HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-17, Page 47- 7 777777777 V .4 J, .777W77 JAN UARY 17'. ism RON,EXPOIT- THiF, - HU OR9- ANOW in cc un grant. I !he llhelro, we iltfl6eAontly omitted to mention living. 31rs.'O'Loane wasdistinguisbed for n f1k --at ch so we Cheers.) �410 one elb. his ixiabifify and f6r a time lost their identity i, I. the nient grant, and $3�108 M 78. Aud (3 avin Moir, sion of Mrs. her amiable �dilspositio a, and her b industry in Oxford ,0 t the great ch '11 wii r NFNV A.PVERTISE w, . . here, folldi Fiug, were . elected ollicer for 181.0 th oatne o C mo IS than I -did when I as placed in I the happy circle of friends and we 'a - - cerktre�of Ontario, all el as, of those )ir'll i 'is and b4s; been kindness to -the lnfor tau Allan; viiie-presideat, 'G ge -.1 W 0 ate. -Pres' ent� A. MOD, t1 e resent time, toget, er im a tant position of 4e d' of 'the Gov�rn - The pastor and his estimable wife wen l then wLTho figure b A -en the Pareathen [e after o neeted: with it at t1 a in Stewart; s(cretary-treapureri- R1 in. fol the t Fqi aLrter of (z century, M-argaret canoeb violinist of I'll ed ad- Jam las one denotes the )a ' of' the, paper i in which ao I �P 8 well kn n me t, following, as I did Iftch men as i the madeL the reelipiente of a kindly wot d' ad with instructive p, 'n dLress; latWn and — I ck, Tb o.3. or nore 'the trt sted book keeper and Stratford, fave two f ne violin selections at advertisement -il b founiol. Ri i Ron. Sir 'fohn - M, donald, Sir ci� expressive.of hearty appree . I Lane; directoraj William Watno authorities. 'This ad- No ection the Wornark aMoriting Nfusio elub,in L*nden (5) Ab tit, and . the Right Ron. n affectionate re ard and esteem. 6fti I A. Bingh, m, 0, A. Wells, J. int p ac Or o 0surances in conn all of whom WL all kne dress was read y Miss Stay the 'husi ess of the Messrs. Ross Saturday morning. "ir Every.thulng Goes- - Gosh & Jeffoxy �,th aft6r which Richardw,� J. E. Tom, 1. Jordan, id "ir "ir "ir "ir Sir -'Schooil Book Dope madenL & Wil Mae nAld -1 iLdedL'oontemplarary, Thd upson, Nv an ally leyel ie -8 of 31 i b .Resuito Bound to 0)' Our not e an ind' Mr. John Smith, i -R. Slannon.. Meal: P14 the in ilionaire shippers and ven- —Mrs. James Bower an to a It, ver d,, not only the gentl ivi III n the nan)6 of the church Stewart, and Dr. JJ,' , It ore, lRoduction kale-1fred Davis (8 -Er , in. referring - to he 1011, L get owners of )nebec.---�T e n- �Visiting herLaiS s. John Walkora of the Clinton New o were appolAted auditc h"Misses Job ter, 11 r BoamMul Present*—Fred DiAls (8) but for their intellect a d �ability. d knd dongregat' resented ..'Mr. gamilt6n Hall nd Reynolds P a U, of %Vi lowlHall farm London road, �Fallartoil, after an absence -egistiar- Ons v stQ Of eighteen Fresh Arrlvals—F�ed Davis (8) appointment of Mr: Al,wre_3 to the r a li;j �iff Gibb 4� no�t, that jealousy pr6vai ol, and the iii-' with an easy chair, and Mrs. �familton d a Williamal, 8 Fame for Sal"� Dickson (5)' wore kbill last week visiting their years. all' f W t rth, 'e 40 The Ontario bition to destroy -the loof ness of tile d0*',1-,w1th a beatitilul easy rocker &nit hanging Voter FoX, honorary direct ors. Reduced Prices for LSOL Days—Gancy & wo wrisbip' Logan wen 'Mly Hamilton With a. I r.. Jam o si 4tol ri Shoit.—Mr. Thomas Bell, of to b hara —John H., MoDougs -ornient, been so fir - ro ted in the br'0'8*4t lamp,: and the Misses ie� Crich, of T ickersmith, v h �b uctl 111M baf, violaled 1 -known Bibo oneees Oard u L de of -whf)m I as associated, !I il ly purchased Mat Aless ni t 6, a, id f§rmerly of near here, is re- against the. House Df Rifuge.' Only U G, �eorkkmexit -well Go to the Best --D. MaTiaoblan (6) piece of chinawate. rece -a. era, principle, and Ne. i oon r it is IMP hose With pretty in this seotion, v ft its favor and Big Candy Stock--i-F red Davis (8) NNW from he Elmhurst herd, mi cle a. ReCol �slt nowingi,old I and votes were .91: -on Case (6) illegal for apy illem �)6.r -of Varliamexil i to flatter mys If that we should have, been as k�. 'I I 'Farm to Ron and eaulred the very fine ieifer cayff 'IM is Ion Ing !L a c �arxd- bea tZ.—The .Rev. IglinSt it, p -in s oceslful in carrying 9A the affairs of this uron 'Not6s. Farmerie Inat Meetingg—A. Hislo (6) accept an office of thit t better ill u I OL dUgLilf We J%�e i Ae a this week —Scarcit Straw Cutters -IN tn. Elder (&) I - There are now fifty-four �ptnato 'in the Jam sire by the imporga So(, qlik I ull Rednidnol, Lr wa of feed has greatly lowered the it W." We alwways,t re pr(tty cotillitry. Fibre Chaniolsve -ts-w. W. Huffman (8) Geller al Booth (54353) a, 14 from 4bella- hit imb tb Redmond. and price Gf stock this- m in Libera I priFi lea, but we from Mt. -Foater'B state- ��nter. At Mr. h L Ho ke of Refuge. lilts. E. Marlin (6) well vex lied A lt6r qtoting or i;Minb in the town - on's - a few days Anita- Dkiery irl ina �ro 1 1-e Ob f t e family ect� Hill, Z� 113read. Brou litona "I BusU. Lot for,.ale-4—Tames Jones (6). do not- kilaw of anly o -od cows sold from $12 lo$1B. CarA ot T I e lot would lire- BrusseU' has another I desaw4nt 1e, lent, where he says that himself and W. stock of- Sy4vestei 1, Kinel ber� shipo, of Ha.� kl. Stailley.—Alarge num- o jo Meet! g-�-Thom as Cameron (5) neat appointiag a man io a sho Id be cheap there as ent the G in nnual -Wm. Logan (6) Ot hdraw fro'm the cab' -Moff&t cent Scotland. * C 'mP 'mportai t sale is b of the iber ensall lodge of —The bymeuial be a are ringing ga Aactitin $ale of F,�rm Stoek ax�otllc Imost unanimc us �equea� of 1colb agues: (lid n Mr. Peter -6, of fo rris, �1111 erect d �notherei of H d by' I ition e n w wic Tes Vodefte, an exti good )ull calf site: e thiii vicinityof Ande No fewer than arm 9 _J' Z,mmerman.(6) po� t�!!`, adepen; Oraer of Oddfellows a I iderice in the I the People inte4ested.' It, seen m to us 'that met on 6,1coulat aaiy disagre ment of rity, Ounell bleeting-W. Lane p ig lt -a- re united o1i New 1,�ews-,A. G; Ault (5) t is carryin out a %,cry. -pr( minent Lib. eplies: Rev, W. Lowe, late of li�ao en- imported G6neml 'Booth (543,53) noil froi o', e e tha. POUy, heil lenco; r bQ 8eaf )rth on Wednesday afternoon four form r i�sidcnt ti d in Fi- Year, ads of matriony. t d uppon his duties as-iree r of Paul's Village; Violet, descended -rom A. Crui k- Wattend e. district meeting bel a night in the 1) oral ppincipal. y in accord M 2, that, respect am f ull t ollegge stn - p r sh, Wingliam. shank'§ Village Girls; of ittyton; beide 3xi, deli r to df tihere,—.Mr. William Chan- —Mr. Tbomas Bell, a XuoY- C a n t nentAnd in fe ling..,with my late c4l- i - v rolas now beipgyxlra Nfaud Sheppard, formerly of Scotlsnd. The pure aser M ig� in ark, a J ner atet i� just So dent, occupied the pulpit of P e litis Alice I ii Mr. John r smith, lately returned es t efe th ere .4vonton and (lied in New Yo -k city 0 ill it several weckii` visit among his rela. Drumm, at, Carliogford -t th has be n wi gham, lea- tie. He stat i Apo gin, 0 nbe. gut Site in West elliniton for t1te teaf in the no ifferen(e of opi ion . bc tween us. - Th t con ber 17bb aged 27 yea S. 4es and J riends in ifferent parts.—The first�Sabbiath bf this year. P rs. —A f ter an absexil of 14 years, al Logislatti6,, rende d beir the case, c n any of you concei e Markitobo�, is: vilt- inbraboirs of !St. Paulls chur h intend It W JAI. 8 1 his Purchased the vacant by Crawlord� of.Killarney, c old- —1 The property of the ifenry West- fit..ra Of fi -h3 after the. I'm liamen tL has met, af r c of Exeteir, was sold by auction recentiv' -of his boyhood, )ndes- U9 a entertain6nit.for the Sabbath school Whiteman acres, at Prospect T 17th, 1896 the unseating 1�nd.dig ualifyina� of Patron.' w 'Ing the :q ff i I'l, f Or "k l. 9 on rp oldrose lias:bee r rnulgatiad, not on y -ed a SEAFOR H, FRIDAY, Jan en in ;-MeC9 werk's hall on W e dity Th isa choice farm, a the i b as childL P boro. k Crawford expresses lip d. lo 1 Mr. GoorgeH. Bissetb, for $510., Tucker. There is no, Conse'rvative colid' he climate'of',Vani- ev�xling of next week. -11r. E. Nablo jo )"Flack's.0 nProperty. 'J. Patterson d John L Neal bu to' th whole countr to Parliament, higbl� delightedwiih � t date runn' il essrs. an Ing) lind tlle�e is, IV] 'I Of 'he -cabin t Miln i mill t oba,t nguine r rMer- cese 'fylit e. i -A Clean Sweep -ai 11 fi. b e Patron aid Lib- tha, youhbuld.fin se en t nd very sa egardin I have rented"William We f a- iA'r'liant tailor f Ailsa Craig and fo Gr f the Elma Cb straigh coly img to Parliame t a il sendi iril th r 9 Fourteen ly of Hensall, ws in the villagia this week, Company 4 one of thle� �speak-ers a LiL...1 9 a Mr. P&t- ture f th prairie province. facto I ;-Provincial' elections took or Ethel, and take -possession in larch 44 - The Mitnit;6 a real 4nations, i9imp biecaise the did.n t —Robert A.: Newton, a-wernployee of the years ago he was a farm baud in III on cai. I On a 'a convention the Areste!kn ir�7nlen nd the Grem� terson, wrid' the Patron is M r. Tucker, a whor. Ill, few �uf his friends. at i place on We�,ncgdwy last, a likc the gentleman with I they It d His subject was Goderich Signal, met with a 0eve-'re aocidenb COURt r ;- to,day he is the owmer of 320 ac -ea- Woodstock this brother of. the un'q'eated one.1 Alessrs. bee i associating, a me -of them for eight r Nva.Governmont.has made a etpan awe �p. Ross, Hardy- id Gi�eibn are 'I avibg a that office one day recently. of fort4ble house to iesJ do The care of milk." good land, a coin Brussels. llt� Or as L %,... t —Mr. T. nell, who h been teiebing in, goc)d barns, plenty of fine stock, etc, —Mr, Charles Mason, who has beft re_ aii has . been almost entimly in the �fight. Leadibi, Hay o( of hia� I The Opposit c k 'ind- other o e a I I 1 11. ey d4 73�rir&—t., 8 cott this week a -6 -Ing the, 7 knew just as ell 'as seb Dashwo�d two Last 1 ar 60 ere and yielded 1,900 "I'd I t elected irustE ef Don gaIschool, has servetl iped out, and. not one ha! b retur e Pittro .4 areoliampiog their cause. The ool near for the as 0, Orey, 100 acres, belong ' f 8 con howeverinfe'rior to thei� own it may have eon-tinito - I -s& ch he re- U cousti xiency is�naturoly Reform, i but it it thIe Normal So ool this busb@s of wheat, portion of 17ithl, i concession us y or went -tw4p years. This j years, will attend a 181 t e bee: i -and I readily 6dri tit that ink to Win. Wil*6n, of BILandford, Oxford -gaialva vas- a ility and faithfill- Aci tell the tale. In the list e oba le that a coaht�on of the Paitrons and term. sold a6L 42 cents a' bughel, He is of he is good evideitee of h sun ed that I had the gi;antic i tellect with co to Edward Delayer, of Elma for �).'-The old council held their last there were 27 Government supporters," nd onse -vatives M9y defeat the. 'Li ra a"- -.Ur. IT. Carktelol�, an old lre'sident of opini tbab there is n6 country und, -r the �ness in the Positioxi, Wit h these -,gentlemen who bave retired on Clinton, aw leased the Gordon House, Or- sun e( ual to the 'Canadi�u Northwest foi- a -EvangelilAe nice in are now being l Oppositionists.. -.On Wednesday,. 0-9 didatc.: The, election! takes - pla 4P. the from the cabinet have been * endowed. e Ug On Mondayi, and had one of the to �%.traight Government supporters were e16 tea of the year lacing of the the 18taffa circuit. (Laii4bter and cheers.) Not at all.' -All over the . ily. vfry enj yable evening Wass sp, rif n nil . Mr. X�enxer And 27th iast. angeville, ai!id. will shortlynove there with poor nan held nightly at 'the a e appointment of is h ti e �1;1 Paltrons. o1ram for myself.is ithii: A moral hion. received for the woollen mill. "The F ngelist ed ;. 4 Independents and 7 1 n ingJ Hunter are. the principal r. Christolp�be a b managing -Tilesday of last week, Ephraim Cober Frid' 7, Prol ins in Brucefield, at the school question was the main issue. It is -1 e a firm convictioji of wh t eti g Members wanted it placed to the d Empire, ied -at his and Miss Mary E,, daughter of Mr. of J0 ephRobi ison, when quite, a ni I r Vorkers. director of the Mail an. the determination! under all cirou credi of the sinking! fund, ;Yhile the t at prejudic - f mn ng ones we nted $500 placed to the evident-, therefore, from this resulibi' b Robort,,,Lang, of Ethel, were united in the Of th friends , If Mr. and 1V ra. S. P Ic. -31r D Chalmers, of Poole, who is an dairy matters, advise$ the real in To ri Tuesd morning stab ces, whethe it pleased.. the es el de rice, roilto,: r holy estate of matri iony, at the Preeb meet ith: then, to convey to them th e'ir in Afanitoba does noit want remedial legii a. o or anotherito ei1koleavor to- car credi of the amount paid o4t for legal ex- ith Bri ht's dis- y terian manse Cranb ook, D. kindl feelings ind good wishes befor th Ar h buyers to a buy cheese '0 last. He had 'he�,n ill with Bri tiop from the Dominion. Such a, cle outi, e policy of'the Go'vernment and p byRev pe I nee 3 some ti na, ago. The remaining mem- ease a ince the m ber. 'He remoi al to nor them -Michigan next i iard:'from nAlk ca'rrr1(:d1nt canis which have or re rnm tael tniac 'of Roth n Ir. land, but -On Sunday morning, 6th inA., Mrs. X.: The li dies provided a very tlea, )0 - of Li*rick, it in orce, bers, von the figA. The reeve said he was b6en used. f t ,whey. sweep has nevef'before been recorded in t e was ative excellent W ent sorry fore serving wh, ch a complim to part wi; 1 the old council, as they istory of Canadw. came to Canill a p qui e y( After- quoting again frpm fr. Fostei's Docket, �of'Henfryn, pissed aw6 ary a4dr --Nlr. and _Nfrs. Mi( d 'Ung, and y, at the. - I had a harmonious year, but 4e trusted next in i apprentice ip to the printing statement, e contin ibov advanced age'of. 77 yea D and old wtcs ri ad 'and X r. and PoliZek, 4 rp year, rould be tI ie,oame. -The Liberals who -age was sari e'ea d open i,ng d to- he h use roo?llcath, she presente, with suitable m rday Ub ins ser�ed bi Sire. il�ell, Manitoba arrWied Mithell on Sat - trade in the G16be o, e, under th- late yOu. will note, however one sentence lin ementos.. Ixf t. They! intend a* prt West Huron'in Line. went, to hear Sir Rihard came home in Brown-. having been -ill for the past few , onths.Wri tea - tf I �.f the winter with parents nd friencaws in He i 58 years of age,ani. tbi 11� happy hours were whiled The bye -election in s they eorg s'ex'planation which m ght leave a.false -the b i6st of spir ts, an were all on Logan. We t Huron, it eaves a widow liter and fivesons., Dockdt died about 23 years agd. social conversation, music and singing. A r. 00 impi ession ,.Pon the minds of the rea hand to be th eL good news, on Tuesday derwark n of He mpresente , We Ountry - Kaj N -er. and Mrs. Pollock will be greatly missed I -At the municipal 'election in Logan the I I refer, to tl is ps ragra d Tuesday last, resulted in the retur d IlFiln. the- Dominio r Joseph alloiigb, bqtel keep 'Nvnsbip, Johu 'Benneweis . ; - I eveni ig, �t e e ti 0 r. -rGn, by 0, good Mai r Pirliament for one ter'rh, and at the next rhis we have repeat di T at Du!ngi 6nnon, dropped dead at ten o'clock Brucelield and especially in the Method sell ol' board defeated Oun- -NI.- Gr, Came orI y OV4 y upon for eat Huror.. new 0 election was defeated in with.the.resut that we found WOx esda, ok from church, where they were active'worke Win. JSinit. by �a majority of 240. �remier, on y eveni g of last. Ive his opporienti Mr. D. eismille'r. Thus i -Weat Durham by the took their.oats! statutory meeting, IV- cad vening, aftii Hoin. )Cdward Blak6. Since thert he has U' heartl failure. ' Dece sed was b' 51still Mr. Pollock beft g a member Of the.qnarte Air. Benneweis-was 10imerly reeve of Afe� o rs-.Ives faceto f' -1�amcrk a ace with Pa h on Wedn -,r taking the. z deoland never tried to gbt inic Parliament. r i I wa;a widel' nown a TveZ board. is that, ano4ber. constituency ha,- He was i -year, an y n highd illop, Huron county.1 ng Government with its members incom- I declaration of o c before the clerk. Dr. on ly respeoted by all. ar*s - e i A" 'upbernia, *eLiren., daughter'of eol the ablest Meru Jj Canada. -fliere d away on New 'Ye L7 very emphatic agd at the � DOMIDI-011 Piet and mith la 6 assur ian e that the pres- ally th' 6 of his son, Robert, il Grab in was ele In -THeiGbolerich Knit P a 8 !i' 'd clilairman.-In the case ir. James 'Id sa Ling Company, (lim- at- reside f Jo Ustol MeLaren I erchant tailr, of There w , evidently, a small ent remier cou tisf etorily complete nie� vs. beattie, for assault, before t, 31aU armers' Sun, Tor A. Nairn,;Donald C, arallitchell, at the affe. f Of Jo an 11. Oobert Out good friend thiii F itbol') coin Osed of 0. r'ing I- in, will' Hamilton of vote polled, b�it at the tan Kerr, McC Hunterthedefendant was ted Xe e of writing tl e. Stracha, J� R. Shannon, James Clarki 76 years. Dee sed came CarkaAa fr( day by Toronto, celeb a W Yeai's we have unit fined 1512 and c t a, and in the case of Bid I onto, ;a wrong,when k says *' - 1he, Sea- H6 says Nevertheless' full returns have not been made- public, bi t George j kcheson Ale3. Munro, E Downingi, Norfol:,--, Engial d, With his parent en j�ining hands i1athe holy bonds of matri- forth . t y s, - brth X110$ITOR inferentially adinis that I d I yally striven, to the beat of oJir V6 'B atie he vi as y fined $ and costs. - n sett,16d in, MonV.- the majority is in thei nighborhood of 251). abilli to nio'ke it stron and- efficienb: " CbarleaA. Hurilber, R. C. HaVs, Willianxi quite 3 oung, a - York boun,3, The rmer's I sii.tute for Brussels will be the-- flerals liciped to elect the GcOernment Wallace, William Ho'land and Renry Hor-1 near T )ron to, V, b ere he has i l, sister. still A, Warren, (I St. Marys, had on vernment I shal not com- ! 27th, in the This is a very reapectale mitiority and t Tha is, 016 Go town hall) 11 operate 1119 While h jed On antiar her table on Christrilas Dav a wbitie ehry- can' ta�io, in order that, men. upow that statern ton, with a capital of Q20,000, wi iv ing there be anarried when in el,esting papers will be given di( ate in N6rth Ohl a ent. I could, how- - irrera -neasured. ensaras )1r. U." feturn at the ap t�,� in s. He themu, o6e blooi a of*�,bielj I the I'abron- micrbt b1c tell." Ti, Ex- ever� characterize it iu b in Godrich El Ica I moved lt� Turnberiy 32 ett r1anguage I -!T(:� neither.infer � ;ialy. nori cars a o, whet I On ag, icltural tijects.-Mrs. J. R. Grant. fi teesk- r -nee proaching general 616 But under U. e 110S ily"other At the inches i1i cuu fore als annual in eting of the patrons of y the township was a forea o a bea that �ikk which the sent6ne is couched, at d 1 m d *- in I F and 5'yu �litcra, i �ssie and Jessie, are visjt� twelve circu. stances, it have been fh e W"ity, , ker made such -a. loolish assertion and mord thad that, with no less- d ltbe Ethel cheese fact ry, the aliditors'pre- all hgham but 41 am 11, 1:1 ti ul cyclameni with o. er stews - place, a eglree f bough t 'thought ainythin� so foolish. � We Id I last ye;,ar I a work. e farty n which iog frieu ols here, ving just arrived from. hes high. never sented their report of 0 9 ;son Willisin winn ip times as large. If such a thing were 0 trutfi. Thenli: they state 1at they wait d possi- think,'however, that had. the tor: 71 Patrons de� to' insis U: Viiere were 1880,000 polunds of milk His wife died 22 years ago, a. I p g, axii (ba,. They intend spend- A steel smokestack has been created at Upon1l me in or t re- still 4 es. I ble, that a, Ref ing tt e , in er i I )utario.-,X1i: P. D. rei t orm. (4ove, stuck to their codidate, as close ly as the the �Oeived making 103 of Aieese, shortly 4fterwai de, he quit e the B thaupt Leathe! Company s annery -runsent should Pre str ingthened a tmink. Sir Rovernment: being .,a Kihnon, general g6t for Manitollm- of the sent such a disgustffir, Spectacle 'of corrkt]�- Liberal PatronsAid, lb�ke, Patron adidate 1. That is quite tie, b Which realized 8,8,413,0i 1. The expenses then 1,6 had Veen livingamon t in Listowel, which, with tbol brick foUda- perst nne ut is e e g his el 1.- 0 ario M"ual Assurance 0 in dred I feet It auld. in all pro-babilitk bave. beer. el6oted, amounted to $1,955.89, leaving the patr-ons dren and friends, but mogtl) with his SMIJ Ipay, on, is ne igh. A seconit t v�s was fit town laEt eek, visiting orse tion, dissextsion,and deroralixaion, s. the a single word* in any of 'those senteno's 0 �i and but for the-,-Patrox a a�ljtting the vote whic I would lead' ou to be eve after . wh t 16li462,14. Willial 1. re 81 t -power boiler bs'recently been Put Doihniiaxx Government have exhibited 1-o y and.hiends, for tariff reform, the' raij has I een whis ed a -bout the country., that 9 a happy event rel �cb of the 114 e P peaadidate and. On New Year's eveni -INIM. Mary Milne i -the taneryw. public gaze, duriu the I ast two -weekq, tI �e tariff reform would. aVe Atood. a good it took. place at the resi en Joikil ISHIne, of Ethel, pass(d: away to I ar r. J. Leslie, of the river road, near I "Dvernment they ce 6f George was the ho'ad of . the 0 Parker it being the marr age ofl his eldest reward on Thursday, 2nd in t.� at the g)d strongest man- in the Literal party� seekir g chance of At amy 'rate, the !vvem strikiniii at instead of the S Marys,� bas'been visiting his parents Mr. st-eA figures see to jusl6ify heseconclusions. :datialite'r, Mary, to Wm Russell;ofDaluth old ap of '49 years and I � I ion�tbs. - AbC Ut' M rs. John - -eslie, at tile ld home election as a 811pporte M, itbe k4overkimem? 16 'is true that th 171 if the Governmen LoCA1 XOT�-.% - -1 he' annual fireme it- n eld two years ago last Septef�b.r! dece Mr or "vec eat son of James Russell, of Morris. :The ased h's co mn *here they have R I for would not poll five hundred votes in ary WaitA upon me and pointe out the nee to _gilitoi , eremony was performed Py Rev. E. A. mov�d from Ethel Stirlillg�_F-alls, whe e 4 Id in' Drewls opera house arer,61 years. The old couple are halo and- sity of strength�6nign the Government, s c cert �m hi oh w a It sha11 publis ed with her dau . ht -,r. t - A stroke f on Thursday Pv ni -arty. Mr. Leslie sr., has resided on the What He Thinks of Them. g constitu Ontario. W� Ou t tj haw, of Belgrave, and wa� witnessed by a stle res d ng, the 9th inst., was h, all G wornments It be tronftheet, . 9 d nt tn ed the eit of the season, -'Rev. hDinesteadsipce 1822--74 years. A week. The following extir& from a a peech de- e prono in a the fall ozlioinreturns ne.% t ber of eloltives and friends. paralyk is was the cause of death. Mr. Afil and according o my own views, sbou - 4 - L Elam Livingston, of Bel- qied at out twnty years agd, 3. -(;,eorg-1Webber, ormer p �Mr. E. Hargraft, -o Bowel acqu esce in any i� . - While' Mr. age(l 60 tor of tbe propositiof of that� kinal. one of the Toront livered by Sir Macrkez�le eL 1, in the grave, andMr. NeiliTaylor, oflklor i � were There i re ten children liv.; g, viz.:. Pe JameE street 6 h)4 ' layersjtrying itheir skill in Strat- 'k, but-th those I inte r_ b1i c reached two able ser- ey The Od ]EE Repa;ired. re is no ifiUmation n td ill give our readers in An that c on Sun last to lar,�e ri eir's I I . views Other thati pointing it certairt mei i� Passing on the' road near Blyth, on Tues- ititli River, Parry Soun John,! 11 li ew met with a most Senate a fe days ago a�i The old allis knot Ill I S. r. illard, a 1 �4� , i.4n at c 1�4 i en gVernment hulk at 0 some idea of -the: opinion which hi� enter- bers )f the Gove6iment whom they tboug! it day afternoofi� of I at week, the latter's rs.. S. Nfilme f Stirlini; . e c horse buFer fo irtunate hile. on the ice. An - Fal horse shied toward Mr. Livin-aston's cut- Urs. AW. Anders 11 ridge ; Afre. fr ra LG Lawa, which: has -beeft lea king so dangerous- tans of some of[: thos,6 who were formerly Oug 1t; to go Out. Certai ly tbey� ne%�pr on, of Sun idon, 1, g and, purchased several other player ike,.Mentally struck him on the 1, of 0 ly -for the pat two week ii; with one hal f of meant themseh--es,_becauqe rom. (his state, ter. �Tbe poWt of one of the Ishafts pene- How range Hill; i�'m- - and � bav h roes b -re o :: T adday last. -Mr. i. Black- v,,e with the at Of hi" skatie, completely is colleagues, �nd -ho, now Chat, the -result being . , ed b Te ment ne -would suppose t at 4.11 the wis- e ; Barbara,of Wroxeter.; and Jain, 4, a te sti, the t, It o trated the ho�sc a df E all a xxo� OSt. Thomas ; Mr. J. t Is i gi ew in open rrktkti� hatchet hasbee'n �nriei I, are likely to be h that it bled to;deat in a few minutes. of To essee. One sister died:20 years al 6: robibad o If Se, Ah ; Thomas J, Bi�rry, the or Thoma's O'bZnneli the chief executive Y. and all Of thei n is dom Ivas condentraed: in heir cranitims. 11 - dy of Mrs. ensall, e on Tuesday and pur- -The-residie;nce o James McGee The INfilne was brought to. 1� I quarrelling with. each otl�er worse tha-a Kil- colleagues ag____. ri of the W11 e oificer of the murkidipality'af Gdshill, AV - It also shows wh'at a: But here -were others of om they h4d I�exlrti Cas, has been tei 4-orarily repair 10th conces Ethel d levr ed happy f exalted opinions, an had they iii- Wsion! of ast Wawanosh,.,' was the a ad the funeral took Plaoce from te animals. -:-Despite the p.-ared in Str-.fford police court on wea- no amily thel Dominion Governmental e tima dto mo that- I was one of them,;, I resting . event- on Tues- lliam,Uilne intermentlie- U�� nd st y weather, . Tuesday n %day, last charged with havingex- so' ne of a very. it reside b�d erO ily was, ni e at Wroxe as a b - ay:( med hares For sale at his store. The ,m4tineers have retil-kned to their worl, and how harmoniottal they' day, December 31st� when -his eldest daugh-' Ing Tli ter, where Afr,- il ne I&y Ndi the horse buyers.- P the' y about I have made way fo T, them but 11 ter, fified. Wer Mrs. H. Daymark ch b Mr. O'Donnell as and p ace and harmony has once more bee a Iwelt together. 9f theondtict of the seven board nothing of that u Adeline, was united in.. marriage to was b M r, Ja 'es to' t and. atil proven, of Wh' ow od led$5 and- sts. r'estored-on 'Nvo days 6 the surfao�e. Sir 1aakelizi e I John Beecroft, a prosperous young farmej� No thwest Territory, wh 6 00 d - I _.. I -e olters, 'he sai Parliament had met. I in&], that expa� have n tn e ena r tion ih orderth 't I may verifv their-st t of that vicinity. The ceremony, was per- n e f le past month winding -A publi� meeting f the citizens of e an4 Sir Adolphe Caro i Hensall. I need see. ely:say i at English liistor� up the sta;e of late Henry Weatcott, re formed bv Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgra R1ostock and the surrounding districts was xxientilas to t" fo - strengthe in the Cl6mmons anourIO-,d on Wedne sda, 9 Two econd re ink go offers no precedent. for the position in which -At the firstofficial meetin f ve -hand Straw Cutte left for illoll, irsday last. -Dr.Fran, -of dig - I - Lro d Fair 4t he ilensall imp] t e Q n ien o the'Cln- 1141di Ratz'.�.all thei -her day, to A the G -er ast tE, ov nment had been reco we find ourselires to -d T re have been I ion horticultural a, 01 re ement Shop. W.M. ElbD R, si be Wiety, nI Wednesday of s, es *In n, the notool Drn t -x, ,-tor, paid this place it c."s mea ires f6r the'building of ide- A more scathing denur ciation of 1e last we structed; the vacant positions a many occasions upon villich � ministers' of a ek, the following. officers we flying sit'O U e y -11 filled* a I', rib elect- w*lks. All t4s� prZipt seemed o fayor cabinet ha 0 _e I . oung Heeru., ve resirflned heir pdrtfclios, and ment wa never made by its most ed: President, Rev. J. W. Ford ; Ist vice Owin to ls�md unavoidable circurnstan(es who sUe hof thb idea afidi a subscription list the G ernment ready to procee- its Oatmeal hore and was with th we will c, intiptio our great Pbighter sale of DO a have broken Up &over merits' 'but here is bit r:. oil ent 'acts which we president, J. C. Gilroy; 2nd vice president la: t uly., lwas br e than the ex x a ought from the stirt'd. 'Ne -Lily all ,bowed their good will tusmesaof the session. Sir Mackenzie i "OPP and Shois, Trunks And V21isea until February no precedet tha I have be ra is o, oil new t Councii en, ab 0 is- 1' Fir i ier's o vn tpeech col os er. iree ors- c enzie 1896. Unprahinejtheyar�stillcomng after e go b� subicribing 1 er. uotelfrom e em A r cover, n arned in D. Me agg, th a Still Irerpier and 1.resident of -the or h Armstrong, T. Holloway,. txvt� goods. I he people know a good thing when n w t LU tXU L town hall on att 1 of Stratford, Who ve made constitutional glomeration ile ma strate- Snell, who coin- wits engaged t ae t ejuniordepartmeilt C we are Belli 9 mitied �iria ti, Godi and six 0, the strikin members have re if Dr. Turnbull, W. Brydon, 'alker, priceellyot are simply not in it, 9 1 the law, or who ha t n. And this is the coy, way roe it. 11 you have not been to see our goods 'a d day las befo o elements'. -mis'- Cottle, kV,. Q ats. NJ 'Ile under eighteen, practice their sttidy, bi�erk able to.'put their , ise t4ant and aIntagonisti -�ich to stand his trial at ol, of Sebingvi c 0 turned tol the fold and taken their forme 0 r. - W. Coats was a 80 A e* everything at cost foi cash. AllpbrousindebtW4 r er icer eatoj and was finger upon a single inlotace in - which a n in (I a Governimant, which has been rul in elected secretary- trcos u the spri�nj a4 iZ'es. di4. not recei rer, without salary. meare r0luested to pall arlid.settle b eir, ac �counts at lHe has. just completed affices, The seventh, Sir GhR'les Hilyber ca-binet, jippaen�ly unilted, met P; Lrliament 9 'Mrs. Alfred Walters, of Exeter, died once and iaye furtheir trouble, as I am six mblathi' + Irow up her sititation. The lea Vilug Iffe U erm� for horse stealing n 11 4 to t Can d for! tlie�past eighteen years, nd Tapper, re mairis otit,but biste lr Charte and placed an address,'�' sail. A.'VrsXL011. j465-2: Eig affirming the prin- on Thtirsday,' 2nd inst., at the aire of 37 ju c6unty!. He Isays lic do =Ptio� sin�e been given to Lit- overnment in the the people of this co try are toi be es not like iss_ ci -hi(h' slon m -Lpp I: ler b lea and po cy of th� G years, 7 months Dece�sed li�d LocAi BAIEF%-The snow in this iection Prison tral.-There is scarcely and 19 days. e at' e eh tle, o� idgeto*n, a graduate f the Strat- f V�ry eep on his. place.- r 161 e n hands of Her Majesty's representative, and aske I a few montlis hence to return:: to been a long, sufferer from intbrnal causes, is gettir g* any sno, a fe,4r mi iils wi�st of t h Tt - er, sr., late High (!om, ha all th ma -on into the C&binet �irtrl si, sumes �d I so !20 been tak aastim I nroads, eft � Ow. One dtiti�s of Secretil, then, after having 'a ed for an adjourn. t five years.. It is and bad been in a lingering condition while or Many 6f the concessions nd Mel. Ro 6ovVflake, -MAnitoba . is h inst., ry of' State. I -Ton. A. morrC of three or four,days,. in the interi ppwi x again for the nex si e- Yoriner o some time. She bad an Operation visitin relatives i and Pro z � 9t _feod� flin is almost il a, sa �Ie, 3o 9 und � Exeter'.- enod rm etw gh- to make a horse siclil. It is enoug perfo s a McDoLetl1b,efor the It past e re Crystal City, Manitoba., I d they ci I inister !of Nifilitia, take the tilme of 1c delivery -of the in Lond6n a few months ;ago, which afford- locked and npe lia in R. Dickey, late N aor b een Nfr. Be4t Cud mor ��w years and half a popular clerk in 3U� �Vhia h been Visi ng relatives R. Strutbers' dr t to ir ate every patriotic Catkidian bang hi g_eV -here the y goods store, left on Mon - I address and the.'anembling of Parliamen. 8 ed only temporary relief, and her many Much interds as-marfifested here On Tu - �whia h the place �: vacated by Sir H�bert as Minister e -vfr.'A. De�jardirkes a ne-w desday . and ratu 1 d home on W e da of Justic' aain, that seven. member's, or,.in fact, any bemi il shame, when he' thinks of the dis- friends have beell pained in the last few day in the elec 41ons of West Haron d t] e Past in ith, raturri 3,,, last wee,j for his home in Listowel. ve sent in their Lmonths to notic h growing feebler, the t as largely I be . g last.- r. ani I Charles Perkins visit d Mr, UcDowell;� . during his resUence in the portion, of the cainet ba . grac-, that isibeing brolIgIA upon his. be- e her 41 eait elegraph c ce w -8 d I e inan from the Province of Quebec, takes the 'resignations. I need s(areely say that we anA her vits;61ity Weaker. e y anxious en�ufters.-Your regn .ci.r_ their d uS ite -, M Albet Johnston -at town, made. MR warra friends, wo will are, 'or, have - been, ie,� tab love I )ounfrl� in this enlight med age, and - 1 3 posi tion 6f Minister of Militia. The Ila- lihing a prece- -The annual meeting tf t. A In Us iae'last,. eek. -Messrs. W.J.and wis h. him tLf-- b t of success for hia futur.e. ullett agricul: spohden 5 cann( ti, claim- credit for t report trust in. the - ure, 'n er the glorious syste of self -govern- Ed 'IV c t t few days this week -Jarnes ro or, ne of the most. popular dent -which 1 0 und derstanding- is; however, that this arrange- tural society was held in ',Ii Tion on Tues4hy of the ar nitalm acting of Carel Pre terian ioneers'irk t e count 0 rt. 't t�te -a all ter what party lbay be Power* men b, Moult, even if the arious discordant ele I . - afternoon of last week. rhe "offl cers elee0ed church Which appeared in last wee a issu,. tmat ated. * . I gu6t of their u y of Perth, di on be repe, areD.A.Forrpster, preMdent; W. Weir -M c co t. -Ur. Will. Bs;Wden will not rs 1�11 a reeve T raday, 2nd nst., at his rsidence, 8trat- 8 therland spexxt� last Sabbath, in Alexits, can gree, whi6h is doubtful, will We have ai 0o, r. G. lummer, 2nd we He bad Ykeen sick about two weeks. ernment meet Pa News of the eek. Ist vice president; S.' vice Mitch * li g her brotl*r, INIr at uiJ to Goderich township on for - liament ith an avow d p e A. Den licy,and in a a t to us6 his franchise for Air. 11. Th deceas durin the I Tu�sda born Sault Ste. only be�tempomry, to last A baby weigbing president.- Directors 1. McEwan, W. of the m of De t & Tbonipson, barx * t0r 5. -1 few clays afterwards'a, qjority I of tha mb- Grant, J. Wigginton, r, W. Snell J. C. C a rmn ro the was forty-t4ree yars of age. L -Rev. 11r, Dihl' of A Present session. At the close of the session exa(tlV ore pound -,was bo# in San Frin- 4 oa ilsa raig, cal ed:cn Oember elect for West an� He had Rob6rt years inet retirc.d for reasons ii It tihey give to Cisco list Christma day. Reynolds A. Afac J. Wiseman, T. sfriends i a the vill eek. -Ther 8,1114 Hitio.n.1 Leathorn, aikother recoh, lictiork will t, I - ge t is who - ha& livil I d in Strathord for! twenty-five i It r %e, place, when. the public in the � statement �made by My Cottle, Auditors �w, J. , T. Har- nual ant ivo�sar' relatil-es a London the a we!I known r' ervices h4ld in connection Deenvisi. g. past anc- was esident 4 that, late collegue, the! 11(: W THE WO D. -The oiq few weeks re tti e* d home oi will ret1re alrid ir Chales Ur. I ostey land. .`Secretary, 4ts. It was -de- with rut I byteria-u- church oil ab- a Saturday. Ca Mid, t Cea ral G nal chucli, in Provi- ex initer of Finance,. spi �&ing, �as he.-. id., In e 11io Wtipper will bec;orne a diisoltition. di ided to hold the fall fair bru 'Taesday and bath ls night lastl Smith, who -The other li �,glit a -sleighload of Atwood den e, wer ver for nis colleagues, or bein 1 made into a, ri and evening, has se iliitlji whom be or t! ko Ni -ill tolke placii and an appeal will be made the t Wednesday, September 291[h aWd 30bh. argely tte ded d ex!cellexxt set been to England 1ith sea, returned here yo ug folk joun keyed to the house of Mr. weie Nl.� Laont, of Wingh4i, has Case, Loud ihe 126h concession of was actiog. Those reason's werie 'not r6asons, I �obn Little, tol the cotintr3f A,? -,(r T. B i i c o i� OR -F01" DEAD h e of on Friday on ivith Sir Chales ast leader. -The death of . prrie, 0 1 9 a; pil 4elivere I - by R Dal f on, san at the Jarries. stree 51 Allurch con and sp a l a mit evening. On the way of striat They were, th, m at - tev. Robert Sa e wood of about four cordl, which contains lianx, i0 o i16 an &b e an elo(Jublat pre cert on Mon - strange to say, 1 u el Gr I)ro- cbei . ent 8 . V i h 'home all upset occurred, which landed th is the pr6CrraTlim6 at present, but it is not. reaons which woulnusiolziy any mem- the following kinds of cod, vi�. : Soft and w-lic ar, d nig t last��-_X E `G. H. Bissett,bas been test w1t Ai -chbishop of Armagh ed to b the- ecor- andiklimate as list Go a 1!11 - un fined to his shurke' the past few, 8 occupants in a Veap in th,* snow. o one hard to, Say w6t chnges it week, or even a bet of the veriament.in retiring.froni th t maple, sugar mill blue beech, spruce, 11�y .�'j . -of all Ireland, is anno, ced. gregatio as present it the grea at nte OoVerni-nent unless there was s'piliething in '0 --NT F,. - M day,, may brini-. farth. apple, -wbite beech, soft elm P]Wsure.' T� le mui al r, f tb�ough illness. hurt, and ithe scramble, f disentang- It will be noticed SA4R.-i AS�C adae. Sam 'Bern rock elin, red crest and rb ( : the characteror,reputatiqla' of the'head i . I n a -ed. more a y carrie that Mr. IN. Claka Wallace has no place in -which wou liardt arrived at e�-w York, on the ateamer beceb, birch, iron wood, hite. a9b, black' the servicel; wag 1, Out )y ti e ftin than dis- L; Id justify. their leming and're fi - .4. La Chunlagne, the other day, accompanied.- aab, hemlock, cedarl, pine, balsam, poplar, church choir! and a,1` ea much to. the ple&, - co, fort. this new arrangement. It is evident that fusing in future to 4ssociatc hira. by 40 members of -her compaiiy. balra, golden- willo-*�, plurn, cherry, common ure of tl ic O�l casion. 1� I he collections at bot i Pert Notes. oplar the bands�me residence of a 8 Dapvi N in Mitchell, bad a close, all weighing fifty, as is a ii -There are nieteen atients -in trat. he is to sharc the fate of and Whether such itte I 9f thilip exist.-, I A NViro.,PFR�.-A codfi* willow, tamarack, basswogid, oak, hickory, diets ofivor4hip we e cry li i must leave 'o the 'ixd.4r�ent, nU only,of - a c 'he anniversaaries 1 0 k fb-':-' P ru4 tio by Are the other worn - will be read oit of the part six pounds, w a brought into ortlandi hawthorn, moosewood, annieberry. lilae. Ways the case at call, from dest 11 Which, I A match i iadvertointly thrown -where y this House, it, oft I e: bountry i �d hospital at present. Maine� a Jew (lays ago, bhe largest lo in thel Re Air J H.' ftoudfoot, of Del ha�'ve lived f ir e -1 at �65 yettirs. These gen- aine, it Ignited -the la, -e curtaf'xkis Of the sitting as summer. i -ngolr s6r, D., on a v1sit to or in many codfis The wood was c t while c�eaning uppork the the Tues d eveni g fo 9 seen t�ere year% Brant farm I t Mu ii D, eliverpol h inito�&, 4 friends andrela- knen in it eir sta, n i-, make" this im- tlemen i ell �rl' i room window, �,as the dallse. Fortuna t �The Turnberry Agricultural i Society celebrate ture I OF OFF16F­S.-Sir Claude Mac -don- t, -bo�v 46's in Dow n ie. tely Not and Comments. portat statelml gyp !i �,i,4 ent, -4, nad 4t because t metin Kormans hotel, Win ham, On Wed ched t and what the fire was disovered before much damage s be 'er to 9 Tile ireve Achell. will appeal from The Otaior Legisla6ire 'has been. silin- arn desirous of lkavin�, �T ow n laced u on the , was done, and eitinguished by a couple of 'ir Nicholas O'Connorl d gen eman ert son�f decision in the Logan e iChir* nesday afternoon, of last . week, for th en i a Ro ld ba on apponted British Minis rea 1 he t of.1 succeeding S a a. most pleasing and jeuter d b t 8 inoned to meet for tile transactio of bu,s,i. records of the senail;6, h some portions uAiness. The atiolftors re taining speaker, with I grand :d an pails of water. i who takes control of the Embassy.a t transaction of b escriptiv4 all -pow cast of it reflect upon mylse� ot upon my mor. nilass on Tttesaay, I I th- February. This- is port was,read arid adopted. Elictiolk' 0 powers, ,oapl6d with b h burno: 11 -The w Peterobur g. an atch-:#.ight service in the tho- -4 al character, nor upo y political char. Officer's is as . follows: Presid eoi pa- -Mr. Til6li I&S of Hibbert, was in about ten days earlier last year. A DAV o CED COCPLE. Alva v presi e thos. Ho i was listened to through" out is 4e Al. tchell on,T ed last week, for the first dit school roo arys, on New' Yeaes ice o, hours with unwearied t" I hi ing �itr ness. eve was, well a 'n e the room being filled.- acter, for I def� het er' be. I be a and4rbi. ti the divorced w �fe f William 9 1 in�terel it 9 after a a ay an, Moffatt; 1st 'd mt, C. I'r - ture of t w politi�ml opponent o * political friend,: 2nd 'vice-preside4, -W. F. B k ne r ; and A�&5ure,'and so reahl3tie-Aid no Ina) Short addres by the pastor, Rev. J. K. Vainde bilt,- was a few days ago, married iss Cl a. khtighter of Mr. John The E inglish-German. war scare is fizzling from one end of' the D inii'llion-to the other, c 7 - -Rize and J. W. out even more quickly tba th.6 Yankee- to Mr iver Hazard Per6 Befz� irectors,.-Joha G'rz Win. Crui a a a, his leAu re 'and -recital of is trip tbat hi. BdUrill, sucice Ads,41 t " teacher at Learoyd, Meo's H. L. though'I have been se %ink my constituency ont, a d Amos Tj DI. M'ss Knot v Me von Mayor "Strong, were avelling wit) .a it both instances the ani, in which I have 1-;',u In scar, for years, and for 17 3�( 3ed man, by of N,e I ing r Vanstone, ohn hearers Jolt they tbim Gdul&S schmd hou04 Fullerton. Pole, prayer! atud singing, and a few min- rient, ' I 'o ing the si ilent p ayer as the old -ear was vvl Dix Thos.'11e dersonfUenry- Bry'd'ges, arid enjo -alit to be, witnessed r. A -thL. ut V� tt f Wolaeley, Not r) -al ofthetionblewas in the newnape be(!Il.atltli.elleadofoneof�the most im or, 0 it !Tlfark Hodgson, Jai"in Leggatt, Peter Triow-, along th beautiful ee're Visiting friends in s of a in. tant-departmen T �WAR lPREPARAT10N '.-Great Brit-' and historic Ian wo at Territor3 osins and t e !new year usherd in., co Even the most pugnaceolis a in. the state, to put ir reports. t preparing fo lier, jr The atteldartce, althou pieted a very i�orxnal and profitable meet- ein is §eriously: and steadily r g i very fair, w a no Al iwood. clined will look twice before they tread rery Jinger upon a single act tl�.at can be calle "the Brussels ublic, solage ai !might � e expected, and thos ing. and Charlos Hdinderson. the contest in the old British LiGn's ei on :war on avery scale, at land and R. H. Kit IX, A., of Iroquois high 11 d by Post aster who wer,- 11:6t present missed a most intb a ool, was . in 4itwo d during the h er seana ainst Ge olidays, rlm"ragp nthe prizes diere Rev.! Alexander Grant B. A., St. beavily o caudal olitical or m 61 dishonesty., (Ap- hool, for y be t h ol:u ra or against Germany, appendage. Plaxxse-� It ma ght that :1 feel c� -and Russia; should they combine P'a:rrpw, for the � highestmarks in'. e cor- eating I -Ictu�e. -A heirty vote of thank lire ewin old i 3qua. tances. i , ., Marys, was lat�elV the recipient of an ad� somewhat warmly 11poa a qiiestion bif th, I I nst her. rect pronunciation' of 50 words, 25 o them was mov ad bT Rev. NTr )nde i -An rew 'hoir # of St. Pattle, bad a droag and a suilh.bf money from parties at - kind. You will coMOnatVra WAker, see W -hat the Ily, I think-, to -e Scripturi.1, the conditions of wb Mal and Empire lacks in A 140 -NU. NVINTh DnirvE.-A 'farmer we], i rko� warmly thl tmb b' tending a me ch by Rev. r. � Swan, a] ebaorst: feeding a straw ygayer meeting held at e adly ang I�d while the b an Cbristia,n Benneck�,- arrived in ere : To secure Ist prize, pupils had to by all pr ent. Miss 8 inbach, of Zurich w 8 a Ouse of Mi �, Sterritt, issourl. A few, der the -most brilli ii�tellect tha . obtain 70% ; 2nd, 60% ; and 3rd, 50'1. The a 0. atility it M -es up in " cheek. the coneltigion, that on I who has served un- namedl W a�np anga iter a few The t Princeton, Ken tucky, last we A,- in: a prairie e(uple, of solos, hich were well re -James fh, son ofMr, Win. ROX- abovo meeting his been held by Mr. Grant I url ys Ago it gave vent to the following ever raced the 11'arlia0ent df Canada, and It -th his' following awards were made, Sec'old and ceived,ai d'added to the since, the begin�,*g of his pastorate in 1.5t. the Conservad ves of West - Huron had no that I have remained t1lbere fo- ac ocular, wx family, aid most of hi3 easure'of the even 'bd �gh, of St. 1�auls, has gone to Algoma, r no less than household goods, having d.riv n all the:' 3rd, Elsie Jackson and George Watt. One ing, -whil -,the I choir rend or w�kere he h � 'cour d a school. and a, 171 yearis, when all the' res't have either re- way ed a -fine ol eninj Mari, Refreslimeilto wereserved reason for defeating Mr.' dollar and twe ty-five cents was re4 se ection Virs.W.H,TIOmpson,In.gersoII,i appy timp was spent on the eveliAg' liar 31. C. cam - from obadkon, Nebraska, a distance of d I �Albe :0 iit� very h ed E �bat, here. must be r-Albe ftst� and Dan Nairn, both filin the desire to -keep Parlia- by each prize winner. The first prize, $2. on except n4ent clean, t eir labors to that end would so' ething, at least, i in this old grey. heJ Of 9boub nated :)y school of 0 tiked o� pass LW&Y, t OF ei "' e' er parents, 31rl, and Mrs. R, Car of!ft Mas �e tending'the DEATH OF A� VALUABLE S. -uLufo-,�.-The �Mr. Farrow *to tile . 0,1 visitin It 6ron th 26th nit. will be do two I lile,-If A. )1. Carroll� the popular reevo P4armac aring the jear just closed the follo, h4,ve the hea- good. wishes of the coun- mine, that justifies my rsing to a position pupils taking th.- highest marks in the -en- of Oakla dj *anitoba,, and who has beet miss: Auk . ie MoGrath, of I Brickley, w- 7) of that! kind, ni celebrated stallion, Pilot Medium, : for ing embers, ient Awitba�unrlirkg the opinion tey.11 A eta -of this kind does not � which its il, Walter CIarke, had re- trance examination, next July. repeiledl -�pressed by his iei do tc h ger as teacher in the St. echo 1, �'o of those krien who ba owne, many fri as , been en e mmitted to memory - come with ve �y good race from the ack. ve Ileft the cabnt fused �9 000, � died suddei4y, at Battle -On Now Ye 4r's morning, at I I 6*.clock, U III self to stand for. member c rVA the 4mber of es of scripture set o- .9- which I p'reside. a Ow I f parf MA S, sell pol for the year 1896. "rs iowledged er,,an of as corrupt a overn- t 9 Cre'ek,l Michigan, on Fri as , be Mr. John Paulen, of Fullarton,was married liamexilt, a decline( wali : LUr. wa i elected trustee of the posit6 their resp�ctive names Rus - I,.' vert in the presen. tryi g circumstances I !iam rtqfho has alway -tiled in any civilized country, I- sitate not to a horse *u valued at, -*$100, ilotm,idium to misle;,.NLI'Mose�, of Blvtb, daughter of the in e i ge last week,'visitibg his b! bitbeil rospect Hil esia V bultn 559, Charles War- ment as ever he Ito say it boldly-'* I P 1, M odist church, at the ton 564, wn atidhich ishaw actually falling to piecca was ono, of the m6st no aab sires of fast hardware merchant of Chat to A large in-law,v h rilliar' 410, Cl 'i Aloore 407, Eva Ru8ton .I h e eeting of th ard at the elosef. at would inot bavi;s'tated. it" fr. Jarhes Suth 44ho]. ' He wail' m. the from its own 'aherent rottenness., trotters and pacera, and his: ame -will ela- number of the.friends of the groom accom- also visi I in Seafort, where he ak on( year Louise Hazilton 30-4 ; 2nd class-Ber- reasons' as were given to, the House been ad- 392 vanced as the cause: ... dure foil- generations in the istory of the 7 partied him to Blyth, to attend the wedding time resi e , itild was well -and favo -Fred and .1 ich induced these' rabI3 . W lie Wynn, of Atwood, tie Coulton 814, Della Moore 603, . Mary The W American turf. ceremony, returning again in the evening. known. is inan riends were plea*ed t(� 'gave a v r le jDya Moore 318, Minnie Wo10 317 crodstock entinel-Review sid Do� gentlemen toleave the Yovernment--I sa The bridal'party was in y e le party to over one 3rd class - i et at the Mitchell see bi min and looking so well. 'ISE hundred Albert Moore, 4$0, Frank Warriner 675. irtinion. Dairyan, o . f which Mr. Ande that had I had that loyal support which station b r a larg number of f IM U their oung friends the other w !ever tight to have, in I his eii- -The Baptist Pa y rienas, accom, � Freida De t, of Mit�ohell, is spendinia few night. � i Pattullo, ex -president of. the Western y Premier -o age, righam, wag r deavors to govern the country, that charac panied by the Fullarton German Afeth dist days with hoi,aunt, � Mrs. J. Suthe nd.-, . :--Raiiiet V laely; wife of James Dairymen"i aasociation, is proprietor, has the scerlie a an un ua y JC I party on choir, and all repaired to the' residencoe of Mrs. Poll ck,;of the township of Hay, re -i O'Loi ne, police'lniaA istrate of Stratford,died HOW to Mal�e a.Prosperous Y6ar-. trirwd the support thoit was given most Tuesdiy evening of Its eek. Nearly onc 'Mr. V9 Paulen, father of the gro 4 1 at issued aspecial illustrated dairy edi- loyall to my late chiefs' ont,where tui ed ho a this weiek from Goderith town-: at h4 ir 4oml in , illat city the other day, The *ay to mike a prooperons year is to Sir John Alfacdon. hundreal members of the urc and congriel-I -a pleasant evening was spent. �:sh Av�e ves �h deals in a most eiRtertaining and ald and Sir John Thompson, that I would gation ilaarched in a bod t e parse, W. T. Kiely, of ake it. Quit "borrowing trouble. Quit, tion, whic e she had!been visiting relati She was. a -si star of Mr. interesting wiLy with the greab dair to nage,; -The annual meeting of the Goderich ;an rien s. -_Mr. 'Duncan McFarlane is Goderi&; an was god onli y indus- have been just as succestful in carrying oil and surp �tes by r 50 years. In conjuring up hard Wines. Remember that rised the inmates under -taking 'Horticaltural Society was held ola Wednesday getting a. I t of fine brick delivered on his his ed tion is neatl the man - ement of th 0 at, 866 she as married to James the sun will sine, the rains will fall health )us try of the country. T y I he affairs of thei Governirent as my pre. e ho It I o d for the: evening of last week. The auditors' report Macarthur s�survey, for the erection mxaend f -as i(fed in Stratford ever and strength are yours, and that h your for and artistically otten up and,contains , ecessors,i thoul vh, not possessed of the same evening. Nl!lr. - and grace- showed that last year there waa an increase new dwell ng in the spring. -Among those A' 9' h Dve had ten children, eight tune is with yourself and not -�dth the Mr of his tact or stratagem as the. endered the reins of overnment, of $90 in membership fees, $6,04 in Govern- 'who were recently spending the holidayel sons &ughters, all of whom are stars. -Louisville Courier-Joumal. biographical sket es he ioneegs of this, tbility orpolit`5 v fully Buri. and we IL04 0 of t 2 er e n r 0 wLu 10 om �d in 5 e "" r On i- ,ei 0 ad t t Ot ft y 5e siv t ne i. j er �11 0 a Fail lyheat P Sprtng W -hes, *ate -per Iv fti Barley per bi ButbetNo, I Butter, tub. i E per do, 120 7 out, 13oT It 0AYper ton; Nr I -sheep Wool- 3F.Outoes Per oal Woodperom j �^pplee per b .Clover Seed. Zmotby'Sec '.Pork) per -104 7:010r, per I TOWN". @ipring wbe pt!ae. per bui. teir ton. 41% .,toeo, por �bi LONDON, :EX13res-8, U grain trade lish wheati wheats :CA American eienquot- 28i, "ra 1, tloba at 255i 3earer. - A barley and the tone A rite in R maintainO beans and Tononm- pretty Arell 7 now Aroul at 5e to 6el, ens at 25e TOP.01__,_T� 31larket A W_; and bir e I ties �:UX,W] Tolls -sell 01 at 14c, to I and mediU 'and Ile -to� ket is stroi ii-nder Prim ,V4=8e leto U7 sirms� � T-1 are. firm. I IUIC to 1511 storage a;t zeconds; -1, MON was a fidr, VrIell Ulaill, 21-c' sbip ISO e14T freall 12>0, Words.- 'Plattle Tat] 10 1 e to 11. to4ay bel 50 ; ther At Live* �aheep at 5 Were pr4t'isl Was fairly vvere Iowa. iof- the bi* W 'th - ti, 1. Pre I vqa Ae ril about 2e to so - P, f3heep. soix 1*001a 'at fr� from, �53.0, F, A S T B.' Jr -et lowev Q 1 4 : m -i xe � $3.95 ; r4 to, 81 51 anii and, - er for She fair to got to good-, i S-3-50 t S. Vattle clol gradles am, ,Of_ latter, 1 arid weaki S3.70 to at all ear] rivals ho at $4.$5 ti -N,',ot Will Wert soon the day -*v average, ) perbeidl, was fro M1 tle—Tra4I it was tho� 4COMUIOXII'Z the major inade at f ligures foi fVOM :2410" left over,�, Plould noti �or two hi about 171J ones ;r;t -per 11). z WOt man Y. 22c to 3o j Us. avenij in Buffalo hae had a As many were left 2narket. 41c, per 85 lbs, av�, were pleb, per., Milell Uoi $41) par hi poor eow� ones are *v line was h head, but-