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8 N EqxjL
NAM Ide in o or ways.. 1, Graham lof Brussels, a ended the eet- I% recently tr6wn- b4l.i ConkdeirabI6 preparation f9
v a
Revelation so bee r in. (Dr.) viiiting fria ids. r
I of the Women's Pres ytirial S ty this g h La een nts farm. buildings is gbw
Ov in
the opipiou of those sent an a ance, thi AjZve been '495 policies sane in& and D. McCurdy, I
Wilson's Oa Gr, ocery. and asked at the'weekl prayer moetingsi re 19 on
!ee formerly of vilb e,
ek. We ��rq
Extra values just now in no table. syrup an 'him to ring the yeiii, and th are now 4 1 ehere on Wedre pr 'Sentatives out here during ti i pas Duncan
to whether i6wo41'4 be desirable %.rer siday, as re It in . friends
I itlan b re ret very much to :ba t the Gourley, are all going to
fine ellow sugar suitable f r making syrup Ir h take, up. the Sabbath school lessons for ill operati( n than there as last yeagr Th the sister societ e 'tc I pp RDU T an rs.
prayer meeting, ]Being put to vote, it was nount naurai n in 5 wa ter iss F oterts, daughter of a under thqir barns, an
und buckwheat flower a d maple syrup just n Mr. de .0 r. ames in n atur a ee )a ern
re have, something extra 0- in cheese, ur it k ick
0 carried unanimot sly. Dr. MoDonald's ex. 4,875 (ire than wai n in 1894il whil Ro ert at r Works Epg�tieer, is at a. &ft ornoon � last, after a e Ift il' es4 c( 1i loch is to build a large br
-none for quality d ry a I ,
t Teas and Ooffee is Second to ry loin
positions of Revil4tionts premit m, note iner in typhoid r. He was or e of! the
we yo q better Value than "I a ItAv�. been listened e or the y"r w ent ho 4ing � a few, holidays. hei frc M14, win, 1 91 K I G
cc ocklin has received sev N
price; we, will guarant
tracts,'which is a guarar
Icanget from any, peddlaw to the country and on to with great it t6reat a pleasure and roportia i atel� large. assessments Col. con 0 n I meet at Qoderioh on ues. sti ongot and lealthiest lookinj rile�� in 0:1 dou iteti of good
have the advantage of being on f�n _Q7 — —1 he fiant ard- I
able to return anyth ag many will regr the year a- �t day and suditen deat
ttheir olusion, but cted for 6d to $7,0 7. W. G. Havill of To onto, the village, and his sad ly of tbe.late Walter Gi
er!are making preparation to leave for WILL BE
roes on ie dt er dsoons was visitin el be community..
this we k.— we a & shook to Irs,
that doit"t pleaseL ur stock of dried fruits
soaps, st-irch, barns, baco lard and all kind* of doubtless his d'ise A D., �Tracka
14111ily groceries Is cc d of t d Will. af- L 1896 At her hristi rias e arninati Miss ettie Be -of the to nship of It ru in a few days and their
ate the best quall y will prove equiIIIJ interestin Tia Nr. w CouNCIL, c6unou for wal iv B ce de 8tat a of Towa#
and, our prices are t We expect In a low By)
ford opportunities of instruc *on 'to parents et at t�e 3 er' at no' Ewing, ho ii taking a cou in a- New fWd a w day ILJ(O, visiting her dai'hter gdodi and ebAttels will be
days to be able to sell hol our at- less than the council 0 fri!o
on, on
uIsrL Price. In and young peo IS alike; uesday, and aer tal ihe�oath office, York bospli 1, passed most aLtiCceos ull an a Is -,of wed- on atutday -heXt by Thomas Cameron, the 'rh pleted
fine din r te
aiand toilet sets we P ave 0 0
'Ile I
newest goods in the
we of the best an M�y h ubjee .— a meklcl er of this-plaee.
7=0 so roceedeo to busingisi reeve, t rig a hidli ithfidin in eac ft
9 &i1iigs to repoz,, next or 7hich we popular auctione
market. Call and see them prices are rig -at. Lanips, P.&Esi3yTE1AX__ op HURMN. r Presbyti eputy -reeve, and Cot, I ra Gille ie and past, theentertainments. iven by the b ve not space ihis week.,
th 9
Unlip goods; plates, cups a d sauces, jugs, All., at t Y. Stanley-
-%3 thL highest priced for all held a reguli meeting 'In. �eaf th on ie cortt, etic appointed 0 irlir ittee draft B liver Lacroo se club, hav'e been very sue -
lowest prices. We gi% f THI MON
i kinds of trade. 21st inat. Mr.L Xusgr4ve wa a ?ointed he standing committ( a,,.. or )he year, and ce isful and Ch iroughly appreciated - b; r our Hullett. Couxd.rr,.-----The council met on Monday,,
us. —At the e nuaryl officers were again
th, all the old
Ba ink of Cc Be" 0 A adverti for tenders to sup- th,-y will agani give a mir-Hature Show, rbich t d
8 'ing.' The clerk was
0. -Mee na. On Pridayevening, January 31st
C. W LSON, Seaforth. moderator for the ensuing si Dribli's. Th repor' next - oil ize NST11P QMICE
i n records of Knox* ch. rel Goderich.- uthorize 0. 1 OW. eting of JE at same salaries. Thomas Fraser,
1374 erce Block. bb Hidlett council, on Ito a poin e 1p,
of Thames Road and Xirkto',:n ; 'of Bafield, lyabout'60cords'of rdwo4d, to bede. priomises to -fat eclipse aiiy former efforts.—
i i was appointed assessor; Thomas Jc hn,Xan sori and John Job naton -Were ap
ivered at the water orks. Th Nettie T oksell, is ivis' ffited, with reeve and clerk, as board of
Seaforth's E d ill Blytb, Clinton D iff's church, as
gmon vi ej e ti e for M iting friends in N ilansy Collector, and Tohn V%;' loon and
McKillo Se4forthio' "Grand Bruce... coille6torfs roll as ex ended Tcronto.—Artitivereary a rvices were held
Largest Clothing House. a orge Stephenson, audit)ro. To mas Car- Ee altho and "Dr. Armstrong as inedical
card health h(
field, 7u;'lektt, Manclivater - aid Hensall, ill the ifir t meetiri in. F(briiiariy. Air. laE t Sabbath it, the first Piesbyterian cl urch, b rt 'was appointed'on th4 � b altU offipen TLbe clerk was instructed 'to hatlance of thte
were. examined and attested, Rev. Mr. obert Wiu�er gave n tice th it at th 3 next to ndon, of wl ich Rev. J. Clark er
ori e Watt 1or two When in the blstoiy� (if this establishment has Boud,-of the:Methodist chur It, being pres- meeting 4ewould inti- duce a by-law* regu- known here, i a the pop lar astor. Mr.. y ars, and Jobn Sprung, forione 3 e an The d liv*eted iit cu §tock is being, c
Well fo -three years.; Ge k for tefid for five cords of Lat-one to be
P Ivert on Bafldld road, op- losed out
Clothitg been at such low prices, the people seem 'to. The fol- Clairki to put
ent.was invited. to sit an& d e. It atitig he%sale of fresh meat, had asked the on regation of
�U wonder at, such ME GOODS for such LOW in nutes in full will be.ptWisbed �(xt week. P().ite1AIexanAer.A1itch.eIFs. , A number
waa�agreed t . have no cc fevenoeon the lowing officers were &I poix Clerk, W in. 81,000 on the ollection' �ates for the build -
0. ited 11
ac con ts were paid for work done on roads,
Men's 17nion Tweed rants 90a - Men's good 'State of reli&Ljon at next in eti ig, On tni lliott - assessor, Wr I. Balleintyne ; audi- ing-fund. The exact amount Contributed
Usborna. John eid was paid $5 for posting financial
Tweed Pants, 8 —Ar M n of
McDonald d W operville; en- W is at t Cuts. Council meets again on Mon -
1 heavy L ; X�n's �ood reliable u of - be:�` It 41y seconded, a $1,002.48i Job MeGavin Ofieap fo - Oas'h-,-
V the i e in f
aSuit Men's beautiful Frieze Overcoats r ion was pass Henry MeGainit ackersinith, was DFFICt W ELECTED.—At the t,
Men's Fritze Overcoats, Black esoluti ed-, reipea tin' 'the death- eer, R�Iberb Rober mar4bt Clerk and Mi d I-, 4h, at I o'clock.
expre t a U8borne council, held on M ast,
e: stable;_E. Lu b ice officer arid col- ki de b A Orse on M nday
Nrvv 50 11-y's Suits from 81-50 to 87' d, on the si y a
of Rev. Dr. ReiA, ssiv of is eminent con' Ub Spie: !the ap Walter Kbddy'wasi iie-electe laleput-
a, allliriice8i, all sizes, all kinds. quaities,-of his-excellentand abundant'la- Ileotor, VVlliam. gh for some (lays.—
Boyi, tit I t and will b
r( ve W. 1501trian, C101k, sala
sympathy with the wid6N� and ment of John Stewart as chi�t of Nd fire Mi,.! %VilliRm. McLeod, Seaf
bors, a , $100
fl orth's well. known
tS"OTE4.—Mrs. Best,.Of Hullett, is �-isitig
WK PICKAOD & CO'S. family in the loss they -have ausbained. The brigade, 'WaS sanctio ed by,the council. an( lar Comic singer, delighted the good i ul Coates, treasurer, $70 W.. istewart, -
annual report of the Presbyberial'Woman's The.striking onintittre4 Teopu 'imleotor, $50; W. MitI6 as�ei 5 Z friends in'this village.' We are sorry to We want plent
C Was o peop of Creditonat a doficert in thab vil-
Sagain, OlothlDg and Dry code House M Matthew M Y Of
-the du*,ties an Sal ies of The onto J. Johns we
Foreign Mission Society was submitted. exitmine into Cge on Thursday eveiiin re 1Lt;10in.td learn that orrison's health
g__ I
is not impr ving.—Mr. Lewis McDonald
Seaforth- Thereportwas very satisfa�ctory, showing dach of the town,officerB, and i an qhan e Globe of Wednesd4y has the folloing com- al L JitOrS.
and. Mr,' R. I i. Feri who have been
that the society is more thart holding -its fis desirable,i rt . at 1�exb meeting met on a Seaforth b George E- ving,
t6 re 30
laid up for,so ne time, are, we are pleased
own, despite the'linandial depression that Ities an ialaries w* I aCr( Asscoiation fob ball Varna.
e deter' thf erdek I )sse and
1i IT- 't to say, ablee b be aroud� again.
prevails. The Presbytery,received the- re-- mined. -'Cou4ci t a, to nice Crir YouR FunxiTuRE Ali HOMEj
EY R DER S. I hen djourne t on player, who rn ade things interestij g fc r Pe- FAcT r port, expressing satisfaction with it, and Monday eVeniig iii ie clits in, kits has a stock of first- clase'lurniture 4f all kin: Is ory.—Te following is
THE CH* A Stock
next terboro, when they met the Gra
wil I [ch he sells as cheap as can be got a63 pla �n a statement o the -buiiness transacted at Of
the splendid work done by this society, ard -the final match in the' junior, hoe rey series
th( county, quality considered. Give the AVZ� c
commending- it and its fabure to God and to Idast S�bbath, in pea his stock and find out prices and you'iv ill be Sure
The b t, safest and, cheapest way of re E G.) t ON D V 11 jp, No- Es. oronto IRS year, is pittting u] 6 rand 1 in a c4l , I ieese factory for the year 1895:
mitting oney is by minion Expresp Co. the word,of His grace. Mr. J. Foot was There wer, %143 pounds of milk received!` Goods
occ- game at 'Co r-pointfor' Stratfo to buy,
evening the I ilpit of mr, chur�ch Was A hich 1467.2,
money orders. the -ministry. pied by Mr. lex M utosb, �,f Kno Col- teani has e teli from whit Were made 39,841 poundsof
cogn London twice I that GOOD PIG- SOLD.—Mr. Wi I am Mp
e ized as a candidate for n
RATES;FO ORDERS, Al rich of the time of the conrt- was. taken up lege, son of Cheese.' The ,otal amount. of -cash received
Mr. Ge ge gcIntosh, of MQ- -gro 1p-"�Miss Eastmain, the po )ula re� A 11ister, the well known'pig bree Of he
Mr. McIntosh wi�is heoe in the in- g secret ry of the C6116giat( _A926.7%. being an average price
a case 'of appeal. .,,;5 and underl 5c, w.4 The Presbytery is 1�illop. Ins itute eek ppei was bf
r -line, near here, last w
ety, ry socie *ho I has lioeert. d( tai d at -y:nicesix mon-tha*old �,Biksh. pig! t16
ver 5 to, Se to hold an adjournedLineeting. in Clinton on terest of Kno Cll riot r , a 7.35- Pei- poun of cheese. It took auavier-
I Al sioniary Soci v t 1169
age of pounds of milk-tomakea
Jver $10 to 20 10c Tuesday, 28th inst., at -10.30 a. in.
Oich has been doing su,�b e4ective work her home in B. -usselsifor some tit ie, �n ac. E . H_' Muir, of High Bluff, ' nitoba,
ii1i the home inission.fleld for �mauv.yeaxs. Coll t of illues 3, returned this week her d for %;hich he receives a very' dso�ne.
Jver 82-0 to $,30 12c .0 pound c If Cheese. Of the cash teceived, $1, - `0 to R SEE S. Mullett & Co.'s advertisement re- To aid the can -o Dver 0 10 15c se, an e i vent to the patrons and $984.47 t
nvelope isub;cri-ption dut es at the I istitutd. —Mr. G. W HoWan, 6 ure. Mr. Muir saw Mr. M6AI1 a a ad-
garding metal roofing etc.., oupage 6.
3ver 49 to $50 20c. la� asked forn6xt abb; Ltb" , which it is ho., ed Ole k lme� hi. the 'fac tory. The factory is7 in a better
ped of a rue, has also resi �05)mou
)sponse, Mr C u ies at the ollegiate,—We w
No bl to fill out.' Receipts given NOTICE.—All outstanding- 'accounts nus will receive a liberal r M, III- at �ement in THE Exi Imzoon, ad had
position than er before to do a good busi-
b eni watching his show re.ord, &tit o he
t et e in, error
M )
urchased at any houi be settled on, or lefore the let f Febu4ry* or-th tosh is a nd made a laa week ness during th a coming season. The dree- oney, 0 ders canbe p 0 ey clever yo g man, P in tating that Mr. J, P. rie a eo�gth of these, ord6red the
will be placed Into other handa'for collection. ex ery favorable imipres �on I on dur peopl6:— did !not inte taking out anctione
af Al .1 - tors,bave enj ed as cheese -maker, Air.
the da r's Ii- h V4 A. Hollan E. nip
Bethune bt.: D. it will reach, him saf -,ly, and
1467-2 d, of Ot Roden, a gentleman of Ion
r. J arne olliej of Lte L' den, Michi-i cerise this y Mr. trine inform a -u that f rt nate irrvestm4�int for h 9
A DISCOUNT of 20 per'cenb. will be allowed an, Who eat Ie4rr ar�d to c(o euc�
ne ove 0 iing of hisi heh".,Iicensekadisprep nd et,in and one well knoin in the trade.
on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Bedroom 'Sets, at the
Opera House. Grocery, Se-aforth. FRED DAVIS. Us- -W�lland agrees to manufacture the'
Vi. P. R. tick telegraph and Domui on ather's serio illne, 7,77 Dr.
is �ister ra. C- W
Ex -press Agent, Seaforth. hursday morn ileft'for'home On' his usually dffi Aent manner any sale with fbr'.the 3atrons for two cents per
hioh he may be entrusted either- in! town cheese
In 11
r. and Miss and furnish eve'rything.
Ian D.CHANcE.—A good half section of ad be over on or country. —9 e patrons of the Selforth Valeii: 4 NewL'
Millan of Detroit!'
A Goo of chees
d in Southern Manl6ciba, 4djoining a:, railway
station. Will be exchanged for town or farm proip-� �the same, sad erran returned home on cheese factory fire asked to'ni t a lie f bl Lry,, are vi8itir g their brother W.
ac -
r. Tho!n ation agent
er V 110, the at i 4ere.
III the County ot Huron. ApplyatTmr, Exposi J Monday. U the of Gas City, tory on Satiij� Lay, February l:1t3,ai to)' �e, r4
�Iock. fflo Green.
Indiana, main he e S. ceupied the pulpit'here oi I Sunday
TOR Office, Sealorth. r :. for a week or —Mri Me b/lu, -chie, relict of th I te A- Ax.Nll
�t —The arimver:
'A BEAUTIFUL presen ay. !! .— he revival moetin I I I .
d 'being
it will, be given a ftwo.—Nlr. D. Sproat, of Be grav a, 8 n I ge re -
1, McMurchieo� of Clinton died on e ir�&imnlgo
Wa sday saryervce miection with Hills Green Arai of the Blue I r.)
TORONTO, ONTARIO with every. can qf Forest City sklog Posvir i va
at the village'for a coup e of a afternoon, at the age of 52 years, rg ly attended, and are increas g 14 in- Pres co
FRED DAVIS'grocei-y store., Seaforth. ays last'!week. T, a not byterian ch, will be held on, Sab- Scott, jr.., is visiting rliti,
Largest, beat equpped antl at popular conithereial t re t and profit, A number havill He came down to atte I his a ear since! Al r. McMurchie's death. It, Febr kry 2n
achool in tl ie Don.inion ; mod rate rates ; iayeryth ng MONEY To LOAN.—To loa from d t �e funeral ;of i - h res e bath, Febr d, when sermons will be —Rev. J. B. Wallwiii, of
It 0 ing a new Lucknow
$40 to old friend, Mi. - Collie —A �serious tit -lead life. -R. F. licks our, preached Rev. Alexander Grant, of St.
flast-class -,, write for circulars. SHAW & ELLM, $1,000, private funds, ob first mor bgage on town or preach in -the Methodist Church. next
Oung, BOO reh use
, fT
usekeepe at �rc.LeG. DEATH OF A Cm,;TE-_,-ARiAx. —Thou h we A bath eVenink.—Ajr. W;n. Sanderson o
befel Mrs. Y g aitt merchant, havingought, a a',
1444,R. farm roperty. Apply at VIE EXPOSITOR 011148, Marys, at I I o,,Iock a. in and 6.30 p. in.
Seaforrbl. EXres"well's, on Sab ath It ak ms hear of the' dea h of a c nten- a d I flouring mill at Norwich, is about to pecial collection in aid of the chuich funds onto but formerly -of this plate,
r n9ve from our lrillage4 We exeee(ha
S. W.. TWEMMEm, GF_N-ERAL groceries- of IL6 beat iluality she had gone to milk the in d
our I sit. e n Sit the close
&E and the lowest prices are always to be had at t of 1g C*t' en of each Service acq ances here.
ad at t I al1v .11 It, visiting
ows,. ivh n one arian it is rar(ly such occurs will be'tak
DE. ithe animals kick d 6 hek viciously,. There passed t;, trough Seafor blv, to Eg ond- r gret his depart re. As 132 � Is a The annivetsa4 tea -meeting will be held on
Opera House Groceory, Seaforth. Bright yellow
b twean' thiiii knee and ville cemetery, on Thursday of last week, ftas business, a] Id. as. a church wqi ker, onday evening, February
I to L
bineMna her lea� of last the followi
.26 pounds for 01 ; five pounds Baking F 5 for c ood
Until fumher notice, the pr ces of Rubber Pla;ei Cranberries, Evaporated Apples and i ankle. With g are Bbe is doing a a the ftineral of Catherine Campbell, w o Was b always been highly esteenibd� land Gorrie.
wit pricots in 3rd, when 3sses may be expected from,
N OTFS, �--Afrs. W, illert
W be reducel to 86;, rthe best of material and abundance. F DDA well as could b pe ted —Sever il bf our 'born in -1792, and who bad tlius reach tho followin reverend gentlemen : Revds. _on Ton% -of
-nians ipguar�ntee ILE VIA. .1467-1. e ex . -ii ill be'greatly mis 3ed..
or d the New
k M d Al� other work at cot re
DLE,. off cc It is onl f
York city, is visiting her father-
sponirl o%v J F TINIMD F.-iit-mERs' NOTICE, —A f w sheaves of YOUP9 ladies attended the !Women's Voreign great age of 101. by co sider- Mr�; Grant, r.
Henderson and Mr.Walker, mother
Main street, S n y,. preferred, o,- bearded wheat, Alission gathering, in e d ing this age in bhe light of h story t at we Hensall Muir,. Brucefield, and husband r Ric ai dson afOrth, -on Tues ay, T -T -ii &H
a'threshed barle $taffa. i
ove MCI u law' in town, Her
- I i * Mforth. 146TA wanted for the Cantata otRutE. Farmersbaving and were much intere ted �' in the, Prpceed- can realize w1ab it means. The gribiat re- youn.g Canadian, 'who is eaningver
Fr SMAL, BiTs.—Mr. 31. Burns solid. a IDonald, low.
such will con ter a favor by reporting to W%t. Swvzit- roe nia. Musical selections win
ings that is, in wh t they could h a year- itithe city of New ybrk�.
0 ..a ing be given by ir
08 W shellwas a e teni+ely into horse flesh.—Quit seiyi& in tb basement of the church
o nan was boi n
viLLE,,Seafortb. 1467-1
ear; as public to th 01 south was but aine �ea�s old
t Mr. Patrick, recently, wh Ae ch-urch eho� . Tea will be
n. -when, this rest boys
Yo u can get th�e inany of.those- a ivere alin t i e a gin- from ton is one of the clev,,e
audible ind �'thein especially. IT, woman '23 when t produced during 20 years. He de
yo4 of he r o n
dd Peach, a -for 25c ate poun battle f Wat- b f t�e youn 6 to Chair will lie take in. the audience
Fred D via, Opera House grepple attended a par.
the best
-success and his old chums wil. he pleased
D&W astFrida evening', t
Grocei , Seatorth. 1467-1 As most of.tbos'e who took art in the dis- erl�o was fought; tbe,Iudi4 a muti 'the A r.� R. e- room t 8'olelock. learn of his. prosperity. His
oussions were marrie ladies they Ohould r
I on)RtriiAD CLAss.—Three orf6ur'mo ebellionof37, audtheCrimean w overe fore choir practicib was, negTe cted. — D11, worthy em.'
have, outgrown, the p g peribd. of events of he r� rr iddle life ; shi t bad s� en the 1'ringle!is spending a few well earn -.-d ample should stlinulate others to do lik&
pupils are.required to make this Diass self support- his erin,
DISTRICT -M�TTERS. Ing. . kre there not this number In Seaforth who life by this time. t Summerhill.- wise.
death of three British Sovereigns, 4 d d aya with her u' lie, Air. W. —Now is the season for parties. n al- lie at NoTts.1-41ra. N. Bingliam. has returne . . I
you open yourl eyes?"
would find the study profitable and make the class a inost a Sadler froin' a visit her parents in Mihigan.— somtimeS Ii
All else in connection with the class is ixty yeat a of the reigi of ourth. Hngtow—Mr. John is re ov tin, ne9, ete,, apply to Wit. DEATH Or A- PRO131 SING YOU.N, earsio
tie. yourgrian askin
V, 11tisfactory. Per ter, To few indeed, are such yea is vo safed. f -om. his recent illness. —Mr. Georg( Da i16 au-%
S N.__ "9
Maggie Campbell has returned fio 1er other.—Mr. Doig Yrin
tr .11 India, will ad- SO-NfFRVIL Be forth. 1467-1 But though of inch an extr ag he .-6m. Mitchell t is reoco Si iclair, (if Indore, Cen The great Re r f spen a con I f lys g vtry I
or of peitsons. home near Wingham, after spending a —Miss Am Cl aug ter of Mr,
(�' 3,1 no
aper is o res ect
dress a rh�eting of ladies in the First Pres- mind was as Clear, and her sii lit an4 hear. v ieek visiting fr n d h
onth "visiting in this vie
L"t PE&CnEs.—Evaporated eaches,' lbs. for The young Rowell as he d are subject to iends in gkl'sffoa.2 initg -M isses e Ly. 1 Z.,
has ad a vere attak of- pil
b terian Church, Settfortbi on the ey6ning of aforth. Ing as pe CI eurit
7'e'dneaday, January 29th. A cordial of Wingham tie
26o, at Fred Davit', Be 14664 His will. We are fr uen ly e- -I finber of lo 9 are being 'Annie, —TJ9� ne-
Zed upon to rfect, a a in her yout i.' She. never teamed ink e and Be&- :
knew -what sic.1; ness as, na the t * of a t -W, in 11, mat rm,
record the demise of:4our o ek citizens but �ste ing business very, briE k. — .14 rgason & Nichol hig
---;As e intend thi on enellift, In- Hle4 tore for -in
Clearing Sale of Crocker Corn, of Iiiaton, are the guests of their commence
r in an -bus
-sritation is extended to all ladies interested. y� 4 weekiii is ly �duty to refer hubtook his turnip pit' o the �01,7 ora Miller.—.Mr. J. S. Miller
itt -A , doctor's medicine. Born in, ousin, Al a ed I na^� ess in the a
—Rev. -J. H. MeVicar, returned mission giving up the crockery business, now is tI a- time to o, we mig lit verneas, Scotlai and Mr. iTichol is
ar Alonday. Fred says- the turnips iwa� on th� sick list last week, but is around near . Port.
to the death of one - say was marrixd the she I 6r las occupiedi by Mr. nBean.
—Rev.. Mr. Malcolto
widow, with E-Igi
from Honan, China, in also expected in Sea- got bargains:' $10 dinner sets Mr $13 - 15 dinner st entering upon m hood. r. John A. �Otlr ut it the ra. H. Okkes is suffering from Teeswater
sets for $10 ; $12 dinner Beta foi $8 56 dinner h ldren, gre* Our inches since they were p again. - readhedatthe]�repa tO17"r-
i , Wa ea;rly left a
forth on Friday, February 7tb, to deliver sets ior $5.60 toilet note for 86 50 ofl t I his
I Smith, abn of Mr. all of �rhotn ai 'still living, vi r,. Mr . it. P ra
.60 toilet amuel Smith, severe i LUxick, of sciatica,—Aliss Sarah Nes-
lectur6 on China and the Chinese. Further sets for 94 ; $6.50 toilet sets for 13.76 ; t .50 toilet town, pashed Criminon, Glen arry; Mrs-. AleRae f Ale vice held;in the or e Presb
sets for $2. 60 ; 82 toilet sets far 8145, peacef ly away on Monday -fterian chur*
bitt lea Yea this week for Collingwood, on a on
and Visit to her sister, Mrs. Kerr.—A large Doll
Partiatilars will be given next week. AMPS and last I a 23 Nlrsi cMillan,.6f- Licaste Fridiy aftein of list week. - 'H#4
years 'd 11 -
lamp oodg very cheap ; the beat lantern.( ver offer at the earl of all Brucefteld.
0— son, larican Camp,,,, excellent sernion.—Miss Aljop�.
ed in leaforth for 60c, usual prio D.85d lal a herring, months. !Alt on h tie ev�ent.came some- "' ICop Ih ing in . I
- e R general fire iturriber Of yo -Ung reached -;an
LcyNc,, DTsT.iN.-cE TEpFp —The Bell. .93 per package ; we keep or. hand Cat ned Beef wh ts Whet nearly 4ix�y years (of age, agi and li e i4sur ka -were entertained on feLauglilin and ier brother -Frank have
a luddenli at last it was not unexpect 11 r only. a 08 -n conv
ed.' ityancer, commissioner ft ir t4king. Frida;7 evening last, at �t.he residence of turned 1to0wen � ound -Business
To ue, Turkey and Glasgow Beef lave you
ep oneL oinparly, nno new n two n to the n w wor] d, liv- a. nay to loan at lowest ral is 0
Tel h C unces that its -Ham. r. Smith had en i I for laeud�raoss a e d t h e )cea' d itr Bic
of Que- trieg Yrankfort Sausage,- just the thingfor tea or nearly in- Mrs.' T. Wallace. The time was spent ve I t th�ircc jr-se in that i
for a time at Glengarry; but duri g the home rY comp e �e
rthe Province every mornin
lunch, -ready for use -at the'lopulaisto . ROBB years itli that fell iseat e, -consumptio g and Wed itosdi y of pleasat
mg "light fantastic,,
d workin well go. tha BROS.,, Seafortb. -, 30 ve e h1wook. 54 Aly' in the -hope they w!
te",re completed an 1407.2 He ha� been engaged in th -. Canadian Ba k last are he r. home ha been in -I CKiI W&Yv We I maintain. the good repu-..-
Bud all 1 iidpetosed at an early hour
respon ents a A 3od limut toy, one oroe here, bu;, ow[nq to�illnessj e where She pa 4 Lon -
business men here h lop, at Ne farm UiEirs.—Alr�. Malcolm Dowzer s much tation of: those m, bo preceded them in the
ssed away, on
t Boy WANTED anfil Corrm6 with the -way they were. enter -
Prescott, Brockville,! -learn the printing nst. )n� was rene g acquaintances It same coui n has gone to -
who is a good reader, w I 'forced to relin4ui, ih his situation the taitted.—Tbe meeting of patrons, in connec- Cornwill, 'M ontreal ed to was the 14th i Her list dkyB, were d xys of d 3re aal; -leased
Da Stew Str a Jahe Will E%
etc,, can now- Call them up by telephone at business. Apply at TIIF. ExpoonoR office. andwent tothe Sout iern States, with �tl e peace. With true Christinfaibb. She left art, -'of Hen-sall, visit- atfrd, when feW V
tion wit the cheese fact will be held before
time. For L special purposes or anybusi. el Ory,
any herself in the hands of- her Maker. 1E esides I friends i L th�s locality on Sundaii ISO returning to,her home in Wods=
hope that: the change i vould prove berieficia., the b III heie, on Satin day, 18th inst., at
loren e Ja ie4on v I r
ness. which ckn be attended to i PRICE OF WHE' AT A_ND but ' the . disease pro ved t o be too deep the son and daughters mentioned, sli�e has� isited in Mitchell t lQharles Williams, son of Mr. j_&
-n the even- ADv,.;cE IN THE
Ing FLoun.—Mr. T..O.! Kemp; of Ogilvie's Mille, seated to be thus overcome, -and he returi- left t finally re
the Company offers the use of its lines 0 -all her love and everizead y ee�k. Mis Turner, of Seafortb, is visi Williams, has gote to Listowel to wo in
an authority on it 'matters., writes us as ed home, r.nipathy, mar y grand -children, 4mong the marble work'
at half rate ter 7 p.zm. a leh here the beat medical skill'.4n I ft ieAds in is vicinity. —Dr. Armstr 3ng' is- I a in that town. ClIxi.lie
in in e br her, in Fullarton, Ust , veek. follows : Considera le 'at en th has lately most ca ful and loving are and attb tKe be' th ited his -is a
&ssra.McRae, of Nartainito f RUSS e will be iripsediias �e joll boy,
developed in Ca than our-marl:etsire- ition:faile toresiettheo r ges�.of the idi CILIM 0 Fotheringharn, who ha� a sku OT6 IeOge Miller has disposed of succeed.,, Mr. on Allaughin) our
BE-zsmviiits op ADvZRTisIXG.—We often British. 0 bit; Mr& Hugh McInto sli, roug e' Afar itime provi: ices al- I -a ion
haveinstances of thelbenefits traceable to sulti,ng London, and J. & McRae, who is a a mil iner, in, Manchester, �h nordi half of his property, cont esteemed'4ruggis
easei; H was a most omisin ' n - on the, It at sea- Sitting a hasgone to Toronto on'..
lowing t eir an plies to tecome low omes house ari&carpeuter's shop, to Mr. -
advertising, but the past few days at the man,' Being of a ch old It tead. The late Mrs. Jam tie It me on Monday nig 4 Iling
eerful nd genia di - es Bush- So ht.— essrs. business, and, , ects to be absent
Sim Xr-
two instances were brought dec close of t e ol ydar for stock tAki and p6sibi n, be w vith -his com about $350. weeks. "Nelse as he is popularly called,
under rig as a fav)rite field,! of McKillop, �was another �rand� J, on J. Hamilton, of Blyth spent on 1V wagon waker, for
0 .0
our observation. Mr. �Ross, Of StanL, other p , oses, ani c i daugb 66'r, whose five children 'are th 8 nd wit William Graham and Ir J`. D. Walk ; ley, ad- . Ornio into the, arket radei andliked. by all who inew him. 11 -us great- tn�ly. d fawily have left will begre"17 ssed.
opening of t) Our villa al id
vertised three milch cqws for sale.. In three' at he tie v year large and bad good ability and i (as e.N e grand-daughte L rh of the deceased. their residence at
t!Ie mplary in his 1`693pe to Revi 1W. I luir preached aunive ser- up
days after the advertip e ment appe red, anxious buyers, thereb sibling ihe the asbeo� of the dead. She, in trouth, . n on� iq Gra 2d Bond on Sunday. the che' e factori
ihe y On- habits) -and had his life been spared -h v. Mr. - east of St0ra.—Mrs.
bad sold, all his CGWi tafio mille "wrote her naine in upied th itkelet.
a:lid could ba% e soldi as r to establish a , advance of from would undoubtedly h e become a prospbi r kindness, love' and C irrilero, of iltat place, o Whyte laugh tiers have gone to Mitchell
r PU
Many -more, and e t thirty. to forti, cents per I iirrel on flour and, mercy on NOTE-s.—There is a lull in the
h rabes al his ctatoiners h a -' She will �ever 0 U on chi xch very acceptabl. to Ii;sid: lilies We' hoppiar
ous and useful mai is d ath is a sad be co n Ilie having so far recov-
he rece,# illness able
a correspo be k rgo b -r o, the at xiliary of the Women's e a4 to be
di tly to his adverti�aernent. Mr. m. ndii.g ad Van ' ce c i i the price of On- �reav6ment to his pare a relatives, and e ered froi i industry here thei e d- ays, Some of the far
-ttended'tbe meetin e _Z�Olva P issi n Soci 3ty a tin of These ladies will be great -
McAllister, the well k tirio wheats. Prices 0! forlthe an mers have become d� Pleased, and have
ig br6eder�,'of Manitob hard will be deeply rerett by very large cirl
n. a I bv their friends in this neighbor
1 1. 0 T
wheat and Ontario 'P. -es yteriat Society. in Seaf6rth gone to othqr plo ees.----;-6ur burg is o
.8tatiley, also i. forin �ia that he ;haSL this writer wheats are cle of friends-ahil acq inta ces. The fu'nt Tuckersmith..,
for 1having the reeve of -the
-t least six� pigs as thle direct day. I Mrs.Muirwai con.gratulat�d
season sold a now about, on one level, I, iid the ab undant eral took place on 0 a fi;i v�ere willing workers the in-
ppli- as Jame Last week,. representat[ve del- township for 1896 !here. M. D-almage, who,
I . edne day, and w; 'a y
gin ta paper, and 'u es of the former is likel to check any 8 iGenimil has ei� ate rs. John Gibson ire -
result of his advertisin' th' tere ts 11 th c!hurch and other societi
vance: whi h is cc I present, in the shape of:a gatob- Mrs- 191ni It, Df Illinois, SiS Chant __ ilk
We el e0i
material ad he price of the aithindbank c(metery. Wh4 now loce p e its. sit ente rig me�n, and le Ident y largely attended-.; The remains were laid to rented Mrs, Writ. Cheshey"i farm, ive( ies.�
one oftbese went to'MIn.1toba. greaer n't �-eat in the ter of 11r.- James was elected, is our only mer
advat i M Y. of Atwood, Mrs.
latter, unless Some 3e occurs in for- rpiisi
he tie quilti ontaining'2 5 Miller' at d Al ra. Mitchell,
e n W rem4 rin wiork of 'Mrs. Graves of West Lorne,
Charles Clakson 10 pieces, the an4 tingslin the township, and At-
nakes this deat. all the more sad is, that Mrs. Ch :)ye to he� Own fa that at rt�ee
eign markets to relieve this country f some I, s"istbr of the de eased is. 'fierl,;' notl er are visiting their relatives
V U ill of th in the OP. -ii g, hich i iacquit
its surTlus.Northweste r supplie is 'now occupied by al ead ears of age. e ge G. Wilson is now it, M . it- ered
legiate In- of But iame disease. A i a o. r Goderich, !he will himself it�bjy�
head master of the Se Col E r. G. eorg
to, 50( mark e Mr. Hen y1yFor ythe, Mr. -Forsythe It is not.oftan that Nr. Dulinale as 'haa
no doub &� dj chelf, 11 ifte an experience -
wheat ai probably 60c. nem6ry of a de arted fello ff. student, the a such an advanced age, is, able 10 4k ng dharg'e of the Central Telephone
stitute, received the ver gratifying intelli-
ed An am farm, w Ach ou se here was a o many pieces,
a thi ag upilg of the -'Co egiat � Ins nte attend d i occupie b y h F.. Hudson, 'Mr. Hu4 [son Katie In
at the pubho wheat, is of the pa 6 so far : as this. rent a Cumming's t a E H. Davis' bookstore.— lunicips at its.
ago t
crop aeason, at pr ability the next, he funeral, and marched in the a an ie McKay have been con- Mr. Robert er-
alcrebra ofwhich h� is the aRi
gence a few (lays ac�hool f b hand 3itisses time at t4e-'rsidince of
u a body. e tito
Mc OP.
Cou-s-Clit'. —Th.- council elect"for the year
Selected' by the council f p7ablic instruction". are concerned, forillt,111011 Do �iniqn. The u' procession i tends coming t) Egmond-Kille to r aid(. the Touse for some time with guson, living south of here, on Wadnes
evenin 4ast, week, when a ig
for the Northwest Terr ories,as the Rutbor- peraundant a Ipply of oa * throvgbout this quinsy-� _g of lily in.
1896, in a hall, Bruc a en't took pla
et at Dix & efield, on
ized text book 11111 algeb, for use in tb continebt is lil,ely to keel? this cereal low -in' the SUR E41SE RiTTY. On Tuesda$ 4vertiog tere tin ev ce, being the mar -
e pub- i eldeXt
pri )eas are a 3normally -high at 90th insl k, about foi ty couples riage
We'congrat- c '4ss.-mbled daughter, Sarah"E... to -
lie schools of the Territ:)ries. hilo LoClAi, B=Fs.—Mi a Mi iule� Campbell, - W;� Mesirs. Wm.. Elliott and R. of last wee oft
�'4rwui' el iii compan so Mr. 1A, C Hicks e re- ppointed auditors Win. at the residence of Mi. Wi Philadelphia,, Mr. John Montgom
14aughter of mpbell, North Main I xc �ibal ery, a prosperous yo
.41 ! un
ulate Mr.Clark-sonon this hrxa;rk�of 50c n with born and 11streeti, who holds' a go d pos tion as milliner Chesney was r(.ap inted assess to givt him a surprise, and to eel( br ite his J NOTES.—A f our young folks farmer of r ge Hill. The nuptials vm
or, at a number o
-is labors and skill as bthe;i�1eed r On. tht i whole, no
preciation of h, A matbe- lat Cannington, is born e salary of $40 el.-ctio I as Pratbe'red to&(ther at he residence of Mr. the Rev Mr. Hooper, VU
Such boom as cort njoying some bli. VeIntosh., -John I., . The h t - performed b
mabician, and we hope tliat before long his -ed lasp'spring is'likely councill 111 e was
days. Mr. E and row] open to the Viiiiarn Hi terbrand- the other evening, and Teeswat
to take place at 01 e r0eve :e wedding east
. lttta book may occu, i inent a po o —bfrs. Eli Bat man, of Bad Ax Jacob; McGe together with th ti rry makerf, a id the er, Su -
Py as pro sition in present pr later, the ut, , I
Igichigan, daughter of ohn I and clerk, -Wet 3 app of- fu n on had !njoyable time. --Mr. Robert perb, and Soule 150 initied did jus -
very the syst look for farm- e vs" doMillan,M.P. ointed a -,�Board mer iment 0 soon at i �s ieight,
em' o` fl�is Provi ice. is c.Qnsxderably improved I. -
at d w kep I son, of eafo
visiting friend Hulle tt. Mrs. Bate! Health; sealed t inders will, be r46e lingly U Al W rtb, was in the village on showe
1nL some r A, which w;ill no ived up goin nceaf the tice to it. - Ailine array of presents 6spe doubt last 16in came over Ora in rowful errand. Ha till the date of n xcel music wasl�r wid e revival meetings no being. the estimation in w
so long as pricTs are I a so v- f esul 01 rly r orn. Friday. — hich the bride is held by
not unduly forced to a ext meeting :or th ed
Losi,.-.—The following, which ppy
t,P.tTno. b Me 'Isrs. J. McKi held. in the Evangelical church, are m
e height that Will permit cheap grain from 1 �ng lost aix mo�th' Id cbId, she aocom. of six thousand feet -of firatt-class rock 01m, Mi eorge Dickso 1, and aking a large Circle of � friends.—Our Foresters
ke from the Toronto court reports, of anted the remains 10 Clir ton, where ti to be deliVered in! lots as directed by 'c4un- goo —Mrs. court is getting on� well, though we want a-
Tuesday, will be ofinted other countriel to flour our Dominio James Hays. d progreh in the Christian work.
1 5 fe More
eat to some, in this Etrvu PURCEUSED.—Mr. John. R ier, of
arterial and inte e too oil. Accounts to the"amou Stelck a quilting bee one day last
rm ce. Mrs. tit of $43, 0 ere members to enliven 0 were issed for pay h con
teman and litt, e a tI hii, has week, A d youn
vLeinity : Beattie vs. Wenger.—Jiidgment forpla C10- i of this townsa folks of this vicinity Haske r hotel man, was offered $5550-,
111 aeDion tried a, Stratford b, TFIE MoKipto-r Cox couple of PI in to and$ . 15 given as. relief H spen ver goo tt,. ou
'ought by the FANY.� �,d a this week the g est o Mr. and Meg. to sorties in H urbey. A petition trehased e -farm !of Mr. e iry Hilli t halle evening.—Mr. J. 0. for his hotel a few �days ago, by a man from
he aunu -ting of the�N
h 0 r
cct f(
1000 me �p!e
tir C
n y u i
nex M
0 1 C r
a I st
Plaintiff, as assignee: fo t al me IcKillopMutu mes McMichael, Go, erich Street west.. ynes nd
al lai before the b rd from Win. D i the 12th co- C 881011. swo
N a 911ight being lot 2, or' re urned' home from a business Farindale. The ' unt asked was $600.—
six others i
creditors of the d t, Hannah Fire Insuranef Company w den, Mic - lores, on trip t
efenda to set as -held in the !Mr. James C lI* f �ake Lin praying the'council to close up The ia-Irm con aiis 1001 h ch are York on Friday- IasL—The The Kickapoos put in to weeks here, tid.
aside the sale of 11,00 lbs. of cre�rne�ry town hall Sei forth, on Frida las o It We pur-
t MF. gliLit, and Mi and sell a certain unused street in IQ acres of good wood land. smillin of Mr. Jobeph Oesch is easily have left: for F9rd-vncb
T o as olli% of Gas Ci yil- and from there, iskins,
butter by defendant H t ah, (when in in George Wa'tt, the resident� of the- CO�L Ildiana, were here t 31is- wet k. ' They ca �lon ACCOU t
lage of Ha c#ased1for $3,300. The fi�iir, his wife having presented they will go to M.-obri6field'I . e hear some
-pan _v ca rpurheF, also a Counter Pe %me
b 6rn iiind- 9 frame h him w
solvent circunistnces,.) o defendant, Wen, presided. There was a good attend ce 46 end the funeral their father, t i (I ka od Water oes-
romE. Sibbons and sixteen others- a3ing ouse Oja a bouncing d ople Bay that, a Jrin T
ger, consideration. of S, inembers, and the proceedings th 0 A r. Oapier, 1has got a �p Place. He much.good as sigwa, w Re thers think
Lizzie Kidd tr w't. b)ught it for his a mg oh icq4aintances in town onAT-ond i+� ;� f -h- +111, Airl Il- A fr- I
ph'Collie.— Miss Mrs. Brenner, of Dashwo.od, were renew-
la,:tt Ili`
in Aucrust' 1: Jose the council not to .-close the sai che
pre-existing, ciebt oi were most h f -)00, secured to -the rtnortious and pleasan '!Toronto, is here thii eel: the 9 e Action deferred. Next -meetin w;11 1k. on Henrvi who
e'XreU-T, 01 y the romissory note of retaring directors this EP _J. nip ars 961,111
'.Alias Winter.—Mr. f I I I
year, were e Brit. he d at Kyle's ho -,el Ion February 20th, at: "I —Mii. I avid Steinbach has gone to Chicago progreseing well 6re. W, e have $34 in the -
Cumming,; 0 U�No
4efendants Han"nah ar d Campbell, The Greorge Watt and T. Garbut, Hkilletc, and 'Inkster, Dakota, who has been visiting h F, 10 &.in where �- his secured a Suitable
roosition, treasury—the richest society in thevillage.
IL.—The!eouncil for 1396
learned judge delivere; an exhaustive G. Elliott, G&derich township, Alessrs. father, Mr. James ummii ig, of Egmon i. met at Jolnea"hotel, Leadbutiy,1 on, 41onday. We vii him success in.the future.—M`rs. —Mr. Dulmage and -others, attended the-.
judgment of twenty-two type -written pages Wattand Garbut were re-elected, and Mr. l�ville, and other friends, left here for home Ile. asall.
and, finding on the fa a adduced in evi-' George Dal ter the necessary stagutory irequir nmi a 8 J. Hess a a� guept at the residence,of Mr. F. district meetin f th 'Orangemert, at
were c()mplied with, Me. Wm. Kalbilei! h -at preaeut.—Mr. Peter BeaverV. '0 *
dence in favor of defeidant Wenge, 6 takes the place of Mr. Elliott. lion W-ednesday.—Mr. C. (.3arrieron, M.P., LoCAL BRiva--7he sleigl Ar lid Fordwich, on tuesdaye--ge at6ck sna
onti,ues w%s elected deputy -reeve our new liveryman, ha 'added another hicle f A. W. Iliday w,
uantities of, �r
dis- Mr. Elliobt�was a most enthusiastic worker, West Huron,pass6d th and all
ve a 0 ere sold by,
he )ld
muiled- the action with ents for the com any' and a good, faithful di-' 4ast on his way t 0 o1ficials were re -appointed at the a I al- POPU14- -.,I iorse td his livery,
oughhere on Monday good and large c 'ngai(n
wa, to attend to his logs, etc., are bei'hig roug t Rto, marke i. auction here, on Wednesday. The horseLs
rector, and iis r -a to be regretted, iParliamentary ditties. Mrs. 7-- wies ah last year. The clerk was instructed Went very'cliesp, -three being sold -for $38.
ebirement i
His Sue D. B. McLean, Messrs. Cook Brothers, th4
but we hop i it is o I t
n y enterprij i
emporary. -has y rig tic tak6 le al advice in reference
-im 8P.-ssico —The annuafcmeet� ackersmith one forL a month's rietors of the ensall fl 9 W 1 ihe —,Mr. 11. Rever sells his stock and iMple-
sor, how. -ver, is a good in& n*, and will of T i3luevale.
ces MI` aurine lis, iward of the engineer of Logah. The
gh ano day, in order to i court- Ina
ing Of the tq6�,icbera and officers in connoc- no doubt, make a most useful dird'Cto: 1"visit to her sister, MA. D. 1). McTavish, )f are running ni I 3ep ats by anction, on the 29th. Air. R�vier-
tion�-svith the Presbyterian Sabbath school a sub r. Al ! [St. Thomas.— The by law to - raise $1, 510 up with ci I also resolved to pass a by4aw'at th 6 next NOTES.—The members Of Mrs. keepathevery, best of everytbing.—Some-
seqUeE b meetin bVe rush
9 of the directors all fwql, L f Custom work and 11 �n 0, Bai ev,' olaaa rnaf_ + 1k U
I e pure ase of a- 5own 1, the 4estai or(lers. . 0 "1 eet. 150 prou . -� IUL oine hwt JLZIUrS-
n L 1 8 6OW11, was held m the basement of the, old �olficers were re -appointed, viz. - —Mr. W. J. Miller Wit all Stock from running of the farmers h4 e are buying stra w. at $10 -
has pure s
large in accordance with the
the church on Th lishment of an electri( fire Ilarm and the Mr. R. Bell' da 0 ning, and presented her with an
Old foitndry building, Lr -ad a mirror on. behalf of the
-as op is tepayers recently taken. The next meet.
d with devo 1 purchme of additional hose, voted oil ty -moving it on to tl e street leading to the Pre b, rian Sabbath school, -as an
The meeting N% . ursday i wening of last week. Ge)rge Watt, president; James Broadfoot, ra vote off eas a per ton.
tiOnal vie --president; W. J. Shannon, secretary- I the property owilers Seafa -th on ing'of' the council will be held at �bnes' expres-
exercise$, after. which a model class -tras tre Laurer a d M. Murdi Monday salt well, where he intends carrying on sion atitude. for her faithful services to
1 .8, inspector. The I ilast was carried bv I , It tel, Leahbury, on Monday, February 24 Wroxeter.
conducted by Itev. Dr. 11cDonald,NvIii najority of 69. There blacksmithing in i Quarteflylservicei
0 gave financial atitement, which was, submitted'-1we it will a( thern a I teacher in the Sabbath s2hool.—
re 1 1.).4 -votes rec;rde d for f- Aie by.law an t 2&0ock p.m., when the auditors leport NOTBS.--Vr� W. N. Robinson h
a most able an(I instruct ive exposition of the an( adopted, is a highly* satisfactory. one. i Wn',, a ft Beattie, of Dakota, are visit. chasd the new house eri
lesson for the foilolviag Sa'bbatb "The 55 against it, divided as f(illow'S Nort I SablAth first. — a e please
i be held in the Methodist church here -on W 11 be read.' i by Alison
It hows th compamy to be in a splendid d to learn I hat The
IDLY tt aitInt, Mrs.. IN"a
George McEwen, the !an I a --It is one of the very besti.
tary and treasurer havi g read their 16r. M* Charles J ekson, of Calgar Properties in the: village.-31essrs. Iffiborn
he township of He Farquhar. yl
is Nortl t Territory, are spending -the win- and McTavish are usy opening out their,
eeo aoiny by the officers'and directors No'#-s.—A, All son, from the net ter at
reports, tl e election of Aficers for the OR 21 againsb.—Two rinkE from 1 the Seafort i proposed for the virardenship of the Co I i larity
annuaJ ani . to have been ma.naged with care and reeve of pu
tist." The secre- financial position; to lie gaining' ground, for and 13 a.gainst;'So Lith ward, 35. for an I worthy reeve of Iter Rutherford.— son, a year a
Ministry of John the B, ward, 57 for and 21 ageoinst; East ward,.S 2 the name Of M
Dur- --tirling, club were to have on to-Guelpho ty bor- Abraham Ja6kson�s._Ylj.
Suing followed. 11 the old officers" ing the put year the com anied by hli�, v Jack- new stock f dr.17 oils. groceries, etc.—Th& these I
year 9 of Huron, and from what we can learn the g1rien 'here son, v c (M
le hc od St. Thomas, is visitin
party has paid i ruesday last to comp te in the I ife, left gn Tues� vondi
were cted,with th addition of Messrs. losi bonspiel feeling is that h box social it the erPsts' of the Methodut beiat -
es unpa�d from 1894 of $1 e wo Idbetheirightma in air d re4eviing old acquaintances.—The Pbes- day b o E 3e) d a short tim,
year 1895 d is very likel to ree thev
egram. saym will INI r s. J Leech, of Detroit.—A series Of' house, on Taesdayievening last, was'a most
W. W. 11offillan an( D * McTavish as for the 038 ; losses 1ere, but on. Mqday i iight they received ia the right place al L b3 ter4ns'of the Thames Road churck e with his sister- chureb, held in Ir, Thomas Hemphi 4
rince committee of rie forwar� from previous years amounting, 9 appointmen b.— -Messrs. Wler and lic lid their anniversary services next S a oday, revival iie ti ga are eirtg condacted. in successful one, and was thoroughly enjoy
librarians, A tempe , $3,877, and liabilities car- I A that the aff%ir bad beeti the ive
fGUr Rev..Dr..VLeDonald, ?ostponed for a week o a accoik..nt of the bad Geiger, the old (stablished wlien Rev. Mr. Lyle, of
0 , b?sides all w6rking expenses, ana tate of the ice. Foys 'b a
J. F. Clark, G. Dunea i and io �3,4 Our I b horsel r rs, Hamilton, %vill E eiii ze�i el t ev. Mr. Moss preached by those present.—Alias Martha Fichburnei,
Al is ve. to return have sold that aluable and well ki� wn pr Baii sermons for the occasion. On Alon. in Bly th las I Sabbath —Mrs. Charles Jack. and her Wother, Alf., of - Harristion 'PaU -1
8 G. M. closes the y;ar with a balageiiii of $701 in he Slemmin trophy, wh h
kiever, as I t4e annual ng in Conn n who bclongs, to the
al prizes to t -a nibers of bis� - y won lut yeax and compe e or it again. and John MeGavin 01tio I -Salvation Army, Wroxeter al flymig visit one day recently.— botts
UNder. Some time at, Mr. Clark piered. the treasur , and h ' in addition assess tiey so gallant. -stallion, MacBean," to Messrs. Wil jam A tea meeti son,
lie iL' t or
in Committing of the township of I C_ 0 held, aftLir which addresses services ift the Methodist Mrs. A. .114iklejohn, of Harriston,
own rnie#s to the amount of nearly six hundred 4r. John McLeod, son of M1r. Angus Mc_� MacBean delive4ed by Rev, r.
I class for L'Onipetition w, I b ill be condu h�
to dollars, s ill, due. 'This is, certainl 'eod, of McKi Killop, for a big prilce. as Grant, of St. ti -%vas the fact.
,r calteellism. The * Hop, whD has been Sojourn- always been known ai� one of the befit a Re vi Nlr. Lyle, of H mi
rXienlory the Shorte, , Y, a most L churel I I Sunday evening,—Mr. Edgar eat of Mia. P. V. Dixon for a few days
which con.aisted (if prizes, satisfactory showing. The assets of the 08 ggelos, C a., At a ock Iton, and O� e QU tea I a tending the Norn: al School Tor- ast week.--�The Rev. Mr. Stewart of jla-
-amely bound bibles 9 fornia;for the benefit getters in the couityj and his colts bot 6ir Or Tu6sday night the ras
company ainount to $78,329, aJad, the total h s eal " social in. Conne4tior onto.--�--TAv.. r. ugh Ross, who sold his house more, oec
nat for some i Ime isf� we arepleas-: the markets and at the fairs ied tho, pulpit of the Preiv- able
by" �1�1 McDo It to the' liabilitiesto$262. The'Companyhoots been d will bd held, when an excellent progri Lmm( and lot tit I r. George McDonald. last win- teriancha, tWW
were presented u tb
suecei earn, nearly recovered, and is able to manded the bect rjc
ssful co'nP(!t turs, who went forward exceedi^n-1- f- + 4. IC A
receive thein. Th una e or e past: year, the P va an prizes. he vvil bd rendered, —0n, rhuraclay night eo� last ter, has � en ved with his family Onto his excellent a rmons, ion a doctrinal theme) Of sevell
f 4
.7 were: Ist, ',Nlay to :-rosee te his , college 3tudies; again.—Mr. Alessrs. MoGavin i ire.'to be Commend& 'for we k) �lr. and Mrs. 0. Monteith entqtain- farm on I heboundary, east of the -village.— whibIt he a a ear ess exponent. Would
tobie; 2nd, Alary Shat e; 3rd, Annie Me tal losal3samoun tin gy to 041Y a little over I 1"hoinu Burnett hhs gone toF0 $to ape d their spirit o I f enterprise.—Aliss Edith, �Jfl. ed a . large number " of their friend
vantageous 0 tion, yo rig pe le of the locality to
cod. Ina few weeks, Dr.. NM eDonald ex- $4,000. Thebomoan� -should no take ad-' a few weeks visiting fri )nds therrgen. eho e ler, of Exeter, is visiting her slster,Mrs s an Miss Cii as started a school at the resi� there were Ore likie him.—Alessra. Aicx&_
vantage of their ad' our genial friend will have an en o ab e -R. -yo denoeof ber sister, Mrs. Bruce, for teachi are
�("s to hik discourses on the establish I a small rest fund. and Bonthron, jr.—Mr, MI Davis of A: it' TV McDo 19%11 sup au � an
j I c4ell, dance., Xe rsYth, of t e Woolen mills bere,
rs. ev.) Jo in Ross and .1 lie
as 111alco wood, in aw
ress as me. 1, .11, �:goo girls knittixg and needle work.—A r. cot g large quantities of cord
m l u
but at present of E_ bafarth, w in the vil n the violin ani� all went of Galt, -a J'siting h% sister, Mrs. obe. --good' season�s trade.
merryi as
tie ation of a