HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-24, Page 47 1
:H ion
I T. U
4 1!
7 RET ADViRTISEINIENTS., lowing his son, Charles Hibb'ort, to, step Worth while continuing ihis show,' and:'
est Aurion. meeting was an able Iddress ff om the' gifted doc'ease. The partner of his joys and'sor� -much under lli-a Bore afflietiom—Mr. Joha -1
4:) t
in, perhaps to the l6addrship, and he will whether the funds of the so?iefy 00u10
thesis after each a L not The foll.dwin is the. offioisl statement of - president, Mrs. Flet6ber, on self 'Pairifice rows was I takLdn from him about- fifteen Scott, Of Hensall)paid a visit to Al r, and AIM -
M -The figure between the paren 'retuin to his slick quarters and his big 'be more profit y -C)
I in e the, he B� at the West Huron eleo- which was, listened- to 1 cry al tbritivel years a&� and there now snrvivs him a ven James Mille all our - .1
Regg,er Wilson
advertisement wil a found.
be w DII for g of to" poll p keepio
eek'Itogethep with the"figures for Alaster cot tr eat 1dren. - I athmasters d&ug'that they are not,
by t e tax -payers of-Cwhada, in'Lonaonj -members �to giv) som 3 expression of olinion V4it w I
one. denotes the Fbage of the paper on which the x 16i week,- What ajre
1%rl, in the mahsion maintained -for him way. It migh this - ioli I
Vilson'a Cish Gro England. . ' A very nice programme, indeed Ing
cery-C. Wilson (8) t 6 reciting -A h e owned by Walter Vaustone, -of h holes in better trini ?-M.0
th two pre ins elections to the onjoyRient of all pre out b;
fillicirthand. Class-Wi i. Sower, Ble. (8) on, this subject to tL guide for the. dire, tore,
1891 1892 1896 ; entitldil tarted to kick on the street in sympp�tb, his neighborhood
a beautiful and. affecting po at
deli c felt.for",
r4rmersl�Wn . omerville -for the Tappers as they Inai Ila re scii no ca y in assv� ming ; L an Col Wanted -1 Fm. Elliott ( . - - "-Poor Little Will. The �un 9hin4, Mission that W, n the other day, It kickect its Air. ' d Irs. D L n Sinolair, on .;I
the responsibili;y 'of iban Cling ener- account
So4fortb Choese Fact, iry-Thm., Dicks doi band favordd the ticifstlitablo-way onta tbesidewalk, kicked itself away the Berib faggie 8in
o (5) audience Wit US as of Mias A
Mr. Milstein, 9. Patron, writing from Elm- .14 rt� - I I -
Extensive Auction Sa Le-�Pr. Campbell i -able an instibut oil, 'which. ]lab' now bqm in r, 49 ;1Z I
13 2 o choruses. An excellent a I For- 1 from U4 cu tiler, kicked with its front feet who, up to at 0
Evaporated reaches' �Fro(l Davi wood,: Ontario, to the Globe, seems to existdrice for over a, years, was a brightl health
qUar r of a con bury,
e door, whe ed girl a
0 2 indea and its inhabitant rm pimlied by tb�ottgh a window beside tb i�d was Is warm favorite with
Reduced Prices--�-F. . T%v ddle and which has unquesti(nably, beei4 pro. M A Mel ed at the window in front, am ash About a year o Miss Sinclair had a severt
Ua e situation very, accurst
For 30 Days nt - ey Co. (6) 1 9 9 th oly rs. McKellar, of Blyt, as ad 'in her
when in t1i asb, altliough r( c
ductive of much go absence by Mrs. Cur Annual.Jle%rin a e Win Pickard & (!o. (5) e- mys; The -Yarmer's Still. is wr Us, ( f oy f ter in the rame and four of the large panes,. sttatik'4 Is gri,)pe, from wbiell s
be eL Ongl judgihg..from piese Lrances, it seem Wail Shaw, of I �,g sang era( king a couple of others. It reb ised never � to havA f U ered. -31r
Tolling Bargkins-J. I Clark il�u n arp I) e PH. Pq 0 which Mrs. monc ville; an,
prec�te the- service
Steel Rooflnw-13. 11fifflett & Co. (5), wbeir it de .6f:such -1 to have outlived -its i aefuln)ss. Aslifield- Only a beam of sailebtri. Wit I' a. be c4ght- for. some tinie, but finally was Acheso and I frs. James Miller attt�Q Look at this ad-Grei &INfacdonaid(l) as society arrodgarnated with the Dangannon. rest to,
.61 83 97 67 0 Ri ollard Cartl*rigbt, who have so ably and) This 5-3 deal of expression. App ptiati i pr� Lyers capturel. It will cost $20 or more t re- the Wolncn�s I oreign. Mission -MeetiL
]Boa "er Lacrosse Club Minstrels (1) faith ally stoo& in the' -Opposition rauka for[ Stephep and. U born bra 45
;)on� P i'd mage. Seaforth, ion Tdead4y last. They
ames Irwin
I I air a
-&nm�en for nearly 0- years, we� purpose of hold hibition on the Wcbster's.,'.. 44 '63 83 43 34 ald. and others, An origin poem -wqks read -Theannual tneeting of the orrisBranch one of Qie best ever held. Get your Fuiniture air homo-W. F. KeysM f u( It society fc r the �9 were offered by Mesd
63 64 90 69
Notice to Debtors -Dr. Bethune (8), honeQ t goN rig i fall e�
of the Vil- Kingsbridge. S5 See Si. Mullett & Col,"s ad. on paZe 15 M believe we'exp the views of eveq far -1 tile grounds e I tter so Aety in 56' 79 75
I S.
Fear's Cond It ion Pow lers-1. V. Fear (5) by., Miss Graham, entitl tips a riculbur,al Society was lield ii the Celt-
iner urbo honestil believes in, t lige of E xetei. T (I�rom an occasional correspondcnit,)
oan t an
K ep Your Old Friene s -R. Willis (5) ex ii. UQn w4s, a 74 in the night." A resolut tral hoti), Brytb, on 'Wedu sdRy of last
e, Amberley...'..111 27 36 104 Page e
with tht
Lochalsh. ....126 16 24' 131 -20 was writtein land conveyed to th( retiring week. .'T4efollowing fficers %were elected 110 is
Bull for Sale-Thoulal Itussell (5) and t) bar SLUch Y4enl from hold usual, i gratif Ing a cess The weather '120 connection -
i chattel ortgage sa -J. Colva� (6) tion I it any Government that pr ses'to re-! was fa,, orable; 11 r n d, triet meetingL of
opq e ttendi n, 3e of Lbot the Royl Tem.
I ex� trqasurer, Mrs. 11, Y. M arl In recoff- for the enaing year: President, J. B, Tier -
General Groceries, &a -[4]-Fred Davis form ,be Nationo Policy, would not only ibitori �. and-- ots ors wi a large &Ili t tbw t90 L309 109 486 -3 plars of TemPeriance, to be held -i
Ood Cow Wanted -T. 31elfis (81 191p L nition of the valuable ser, ices which she, nity Ist vice-president, Charles Raddle - n Kippen.
be very unfaie, hit very unwise. Sur4,,, show was 'emi ntl satief a mry Colborne- J, on Tuesday, �riva�ry 2.8bh,
Clearing Sale of croctery-Robb Bros. (S) in every -rid acec there will bi
has so cheerfully, a ptably ren(ered 2nd lce-prwlideut, Jobn Pott
Boy Wanted -Expos t rot CA the Icnc, services of such experienced men department except- erhai bbat of ; �ruit, Benmiller..... 98, 35 59 91 held aluk, Ittrtalument,
er ; secretary
8 67 this' society, since its foi ma ion , A; the tre all M6Qa,%rrie; directors, in the everting, ina inter U, Money to Loan-txp itor office - shoull I %e worth cc risidenttiod. which a a crop was an ent rf failure'vOithin -J- der -the &6 of the home council No.
Saitford ...... 35,,41 51 33 3 35 close of the afternoon, se 'vie tt e, e, toic(i "Sher -itt, Jolix fe]Hillam Frank Metoalf,
A Good Chance— xp fitor office (8)
393 The prepAxation of a good pr
- 70 72 82 tea provided by th m s Barr; Win.
Stocktaking Sale- oFaul Dry oodB Co. (8) tile. bourids of thiAlsocietF, for the "I inast Carlow ........ 75 ograMnlo
go d ladli a of Ja Patterson, James Tab is f
on 9f the oldest and, ablest divines season. Leijeburn ....... 49 42 59 50 og 56 e ully i in der ;�ay, The litera partaken of Clark, John Wallace and ry
o ea ll , men bers Will Chiiirles'
e 11,� o ere are being pre -
This , Fear your di �ectors - - - cal part,-� -of the programme
tit anada -Prosbyteriatii church, -in tud M de a -ne;de- of Pr6dbyteryanO the d6le, ate The see Was ington; auditors, -Alex. El-dera pared,lby two
strong comr
arture, and -he how for the exhitition 1�2 220 retary, Alias Gralla, nted 11'res- I Milton. ittees. The
person of Rev. Dr. Reid, died it -his pp
th, WILS
- an the village of Clinton- pro
f fat at ock. po tit n &I gramme for the most part will c(
r it nsist Of
f byterial delegate to the
ul ci Izen th vicinity Very 55 72
dence in Toronto, on " - I #ensall ci . St. Andre'w',s. 72 63 63 72 meeting, he following are the officers and '�,di-
Sunday last,� after 1i tho 3 1 0 1 Lt I outside t�alcnt. I Addresses will be givcn ly
I F ect U
Wriest 61 M
two months. He was 80 ears .0� generougly contiibat in rVion of thb' St.1 Jamegy.... �I 69 73 85 42 1.92 which will -be held next Ap, it i eterboro. Ir - a of the Howick Agrie Itural Soeixty, Inspector J. E'l in Tom Of G oderih - Re
g a PD i.
A change Ili the programme for thi3-el%hning f0i'llie coming year: John Kaifie W. it.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY Jan. 17tb e o expense. As a, con mence e r St.1 John's.... 58 63 69 66* 62 77'
'iP ,esi
age. For many years h had' been 61 p, . ralia, ani, perhaps Row.
1896 -it this ghow -8 - Rev. dent; John H. Johnston vice-p,esi- -1 BrUeefield.
mee,ting unfortunately ocaurr o, a
the G. eral Assembly, nd general agenb o a fairly a-ucceisful'and tr e encourage ent Sb.1 George 58 55 1 r Muir of
dent; Peter Hepin tall; secretary-treasa. er
AJr. Glassford, who -was expecte b)- address Singing and 0
'h t
the church in Canada, aving the tb.
�ianagej ceived *as sue, inf our op m on,a,s to jV stify e in etions have een volunteerd by
eeting, was prevenbied fr
minion Politics. m being direc tors�,
- b� ol tit . Sam ael W. Feruson Lake et bers f -the neigr boring councils jof
Do ment of the missionar, aised ur directors in c tinuin he show f Dr at 254 242� 261, 270 217 ;'6� -present by the death -of a relati. Rev. 11,dw k4rd dosing Harriston; B. D. I Mee, Extter.,
tile ob u reb. He was - genuine Christian I ast an )the�rb,.Ya� J,,`d[fc, ih w( ver,'it 4 de- doderich� 7F - Goderich., Va a Ifolmesville
othing. of material Interest has talk- era
en d on, of Goderi Cert.
a gL ur. u cb, �h as called Will am 1, John 8 w rt a d e tra i
e, to a 'a m .9 Is T
e 1 52 90L 81 45 L 77 42 All Te plars are inVited tb 'the
ein ial companion, and a reliabl ded to do, i
d b13 an-
heeat of war at Ottawa during n shoul Cuilwin's Ipou�t the last[ moment, fil *e Slam
pl:Lce at t Wbl, I I wei is, place Bell
ounced 41 73L 83 40 39 so Gorri
-iness man. .49 resigned. I uel Johnston Redgr 've
petent bus his o c its early in �he fa, I %'s possib so. Ha�niltou.... Sessions of the district coucil during 'the
has come, at t -Ing of t� 70 accorta y t -their Robe d Harding, Fordwich ex. Rol 'ert-
thopastweek. Afterthe Storm, b hat 06 hearers. f rgot
work are in.
he r0et he (Peneral Assembly I f )eders in time t) prepart for Hahle 'a 30 82 99 24 86 28 day &lid all int rested in the
sly �h r y disappointment 1while listel4ng t his a
the proverbial calm. The Senate has ad- n to take effec�t 0 1 , and the Show Crooks' .. .... 50 70 plen son, Vole0worth; assistant diree as. vited to ie eve Ing m etig. A small iaol
mbefro Perks, Roberb Edgar and Da%
the first of Aprilnext; so he -scarcel. live fore ol closely following Gn 3Th Holniesville 52
June I xst, his iesignatio, ibel Id'be el immed; ely 83 45 41 did Wdress, andthat of tbe'oth r me an er-
removel sho:r go. 77 -91 51 9 39 lction. taken
lourned for ten days waiting for something 3 of ed. e- chair son,,�orrib; B. S. Cook, Fordwi' bei at t
ir resbytery who follow -he. il�lor. Th.
out hii i time. Rev. Dr. Warden, o Micin� at Stock c �,h J es I
e Commons have 'Dt'ft1'edLo ctlyl e
be e from - - was �lled by the pastor, Dr. -Mc')o,, iald, and Mel ven,'Clifford. meeting
comm nee -at 7:30 &clock,
to do. The members of th
rite his succe'ssoi If th's is done, we the program
me M ice a
been stru( glilh the address in reply to has no vv assumed the.dal ice of the position not a m why, in district wher fe in Goderiell
treal, was then a,ppoi an e'shov r to th1r.
ras varied by F on e cho* -The annual meeting of he Women'
Wingha the speech from t�e Throne. Most of the ------- 66 48 r: J � duet by. Foreign Missionary Society of the In
' 6 1by Airs. Somerville &rid Mr. Soo �t, was well Prest BREEZY ITE -1k1rs. YOU
I xt - usical selections fro* the choi Bayfl�ld.
&rrie, I on a e g
is W thin
a naively as it Thomps 48,* 46,
terian church was held on WLe4nes-
Sir Tharles Tupper, tEe recently- apointi da of -his society, a show of: this Videau's 47 44 53 -41' 150 49 11- amilly
e bour ng and f
talking is donelby the Opposition, wb rendered,
o never
while Mise Traackse.11 d Air. il ein of Ptwkbill, were visitin Mrg
ol January $th.. There w�s a -Card I`
cease pourinz hot shot into thexanks of the the Bow,0114 and I)ene- 9
ed-Seayetsr� of -State-' I Gov kind sho�ld not pr ve successful Town Hall... 52 47 Friend, of B
�liss Julia, Card,
0 rantford, favored thpc dience good attendance of ladies present. he wee].-.
ficial. steel ........ 52 26 27 62, 342 50 v. anx -in f Goderieli is
4overnment. Sometimes they suceed -a-c 'k here the gu
ernme t. is goiog to run for onstittlency iwith solosi which were well receike pt crease owe g. e wke
Re last spendi Ith
We ar be able to stateJthat altou's'. 56 34� 43 55 412 46 r f 'her
pleased t est
T -Mr.'Fletcher,
in Xe% Brunswick, whic] I gave a on behalf' of thi d legatee, year, in Meir cousin
stirring the animas up, but, -as a ra-lel their C Lbership, and also finan Alias Nellie Card -m-Reiv. 1r.
Jer" the finan ial o. erat' ns of thi society! have Brophey�s 68 59 62 65 '61 69 thanked r t tal receipts for the year were $13t. 3,3, --ham, th poptil r p --of t, A Ora_
-e It &30 a last: I proved minently', satisfa, ltoi On; the Hay's ..... 38 39 0 drews?
tiv rity of 700 at th' the ladies of Seafort I a astor 8
invective falls on dekkf e idection heir The to
a &-rid se;ems to
dless hospitality! and kind e this a -mount W was received � is a and
ting member
rbain and o B61thany churches 'was recent
The si resi ;ued this nest fo care's o rations, a the -ep )`;ii we menit. Thus closed one of the ri ins b inter- tbaril -offering. The following officers *ere sented ,utt
have abont, as much effect on tLem. as sho ly pre.
Sir Charl9s, and he -receives' a softer spo Me a a plus of a e with a very fine e -er.-Rev, I
bhi g aver, r dol- -34,5 es nd .5 � I
Ing water on'% duc's baek has upon -,halt inithe., tirig a Profitable iinnual mee! in of the electe I for the ensuing year: Mrs P Mcil of Varna -and R
enste. What on -earth would th lars, eve after pro 'di W. Waw ev. bl-r. (xraba 4
-e ex. efrie .4
ing or the r of The cc 8 tio presi nt ; Mrs. J M
faithful fol. - The members -of the Gov arn. present Government do without the Sena ditu Dungannon 65' 11 r�n Pesbyterial sciciety. ilee na AcIntyr6, Mrs. nk- exchangbd pulp�ite on 8unday last. -Th
e penditu occasion d'by t Q, I at stock� and -71 '80 60 61 42 e
..I at afternoon and evenfng- meetin a. ( 0
they would ; not live t ree months. Thl poultry how. 61 LM Uut- later d Alias Little, vice-president �eld Ceme*-y.
ment seem to think that while speech- may 60 84 77 '69' 56. ed to,$28.66. aiss annual meeting Of e
fters 44 Alae on Y3 -the town
cc next week, -so that Si ere' d ald,, treasurer ; Mrs. . H. Carruth, Company� was heA
election takes pla With ief nee to agri,lultural ma�, Town Hall 74 50 61 $0 50 n a in
ie, silver, silence is golden. Hurcinhits.keen Charle% if: he is following ar4 the amounts contrib, corr )onding. secretary - M hall, when the I cilt 'ng o ers-were
elected, !an take his seat il generidl we area ry thol na 37-- r". Cline d
;P heard from;through excellent addresses from the House of Commons b r uted by the several aUXillaries a hd mission *-Airs. ickson, auditors. pointed -
the first, of Fe poit ny, arked re ival. rhe same c Presi nt, Woods
vice -
a, bands Brucefield, 45 Clir to ri, $200 - -Afft.. Elizabeth Forbes, wife dent, T. J.
of the ate presirAlp secretary -treasurer,
Messrs. John and Dr. McDan Ili' IT Hd is to'.have sti F opposition, how of It r "mes and arcity f, money is!1 a 328 2 X9
`;14 211
ti 131 261) 314 U. Wawa lost - i Seaftirth, $275.5 §mith's Hil John
as the. bye -e ections have been beard oniall sides. ��26,50 - John Forbes, -died at the residence of i1er se -on, ames
West Huron has not yett been heard from, T is n ay seem &II the
J Alancliester, -,1-11,'gm.ondv1le, 9 daghter, Mrs. Taylor, in Clint org Bwtes, John I
wh dircei r -B
L g Ing, It is not safe to 00 more reniarkablei et eld 32 4J ,83 it 11 On dint t6b much, even en ,ve say thw� the 0- 81 33 69 0
one, Blake, Thursday of last -week, just One dliy' b�.'ore'
but it ao doubt will be before many days, as oil this ' DUWS church, MCKillop, ugh n, James Campbell
-,ear wv a the most ipoun- 32 67 so 143
I crop liai�estedlas D, Jo h n c Ugh
Mr. Camiarcin is ar'eady in Obtwa, nd' will fiful with which we have been blessed for ;7 39 48 (8 &.11, $159 the anniversary of her 91st birthday. I orn EMinf allies d.
aeon 8 .80 77 $9.16 Bayfield Road� $13 Hen; �
-,On Tursda
e 30 61
k there -*was g. very p
The God6rich, $134.22 Kiilkton'. -Scotland,,she came to Canada in V 44� evening, st'we
re his seat in the H"se as s;on aw the-. Exeter Times o' last Nreek says the bene its naturally re an a.., IS 39 -50 60 33 1 $57.86 ; in
tak many years. Bit L�e 43 Tha6ies Road, $136.50 131Y 100, 80 ; residing in Toronto for abou ]UM w
The cboice for- Wardenship will i n tb
necessary formalities are. complied with. rest be! sulting from the a b I dant crop have l'been t 17 years, d ant gathe-Ting at i o c ood,; -the beao�
- toiIclesboro, $38 Exeter,. ace, -ofl 31 r. 'T. J. Moorehott6e
laely neutralized by the e ingly! low. 239 186 228 2,E 2 18 §2
-1 has nolt yet betri int ro- -McEwcu r -,eve of- U 6.80
The Reme(lial bil George
R1 CAPITrLATIO-N. her ab
BettryEilber reeve of E tephen. bot
in Clinton for about 34. 11er husband the Will resi*
Hild�% Moorbouse enteit�iuj
prices, soi that our armers have an abund. lateJobn Fbrbes, pre -deceased 1.1
L it is not likely that It will be It a &nee of almost e erything e?ccept-�Jthat years. Up10 d the members of Trinit, -and A
Huron Notes, 14 months ago' she enj eliurch choir
unici a
ameron. Weist-ni'ller. good health" k of few friends. -Mr*' R-obert:Thompson roe
Zen, afiIj could -eq C which has been de I, na all Tie Keniington Furniture C( when she �,ustaiiled a strok
at rong n 4 . C;
Until Sir CharIes Tupper reurns ard takes ally ell fill th ted -U147 Loot Ashfi fld.' 392
Ili seat. ber, being the oldermem, e I]"'- but which 3 f paralysis, nee which time she had of Huron township, and -Air. Edward. 61.
e, but Mr. Eil v t be' w#hout *.a ex d en
London, will move their 'growing wo e. She wai a lock wer,�` eaJ-hrig ion fr ds her this �,we k
0 t Colb( rne. 220 ient In sp�akiril of c 143 ton e �,refer ingly inconvenient or gradually
brr f the board, will likely get th ps fac o 6odoe
ra ien e
19 Cliatm.., rich in June next. 1 6
...... 296 217 staun erian. cc e an ar strees on
It liow,seems to be settled by th,61 consti- efiwe of the majority bf the. mbers.'! Lwe may say that o for �years have the Gode ch .... 187 .122 ith White 11 down
V1 iss Ed' of Exeter,
t some of
tational authorities that the present Parlia- That is one way of looking at it,. but ther� farmers -within the urisdiction of th.1 SO- Godbkich 1345 cellar the other da daughters Vive her. evening I"t., an la' d their,
hip is eiety* b6en carryir g
Isiancither. The Warden"
i largel. blessed with so abunda;jit a 330 Afr. Tboma� �Allen and Alias SaTah It i ay -evening the
ment will be dissolved by eflaxion of time y) bar selections It driorary, W. 211 and iustained severe' injuries. i
-age yield
-was move than!an avei Wawan
position,.a,nd ne There ilwanciall were ed entertain by Mr. and ra, �
in) which t9h yost., '214 Jones, of AV, et Wi
on, the 25th of April, so th&t the H R. H Knox, of Halock, pur.; as,
ouse. can dividu&I is W�war osb 182 the otter da�,, at the residence of th ri is pleas
aLake Shore. The evening wa
MuniciP41ity as well as the in Ubvery crop grown exec t of May and' ap- chased the residence of mother. Rev. W. Baugb, cut with music and sioging.-A ill
not legally sit af ter thpit dtvte. The- elea- honored. The- -township of Han iri:thef, ples. Mr. C. E. nue
.-The fElure A the ?le crop i�as a y of Auburn, sp uI th I alp] Tot& in Bl�tli, and has moved ]I' I
era ... 1909 tile tiffliciating.clergyman.. tendanee of members of the Lon. Graham
h re.
ions, however, may be delayed for �nearly a m
year would be felti, as i Afackinncyl, of Bluevale, de a e Iry groom, acted arday
1. e Majoritir fo� CaMeron, 190. y of last wee ami Mr. John
-south a;nd the to-wrishil of Grey, u . e I'seriotis loss to ohr far �`iur -0uouda I!k r eph
north, are the only t township inunic of the -bay crop is I t E 0 All of Clinto her of the missiun bapd. is requested for next Se,
.�fter that date, although it 'o At this lle 36281 votes be
0 pallties.in the count� life the as afternoon, at , St. Anrews` ch, rich. - A
Ta I h' lneve'il It the superabundance of rcotg a P Lrte th -
AV4 ad mcl� a lmrj� -acl- o and Alias Susie Jones 818, It
n unprecedented proces 01I - to s1lo w'the the wardenship. Tbi polled -'at the t leictib'n - between 'Air Cam- e ed ad been , i er
ditional growth of green e d and corn will $ 1 .1. 1 f - t I ri �e acted as bridesmaid, A f ;e. r meeting ivas held at the parsonage, on 1nes.
si-bei the dase; and at th�.&&'of 72 v ars... Deceas of , he.
eron and Mr. -Patt9r' at 1% or some time.
if.tbe honor should go siiu. neaxl� make tip for t to sb r �age in It es
som there we e 4,333 th
country to remikin Nvithoat a Parliament for b this year it iti le in g ceremony was perform �d, day eve-ning, to arrange for holding an -cu.
0-Y- Corn votes cast or r n at his' ne of the oldest vote
ton' at e timber of 70, partook o- f tertaininent. It is I probablea, -tea metting
that it should go tbo bY'S representai blection.i* rs in
that Ion cth of time. Btit this it 70 mo e t4 th' gu a the U
Govertim., e,nt clear is rapidly growing' favc rwith- our fwmers Air. C t the r6cent election, 1v Cu
arneron1ir eived 245 fe as M E.
tive, who is ri. McEwen and there ar now grow wer than he having cast a r. Asley, which dan and;concert will be held in the near futum
ew m no vi'llife Air. Weismiller got 466. electic n Alia
has a xecord for malking precede ats of an f h 10 . did then, vote ab -ever �i uring p eap Jetiner, after -Al
re or less if it b( tho f or d was indulger in till ihe wee sma� h
mo y
green fodcAer in essrs. Glen and Ed. Sellers, and
6jectionable, character. It is most likely, fewer. the 49 years he has resided in Clin, ioi I. Nhe happy couple will take up th
W. W.Buchanani the great temper! the dry season in k imm6 han X-. Patterson. At the I -
eir r Clara Sellers, of Gladstone Michigan, and
r and for vv�inter -On Sunday evening,
however, that the elections will be Cameron -Porter eleeti n there were 4 019 12th iE at,, -Mrs. deuce in'DiIngannion, where Miss Etta" ellers, of Dettoit are home feed -Ing, as ensila
held in a�e advocate, and*editor of the Hamilto of our fariners the groom'is
votes polled or 11,91 moi tAinon, of the 9bli cone
a] re than on this occaa- Hu essionj Howick
no principal of the public school. er's serious iUnes$,-
May or early in June. So far as i4 k re erecting silos find bem vr ti n account of their moth
n at sion. The . -Allr. - Cameron got 290 more n with &* paralyti - stroke,
t ge i found 4id The pulpit, t the fethodist church
candidate in the bye- and Of
the members of the. Gaverameub have than he d & this time * 116 Since been very low. William HiggifiS, one of the 'WAS
Good Templar, is- out a was stricken dow
9 -an indeiende fac ory. E nkla be a, -31"
el on for* the1e lentaid to roots if n it an ab;ol smiller residents of Clinton -but who for some ti, ite A. E,
4LOU gis 'and Mr. Wei
-non themselves for a weeki; lature,' in South ield ing dn visiting his so ral -e, peon) d, t h public school,
9 than Mr. Porter, although ably filled -Sabbath evening by Air.
had a row a ute subs er Mr. George -James, who works for Air. ad be Thom
Wentworth, against M for them ; tb
Ill e largey .r aore inE rInciTa 0 perhaps it was be", Use they did no'b Dickens Mr. Porter Was beaten by 391. Sebwanz, of Colborne was kickel in the 'died very suddenly cin. Friday, J. Oaten, being absen
on, the Liberal candidate. Th( it a, profi table ration for &I kinds of nock, At this
-0th in �t.
have & Cainet meeting. Mr. Awrev. '%while its, flesh 1? 9
ouserV, *es, out of respect to I election there were 33 rejected ballots and 5 roin -the other day �y a horse. It was ha&jUst bid his son good-bye, inten
n coir p
and as a mark. of approval of I is appoint, qpalitibs are spoiled. 1, arisonwith the Cameron- thought at first that lie was dead, but he ho go b4ck to 0 inton, and L 19 atiOnal sermons on the Varms
ri ducing �ehing4uc
undisputed. Porter elee soon rallied. d reached t e
i h circuit. -O Thursday evening last an E
�Since the above was in type, we notice 'p -
men tion, meron.lost 90 in Ashfield; loor k4p, W Wor organized in the
t as registrar, refpsed to put a cancli. .
�It may le worth At th It I he dropped nd just ditth League Wag
e anniversary services of t the folio dat while t:) mention, that 37 in Colborne 36 in GQderich township lie- Ep-, 4N-1 "as aged 7-1 y After an ntlyusissticenro)1-
wing in hGlabe's Ottawa rep ort e in till. Mr. Dickenson says heit :)ii��dt' ROB ehurcfi'
know A ethodist
�he dellon Ing of QI h inds of attle is now very 110 in W. Wit, bnosh; 33 worth League of the Lac ears'. ordinar ly
reprt6il to support" - al temperande. lQgisla in E. Wawanosh were
No member of Parliament P generaly vactised )y breeders, feedert and and church, Miss Edith Sinith was p c t th at of icaltil, an merit of memberthe f-ollovving officers
tion that r. 0 at -will. introduce, an -1 e d had not been co ti-
idairymen within thi i distri�t, and witl the Oolborne;35 in 0 nton- 70- in n with a complimentary addr isented ]lain rif of an ailment. He Was Ifonorary president, Rev. F.
eer mde his entry or re-entry into the t b a, t -%,I r. �ained 42 in 'linton.W igmillerlost46 1 4' :elected -
a cooler
Bilabainan a a man with � h6bbyJ Goderich town- ess and
satiffac ory rot Ir �y tr d ivorked in Clinton for (Illite a
-es is living -but of -hil' hobby, 'lin abtendfug t -1 in NVest e appieciati president, R, E.
-1-ouse under more agreeable circumstance ip and.gadned in Ashfiel& watch, as a token of th
t U a. It is icitifid that �sh , and Oaten ; president, Mrs Oaten :first vice
'o ined
and he ma' �b es adned ii of her A timr. su -moving
pall ie oper ion is only cc a �!equently Thompson; second vice
re president; D
meron, the chosen Cr6dito, whe' owns some proper -
than did Afr. 11. 0. Cal Bu. anari sa, a e satisfied- with the -and doe's not in any w mo- Walwanciall and ] in 'East VVawanosb. As er,i a 8 organist of the church.
te mperance legislailon of the Govirnmen -The annual meeting of Con- Jonathi G. -Sheppard; se
menta�ry, compared with t ie Patte�rson-Camero t e BI
ilepresentaive of 6lie'people. of West Hu ron. t" fore with or r�tarcl i he pro eas of the n elec ill Pcck treasurer, .. W
It,( T "lily of five boy
&Di- tiOn, CatAerou oat 88�; in Aslifield ; -36,! in servative Association �1- I a and Er.
was X
buthe is not satistield with Mr. Dekenson 'Pial, while experien(e prove . held ii I the irls - he rewrtin-, were brought o In ging an
that d'
ollh ned Colborne-; 16 Ili iGo Orange hall, 'on Monday evening 1 if last tetment.
who made his -bow to the' Speaker to -day. as a candid&te beoause he drinks t4o much t Clin The execUtiV6 committee. are arr
deril township 103 in
are ch mo?e doci, e and d to West Wowanosli for tu
He was ace cattle . mu f r in interestin�programme f erxrie.eau
orded a reception that, was no- each, othe , week.' The follow' S
26 i ii- East ing officers were winter months. Ser
whisky, and he opposes him, as al protest Wawanosh fficers were .1 P,-eted -there died t the fmi
C . n vice-presid a
thus ren ering lent more silly and ga reside, t, A MeNally- ly residew vices are to
g short of sit ovation, and it iltust have Th intoi and 2 in (.4oderich (11ti C. 'nidrew�street, E-k'eter, every alternate Sunday ening and ergm,
-thin agiinat. the seleltion of such moh. ined 26 in CI e be held
bandied a d more el red for, an so, ei, i -miller owe ; secretary, on Sa i'
election -tkes place to -da' town. Air. W ost 88 in Aslifield - alf treas- tilrday 11 It very
Frank A -fete
re 0. Hamilton. a gain e -
been all the more pleasing to the Old war' considerably decrea�, of. pr uc-* 90 in Col�)rne ;M in 0 inton 115 in Gode- oldest res
on�,a of Exeter' second Thursday evening. -
ing the Dost idents It We a
tion Ili each branch, th the person of Catharine Smith, aged' mind our fellow citizens of the uIlusuall
y at -
horse from the fact that the Ifinisferialists n a age of teen rich township in (4oderich town 48 in d t6e salei )f the tractive programme W be placed upon tho
-J. L. Sturdy complete 0
At His Old eks. cometitio n this is a material, considers- don West Wawa Queen's hotel in Harriton en a
nosh and 3
ogethei with
,e that Nvas extendeA at Wa 10
joined III the welcorn Tri ypars an'a Il- months. Deceased had be
e 4 in Ra wanciall. 11 the lands ng su
hi It will be seen fromthese figures that the years ag s
to Th' following, co,ncern - Cbnserva- is it is the man or tl e coun rer'from pa bo, onday evening, 27th ins
Ing the that can 1pro- alysis. About thr t., in he
Appr!opriately; enauh, Mr. Cam'eron in connection, to lvl.� - John he re' eived a severe a 0418t;
duce the it�ost che that I I come out town haill, by the sche
0 Oth -ins I n
e neve recovered, and a
vras introduced to the Houseby Sir Richard at losses and gains dre fairly evenly di vided. "'arb'91 on Friday, -1 Thp pri -which 6 e neve troke fro Shlarsof the lith
tive candidate in the re'ent West Huron, the head of the ra2e a neighborho d of �$7,(�)o Sabbath!
aid, w a 'in the
election, we take from the Toronto Globe of gftIn aboot
j 1 .3 three eke 0 received a
Cmetwright and Mr. John A-fellillan! both The colin'ty of Huron rid the prop is conside ed ch
ay last,: and especiall, th erty 9 nother, whi
eip by s the
Frid, 0 Wom ii 'W'orkers. ompetent judges. a the ill at cause of death. She had
was the e I e
of whom tolk an -active ai;(t�Teffective* ortion of it embraced within the boun a of 'for Turt E.Xposaoit.) be de 0 Fxeter for abolit tell
part. IP
(Reporilied Exeter.
rest t f
t eturned from W� this society, has long b -On Tuesday e k
es, een'n6ted as on of The eleventh w6ial &at wef as. yeafs, Ag 'Tere1r in Hills Green. BItIEFS—AleSsrs. George n
0 (1
in his election. When the forial presenta. Huron. says that, on Saturday night the largest If eeting of the Huron Mr. James Stevenson, of -LcknOwl was reir %ins were ; taken tow r
tion had taken pla'be there wa a wild out- Weism-iller the Cons'ervative canaldatei� tres of Canada. - Of. -late y 9rs, I esday in William Cudmore of
Mr., arid best' horse )roducing cen- Presbyterial Sooi ky, 'he'd last Tu aong the road, to Hills Green at d Seafaxtb, were here,
is campai is 4ne, near his oi r: I resi- lasl and purchased a
ary I astintand profitable The e int �rred )eside hei huab on Saturd
e was struck and knoc ed wit b and who. di, -
I I fine
enthusiasm on the part of the 'Lib- 'who, all grij said be� this inclustry'for tea ions wh �h are 'gefier- gatherini. , Tbe.da e -river frcirlfr. T. W. Mwkshaw, of the
Seaforth, was a v
barst 0 through b lencent
wished to toffig Very favor' sho �'w
go -to Ottawa tinpledged, signed': ally known and which w able passing a a fter n oving to Exeter. She leavl -a
eral members. In the midst of the uproar e ne,;d not here ek- horse and cutter, and
a, hard ad fast a�,reement to oppose remed- plaini has been in a a large ana eel tive at. diences were p ige
'*fr Camero � advanced to the 8peaker nd res- everal yards along the road in! D 'Up fO MilY, of five da,�ghtera a, � Conimereial hotel, paying a good figure,-
led and I
whabldepress ig. One arm was badly injured in([ some i
iftl%ldgislation in any shape or fom if" elect- OT . fron t f the tWcAonS
langpishing condition. But'Ithere is ent stall tieprn eEffilga. Nearlyevery aux-- News reached. here on Saturday ight last,
he mem aer that Mr. Jazues
tb is. Inc. aanikli represent- A bis ribs were broken. ther
A'� shook hands with him. He was beckoed ed The pledgrz is now, is.Lstmted, in the a large business done in' ary and missiorUnd Was we a and adherents of, I' inclair, of Hensall bro
are steadily 6d and all the del a es Lond�aboro, held their annuoixI ot Mks. Alfred A. Bowey, of-thiis place, had,
to receive th. congratulatios an Nvelcome is came oo ea Mrs. 'V
to the Ministerial benches, whithtrl lie went --of - Mr. R.! Newma, b1l' horse inter- -'Word has been received
9MIning.ig a or in �he ested in the procEedings. The morninges-, if. the -ham
action, of -Mr.' We I to to old country markets, as iner e eeiing on. thel Oth inst. Mr.. Arthur jaluit died, from typhoid fever, at the ge of 24
of '4�`nv. ent, I
neas sion, which opene at 10 aml., , Mott- yea
sterially affect the rc.,z u 16. A curiou fea. in exports show thouili that ma4et wa;s presided . ife if Postmaster Kent, s6n was appointed secretary of the I r h days. He w,"
of their occupants. The and . a, and al -'over by the Preai ent, M a. Col of rths, a4d afteirwards re -appoint treasurer 41f
ture of the affair, howe Ver, is that I some 'is so
It ed cemetery on
tive ment c p e a read iy the differeilts' congTegaL ion,
Cattail' t 6 risks of th The report ecretaries i ad event ciocurre e The repor n
f the front benc)i Conserva riests made tremendo.us 66rU to ocean voyage verS ting the pilice d on t -shol
u certain and-� . anitoba, and formerly of Th 6e Alonday afternoon last. A week preous
inarxy o �llewhat great, lowl in Fletcher. d buried , in the Exeter 1juion
bers, shook � I ;in cordially by the hand. induce their -people to vbte Weismilll on h . 0 were most hopefu . . nday'of I s4 veek. co e 01 353,iwith an expendture of $31(.
ere, a large amount of EnCr1ish money has and encouragialcat- Ihe leaves a sorrowing bus nd he was in the best of health And strength. -
the ground that itig a deep and gt,, wing interest in the fill. (hildr a �LM L iWO e see ry and treasurer of the Sabbaf i Word was also received here on unal
a suppor
Fos -ter motioned him to a sca beside bim 'he wl e- reta
ter of a !'be It putin circularon here' atiring- th en, one of - w on is -living Iher
is 0 ev
Fev rted, a balance on hand Of 8128-3i Herman Chester, the youngest
"Ost able president, on ?rts . of e missi d raised $20 for home mii-
cu Hon legislation. Their chagrin can be imagined tle and sheep.. The alasses ol f horses I Through the ef our indefatig- '�The Orangemell in the Aforrh iii;tpc Bissett of
d to introduce remedW earTfor horse Ilesh, asvell as!for beef dat command. randm. other in Winghani.
Government pledge P466 filment of our aviour's last
a -ad -when Cameron bad tk y last, that
son of Edward and Maggie
rern.Ewked with i�hat lie Nvhen they disdove in f9,,k a in u e, an inet at t Forest, "-fiirmerly of this plate jad'
r that �he candidate they or in the old country ularkets are.: th on Tuead7 of last wf e C and es (if the congregatio a ied
t 81 [p] breign ri
9;j ly anticii�iating by.& sh suppofted.-%ias p'lqdgel to the Aeeth by three mission ban ave een a de during (lected the follow ng 0 Ic riissions to the extent of there, after a brief R-luess Of thr�e , ay, f
Nvas on ort titne, stout, l5locky chunks of e Cldesdale era d a, 0
his- own si na. the year; the Wit 'r W. I I Mat. �u ]non iy, I mernbraneous oroup.
I r -,s 1. owe and clothilik to -the value (f The corpseN was
uragainst reni6dial leais. breed; 'bigh steppinc)sbowy carriage horses Lou�Graani M a; eter, �n 1 laines; Londeaboro ; D. At., .0. . A
lation. iss n Ba 1.45; thl 1' clothing b brought here on Monday liiO, and
of sixteen ]lands and" 'over, ar@ horses suit eld,*riarned lyth Chap,, John At the It- thefun-
Notes and'Comm, ts 1.
cGill,'Blyth;;I, 1S sent to
e in remenibranee o' Miss d-, anla of' tjv� Bird Ta' cral took
4 if able for i�ingle drivers. th 11 cill a Graham, 'illiarn Sturdy, Aubur il Reserve, in the the residence -of Mi.
.-the above is; corrEct, 'and up to the at show'. breed�llg M. D who passe � to. highe., n ; F. S., 1R. � Leiph-
mod. doi not 1
eCtiOn gave
ng to establi h th*6 kingdom I -of Christ 1 111 e for missions and other bell- te Union come -
The otheial count in the 11- ing -9ijoh strivi. M(C . oi ni hAvest.: In addition to these the con. am street n Tuesday
estl Huron present it has not been I anied, it, is i and'seed. The firstril, service wbili man, Belgrave; treasurer, R. N ort William Snell, Willi
n a high af ternoon last, to the EX.e
me ge 0 lit Ic t a rothers
be 190. ancl ae, �! I eporta Very sue-
il election in So� ment to the old country. M 05 'about cessful carnival at
uPt command ready sale 1 Ft good figures"for ship- band, gnated in honor of Mrs. J, Robertson, editor 8f t $550. All the cifficers their ri
electio, shows Mill: Caiiieron*s ma ity -to piece with the as tleman's could -prices, but, eith of the. latter kinds llytb - D. of C., James C ibson, B., All ;I 3N tery.-Dignan B r
in far distant Ho n, and the Gauld mission Returers, Brothers Owens $99. 'The. total income fo:
This ia the largest Liberal majority during the last Provincii Kippen, des Alecr
r. he
ever -polled in that ridiner Wregard''to at ye,,r Wei re nk on Afonday
the pro' Gauld, of Formosa, who fomerly belonged t Triun- met with a serio e elected. last. Large numbers from Clint
Huron. Although, during his campagn, he spects in -the United Statess where to that village. US ace iael it on
1 '012
publicly and repeatedl most of our first class beavy horses a Lucan, Centralia and -Hensall
it onday night.of las
Premi y Fledged himself to bill 00i With,�one excel tion eltrall t week, whil e f oing attended. -A
er Greernway announces at the wequote the! f011owil-a staement from ver3 Congregation mefrom. a political number of tramps took shelter in the vil
oppose prohibitory le,c;ig ion; a few a within meetin e ght, Kippen.
new Aulanitaba Legislature will- not be called days gompetent Am erica the bounds of the Pre abytery is now r in of the morning had becorn lock-up - the past week. -The new village
before the election -be wc' n lithority, for the en� represented by eit ter an auxiliary or mis� a ewalks, a ice or the counc
inin und I led being in need of a goo( were- sworn in on Afenday las
-ether for the despateh of busine a, Until r rid when within a few ro a of yo ag nillch c tin ea ywould exch E. A., Blackall will be at
tw ro e to a p; omin.ent of our b rse iaiscrs, and would sion band. The Ifurou A t
tempernce inan, pledging hims' like to impress on'the A cc is" Presbyterial now It a own resideiace, he Eilip Po in the Commiler-
-tiary. AIr. (,re elf 0at in t lat his advi !as Vand Cutt, ange good nem
thoe Gbh of Febi I . , ilip ed io d. fell well sh d, or sleighs,
app to ble to this co f- P ri cial house to day, (Fridity,) purchasing
shrewd politicia. He ei enway is a 'the event of his election e ould support ui try as to the United comprises 15 aaxiliaries, with 330 local mem- b avily upon the ice 8 ai-nlng a, a vere p nientfor all I As "' wl I 'a
l-idently des-ires to bers and 102 -members of the ' t SU.t h he sh to clear out -the baAl- horses. -Mr. William Hig
tes. He says: general society; an
a rain of the ankle. a of �s a 0 it will be sold at a bargain.
see how the Remedial Cat is likely to jump prohibitory law should one be- -int also 9 mission bands, with a go d se 6d TW ins, 'who at ne
reduced Membership of . ��Atr. W. Ferris, sain of Mr. Cutters at a bargain for cash 01 time lived at Creditou, an., worked in this
ri 7-2
c forces. into the Letilature. On t low pri6es about 400, and 118 members of the general
at Ottawa before he summonses hi, "In spite of the revalen
tit' of for.nearl al kixds of or- lRobE r Wo village for Mrs. John Go'uld,, Ili 'the Cooper
P., I
ses aild other fa'm society. In addition to-thisihere are- some home on -a visit. Sie*enteen�yearf' statute lab.'
fty L9
p -Friday last, at Rat Port -age, 'at th
M' substance and quality, w, mt west, and settIell near Holland, ik it, e Wit
avyl ra, t geldings, lux g seat ed lielpers,who have contributed of the day
is pledge lie not -only tb e a I treng stock, good It li� of Goderich toivnshi sent NOTE�. -
tit -ed - the vote e Gri vel drawing, for shop, died suddenly, of heart disease on
It is stated ths Mr. Peter Ryan, of comb* ter 3 lie or is th cipal event
of the g an glude�d' o, but of suitable age, and e funds of the society.' Fouk many of the e
i onto, the well known lrish-Cauaditi may the votes $30.83 to th
Tor- I ceiN
entle -mers which goes to lessen Y ars.-Mr. John Leathrn the all" -U
of several otheir temperance mbn in the same tb6 work in the busye&son of the yean-1
0 U wards, are in active ember have also been added. The aux- Hl this year bad .320 acres ader cult, iiv,� - . I
Veigniag from 1,60 life to)a, where he now ownd640 acres 1 , of
enter the ensuing Dominiciii electio as eman I, and Comm his
ti anti good pr sion house, is confined bed with
locality." Fu oil Th6mpf 10
r, herFcommeni� is unnecessary. ices. Y r iliaries raised $1, 1 �! 4. j9 for mis ilo Brothers, while moving t rheumatism.
13 0
calldidate. Whether this be so or not, sionary pur. tion, and harvested an� a -Mr. John Cro
ecretary saw a -pair of gradc Cl� , average of 40 bu IvAs engine a ong thp heir P,
--------------- �242,87, mak- to the acre. was in the village on
desdale poses; and the miss on bands $ 2nd. concession of H f eaforth.
eldings'at tit Toron He believes that part o his near Thomaill. on Tues& business,
or wh- ch emp yielded 60 bush
-Report. 1) t was bpi
6U ells to the acrej 0 -Advance 6o
Ryan should have the good sense and the e t) fail- in September, ing a total of $I)V7.26 without. interest. lot, JoIng da eVs, had the misfortune �Urlcil No. 207, Royal TompUrs
good taste to resign his -present lacrative Directbrs' Annul 0 cash.had been refu�ed, aud Thirteen hundred r. ounds of excellent -to the eXtent-of about . �llreprescnted at
he bu or expressed h is willin clotil- ki ocked. down and treaded c age of Temperance, will be vv
rec 509.
position as registrar of Toronto, before he The following is the rep,' of the di gnesse t6 pit ing, valued at $ lut. h [a is $3(�.-The last fe
meddles an t- high T- y ., 30,have been distributed III i first visit home. w weeks have been red let- the district meeting at Kippen, on Tuesday
,y more in politics, and if he has or of the South ultura Sopllety�. owner woud.part with among the Indiana of thc orthwe-st. Also eriays at our g!ist mill
Huron A tn. Ir price if the N
e Although they $105 expended by -Wbile'engaged be on day be 100 bags having ncxt.-On Tuesday morning, at 5 eclock,
liot be out of place for the 171; eting on - Wed- xtra grand pair,of ge r cu Ili Some , mornin dtiving shed of
not, it would presented at the annual. 1 were odmittedly an Lhe McGillivray mission ring. a well gs beo the
la t week, A. Q. Bob4' Exeter h the Ain McNevin hi no ti I ecuss poli- It r. Thomas
Ontari o, Orovernment, whose offlicer heL nesdiy of last week dings,j�he�re is noth- band in I�resents foi � I Of re 7 o'dlock ' Shapton
ng to prevent any - home and foreign fields, m efortline to have orild �of his fijaa6r', to half a mile w t of t
to give him a sharp rem, inder to that lVe, your directors, beg our breeders from A surplus fun tg6rs
li, It lost ti place, was -consumed
to report another Yo uctng horses of cqual Value, p d of 160 was added to the or o Je y. t I -�Migs Lizzle who has been visit- by firel ca-4sell by e burning of an ash
ul� year in con: riection wit� the rovided general fund of well Ing for a nionth
effect. fairly succesq, ' 11 He 1was down
ished t e
hey ni the society, which'with the a� justing the boring app Wit 'her sisters and friends barrel whic con ed hot
society� Astsualweboldthe I aratus, w
e 8
affairs of our 1 3 the best material and give the colts interest on the del �osits makes In Detroit and Chicago, has returned home" ge qantitip ashes. The
nerou a total of he 36vy iron rod., los's is
w for the exhibiti '' 5 which was hel susp i ded a. Geor e i -a of abip�tiji.
There is one good whiob 'the war scare annual spring sho treatment and attention while $1,439.26. It was uni Lnimously agreed that the ber are being aule
on of by two at the top of the well aylor is visiting with her� d- the station, for ship -
entire stool There never his been'& time when surplus fund of $50, illould I I. on d !hter, rs,�
between England and the Un �a This was onl a partial sue. i
ited Staes y be used in making hia fi -against a large me.. M Pope, of While.11 ment to mail tr&ia from
c first class d ngr, crashing it '�U Mr. Lbndou.-
raft geldings d fd not coin r
arent. falling off in the r was nt' th h rand Bend night last-, was four hours late on Monday
p hol-ne and f n fields, life members ol the vvl ich as out of the reac on Monday last, ciietti6d by the freight train run-
cple of both ess. There has been for some years an ap- 'cl prol price for the coit of pro two missionaries, wt 0 were selected from the TI n thus pinned u uir'� of Bruftfield, WAS returning
will do, It will show. title pe interest of this nand a ore od�l nie from G the ul
counries how intimately they are connect- show. This last year the show of, at laction, and it behooves all breeders at the society. The Mice fell on Airs. Gauld of col ar d when neat our village, his here off the 'track at Belgrav
ed wirh ea,,ch other, and how inter -depend- both a regat allions, resent time, especiaI13 -, to keep their at Formosa, and Miss ild b �removed. He also disabled ani w� th a a e roet "Ing e. -Seats were
"the o erious Accident, by making a rented ill the Jarnesetreet churchn Tue-
'ds quality and number of Birtle, 0
ent.-they are. A war between the two, mu was aid of e:�cellence at the highest' possib c fin Yer or 'the o er hand, and is now u,
t ch below the average of fi�e or ix' years Northwest Territory. Larget slims have Stl�p. The hindo'ho day afternoon Ust.-profesel Fred y
cotintries, if such a thh� were possible, otch. The 'reatly c to use ei 3her 1 m r. e infliZeted a deep cut in
-11r. William Alas( f I th 3 -heel of the front foot, cutting iQue of the, Presides at the,organ in the Trivitt mem
raft 9 irtailed breeding f been raised at the thankoffering meeting ght
No. Thim--was to be expected, as the horses M, di
would utterly paralyze the commercial ia- are not in the con horses during the last few years a this year tha ever befere, thus showings hi' ial church. -Miss E
ntry. Owing to the low n J,��a an all arteries. Mr.
terests of both countries, although qertan to cause a sholtage, of the h real mce, in hat town Muir left his horse in niilY Thomas is under
th e price of horses farme'rs do not are to pay supply;*. that the w on F day r, th � bands of T, Mollie, and, with much at the London hoepl
omen of our church are gradually inf,J&n6aryI0,h, in the 82nd year o his di,, ficult
United States would, certainly, suffer the high prices for the service' t,nd a corresponding advance in .,values with.- rising to a higher a reciation of the privi. ag4 i. He was Y) � the .; iwourid w
more severely.. As soon a Of stallions, and. In two years from how, and b lu in Yorksh. ing. , a� stopped from
.,a the people on as a result importers have, ceased to brin - The election of of- in 1813, Je e yo�ngest of a fa minus a good half
those who have lege and joy:of gi tire, Eug d bli �edi rise
both sides got to realize thi 91 hegoodf6rtune to o The h was
I Ing t
a they soon 'into the country really first class animals, Youqg well-bred ficers as proceede with' slid r mi of pa .1 of blood. Mr. McIntosh, of BrUcefield
stopped their load talk. as tock are in an enviv, le esulted as ele ren children and,, at the time Brussels.
Positibn,4nd will follows : Honorary esident, Mrs. Thomas de. th, tl e only 11 . 's was at once sent for, and was soon on hand
they did iii years gone by, when the' horse onsult their own i terests :by neith v urvivor. Re: cam THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIMM -The annual
ent with sh rt rations nor throw
Fletcher, Thain e to -Ali and got tb animal in order for going home'
,unting th wh only. 19 1 ,!c]0 I
buainess was booming. In bulls there wag or Fair, Clinton; pres ent, Airs. (Rev,.) Colin adi in IE 32 r -ears off lage d; i. Mai meeting of the Grey Branch A ultural
6ir Charles Tapper says that although lie an exceptionally gbod shoir in respect of 1 es d ; vice set ded n mr Tor r-th uke lie will be a good servant Soo gric
(11 - ay at t 6 unduly if6pressed Airs. (Rev.) Jamei Hamilton :it to. Ader a few yea rs he� -Miss Jennie Mellis is spending a few iety was held in Brussels on'Wed-neday..
has resigned the High Commissionership, 4e aality, but in numbers therQ was a regret it g them aw president,
'ices now current." to ica o,- but *soon returned to. wel iks. with friends in Tor6uto.
will still keep the office under the control of able shortage. The attendance of second vice Leeburn ; we yet. Januar Sth. The
tors a - specta. P presiden Mrs. Carl d uni d in marriage y auditol report h
Hen- Ca, ads an Mand owed
tthis show has also been gr'o All of which is respectfully submitted sall; secretary, misi I with Al iss mr;,Thomae the receipts to be $M.43- ivhile -the xpen-
his department, and that no successor to . ! H. J. Gra Eg Frin, �es I Tockney, and settled on a rc n Me -Kay, of this place, attend- ditures amounted to n smaller! each yeat, and las wing A. mOMORDIE, M. Y. M mosiciville Sea- ed o ly $323.53, leaving a
him will be appointed. This means that as were fewer present tha t President. cLEA--\-4 . ; treasurer, Alrq. A. Scott,. fir in Chinguaci where he lived for 11 10, , 0 funefral Of Mr- McKaylys brotber-in- Surplus of $129-90. The following.offi
forth; secretary of' � upplies, Vi Mr in In - cers
ever e�torsl Secretary. Miss cTa - Collie Egmondv. .. on Friday were elee
soon as the Dominion elections are over, if will be a seriou Yea rs, when he moved to 1
Ainton the base Ili ie ted for the cu
generall . gart, C - leaflet secretary, i1fra, j, town b' I V, ) I"t—The many friefids of �rrent year: Amos
whether or not NOTE. -The r expressed opinion, Wilson, eaforltbl, Go( orich Ing whatl NT'- -Tames Mus- Smith, president
the Oroveruirien is successful, a question for the dire I
Sir Charles of this year to consid
rVyg d
io P
lie v,
n�i 0
r ri v,
re will agoa withdraw in ot the t the :spring how e on as tird, Who has been very pl William Pollard, vice.
from the Cabinet it will I be meeting was th' A large number of ladies assembled in the known as the Ship y farm, whiq)l e twelve months or'mc for some Pkesid nt. Diree
l- view of the dir should be continued as- ormerly. h "; will- - e tors,-Jarnes Ferguson,
live d and prospered for 36 S ears, wh6a he )r e sorry to Gardiner, John Brown
church a t 2 o'clock. The feature of this mo -ed to Clinton, where he resided til his hear that jhe is now veryiol and gr W. H. McCracken
adnally ames Speir, R� Graham P Scott, Ge
I growing )'weaker.- and that he is Buffering 'Thompson and John N
g Me
cKinnon. Auditors,