HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-07, Page 51896. ir report, ai the anditore their work ha time. Both rs Roblt and To were 1 full of information re- - -s end ree.ornmended the the inintrtea 'opte& reteetee mittee report 1 a fol #eemniend the payment iented aleo that in fa- it -meted not to inlvertise rs. It costs abIent $4,5 rithmit being 4f fury That th epee.. lock - r, and lung would reeommei cl thet payments be maile, and each keeper to ef- el the t•ounty reg' trees full explanation of the iire• and Mr. Dickson, opinion that both reasureFs repo 866'9.32 should :rite-. They recommend eieerred to the eounty Ithis money, and if pas- ' thout reeouree to law. rf}rt to this council at y examined the special next eesslion of the the t rea su re r's state - that the eonnty rrow • ore than $75, (heti sum be placed iu c worded as to on - :issue their debenturea ij and intetest each ,ereet, yearly; and form v further recommend Ate all step.% !necessary paesing of said at, advertise tile deben- . the June Sesaion, so .theu be in a hosition to ch money to pan their ornmertd that by-law ended by making ae- with the House of thly, excepting those ries, vehich ehould be hat, all accounts be -eper and inspector; tify thereto and for- d that the warden *s orders on the trees - amounts; the original the inspector s and gs of the qouncil to crted on by the finance 'al statemetit of the d and found; satisfac- b all to be Passed by ted in -the I minutes. 4-tatement for supplies 'led to $347.09t oudfoot, seconded by n 4S of clause one of goods procured for :ended by peeing the rs aceount.-fdarried. 1, seconded by Mr.His- ef the report referring r etinge of die council; i seconded by Mr. k in reference to not t loek - up kee ers, be :ge e01-12111ittee rrported on of the council the wered that the sewer - Louse of Refuge was a manner that it was advisable to take up annittee are of opinion 'pointed by the council ustruction of the House gent in the performance rowing the work to be he building in the man- een found to exist. and recommend that it be sent House of Refuge tigate the conduct of contractor, with; the r ableho report to the #erte-, if so desired, to eedinge as may be ;nee - tee let, the contraet tc id Iroa Work, of ton- e escape.s, for the hum -the same to be eorn- of 'ridden out $140 a ve ason for eon e. ,mage, seconded bylMr. iortion of the report of ;11onse of Refuee reirn- as not been dealt with imittee, be referred to committee to report ehand seconded by Mr. *til take into considered, ale different officers of referred to the executive tI, seconded by Mr. t of $.10 be made for nd the court house, - commit tee . Iing, seconded by Mr. y-Iaw appointing I) r. f Refuge physieian be "ng Dr. Shaw, of elin- ve committee. roudfoot, seconded by ciI pass a hy-law to. committed to the . uant to section 17 of the-Serit to special .Ei,ij. eage, seconded by Mr. . or this council fixing zers and pedlars be - o license fee for rim- ing no fixed place of nty at $W0.-Re- ittee. 1 , to meet again in the r s the report of the as read as Slime : Messrs.Setherala and , usual grant of nott ' eh horticultural and -2t1 he given each *la- gers.. Lockhart and titI5 to each public y, they recommended ranted. Application ron Teachers' Insti- t of $25 per annum hat the amount be hdario Rifle Associa- ecornmended that it cation to hav Wil- kersmith, aali ed as the Ontario A deal- ded the appointment rs for county ;print - the Seaforth Sun, Sienal and Goderieh 0 , amined timid tenders the , terider Of the mg- that the rules he proofs a work 'be and treasurer by the Messrs. 'Voung and 3,000 for boundary mended that it he r grant to; the tute•, reeommended e June session of the , for grant of ..Ve0 for e of Refuge froin the quarter of a:mile. House of Refuge to have worktdone 1 grades the hoad. on asking for h copy for each reeh and recommended t that Motion of Metdrg- ing for 'a grant of FEBRUARY 7 1896. I $10 for the purpose of planting ilo ering - plots around the court hoose, rate in ended that the grant be made. f Motion king, that by-law narninr of House of Ref ge ot- ficials he amended)y striking oa th Mine ef Dr.-GienipbeIl; retneved, and s lest tuting that of D. J.W. Shaw, Of Clinton Mo- tion of Messrs. Burgs and (en, sking that the salaries of varioue county facers be taken into consideration, re Cann ended that the matter be referred to the Ju e ses- sion, and that the county lerk fired h the eommittee with the, names of office s and salaries now received. The report wae adopted. The supplementary rep of It prey were -fuge committee, an ments required by taken up. et of the House repert f im- nspector Coats, Horst oy REFoosE STATISTICS AND DI MENTS. ' Th inspector of the Hlouse of prese ted the following as his first )eeember, for t Tota numl 1 ; n male from o. e year enditig, 3Ist number of inmates admitted, 68 ; er absconded, 1 ; number discharged, Ember in house on Deeember 31 t, 51; t 36, females,* 15 ; number ad itted the several municipalities : A eld, °Horne, 1 ; -Goderich,toirsh p, 1 ; k, 2; ; Ma- y, 1; t Wn- inton, •r, 2; lox?, • erism wealh- malty, t, 1; r par - •eying nada, • land, • ates, 922. • fur - ed for daily terage n ad- •nove- doge eport 1895.: Grey, 8; Hay, 4; Hullett, 1; OW1 Morris, 1; Stanley, 2; Stephen, Killop, 1 ; Tuckersinith, 3-; Turnber 1.-"sborne, 1; East Witwitnosh, 1 ;;We wa,nosh, 1. Towns,-Goderich, 0; 0 1; Seaforth, 1; Wingliam, 3; Exet Brussels, 3; Blyth, 1; Bayfield,I2 ; eter, I. The various causes of;peu are: Destitution, 8; in emperence, 7 ; nes s of intellect, 7; ol age, 10 i; in 3; sickness, 7; epilep y, 2; aceide deaf and dumb, 3; bli dness, whole tial, 3; deserted by parents, patient, 1. Nativity f inmate: C 13; England,' 12; Se tland, 19; I' 14. Number of day board of in .2,285; keeper, family, end hired help Total expenditure on f me house en nislaintp, $18,608.76. mount expen support of inmates, $4 8.83; average expense per inmate, 21A cents ; a weekly expense per inmate, $1.49. dition to the statietical report hetewith at- tached, the inspector submitted for onsid- eration, the following recommendatio sh 1. That in accordance with the requirements -of the Provincial inspector, Dr. jChamber Jain, a wood. and coal house, with I sufficient -------, room for a fumigating room, and; also for the storage of a supply of ice, be built. 2. That a tile drain be ' laid around the build- ing at a sufficient depth to draitthe fur.- niece room. 3. Thet the ceilin of the three front rooms, in the beerin ent, be either plastered or coe-ered with flOoring. 4. That the water closets in the baSereent be either removed altogether, or repleced with e. different kind, those now there nOt having sufficient flush to clear themselvere 5. In view of the feet that the eupply 4 water is not sufficient for the requirements of the house, he recommended that cisterns suffi- ciently large to hold all the water whioh falls from the building, be built, I and, that soft water be used in the boilers in the bath and wash rooms. 6. The questipn of in- creased accommodation for male ' inmates, niust very shortly engage the attentionf the county council, and it might he well o consider whether it would not. be ' desirabi e ' to use the present hospital ward for that purpose. This meld very easily be done by inalt.-ing an entrance from one of the sleep- ing rooms. Hospital accomrnodati.on would then be required, and possibly this could best be secured in conuection wit1 the pro- posed fuel house. 7. Thatfor tie better guidance of the keeper and in tron, the e _ . inspector be I instructed to drat a suit. able bill of fare, and to submit thesanie to the House of Refuge committee, a,ncl, upon their approval, to see that i s provis- ions are carried out. -Also that the rules governing the inmates be printecl and pet in prominent positions- . throu hout the house. - a. That in view of th proposed building,. and the neeessity of per ons of eh- perience in the purchase of stoc and im- plements, the standing committ e on the House of Refuge be continned uring present year at least. 9. That th concrete, Iloors, in the basement he give another .coating of cement. 10. That , t least ;12 acres et orchard be planted out this spring, and that a"quantity of evergreens and orna- mental shrabbery be prooured, aid that tile sideroad he utilized as an entrance.. - • :•trI,LEMENTA tY HOUSE 01' REFI -GE COM' TTEE REVORT. The , committ e recommended that tIe suggesttons men lone -d inthe insp or's port to the boa cil, be carried on, ndth t the committee he empowered by the coo. cil to see that so much of- the rep rt be- coni -plied; with as the, committee ma deem a visahle. Moved by Mr. Kennedy, se-qoncled Mr. Cooper; that . the Jane session of t e council be held n Clanton.-Lostl Moved by Alex. Young,. sedonded John_ Shepherd,. that council atljourn o meet on the first Tuesday in Jime.-Cii, Gorrte., ; Ieems,-A ram 'stoma setin on 1 Saturda last, and for some tnnd e it look as if e might lose our sleighing. Monday was co(, however, with snow.; falling asta-M _Adam Lucas died very suddenly a his ret, deuce, in our villagelhout five &deck, 0 Friday evening last. H was able to etten to his Werk the previo s day, .bue -took i 1 about 3 o'clock onFriciay momm . ThisI s the third death in the fL mily sinc4 the ihrt, of last December., Mrs. 1ucas ha. nag die I * on this date, and her inant daug ter a fe weeks after. Thethrp remain ng &lig ters have the deepest s4m.pathy 1 the el tire community in they hery sa bereaV ment.-Mrs. John Arden end h r daue ter, Lottie, returned frem Sault te. Marie last week, where they had bee visitin Mrs. Ardell's daughter, le rs. yle.-Th anniversary ecrvices held it the Method]; t char*. onSunday, 266 J nuar ,. and. th lecture, the following tight wer well a tended. The proceeds ii.ino lilted to $102. The Rev*, Mr. Meson oecupi d th 1pulpit i the Presbyterierechurola in Our . . Hoge, 0 Sunday attempt*, the 2 'th G Januar . Mr. Mason is an earnest anc a ve 7 ford 1 epeaker.-Mr. Beswithet iek has x oved int the -room formerly occupied. by ly te E.-ein as a bank. Reports say that Mr Beswit -crick- is dein 6, large tailoring. tij de -T Farmers" Institute was not so l rgely a, . tended as one would expect, on esday last week, but those present seem.d to tah great interest in the discussions. Brus Nuri:' -.---The horse fair, on . T ursday this week, promises to be a sue ss. -Th Young Liberal Consererative club re organ- izing, so as to be ready for the ge -ral eleb tion. --The debate last Friday t, uncle the auspices of the Mechanics' nstitute was not as largely attended as t e debat warranted or the ditectors wie • ed. Th subject was the lelanitlebe school question R. L. Taylor defending the g ernmeu policy, G. Fe Blair, seettlar school Th ma Farrow, the McCarthy platform, • d J If Cameron the position of the oppos ion. etJ the speeches were goocl and to t e point The e, M. orchestra fhmished i tali°, an Mr. Adam Reid occupied the c Ir. ledr Writ. Wilson, an old resident ef 'rey, be now of Oxford county was in owe thi week. -The council- held their regt lar nieet n;ig on Monday last, but. there was no er tportant business on and. -Ken eSeol- 1it s gone to (Joderich, t.o work at his trad the bicycle works. Jobe Gr iwar h also gone to the circular town, and es leant g the barbering business. The •ase bal dub will have another pitcher thi season ras John is a very good thruster of a ball. The races in the rink last. week were not u 11 to the mark, on account of Ithe ice bein bad condition. -The 'ourlere are now work, playing for their medals and Lucknow 19 con -ung to try their look with our (dub in the near 'fauree-M .8. Scott has sold the etock-and'trade o jetties MoAlpine, to Mr. .Wrn. Pelto Winghance who took possession this Dead now has the restamant again in blaehh-G. Green has purchased the business of James Bell, and. moved fro wood to town this. week. Sioce co here he has purchased the dwelliog of Wilson, on Mill street, which Means Mr. Wilson will be emoting a new dw this; suinmen-Wm, James has go Stratford, to work for the 'McDonald faatining Company. -J. D. Ronald - wife, leave this week for ati extended to Texas, on account of the health ef Ronald. -Word was received ,ithis from Wm. Bright, in Flprida.I -He • the trip very well, and feels some' bette -At a meeting in Mitchell of H Wok's oreditora, heicl a few days ago, liabilities loomed up to nearly $1h000, the assets are small. 3. 11. Fagg Benetveis and J. W. Cull were eppoi dAspeotors. -Mr. and Mrs. William Gurinin Whalen celebrated their 60th anniver or golden wedding, on Alonclay,,Jan 20th, when a large gathering of many relatives met at Mr. Gunning's h The old couple, though far advance years, are still tolerably active and preeent appearances have promise of succeeding years of life. e....aeeeeeaa.e..a In es, g .F. of e ll k, u 4t Ing .1G. ttat 11 ng - • to nud i v st- re. ek od et# THEI MARKETS. 1 ht tut ry he le hn ed. of Sy/ ry ir e. in ny SEAPORT% Feb. 6, 1 Fall Wheat per bushel, 0 78 to Spring Wheat per buoliel, 0 78 to Oato per bushel- .. . ... 0 23' to Peas per . .. . 0 61 to Barley per bushel, . 0 82 to Butter, No. 1, loose. .. 0 14 to Butter, tub.. .. . ... ..... .. 0 14 to Eggs per doz.... - ......, - ......... 0 12 to Flour, per 100 les. .... - ........., 2 26 to Hayper ton new.. ....... _ 12 00 to Hides per 100 lbs. ' 4 00 to Sheep Skins 0 40 ta Wool. ... . • • • • 0 22- to Potatoes per bag, new)0 25 So Salt (retail) per b rrel. .. 1 00 to Wood per cord-(lon ) 2 75 to Wood per cord (sh • rt) 1 60 to Apples per bag p 75 to Clover Seed 6 76 to Timothy Seed • 2 76 to Pork, per NO lbs. .. , 5 00 to• Tallow, per lb. 0 04 to • TonoVTO. Feb. .-Fall wheat, $0.81 to.p. t spring wheat, 66 to tr0.07 ; oats, 27e to 2 peas, per bush, 54 to 57e; barley, 88c to.46o ; ter ton, $16.00 to 18.00 ; hotter, 150 to 200; toes, per bag, 15 to 25e ; - eggs, per dos. to 23c ; dreeeed he s, per 100 lbs, $5.25 to $5.5 • 4/181 81 • 35 o 11 o 14 13 25 1 00 500 Britis Grain Trade.: LONDON, Fehr soy 3rd. -The Mark Express, in its weekly review of the Br grain trade, says: During the week lish wheats have been 6d deareaand for is higher, Cadifornia on passage having quoted at 28s, and Oregon ab 28s 9d. has been 6d higher,with California in sp demand. There has been an improve quest for corn, the quotations for Ame having been 15s 6d. To -day English foreign wheats maintained the adv American flour was ad up; -beans an were 6d ; and linseed 3d cheaper. fi berley and peas were steady. Poultry Market. TOR NTO, February. 14th. -The rec have nereased slightly with ; the gr c1en)an1, but the offerings are, not a choice quality. Nice bright , dry p birds would bring much mord, than q' o tions. ; For strictly choice sto4 the fo lo ing pribes were paid: Turks, 7c t . geese, 3c to 7c ; chickens, $5c to 50c ducks, 60c to 80c. - EO 24 25 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 04 5; o ; Y, Oo Tle th g - en • ur "el e - an e. 1 1 a a s, ts no/ ed a- v•-• ; a d --4---- DairY Markets. - Toe :eve February 4th.--Butter-ta ry tubs a e not in very great demand aul s 11 at 13-3/4 to 15c forfresh made and 7-ct' llic for pleaium and low grade. From I to 160 is hid for pound prints. Large ro Is . continue to be received in large quan it es and bring from 13c to 14e. Creamery ro Is sell at 200 to • 2c. Creamery tubs a e in fair demand and are quoted at 18hc to 2 a, the ormer being pat -for held stock n ,17. Eges-The local market is a little fi m r, owi g to the coll turn in the weather n a slig t decrease i» receipts,but no chane in pric s has occurred. There Were practte ly no leliveries • of new laid, and quotations are /ominally the sanie at 20c to 21c. Pi - led tring 15c to 151c, for single I cases, a 14h to 15e for five- and ten ease lots. L t tle r no shading is clone in this line. C Id sto ed are offered at 170 to iSe for goid . sto k and 12c to 13c for secceedso le,IONThEAL, rebruary 4th. -Butt r Cre mery is selling at froinip0q to lie; tow # ships, lac to 18c; wcstcrb, 13c to 14,-e. Eg -There is only a fair de and at •r s- eet nd prices remain unchanged. 1' ea Ly fres stock is quoted as high}as 22e, h le hel fresh are quoted. at 13c tij 14c. 1 .• att o 1 gold iS b Live Stock Mar kis. ASCOW, February 4th. arket e unchanged ; present prides for bes ,1 c to. VERPOOL, February 3 r and more seasonable ea tter to-do. The best 1ini or °win there ed ' S daft e sell at fhtd per pound ;I Ar gain s lith 5d ; and sheep at()heel-Tette February 4th. The butat--6c1to 6,1d 1)4 p um" : "were ' present in very large nembers a trade was fair, with a decidedly up a tendency in prices. There were no re 1 choice cattle On the market, anCli the e - animals sold at about 3:-Ic per i.b,with pr t good stock from 3c to I nearly 3ho ; corm dry cows and rough eteers sol at from to 2hc, and the leaner heists ,ag from lh o 2hc per lb. The calves were a rather o r lot and prices ranged from $2.50 to $7 e c . Old sheep sold at from 2to to 3hc per lb, d lambs at from no to .4c per Ib; fat hogs e in good supply and two lots were sold t • is morning at $4.05 to $4.10 per 100 lbs. EAST BUFFALO, February 4th. -Mar t active and 20e to 15c higher; good wei4 t Yorkers, 84.60; light, $3.60 to $3.65 ; pi., $3.65 to $3.70; mixed and mediums, $3.61; roughs, $3.70 to $1; stags, $2.75 to $3. Sheep and Lambe -Market slow and u changed: ipr me fat lambs, $4.75 to $4.9 i fair to good, $4 to $4.65; c lls to ligh $2.75 to $3.85; mixed sheep, od to choi $3 to 83.303 handy wethers .40 to $3,6 ; export sheep $3.25 to $3.50'. attle dos. d very dull, Ian the early adv ce was los ; sales, fat eixiaeat stags,$3.70 to $3.75; a fe cars. unsold. I Hogs, closed stea, y ; all sol Canada sheep very dull; Canada lambs light, and sold ah$4.751to $5, ostlY $4.9 general tone' of market dull and easy t close. • TORONTO, February 5th. -The effect f the smaller supply was seen in the firm Prices, though prices were not quotab changed. Several buyers were here fro Montreal and by noon •any kind of stuff th could be classed as good was .sold, and t market was more nearly :de ed out 1 stock than it generally has been lately. Pri r for choice were from 2c to 3 c per poun with occasionally a little mo e for plata lots ; medium staff sold from 2 c to 2ire; common at 2c and 2ic, with ery coin below 2c per pound. Here ar� a few sal A load of 22, mixed- cows and bulls, av aging 1,020 lblesold at $2.35 per 100 poun a load, averaging 1 010 as, se d at 22c Ib; a lot of 10 he fers, averaging '960 1.8 sold at 3ic per pou • d and $4 back on deal; a lot of 13, eraging 1,000 lbs, so at. 3c and $7 back; nd a load of 21, ave aging 950 lbe'sold at '2c wi,,h $5 rulde re was nothing seing bought for expor le rs d. 0 I THE HURON E PO you seen Th new double fold: prints, 36inches wide and pit don le fold, bet!butiful heavy cloth and stylish patter Opened. up this week l'arge 4uantitieS of new spring gobo s lov y new prints., fine soft cloth nd bO,iling colors. Stylish Odle go in fancy flannelettes, fin.4 for making h u e waits and Nstralver. ITOR. 0. New tiiing. in fancy Puck in light, blue and navy, lot One case ed find loou 'or HLR • •I f 'lovely lace curtains in cream and White, import- irect from Nottingham, 'by ourselves. You, wi11 these goods about 10 per centcheaper than tho e ht frpm. local hduses, k in on: us when t ton. Y- *ISEMAN, 11 e nd most of the cattle received were of very P001 quality. ilkers and calves were in email supply, b t the enquiry was ernalhand rices remain ii & changed. Sheep and lambs were in short su . ply ; lambs were firmer at o for the top "nice, grading down to no per pound; a light run of &oho lambs are anted, and ill find a ready side. Sheep r re little en% held for, at from 2c -to 3e per pound. Owing I to thelight run of hogs rices were strqng to - a shade higher, and .25 per lOORb4 was paid for. some lots of choice off -car ho s ; light and fat sold, if choice, at from 3.70 to $1 per 100 pounas ; , d other grade at firm unchanged prices. All kinds will sell. . - oheenehomonhoonwaw 1109AL NOTICES. i , MONEY TO L et. -To loan, from $400 to p,000, pnvitte fan , on first mortgage on town or Arm property. ' Indy at TIM EXITSITOR Office, Seaforth, 1 . SEED GRAIN. Scott, the seedsman, s prepared to suppl you with the following lines :. Oat -Siberian, Li coin, White Baltic, Early Goias. lend, and other va ieties ; Peas --Canadian Beauty, Potter, Crown and olden Vine; Barley and Spring Wheaealso on band Give us a call, and we guaran- tee you will find ou stock second to ndpe in all ,de- artments. BOBER. Sem, Seaforth. 1468.3 DENTAL. -Pr. Belden, dentist, best r b- er plates $7 ; re se , $4 ; gas for painless extrao ol teeth, 75e • teet extracted, 25e. All other work correspondingly o ap. The above rates will not he ieereased for a p riod of 'at least three years, thus enabling all partie getting-Iemporary plates the next two years tim to get ' their permanent plates at the same rate. A guarantee to tbat effect will be given. Offiefi—ove Win. PiokardY& Co.'s store, Main street, Seaforthe, 1468x2 CLOVER ANi ( EASS SEEDS. -Take notice, that you Will find,` a Scott's mammoth Steed and feed gore, one of the Is est and best collection of Clover and Grass Seeds in •e county. It will pay you to examine our stock 1 eiore buying, as We are confident that we can satisfy ,ou both in quality and in pieties •Roserrr Sc...rr, Sea f rth. 1408 3 . 1 1 1 Births. SMITH. -In St. Pa 11, Minnesota, 611 Sanuary 2 th, the wife of r. Milton A. 'Smith, of twin daughters. I 1 • SIITCLIELL.-In L wer Wingham; on January 28th - the wife of 3.1r Robert Mitchell, of a son. FARROW, -At 0 gary, Northwest Territory, on January 18th, he wife of Mr, M. Y Farrowonail • clerk on Caned an Pacdfla Railway f a daughter. SHUART.-In Exe er, on January 22a , the wife of Mr. Oscar Shu 1, of 0 son. . MORGAN. -In Ui orne, on Tanuary 3t.h, the wife of Mr. John M rgan, of a son. ' 1 METCALF.-In B1 th, on January 2ffill„the wifie of Mr. -John Mete lf, of 4 daughter. . WERRY.-In Blyt , on January 29t, the wife of Mr. James We y, of 4 son. , ROBINSON.-In 14 wick, on January 1 th, the wif e of Mr. George t bins n, of a daug ter. BENNETT.-In He ick, n January 11h, the Wife of Mr. Without 0 enne t, of a daugh er. f HENRY -In Ford WI, on January 21 t, the wife o Mr. Wrn. Henna , of a daughter. , I HARR! .-In For lob, on January 20th, the wife of M. Charles anis, of a son. 1 PATERSON.-In est Wawanosh, on January 261h, the wife .of 311 • Donald Paterson reeve, of a daughter. MUSGROVE.-In lowick. on January 41h, the Wife the Wife of Mr Musgrove, of a Eson., ; McVITT .-In II llett, on January altrd, the wife , of A r. E. Mc tie, of a daughter. 1 LAWS() .-In A urn,; on January gbtli, the wife of Si . John son, of a son. , STUAR .-In Molt worth, on January 29th,tbe wife 'of 4r. D. Stu i , of a daughter. , CAMPS LL-- At rna, on January ?3i1i the wife of Mr. Donald 1. Campbell, of a sob. 1 arriages. il .... I BALM R -MEL s S. -At Ballymoor, ast Toronto, on January 29 &Rev. P. Stralth, M. A., Mr. ' Joh Balfour, o Regina, Northwest Territory, to Miss Jenny Mel is, daugbter of Mr, Robert Mel - lis. postmaster. Kippen. I WALKER-Mt:QS] EN. --In Stanley, on ( January 22nd by Rev. Mr. Muir, of Brucefielel, :til. James Walker, of Tu korai:1-11th, to Miss B lla McQueen. HARTT-HAY.-e t the residence of the -bride's father, Woodstock, on January 2511i, by Rey. J. Pickertine, Mr. Allan W. Haat, of the Mollie:Ws bank, Clinton to Mini mice Mond, ,youdgfiet daughter of Mr. John Hay. DOHERTY-BLU TT. -AC the resid nee of 1 the bride's lath, r, 'Clinton, on January 281h, by Rev. J. W. Holmes,lir.W. IL Doherty, ' 'eweler, sec- ond son of W. 'Doherty, Esq., to Mise Clore Bell Bluett. , , -, EMMERTON-BE SLEY.-In Clinton, on January 291h, by Rev. W. J. Ford, assisted by Rev. J. W. Holmes, at the reaidence of the bride's brother, Mr. John W. onnerton to Miss Ariv Beesloy,all of Clinton.' . SEEBACH-HOO -At the rectory, Seaforth, on February 4th, by Rcv. Rural Dean Hodgiiis, Mr. Francis M.Seeilach, of Legal:eta M1HM Mary Hock, of Fullerton. ' 111eDONALD-KING.-At the raid bee of the bride's mother, on January 28th, by Rev. Hartley, Mr. George McDonald, t Bpi Bella Ring, both of Bluevale, s____74,__..._ , Deaths. 1 , PORTER. -In Goderich, on January 139th, Helen, only delight( r of Mr. George Porter, aged °- years. . 1 i 1 STEWART.-In Enet Wawanosh, on Jatmary 20th, Catherine stem art, relict of the ate Andrew Stewart, aged (17 year. , SPEARIN.-In 13111. 'shard, on January 21st, Susanna Amanda, daughter of Mr. Georges [Spearin, aged 35 year and; 6 nlont.ha. LAURENCE.-Ip Hullett. on January' 21st, re. Laurence, relict 01 the late Henry Lakirence,aged 73 years. E 1 SADLERse--At the H use of Refuge,on Iuary 29th, John Sadlerm ; of Ingha, aged 60 years. JOSLYN.-At Virde , Manitoba, on January 22nd, Mrs Joslyn, wife of Mr. John Joslyn, formerly of Clinton. ' i WALKER. -In Hibb rt, near Cromarty, on February lst, Brough Walker, youngest son of Mr. Ose ald Walker, aged 18 years. McDONALD:-In T ekersmith, on January 3ist, Mary MeCow' lan Wife of Duncan McDonald, aged 86 years' and , llinpnths. SALE REGISTER. I • On Tue day, February llth, 1896, at one o'clock p. 1. on his fare; Mill Road, Tuck- ersinith, ILA Bred Stock. Robert Char- ters, proprietor; Wm. 3,1cCloy, auctioneer. On Wedne dayr. February 261h, at 12 o'clock," neon, sheep, on Lot 10, Concession 7, Tuckeramith, Farm Stock ncl Imple- ments. Wm. J. 11udson, proprietor; Wm. MoCley, auctiioneer. On Saturday, Fe ruary 8th, a 1 o'clock p. ID, at [Dr. Ca pbell's resid nee, Main street, Seaforth, the balance of Household Effects all other artielei ; also s me second- hand catt rs and h: meek'. Tho as Brown, auctioneer. I ' IMPORT NOTICE • -L1 W. TWEDDLE, Ientist. Best bberiplates r . $6. All other rk t oorresp nding y lov; prices, and the best wo kmarehip guara teed. Office -Over Richardson & M Innie shoe 'nor, Seaforth, 1469 relISOROUGHBRED UULLS FOR S E. -For 'sale JF two Thoroughbre4 Short Horn Bul a, registered pedigree, one red and the other whi and about one year old • very su rior animals, an will be sold cheap. Apply on Lot 30, Concession 5 ITabonte, or address THO . CUDMORE, Lumley P. •. 14 -tf DURHAM BULL F R SALE. -The undersigned has or sale al4 oils' old Din Bull, red in color, and with regi ter pedigree. He is from f imported Royal Sailor, land is a partio rty flee isni- ; will be sold on r aeonible ternis WM. CAR- NOOHAN, Jr., Lot 13 Concession 4, H. R. S., Tuck- crarritio Egmondville 1. 0. 1 1469.4 1 • SIGN OFTHE P ig CIRCULAR SAW. . 0 ; 1 51) • I oi I :13 3 • SD 00•10.1 •aW!1. op! u ;se , P- .1 co a3 CT' CD 4 ss• CD g, • CD 171 P-1Crq CD tS ant jia CD ?o3 p 5 Cla cfaCD • 0 tzs-i (c=1 C'Di.acl et et - ft Q F1 0 =1" a' (3) • IN' • tj P seel , "°1 reo. 3 C3 0 CD 121 a▪ ? 14 12111/ al; -0 P-1 0 I -I • Ca i --s Piths CO tx) 4 0 5. 0 gq L. co le; j - *hi 1_, 0 Pa I:5 rn • ct- 1. drs cD1 P. KEATING Contractor and Builder, Seafor h, DEALER IN Lumber and. Shingles. Good II rebels Lumber lways on band. Par ea wanting It mber don't need .to go 20 or 25 miles wt en they can g et it as cheaR at home, and lietterir9.tker. i INSOLVE qYINOTICE. In the matter of Ti othy Blake, of the , Township of McTi1lop, in the County of Huron, Farmer Debtor. Notice Is hereby given, that the above named debtor hal made an aesign ent to me for the benefit of his creditors, under the jrov1sions of chapter 194, R. S. 0., and amending ate. A meeting of %is creditors will be held at thq office of R. S. Hays; Sea.. forth, on Wednesday, the 1 th day of February, 1896, at 2 o'ploesc in the afternoo , to reeeive a statement of his affal re, appoint inspe tors, and give directions 0.3 to the disposal of the state. Creditors are re- quired to file their elating oith proofs, as required ay said s1atues, with R. S. Hays, Seafortb, before said meeting. Dated this 51h day of February, 1891 p. X. HOLLAND, Assignee, by R. S. HAYS, 1ia Solicitor. 1469-11 FOR SERVICE. Bnee FOR SERVICE.-e-Theundereigned will ke on Lot 34, Concession 6; McKillop, a thoroug bred Durham Bull, to which a limited number cows will te taken. Terms, $1, payable January 1 1897, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN DORRANCE. 1469x4 AUCTION SALE. A CONON SALE OE HIGH BRED STOCK -Co sieting of-ClYclesdale, Carriage and Drivink Horses, 11 lch COAVE16 Thoroughbred Durham Bull. and Steer), and Pure Bred Leicester Sheep. -Mi Wm. McCoy has been instructed by Mr. Bober Charters to sell by public auction, at his farm, Mil Road, Tuesersmith, on Tuesday, February 11, at on o'clock p. in., the following valuable farm stock Horses-Oie apin heavy draught geldingssrising fi and 6; one brood mare supposed to be In foal to Ma- son's horse, 1 draught filly rising four, 1 driving mare -rising four 1 driving gelding rising four, 1 carriage filly rising three, 1 carriage gelding rising two. Cattle -Sb cows in calf to a thoroughbred bull, two to calve th is month, two of them short•horns ; one 2 -year-old heifer, shorthorn, is calf ; four fattening steers, four steers rising two, one heifer risingtwo, three 'heifers rising one, one thoroughbred bull rising three, 1 thoroughbred bull calf 12 months old. Sheep Leicester -15 breeding ewes, 1 aged ram, one ram lamb. Terms -Ten months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum will be allowed for cash. ROBERT CHARTERS, proprietor; WM. McCLOY, auctioneer 1469.1 CLEARING OUT AUCTION SALE : OF FARM STOCK AND IliIPLEMEN'TS.-Mr, Wm. Me - Clay has been instructed by Wm. J. Hudson, to sell by public uction, on Lot 10, Concession 7, Tucker. 'smith, on Wednesday,February 26 1896,' at 12 o'clocsk noon, sharp, the following. property ;Iorses - One with foal Carlisle, 1 blood mare risin 6 year old, f hem -steam rishig 0 and 7 years old, 1 blood mare to 1 blood mare rising three, broken to idrive either double or single, sired by Edinburgh. ;Cattle -Five cows supposed to be in ealf to a thoroughbred brill, 1 farrow cow, two 2 -year-old steers, two heifers rising two. 8 yearling calves, 2 fat steers rising three, two fatheilers. 4 well-bred Leicester ewes, one' fall pig. Implements -One wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 cutter, 1 top buggy, 1 road cart, e combined seed drill, one disk harrow, 1 souffier, 1 set iron harrows, 1 grain crusher, 1 binder, 1 mower with pea harvester, three single plows, one 2 -furrow plow, 1 sulky rake, one Coleman root pulper, 1 fanning mill with bagger st- taohed, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 wheelbarrow, two grain shovels, 2 dozen new grain bags, 1 new large milk can, I churn, 2 set team harness, I Set single harness, 1 set of leather fly nett, also a lot of other articles too numerous to mention; also a quantity of hens The implemente are all nearly new and in first-olase order. The whole of the above will posi- tively be sold without reserve as the proprietor is leaving the farm. Terms -Ali eumi of $5 and under, cash; over that amount -a, ni ntine credit will be given on lurniebing approved joint notes: A dis- count of 4 cents on the dollar vill be given for cash on credit amounts. WM. J. HUD8ON, proprietor; WM. WOLOF, auctioneer. 1469-2 Vests, r We have & fe of tho e cold and windproof Fibre Oharnoi ests le ancl they are yours at a very tri ing a oun We are desirous of , ; making Sweep of them. I Gall and get D UGED PRICZS. W. W. H9FPNIAN. ARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTIL THE GOLDEN' LION. 1 Owing to proposed ehangeS our business, we I 'offer fcr the Jamieson's Oki Stand, NEXT Our Stok Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Linens, At SNi'i of ernb ac Cotton Rosier Gloves, Carpet, ; . . aping Redul tons in DAYS DRY GOODS g - at Curtains, Blankets, Tweeds, Clothing, &c. Prices. 7h - P -01-1 SEAFORTM Guatantee by the LI Fire, Water, 'Nearly as Cheap S POFING Nifacturers to be & Lightning Proof s Wooden Shingles. tnconraged by the success of • t businels, we have made a rang,emen 500,000 e pas pour yearIn this brava of our s for 1) aOng T± ' ET ' rrilIS SEASON. i Or friends will find it to contracts for buildings of any that 1 ILL LA heir advantage to consult us before closing ind as we are in a position to supply goods T .01T R 50 'YEARS T TREATMENT. UNDER HONE Over 40 Roofs in Seaforth atis SEE SAIVEiDLES AND • vicinity, and all giving c 1011. QUIRE PRICES. S. MULL T General Hardivare CO., Seaforth. es and Tinware. EXPECIT- WH.7 YOSJ e have an unusual nu chances Tweeds, Gi tighaityltj Cotton and some sn . The fallowing li t1 May interest you. . . be R. 'h. SURPRISE YOU - of splendid money - saving is week in onades Towels, Factory s in Groceries as well. FACTORY COTTON— We bought a lbt e eotton tije. other -day; it's real y' worth Eie per yard, but Tire selling 'it 4t 6c per yard. ' I All Linen Towels, gpod la ge size, with pretty border, in rda d blue,. worth 35e a 4ap fo 20 a .pair. Tweeds. Shipment gire daily, splendid pattorps, ortii 45e,go- ing at 30e. Copd h ne tweeds at 30e a yard e a argain. Tweeds worth 50e for 150., ° GINGHAM'S. It's really wonderful the values to be found here in Ginghams, for dresses, aprons or quilt coverings. One line we're selling Inindreds of ' yards; its worth 90 per yard, you may have it at Se per yard. COTTONADES. , We make a special study of Cot- e tonades. The values we are now • 'offering are worthy of attention. Priees range 12e, 150, Mc and We. A splendid brand «f Red Salmon is sold everywhere fir 15ei a n, our price 10e a den. - WE BUY FOR CASH, WE SE L FOR agSli- - BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. 00., Blyth. WANTED. A good reliable person to take °berge o a boarding house at the brick workiss Tuckerimith Apply to J. J, SPROAT, EgniondvilliL 14 -2 NOT' There will he a neethig holders and Patrons Of the B held at Whitt's floel, on 8 at 2 o'clock, for the purpose iettiter the milk ro ate., a revising the by-lawi if n President. E: f the Direcitorg, Share infield Cheese, Factory' TWIDAY, February 15, tug of thehey, a ma canna and °BS BUR14 89-2 FOR SALE. Steam Saw_ Mill and Grain Chopper (stones) for e in Lakelet, in the kiwnehip of HOwick, in the un of Huron. Both saw mill and chopper are wnning, and in first-elass order. There is an slid a half of orchard and orden, with two ening house., stables, ete., attached. There Is nty of timber in the neighborhood, and the grain owes gets all the work It OM do. There is a large quantlty of loge (outitam) now in the yard. This is good opportuhity for a live business man'as the roperty will sold at a reasonable figure. Good season. for se rig. For further particulars. apply tc J. COWAN, Wioxeter P.O. 146911 V -town store— Carmleheers Week - Down -town store eady's kook. CLEARING SALE -OF-- Boots and Shoes •RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES. Closing out our winter .G,oods to Make room for. spring purchases. All our immense assortment hies been redneed price • for this sale Closing a successful eeason with generous offerings to our friends and patrons. Our nolo- spring goods will be the nicest -collection of' line footwear ever brought into C4th. , 000 . Buyers Wanted. LYEATORTA & SPEOE, ARE OFFERING EXTRA VALUES IN SUM NGS OVERCOATINGS TROUSERJNGS WINTER UNDERWEAR FLANNEL 'SHIRTS LINED GLOVES WOOLLEN :,SOX„ &G. ]p feet, all winter goods, prior to taking stock. The balance of our FURS at a great- ly reidueed rate. A range of Underwear for Bop, from 5 to I.?, year e a' age, AT COST. A CALL SOLICITED. DILL & SPEARZ &earth, One Door South of Expositor OtHee 41 THE Sit, CreeerY -41 WAIS-FTED FREE TRADE._ We do not want all the trade in town, but we would like a large share of it. think that we OM do as well for you as any - other house in our line. We do not s,dver- tise to be giving away our stock, but try to give you as good an article for your money as possible. Goods delivered promptly and with eare- Our stock of Crockery is of the latest patterns, and we are selling at very eloee prices. Robb & Currie, SEAFORTIL War Declared China, Crockery. and Glass- ware. *- Great bargains to be had by calling at A. G. AULTS Store. I am cleating out ray entire istoek of Ohine,Crockety and Glassware at cost. They innet be sold at once to make 'room for a different line of goods Now is the time to secure bargains. Also great hargahes to be ,'had in all kinds of grocieries and provisions. Come one, e.otne all and secure some ,of the bargains. A cordial havitation is extended to an. A. G. AULT, CUL .TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be reeeved at the -Clerk's Office, Sate forth, until . • First of Morel next, for what lumber and gravel will be required by the corporation for the current years plank, 2 x 12 x 12, 2 x 10 x 12, and 2 x 134 12. (A.botit -equal quantities of each svidth.) Elm plank, 2 x 12 x12, and 3 x 12 x 12. FAin Scantling, tx 4 x 12. Cedar Scantling, 4 x 4 x 12. The lumber to be sound and free frOin shakes and black knot", and -to be delleore. ed 'where required. Gravel to be free from large stones, earth and tend. Tenders to be for acreened and unscreened gravel, alto to be delivered where reOuired. The lowester any tender not necessarily accepted. • WM, ELLIOTT, Clerk. Seaforth, February 5111, 1890. • ° 1400-2 Good LAND for sale. Bawden, of Exeter, will sell sores of the best 'Oren bush in the _county, Mieple and Hemlock, In lane or small parcels to suit, on Tuesdays rebru- aeriltb, a12 p,m., on the premise., Lot 2, north end of Goshen line, Stabler, about 8 mile. from rail- way. To be acrid on thne note. ; three winters given to take bulb_ off; Apply to TlIOMA.S CABLING. AllOti01180r, ifltOD, er to E. X. LEWIS, Solicitor,, Goderieh. 1468x2.