HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-02-07, Page 47MW
7 7
ith i their rep
I li�g or g V- a i io circular from polis6d elm. It beach 'for this year -Carried . ort, as
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. set t era at li er on bai , pmb. bail to I , is cie .,&%I* f ' ran and vartlish ash an wich Ing be adde to the labor of the prisoners, did not se
by the auditorw
havi '�been accep uonsist* d by Mr. Al onab 'Isecoxdid b� ei a�reht; that 'a, number of able' had not do le 'd their worki
amo at of $75 each _ted. Ahe Ontario Rifle - Associ ibion,'. asking � for contains a bal ient, - 0, Ing Of two it b Pg In tinie.
BO, it
Inipany th -their still eitor, Mr. Well- gram I loth communicati )no sent to -the apartments, one f or ful nace and-,' fuel, the Alt. righal that 11 sort. P. Holt a W" 130died;.- V, r nts ke advantage of the Com-: repol a eetl Robb and
rho figure between the parenthesis after ealoh In el Toni were.
the paper on which the 11ft Torionto on apdo-al cornmitieci 13 1 xul f6rtable -qu iters afforded, to get wintir examined grid
one denotes the page of man; of w "ork., � the Q othei a ply room foe illci smalleii, children Leone be appointed oil the crimin nd and full of
'on e
ourned, to met) Th Elie registry garding tb� schools and reeoramendc
advertisement wfll be found SaAQ�� mornh.g bl sped' 1 train: for Ntiwi 0 uncil adj' t on Wednesday col wet, or sormy we�tbeir. It 'board. -Callirried.. 14 dgins ev visited
lorantel & J - i I
Siprl (fil York and it is expected h4.y will �eeed morning. eostlut$3,000 and is a Credit to the vil- Mr. Locl -.hal secon' 0 He au d found ot�verything Atitisfactol same be printe in tbe minirbes,
pr( Moved by lie by
3wis for sale -Thos, Cudmore (5) te lage, 1 , to. U. Soutbeir 1 gilai a w 4e their NVEDNESDAY X01 al speaks v 0011 for the en url Mr. G �rvin ffiat this cc uncil grant t he sum 4 They Jinopectid the -court house ai�d Tue report was adopted
�.ull for strvioe-John Dorraneeb(O
een resumed :)usiness the t1rusWes and t ie 'of eaeMpublic I Ilil in the inty. 0, flee, I -ocommiended that the following
oill Cowan (6) reside. , They m4b a kold'urlifie, for the Tlie ct noi at ten liberalit the rate. of $15 to indl Y
Auction s0e--Roberl pharters (6)
lawyers lfor-4th4 Pub year, heir efence at 0,01' Lek rar ferred to�ibe exe(-,u ive committee The fina�de committee as oc C 1 ibb the viiarden in the-ebair. payers. - In, sectio ri No. nitb, tlL -Re a teration el moide, viz A new and- suit-
(Hay)j at
Burl re - and the Yni Carnochan (6) trials� it is sa14, aving cost over A Win. -nea and cc
Durbaut bull for aalez! the two �C) illunicaiion was re 3eived froni t Innic dious school Ouse was Moved by Mr. Turn bi R cc rided a Ae carpet i 6n the judge- om W-8
il I le ion
built, cost about $1,000. 16 also contains by Mr. She h d tba;,l his counc
P ar al I
IkI.00, (100, The costs of the prosedutio �eal thereto, also that the drink
sing iiiistness--i F. Clark (9) Eltit t ki to be 'app6 a The'eornb6ittee recommend the payfient
ted douny istul
I lental -to sorii6thing in two
3 se ng �ieultural Colle'- e. Ing
notice -F. W. Tweddla (8): also ixiount the neighbor basement of apartments, one or fur- Parlia ment that the may be'sor d- i4g font a' J eaca1pe basin adjoining the
jubtjon sale, -W. J. Iffudson (5) dent i; -thL Ontario Ag, that future all of the accolinto presen ted also th
hood of 8' 50"00% The countr a ellt�iV nace fire, and one for play room. In ed as t6provide. a g. -&pd room, be raised two feet; and at in in,
Few X.00ds--E is- well rid' Sent I � el e cammittt e.
I ture the clel be instructed not to aAv-ertiw
AL roll air from the Onti io Good Roadh n- yipartiese-laidringdamal
McFaul (8) lie charge', 'Y
ur Futurity sale -Greig & Macdonald (1) Oftllehll� WbE guilty oVt sectidn.No. 4,.Grky��tbe building wase brougl it b fo C- a to dila"t t6 room at present. use -4 -as a
I jury lib�
asking for gr)ht, was sent to d tborough�y repaired by hav iaLg S - cident 5 happening on. Q 1 3 streets h g!anI room be transformed nin the locallnewspapers. It cost6 about
(,,oarl sale-R-obt. Willis (6) al t t them 'or not the are, ctirtamlY, olarged Fin annually tof,do so,,,without bei
I umberl Keating (5) consul limite so Undrels. ne roof put on at d the walls veneiied with-- ways, in any municipality, shall- b Ne a ri y room, for the Law Association, the g Of
tbe executivre conmlittee.�'
Auth postponed (8) benefit to 0
IeCOTPOratiOaa Thafthisol
Cc a imunicatioa from the county of Ke t 'ished in -dressed oak, n -esenb seati, to be *removed to the care-
urs�-Nr. W. 11offman (a) n brick, the -interior fin by rl)l , from w I tence the - E ht JI lie p.
rs wanted-�-Exnositm crffll�'O', ('s) Th oronto I Telegram 61 -Referre the special a- " takers room, up -stairs ; exrra matting to be cil pay to fjie keepers of the varius loci,
ys some very sheepi was sent to and a' basement excavated, containing sp�ce no.appeal. d era -
I oarde re pro octioil 0 special
!aust(8) the �dounty about $144). a, year'. and
for a furnace and f uel, and L Q ups in,
I or @aIll . F cleve �hings 'Isome -times, � but like-, m oat comi a ttee_ so i separate mittee. J p, it on the floor, a long study table to be
-ncy-w. Ell (S) lent for a pla room. he trustees the Committee see -no reason 6 contin
1 4"ta. and oohoes-4. Canning (8) 1 other �ndependent'!iiapl 'Ali lie art i CONTY At DITORS. siipplted, bol shelving, and an additional 'h .
00 its it. aions .-for grarIta -from the East ail(. paymijints., ina wonld recomnie
I ande nd thaii- est'Haron Teacbelis' Assooiationa,was ITNO. 11, Morris, also repaired their school' me ed by Alr. Greei, seconded by future
d-Wnl. Elliott and iludow, all of-wbich improvements in -con-
tonip s at, ballaabing on th6 top Of the fience th thelibrary room to be under in no such PaYments be
W11 9 tpriii- you-5fe made
V Wil 9 Kinnon hiouge in a very satisfactory manne'r,and-Wo. nk�tiow Wi
sent t tb� exieniti e oi�niittee. Cruickshank, that Mr. J. C. Alm rise, I be that the eler' It notify each keeper to
I xve u seen thept-Gilrov & Wigartian (0 are no �, illfrerinently very p�using. In- re-
vr c Vferviai on o: he
l e ionders. to the- -,6unt printing 5, Haab, was I ik wise put in excellent audito for the cou nty I iis year, kud that the 81 f County Clerk Lane, thisf-
rirg to the.depres bill exe' -dst
ibro'( I I sed oonditio, the era pent. fro me fect. T 7'examined the e
Veats-�-W. NV. Hofflimn (5) fer n of' condition. Many ot Judge Myle, and the eng'" er, the cost of ourity ret
G reat I oon-�-Reid & ilson (6) were 1. laded wi Cu tive- committee. in $30 to the, v ting�be by ballot rafs
farm(l iiist, now it� si�ys "A, mor heir school Mo d in ents not to exceed ex-
Eviporited fruit, etc, (8) returnslandbad a fall c
(4 I -Fred Davis I tgerge e$90 in. improving premises. said ibiprbve xplanati
ports from the Goderi h and'Seaforth 'On of the
amendinelif. by Mr. Cooper,
C hildrf a tor a&wption-Exposit6- Office (8) whicl I fifteen ye'ars' -kgo meant so' many, inattr from the treasurer nd Ile.
Collf, te InEtAutes wprql d The erectio ro new school �ClusivE of- Dickson,
n houses in saac window� 5. They recommended
Chatl shoo rapairing-C. A. bushoEI3 9 r and sent to seconded by Mr. X nedy that Al r. ]
of wheal a,) !-many cattle lld.si)l and from -such are of the o
90iveridy votil t1le Executive coininnittee. 1896 will leav e school buildigs . piion that
in this Taylor, of Clinton, appointed dito r for the of the floor of the hall in front b
many iorses. now means twice as many . . .1 1 . sams mentioned in the treasurees
I inspeetorate in i wry satisfactory condition, the cuilrent ye$r. of the court itiol 6. � That the clothing rel
Iiiishoe Is of iAea�i, th+ times as many cattle COLLE(aATE X�NqTIFUTEK. aMO11ting ailtogether to .4-;6 �3
Entrance- and p ble seli(;ol leavinoexamin- 0&171714ed. aniplied'fr in the jailor's report be granted, 69� 3
ads [times as�many horses, Norcan-the The total rec�ipts in c' iection With the atioris :. At these examinations 4�74 wrote The amendment was d nted in the min- The warden �ppoiated M r. . or- tlAt sai report be pri paid over to the county. Can that the matter be ref erred, to
A4 � They reco
a n farmer cha�ge his misfortunes to Godoe r ell Colle�jate Inatitnt, ote at risen wunty -audit , , 7.
;e was $6,270.38, and 319 passed. E tit of those who u Th t the report of the clerk, re the count
tbee16'aaganceof ilie-excellent Govern- and bXpeuditurre `4 the only treasurer to demand this money al if
6,383.9L7, of whichamount
Public schocl I(aA ing, 60 obtai: iIr ce on count ply, is satial
Moved by Mrl; G, vid, seconded' by A lug POO
ment at Ottawa, o# "the maintenance of its $5,6r-, 5 was paid, 6ut in sallpries. The total entrance stand nLr The followin table McKe �r . toryl. S. -The report of William Coats, in- sible fecov
w as er same without recourse to law
FRIDAY,. Feb. 1 1896 t( adian
S)KAFORTH, wise]- pro �dtivj tariff. *- The Can is fr in S�aforth: 0611.�giate I . natitute shows the stand r zie, that the bri� ge . kno n F rin's Refuge, was laid be- The treas imcil at,
ing cbtaine(I by those who bridg?, on the la�e road, in th ownship
toi- of the Rouse of ur-017 tO report to this co
-farmex is a, victim of univ'erial de- -were 100. 40, to I 'xpe e. the June session, They examined tb
wrote'at the se% era 14 txamination entries. "bfiel d, be -added to the list. OfP;Co1In forol
'pressic -of w ii pa..�itare $5,848.61, th a coinmittee, and found in accordance e special
i t _1, met
it,, the effectsr of�,which have been ,h $074.74, w in teachers' be p4sed a
t the next session of the
by aw an t e
brid'ei.-Sent to road and bridge Oommi egi rem
I'll E0 SCHOOL' witl� Ae committee recol
The Dominion Patliam mibilar& d by the.,,wi.5dom of, his rulers salar e 9 L slatur F the treasurer's
tee. id report bepriated in the vi ng nfende I thal as
JOur legislators at Ott a ha been. at 6,41 l; va ; but the farmers'. present posi- A, r umber of accounts were read and Rntra;ce Lea E ntranve ment theywere satisfied that, the co
tion, 1 rrli no -faul 6 6f wrote -paq d wrote pas'd Stand. Obt. Mov d by Air. Eilber., seconded b X r. minute a. 9. - They recommended that the unty
his own, is in many were referred to the finance -tiommiftee. Clinton. ion will not req4ire to borrol ban 875 DIM
r th t V ek 97 6q 2? 18 7 1 House of Refuge by-1-aw, for the - admits' ore t
Ni the budget'fa 36 12 Kicks, at this council. -do assume ajeeit and rcom-il that this all
it of sense and Chang e a n school secti Blyth three m be p
and it is expecte . d the debate wie C4 . There is here a -strange A I iti ugharn 48 3) bridge at Grand B of paupers, be amended to read laced in
cases lolrable." A on from iatepa era, respecting Wi &in
mixt nou-sense. ' Who 25 16 10 the Att, a;nd: that it be so -worded
2, 41. 1 27
ge between the conatiotis of Huron and
veon bo adaries in, the 0 end, known as IVIlisky
Sesforl h 46 brid mori�thi I-' ins tead of one year's residence in as to cu -
through the most of next week. 1ri-Yos- heard tile effects, of a univer8'al depies- tow.111 I I a of Morris and,, . urnberry, was Brussels able the COUnty to its
43 2 19 a Larnbun.-Sent to the road andl bridge the pount, 10. That the county oe i ue heir. Abl
Y ngmeer area
te�, the Finance -11inister, delive d his sr0n ng mitigal by higher -taxation. read a sent to educatio coinmittee. Wroxeter 3 1pa
A yable with pi.inci
16 10 6 commit ee., repol at ,be' June - session, the probable, n
grain should revise its lol Ford%ich 20 1 .9 7 2
bu�dgeit speechlibn Fliday. Mr. Foster is an The to�. THE COUNTY TRE-,1,,,;uRy. year-, or to piiY the interst Yearly and fo
Move I by M r. Vilford, secon ed b cosCef floor ng the main hall of the court
d king f4 rin
The total of pupils who wrote'at Brighar I that the house Zith - Ile 1 d. They further recommen
man in Can- The ,oanty treasurer's 're )ort was rLiad C r -
exceptionally able man,and no 60ro� yatek ha, the clilef. of the ladepend county engineer Zie in and hard -wood. 11. That a lam d
e finance'c'Minittee. the entran e xamination i 18 a, eiliv flag I e provided for the Court- house, that the tre aplurer take all steps- necessary
-ca e ent rcer of Foresters and Mr. William passed, 2 sob and Jut -
01 38 ; public I leavingi 163 at a real in connectio-4 with the nasSing of r
adit" can put a better face on a bad and ro I eifed to fh 95 was '311 i§tructe( 'to examine the creek a n
i ; . TREASUIRtER'S RE RT. ments c 'Blth bridge, as there : a g -eat 1518prie, not to exceed 8925, to id -act.,
M aCable, the head of the North if necessary to th -a
he can. The position of the CoLantry must, passed, 81 ; bonfis paid by Legislature, danger f the abutments during freshet 3.-
-American The ow�ng is the repo of the treas- $405. - Total expen( it are for 1895, �867,378 be rocured by' the clerk and Ree-ve,Proud- e deb
therefore, be in bad shae when �ven he Life loburance Company, are pelting three Sent to : ad and bridge comnii foot.1 12. 'rho committee also took great tures for Sal before the June a
09, average, salar- ir avaurer .18q5 Net our Ins $3,417*; teachers' salaries, � 42,233 Move I by Mr. ! Sotheral seec
I �Oforil ttee so
co�ld. not make a more favorable showing'. colUT4 letters at each other' through the ure iexx lFissing the of the that the Cal will -then be in a P to
which has be6n added t t and. ie , $352 ; pupils e r DIled, nded by
than he did. The deficit for the past twelve. media fi: � of - the Toronto (-r'loble. Mr.' Me- The sinking f �7,889 average I man� 2 know exa how much
Mr. Dunnage that'"' PC the caretaker has attended UlOneY to pass their
the usual- grant of � Boo er in w
y-lavv for. They reco
mmed that
ar de ritnure.de 000 -sterlin: attendance erajr be mad( to the branch agricultural socilt ties. to hiii respectl duties, and his obliging by-law
Cable b as the best of the J go 4,412 ; pc r cen' of al
-about half of which gument,although is pay Lble hi ondon E la d, on the first tei 6. Dar a
months was $4,153,875, the " big Ingun " has the idance, n � t , ear 37 so 0011, having xhibitions. nd do eotm attention to the counc No. 4 of , 18911 be amended by ina&irl- ar-
%'most to Say- day o Augli t of the in this county du -ing u
-Ing fand, leavin the pre�ent Year. At ch),nged teachers the
has gone to the sink P number as in the 1896.- counts in eq'imection with ih
nepses e comir ittee, id into committe e of
9 McCa] e shows up some of the weak aeeding year. Of t eselchan 1, ent to the executiv m ion � council move
present rate ( exchangej which iie bigfi, it pre f ges 14 were Refug4e aysiple monthly, excepting th
actual, deficit over two millic ns- ;, te;publie in tbei martagement amd -urges legislation e- tir I f tie*** hole, I and the report taken up se
would take e 64,600. to puricham a draft Cal ised tily the x )ie t clal cer- - for contracts-- and salaries hich shoul,,11 be -,gr
t W, 1 40110 - clang!
debt has increased during the year by nearly hat ill �secure government. inspection. of for th t all nt, but exchange rates fluct tif Cates ; 15 teache Supplementary 61a usd, Mr. Sanders in theehair.
the ingmer in *hieli a vohintarily reisigned repor, of the olt1rildug The cc) Thal all aeco,
In ittee iose d reported that Nos. unts be
te to 'ucb al extent that Aext -July the to accept move 11 tive , ositiong, and COMEnittler'ecommended Lhat Mesor alinined by
millions of dolUrs Col is now -the affairs of the so- payable
Ciety Oxe: cond follovil 'it P a. B Dlt, 1.,,3, the' keeper and inspector.
ted. The 6 7, 8, ivild 12 of the report, were
while same draft i* lit no Co should have -resigne to Atain a "higher McDonald be the HousA of amended that tbQ inap
both .. m h Eilber Lad
Ports and im- sample of thew ay in wbich Mr. McCable q.) )I To �ntige et To. 2 was ector cei thereto df
ilt n - or -
passe nal thi \ -.by
these d bentures there standing, and thre � retiped o-,Yi Refuge (onmrittee, under of -Re* 'ward to � the clerk, and . !hat - the warden
ports show & heavy decreaselfor the year. puts it Th,-.extravigant outlay ? ng to bad ge ding tI 'anti:
'70,? boat $203,000, health. There has )een a s by-laws, ty of stone b
o 1; ad t a. qu. e procurei
was at the-chiose of the year ight downward should theredn issue hit orders on the trfts�
16 is true th 000 onla pleasui e trip to Europe so that f, re prisoners at, the jail may have
at k r. Foster p�iedicts better last sum- which will have increased to ', bollt VA,00b tei Ldency in the ave ries paid teach- Oil' Inetion, the counel adjourned alitil wor urer for the respective amounts; the origifil
mer, in violatio 'of the constitution, should by the rat o4 July n r Iarryi�g such stones. No. 4 'was
things for the fature, and sa3l�- that the rev- ext, and will be short' en, while tho� yea 1, r ceipts and the following morning. . i I . I
.r cho6l e eX- I accountstobefieptby the inspectors
mesurely'lrovokephemenibersto put a Cu namen ed by ul the name of the
-mo�nt -requirel ve indea Tl1URSDV jr.
rb. of the a f e idi sed by nearly $20, 000
countv ail,
en e W
ill likely equal the expendittire, and. on this officer, i they can; by se�uring the extent o )p tures ha com m, duced at the meeVmgso
such La i mer to ithe committee. Nos. 1 ana Pro f he Council
to $57,000. The i10 se of Refuge ov ,r- any of the pre e4 ling t i ve years. This be examined land reported on by the
as A n.uriber of accounts were referred to 11 We -e struck out. finance
has cost
them at
thit the days of deficits are over.l But, he a measure of (lovernment supervision and In us'brial Farm 7,885.14, the' a mainly caused ) thel building of thr
would.: fford ime protectio the finan,.e c n Of
MB de tile -same prediction and the sarne n. Efforts ommittee. The ... rden iesumed the chair, and the comm, -The financial staterue t t El
Gover ent � �raub of $4,000 has been ap- nee school houses ail fig of many 'Mr.
dibbe �dpairin treasurer was examined and fo
The re )ort of W. Goats, inspecto of repor was adopted.
I I'll, , as amen4ed, and satisfac-
in this,direction are not attacks upon the plied f and no doubf, wiR be..grantedl 0 ones. albersexcept tbiee-en- th Aou' i �
promise last yea, and results prove tha. All the te e tory, -and recommend !ill
to divert their a a of Refuge, was rea t to �AL COMMITTEE.
order,!as.the chief, in orderli. goo to be passed by au
ng on inj ns e -the a
nake �re ort O w
About the only by debriture.,. Acti truct o th arde or wal tdd �lerk's statementfor sup
ent, on,frialin his. own acts eudeEL,�ors to and th balan,,e will. be Tequir ed to be raised d health. . l ero are 37 scho I houses the couni y p!operty comn li the di -tors And printeol in -the ininnee;
neitherhas been fulfilled, and it will likely att SftC�
be' e members believe. The'
'the same next vel Y. sed the con �3 with plastered INSPECTOR- C011l F�FPonT. pecial',commi as The. county z -plies
r walls, f these, 26 n 'llows: for stat ionery amount . ed.to S34-, .9.
t whitewashed Ldopted. Ii was ag fd
ro to pra.
'Gar �a:�e a bill, asking the Legis- du�ing the year. n regard to fj
coiiraging feature of r. Fosl speech r ad '�' . With r6ference t'
eu -treasur i solici re read F, 11
Ity itor, Mr
OC the -oll number of es in -�he the petition from the Moved by� Mr. Proadfoot
86�onded by
ement tha sumptibn of y correspondent of the Globe, so latur o grant wer to 'he c schools 52 are repoi tied proper that itein 48 of cla-uie one of
was the sta 5 drainage Rystem at the,
the con A u :ountly-, to issue as without House o 0
Ualeton, in regard t, polling Mr. Watson,
jo f Refutre lie count,
i 0 es to ted t liab b the De'
urnin, t ttawg' ives the follo-wing item debe a
h(porhad been the smallestiper capita 39 r extent of L,00 006 eutilation, of the, sahe?ol houses 19 aree-K- at efore dembe tive elections* reconi-
at 4� v r es, )Oot!ii Legisla, the report, re certain goods procured for
which ill e of great intefest to -per cer D, for 20 years. , When the bill cornei� ..,cellent, 52 are good, ion of council in Clinton'
our lad com
kn,)wa sinae confea-eatio. quantity y for �ale' buildings, he found one of Ille1146 i favor of same. 29� In regard to the court hotise be amended by pa;
ichre, 0 n are ve a the closets in the basemen t was closed i P13 a peti ro.111
per head xeaders e says regresive ese oners' Aid Society, bilance -of Nfi Butlees a
Of spirits consumed of Cauao:Ws may b desi and, at da expense of $1 for gt� it d. app oval of the 'co
before lie House any or all these figure' 7 are inferior- a
Cha ged all
progre8 IV edro, prgressive whist and red, but in any -two, however, will boi repiced with new 5 1ad it remedi d. uncil for Movoid by Mr. Holt
seconded byJ, fnH17S
Populaion during :the ye ris n Shortly a'terwards Cer ali, re oms, reco
ar wis 666-tho case it A: the to issue anj buildings in 1806. The sa Atary condition- ti. on e iarose with he t as
aprogres ive. * 9 we all kno ten bid,
IP w, but & progres. mmenAed follows lop, that clause two of the report referrinLy
more (ebentires than, actaill necessar of maryis-allthat(ould be des'ired, The and and that -the -same to advertising the meetingia t
sax diths of a gallon ; of beer, three -and, sive Itin heo is someWba t of a novelty to y drain fr( in the.bath ronfis kijol en Thati i ant be made
of he counir,
�to pay 1 e Ul mentioned debts. - The� e size of school sites sink. TI king that the 4ifficulby mi be r. red to the executive c
most plleople.11 - Last pro. averag in
471-thousandt,lis of a, week,-- Mrs. Foster, of J s half an acre. �ht ammittee; be struck ofit-Carl
ad of t
on! not be o f an that il ie reforins� asked for S. Moved
obac Mal5ll ft, , ave a most enj6yable-* function posed a t- also ontains a CIaUse empowering In 23 sect! 3 the grounds re exetillent, 4 any more seri)ug nature t be granted.' by'Mr. turns seconded by Mr.
Cal, �the cou tY to gu'uara,
De, he begi
two and sixteen-hiindredthsaf a 'ound. of thi Okirif to a number of ladies who by th school in n4estlgating,' i,ut I rhorial from the county
p utee the securities � hetl ae gool 16. ard in the fist :�4
ferior. All n reg �lrd to the me t clause 3 reference 'to not
1� OI Cooper, tba in
e w r e ill ounty to-thePurcha-ser. The c8unty grounds should be pr soon fou rey, re extending the juriaic-
we e unanimous that
Whether these deer'ases are from econ- Edter ads n operly fenced, 'well.. a fou id that lie was fabe to face with c0unei" paying the' different Iodk up Kne
t) tak,,es n extra, risk in so doir g, arid e se. drained and be planted with sbade e I be overcome 11I)y t recommended struck out.��-Lol epers., be
am y or from a, chancre in the ii leas of the it was h Most 'agreeab trees.. troubl hich could Jnlyl ion o th i
le idnovatio.d. Half
pet: ple, I do, . nort know,"' sa.lid F cater. 'The en :Curitiei i overhauli the oundill should recommend the
the nu' thus guaranteed All command a All ne* school hou 3es should be. propell ng the hole sypte . -ThenatFie that
ber of 'guests acted as gentlerh
1. glierpricein-themarket. TheC&I� 1�rotSE 03F RigrrG-E.
and, esd rted the othiers into the dining room, constructed for good yentilation and heatibid of the trc u b1b can -best be un! hangie s ed IF therei, whid), the 'com-
derstood W, en -or
ape-leil was bIack-eaour,,l and discouraging 2it oulatio: 6f the am
ting.beAde them'du:ring ount Pal to the c unty with hot air.. The baseni ition to it is; expl ined, that a particle of seivb oe mittee ic Oered in 'the interests of the The House of Refgecommittee reported
thei first 1course, from re istrar's fees i ent in ad a
encuah When consi(lered by itself, but it arid thoin, U a a little complic ted a, furnace' 'room should contain it pr from either of the' A as follows:
at the co clusion of eal Course, oper room, the ki 1. In regard to the memorial
get owing io egif eas
County of Kent, re the killing of ion Of the ouncil the
m an name you )r th C( es of the b 41ding. dogis, recommended that no actioV
wall very much mote discowaging after itlo�manly ladies," or "ladylike The tol i I aniount ;el&i roo pital clo
these the death of the- late r trar in for the childre a to play in. The well sink, orthe hos set, b&d ever got I (roll) Since thii last s'
gentle (which. -ever med fi e should be d the confin beep I� ered that the sewer -
Sir Richard Cartwright bad IvI)ed the Polish 'like cleaned oub during the summer yor! ey committee ha;re discov.
The registrar has vacation. aminaioll. of these' age system i6f the House of Refuge -w-as
5. In re ard to the circular
best by which to desigu4e them) moved: Ott we r a owed that'
pa�d in be
xt.lal $921.2% which he claims :.a th -SPECTOrt A'S REPOITT been mos arelesslv I lid. rom t4e CO allt-V Council of Grey asking
off pd exposed the bare facts, He'must to the ill, 9 constructed in such ar Mannerhat it,%Vm
so that in a luncheon of Ele asked
0. 3
be verital Mak Tapley Nil can rea amount due the eon An the par -mination. adisable to
d nine courses each lady had had a chance of pay. contracto and was -told t tit he �the c n- this coune I t; petition our Parliaments. found oil ex'a te-e yp
able under Mr. Tom, school i
an(l having; vie. 671 he has Paid to the, tractor) � ..lad' 'aganatith- the systern.
Foatees budget speech of Friday, chat with each one of those who Pro ub-let it he ontraet for: lie e impoitaltion of pauper children The Committee are of opinio
vincial freas aving been lirected o by ron rer orted as lows: Total o Af r.
were f the time to be pe-garded- urer, receipTs, drainage ; e 6 n- i that the areliftects
Erseparating the-wheatfro the as gentle- the -in M. Gr I tt th n to the coi- ntry, Irecommended7 in, favor of appoined by the council
ector of -registry (ffic ha
men, th e being eighteen. people at the es. ae 6. In re'jard to the motion ion of the -Iffouse
chaff, 53-69 total expenditure, $54,322.2 ; dition tl at -the 'w JU to saine, to superintend the co�istruct
ortion f- by-law bal band, $1101-45. "School pol the specif catioUs and e subject to th n- Meisrs Tu rn all (Hay), and Shephard, re ermance
h6 �P 0. 4,1995 --which rp
tak a a hopeful view of the present financia, table -id all.- I do not know whetl OZ.31 or by of
Ref age vi�ere inigligent in the perf
r Ila
vides fc the ent of H 1 attendance, 4,481 spector MA the approv It getitiol P rh
624; averal
coalition of the country. It is little won- idea, wa original withlalrs. Foster,but i so pay �ou iti of. R plug a of the are ent to pass law to of their duties in allowing the work'to be
of average dtitendance done ina-nd around the build the m
account jfnot amended wi se con ider for 1895, and tb at 1 he architect lad passedthe rk' ave alL act a -ioing from accidents Oc- in in an
der that the friends rves the thaks of the ;om
of the Goiernment (lid
t e -re are 93 ru al section
tr Y abl' trc ilile and a act* a in the - as satisfel
f or ducing something that is leert tp dissati f- 1 n. He long r 0 ant ner in which it has been found
not care to haten to it aad thi t during its, r �uring bbL tl e re to 1 highways of MuIll- -to exist. and
Ile then wr te the eb
ch qnallil man of th 3 Committee,.]. d
el fem e the committee -would reeorn
beckle �ery gested. t it at the clo, Cc, with 57 male and 52
popular among.hostesses )b e
deli very only two of Mr. Foste,.-Is colleagues Se of f Ion contulta im qiPalities, to tled by arbitration, from: mend thall it lie list of t� ie accounts Pa 0 a
Lyable the close of 1895. The 'Sht the duty of the that al e it was dee ided that o #hich ther%sh-. I ent HOnoe
uarter wing to the! pres i ig age
be ma(P `W by the keeper, e avera e no appeal, recornmend- of Ref
re a-ined in their sekts and th a6t fully half e aminel, and� age of t achers is 24-., years and th mirlittee to tigate the cond
need of in �proveinent, ork should i2- so anieuided as o pro- CO Ilia, �of
the d tbatthe w inves
i 1-10 years. er in r,ef rring to some of those over ardent' if corre( t,. cer"tified to by the specter al years of experience, umb proceeded with ab onoie. The nie'dical the architets and contractors the seas of the.1-linisterialists liwere.va.cant. -r .. ' I]- N de th�t al i(di be tried in the county with the
forward 3d tothe (lerk, of teabliews in excel nb health, 1 -
-advocaes, who are 4' ood ape r a d jeef of.being better able -to reportto
temper ii ice contin ally. and tb t thb warden oto a tbata. seriol a risk was here �be a t in i and in the liavent of ob'
Sao a thing 'never occurred before in a 61; inflim, 1. Mr. the
run Ili council -and With liberty
should i hereon iss ie his orde� on the treas, eorge Baird, o 0, 1, all wing the exiE t ing state of ` i t, e actilion a: ish g on the boun4ary, b desired, to
th 0 'overnment ecas etween
biting'al e .ntario G e 3_ years continuously in I
Car adianTaflianient. erer for the r6speo Stanley, has been a , if so
bive amounti. Thb origi- for one d longer t] I in %vali two Count tl t ,-be. take such 10,94 proceedings as may ha nee-
ity. In recrard to the either ra
sion in 9 Dnuec'tion with their dealing with and p cof need at I ie meetings A. council to gorous and successful. teac*hers in an OUbb ennis' Wire and iron w Of l'on
his present positio yp Old a. be tried in the
of their dleged sins of emission, and bomis. nal.acco nts to : b kept by t ie inspector most Vii n nd is still among the necessary. That it wol I'd certainly lead 1P The comw�ittee let the -contract to
x -ositor be. e ined, an' Ontario. Dur ng Afill.TorWs' re, k of t h tewart anN Sother&n, ork
Notes and Comments. the liq aortraffic, the Brantford E wer or diphtfier ra6tion 1by
reported ipon by -the ten years' term In the o Ion of the risocto, the rio G to (erect, two fire escape
in overnment tie the 'sun)
ntaio re &Iat-nre meet's for. the maes the following tki-bliful, ensib e and Committ w 6f "nia Iagement of office five teacherh bave died of consump- bl rJ petl# on� g, t�:e OaLta of $130,
9-1 P , , s, Tor
be 0 t, 6 '"finance or )lame for heinanner in which the draina, amend the, unioilial law so as. to have andl-expect the same to be com-
tinil all :The fact that Lion. 'Ili the town arid -village schools there a t
o t done
at T ron o, on Tues harge with that' t the hi pleted in a short time.
des atch of business tal al al er committee a
..1 , t es a on e 'in nIC) presented- at
41- most pro w a if the fa _O neil the county
paid I.
-ar n1yo, recommended thal SL-edildd b M
&Y average sal I y
Move- ta n i�i.�
government has staked its life on the adop. INS1 RANCE 0 male teachers. was t�at d by the cor, tractor. 4, V-0 It Word -
d next. So far as is known present, r e Dulmilge
as a a, '�r
minently forth is. that the 16wat duty. were 3�.ale and 19 female teachers. The are�as Moved b
t COU- OPERTY. ded W t Y
hele ael buniing questions like-ly,to IR392, anaL to Dal i age, see6n ic ion regard to the same; hat tiat portion of the repo
1:10149of rohibition legislation, if the ourtq male, teachers rt 'Of
ort of ti !�`278- Two of Mr. Sotb, -an House of Ref r as read,: was adopted. the inspector -of the House of Ref age
d -le ii has The r( lisurance on, the tea , that 'tic a e reim-
coin tip for ecic arisdi tion, and to thi ex- ie clerk re chers hold firk t class certificates, 49 Committee have the dra I ; provvementa,which'has no been 4,
county b ildingq,., vas ( referred to' 11 Supi'Llim T�l RE a -t fth
tent has taken much as read a iage and sa it W,
nore advanced g Ound -hold 2nd:c1ass certifil 80 hold -3rd class ORT OF SPECIAL Com- tLa in 3l TEE. the House of Kefu rred to
coan y property eommi d reports certificates. . There ae 04 rural schools, ly and e as t , rep gq Committee to report
the" ;ee ondition i f the House -0 ` Ref age, thorougg ky the p . erty coulmittee, be refe
Chtvxles Tapper, Secretry of S than the Conservativ'e party has ass ined, ittEd! as soon . as t
I Vvitl -d t. t - motion of Mes-
of statil nery supplies and vision court graded as follows e: ccellent, IJ: good, 76; -weather pe nilts, under t ie srs. n, -Carried.
It is the first Ontario g ffe(tually repah
overnment to -go bhus Sapp ies
r L ir 'I&IcKenzie Bowell-s Government,,was far., and thou h its * administraion of I' as, referred to. the supr�risioa of
nance coin- poor Prou d K. rr, e passing a by-law td
Y ense- aws. may 'not beL perfe d by mr.
elected in Cae Breton on Ttfesda, last, by a lie, 9 the mittil 7. The observ; lace of Arbor Day has competent, wgineer, if th commi ee dee permit a. T kuth be Moved by -Air.Burnsitud secOde
at i has The fc done much to improve the appearance of: it necessar3 to employ such engin, er. Committed -to th� reen that this council take 'into considera-
mi�jority o 901. It is expected he Will Ltake steadily�olngh-t to bring ab lowing is the amount f 'insurance the -Ca House o$ uant to section 7 - tion. the salaries of the different -offiters of
out an imp wed school grounds.- At the entrance and' ried'. age, �i p
conditi6 of al oncoun property .-Co�rthou3e, $12,000 ; 4his eat ill the House on Monday or T _go f , public school leaving examinations, 203 pu- Council 710. 08, the committee meon' this corporaltion.-Referred to thexecl
aes- and is to -day, r as chspt�r'42
the teml erance party . n jail and al house, $10,000 ; House of, len adjourned until fhe afte i to. action be ta eb, in the mat-. committee�
day next. i '.Ontario in ciDn. em. gefu pils passed the entra, fee and 66 the public noon. mend t-11 . k
its ain raial ar
ed, ge, 8,000; contents of House of Re.. school leaving, classe'l as fo!IOW, ter. Wit 1 e M
e .; possibly its on the m6tion of Messrs: J -loved by A olt, 8
ope- f age, 2 000 ; barn on In THURSAY AF�T R'xoox. Dulinag' Gun' amending Green, that a grant ;.of maie -iWr
Under these circumstances, Sir. - live dus rial Farm, . I i - econded y $650 cop itents of barn $20 E XTRt XCE. LENVI-Ne. On resuming businessglit was in-oved t 10
Dr. Montague, Dominion Miuistek Mowat:allad his'colleagubs might reas n ", ly Is fixing th license of gbinting flowers around the Court house. -
of Agriculture, is �.kain sai L e
Ld to be illi and ex ect froli� those for whom they have isk. YVrote Passed rote Passed ded by r. Brij, an
P Mr. - Alex. Oung, accol peddlarls a* ; era at $100, in place of ent to the executive eommi.tte
ham, that b ed so much at least that amoant of ch rity Goderich 103-: be anted t 4 $25, as �t p recoimen6d. that oved by Mn 'Carling' by �%rr-
sult some emin By -lav were passed aLopoilting -N r"
has,,,one to New Y.ork to con P 17 10 sum of 9 ego it
Isaac' 1 EX 6 1 .46 29 20 e , I in the matter
as will be eter, a boundary ine apportionme ed
paid t ( no A
Taylor, 6., Clinton, n b, to- e Ctioh 1) ta. 'ruickshank that by-law. appo
and Jo in -risen,
ent physician; there. It is scrcely expected 1oi ;Dungannon, the- treas as it is C intine Dr..
0 theilf virtues very I- iii d, 32 21 11 ur a of the different IT unicipall. e 0
pinio .0'.
ll as House of Refuge physi
tha he -will be &ble t fako his seat in th� of McKil lop, as county iuo� itor appol Kintail, 23 14 ties. -Sent T. Garrowr that no Canipb
thei"fault's a little blind. ing�Philip Holt.and.Wm. LA,ne' 3 o the executive cornmi ttee. lscrinlmat�'ou! Cal be made between leian be . . . . .
-ain this session. 0 r
resi- amended b-
Houm a.. iuditors. of
appointingDr� Shaw. Of am.
18 9
:Zurich 27 13 loved b
criminal justice ac Mr. Geiger, Eeconde(' by Iix. lent and �u rei ident peddlars and tort. -Sent to exec
counts a nen ling by -kw Turnbull "an I awkers, utivi committee,
No. 4, t. Helens 15 6 4 (1 ay) that the annual
department of th-e Clobe I� 5, to make pr r the pay. fo
THI� ovisi m a, eld,
ment of ccounts int connectio
has fliis to say about the busine Nvith the OUNTY COUNCIL yfi 14 6 7 1 Farmers' Institutes bel e by -Mr- Prolldfoot, seconded bv
ss out -look - I 'GrAnd Bend, ii i Mr. Kerrl that this council pass a bv-1aw t;
House of Rafuge at the end of ei, 7 2 2 ferred to- executive committee.
prevent vagrants being
There hall been ch month. The I iia brige committee reported Coulmittelf to the
-good many failures' In I ae kee' Moved by Mr. Ken
at 3 p. m. on Tue ' oJIS follo':
)e II Y, secon 4
ie council met r shall 'nilakee o t a
sc ay, list of ac- oper,tha the sum of
shall 'xe, Victoria 58. -Sent to
Jl the following reeves ti e,inspeotor K50 be g uted. The mrilitte "Ouse of Refuge Pursuant to sectio 17 of
Ahe liast month, and the feeliDg now is that a cou'A ts 695 98 5S Co
and deputy re(ves 10 rhine'thein, i chapter 42,
gravelthe ad from exa�iued the count Coin- special
most of the wea-kor concerns have been handed Ai their Certificates &lid took Llieir and, -if co� -rect, certi the same and for- Twenty.`bue pupils (if this' the ndon,road y
4%,ision passed issione a r port of v(ork done and orders committee.
crolw (led to the and tht s - the pros- se as : �kldessrs. Arch:ibald, Ba�vde award to, tie county cle k, a wal tile entrance, and eight ille . :the House o. Refuge, about a quarter of
I no, Bul ad the liblic school ssued ai ic he Dlecen�ber meeting and re. PEDTXS.
pects for the coiningr season's trade, issue 0 mile. -Sent to the executive comn ittee.
good Brighaill arling, Cox,, Ch,nichill '-Cooler then all his or( l's on t Er treasurer. leaving at ther centres. i r the uI.Ai do Moved by Mr. Dril'inage, secon
for the ro: P mme 0 bol Printed in -the min- ded by r.
and :he inducements for - every retailer ksh Delbrid pecJ;i,.�e aniot nts, the, original ac ]�FMVER ADMINISTRATORS a t em R e d t1iiat no action be ta-ken
nk, gp-" ions r De ved a Gunn, that the bY-Iaw of this * uneil fixin,,,,,
to Cl uic Dulmacgr, tt school leaving the sect grant 'Co
appmaching obligations Nvill be few. succesEful pd r. Stewart, sl by IV rom, Good RoaAs ssoc-
coul are so great, the failtires m �Ibel vin, Green, Hicks, H, it" counts to be kept by t ie clerk arid present- of , 5 for each
Gir )iI The grant . Moved by M tbp licerse for
6conde re corrunimi 't hawkers and pedlari be
The H Inies" at the meetill tothis dNi i
go of t ision amou t amended making the license fee for non-
e county council, to ted .3 here Sotheran, tl at this council memorialize ti, tion. R on of Messrs. Eiber a -ad
.4islop, I�irkby, Kennedy- Ki k' ed 30.
prospects of trad,� are certainly a little bet- le,l Kerj-, Keddy, Lolckbarii, Medd, '..r be exami: ed and repor.'ed upon 1)y the'fin- were 65 teachers in tra, -a Ontario -GoAernment to resideni-'
Moon t I the model amend the mun.. icks th it el c( , a or those- llavin�g o fixed place of
ter. Values are all very firm. Stocks. of e. "Wtyassume the brige
mbrriS4 -McLealn, ance com te, .�ch000l in 1895, all of cipal act so hat each municip,
y ies. and ccount whogni
McEw-6 AlcIlve.,n a for M re granted ality
I shall own &3 W ker ridge bn the oundary residence In the c9iI1iub3V at 61,00.-Re-
sprinir goods carried ove� from last season by tender Oird class ce;tificates any, represe t d t the county courcil by t Rare, ',an ton, recommended that p
McPherson Patter. shall -be dealt, with it f these have. an ferred to s ecial Committee.
are small, the price of grain is higher, the go a, Pro�fflfotit, Robertson, quarterly a in the'same i hot been ableto secure sob =a
Sheppard, Sber. nanner. It was Frequently b �nttl b Council aeljourned to meet again in the
ools� votes f said reeves to be re coun u rune e said bridge. Re me --
"pa, nal adidatei Gi ry n and Mckenzie that
..time when exporters will begin: to bid' for iit r Ct 8anders, Sotheran, Stewo !titufing the h a _e assessment of the m 9 n of ess !a.
further ai nexided by a e inferior c 6re cbo� by school
gmid to ship ELa irl- r ti, baw as phy represented. unicipl evening.
out of the coutry is not far St rnbull, R. Tiirriball, vilfo cia of the House of boards belbause the salary is so) newhat low- d Referred to special commit,
1, * dge know]
wu Of J. W. 3 coustimptivedema x. Young.: d of Dr. er. The work ad, tov
n(I should Nteb ro, in's bridge lake shore On resuming business, the
at�so S�bang, Ale- Reful i istea, done iii report of the
Campbell most of the schools tee,
y hat of couns�
T commended that
soon begin to ma itself felt in inany lines. 10 -fieM boi addedt executive coinmittee.wm read as follos
T11F is excellent. Moved b Mr. Herr, seconded b M if Ah 0 the Thal the motiol Messrs.Sotheran and
t -�,, I idjei re
t er r, ffl: call tl election of wardenol' THE SCHOOL TRUTEES, Holmes, tb it rule o. 21 o the tandin lounty..c(lum a oner exam
)ceeded . with .8 The jailor s -report was read loal d eferred ine said bridge
i White, genera the Dulmage, asking. for usual grant Of $3(
ill western superintend- pr rules and Agulations for the county "r, and repol at une a ion.. They examined among the several branch hor
It was' rhoved by r. -to the coiiatyLpropoel committee. as move by Air. Holt, ai i d seconded Huron, be amended, by ad
ent of the Canadian Pacific, states that two. seconded -by Girvin,: that NIr. Watson, that Rev D r. Ure, Dr. ding a House tendrs for Tl Lr era widge over the'Ballyfield ap-ritultural solcieties $20 be gve each so.,
thirds of the fanitoba, wheat e.parted' Stachar� )e -ham, an& Dr. Scott be trustees in their re. Refuge corr mittee, fiver, and ided that the tender Messrs. t6ckh nd
goes consisting of the Inevi, re c mine ciety. Motion of
by wly of New York. The cabae for this C 80 far lie repairs of' any art a
Uoved Dy -ox seconded by X1r. D il- . kindl are In titutes bers.-Carr Gill ask' Of $115 to ach public
ed. - There are twenty prisonerls, n yequir- pective (Jollegiate Goderich, Of Strome & .4 kdal for the sum of $,M be inar grant
is th high raes and unsatisfactory accoin. b Mr. Eilber be warden.,' males an( one female ineteen Ylintan and Seaforth.- -Carried, Moved by Mr. McKenzie, gee bi accepted, it b, �,ing tbi � lowest tender. They library Ab county, they recommended
udge: oyle all Dr.. The female, is in- rk
nted to act With the clerk H h ber nvzigated, and by e. examine ridgii,
mod tion. furnished by the steaers -sailing were ap--. sane 1 Moved 'by Mr. Sander � Mr. Kirkb , that the cl also that the am
PC .8, seconded y structed d tenderl for Heyrock b. Ount be granted. Application
'anadian. ports. In order to' secure 'Mr. McPherson, tha 1 he selecti 0 Huron Teahers? Insti-
from C in v procure a cc py of the atario A of East an
th-- ballots' cout'19 the reces. iary papers h e 9 commit- atutes for on the Sauble'line township Of Hal and a West
this large carrying trade through Canadian, boeAl fo warded tee proceed to name t ie standing commit- each reeve ia the county,'to be the property recommend the te'nd"t r of John Forester for tutes for the usual grant of $2,5 per an -nun.,
Ile Strachan 0 -the authorities, so she is no* a aiting fees at once. hey ire as fl of the re6peetii ties -Referrei $540 A being the lqweat tender, provided
territory, some urr � the -enlargement of the The vote showed fo�ir N�l t
t the asylum
21; ; -Carrle T -e munici�ali to each association, that the amount be
Eilber, 25, and N11t. Strachan removal She is [des bate of I I
Canadian canals so that- ocean going vessala was a e- c Dws to executive committee. they ail give ia granted. Requ t
lothing, ory security Pe mo- ea of Ontario Rifle Associal-
Claxedwarden for the icounty of o that before her rem oval 1 to -the tisfac
could connect more directly with th, pper Huron far EXECUTiYEP-Alessre. Eilber,Cnilekshank Moved by
Holt I tion of Messr 9. Wilf6rd and Brigham, that tion for grant' -of $10S recommended that it
I asylum it will be neces secon4d by ',Nfr J
Ial This, however, would not prove a er folt, Watson, 'RePherson, $herritt, the county commissioner be instru benotgranted. Application to haveWil-
With clot] Ing, as her friends are unable to
Holmes, Lockhart -9 members. examiue t Ram. Elliott, of Tuckeromith, named as
The wa. den was invited to the chair &ad )do anythi ig for her. Of the mal one is ri he a utments f Blyth -bridge and
remedy, as Mr. White points out that even Kerr: Eilber, that the inspectori
of the House o
Refuge be requested to attend A't F dal 'the county stud
took the oath of office before Judge Proudfoot, Stewart, session of the council.�Carr d ave them repaire ent to the Ontario A;
Ilow the little Erie ca-lial be
ats the great St. Doyl 8r, under sen berice for larceny X, ie d 84 180011 113 convenient.
af I er wl-ich he &xpressed his thanks f Th6 remaining gricul-
tural College,recommended the ap
-eighteen are' all committed Tlortas read s adopte&.,
Lawrence route. What is wanted is cheap or the McDonald, Gunn, Shephar�, Kennedy, Mov db Mr. MeEw pointment
Atla, tic rates from Canadian ports. Our honor which bad -been extended to him. e
entence of from t vagrants cElvan, -bileIlveen-9 mernbers, an, seconded by Mr of Mr. Elliott,
muders ' - i OUR EDUCATIO-N.. - Tenders for
canal i are ample fo� the requirements of the Ug.*. wo to 6 [x months. Me Hislop, th the county engineer e in -11
EQ,-ALIZATI SE 1119 'Were recel from the
ON, -1 Mrs. iarjin�
With the E!xc tion of Daniel Dt sm do, who en, �o 9V Bal structed the t it is a -part of his duty to look e4ileat ion eo! ninittee rep
ballot Yvas then taken to eledb a- strij� by Vl
count ry and those who. advocate their en- The =forth un
klex Y un Gir orted as Exeter Tinies,Godielridh Signal and Goderich
largement are only looking for an excuse for Ing comml -ee, which res isi are strong nen, fit for icks, per.
in poor he th, all 91 HY8Idp, Carling, after the Hor rise of Refuge, as *ollows : I
politi al boodle, Cox ulted as fol harles Mooney, Churclall-9 me Carried. Stair- The committee exam%ed said tenders
hard worl 1 ll were committei by.�,, mbers. No. 4, 1896, by The c ittee examined petit
ieard par, 3iee �egardirl ion and and recommended that the -tender ol -the
Nfooney, Watson, Seeger pi -140,t magistrate. RO�,11.1) ND B1tIDGE,--,x1 , Moved by Mr.,DnImal sec�nded by Mr. Star be accepted, advising that the rules be
Den Sherr-itt. 9 the apportionment of
ald, lie ickley, 'Morrison, Brigham, Erratt, Turn
Ainsley, )art scho( and 9 T-umberry strictly adhered to, and proofs of ork be
Sotheran, that the solicitor 'l seq.tions X 3a. .5
Th celebrated Hyalins twins have at report of John 3ounty ell. bull,(Hay), Turnbull (C rey), Mc]E�on?ie of the' county
gineer, Wi i a Ire ad and referred to the road bridge -9 members. Del he asked to h6l to the Clerk
length taken their departure from Canada. The fol.4) wing I prize this coun 6nd unioi J se 0 section Morris and Tl submitted
Communications were r, and bridg: �oi ninittee of the state I and treasurer by the
�rmry Contraebor. Jfotonf M
ticulaxs in c cei��ed RID �CATIOX -lessrs of the suit o this con -Y with he township be sl�ivl formed into & school section by Young and
;y with
The ormection with the two TRI; SCIfOOT-8 OP THE Sanders, Kir�bl nty with I 'the com of 10 Orris, ittee r6cOmMendea Brigham for of i,$3,000 for boundary
lengthy tria in which they were tried for e county of Carleton, i e reiger '11(`Wing ge grant
Petition from th ' Cot STY' cLean, Iledd, Robert on, Sotheran,C a Friday's session. - -Ll
Re oAE of Inspectors Robb and Tom
DaTment f D , polling booths at elections to P -1 rqembers,. Coun journed to meet that. the itlemen be 4ppointed line apportionment, recommended that it be
the murder of Willie Wells, are so well w I i%t 10 iYelook as at I ri in the n atter, viz. -
Legislal Assembly -by the Legislatur ere -seat to the executive committee. 0 TY ROPERTY,- -Messrs. the followim morning, bit I , . Inspector granted. Application for grant to Ahe
known that it is unnecessary to repeat them, stea, e ir - Dulmage, Rol 1. Anders
here. After they were acquitted by d , of by the municipaities. Sent. t' D'SPICTOR RoBhls Itronlr. 0 e i1ford, Archi ald, Keddy, Burns, FRIDAY� in, of East W awl riding 1'armerW Institute recommended
an I
the spocial con 111i I ittee. r oung-7 men ere. hour. A nosh If % J. Mer zies, of Iffol Re that it be eferroid to the YQe sessi . f th
rebut -4 iPts and expendit oo. M
le D.- 11obb, school inspector for East Y4 DE'X�S -Messrs Holt, McDonald number of a4courits were placed before thel ures of the counnil.
the second trial they were held for 51-emorio I from the co6 'A' Council niet at the appointed
Other offences, but in each instaned . rey, r 'Hpren, r, pol ted as ' followi - Brussels Collegial 1 1 'tit t Motion asking for grant -of $50 for
-��Iairryioitls intY of G Ln 8
IM rtaionof pauper children. 11tion , il r, McEw I 'tu 'if eaforth and 'God- gravelling road -ol of Refuge from the
the ra1scals seem to have covered tip their ial co�ljrlittee. Seni to bailtan excellent six roomed brick IS Ll members, finance cotrm�ittee. erl recirr to H
school PECIAL,-Messrs. Cc x j�derltbat the P
the mium es, ut tK: I e, ng 300. This buil ling is of Pioudfoot, 8parling-5 members. also tit ated t
Temori6l from.the county of elloeug'a toods said returns r0coulmended that the House of Refujoi
trackk so well that nothing could be defin h , Watson, leorNTY PROPERTy. be rinted in Taondon road, about a quarter -of a mile
proven against them. There were Grey, ask well heated, lighted and coal- are not 1 fu4 in detai I as the council C&ll
Ing! co-openition in petitioni the Ontaria ventilated, is not excelled by any build-. Wl as follows for, 'For, rk done
eiTpending-some charges for forgery, but Legislaturle to -imend thelig 141cDonald-3 members.' Eilber, mittee was il instance
stil 'HOrSE OREFUGE,-Messrs. Holt, 8 committee be authorized to have wo
court Ing 1. The co0mitte reported that the had " ot ere uses " the
as it%�as considered doubtful by the crown ivision of sinila!r dimensions in Ontaio. A Moved by Mr. I ateon, seconded by Mr. examined e jail and found v Goderich Orth has OPPosite after Tuckeramith council graes the road-
officerii if even in these cases guilt, could be act extetiling ts jurisdiction. Sent to very' h4ril 3ome two roomed � school house Mcliv ry Buril Of $973-87 and In reference to the motion asking for a copy
ial collimittee. een, that essrs. Baird, of Startle Pliosite 0611aneous expenses," of the Ontario statutes fo nd
brouglit home to them, it was decided to spec wa-s erect: d in. section No. - , clean arid in ood order, and the nu ry r each rteve a
Ul. and R r 8 in Of Wlf-SP, W ich Burns the com-
A cire Grey, at the
�i5 e w� B
Pf o
0. 11,
tfrom the Prisoner's Aid o. Cranbrook I C. Chesswright, of Se%forth, be ap- inma a to ree with the ai oes Ne thi ught hlibuld ave been given in deputy- in the county, recommended that
ore the request he granted. Motion of 1-Jessill
is finishe ally'with pointed on the board of examiners of school 2. T ev re ornmended that store b In dekail, T Cliuto Collegiate, Institute - I Holt and All-D-nald, asking for a grant of
d inter n mit
Vo for I