The Huron Expositor, 1896-01-10, Page 17
ath 04 ana e
niakei Will�tOr ('oods, at
laqgcly: for pring,
re to
OVer as
so that
reoaill for Our
80011 ag they ar-
134ce Of the c-ar we
JAN 896
$1'00 a Year in Advance.
Goods, Manile
the gayment, 'I to t'
)unty �In(l nrsu
ed tbeiii n Union with' 84,:V70.squa
re in" 38�
R arriount ng t, $20,Q0q, which Lee an born in Oulaa, gh z�A;: and Payne, q years ago, be came -to Canada, and muity. They enter life's journey togietliett
Mantle T TE'OF iUT)
lot S'I .. , . TH d 260, OQO people and politics based on t h settied:
Sympath 0 C' ada, when�a boy oE 15.JTE bbroa+ed near Hamilton. Deceased went to live in with sploudid. prospects and a good record,
ha,-V�js, Mi Egan t - to Brigham Young to Pe interests of silver, lead and wool, An i
llinery, Lo 6i
ISTE IHI I )OD Al TER us id In utfitt, 4g for the Journey to Ut-a�h. may iihe Wave. And as one of her ge wife of Dr. I& illy iaii, of Torcitito, Hamilton ten oir twelve years ago; and was both of which we sincerely trust they will
Velvets -i Far r t h ase o n TAKE, INTO THE 8 nt 1") W. 1E1 Millman, of Guelph and I red.Mlill- one of the fougiders of Victoria Avenue -Bap- well manitain throughout a Ion if
F0 T1 e bat, allon �Vas ut in tbe,00mmand of pi6neers, who edited a paper here when g I e.
a.D_es Fur Jackets, THE NINTH, IMOCK� AT man, of Woodstock. he at tist church. He leaves a widow�,:tbree sons —Mr. John Ingrain, of Mitchell, lost his
THE DOOR. M t,anle
colonel PhIIII St. -g Is and clubs were in- order and h d
%corge.-dooke, and lop Pl8to
-ur muff� consid his 2blood- split for an e, ft- wag 62 years of age.
�Ilars Fur fi Drwa -d the' Mormons used to tell with era ble of and three daughters. fine irnported Clydsdale Molance, a
afl Drwa .:_Word hi J: d'a , % e, I tha - Q pe -major ys
is !been reefive, I that .,J —Mr. RoberC Ireland, latel few
,ixde ear, Ela Sketeii of "The ale of Desexet"O—Ait Old a �low of prJ d I think mmation Thi.5
ie o that his '�ttacbmont to torlal Indiscretion, y vi 'ago, through � infia
TI ay say wii Charlton, Al. who 1 -aE some time �g4 of �the 48th Highlanders having;ted fine animal w i mpo ted b Mr Ch I
Sto ti 1@) pl- th I r ar es
r7l Belated by One of Her Gen' I so soldiers was, so- gr4at"t-bat -when lie out egotism, "Welcolne, 6 eet sister, atid
oys, ni t s, Men! f 4 ra wa
hurt at Buffalo, by lingy on A tour in the United StAes, in char the Brooks, -abd has belongeato, M -r,
enicredjS�lt Lako City in 185�withtbe all* the more welcom b 6 of our wc �uw
its, track is sti1V ufferin ri an,
U YS'Overcoakts, olie rs—A Great ]Problem. Solved tnd a derful il pipe band accompanying Mr. Ellis' eigb t yeaiz, being, twelve years old when he
Ui Ited. traisformatlo J. B. pla:y)
my be-roide With his head He is At T6nawau N �,�v k tato
t t a perhaps to state, Great Commonwealth Transformed. "'Bonnie Scotland returned to Toronto (lied.
Oar consolation, or un 30 1 7 t A. company of 246 pioneers- and will probably be t e fo s, M. A. of Kincardme
Ipntls F-ar G the case wilder' our sympathy; goes out bad air b en sent around from Now 'Canada. so e WeOks' last w-ebk,- and was welcomedby a number —Janies Xorri
Cotresponde'nie, iy -yet. of his old friends. A.
[Speci I t colle-iate Istil
h e�re -is. $15,000 in uii(oRected t4xe., at- ;ute, Isa;e orris B
to all defeate bandidates
eedo, �-,c, &G,, -%vbo have been r., olonel, Samuel � Brannan. —James Gale, a,,ed 21, of sville� a
AKID, CiTy,.Jan 1,_ h H- one Y6rk 110 ro —The Breslau correspon0ent of the Wat- of baition! high
told that -hey were on. the wrong side - for They rQ Buena In time to aid san Aliss 'dbod Yerba Smith's- Falls. w
of us. Af ter th o longest territorial dh ild- brakeman on the A. 0. NV C ushed to eflo Chronicle- writes: We had the pleas- f the Wman�s Medical College,
hile there may be no pecuniary or popuWr- —A, 360 -pound bear was �ecently shot on
the revo against Mexican rule, andf
hood in our history, 45 years, the com- W`166n n engine ure t at the distribution of
t�tiop death the other day, ibet f being presen Toronto., spent their Christinas holidav-s
-no man likes to be told
one Th0 st("(-k loss sustah�ed,.yet the1vladawaska river. iz a in'the old M
the dis gery of _gold following soon, and tender, at Tilbury�, Th en ine, had entionite Sunday school wit
became a very
y. the %exiles from Pr h their mother,. N:.'�orris of
new linos that he is was, or i's to be, on the -wrong nded b —A reading circle has b.�en organized in' beed d I as d inW a last
Brann�i remained and e i I
`Nauo6 by presideutial'proclarnation be- -in iinnianageable, c Sunday. This is one of the most success' Staxa,
tor Pembroke.'
side. u, while tbb Mormons scattered
eii der ma - ful E unday schools belonging to the church, —Mr.
comes' to I the siste"r- wealthi 1111a ark freight train, wrecking 4obn'Dunba, 1"eacber in school
the forty-lifth sta —Business in Winni'eg had a rem cai�s
1p I But why, You naturally ask, do"we f edl and w6)!,i -,d their 'The officers of the school for the past year ;section No. 6, Hibbert, was recently pre -
hood.': Nine thries have The enlzeiis in through to Utah- ing GaWs death.
so SYMPIL'botic?- Well, ji�lst this, t of —As the result of his veWeb bei ig
at a Nor ffhou. d the World forget. that It was revival for the -month D(cember.
fellow fi�ehng has rilade -as -kind. the vale of Deseret.. knocked at Uncle, —The revenue in Hamilton, from city o up were : Daniel Wenger, supeAntendnt; sented with ai� landsome writing desk on
Mormon James W.'Marsball, who ii New YB&IT's d A
Sam's. do -Y, Mi %1i cl ael � F i tfi' - Jacob Kolb,vice-superintendent - Jos. Cres 'the o
AVe have been told that'we in our or before bearing tie, welogme licenees, for 1895, amounted to $5 926.80., ecasion of his retiring from the schol,
while c rkin' in Captain $ubterls mill patrick, a respected resi le 0. Vercy towlll: treasurer; Eph. Cressm;n,' secretary. byis pupils. Air. Dunb -ends pursu-
W 9
Comoin! anic inthemeantim613states ar int
ace of b isiness, were on the wrong' sid:e of The Canadian. ChaniolsiFibre 60mPany, ship, Nor Th sixteen teachers appointed. The his studies at the Straforij Ccillegiat4e
a face, picked up that golden nugget which thuffiberland. died tw'*o were
incorpora, ed, with a c)L
the street ttnd ware like the defeated t
h ve. on tered, ev Bry one of wl ich WE is be- electriflodl, the; world and revolutionizeq limited, has been p hours afterwatids, The doc em ed I as about seer ar ''read the
hind Utah at - t lie start. Sa t Lake City w years report. The arei- i1natItute.
I. iMiGFAUL candidate,, with this difference, that while ital of $100,000.
our natiobal politics and commerce. seventy ive yea
rs of �ag i nd bad been. a age it ndance of pupils was 117, of teac- —The Bible Soci held itt anuu
had 5, 000 Inbab' tants wben Y 3rba E uepa
--�-Au unusually Iar tell
side of the streo ety
we afe on the wron ge uniber 'of n al m6et-
we was staitled by he gold disooliery in d The M9'rmO1a settlement in Utah'wag resident of Perc townsl ip Ear half a cep- eirs 14, -and -visitors 12; total, 143. Th�
y ing on the 20th ult in -the Methodist
Dry Good all tile have applied for entrance c, the- Artill
supporters we can reasonably ex-, its rqpid �ran I] r �churcb, Mrkton. A Kir
pect, who, one aiqd all, are satisfied dent; -8.
0 nto due to G6veriaor Thomas L. John tury.
gan sfotmatt, ol at Kingston this wil kter. wize s were -beautiful and instructive bookO.
I C.! Fremobat and Bill Smith. -The 'last he, cit� bell at �h alha d out
with Ile
Thq were given on the basis of attendance. ;Ford" ViceLpresident,: v -v -.-g our policy of carrying the. very best goods er as a Alsey, seere-
1�r-allcisco; the.j ite of Deny sage- social, held in At The're were nine p
pany named represo ted the Mormon county of —The bread and butter the ti�r 8:44 deol ed upils who attended ieveri, tary-treasayer. The mt�etiug was a(ldressed
ear ev.,.
and selling them at reasonale prices. I I �� years after Brigham
brush desert the Methodist church,. P(tr lia, ou, New F much li rte'. and,, bliss I ce r
Hancock lyl'�t o Illinols. legIslature wben y . J,
rercoat Young and the' 143 ormon loueers la- Sun siv and seven of these were Cress— y Revft-'Showaen, Fletcher &�a Nether-
-rth ! I ear's night, was a decided success.
The $5.50 nofi-shoddy Frieze 01 -of remont's Ilpst expe- wife:! Th wed 11 plaice� at' in tight attended every Sunday �coit,
I � �W.l i bhe!offlcial'r lort hy man an bu�t
- - - - - - cated :Te wned Pic
is still a , ad seller. mple b obk; the Indl ns,'O —Mr IF. M.',Bell-Snifth' ture of he�
-ditibn was ree lved by the governor. The the resi��Jence the br*'sl rother, in he 0 The meeting v�qia addressed by Bishop i —Mr. James Proctor for a qidarter of a
all of Kansas, 611VO
How many, pepple bay the militar res -ves, funeral scene of the la6 8 r John Thor ip-' presenc�.
F latter oaJIed 8 �nith's attenNn to �the o- of A e, frip The nom
.;��g oves- cos ing Weaker, Rev. Noah Stauffer, the teachers, �ceutury o6 -resident of Stratford., t
nb *�iing-ibs linishing touches. n. Th ound son, is recer
$1.75, $2 and -9,2.50. -Bros:- English 'when the gray grallnite foundat ons the iod t
scription of fe rtile valleys on the east side t 0 T.
�st for wedde4' couple ef n the; G R. tr4ln and thers.
great ormon temple were at just b d on Tue d last week.% Mr. Proctor was
i Thom s Ilaceburg news-
GaineroirJohn'. Gloves se[I t, these pricesl and are good I avorably known throaghoul., -the
und of the Great )asin and said, "Tell your for OWriville, t , vis t the !I top M. partn�s, -b t 40 . : , I :
gro While- settled Iowa w s r raising Mr. and Mrs #014.
d -John Tippet. value. boy, has been jailed at Cha, 1am, fb
brother that t iere Is a place where your A vin icify and 1c6uny ai an auctioneer, and was
�er eut t ilaecl a num,;bor. mil oa Wide, Min i6soia was a S1, ux unt- c ank of Mo.. treal. Perth, Items.
Whein a man gets looking at Neckwear ing D corn ) r, iere werer �djs-
ta : *: people ca foi nd a. commonwealth after —Du A186 connected with the br firm Of
e in —Daring 1895 there -were 223 buildi igs - owing
ground, -all 1 vest of It. and north the v. 'Dr. Williams officiated at
charged from th Ce tr .1 rise i To i .
rity their owi i religious p three ',Cosgrove' Company.
pi made by Llod Attri 'a London 'England, attern, and no mob iiii 0,
t irne was spent,, he never I news when to stop. The patterns Raw was Unbrcanlied te#'Itory, Ar zons erected in Hamilton, at a.;cost of $297,( 70,.- 54 prisOners,. ft om th) jai 1, 5. 1 t1le marriage services in Mitchell on Christma�
will moest hern for centurlos." The
1, ters, arevisit are so rich And varied. and the prices' range- W8 but & narroWdesert strip, And � kla- 00 aal,compared iiijth, Pr sone I so iat as ist Id, aft*r t
decrease of �$109;5'
a d I h nor had alread� bad a deal of trouble "1894. n WGI. Hay, of Listowel, has gone
(wi 4 o Guelph -for the purpose of -undergoing a
A e-" - -
A, bo a had not been dreamed of. Ohl dren gover r. George Larkwortby, of Mitchell
Sparks, sr. from 35 tic 65c, 1 their c
In keepli g the -pence, between ni e roy, 1 t e Ceptr#1 �econd oeration at
Dr. How -at;
MAry and boys I d f lambs the hands of
I �tn V: t th-rfft, fro
y iben bo n'of.English arents In Salt Lak City acres of Manitoba'. la id, 1 Prison, and thii-e e jail: raa- took car oa o to the Bufflo mar- t the hospital. Hay as not been -well
"Sth, ha er�thing tha —Some 8,000
P andold sttlere in Hancock county, but belonginq to the Sampson, on
he Methodist need for wealring purposes we carry. Mitts, I numb r o p soy ers n ib a A. -
e long been i grandm6th�ers, and a na- estate o� I ke�t t week. 3 b
nothing onipared with what he was soon ary lat Ithe e �ince he had been down before, but t
that city, son of a Manxma and nedy & Company, Toioiitoi will be ci ed iss Clam Bottrel has succeeded Al e
91'. M,,ro(r good hope he may obtabi-relief on this
a cry, Kn
r: :i�n Unde'relothig, Boy's Suits,Ord, tohave. Thop'ropbetJoseph Smith soon
fare par, ei ed t1v0 Of tral Prison was R44r t
for. sale in February. 01
V&!:,; e 118 of the -pro- Clothing for Me Mcrmon presiden!t','is soon' a as teacher in Gould's school sectioln
n, etc. to be gave out to thepeople that their final lo, tof 68, Girls' Refuge, 42, "Olinty jail� 114 occasion. -
I.,11 ter.—Tvve un We can sell almost anything for men ftr� t senator. But what a, strango�t'hfl'd —Shipping returns slio vv a decrieas Re Fulli to
cation wi is to be in the heart of bhe'Rocky —A number of en uragag �tte from —In giving clicision11 Court of Revision
-fifty-five vessole in the or vinces of N 'niames Parish of near Chiselhurst,
olk 'Irinity- chu'relL and boys' wear, but there is one line of filabory lies between, and In these 441years -mb: the mission field I MIA, h 'b appe
untains, and missionaries were sent Scotis als at; 8tratford. Judg.9 'Woodt; Bpoke
we tj has I n 'eliling t ei cedar in his swamp at
coneert or a4 -e never have, nor will any bl 0 ces the Ceriin the of $160 per aere.
a goods which 1h bow in unders and follies wel co ahead to oonvrert the Indians, but Joseph New'B�unswick and I Prince Ed ard. ceivid at the: ci of ver strionily regardmg the inequalities in
sell—we mean the class of goods that is very mi �ued as well as acts of herolsm an
sub Islapd. since 104. y
mission T t e co pmu it Ion n the assessnient ril of th
and his )rother Hyrum were killed by a s i do =rq n wo
Mrs. Chri topliler L o u of otta, as- + Wm. Inglis, of Elma,-sold ne of citv, and recom-
elf sacrifloel deals th openingl Of,-& n�w
low in price and even lower in quaity—the Ilty a 9 4110b the ioxt summer, and the great Mor. partidular ended that, an assessineent. commission
stuff tha-triever satisfies. A Look Backward. saga, presente h -01 -with a n vel. miss- �cli Is do his
1011 college t 1 d)rb,- wb.1 -t horses lately to a Seaforth buyer,
pion exodus was organized. and led by Ne* Year's gi iiEmakingl him the fa h The (irseweigbed 1,700 po-da 4ppointe to. revise the whole roll and _put
Oh, scribed As a spin id b�i ding, wiqh an audi- every piciperty. on a just- and fair biLsis, The
........... those not ds.
............... snatch some portion of from Joseph's successor, Brigham Young. Ed of three be ptist church an-,
�y success',1fa tea--weeti ,,, lI - I b —Tilie proceeds of the 11
i,tbm AvitN t�e re �nd� 143 'companions reaohqd the valley torium, capa le o - seatir g 1, 200. i Rev. Dr. judge char' -upqf t
pen W-cr 'hatb am ticterized the make he roll
t Methoil-iqt ch' -O ONE.,PRICB TO ALL. Historic muse, -and to the world relate. ate n olcinel 861th, 6f Kell�gg, lately of ciro1iit D, took. �girt in the nivex dry, hold at Fularton recently, were-
ly 24;- 1847, the day si e celebrated who c I : -� As outr �Iecius,
Lreh on ma th forcesl-A Windsor and' iver s tisfactory, the sum realized be'
......... 'I shll Indt-write Ae h'istor , of c Jurse. 9 y
y opening cei
tf�e very unf 9, 0 Sherbrooke, during the Feni�n raids, �$81 ing Daly and Afri. A. .13. Ch
despite gre) e at n in almrs, re -
The world knows' have been seen Salt —One L It, for tho*e tiring teachers at Milverton public e
�Ilt is Pionbcr[sl�d I hai
�A very� hevy 141it rs. Re�,) A D.
La a City deserted'Land quiet as' 1$66, is deAd, aged 86 yea, -'Th trustees of chool seetion. No. 2,
fall of ks writ -ten r t with. a��ve ielejpients of valuable presents from
wen ag. last, which GREIG & MA CDONA L ioTethIng over. 800 boo about 6n the Sabba h day, when al� the popula-l! —The police officials Loodoii el a Rolston, of alk r Met ry Hibbaii�, have purchased a portion of Mr.
thq Mormons. But theke. are man r side urning home, she 'George Vipond's farm for thee
irr! rto �Ion wbo* cou d travel went tq a great n0- heir pupils as tokens of regard. Mus Daly
od sleigh f 'in bad accident. Wh', e re,
ty I hat the,8alvation Army responsible for the street; and. nlargement of
It the 011th A Ur rnt- facPs,. with the reali of history and all tiral amplilt e- bTlinging- a large number tramps to the ed on a pi ce le. On received a beautiful g'91d ringsillivr thimble
an F CLOTHIERS, the g�h., ol around.
tbe! glow of -romance, hich should be set eater In the WAsaCch on th felTpto- the grou d. � SoMi persons 'whe'w
.7 23d� pitcheditboir tents and had religlo
,be held iti the town hall city, owing to the etrein I cheap fare and :�,Mr H. W. Thompson, of Mitchell, left And a =411purse of money. ATx. Chalmers'
Furnishers down to impress, 4oung -Americans as 'to' her to �ri e, butshe was un-. Was presented with'a handsome antle
and Hatters. y services that night and devoted all t 16dging provided. Ilear by assiste tbis,twe k for Berm -ads an7d South America oloo-k�
the wonderful growth )f our west a id the able t( appropriate address was reaA to
Tht�re aie, a next day to feasting and merriment. —The Kingston knfttin miW t eek walk, d. had �t( b taken home in combining business with pleasure.
I Us
On thq.Wrong side of the Street, power'6f our institutic ns to* solve i great i a. sleigh. A OCtGr. 1 9 ummoned, who on all t
ts, in t�e 4e;d see king the. w each.
When Br4ham Young Was- a Lion. s�ipped upwards of $210,0001 wortb.of Is' 1 found that her, high bon i s broken. +A 1. 0 -acre farm in Downie, owned by i
lectoral for �thei problom�and traiisfon -a great cot imon- 11 . Tlierowere married on :Christmas day
r vote� on 8V
Strong' it was on tbab day 4n 1857 when all the The articles were consignedi to Briti el- J*:Dd&aoy, was offered for sale on tho
s Block, wealth. 1he superstitious mighl . find --Onne day * tely w le David, son of
III& Westaot
is-sis- i-4 Toronto, at the residence of the
poople wore ithered! iabout Big Cotton- 101bia, Nova Scot a' and -other maritime mar4�t in Stratford, by auctioneer Cowan,
strange �u*ggestiona in the -odd.nunt ' s— Dougald M eConlachie' , of 1e, 9th concession, at eciusitt, r. Janie L 11
ONT.- Wood lako - 2� miles 06in the city and 10,- $3 2950i
at, Centralia this SEAFORTH, - - provinces. and *ithdran. a a 9 b Rev. Mr.
45 yearsl.of territorial life to beconte the Minto, and another younj r man were elipp-
(If Rev. W. H. Rau and 0�0 feet ab'ov',) sea le� ol, when the music —Rev. r. Moln�yre, Presbyteiian nuu.- ri�'Walter Whyte, of H4miota, Mani-, mut ss Jessie Lang, T&JtZ of MT.
aniiing and w forty-Ilftb state, -9 applications to secure ad- ping in the bush� the axe of th� youngi man
ba'. Robert L g, Of Xeepaww, Manitoba, form-
ife,* of n, has b( glanced, striking David u to and two of his children, and Mrs.WM.
mission, 13� other ney; states coming �n was loud and the dancing, at Its merriest, ister at Nelio en sued for'$5,000, on j an e�ly Of t
Nvere the guests of r. ace6unt of an alleged libel against George Colli of the saine place, are y of t ..12th concession of Elma,, -wnd
rd Maniain- ahead, and 3 territorie; claiming to be fit Fisher one of, the lic4 �nse commissioner a
Bkgham Ilea� iug the head co'tilloh with inflicting a feprful gash. He was asslsf�d Vrr. Jere Dewar, a promising young
his fayorite M ife, Emeline Free, when El- of frien in' Mitchell and neighborhood.
What th, Old fora'dinisslo'n. tqual: y suggestive Is the home as quickly as possil le & the wilound farmer.
wee'k.—Messrs. Urqu- r I. - and Mrs. Dewar will take up
deir*A. 0. Striocit rode into the assemblage,' Halton. county. i - A. W. Hotham, who has I .
nd McDonell, of Ifensall, anomalous 'fact I thai when the oil Inal --John Brftbacher I as sold his fine form, dressed, but he guffered j res t pain) it 'the 8 affa- ichool succes their residence on the 12th concession of
Utab,was.oplit down ibe middle a] 1, the havingcome from the Missouri river as was feared thEit, lood iso. 3' t �eb sfully. for the past
pc mg migh
on, Aloday night y1fta J. fastas-bis strength ould bear,#36nd an- near Breslau, IVITaterlool county, to Jacob thre years, has gone to Toroifto to st Elma.
,war -s Whisperion Western half of the Gre t Basin was i ushed in. udy
ia'thers-'- ga ve aii account of H�rgott, for the sum of 1$7,500. The f irm. medi6ine. —A Logan corre-,tpondent of the Mitchell
nounced tba I President - Buchanan' had ecorder mys - The i ving feel
into the tnion a� the state of iilevada our sent a Ine taifis 140 acres. 114 price is good' on- K-Orie momin lately, Mix. Gordon,, sr. J L sparrow b Unt has been causing con- R re is a groN
during the past year to a W 60 of 0 cla, Is for Utah, and cO-u who daides negar HarriE ton, after having rrn
Aectors at the town hall moitfarsbeing",states'mm expected hAtlt i0g amoon. farmers that
to the New, would,grQw raipidly, and, by successive that with th(m was -a great army now sidering -the times.. finish d. attendl 'to his call 11e, wenV into siderable,&xcitement, among Logan sports. lers'-Asson . ion is on.. the Dominion MI-
�y In - cDonald Broth South Zorm, AIM Ing -another name for
,at.—IN-1r.Hugh Gould,. ntrol raidly-fietiringUtali: Manyatimehave tly. a The it eads wore to be counted some day this
additions, bo able to absorb and o the use, and shor lei felt a peculiar one of t most oppressive combines in the.
Lt p .resent confiried. to I oat by CablL . fires in remote' villages of ,erected a large windmill on their comyn di- week, the lol'ing side to pay for the supper.
ea sensa ion in!hjs right ha id, and sudde ly We are glacat , learn -that there is
Mormon Utah, wer s, in fact, -It's the —�Irs. �obn Little, of the 12th conces count
-is-it al prospec of a joint al
-iatory rheuniatism. Mr' The fact tbat: --we are visibly servin vniy.Amerkan common"wealth wh oh is 'Utah ariah6iird old iiien and women tell call b rn, for cutting feed, crushing gr in, disco ed �ab he had - 168 all poweri of Lock company being
peo e rose- one man, i pulpil g roots Portage I& Prairie
I so: Wianipeg, are v hand ai 1c He, do as ot know what formed to build and operate a mill in
is how the iind how pu iping water, turning h hnV sion Of Elma, has gone to
the best interests of -our customer, erg. the
tI around this vi
1-lafre. He Bri am was fair I ing mill and grit I ione. to isi� hei- daughter, Mrs. Nelson Kitchen,
Ci danio' gh -then t -uly the Ilon of the cause� b4t. as the knu4 &I s spread ai*rt, j interests of rain growers rather than
place.—Master �.irelzoT natrated-by-the volume 04 basi-. w 0 4as been very ill.
Lord.- He tPok the sand and said: I I God -The John Eaton Opnipany, f Toroi Lte, some 6ding cord must have been injorb illers,
James ol
-hi is visiting his, uncle ness (lone. during the past season., have bought the enfire stock of SamEjon; regaining ts —The Sabbath sebo etertainmet in
has granted i ay wlQ, and the devil has -However, t e hand is aw Cousins, of Downie, while' inay we inedy & Co he recent] d rys the otherday, had the misfor-
mpauy) I poweri a t e Presbyterian church at Carlingford n
t —A Christmas tree i1a That NN -6 will serve you eciiially as taken me 'at i iy word. I said'tbe d Kei ly assigile
hat city, at 721 on the dollar. tune t fall on the icy sidewalk an spram...
ie Trivftt 111emoria.1 San- in t Zts The
well, if no better durimg th I tbatif t I apman, acl= pkui,
e com ing James ed by his
veher an le. hristmae eve, was successful in every re-
IC-Ide'd tw hildren, is ba from Mani- apec
re b d Utah be minlons of 'bell
in t ie school ball, seagot)L W e ten years I'd be ready for total amount will be aqout $115,000.
I , is evid.enced by preparations --The barn and stibles of W. E. Lib- — W. A. Dent. of Mitchell, w t. o withstanding the un, vorable
.—The rants who, are. hoz�-has la
as i t4em. . .'They 1, inve tken me at my word, on a vi t amgng frJ en Is ther
already made for the Spring se'ason of bock, butcher of Day ill near Toror to toba, on a vi arouhd !For-. -4eather d roads there was a large congre.
"ouncil year in thia - apd they WiJIL been ti aching in the Essex high, sch ol has
;ce that, I am ready." gus. He wa iformerly-ia es dent of Vi6hl, the receipts at the door were
ruas H. McCallum and were burned -down Fr�. ay night. A!horse 'been engaged as science teacher In the g1atioh, a
1896. 1
prompt.' y ordeted out tile, Militia, and about 14 �ears ago w eri ut to kam'' - $9 f�� 2. P05. ch credit is die to Mr. George
reeve ; Thom, as B. Car- and dog were cremated, d a quaritIty of Whitb � high school.
d proclamatious,, atid the iso called as pro pere a -
That the popularity of the I)a1ace as 18511 toba, w ere h nost en�o :r
11abier, for deputy: For Mormon'war )ega as during the feed -and harness also Oestroyed. —Mr. Patrick *Rouen, f6rimerly of Lo- Barr, up rilitendentof the Sabbath school,
now 0 8 50( a reaL of
a shopping PLhe.grow`8 day by day,*be- agingly as h splen�
lor, Win.Trele,. Wm. --Poultr tbie,,in� goes on-- -,very gau� It who has resided in Detroit for and his ta: ented wife, the organist f the
three years )egin ln�g with 1855 that L Y Ki lairney dListric.
All the cause the go- )011 11y did'farmina I d in th t. ars. past, church for the successful concert,
r he had 3 0 iot BS under top,
4ries Snell, ds sold there are good are ind Hays ville. ite a number )f "he Latiuyan�e' some dthere recently. Be
most of those acts were committed which —Tiiree young married man, residentsf
eaves w
boininated. a -oods, and the prices asked ae small b
ve left the fariners have lost ch ekens, geese an I tr- ife and two 6, ildren.
anti -Mormon writers refer to as the which yielde4 t an abun ai Lt I at irest, aA he NV Pollock and John Harloff, botel-z
6 M tchell, were arrested there the other day,
contest is looked for on prices. "church rnurlers.'� The first year the keys, which were rea y fattened fox their has -250 acres of fail U g dione, r I ady
the chi rge of be' dunk and disorder-
ke for crop next spring. I v 1� own. use or for mar kee�ml i at Milverton and Brunner stations onTbatthosewho have dealt at the� crop fall .1 ' d tb 3 � nextNTInter the people They Were finef $92 each �mud costs,
e", a A par�j *ent out on the t lb-lat W an- gle�die a guilty at- court to selling liquor on.
bad. to oofs and sejoes forlood. -4
c Om -
t on..
g to start' the:* new. dig th dot �e, on T� e Year's day7,'a'nd'�a,"youn T, —The Strathro go 01 is now tuida and were fined :P20 and costs ;each. ]I . ere waE ili. suspic.i6n also of their being -the
A spirit.of w5d faaiicisyn followed and ady pleted, and Vill o e ed otuden�s ow p�,artiea wl o'took a lot of cigars and a quan-
n er
a fearful period, knows as the I Ireforma-, this men. h. ho i buildiih
year happy, bi�ealise thq 10 g sho, into an r hole up to her waist. 1: T. H. Evans, of Prospect Hill,
shrj' eks brou b prompt at 4 1 he the nnd of 9 is tity of Iiq Lor from thebar of the Farhees
connection! wilth, Dulr�s dry good8' bill to pay 113W. w ol ely had an operation performed at.
tion, -during. which 6ha "blood atone- commodious Ad well tt ed i be pu"e t e?? htel in t 3at town, 'but, on Accont of their
,e ',abbath and ouaic wac dragged t. don hospital, is fast improving, and
,re hold C The wise people, ecop al buyers, ment' doctri�e wiis preached, and 6oca- intended. On the gro, d is a r f4milies, this is not pres ed.
--The 1afge di y goods store of J. D1 il- hoj�m a complete cu. 61ned. Suspicion WE s
re are enter1tv
r 22ad and On Sab-, thoae *hoi want ivbaVd newest,'want slonally onfor ed. Vhe same year 2,000 for cheese making, a ro u. for tter! Mak- These you
j7- lian ison & Con ipany, Guelph, was int on igmen hadbetter be wise in time
r bu d
Itoss, D, A., of Brussels, staked om. the. frontier in sat, ing an( m i also rs. : M. O'Dea, of St. M,4rys, was it good and dout want to pay, too 1. cream. sepa t ]room consk or their ways,
*Ormons irday nigIt. The', Mercury o -in tel
ffi; e a d hooked the face by a cow one day lap
-h-acceptance, both mGrn- .4ugust to tra el to,'Utah with handcarts. er for milk testi.hg,.while i ho U . r part of the —Simon Arnold, - Y st son of Mr.
-in great dan lut uAge
On ',kianda mu�ch for it, will tradd at T�E PALACE Bell organ wo: -ka were' a c UT4 One, of its borne penetrated her cheek, mak-
the t.ea- TIM MOP-MON TEMPLE. Winter me 'rly 10 ey were n a building is taken up wi: i 5i to om, a A" d
am Az ubldy 9th concession of Wallace,
in 189G� IT.the ROO y mountalns;'300 of were not injured. gentleman's ;room and ab iwkto.4, and a `Ug agaeb that required eight stitches
1, Af ter Al had done decining In Wealth And population. On bearb 0 to�
--Windsor has in the nei hbothool of close it. died from ;the effects of tyhoid fever on
-tbeGreat Basin any them died, 811 many more. suffered3he h 'He was. -scarcely - 21
e good things provided by theastern side of -9 nicely fu ished room for [ad ies, wit labor- is
That dulrito, January will be day, 0646th ult.
$25;000 of uncollected taxes, and $30,(00 r R P Ste hens, one of the early
4-ongregaticin, the chair ountain stroams, fed ELII summer b the loss of - an eye )r a limb or otherwlse,�by atory an, I bath�rciom in cc rinection.'. —M y mrs 'of L a go , and hia dowth following that
ooda, a d there'll 'a has been borrowed from the Bbnk of Com- settlers op IM who was the firit
D. Forest, when a. long o Immense Icebergs and sno' drifts. In ihe cold end hun;or. In the meanwhile a —Mrs, R. A. Thomas, of Bairi as re-
clearb, out -winter da, a 7 litchelf and on
be m an ances o save m6rce to meet the current expenses of -t e of his sister which oeourre&
�inie ws carried ot. The Money -all Wi;isath mountains, create broad, f rtile mob bad drive 3 the United States judges ceived a letter from. Mrs. -IVICC6 4m, of -barrister �ci practise law in that village, was b vernber 14,th,is A sad bloW hi
is parents. -14
assisted the isses through the store. valleys amon the foothill@ and run far and other offic alS 01 Lt of the territoryi and MarAsh, -Turkey,. wife of a missionary tberei
city renewing bild 6equaintanceshipi there.dur- -4
9 8 veral of the family had Ll and D4 and Mr. J. --The Rev. John Watqon, (Ian Maclardn) in the ev iploy of the 'A Ing t holidays. -from ty-
y Tbat we wis-h all our C#Stomers a out Into tha- basin before being -lost In gentiles, and C isson- ilng Mormons fled in infrican lBoard of
Owing tG t author of " Beside the Bonnie Brier Bufi d f r d ' g the.p&at
rin three
-he u.tifavor- 119sinks" and Salt marshes, On the V est- every directioin The army came late In Foreign. qissions.. She gi vei an aro Int Of 1�qbert Whaley has 'sold his farm.
h y and most ous New Y t"111i e� ruecovered, except the two above
my present 9 -PP ear. and 'I Auld Lang Syn�,'! � hag closed a od'n- of fift3 -fiielacres, near Kirktoin to My John
Wete not so ina Iro or ern side -the few. stroo ms scarcely Issue .1857 and was I arre�l out till the next sum- the maE sacre of about 1,100 epsc no, at entione . i
�Alnd lastly, th I P vou get. it at from i frac t, 'by cable, for I lecture tour in t �e Camer )'n, for $3,OW. bind Mr.' John a. I� 11el
i h4ve been v 41 seem- at he hills before tI ey are lost It, the mer, but Its lo atioi in the territory prov- Marash, on Octob�r 25t. 1, si J e borning Murray, th
bal e fourteen Year zold
with the spiritual feast Tlf-, PALICE, its United States and Canada, beginning in vine hi -a sold his farm of 100 acres -tG. X.
loose red ea n ni g of m0y, be- on Of Oeorge Murray -of St. P&W9
on Monda- g 0 oil rtb, a 'd E clentistis hAve do- ed the begin Mormon.prosperity. October next. of property, iticluding. a $ 10, )00.1 0
longing 'i�o the missionary- e 1, 1 ar h Whal for $4,900.
usic4l treat clared that if the � Obic riv Mines were opened In adjacent torri- e - d1l, theria, on Thursday. Aight, 26th
or wero. turned . Of
--The, commutaion pf the sentence d1[ed
makes a Elston, of Wing -ham, is buying up
into the northwest oorner �f the Great torie and"the Mormons 'had a good mar- very urgent ap Peal or i
pleased to see the genial �One Price—Cash or Produce.- -Ber;ie ShortiA. caused a jood deal of e X- elief otherwise want, ffistr a d 11� rva. ba!led i traw in Elma, paying $5.50 nd buried the following moralgig.
er ton He had b 6 EiA three weeks. His niz-
in the neighborhood of Beauht r- be had at -you
Basin not a drop of I b would reach the ket or their 3urplas at 66mine prices. cite nent p
ottawall Amonst us, for it. There is very little to
Colorado, so drying Is be-airand so ab- Our civil war can e on, a hard winter noiE and Valle field. Ai� ex edition of 5)0 tion. state them in th f. c n I y F, other buyers having ei broth alsohad it, but is rapidly reeciv�-
.eyna to agree with him.' y p
scribin the earth. 1 Vith our -pre n closc d tb i ur rI'er, Indians domi- - —The other�evening, a ce nov -bought ering. T4eie have been &boat ten ease� iu-
-to lynch, the young man was thrie
30 t t. Catharines,
at Waltea, Mi�thodistr imer uo!mo t of -the surplus straw.
kno 'aged 12, 0 � of dphtheria mi theicinity of St. 'afs
HODGENS BROS19 edge It is not po;sible to see hol" nate, I &I ther S os, and flo'uT In Mon- It John, and a companion,
ss, coasderiny the wa f oul ened. —T e Lutheritu Christmas tree festival a
y Neva can s' tain Itsol as a state. tarna 110 )er barrel -.The Mor-
su to s William PattersOni.age A grot an. al- agen, on D durin past year, but only this -one
A d OLINTON,. --Rev. Mr. Livingstone, pastor of t,BrO ecember 24th,.aud the
-ted with snow. g G Wh n the 12 apostles nd 2,000 Mor oi mon I ly olne I money.' During one 111, and young i sibi, ho :had a P�ovel The people of that place are
9 tercatio
and Moore line Presbyterian char
and ;B were
ssed the Mi slssippi on th 10( ppeou larly hard wly ter some .,000 miners Sar, - rifte, fired a bullet into t h ol her 'i li�sid, ,the 25 both successfal -and very in&
stirring add pione rs cro da, was agreeabI7 surprised at his e i- 4tis church festiva on the evening of at a less to'account for the epidemic, but
adI Ifai F )ruar 1846 'an( started on all 0am, to winter in the city, and I have causing d in a short is. t1i bli school has been closed for a-
br the chor and deinve' on Nery Years eve, by* being p eath was terest g -to all taking part in them.
er hard journey, there ware not say It hear old Mormom and merchants ostl- Be arrested.. An inquest m h Id Coroner ;iontit" everypreeaui
nted with a eutter e -Christian Endeavor Union of Strat- t,sta,ancl on iii being -taken
pro eeds amounted to ros. Texas �20, 000 white An ericans Pin al,. tbi mat that their averge expenditures them p Out the disease.
c Reattie' 8 robe. Goodman,. andt -was sho th the Visit-
ord is theif custom distributed Christ
deat of sickness - prevails count y west of the Coi noil Bluffs m 3rid, were $ 6, 0 0 Cr'06, day for four months.! ra torsion boy had annoyed as em. �j' t L .1 11 � - i —Mr. James W. Uirper of Cairlingford.,
early settle brow Veare pleased to see that f John Gorman, one of the mas d eer to seventy-eight deservmg 1
ARE BUYING �,an. � W thq preceding inter every a aif the war ..dame the Union Pacific rail- -of Qntarici county, died the other- day, at ing mud at him. A verdi t of ma slaughter W t to the county j ail at StrAto
in th
0111. claughter of Mr. R. e city. Each fami�ly was given' Paid aiivis rd,
4ble ropin in Nauvoo, e en the great em ad� a ed.i
nd who I (rossedthe, plains, BI` the res�dence of bib son, Jeremiah H. in was retamed. Bothfain' es are two bJiie d&y Is st week, to be a -gain. She kets of irovisiois and a fowl, in- for himself
Ole, bad been turned Into a work op. though the terninu of 'the' r O-aCwas near g, aged 99. ea*rs. Deceased the deepest grief. vra Dressea ifogs, Hides and Tallow,* &hee vas i es and delicacies. what W& be should
Of 41 of the d' dainti vote in the house of
p t r had Deen boiled In bri o t 'Cheyenne, the Mor on settlements were —On NewYear's day, �t LyIM r num-
IT me ingitis, and,at one, skins, Tub Butter,.Dried -Apples, White wit, inafewwep�ks oThis hundredthye r. Wm. Sithp Mitchell, re- rpfuge e iscite. He bad not previously
son, of
ote"in !'i'ts. bsea s 0 n I n In a highly prc spero as condition by reason ber of voun people e �kat g n the
fill Beans ad Fowl. 9- J. Brodie, proprietor of the Map 9 d a telegram the other day, that his e hii wind as to whether the g"
critic d coi*litioa.—We pond. I d M 0 larke
Twelve "tboi�sand wigons were ready of frelghting and fi irnishing , eupplies to ton,choese factory, near St. Thomas, s 4e ice gave wa William had died in Pittsburg, Penn -7 a ti 01ace to keep those poor peopl.
lcyrris(�h is recov-
t�"n tdh, �,,t ,rty; started, and others the advance , work ng parties. I recall er at t Le Cblleo- vania. Th4 22L
his 4reamery till eration, and is mak- are xhiable to Ikeep themselves, 1�ut
Hunie, tea a Young man was onIV
We handle, more; lines of
rapidly as they could be or- some eci e pri,les. At the wayside ing - -ov r a th'Ou'snanoTpounds of butter A to ie wathr. lisve cominitted. n6i crime. He was con -
pr from heart OW6 as :Zd!sriiti' teo were thro
fwl-tr'ineetina cif
1roduce than any hou e- earn of Is, and the parents are greatly
in J�nized until, by the 1 st K,
Ist of May, 1 00, ranche pa. $1 11 day for �he plalneA week. t has been all contracted for, by a ed C d a co�n- r y death. U the s intititution by 31r,
17:)i� Ordo`r� of the trade ; call and we ddenikilly his ea I 4ucted tl�r
ormons wee on the way. The adv board, ao m'n sleeping on the ground panion, nt to the cu d- ' Nichol, lkri4 le t the buildug with the nod' Londo firm, at 20 cents per an, I they also
iwirtg Wficers were elect- will give you the.. market pound.. —The Mitchell Methodist church is-
(,&iiig R., John price cash or trade. arties, suffered torri*.- "All n -Ig t'11- In his own b ankels; cigarspand drinks —Pr essor Robertson, the dairy comm a- got into the water. UPI! of otlier ed this 'year with the customary New etermination that be,at east would do all
a a 'Woman who. inad6 the journey, the were 25 conts each and ordiary.7. staples sioner, lexpects hat creamery butter un ;�ciyi who went b t eir ielp, met hayse 4he - unfortunate poor
y t
W, i S M-ith ear's 111 It dinLer, and Sdopted! instead: he ould!
th th4 ame fate,. and
agonscame trundling Into camp ith bout 2Y tim s as lb Igh as in New York bring 4 higher price in- Great Britain this wi and t I )okel as if all is s cial collection 11an,, result' Vrij rlyv d for, Where they.w�ciiald not
t2 2 1
r, 1`4 Tre"- Beattie.Bros.,-. alf fro'zrin'.chlldran sor'eam-ing with cold I I to, molu: -nest peaches that W would me t a w&tery g ve, F( .-tunat-ely,
ra t e fl inter than it did last year. This is owl Ig Ing e
J. CLI per' placed on t p &tea Sablath- be orced. associate with criminals.'
or crying for food, and the �ame t ever grow.,00 ld'bc bad for 20 cents Per however, re aid was Lmx ione c d all
h city to the to lit i A tralia, which is a 0 8 an Decembet 29th.
Rev. Myer visited the vicinity 4
petitor w In 'U;or the trade. —Dr. and Mrs. Anderstin, of Mitchell,. Tavistockjon Tuesday, December Slat, and
in on South ITYlin St., C4tb. ut; Canada
N10) idd Jr. Xv- 1-1516-12 1
day and the -next, -the whole 'line of e�oxi peck and m?u tain trout; or the catching. - were tak n safely from ti -'water Ithouilli
in a
1 t. 1*raser Jr. B.; some were very near
The open sky and -bare grbihid for w(men Great State. —Th re are 27 municipalities in Easti rn ly e g iau ited, a house --warming in e bonds of
., -NJ, Armstrong, Algoma of 1which 13 are on the mainlai d, John their handsome joined in' - wedlock Mr. Fred
and children in February ate tbiDgs only Edwards, an elderly an, em-
6ondi- A dumb war followed etween the brick 'residence- on Tuesday evening, Trachael, ri. son of the late Mr. F� Triach-
61- be endured when human' nature 1, i put Vnited Sta es 6molals and the Mormons 1�. anifioulin. Island, $- on St. Jos i's ployed at the Grand - T r ank sta tion, 'not, �bembier 31st, when about fiftv of the 30 , c
v . o of South Easthope, aud Missi
-to -its merib&r- wit
A v0d chance Olaolunnd, 'ndl one in -Cockburn Island. 7C ur
b to the i racl� of necessity, and Mal 1Y. ia till in 188 ootigreso passed the Edmuns h a fatal accident on '�; latu.-day, at �n� 0ung people of the town spent a few Pleas- Zrbrijgg, eldest daughter of Mr.
8huhbrook- hg 61ove(l s ault on Polygamy be- of the OU 4urbrigg, treasurer f the same
motherilhasti!y hurled her pad obl.d by act, and th final a' yyk�inicipalities are towns, namey, don. A train which wasi waiting to go hours together.
y ro retting Ohe could -not gan. Its 0 Mor.' Sault S1 e. Marie, Thessalon" Gore Bay wid. blew off steam, and hid fror i view aii en- "—Mr. Byroh Frances, with his Wife and township. I All arge n!4mber of the friends- of
according to tb
lie has scetwe(l a� good ri in,
We have a few Fur Cilpes lef t Ile down wit it herself And [be at poi ioe. " ittle C urrent Line ack do he track, the-young!6ouple wit4e.ssed the
so ry to part! with el, ition to Jo§epb Smith which was backi4 do ilaren from, Poplar Point, Manitoba, ar ceremony,
I inons, wa rev
'Wantinl- one caai Mormon Ente�prliw. g Reynolds, the popu., �Yhen Edwards ed at Kirktion. on te 21st of December nd th an xcellent re -
and anyone Iziven Jul 1843, but it was not openly �Mr il Fred'W. ar went to 6ross it. The un�
frieu4s here L at Over. sat down to
wdyer, -they r avowed'-bym e church till �September, young I ito the Petrolia Topic, -m -as - fortunate man 'i nget too ;o spend- a few weeks with his father and past. many and costly.
as a, al rga� r of discovex.d. a Th et 9, great ba By tb�s.ear i, start, hp Robed.
efobreak-sod a thered into the ranks of the benedicts on late. He half turne�,� li )pe fe and was' thor friends. Byron looks well and says ipoon the young ,,ouple took the
4: -s leg being Ali an too rousii five'clo,
i the Mis ourl in tim an plant 1 1852. he r
1 Dd to- 1 In 186 the - t law of 3ngress. g� . . Th the
ptril 'ant on
crops, 4nd wieir cabp wits sooh rread against it acted; It was strengthened T Yi ar's. the bride was Miss Ma Lid terribly crushed; hig left irm :an imint Tavistock and started
smifill- fam am. ongst . 'f, iWas Isbister� daughter of the late Adam Isbist m, literally ground W piec a. - Ed interesting New Year's their dding tour for Hamilton
on both, 91des. above and below the resent in 1874 by thetolnd act, but it was not, rds wait
-irl.ityi Med
Omahat ad as far. west a's Col ry bus, till'the commission was appointed under and ono of Petrolia's most bliarming' about 60 years old, an- E glis an, and took place the home bf Mr. Thomus cither
0 they we're visit9d by Colonel the Edmunds act tha i anything practipail 7oung a ies. family. of Hibbert, on January Ist. The John Schaefer has been e-eleated
off ma, n d
is the W. W.- H
leb.. Th r6 ar He Iiii been in -the em- 'v oc.
amiable I d, without
Thoma L. Kano of the United S iates as done. The Mo nons yielded grace- Timothy ploy of the news company about I en years, the marriage reeve of $outh Easthope byacclaynation.
Thelterribly sudden death of asi�n was of his daughter,
StFORTH. Stanley� �& well-known and highly respected -and some - 20 years go per ter on '.the
i1riny, and at his suggeition BAChan Innie M. to Mr. R-. P. Whyte, youn �Ir.. Schaefer has now representecl the
�2 fully, and noy' the only use of the Ed- 91 g-
4 last been giv on, in the farm in East Zorm, at 11
Young raised the famous' Mormon )a ttal- munds act is foil the P.- -osecution of no was a severe shc A Grand Trunk, arris st4o of John h to ns
Xh6 tow hip has groes Whyte, Esql, of the Afit- township z*entiy-foar years i't e w MP
U Rodgerville 0 ion of 500 men, for the Mexica War. In Washingtoyi who are living accordig to his:,�� a�n. friends. . He ate breakfast as- —Rev. Georee Anderson, (ne the.old.- iphol packini house. The gathering was a. council Rail' twenty years in the county
coats eese
usual 0 Monday morning, December 30 h. eat Baptist inGisters in C ntal -io, ..ied at his )A-rg one an the presents to the bride were council, his re�eleetion without opposi-
h They ii��trched in,the Kearny and Doni- to the old law (if the plantation. instead
Ii's Factor Shor I after, be wont to the barn with is residence6- in Hamilton, o i Fj ida�,� He! had Ve ce. The ceremony was performed tion is th( �est evidence that- be caref
Y. ban o:K'p-editlon and - frbm the lo ei Rio of the statute
trande'aorioss he desert I tot e stock. Wh 1by
a that, ihe individual I son, to Attend rests Of the
'18f)4, are and mo tains Duringall hese late yearsmineshave ile at he been confined to his hous - sit ce ovember, v Peter' Scott, and after. a splendid lbos aft�r -the inte
to San Diego. Major John- D. Lee, fter- been opene d railroads built and great barn, be suddenly fell in a; faint and.d ed 1894, when he.was seized wit h a paralytic d r ;ihe Compan yed the Nominatiotii day was also the anniverFary of
the 40ve Sam, The annual meetlig of the Maroholders, Dlrectora d a inside cif fif teen � niinutes, from I apople on"O ev�oyang M nd a lare circle of friends I th
al ciant to about —d Patrotis of the Rodgerville Cheese Facto] y will Ward notorious for his part In the: I oun- flooks of bloo ed sheep bred in'the moun- y. stroke. Deceased was I orn. in 8 ch&laua 74 iieali,�* fad, ew Year's -style., The 14is birth, �a,
As one c -popular
I)e field at the F-7,otot3, on Monday, the 18th day of Deceased f the I�est known I ored at his home
(i tain meidow 1 mnss' ar- yearsago. For 9. time hreEided -Piovir- 1.1 the evening and -ex- I
1111elky of- jie vin boar anuar:-. aerg, told me w x,le I tain pastures and gentile churchesbuilt grod�x a one of the most successful, P
rs hicetin- to conimence at 11 G'CIOC now mers in East Zorm. Since 1848 he lived at deuce, bri ' essive farmers in t ,it. congratulations. Mr. -and
was at his retreat on the lbolorado I 1 1872 and gentile In, luence establ.shed, and Rhode Island. ho wasi ap- he township,aud fended . t�
th4 -hom6stead, "Maple Grove where pointed gaTdetler he h�ig on for hiniself a bounie bride froyn' Airs
lessrs. JAMES URRAY 3 old at t ie Whitiii House, SehAefer entertained them in the most,
1404-21 Secretary Tress, irer, how he and Major Howard Egan vent. the once Moi n4on, comro.owealbli comes
he reared -a �amily (if six childron. He Ivas 'Washingt ni boon aft ww rds, about 30, finest youug ladies in the com4i bospitabl� MWIftler.
0 amo
With te battallm to Sauka-Fu and, wely- the,
and J. N. Christie, i