HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-31, Page 8t
JAIVITARY 31, 1896
and that theyimay ong enjoy the
since. wool .—Two rh ks of Sarnia curlers pla hard to otowd ee nto the to
tifli e bi as been, in no ei il ployme rrd ;
,o lost Itii power.—T asion. co, 0,rZa of life, is the wish of their main
briousclear he
thatil were Wit- ;'stanciio
ys and hb h re on edn"- day morning and we 6 . ypd more peopil this C! be, t D 0 K
r9pery, in to de- hall
a as l riend' ev. Muir o ciate a
Wilson's C)ash G J in hi d I I
wl org an- He ing one. I - k
tbat they h d by�one a iot. close' The progilamirL6 proved au interest* hye
g W1 -has -man and c arly in,. life se- feat
ded business The game ,.W"
5 Z_ . I
ch 1:1�n sat $abbathi eveni we. are Rev. -,-A very pleasaut social evening
now In fine table, syrup and a pity. as thr at the final t a SRrnias -Addresseal were given b Messrs. re ny.
Extra valuffi-just out ad -a 6ompetefice. He served tb co h at, ano F
deal the Young
itable for making syrup, fre! ii olos b Meta, eat boyithe members of
le syrul alderman i one a, r. C, Cole- Gral am a cl Cl
attl6werand map 11 .-m-The Rev. Dr.! Moffat, tract 10 i0ty, n 18 and wa
19rourod buckwhe r That and .'[,an& Irwin, and Miss Leitch, Varna 8 Societyof ChristianE ndeavor at the
_&r su in ab- sent to for 0 K -1 N G
Sao yellow oug h ily iogret their conduct� 3y this Robson ; 8
just n. of th beat war ur shobs ahead, i with M
man one stone 1 9 play for Seafo
we have scomethitif extra one in cheese. Our sto ik ag mt� will I. reach in I our 'church i reF resentativ as hakespi are ward TA
a allky aid i .1 . hol others. The aln a - a of r. Wm._ Sinclair, of the i�w;r line.,
and 3offee second to none for qu cessary, inging Seaforth Rev. Mr. Oaten'a; t
jot Teas the council in r cent yes ra. He Iwas also stone did
n f drill, Stanley. The evening was sperit in playing
price , we will guarantee you better value than y 3u ba 11 mornin g next. i -
I I kuox aff4iri, having five shots.—M ours Pud 'com %nd Laird traction wab a aney march a
rominent in Oh 6 ri 1
cart get from any peddlar in the country and Ybu
iirdi of by sixteen young ladies, a re tion, of V a games and amusements, which, to
n a member 4f the ment i commit- a;nd,bbe Misse Puddicouib and Li
liare the advantage of being able to return anythibg M�RRIXD AT MmTox.—Mr. D. Tri sll, C i WILL BE
that. doon't. please; you, Our . stock of dried fruits, or,. tee for over tw- ve years nds in the no and a cut of ge er with a very. tasty lunch. was pro-
pq itio�s he Ne-� bar -were visitingi frie "Ten Virgi
-and all kinds.�of of this town, was one of the 'pritic p�
*idc a a 01 commitbee. r. ' Ames
0011 Miss Counter, I who -has cha ter,
ps,. starch, . hains, bacon, lard ana�actarer,. tow,4 The proceeds an
of the best quality t14 to in an interesting M X., . to hi wee
family groceries is complete and ton was a Liberal, thou i
re the lowest. we expect In,& few advoc o visi here f6r' a few war a of 837.—Menbion was a 1 4 Foote a furnished not &little ILMusernent,
and our prices a Vi a`4 a aday., This was oc, of a -i trong advoc f a low ariff. He was a beeo broth 014,- -which
rol eli were by giving some omic recitati
11 choice ilour- at less than the ad weeks past, left on Wednesday for Galt, tht the embers of Trini ebtr
ya, to be abloto se toilet sets we his marriafft to Mary, E., eldest daughter vety forcible po itical spe t � and reader .00mpleted
%ay a- plat- where she willvisit friends prior to return- cons- derit g the ad:-�isability hold rig a tea ever y one enjoyed immensely. —The annual
"WrIarphee. In fine dinner, te&Latiol In the of mr. H. Lindsay, of Milton. The good service to is party 0 ini
of the best and newest goods meetinll It was decided on need y even- Of the Brucefield Wanch- of the
have some
lamps, as per(coiri�ed by Rez. Mr..- forth. He Was in fact a c i zen of thehigh- ing to her horn 9 in Simcoe. 'A pleasant as on Xnee re I so
an . see them, prices are right ceremony
Jamp goods, plates ra, jugs, Ali.., at 'placci could ill sembly was heb I in Cardno's halt on Tuesday ing t D Ia tea. meeting a i' c ert 171 Is -An
cup3 and saue was wiine4sed by. a Aumber of eat worth, one' whom
Alahiffy an THIS MUn
14th. held
lowest prium. We give the highoStL Prices tor all, inivited guek to, friends and relatives of the affard to lose. ' ke leaves widow,. three, evening, when a riamber of the y-'pung people the evening of Friday, JebruarFl in the Presbyterian chujFch next Wed-
olk'xighters. own enj yed nesday.—Mr. Bruce, with his sister, Miss
kinds of trade. Miss Anni e More particulars next week. C.L WILSON, Seaforth. idLb! and groom. je Tracksell sox a and two i he eldest son, of the t a social dince.. Th
Brum,of West Zorra, are visiting at the,
Lindsay MCA. T. Macdo'nald editor cof the annnalmeetimof the Seaforth'Bratich- of London road.—Mr.
a b�daa brilesmaid and Mr. John
Bank of Commerce Block. groomsman. After T ii nes; Denver, bolor a)do _rgus resides in the Bible ¬ ract society, will be -held -in E[iHs G-reen. bomecifMi. Burdge, p rfoimed tie duties of
a wee -nd other he same city,' and John has his home in t a Presbyterian church next Monday eve- T B TF -.i MEETIN-G.—An i prffl�ibn-hav_ James W Hey and Mrs Wiley,of Turnbery,
Seaforth's k or so a ent in Toronto a are isitin- friends in this locality.
points, Mr. Ru
d Mis Tracksell will take up . Detroit. - The daughter% i 6re Mrs. W. A. ning at eight o'clock. The meeting will'be ing got abroad that on the ni ht of �the tea
OLUsev, Rt therford, of Toronto, d Ali' IV. cb, a _W1
C1:6�hing H i Laura, addressed by R- Dr. Moffatt.—Miss Dorm The balau'ce of - -
tt a sterner i ealities of life in Seafortb. - Wei: meet ing here in the Presby ian hur the iner
eitend t rs. Tracksell a most cordial wel- wl o resides at home.' A ore kirid hearted Langstrath has returned home - after spend- charye will be 'made for" Wroeter. 0 a sto bling of
_OU ig being clos
cry o and we weeks with relatives and friends hors, %, we are requested to a a th t ample. N)TE9'. reurler defeated the Wing- StOk L t
When in, the hiat f thla establishment bile cc ine to Seaorth, trust, herself and an I indulgent father no amily ever had. ng a few ou
inh6r worthy iusband may fo horses bal
40101 %be'en at such low prices, the people Be long reside with BE Ades his brother Jame i, in the city, he in Wo Ingersoll and other places.— acco rimodation will be provi ed rn by- I hots, in. a match at Winigham on
t FLN E GOODS for such LOW u4 and t9al happiness and prosperity will ha i three others, one of N 1 orn is Dr. Mae- E cry body shculd make'a point of attend- free of chii
er at such
rso eed de- —The first skat carnival of
0, rge, ao that nc pe ondayilast.
on antages of a the seasori is lo be held on tMee 30bb inst.,
-eed Pants, ift; Men's good be their lot. 0 inaham, and a sister, g'the lecture by Rev. J. H. MoVicar, so 4, themselves of the- ad,
ol ald, M.P., W
gen's Union Tw
0 of Tuckersmith. f Rev. Dr. Me V iear' o Montreal on China Oheap for 0
f s. William Elgie,. sl,,, Prlaj�nt and profitable evenu ig on blonda 03td. will �In'o doubt be a good one, under the T
y Tweed Pants, si; men's good reliable: $ pie y ash
on F iday--evening of welcom.' able
tiful Frieze Overcoats, and the Chinese, next on Chis account. All will be made -management of Messrs. Miller and
Suits, $6; 'blen's bei a A Smv-ERT BERI&A-V —Laitt week we I
On Friez). Overcoats, Black and T.Y. wrk. Mr. Mevicar a r ersonal T
$5.85 ; M n(kiced the (ie&t of 'Me. John A. Smith, TnE CoLLrGIkT-_w LIM' ARY SOCIE * p au. A, 'ibon. and T. xi
BfAy's, Suits from #1.60 to $7
�of h-, Collegiate Lit- experience, bav bee: 1 in China a, -number
leea, all sizes, all kinds. 1young man, son of Mr. Samuel TI e regular meetingL �of
Overenta. all )r a promising Winthrop son, jr.L; attended the Farmers' Institute be
Ca -van
is town 0 Lry Society wa L af� of years. —
't Was 11 a iagr
Just as' ur paper bad a held Wednesday Mrs, ant A Guelph, is visiting New.—Th clioir ,�eting* at Brussels on Monday last.—R.
rised of the tei noon, and well a tended. A short, at the residence of Mr. R. Lumsden. —Mrs. R. Forttrie� veterinary surgeon, latfaly of
W PICKARD & 00"S. gone lfprless, we were app Presbyterian church, Winth We irantplenty'
r p, int md hav
t -sharp diseus8ion aros� :is to what colors Coulter and Mr . Cam bell, teachers -in the Of
do ath of his elder---sis er, Miss Maggie bu -leap year social ,ve7aM'g_, Wroxet�r, has lodated -in Ay.ton, Grey
on Fx
on and the society -would" adort. Yellow green Fblic School, a;ve be li been confined to I
:Bargain,. Clothing and Dry Goods House, county. The citizens of that, town and
Pith. brother died I
Vet, nary 7 th, at the residence 3 �r. John
Seaforth. the sisber oi the followinc, Thuraday. Miss an I magenta black,red i Ln d yellow ; black, their residences by ill $a, r a wee as . su-rroun ing country will find in Air. For.
0 conthe Ilth oncession of me- rieve,
.1 was il for about N iss Smith b as been ou ter tuie an thoroughly practical
a eari' and fell a bl were sug d of these-� fi linjOrs. Cou
lack, re and yellow wer as Killop.. A committee pp of liver stock, 9 -
ace a Lad'
victim to tb 3. salme disease as her, brother, b decided upon I t school M -Ca bel ha4s P 11and-in, reating the oli
parn ig a splendid musical an li. I ry-treat,
was rendered I iq geenjeaching f)r her other.- Mr. Tht)m"
a f6llowi nd pro 6 in his attention to bua 0 large, stock F17TI
censumptioi maile ng programm
Sensible People oons�� sting of addressibs, recita 'Of
She was a- most esti ran, the pop ilar Rf eve of Hibberb, has iness,— f r
yo, �ung lady, and was much And, deservedly ith 3 usual brilliant style: .1teadings by Mi& R51 iss 1-fillerhasgone toTcorerittion.
and instrumental music for' the occasion. esteemed ty a large circle of friends.' Her W ight and Mr., McQuaid a vocal duet by, b an elected W rden d, theCounty of Perth.
a visit t !ister.—
Each. lady is requested to ring w' h her ing'to the ruild. win
Of tertheice harvest promises GO
rly ods
as death is oloety regretted: by inany,- by 31 sea Pickard and Ke an instrumental 711's. I. V. Fc ar has been eriously ill. for
use refreshments for two, -in a sititabl-,box or e
w, cona her Fmiab a disposition and many dii it by* Aliases 'Livens a nol Stephens ; a several days, brt.t*has w, we are glad to
rogramme will commence at ill -130 fa1; .—A number of farmers
bAsk at. The t season
tubs willt secure her , an affectionate're- qu i rtette by Messrs: R rtson Killoran, ilearn, taken a urn for the better.—The p
I in this n �ig ing hay,from
730 p. in., and all are cordial hxvited.
mombralec.� Much sympathy is felt for the K � Id and Byrne, and'&- i was by- the glee many friends of Mr. NViIIi6,,rn Moore, Libra'- - konkfou thaf
distance of .30 milee.—Mr. R.
bereaved parents and friends. ch i ). All the articles ne � isary for keepin riart, will regret to leal he is .3till QQ
C. P. e' oss ispecit abbath at Brussels. . . . . . . a? ')�Liirh' Croinarty
ass inbly too
th in in orol6i were presenteg, fined to his re�idence lbro g i
he manag*
Ao ingcommitt -,e, after which the Robe ra of the Mill Road, Tucke lIv number; of our braw
RAIL*AY BiBLF, SociETY MF=m-G.—The annual rt Marie' will a
N TF-s.—A gooi T I) - Su=merbM.
TELEGRAPH meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Ro -order N�as read by 1 -, e-ditor-in-chief. 'smith, being over-sto.6. ie& intends h lads "'and their I;onnie laoe'iee- ttended
at church, on - In future, the Literary society will meet at &n auction sale %bout t ie iddle o F
vlethodi Mon f -ebr oad el ch on -�On Tuesday of last week, a
M014EY OR"
:R8 w" held inthe I the t ea meeting in Thames R,
DE three, Mr. 0 ting the Hullett district
day -evening last. There was only 'a h f past iary. harpers bae ffp endid stock and Loy&I
Mon lay evening. The nigh�
STEAMSHI ill, no doubt was perfect, for 4�
:w ange I 3,d ;a was held here, and after the attendance. Rev. Mr. Bond, pastor. of the ave a g )od isale. —Two rinks good -roads and be ht, and we ELM!
autiful moonlig
dou t not that to
Seaf6 A on with, the brethren
Vethodiab churphy presided. Rev. Mr, nx -Iing club went some of them V m drive
a gentleman re- -from the toL eas as dispensed were
wi t1a, whic ay, to compete in the Bon- r p we M
F�llis, of Sarnia, the general agent of. the. ,ad i�6 in the follo n h we on Tnes I aired the residence of Mr. Chris. Bea--
prov ed the most enjoyable part of t I �e even -
Reliable Information and Lowest 0 Z. UT Uul
800 W. Logan, will spi�l there e. Sleellain t�ro- ing.--Tes p4rdes for the old fol is, * and 'c -whev all partook of a splendid py.Bter
Rates given by iety, set forth at length the claims of r -ivedl from Dr. Charl for. t ie Gu tb a society on the liberality of He phies. . Seafor In. order sul r%
' hristia# -be' emembered by an. i a Seaforth. tl i wer d awn against fhe sleighing parties or the young are r. G. Al. - Kilty occupied the
people, and the commendable. -work which w a �rother-in-1 of Mr,. George B. Royal'City. club of G 1p Seaforth wbre now.—Mrs. S. Hoggarth. 1pit here on Sunday last, in 'the absence 0006
an says: With deep sorrow beaten by nine shots, Mrq Stout who was called to Owen :,Coa
SEAFORTM itis -doing. Dr. McDonaldl.alsio. delivered S t. - Vor. Log et rink triaking 7 to a ng a few i H of
e lays witIr relatives' an -
thus losing the gall. on account of the death of. his
am. excellent address, flar lines. I fi to'.1inform the reader i of your.paper, and the other 16 to u, Sound
rs. Riley, of Minneapolis,oig visiting
f competing
T e collectors -for the past ejLr have done, pf a death of David Stewart, of Hessel, match and the chances for mot0hier. . iaws Dey, of Auburn and Gau-
her 1 mele, Afr. Oswald Walker. oda
I rly well, as th be remain. e Y, C61 f inton, are visiting around here.—
e amount aised was cow: M'ahigan� a former residu and a highly either trophy. , Seafortb, t wi
ably in advance of fo,mer yearef, and ed, won thel')Ieemin trophy last year,but ort
si er re pected citiz of * S amor6h. Deceased -ber Mr. J2L.Elarris, of Alitchell, spent a ew
will be larger di d on the 19th ii ist., a Etc r a in -a a h ere 1a:s f week. J. Rilty, sr., of
wil h0pe that nex't year it -long illness theboys were 6t; Lich good. form this day
year, or else the fates wer against tf. ullett, is a' endin
t f ing. from a
a consurny thon. The funer Lem as P TY..- -On Friday evening lasti r.'and Re
p g a few dai here with
tl andhonctrableinallhis 4ieallnga with
rong- rin
TORONTO, ONTARIO, wk conducted on I he 22 ad, under the aus- 'they hii'd two A Mrs. James Snell entertained a 111�nberof with his' son G. M. Kilty. sat
Irn eman
Largest,best equipped and most popular commercial elloW ougar, 26 pouncisfor $1 at Fred pims of the order.of t1ke Maccabees� of from the town I tip of Log& ort of Mit- - ir residene Hayeh- fellow. was kind and generous to he,_
invited guests at the men
needy, D is"Procery-19tore, Opera block, Bart Dn F& -in. We are voicing senti- �.Lid was axi�obliging neighbor,. and W *
i achool in the Dominica ; moderate rates; eyerything w i ch he was:& member. Friends � extend ch -ough here on Monday last
I el , passed t
last -class *; writiie� for circul6ra. SHAW& ELLIOTT,, 1 - Tuckersmith. every sense a� good citizen, wh
ats, choice litirt,felt wishes to blie-le avedwidowand 7ith a load of oiraw, whichhe wastaking
hen we say at mine
elt walking and sailo: men ts of 1611 present w o bad the flift
linens, cheap W.'Hoffmah., k ealorth. 1468-1 kost and h)stess 'di all that co i I be de- and -hi iespect of a
W. fa n lily. Our broth er 'fo- ig: it life manfully, to A- Goo d BrLL.—?vlr. Win. Babolz, of confidence gh
a friend ail umiller who has none and U who knew +1 4-r-
:4 China and the Chines"(."—Rev. J. H. sirec. to make gues feel happy, [Lis tow, Lqhip, near Egmond'ville, has pur- him. H6 was'a consistent meinber of t,
at,([ trbd death's p 6th with equal br47very.` can tet it in t at part of the countrv,— to v. ie even- F. W. TWED:DLEY MoVicar, returned missionar. will speak on the ing was spent in arnes music, e C., also, bliasedfromAir. H. Plumateel the well- Presbyterian church,and a thorough Liberal
. . . Cj6pbain John t] feDonald of Porter's kill,
SEAFOTH above pubject in the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,' How sleep the brai -a who air it to rest, known 1135horthorn breedr, of 'Clinton, a in polif The re
one of the oldeil Volunteers in the C festive boar , mains were
attei idance upon laid to resL
onlFridx-y, February Uh, at 8 p. in. 40pen to all. all the c3unt ry's %%ri,. he a blest? county, which fourteen months, old Durham bull. This in BairoPs. cemetery,, Stanley,,7 on Sa
lie Untilfurther notice, th.6 prices of Rubber Plates Siliver �cofltetion at door. 1463-1 When spring, with dewy n re cold, Id an ainple su pnp of those deli ious vi- turday...
was in towil cou Puesday, and.shed thelight,
will be reducei to $a; . the best of material and Returns to dqek eir b 11 ed mould, f his genial c atenatice on -ich the ire.. Biggins' imported-
nd for which the uer man cra,, es. At animal was a
Tew a number of and r.
war her work at corr( She there shal9dre is a a% w't r nod, oth. His dam was. by iLl
kinanship guaranteed. All at Rubber Goods.—Requeed prices on
all ( i parsed
e, in ii
iends h an early hour of 1h Gene 111-
r -EDDLE offic& F0 rtain Syringes, Hot Water Battles and Carnbin- ere.—N 7e are glad to learn that Mr. Perth Notes.
21pondingly low irices. F. W. TIV Than fancy's fee i have ve trod.
to their homes, we with the ex- 'he is, a -Very ju-
A good two -quart Fountain Syringe for'81 at all ported. "I Ax6elaior,' and'
Richardson McInnis' sbare, Main street Sea;r'� too a- I rred Davis, of it his town, who has been iii —The,Monktio cheese and butthr On I.
over LumAen &Wilsonii. 146BA Oelleat entertainme t all4rded them. perioryoung animal, and one of the many has been �,00ld tD A- Chalmers, ch
forth. 1461-tf By. fairy hands the r knel is rung; Montreal for several weeks under medical
he best brapols of tea 'and freA ground By forms unseen, their ]I eissung; tre ment, is ge tinj along nicely and ex- good ones bred by Air. Plunsteel. We hope The busi:4esi; willgo on as fo eesem.akir
Their honor c t rmerl _d
y, an er
coffee Fit the Opera Block Grocery. Fred �,&viq. tMr. Bubolz' enterprise w1il -be dul
to be suffiffi y recvered to be able y ap-
To bless the =hat. A%, ral a their clay; iect a a n%naglement, however, :-inatead of 1468-1 privat
preciated'au& liberally patronised by his
RUT And Ireedoin shall's whil, � rf pair, to -eturn'hormn and'to businessinabout -pan Mr. Chilmers paid $1,500
pill "fit I gay, B�;
Ae herring toy the keg or dozen fresh To dwell, a weeping her nil there. T Cam'. _V
thre a weeks.—A iss Aggic Fairley, daughter we r;in a Gf the Brusi ela c�ar- neighboro. the factorT, which originally cost
had He arrives every Thurs lay at Fred Davis', Opera era went to Wingham -9it, Wedriesd last, '' FOOT B over
WiR. be given in BIC c f Mr.- John Faiii ey, formaTly of tbies-town, ..—On Tuesday, 21st inst., the 0()o
'WORD FRom KANSAS'.—Mr. Rob- topayf6rthewesitleru tankard, th
ey hair- foot ball team of school - section o. 2,,
a prom
Friday, an, ert I.ut now inent residen �On New ye&.es day, Lottie, leldest
o, d a, I to -morrow, Satur. B.. oadfooq, a former re ide b of this county, Man t of Carberry, ing on the m rdin b a Tudkerstroith, visited school section No 9,
side itoba, is via %ing in town, Alis Fair- atch 'with Kinca
Oard 'no's hall special bargains ta all kinds of sh lei. 23 per w daughter of Air. Harry,
-i ting frbrn Talma a, ns a forb it. They then were drawn against 10 p ay a friendly game of foot 'Tie Griffin, formerly of
ce discount on leather at oes and 10 per cent. dis. lay as just co ball.
lete( a co4rse at
I the To' Lucknow, and the matLh with a ground being very deep made Mitchell, "waa married near
�Vening co t on- rubber shoes -on above days only. The rd, says We Tia I Lit xceedingly'-hOt, ronto- College them 'iresult- snow on' Oardiff, 34ijf�
c64p cash boot and shoe 91 ore, Cartrucht el's block. oll 3. summer, f Mue, �nd is visiting toba, 'to Aft -James Sproat. The groom wu
Monday _b. 1,70, the hottest' a driest since I Cold friends ed ii� a.victory for Brussels -by 10 shots. playing very.difficult, but, in spite of the her Cold friends ere prior to oing to her 3ted by Mr. -0harlea Thom, n old
W., H. i% Wis, Manager. 146 3-1 ey nex. assr
have been here. In som parts of the in the Th t played Wroxetei, who won from vigorous resistance offered by their oppon- VV
m eat.—The b6c ey match on chell bqyj!�;and the bridesmaid
ho i
11 sho , and 'ents was Emn
Evaporated Aptles, Cranberries, Apricots S1 ate they suffered mo7re f orn the extreme Wi4harn, last Monday by the No 2 boys gained the victo b
hu rsday eveni g of last wdek between Sea- they
and evaporated. Pew es at wholesale p ces. * Figs.. w L!m" 7 in of ilia bride.
wholesale Vale, again came o
RK 6ARSAI�-Xonday evening, February weather than we "di this part. at victoriousby 7 shots two ry_�%
We Ra4sins, Currants, and in I a A eviryt eneral rtli and Eigtno d resulted in a vie- . Then on Monday
goals -to none V _We are pleased to learn that
driesday 10bbi in i of school No. 3,
6th ; Monday ol n as on a the vener.
great thu's coming out winners for this c fstrici. inst., the foot ball tean
ville by 4 goals
groceries and crockeiryware are bein a fa ut iv 'r to -0. The Mr. W. X
C� A. Roams; Wednesday, 11th, in soi
w have'to go to St. Marys to came over to try their luck with the No. 2
er p ; oats war 40 to 50 b all- hE will probably visit Gode- Hacking, making a
reduction, We have 1,00a 'brooms ob we sell 2 dr, abf fo The), will no able post master of Listoei
Gardno'.& Hall.
for, 261. Fre Davis, Opera Block, Seaforth. 1408 ort
-I el to tbeacre ; corn �a e I from 20 t 50 a frietiolly
rich on playl the final matches. Messrs. . Ross team. At tbis match the grounids were in ood recover
Full and punctual attendance at all rehearsals abso- y.nighb to pla _y roi�m
PEFD G r' . —Scott, the seeds b E hels to the acre. F �s ange , 'y and ie were the a the serious accident he incurred some
lutely n coosary. The public will confer a great man, is i present r with the kips. The rs excellent condition, and, as a result,. the
gain e team of that town.—Mi.9i i Cu playp
their private date's to upply you -with the followipg iluew: fr, in 30 to 50 cents for he Eit ; 15 to 20 for n playing we ago. lie tripped, in omi
favor it t ey will kindly arrance. prepared �-Ros7s rink were W. Thomson, a brisk - and ng dowa
A Mai y Yi3o, of I -naaeldale-, is visiting her Wa
6age fell
so as no to 0011fliCt with the Aeve as far as members Oal5i�lberi Lincolto, White Battle, Parly Goth. 0 rly contested. to
er va s, and[ frorn'15 to 21 1 or corn. S..t t and John Merritt, and in Mr. Cur -The No. 3 boys, however, were, staim, at'his residence,
fietiee; I Pess.-Canadian Beau 11098 sun,,, Mrs.. Johr Hahkirk.—Mrs. J. Atkin. evidently,
of the a oral are concerned. 1468-2 and a the
- ty, h ve been sold for as lo a, $2.80, but are rie a rink, D. Ross ground floor, ece
W. F. Scott and not in it," as the game ended with 5,guals ivin a number of severi
P er, Crow and Golden 1�lne; barley and Spring son of Willow 4' ity, North Dakota, is visit- k.1,
W at also a hand. Give us a call -and e guaran- 11 IV selling from, $3.2 t i) $3.40. Roa, �h. They speak. in the hi hes term braises and a a rig up,
ig fa eq. Quite a I Miriber of farm- righain bones were broken,
y ife te 'you will rod oiir stock secobd t� none in t
te Cattle ing! ier sister, IN �rs. Win. Kartry.—An i a to 0 in favor of No.- -general bad h
11 of tI Le nthey were used though fortunately no
pa nionts. RoBztT ScoTT, sestorth; tere;tino, event �ook place at the res�idence &VERELY AFFLICTED. y will regret Mers is in the
ship stock to Kinsas City, and to learn of the severe affliction which has
N 3,-Iurou (Expositor.. I itreeric curl ra, hey now are anxioins for- a 86th
atie'sbiscuits of tl e �ride's brother, London East W rienoll a old a- ear of hisage
and confectionery can agn a also ehip, - their grain, thereby ly atch with Seaforth, and will and, for has wonderful fdn&--
d fresh, at the opera House Grocery Store, Fired go here if befallen this family of Mr.'�Sinion Hunter man,
be 0 refei to the marriage of Miss Mary E. rante
Bav ng'the shipper's prof t. We have bad a Sea rh will give them a returri M. Of vitalit and werrust he will soon
Da Is. of the late W t.he.9th concess
I Ii it siou, nearly all of them ha,"r-
i 14681 seco d daughter at, to
fine winter so far, very 'little rain and no G. G is n W som pfetely req&Ver, to enjoy life for Many ye&tW
ese tw dlubs ing been prostrated by t hoidfever. Some
DISTRICT MATTERS.' Belden, dentist, �est rub- Mr.,HenryJ.Park. Mis a -years since tb
8 J. H, lm�ie, of yet.
be plates 97 re se $4 ; gas for painless extraction met
a 0 v having fallen until thi i morning. The Rodgerville, actad aris -bridesmaid and Mr. of the childrin were. rat afflicted and
3le around here are a tithering in a F6 aw rey scare
of eeth, 75c ; tee extracted. 25c. All other work nd W' R1 The people of Brusselt —Alada�e V1119
monnmenl$ of flesh, bone, and. inusele wh;�
gen, co spoodinkly chmp. The above rates will not Z r shine th buml'se tis er was laid up by the: eme disease'
G. Grant, M.S., brother of the 'bride, eily had theyrecovered *he. de hauvin, a h
A Voicg FRoir ESSEX.--�-Mr. Samuel Sar. e porg do and wha aroFTei-1 '�lc ased to hear that *r. as Hunt
be or a p!riod of at least three years, thus c I 6d kaffer co, itige re-
t, of North Ridge Essex county, in r reased f supported the g oom. The niarr' ella
e hi Str clian, reeve of Grey, elected v H never ate,#, particle of food in her life an&
on t, 1 is i 6 variety of, corn mony was performed by Rev. C. he bad recovered Mr.
t�ing all partiep.getbing temporary plate the .. W! n. and before
mitting his annual subscription,, says: fe t Scott, of w unter
of t ie county of Huron. yet reared, a large family, has beea L I 1800V
ne two years timi to Pirhic'h the see rolv'' on top6 It has a Toronto. Mr. Park Tahis lis tb first was taken ill. Hunter and the other'
h1e saw irate. - get their permanent plate@ was born in Seafortb,
ered at Ptoney Point-
Ef sgex county. �Of.
saying is corr( cannot afford to be gi Win. Pickard & Co.'s store, Min ashels -to the.scre. I a na
mt bue Ow fai-
said to be hard nd no doubt the At k. guarantee to that effect will be 111 round aced, an y' Idi froth 30 to 55 and is n tiling near London. Their they 'members of the family are now, however,
tim a this honor haz come to Gr4y, an i
kindest re- iLre highly proud of it.—De"is Howard in a fair way for reco which anolin aative. She is now 53 yeam
st o Seaforth. many friends join in Nvishing Mr. and Mrs. -,,cry and Aft. Hunter
without TF, -EXPOSITOR and the 0,lobe. I giri Is to all my old frien, a md neighbors." has sold his farm, lo old, of ord(miary height, audf rench,-Cau_
iHowWjj.ck for
LOVER AN Dg.��Take notice, way. —Mrs, pst has -been laid up mes Robertson, of he cire a -ran parcir
uni rejoiced inQre than I can express m D GIRASS EE Park a pleasant journey, along life's path. Grey, to a t 31, ccincess on 10, is doing aa'weU as could be expected under itage. Mr. William Dritismore
words at the great Liberal, victory in West. t you will find, tit Scott's mammoth seed and feed 0 IV. Pa urristinces and will, it is hop
I ad, get
sto a one of the largest and bep collection of Clover IS SERI -ICES RE00OS-1,91m.—The genial for several days by an attack of la grippe. 00. He intends purchasing, a house in Around all right Much sympathy felt for
Hurcon a few days ago ; Hurrah fo- is ix* while travellin trst,
Hedge Fnce Company, heard f her
it will pay you to k1a, egor, who is WelF cno wn in this a new A-fr. and Ain. Vu;Wr, on account of ihese . I
r M. C. an drass Seeds in Ie county.' Bra 3selm, where he will reside�—The
Cameron, the grand old man and war h ec- I f6rd
orse ex q�ino our stock before buying, " we are confident tj or L AS the genial council have reappointed all the old colfficers se* . he
and is maiking arran ments toxiit
f., of Hurcon. The writer lived in Goderich th 'we can satisfyybu both in quality and in price agent 4 of the 'Sun Life lw- Vera and trying family afflictions.. ge
Ro sitraric and who re- ACKMOP. for Brussels, and Messrs. I. and most interesting- turl-
ERT 80uTr, Seaforth. 1468-3 a Co m-Tany, of Mcntrealo Much surprise and regret a veritable
some years ago, and he kne nothing wron O's
9 FARM PURCHI SE Kir and A. Cousley as di was felt by
t sides in L on, has bee a made the recipi. D.—Mr. Win. Alexander, tol — ity
of Malcolm Colix raanv on Friday last on
L, Caerion, C M. I it be-
ellt of a'hands will. be no- of the 10th conemsion of this race - ofing known fhat, Alias Alargaret
P, 9, s.—The book-keeping, Thonas Bloomfield had iher� au ZIA col One Of the merriest. crowds that ever
was personally acqnain.te ssE ome prese to township';'-bAs KDO
with him, in wr awing classes, ti,ed val n the rink here wns
�ing and di by the following, pure4ased 100 F cres of laud - �elonmrog � Sinclair, struck- the 1 -29th line of Fullarton. to hi
fact knew him like a book. guess the on- under the bich we take from 0 on Thursday of, this eldet, daughter of Air. John Sinclair, of the
0 of
As- p co�perby, and ppen roa
&a Vices o tl e L visited the resideic
ondon Advertiser; the Coleman we6 [.—The Oraugemen a of Mr. Robert Waid
f the oung Men�s- Chriistiaa. f Saturday Mr. adjoiniiij 11iis Brussels are Ki d *bad departed this life. It -enaa-r
, f 1). Own. I This'far all bush land, except 40 as Known ishat Miss Sinclairad not
so a 10h, A cour 'y
ly thing the inatter ith 1vt . Cameron at t, . have all completi ; of -the city yeate is aving the 12th of July (ele. w J�rid
d their first r. tip , on h and fami y eveniq., J
sent, as in years gone by, been
pre a, that he has rter's lessons very satisfa4torily, t6 at. day, nd did not acres' and is 17th. The musicians
q a arrive I Dm brat iontere this yedr,and have been weLre- pleiatiful, -and.
inore brains than his opone e until late..in first -clas*s soil. The price paid %to und enjoying good health for some time buit few
ance being gDodi and th0 interest well tt a evening. Had he dr plied into Sb was dbout $3,00% and it is consider gatf. ering subscriptions and -were well re- thought her cas Songs And elocationisto were �cheer
ad cheap. a was so iserious.. About a
on ained. Aadrew's church an ceived, and everything. f
These Ifave now all begun a efore 9.30 Thisgives Mr. 'Al"ander'a farm of 2()o and the -
here should now I e C one eargo she ha attack of beauty, a were the youth thegay
o'lock be. would have b en most pleasantl acres of the be t land to be foun very sev a fr far and near.
COI-XCIL DorN(.s..—The council met in the se.,c nd term und�,r favorable kuspiecia. Ad. y to a %ke it a success, which no doubt wil. be Ta grippe, from ch she never re D Isidies be -
di ' a i covered,
council chamber on Monday evening, -for 'di -1i mal pupils will be made, velcome. 'Jorised. Mr. Maeg don(. —The Former,%' Institute meetir g wa ing dress
The got has for nine to hip, with as. fine build -,cted and which finally affected her In and other -
go er go, causing ad in silks and satinal
the transaction.of business. By-law No bar attendin bee:6 the sup rin �endent, f St. "thereci no as can be seen ta heldi here on Alonday last, and
nu i the short -I and class -has 8 past. an where, a' was argely death� 'She wiiii a. native of -Tudkersmith, costly fabics, and the tents in the latest
y OG, for raising' $1,500 for fire alarm p- less than 6rig-inally-expected, ol. a was an ener- . whic a even ng. and was 3 of age. She was a cone I is-
ur. raw's Sunda sch I o a earned -with hard libor, oup- attq ded, particularly in the yea; style of apparel. The. � -ept up -the merri-
tb` "or four Sim son Rennie and J. Gaston were the morning, 1v
read and p -officer always' h led w th upright merit till
poses, etc., was sed-. Ily-law more pupils, are absolutely 9 a g, �he beat -inter. ness and economy. MAY tent and devotA d member of t. Andrews' each party took,
r ne ea
appointment ary to make this' class self-sustairing. he to i rod during his he ha and long life -to enjoy the turns in thankin Mr. W.Urd fZr the�
Nco. 1, fo 1896, confirming th as of the school at -a health' outs�de speakers, while several pope church, Kippej3, and had long been - a faith-
rs were
I issatisfactory t years 1 8 a ev�enjinfs enjoyment
A 0 those attending. Tge in n the posit I a hasieen th fruits of hi presonted by local me i vell fal and efficiet t teacher in the Sabbath
of the ton o fficials, was f nally passed a hard I&Wr. no which were
as Strachan was - elected grow
Mr. T. 0. Kern -p was appoin' d Collegiate vio' a class is all that could be desir7e'd, and Be C ?I steadily -increase. Fc r_ various A discussed. Thom school) held in � the school house in osecton J. M- Vipond, of Elma. has
rea- Tb u day
n i re. evexiing vice pr esi- e w of an am ing in his house a very ne specimen -of,
rebate of one dollar, on tax", was allowed Tho vocal 'class is busily preparing the on was received, serrohled at che I disposi,ioti, and was greatly 'It hex 49 blades IS irr6hes.
Institute trustee for the enax ing year. A wiq ipeak for itself publicly after Easter.. so 8, however, he ba4be orripelled to , last week, invited guests t4 the a lent, Thomas, McMillan, NO. 9� Sh iable, kindly si n , When his resign :number of over c ne hundred as Kenai and A. Hislop, secretary. Thevent Chinese lily.
to the firemen. be-
to the amount of beajutful cantata of "Ruth," for liresenta- it %a decided to make a present&- the rusidonce of Mr. John Dodds to 91)(nd a 3y all wh,,* knew her, and w J-
asuitabi from ere to Gorrie fof*.Tuesday, and B ue. ill he on 1011giand nine flower stalksa fooi long, At -
$32.32 were passed and ord d to be uad, tio bout the 14th or 17th of Februar . tio to him in rec*ogni Lo vale for We ineaday. —The apetion i in
ere ti of his valued ser- few pleas t h nd h' f
an on a with him ai
y to afni y. 1 of reme bered aa( greatly missed for her g:Z presehtit - in fall blooML the.&Warj
very -
but it was decided not to y the balanc Armn 76ments have been made to continue V and it was arrapge to take place at About eight o'clock the gentlemen secured thor ghbreds belon 'ng to H. F. Mi -,Allis- aeedi. B much resembling siple tree bloo
�cof_ $4.50 of the Blec Eialit Company'so' ch e of class anti the' &I, Wag ut, true n as she was valued abroad-
arg hool anniversary I at night. partners, and all were soon en ,aged ini trip. werl attended and t6ck it will be in the family circle where he both in siz f
Mr C'Iff in About ter' and appearance. It is o course
as in, 50 cholara and- their pa ents were there ping the light f tastic bro lit very fair prices when the a be moij it iniis wa rp n
I of Was ad
er. The clerk w carltat.% is - given Practice each Monday to theweet str (or it and the heartfelt sympathy t, and no earth is required in,
rsj�ore urn an owerethe eath dr and 'a' music furnis on the violin by Me $to the eAtire co pro
istructed to advertise for -tend f I bj� and V1 ednesday evening in future. er c vered cha n* Of d is considered. of
engro ion. The bulb is set aimon,&
apl ads and stones in asX, and the whole , verew
and gravel, for town pu a addr I i as, ha elville, L and their th munity will be #xteuded to co, ,
xposes� follo, b h . In the absence St if 1316
a be r�aved p rents and other relatives,
0 4ve e co 'ter, which is repeated as oftelu itig are he commttees fo III LATE J. P. XcDoXALD, —In a* r w oopularity as vio' inists IS stifficient gu They]i . h with soft
t next year. of r. Macgrego as received r t naol&tion Of
Fire and water, Gillespie'L Watson m un liatho read the ell'nea of 'the nine knowing, how- J G. accoantable way we have in blo r. Somervil Miss tee f6r the exe Brucefteld. bs ' bed,by the plgjtt. Air.
adver4ntl; Divided. it is Gr
a IGGms, general fir -e and she was well so v1pandi
Wilson, and Winter- street, Clff, ess, which expressed he regret of th The, worthy hot and hostess'lird all in B , .n� N repared for the
Turner, ornittad xny�reference io the death of the in�ur. ever'
great iange, and that while she Would. t the bul.'t frol:Q NqUtr ud Ka on; finallce, J. -C. Smith r. .001 at t1ke 108 theiirpower to entertain their guests, and mdayi car. - unniseloner fo i ta*in
and Alex. Wil J. P. McDonald� one of Stratford's chi ch and xch 8 of such an oonvoyan I
t4 &a Mon 0 011111 have ad could she have M1 tl!q weak in Deo�.rnbe
Ounn, and Watson; cha-rity, mayor, and leadin ,and most p-ablic ap ear i eat worker, and wa nuing and Wedne remained with &rolr r -thft -k
all ned -on be tore am every M, 0 th ernarkablie. nitited residents, as half we are sure that it was very gratifying to t. It K ed�aoif them iger, "ahe cheerfull a has been truly r
Watson; court of rev s' of t I ie sessioh by the modeAtor, Rev..Rob. them to see so many hap&, smiling, faces, a each wi kok.. y submitted to
'r Ion, mayor$ reeve, and at one time -a resident of the township The Plant * worth seeing.
A. Wilson, Roberts, art the w� of the Divine Master.
and Watson proper- of Tn teramith, in this county. He died Johnston, for tibe ritsi agers by Dr.' sure indication at all ware having an an- TXE , CnEriat FACTOR3 -.—The annual milet- 31BI& PI0_,qEE
'8c 1111 M&Arthurland forth68inday abhool by jOY&bletime. Tlie'dancing was kept u made in the ranks of Huron's noble rtthV amaz
ei on . says : Mr. lolacd )n. Is
rly midnight, ix
Air. R. A. Gray, assistant sitperintandent." -without interm lion until ties my took place in D iug discussion that took place in,
ty, Turner, -ott, andf�illespie. in in itford on the 3rd of January, ing of the Brucefield Cheese R GONE.—,Another break —A- grookodale gentlernaa tens of
th 3ttford Beac onn's It Mimi. band i pionee
rve Mr. Hugh * McKay, of boarding h
Id atal illness' commenced about t wo when
a la' al inst,—Mr. Bardge, o 8 Un- the 4d aa Stratford,
XOTES.—At te meeting yes'l 61,. danc*,, at being dig. urda 18bh oucessi n of Tuckerxmith, psaft infelli ousei between two.
-of the Sabbath scho go, since which time he, has engiij vol CAL Bjuws.—Mr. 9. iinobley posed in commenced with don rcad� was elected iresident for t ie an- peace y away on Thurs d 9011t oringrijou and which become;
d workers of our in intends renewed vigor; a aga* day, last week. so warms �o neiiii
I church the following cogicers were I asiness. It was not 'at grst so sev we )pe ing up � seed and imp 6ement empor d it was continued until suing year. Mr. Thomas in a disruption.,
Petifouno� , iyas Alr,� M !Ly haa been in
confine him the rooster beg 'to sound his elected to failing health for In thelle d!Llrs Uncle um -'a doing$ art natur-
A apoint- as tt, to thq hcouae� but it kept n e store recentl trumpet, fill Mr. Bardge's place c rL the Xornia t
Rh an vlaw- W
0 r the preaeut year: Superintendent, Ma Inj inroads on his fine c' which was a an directi rate. wi
Mr, D. Stevenson 01111 n, hle &Lamb, Y VaC Lted by' ign that another di Mr. James Colem much troubled -ally broug�t der re
secretaries Messrs. H. and will have it in charge 13 y an has ag Lin affe E"R W04 un fiela the ta&-
ature of the the improved in Chi_
R. Elli untE some months ago it brongbtbim to b A. their reopective'licomes, tired bu se by oti of , and he was "90, ih 189 - and the trag* t, that.
V&UE b a brother, was aPproachi , when all diep th eves. ut for several weeks drifted ort the WOrldos:Fair. held
gmond and 'Mr. E. ' Osition of cheesemaker ai d his h 'J;� y
Thc -was-not discovar- I owler, a former Ifurorite, t well satis. tiele Mr. C -an an alwi
Ott;, treasurrer,Miss ersed to
disease .1 see. ad.
Jennie Hills; librariaii, Mr. William 14,'1. ad I writing from udgi to good a3 0 to even
fied with the an
% itil aborif,six weeks ago, when a con- Bao ur, Manitoba, says: ing's festivities. tur out last season yo ighb ' (I cheerful and. able. to go closed the a of the city's firstagistrate,.
liGtt; ftsaWaat librarian,, Mr, E. MeMur- We'llave settled the dimctor;have arogrid On Wednesday, the 15th inat one stated t at hI.s narn was Geargi
sult t tion of doctors was held and i
Liter, ial tho? �chool question here.nc results 3g to made wise selection i a a 0 : ing
raY. With this cpmbe staff of officers the cane w Aiscovered. Hisfamilyt hit, s6r., as a ruefield, and seemed particular. ington wb.
St very hir. ly �well toutly main --
continued success of our schoroLl* is gUaran. f ben realized 5;�] 0 COMLpromise; Provincial at vices gain. The meelting was the othe-as a
or te�, fir' time that there was no I � 0110my or Bayffeld. ! Or, Sunday, tained).th
McLsrty lope r leav the ship, moni a -in every respe also, he was around at.fus friend Taust be Very r-
ina, much bettei Position th Abraham,
brother of Alisa plila of Goderich, h_ I the could. do was to devote lolurronei giveaft "ice our adverbis- DR. E -N -XV ORT.—T ow ng lines 'Will C t, and the c 4ual, Oli Alonday, however, he corn- -ate, as ever$body knew ii was
a Df feeling maw
N-IcLahy, teacher, of their "Iveq to makir full Part"nulara concerning are 'published b3 r-equest:'Dr. is y ar all, and from that out Lincoln that was
1g.his passing away as tee hri3tian than I at having their factory all reall i- he
ya here lately.— p in Shot on -that occaslMl
f0dle I very rapidly, and passed away —In the
this village, spent a few da '�outh Hitron Farmers Institute meef- Evans, the celebn�ted Welsh divine, on one ness 'o. begin operat�ons as soon, In Tho as Rothwl
aii e6a as possible, Which they oection- to be held on the 5bh � nd 6th of Febru. � In
Mr. Jaes 11ills paid D, visit to fri death of Mr
ends in did. ing cession publielY,expressed thankful �he oil the I Alowing Thursday. fla
tel r. Macdonald %,as boru,&t ary,]; -At the annual congr ga ndso for pr ave no inmation of on Sunday Triorning, 19th iinst., at the old.
zt, lnvernessl besi conlin the 1 be, rels wis ' the immediate cause hom
iire, Scotland,, in 1828, airrol t in opens up. We IL X RlYth last Nreek.—We 'understand that the Nvai 0 tional meeting Jenny Lind's be�u�jful singing, One 'of the sayingg 0 etead, on the 2nd concession of Elma,.
WcOawaa property in tbis Villagei Consist. 'wh e Seaforth Pres that the Bruc', afield cheese factory de 0i. !'Mr. McKay was a native.of put ILOSea
two yLears old came -with his� p that,
(1]. i n church, it was 'mernbeffs 'of hiis flock, who 'highly diap- tands second her- towns -hip'
to 'a Pas- proved of the past; neelof It-ndthitey Scotland. He was born in 1819, ploneers, nd most
t' ;ie provi
0anad, settling at Pictou, Nova'Scotia. )r's wordal 'Mounted the 3ontari 0 and are quita co 'worthy cit
ing af one half acre' arer;Lts repolved to procure an, i tant for th to none in one of its arl
with brick CoLt. t
tage and staLle thereon, has been sold to 9, tor )r t e summer six me ths, as has been pulpit at nfide t. at t)i izens. Thegre
After a residence there of fifteen years they kractice for several rs, e] ir wi 0 and *4 therefore, 77 years of age. Ile Rothwell Wail in the 88th year tof bis; a�g4?r
gerttlemarf in 8eaforth for $250.-�-Splendid remcved to the township Of y and it Was ps an4 ;emanded t' k iow if a- �acto ill be largely pi ttronized du carne� tc Canada in 1848 and settled on the
man dying at onp of enny LE comil the an ur
akerstrii4b, una irriousl agreed to ask, season. ing I da long and strIous
ind voto
A. Me- i old 0 hesWad areer
sermons were urch last -Hu Qn county. ]�,[r. McDonald,' would go -to heav�n. replied Mr. NOT S.—ReV'. 'ed the blessing of good bea-.Itji� Pare. Tb
Tu d's neon certs a 2
15abbath by then, bud- Ph r3on, who fil on the 4th concession of he had enio3i 4-pty, And
led the Po ition so accept- Evans 44 Mr. I'arriere, of Graftol Tuou 1 mitb, and has been a residentf the tho-ugh of lale he has not been ble to be- e Pow
9, �ut a fool �emainsi a fool, 611 Sa bath, 19th He spent the own. about much.. He was an Irishman by bixth,,
R( -x-. J. S. Henderson, of Hen- din into manhood, took a -course at a com. abl i last summer,. to r6tur for the coming wherever he die. thee
841. Bute Chmedian will _go to;heaven ' end, reached in the Presbyterian el�' owg ver'
seakir. W6understand, owever,thatle1r. even'on the inst. 116%'Mr. Mui 11- mer ' 'A in t'h"encaf
1v PUIPit Men can bringo many mer ial college -in Toiconto, and 'af terward t b
well defined thotigbts fr�corol a passage of ent(l] ed the employment of the firtn1cof Glas- McPherson is not a pulpit teps, old country, vieWing the to thi
ucte best knov.
ricriptare, nd present th�m so forcibly to 90W, McPherson & Company, vailabl and :that, eDn. the anniversary services at, Gra d seen Is C(ounty early in life. Ili! they Ree;
but Caine
at Fitiga, tion h E A d resided on the frmwhere he
e seven years, and se(liently NOTES. —Rev. Z . d renewing the acquaintances of lia I
INIaggie Allen, daughter rerna 9 an applies, � .. G. Stewirt, 'of Knox end. --Mr. William Afellitioh, f l Va his
tied their c)llegQ autho I io
of Alr- Wi - 11han Allen,of this village, left He.. ulas then the rities for to church, toriclon Q_Z uth, last 4eek made a oba, i 5 at present visiting his bro 1853 he was married to since, 1853. He leaves a widowaged,85.
on tran ferred to Clinton to mana student.—Il ther1 Air. Florai A"n Campbell
Tyuesdav f0t. 11--irllip ge lanothek Joh a Rankin has been ap ointed agent r. shcort visit to his si ter, Mrs. I?r. Stanbury. avid McIntosh, V. , and had a family of to mourn the 140S -buir or co
eg, 'with a very inter- fou ry owned by 8 of this Vill 5 of a husband with whom- founders,'
8 ames an ni N ii fi v r -are now living. They f&n1iIY �onsisted of six
the firm at ren she has Spent 63 yeAris of wedded
e ide in that point, ten Lill nine of whom, four boys and
the Iloyd Plate Glass Ins ranc of —Reeve Burns is a e ding co�nty council; r. G i of Manitob grandson 0
9 PurPw(, in view. She will r Fro there be came with his brother J 00 P8 i1Y at Goderich, this life. Their
rter, ad fr. (Tleorge urai ice of logs are b wa j'ad are all residing in Tue o -Of th& daiighter botts, -scu
tbe fature.—Mrs. J. . I)o d also for the )ntario A cident Ins iveek . I'arge quan ndi son$ and thrs
ng bi b itities SO) of the London road, is ispe are all
0 ronfo. —ir and. Al's. John Bell, is- i n ' w bein heaves, Ain
they started the manufa of aw Mill.—Joh Al de'
t feW (lays with relatives Organ is bu is married cc
0 have ePherson to light in to3' Donalolson's *inter with his grand -parents and gro u ker. daiigera, t
HastinfriL alMt her son. Harry, wl, whe Seratford, of C ther smith ept one daughter,
been spending cbure -of i gham, are vi: I' her and yi ased. The:c1est pon is -NIr. u
ay afternoon, ARI dn�ld, name of 5 North Mi I the
dd I breet, this Pany.LnNhe`r0 has Kent, are visiting frianda quarter of a
here, left for honie on Mond thre; iing machines, rider the firm W ing Mr. and Mrs. J 'codericli lumilior co f i6nds.—Aliss Macdougall and her brot R R-oth-
Do the G in Manitoba.
Mr, McKay, in well, princip I for over a by their U
McPherson Northgra-% week.—Al in this vicil 14. his pti ged, hardy man
formely of this toN1 M which heIF Poo- anims
6, and Mr.; J. P. die cint ice not havinj Yl.: formed on the lalce.— reak 4he me Like
-s abe Mel E erson reti-red in 1881- Compan�- Mr. W. righem. yet this winter 'suffi. —One I of those incidents to sessed C, turY of the public schools in Listolvel
Time dchds with Mrs. Porter, 0 been no fi h m) was a rug,
is as briglitand bearty as ever. I great energy and pluek�
—The 'Reir. MaD nald in 1892, at Winnipeg ou New ears eve.—Al otonY of rural life, took plaoe most'! I he other pionee a-18 living On th old homestead,,, 25e pe
vr ykrL to take the 'Maindgement The -n E, . Hays _L1r Ice is beina-Dut up this week by the fisher- h reside rs, his only capital in Elma, wiii-ill,
eli, tift
Sha mched in Hensill on Sabbath of th ias purlhased Mr. Win.." men, botell6epers, find others, a nee of Mr. John McQu in sta, Is now one of the finest farm, �even pa,
North Ai4erican Alill'Bu r 'n
last, in witil the ildirig Com. E[a k Os residei —The weath. I o ' co road, on Wednead Rev- AIr. Hen- pany I tee on Ei a1tW gin life was histrong arpa and Properties in fhe
ea�ini a:y, eve It stone,
h The occasi( o- tY, With a fine
the usiness in the b!ands of ay n illiam street, er could not have been more Uvorable than m eel, ning of Ia4t his Ili' g hands, backed up by a firm will residene and,.
By til',c waN. IvIlat I)as become of for it in tl�e eig b§rhood of $1,2(0' on Monday evening, wh�n thet',Nrethodlst , A I one son
Imes McDonald. into )n Imel T -De marriage of to o reco me difficulties, and a rugged con, farming in i bank hain - B." is
When Mr. McDon. r. b
occaiional cor-respondent, from ald evered -his connectio ays will more r. r*ueen 8 sister, Misd Bella, to 4he B peninula, and the
stitut on
with the Alill rat of Sabbath school entertainment, for which J4mes alker, one of Tuckersmith's p os- an th industry other three sdho, W
�.Afarch.—Alia These, combined wi
Pod mariagern
'11"t FAT11bitiOus We hope his vers B11 P ("arnio f Godericlh�, Preparations have I 0en going on for several porous farmers. are all pbysi6a
n Company his health began, to fail, a out t
was a guest at A[r. 0 4 g4 ent, enabled him to gain and P. D.,
The young people tt )et'ricy a -ad leave his fa n5i practising in Denver,
Willson a is weeks, was hold. ;It would have been 00 ini life -under very. auspicious eire a corn,
mily in coin- Colorado- The survivingaughter is Alres.
ti- fortab _e le was upright Archibald Tu#hen, of Elma.
ce ru�_
4 e ar e M4 P
th Peop
Id hty�