HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-31, Page 21
Casey &
For rtext
30 DAYS .
Four lbs. good Tea for 50c; Toilet
Soap away down in price ;
- Laundry. Soap, _7 five
cent bars for 25c. "
Dinner and Tea Sets at greatly
reduced prices.
CASEY & Co.,
T1 -1`E . .
Restores natural
color to the hair,
and also prevents
it falling out. Mrs.
II.. W. Fenwick, of
Digsr, N. S., Bays:
---: -
....• .."°" "A little more
1:.-....----.1 ... 'f.....=, than two years ago
.....• .....ittgr-41A.,„..
?rx, igv.c.,'-r,r,,...r;•'' nay hair
e:P • tt b 0 g a n
.t. .- ,V;r: 0 ,
it .4'..441". . ' .'".1 to turn
c. gray
and fall
out. Af-
er the
i se of
one bottle of Ayer'; 1 -lair V gor my .
hair was r stored to its •rtginal
color and ceased falling o it. ...An
occasional applicatlon has sn ce kept
the hair in good' Condition. '—Mrs. .
H. F. FENWICK, Digby, N. . . .
"I have used Ayer's Hai Vigor
for three 'years, and it has estored .
hair, which was fast beeomia ggrav,
back to its natural color." 11.
Ha.SELROFF, Paterson, N. J
'alarm= BY
Aye's Pills cure Sick lieaclac4e.
-voR SALE OR TO RENT, --The house lately oo-
1.' cupied by Wm. Carnochan, East of St, James'
Church, Seaforth. Apply to F. HOLMESTED.
Fisk Teachers' Agency, 1463 ti
25 King Street -West, Toronto.
Supplies schools with teachers
grades. No charges. We make en
for confidential information concerni
applicants, and. our recommendatio
therefore, be relied. upon. Write us
require a teacher. Information gi
teachers on application.
or all
g all
s can,
f you
en to
(Toronto University) Manager,
Late of Huron County. 1442-52
I carry the largeet stook of new designs and finest
goods at the lowest prices of any house in the county.
New good sold as cheap as any old stock or out of
data goods. Why I can do so hi because goods bought
now are bought from 1 to 10 cents per roll less than
they were when old stook was. My expenses are low.
I have a b'g stook and need the money. Wall paper
from se cents -per roll up. Window shades, Mould-
ings, Cornice poIla, &o. &e. as cheap as any in the
trade. City Wall Paper Pious°, Main St. Seaforth,
opposite John St.
Practical Paper Hang- er and Painter.
I have seenred the servicesof three first-class paper
hangers and oar' do work at the shortest notice. All
work guaranteed unsurpaased. For proof of the
.hove call and see for yourself.
Wall paper triraraed free.
J. C. Smith & Co.,
A General Banking -I. -business transacted.
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold
Interest allowed on deposits at the rate
of 5 per cent. per annum.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE—First door 'north of Reid &
Wilson's Hardware Store.
-Music 1- Instrument
Owing to hard tiraee, we have con -
eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greafly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at Corresponding prices.
The Old Established.
Planing Mill and
Sash and Door Factory,
Thia old and well-known establishment la still
running at full blast, and now haa better facilities
than ever before to ;turn out a good article for a
moderate price. Sash and door"' of all patterns al-
ways on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on
short notice and in any way desired. All kinds of
lumber for sale on reasonable terms. Shingles kept
constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing
of buildings in whole or in Ra.rt given on application.
None but the beet ed material used and workman-
ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
/269 J. U. BROADFOOT, Seaforth
Steam &Vier Works,
Successor to Chryetal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tub lar -
Salt Pans, Smoke Steaks, Sheet Lin Works,
etc., eto.
Ala* dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
twines. Automatio Cut -Off Engines' a specialty. AU
izea of pipe and pipe -fitting oonetantly on hand
_ Eatimates furnished on short notice.
WOrkil—OPPOelte G. T. R. StatiOn, %Aerial.
UARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has twenty
X Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban-
ner County of theprovince.; all sizes, and pripes to
suit. For full information, write or calr personally.
No trouble to show them. F: S. SCOTT, Brusaele
P. 0. 1891-tf
MIAMI FOR SALE.—.For sale, ot 11, Concessitm
X 6, Hullett, containing 100 cres, all cleared,
well underdrained, and iu a goo state of cultiva-
tion. There are 15 acres th fall wheat, and
all the fall plowing done. There is on the place a -
frame house with -itchen and soodshed attached,
has two 'mine barns with other •utbuildings. This
is a good farm, wel situated, bent 9 nines from Sea -
forth, 7 miles fro Ofinton, and .1 'miles front the
village of Kiaburn and will be s Id on reasonable
terms. Apply to t e proprietor n the premises, or
address W.-LEITCH, Constance- P O. 1461-tf
FARM FOR SA. —For sale, ot 17, Concession
12, Hay town hip, containin s 100 acres, nearly
all cleared. It is fl t-cless land, ith large and com-
modious house,'auk barn and all necessary out
buildings. There re abont five a res of orchard of
the very best of fr it of all kinds. Many times over
8250 worth of fruit has been sold c ff the place la one
season. Public so loot 40 rods way, and is only
the thriving illage o/ Zurich. •
heap as the pr prietor intends to
proprietor on the
1466 -4
about ]miles fro
It will be sold
give Up farnung. • pp y to the
premises or addreel Zurich P. 0.
MAN. i
sion 8, To us ip of Morris, o ntaining 160 acres
suitable for gran or stock, situate • two and a half
miles from the thrlving village o Brunets, a good
gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and
free from stumPsa 6 acres oedar an • ash and balance
hardwood. Barn 51x60 with et vs- and hay shed
40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The house
is brick, 22x82 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath
both buildings. I All are new. There is s large yOung
orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good
natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition.
Satisfaotorsi reasons for gelling. Apply at Tim Ex;
scent'''. OPTION, lor on the premises. WM. BARRIE,
I 1836-tf
FARM FOR SALE.—For salej Lot 1i, and part of
18, Concersion12, MoKillop, co taining about
108 acres, of which about 100 liens ar under grass
and orpp and the balance hard wo d.bush. It is
underdrained, well fenced and there is no waste
land. There is a frame house and bank barn_ There
is a never failing spring creek running past the barn
through the place so that there is no water to pump
for stock either Summer or winter. There ta also a
spring well at the house. It is within a mile and a
half of Leadbury where there is a post -offices store,
school, blacksmith shop, &c. It is half way between
Seacorth and Grussela and good gravel roads in every
direction. It is a choice farm and good for either
stock or grain and %ill be sold on easy terms faa the
owner is not able to work and desires to tetire. Ap-
ply on the premises or address Leadbury P. O.
FARM FOR SALPI—Let 22, Concession •12 Mc,
Killop, containing 100 acres of excellent land -
80 acres cleared and 20 acres hardwood bush. It is
well underdrained, well fenced and a never failing
spring creek runs past the barn. There is a good
frame house with cellar, also a bank barn 40x66, with
straw shed attaohed, 40x30. Also north half Lot 21,
Concession 12, McKillop, containing 60 -Acres cleared
land, well fenced and drained. There is a comfort-
able house, log barn and frame barn, with stabling.
These farms a.floin each other and will be sold
either together or separately. They are within a
nine of Leadbury, where there is a school, post -office,
blacksmith Shop, store, &e, and half way between
Seaforth and Brussels. Also most desirable farni•
Lot 26, Concession 11, McKillop, on the gravel road,
eix miles from Seaforth and within half a mile of
Leadbury school and post office; containing 75 acres
of choice land, all in grass, well fenced and on which
is a log house, gdod well and orehard. These desir-
able farms will all be sold on easy terms of payment.
For particulars apply to S: DICKSON, Seaforth.
Banking - House,
(In connection with the bank of Montreal.)
LOG N gt. CO.;
OFFICE—In ti e Commercial -Hotel build-
ing, next to the own Hall. .
A .General Ban •Ing BOsineta done. Drafts
issued and cashed. Inter* allowed on depoeits.
On good notes or mortgages.i
a. AO, a. a.
ea* 4.-4 ate- eta .i. +• •
A Tre
. . . THE •-...„
ALM:AO:0 ""
containing 480 pages of useful !Ilion:4nm
for all members 0( 1156 household:
NOW TO Commencing ovember,
el2.82haiesanrsdefunaellptili -
A COPY en,eleir.t. •
bars Of SUNLIGHT ;OAP, ill receive
from their grocer, i Soma fir.,
ALMANAC FREE i• • • • • • • •
The book contains comp etel
Calendar matter, Biogra .hy,
Literature, Home Mena enaent,
Language of Flowers,
Fashions, _Games and use.
ments, Recipes, -
Drearns and their sign! cauce,
Poultry, etc. .
Dosaepoterrastriv Buy early
To g,11‘1011(fir
,4. 4. • 4.
41. • 4. 4. 4.
00 W. 10-,TAK
Rev. Dr. 'I' mage $
times Dri+es a Stra
Damtner—The Des
and Its Lessen. -
for toclay,B v. Dr.
subject ' t Thle Peeve
text selected was J
Abimeleoh took an
dawn a bough from
and laid it on his sh
the people that were
hate seen me 110 11311
have done. And all
out down every man Ills bellgl •!' It
Ablmolech is a ame ma odoro is in
Bible history and y15 fall of profitable
suggestion. Buoys are b]aok and un -
comely, but they tell where th rocks are.
The snake's rattle is hideous; nit it gives
timely warning. Fr in the pi zza f my.
summer holite, 'nigh by _night, I SAW a
lighthpuse 15 tntles away, not 16ced there,
for adornment, but to tell inarin rs to
1 stand off. from that d ngercius point. SP
;rail the ironbound coa t of moral danger Is
' Marked with Saul anc ilebo-
:boan-b and,Jezebel am
ad people are menti
only as wisrntngs, bu
ometiniee`flashes of
Ives worthy of IrnIttLt.ion. 1 God sometin e.
rives a Very straig in
,t il with a .v r
oor hammer.
Taking a City.
a The City of Shea° had to bo taken,
nd Abinteleoh and Jils men were to 1c 1j15.
iee the dust rolling up p frem their cxcilied
arch. I I ear the shouting of the c p-
ains and tlie yell of he besiegers. , he
swords cla k sharply 011 the parry! .0
Shields,. and the vocife ati n of two arm ei3
In death gr pplelis ho Able to hear. Tho
attle goes 011 all Iday, ad as the sun is s t-
ing A bimel eh and hi 'army cry, "Surrcint
er!" to th� beaten foo, ami, unable 1 nt
er to resist, the city of Shochem falls,
1ind there are Pools of toed and disseve ed
nibs, and glazed ey s, looking up b g-
ingly for moray that war never sho s,
nti dying soldiers, witih their head on t le
lep of mother or wife r sister, who h ve
genie out for the last ffices of kindn as
nd affection, and a gr an rolls across t • 6
ity, stopping not, hoof use there is no s ot
r it to rest, so full is 15ho place of ot or
esus. A city NVO1lD ed I : A city dyin 1
city dead! Wail for Shochem, all e
ho know the horrors of a backed town
As I look over the city I can find o • ly
e building standing, and that is a e
mple of the t'clod Berith. Some soldiers
tside of he oity in a towr, finding that
ey can no 'longer def nd tSheehoni, now
gin to look out for heir own personal
s fety, and they fly to this temple of
erith. They go withi th door, shut it,
nd 'they say, "Now N (3 aro safe. Ablmt
e ecu has taken the holo city, but he
nnot take this tempt of Berith. Here
a e shall be under 'the pro cation of the
(As." 0 Berith, the god, do your best
•ow for these refugees I' 1 If You have eyes,
• ity them; if you hay Ilan' s, help them;
i you have thunderbol S, s. Ike for them.
ut hose shall Abinael oh land. his ' army
t ke this temple of B ritk: and the men
• ho are there fortified Will they do it
ith sword? Nay! W14 they do it
• ith spear? Nay! W th battering ram,
rolled up by, humlrod atmed strength,
e ashing against the walls?- Nay! Ablat-
e eoh rnarehes, his men to a wood in Zal-
limn. ' ; With his ax he howsoff a limb of a
-tree and puts, that lirub Upon his own
Shoulder, and *ten he suet to his mon,
"You do the ame."
They are obedientto their commander.
here ts a struggle as to who shall have
!The wholewoo is .611 of bonding
toughs, and the erackrng, and the hack -
g, alit] the cbtting, until every ono of
t e hest has a limb off a t tree Mit dOWD,
and not only that,. tau has put it on his
shoulder.xust as -Abiiricloch showed him
how. iAro these Men all armed with the
tree branch? The reply comes, "All
armed I" And they netich en. Oh, what
lastrango army, with that strange equip -
anti They come up o the foot of the
temple et Berith, end A bimelee i takes his
11011) 02 a tree and throws it 1�wn, and
the first platoon of sol lers co le up, and
they throw down their hranche , and the
second platoon, and the third until all
around about the tem 'le of Berith there
is a pile of tree brauches1 The Sbechemito's
look oat from the wind w of the temple
upon what seems to them childish play on
the part of their enemies. But soon the
flints are struck, and t o spark begins to
kindle the brush, and tiie flame conies up
all through the pile, and the red elements
leap to the casement, and the woodwork --
begins to blaze, and 0119 aril) Of flame is
thrown up on the right alcle of the temple,
and another arm of fl ung is thrown up
00 tbe left side of the tnip1e., until they
cl sp their lurid palnia under the wild
night sky, and the cry of "Fire!" within
wed "Fire!" without announces the terror,
and the strangulation, and the doom of
the Sheohemites, and t le complete over-
throw of the temple otf the god Berith.
Then ' there went up .a shout, long and
loud,' from the stout Itings and swarthy
chests of Abintelegh and his men as they
stbod amid the ashes aid the dust crying,
`‘'I.Tietory, victory!"
LThe Tactics
URO rsi EX
taetids. Let eatth one go t
• God's p cnnise and invite
down a branch and put Ito
Ind lot us all come around
ows 3Cow God SoMe.
ght 1'611 TiTith a Poor
eged ity of Shechein
, i
26.4In his sermon .
almage tpok for his
of ExaMple." Tho
udgeel ix,11 48: ,"And
le 118 hand and out
he t-eesnd took it
ulcler an said untc
with lila i, What ye
o hatte a id, clti as 1
the people likewise ;
1 Herod and
Ablenelech. h
ed tn the Bible
becimae nub w
od conduct th
•74:)w I learn first fron this subject the
folly of depending upon any one form of
tactics in anything we havti to do for this
world or lot God. ' Look over the weaponry
of olden tirfaes—javelins, battleaxes, haber-
gebns—and show me a s ngle weapon with
which Abimelech and his men could have
gained such complete t luniph. It is no
easy thing to take a te ple thus armed.
I have seen a house whore., during Revolu-
• tionary twos, a man add ,his wife kept
baek a whole regiment h lir after hour be -
cerise they were inside 151)0 house and the
assaulting soldiers were o tsicle the house.
• Yet here Abinielech and his army come
Lip, they surround this liomplo, and they
capturolit without t'hcloss ef a single man
on the Part of Abimeleela although I sup-
pose Some of the old Israe Web heroes told
Ab reelech, "You are only going up there
to be cut to pieces." Yott you are willing
to testify today that by no other mode—
certatnly not by ordinary, modes—could
that temple soeasily, so t aroughlte have
boon taken. Fathors and mothers, breth-
ren and sisters' in Jesus hrist, what the
ehuch most wants to I rti this day is
that any plan is rlght, is lawful, is best,
whiith helps to overthrow t e temple of sin
and capture this world fo God. We are
very -apt to stick t� the ol ! i roedes' of 'at-
tack We put on the oitL style coat of
mail We come up with tlho sharp, keen,
glittliiring'steel spear of argument, expect-
ing ate. that way to take Ithe castle, but
they have 1,000 spears where we have 10.
And so the castle of sin stands. Oh, my
triends,, we will never capture this world
r God; by any keen saber ;of satcasin, ba'
any gttttoring lan es of r etorib, by. any
sapping and ntinij g of pro ound disquisi-
tion,, by any guzip wdery e plosions of in-
digo tion, by elm pshooti gs of wit, by
howl zers of mental stre gth made to
min shell five I miles, by avalry -horses
gorgeously °tapir' oned p wing the air.
In vain all the, at eamts 11 15110 part of
these cccioslasticial foot eldiers, light
horsemen and grenadiers. ,
Mr*friends. I DrOoose ad fferent style of
Iniquities, and then, with
died by the fires of a hol
flames of a ;tor secreted lif
them but What steel cant
' And I announee myself i
plan of religious attack 1;
anyplan of religions at
radical' howevcr odd, howe
hoWev -r hostile to all the
ales of aura and state,
prayer loos not do the wor
othea s yle. If the church
does n t get tho victory, th
the ass ult wit.) a backwo
a pray r ineetng at half
as earl
If a s
heads doos not do the wor
have a sermon with 20 hea
at all.
trie forest or
ion and hew
h' e shoulder,
hese obstinate
thls pile k n -
zeal and Ijho
, We will In, ru
15 do fire y.
favor of any
at emceed —
ack, however
or unpopular,
conventi en al -
f one style of
, lot us try mi-
nuet° of today
n let us make
ds chorus. If
past 7 In the
does not succeed, 1t us have one
in the morning as then the angel
restling Jacob too flitch for -him.
mon with the th .ee authorized
• then let us
s, or no heads
Gospel Truth. '
Wo want mote heart In ur song, more
heart in' our almsgiving, Imoro heart in
our prayers, inc re heart in tDur preaching.
Ob, for loss or Abimelech'e sword ,and
more Of Abime. ceh's cauflagration! I had
often beard
.There is a untain fine Willa blood I
sung artisticall . by four bi ds . perched on
their Sunday i dst '111 the gallery until I
thought of Je Py Lind a d Nilsson and
Sontag, and all the otherl warblers, but
there came 11 13!-/ one tear so my eye, nor
one master eta 'tion to my 1ear15. • But one
night I went down to the frican Metho-
dist meetiug. h use in Phlla1delphia, and at
the close of th service a- b ok woman ill
the middle of the audience began to sing
that hymn, and all the audtence joined in,
and we wore fi ated, some 1 three or four
miles nearer he von than 1 ave ever been
since.- I saw wi h my owu e es that "foun-
tain filled witl blood"— ed, agonizing,
sacrificial, redo ptive—and I heatd the
crimson plash if the wave teS we all went
down under it.
For sinners plunged ben ath that flood. _
. Lose all the r guilty stet s.
Oh, my Irian s, the gesp I is not a syl-
logism; it is n t casuistry; it is not p0-
lemies1or tho s ience of sq abbles I It is
blood red fact; .it is warm warted invita-
tion; 'it is lenpi g, boundin , flying good
news; it is offlo escent With all light; it is
ruboscent with all summe y glow.; it is
arboresoent wit all sweet . hade. I have
seen the sun ris on Mount Washington,
and from the T ptop House, bug there was
no beauty in th t compared with the day -
spring from on high when Christ gives
light to a soul. rhave-heard.Parepa sing,
but there was 13 11 MUSIC in that compared
with theyeice ef Phrist when. he said,
"Thy sins are f rgiven thee; go in peace."
Good news! L t every . ono out down --a
branch of this irce of life and wive it.
Let all the way from Mount Zalinon to
Shechem .ho filledwith the tossing joy.
Good news! T lis bonfire of the 'gospel
shall constune t le last temple of sin and
will illumine t e sky with apocalyptio-joy,
that Jesus Chri t came into the world to
save sinners. ny new plan th t makes
a man gtilt his in and that pro trates a
wrong I am as i 'nth in favor of a though
all the doctors, nd the bishona and the
arehbishops, a'(1 the synods, Da the
academical go nsmen of Chr stianity
, saaationed it. ' ho temple of Der' th must
come down,- an 1 I. do not care how it
. Still further,
the power of ex
sat down on the
go and got the
battle, they wot
or if they had, i
any spirit or
Abimelech goes
dOwn a branc ,
arm puts it on • binieleelisa shout ler,, and
marches on,- th n, my text says,I all the
people did the ame. How natural that
was! What mad Garibaldi and Stonewall
Jackson the mo t !magnetic cominandere
of this century? They always rode ahead. ,
Oh, the overwli lming power of example!
Hero is a father n the wrong road. All his
boys go on the rang road. Here is a fa-
ther who enlist- for Christ. His children
enlist. I saw i • same of the picture gal-
leries of Europa that before many of the
great works of the masters—the old mas-
ters—there wou d ' be sometimes four or
five -artists tak' g copies of the pictures.
These copies -the War° going to carry with
them, perhaps t distant lands, and I have
thought that Yo r life and character are a
masterpiece, an it is beinct copied, and
long after you ro gone it ill bloom or
blast in the li Ines .of those who knew
you, and be a Go gon or a M donna.. Look
out what you sa ._ Look out what you do.
Eternity will b r the echo, t The best ser-
mon ever preach A is a holy life. The best
music ever cha ted is a consistent walk.
If you want oth rs to serve God, serve him
yourself. If ye I want others to shoulder
'their duty, shop der yours. Where Abime
elech goes his roopg got •Oh, start out
for heaven tod y, and. your family will
come after you and your business associ-
ates_will come a ter you, and your social
friends will join you, With One breech of
the ttee of life or a baton, marshal just
as -many as you can gather. Oh,the in-
finite, the senate nipotent power et a good
or bad example!
I saw last su miter, near the beach, a
. wrecker's mach ne. It was a cylinder,
with some holes t the side, made for the
thrusting in 0 some long poles with
strong leverage, and when there is any -
vessel in tronble or going to pieces in the
offing the wreck rs shoot a repo out to the
• suffering men. They grasp ite awl the
Wreckers turn th cylinder, and the rope
winds around th cylinder, and those who
are shipwrecked are saved. So at your
feet today there 's an influence with a tre-
mendous leverag . The rope attached to
it swings far out into the billowy future.
Your children, 1 our children's children,
and all the gene ations that are to follow
will grip that -in1 uence and feel the long
reaching pull len after the figures on your
tombstone are so near worn out that the
visitor cannot te whether it -was 1890 or
1796or 1608.tha you died. ,
. Co . . •rted Action.
Still further, I learn from this subject
the advantage f concerted action. If
,bA imelech had terely 'gone out with a
tree branch, th ork would not have been
accomplished, or 12 10, 20 or 80 men had
gone, but. when 11 the axes are lifted, and
ell the sharp edg s fall, and all these men
carry each his tr branch down and throw
it about the tem 6 the victory is gained—
the temple fall . ifer friends. wherh there
is one man in t church of God at this
day shoulderin is Whole duty there are
a great many o never lift . an ax or
swing a bough, seems tp me as if there
were 10 drones n every.hive to 1 busy bee,
as though the e were 20 sailors Round
asleep in the sb p s -hammocks to 4 'men
on the stormy 00., It seems as if there
were 50,000 me elonging to the reierve
corps, and only 1 000 active combatants.
Oh, we all wan ur boats to get over to
the golden sand, but the most of us are
seated either in t e prow or in the stern,
wrapped in ou riped shawl, hoping a
big bandied s p hada, while others are
blistered in the eat and pull until the
oarloeks groan a i d the blades bend till
they snap! Oh, y u religious sleepyheads,
wake' up 1 You h ve lain so long in one
place that the an a an1 eaterpillaes have
begun to crawl- • ver on! What do you
know, my brothe , about a living gospel
made to storm th evo Id? Now. my idea
- _........ s.
r of Example.
I learn from this
mple. If Abime
grags and told hi.
eoughs and go o
ld never have go
would have been
calve result, b
•ith his own ax a
and with Abi
ecu had
men to
t to the
o at all,
t when
d hews
Oltrastian is a man on fire with zeal
/ r God, and if your pulse ordlnaril eats
0 times a minute whOti you think of ither
moles and talk abaut other theta s, if
• .ur pulse doesnot ga up' 150 75 or 80 hen
, ,ti oonee to talk aboat Christ and I e von,
Is becalm you do:not know the o and
aye a poor °hence of getting to the .tiher. ,
In a former charge On 'Sabbath, I took '
i to the pulpit the oburclh records, d 1
1 id them on the pulpit nd opene hem '
ate d said: "13rethren,1 here are the I urch
✓ cords. 1 tad a great many of you • hose
tines are down hors are off duty." ome
ere afraid I would oad the names ior at
1511015 time some of ta ein were deep the
ort kind of oil st cies and wale le as
tb Christian work. But if mi iie rs of
•hrist today should ring the °bur I m-
e ds into, the pulpit and road, dl int a
utter there would el There W0I1 not
b fans enough in church to te1 the
c •eeks 000l. I do n t know but it a ould
h a good thing if the miulstElr �nle in
a bile should bring the church ieo r s in
t 0 pulpit and call the roll, f r I at is
• hat I 001,18Itler every church reco 1 a be—
erely a muster rol of the Ler a a .my,
a d the reading of ,it should rev al here
e ery &Adler is and hat he is dob;•
Which Side Are You On? '-
Suppose in milithrY circles on the 'ern -
1 • g of battle the roll is called, and o t of
a housand men onlY a 'hundred men in
th regiment answered. , What excitement
th re would be in the camp! What kould
th colonel say. What high talkin there
ve uld be airio g the eeptains, and znhjors
aied the adjutants Suppose wordl ame
to headquarerf that these dellnque tit ex -
cued theinschjes mi the ground 15bat Fthey
ba1 overslept hem elves, or the m r ing
wr4s damp and they were afraid of getting
tb ir feet Wet or that they were busy
king rations. fy friends' this is the
ruing -of te d ay of GodAlmighty's
tile I Do 'oi no gee the troops? 1 Hoar
ot all t e trum tots of heaven and all
drums oi hell?. hichside are you on?
you are on he Ight side, to what.eav-
troop,, to what artillery service, to
t garrison due do you belong? i In
or words, 1i w t Sabbath scheol do
teach? I w ¶at prayer meetliag do
exhort? T w ilat penitentiary to You
areeternal ibe y? To what almeh use
you annou co he riches of h a en?
at broken li;ne tf sorrow have yoji vor
Are you do! nothing? , Is 113 possi-
that a man o woman sworn to he a
wer of Jesus ihrist is tieing ndthileg?
n hide the honifible secret front 'II an -
Keep it awa from the book of
t. If you are doing nothing, 40
he' world find A out, lest they piha
religion with befog a false face
let your eowardlce and trees n
d among the martetrs about the t ro
they forget the sanctity of the pl
denounce your betrayal of that ca
hich they agonized and died.
ay the eternal God rouse us all o
1 1 As for myself, I feel I won cl b
as 1 ined to die now and enter heave n
ti have accomplished something en
de sivo for the Lord that bought me le,
br hren, how swiftly the time goe iy!
It s ems to 1110 as if the years bad g 1i4c1
so o new p6wer of locomotion—a kiindl o
spi.d 64o:s15ria
ho temple of Berith is very broad, a
tt very high. It bas been going up by
tit Ihands amen and devils, and no u'
tr; engineering can demolish it, bu1 1
thi 70,000 'ministers of Christ in tii
o try should each take a branch of
✓ of life and all their congregati n
h ld do the same; and we should mar h
on nd throw these branches around 0
gr ttemples of sin and worldliness a
fol , it would used no match or coal
to h of ours to touch off the pile, fer,
tn15 e days of Elijah, fire Would fall fr
he on and kindle the bonilee of Chrieti
vie ry over demolished sin.
One Safe Refuge.
'1 Saill further, I learn from this subj
the danger of false refuges. As soon
these Shechemites got into the temple th
ght they were safe. They said; "Bern
wil take care of us. Abirneleeh may b- t
or lown everythin else. Hecannot Wt-
ter 41oivn this tem le where we are now
hide" But very soo they heard thettim-
IserS crackling, and they were smothered
with smoke, and t ey miserably die' . I
suppose every perso in this audi0008l this
moment is steppin into some kin of
refuge. Here you tep in the tow r of
good works. You ay, PI shall be safe in
this refuge." The attlements are adore -
ed, the: steps are v rnished, on the wall
are pictures of all t e suffering you have
alleeliated, and all t e tchools you haVe es-
ta.bllshed, and all the floe things you have
ever done. Up in t at tower you feel you
are slate. But heani you not the tran)p of
youre ! li
unpardoned Si s all around the tow-
er? They each hay a match. You are
kind ing the comba table material. You
feelhheat andhe suffocation. Oh,
may freu leap in ti le' the gospel declar-
ing, !'By the deeds ofthe law shall no
flesViaing be justified!"
, you say, "I have been driven
out (Is that tower. Where shall Igo?" Step
intophis tower of i difference. You say,
"If his tower is! ttacked, it will tbe a
grea while before 115 18 taken." Yo feel
at e se. But there is an Abimelech ath
ruth ess assault coming on. Death an4 his
force are gathering around, and the de -
man that you surrender everything, 1 and
they clamor for your overthrow, and hey
thro their skeleton arms in the win dw,
and jvith their iron fists they beat against
the oor, and while you aratrying to keep
them out you see the torches of judg lent
kind' ing, and every forest is a torch, tand
ever mountain a torah, and every $a a
tore , and while the Alps and Pyre eos
and 1Ihna1ayas turn into a live coal, blown
redder and redder by the whirlwind breath
of a God omnipotent, what will become of
your refuge of lies?
• " ut," says some one, "you. are en-
gage in a very mean business, drivin us
from tower to tower."
' 013 no! I want to tell you of a GiI rale
• tar tl at never has been 1 and never wll bd
taken of a wall that tee satanic ass rI
can s ate, of a bulwark that the judgne
earth uakes. cannot budge. The Bible r
fers t� it when it says, "In God is thy rce:
uge., aud underneath thee..are the ever
lasting arms." Oh, fling yourself lute it I
Treaddown unceremoniously everything
that iihtercepts you. Wedge your way
there. There are enough hounds of death
and peril after you to make you hurry.
Many a man has perished just outside the
tower, iwith his foot on the st p, with, bis
hand ola the lateb. Oh, get i side! Not
one stirplus second have yo to spare.
Quick, i quick, quick I
g -
o -
Bikby Want t.
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Slater Shoe (for Men.)
e Knowledge
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