HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-31, Page 4,7 7 7-�77:77` 7,'�--, 7,777' 7_11-1-7�­117-- _!'-WWRR9W, 'r _ __t 4 17 77177 7 J 1_tY31 1.8-6 ONL _J AN BrUR, TOIL' his r It to thinL- that because, havi gone further and, said A at th( 11gro th Ruine *1th a t volver. benefi 5ted in health. cArthur, of j co mpli�hed by tNe order during abuiidance, bf the very best for all, thr NEW ADVERTM.IMENTS. ortance. memo —Mrs, X ks e od wokk 1� T TB , 1. t iutei mix irance 2B , I - le visiting Mrs, A. W- yean W-0 sessions during showing thq: good management of thw in ( ID hi W ic were bold in ti t e.necess sees g ken. men agains nut of oney, in de al) ru, was her fit to indulge in u_phihPpic,:agiinsb f am In . e r each, t 10 small degree to the excellent li- bi f dwat o -me d the rer'stere � I tter Fulto I recently —Mrs. IL W,611, of Zurich day, wh u all matWrs of biusiness and- charge and �fie liberalityand good taste of I&Tha fignte bobween the parenthesis afte one denotes the page of the'paper on which the Qme lielenie Commissioners or ins lectors,: ie i a obta me , and �the of- �esda an the 3ro oti m of the order were freely the ladies o� the congregation who so boun' p Mr, � id Mrs. Keddy, of Beth e law. at ro w'bridge, w v an up tifully prolvided the refreshments, for -out wW be found. nr with all. sorts of wrong J46 d charges the ficieJo left _j thel -reopen dve home and Ira. Todd, and Miss cGregc r, of the an .-meet- the --�The Fordwich corriel -Lis. Sexm tb,. -were all recc b U Pree: Trade -Robb & Curtis (5 therefore the Go t The T6ranto World, o me of the, leadin iij ondent o mtly' juents a Mr. g was e the ialb- irhich was 00111- Multitude. The Oratorical and mu vernmell psotedion-Grelc & Macdonald (1) domig, th" 9 sical i4o iK� Hok rtabI3, filled "I'll!" -M 1. A good progra, me -was feast provA walking iute--w. W. Hoffman (a) wgi no of the Dominion G Dv4 irnment, says ta`10W tauner ss3rs Thelast two Sunday and.. 'ro. A, Weseloh., gene, ed in the audience room f hould upset the whole license 'department .4 Ivan, -con.sistinLy of i� glug, re -01- us�y dis. ,�tiona to . .. I U_ Visit with the ma ro oles by the members, penned in i Fin-, Groceries cheap R _F d Davis (a), 1 re"World has two obje, morning services we onaucted by two I eldeiat daughter of Mr. W. IL �Iodgem peeches sin f ully equal. k�) the other feast prerio -Tor ade-Jobn T. Dickson (6) Land st condign punisho' ji y?ung � men! very oredital to themselves Prieto r of the Commercial h6e a and ;fte basement and seemed u be 1, was t nitect 36tiOUR, 'd e 9 Barrals dw-�R_ int the Qffi against Wh Which it wh he to uki -go #g to rich all goes -to speak well equally "y H hese young in, indirr, rder, wl te am The Tem- and igratify )heirfriimd T. iage on Friday evening, J& ruary t the v cial !!p*e6a I d by the audience TIM l3ullp for sial"ohn Shortreed (6) ere ral plar has taken umbrage, at thie is that the meal w a. e or w -possesses Tendero wartUd-D. Stewart (6) d becm�se e resent occasio.u.. The fi sed a ad e'duc aed.in. Fordwich 17th, to:Mr. Harry Bums, of Detroit.. The bf ihe The pastor, Reir�. C. Fletcher, presPled, and I his ve Government, -to cour- �acc -the ep delegab to e imumberef The Cantata, " Autb. " (8) grooir, 18.1 o' con G on ervati iu� ertool. and hive be t e members of orted to be a young man 80 for dinner and g4ehial prestince Kud witty Ballies put vernment will not. do th is, it lashes 'Ole ple-R, J. on 1 0 theradelves to P.Cimedid Leg'., Adethodist . tirch. ?Or aeivv�&l years,although siderablemeana, andwebelieve the 1100 for supt. er Avere dined at -the fine resi;. person at e*se alld i1i good h 111111or. ,oh (8)- tal ution at BUM 0 E elf into a frenzy, and done nees the G0v`,_. -some time in e deneg of Mr. IR ReMordie. The tables lent addres4es were delivered bv-. Rer, Mx, -whi) neither of them has attained -Via major- coul Auction Bquest of the Frene Ministe.0 ile intend spending Farm ordle (6) t inment, for, everything that, is hypberitical ad' bolted on the occasim in clu ity. ' Both of -ti em 'halre' been 1 teaching and tl ken n1aking their home . in Nebi 3mika, were well U, len. �vrifth 4he good things pro- Martin and Rev-- Air. Watson -of I -eter Clearing sale -Robb 'Bros. (5) stion. I - - I , g -bt ks -it is 'tj of t ie school and ace en r -in their second year In i KausE a, where they will be followed b r the ladies of the home ooAmeiL All by Rev Ali -Glrant, of St. Marys, A era; k ded by t and Whey forsale-John Burgess (5) 43nd wicked. IfThe Templw -thin Dut consulting th aft 'Vi hame.seQtions Idjc and wi�ahes of their friefids.-M 8srs. .4tarned hoi ie, feeliti they had spent Dr. Lyle- -eyeral ad resses -were )on ervative party, asrep -es inted 'by the"' the Lining each othery vliz.,, _r g that he* d Stock for (5) a dyancing the cause of terap. �raaee and pro.; Ir rprisirif Wmr deelared-A� G. Ault (0) olb wersand them ifouse.�' Nos� 10 said 11, ou tt e seebud concessiou:of EtTowi I & Claxkc, our ente caj riage a !good. da�y. The council o terapersed !iwitli appropriately selected, and _"W ajori,y in 'the f this court Sheet inagic-C. W. Papet (6) libiti byfluch.con4u6tib w0f nIly m*s- )h, we were 9,11 led to - b 2,1i ve by Messr, 0 Ippo- A rs 'well rendered inueiewl sel;ebions on H&Vyick. Iritheierv.-ceq above 'mentioned, makegs, have pLurchased the two to ifess their I earp io Air. and y thanks t by 141-e --L0 Auction ftle-j W. Ruirs (&,) j� LL. It is aiMP13 and othi tiol t v I making itself : Adidul- ?os er, Montague r I )embe, -a of th one itook the devi alyart' andread the site I heir - shop, from Mr. R. -Cp& nore. 4. Alellordi �,, for their kind hospitality in James street Alethodiotebureb choir,Exe China and the,Chlueoe ter. Cowe, - for mde--:Expositor Office (0) c us, and is destroying any in luence it might 3 v )rnment that the Rem, idi; aBill is to b,- leas6n, mud the tht r preached atid' vice These lots were formerly 9wned by i 34 r. R. .0' oo of their ele ,rening the r, 8 gant, home for -The very pl�asant evening -was brought to* 4 - Land for salc­-E. J94 Lewis (6) U81 ed in -compliance with th requirement i vers the �0110 9 Sabbath. Win. M%- A� MaIntyre, and, before the fire.; oecupiea )e entertabi, me t of the delegates. -A very close about tleven o'clock., by votes bf 2�ewrubbergoo&-Lumsden & Wilson (9) ctherwiae have. The Templar shouldbear k 'pleasant ere hooT r h re an exe, 11 ng Special Bargains- W.,.H f e constitution and in ol edience, to the, and Milton art. Flient, tis an hotel -A very pleasing event 0o took place st, the residence thanks tothe speakers, the chairman and 1 4 w1uis (a) niore import�ut 'ae -d at lid t right-plac, -when the papil. a mi on mands of the Quie IL's Pkivy Co. recot e to place it the residence of Mr. ft. Patti re of Mr. Fo=3 th�', jr., a of his others, Dn� Tix�sda From e. ! a i is on, Rlyth-Jessopt & Co. (8) evening the Lehildren, aft 'or . politi commence 0 roe. (1) th" hundreds �of 'other paipers in the Pro- t i �i, r ihool met t show their appreciation iDf his had their 3111131rgs, This wevic-HodgensB t.86ems th� after I IR only qu hond e ree rd.. That is the sr.,'of this village, on Wednes4ay filtemoon 3 and the church ivas aLain DtiVe power th =ce, liable, and! ors �anron� r em. Am address, express- well filled. - Refreshments wiere se ed. Dental Card -Dr. Belden (8) ali xpediency. that is t n right place,; to stp oit ii Lto. a useful active of Iasi, week, on which occasion- his you agest I �11 ubrisitswordanymerere rr As Seed Grain [21-Rubt. SaAb (a) i beiug the case the 7or d advises t life. 1. daugb ter, Alias K -ate, was united in mar- 11 Lg their sp PrecihtIon, was reAd by -Master on tlie previous �evening, after which Inott Dry GoodsL-McKinnorr & Co, (Q if the Government were to, beed all the of the bill, Insolvenoy.Notice--R. wilsoff.(5) &I douffienV nc t� mithstandin e'ehurAh auxiliary of the We- riage to' Mr. Frederick Bengough, - of this 1 0 S. Blair, v6ille the present,, a silver fruit interesting programme of musici ree ationo, --:A it cliarges thit are hurled aga�inst. themselves )Iedg6 of the Governimen. tp E;ubnu*t iu meuls Foreign Mission 3ooiety,,BrusseU -village. The happy -young .,couple werel b wket ted bi )&Ameis. - addresses am4 zsuch like were giveir, in- - he n i and pen was presen ipers a i �rhament and the holdin� of. the pres- beldlits annual meeting or Th very warm 'V Possin ell. Mr. Fonythe deed, some say it' -we-- th and their officials, through the newsp unsday, Jan- ly congratulated by thdir i many oreu�d A B e Most, erl� msion to ratify it that th -fficers were fri Urn Or itoro as uary'9th, wl�en the following o end with whom we join in 'b ihin and cause inLvestigationg to be made to wi g Ir ade an apt rop:riate reply- joyable evening of al1l, and nO%dDRbt it Was 'I elected siden _ Mrs. ffl;ev.) Loss vice them long and continued happiness,. - Miss to the youngsters and theirolderfriends certain whether or not they are well found I L. the bye -election for I he Legislature president, ra. - Barnhill secretary, Mrs. Freda; Dent-, of Mitchell, who was here on ! . . . . . . I - * who p ipatted. The entire procee. ingk ed, theS would not ha've time to derote to ' 4- MOIT18. d Son " Wentworth on Fr Neill McLau(hlin; assistar' -visit, - returned home on Monday, r.'� from t to last were - ittended by a sue- 3RAFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. I 7th, 18.66 the legitick ite business -of d idayl&A4 Mr. Dlels,,- I a b secretar Miss III I of Seafo LEFT voi HomE.-`mr, J_ R PheUh, of N. 001111 U, an ens n, the Liberal ctxndida�e wag elected oss tr( sure r, :Mrs. R. G. ;�!Loln - rtb, spent Sabbath with the t I cess which be -4ifying in the leaafl gecretar aev fii -,nd i in- Hensall.-Mi, T. visiting his many s" �'e i Cincinnati 0hiol, who was mu' the more they would strive to"disprove, Ira I I I Ilichards - Betiry -ou trernetotbe�pastoranfik -who took a III *ori-ky of 812 over his� op lient, fi iends ana acq tLutances in, Huro.0 county, in them. pa-vt The Wv;rdenshdp- sist Mr .'iSkena; organist'Mrs. Graham; err &ry horse buyer, i do Wie haVe not learned the enrTe these chmigesthe more thickly would they IV, ri gb- wi b)me on Friday, Januer uchmnau, h -e indep; d candidatei A ud ors N. Richardson and Mrs. J. inj � tq theig: Uft for his n d country, wi At the op*ng of I the caitnty councib,on t Utry 1p accompanie his sister, Miss An who -proceeds, b t the receipts from M.-onday be heap d upon them. But, because they Ballintyne. Mau -),gers-Mrs. J. Strachan, mt at A horses. He will b aci ied Me-, night?s tea Buchanan is oz intends a 117uesday afternoon', Xr. Thomas Strachan, te o e . !at -stmaker 'Mrs.7 D.C. R as, Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. J� o. few weeks with her n ee Ing amounted to tbe nice are vise enough.'not 'to adopt this - course) by N r. James Bell, jr., f tho . .. - � i - Province %pd is,in otl e.,,t6spectals; London sum !of QNX_ UtL 'we ve of Grey, was e lected warden. 1V e beg lull 19cott, Mrs.! a am and Miss McKay ; roi .-Mrs, G. Mitchell, ofl Londc;n, wl' father 81" ends in the Sunny So The Ten kpl&r, week after week, hurls at man, but he wam on. the ng taol 10 for v sibing strangers --Mrs. -,A, ere on a visit recently, Iretumcd join in Wia ring them both s, leave to congratulate Mr. Sbrachan on this r thi time. Coihtni plemant them columns of abuse such- as -the abo, 0- He is -aboboo, ed t) oppose Himeter. -1 30umey. Iic Ard Cartwright in So tb ord at th�e' Ri Sk I le, Mrs. A. 8 irachan; Mis� F. Pelton L this week. -Miss Jessie and Miss Hip AFFAms.-At the first LocAL �.mark of appreciation an the part of his fel- 'If The Templar wovild only reflect, it should anarliso Jo, IM07: TnE T 7 0 inion election, and it' is I e y -a similmi Janchlin, Committee for E Miller, of Exeter, and form of BA�MFS.­Alr. A. MeDonell and the- sick rs. Barnhill, meeting 'Central low coaucillors. it a an honor which has 86Ve Sense 'enough to see, the absurdity of awalts him there, if he 6 a not learh Mrs. R. G. tl ace, have been spendin ast h visi ting of -Morris council. held for this Mr. T_ D_ I#nlay will be at the Mr. William Clark w � re-& Wi son, Mr4�. D. oss sr.; and Mrs. Mar- we k r so with their sister, Mr& R. so com- wis: our by e erience. at- ppointed hotel on and Saturday, for the pur- t been well earned. Ile is: one of the oldestr its contention. If any well founded mp A EXP lot of r0mmo, I fro a Re -in 9 IT t , PY P he t is; �_f I t h e u h b h j y t I eu' a' at it -Mrs th suotZer h d1by e lug rf I 'a tin. Total ai'moun i c tributed for Tlear cler jit a saJ ary of $130 - Richard Johnsto se of p wiffiam if not the� olde L 011 all pur- er n jr.-Mrs. Alex. MeEwen -Was this 2 ing horses arles Melielland U& -on IfIV Saturday f0rI-4V4ft1M1 NI& at men ber'of the county couii- plaints &remade to the,�Gaivernmeut- by re- -a' by the a em a Ch were - app=Tted other constituency i Qa4lee bi - 01 iety -for 1895, $143-76. Week Ivisiting her brother, Mr. !Mus Pf k� de. has on was ap- Portland, efl, although he was out a. few years, and sponsible and respectable persons, aad these name i on the m'emb r hi all. near Kippen, who is, and een, fbt aticliOrs at$ 3'each John Wjts -A !re are 50.' e a ip r seventeen heSTY dMU&t cl ed in"i favor- of Lib rali a m! nd; pointed- aast soor at $70 ; George Hood, horses, for I& �asrs. Bowden also one of the most i bble and level #eaded. !Complaints "are a orted by reasonable In i L-ddition 0 the above, two large boxem, some time, seriously ilt tho;t He *ill make an excellent p�esiding officer, r eVoix vali led at %4 anc L $100. re"c Thorfias Laid law a -ad W. J. Jolrn�ion were this place. 1.1oted horse -buyers state evi We in a bye-ele In Charl dence, and the G(I rnmentfail. or refuse tively, 'eon - the day� Mr. Angers,. UnLy -appointed to 4,ct with the req've and' clerk this is the on - I taoildilg cloth' boots' ihoes, etc., were 1 aiLaib a4d wM fill the position for which he has to take ce of them, th V elel -n the.,Liberal, was Daahwoo& b0st lot of horses that baa left gmzm en ',ol r- Ci F -k,"J ted over M shil io the 19;ithwes6. card Of llieslUh, and Dr. MeAsh wax this 'Dart florz the count T -- "I health officer. It was DD LTIL --z-The many' friends here' f M ted I been selected with er adi. to himself and, to would, certainl be blameworthy, but they 151 This constituency iv as formerly repre - 0 r appom Y, _-Yhe tenty-tbird ann'pal meeting of the d'e some time.—U-r- Thomas Kestle, of ie G oveimment. E�raft,'jr., on the G6shc decided 1 the entire satisfactiom of the council over Bally_ may ivell be 6_=used for :refusing to notice Ben ed by a supporter f Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company bap'tho bridge kihown Blo, m e Wer ( 3 om- mote, spent" last Sunday here. visiting -we excee lingly pained to learn last iek that field.& id T�ut twn!' which he presides. newspaer diaribes'no matter how -'forcibly WaR, held in Gorl ie,. on Fiiday, -17th inst. as Pftf bridge be re -built as soon relativea.�2dr. Thomw Andrew, mercha'nt, Tnesd I As t There was a large attendance. Frourtbe his b� loved wife, after e0t or ten ble and. thb reeve was instructed to Kiinburn, wat in the villageon Saturday— my �e followincy y heGl�be of illnes 5, - bad or frequently the' ntay be made. dirtietors' report sud auditors' report the Passed away from this lif , cons�l i Mr. Aineley respecting plans, &c. ioderick: merhant, held 'aue, A f -w days after' the We H ran ele' T4e, Dominion Parliament. a H Mrs. Krat, was Now, -we wo a le Templar foHolWing sascsmay.be taken : During the daughter of M . A peti Aun In im ti �nuinber of the rateps -,a tion saleff on'Friday and Saturday last.— tild like to sk TJ the Globe v astol d that; r, qeismilller, th Schaffer, of Kippe of Mo er n,. and was i am_ Our legislators at Ottawa, have not done the �ast year 880 1, olicie were issued, and rris �and Tarnberry was presented, Lily Maud, second daughter of Mr. Al-ey- what it expects to. gi du use of teta-, Gel a year when. death c v -d- asking for th 4 formation ofa union school eDonellL, of the Thames road, Usborm for the ea emment caudidal d si -rned a hard thi t�riber in fore at the end of the, year ried only about e, anything worthy of special comment darin �e 59 -P3 9 perance or Prohibition bvt outipLue, took rer. Deceased as - -years Wre. t d an.1 an fast. P. P, A. agreeme ' to %-ate itgains �, was The arount of insurance writ- of secti9t co rising a portion of the.said was found deid. in bad, on Thumday morn - the past week- The situation is marked by Mr. J �raft has the heartfelt sympatk� of townsl ps villa�ge of Blueva-le. ing, 23rd ititt. She had recently recovered i unmeasured abuse A the Liberal party re edial , legislation. he Clinton New ten 306;930. ad the amount in force r, of the dullness and mo�otai The address in re- his ir iny ffiends in hissad bereavement, Does it think the in terest� of temperark' lkr of last week deal& 9 thaf it "knows at the end of they oari was $4, 1�12,105. The The PC nwas e4tertainea and Mr. John from a severe attael- of typhoid Ply to thq speec� froi a the Throne, his been ce the foregoing to be true, I ecause it 4appen- losses sustaned du7ing the year NC rES.—Messrs. Kaercher and 70M Mill'.r was app to act 'trator Heart trouble was the' cause . of h I er death, -wo*ld beadvanced by turni f i amounted as ning, .,roml. power ed a see the original I ledge, which wa�, to $5,139.46. T6!al'imo" Tavil tock-, are visiting friends * in the vil. i2conj u ntion with !an arbitrator f ruorm Turn- She was buried at the Exeter cemetery on adopted, but tl4at is all. the real business thtI Liberal jpart -in Ontario, and keeping unt of assets over lage tud neighborhoo --.p.evivai t ngs, berry. After passIng-a number- of accounts Satur I daaf ternoon last. y bten on a letter head (f the British Fx liabilities, '8188,709.,09. The. directors The parents ba -.v _0, that has yet beeii done. The estiniateg for at of power ihia.Liberal ar are a, ill being heI4 in e. English u t -gr e. all of -v -Ach v rill. be lound in the anhual fin- the sympa; of the community in ty in the Do- cha ng.e hotel, (loderich, d teel January 11 th would urge upon the - imembers the inipor- ding Usti Ja;luary, e' miriori tance of using onl tial the year en 1897, hav If it'does, y does it not a so,' ane signed by Mr. D. W smiller. Ian erns Of the best and A ery good and n edful act as een aucial tem,6nt, the council- u4jonmed to their sad lqss.—Messm. 'Thomas orlo my y -Tmnel- at been, nUtted au& the� Finmace Al Iister &n� th Will kn, W 'an pmael in Our village meet o the t7th 6f February. James Ha#tt�u,- and 'Ben sub safest construction, amn- to exercise great and ate.- To be used by ei ghi n. Saturday, on e people 0 aceB-be c i just where 1� to car all bi: siness P1 o-cl ck INTOT]h ,-M 4th line has promised th .1judget speech for to -d 11, would bea graceful action the. part a -e in handling th In out brns Charles Wheeler, -Shipka, the village �T- m it. -�But so long 48 it keeps -e r ra-k it known the mere] rants I iv had' bles. The losses ffir m ;this source in 189- ood bOe on Wediresdav of last business.—M4. William Cop -of Beaf-ortk 0 e age a P, itl I ; independence helboardof1d ctorsfor r. likely business will cam- b agreel to close during this week- at in4i Laidla* 8 Ne week it is Jqocritica reteirce of the Clinton NewB-Record b foamount to $2,728. ire th line is still qui., e spent a few, 4 - urchasi ,ys here last; week, as poorly.iLLL there is going to be any, se of the Grits and IrJ Canierot during next1week at half-] -Mr.-Alexander Nichol,. Uh line is hay and Arak for shipment,—The roads in earae�tl,, -s�, with- modet kite," vul rar abu he 1896 are: James Ed Howick, o'clot, k; -9 Ion enough to gi re its re &B, vice eight, and eight a?( also ln'voex � healih at present.—Mr. Joan were in a, slqppy condition on Friday R10 business of mom�nt trdis session. The ses- faiiess. It)3 present coutise is not borref t win, WatsOn' 4th line, �was aipointed Monday B m. Irterry publit will kindly no this. TliI3 oi should try to aet, at lea a ders itsi Mrt; after that views ot piresi� .10CL. f aturda the m lit presiadnt; Robert Scott,Mintol, F& B OU �y Several people from the Air. be quite a el Mork, however was calle 0' Wei mille rIA little ea. 'y 0 ub to thetoieeq rs, last as assessor, of the township,at a salary -vicini calle mainly for a it in. fact, indecent. i do cen. from th ' Grey- W.m. Mcercher, Howie ty of D xshwood drove to wspecific purpose, the of the -Man- anring the eleci ors el with fo�ni that ed tol -Miller, M 0 n.: bell ba's'been put -on tfie chool buggies. put lie ple Johii rris, �.iectors;l IN% the s �eighirkg n. the lake rea be - in --------- -to he d te as th ir cast In has to close Of $7 0. itaba, remedial bil� and u mbers do not The Benefts of on he a Ric C-rcher, secretary7treasurer, HoWe ver, they will n6t End it I ard t get house in Section. -No. 5.—Alias 2kary Hal- ing nearly ba;t e.—Mary Myrtle, only child.. �roteetion- go'i o Parliament unpled�e until they sch� ol question, wh out 01 that custom. liday hia s gone to the Normal Behobl, at To- of ir. and- 31 r,, Jaines' seem disposed to do much bi it talli 1h a. speech in the. Housci,.the other ile at, he i ni ti e hel Hodgson, of Palmer- d,,y,' was bound by a hard an fas greement! O.—'%Vhile clittma st.mw with a horse ston, formerl of UEborne towmehip died at get that off their minds. It is said thalt the I&J rent John McM evale. Mai, M. P., for South H 11- arosrei his own signature to -OPP I Bl�th. few dais Z9 atwday, evening last, agea se reme� a, Mr. Meildejohn's Palmerston o4. S s beein d, -but that-. � I "all; Was J&t�er lightly built for -the pur- I year 'and '2S dLayS, fter a short illness,. draft of the bill Iam ronj gave some 'plain, practical poin bs, legislation in every shimpe nd f rui. Balls, *Mng was quietly 1 il '-e Tue-s- A 1;,oic f om Blyth.—Come d seq us the different factions ia the Goernment ShoTving how the farming iii6ereat ir,. han Ii- I t y J uary 814, when we sW*t p opin, -gh and bronchitis. The marhed at her mot] ier's residence, oin Qse, an I a large wheel burst, and aipieceof from who r con an Fri ving eat caanot agree upon it. Th a kickers 'insist J dging from reports Sir Chi day rporning, 0 1&. George M%cdoiiad, by bargainW I'Groceries.Boots and Shoes, .: orallges -thia metE I Weidt through the gale, end of the' corpse was brought here on Monday capped and injured by the, poli6y'of pro.. r6 Tupper U�v. 1A. T. Hartl( ty. Mr. and frq. Mae- and Imli3o s, 2 dozen for 25c ; lake Hu -one was hurt. -Mr. laet, and tale, 3L to the resiAence of n berrilig, 2 bq,*n. �!ortunately no. on a very modified sample, -while the Qae- �ec�ian, These is p! tting up a stiff' fight dona;d *eut to Owen Souikd on the noon for hair oil e state im C e. Breton', dozen for.26c ; 2 boxes of herTing ments should be CLLL e. gorous pb ga lWatabir Uh line, cut one of his fingefs Fisher, 3rd, 6neession, id the beceirs will not be atisfie with anythi but ie is having' vi per bot�le, Be ; golden syrup ar U 40c e Usborne, a) Ing fullk considered by the ele lition. The I'train'to spend their honeymoon. The bride ad pot I eters irres arley, B lbs. for 10? ; currants and opa�dly b lut MI took p, !see f rom. pec ve getting it into the root - ter a, fune I LOS, thesbove place to less than the whole hog, a (I to save a sp)i t resu. t is smid'to be daub lough t IWOre! a smart tr8relling gown of bron newf u , Be per lb ; Globs washboard ]Be each; fefv day of -their party'prodh- he John Young is home the Exeter ceifietery, n Tuesday Ate before they re- cloth Mrs.] Mac donald is e3X044dingly 2-11 lb t a siftings for 81 ; 30 lbs. salts a sulphur for JL Moon 2fic I Irs, ority at present. He maygo 'back last. Mr.�=41 '- Hodponlia-vethe with 'ever -of Pail's pepper, vic , beat b -oo Jor IEM- the x1natter was stood off ktil 8ir Charles card their votes a the nLj PPu' e'are sure 6he me. 2 cons ituency gave a Co v, Co from. A approaching general of o er 7.00 at the last ele tion '�he elec- ar 0ne, and w one of PaIN syrup fe the'spring._11r. Robert Nichol o6re symp -their mamy friends in tb* r ol ; Lea atby. goo L Ig n Tapper should re, and her husband have many; , of turn, w t� the hope that elec-tiong. e andbat- In combattin the 'falacy so tion a!kesL place on Tuesda for �;oai 8 en's a sad avement -Mrs. Alfred Ccje, ne) pi Be each vershoes, !Boc;� Men's had d bi pile of wood cut o ' -their ber he will be able to tecone- I the-differenees I their happiness and prosperity. -Court boatean shoes, 51)c; Women's boots an � sbio4s,zoc; arputforwardbyupholderi6.of thelqa- #s of last week.-L-Alessrs. G. Hood of Lumley, has been. sick the past week ouglas, Canadian Order of Foresters, will 9�c Men's, rubbf to, 25c. M. Men's ne gaiters, of the cork,' nding factions siiIfflcierttly to en- tiouall Policy, that the p I� d chie aftended the division Grange at the id �kcie f JC080p &Co., Blyth. r I o er son, Robert, urchasing power of I VA News of the e k,.' give a sociil i theb- hall on Friday evening 8 u a,41e them to agree on som g that can be nr��etin held- in Blyth on Tuesday - Andrew a bushel of wheat is as geea, &t,the present For� D DFAD.-On last. tre, -Grailm buyers here have t 0 L BEREAVEMENT.- of th is wee be Saturday ev urn at-, M�11 A en 4th line, lost ayaluable been paying 7 cents a 'bush;l for wheat e Queen and,: k. A rame will given. the t our citi exis we surprised B;nd 4oc-ed presented -,to- the Hous If Sir Charleo -The aunuQ me hig of the Blirevale; Pres- thne as it was before the P. was intro- her ughter, Princess Be i(:,-, %re, com- to horse a ago. The animal died at. t iveek, the arket -,Mr. is elected, he "will likely his seatobefore hear f` he death of Mrs. Stewart of� E Lot Thomas p0strated over th byterian c egation, will be held in" the Mr." McMillan quoted fr a ple a' , III ber- 9' Brussels. z is a heavy loss to Mr. 8 Of 0113: hi t a - f inie litenry of ALVIM A one td a quarter milet frdm the rapp,-of Vi d - the close next week, 4pd until then em+e ritinithe deah church on hi irsday afternoon next,' Little ;�Ivmn peir, Ir �n, Mat�oba, is visiting t th time of her de budget deb),te will likely keep the members 110 Paid er.! 'Prince e ve was ange 0 e Mi y w,,re all away. A f&T Exeter a A -er, on boi t' this week with.sore -the own account books in proof thimt it is not vinag as he lost Valuable imported Mare some tires i1a towiI.-Mr. Muey Fairb B e att the r -at' burg,11rusband of tb Imt Paul, yoAn ;t son of Mr. Jciseph Pugh, urn., Henr3 died d of a6ie R;o 1 .'Lawrence Wheeler, 5th line, Mooarn-i i, Manitobalt id his old in operatioil'. On the weel s9ql on nilyl of b C on T day. -The weather in yml I -had st wo�od ' ri friends following, the hiii visit rn F iece of his B t a nd �r up, br, t we are glad tio hear of one da, ht�ir ax d four s�ons, two of, wh J day Lirst. - pr9pq t 91 hy6s been 1�fine7 amea Tapp,. ;vh; "has b4n -visiting relat�rts were fout- app first Illood, may be..... -pected to -flow In 'that year wheat was e was tsken his imroveirr In 1882 a certain p Africa n he:coas' in tb Sta6;, sun -ire her. 1r.'Stew1or" ir�oduceustters laitely.-There It paid $93 of taxes- y where h nt.-Miss Mag+gie Burgess is aeassessor this aroun here the ipast two -,mouth selivisiting in Tee swate r. -Mr. -�smes Eniott, died so e years ago. The funeral year. in and -John B, ne was aarded the left for his home -Sir Charles will immediately .25 -that it would take 70 MOODY'S.MOTAER DI 'ok is stalted. th t so Mrs. Bet- to, in Victoria, assume 'Hal place on bushels of wheat. tb�- the taxes. Las7t rsy r Moody, the mni h I f Turnberry, was ir j ured the villag on I uesda�,. British 001 - in the Commons, JosepL contract of drj the milk- on the 5th umbia, on Tuesdiry morning1wt._31r.john th� leademhip the Dwight L. a ng an nt' left on, lined yeai that propert 00 the evangelist Wednesday 1). N7m M r.* h Lam a y pmid taxes of $93.90, and ed Sunday, at v a load of , wood f Ili uring tht 60 ning season. Thereere Gould,, of superse I r i an, of London, spent last Sutlday. Vith R mat orthfield, Mas him. �An interesting wedding took place onto hospitia centsit would tae 1,51 1 U. She wa ding M . Foster. MCM with whea at 62 t hu: a at T u e d ayT for one of the Tor is, thr6e tenders !r. Soutb Ruron, tried to e of age, tbi house of Mr. and Airs. Jbhn G 'y will midergo, an t'. f t his parents here. -On Saturday night. newo ere a , J:i B611 draws the milk for bushels here h1e to lost through m reso- morehan twice asi much -as in ard iner, oppra ion oi he less thou,one per ga m Last season reached here that a tramp JUnatie 0 R ere w s a W �11 on Thumday evening of, last eek, A11 seen lation look ing towards reeiprocity between d puralia,sed of terrible en one cent was the received. iu the Ilt�y swamp. Dete6ti.,,e W n 188 removal f a, growth -on his neek. 9 L per boots and paid $5 for them, It toofair -their youngbs� da g ot.t plosim ig a colti 7irersar- the Mmt ery at Tylc litel-, Alias Fannie, � -as InuVersary service in connectiori ;t. Qa4da t-nd the 1.1nited, itates, four e I',; WK,n, near This time geve IT, the swamp early on Sun bu�helis of wheat -to pay for them. Last Wales, on Monday' M)rnin'g, hen married to Mr. Zederick McCracken of Andrew's Presbyterian church, as h d Du j ins, is the tender. drove out', day ter of agriculturml irnple ments, olin. Watson 14t Une, had a wood bee �a n I C. Micbie ttended In - mud the raw yemLr he had pad f, if Off', Brussels. The ceremork was performea by Sunday at, when - Rev. Mr.' Stus t, of aiid found the brush shanty where for a pair c f boots bAt r miners were below. Twel-ve were y ; few days ago. London reaclk-ed both _'rtaglbeelmstopping, but the man'haa I r rescued but it i's feared that I h R. ev,. he Iliaterial of which thel are composed as it took eight bushels a;nd eight pounds E others ae M r. Moss, in the presence of ab( ut Wom and V( U- stitute mietin'� Itievale this flown. RetracedhimasfarasAi- Daniel wbeat tQ pay for them.. dead, a a Gorrie and B was ISE 'we ker is back from Rng- Kernick'o, on D-E.4,,rk0FADisTTXC;r�I1ED aidson oi le 'Thames mad Usboel the U-3iited States hmve a. standing offer t6 In 1382 be lild forty guests. The bridesmaid ing,, to I rge congregaions, 1108n 11 dq! a k. - Xr . .% -,Sir Bell Rich Teeowater, and I he evening a ost saccessfal tea-mee in as i land and another lot of horses where he headell him- I bou ht a suit of clothes for $U, and. had ti3 almit these articles free into, thmt country, PaliTfor it with 19 1_5 bushelsa. -Last ye r Frederick Leighton, tbWpainter, is dead, at' best Than! beld.-Thime is talk lisig DII the road, 65 Willifirn M' c0rack-en. . of E. Livingston M(V-i bouahtf�r a a ;t 'ClaiMe his factory from Belgrave to B - . _11 :�rora any country thmt will extend a like he bought a suit of aout the same. the ar, of . Soi4 pf his litest pictures The Ing Id, nt next mont.h.-Wing-­ east t a a intchelL e abrid6 was dressed. in a �creami d (uality IYtk & ham horse held on Tuesday.�At tkeal as his la§nie. c�urtesy to them; so th, t al that is needed for $2U, but, it had taken 3­� b hels of arCi, - The Bath of Psycbe Farewell serge gown, tastef kill 7 trimmed with ribb( amovemeiit is on tout to grant 81,W;' He -had been in the RAV n, I I the sale of. D 9th line, onon- svOamp for sor' e tim: Wheat to pay for it. -Another and," hich wards this end. -Mess' rs. IV. Powell .4 -e past. H_ w -8 to secure freeimplement& and raw "aterial �est f the Riz beca;lm'eherw�ll. Theivedding . he to,; pah," bd three last p- & J60k-, day,271th ins . ver: large crowd was the cold weLitter is a mystery, --Nlr. ohn �t son have n this wuntry for our farmers, and free a n! 18 7 he 1893. Per was.excellent, rk king ol condition of the. fiwmers being painted in On November 13th, d after parts, rchased � the'bakery and, regent frpm all," townships around. Ev- Chingy, and t daugters, f hadelau unted 7, tJ 5 tl�e CoMpa;ny themselves in varic us t"r'ut 01 MoAgages in Ontario anic) 01:_ 1878,- he was chosen preside V of the Royal R. Alla and took Possession on Mondav, e iiki sold C- Hamilton wielded Maxiiaba, -who ave been visiing relatives cesa to the "reat American markets, for the 000,an therewer6 no ehdtte moj�tjagea Academy, and a' fe nniie is Mrs ;e bammer; Mooney and G. here the: ia"Wat im left for home on Men- C, bt w days -,r. he was wmys until a late boar. Miss Fa, - e mmaufmctories, is the p age of a resolution registered. In. 1894� the moui t' Qf "! mart. kn'' by the Queen. an UnUSUally lovablU and lively &L 1111 kir4�y are at t county town this week, day orni gages was $115, 56 an iner ala I se.of %o YOINS CTIYO, Chinese ",,hokneW])Orbecam,,,attache.dto her, alid in orge to tha effect by the Canadiain Parliament. 50,000, ;attewdiug iLhe cott argue ,a a,:ge sum of -,Trn ent has as d -the 'sincere wish of all her friends th 1t Kip' en. annua 17. I Mora. P UOO,(JOO or $6,0 , 000 Go it is t Sunday At trthro,, Mr. Aleliffla's motioucased, za inte the ginniests f. rest- over-, in 1894 t2ere OOU of money, f r the costruiation of Heaven will be kind a her throughout h -r TnE ii� ersigued b elinz ister--Mr- were $1in need'6f ing discussion, on the old free trarle and chattel mortgei, more :tha, n one- alf * of -r 0�1 John Dodds' of e Seaforthpop works, 'was -It 9t6ted in exchange joc, w U orne. on his r��Ihi Top.� DOS FOR H -A life. The wedding party- drove to Hanck�. young milch cow, in earl�'Lwould' which were reeorc� ed against Im, ers. Dar. naVa eirdles thit t where the Portland cuter. well finished or ;on Saturday last._M r- pratecition basis, but that, was the most of Lend 6 t -C firs' on Friday, V spent a few days. Mleighs, in �11 rt William Da.%V, t -class paywent for suih. As he *,Ihbe6 to clear out tb6 bil- Alr and wife f lGode -ch town- ing the last tw& year torpedo 1 oats will be a 't to ST 4, D D E DEAW -The f amily of a .119 ch 'ttte torped�. I ei� ri his be gold a a bar-nd rely it,, as the Government 6pposed it, a. [fax in the ance of oak, it wl TWO Alexande� Mcl)(milld have been sev.,e sbi ent last - 11day and 11-onday here. (1 it had increased more than eve. -*b fore [n the sPrIng; Ips sp u w eat on a division. tis declared I hist He i3all. good @soon hand cutterw at a bargain Eur cis 0 affieped for sometine, several of. the :mem- -Mr. - Thom:Ls Hodgson is or3, of CanadiL, and it shloulti be remem. ED. -'Charles -Som wood. T. M subts. bers,,includi - Mir McDonald himself, hav- with consump#on anj a Light h )eed tha farmers did not r$ , son of'La I Hen v 'tus Auction-salle of Homeehold. Furniture a il h I uF c hattel 190'e opeS are t _:P_ut on d3 . Hen set, LITEUATY NoTr.-()a Frida n prosir'ite Uniust Oriticiam, mortgages t!xceptag a last resort, and when prekide of th ri h Worn'" ay, Februs by t His tertained for J' his recovery. -The janies ato fever. ting fc th Live Stoc at Ifeumall on I food ry 8rd, rb� last, a ver r novel and Isti-cond da-Q,ghter, they oould nut put more e Temper- o'c-lock p.m. A. WESZ1,011. 1408-1 intereg re hilly, aged a -bout fifteen Street choir, mur gages u� Undon. on the took lacelmt the liveraxy society nice jivitil the fe, f . ce ion, wa married in e leadership -of Pro - The' Terripla, pufAished in Hamilton, and their land.? tini, in eat1s, had,ibeen lat -18attrday night, Fe.)ruary 8tb, is the dQe _h e ,ver but essor Rus rnished the musid at the 23rd st., -to Lady athim De Vere 11P f e_1 Ju Wa§ had - apparently re overed from it.$ eff Beaucl: k, a. d ug' we quit business in Hensall. ICIP to that d -e a mock Lrigd. This tri I ate ects. Thames ro ter of th Dnke of t. will sell, you Fo ad, 'on AID11clay irig ht lw5t, otwear, Tr inks which is, we believe, the accredited organ h and valisep at a of V- conducted! by judges, lawyers and jur�,com_ -Although she had qot regain'd her usual Messrs. Joh Dumart of the Esociety known as the Royal Templsrs ing of from 2fie to st on edeh pair. D' osed of u. embers of th society, and via e of Zurich, opportunity of a e FO g 'AN119 Worman, gettingyo r supplies, for Notes alLd Commen 8 stren-41 -she o around ST mous, Acv'-3� 1 on't miss t P 5 7 was an a was 'were in the _e tother night on bus - of Teimperance, is a very ably.iconducted i, . 41 if TOU ; 10 every way similar to modern adsizes, thought to be gel; Mr. IN,. W. . fifty y� rs of age, wife ( the fault 1$ yours. Term caah.-Persons IndebWo a p t I g along nicely. on raim Butt of C; aton, Journal�, but it is al!io very unj Buchaan, who rin as kn d tb p residen & of to w e are reqiies'ed to m � their accounts on or i B4 Each- of fb e actors did art well and to Weduesd&y ul ht,,, I i4t week, she retired to Telitives her 94 uh-t and .,un- the ntng Publishi 0 npan , LN'ew York fore Febrnar tbil. Ifniolipadtfiexivvillbeput. ; the satisfa �tion as well;i7s: viai, epenclent, candidate in the bYe-eledton in 9 s to the edificatio.6 rest e ion Monday last. d v by shoot- 1466) of ep� i ig with. a sister. I On -About twerill YRoial Templars from here oom e. x1easonable in its utterarkces� lVhile profess. it- ed su4cide.t e other icourt for ColleeLlon. A. Wumo. as usual, South NVentworth, in a ver large aud�ie his nomin- ei I �u, c,,B -trictl independent in, politic, i ,Lie . n sp . eech, ing h reason -n' . I - il the nexit Thursday morn Dr.- r aaking, her sister attended the rict, ineed held at Ki-p- c� iv� iug,tt) be a elf. N is k LOCAL BRiFFs_-0w­ vil Ill d v, for the lage has presente meeting o: theociety, rash acil. riscions, anci on peu, on ts while objecting to the appointn of mem ia very busy ap, ea ce. take.plac� w�as startled to rinl7d er unco during the on Februf h pai t ry.7t , there hill bets, debate th closer atio be was found t be exiamin tha - .�y columos teem, week after week, with the bers of, thd Legialliture to* posit LEAViN('-' CUBA.-Tne exodus 'week or so. T e gc od - sleigbing, coupl� I ti�;a most virulent abuseof the Liber ions nder subject be ng, gric partY, the G"overnment, aad after instancing the from Ct ba contipties. Every ate mer Idav- with the fine w&ther we have been en* abould be taught in a dead. he sea awav uring the e pubie schoolls. " night, appar�,ntiy., 4 quietfy and peace- Leadbur7. both Dominion a -ad Povincia, %n(I t�his is ing RmN &UR i8,carryin ing,:causes a, lot:of The affirm iive bide of this IULbieet will bA, ful] app6intment of 'Mr. Aood, of g h ar ful c)mplement Br?derio; Mr. Brant, and -of passe agers, and some of the 1,rk es are put- of Exeter, has withdrawn is auctio sa,, i y Mr T. N. Fore sym. NoTns.-(-,)aartejr1y meeting services will dorke utider the pharismical pretce of ad- . Awrey, of U entwortli, smd : "And tin ou xtra bomt8L led b hX asoisted by Mis�a patly is felt for! litf� Landrs. -UeDoiiald be held at W Methodist of goods in out. village .-:-Mr D Ur uh lizzie Mont th and tb nejrWve b church next the temperaee cause. The laet ,Kr. Gibson,of Huron,is only awaiting. Sabbath, commier cingait lo 2() W Jnited States the enterprising prophoto e us I F. D. But, 3hart, assistep lie- e r� -D 1* Mr, and familYin lthfiir''tronble, and e the completion a' a little'Uea with r of th We a specially i�timber is largely taken up, with strictures the Depa by on acount, of Oit very -sudden bereavemen egre 8, is icons sat c blpt John Allison Much sympa Alo-wat and his 611eagues, because similar- position. " Mr. B mchana i . s�not Albas ad Ri i ford, 3ont, as large qnanUties of Oat ea m a nuT� there vdl4.no d Sr., of the T h� L n1suffftted for Conservatives of his riding to - M611t. of Agriculttire his leciddd to Oatmeal mill Ig aws, Mordie. U this is an Ififiportant subject, ftnious to say that Mrs. 3timore preLs nt step into a open t. 11 S �.ilL they do not seem to admini. ter the Out only inaCCUrate in his ports of e for oubtbe4fnRattendanee. aRmdf Ushorne'. met with and aria, statemeULt Zada, des- berfrom he'reatitende ih* last meet NOTES. -Mr. John McLes d t ic eve, a rer Mrs. S'Lmllcl Siiti;, forinerl but -he doe cs�ttle rom Ing 0 'y p y L'if IQ 8 tined fo, la� epu y , e 'ibsoh an injusti Tber eal, ton. cently, als is this week at Goderich, atte &njz county was working wi-tht a straw cutter, whe' D!Ur oints, by iva' Presbytery,held'at Se &forth &Wul ac4dbut &.few days ago. He but now of Sealufth, o r. h ryo e PV icense law in- a manner to meet with its ce e is no 'of Bos- re !vuing to theirsima be - big or little, being a large nuniber of ladies attende n his reavenrent in the` Aeath f their son ade. vrith 'h3 Consfrva- r.'iLnd Mm. Tohn eD- and onald., left hand. got caugh , . The following is a mild sample tives in, r.1 Gibs 'a con:atitue�lc byteritLI Forei Mission meeting, hel Tudkeis in the -roller drawing daughter. -Mr. qohu If-urray is pr topaL eparing y, nor vvith re called'on Sturdw it into the: knives which.took the The scaadals connected with. the ad- other p' prs0n, '. So th&-t Mr. Buchman Huron �here the game d Ly, and report a very larg to attend -it he funeral of their nie clean to erect a kitcb1s4 And woodihed during the ministriation of the Oat a"" I N tes. eel Id I-,; off his fingers. -con ng es, ario Liquor License has either IE�een mi4informed, or be is draw. ly attended and most istere f6 accident is a very paan- son aid Mr. sting meeting. McDo daughter of 34r. ant WnL Smith pur- e x 030 es p e a rie stablincr Unde _6ber and nice' aleighing dur�' McDonal of Usbom I . Allison x , rne4th hi Act ha; V'e become so frequent and of such a ing too -strongly oul his, imagin:4tion. le -Mai garetta Weir, e cf J. J. How, �­The fine we nald - e, who I Mrs, ke and will la tp for some to gr ch J wet k or uddenly.-'Mnjohn, MeMox, though advanced in years the fla arcter tha it would appear that tt, die I at her residenc in Glen morris on ing the past was �alle� time, but al. so, has afforded thi away ve srentid the Ad �Xinistration a.t Toronto is L beat ou Iiii the by,election for the Le Monday mornin Oth i ta, aged 38 years. young people a r of pleasan trit he is hardy and cky and we h Mr. Johi Kners. Thp giala.-ture in Deceased had Un' an �ringl f umbe t sleigh� spent.the )re. tat of the week a Centralia win place wr.- driving 03A of the ranks. of . its supporters or several ing parties to e meighboring towns of YiEiL soon be all right minus the ernger�s- tair's fifty acre . s, and the rent gneei West Wellington, Mr, James on ting aat he ome of Air. and Mrs. Jame' These modern, t every maif who sincerely desire& to a Tucker, the months past with, plit �dern cutters ad gram Upon is $155 Air ; Kners ee the Pat �he effe h etam'ing the house liquor tiraffic driven from its entren on. candidate, - has been 'ele ich Ci Tied her away. a .9 of Clinton, Seao and elsewhere. -On Fri- Blair. -On account of - the ann crashers seem to, le very dangerous ma. i`nd time is f chments eted by a, he as ugh- day last,, Mr. illian �Versary ser . &at SPpric and thei laws of the land honestly adminis- maiprity of 223 over ter,of tb late James We i Welah's young son� vIces at H Ils Green, the services in chines, and, if mom care is not exercised 'in when the aching 7his Liberal oppoiient, ir,.,of oirth um- met with a bad. ceidt ut. It a members pears that Andrews'd lurch will be at 2.30 o'clock and their use, half the farmers in Of Parliament will be m- ter6d. 4e� Templar har, from time to time Alr Patterson. At he general el fries, aw was married to r. Hewlett he was 'Sab the -country - quested to l -ec, playing er nay arokrriL4 the'Sab school at 1. 30. -1k �v. and Mrs. I vOte"Teh or nay on the Sepama-fe, Jupe, 1894,"Greorge -elve years ago- SOX 5 f B* years his new d chool. measure. a portion of the scin.dalous malad-, about ti father's at the rear of S. Acheson have been poorly for som Will0'n 14e more Or less maimed by- thenL a will." no doubt, be a tTy- ority kicker was elected as a ago they lived at TLkelet, air(. mill & re- Brown I Cl&rWs ca, e days, A UHURM Anvxv MMARY. -The almniver- of the law which has. been' Pat�,on by a maj of 27 2. He was un- membere shop, and -while suffering ± -am bad colds. -T§ show the sar Ing moment in tho'life of mgir I by old neighbors a d' riends in on _y servi6es in cont, eetion with the ThLninea th Gr t dragged to the light of day 'which. in the seated and disq the scaffold he s-Ilip and in fallin ha pearcity of feed in some ports, bZ V, p traliflid by the election court wad Tory.* Our up t f, very na =e of the case must be:- but 9. small for. that vici dty. 'Air. John Road I?kOobyteriau ichrch were held on the remedial measure will u. rica the -misfortunne tD b hl a Cooper, of Howick, came here lastweek Sabbath be carried by a I b i ti the electors more frael -qe fractioni of the fraudit committed'agai n 'rey e6rrespondent of Monds inst the tha i�e Judlaegs thought the -The x bb, Brilgesels pleased to see that Mis a leg. _v mild Tuesday Igat. n large majority. -At a recent business Mee-, eopla he have by i law 404'2 Post give 5 the following exciti n ie Katie Palmer is after a load of straw. -Messrs. James Blair, Sabbath, miern][0115 were preached f 0 of covering ificely from h Dr recent serious Benjamin B [air and John Cochrane, sr., all, -and evoning by Re. orenoon. Ing of the Methodist eburch, Bethel is able to be around - HamiltolL people mumeroq- methods de- At his elee'tion. the Patrons' selected as how they collect of taxe� that ness, and Dr. Lyle, of elkka-red at they are opposed the crim alrrearg t4ils e- tbeir candidate, younger brother, and they a left on a tri, 3 to visit friends in Glenallen, on pointment, 31T. i. J� 1weedi liquor- traffic - - township: Live times were I The congregaioup w )POinted ? have elected him.' T lie Conservatives n:)m- by 13,milij� Scot xPerij)nced Tuesday evening last, Mr. John at both diets to reprftent the �nembers ILI Wha has been, the I e n1s, Tuesday.-Alarge, number from this dia-i of worshit, and ej ai\ the, officip-1 result A sil t ant T ina, Irl ially in the evenm' ence so ay er he"went team ran away g board. Some -of the profoun d a candidate, b t he after -wards to Peter Erb's to co et i h 'run; �cipal , from t): e post -0 ce, herp� triet attended the funeral of t1re . late Miss i when thel church trusteftf 1�he church as t4 be oppressive has prevailed. dre , and the figbtas a straight one t&x�es du they were� standing, aid 'made for ome� Oiercrowded. Dr. who were a S The axtment 'of be It seems �Mr. Maggie Sinclair, on Saturday last. ppointed many years tgo, bar - Government charged twe n the I A very i Lyle is o4 of the inni t able and mdtivsted ing d In the fully ns- orgaMjZad tet board, was re- g g e so on- was sustained 'by the I torse the 11mWing si that it was aware a leclined to pay the bi . UZ 1iLgh re FTeemia Patron and the Liberal, the h left We have 'not learned w iether much n fitting wid appropriate sermon was 16 move -awT the truA with th, duty of enforcin, this law has al- for $14.30 on the t ble at the tow, [ I LaJ I on 1 reach preachers and be 1,. d Conservati ve' i �ote a and ale 9 ain his be" g its meiibe most cei wed to make day, b ed by the pa star, Rev. S. Acheson, cI Sab_ t ed , gab rvi tionon own- -The quart�erly servri6eg - reld iti tho. bath last, in.referenee' to the departed. iis�- On Monday eve Rackwell, Alberf, Dand", RZb. gn and rh �from the Li I to ship clerh Spence returned the m:)ne' er dist chur h of thee dstence of the evils complained of. 9 enoug the thin make up the difFerenee. This will give the Annual tea meetin The Frc: vinci&I secretary, compelled to speak P registere4 letter, to T &t1UM0Ttg last, �vere ter. -Clifford son of M crtBoyd, JohnDunidas and T. j. Inine atgons'anotha seatin the Legislature A, d rowbridge post ce. very lar -gel: ra. WnL was held, Qne f -al oici fashion hr in. the late Provincial elections, said in the When Mr. Scott, n d In d Oat interest- Watson, j a b:n ery poorly for some kind. Mr- Boyd WA9 selected as representative at Will knock one off the Government maj W- F. Scott and 8j in bl te The 'weatlicir was delightful, the the uarte I pro an propria; sermon time, but is now % r y o : Was improving. -Air. and Mics. r1e, 7 roads were� good and Ithe crowd immense, all Dunt'Las as eecretarv.-Mr. Richurd jtobin� Arcade h&ll, Hamilton, that eve f y the tax collector, went to Mr.. fficial-board, John r,y air when they join forces- wit,4 el .01111111 the place r a deiveredbythep tor,1Lev.Mr.Swa=._ miaded, re&sonable man knew that the lavv tir , as t ey did last sea the'Conserva e barricaled, and no Mrs. Hunt,' of this i ills, gel who was sc 1 1seri- John Declier, of Zurich, paid a, visit to th�ir ail-etions an.d den0mil3istions being represent- son', spent & iew a&ys &at week -was well adminstered, while -at the same Bien, to put Lhe evInce of life about. friends, Mr. and Mn. Sh er; of this p -visiting Goverriment in a bole. On cl D$e obe - &ff la�e ed. The capacious �hurh basement, where friends and aequailitaueea in 8 time do God was being supplied tion it wag noticed that a wind >ir �Iin' ously ill for a long tine, but who has been during the �ose were apreAd and the tea a tauley.-Mr_ mirin through thesegeoVar d aside,and the garrison as recovering nicely during the past mon.4 or now am agen for the Rochestir nursery, erved, WnL AleGavint 'while in the act of ste th mus of the malfeasance of The Toronto Globe says: 141 Our liceo pulle on- so, left here on Wednes ihorning f St. is rea mind was pwked with �ea`Ple Of all ages and both int - u the house had the misfortune pping e Hailton License Commissioners Be noitring. Ingress was made W dy tO fill orders- in that line -1- sexes from ' to fau is, and shorf t e at y arrlT law I's one 6f the best in' the world, le, Louis, Missouri, where i te intends ai 11 ing The district �neeting of the Rqyal Templars eight o in the evening until about and opmin his' -shoulder, but we are pleawA 4- t ga s" War ensuel word mpani - a crowdeA and as Boon as -one amt was vacated er ion. far as e ecr In the 11 Miss 11� A� severa�dl coun willing the hou'Se, intelb'perark,�ce that evil is steadily d w -i 0 London by her sister, c twee�a it and rhe growing, sentiment agai house male their qpear=an . I who reside there. She waeace '0100k- The tables were continua and John M unin or an d e ly after the inhabifA Its of the some time visiting ter was held in our village on Tuesday lait V to note that he is imp And 6 on in this btrain for a col In son and daug W11 where The Templar rak-es 1, coupled - th. a littl� s when a largel number of dlegates -from th there were half a dozeir read a eGavin arrived home on Tues - the inis ia unduly maguffying its e�tertainrnent a of the order in the co y nd day -with their 'mopWar atauion2 "Mae - own ing.* This, is all true, and th do set Bell. to, take it. But, 'notwithstanding the crowd, Ben " sad, as he _U one of the best stalliew; se Globe Mi `ht upon -the We wish Mrs. Mint a safe and ))Ieae.- were in attendance to take part in the Uaty all seen�ed to real -enjoyable a who PrOmPtl� de sp hed ant trip, and trust she will return gre�tly ing, and for the giving of the reports meet n�& county,will iinake a great improvement, t there wu an in this p&M.-Mr, D. W. Durr"Oe Paid -7 of the time al! werie=dn agnd vim Keys h the �eo vie wq� -to buy. 'term U itc);� Rev. Sebrin _SingiN Xullar, _T1 Af turea i to lual —M, Nvith h ehurch North) last we sail snkr friends, Re. churchi Week. ITS interesi 'come A club. — MW U ger dep, I _U 1896, si urer - J AlicDow 'Of Sill -.11 4or sem to worl has bv "a inei He the I"tt ar-04 -on the Lad Aist eht of wr.,A get A P0, resident: mliles 4 great di'l —A 1� of MW Berruu4l are now *hiA v July ,The Frea 1). Mit-661 ports fo at troublo 7 m ,In the Can 'World,. lontario —Th , lately 01 -almalay line,, is I the tout 'branch jE --on 11 ford, th she failing: ty. Th two fim purchassi —ReN �wifh th Dakota,; 3ra Unal Bechtel days. —Mr. i)3g hay�' ping> it f, Mitchell Will ret as the I There, 4bout V., - age reeldien schooll I 4the at and cent -S stable, *a str, tW,e-,,7U9t iner is Around, i'rg "I traid th7p- Ile - rece; saine re wheats Sue" -Innent higher Alightchl keys =�74jr -Q,UU7t* �choicee s k 7a 0 to