HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-24, Page 5•",
sore affliction. John
id a visit tG and Min.
weele-What are all our
aa that thev are not keep -
as in better trim
4 neighborhood is felt for
in Siiielair, on account of
of _Miss Maggie Sinclair),
ears, was a bright, healthy
warm favorite with' all.
-Miss Sinclair had a eevere
e; from which she seems
fully recovered.-Mre.
janzeS Miller attended
tign Mission meeting, in
ilay last. They think it
'er held,
asional cerrespontionn
Le -In connection with the
et ing of the Royal Tem
he, to be held ia Kipper''
tary :Nth, there will no.
5ent in the evening, un_
the home council, No.
on of a good_peogramme
e The literary and musi-
aoeranune are being pre-
rommittees. The pro-
'st part will coasist
Ildresses will be -given by
L'Tom, of Godeiich ; Rev.
Alia, and, perhaps Rev_
field. Singing and other
e volunteered by mem-
:ring eouneils of Exeter,
Holmeeville and Cen-
hers are invited to the
Act council during the
• ted a the work • are i-
rnetizzg. A small col
ken itt the door. The
t 7:30 o'clock.
.MrsJ Young and family,
'isiting Mrs. Card leet
: Card, of Goderich, is
Lhere,1 the etruest of r
Card. -Rev. Mr. Gea-
pastor of St. Andre e
'hes, was recently
tine catten-i Ole
e, and Rev. Mr. ('rahen Sunday est.--
the Bayfield Cendete
iin Monday, in the to
'owing offieern were a.
H. Woods, viee
irks : zecretary4reasurter,
atom Jame e Sturgeon ;
,hates, John Middleto
James Cam bell, A. ..
inc./341.-0 ,Thursd
there was Very ple
Holmewood " !the bea -
Mr. T. J. Isiorehouse,
=_Moorehouse entertained
aity church ehoir and it
eooert Thon pson, reeve
: and Mr. 1 dward P01 -
friends her this week.
d the streets en Friday
ayed some of their best
eday evening they were
'and Mrs. W. H. Woode,
evening was pleasantly
id singinge--A , full at -
h of the Lou Graham
Lested for next Saturday
Andrewschurch. A
the parsonage, on Tues -
stem for hording an eite-
er7tbable it tea meeting
neld in the near futetrn.
Ed. Sellers, and Miss 7_
Ldstene, Michigan, and •
E Detroit, are home en
ther's serious illness. -
Methodist church was
evening by Mr. A. E.
L of the public schooi,
,T, Oaten, being absent
al sermons on the Varela
ay evening hest an Ep-
reanized in the hietho-
, e
an enthusiastic euroll-
e following officers were
president, Rev. F. J.
Mrs. Oaten : first vice
hompson : second vice
Sheppard ; secretary,
asurer, H. W. Erwin.
lietee are artangino- an
eel of servie•es for the
- - ces a e to be held
ay even ng and every '
eithing. Ve again re -
of tit uausually at -
ie be piaed upon the
nig, 2711 inst., in the ,
(liars of the Methodist -
George Stewart and
?f Seaforth, were here
and intehasied a fine
V. Hawkshaw, of the
'tying a good figure.-
. Saturday I night, last,
dr, of Hensel', brother
eey, of this 'plaee, had
er, , at :the age of 24
al 22 days. 14 is -as
e Uuiox eemetery on
T. A ,-eek previous
li ea 1 t h and•'strength. -
ived lie] (. on Sunday
[Linter, the youngest
L Maggie Bissett, of
nide pi tee, had died.
[less of three days, of
, The eorpse was
lay last_ and the fun -
the reeidenee of Mr.
in etreet, on Tuesday
e Exeter Union. ceme-
es repfh-t a very sue -
heir rink on hionday
Lumbers from Chilton,
flensalli attended. -A
i, sheite in the village
eeke-Tshe new -village
ii ea :gouda', hist. -
II be at the Commer-
Fridayo:F ! purchaaing
ifiggina, who at one
L ancl yanked in this
dould, in the Cooper
sd heaet disease„ on
rtage, at the age of
eatliorie, of the Man -
Led to his bed with
n Copia, of Seaforth,
'nesdaye oa business.
2e7, Royal Tempt rs
7 well represented at
Kippent on Tuesday
. -1
errang, , at 5; o'cloc
r. Moines Silent°
place, Was consum ft
a burning of an a -h
,ed hot ashe. TI e
:entities of ship th 1 -
the station, for .:;hi -
he mail train fie n
:s late on niOnd y
e freiglet train en
Igrave.----Seats', we e
•eet chureh on 'Tee •-
ofessor Fred Knig t
the Tri vitt memo -
[y Thomas is und
a hospit al. l
;ranch Agric Item 1 •
ssela on Wedn eda
torn report sl owe
-3, -while the cxpen
y $323.53, leae ing
m following officer
errent ear:yVinio
Liam Pollard, vice
Jan -es Fergusein
W. H. McCrackene
a P. S. ott, George
Kinnon. Auditors*
JA_NtARY 24, 1
F. S. Scott and A. Straellan. W. H. Kerr
-was 118 -elected secretary, and D. Stewart
treasi rer. It was decided to offer the Eas
:Herm Agrieultural Society $200, to hol
their faii fair in Brussels, for 189d.
sanitary inspeotor, eastern di. tion ; and J.
, Snell,]) .Spencer and Willi . Stoneman,
t menibers, each member to ceive $2 for
d eaeh meeting. In • regard to a, petition of
P. Guinthuer, J. W. (.4ra,ybil and others,
asking for the formation of new school
motion, out of parts of school sections No.
6 and 8, Ffay, and sectio s 4 and 11,
s Stephen, Mr. S. Smillie was ppointed ar-
bitrator. The clerk was instrocted to write
to Stephen commit, in regard o anrears of
assessments, re Ha,y swamp dr ins, and de-
benture No. 1, union school se Lion No. 15,
Hay and Stephen. After pass ng numberof accounts, the council ad tuned until
February 24th. '
' Wingh
Nons.-Al Young iberal society wa
organized on Monday evening. -A large
crowd is expeoted at the Amoy carnival,
this (Fridees)night. Prizes will be given
for racing and dressing.: -The firat meeting
of .the .new. eouncil was held on Monday
evening. -The • Van Aalborg family will
vivo it concert in the opera -house on the
evening of Thursday, 30t4 inst.-There is a,
free cooking school in the town hall this
week, for the purpose of advertising Fleisch,
mane's yeast. The cooking is concluded by
a Miss MeLeam-Mr. Dan of Hamilton a
returned missionary from!Cht
ina, lectured in
the Presbyterian church on Monday es -en-
ing, and in the Baptist church on Tuesday
evening. He also; condunted the service in
the Cougregational church, on Sunday. .11r.
Duff was in Chiha six years. He spoke
about their tliffeeent religions and about
the curse of opium. These Were the great-
est hindrances to the missionaries in the
spread of the gospel. -Miss Cavan, ' of Sea -
forth, is the guest of Miss „Norma Dinsley.
t ---Mr. and Mrs. deb!). Hanna have been in
*Toronto this wee. Mr, Hanna is having
his eyes operated 4n.
D sdale.
BRIEM-The N eather in; this corner Of
the terrestial globe is all that cell be desired
at present, and everything both great and
-small is taking advantage of in -111r. P.
Durand has disposed of one of his horses for
a handsome sum, Mr. Wm. Douglas, _of
Blake, was the purchasen-A van& enter-
tainment is to be held in our publie school
on the evening of February 7th.1 No pains
are being spared to make this a grand suc-
cess. The progra,mtne, which is in course of
preparation, is both lengthy and yarie d, and
will be cirmilated throughout the neighbor-
hood at an early date. Seine of the Very
beat local talent is being procured. The
string band of town' will supply music for
the occasion.
Locees.-On Tuesday evening, last week,
a, number of invited guests assembled at the
residence of Mr. Roberti Turner, to trip the
light- fantaatie to the .musie of the Young
People's Health and Home string band, as-
sisted by Mr. W. Madge. At midnight a
sumptuous. repast:, prepared by the kind
hostess, was served, and was duly appreci-
ated by all. T e recitations reedered by
Mr. A. Shea we'e highly appreci ted, while
the songs given by Mr. Johnson delighted
alt lietenera. When the recit beans and
soegs were over the young peopl resumed
dancing, and emptinuecl the mirth juutil day-
break, when they kindly thanke 1 the host
and hostess for pheir evening's a iusement,
and departed f r their Lrespectie e homes,
wishing for ma y more such par ies in the
neighborhood. Mr. R. Talbot, who has
been employed with Messrs. R. & T. Snow --
den for a long time, has decided to give up
farming and is about to enter in. o the dry
- goods !easiness We understand that Mr.
J. Orr intends s ipping a car load Of lambs
lityrEs,—So e of . our local niortsmeii
have been sco Ling the woods ii pest of
.ga,me lately.. qnirrels, partridge and rab-
bits are thus eeoming more scarce. --Two
foxes were she near Khiva by a couple of
Exeter nimrod last week. -Mr. iilooper, of
near Crediton, had a sale of farm toek, im-
plements, &c.; last Friday. Thete were e
large_number rresent, ancl the paces were
good. Mr. 1-14oper has been in ill health
for sometime, ncl is giving up f• telling. -
Mr. Maavhinne and Miss Willis,. f Lucan,
are visiting iends near Crediton. -aMr.
Martyn, of Ida, ota, is visiting relatives and
friends near S inon.--Special revival ser-
vices are being conducted in Shipka li.detho-
dist church, wi h good results.
THE COUNCIL -At a meeting of thc town-
ship council, held in the township hall,
Crediton, the clerk, treasurer and assessor
of last_ year, were re -appointed by ballot,
and at the same salaries as formerly. A
petition from the ratePayers of school sec-
tion No. 1, respecting some grievance, was
laid before the council. A meeting will be
held in the section to consider the matter,
and it is likely some satisfactory arrange-
ment will be made. A petition was also re-
ceived from Da•shwoed, requesting that a
new union school section be formed in
Dashwood: The council favored the propo-
sition, and appointed Mr. Peter Douglas, of
Stanley, as the ar sitrator for this township.
a he sum of $5 wa granted for the improve:
ment of the road, west of Boston ClOners,
providing McGi livray en ant an equal
amount. *Mr. J. I urner wasa,uthoriZed to
expend $33 in r ad iinpr vernents tni. his
locality. The °Rowing entlemen will
compose the boarc of health for the currente
neer : The reeve nd clerk, and J. Schnell,
Th Hicks, S. Sa, ders • W., Lea -is, [ sani-
tary inspector, nd 13r. Nickel, medical
health officer. A ter passing a number of
aceounte; the cot mil a,cljoi rned until the
first- Monday in March, whea path-meeters,
pound -keepers, eta, will be appointed
urich. i
i THE 'ear a tece 'ymFANY.-_-kt the annual
meeting of the ay Insuranee Company,
held here last wee t, the following otlicers
nnel directors wer elected for the cerrent
Veer : W. B. Battler, 'Hay, piesident ; S.
Broekenshire, Ste leen, vice -,resident! Di-
iectors,-Thomas Yearly nc John Baker,
Stephen; D. Surarus, John Karcher, and
-John Torrance, Hay; N\ illia, n Lamo t and
Peter Douglas, Sbanley. The fin acial
statement shows the company 'to be in ex-
cellent stendine, and to b increasing in
membership and volume of b smess, and to
be carefully and economical] , managed.
• Barees.-e7 le following persons have re-
turned to their tar off homes, after spenth
. ing a good ti ne with their parents here:
For Cavalier, Narth Dakota, William Sar -
arils, Miss Levine. •Geiger, and her sister,
Mrs. John Bradley, Addie Sararus and
Ephriam Holtman; and Mrs. 'fenny Weit-
men for Minnesota. -Mr. Jos. i S chluch ter,
from Berne, Michigan, has beenhere visit-
ing his father.1-11r, Edward Johnston, jr.,
paid us a friendly visit lately. It is about
twelve years since he was here last. His
home is -neat' Urand,Forks, North Dakota.
-Rev. D. H. Braand is having a big revival
on the 14th concession. Between, twenty-
five and thirty have opine forward and
asked for forgiveness of their sins.- lr. F.
Kibler and, wife were in Dashwood la t Smi-
day afternoon. -The Young People' Alli-
ance of the Evangelical church held musi-
cal entertainment ha their church Iast Tues-
day evening. The quartette by 1 E.
Faust, W them Finkbeiner, Alicia Tilly
Feast, anclI Miss Tenn Derstein, and music
by - Eldon Rannie and his wife, was nnich
appreciate4.- The congregation o the
Lutheran clhareh have this week put a new
cha.ndelier,I with fourteen lamps' in their
church, w ich will make a greatimprove-
ment in lig iting up the building. -Messrs.
P. Hess anl J. C. Kalbfleisch have returned
from Pant rson, New, York State, where
they have en selling their flax. We heve
not ascerta, ned the reeults.
THE HA COCNCIL.-The first meeting of
the Hay co wed was held in the hall here
on Monde 'last, All the meznbers were
present. 'fter preliminary proceedings,
the follow*ng officers were •a.ppointed : .F.
Hess, clerk salary, $I5; F. Kibler, trees-
erer, 80:h` ). McColl, Assessor, $55; Charles
-Troyer, col ector, L.E.-':60 J. Merrier Zurich
and D. Cr mhart, II mall, auditors, $6 ;
Mrs. Rein ardt, ear taker of hall, $20.
Boerd of ealth,--Dr Campbell, medical
health offic r ; E. Toseenbery, sanitary in-
epeetor,_ w stern dithion ; J. Bonthron,
. •• me Lost Mane. ii
. The story of -the "white ce exit" mine
is a curious tine.. -One day a gold seeker
named White came into Horse ea G 111011,
Cal.; from northern New Me o, ajld took
out of his peak a number of -p cos Of what
loctked like hard white clay•gli tern* -with
specks of metal. Before ni lit it was
known in the camp that Whites specimens
showed 1,000 Ounces to the toll . Thoe.ox-
Oit0MOiat was intone°, In th nioenitig a
party called on the oweor of th specimens
and told bine that he must p lot the men
to his -find. He should bay° ;the, pick of
the claims and help to work , but go he
must, and on his refusal was varned that
• his life would not be worth 0 ucks if he
"stood off" the camp. Then b, contented.
• The ;trail went down and aoress the
Rookies. It led along rocky tr ils; up and
• down canyons and across mon tam crests.
On the evening of the third da White said
the neiners wore near to the11 journey's
end. • Every one lay dowa thtn1bt ex-
pecting to arise a rniuliona1:o. In the
morning White was gene and liad left no
traoe. One-half of the party, after incred-
ible suffering, got ,bao14 to life and civiliza-
tion, and yet, despite their story, 1,00 men
etated back over their trail twb days later.
hree. years, after White reappeare. in
t Lake•City with his minion spoof ens
efore, incredibly rich; and again di.ap-
red, and from that time to this has
ne er been hoard of. But men still
ouitheir lives in seeking this ost "w
• cm en t"rm ine.-Cham Jo' ilia'.
London's First Coffee H use.
he first coffee house 'hi Lopdon
ojxined in 1652 by a Greek. It i said
had 'previously been one in LOx orcl.-
Francisco Examiner,
. News of the Wee
GREAT Saito STRIKE. -The reat hip
strike of the Belfast' and Clyd men em -
tin nes. • • _
PENNSYLVANIA COAL. -More 1 than one
million tons of coal were recentl contr et -
ed. for Cainadian delivery from th Penn yl -
value coal fields.
decree has beep issued, announciag that the
coronation of the Czar will take pla,ceiri
Moscow next May.
rear is over. (loomaesie was ocOupied by
the British' foeces without • oppohition, and
King Prempehiaccepts all British demands.
HA,NOSOME BEQUEST. -111.4. Anna Aspin-
wall has left an estate estiin t d 8,3,000,-
000, to the Protesthet Jp s optl Church
Hospital of Philadelphia, to maLintabe an
Orphan Girls' Hospital. •• L
twenty-fifth a,nniversary.of e clowning of
King William of Prussia at Vesail1as,as
Emperor of Germany, was .4(3, elnrated with
much pomp at Berlin on Sat dash
AN Ixoeiero DEvICE.-T Washington
Weather Bureau has devise a system of
kites, which- will carry s If - iegistering
meteorological instruments n the atmos-
phere two miles above the ea, th's Surface.
SPENT IN ATHLETICS. -The University of
Pennsylvania, spent $1E00,90) fon athletics
the past season. About $4. ,000 went to .
haseball. •I
Mornon missionaries left Salt FLale City a
few , dans ago, bound for N w Zealand to
e tablish a miesion among the ila,oeis.
A STEADFAST COI:PLE.-A co iple at Ches-
tereille, Maine, recently cel ;brated their
golden wedding in the ver house into
which they . moved on their vedding day,
fifty years ago. •
juclge.has ruled that the Unitei States Gov-
etennent has no dght to con ;ecate money
found on Federal prisoners.
C'ORN AS Frio. -Corn is eing, used as
fuel in Centre:I Iowa, the farn ers
that the prevailing price does • ot r pa,y the
wet of husking and marketing. •
.111.1!,ISDAUdATER, CASE. - Su erintendent
Craig, of the Duluth Gas'; and • °tar Com-
pany, was indicted the other day, by the
grand jury, for manslaughter in the second
degree, for supplying the city with impure
water, whioh causedthe death of a citizen,
by typhoid fener.
• A Voice Fabei PARIS:---JThe Pant
.aays that if the United States pushe
its ex- •
travagant pretensions to the point iridica,ted
by the addition to the Monroe c41ctrine,
Eurapean nations must cmpbine t close.
their ports to -American. sh ps, an4 brink
her to her knees in' a week.
Bkezie Wnters IMAIEDIAT
lately received_ from Rio d
that the Minieter of . Fereig
.paring a wat detnanding.
restitution of the Island Of T
has been oeen ,ied by Great
stated theta refusal on the
Britain to rat ore the island
lead to a ruptare of diplomat
New York..raid, from Lire
The mayor of an Miguel, on
seized and ca, sed to be burn
lie square of t, eecity, all t
stock of the local. agent of
Bible Society.
cable will soo
the Shetland
of the British
has been subs
a,nd Denmark
cent interest f
d spatch
• o, is pre-
hee im iediate
inidad, L which
ritain . I It is
art :of Greet
o Brazil, • will
c relations.
spatch Ito • the
Peru, i Says:
Januar + 16th,
d, in the ptibe
e Bible • and
the Anlerican
ELAND -Ib is stated
be laid between hole
stands, the, northermos
elegreph system. The
ribed, Great Britain,I
hat a
d and
point -
, eland
jointly guaranteeing nix per
r a number of years. 1
' 1
I :
- erth Notes. 11
-The aiitivaF meeting of the W'emen's
Foreign Mission Society, of St.' Mar '
held in the basement of the First '
terian church, on Tuesday, last Week
meeting was conducted by Mg. hi
and Mrs. A. Grant, and, notwtthst
the stormy weather, there was
number present from all churches.
--Stratford has some heave- taxLayers,
among whom are the following : !Grand
Trunk Company, $8,600 ; Wni. Gordon,
$1,051 ; British Mortgage Loan Co pany,
$834 ; Wm. Mowat, $797 e Joseph Rt nkin,
$550 ; J. Idirigton, $535 ; Gas I Company,
$51 ; Wro. _Easson, 8460;; C. • L. 14 orth,
$45 ; Thomas Orr, $390 • J. M. :Scott,
$381 : S. - R. 'lesson, $35V -. T. HAgarty,
Dil ion, $321. • e . i I .
833); Dufton & ' ComPenyl., in9,; Mendel
A very quiet and pretty event000le
e at St. Pth
atrick's erein Kinkel a; on
sday morning, 7th inst., it being the
ria.ge of Mr. T. Keela,n to Miss J4seph, --
Teiss, both of Kinkora. The cer manY
s, was
uite a
was performed by Rev. Fath r 0'
Th bride was attired in/a grey ,eiet
pa e with green velvet triamaings,
tog e to match. She Was attended by
M. 'beim, who was attired in ai pal
hen ietta costume with silver trim ings.
The groom evas., attended by Mr. A thur
We' s, Of Shakespeare. •
Mr. W. H. Coulton, of Ellice,L cele rat
ed Ids fiftiet birthday on Saturday, illth
iis s Abou twentydive.friends were
lhe number being his bro
I iohardetre
a and Abe, of Qlevelend,
his sis
Mr. an
The af ernoon a
most e joyable n
-Th resident!
Downi , was the lsce
event o Wednes ay
The oc asion wa th
ter, Mi s Maggie to
by Rev
• bride
supper he compan
a,ble eye ing.
er, Mee. annoy
Robert, from 8
as. Wels ; Strat
Hatnilto , of Se
M rif-7
also from Cleve-
ratford ; Mr. and
ord ; Mr, and Mrs.
; Mr. and
eamme , from Fullart t
fleas Dexter, of Stratford.
d evening were spent in a.
of Ai
. Wm) Redford, of
a very pleasant
rung .January 9th.
tnEt Hap. of his daugh-:
John Murray. The •
ng ceremony was performed in the
of a. very. 4a ge, number of guests.,
A. H. Deli na: of A.Yonton. The
an eatinla le ; young lady. and "i
of the ; Avon on church choir, the
of which or: an zatien gave her a
e present. heel a sumptuous
sed a most enjoy -
Fall Whea per bushel, ...
Spring oat per bushal,.. - 4
Oats per bushel...a__
Pen per uehel ... . ... . ..•
Barle,y pe bushel..%
Butter, N . 1, 1008E44
Butter, tit . .••
4,es per oz....
Flour, per 100 The,- ,
Hayper In .....
Hides per 00 lbs
antr, Jan. 23 1E98.
: 0 70 lo 073 '
... . 0 70 lo 0 73
0 22 to 02
..e. . 0 50 to 05
▪ 0 32 bo 03
0 14 to 01
• 0 14 to 61
. 0 15 to 0-1
.. 2 15 to. 215
.. 18 00 to 14
4 00 to 5001
Sheep Ski s......... . . . .
Wool..... ..... . .......
Potatoes er bag,- (new)..
• salt (rets ) per barrel.....
Weed per ord (long)........
Wood per ord (short)
apples pe . . .. .
-Clover Se d ..... .
Timothy eed. ;
Pork, per 00 Me
TalJow,pe lb.... ....... . ..
.. 0 40 te
.. 0, 22 to 024
.. 0 25 to 0s5
.. 1 00 10 000
.. 2 75 to 800
.. 1 60 to 1 75
0 76 to • 100
.. 6 60 to 700
••• • •
8 SO to 3-75
4 60 to 500
0 04 to 004
Tower •, Jan . -Fall w eat. $0.71 to 10.741 ;
spring w eat, 804 to *0.58; oats, 26e to 29&o;
peae, per ugh, 53d:to 546; barley. 40e to 44c; hay,
ter Um. $ 7.25 to $18.00 •, butter, 200 to 210 ,• pots.
toes, per tag, 20o to 25e ; egge, per dor.. 20e
te 210 ; d eased hogs. Per 100 Ilbs 7510 $6.00.
Po try Market. c.k,
TORON 0, January 21st. -The market is
quiet.. here is little or to inquiry for any
line. C iekens and duels receive most fa-
vor. W quote: Turkey, 6c to 8c; geese;
5c to 60; ducks, 50c to 7o; chickens, 25c
to 50c:
ritigh L+raJir Trade.
LONDO. , Jannaryl 20+._ -The Mark Lane
Express,' n its WeelFly i1eview of the British
grain tea( e, says : Du ing the week- Eng-
lish wheas have been fiin ; foreign wheats
have dee], cl; Cali Genie; wheets have
been quot 27s 3d ad Oregon at 27s 9d;
American as been 3d dearer, and oats
peas and have been steady, while
beans w
wheats w
wheats h
Barley w
ned 3
& at
raerileYn gleeted To -day English
re 11e1I for 6d advance. Foreign
re rian 6d, flours 3a and , rye 6d.
s firm and oats beans and peas
NT nuary 21s t. -Bu tter -The
market is dull. Stocks are accumulating
and sales are hard to make. Shading in
prices is frequently., resorted to.: Good
creamery, s quoted at 19c to d200 for tubs
and .21c t 22c fee rolls. Large. rolls are
easy at L3 to 15le,and dairyrpound prints
are in fir demand at -rqe to 17c. Fresh
made (lair tubs brine 14e to 16e and. me-
dium low rade are slow, selling at 7c to 12c.
Eggs -Th mark t continees firm and trade
is very a tive, speeially in Pickled and
etrictly new laid Five mid. ten case lots of
pickled se 1 at.14 c to 15e, and single cases
bringldeie Coi storage offer .at 16c to 18c
and late athere at 18e to 20c. Strictly.
new laid a e quoted at 21c 'to 23e.
Af (MIRE iL, January .21. -Trade is fairly
active, a d hol lers eon' i 'ma to ask firm
prices. C emery is selling in a jobbing
way at 20 to 210, wile Shifpers are bid,
ding aroun 1 Iffte to 20c. • I dairy there is
very little loing, and prices are nominally
the same. Choice townShip is quoted at.
while western is lcjuotecl at 13c
b iling stock is
thee lines are ,
d has sold -at
13e' to W.'
Da rv Markets.
103 to 18e,
to 15e. ,ggs-eChoice
climbed .frozi 20c upwards. '
about stea 'y. Montreal lira
14c to 13c, nil westerneliree
L ve Stock Ma kets. :
• G'DAS(40W January 200.. -Market for
Cattlentead -..; present prites-for best latc
to 110. • Bo.t Scotch cettle, 61.s. to 63s per
cwt ; secon( Boy, 57s- te 59s, per eat; best .
Staten 518 o 53s per cwt; best sheep, 8d
to $.:}c1 per 1 ; secondary, 7,1-41 per lb.
Invertro6 , January 20th. -The cattle
trade here i slow, but sheep are firmer;
States cabtli sold at fti-d per ib; Argentines
at qd. Sh ep are selling at 5nd to 6c1 per
ISIONTREA , January 21st -The reeeipts
of cattle co tinue heavy for this season of
the yea, wh ch, 't is stated, are due to the
highprices f ed i ruling .at at present. The
offerings to -day , consisted largely of half
fattene stoc -, and a,s the demand for this
class at res nt izi; very limiteda consider-
erable n nib:r were left ever. There was a
large a tend nee of buyers? and the de-
mand w s p incipally for: fair to choice
beeves, nd fairly active trade. was • done
in these grad s at steady prices. The glet
of inferior st ck has a depressing effect to
some extent el the market, consequently
holders of good battle find'it, impossible to
get any higher prices. Beet beeves sold at
$ec, good at ' c to ne, fair at 2Lic to 3c,com-
mon at 2c to
per lb live Ies•
and lambs ae
emend was good from. ,butchers, prices
were folly mapitained. Sheep sold at $2.50
o $5 each, i !lambs at 3c to 4c. per lb.,
live weight) 'elites were scarce and dear,
selling itt fro!11 $31to $14 eaeh,as to size and
EAST BUF ADO, Ja.nuar.' 2lat-Hogs--
ec, and inferior at Inc to 2c
ight. The supply of sheep
s only 'moderate, and as the
Market active and higher Ifor f all kinds.
Yorkers, goo to choice,: ' -$4.23 to $4.30;
light, $4.25 toi $4.30 : mediums and heavy,
$4.20 to $4. 5 ; . pigs, $4.25 to $4.35 ;
roughs, 83.4(1 to 83.65; stags, $2.50 to
$3.25. Sheepl and Lambs-ahlarket, active
a.nd 15e to 20d higher; prime lambs, $5 to
8530; fair toj geed, $4.50 to $4.90; - mile,
common, $3 jto 84.40; mixed sheep, good,
$3.23 to 53.50 common to fair, $2.50 to $3;
heavy ewes, , .251to $3.50 ; handy wethers
$3.50 to $3.75 Cattle dosed weak with a -
member unsol 1 mein ing some good heavy
steers; heavyl runlof -through stoick during
the past. 48,h nes.' Hogs closed steady, but.
with several I ts, Mostly medium and heavy
grades, unsol . Sheep ancl lambs closed
dull and easy wit.h a Ifew loads left over;
sales of four toads of Canada lambs were
made at $5 to e -
TORONTO anuary 22n41. -The market
was in a bed condition for ;everything but
hogs. There were no e -port cattle pur-
chased, and f 14 butchers' prices were away
off. A few lo s of two and three did realize
ifair figures, b t this only s rved to empha-
size the geeer 1 demoralize ion which exist-
ed. Much of he Stuff was selling at 2c,and
even under; n course it was rubbish, but
this was what' he market as largely coin- .
posed of. A 1 it of 13 cattle, averaging
1,050 lbs,_ sold at 3e per Ib; a load Of 20,
averaging 1.,161 lbsoold at $30 each ; allot of
Il,averaging 1 100 lbs, sold at $26 each; 10
cattle!, averagi g 900 lbs, kohl at 21e per
ib; l 2 cattle yeraging 950 lies, sold at 21c
per lb,and ., ach bac; 4 heifer,
aging 1,050 lbs, sol at itec ; five c ttle, ay--
eraging 1,086 lbs, -s ldlat 3c; and :13, av-
eraging 900 lbs, sold at 2iLc and $71 pn the
deal. There was little outside buying, and
a good quantity of cattle remains herelun-
sold. Hogs are steady- ani unchangecl, at
from $3.60 to $3.85 k for prrne off car hogs;
light from $3,50 to 5370, and stores at from
$3.30 to $3.4( per -0 vt,
. 4
On Tuesday, January 28th, 1896, at 1 1
o'c.00k p xn, on Lot 5, Concession 5, Stan -
'le , Foam Stock. Wm. Logan, Proprietor;
On Sataiday, February 1st, at 12 o'clock,
• noon, in t ettforth,, Household Effects, &c.
• Dr. Campbell, proprietor; Thomas Brown,
road. -In Mullett, on January 1 tin the wife
f Mr. Lorne Tyndall, of it ditughte
STRONG. -In ticoinivray, on January 81Inthe
ife of Mr. Armstrong, of a daughter.
MOLLAND-On January 14th, the wife of Mr.
m. Mulholland, of Ilay township, 3f a son.
eet.-in Stephen, on Jenuary 6th, the wife of
r. Fred. Green of a daughter. .
ERON,--Indarinow, on January i th, the wife
• Mr. R. D Cameron, of a son.
HE: DERSON.-On the Oth concession of Goderieh
wnship, on January llth, the wife of Mr.
.bert J. Henderson, of a son.
LA a IE. -In Tuckersmith, on January 7th, the
• fe of arr. W. Laramie, Of it daughter,
BLit. Wroxeteri on January 8t13, the Wife of
.1 . Robert Black, of a sou.
KEN T. -In Turnberry, on January lair, the Wife
A. Ketnpt, cf it daughter.
DAL ON. -In Hibbert, on Tannery 181h, the wife of
la John Dalton, of a son.
Marna es.
Meal TH-CRABB.-At the esidence of the bride's
other, Elgin avenue'oderich, on January
. 15th, by Rev. James A. Anderson, Mr. 'James J.
oMat , to Kiss Janet Elizabeth (Nestle) daugh-
r of Mrs. -Crabb.
WE B -MASON. --At the residence of the bride's
f ther, on January leth, by Rev. S. A. Carriere,
Er. David Webb, to allss 'Agnes Mason, both of
-MUNROE.-ait the leanse, Egmondville, on
Mr. Henrietta Munro , both of Tuckersmith.
anuary 21s1, by Rev. N, haw, Mr. Wm. Ross,
t Mr
IL -In Seaforth, on January 201h John W.
with, youngest son of Mr. Samuel 'Smith, aged
years and 11 months.
Seaforth, oh January 23rd, 11
ells, youngest daughter of Mr. Sani
ad 20 years.
- he funeral on Saturday, at 2 o'clock.
BISS Forest, on January 19t4i, Herman
• hester, son of Edward Bissett, forme ly of Exe-
r, aged 6 years, 10 months, 13 days.
BO Ess.—In Clinton, on January 19 he Harriet
mily Bowere, daughter of the late G„ K.Bowers,
e20 yeare and 2 months.
.-In Mullett, on Janttary 15th, Mrs. Susan
edd, relict of the late Henry Me. d, 'aged 70
• 3ears.
POW LL. -In Turnberry, on January 1.th, Jennie
., wife of Mr. James Powell, aged 9 ,years, 8
onths, 3 days.
LL. -In Blanshard, on January 61., Georgina
uffieldewife of Mr. Henry TeWell, o Osborne,
ed 25"yeare, 10 months and 8 days.
FO ES. -In Clinton, on January 15th, Eliztheth
• orbes, wife of the late John, Forbe:, aged 91
•INS. -In Rat Portage, on Jenuary 10th, Wil -
am Higgins, of Clinton, aged 71 year .
N. -In Clinton, on January 101 WiIlianl
ason, aged 82 years.
argaret Ts-
uel Smith,
• ;
BDULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a yonng .horough-
bred Bull. Hie dam, if Matilda VIII ," winner
of the first prize of $100 two years in su cession at
the Toronto Industrial Fair, as the cow n akin g the
most butter in two days on the fair growl.. Apply
on 11 verside Farm, Osborne, or addresr THOMAS
'RUSSELL, Exeter. • estratt
4EFFECTS.-Thomas Brown has re eived in-
structions to sell by publio auction, at the residence
of D. Campbell, Alain street, Seaforth, on aturday,
February lst, 1890, at 12 o'clock, noon, 11 house-
hold effe cts, cons sting of Parlor Suites, Bedroom
Suttee, Dining Roo u Suites, Chairs, Tabl -s, Sofas.
Carpel, Pictures, 1 Stoves'Sideboards, D shes and
Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, etc.; one cut • r, 1 road
cart, andother thit go too numerous to m ntion, all
of which must be Sold without reserve, as : r. Camp-
bell has sold his practice, and has already eft town.
Terms of Sale -All scirs of $s and under, c sh ; over
that amount six months' credit , will be gi en on ap.
proved joint notes A discount of 0 per ce t. allow-
DBELL proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, auc loneer.
ed off for cash on 11 credit amounts. . 1.406A7:1P-
Wan ed, at the Seaforth Waterworks, about 60
cords f preen har wood, cordwood, four 1.81 long,
eawed ends. Tend re for 10 cords and up e ards wlfl
be recleived at th Clerk's office till MONDAY,
February 10th, nex . The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. WK. ELLIOTT, Chilli. 1487-2
Seaforth Cheese Factory.
A meeting of the Patrons of the Sesforth Cheese
Factory, will be held at the ROYAL HOTEL, SEA -
2 o'clock p. Ill., to transact business for next season.
The Directors are requeeted to come one hoer before
the meeting opens. THOMA,S DICXSON.
The annual meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, wi 1 be held in the
OF FEBRUARY, 1890, at 1 o'oloc p. m for the
purpose of receiving the Director's, Sesretary-
Treasurer's and Auditors' reports; election of two
directors for three years, and ene to fill the vacancy
of D. Mitchell, resigned ; the dealing with a motion
to revise the by-lawe relative to eteam threshers,
and any other business in the interest e f the Com-
pany. JOHN ESSERY, Preeident ; THOS. CAM-
ERON, Secretary. 1165x3
McKillop Directory for 1896.
JOHN.11ORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. Oa
WILLIAM ABOHIBALD, Deputy-Keeve, Lead.
bury P O.
WM. McGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0.
JOS PH 0. _MORRISON, Councillor, Bee wood
P. O• .
DAN*EL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0.
JOH1I C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop PI 0.
SO MON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, WI throp
P O.
WK. VANS, Assessor, Beechwood P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafprth P. 0
buRrylOrEI.A0R.D POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector Lead
A good chance
We hay' e a few Fur Capes left
and anyone wanting one can
• get a great bargain.
W. W. Hoffnlan,
Chattel Mortgage Sale of Bo
and Shoes.
Ur de and by virtue of a warrant iesued by
Hunter of the township of Howick, in the Corm
Huron, under a chattel mortgage made by A
lialladaV, of Lakelet, to the said J. W. Hunter
to me dtreeted, Ihave Relied and taken the
of Boot and Shoes and alicip furniture belongi
the said A. IV: Halladay, of the Village of Lakel
the said County of Huron, and will offer the
for sale by public auction on Tuesday, the 281
ef January, 1890, at the hour of 2 o'clock i
afternoon, on the premises of the said A. W.
day, in the said Village of Lakelet. The stoe
be seen in the ssid premises and the inventory
Oleg in the Village of Wroxeter. The stock,
is well assorted, amounting to $1,800, and sho
niture, i eluding of a safe valued at'S(13, will be
en block it es much on the dollar. Terms -Te
cent. of urehase money on day of sale.; 10 per
when goads are checked off, and the balance in
equal payments at three, six and sine inont
secured 2aper. Further particulars way be a
ed frmu me at Wroxeter P. 0. J. COWAN,
for mortgagee. Dated at Wroxeter, the 18th d
January, 1896.• . 146
. W.
g to
t, in
fur -
y of
The McKillop Mutual a
Insurance Company.
Geo. Watt, Preeide t, Ilarlock I'. 0.•'James
Breadfoot, Vice -President, Seafortli P. 04 It . J.
Shannon, Secy-Treas., i Seaforth P. • 0.; Ilissaael
ithrdie, Inspeotor of titeeses, Seaforth P. O.
MN. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardhter, Lead.
bury; George Dale, Seaforth • Thotniur E. Hays,
• oestorth; M. Monne. Seatokh : Thar. Gatbatt,
Clinton; Thomas Fraser, Brueefield.
*worn. •
Thos. N ensile, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan'Seaforlh I
James Cumming, Egmondville ; John B. Me a.
Rippen. George Menthe and John C. Mora on,
Parties desirous to effect losuranees or Il•
set other business will be promptly attended to on
application to any of the above officers, add st 10
their respective poet co a eel'.
- -717"'"•ar''''"""'"- il••.-141:••••••-•••••,•••-=
You wi
wise resolci and
I find that t will
This Sio e
Sells onEy for spot
Prices are Low
• Here in
pay cash for your year's purchases as
immensely• pay you.
ash and.5n
s it a, grand success.
consequenc than any ther house in IIaron can quote.
GI,1419-Y 80 WI EMAN, Clinton.
Oornmeueig'Irn!,s4ay, Jan.
Their an ual cl aria
Mantles and 9 ner
sell a thing We put
Certainly glan e ov
you will observe the
sale 13,f1,Puis, Re pinade-Clothing, Ladies' -
DryigoOds Remember when we want to
lie ptice, Where pie do not hesitate to buy.
r the list Of large discounts for this sale and
knif jhas'igcfne in deep and in some ases
ut t pric Clear n two.
Ladies' and Gent's Fur C ats,1 9i per cent
discount; Muffs, Collates Iancl Ruffs, 30 ip
cent. discount; Beaver and W rsterecl.;i Ocevuetr.
coats, 5 per cent. discou t ; en's, Youth
odd Pants, Coats and Ves a,
cent. mcount ; splendidrang; Of be ,Conif
Dugs, 90 per mat discou t ; ,ome ', an
count all Mantle Cloths, 20 per ent.
count all fancy Shirtingi Flannel, 0 pe
lr price ; 50 pieces Flannelette 1(to clear) 6
for .351 ; 75c hat for 25c ;50c hat for 170
le .
per yard ; 15 pieces 42 in h Dr ssGonds (
to clear up) The per yard ; oil best gre
count; all Ladies' Underwear (at 75and
Lined Kid Gioves and Mitts, • pric ; ;al
,cent. discount ; all knitted an fancy wool
- I of Blank II nriet a cord ehp.
. disco ut ; Ladies' Fur Capes, 20 per ceitt.1
cent Idiacount, Frieze Overcoats, 124 pee
ate, per cent. discount; all other overi
• and oy's Suits. 12i per cent. discount e
discouzlt, white and gray Blankets, 20 per
o tens, 215 per cent. discount; wool slumber
d childr n's Wool Hosiery, 15 per cent dis-i
d scount ; Woolen Shawls, 15 per cent. dis-1
r cent discount; large ranee of Mantle Cloths,,
c per *yard ; all Ladies' Hats, off; $1 hat'
0 pieces 44 inch Dress. Goods (to clear) 28c
leer), 22c per yard; 4 piles of Prints (to
flainei (at 25c and over) 15 per cent. dis-
ov r) 20 per cent discount, all Ladies'
I e 's Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts, 124 per
oolls 25 per cent discount, our overstock
4-0 c ear lines worth 70e for 50e.
e want lots of room for spring
be the order. You will have
pril, four long cold months to
this sale. Everything will be
h the,r you live 5 miles, 10 miles,
or h„ this store will be the place
a id you will be well pleased with
t purchase from us.
SIP, bring it with you and make
Our establishm
• stye and stock
• January, Februe
wear the goods e a
., seasonable and jiew
20 miles or 30 Ales
Where you can sav
• yciur d
nt is large, bn
akin, awreihll sop
• a B
from rll
. i
y, s inontavey,1
—for S
Owing to p
Dress Goods,
Jamieson 's
oposeil chd,n es in our business, we
will offer for the
•-So .1( Of Fl
. -
ing redu
t t
tions in
Clothing, &a
Guaranteed:by the gann acturers to be
Fire, Waterind, S ow,& Lightning Proof
, Nearly as CheL.p sl Vtf.Oden *Shingles.
. 1 ,
, Encouraged by t e success of th flak four years in tl3is branch of our
business, We have maIe arrangemnents f r piaci. ,g
• . I
Our friends will fnd it to thleir adv ntsige to consult us before_ closing
contracts for bnilchngs o any lb.nd, RS we are in a position to supply goods
WILLI - S`r1-.0V,...R. 50 YEARS
Over 40 Roofs
. 1
Seafdrth and Vicinity, and all giving
TT & 00., - Seaforth.
ytirat:thfrarel,St,ov,es rand. Tinware.
111 ,
ILL -• •
In fact, ali winter goods, prior te taking
stock. The balance of our FURS at a:great-
ly reduced rate. A range of Underwear for
Boys, tom 5 to 12 years of age, AT COST-.
DI L & SPEARE, Seaforth,
;One �or South of - Expositor- Office
1-Ev rybody that tries
is more -than pleased
with them
.They are dyindpreof. Cold cannot penetrate
them, and the war,mth of the body
• is retained,
W. W. Hoffman,
o next ---"w
30 DAYS •
Pour lbs. good Tea for Mc Toilet
S ap away down in price ;
Laundry Soap, 7 five_
cent bars for 25c.
Din n r and Tea Sets at greatly
reduced prices.
SEY &0O,
Chaper than
Grey Flannels, Dress Goods,
Cloths, Jackets, Shawls, ' Une
derdiothing; Millinery Mater-
ials, Hats, Bonnet, ole.
M. W. Hoffman,
Up -tow atore---• j Down -town atom
' Ca michaelse Nook j Caoryia Block
We1 like to
e p Old Friends
But we don't like to keep old stock..
We keep_ old friends by keeping new.
stock, and the old goods must -_go. -
The new year means new goods, and -
in order to properly take care of these
• we must make room for them.
This means Bargains
We are going to make it worth your
• while to buy. The goods we want
16 get rid of are goods that would
have to be packed and stored for an-
other season. This will be our main.
feature. But to make variety we
shall add from every line we carry,
wlhatever surplus there may be, and
t` us make a complete assortment.
We offer extraordinary inducements
in Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Over-
shoes of every description, kr the
• balance of January.
vztv...% cys.s
Condition Powders.
The greatest care is exercised In *Wetting the In-
clients /ram which this valuable compound is pre -
pa ed, so that we are willing te pledge thein 'strictly
pu e. This explains In a measure *eir great popti-•
la ty and !unparalleled success. As a blood purifier
th Powders have no alma for any diseaite or bad
condition caused by impure blood. They are the
bet known assistant in fattening cattle or horses. WS
they keep the system in it healthy -condition. These
Poirders may be given with great advantage in all
cid of Worms, loss of appetite, roughness of the
hat. or coat, stoppage. of water and howele, recent
forFodeft, swellirig of the glands of the threst, all
coughs ancl colds, horse distemper, bide bound,
hotU, scurvy, etc. It is alto benefioial for the
heaves, and 10 recent eases will effect it cure. In
fac , in e1sety ease of disease among horses and
eat le, theta valuable Powders should be given, and
by heir timely use will save the lives of many vain-
nehe Per package, three packages for 500e
seen packages for sl,
FEAR'S Drug Store