HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-24, Page 3• „17 24,1S96 "4"'. i••••• I a $1,500,000. $1,500,000. SEAFORTH rts of the United States-, esued, available in all part* rjd advanees made on same lT. . allowed 4.,t highest current of June and December. n of a deposit. R. PEA.ROE, Agent. =4172. *1l'T'*2*'AOPSr,11[•E1fSZwiIii*.*- s•r Remedy in the for all Affec- :4 the Throat & 111. e,. 1252.1intar 2”2022 a a of caps for fall wear ?ather and ueolige wear. :orproof coats, umbrellas the season. .';ods, right prices, entire ericat on the mre is more be had in ze Iffinnees, or pair. SEA FORTH. your attention to the =c .......- - ...v.1.0 -,....z-- ....- .... one-.. „....a ne. ..7:44 ':-.............".r_ r 4, OA ,,,, !!`,..,"""°•"4,,s'^ ' gre"%atat--,,„„„,,,. !!!cre;•=efae•e•-•e- eareee. ............ thand College ri Canada. Everything go journal. Sohool re ELT Principal. - & CO. •••• e• at sr to to saw ding pur- ..s before are agents applica- obbing of your Seafortha nware. -netene-' JAi VARY 2411196. Di PORTANT NOT ICES. T J. MOE e.)• Surve Land Survey NA, Dominion and or, Member of thoAns rs, Dublin, OnMr1o. OWNSH P FUNDS TOIOAN, 1. proper y, first mortgage, too ply to JA51 S MURRAY, Troasu Heneall P. Provinolat Land ciation oflntario 1" 6-62 To loan on farm nehip funds. Am. r, Tuoltersmith, 1402 tf TALMO( FOR SERVICE. - he standard bred S etallioe, " Wilder Lee," will stand for the itn- ' prevement 1 stock at his owner's stable in Hensall. T. J. BERR , Hensall. 14574f CARRY STONE. -The unclenagned has for sale stoqat his uagry at Cranbrook si' quantity of choice e, suit ble for corner ston e, sill stones and midge store, Will b3 sold at easonable prices. GEORGE 13 .KER, Cranbrook, P. O. 1408-tf TORN B ft.) Court veyaneer, invested givens' eto ATTIE, Clerk ef th County Commission° nd, Loan and Insure nd to Loan. Offlo e, Main street, Sesfort ,Second Division , of Huron, Can- oe Agent. Fands Over Sharp & 1289 It (rEETI G OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL - 111 The council of the corporation of the County of Huron Nill meet in the Court Room, in the Town of Goderic , en Tuesday, the.28th day of the present month, at o'clock p.m. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated J nuary 13th, 189ee 1466-2 TIA1111 1 0 RENT. --To rent, the. farm on the north X west corner of the <Huron? Road, one and a quarter miles east ef Seaforth, cootaining 103 acres, ail cieare , about 05 acres seededwith fall wheat, the balanc e is in green There is a spring creek run- ning them gh the farm. It is well fenced and well drained. It can be rented on reasonable terms for 3 years. 'or particulars apply to THOMAS CASE, Seaorth, 0. 140641 300 500 8 700 81,000 81,500 82,500 Private funds to Loan. at lowest rates of interest in slims to suit borrowers. Loans can be com- pleted and money advanced within two days. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, &c.,Seaforth. 126 AL ESTATE FOR SALE. THE HURON EX OSITOR. ]3 SH LOT FOR SALE. -Thirty-seven and one- half acres in the Towoship of "aleKillop, being composed of the•north-half of the 'meth -ball of Lot .No. 6; Concession 13. This let is well timbered, and will be soli cheap.. Apply to JAMES JONES, Box 105, Mitch 11P. 0. 1406-3 MIAMI OR SALE. -For sale, Lot 17, Conceesion J 12, y township, containing 160 acres, nearly all cleared. It is first -e1059 land, with large and com- modious 'ouse, bank barn aud all neceeeaty out buildings. There are about five sores of orchard of the very b at of fruit of all kinds. Many times over $25a worth of fruit has been solci eft the placenin one season. hlio echool 40 rods away, and is only about la miles from the thriving village of Zurich. It will be midi cheap as the proprietor intends to give up far ning. Apt ly to the proprietor on the premises or address Zurich P. 0. JAC013 ZIMMER- MAN. 1406-4 I ULLS FOR SERVICE. BULL FO SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for se -vice during the corning sewn, a thiroughler d Durham bull, " Major Booth," bought from II. Flu neteel, Clinton. Terms -$1, for grade , cows ; $3 fot thoroughbreds, with the privilege of !returning if necestary. Pedigree may be seen on ! application. JOHN BENNE CT, Walton In 0, Con- c:ession 17, Lt 1, Grey. 1465x4 STOCK FOR SALE. DULLS FOR SALE AND BOARS Pos, SERVICE. ID -For ale, eight of tho best Shad Horn Bulla to be found in the province, aged from 7 to 17. months. 1 ices, terms and pedigrees right ; to reasonable ffer refused. Alga for teirviee a large English Berkshire -and an Improved ,Ohester White Boar. Terms- 31, with pee Hegel of returning. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. 1 1403 1 OARS FOR SERV IOE. flatAhlWO •TH BOAR FOR SERV10E.-The under - 1 sfgnei Will keep for eervice, at the Brucefield Cheese Fa tory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with regal:, red pedigree. Terms, ; payable at time of ser rice with privilege of retuning if nem - ivory. BUS H tfeCARTNEY, Bruce& ld. 140541 faillESTE WHITE BOAR FOR ERVICE.-The ke under igted will keep for eery ce on Lot 28, Concession 8, Hibbert a registered !Chester White Boaraer s-$1, payable at the time of service, with the p iyi4ege of returning if necessary. THOS. MELADY. 1464-6 'DIGS FOR ' SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The X undeesigned, breeder cf Large .English Berk- ehireiehas for kale bears and sows in farrow. He will also keep for eervice the steak boar Gladstone, pur- chased 1 ron Mr. George Green of Fairview. Terms, -al pas a le et the time of service with the -privilege of returning it neceeeary, if booked $1.50. JAMES DORRAN E, Lot 26, Conceesion 5,- McKillop, Sea - forth P. 0, 1465-52 AUCTION SALE. riLEARtNG OU AUCTION SALE OF FARM STO 'K. -=-Mr. William MeOloy has been in- structed ty Mr. W4 Logan to sell by public auctioa on Lot 6, C,nessio6 5, Stanley, on Tuesday, January 28, 1896,a 1 e'clocle p.m , sharp, the following prop- erty : Hprsee.-One span of agricultural mares Com- ing 6 arid fa matched, and kind and sound ; one driving orse. Cattle -One cow newly calved, 3 COWS due to calve in March, one heifer coming three, in calf ; our fet steere corning three, 6 stock steers cawing t ree; 7 heifers coming two, 2 fat heifers coming 1. me, 1 steer coming two, 1 fall calf, 3 year- ling calv e, 8 Well-bred Leicester ewes, one pure bred Leiceste rani lamb, 17 pigs 4 months old, ready to kill. Fe d. -Some gcod hay in the barn, a lot of green fe d, and a lot of fodder corn. Implements. - One goo lunlber wagon, 1 hay fork, rope and track, all comp ete • one set diamond harrows. The whole of the a •ove Will positively be sold without reserve as the p • prietor is len.viug the farm. Terms. -A11 wins of 5 artd under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' redit will be given on furniehlng approved joint no es. A discount at the rate of sixper cent. per annt m will be given fer cash on credit atnounts., WM. LO AN, Proptietor ; WM.McCLOY,Auctioneer. 1466-2 SEAFORTH NDLE WORKS. wil do all kinds of Turning to order on short n tice, and I will do it as -cheap as it can be one. I will pay a _good price for No. 1 N 'bite Ash. Give me a call and see. JOHN KLEIN Seaforth. 1460-tf • AIN -KILL THE GREAT Family Medicine of th Age. Taken Internally, It Cres Diarrhcea, Cramp, and Pain in the 'Womack- Sore Throat, Sudde C Ids, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, NeUralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. No article ever attained to such unbotuid d pOptilar- Ity.-Salem Obserrer. We crIn bear testimony to the efficacy of the Pain - 'alien We have seen its nu; gio effects in eo thing the severest pain, and know it to be a good articip.-Cincia. nap, Dispatch. Nothing has yet surpassed the Pain-Killeri, which 1. the most valuable family medicine now in use.-+Tert7iCS9dd Organ. ithas real merit ; as a moans of romovthr pin, no medicine has acquired it reputation equal to Purr}1 Davis' Pain-Killor.-Nrirport Ne1C8. BISWEITO of imitations. Buy only the germln "PERRY DAvLS." Sold everywhere; largo bottles. 25c. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. A Few Facts Who - -FOR- nsib,le People The best Buggies and Wagons My stotk of Carriages is 'very complete '; all hand mad under our own supervielop. Don' 'boy foreign facto y -made buggies, when you oan get better made at ho e and as cheap, if not abeaper than the work brou ht in from mite de towns. Why spend your mon y in building up rival towns and injure your own, hen you can do better at bome. Call and sea me a d be convinced. All kinds of bleeksmithing and repairing promptly ands tisfactorily one. A 1 1 stcck of Cutters of tee best material and etylee, which will be sold cheap. im to save money by buying for C_A....S11.. If y a want bargains that ptove their worth in use, that look bigger (Mt of the store than they do in, come and see our splendil line of high grade goods, consist - UL - Boots, Shoes Rubbers • , and Overshoes, And I eIt Coeds of every description, "a. stock t rat is a guiding star for fair and hon- e -t va les ; low prices that are the most entida tory feature of the exhibition. By the vie ues -in values, by the power in prices, e. iect your trade. An assortment await.: you so complete and generous in it3 every eteil, as to make your perfect satis- factioi a certainty. We fully guarantee the styles the quality, and -workmanship of all to be e best. Our magnificent stockwaits for b ers, waits to scatter benefits broad- cast. Remember, we sell every ,day as cheap ; 8 possible for CASH. - Ri ardson & Brinnis lAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ewisiVIcDonaId, SEAFORTH. 1480 KOOTENAY 'CURED WHERE 50 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years I was greatly troubled with a Skin disease. I went to Hot Springs, Ark., and I actually believe I consulted over fifty doctors atklifferent times without getting any relief,. I took one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and it has cured me. Previous to Using it I was unable to shave. It iS no doubt a wonderrul medicine. 1 recornmend it most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN, 109 King' St. E., Hamilton, Ont. the battle were heed' or the De% to them': ` ously l 'I watched y ing those hildren's .clothea I heard what you said lin theevay of cheer when the breadwinler of the housebold was in de- spair. I rea. lumber all the stole cradles you have sung to. 1 reinernbeithe backachoe, t , the headaches, the hearted es. I knotee the story of y ur knitting nee lo as well .043 I know the tory of a queen's.scepter. lour castle on t e heavenly hill Is ell ree.y for you. Go pp and take it's' And turning to the surprised multitudeof heaven- he will say, "She did what she ,could." God will say s+ Personal Testiniony. i - And nov , I close with g iv 1 n g my own personal t .stimony, for I trnast not enjoin - upon others - that which Iidecline myself to do. Dorn at Bound Brook, N. J., of a parentage as pious as the iworld over saw, Latest before earth and heaven that I have always felt, the elevating and re- straining influence of having had a geed father and a good mother, and if lam able i to do half as Well' for my children ' as the old folks c id for me I w 11. be thankful forever. lie years of ni life passed until, at about 18 years o age, I felt the preseure f eternal real ties, and after prayer an religious coup el I passed into what I took to be a saved ' tate and joined the church, and I attest ' afore earth and heaven that I have found t a most helpful and inspiring association. I like the 0011.1: panionship so well that I cannot be eat's- fled if I halve a day less of it than till eter- nity. Af4r graduating t t ciellegiate and theologicainstitutions I ed the bands of ten or twelve good men pt t upon my head in solemn prdination at elieville, N. J., and I atitesti before earth end' heaven that the work o the gospel ministry has been delightful, 1and I expect to preach until my last hour. , Many- tinies I have passed through deep water of _ b reavement, and but for thehlivine prongs' of heavenly re- union I would have gone under, .but I at- test before earth and heav n that the com- fort of the gospel is higt , deep, glorious., eternal. it any thnes hay I been maligned and my week misrepresented, but all such falsehood and persecution have turned out for my advantage and en arged my work, and I attest before earth i nd heaven that God has fulfilled to me th promises, "Lo, I am with you alway I" and "The gates of hell shatl not prevail against you." For the cheer of younger men in all de- . partments et me sayyoi will come out all right if you mind yot r own business and are pa lent. Tho assault of the world is 'only bei g rubbed down by a rough Turkish to el, and it improves the circu- lation- an 'makes ono , more vigorous. While the uture bolds for inc many tnys- terins whic I do not ' peetend to solve I am living in expectation that when my pooe work s done, I shall go through the gates and it eet my Lordi and all my kin- dred who have preceded mo, a precious group who I miss more and more as the at years go la , and I attest' before earth and heaven th t the glories of the heavenly world illu Ine my pathway. In courts of law the witness may ,iitiss the Bible or Ilft his rig t hand in °Obi), but as I have often k-iss d the dear old book I new lift my right 1 and and take eath by hiln that livoth forever and ever that God is good, and that t le gospel is a mighty consola- tion in da es of trouble, and that the best friend a uan ever had is Jesus and that heaven is absolutely sure to those who trust and serve the blessed Redeemer'to whom be tory and dominion 'and victory and Bong and chorus of white robed im- mortals sanding on sea S of glass mingled with tlre.F Amen and anion! . . of life, wattle"' whose, names known boyond1the next 'street farmhouseanmetehave God -say You did well! ;You did glori- aw you down in that- dairy. I u in the old farmhouse mend- To Farmers of Canada. Seeeral 'kinds of wire fences have been placed on ho matket, none of which have proven entirely sat- stactoay ; Iput in placing before you one CH MPION STAY WIRE FENCE, we do so co fidently, believing that we have over- come all 1 the objections that have been raised against wir fences in the past. It is composed of any desired number of galvanized steel ivires, placed at a suitabl distance apart, upon which are placed two half -in h half -round eteel bare, one en each aide of the wires with groove between to fit tightly on the wires, a d bolted with four bolts holding them firmly toge her and preventing the wires from elid- ing up or d win It is also arranged Unit the Lotions of heat and cold in expandina and coatracting the wires are t ()roughly controlled by tighteners, and the fence e n be kept taut at all season e of the year. All we asik is an examination of its merits, and we are satisfie you will decade it has no equal. Manu- factured by EDWARD LITT & CO., Rostock • P.O., Ont. R. B. SCOTT, Seaforth, Is agent for 'the sale of County and Town - rights. 1459 1 I have prescribed. of caeca of neuralgia aro very much ple pleasantness of its ap Tit, MD., Hotel Oxf I have used Menthe ", of muscular rheumat that it gave alrnostin -J. B. Moorac M.D.. • It Cures Sclati ralgia. Pains 1 W, any Blinsoular la Price I Davie & 25o. I Sole Pro 3• • • • • MENTHOL PLASTER enthelPlaster Init number ud rheumatic pains, and ed with the effeeta and lication.-W, IL diasPES- rd, Boston. Plasters in sever 1 cases sm, and find in ev ry case tant- and permanent relief. Vashington, D.O. a, Lumbago, Neu - Back or Side, or aims. awrenee Co., Ltd, rietors, MONTAL• • ilioe••••• • The Popular Crocery . AND Meat arket • .1 , Economy is one of tbt main roaciO and one of the best means of travelliak in that direc- tion is by buying yeur goods witete you can get the best value for your money, and WCi feel justified in esa ing that we can give ycu the best possible value. Our Grocery stock ie complete with choice goads. We have the latest improved fruit cleaner out, and all our currants are thoroughly cleaned and free from stones and sand. Our new ourrante at 5c2 per pound can't be beat ; good cooking raisin, 6 lb@ for 260 : nice light coffee sugar, 26 lbs for $i; tablo syrup at 40c per gallon ; Redpath's goods and many other lines too numerowito mention. Any goods not as represented are returnable and atisfaction given. As we have decided to give pp the 'rockery business we are giving the biggest bargain ever effered in town, everything in the crockery 1 pe must go. Our quality and supply of fresh meats 4re tp to the mark as usual, roast beef and stakes Om 7 to 10c ; boil beet from 40 per lb.- up ; pork and pork cuttings equally as cheap. _ R013B BROS,' • SEAFORTII TIIF OF A WO 113: NOBODY KNOWS HOW OR WeiEtilE i7 ESCAPED. Rut It Nay Coat the Government ffilatty Mlfllrna of Dollars -The Steprenara fconrt to Reopen the Famous Hat Tr ming Cases -More Than 820,000,000 In Ivod. • ! [Bpecial Correspondence.) . HILADELPHIA, Jan. 7. -Word OMOR troll Washington that the s-upreme conrt is to rehear the famous "hat trim) logs" oases which Were argued some wee s ago. The rehearing is to be given becaus there was not a full aourt when they were heard before and because the amount of e oney involved makestle important that every. care bco.exerpised to proteet .the ir oreets of the government. The individual! -debit- ants ha,vo largo amounts at staked ut to the government the decision enea s. be- tween $20,000,000 and $30,000,000.. The hat trimmings cases originated in 0 bile - del hia, and one of the henellciar (Ai by - the decision of the court, if it is in favor of he ointments, will be John Wanaz laker. Th test cases was brought by Me '011 & Di kineon of this city, and it was d elided by hoTilley in 1891 In favor of the lain - tiff. r. Holmes' Schoolmate. One of 3he most amustng of Dr. Holmes experionc "s was a meeting when he was al- ready pasti his prime with an old Andover schooltna e. The do tor had given a lecture in a Mas- sachusett city, and the peat day his host, a load ng citizen, took him out for a drive about o u. The doctorespied over a door nam a at long ago was familiar to him. His ei tainee made the introduction, but tha erchant showed more interest in the cit than in his undersized guest. The tor inquired if he was not a stu- dent i hillips, Andover, in 1825. The meichan replied that he was there at that time. "Do y Holmes After "Yes. The d fact aad old echo much a "So y remark.e "No; ness, an have yo "I've te ize do •u remember a boy there named Oliver Wendell Holmes?" slight hesitation he answered: ittle fellow, wasn't he?" ctor admitted that such was the ddecl that he was that boy. The linate looked him over without pearance of interest, u didn't take a college course?" the doctor. 've followed the hardware busl- I've done very, well init. Where kept yourself?" eon practicing medicine in Dos - ton." "Strange I have never heard of you. I have be n in Boston ,quite often, and I ood many doctors there." I have also been a Professor in Medical college, and my lectures ve occupied Most of my time in rs, so that I haven't pradticed olmes, physician, scientist, litter-. °et and wit, was evidently of! count to his whilom sehoolmate.-1 dent. know a "Well Harver_ there h late ye much." Dr, eteur, small a Indepe n error in the taviff law of 1883 thal bringing of these claims agai gOEsfOrfllfldDt. Where so complicated of logislation is conoerned there area err rs, seine of them due to careless thei septa rs or members of the hous corned in framing the bill, some t treasury department, which makes gestions or paragraphs and which ine the bill for errors before it is s president. i Some of the . error de by the clerks -of the house or s transcribing the biil.1 So com gnized is this wealvii4As in the M. awyers in ho make a and tellin hem wher s BTO too les. Ther 1 large sti ties on fo those imp In the tael sible to te e part of th tdel paid , The importers, who have iiiiioh to gain rind nothing to hese, airthotiele the lawyer t go ahead, on a perceiatege eSio. Usually he division is °vane -the int orlter gets one half the imoun4 recevered and thi law Or gots th prlze Is lsvorth , trying fj have co and thi lthy on ill ils Co onel Scott and General P0Pet Meg rgee, in the Philadelphia Times,i says that Colonel Thomas A. Scott was singul4rly unassuming in his dress and demeanor. When he was assistant secre- tary of war, he had occasion to visit Gen- era' Pope at his headquarters at New Madrid, Mo. General Pope was greatly addio ner. tors ed. Geller "Se person "B1 adjUta M "I Scott my ft "A Scott, ment sistan , -Po tion, DdI Suart d to profanity and violence of man- olonel Scott entered the headgear - h the iremark,- "I should like to see 1 Pope on business." • my adjutant!" roared Pope. business is with General Pope in •nk blank your business! See my t, toll you!" Immo is Scott"-- on't ear° whether your name is r Jones or Smith or Brown. See jutant, blank blank you!" I was about to say, my name is and I wish to see you on govern- usiness. I have the honor to be as - secretary of war." e's demeanor underwent a revolu- w he said in the blandest manner: your pardon colonel. had 'no aused se, the piece Ways e°eson02- 1 the sug- xam- nnta to e are 'only king New good p00 - they lever ito*isait rGign law over the 1115 in rec of Yo liv pl are to un th go an fro ruue out; tue2O ru13 d raanyf loafers in camp, and they annoy me so m temp and I your Co busi whatever to and ttotiug had ot takei oh, thatm II am sometimes put out of r. Be qood enough to take a seat ave the ikindness, to ibform me lof wishes." onel Scott entere at once upon the ess in hauft, milking ,no reference ope's outrageous behavior 3t as thotigh the occurrence place. , ariffs that there are k- and Philadelphia ng studyingiariff laws who pay duby under fanIty. These lawye publish their 411scove il importers have pal government for dri ds. Oen they go to say they know a flaw oh nay make it po m the 'government soi other half. The r, Tariff errors t the ,government many millions re are lawyers 'ho have grown we single cases of, ifefunded duties. ometimos the error in the tariff omiseion of a comma or the sabetitu- n of a comma for a semicolon. cano- es a word is omitted or wodt ate nsposod so as to make the Mean ng bf paragraph obscure. There is a °as- prots ca th ti tii trt th tuns 0011.1111iSS1011 now 'which 11)t0 taeiff laws, and it undertook in en to go baek to the "intention" of ecn grees in1 making a certain- provision. • Dult this thb courts will not'do. Though lee- plein enough that congress Mean tilling in a tariff paragraph, if the lam of the law bears another interpre th courts will give that interpretati fo ce of law. In the hat trimmings oases Ithe Ph d d she ay he opo .rUalgO ation n the error w s the omission from a parage! of the la Of 1883 of the word "vegetale. 1 le; o o e knows just where this wo opped o t of the law, but the law as ftBS d pro- ✓ ed that a duty of 20 per centIshculd be o ilected on "hats, etc., niaterIals, 1ra1k1s, pi stuares used for making or or am fiestilinngd its, laces, trimmings, willow st aw, chip, grass, palm loaf, ilo h ir, h ts, bonnets and goods col poed of - w w alebone or any other substance ra- te lel not specially enumerated or p ovided f It was Intended to have the word vcige- t ' ble" precede the word "substan le" Bo t at the thaterial not specially p ovided f r, to be admitted at 20 per cent, should b limited to vegetable substances Silk ri bons used in p rt for the trim ing of h ts were classed by the treasury as un - e =mated man factures of silk a Id paid d ity at the rate f 5p per cent nu or an - o her paragraph I the law: In 1886 an i porter named L ngfelt b (Light suit aga nst the collootorlof ' the p rt here, clainii g that some oott n back ✓ bbon, of which e had lmportedj a very 1 rge quantity, Was dutiable at'20 or pent o 1 , and that ex OSSIVO duties ha1 been o 11 oted from hi n. He won his suit in e lower court b fore a jury whi h was i seructed by 'J dge McSennan 1that if e chief use of tre•ribbons was tl e trim- ing of hats thy came under tlJie pare- aph quoted above. This- decislon was need in the supreme court eve tually, d $6,000,000 were refunded onj it. A an named Edelhoff, who linpo d hat- bands, afterward brought suit itt New York, and he also received a verdi t and a andsome refund. Then Meyer & Dickinson of tiladeI- hia brought suit on another class 42 goods - sod as hat trimifiings and got a verdict ✓ $632.40 from a Philadelphia jury on e 19th of June, 1891. That verdict for 632.40, If sustained, meant a loss bly $25,000,000 to the governine ttorney general of the United St i . structions to have the oases ap he supreme court. There the j f the lower court was affirmed. The Langfelt oase was rehea upreme court and the judgment1 in favor •f the plaintiff was affirmed final y on the erg day when the Meyer & Diokinson ase was decided by the jury in t is probable the rehearing to be the supreme court in a alert ti the last of this famous litigation Seeretary Charles Foster trie re/also the hat trinimings oast 00,000. HIS estimate of the 1 overnment, if they were decide y, Was $25,000,000. In the hat trimmings cases th re Was no - tteMpt to evade the law; there was only stion of interpretation. In SOnee oth- es, though, there have beet palpable ons of the law. Some ye rs ago an rter in this city instructed ibis people d to run a single ootto gh sorne silk ribbon. Ti ride' no evident ohange in the f the ribbon. Yet the import hat now it was a manufacture otten was a loonstituent, and nterprotat1or of the tariff law bout one -hal Faith or A g nuine cur foor'a genuitKtnelad Cure:: which Idl s the craving or " hankering " for tobac o. Saves Davey and ireproyee the health. Feee' Tobao:C r kills tobaeco poison, $1. a box, 'So 1 , d by L sden & Wilson, Druggists, Seaforth. Kills -40 is Years,,aoTob Us. . 1 a ght 1104 tOn100i tor. DISTRICT MATTER H Wingham. (Receive NOTES. -The held in the tow ly attended. T Cartwright, Th Horsey. Mr. man. -Mr. the residence Shuter street, first carnival of the skating lin Baptist Sunda "Chime of silve 16th inst., in 41 deeson, of Hen chenged. pulpi sorry to state t well lately. -R formerly pastor o here, preache_ Dr. Gifford occ in Guelph. -Q was held by th evening, in the*r h Miss R. Forsyth, of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. John Pattlers ing at Mr. Frank neth Linklater of is on the sick list too late for last week. Referm ineeeing, w • ha11 on Fridayew eakers were Sir ma Gibsen, M. P., 'eorge McKenzie w. ham Fleuty has p of 'Mr. Robert El ucl has moved into the seasen -will be on, Friday, 25th in acliool gave their bells,"on Thursday O &lurch -Rev. all, and. Rev. ID. P 8 Aast Sabbath. - tat Mr. Perriehas v. Mr. SellerY; of the I Methodis re laO Sabbat 1 the Methodi a- ituccessfal b pie ite G od Teinplars on Tuesday he -guest , Ir. and re fr. Ken- 14sonildaw.Nnig' ae sr Richard s chairtrchased iott, on 1 't. -The heId iii c‘a,,ennamatga r. Hen; rrie ex' ea- •ot.beerne Guelph, church 1. Rev. t pulpit ox -social 11 in the Meyer f Seaforth, is Thornes Roes. - n, of Pundalk, Pattersonte.-i Voodatock, is home„ an --Mies Maggie Miff, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. i W. G.tDuff.-11ties An ie Stowe, of Bluevale, is the guest of Miss Minnie 1Drew ' ' • ; MFicapp. Tan Cow Beolitev.-At the municipal elections just past the rate payersi were asked to vote on a by-law prohibiting cattle and sheep from running e t large ; and, as it was carried by a Ismail majority, I will try to give, in a brief wly, what t consider sotne efficient and justifiable 1 reasons why animals should be prohibited froni pea - toeing on our publih roads. They are dangerous to the ti nvelling public. Cat- tle and sheep, more e lie on the middle of t night, ahd they becom . ; p will always road during the o u ed to vehicles passing that they will nl1 Move out Of the way. The result is the hpsettin&of the rig or a frightened horse, which may cause a runaway; There is as]the expense to the of prob- t The tes gave ealed to dgment by the this city. given by e will be to own- s for 83,- Ise to the adverse - I qu er co vasi nip° bro hro n thread Is thread character ✓ olainaed in which by a striot he saved the duty on his ibbon: GRANT HallfILTON. Cfeb Cali. township in the matter of the ditches and watercentrses. way, which have to be cleane year on account, of cattle, tr out of teem for water. Part a nuisance and trouble to far dry season, such as we h when not a green blade seen on the eoadsideee then break through alinciat any 'fence to get something to eat. Sheet) were worse-, as the lambs, when turned out in the spring, are so small that they could, as the saying goes, " crawl ehrough a, knot hole" and it is almost impossible to keep them out. Some would say, put them in the pound, but the farmer is never fully repaid for time in taking them theta, nor for damage done to his crops. There is, as well, a loss to the owners theinselvee through accidents from vehicles ; from 'being dogged by farmers whom they are troubling from im- pounding ; and often from their staying or water. So much for the as I have heard arguments 11 give a ew, and show how s a means bf keep- s ; so as to make he road pleasant. thmaster's duty is, mit on the roads, ike the cattle and to walk eflall, bti w; newt the poor f us,poverty sake of gettinglf es pastufor our -plel cows on the road. Therefore. I buid say,re argue fort w ihei his bowill te Chibitory Cattle or Will get the own- ponsible. water, as fol fences ffer who keeping elan long the high - nearly every_ mping in and ret', dos, are ers during a last summer, gr ss was to be nimals euld One of the latest inventions in oonneo- •Ion with the electric light is silent cab all, used by everal olubs an hotels in ondon. T o lamps are susp nded out- ide the building, one red an the other pressing a knob in the en - e or other of th lamps can The red light ails a four e green a hanso recta and by trance hall o be lit at will. wheeler and t • . MARRIAGE LIC NSES -ISSUED AT - TBE HURON EXPOSIT° SEAFORTH, ONT NO WITNESSES away hunting by-law. Now against, it, w much they are worth. ing doWn geese and wee welkin on the side of Now, a to weeds, the p to see that all weeds are but ma sheep, the gra on. A this is where man. for the y of them are hey leave them to grow e and, as to ve a path r -man's c e reason o e line for s, most roads li. pasture for a po the most plausib re we to draw t We might,many the ma.a who cannot preVide past cow sh uld not have one, as a goo more t an pay for her keep. So that fa mers will begin i to take a road f nces when there is a. ii by-law, and that when drivin sheep along the road the anima's into grein and damage tt, making ere of the animals probably r This ailgument won't hardly hot thereita a by-law prOVicling for la along the road, and they must h negiecti to keep such. In con I i -118-0D, 1 would ek, what are or roads Ill cifor tlia efor? If for astare fields, then use the by all means, but if for travelli , then ye councillors for 11396,seei to it thatl Ithey are kept for that.-Reehrtienet: •I . . - -Mr. F. Betz. No, 108 Elizabqth St., To route, Toronto, says: I hake used Dr. Lay- iolette's Syrup of Turpentine in pee, family, for young and old, .for ! coughs, colds, crou and weak lungs. It has always effete complete and speedy cares and proved it, self 10 be the best friericl we hav -ever hadi • Stable Mada Pri€43n. Frnn the Washington Star "1. we,' ifnprisoned in a stabile once,'" said a wel . " I ha n a moon - The mulo and ; I ob- Which the o, mo. He 1 the case or ing. Court dek a big oak entifer, but the ndt be found. " said the ne, the red- bein' as he charge.' d judgment nt for the e property red dollars, ay, I'll ren- undred dol- raprie on ,'im e Were illegal, 'iougb ranney en my S 1 was locked up in I could send thirty Us and get the caeh. ay long I staid in the improeriptu jeil, s it grew dark My thoughts were tot leasant natuee. , iiddenly a nose st ek eh the chinke t was the lost in e, . have never been as glad to see 4ny f creature. as I was to greet Oat lo ge r kno been tain had tain ea attorney to a Star write retained to reeover a mule ounty of North parolina. eon taken frotil my client, d a unit of re levin, under sheriff turned the a.nirrial ;Jeer was j11aced in 0. I0,5 stable ant cou1c be tried the next cony ned aboat sunrise, u treo,I and the mole was brut had escaped and coal " 1 ou't will come to oilder justi e, " an' es the critter Is g head d laveyer'll teke his place, was he lee' one thet hed 'ine in " he trial progressed, an was endeeed in favor Of myi el' mule but itt the absence of t the j stice said : " he mule was wu h a hun an' a the lawyer let h git a der j dgment agin fold a lars n' costs, an the heriffl'll til t e costs are paid. " tif course the pre eedin but s I did noc heve pock ts to pay the cos the log stable • anti mile over the moemta All and of a thro and livin eare BUCC hear take 1 ------ -t it THY ...pECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS 171 a short time. s a sci- entific r ertainty, tried and true, soothing and hceli.. g in ite effects. W. C. MCCOMBER & SON, .- Bouchette, Que., report In a letter thrutted at ?}my -Pectoral Mrs. Garil all Or ehroul.., old in shest and bronchial tubes, and also cured 11'.. McComber of a lor_r,..staudirtr cold. Ms. J. Hovey, Chemist, 58 'Venom St., Toronto, writes: "As a general cough and lung syrup Priy- Pceteml n most invaluable preparation, it has given the utmost satisfaction to all who have tried It, many having spoken to me an., benefits derived froni its use in their familisn. It is suitable for old or young, being pleasant to the taste. Its sale with. inc has been wonderful, and I vna an always reconced it as a. safe and reliable cough medicine.' large Bottle, 25 Cts DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LT». Sole Proprietors MONTrceen. . . THE EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, Graduate of Detroit Optical. InstitutealsoChicagoOphth-: almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. OFFICE RIO. QUIRED Intelligent people have given up the idea of buy- ing ordinary eartnnon spectacles at it eountenbecause they see well with them. It may be that only one eye is brought into use, while the other may be so r oIrteiannbalitnd jn.esse. IR1 'ouBrEeRyeTs are strainedcor assi gtoh Drug Store andhave them tested. D es the print Ilur ordo the eyes tire when 4eading ?, Do the eyes ache 7 Do the eyes water? Are they sore; or inflamed ? These symptoms point to defects in the aefraction, or the muscles of the eyea and can be Perfectly core noted. De you have headache? Eye straha causes more beadaches tban all other causes combated. Thous- ands of people are buffeting who do not realize that eye strain is the cause. All thesa eases Van be cured a ith glasses that are made to correct th error in the eyes. The eyes of children should be care 'illy tested. In many stiles the defect in the eye is shown by various symptoms, such as inability to se figui es on a blackboard, holding the book close to the eyes, blurring of lettere, crossed eyes or eyes turning in, blinking, watering of the eyes and partieplarly head- ache. In many cases tbe child is aceueed of being - dull or stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and can be corrected with glasses. If you are wearing glasses that are not satisfactory, bring them to nie. hi ease of disease, you will be recommended to the physician at once for treatment. 1453 representative of the equine race. eded itt making the owner of he stable! me, and in alfew' minatesithe mule 'had my place WI the stasle." ! 111111 ;11111! MOE I IP tit THE' Otilf PRPARATION POR THE 11 IR: T ALLAYS IftE INTENS ITCHING, OP THE SCALP, C RES DAND,RUFf; E -HI. IE __PREVENTS F LLING OUT OFA1R THR STORIS GPAY • OR FAKDIHAIR AND PROMOTES--„ 4113 4 NEW GRO BALD v 6,0P1 4pei, NA, For sale intillAISilleaafloi! h j-ui1,1111IS, Roberts. 311 lJi .1 &DS BY ITS AND STIMU- DON 0/4 THE LLI CL,E s t- • GIVES FRESH- NESS CLEAR SKIN. CE 5 CoNsTipATIONI INDIGC.STION DIZ Z ;NESS TI°INS,'PCNcTivihiPEL-ESIx( _,NN c_ BEAUTIFIESUP 1r0 AI .NOTCU. Our direct connections will save you time and money for ail pointe., Canadian North West , Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Oar rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST OARS for- your aecommodation. Cali for further information. Station G. T. a Ticket Office. Train Service at Seaforth. 2 Grand Trunk Rail.WaYe Train, leave Soaforth and ainton etatlets aa , fellows; ' IZolso Wan- 8$1.1,011,TH. care -rota - Passettger - - - - 1.07 r.-. 1.23 ..:P. W. , PaSsenger.- - - 9.05 I'. M. 9.22 P.M. t Mixed Train_ - ... 9.80 A. M. 10.15A.x. Mixed Train......... 6.20 P, et. 7.05 r. 11. OIN-9 Kin- , Passenger. - - - - 748 it IL 7.82 A.M. P.aseenger - _ _ - 2.53 P. X. 2.25 le M. Mixed Trean- - __ 0.05r M. 4.20 r. et. ' Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING NOitTII--. Passenger. Mixed. 3:00 .r. ie. 9.30 rat. 9.00 A m. 2.13 6.43 9.45 0.27 9.67 10.10 0.37 10.07 11.20 Paireenger. Mixed. 8.23 A.M,11.20 A.11,7 24 Vg. 6.14 11.35 -805 6.10 11.69 9 00 f.C4 12.14 lent. 9.30 . Ethel Brussels Bluevale Winghann. GOIXG SOUTH.-- Winghain„ , Bluevale Brussels... Ethel An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by -Druggists or sent by Malt 250., 500.. and 81.00 per package. Samples free. KO /10fr avTaIorleTeersIdgLIZTI:. For sale by I. V. FEAR, Seaforth. JUST A WORD 111•-• •• 0 •• -ABOUT- HARNESS • it *10100 We are giving the best value in har nese ever offered in Seaforth, made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material used. Repairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. M. BRODERICK Corner Main and John Sts., Seaforth. Doctor What isiood forcleanshls the Scalp and Hair, iseern to have tried tverythini -and am in despair Why Mrs 1,k.thtvery best thirs* s PA WO -TAR SOAP it is splendid For Washig the head itprevents dryne55 thus put an end to Dandruff dem and Fiesheos the hair nicely. 25. FOR A LARGE TABLET 'M. Robertson - Leading Undertaker SEAFORTH, ONT. Undertaking warerooms op- posite A. Caxdno's Confection- ery Store ; Residence, 116 North Main St. La connection with the under- taking business, a cabinet shop will be conducted for Furniture Repairing. i LOW PRICES AND Prompt Attention A feature of Both Branches. 11•••••••mi • - London, Eftron and Bruce. GOING N0P.T11- PUSEI1L)t, London, depart.. - 8.05a.. 4.301 M Exeter-- /NO ILNO. moolk a/ /NO • • /a /I 9.22 6410 9.37 8.16 Kippen e„ 9.44 1120 Brucefleid” O. 1-0 .140 F. 9.52 -8.28 Clinton-- -10.12 655 Londeeboro - 10,29 7,14 Myth.; - - 10.88 7.28 Be !grave.. - 10.52 7.37 Winghatn arrive- _ - 11.10 8.00 GOING Passenger, 6.351.M. 8.25n. 6.50 3.47 -- 7.03 o.03_ 7.10 408 7.80 - 4.28 749 anifi 7.67 4.13 • .01 O. - 8.06 4.53 5.12 ?London, (arrave) • 9.45 A.m. 6.26 r 111111114‘ AMR Blyth, • • 4-0 • • a,. ••• AP. LOIldearOCrO *AI • • 41 0+11. -111-11 • • 11.11 Cithton-P.: 16. ••• Br (Men ela • • ••• • • • • • Kippern. _ Exeter _ a_ The McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OIFFICSItS. Geo. Watt, President, Barka 2.0.; W J. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. O.; iilichael Murdle, Inspector of eosses, Seaforth P. 0. inamoreas. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gee -diner, Load bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Joseph Evsu fil Beechwood; M. &fondle, Se .tc.rida ; Taos. Gathett, Clinton; Thomas Fraser, Brucefieid. AGINTS. 2 Thos. Nanette, Harlock ; Peolit. MeSililan, eaforth James Cumming, Egmondville ; John 13, McLean Kippen. John O'Sullivan andGeorge Bluedle, Aug ors. Parties desirous to effect ilkSUrSTIOSS or tuts - 'act other businesswill he promptly attended In on application to any of the above officers, addreeeed to their respective post offiees. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER • THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE in CANADA.. . ao-iaYd * CUSTOM SAyV1INIG. The undersigned will have his portable saw mills st Francis Colernan'e, Hills Green, and at 3. Mitkinse, Varna early in the spring, when he will be pre. pared do all kinds of custom sawing at the lowest rates. Bring along your logs. 1465x3 ' JOHN. polo, Eippen. 6,4 oova Lti goo. 1-3 Fig w .blaillop Directory for I JOHN RIMNEWIES, Ree.ve, Dublin' P. O. JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve,, Beechve00(1. D.ANI.I'L MANLEY; Councillor, Beeetwood. W. if °GAVIN, Councillor, Lesdhury. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lesdb JOBN O. MORRAISsleyerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. MI 'ON, Treasurer. With!0p. WM. EVANS, Beeehwood. eBARLES DODDS, folio:Awe Seaforth. RICHARD FOLLA D, Sanitary Inspector, Lea tory.