HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-17, Page 5,.......______.1 96. ,...______,..„. _ . ......., ensee was distinguished for tition, and her charity and i. tortutiate. Benno.* violst, of wo fine ' FiCklin stdectiona at aing altieic olithein London„ s .s. Bowert, of Miaitoba, 13 L, Mrs. John Waikato, of an ahsenee of eighteen p of Logaai went hard Ise of Refrige. Only 101 i n its favor and 446 . .s greatly lowered the winter. At Mr. Nix. °sprat Hill, a few days ' id at from 8.12 to 816. : bells are ringing gaily in ' (levant. NO tewer than 3 were milted on New *Me of matrimony. :ell, a Knox Collee''''e eta - pulpits of Rev. A. II. t on and Carl itasford the s year. Slack has purchased the fifty acres, at Prospect l'his is a choice farm, ad - own properav. :y, of 'the Erma Cheese s was one of the speaker& airmen's eonvention in ele Hie subject was the aeon, who has been amegal school, has served eventy-two years. his his ability and faithful- teetings are T1OW being e Salem appointment of -Rev., Air. Kenner 4nd ✓ are the principal re, of Poole, who is an t matters, advises the eee not to buy cheese tied in cans which latere sing whey. hehae1 Uniac, 0 Roth - •ed in Mitchell on Sat - y intend spending part L parents and friends : - pal election, in Logan ineweia defeated Coon- ?3.- a majority of 240. ; L fox-wedv reeve of Me- er. i. 'McLaren, daughter of in merchant tailor, of r. Robert Hamilton, of t New Year's day by .1 holy braids af matri- a, of St. Marys, had on aas Day, a white ehry- eorn of which measured entiference, els° a bean - ;h flower stetrs twelve ack has bee a erected at iher Compano's tannery, ;with the beiek founde- t feet high.. A second rr has reeeutly been put I the river road, near . visiting hie parents Mr. e, at the old homestead-, here they have lived for cid couple are hale and :sr., has resided on the 2-74 years. ft, one of the 'Toronto ig their skill in Stria- e met with a most un - while on the ice. Au- rally struck hirri ou the f his skate, Completely i ell, the chid executive pality of Gadshill, ap- pellee court eer Wed- harged with hating ex- ile at his store. Tbe a:, Mr. O'Donnell was I ng of the citizens af rounding districts was he other day, to dis- the building of sidle- msesit seemed to favor :subscription list was -hewed their good will lly. ty, of Stratford, who i the junior departmeot 1 being -tinier eiehteert ..f e t le ,- ✓ certificate, and w s tp her situation. T e m given to Miss Lai -- graduate of the Strati- ner of the Oth inst.,. McDowell, for the past a popuiar clerk in Mr.. els :store, left on Mon - as liome in Listowel. a hie residence in the i'''rin friends who will success for lie future. u e of the most popular tray of Perth, died on st his residence, Strat- ek iabout two weeks. a in, laault Ste. Maxie, rate ef age. He had er• •tsienty-five years, twit eesident of that , . aighhiaa of Atwood L he the house of Mr. tifeenecssion of Elina, rveping. On the way [44 watch, landed the the teow. No one prairrible of diseetang- eerer fun than dis- I• ' . '-i. • - .a.si lterrie residence of i1itents:1a had a, ' dose ,y fire the other morn- rtetitIY thrown. where :tales of the sitting cause. Fortunately before much damage ished hy a couple of ervice in the Meth°- . arys, on :Sew Year's 'the room being filled. he pastor, Rev. L. /tice and J. W. ing, entl a few min- ts. the Old year was sar ushered in, co -to- ted profitable Meet-, der Grant, B. A., St. tecipicint of an rid- gy foam parties at- er held at ritt, arissouri. The held ly Mr. Grant, is ,pastora.te in St, ' were erred and a pent o the evening a dosed the follow- itv church Sunday omitted to memory rf scripture set op - tames : Emily Rus - Charles War- te 407 Eva Ruston )1 anid elass--Ber- 1. Moore 603, Mary IX 317 : 3rd class— • Warriner 675. ...osperous Year. l'osperous year is 'to rine trouble (alit a. Remember that ains will fall, health and that your for - and net with the, relournal. • JANUARY.17 1890 News Notes • • —M. J. Roche, of Forest, has mad the well known trotting stallion, George Clarke, to R. Mellimurray, of Warwick, for $500. —During the year 1890, there were 30 interments in the Beeehwood cemetery'. Eighteen, or just one half of those buried there during the year, died »i 'orest, our <lied in Bosanquit, four ha P ympton, three in Warwick, three in Lc don, two in the States, one in Patichil and one in Toronto. —Ab a mass meeting at I Tipton, Rev. Principal Grant moved a res • ution of sym- pathy with the Armenians, (miming that it was the duty of Great Amin and the United States to unite on a ommon policy of interferenee in Armenia. TETE MARKFI B. Bream Jan. 10,1306. Fell Wheat per bushel, Setting Wheat per boatiel, Oats por bushel--, Peas per bushel-- -..... ..••••••• Barley per bushel .. Butter, No. 1, loose.... Butter, tuh...... — .... Eggs per doz.... .... Flour, per 100 lbs. Ilayper ton 13 Hides per WO lbs. ..... ............ 'Sheep Skim Wool ... Potatoes per bag, (new).... — Salt (retail) per barrel.. Wood por oord Wood per oord (short) •Apple:a per bag........ . .. ....... 01over Seed.. ••• .... f••••• • .650 to 7 00 .. Timothy Seed_ ....... . 350 to 375 'Pork, per TOO . 4 00 to 410 Tflow, Pr ........... ...... 0 04 to 0 04 0 62 to 065 0 62 to 065 .. 0 22 to 028 .. 0 48 to 040 0 82 to,. 0 86 • 0 14 to 015 . 0 14 to 015 0 15 to 0 10 14°1 .. 2 00 to 2 00- . to 1 . 18 00 to ea 00 Jenkine of Godench town hip. he cars. One bunch, whith uioludeld al few head of light hogs sold for $3.75 pr cwt. Other hogs rule about as usual. . r Births. FERGUSON.-4n Blyth, on January 3rd, th� A. fe of „, I Dr, Fergueon, of a daug ter. M ' t ASO . - I Morris', on De , ember 26th, th wI le of M1) COWA . In Usberne. Onganuary tith, thll wife of I A. e. O. Mason, of daughter. I Mr., W Coward, of e elon. 11011,DEN.-iIn Wingbam; on 3,anuary lith, the wife of Mr. alrner Morden, of a daughter. 1 JE880trIn Blyth, on January 6th, the wit of Mr.11• 1 H. W. jesson, of a daughter, OARTER,-In Olieton, on January 4th, the Wife of . ,Mr. Dee id Carter, of a son. , EtTBOLZ -,,In Tuniterernith, on January , wife of greWin: Bitbelz,'of a son, MOLEOD.-In MoKillop, on January 5th, -the - °Ildr. John MoLeod, of alon., 310KINNEY,-On the Morris bdundary, on st, the, wife of anuary 8rd the wife of Mr. Jos. ph MeKinney, o a son. 81313101'18.In Grey, on Jenuary 5t11, th wife of Mr. Johi Simmons, Of a spn. 310DONAL .-1n Tuekoreniith, on Jeinuary th, tho • vidft of gr. James McDonald, of a son. Marriag'es. • 00BETLANG.-At the manse, Cranbrook, on Jan- uar , 7th, by Rev. D. 13. M in Co- ber, of Ethel, to Miss Mn of the s11118 place. WASHINGTON-JENKINS nee of thebride's father, on Jan . J.W. es Mr. Joseph J. W uburn, les Clara, fourth dau homes Rae, Mr. Eph ter Ellen Lang ' t tho resid ary 8th, by R shington, Of bter of gr. 0• 4 re tt° i: 5 $3° RUM ra--" • 0 22 to 0 24 Renn E. A. Shaw, Belgrave 31r. Wm. Ru 11 bride'sparents, Morris, o New Year's ey, by RKER.-At the residence I the 0 25 s0 0 20 Duluth, to Mies Mary, da hoe 0/ Mr. r.corgo 1 00 to 0 00 Parker. ' 2 75 to 8 00 HOLMES-FOX.--At the rest ence of the ibride's 1 60 to 175 . 0 76 te 1 00 •• • Town:Tee Jan. 16. -Fall wheat, 10.70 to 10 73 ; spring wheat, $0.53 to $0.53 ; obs, 26o to 20o; peas, per bush, 54e to 54c; barley, 400 to 4 io ; bay, ter ton, $17.25 to it.I9.00 : butter, 20o to 21 ; pots - toes. por bag, 20o to 25e ; egs, per doe., 20c t 210 ; dressed hogs, per 100 llaii, 60 to 34.76. British Grain Tr • LosnoN, January -13th. --T • Express, in its weekly review grain trade, says: During th • lish wheats have advanced 6 wheats California has risen American 3d. California on been quoted at 27s 6(1; Januar 28s, hard Duluth at 263 6d, an toba at 25s 6d, Corn has bee „quotations at Liverpool being dearer. American sold at 1 barley and peas have been the tone of the markets was rise in English and foreign maintained. Corn rose 3d and beans and peas were dull. de. •e Ma k Lane f the British weeI Eng- . In foreign. 6d, and other passage has shipment at ci No. Mani - strong, the ls per cental s 6d. Oats, rm. To -day clod, and the wheats was •ats 6d ; rye, PoUltry Mark t. Totioseto, January 14th.— he stocks are pretty well cleaned up and s all receipts now would find a ready mar et at former quotations. Turkeys sell at 6 to 7e, geese at 5c to 6c, ducks at 50e to 71c and chick ens et 25c to 50c. + Dairy Market Torras:ere January 14th. Butter—The market continues easy. Dairy .pound prints arge quanti- ndant. Large ound prints at 14c to 15c at 8c to Ile. r good rolls and large rolls are arriving in ties and winter creameryis ab rolls sell at 130 to 15c, dairy at 14c to 16e, good dairy tubs and medium and low grade Creamer' sells at 21e to 22c f and 19e 21c for tabs. Egc s—The mar- ket is st ong and dealers who vere disposed under pr ssure to shade prices in 5 and 10 case lots are not now offerin any conces- • sions. he receipts af+e, light and all lines are firm- Pickled are •firme and sell at 14te te ire, held fresh iat 16 to 18c, cold 4c to 1F.:c for c to 17te. storage a 18c for firsta and seconds ; late gathered brine 1 MON Are January14th.1- was a fait jobbing demand an vrell maietained. Creamery - 200 to 216 in a jobbing wa ers' icleae are around 19c t ships is quoted at 160 to 13e to 14 fresh 12e wards. y, 8 . Eggs—Limed, 13e o lac, and bailie" utter—They prices Were quoted at vhile export - 9c. Town - and western o late, held. tock 20c up- . , Live Stock Ma kets. • • GLAseow, January 13t .—Market for cattle rat er easier. .Presena price for best, .Pae to 11c. Sheep firm, at 13te to 14c. les -Barton January 13th.—Trade is 41ow to -day hete and in London; cattle sell at 5d; there were no sheep offered in London: At Liverpool 'ersttle aie quoted et 5td, and sheep at 5,1,-(1 per pound. ' MONTRIt'AL, January 14th I --The butchers were pees nt in large nunnbers and trade was fairlyt good, bat the prices of cattle were low r than on hist Thursday. A few •of the bes beeves sold at about no per . lb, with pret y gond stock at from no to 31e, and the r ugh and impish beasts dawn to about 2e per lb. Large bulls sold at from 2te to Sec per lb. The pelves were small bnes, and sold at from $2.50 to $6 each. Sheep sold at from_ate to 3e, per lb, lambs sold at, from 3cto 40 per lb,fat hogs sold, a fretrn $3,90 to $4.15 per hundred pounds. , EAST BUFFALO, January 14.—Hogs---Mar- ket lower and dull; Yorkers, $3,95 ; Irina Se ; mixed mediums and :heavy, $3.90 to 53. 93; roughs, $3..25 to $3,40 ; stags, $2.75 to e74:3.2.5. Sheep a,nd Lambs—Market very dull and 25e lower for lambs, 15e to 25e low- er for sheep ; best fat lambs, $4.60 to $4.85 fair to good, $4 to 5440; mixed sheep, fair to good, $2.60 te $3.50 : handy wethers, $3-50 to $3.75 ; export sheep,$3.25 to $3.50. Cattle closed d ul and weak for . common grades and 1.0e lo er for. exports; bulk sales of latter, $4.15 to 54.40. Hogs dosed dull' and week, wilat 1 te sales of Yorkers at $3.70 to $3.95: 81 eep and lambs closed fair at an early de -din , but plenty of late ale rivals held ovor; 112 loa deCanaila lambs sold at $4.85 to $5 mo tly $4.85 to $4.90. TORONTO, J nua y 15th. —Export Cattle —Not many offered. 'All the good ones were soon, taken. About the best sale of the day was a buneh of 17 cattle, 11,338 lbs average, which sold for ate per lb, less $1 per head on the deal. The range of prices was from 32e to 4e per lb. Butchers' Coe- tle—Trade was active for good cattle, but it was the same old story about peer and common. The market was glutted and dull. Good cattle will fetch 3Ae per lb, but the majority of the , hest deals to -day were made at from lie to 300 per lb. The ruling figures for eon- mon to medium cattle were from ate to 2c per lb. A lot of staff was left over. A bunch of 32 pretty fair cattle could not be s ld for as low' as 2.0 per lb. Stockers—Har ly anything doing, only one or two head being taken for farmers at about 21,e pe • lb. Feeders—Quiet. Odd ones are being picked 'up at from 2ac to 30 per lb. Sheep Shipping sheep are dull. Not many are inoving. Prices rnle at front 2sre to 3c per II A hunch of tea head, 130 lbs. average, sold for 2ae per lb. Lambs— In Buffalo lambs are off $1 per head, which has had a depressing effect on this market.. As many as '20 car loads Of Canada lambs were left unsold on Monday at the Buffalo market. Only, a few ordered lambs brought 4ic per lb.. A bunch of ; 10 pod ones, Si lbs average, sold for 3c per lb. There were plenty all deals bolo* 4c per lb. Calves —Offerings were fairly liberal and the de+ mend was steady, prices ruling from $3 to $6.50 per head. Choice weals are wanted. MiIch Cows and Springers—This market was slightly firmer to -day. From $15 to $40 per head were the peeps. Too many poor cows were coming in. Only really good ones are wanted. Hogs.—The feeling in this line was firmer to -clay. Offerings were 1,200 head, but aIl sold. Choiee bacon hogs sold at from $3.70 to $3.80 per cwt., weighed off • father, orey, on New Yea's day, be Re , A. K. Griffin'gr. 0. II: Holm 8, of Newry, 0 gles Clara, daughter of Me. Michael Fox. I LEVETT-A HESON.---At St. George's •hutch, Sarnia, n Jaouarv 12ncl, by Rev. T. 11., Davis, rector, Mr. W. H. Lovett to Mies. Bella, A heson, both of Exeter. PAUs thoLEN-MOSER.-At residence of the bride'l father, Blyth, on New Year's day, by Eev. Mr. Becker, Mr John Paulen, from near Sebti piffle, to Mise Mary Moser, eldest daughter of Mr. J.G. Moser. . REEOROFT-refcGEE -At the residence 01 the bride's father, East ' Wawenosh, on Do ember Illet by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, Mr. John Bee raft to Miss Adeline, eldest daughter of Mr. James McGee. AVERY -BROOK. -At the residence of the ride', father, Woodham, on December 21st by Rev.Mr. Nethercott, Mr. William Avery, to Mies Ellen, eldest daughter of the late John Stook. PYMM-HARRIS.e-On the 1st hot:, by Rev. Mr. Swan, Mr. Ceyphis Pyinne to Miss 11 rriet, daughter, of the late John Harris, all of Usborne. RUSSELL -SWEET. ---At the residence of the ride's parents, Stephen, on New Year's day, by Rev. H. W. Locke, Mr. James Russell:to Misslei nie, -eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Sweet, London road. , ORICH-ROWCLIFFE.--At the reeldence Of the bride's mother, Usborne, on January let, by Rev. T. B. Copeland, Mr. Joseph Orich, of Tucker - smith, to Mie Eliza Ellen, eldest daughter of the late James Renveliffv. t CREERY -ALEXANDER.-At the residence of the bride's parents, North Boundary. • Usbor , on Jannary lst, be Rev. C. -Fletcher, Mr. esiab Creery,to Mies Alexander, daughter of Mr,Jrnies Alexander. TkMAN-HORNEY.-At. Victoria street parsonage, • Goderieh, on Jannary Sit., by Rev, H. Irviee.Mr. ! Joeeph Tanian,of Blyth, to , Miss Edith '8, "Her- - ney, of Colborne ownship. eaths. • • `FORSYTItE.—In Tu keremIth, on January Sth, Robert H., only s n of Mr. Henry Fora the, azed 2 years and months. FORSYTHE..:-In Tu kersinith, on- January , 13t1i, Grace, only dough er of Mr. i Henry For ‘ythe, aged 4 years and 1 days. 1 - 1 • COPPIN.-In Mitchell, on January nth, of paralysis, Chet -late Pascoe, ife of Mr.John.Coppi ,god 65 years and 9 mo tbs. DOCKET. -In Grey, on January 5th MrsH gb Docket, aged 77 years. • ARMSTRONG. -In derich, on Janu ry Brd) J hn D. Armstrong, ageri 80 years and 8 lnonths. licKINNEY.-In Bluevale, on January 6th E ze, wife of gr. Joseph MeKinney,sr., a ed 72 to re. PRIOR. -;In Turnberry, on January lith, Will am Prior, aged 68 yeat. COLLIE -In Egmond ille, on Jan'.iary 16th, Jos . Collie. aged 78 years. 8111TM-in Exeter, on January llth, at the donne of ,her son, Mr. Wm Suitt , Mrs. °rine Smith, aged 78 years, 11 months. SALE REGISTE R • Ph. est- th- On ednesday, ..Aatmstary 22nd, 1896, at one o'c oek p. in., Lot 1, Concessioa 7,_ linnet , one mile ;1 east of Kinburn, . he Bronze Medal Farm, Farm Stock and ed Grain., +Robert Areastrong, prciprietor; T. Brown auctioneer. On r: esday, Janeary 28th, 189.6, ilst 1 o'clock p.m., on Lo 5, Concession 5, $trin- ley; Fa m Stock. na Logan, Proprietdr ; at no °Cloy, Auctoneer. 11 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. •. 1 BUSE1 LOT FOR SALE. -Thirty-seven and .0 ;ha f acres In the Township of McKillop, 10 composed of the north -half of the north -half o •No. 5, COncessien 13. This lot is well timbered will be spld cheap. Apply to JAMES JONES, 105, Mitehell P.' 0. •14 e - ng ot nd ox MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNO DJ The council of the corporation of the 0 ty of Huron will meet in the Court Room, in the •o n of God.rich, on ,Tuesday, the 28th day of the pr e nt month, at 8 o'clock p.m. W. LANE, Clerk. 'Dated January 13th, 189e5 • 146 -2 I -EURM TO RENT. -To rent, the farm on the r orth .12 west I earner of the )3uron Road, one and a quarier miles east or Seaforth, containing 100 acres, t. all clearede atiout 36 acres aeeded with faftsv eat, the balance is in grass. There is a spring creek run- nipg through the farm. It is well fenced and well drained. it can be rented on reaso-able term for $ years. For particulars apply to THOMAS 0 SE, Sea orth, P.O. _ 146 -tf 1011N H. MoDOUGALL, Licensed Auotionee for el the County of Huron. Sales attended i parts of the County. Terms reasouanle. Fro Mr. McDougall's loeg experience as a dealer in rm stock of all kinds, he is specially qualified to j idge • of values-, and elm guarentee satisfaction. All o den left at TIRE ExPOSITOR office, or at his residence Lot 8, Conceseion 3, He R., S., Tuokersmith, me I be promptlY attended to. • 1 00 15 F C. DEWAR M. D., C. !11., F. T. M C., . Member of t e College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario, , successor to Dr. Campbell. 4 like and residence, that lately occupied by Dr. Cam bell, Main street, Seaforth. NOTE -Dr. Dewar has bi tight - my practice, galvanic battery, etc, and is pre ared to treat all who may require his efervices acco ding to the latest and most scientific methods 1 have much pi-asuro in heartily recommending him 5. my people as a num of ability, learning and exper ence in his protenion. .Tone CAMPBELL, M. D. 1 68 VARA! FOR 8ALE.-Fer sale, Lot 17, I! 12, Hay township, containing 100 a all cleared. It is first-class land, with lar modious 1house, bank barn aud all ne 'Cence4sion res, nearly e and noni, essar3f out buildings,. There are about Eve acres of proha d of the very best of fruit of all kinds. Many times over •$250 worth of fruit has been sold cff the p ace in one season. Publie echool 40 rods away, and is only about le miles from the thriving village of Ze *ch. It will be and cheap as the proprietor intends to give up farming. • Ap; ly to the proprietor on the premises or address Zurich P. 0. JACOB ZIM Eft - MAN. •14 =4 "ElARM FOR SALE.-nLot 22, °invasion I.i Mc, 12 Killop, containing 100 acres of excellent and - 80 acres cleared and 20 acres liar Wood bush. ,It le well underdrained, well fenced a d a never felling spring' Creek runs past the barn. There is a good frame house with cellar, also a ba k barn 40x66, /leith straw shed attacbed, 40x30. Ale north hall Lot 21, Concession 12,1eKi11op, contain' g 60 acres cleared land, well fenced and drained. here is Is core oet. able house, log barn and frame h rn, with stab ing, These faring adjoin each othe and will be sold either together or separately. ihey arewithin a mile of Loadbury, where there is school, post -o ce, blacksmith shop, store, Fee , and • alt waybetween Seaforth and . Brussels. Also m t desirable f rne Lot 26 Concession 11, MoKillop. .e the gravel road, six miles from Seaforth and with n hall: a mi e of Leadbiiry school and post office; ontaining 76 cue of cho ce land, all in gruel, well f cad and on w ieh is a Io4 house, good well and ore rd. Those d sir- ablelre will all be sold on easy tering of payn ent. For p tieulars apply to S. DICK ON, Seaforth. 14 4 CLEARING OCT AUCTION ALE F F RII STOOK. -Mr. William Mc toy ha been in- structed by Mr. Win. Logan to sel by pub lc aue ton on Lot 6, Cencession 6, Stanley, o Tueed&y1 Jap arY 28, 1896, at 1 o'clock p.m, sharp, he folio ng op arty: ' Ilorses.-One span of agrie Rural enareeC M- ing 6 and 6, matched., and ki d and sound • one driving horse. Cattle -One cow newly ' calve, 3 cows due to calve in March, one h ifer coming three, in calf ; four fat steers coming thr e, 6 stock a eers coming three, 7 heifers coming t o, 2 fat he fere coming three, 1 steer coming two, 1 fall calf, 3 3 ar- il/1g calves, 8 well-bred Leicester e es, one purebred Leicester ram lainb, 17 pigs , 4 me the old read to kill. Feed, -Some, good hay in the ban, a lot of green feed, and a lot of fodder car . Imp amen .- One good lumber wagon, 1 bay for , rope nd tr ek, all complete; one set diamond he rows. The whole of the above will positively be soi • without reserve as the proprietor is leaving the f rm. Terms.-eAll BUMS of $5 and under, mob ; ove that amount 10 monthe' credit will be given on fu nishIng approved joint notes. A discount &tithe rat of eix • per cent. per annum will be given for cash o credit amounts. WM. LOGAN, Proprietor; WId.hic LOY,Auctioneer. 1488-2 Friencis- w Year Make a Wise resolve and pay cash for your year's purchases fiti You will find that it will immensely 'pay you. This Store Sell's only for spot mall and finds it a grand uCcess. Prices are Lower Here in consequence than any other ouse in Huron can !quote. GIL by Sc WISE AN glint° Jamieson's Old Sta d. hat is le it of our Winter Goo ,m60 go AT COST. A gnoicE ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goods, 131ankets, Underwear, Hosie loves loakings, Carpets, &c., COST. The bala ce of ou' 'ine Stock of FURS are 'nuke prices that c1a±. F: CLARK, SEArQRT Y1 u sOensWilson SCHOoL BOOK DE OT. , Public School Books Separate SO 601 BOoks Collegiate Irkstitute Books Note Books in great variety Scribblers' Newest Styles Foolscap; and Examinatio Pencils, 19k, Ruler .Oompasses, School. Bags, Er Mail orders have prompt attention, and every case by LUMSpEN &w SCOTT'S BLOCK, Ab 0 PaP,r Era,s1rs, &c. prices guaranteed right n LISCYN, MAIN STREET A good ch nor few Far Cape left e waneing on can barge/la. an1have anyo get a grea AFO ffmn, TH. Meeti the disc flf gs of the mien of A BRIT SELS GORRLE, BLUEVAL BRUSSELS 2, R. H. Fortune,V.S., Alex. Gardner, Lea ment of pigs." G. varieties of orchard Thomas McMillan, silo." George Mur and finishing them Shnpson Rennie, M GORRIE MB Christopher /HMI corn for fall use' " Points of interest Gardner, Leadbury, Catson, Oraighurst, fruits, and the Rennie, Milliken," McMillan, Constane • BLUEVALE Alex. Gardner, Lea Thomas McMillen, Jamul Hinehley, 11 pher Michie, Sunsh fall use." O. C. Ca Actin of orchard Simpson Rennie, cattle for the Brigs The abeve m 10 In the evening of ea men commencing a delivered' by the • . versed All are welcome. . ev ARCH. HISLOP Seereta :146-d-2 • CARD The undersigned thanks to her friend nem during the i Edward Martin. M ins itute. st Huron Farmei•s' Institute for cultural Subjects, will •be held as follows : 'Monday, Jan: -;27 ; uesday, Jan. 28; Wednesday, Jan .2.. ETINO. I Wroxeter, an " Tuberculosis;" bury, " Breeking and manage- . Casten), 'Craighurst, " Bost frults and how to grow the m." • Pi/stance, "Fodder corn And the le, Seaforth, " 1Vintering cattle t'grass for the British market." I ken; Ont., " Underdraini ng." ING. Sunshine, "Growing fodder Dr. Armstrong, V.h., Gordo, or stook breeders." Alexander 1. Slansgernent of pigs." G. C. 'nt., 1 ' Beet Varieties of small des 1 of cultivation." Simpson structiou Of , weeds." Thomas "Fodder cern and the silo." I.lfE'J(N(. ury, "Management of pige.'' nation, "Rotation of crops." lett; " Bee keeping." tehrato- e, "Growing fodder corn for on, Oralghuret, "The best ea - nag, and how to grovelhem." 1.111mil4ekne,r‘:•Buying and feeding e ings will commence at , m. and 1 p.m. h day there will be an entertain. rif 7.20, at whi h addresses will be ay eneake and others, inter - by musical eels:Aims. • Reserved seats for ladies at ning:meetinp. iTHOS. STRACHAN, . President. Up -town store— • Carmichael's Block own -town sto Cady's Block. Election! Are clverit For anather year; excitement lis now forgotten; victorious canci dates ere happy, ,and everybo y has settled down for the wint r. By the; way, this is the propjr weathe for the wearing of hea y Rubbets and Soc s, Felt Buck e Boots, vershoes, loccasins, Ov gaiters Overstock ng, etc, Ycu may n t have hard, but othe s have fo nd out, tat we are se l- ing' W nter Foot ear cheap f r cash th s month. 1 The bigiru he companies hav advanced 1th Prioes. Our pric are lowerth ever, as we are aking rooro f a Spring goods met suffer h. cad feet any longer, when we can shoe you for the 'winter at veJIv little cost. ,NCING tsrsdav Piekar Fairs, Their annual clearing sale of !Il -ad .1"-tr. 4.. , Jan .. 2nd, And d ie de Clothing, ry • .,goOds,-,, neral REMEMBE et& Whe we want to ell ait mg we put the • wher bople do no hesit te to buy. CERTAINL • Glan over the is of sale ia you. will o1seive in thei and in s me c int 1 , + La 1. ti, and Gent's Per Coats,' per cent.. d'o ot ; Ladies'. Fur Capes, 20 er cent. di: nt ; Muffs. Cellars and Iltu , 30 per ce a discount ; Frieze Overco t , 12.1 per ce t. discount ; Beaver and W r ted Over - ea te 20 per cent. discount!; all'Sher over - co ts 25 per cent. discount; Me 's,Youthai an : .y's Shiba., 124 per cent. discount; od ',tie Coats and yests, 12t per cent. die tit; white and gray Blank- s, 20 per ' ce t. discount;- splendid tangelo bed Com - for s ' 25 per cent. 'discount ;We I slumber Ru '20 per cent. discount; Wo en's and chi erns Wool Hosiery,. 15 per cent dis- co nt n all Mantle Clothe, 25 per ent. dis- co at p Woolen Shawls, 15 per ent. dis- co s t: all fancy Shirting, Flannel, 20 per eeniecount; large range of Mantle Cloths a p ice t 50 pieces Flannelette Ito dear) 611. per ya;c1. • all Ladies' Hats a off; $1. hat for 50; 7'5e hat for 25e '• 50'c ll 'at for 170; 20ies 44 inch Dress (31ciods to clear) 28c per yard ; 15 pieces 42 inch D esti Goods (to i. de r) 22c per yard ; A ailes oaPrints (to - to earl up) 7ac per yard ; our best grey flanae 1 (at 25e and over) 15 Per cent. dis- count ; 0,11 Ladies' 13nderwear (at 75e and over) 20 Per cent. discount ; all Ladies' Liaene,(1., Kid Gloves and. Mitts, i price ; all Men's Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts, in per cent. iscount ; all knitted and fanay wool goods 25 per cent. discern:et. • Everybod that tri them • is more than i3teased with t e • THOSE FIBRE CR IS VESTS. They are windproof. Cold eaneot peneeret them, and the warmth of the body is retained, W. W. Hoffman, SEAFORTIL PILL & SPEARE ARE OFFERING EXTRA• - VALUES IN - pUITINGS OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS • WINTER UNDERWEAR • FLANNEL. SHIRTS LINED GLOVES - WOOLLEN SOX, &O. ;pi fact, all winter goods, prior to; taking tock. The balance of our FURS at .agreat-' ly reduced rate. A range of Underwear for toys, from 5 te 12 years of age, AT COST. A. CALL SOTACITI3D. DILL & SPEAR& Seaforth, One Door South of Expositor Office price large discounts for' this SE KNIFE has *gone ses cut the price clear Our over sock of Our Est bill; YOU WILL JAN 1 ack Henrietta onipell us to clear. lines I worth 70c for; -50c. ••••••=•••••••••• , ent is large BUT WE WANT LOTSOF ROOM FOR SPRING STU AND TOCK T KINCUWILL SOONJBE TH ORDER. HAV ARY, "IEBlitTARY, MARCHMAND APRIL, Four Loitg To earthw Cold Months oods we are o ering in this sale. Everything Goes 0 We are elearing out. everything before stock -taking. Only a few weeks more before new goods ar- rive and the room is wanted. Biwgains ii Dress -Goods, Opera Flannels, Mantles , Flannels, Flannelettes, Linens, . Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear., Men's Furnis 0 ou cannot afford to stay away from • store &trine the proaress of this sale- , choke new go -rads -71-1'''' • Don't delay if you want 1 e,„„ess; ;eve,' • MeCosh 86 Jeffery,' ARMTCHAEL BLOCK, - 04th 1:2_13..-2-f3 11143 i5/ verything will lyou we 5 miles, 1 this tore *ill be th' you vill be well phi from as. rn se seasonable and new goods. Whether les, 20 miles 0 30 miles from Seaforth ace where you can save money and d with your ay'sj travel to purchase SUCCESS - of the highesb order is attending the The Canada. Business College Chatham. • Pupils are ftoekingto this popular business d shorthand school from many distant ints in -Canada and the United States., e receat opening en January1tJI, was oue of the most successful in the historypf the school. The suceess of our pupils nt Reding and filling good positions, is having *felling effect on our attendance. It pays to attend the best. For catalogue of Short- hand or Business Department, address,• ' • D. MeLACIELAN & CO., Chatham, (hat, 14.86.1 *UST BE SOLD Fur Caps, Fur Storni Coliaree Fur Muffs, Fur Boas. Got our prices. W. W. 'Hoffman, SEA.FORTIL $NWS TAR TLI G • Che per t eve Grey Cloth • dercl ials, IF1 nnel Dress G od aeke , Shawls, U tit* g, 1liu1inery Mate at Bo nets, etc. RT an, • CUT piing it with roti TAB DISCOUNT LIST, make a for ego F TtIANKS. wishes to express her sincere and neighbors for their kind - nese. of her husband, the late . E, MARTIN. • 466-1 —Mita Effie IVni. May, of St Wnt. ,May, of W chants in that to inst., aged 21 y ts n May, daughter of Mr. Marys, and sister of Mr. it & May, drygoods mer - el, died on Thursday, 2nd ' rs, 1 month and 19 days. Larg The annual meetin Mutual Fire Insurance PUBLIC. HALL, FAR OF FEBRUARY, 189 purpose of .recelving Treasurer'e and Audi directors for three yea of D. Mitchell, resigne to revise the by-laws and any other businasi pany. J41011 ESSE ERON, Secretary. T CE. Of Cm U : a,t th rs' rel In Y, he tisborns and 11b,ett pany, will be held in the AR, on the THIRD DA. 1 o'olock p. m., for 111. Director'., Seen reports; election of •a one to MI the vaoancly • e deeding with a molldn tive to steam threshe • heteresi of the1 465x3 resident;Coz THOS. CAI • rY stabf100 Goods ,nt 6,000 Volunteers WANTED AT A. :G. AULT'S Grocery, Crockery • and Provision Store. As I have made up my mind to make a. change in my business,I now offer my entire stock of China, Crockery and Glassware at COST. I have a well assorted stock and will clear out all at -cost and at the Bettie time will sell all kinds of Groceries right down at -quick-sand prides. I will quote a, few of the Many articles for cash: 8 ibe. Sulphur for 25c; 8 lbs. Salts for 250; 6114. Currants for !Se; 8 boxes el matches for 23o ; Brooms, 16e leach or 2 for 25c; 12 ban eoapfor 250; 81bu. tee dust for 25a; apple butter lOolior can; 3 MUM sardines for ; 5114. hones fishfor 25c; pure honey Sibs for 25c; a ibl. Mixed esndFtor 250 ; 114. figs for .250 ; packages torn starch for 250; 4114. dates for 25c ; 3 own corn,pes and tomatoes for 20c; 1 gallon ap- ples fer 2413 ; oranges and lemose 200 per dozen;first-elass butter 15e per Ib.; fresh eggs e per dozen ; sweet ender 25a per gallon; eyrups, 40 and 50o per gallon ; lard, ene- per Ile; theme 12e per lb.; potatoes, 3041 per bag; the best lines of stook raising, !healer 25e samon, 10o per can; waik ' bet:unts, never -a ; kinds of teas at bottom pricers • Ol•••••OoloOO•m•••••• GAULT Seaforth.