The Huron Expositor, 1896-01-17, Page 2•
• • •
New Crocery Store
Chariesworth & Brownell's
- old stand,. Seaforth.
Having purchased the stock
firm from the assignee at a 1
give the putlic t
- Cod bargains may be look
November and December.
We have added largely to t
goods purchased
f the a,
w rate on
e benefits
d for chi
and -
e Steek,1 'OW
The stock of TEAS is large, and
we will sell them below WHOLE-
SALE PRICES. Call early and
seeure bargains.
Fisk T achers' Agency,
25 King
grades. No
for confident
therefore, be
require a te
teachers on
treet West,. Toronto
chools with teachers for all
charges. We make enquiries
al information ooncerning all
nd our recominendations can,
relied upon. Write us if you
cher. Infermation given to
-W.-0. cTAGGIART, B.A.
(Toro tp Universit ) :rlanager,
Late of Huron 1 aunty. . J.442-62
I carry the 1 rgest stock of • ow designs and anest
geode at the lo est prices of a y house ia the county.
New good sold aa cheap as any old stock or out of
date goods. Why I can do so becausegoods bought
now are bought from 1 to 10 c nts per roll less thon
they were when old stock was My expenses are low
I have a b'g stock and need th money. Wall paper
from gi cents per roll up. Wi dow eludes, Mould-
ings, Cornice polls, &o. &ea, a cheap as any in 'the
trade. City Wall Paper Hou e, Main St. Seaforta,
opposite John St.
Practical Paper Han or and- Painter.
I have secured the eervices f three &et -class pap
hangers' and can do work at t e shortest notice. I
work guaranteed IMISUrpfiSS d. For proof of t
Awe call and see for yoursel .
Wall paper tri med. free.
Egmon ville
Boots - and Shoe
The subscriber ha's tt nice stock of -
Custom) Boots and Shoes - •
For:Fall and Winte wear 'and wil 1
Sold Cheap for Cash
'My leather being- alight- before ti e
'raise in price, I -can uarantee bargain
Give me a call ancl be co winced. All -tier
Musical - h
ED, 1873.
Owing to hard tim s, we have co
eluded to sell Pianos nd Organs at
Greatly Reduced Price
Orggns at $25 and upwards, an
Pianos at Corresponding prices.
The. Old Establishe
Planing Mill and
Sash and Door Factor
Thla old and well-known establishment is sill
running at full blast, and now has better facilit ea
than ever before to turn out a good article for a
moderate price. Sash and dean of all patterns 1.
ways ma hand or made to order. Lumber dressed • n
ehort nbtloe and In any way desired. All kindof
limbo/a:or sale on reasonable terms. Shingles k pt
oonstantly on hand. Estimates for the furnish ng
of buildings in whole or in part given on Applicata n.
None butt the best of material used and wor
ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
1269 J. H. BROA-DFOOT. Seater
Steam Boiler Work
Successor to Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationa
• Marine, Upright St Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror ,Wor
eto., etc.-
d. Automatic Cut -Off Engines a apecialty I
Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide
nglne/al e
lees of pipe and plpe-littIng oonstantly on harid
ifsCavatles furnished on short notice,
Works—Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderielz.
ft.e. 0 . ..,,,,,„.
„ ..
ifro4.0.4 , 1,1
1 , 41 1.1-47.
•:e4 -4-f 1h.
I ...._4_,- -
,..„ ......
t,•-•-• 171ce -. 0flreiVA no.
4 --,"....-
Lomas, it, Jorou3.
S Sar
frcI wits afflicted for eight years With alt
• iltheum. During Lhat time-, I trled-a great
pally medicines rich were highly -ec-
toended, but one gave me xelief. I
liras at last advised to try- Ayer's Sa sa-
a)ariIla, and; before I had finirthed he
Mirth bottle, my hands were as .
Five from Eruptions
ever they were! My business', wh ch
;is that of a 'cab -driver, requires inc to
lie out in cold and wet weather, oftn
lvithout gloves, but the trouble has
never returned."—. TstOziAs A. Jonls,
. eerib2"0111 Sarsaparilla I
!Admitted sit -'*he World's Fair.
ottipes :e!eanse the ltlowel •
FSALE OR TO RENT.—The house lately oc-
upied Wen. Carnoohan'FAO of St. Ja es'
.4°EChung], Seaforth.' Apply tol'.HOLMESTED.
• 1463
ifT WS'S TO LET OR FOR SALE —That very e-
.sirable prOperty in Egtuandville, lately oc u -
pied by J. 0. Rose., Torres reasonable. Apply to R.
Hicks, Egmondville, or to I. V. Fear, Seaforth.
VARMS FOR SALM—The undersigned has twe
_U Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the b
nor Cotzety of the Province; all sizee, and • prices
suit. For full infc relation, write or call persona
NO tremble to show them. F. S. soorr, Brits
P. O. 1891-
FARII FOR SA —For sale, part of Lots IZ9 nd
30, FOR
I, McKillop, containing 50 a res
alt cloaredawell fenced and in a good state of eu ti-
vation: Bthildings fair. There is a good orchard nd
plenty of water. This farm is within two lots of he
corporation of Seaforth. It will be sdli cheap nd
on easy tertas. Apply on the premises or ta Sento th
P.O. DAVM DOIRRANCE, Proprietor. 1464 4
1 PROPERTY. t—A go
fair state of oultteation,
concession, of the toarnsh
Hotel, in the Villago of C
ship, )cnown as "Tlie Bee
and a good frame store
thinking of investing wou
property, which will h
price, in one or mere°
Further information will
one addressing, the under
*BLAIR, Solicitor; F. SI S
d hundred acre farm 1 a
eing lot 15, in the 1 th
p of Grey. A good 13 ick
anbrook., in the said to
House", also, a saw
In eaid village. Any ne
d do well to examine ha
old at 'a very reason ble
arca s to suit purehas es.
e fr.ely simplied to ny-
igned, at B' ussele.
OTT, Au° oneer.
i'l_ • a fine 2 storey brick block wi
houses at rear and all covered with ir
block comprises three tine stores With
above, and all rented to g dd tenant
and prosperity of Henson, surrounde
the finest farming country rnake athi
vestment for !anyone having oapit
reasons for aelliiig. For further part
either J. P. MARS HALL, owner, or
LAND. NotaryPublic and IConveyanci
Ontario. -
, at a bargain,
h good store -
n roofing. This
dwelling rooms
. The growth
as it is th
an A No. in.
1. Satiate° ory
°Ware appl to
. J. SUT •R-
r,Hensol 0.
sion 6, Township of 4�rris, oont Wing 160 a res
suitable for grain or stock, sitnated t o and a •alf
miles fromthe thrivin vi lage of B ussels, a od
gravel road leading t ere ; 120, ac s cleared nd
free from stumps, 6 ares edar and a h and bal co
hardwood. Bern 61 60 ith etraw and hay s ed
40x70, stone etabling nd rneath bo la The h so
is brick, 22x32 with ki che 18x26, ce ar undern th
both buildings. All a e ne . There 's a largely° ,ng
orchard.. School on n xt lot. The 1 nd has a goo
natural drainage, and ftbe farm is in ood condit on.
Satisfactory reasone f r selling. Ap ly at Toe 3E.,
POSITOR QPP1011, Or the promiaes. EL BAR 1E,
Brussels. 1885-
FA11FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot
Cance-sion ag, MoKillop,
108 acres, of which abeut 100 acres
and crop and the balance hard w
underdrained, well fenced and ther
land. There is a frame hotted and ba
le a never falling spring creek runnin
through the place so that there is no
for steak either summer or winter.
spring well at the house. It is withi
half of ILeadbury where there is a p
schocil,lblacksmith shop,"&c. It is h
Beatorth and Brussels and good gray
direction. It is a choice faun and
stook or grain and will be sold on ea
owner is not able to work and desire
ply on the premises or address
9, and par of
ntaining ab.ut
re under g ass
od bush. I is
15 00 w ate
k barn. T ere
past the. b rn
water to pu «p
here is ale a
a nate aiim a
st‘offioe, et re,
lf way betw en
1 roads in ov, ry
ood for cit er
terms as he
to retire.: p-
eadbury .P 0.
LIARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lo
X 6, Mullett, containing 100 ao
well unclerctraided,' and in a good .s
tion. - There are 15 acres sawn with
all the fall plowing Clone. There is
frame house with kitchen and woo
has two frame barns with other out
is a gaod farm, well situated, betng 9
forth, 7 miles from Canton, and 11
village of Kiaburn; ami will be 01
terms. Apply to the pro,prictor on
address W. LEITCH Conetance P. 0
11, Conces
es, all clea
ate of cult
fall wheat,
n the plac
shed attac
miles from
miles from
on reason
he premises
ea -
ARM FOR SALE.—Beisig the west half of ot
12 41„ in the second cances,sion of the townshi of
-East Wa.wanoeh, in the County of Haron. The f reit
contains 102 acres, OD acres are clear d and In all lit -
class state of cultivation, the balance of- three ares
is timbered with leitrdwood, maple :and beech 65
acrea are in glees, ve acres iu fe wheat; and 14
acres of . good orchard, the balancg ih all fall plea ed.
The sod is a rich -cloy lone, and there is on the f rm
a good frame barn and ra:abling with dwelling ho se,
also good fences.- On the next farm there is a ow
brick cheese factory built last year. The tarn is
sitnated about one • ila from the go -a -head vil age
of Blyth This is a hence for any _intending 'nr-
chaser to get ono of he best farms in -the County ol
Huron, as it will be old rig -ht. . Possession given any
time. For further partieulafe apply to WILLIAM
CAMPBELL, Blyth, er on the farm to Wm. R1oa6s1
aor- =4"-- • a ea, a.
A Treasury of
Infor ation
RI . ANAC 1898
! •,
ROW TO Commencing November,
OBTAI1180, and until the
books are all given, pur-
A COPY chasers of 3 packages, or g
bars of SUNLIGHT SOAP, will receive
from their krocer, r Sulu -roux .
• ALMANAC FREE • • • • • 4 • • •
'The book contaleanOmplete
Calendar matter, Biography,
Literature, Home lef,anagemeet,
Language of Flowers,
Fashions, Gaines and Amuse-.
rnents, Recipes,
Dreams and their significance,
Poultry, etc.
stssasolocroatort Puy early
110 PileVENT
• *
sassas. = as 77 1:
The fr.nrk *laces No Value on the Life of
ts Otaristlat—Igero; Work of litissien.
arles—Dnty of the Stop rev-
000U4.914-7--Chrlstendo 's Apathy.
WAGMINGTON, Zan. 2.-7A was appro-
priate that 111 the pr sence of the chief
Mon of this notion an other natio s Dr.
cilartago ehoulcl tell th Story of Arm ni n
ti assacre. "What will bo the ,exte t 1br
g od of such 4 (limn e none can i'S 1.
Tlio text was II Kings 711X, 87, "They
P ed into the land of rmenia.'' •
n Bible geography this is the first tlxne
thht Armenia appears, o lied then by the
sa e name as now. Ar nenia is chiefly a
ta eland, ;',000 feet abo -o the level of the
SO and on ono of its 1 -oaks Noah's ark
la ed, with its homan amily and fauna
tbtt were to fill the ear h. That region
waid the birthplaoo of the rivers Which fer-
tilised the garden of E en when Adam
a d Eve lived them their only roof the
c sital skies and their ea opt the emerald
of iich grass. Its inhabi mants, the othii la
ossiilts tell usi are a supe ior type of he
Ca easlan race. Their re igion is founded
on the Bible,' Their_Savi ur is our Christ.
Their crime is that they 111 not bow e
followers of MOhammed, that Jupiter of 1
-senivality. To drive Use of (rem the fico
of the earth is the arnbitioo of all Moha n-
inedans. To v.ttoomplish th is murder is - no
Wire, and wholesale mas acre is a mat or
of e ,thusiastio approbati n and govern
mental reward.
Tho prayer sanctioned y highest Mo.
heap Wan anthority an • recited every
day ;throughout Turk,ey a d Egypt, wit le
etyi k all these not Moho modans as 1
Adel , Wes follows: "0 ord of all or a-
ture I .. 6 AI ah,,dostroy he infidels and
pply helots, thine enemies, the enemies:of
the 413110o/11 0 Allah, 1 ako their dill-
drert erphons and dcflh their bathes!
Oau 6 their feet to slin, Ivo them and
thei families, their house iolds and their
Women, their ohildren and their relatives
by ]niarriage, their prat zors , and their
frie ' ds, their possessions and the ra,0a,
t.hclr Wealth and their lands as booty to
the Mosleins, 0 Lord of al creatures!"
1 Turks at the Old BusIness. i
Ti e lifeof on the plresePoo
, of t, o'se who make that layer is of no
: ;nor value t an m
the life o a sumer 114-
1 sect. The sultan of T rkey sits on a
isSa sinatio . At this ti te alli a viliz d ,
thro a impe4souating that brigandage and •
nati hs are in horror at he a e tots f
that Mohaulnedan government to clostr y
all he Chr stians of AMICI,Iikl. I he r
sera body t lkieg as though son ts new
thlug Were happening, an that th Turk- -
telt goYernin nt had take h new role Of
tragedy on the stage- of n tions. o, Mal
She,is at the 'same old I usiness. Over-
looking hor diabolism , of •ther centuries,
we G0C down to our con ury to dud that
.in l82-3 the Turkish gove rament slow 50,-
000 anti -Moslems, and in 1850 she slew
10,000, ,and in 1860 sh sl'11,000, and in
187 she slew 1,0,000. ' An thing short Of
the laughter Of thousand. of human:be-
ings does not put enong red 'wino into
her cup of aboininabion t smake it worth
; quajing. Nor is this th ' only time she
lhas , remised reform. In tha presence of
the warJiips at the mopof' the Darda-'
poll s e has promised t.ho civilized na-
tions of the earth that1 she would stop hor
Nit herfe`s, and l the international. and I
he ispheric faros has been, enacted:of be -
Hey ng what she sayss when all the past
ruglit to persuade us that she is only PanS-
Ing in her atrocities to pui nations off the
track and then resume tho work of death.
In 1820 Turkey, in trery with Russia,
promised to alleviate t e condition of
Christians, but the pl'Ofliiso was broken.
In 183,9 the then sultan promisecl protec-
tion of life and proPerty without roferenee
to religion, and the pron ise Was broken.
In 1844, at the demand of an English min-
ister plenipotentiary, the suitap declared,
after the public oxooul;ionI of an Armenia
at.Constantinople, that no such death pen-
alty should : again be in flicted, and the
promise was broken. In 1850, at the de-
rOand of foreign nations, t he Turkish gov-
ern ent promised prote, Mon to Protes-
tiant1s, but to this day t e Protestants at
Stamboul are not alld¼vod to build a
church, although they 'have the funds
ready, and the Greek Protostants, who
have a church, are not p mated to wor-
ship in it. In 1858, after the Crimean
war, Turkey promised that no one should
be hindered in the exercise of the religion
tie professed, and that p, onaise has , been
broketa. In 1878, at the l' emorablo treaty
of Berlin, Turkey promis d religious lib-
erty to all her subjects in !every part of the
Ottoman empire, and the promise was
broken. Not once in all the oenturies has
the Turkish government kept her promise
of Mercy. So far from any improvement
the condition of the Arinenians has be-
come worse and worse y ar by year, and
all the promises the Turkish government
110W makes are only it gaining of thne by
which she is making preparation for the
buil-Acta extermination of Christianity
from her -borders. '
Biot Out lilobnumiedanisna.
Why, after alt the na ional and conti-
nental and hemispheric ying on the part
of the Turkish governnint, do not the
watships of Europexidelup as close as is
possible to tho palaces o Constantinople
oaf/ ;blow that accursed government to
atoms? In the name of tl e eternal God let
thcs anisette° of the ages be wiped off the
face of the earth! Dowi4 to the perdition
from which it smoked ip sink Moham-
medanism 1 Between th se outbreaks of
massacre the Armenian. suffer In silenoe
wrongs that are seldom Jif ever reborted.
They are taxed heavil3r for the more privi-
lege of living, and the trfox is called "the
humiliation tax." They are compelled to
give , three days' entertainment to any
Mohammedan tramp who may be passing
that Way. They must Payiblackmail to the
assess r, lest , he report the value of their
propezty too highly. Their evidence in
court is of no worth, andif 50 Armenians
taw a wrong oommitte and one Moham-
medan was presept t o testimony of the
ono Mohammedan wo I be taken and the
testimony of the 50 znenians rejected,
In other words, the sol xi oath of a thou.
sand Armenians wo 1 not be strong
enough to overthrow t e perjury of one
Mohammedan. A prof or was condemn-
ed to death .for tran 1 ting the English
"Bbok �f Common Pr yer" into Turkish.
Seventeen Armenians were sentenced to
Vs 'ear' imprisonm zit for respuing a
Oh*Istian bride 'from t bandits. This is,
the way the Turkish oNernroents amuses
itself in timeIT of peace hese ate the de -1
lights of Turkish civil za ion. 2
But when the = days e naassaare come
!then deeds are dope wits may not be un-
vel4ed in any refined' a semblago, and lfi
'one speaks of the horrors he naust do so in
,well poised and eautiou : ocabulary. Hun-
dreds of villages destr•y d 1 Young men1
put in 11 of of brushwt o4, whiett are then
saturalea with Ibroie er fififi set own rri3I
lthers, in the roost solemn hour that
ev r comes in a woma 'S life, hurled out
an i bayoneted! Eyo gouged out and
dead and dyinghnrled Iuto the sazne pitl
The slaughter of Luck . ov and Cawnpur,
India, in 1857, oclipzed in ghastliness!
The worst scenes of th r Preneh revolution
in Paris made more t lerable in contrast!
In niany regions of A 'Menlo the only.un-
d talterstoda.v are the 'Aar:4s gnd hyenas.
Many of • the chiefs Of 'the massa MS wore
sent straight from Constantino le to do
their work, nd having returned were dec-
orated by t e sultana .
Turial it murderers Decorated.
• To four o • the -Worst murderers the sul-
tan Sent sil banners in delicate appreci-
ation of thei serv'ees. Five hundred thou-
sand Arnie ions ut to death or dying of
starvation 1 Thi: moment, while I speak,
.all up and dow Armenia sit many peo-
ple, freezing in th ashes of their destroyed
homes, bore4b. of nod of their household
and awaitin the elttb of assassination to
put them out of their misery. No wonder
that the ph3S101:11)S of that -region declared
that among all t;10 hnon and women that
were down ,ith vounds and sickness and
under their care not oue wanted to get
well. Bum mho that nearly all the re-
ports that have et mo to ns of the Turkish
- outrages ha e be n manipulated and modi-
fied and soft snod by the Turks themselves.
The Story is not half told, or a hundredth
part told, or a tit usaadth part told.
None but Ind tuid our suffering brothers
and sisters 11 th t faroff land know the
whole 'story, and it will not bo known un-
til, in • tdas &oron itions of heaven,. Christ
shall lift to sp ial throne of glory these
heroes and her MOS, saying, "These are
they who came ut of great tribulation
and had th1olr obes washed and gnacle
white in th4 blood of the Lamb 1" My
Lord and myGo , thou didst on the cross
suffer for them, 1 ut thousurely, 0 Christ,
wilt not forgot h.w much they have suf-
fered far thee! I dare not deal in impre-
cation, -but I never so much enjoyed the
imprecatory stings of David as since 'have
heard -how those Turks are treating the
Armenians. The fact is, Turkey has got
to be divided up among other nations.
Of course the European Dati011SIMISt take
the chief part, but Turkey ought to be
compened to pay America for the Ameri-
can mission buildings and American
schoolhouses•she has destroyed and to sup-
port the wives and .children of the Ameri-
onus ruined lsy this wholesale biatchery.
When the English lion- and the RusSian
bear put their paws on that Turkey, the
American eagle ought to put in its bill.
Missionary Heroes.
Who are those American and English
and Scotch thissiOnaries who are being
hounded among the mountains of Ar-
menia by the Mohammedans? The noblest
men and W0111C11 this; side of heaven,
Some of them men who took the highest
honors at Yale and Princeton anfi Harvard
and .Oxford and Edinburgh; ‘Isoine of
those women, gentlest and •• niost Christ -
like, who, to save peeplo they never saw,
turned their backs on luxurious homes to
spen31 their days in self expatriation, say -a'
, ing 4oridby to father .and mother and af-
terWard goodby to theiv own children, as
chat nistances compel them to send the.
I ha
es to England, .Scotland or 'America.
-e seen these, foreign IlliSSI011arieS in
thohf henles =all monad tho world, aud
stEinip With indignation -upon the literary
blachiguardism, of foreign correspondents
whe have •depireciated these heroes and
heroine's who aro willing to live and die
for Christ's sake. They Will -have 'tho
highest thrones in heaven, while their de-
lamors will not get near enough to the
shining gates to so o the faintest glint of
,any one of the /2 • pearls whieli mak.e np
the 12.,gates.
This defamation of missionaries is aug-
tram tect by the dissolute Englisth, _American
and Scotch merchants who go to foreign
Cities, leaving their ,families 'behind them.
Those dissolute merchants in foreign cities
'lead a life Of 'such gross in-unorals that the
pure households of the missionaries are a
perpetual rebuke.. Tinzzarcls never did be-
lieve in doves, and ift there is _anything
that nightshade hates it is thewater lily.
What the 550 American 3niSsionar1es.have
suffered in the Ottoman empire sinoe 182
I leave the arehangel to announoe on .th
day of, judgment.' You will see it reason
able that I put: so -much emphasis on
Americanism in the Optoman emplre who
tell you that Americca notwithstandia
all the disadvantages named, has now over
27,000 Studenta 1i day -schools 10 that em-
s that A
• naerica has expended
piro a71 35,000 ohildren in her Sabbath
in-tho ifurkish empite for its bottermeat
over $10,000,000. lies not America a right
d defend that Red Cross,al-
.s.or.Key anti an nations are plea ectto
respect an7
that color of cross does not, u the
opinioI of many, stand for Christianity.
Int my opinion it does stand for ChrLstian4
31)054 of red vvith the bl od of
ity, for l us worship was not the cross under which
the Son of God, red with the best blood
that was over ,shed, red with the blood
pouredlout for the ransom of the svor1d?
Thou cad 00, 10 Rod Crossl And let
Clara Barton oa ry itl The Turk's) gov-
er4t1)en5 is bot ncl to protect hers ad the
ch, riots of Gocl are 20,000, and th ir char-
iot,ors are angels of deliverance, itnd they
wo ild all rido down at ODOO to r11over
anctrample under the hoofs of th ir whlto
hor es imy of her assailants. May 00
$50 ,000 she seeks be laid at her feet! Then
pia the ships that carry her acres* lai
tio (lid MOditOria110313 seas be guide safe-
ly b him who trod into sapphirem'yo-
men bostormed Galilee! :Upon sell thm.
nadi hid with martyrdontict the Red Cross
bel)hnied, until every demolished v Hoge
shall be robuilcled, and ovary pang of1 hun-
ger bio fed, and every Wound of c ue ty bo
healeli,. and Armenia stand with as'moth
1iIrty .0 servo God in its own ay as in
this tiuic, beskland of all the erFt1 we, the
dosce xiSnts of the Puritans atid • o land
ers aitd Hugnenots, aro free to wo •sh p the
Ohris Who came to set all nations e
Doctrine of Helpfulness.
It h steep said that if we go o 'er there
tp interfere on another Conti i t that
will 1 nply the right for other n. tio s to
Interfclro with affairs On this nti ent,
and a� the Monroe doctrine be j o ari ized.
No, n I President Cleveland ixp essed
the set .timent of every intellig a '(1 pa-
triotic Americhn when be thun e ed from
the WI ite House a warning to 1 n dons'
that tulore isnot one acre or on i oh More
Df gro nd on this continent for a y !tins-
atlant c government to =nip And by
that d ctrine we stand now an la lifor-
ever sttind.
But there is a doctrine as 1:11 C
than o Monroe doctrine as 41 o he vens
are hi her than the earth, . and at is the
dectrit e of buntanitarianism ot s apa-
thY and Christian helpfulness vriell, one
cold ecerriber midnight, Writ ou :and
multit idinous pliant, nwakene be hap -
herds. 'Wherever there is a won I it ih our
duty, rhether as individuals or nations,
to bal. am it. Wherever there i knife of
301.1011 lifted it is our du 3 to vard
off the blade. Wherever men are ersecut-
ed for heir religion it is our du to break
that a m of power, whether it e t irust
forth f om a Protestant church o • a ath-
-olio ea 'lethal or a Jewish synaao ue or a
IOOSQ1IL of Islam. ',Vo all- rcico nizci the
right c n a small sda e. If, going
or a h man brute insulting a
4 r!.,v child,
taint , we
road, o find a ruffian maltroa
take a Hand in the contest if i „not
cower a, and though we be sli )1 b ir tor-
sonal presence. because of our in oignatto
we eot te to weigh about 20 tons, an c the
hnrdcij wo puniall tho villain' ti d louder
our co iscienco applauds ms. In Itch case
we do uot keep cmr hands in On pee sets, •
argui g that if weinterfeve with to b 'ute, :
- the blluto might think he woul 3 ha aa a
right o interfere with us and s jeo ard
izo t.bClAlonroe doctrine.
The Ark of Sympathy.
i i
The fact is that that persecuti n o the
Arrn•3 ions by the Tnrks must be sto ped,
or Go Almighty will elm° all Ohri ten-
d= or its damnable indifference'. and
apath3. But the trumpet of resurroi tion
is abo t to sound for Arinenia Did I say,
In ope ing that on one of the peaks of Ar-:
ntenia this very' Armenia of Whicb. we
speak, in Noah's time the ark landed, ad-,
cordin to the myth, as some think, but
accord ng to God's "ay so," as I know,
and t at it was after; a long storm of 40
days a td 40 nights, called the deluge, and
0 1 thata torWard a dovo Went forth from hat
e ark a d returned with an'OliVI3 leaf in ,her
- to beak? Even now there is another ',ark
being autiched, but this one goes saiiing,
, not ON or a dellige of water, but a deluge of
blood thb ark of American sympathy
and t at ark, 'leading on Ararat, from its
wind W shall fly the dove of kindnesstand
peace, to find the olive leaf of returning
prosp rity, while all the mountaina of
Mosle n prejudice, oppression and crtleity
shall stouti 15 cubits under. Meanwhile
we would liko to gather all the dying
. groan s. of all the 500,000 victims of Ale-
hamn eclat oppression and intone them
. into o le prayer that would move the e h •
i *and tilte heavens, hundreds of millions of
; Chris ian ' voices, Arneripan and. .s. ro-
' peon, c a ing out: "0 God Most ,1-igh 1
Sparothy children. Nklith mandate. f om
the th .one hurl back upon their haunehes
. the h ,rses of the Kurdish cavalry. Stop
. the riters of blood. With the earthquakes
' f thywrabh shake the foundations of the
. palaooji of the sultan. Move all the nations ;
of Eti ope t000mmand cessation of cruelty. '
: If ne d be, let the warships of civilized ;
natioi1s boom their indignation. Let the,'
1, cresco A go down before the cross, and the ,
! Mighy One who hath on his vesture ancl !
• on hisithigh a name written 'King of Kings •
and Lind of Lerds,' go forth, conquering ,
and • 113 conquer. Thine ,0 Lord, is the '
o be hoard? Aye! It will be heard! I
am glad that great indignation meetings
are being held all over this country. That
poor, weak, cowardly sultan, whom I saw
a few years ago ride to his 1mosque,for
worship, guarded by 7,000 armed men,
many of them 3110111Itod on prancing
harget s, will 'hear of these sympathetic
meetings for the Armenians, if not through
Arxterican reporters, then through Some of
lie 860 wives. What: to do with hint?
There ought to be some Sb. Helena : to
whin he could be exiled, While the nations
of Europe appoint a ruleriof their own to
Olean mit and take possession of the pal-
aces of 'Constantinople. ll'onight this au-
gust asSemblago in the cap#al of tho Unit-
ed States, iti the nettle of ithe God of na-
ions, indicts the Turkish 'government for
Ile wholesale assassination in Armenia
nd invokes the interference of Alinigli ty
God and tho protest of eastern and western
Duty of the Hour. ir
But what ils the duty of the hate
Sympathy,' deep, wide, tremendous, i...» -
mediate 1 A religious paper, Tho Chris-
tian , Herald of New York, has led lia
Way with munificent contributions 01)1-
ected from subscribers. But the Turkish
overnmeat is opposed to any relief of Ow
rmenian sufferers, as 'personally kno -
Last August, before I had any idea of
, oming a fellow pitizon with you WaSh-
ngtonians, $50,000 for Armenian rel: ef
, was offered no if I would persoually talke
that relief to Armenia. My passage was
to bo engaged on the City of Paris, butsa
telegram was sent to Constantindple, ask -
frig if the Turkish government would
grant me protection on such an errand C
mercy. A. cablogram said the Turkils:,
government wished to know to what
ioints in Armenia I desired toil go with
that relief. In our reply; four cities wero
named, one of them the scene of what had
been . the chief massacre. A eablegran,
oame from Constantinople, sa-yin that I
had better send the money tuneTurkils;
government's mixed oommissibn, nd the -
would distribute it. So a oobwoL of s
ders proposed a relief committee f r unf
tunate flies! Well, a man wb woni
start" up through the mountathsl of Ai
nienia with $50,000 and no: gover ment• :
protection would be guilty -0 111Q11 mential
foolhardiness. .
The Turkish government has in every
possible way hindered Armenian roliet.
Now where is that angel of mercy, Clara
Barton, who appeared on the battlefiel e
of Froderieksburg,1 Antietam, Falmotjt,n
and Cedar Mdilifte. n, gild under the bla -It
of French and Ger an guns at Metz ailid
!Paris and in Jo nstown floods, and
Charleston earthq tiake, and Michigan
fires, and Russian III ine? It was coM-
paratively of ,littl i nportauoe that the
German emperor ( ec rated her with the
i Iron Cross, for God!11 th •dectttrated her In
!the sight of all nation with a glory that
!neither time nor eter Hy can dim. Born
in a Massachusetts Wage, she came in
her girlhood to this c ty to serve our gov-
ernment in the patent office, but afterwa d
went forthefrom the deers of that pateizt
0 -ice with a divine patent, signed ald
sealed by God himsiIry to ;heal all the
wounds she could toi oh and make the
horrors of the flood aid fire and ping e
and hospital fly her Dresence. God bin s
Clara Barton! Just as I expected, 6 e
nos the banner of the, Red Cross.
The ited Crpois of Mercy.
t -
kingd Halleluiah! 'Amen!"
I "T1
: dian
; would
• and w
are so
of all.
luelgar Indians" 84111 ropnlar.'
ere is good money in the cigar In
usiness yet," said a wholesale in
to -
the other other day, "though You
sthe country trade keeps Uri
d no is, wooden fig es
or pretty nearly the whole country,
tile they don't sell in the, cit3t 13Ire
ed to,
hope. Not afss. from 60,000 a year
't think so. New York makes•
; "The gbintine Indian and Mr. Ptuich
(the idea of him was imported from Eng -
land) ave alwaysbeenthe popular ones.
The s ellest cigar shops don't have the
of cou sea.but you won't find a place i
the sntall towns without them.
"T ey oest from $5 to $35, sonieti
even I ore than that, no $5 figures
the lititile ones, about a Mot high, that ar
still t be seen in old fashioned places.'
New ork Herald.
Thet proportion : between capital a
produ (1has steadily diminished since 1 6
from 0 per coat down to 71 per cent.
• At
of Eur
at low
NO lao
enerl banking:business transacted-. Drafts on all parts of the United Stotts,
ritain and Europe bought and sold. Letters a credit issued, available in all part*
pe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on teat
t rates.
posits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest current
Interest added to principal twice each year—at the end of June and December,
ics,of withdrawal is required for the whole or any 'portion of a deposit.
R. S. al AYS, solicitor.
PEARCE, Agent.
anteasasesettemstsaasseasausettacsaareastatitteetaissints saarnsteaseessaaesedrusavErmat
I e,
ttThe finest Remedy in the it
i World. or all Affec-
c 111 aret's
Lungs. •••
SI•f tions ()Tithe Throat &•
. rippe, Iroup,
Er: 1Whoop'i g Cough.
, .
We ha,ve a splendid Hue of 1 caps for fall weiq
Knock -abouts for rainy weather and _neglige wear
We also have the best }waterproof coats, umbrellas s
and other requisites for the season.
HOMO you bought your F411
-SUit and Hat yet?. {!
See our line._ Good Good; right price; entire
”.-catoh cold—pair of rubbers, .
i-e-"clraw your feet"—give you corns--hult yo ut eyes
1-4-116ctor says so. .Cost raoney-7cost. tigte--oonaforfi
'-.-health. ea- r the new Wetpkont snow -proof;
; tiotwear. The Goodyear Welt- iives flexibility to
! qui dgrability ta the 40er...tease Vqth4foot.
; 4
A Little Knowledge
Is not a dangerous thing When it directs your a tention to the
fact that the
Is giving the most practical and business -like course in Canada. Everything
strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and college Solana& School re.
opens IJantfary 2nd, 1896.
J. W. WESTERTELIIT, Principal.
oity Business and Shdrthand College
C Lor
approve of 5c61.-4
For v,:rhoru..?
and women who are weP
they shorad be -stroll
babies a4d children vc
hitt, when they should
for all who get no nouris
t from 'their food. Po
blood- is starved blood. Co
sumption and &nth -Lk nev
COnil without this starvatiop.
Anc nothing is better fr
stai -ed. blood than cod-1i4r
oil. Scott's fa masion is
cod- iver oil with the fish -Pa
tast taken out.
Two sizes, 50 cents and $1 Aid
04. 4
We are showing the best assortment
to be seen West of. Toronto, and ask iutending pur-
chasers to examine our stock and prices before
bnying elsewhere. Also remember WO are agents
far the Clare Brothers
And estimates for heating given on applica-
Eavetroughing and General,- Jobl4ng
d4ne on the shortest notice. A skare of your
trade solicited. 1
ITLLETT Seaforth.
General -Hardware, Stoves andinware..
. .
a limi
cash -
and t
to b
.311 -
Of t
&M -