wife is �Reaven's greatesb gift i 0 saparilla and am now feeling as I did yea! Is a �Jf the said dibelitures or any of theinj abd for at irO ed P 'es, for OXE at f a rtlaty,color, est,6re them b I sponging A goo go, rency were 811 . epofted. Always use Scott's Sarsadarilla tones t p the entire syit si j,,pu-1 the porpose of paying the Interest of the 19ald &_ %ith aminonia d alcohol,. n and, the ra,rest gein the earth holds riflea the blood, and eradico6tes rheol)J'At nil scrof. benturef, the sum of sevent ca pfive dollarsalialfin ad -
OF I)rso alnini,-ol Legho'rn, the sp ci list. pier 'a and got it. x of the SMM( Materi I or one)iea,r to it remarkedINIr. Jarphly the other mornini, . ulouS pol8ons, Ask for Scott ditinn �to all ther rates, be raised, levied and collect- ir on dis'eas6r, of chil.dreni wlio died f a oit to Plion e with, -Fe He contir ued ed froiWall e ratable propertv of the said corpor, 0 ;1W PAPST'S' 9 bruary Ladles' Home :0 U2AMERWEA. tivie ago, I a bequeathed his entire estate, She is Eis joy, his inspiration and h's -KARL'S OLOVER ROOT will pur1f3 ation 4�riq the currency of the ssid deboututes or Journal. 3,ol - B! lood say oflWem. mr, nin o -160,000, Ahab- vely soul." cloaryour Complexion, regulate your hoi�eis an for the es ------- Id V1. 4$rkt It shall be lawful for the Municipal a children's hos- tuake your 1h r as a bell., 25o, 50c 4way --down in Pr mcnt and inaintenance.,of GRE He seeme I to b4 thoroughl a cad clan and $L Counall lof tf e Town of Seafarth to appropliate the ice. y in symp
pital.l. de4oted to the serum treatrfiG14 of THE, WORLD"33' DEBT TO'90N with his subjec. i He added: hly Sold by 1. V. Fear, . Sesforth. s%ld sin i of Ifteen hundred dolifirs for the purchase and put 4rg in pceltion of a bell; f:)r the creation of 1411 IN STREET,
diplitheria GA"10NALISM. "'Through her lie learns to reach tle Signs of Worms are variable appetitc,' itc In a ad- H d the true, and her loying han� a the nose, etc. Dr. LoWe Worm Isyrup ditional hose (or fire protLetion purposes foir the electric Jarm Bybtem, and for the purchase of
--Over a Tear -ILgol the Rarn-s an pure an ��e 9beal A erican �ublicsti6n, offered 'a prize for Thin Church aiLve to the World a lead bim softly over bhe rough places' Town of Seatorth. MV 0 ILVI MJL X:L worm expeller.' � I - Be v Also wh&$ �* ReIr Yll, rhiob-lawto come Into operition on the the best st6r en in less than a t4ou- . Z y - �40.1 That he had i)ot yet exhausted himse -e were a g 011 lat day �f March, A.D,, 1sand words. el. :reat! mpny mIn'sno ToN 21S6 054�i as evident for he began again : - . " r & The Breath of the'. Pi ae$ Vill, 1 Th4i the votes of the electors oball be take stcries-writtell but the'one written, 1by the Z"ffwtleaks�l *Inlster, a a 0 "She is- Coughs cold#, aslhwa, bronchiti on the 26th day of anuary, A,D,, 1806, commencing t 1: �'Metbo. an Imp I r throat and Wi p1rcty YO ,Re V. J. Livingston. pastor- of the n Subjeat lungtroubles are cure kt the_h�ur ofinine o'clock In thouorning and from Henry I 11 "Jeremiah V'said Mrs. J&rpbly, olemT- d by Nor Pine 83,rup. 9
'ill( -bas won 6rst "oher beUev*d1raan!1s 11, Price, 25 and 60 cents. it reathe tbence continue until live o'clock in &he 'aftemoon, di,ft churob dine', 0=ar Olearing Sale.
OV i ly-"Jeremiah, iibat mischief have yoi the heall ig usioub falith W coloured' lore virtues of the pine forests. at the following plam: Ilake.ill this A ile lace, 1101irtch been up to now,"- hiladelphia, Item. For Xpro lVard. polling sub-divid-on No I �svt B tho Pulpit' that Ino man aisdid cashlis stor Goderfah We( for tbe --A letter receivcd it th`ei headquar erg 0anditign of Ills ealth, Ho he P ,& ; t Ward, wh*A big stomm W of the Qhiii% Inland "Mission, Toronto, a Yi*ws on relill A Commissioner hi B. R. rolling ou !on No, 2, at the Town Hall, and for few -�Ays ago states that Miss J�. le'. but of order. M Qq1te 4601P used Ha�yard# ectoral Dil- be South atd, polling sub-diision No. 8, elt 0. 0
W t 4i � I It h Beautiful Hair. Willsonli; r4, Main street, and th%t Edard Cis
iobor can pro ch with aftoo . a I I Sam in our familyfor years CROCKERRY .
hen out rin thaten i How tc; Have
of Orillia, . died of smallpox, at I I have nq iesitatloo� In D.a vies, stutf*d up wit oold,,of It he alou r . mylog thAt it beats everytblog else 0 I ave triedifor be Depu n t When nature has neglected to crown VA . , purning Officer for polling sub division X a noban, China. J iss Davies was learr ing e*t&rrh. I is 4urpria asp reol No.1- H Elliott be Deputy -Returning Officer or*, that head wi s lken tresses, one can, n o coughs and colds�rj children as w 11 s' rown we f & the 16&dl W*1`gY!L*JL1 n urn the for poilli g1sub-division No. 2, and Samuel Stark be: sboppinU tb4 r Chinese, language � at a mission traiining .01 can ple. It relieves that tight binding 4 SAW a ?Pesk so laighly. o i -Arhow a meas r , re nedy the slight by perai e Deputy Sol �ool at the . p ace named, preparator>, . to Cstarr che.A. We woulo not be without it to' aything, as -1tefuriling Officer for polling sub-divislon va owds for rold In t a b*sd or: No, S. ; work. OrFhj ly b uAinj � the har. A good quality As we intel giving �111) the Crockery entering upon acti , missionary Tfwy, k low the Z* O!, we have a large, inuilly. JX. 7 e said municipal corpor. _61, blotter 1 WIMIAM ANDIBRE the Mayor of th, an M 0 1 rand of- tbdoi brus should be used, !� A bair brush Should ation slig t�nd at the 0ounell Room on Fliday,
.-Col. Gibson, of Lakefield, Peterboro, re, Cchimigioner In B. A., business, now U the time 0 throUgi L the l7th of January, A.D.. IBM, at the bour of Iroab4o. i4i out, of v4t MIM have ong,. a At bristles � that will go Ball"I I , Xanitobs. who Is the discoverer of some valuable de- 96-MOMI Chureh, oronto, an* wh;� the air and touch the scalp, then eyer three ic p.m., for -the purpose, of app*inting to get osits pf lead,, verand co the this !Mn, 0V ble QW14 p6rewo a tend at the various polling plouis afore- pper, near- b in' die! o, and- p parti e of dust and dirt Can :be removeZ 14 intends ze' un h" boluo.testimony t Its bous- MILBUR1408 Codi Liver Oil Rnin lonw Wild"herry "Id &0 1 summoninf up of the Vot'" respective- bead of Cedai-lake, to organi a I A co b is seldom neceesary if the hair is itfad Uypophosphites of Ulna and h 5, and ure ly, oli of persons noteresW in and promoting join, pany, for the purpo of snort f1f f the breath i mch the caref %e b -ushed ; if sed a.- all the comb Norwegian Cod rAver Oil in perfectl, at& ]a -for -by-'Uw reqnctively. b stock,corn V ir oppo he Pargains et our 13 r 6 S' work6g, the mines. It is, expected o eia- d with an" ba of Dr. It Is the best, for coughs, eolde and a I I X e Clerk of the municipal corporation W hou, d 0 I coarse one. A fine comb i 9 roubles. h I Powder, noon -t arrh a this tio no will be commenced on a large scali imn T-0v*r the ourfaes *f be si P". ritat s,the s -alp to a hurtful degree a Price No. and 11.00 Or bottle. hour of twelve o!clook, on -be Wine.Wo-dollar dinner sets 16r.,$U; -W, dinner
'All, Aouary, A.D., IM, at the Town HmJl,, a Ehort time. FUNWAs - nd , ftnebtful use. is is qi ite app to break and split the hair. In t*n inutes, and th d 1!oirn of *88afoirth, sum up the Vows glve� sets for 00,; $124 Inner sets for StM , dinner
AND Stella L. L. Alexander, t. trd Brno i the hai f r Sick Headach I W and t4not the by-law and grant the requisite -g*ts for $$.So R. L. Alexander, of 'k I - sure& *&4&rrh h r to d ve minutes Wore re, ereuiider. 09 Mont sob for $6.50; #610 W.et daughWr of Mr r 0 loosely- and permi sets for Si -, $5.50 allot set@ for 0.75 ; $3.60 toilet so" th to Iftleva a so. tiring at nig t, brai Ini- D�spepsis, Biliousness, Sour Stem&& ad, Conitips- cestific th ti rise I omach, liver ry, recently entei ed the office of Me ws. kwnt�& 10 th owor sent for I xta it from wMng action of th 3 a ga to isna. Never sle with pins in &I #eta for $'2.50; 12tollat sets4or#1.46. 'Umps,and
th� Onbowels. BurdockBlood Bittal res all die- Compare Qualities, r. I V and Lougheed &.McCarter, of Moose Jaw, . a- a Moo . �D*tehfti;44 urcli hair4' Tigie - est hairp"'s to use are made Of ems of tbcss organs. to. Passed, lmuary 27tb, 1896. l"p goods very 6 isap ; the bed Jauterwever -offer- regularly artioled. I w student. Miss A ex. bon am er Sold by 1. I . or tortoise shell, , Coarse,sharlp. V. Fear and Lumsden:& Wils6li. WIL IL GRAY X& ed In Omforth for 50e, =ual priceW ; lake berong,
an ler is afraduate Of th e- Moose Ja4r I igh W E OTT, yor ine but and tear the h ir and.sbould never Biliousness and lAver Complaint, He tdAche, etc , LLT blrk 13 pe� V*eksge ; we keep or. hand Canned Beef, eel ool,- an has the honor of bei e rat be used. It is an old ime saying, and well are cured by Burdock Filla. Ses
Jai y to take p t e aw in the Terrors'of an EngeaWge ent. t Tongue, Turke7 * ld Olavow Beef Ram, Halve -You h' -study. of worth a trial, tha ne hundred sr es k Uied Frankfort I "we, Juid The thlog for tc* or to 'ea. The d h erii & wealthy h' uaehold in n7 I 3� Noncic. of tl ie bair brush everV night will AMerchant Tes ill�81� i � I one's hair li ie 'ilk.* how ' ' Th' Jun! h, ready for use at -
-There died,in the township of lkst close'nei orhoc d to' Central Park is en. eabov
igh Zor-rv.,'on blonday, -20th. ult.$ eit',Nluf- gaged to be ina,ried and the 6 wo of the foiin4'H a a ow r sor aaf.. In o a Wn 0 ay, airred 75, and- Peter Murray $ aged 89. engagement has 1 ieen publisbe'. ..., "We all faiblily one thi Vellew Oil cured a o 'I ego , I - I on4 6 twenty-seventh day of Jan A.D., The 44 oputarStore." hat'Ne two aged brothers were. cut ofl on wish it hadift 7� I says paterfamii�ias, be. Dolls Brought Happiness to t1le oud o.,y cue alers now recognize to Valule. a us are hereby 're -q take 0 P E �ARC I They oeem prefer It to all others. d t.,any one desimu of �apply to bave .0 as though i I so th same dkLy is a remarkable f t. T ey cause since it jz`ok. ut ib has looked Dyinge 0. D. CORMER r y pt theroof quathe ust make his '11. ti n for purpose to the H b Court we the sons of William Murray, and they we would not be i�ble to enjoy lif.1p or even -Margaret Bottome in I 9 Eleart to Hear 5 wholmle &a I Re tail Groee4l car ie to this country when they Vere aired to stay in tow The mail ��e receive and Talks in January Ladies! Home Journal CAMSM i W11111. N. B. at a Within three niongle after the bilos. n
THE SEAFORTA of wmk for Mrse so re weeks res pectively, 9 and 22., Their father set led the people who y to -get in to a e my wife relates thas, pathetic ncident of her min in ib perealled Tmx Hu"Ir ZxpostT034 Of Ro B BROS,
Hagyard's rectoral - Baksm cure � 06%b C0140, he V?m "toopalate to be board In that be&0. rig it away on lot 8, line 10, of East Zo Va, or, myself are s6c i as to cause ponsterne� -istrations to the sick Just before I lef Asthma, Bronchitis and all Threst d9i Luog
_WJL ELLICTr A"RTX CLOMIN G MAN. M. it *as p that farm that Robert d d. tion. Both the litters and the, lisits coillie for Vurope I wt summer a great box came Troubles. Clerk. e
b �AT I M n
Id N , F� lZ oveyli or f
e AL
Vb d neW