HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-10, Page 81896. r Year- Nrry with SALE • tny, Twee( AFORTIL and we are Tiring fur - before pur- r, in price, ev. _*y. respect, nc (, :Funeral Dir etor,. offiee..! der s Old SafldG BOXES N'S DS IN Ch istmas Bibl s, :Sant laus makes. N9 MAI 1 STREET Ill elez to expert a good &W1 0 e than art aniThelli the nutriment tn of order. er It will cost ill get back 482, Montreal. ••••et ••••1' mew IF•Mler a.*: • ee.P- ax.IS le•er, MN, We. •••••.: •••• 11111111111111,1111111111113 MM ERCE, $67000,000 $11200,000 3 discatmted„ Malt piped cities in r.„ 4 rat,s f,f int ere.,5t f May and Novem- iai Paper and Ear- RRISI ogressive E COMPANY felloka ing statement: „assaraileea in toreei _ _ le.AI,ef„0.00 414,WIel2 'es -e7,1:19.11 eel 4e4.04 erel,ele „e01,01e, CGOR Dtric4 4 ager j LLSO*, Agent, Eleaferth. JANUARY 10 1896. WITE • ra *.e.....revemsereammemeinneffwe-mmonammenemoloommseneserle • Don't claim to have a larger stock or. greater display than lay other house, IErCT 111' ' We do claim that we, are • Selling BETTER ARTICLE For the same or . - less moneythan you can buy it ielse where. • Ills is a plain state- ment of a fact known by kundredrs, and you can test its' truth any- time 'tn, (tHy line. • WE HAVE a 25. Overcoats Lett. • A good Frieze Overcoat ._bsoiR, $4.50. WE HAVE 20 BOYS' REEFERS ?RICES WERE $3 to $3.75— YOUR CHOICE FOR •••• are selling.a good $1.50 Set of Ellen's Under- wear for $1 JcIJST RECEIVED 100 pieces of Print 5 bales Factory Cotton 20 pieces of Shirting All to bo sold at the old prices. •71f 7-7if 'HIGHEST PRICES PAit FOR BUTTER AND EGG sefte-eft...e.te.ave. P A R C _!1119 THE SEAFORTS CLOTHING MAN. ; His Face was a mass 01 Blotchts. - But now his skin is clear ae a year • old babe's. . Scott's. Sarsaparilla his Satiation. Nothing. blights existence like the knowledge that our appearance is -re- pellant to those ,with whom we come in contact nor is there any relief like that of feeling that the disfiguring causes have been rerboved. Says Mr; William Alger : 7Vly fac on one , side was a mass of, ,blotche , some of which were constantly full of ujatter. I run ,a bake shop doing my own vork, but my face got so bad that customers drifted away. Then I hired a man and went to a doctor. He Said my blood Was in a horrible condition. Isold my business and moved to the city where Scott's Sarsaparilla, was recorninended to me. The first bottle did me much good, and after taking five bottles my skin is as clear as possible, and not a sign of my previous disfigurement. I say Scott's Saridparilla is the best blood medicine going and am spealang from expe'rience. Piniples, blotches, boils, -ulcers and all diseases arising., from vital eXhaustion and impure blood Are radically cured by Scott's Sarsaparilla, a concentrated com- pound of the finest medicinesever known. Your druggist has it at $i„ But get Scott's. The kind that cures. . . .- .17imacmins7nrimmorzipssammuminmenemenemmimmi ss and Honest.. Landed at Castle Garden, the be loneliest, passenger of an. He was barely fourteen,and in America and only a sov- ereign in his po ,ket. "Well, .San : y," kaid a fellow -passenger - who had befriended. hirn tiring the voyage from Glasgow, "don't yo i wish, that you were safe now with your other in the bid country. - -" No," said the boy, ' I promised her when I left that I would be fearless and honest: I have her forth eto make .a.s well as my own, and I must ha -e good courage. " Well, laddie, what can you do ?" asked a kind voice behind him. - • "Il can be loyal and frne to anybody Who will give me something to do," was the quick response. A with had down Broadway to ascertain whether ..he ceuld find a boy to his liking. , A canny Se tchman -himself, he had, no- ticed the arriV 1 of the Glasgow steamer, and had fancied that he'inigrit be abl ' to get a trustworthy, clerk from his country. * . • . , „Sandy's fearless face -caught his eye. The honest manly ring in Sandy s voice tOnched his faithful Sootph .heart. . • . " Tell me yinir story," he said kindly. It was 'soon -told. • Sandy'p mother had been left a widow with little mo j to bring up. Skie. ha4 :=WOr long as she could, ut w failed she had boright his pa Fearl .A Scotch lad brightest, yet emigrant ship. had not a friend well-known lawyer, whose experience applicants for clerkship in lhis office been unfavorable, had' a stroll Wn •ey and a child -ed for him as len her health sage. to Amer - ice, and given to him what little money she could spare. •• Go; and make your fttune," she had said. ," 13e. fearless and h nest,- and don't fogget• your mother who cannot work for you -any. longer!' Sandy's patron engaged him as an office boy. ' giVe you a chance," be said, " to show what there is in -you. Write to your mother to -day that you have found a friend who will:Istand by you as long -as you are fearlesS•and honest." Sandy became a favorite at once in the office. Clients seldom left; the office with- out pausing to have a word with him. • He- attended night school and became an expert penman and, accountant. He, was rapidly promoted until he was his patron's confidential clerk. . After sharing his - earnings with his mother, he went to Scotland and brought her back with him. • "You have made my fortune," he said, "and I cannot I 'aveduck without -you. ' He was right, When he had studied law and began. to pr, etise at the bar,his feaxless- ness commandet -respect and his honesty inspired confide .cc. Jurieg liked to hear him ,speak.' Tfr y instinctively trusted him. His mother h 'impressed her -high cour- age and sineern y upon him. His success was mainly her erk.—The Household. • tier Gift. The minister s eyes swept with intense searching the a:nathetic faces of his stylish, - worldly congregation. He had made an impassioned appeal for help in the Support of a little mission church- among the moun- tains—' -n section where rough men and wo- men knew scarcely anything of_God and the religion of Christ. He had hoped to inspire the people with, the spirit of giving, to make them feel that it was a sweet, blessed -privilege, and—he had failed. A -sense- of desolation crept over him. " God help me,", his lips murmured mute He could not see the bent figure of little cripple-cl Maggie In the year of the church --a tig re. that .was trembling under the fire of his appeal. • "Lord Jeei ,s,;- the little one was saying brokenly, "J ein t got notin' ter give-; I want the people in the mountains ter hear 'bout my Saviour. 0, Lord, I ain't got no -thin' ter"— What was t that made that child catch her breath as though a cold hand had taken hold -of her heart? " Yes you have, Mag- gie,"1whispered -a -voice from somewhere;. yoit've got your crutch, your beautiful crutch what -was give ter you, an' is ct orth a lot 0' shinin' dollars. You kin give up your hes' frien' what helps you ter' git into the park where the birds sing, an' takes you ter preaehin,' and makes your life happy." " 0, no; Lord," sobbed the child,. Choking and'shivtring. "-Yes, yeal will He give up More'n that fer me.' - Blindly she extended the polished' crutch and placed it, in the hand of the deacon who was taking up the scanty collection. For a moment the man was puzzled; then comprehending her meaning, he carried the crutch to the front of the pulpit. The min- ister stepped down from the rostrum and held up the crutch with shaking hand. The sublimity of the renunciation unnerved him so -that he could not speak for a mo tient. "Do you see it my people," he faltered at last , "little crippled Maggie's eruteh— all that she has to make life comfortable ! She has given it to the Lord„and There was a moment of silence. The peo- ple flushed and moved restlessly their cushioned pews. • "Does any one want to contribute to the mission cause the amount of money this. Fifty Year ituyoRs THH PUBLIC AND" SALT1 STILL INCREASING. Gray's Syrup I j Rea Spruce Gum For COUGHS, COLDS and all LUNG AFVECTIONS. 25 Cts. a bottle. Sold everywhere. 'KERRYWATSONet— Co.. PROPRieroRS (3) MONTREAL. crutch wo id bring, and giVe it back t� the child who is helpless without ?" tl,e minister asked gra I . , - Fifty '61 ars," came in husky tones from. the hanke . , " Twen y -five." - "-One undred." .. And so he .subseribhig went: bn, until pa- pers Nal ,a ent to six hundred dollars were lightly pi el oVer the cruteh on the table. "Ah, ys have found your hearts—thank Goa ! Le t s recei-t-e the benediction," al- most will p' red the minister as he suddenly extended I is hands which were_ trembling with cm° i ii. tittle Maggie, al*Orbed in the magn t irle of her offering. and the love that pro ioted it, comprehended nothing that had Oen place. She had no thought of the fut ire, of how she would reach her humble borne, or of the . days in which, she would sitlhelpiess in her chair as she had once done, - Christ had dethanded her all, and she had- given it, with the blind un- questioning faith of an Abraham. She ,un. derstood no better • when a.woman's arms drew her nto a close embrace, and soft lips whispered in her ear: "Maggi, dear, your .crutch has made pix hundred•dollars for the mission church -among the mountaine, and, has come back to ;ta,y with yeti again.. Take it,,little one." I Like a flash of -light there came a c�n- sciousnessi that in some mysterieus way her gift had bpei Accepted of God, 'and return- ed to her'a (1 with a cry -of joy the child caught tl e beloved crutch to her lonely little • hea t ;I then, smiling through hEr tears at- the dnd faces and reverential eyes,_ she hobbled 4ut of the Sanctilary.--Gertrude •M. Jones in Christian Observer. '11 i lik *. —All w o have used it have a good word to sarfor Dr. 'Laviolette's Syrup of Tur- pentine. ¶Phey proclaim it far ahead of any other prep ration to cure diseases of he respirator organs. THE HURON E 1POSITOR. • 1 - School Reports. No. 2, .0 -.—The follonWing is the De- cember re prt for school section Ne.Hay, the names b ing in order of merit : : 'Fifth, R. F. Cha 'man,: F.! E. Ross. Fourth, Flora Northcott Nellie GOuld; A. J. Todd. Sen- ior third, V• H. Warren, Carrie Gould,- E. ,O'Brien. tintor third, H. F. 'Johnston, -Ethel M.. -oirtheott; Gertie Harvey ; See - mid, E. J. p uld, W. E. O'Brien,' Louisa Armstron.Second part, F. RI Northcott, Maggie Su 11 rby, J. R. Munn.. First part,. Cora J. ft no, -Willie -Gould, Roy Todd. The best np llers in the Monthly spelling matches- wet, : Fifth, F: X Ross; Fourth, Nellie Go Id ; Senior third, •Nyillie War- ren ; Juni , r / third, Freeboiy" Johnston. ; SecOnd; %•Villie O'Brien ; Se3ond part, Mag- gie Sutherby ; First part, C ra Munn.—W. H. Jolinstint teacher. .. . No. 1, pouxn.—The f llowing . is the monthly i port of Wiwi •se thin No. 1, Us. borne-: Si th, Minnie Dunn. . Senior fourth, Nellie Ke( dy, Amy Dew, Edith Lowe.. Sec- ond- scni0 fourth, Laura Jackel, Edgar Down, Ir ;a., Blatchford. Junior fourth, - Ahnina Illatchford, Ella Johnson, John Welsh. Third, John Bell,. Thursa Welsh, Aby Cas. Second, joseph Case, John • Blatehfor , • Alwyn Dayman. Senior - part II, ,Regie ase, Nellie Moir, Willie Welsh. Second senior part 11, Belli Hawkins, Jes- sie Fergus n. Junior part ill , •,i, oh n March - moot,' Mi. • White, Victori Ferguson.—H. N. Ander en, teacher. • , j . No: 1, ' , TRPTIEN.—The f lloWing report , shows the 'standing ofthe pupilof the sen- ior divisio ' of achoolseetion,No.'1, Shephen, . 'aid - is b' sed" upon a written test ex- mination held at said school on December 7th, 18th and nth, 1895. This result will eive the p". rents an idea he v their children are progr Psing at school. Some of the pu- pils, whos' marks are below •half the aggre- Ate,hay not been attending. school ' regu- 1 xly,..14n e their standing is comparatively 1 w. • Pax nts are requested' to see that air chili yen get the r home -work up prop- rly and 4tenil scho I regularly : Senior f fth, -aggr'gate'1,400 Olive • Walker 1,014, 1 lanehe % taker 885, Charles Haggith 885. ( tinier fifti, aggregat 1,280, Harvey _Lane 33, Milto' Mitchell '62;Harvey Hicks 738, , tuart W lker 673, 1 tither hicks 654, Bert - 'ant Mita ell 606, )smonti Walker 566, IWilber Hicks' 550. , enior Jonah, aaggre— ate 880, , V ilber Ho n 609, - Russel Hux- ble 604, Cora; N.Vinn sor 545, George Hicks .1.'39, Lillie Anderson , 88, Luther Pym 473, Laura But 468,Andrew, Ste burn 444-, ,473, Laura Cottril 436, Thornton aker 423, Pearl 'obleigh 17, Wm. Hepl lir!' 407, Alla 1 ieks :388 --James Delgaty teacher. • A BRO D -MINDED DOCTOR. ELATE Z SOME EXPERIENCES IN • 18 OWN PRACTICE. Believes in Recommending Any Medi. Me that he. Knows will Cure his- Patients—Thinks Dr. Willis Ms' Pink Pills' aGreat Disc very. , . " AKRox„PA., April 24th, '95. Dr. Willie' Medicine Co. Genblem n,—While-it is entirely contrary to the dust in of the medial profession to endorse o recommend ay of the so- called pro rietary preparations, I shall, nevertheles , give you an account-, of some of i y wonderful 4periences with your nrepa atien, Dr. Willi tms' Pink Pills for Pale Pe ple. The facte is well known that medici 1 practitioners 44 ot as a rule recognize, uch Tess use prea ations of this kind, conse pnently the bodf f them have no definite knowledge of 1 eir virtue or lack of it, but soundly. coil mu them all without a t it'd.' Such a 'e urse is mani- festly a,bsu :d and unjust.;i d I, for one, propose to We my patients tie best treat- ment knowt to me, for the particular dis- ease with which they are Suffering, no mat- ter what it is, where or mow obtained. I . D. ALBRItilfT was first br Pink Pills a seen some use. Reub Pa., was a er. While s ing a large contracted he having not being a the usual tr ed to.impro rapidly wo herniphlegia tire right tonics �d trial, but 'n :paralysis c. compelled t that his ea time his wii .ments and He had great deal wife to perst "Re, ho a •earances . I re ught to prescrib Dr. out two years a o, after having remarkable resu ts from their n -Hoover, no of Reading, rchninent contra tor and build- iperintending th work of erect- uilding during -e ld weather he hat was though to be sciatica, rst noticed it I ne morning in le to arise from his bed. After atment for this 'disease be fail - e, but on ,the contrary grew se, the ease developing into or partial paralysis of the en- ide of the body. Electricity, massage, etc., were all given a hing gave any benefit and the ntinued: In despair he was hear his physician announce was hopeless. About that noticed one of your advertise- ncluded to try your Pink Pills. iven up hope and it required a f begging on he part of his ade, him to take them regularly. ever, did as she desired, and if indicate health in this man, one Be Carefull Your Health depenris upetn It Worthies I • Imitatio s - OF Dodd's Kidney Pills Are being offered for sale I will costou little to buy the but ff a gr at deal to rOCoVCr from the e- ects, i 1 So Don't Experiment • but buy the r'eal thing, bee A L., WA CURE. 'f TAKE DIAMOND DINNER PILL + for Dyspepsia. 25e. a Box. • would think he was be ter than beore his paralysis., Why,' says he, I ga,n to im rove in two days and in four or Ifive Wee s I was entirely well and at work. "Having seen thise results I co eluded that such a remedy is surely worth a trial at the hands of any Physician, and conse- quently when a short time later I w called ' upon to treat a lady suffering with alpita- tion of the heart and great nervou pros- tration, after the usual remedies f iled to relieve, I ordered Dr. Williams' Pin Pills. The result was simply astonishin : Her attacks became less frequent and a so less inseverity, until by their use for a period of only two months she was. the pie re of health, ros '-check-ed and bright -e -ed., as well as eve , and shehascontinued si until to -day, mo e than one year since s e took any medici e. I have found these pills a specific for chorea'or as . more col monly known, St. -Vitus' dance, aS bane icial re- sults have i i all cases marked their se. As a spring to ic any one who, from ON erevork or nervous train (luring a :long wi i ter has become pais and languid, the Pink P'lls will do wonders in brightening the co an enance and in buoying the spirits, bringing oses the Pallid lips and renewing the fom taih youth. Yours respectfUlly, J. D. ALM-tit:HT M.D." to of • HalfPrice.. . . It is difficult even r for a dealer i -I cheap .clothing to get the better of Pat, as he fol- lowing stdry, told by a LOnden journ al, well illustrates. . Pat was a witty Irishman, who h d just arrived in Louden from the Emera d Isle. He was - aimlessly wandering ab ut the town, when he- perceived a suit of -el thee at a shop door inscribed : "This uperiOr suit for half-price." So in Pat wall ea and iminired the price. 7 "Just sixteen 'shillings, sir," rep ied the shopman. " Begorra,, that's ehape enough " said Pat. "I'll take it." When the parcel was tied up b pnt it under his arm, and laying eight shi Hugs on the counter, was going cut at the do r,when the shopkeeper intercepted him, nd de- Manded another eight shillings. " Didn't you say, you spalpeen, bat the price Of the suit was sixteen shilli 5, and pure haVen't I given you the hal of it? And ly-this and by that, I Won't give up My bargain I" A scuffle then ensued,' and Pat w s taken to the police court, where he plea ed his cause so ably that the magistrate dismissed the complaint, and advised the tailor never agn in to ticket his goods with "Half-price!" —I arper's•Round Table. ii- • . • B gin the Year With Confh.ence. he old year is growing very waibbly in his gait, and is about to stagger iito the grave. Let us bury our croakings aid corn - pie, nts with him, and Start the nelv year with new ennfidence and courage. ' The waly . o resume specie payments," sal( llorae qreely, "is to resume.1" The way to peosi er is to prosper.---tRoston Globe. • • , GRATEFUL—COMFORTIN4. EPPS'S - COC BREAKFAST—SUPPER. A "By a thorough knowledge of the nati ral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- Mon, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well-selec ed Cozoa, bin Epps has provided for our 'oreakfast an1 supper a delicately fiavoi red bev- erage which ia r save us many heavy doct it is by the judicious use of such articlee of jet that a eonetitut.iont may be gradually built up uuti strong enough to re ist every tendency to dines . BCn- drods of subtl maladies are floating around s reedy to attack whenever there is a weak point. Te may escape many a fatal theft by keeping aurae' es well fortified with pure blood and a properly n wished frame."—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or mil Sold only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus • JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., EfOlio3OPATIIIC Ci MISTS, LONDON, ENGLAND. ' 1452 • Sktis of Worme are variable appetite, itel ing at the nose, eta. Dr. Low's Worm Sytup is tl e beet _worm expeller. . e —Captain Sweeney, U. S. ea, San Diego, ,a lit or- nia, says : " Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is t e fl rst medieine I have ever bard that would do ne r.ny good," Price, 60 cents. Sold by I.V.Fear, S aforth. • ee-41-• —KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify -You hied, clear your Complexion, regulate. your Bow Is and make your`head clear as a bell.' 26e, 60c., and el. Sold by I. V. Fear, Seafortb. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Life Away. Is the truthfulas artling title of a lbook ahem No -To - Bac, the harmlee guaranteed tebacco ha it cure that 13/It-again) nicotinized nerves, elbuin tee the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain s rength, vigor and manho d. You run no physical o finan- cial risk, ae No To -Bac is sold tinder guar ntee to cure or money r funded. Book ifree-. Ad. terling Remedy Co., 374 t. Paul St„ Moritreal. . Sold by I. S. Fear, Druggist, Seafortb. —SHILOH:8 CURE, the great ough end Cure is in gre t demand. Pocket size twenty-five doses, only 26c. Children lot a 1 by I. V. Fear, Seaforth. Speaks for tself. Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., Toro to, Gents —Please send us four dozen Milbu n'd Cod Liver Oil Emulsion. We find it a go:mine art cle. It knocks all otheni out in the first round. iEle era la-, dies here are loud in its praise, saying it h e saved the lives of their children. GROGAN & CO„ Kouchibougnao, OUT Croup ntains Sold !JOGS Byrum, 28 Mary street, Hainilto pains in the back and Rheumatism. Have ta bettle of Kootenay 1Cure Never had anyt ele me so much good. B. Had en one •ing- to Kind Words from the Fred ctor Mission .Bible Class. On behalf of theeFred Victor Missi n Bible Class I wish to express our gratitude to yo for th box of Chase's Ointment; which you suppli d in aid of cur charitable work to the infant chil of Mrs. trawn- rig, 162 River street Teo daps ago 1,the ch Id was awfully afflicted seith scald head, the face be ng lit- erally one seas from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a complete cure has been effected. Surely your gift was worth more thee its weight n gold. EDMUND YEIGU, - _ 264 Sherbourne St, Tor ate. Severe Headache 04red. »BAR sit£3,---1 had Severe headache or the past two years and used all kinks of medicine without finding a cure until I tried Burdock Bleed Bitters, when relief and cure quicklvfolloWed. I think there is no batter medicine in the world. ' I es- -- Norway 'Pine Syrup strengthenE " the Lungs and cures all Throat Troubles, Congh.e, Colds, etc, Woi-th $5 a Bottle. Suns—For flee years I have been itroubled with neuralgia and tried everything I cculd see or hear of. At last I was advieed to try a bottle Of Yellow Oil and refund because I thought it 'wee like all the rest—a failure. A half bottle WG8 gi 'en me how- ever, and I found It helped me, an I b eight a bottle, which cured me. If it cost live dol are a bottle I WL uld not be without it. THOS. QUI ra% en uret, Out. ITagyard's Pectora -r B:1..aM cures Combs, Celde, Asthma, Bronchitis and all T ro t and e Lung Troubles. She Ought to Having used Burdock Bitters to: keep front recommending it to ot hundreds of betties from my stet other medicines I ought to know is a wonderful medicine. Yours very sincerely, MRS. DONAL Uoarsm nes fat and So Dear Sirs,— highly recornmen toral Balsam s the best cure f hoarseness an sore throat., ever o WILBUR now. 15 years I cannot era. I have aild e, and as I keep hich cells best. It KENNEDY,, Caledonia, Ont. e Throat Ilag-yaed,s ec- ✓ °sleighs, clplds. 2d. sr*, Havelock, Oet. Ever body in Ki Everybody i King's County, George S. Dr den, of Mitchell N. B. He says "Norway Bine cough remedy I have ever used: bad cough that was most distressi tried the Norway Pine Syrup and her. d never found its equal." • GEO. , Biliousness and Liver Complain are cured by Burdock Pills. gs Co • B kno Mr. Dryden. USSOX, vrup is e best y wife ha a very s for ten ye. I ne bottl cured DRYDE Hendee is, etc., By -Law OF THE Town �f Se vot.:Niviv tAh i. ' A BY-LAW, TO -RAISE OF LOAN, THE SUM IF FIFT 1EN HUNDRED DOLLAR, FOR THE PURPOV HEREINav TER .11.% EN- TIONED.• Whereas, it is n emery and des r .ble for fire pro- tection purposes to purchase and tit in posit on a bell, erect an electric alum syster and purchaseiad- ditional hose for the Town of Seat Oh at a cost not exceeding in the a gregate the me . lot fifteen hun- dred drillers and tO raise the said s urn, it will be nec- essary to issue debentures as here natter mentioned. And whereas it vill requite the urn of seventy -live dollars to be raised annually by sp eial rats foe the payneeet of interest as hereinafter mentioned. i And whereas it Will require the sum of fart -five .dollars and thirty-eeven cents, to e reised annually by special -rate for the payment of the, -said der as • also hereinafter nntioued. And whereas theamount of t e who] raitable property of the corporation, ii -respective ol any in- come in the nature of tolls, intere t, divide ds, i eats or fees from the eaid property amid also ir espective of any income to be derived from !he temporary in- vestment of the sinking fund or any part there.), ac- cording to the last robed assess ,ent nal for the said corporation, being for the year -one th3119 nd . eight hundred and ninety -fiver is the sum cf six hundred and forty-one thousand t mae hu idred and twenty-three dollars, and wherea the existing de- benture debt of the said corporati ri is as follows :— Site thousand dollars borrowed un or the authority of By -Law No. 8 A, of the said Ton n efReaforth and interest thereon at- i the rate of soy n per gent., r"- able - able half yearly from the first day et:July, A.D., 1895, and eleven thousan dollars borrenteelunder the authority of BY•Law 7o. 0 A, of t e Reid Town of Seaforth, and interest th reon at the rate of s.x per i cent. per annum, pays le half y (illy fecal the fifteenth day of October, .D., 1896 leo flvo thous- and five hundred dollars iarrowe in der tIm author- ity of By -Law No. 11 A o the Ton rn f Seat rth for , lg eand interest thereon at the r to f Ilv or cent per, annum, payable half -early fr in he re day of December,A.D.,1895, alio four th us nd el ars bor- roxed under the authorit of By- aw No. of the Town of Seaforth f, r 188 and int -e4 there n at the rate of five per cent. per iinum, a3. ble ha (yearly from the first clay of Nov ember, .Di. 1Q 5, land also six thousand dollen borr wed un or the e. thorny of By -Law No. 3 for 1889 an it -eras the eon at the rate of five per cent. per nnuro, • ayebl half yearly from the first day of July A.D., 1 96, and two thous- aed five hundred dollars sorrowe un.ler the author- ity of 13y -Law No. 8 for 1891, and nterest thereon at the rate of five per centper aunt: , payeble yearly from the rsth day of Oeteber, A. I., 1890, and also three thousand five hundred della s borrowed ,under the autherity of By -Law No. 25 13 of . th Town of Seafolth, and int rest thereon at he rate of five per cot, per our um, ,payable e early f an: the 20th day April, A.D., 1895, and also fourtee thousand dollars borrowed under the authority of ny-Law 1 No. i 8, of the Town of Seaferth for 1592, an interest thereon at the rate of five per • eent. or annum, payable yearly from the that day of Jaime y, A.D , 1896, and there is nothing in aria ars either for principal or interest. And whereas it is made necessary to appAint the . time and plaee for taking of the v tea theduly quaP- fled electors, and for appointing p 4uter I Returning Oeficers to take the -votes of the s id electors at the meeting. tfiingili, therefore enacted by the Mi nicieal CouncilB. of the Town of Seaforth I. That it shall be lawful for he Mayor of the said cot poration to raise by -way 1 loan from any person or persons, body. or bod:es corporate, who may be willing to advance the ea ie upon the credit - of the debeetures, hereafter men io ied, a sum of money not exeeeding in the a r gate the sum Of fifteen hundred eiellarss „ II. That it shall be lawful for h Mayor to caned any number of debentureto be i a e for sueh sums of moue.' as may be required not le -s than one hun- dred dollars each and note xceedi ig in the aggregate the suns of fifteen hundred dollar a d that the said debentures shall be seeled with ti e real of the said corporation and signed by the el 3 r and the Treas- urer thereof. III. That said debentures slut 1 seat interest at and lifter the rate of five per cent pier aenuiu -trout the thy mentioned for this h3 -lav to take efiecb. which interest ehall be payable a nnally on the first. day of Meech in each and everry y or at the (like of the Treasurer, of the said: Munid pality,, at the Town of1Sve.afoTrhtaht. the said d bentures hail114 made pay- ableii at the expiration f twenty ears from the date mentioned for this v law to • kb effect lied shall have attached to them ,coupons are the; p03 went of a 1 siuking fund entures an equal r -and thirty-seven ✓ rates ee raised, e hpon all the rate - len during the cur. n3 of them, and for f the- Bald de - Bars 00,11 in ad- , I -vied and collect- mf i d 11 ed esbaei alit uefersP °or; , A ill.the Municipal appropriate: the V. That for the purploee of for interest for the payment of the said d' annual sam of fortyllive doll cente, shall in addition to all oth levied and collected by special ra able property in the said corpora reney of the said debentures or the purpose of paying the interes bentures, the Ruin of seventy -130 d dition to all other rates, be raisn, ed from all the ratable property ation during the currency of the Rey of them. VI. That it shall be lawful Council of the Town of Seaforth er said sum of fifteen hundred dollars f r the purchase for the putting in pcsition of a bell; r the ereetion of an electric alarm system, and for t ie pit chAse of ad- ditional hose for fire protect-iou ifrposee for the Town of Seaforth. . VII. This by-law to come jut petation on the let day of March, A.D, 1/596. ' VIII. That the votes of the el e ose Shall be taken on the 201-h day of January, A.D., 89 , commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the ir err ing, and from thence continue until five o'eloti n the efeernoon, at the folsowing places : For North Ward, polling sub -d v" inn No: 1, t E. Cash's store. Goderieh street; f the; East N ard, polling sub -division No. 2,.at the T we Ball, an for the South Ward, polling sub-divi ion No. 8, at. Willson's store, Main street, and that Edward ICQ- ash be Deputy-Roturning Officer for rolfin sub division No. 1 ; William Elliott be Deput r -Ret ning (Meer for polling sub -division No. 2, and'Scan el Stark be Deputy -Inc -turning C Meer for polling'sub-division No. 3. IX. That the Mayor of the eel ation shall attend at the Council the 17th dey of Jabnary. A.D., it three o'clock p.m., for the pu persons to attend at the various said and final summoning up oft ly, on behalf of persons intereste or opposing the by-law respectiv X. That the Clerk of the ni shall, at the hour of twelve 'Wel 21st day of January, 6.D., 1896, in the said Town of Seaforth, au for and against the by-law and certificates thereunder, NOTIO The above lea true and come which has been taken into q municipal council of the Town el will be finally passed by the said of the assent of the electo of said by-law in the news per thereto, after one month frim t Exponents, the date of 'whnel 11 Friday, the 27th day of D e thef at the hour, day and p ae taldn3gthe votes, of the.lIm electorsTt ue3 muni, ipal corpor- Room, on Friday, 6, lit the hour of se el appointing 'ling places ifore- e votes resee tivee in and pronHoting' ly. t ielpacorporetion oh, n on, on the at the Town. Hall, up the votes given rant he requisite [. copy: of a by-law nsideration by tee Beatable and which 'uncil In the event being obtained e first publication called HA Hutson publication was her, A -D., 1896, and therein fixed for e polls will ha held. ELMOTif, Fresh Arrivals. AT THE G- 'T Bargain Grocery. A large consignment of Monsoon Indian Tea just arrived, the best and healthiest, tea in the market. .Another lot of fresh Corn, Peas and Tomatoes at 7e per can, also choice Apple Butter at 10e per can:. 4 lbs. Mixed Candy for 25e; 6 lbs. Rice for 25c; 4 lbs. .large Raisins for 25e ; 5 lbs. Boneless Fish for 25c ; 5 lbs. new Figs for 25e; 4 lbs. fam- ily pilot biscuit for 25e ; :3 packages Corn St -tuck for 25e; 2 lbs. pure Honey for 25e ; Labrador Herrings by the dozen, lake her- rings $3 per half barrel ; try my black, green and Japan. Teas at 25c per lb., worth 35e ; try my Japan tea, 2 lbs. for 25e ; try my tea dust, -]0c per lb., or 3 for 250; another fr sh lot of Syrups at 40e and 50e per gallon, rth 50e and 60e; new sealed herrings 15e r box, or two for 25c; sweet cider by the rp, art or gallon ; another large consignment Of Crockery a,nd Glassware ; tea sets from $4 up to $5 per set, of 44 pieces- some very 6 e Toilet Sets, from $1.50 up to $5.50. anted—Butter, Eggs and Poultry, for which the highest Market price will be paid. A. G. AULT, Seaforth. TRIDt MARK 41 ntellop EGISTERED. Made a well Man of Me:' INDAPO THE GREAT HINDOO REMEDY. PROMICES THE ABOVE RESULTS In nor DAYS. Cares all Nervous Diseases. Palling Memory, Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abuses tires vigor and -else to shrimken organs, and quicq ut surely restores Loot Manhood in old or young. asap carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package. Six for $5.00 with a written guarantee toeure or nioneyrefunded. Don't buvan imitation, but insist on having INDAPIO. It your druggist has not got It, we will send it prepaid. Oriental Medical Co.. Props.. Chltsgo, ilL, or earageats. SOLD by J. V. Fear SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere, di • 3E Great hance • OHN WARD SEAFORTEL'S OLD AND RELIABLE HARNESS MAKER Is still to the fore and offers A. TZ G- _A....1 1\T S Which are worth looking after. In Saddles, }laxness, Horse Clothing,Sleigh Bells} and Robes of all kinds, he can give better value than can be got elsewhere in the county. He h.rs some very nice - ' GALLOWAY ROBES Which are worth looking at. They are nice - and cheap. Give -me a call, It will pay you. My shop is first door north of the Town building, Main Street, Seaforth. John Ward, 1452-tt. A list of Things To be seen at,o- C. W. PaPSIS BOOK - STORE. Leaving out b 'rake which we have in such quantity ' and variety as makes it impossible to de- scribe eh in. We have Silver-plated ware, Glass ware, China, Plush novelties, Celluloid novelties, Leather goods, Gold pens and pencils, Writings desks, Pocket books, Dressing eases, Companions, Albums', Dolls, Japanese ware, Toys and games In great variety. • We have the largest stock of above goods in Seafo and at lowest prices. Call and see us; 3 ou can't help being pleased. O. W. PAPST, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. F r„ • 7.• 'reetkfili Perfect F.e.th.3 groW payingerope. Perfecter:eels* are not grown 13- thence. rig Never left to themes In grow- ing Ferryte Seeds. I) b. them everywhere. Write for - FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL for 1896. Brimful of valuable Information about best turd new- est seeds. Free by mail. D. M. FERRY CO., Windsor, Oct. • • • NOTICE. The sonnet meeting of the McKalop Mutual Fire suranee Company, will be held in the Town Hall, af*th, on Friday, the 17th day of January, 1: i 6, a t14 hour of 1 o'clock p, re., for the purpose of o ectieg three directors for three years, and one to 1 out the term of the late Donald Ross; for the ft dog and receiving the report of the transactions the Company for the year; the financial state- ent,' the auditors' report, receipts and expenditure, • sets and liabilities, and any other business in the Serest of the Company. - W. J. SHANNON, GEORGE WATT, .• Secretary -Treasurer. President. 140-2 , ;f 7.-;,* City, Groce4 :.•..a THE 4 411.. 74$ Is the place to buy. your Christmas Pt -es - cuts. As we have this week opened up a new line of Fancy China Goods Which we are offering at low priees to enit the times. We would like you to call and see us. We have on hand a special &dock of Choice FrilitS CLEANED WITH OUR IMPROVED FRUIT CLEANER. Also a stock of 'ESEI Having decided to remain in the Crockery. and Glassware trade, we are offer- ing our entire stock for sale in small quantities. Robb & Currie, SEAFORTIL Right Now IS THE TIME TO STOP AND Think. Don't wait to buy your Christmas Presents until every one is hustling about just a week in advance. Our holiday goods are here now and all the immense advantage' 3 yours by canine- now, taking your timen .cheose and velien the selections are mor' handy. Of courseyou buy Xmas - P resents ENT' IT body doee, but how ? Many buy in a hap -hazard way, wandering around from store to store only to 1/e, thoroughly dissatisfied in the end. ! You want some better way—then we've solved. the problem for you. -Nothing could be more suitable for yonrivife er daughter than a nice warm TDIMSS And nothing Tmore suitable for your boy than a nice new SUIT OF CLOTEEES We have a full stock of both to -please any Ude:. Our prices never change; always the:lowest. McCosh & Jeffery CARMICHAEL BLOCK, - 'SIGN 9F THE OJECULhil SAW. :atra /74:1 Cl) CD CO 17; two- ' or' • -Karn Organ & Pinoa Company; What we say is true, and ! Everybody knows it. Our success demonstrates that business can be done on a tair,square basis, and be succeeded. There's a reason for us continually getting the greatest share of trade, Never has our mastery been so complete as it is now. No other concern can jell at the prices we can and will, none can give you the choice of so One a line of instruments as ours, in square or upright pianos, or for church or parlor organs. All new organs end pianos warranted for the tern of seven _years. TERKS.—$13,1i5,or IRO or more monthly,nritil pad. What can be more liberal, more inducive, more safe than to buy a EARN. J. L. Downey, 1429 M.ANAGER* •