HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-07, Page 6H HU _K� -UJBRIUA
N E Ry 7
d with. city of Seb opol, streets, rail 11calth an,l stfengfl FE
Way DIP"
A LITTLE RIFT. ti 1wn, and I won'b I nixe
Know What You- Ch
T h w. Stella, Las 'in very' prosolles, carry us thri
ce is is brid 8, etc' 1k DUgh
powerful micro
-,a mTutb."_ scope was Use I this wonderful
I t f, danger ar6 commenuitaL T1164ay, Jim
nan in exh bi in 4 'niaim -7-7
ll�lilimated that not
us gafie in the- pres,
Stel* laseelle; xelaimed miniatur and it is
of peilt Din
Am i to send Valerie's breakfaat tip, erie, *hose eyei he, wandered to, tile less than 00,000 people ad a, Peep at tile
�elope; 6 s a;nd h r I tters ar E ach of
pax, or will she join us this morning e 1 e in. every- results o t ( toy -11 akier's toil, easa� gernis' do nc.�
hari' in a
Yes, she'll be down, - dirdetlyii� Kate I understand these 500, )DO a ghtseers deposited a franc
s pocket, t 0, 1 sulipose. body. A ge in, is 1101 0018
shes got a new gown o, V why you.*do not wi0h me to meet her." 'piece in t] te h do of the ingenious work- a oft
or something, and ' . I
bi thiug, and -It 11
one' I , Valerie I" crie4 Kate, putting her hand man, the ;otal ii cas4 thus taken in oll physid�l weak, P-10KARD
1911, elso." o the girl's arm. i netting I itil su fortune.—St. Louis ne tha makes
shei6delightedivith. herself and every 11-1 &
letters be ug,
plr.- Hamblin took in a pile of Leave me alone, K 'te I" said she 1111- Republic, 1, daii rous. I A per,
f Cie thoir annual cleating sale of Furs, R ainde :01offiffi- Lafliesl
0 side his plate and began examining - their atiently, her face NVhit and her eyes low, e I t man �e I am -such alobild A Dog', ure AUfttles and General Dry 0ods. Remember -.1 n We want To
coobeut irigt 11DQyoUs4gR a Flock To!. w it ill Yr rcr de [icate fenanin band
_s ; one in - , is
w4bing,caught his e it hiiid been left by s not tb see throuO, t is gethei o Years. bloo:d, lids nothili� sell a thin we put the price. W11
a — Ff_5"yW 1 9
ha� d &C, the club, anci tent on immediately to Jear from germs, er Peop!e J-0 ilot 110itate to bu y -
You are vallcing such abject nonsense A dog id \ew Mexico, -returning one OaAainly, glance over the list of l&r,,i,;e discounts fr thi a a
-110 iIre'linay bilfeathe it! Ul
he hall porter. A i exclarnation of. mr--
t 4t 1 is not wot
b �tll 1;contradicting,"� said evening -with, h 0 sheep to the fold, discov- I the !'bacilli f con you will observe the knife has gone in deep and in. cm;es
-ut open the en- �T - I i .
ng 0, ered that his master was obill iu- the shanty'
n ance eocaped him t s he c ex, risin from' th
k 9 t, le.'and unfoW su-niption viii th 17 ini
)se his sist i I -
V er, however, was busy with out ths price clear iii two.
i tewtpaper.
and kept very quiet. The next evening it p U q I t Yvr. twre Y rki adiies' and iGent's Fur Coats, 1'22J per cent.. discoiint:; Lades' 'Fur Capes, 2 er
thlt envelope containe I
isp6sition of the 1 reakfast cups and did er penning continual
th Nonsense ? Men ho* me the letter *as the same. But aft -tip the 11 9
rio notice it. # smelled about the door to irow
sheep the do. U,
lisc U ulls. Collars and- Ruffs, 30 per cent. di4coulit Fre7
Was the party a a necess she�' asked I shall do nothing fthe sorb." cratched, barli ed purities t at M, 1 e- Overcoats, 12,
ind even bowled, as be
1 dicoutib ; Bea-yer and Worsted Over-c"ts, 20�pOrent. discount; all -otiler
ng vei� hungry. But. -his master 016rious colorl r. Of course notF-; Ic n quite iund bod-
&4- Mille into t iel
Is free fto the I Ed Valerie enjoybe"self was gettil hent
. I bff6f there 5 we� k
A success ? Yes, I SUPPOSO tO,J' h t Ue t his point- iit�, 26 pei cent. discount; Men's, Youth's and Boy^�s Suits. 12.� per entl.
e i hl�t. A business lette did- not move. The do spot where th gern Li F-Zil Pa4ts, Coats and Vests, 124, per cent. discount ;iwbife and ra B-
�Tlhd, inore you use f it the betier gitrue t
an;%vered, without l6oking up there "Jf you; believe— �d duty, ivent )ut with the sheep on t e i t
may fii4d an eu: rauce di;sco,
like it. r
Will y
e er cent
WIS a terrible -crush, and the air was.posi- on- tell me is not fron) 'Mrs� third day, bub that ni lit when he7drov unt, splendid range 6f bed Comforters, 25 pe discount
t len tl e � ; wool 9 the ti pwugi, 20 percent. discount ; women's and- chilrelli Wool Hosi&�, 15 per cent
rXZrXE0.E.'TUCKET &SONCO.ILTD. suffocating W* In the beent, of the I celles
i6hp, flock into th�ir pen, the last one to at- trouble' �egiiip. d6.
e- count all _Nl�ntle Clot 0, 25 per cent. discount
flo� iers� and Aeat of the light I wil 11 you nQu g at all !" i - Uro�olerl
HADIII-TOT-1,1 OT. th .9, so Of. [Ji n lie, ex tempt to get Li becaine the victim of the gernis ] Fop ae 'wib 15 per eent
co rae, Vi ioly fa�cy Shirting, Flarnriel, lee
stridfLg to�& is the door. lightnii,5 - lill, nt -discount; large ra-npc:of antle
erie enjoye� herself.?' (I& med, q appetite. This method :of providing count :'all 20 per'
his own Rnts becallic part of the jlC2, tb(y
;-Of course she did; said a voice from for
VFTZFLI� Y. As y u Please. Once ii lit b J price';� 50 pbeces Flannelette (to clear) 61c; Pei! yard ; -all Ladies' Hats, ff - 7
down his ached them .94nomeAt—lie faithf Nv 0 th. door, and ex h 1 1 tilm 25c ; 50a hat -for 17c, ; 20 pieceq 44 inch Dress Goods (to
a tily pub r
ate V I d daily duty.,' Every evening ar) 2.$e
GRIVU, V. S. hono�dwradua while4liss-Ha Lblifi looked up ex- lily, wa ar 15 pieces 42 inch Dress Goods (to.clear)
to Of (Onl art 'ha�open 400roAhe tin gr fold was
f leffl er, ing;by t eenhousel �a per �d 22c. per yard 4 piles of Prints
di quickl)�, Ifil for 35c ; 75c hat fo
All iso sea hie laust shleep t try to enter the body. A`Jhe o
LL estic . ear Up) id o m s to kill to.c
c h, led the di ngroo look 0 seized -by him 25c n. o r) 143 per cent, dig.-
%16'�orinsr Colleoro." lvhi from get r rc (to
Is P im pectantly. 7 �c per yArd our best- grey flannel (at
romptly attejided d Ed -served for, supper and i Animals treated, C0
`i'aerie came slowly forwird, unwilling to, pai and tiouble U -114t ID7 count Al Ladies' Underwear .(at
e, hei
Veto ripary Dantiat y a special chxrZes moderate, ty on his face chair! breakfast and dinner 15c and ver) 20 per-, cent.. d the follo-vving day. The iscount all Ladw
Pierce', olden BT�c
. I Lied Kid Gloves- and Mitts, price all Alen's Lined Kid Glovds and Mitts, 12X, per--
ioXoo- and resideneo an Godirloh str6et, one door 10841ianytoff the effect of her dainty costume pushed back -from the liable, h I ole,bear to which the docy belonged wes in a Discovdr ls� for. It
As 1112tt Ir y 11
3 on s
I . d all knitted and fancy wool goo
T of Dr. Scow office, Seaforth. a -y and out of the �olr vemtodj�
il;y nience.
H I lug, Buller, and defiant Miss liamb ds 24i piar cent. discount
ev so itary part of the terrhoi rifies bloo4, 1 hat
-bat it kili6othc
ow v urietta ompel 'Lis to clear lin0s worth 70e for 50c,
ely cried Miss Halriblin wi th. shrewd idea that she hold th key of. the track of travel o'r visitatio, meaus t of Black Hd
G. H. G1832 BIB er
re ell, luslasm her br ther., o For two years from the time of the mas- germs, but thai,� is onl'y
Our establisliment is lar
U48 her -in law drew situation, which Y�as trying t
Veterinary Suqeon and Dentist, Toronto Colle 0 of hid a, from his Wife. at was shb to do ?1 tees death, as ase irt of what it does. It i1spists itl the dl- ge, but we want J�h f room foT
ertained, by data left by P� I veterinary dtatists, Honor Graid.1111te Of Ontario Vot ation of 'food aid -puts the digekive or -
all, dark, with her Ishft, hairfa itastically en other'an& sis-: the latter, the foithful dog had 9- st; ff and stock-taldug will soon be the- oiT. You -will ha
erinary College, Honor membet of Ontario Vo, erin- Katide 15 mblin had b in tended the
cai 1, 6, silver end to ins in a perfect rt sti�ipulates
Medical Society. All diseases of domestic an male. ght on, the crown'of ier head ter her o brother too long flock committod to his charge and had fresh conditioziJ
January, February, X arch and April, four lonc, cold mouths to
sk%ully treated. AU calls gromptly. attend, id to da Y ger, while stray curl i escaped all di- t] Le eereetion of d gestive Auids, so promot-
at or y a 0 'not to-- nderstand hi thoirdughly., She mutton for hi supper every night.- it S the*
day or , night. Dentistry an S riactions, - with-� her fil By' muz in ne' it g assimilation � nd nutrition. All iear the goods we Ara offering in this Everythin will be
D 111
offica and DispeDsiary—Dr. Campbell's 01 o ce, v cimated b tb lain b ood full of hei My red, corpusc wgown In d b t well to ave harbored �any flock was not d is steady dr le
&twin street Sesiforth. Night calls ans er ging round her in it i studiouixly� -,simple E at I Jq1lousy towar the wife he lbad seasonable and gooda. Whet -her you 1',ve 5 iniles, 10 fto the es. tile blood
upon its resonr On contrary it in- p�irifies and enridbes evety-dro o
140NO 2 aned she looked like some , delicate' '( c p
eli ho en, ai d, thanks to er tact the mawitge creased in numl ers, and when at the end of in the whole bcd es the 20 miles or 30 milet. from Seafortb,.this sfore will be the place
office. y and,�so s-uppli
a A -which.had just stepped from its a t is ha I always till ow rolled on oiled two years from he time of the death of tile ti 5sues wi od they need, 'It build, wl�ere you -can save 1110111ey and o will be well please(l wit
th the fo
lell I 4it Kate bad ot spent six months up strong, health) flesh and puts wholq
LEGAL proprietor, the* ranch wa visited and the
Isn't. it charining he oai with a our day's travel to
Lw a so into a eas resistinj stat
eir. ial or iniety. without gain- remains of the ere found, the dog
)wner w
0, CAMERO-N, formerly of Cameron, Holt& la, suddenly droppe into her I ille, - tenths of all huta4o ailmel t s come
i lig some nsigh into er character, 18he' was still at hid post of duty,jealously uard-
on street, opposite Colb 3rae -and make.
t the table. Dbn't you like it, —iffipurity,
Cameron, Barrister and Sol, tor, (iodefloh, cha 9 hom the same cause the cur 'OUT THE DISCOUNT LIST, bring it with
ra I If w that Valerie was onder of her line- in4bis flockanJdrivit&, them to the best pas- you
Ontario. Offleo—Hamilt b c od.. Take almost any i lease.YD i1please
Hotel. 1452 R6 ?"she'aaked coquettishly 6f er hus-, I lk-rd than she liersel,'. realized, but lbat tures eye i1a and to the iold at night, be- ai A trace, the call 5e of it—,y.ou -A i'� lifitid it
b".1 and then, without waiting I
for bis ers was not a-haturd ich easily for
gave, fore whic lie s pt to keep the wild jheep� it he blo6d. Puliryandlefirich blood GOODS ESTABLDSHMEN, T.
rrister, &c. solicitor for Mol -
RES SCOTT, Ba &ns, ver, she addre zed bergelf bO Miss a ad she felt that if this grievance were! al-' "ters of e �afiug at a evil dist n�ce._ d you qnove tl e calls
e� QU cure
J'Fons Bank, 01intzl. Office —'Effiott Blo2k, He. ibl' You should have come itb -1 -vied to r t C
take root ip the- girl's mind it "Christian or t disease inevit ibly and ii falli Dr.
Clinton,.Ont. Money to loan on mortgage. us, Ka� it was deligh bf al !� Oh I did: not n litbebroduetive-of serious trouble heroa P rcels6l nlTedical:: isc�, cures
tbi k you EngliA could. -say so many pretty WiM. PIC:KAIRD' & CO
r. Aft er secon& hesitation, Miss a diseases depetding.0 otl Poo rwpov-
U thin., imp ire blood.1
The Charnl. in Scot P
thi! go M I heard last iaht Words.
1.4 nblin followed he brother into !the
ry e hed,
f Dom Ion Miss! I lam blin ed. I wonder if persons who eq 3. write Scotch
Nota ublio. Solicitor or the Dom
g e-)nhCU3?,
auk, Offic asrdno�s blocki'Main Street, seaf th. $I*
suppose in any would Ila words are sufficiently awari'of the great
ve come
to Kisses were for When, id ter a f t she returiled literary advanta e they hav' writers dv,3
*Aaney to loan. 1 5 qw qu ei i 1.
- ly e over
it t ic. same �osibion, only -who.Lre not born to that abi ity. It is- no e
aleri e glanced hall -involuntarily at be our of hisi affectiDn, 1 ndi
ATTHEW MOR�RIS01%T, Walton, llnaun=08
ears, dear, if I laid been there." - hor fac' e w L y TOU S_ detf,
to alerie was otill e 11 WILL R's a littl bar er, her lips a li�tle sue naturally d6veloped i qar, y
taking affidai Its, Ar -in -law and could scarcely suppress n oi e seti credit to them that they can 0 it. It is a
Agent, Commledonor for sist
bea of char'actet which a Ided
i t)onveyances,&o. Money to loan at bhe lowelli fAhes. -notion of those middleage r
of natu
smile tit the �4 6 11 gift re diopped in th i I neve
K. Moititisobf, Walton. My dear Valerie' she said, pu to true piety, made her p. charmingc..
f t tl Ua, beard of anyone who learin 'bayp. virtificial n j is;
ears beh the ecipients of such :�c.ornplt, Ider, I will you listeri to
b knil on her shoul tiai woman.
me 3 to
lad reached hers last night. Had means to write iScotch. Se 11 writers do
BREM, Barriater'Agolicitor n e
-as iloorg no;1h ofCommer any] ever mA(le love'..to Kate sh it, and no one else, It s long been Nervous Children
oiol� ground -floor, next door to C. L. bv proportion goo4 writers
ffl —Rooms, frve
.19 J e won- Excuse me, K te," replied Afts. Hailib-
rail? to der!E d could never have been pretty- li�, 0 ious t iat t e
lawalry store, Main Areet, seaforth. Go w,6 in niat- to the whole 81130tCh POpulati was exceed MANY;01 11rE
del ch you are ver. ut t iis is a
eve� n shd was young, evev so long ago. ter )etween Relc a id in and no -one else ILLS OF TIfErR LOVED O-xv
onta—camerou, Holt ind Cameron. 12121 i
ingly large; but - red
Rex was not handsome, either, and. he was I do no� iember that it
li�s tinythingto dc F
-ars yo
ed. tendency to nery
�11:ARRoW PROUDIrOOT, Barrietera, 8,211 it r fifte �n y Unger oils
ave. 1: And I) or ers in childhood is a -,haracteristin o
wit , it.,, ver been, pointed out how much easier ha s e a increas
-than his'sister, but he O� ye 3, th 1
e I
y a
adacettai d' t' r about hm. ,rhich. t 11 on b c w.' ?
n is ingue a in going to for a Scouchm! ii to be a (yood writer. than the
Vx. rMVDF90Ti 411 No v, m� dear little sister, I t age. Children now suffer
had fac�nated -her the very rateveningshe anDther'is becau e of his innate commafid -of prf ser,
fhi"such a very ol wo0an next to you,that
saw him,lat the British embassy ball at the Sootch toligi e, vat idus symptoms which formerly IV er, un-! We are Still gidding to our already large stook, and we -are
LEM me. I
cor inion, except in adva iced life or' 0;T 16ngi
0*AXMO35, HOLT ft 1110 Barrision, yon must listen to I h anted Rex here are sucl delightful words in thilt pow prepared to meet the wants of every one requring fur -
ave w
UDLSY lan cox firmed invalids.
IborainchiLuoery,h�,,.God�$eL�ch OM v_r.,c. Rovie. . �t had soon been all over and done; t -toll. you about it, lori�r ago,..but he 1"V8
MaRos" 0" ftmip RoLrr,.D 110a is in it st six weeks from that first meeting goagge ; wordi that siag oi. . the printed
a raid of h Littirig y, d 12 er are
Some of the sy obs ed� iture. It will pay you to exami
the Signorina Valerie delLucia bad become di 0 pp a. is wherever t ieir employer happens to .9 thus ne our goods before pur-
It, I know, suppoied: 0 e eX
1), succesior to the late firm of -x4reipe e�haustion after tikht
Ui HOLMESTEL �re not
0 drip t vords that i ustle word c6sing elsewhere, -as -we are sure to, please you in price,
McCaughey & Holmaisted, Barristi�r, SolicRor Plab Ali s. Hamblin. heni in ;
r Notary. Solicitor for IT eri 'st thoughts were c ncern ourselves about' husband's. past; th t skirl, and Nvords that olash and thump. tioh, neuralgic pains4n. t lie he4d o a k
iCoDxejAncer, and the E an apt to run -on by 9,
Ut to tbi k, Kate th ot
adianBankof Conimerea. Moncy to lendi Farm e lia cribner. her style and quality
M L . leap. i an bounds, and, wl ile NEss Hamblin tlla�o ve not, been t 4d6icy 'o hysteria,- � Lnd, f,,In
ain Str et 1 iarried a year, and sb L ivrites to him." hafid,�an a normal cravi �19 r excit
;for sale, Gffice in Scott's Block,
0 ement.
ffee, she reflected with There -was a trembl in the voice which arents f childre'n wl o su'ff6r in _tbis Way 1
pou, ed oat her 0
8011110,00 placene that t4ere were advant- t
y- 'ORK IN. HOURS. fr ner, ous hympto
ouched Rate. ITS 4-DERTAKING
in ills should look the
DENTISTRY. agep in e married state, when it implied maitter s(lu rely ia the face, and ask:
Mrs. I ja"'eII44 7. she hasn't them-
dait �y mor4ing gowns like this, and dreams
ARTedLaine, th twill JR*110
much to d( ith the JteerPt, VO Dlstves- sel ves if thty a :Our undertaking department is complete in every reDect, !Lu&
of veliness froin'Worth's, in place' re not ip part t D blain�,. All 8.
rs whicit bidi -be gathering i d B
we guarantee satisfaction. S. T, Holmes Faneral Director,,
and gas for the; liainlous extraction of teelh.. Ond'party frock per season, towhich all the
P.. G, F. BELDEX, Dentist. Local Anaeathetica, -of the The tea Ida Ind4or DINeftso In -mon mistak�s of p
One of the com
D Valerie's e�,V 1xH0Ui'eD ePveuy0UVAtt*yA'$10n. is, xhat of allowing their ohildrian. to share in 3
ried suddeill a she aaNle
at plates, $7. Extracting teeth250. All Ott er alway Be e: inity of a clever ihad co'uld not y Those asures of Residence next.door to Drs. Scott& McKafs office. l' 9A
vvork orre6pon inK y 9 �ixt -a look of asol a t6 freshness ; be ides, suffor A4 tely. Ore isoifte k1nds ofj sick -
c di I hemp. Office over Mr. Pi(k- im an,u I litati laugh. rho a for from Kldaey trOublos the Pastimes and pie their �Iders
no Rex yieft can ad pleasures mthich n maiiy cases! 1:10
B t! That's -wby
Store-, i3eatorth. 1451 M couilse bor witil forift4e, lUls no pa! itimes a
of there was 1�ex, -who was charm- �th -,tber Im toy to
rio o3 s imulating � ch racter'l for a OT, B
wouldn't show n4'�tbe exavalise thiq whom It f t t, OAD 0 & 'C
arid�-- But. 'she had arrived at -this I .. V V
IF -in, If, S. ANDERS raduate, of Royal Collog Would you like' to see it?" sked. M " s y to 4 ut r om kidiney ft 041
fore oublisvil:Rope h d's more'suceptible neirvow organivation.
ntario, D. D. S., of To- Ste Lof her reflections when she became
of Dental SnrgWr1Sj ly sit a wheA iii; niedibins Is T
ro Iniversity. Office, Maiket Block, MitchEll, Hamblin, quietly holding out the scented h otor4 a Wit isventually
L aw I that her coffee Icup as -being handed JAUN d that r9O e fact that this is done out of al _ction Alain Street, Seaforth, Porter's 014 Stand-.
nar1402, Pal? r. . Vaerie put oul her hanO -eagerly. Off a Ur*. t to the children, and from
to hel and-immediaudl 0 voilitinuo -a doeire fOr their
y- she 00 1
-returned to the 'Let me tell you sor i6thin first," uroed Ot treatntoot Wh 0
gi 9 - ship, does not render less
exi ficies of the in c panlon
r a
8, Ho disai ssing her breakfast and her paty with pim and, thitt
AGNEW, iienttsh, Clinton, vitil oment, and set about h Amerloan Kidney
visi� 11-ensall at Hodgen Kate, but the girlbad I "e'dy eized. it and of every< h mful.
Mdaday., and oit dy as rein
4as readil)1� 1
%a spo
every Zurich is f �gain, child L are too freq
eqiis 1: zeSLt. cortabi in its -effootsi ently grant-
secoi novil gee=* d hA6 been thoroughly test�
adThursd4yinesion-onthl 8 At BAR, MR. HAVHLI d ed the things for which they ask r cry,
copsult you on Wood's D"'Osphodin, The Gireal.Eiglish 1?emedy.
know, Rex," she said, you to is sod P
Vey e e Ma tier. y4clans, akId stan --OdOy wi �bout regar
our brother-in-law
ed me off last night without.giving me Is the result of over 35
h )o you usai ;11 1 d to the wisdo of tbeir do-
ild", Dntlgt latel
6 111TV diolne used for t I& purs
been a constant visitc -at 'my hou ir 3s. It is a mistake to sup) ose tliat the
Be; we are 1511) � t p ears treating thousaxl& of emses with aU known
-night to Guido e baocarat, in often joins us ;
JLJL. Exeter, Ont, Will bi; 64LI. zrul,-i tiume to say good' fond of a littl rhich he retand to curie any- drugs, until at last we have dfic
ab, the Huron, Hotel, MAT -IF but I A�Les sure kldnoy dloesse. �vifl power of -a child is w overed the true remedy and treatment—a
your brother was th6re asked last r 10t he 'Was unlucky, ind lost eight ]hundred eakf ned by, deny -
n 0
LAsT THu"Diy in each won d Sold by V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson. "4 combination that will effect a prompt *and permanent cure in an otagesof
isis Hamblin, quickly. pou is to we this morni he sent nie �oxir chr-quo h' th t hich gives hirr ridomentary
at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the FIRST ID T fort] te aniount e. has equently, setticd these Sextml Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervow
a �e, Yes he -was the life and soul of th aplitfasure. Emissions, mwmr
:n ej;oh month. Teeth extracted with th at e lit matters in the�sa 0 W 'Y, go that yCur signs, morr
_y, Exctssiv, L's, of Opium, Tohac L?, -or Aleoholia SimWints, an.0f.
The tenden y toward mird ing Child
In Onesible, All work first-class at liberal ra whole party, as usub.1 ! Do you know, iuro a quite fanlili aaieldes. ren c'
r to me, and I am a little puz-
I pry um'ption and an :early rave. woods
97 the househol, hile c Kate, when we were childre' zlect.' by the one on minent in which soon lead to Insanity, Cons
n I used to e che( tie in question, whieb _'AV�Uld yoa pleme-chop theset ritis be condemned altoget er� I bybun
?ay sesip i to me curiously until e the otii T6k1r19- : Phosphodine has been used successfully
that when .1 grew ug, I. would marry him, ers-will you across for me?' I John, jUsb break this rady easE y be ed
collile and see rue about it as soon as you c ca ried to excess. Wentea
I a' lady's bones for,. ier.'-J Lily. al ost'ho I Peless-cases that had been treated by the most
MEDICAL. because he -was han somer and cleverer than Youri; sircerely,
cl that were on the verge of despalzrandinsanlity'--oasesthO we
STELLA! L_kscBiLrj.11`1 -Jonea b6 ald le
any6ne else I knw ? Dear. Guido ! What- IL child, even at an early age, a we
Yo have been at my 1, wine al tottering over the grave -but with the continued and perseveri useo
I)wed to play and to spend sDme tim
-manbeis. Thete are not many like him." e in
S1 es me an
Dr.� John McGinni V derie read the lef�te'r through aaain 9 Sainbo--1 No sah; you do amusing himself. When t - Wood's rhosph' 8, these icases that had been given up to dle,;were e bei i edin
t hou COMIES
IVI Hamblin jerked his. chair in1pa-
Ron, Graduate London Western University, meml er injustice. De cork ouldn't come
to r
of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, Off ce it y. andtherittirned a bei'ildered; face Tekas Sifti 0 is should be put to �bed, and i - is bei t tba t
tien. ngs. h manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despair_11a coni )anicn.
r "thin your
aind residonee-JarV4 street, Seaforthi formerly oci u- ter who biag given you up as Incurabl
-i wi
this should be done withou rock Lng or e -the reni�dy itoNj- A Iways wonder, Rex, why it is that You are now thirteen years old,, Miss 'each, by ita -use _v ed by Mr. John Doiiiiney. 1453xl! I doh't understand it what does it' walking, The hours of on can be restored to a life of usefulness and happinem:
you' q should be i
not et on with Guido ; lie isso easy Faillk mn hardly write'You own 10
M041 yt and you to 1.�aae. gut somehow you two-,' Price; one package, $I; six packiiges, $5,, by inail free of Postage.
M_ B., Toronto, It. 'That's R fact but it will b such
y poor child One -zv r
Mi;s Hunblin broke in quickly Who it n eains very serious al or unnatural I abit tlease, siguarawerdio cure. Parillphlat free to any addreW
Victoria, M. 0. �. S., Ontario, awcogsoi,-tco. P 11flany unusil r a short Ulne* befo -c'I g er name that s tire d et anoth
Inot thin
it Lady Meeedyth's, Valerie ?' velDped b t, ofloo lately occupied by Dr. Eliott, Brubei else, as F1 it is hardl, r wort h while learning to rite _V the child, the phyE ician oull I 'rhe Wood Company., Wl-ndso, Ot., Canada. After Takinc.
ly ever r
44 1,.you'll see the whole list in the -bat has Guid to --Texas Siftings.
Ontario. 44 exi�mine him carefully. iIn -near
do with it ?" iri� presen one.
rMy dear, G'uid'o ba, got int caE a -somelocal irritation will.b a found, tl� Wftd's Plios hdine Is s
itgpost deai o a bad set P old by responsib
R. XcTAVJRH, Physician, Surgeon, &a. 0 ce r. But, as usua, the one �-Mrs. niverl ul- F years ol le wholesale an4 retaii drtigglsft in the Doml Ion.
in L)ndoh - he'k Si 7 g, o0y do Mr. n
nows t)o many'women like - r rel of of which will rem edy th
pers1; n I wanted to see was not there:
corner southest of Dixon's Ilotel, Brucefi Id. n eton and never been married ?
ighti calls at the office. -192 Mrs, Laselles he has f t terrible a chi Id's clothes should fit loosely.
d who� wa's fhat?"
Ilms at a singular thing 1, But, surely, you hays not r hysterica
card 3) 1, 1 nature of the child :is de
M a. Lascellei." 3 singe he has been'lie e. given up all hop. T Mr. Singleton No, he
LEX. BFITBWNZ M D Fellow of iho B6 A Rex and his sister looked up sharp But how could he ?' Guido is poor �," indeed ve ped by " showing him! off." or ly , re
1 hope - am safe for another orty lat g his exploits beforei hinp. Constall;
Collego of Physicians and Sursreone Kin n. ly. i 4 es,, but Rex [lel e
geone, Kings
aiweasor to, Dr. Maelidd. Office lately ocou led is ici; he has I years, anyway.'- N. Y. World.
bell s be ped him. You see what that %v
lr� Mackid, NalrL Street Searorth. Reside ce Mrs.- Lascelles Be ding tends to make him le�s tractab
-Gorner of Victoria square, in house lately oocu led man 3 ys1l; my brothe d bt afte: Parson Tent. ily-4 Does your papa ever ut-of-door air is necessary to the child'i 'A
Y Guido introduced Us the .-other da- h th Inamma? - Wi'lie
V L. R. Danady. y debtf 4 vu., until, hea Ith.
11 7 in th a lAspt "tb e o'th' Play in the 0 en. air,su
a.r ! PP 'es the
She is'perfectly charming, and ier daS, "o ; but
- maninks, often has words with
Ett Iriend of his," ke
-S., . I I he sa-i h' would pay nc more. pb3sicallwants of a obird betterltban re.
'R, M. D., M. B., L. F. P. and pa
E. COOPE, pa !".-Brooklyn Life.
n-ously with the. poun f eight huudr6ll -M iss Fosdicl; - 'Blanche Trivvet plays Cc
Glasgoi4r, &o., Physidian, Surgeon and G. eque
a Viss amblin fidgeted ne B t �this -ch stri ints of carpet. and furnitu4.� on
d t en ?11 r ipanion.
er, Con nee, Ont. 12 7 cups; aihd Rex threw dqwn his seirviette piano ork til Scriptural plan.' Miss
11� iently that i eq
p a kett-'I nevo heard of the Scripurai f no narcotics 1'enter int
atich tie was n6t signed byi
so- t jerked to the floor Re
G s
DRS. SCOTT & MAOKAY some letters ; an envelope o ni�st have tried to' imitate-", o the comoi.
o his opened lug. iole te's Syj by t1le
11 1 L - plan of piano PI What do you mean 9' tion of Dr. Lav Once more at it; invigorated by a couple of wees rest - 61addened
feet, she stooped and tel!" cried Val rie understandio Miss Fosdick-' he never lets h -up of! TUrpen- Sig' �t
OFFICE, Q.odorich Street, opposite flutttri a to Valerie's
Metho Ist 0 of many new faces ; down to hard work for anotbe
er left Unit how can it� be so very efficacious Be� 'r year. Perhaps y-ev;
-hur -CE, next Agri ral picked t -up. at la it, arid starting to' 4er f Gnid6 know what be] right hand is d Frices v
Seat wth. RESIDEN eet. oinr
-ht Of a course, but could not get here on
cau le It goes right I o the sore sp nil g day.
I y, Rex, wh 'Vh4
Grounds. o is this from'?" shii ask- has dode that ! Oh, h6w terrible. -V itid e. the Open Remember,
!i%ptii, tohim ?' c � se and nevej -fails. for the reception of students at any
d, d ri)u I the all W0 are open
j, G. SCOTT, if. D. 0. M.I. (Ann Arbor and Victo I&J 0, Y, glancing at the delicate, femi- -our i a in I . 1, . time t 'e yeat round,, 00me
quiet, easy ndifference,l said 0
suppose at! i f W
ng ! You d6nb th rs; Walk ngbeam, to her. -_ . I . 91 O� P. 0. lin-e-wr1ing, under which, in the club port. qc t i h3n you can. New students will be entering Y16
MACKAY, K, D. C. M,, (TrinityJ E. T. X. CL M. les clut isy hand, was the home a Rex Noula allow anythi g to happen to any spouse, aggra- -The by-law To raise $172,000 foi! -*&ter- time', �writo us for free catal ue. every ek. n the mean -
tea me to such a de ee that I am half works was voted Upon in Petr *on
C� P. It is no trouble to us t� Wi-ve
Hapil lin frowned 09
ohe.jouc&refor? Val'ie,don'tyotij olea ci� Fri- informat,
angrily. under- d ad with anger.'
ta, 'Ahl my dear,' replied day, 24th ult., at
stan c,"
It'si a business letter," mv brother I ves you ?11 id Zarried b ISHAW & ELLIOTT, Pro rietor.
he ans: 'ered, y 226 m alority.
OR. F. son BURROWS, Abor w 1B b V` ierie I her side ; she w -Mr. W-, 'let me give You a pointer &)Out Th water will be brought from the St. P P. MCISTOSH, principat
tad lef that.) ' Wha� is it?' snapped, Mrs. %V-. Cia r river, about fifteen miles. Having no
Liate. resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto �en- .9 hiirr ' h ise, and she ']No one should ever do things liy halve 0 V-1111111 11011H11111
Y* R g owards the* rieen 01
111oapitah� Honor grsduate Trinity Univertfity, b, an d alerie wits about to P'ut it 9 or of thd College of Physician@ and Surg Ono. W, n V tire wa er has . been 'a seriou
m0iemb (town, e her eye caught the gilt her, elf into her sb's arms 4s Texas Siftings. a drawi6k t
ate softly closed', the! doors. -Black and Pe role& for years.
Of Ontario, AWOFFICE.-Sanle is, formerly occu �ied ,ram. I didnjt know business suppose yc u feel honored by h ing
S . L
b I Dr. Smith, opposite Public 8�61�ool, Seaforth. White. a ving The unday schools of Al
Teleptleue-Xo� 46, people wrote on paer like this onkti In had I
they don�,t
a iobleman for a E on-i'a-law 'No, I think- the r annual sleigh ride to Alitel
K. BNigh� calls answered frc in office. in Ithily," she added quickly, then, turning I 'have been doir g most of the hi ie��111, on Keep Milch
PEYOND RECOVERY. onor nLy.' We luesday, 1 th insit. Six large s , ighs
1 cow�
the t G Miss Hamblin, but still retaining the -en_ I 'Ifow is that ' I have honored fl
telope. iffie'continued Guido broug t ve oi MIS left age, packed with youngiter-S.,
di dt8 in ten days,"
-Town T ics.
0. DEIVAR, M. D., C.. M., F. T. M. Ca, tafla His Cure -w s like sar
Member of the Colle me a. message from Mrsi �he IRC dines in a box. The six big I ds of
ge of Physicians and! 3ur- Laseelles, though ; - 09
-Her-'Do'you know, last nigh 'AM -0-2
a, Surprise- t as �you
goons, Ontario, successor to Di. Campbell, 0 Bee i he wants me to act in some tableau iffjw -boxes of animated freight, with their horses�decked
and residence, that lately occupi d by Dr. Campl iell, jh'!ts'sbe is ge X vJv_ Dodd.'s Ki ne PiUs, st(od under the gasli_ght, I couldn't i1elp vith flagsoribbons, etc., presented au ii ipos- 1;nG6od,H%11i h
eting lip 0 the 12th of ne ki bu' "think how in'
btain street, Seaforth. NoTx,-D,!. Dewar has bot ght r ch 1 would like to iss
-y, eth., and ring spectacle, as they moved Li. vil it
out of my practice, galvanto battei is p red month ; I 4m, to chooselmy own characters PA'PINEAU'vILLb yoi. She-�Have you neve
U treat all who may require his service I do whatever I like 4 isn't it delightfu Fe rnary 3rd. Th e that� Up i on their joyous trip.
9 accor ng 0
entifte njo - I?" fabbe-of Ibe thought of t -day is the
r to the latest and most so! Ahods. I I ave What did you say the boy LaFla' me is one of. the action to- -The Atwood Bee am ff PAYS it -is uselen to expect
Ix ucb. pleasure in heartily recom,� d I bi t my l4adi ig merchants here morrow ? 0'-ptiold a 4 Ther i iras a
lug Im I i
loar In nd w Iling to talk I I levin, run-down 'Cow to 1=0 a good low
_He i wet g in Alonkton. on � eanesda 1.15tk
r tople as a man of a ana expen nee My dear Kate, said, I should be '101
lel� dh�rnled of hi, i son's cure; he sa s-" My little bqy You am, r you love ne, but cAnnot, inst,, 1 Men Mr. Holland, of Cullod a was Awa
h his profession. or D�. is )ecause I a li Milk, though she will eat more d=jm aqimd
coked up. r ajo 18 1 poor? There un d in marriage to 3 Mat, Ingoodfiesh. The'difficultvist-henutrimeat
Ar ben, 118 it' -liss Sara
rorn the f
o0d beCaUSe her'digeSr :Oforder.
never recovered and h s; ailinerit ran into e worh than money.' ent iS not all extrac is
I hope ou don't really- mean th
Mr. Holl q Ian
th r, after scarlet fe er abo4t a yea e thins i i th
t t the an
AUCTIONEERS. 4t, kidneytrouble. His dy was sWollen to' but it t tkes money to
deir he ul e rue s ted O#t
ay T makerf, b
wi b _Xexw nk n ' ian, a cheese He
t ce its I
Why 913 natural si e..
ge suiferihgB of the as be m engaged to make c eese at altor,
TOHN H. McDOUGALL, Licensed Auctioneer for 'little fell
Becau, ow were ver evere and we had i ne s4 aeon.
se I cannot -possibly allow you to We wish t u couple Cr
iFe, happiness and pro = 1 1.
e�e months Children, f ro erity.
of tille County. Terms reaso ble. From Mr.
As theCountv of Jiuron. Sales attended ir all do;ny ope of him' But thr Ciourtes:r -to le
allgiven-uph Blood Purif"a
n I %rm 9 W1
ienae &3 a, dealer I Kid- 'if, says a recent writer, we desire our lit. From the Stratford Beacon we earn strengthen the digosVion and make the food produ
of the kind ago we cothmenced givil him Dodd's
11 Dougall'S lon rie stared at bin. in astonishment.
stock of all ki.d. I.IX"poIr p,,,,,;,y qt alifled to judge ut' I tell ey Tills; and to -day is romping and tle ones to possess the grace and dignity -tha G�orge Nei CC Im' 1k. of vatues, and can"guaran tea datisfaclon. Alloriers yo4 I have al ed accepted,. otb gh, of Ellice has purol'16ed; bA fifty cents to try',it on the poorest Cow
eii bo lot concession 1, Logan. township, fromi ;i you have nd you will get back
the idea please� me, and I rh' v y n G., inten. �Iayijig with' This as an in. that lend to manhood and womanhood �Jlleir
at ostToR office, or at he residence Lot a e a,
very re poculiar charm, we mustbe An rew Seebaeh, the price paid ou money with irittrest ina few weeks.
3", Concesdon 3, If. R. S., Tuckertitnith, wit be Valerie '-tvith ca, of prompt olire i, t
tion of giving it up," v dded markable,'' y
n the being 84,_
promptly attonded to. 1436 ing in early youth. The ly remain Por sale by bmggists, at gener�l stores or sent post paid on receipt of 50 cts,
560, The Seebach fmi
g i r tr
cc who to in P sei-!
U 01
C� tY IE in Cherry 9
i I his hat to his little daughter, w Ai Until March, when they will all o
decisi�n. � ather
Itly dial, child, -yo must lAme decide luilt �ee
OHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Lie' for y u. You ca:. ho stelis Dick Zoi., p. 0, �1304 t8.3, ,Wontreal.
ensed tb back and allows her to enter the roo to i he Prairie Province, where they.al --ady U11111111
inot possibly take M
Auctioneer for bhe County of Huron. Sp 11 j3 I 'At 5be time of the Fr rich Crystal Pal fi
in thesQ tableaux oEMrs.
-%-cry u
ly, one
farm stock edep. it expo ember toy -m er exhibi. does much to c Itivate this manner. are ecial par ace because she is a h e la!rge intereAs. Death and 111111111111111111101111
attention Oven to farina and Laseelles. a -tion, a Nur truly s4yE,. , emigratio
plating �And �vily not V -as -ed Valerie ak rapidly thinning out this pioneer f4mily,
Charges moderate. Parties dontem , petul- 4ed a cherry stone,, v ithin the cavity of
sale8 this Fall should &I. For r, antl�,, irritated b g r cannot be in the habit of receiving Anil 04 lot
givehim a til b y the i n-wonte.d contradic� *hich behadbuilta perfect plan of tl' i I the first members ?of whom settled
ticulars,apply bylatter toRxeterP.O. 0. re tiom ie acknowledging such attention 31, concession 1, Ellice, in 1828. A6 that THE
r3rt,t the EXPOSITOR Office, without ae-
9eaforth, will receive
ce iiell we desire for her
1446. ZO . 'Because lrs. Lased�les is not a w.om Ll' clairing the gra time their nearest neighbors were.the ry- wbom I c1foosb to have You associate Wit a
ilke no oUier and the influence o,' it does not are, and the
Hamblin's face f1tished.. She The little girl who is treated with such con VanRg- stop there ) COMMERCE
fogles, near Shakespe 0.11 AXADIAN _113ANK
is my moi ids, near-Seaforth.
brother's friend.
n I if sideration invariab y responds with a loving E
Agetioneer for the Counties of H and Pe S_h .and,cold S' MR JOHN rIcKlEE,
on rth, replied'Rex, in a tone that i servieb which must endear her to her fath' HEAD OFF10E. TORON iald Agent at Hensall for the Mass -Harris Manu- rpol,!e volu�;es' Dr TO.
uggist, Peterboro:
den to do, she does sponta faotunng Company. Sales om attended to, ild must b,
ers heart. ftat another ob
neously. Her e been trouble
Hens d with Neural. 000100a
feet are ready to i tin, and her hands ar gla more 0
0 1, or 'uido would not wish me
bi* et
t by mail addressed t Red �edr Sir -1 ha*
charges moderate and sa r,,,, w dare you insinuate such �PITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS1
e rq thin�Rsci . 'o
t his residence, Lot 2, Concession 11, !rlQk. to know r less for 25 YearS, Por the past EST
&nyon.e,%vho ais not nice. He articulariv ready to -work for I im, so S 1,20%000
or. m1th, will receive prompt 0ten Ion. 1296 tf be. sufferings have B. E. WALER, GmqEnAL 3JAy
ears been Intense, un -
L ter A(Isp
aske4 me to be friends - with Mrs. Laseelle Spruce comes wha it should be, no merely a Zorm, to, 31ast wtnin , when you advised ret a I
and T will do 0,111 can to please him." but the iexpression of love itself'. lind it is box
of "Templetoii�s Pink powders.111 ter SEAFORTH BRAN-OH111
My dear r-alerie," began Rex, bu! the habit of her lire. Perhaps tak:ng three or four powders all pain Gen usmiess %Jom
the trues
ti eft f er %1 nkina B
inte#iipted quickly. Ba
eman I ever k lew brough -Transacted. Farmers
Gum ralill g h t e r' t up his litti continued them, however, unt.il thre boxes Notes discounted, Drafts�
ayable at all pi)ints in,oanada
_and th:6 p
by the same standard of- maul wet e taken, and have had no recurn nc� of rincl
You are jealouttof Cruido jealous be. is iued, p' 5
0'�I) STil 'pal ritiei in
6use he is so rnuch better looking and -more �J,DARD RFMF_D-V bohor and courage bat he did his son. Did� thepain for about nine or ten niontf ' nd the Vnited States, Great Britain, Franc� , Bermuda, &c�
pop�la than you lie hear her retailing'
1 litive noticed it _eNer 'OR COT-Glis
COLDS, A,5THMIL some bit of foolish wo4ld strongly advise anyone sufferl f0in
since he has been in London. go A lady he ver tells tales" S"INGS BANK DEPARTMENT.
I will - 1 -1 k on-ld tha niost Pillinful of troubles to try 41-1 eniole.
not lffection�'ofthe L;" hisisipi w be
ngs. ve re ak nt D
bave my brother sighted nor his friends, _Pink Powders. Sit$ Of $1.00 and. 'and uxTe
b e. Did she bump her head or to Upwards received,
ours truly, OPO .
qureYOugetGR 'V'sSwup. 'TisGray4;1 Dwe. garInterest added to the priUcip4l at the end f miq and -Nove-m-
and shall go and call Be inch her finger y ut rates of "10-1 f,v On Irs. Lascelles 1 p he. refuge was his arms, but I G, J, JOpLING,
4- , cry a ctire
fternoon. hii word was Cou �age, myoldier !" And 11
2-5c. ai d 5,j c, a bottle. Sol I I
evetywIttire. Pa'�Vou will do-nothing 'of the kind V sometimes whe Bridgenorth, on't. ber iu- ea, -h y M 11F
i. n she had resisted a sharp
T. 11% (ji-ta V1, erie,'-' temptation, or �P&Iai attention given tO the collection o
said Rex, in a tone" that was n 1W �o acted -with
Iiis wife. 11 .. RY WATSON (t 0., P iiiiiin in a sudden cri 3is, he would ayj proud- RHEUMATISM, N
e-1),1 t woman e E -; Oommercial Paper and Far -
The is the talk of t e ROPRIETO.Ril GRIfE mers" Niot'e&
ly, T hat was done like a lady, �IURALGIA, SCIATICA, LA
ON'rr. Z, Allow me Sol in Seafort by J. S. ROerts, Drurgialb F. H
0EMESTED, S0licitor.
MOAR anaer.
is lei