The Huron Expositor, 1896-01-03, Page 97—
ARY 3,
11 Imous
-rofession, and we beli n e, has 'an DI EMBE
Comm nity and in town t insist that tb�e soqial nature in liefi, of their. mental en- joy themselvels in that way to do act and the ter as a teacher, he has made' 4 di i was dh!rri16d out, in games Of Various
-Cash Grocerys d Wle aoeial hop, which was -as merry as E
Wilson"s -thusiasm'. last a I ttle while, back xents, ice on the rink afforded the curlers a good choice of p I R
four ilk'� dealers, who supply our want ots of fun o in his A o of a
durin i ' days get freedom on the seventh eto fall on aselect3d few to pay." Pallaw, day's port, and' the-young'folks. I been equally fortuna - i e wed �g. - Muaid on the violin -was fur
havo now !rl stock a flue iaffortfuOnt Of Christ- artner, as ML by Messrs. Staples, Melville, Kenny,
we of, in th d Is the� closing ni�nth of 18.9.5 and
How (an We. 4ttend chive i and offerthank is Aiat the stuff o ar boys are made e evening, skating. The social ameni- a. Forsytb e i one of nishe
valen- enough to lee; a —.4 we
Inus Grocerlei-tinat new large and selected as usual. _�The Sea- ckersmith's most miable youij I'di and Wrg which could not be surpasse
its ; Cross & for Sa; )bsi)a &ivileges and still be, the mean neither stability nor enterprise., ties, also had their place prepared . toi Malce ain extensiv.e
cis raisins ; finest new cleaned currai
Daly fact emphasized.b er b i�g Uid rocip -by �a F. Ifter spending a most enjoyable are
Blackwell's best English peels;'New Orleans �mo of de others of these blessings. I venture the organiz ng of a society which is forth orche ra corgposed of M%Ep ient
St sing out of AII Willter C oods, at
iing required to do fur- of many beautifule(stly and ILS �1 pres. eienil, g, oll departed * for their respective
spices and everytt s, g�aring inconsistencv as %vel to advance sional attainmentO The and Messrs. John Daly and C. StMilt
lassee,. pure seems tilt .1i ton euts. Happiness an( errimen
your Ohrititmas baking. - Evaporated peaches, plums home q *ell satibfied with tile evening BARGAIN PRICEf
a for have the b6t6her, baker or groc;ry cart d i renting of a suitabl place will be but small nished the music at a recep ion a in re the
figs. all at the JoLweet.Lpriee h y pen', y
0 �.uiiea is some They were I pre&pi Ing sentiments f both oU a spen, 4ri4 wishing for an minual return of We have bought largel for tpring,
"h or trade. In teas and opfte our stock Is second turbijag the Sabbath quiet. -On applicatio consideration. All it re one -on New Year's night. AV the a and ie is our deiire to carry over
or as
ton or w(II return P, little ginger in h bality O� 11r. and I Ir
tonone and we guArantee satisraot to the�inspector the proceedings at our an- with i ini to call around, complithented. by the dancers f the' ex- art(IllPhe hospil r 8
. , L -1 you" Iq NfAs Tnr,, nter goo
toney. We have a choice stock of M I . - �t,
I kinds of Ile he CA 1. m -The Christmas- tree few wi
i the n nual school 'nieetiag have been declared it see a number, appo t a place of meeting, cellent playing. -The Dairyinen:9 cia- and family will long Jbi rememl euq -Qop 17 900 as possible so that
lauiiiy groceries, flour and provisions a delfgh (�y t 0 enter 41n�nent, under the auspices of DuWs we will have
nd as we sell. meets ��at ood- guests of this sful occa on wh h ple room'for oi�r
stricily foir cash 'r trade, will do via well or better regula r, thus rendering a special meetin y discuss the pros. a 4 cofis-i select officers, tion. of Western. Ontaiio
ge i Ily kno, n, and I feel stock on Tuesday, Wednesday !vnd Thurs- losted until the ea�ateir horizon w ts. be in. churci Sabbath school, on Christmas eve, spring purchase$ as soon as they ar-
for yoti than any housi in the trade. special value �#ecefn withstanding ri-ve. , For the billance of the. year we
Th*s will 'be held oo Mondar and make it a w IN :
upand 260 japan, tea. in ar i iccess. Not
just now In flne table syr Mn [a hopednatters will be proy - bonfident, that b ' men. of means and in- dfk 7th, 8th and 9tb.-Messrs. ning to doff it U, re- Wag, ecided su L.
he weatho
finish give us their approval and sup- Hiuchley & amb have disposed of their 0 0 the h3ple0ency of t W1. gly NV
new and'nobby w hich fo,,,q lity, sbapes and paired t their homes, feeling t liot ughly f the roads
-fine dinner, tea and toilet sets we have something next, it i Januar smirky antle wii e Dr ah d the 'al e SP �cial (�u
&1yy kam, justed.-Mrs. Donald Hamilton, c f. fluen6e will YL
condition o. otat. ions
are tboches&st ev e Mi" rt, and the youngor men join our ranks. livery business to Me a. Swal that Mr. goi sythe ": ki how most
low & Tor, convinced
I L * , Tile tree Dress Goods,
0 7n,of D 'sit- to keep Chritmas iel � if any in '0 alive
er c d in to%N a,;. don't fail too Syraia se, N w York,: and her sister, quite., 4 l4rge'numer were present,
I see them bef6ro buying eleewhery.- The highest Porter, who-Iijis.'been staying with t1r. E ditor, you 'i ire an M. P. P., and'of rar�ce.--4)r. A. Atki a e�r6it, is vi Prices paid for all kinds of g6od produce, dreie0k. Louis as 140 decorrted with Inany'cost-
--parental wide experience, Avould you not offer a few .-M possesses the knowledg).' w I oths,
her some arrived "ab the ing his mother, Mrs. Chesney; J*hn ly M a n tla.
iurkeys,geeae,ducks arid chielcons also good -At -the ions ?�COITX street. -Mr. George W. Fulle#on, of Bruce efulpresents, among Which were
Id encil, accompanied by a W III pay: Joe per dozen for home ere on:.Satiirday last. E suggest
roll butter snd eggs. i g' Mrs. Ja 'es- R. Aiteh- 'a b ai'l, go, Sh a wi sl x i m*ery,
od fresh eg4i. deavor.meetin , 'on Monday evening, th itownihip,- brother of I m nic Tress, given th 8� e Bible
90 i&s VeIvets, Fur
C. WtLSON, Seafqrth. fell. 0 'isolnj spent a few days, in town last we�ek. Wea ady
ov� ing persons were, elected 'offiders I BuumAws SENTE NcE D. -On t �c ight of Sol
T H. L-1 Tow,,- Noj V�'SATIO�Ns.-Tbe munici- Class to their teacher, Mr. George
Bank of Commerce Block.. the coining six months Honorar presir- We have the pleasure of thanking Mrs John December 22nd R. Babb?s store wa broken Capes, Fur Jarkete,
y -the 0, Jso a Wodsome present to'Miss Mar�y Kerr,
nominations for town of Seaforth J. b
I arwin for a basket of Jqpan oranges,
dent, Revi.N. Shaw ;� president, Miss Mat- "I into and a. quantity of dry goode txk4en Pur011-ars, Fur -Mu
Seaforth's p 6W I tations the took place in the t n hall on Monday Ofrom, Wr class. The reei
ion Muldrew vice-preside4t, Miss Mimli -:Which were sent her by a friend On the Pa-; Satur Clark, H. S;a.-kl a -ad R.
day night D.,
This meeting was a surprise U erwear, ]Blankets,,
-last.. They wer in ex oubtedly, the best ever' nd
evening rid
�Cific coast. - cellent cond"' H sbelby, all of Mitabel 1, were kr e ted on Children, were� u
Pearson recording.s6cretary Miss Qr r a c, t
ng -House. to most people and goes to prove the uncer- I in �tbese prts, an nuch credit is due: -Uits
i e ore
Largest Clothi Elliott. ; corresponding seoretaryi tie 1lotwithotanding Itbeir long journey by suspicion. 3 heir trial took, re! d Boy& S -in
.XcRa, for the painstakiLo' Way
tainty of lillina. e 'There has I d and"wa er small Police Magistrate Flagg, -0
Porter ter. This' fruit is rath'
Stevenson.; treasurer,.Mis C A ar t V, r
of that oft oil
been do little talk F bout municipal affairs 0 r, .
h6tory of thia, establishment has whiell . . The When i thj -,the native dweller'e of that e bad trained them
organist, Mr., L. - T. Lacey. -Mr. D6ald �aiz -d, likq i Mens Over
Clothlvg been ab sue low prices, the"people, seem this year, that peo] le were' commencing to lee, Monday, when they 6,11 pleaded ,u il Esh- armes Hender-
undertl e leadership of, Air. J
'C 0 \7E GOODS for such Low achinist, 0 NeN ntry, but seedless and juicywith a very.. elby turnii CT e nt's Fur lark to wonder a' cry lit Ae interest was being
think that v ig Queen's evidence son, dis ursed excellent musi. A -Jr. Geo. ;d P 8�, the -ev
York-, is spending Chr stmas a0lonle 1fiere. fin, d. -Mr. and Airs. Willia, Jones, of Clark each received two years' t kinaston
Tweeds, &e-, &a.
taken in'them, but his meeting thoroughly He cted as Santa Claim, and did it so to all
eti's urion,Tweed Pants,. goo Men's scood Po nb Edward,. return home '6 -day, after at Colmentral "'N 1 u
while E'shelby got one ' i
Men's good reliable exploded this kdea,, Long- before Mr lei- well bat m hheavy Twf ed Pants,'$l haying spent the Christmas holidays here any of the chiparen believed
HAVY FA-BN'T.-We clip t14 liott, the iel eran rf turning officer, took his while
Men's beautful Frieze Ovecoats i Prison.. This, is your oppotal-nity to s "oue
k rs -a and fainily.-Mr. John F. to be the real Santa."
and Mora -,I Redo with M the most ior yo i i!ev,. The
oniinations, the hall was ur 01
Y.,en'tj Fritze Overcoats, Blac fell ng item from tire Mitchell rde, seat mud call A for i -ts from $1.60 to 87' 0 Welsh has gone �o'Owen Sound foi, a month,
Navy, $8.5o; Boy's Sul
appy ig a a we i assorted and
Of las week A lyge anci h filled 0
-Mr. Joseph Ham- Briissels,
overcoate, all prices, all Bfzes, all kinds. ad before� hour closed it was a sc4%�eral new lines at
13GY13 to visit, friends there. en added for
't the 'resAdence of Mri. pcked*that 'nany standing, being uni A MiwrAwr_-1n our issue d�- IC ecembe b be
eiring 4ssemblbd a. aive
if able to obta'i i sitting accommodation., The NO'�tl.�ATIWT. -The nomination was
Mrs. 4obn Witbel, c Northweit Fullai ton. ab Mr. 2 th, an item.appearedl stating Jhat Messrs.
11 �Cliristmas aftern on' a th following nominatitinse were made: For I and fami!y, are at present. visitlng Jot, no.. �14 in r
WM. PICKARD & 001S tthe town hall on IN-Ionday last
mill, of Killarney, Manitoba, with his ife held
homas and Charles ns 6�1 tarted a
o. *itnes Hapimill's mother's, on, erich- street.
Miss Anni Xlaria,eldeat da Uayor ved by M. 1WW
Bargain, Clothing and J);y Goods House, gh, -Mr. Win. M.� Gray, mo God' Thbi re a largd number of nominations mairri�ge to I a -mill at Bannocklinrn� . T as tppears,
for al sitions e -cept for reeve, W. If.
Seiftforth. owever, to be incorrect, as he Messrs. N)
ter of 1 Mr. and Mrs. o Mr. 8 :Yi� A] cLean an see rided by Dr. Campbel p
Cliht6n. i Kerr' 11 aa acclamation.
Irvilliarm 1, 0 1 ng gain
-Browii, of Seafortb *ev. STr E. C. olem n, moved by Thomas ohns have no intention of la ir ling out
I ' - - ljourned
A GLAT) WELCOME. on t g at one 0 clock was ac
Mitchell, ' performd he ceremony., an ; Stephens,. arid seco ' ed by William Smith; --T:-A re �pt' in The e
i�ito such an enterprise.- The a -t c e which the stj
until g allow the, Candidates to dis-
after flie,hearty congr#ulations of the c om- Mr. F. Holmested, moved b R. Lumaden honor of Mr. an d 1A r a. E. - hl.' - M Lean, who 1 vas - Mp-� Z T11CFAUL a:nd
d ding tour,' -The reeve opened
Was inserted bv us in good fait i
MONEY ORDERSO h e just returned froi-A their we 1p'arently intenaed as ii�joke oil t] ie 3c gentle- 11 i all matters. we av
pany had been exten to the bride andl ad'seconde by ames McMichael. For h
full account of his
ling, givilig a
groom the gathering 9a: down -to a splel Reeve, -Mr B. B." 'Gunn, moved byDr. wa, hold at, the Hotel Clare' �11 On New 1rhen,, but they consider tb t the jol e, if it Dry Gooft get all
�wy of re nvi r's night,. when a large crdWd of in,
The best, saCdt aind cheap6st 'i ora -ii
dinner. Th r ning was 81 Ti� Ye L lip for the past year, both bare
e 'eat of - tI �e eve enti Campbell, and seco ded by, John H been carried too h6r, x1id ha stews Peet,
ere one, has
I oved -D. D )dericb, with which all were per-
eatti6p, used them conside e anno 1111C . I , . P
initting liloney-is by Dominion -Express Co. in-pleasant,'sociil intei course,' and on the, Mr. James B Wilson. vit�d guests from London, -Toronto, Wing. and
All the nominees to the
money orders. following day the hi p couple left for � and seconded by Dr. Scott; Mr. James Me- ham, *rest, Seaforth and - Goderich as well elC 4,Aisfied.
and Se
-nked their moers and
their Seafort' TnF, EXPOSITOR" Mchael, moved by'Alex. Stewart, and see- as froifi towni asaiarri f nine, tha
RDERS, bled to welcome the u TJ
ChiSE 1hurst. Set f
bri46 arid groom, and are in the fielU to stay-, an
50 Warty congra 11l&ti i and good n; Mr. Win. Sclater -ftUt6 wisli thIm joy d seconder.
ions onded by F. Neel still
and under. "n [N.RS.-Miss Jennie". Vanhoin, D,f Lon -1 lei iday will sett
=o Mr. and Mrs 'Brown' and trasts' -moved by W Smith, and seconded by A. happiness in their journey throu gh lifd. The le who will be the
Over 55 to $10 - So
on, is spend
as beautiFully decor- ing ler holid4a w[th her aho six
Over $tt) to $20 - '10C that their life may be a loug, happy and Stewart. For Depu �y Reeve, -Mr. George �hotg_w 'profusely and onee. There are up for are seeking election. The contest for achool
unti;g, rnak icither. -Alise Kiny eyp "of b !Ldlury, is the position of -trustee, the three old
ded. ated with evergreens and bi Ones trustees is betwe a Thoma Caro jobit
$20 to $'k) 1*'�C prosperous one. A. Sills� moved by A11 Stewart and gecon Ing
i isiting frien�ds in thi - viol A aand threo � new ones.. The meetin closed Whiddon Job Pollock and'John Tippet. -
Over $,20 to $40 15Q by James Gillespie - Mr JaniesWatson was it a veritable fairyland. The !pocious,din- value.
moved by D . Xam'� �beil -and seconded by �ing room'was used for dancing, and t in Miss with thes: Fraser ehliertaimed I n . urnbor I
-he '6,rist a Shillinglaw is tb3e gud -t inging of the. national anthem. Miss Tarei U
20c 'I. .'J. Morrison. -Mr. and Mrs., 3. J. Conch, ' BRI", -The follo hig are the, officers of her friends
Over 40 to W DEATH'OF AIR. WILLIA-M.S.-TY1 nch
George;�Crew)-; Alr.'P.ObertScott, moved,by pretty- costumes of the ladies blending witl W at ia party oil Monday even- dven. on Fri togethei wi -e spending their holidays at 'r I'CoueYs[ electe I iii Western 8 t4r Lodge, Wo. 149, In -
No blaiks to fill out. Receipts gi regre� was felt by our citizens day the Georgej�Sills and see nded by Wm. Hunter. the gay decorations, t1li the when a very 'enjoyable time -TAs s he nex
morning4 at, on learni. g - of the deati of �ho has
Money orders can be purchased a'tany hour arenta.-Mr. JacoV Humest depent ddfellows: William
Or4er of 0 are so'
Mr.-'MqMichi 6el and r. Sclater having de- merry throng of dancers, made a'- mostani-, I" . _Ilrs. W. Sparks and daughtte_r�_ar
Mr. James William.�, pUnter, of this to n. een in Manitoba; for the p t thirteen . . e
af the- day. - I le, V� G.; A.�
'midnight a ing -at the home Mr, Alex.
elined to ta. id for e reeveship,the contest mated and pretty spectacle.. At' mitb i (PJF B. Cochran Of Altbough 'the result m as not . unexpe tedi ears is renewing acquaintance' *h re, RONALD J.,MACDONALDIP the rectret was none tb e . less kceuly elt. .1 will b� betmeen-Mr Gunn and Mr.Beattie. sumptuous dinner was served, after. which Koeni A.; John 'Anient, P. S.; F. .- Bronson January. 28th takenup, and contin- Cott, psurer.-The following � are - the
U. P. R. tieket;,, telegraph and 'Dominion Mr. Williams had been in failinc, health for Alessrsl- Bills and Cott having'- declined the dance Was a ai. biel'i Weeted. as the �:te of the Metwifft� neeal
y 0
bi ur, when all departed, Donnybrook. r lected for Coart Princess Alexan- MExpress Agent, 8e aout four years, tit -w is a to dout,"Pst the deput reevesbip)Mr. Watson ued until an office
e to 'attdn to Sabath scho ' Ol
will bellre-61e6ted b3 acclamation. The fol- feeling, perhaps tired, but that' they had NOTES. Miss Crozier, of non, was dria N 24, -Canadian. Order of Forester.i, tiieui�rva abou
busineqs until a few mosths iigo, and for! Dan t the items �of t uloth�
the, e pro -
lowing initiated as Conn. spent av most enjoyable evening. Excellent he guest 6 wil
gentlemen: were f Miss Mary Cha ie I at week. Jame4 Shine; -C. R.; A. Crozier, 17� C., g
-few weeks waS mostly Confined to bed. no ramnie .1 be inention.0
e1oung �*ty nhurck
-iediate causbr-,of -James Gillespie; 'F. music was furnished by the Seaforth ople of Donny too ae organ- t1i, R. S.; A. Koenig, F. S.; Win, - dlerstaild th -A' Tri
cillors A, South Ward, I!he young pe too W. Sini
BrighVs disease was th( imn and b
4itter c orchestra. zing i�n Epworth League in the A lethodist Blashill treasurer; J. Wilbee, S. W.; H. n
n. Wil purpoiegetti g lip a gn�iild lacert
e : a -w -imel I �Or A go*ds
Willia, s, Win. Sclater, J.. .
A W - Ja
hurch. They already have twani mem- Elliott,
d ath.
Al r asJust in the pi nes Blashill Chaplain;
of life,, being 51 years of 4.,ge. He was be � Rqbert 9, Z90r, Sil, S, Samuel Smith, H. J. y play before long,
nchard,T. F. Q lemain, Robert Scott, ers. JameiBmirin-aii-, S. B,; A. Livingstone, J.B.; TORONTO, ON-TARIOr, in Stratford, but. has resided in Seaforbh for !I Pt
-i, physicians.
Charlei , Btirtliffe. Worth Ward,—O. C. SCHOOL -the teacher of McKelvet and Graban
Largest, best equipped -and most popularconimercial &bout-27years. Hewasaakilfulwbrkman,! Exeter. tj
Alex a, ge
B. R. Hioc. heral fire arid life insur- school section No. 15, East ' d Wet W' W. F. St�, wart met with a severe accident school in the Doridnion ; moderate rates; everything a good Ci Willson, J. C. S"inith Wilson,'Robert Lomm.-A very successful ea-meethig
tizen, and a most worthy man in nt. conveyancer, commissioner for taking anosh, eld a public e! air n tti on on last Al on
flast-class; wrile far-clr6ullars. SUAW E111,10TT, Wintel Win. Ame t, lilson, R. :ffidavits, &a. Money to�loan at lowest rates of I was; in conno ion wl.
n. re-ppen
rrincipals. 1444-52 every eespect, He was a consistent m6ni-I Thursday, December 19th,; an, although oil a c iair �s e e all e slevera. ribs, at
Willis Wrh. Pick d. East Ward, -John terest. At home eyery!mirni f
ber of the Methodist ab ireb, a strong advo- o ng and Wednesday o
ee e
'of temperance and probibition, and'was' Turne
catet Jobn'Darwi T. Stephens, Adam each week. of th ames.lStr' t M,
16 weather was ver� unfavqr I
1464 ab e a great the rei dde ace of her son-in-lw,Noble Gerry. Me inig la�t, despite the
on, Noble NoTEs.-Mr. and Mro. Long and Lmber of parents and frieAds ned ont. very urifs.
always able and. willing to give a teason for Haysl P. Keatng, �G. War. ebildi of !lu i1al, I -vor le we - er, - very heavy fall
he school was beautifully 4ecc
qluffl J. Bright. Tile f 61lowing ave r. Jat ried with
the faith that'was in. him. -His b London, are viiitin at M mieson a.- Summerhfll.
.,pleasant snow 04me--on Monday evening last w
i ' was the pi: pils did 'a week we announce
e thd-rawn tl�eir' 'names: - Messrs. Miss Davis, nottos and evergreens. The
smile and enial greeping will be much,, sine of Exel er, t of
D.E.A.M. -2rbi the bad a �en'den�y toward making good sleigh_'
Holm .-Mr. deat. h- of t ie youngest child of Mr. James ing. meeting Of the - South R
Miss Higgins on New, YeaN &iy iz.,was'giveh
missed, anf will be IDng remembered by Coleni and �bsted from tho.Mayor- ell in all their classes. r
in that Mr. 1)y Mas -
a I ty, ra r� the best speller, which &VOT
He leaves a widow, and family of v, will be re-elected 0 iller, which took place on Saturday last. ers'Inititute will be held in the to hall
any. Dundan McDonald i it �nds leaving for Chi-
bISTAICT MATTERS. with t positlon sera. John.A. Wil- ft er' Charles Robinson. Aft h-
i 10 a pro-,
two sons and four dalagl [ters-, to 'mourn the cago on Frida r. I Alex. McLeod I imm,-diate cause was disease of the hereiOit January ra:
Os's of sband and ever thoughtful, 18911, in. Pickard have with- hery on Monday t *islt friends in and _d of CO i t ri�: � �f red -
ram, whic�' followed an attack of scarlet talk i# all the rage here now� There are
0' a kind- hu VAllis and mm6 was dispose
CaLr.1ATE 1,N;.iT1Tt7TE PRO-310TIONS. .1 drawn''from the North ward;.M,6ssrii. P, around Clinton, ere e leaves tions arid dialogues, bmai Lial, instru-' dn ti
tb'r. The rdmains ere- taken to §tratw-:_� for Toronto.- VEI Mr?ad Mrs. Miller have the a number of aspirants in the field seeking the
the results of the Decem ber examinations foid' for interment, -onMonday. Keati a d A. 'J.-Brilght from the -East Mr. Peter McG I 1 0 ental music, as well as'
reg. buying horses for p ell �s by the
4y oftheil community in' their sad be- suffraar6ii -of - the electors for their votes On,
the following promotions have. been made in ward, d essrs. F.'Gntt�ridg�, W.Solater, the old country., as' fine r�p.tees t hers and friendi i ir t, testi-
e has some eavemeni. 1 7
Mond�y. next. -Miss Bella Westcotb is
the Seaforth, Collegiate Institute - From Class acebunts must besettle4 b I.. F. C)Ole an 4nd jQ Bartliffe from the siaecirriens of horse 11 all as ever left Canada, yi!W o eir satisfaction, as ibe children E 1 ness
A to Class B, -May Broadfoot, Edi Cash or �qte byVebrudrylab. After that date s!y MI 1. 0 d In his iting at e pa�rsonage at Centralia 0"
th -Few- outh 1 Va as ca-Adi4ates fo r the council. i id exceptionally well, and ref ecting credit
ix n his stable just in w, and wants a few '.am ly,--A;lr. At -was una,le to hold his we �he u t of Rev-. VV, X Butt sua
ler, Gertrade Oray, Cassie Gillespie, Milly bvha�ged on a npaid so- n their teaeheri Alias E. W who mb to examl nation before Christmas, so he r C. Manning and wife a -f
per cent. interest will b 11 u 7"--;-T e mminatiofi� closed, Mr. M. Y. more t load. -Owing to t
.T he Aex son,
Johnstone, Mary McMillan, Edith N661n, counts. ROBICRT NViLms, Boots and Shoes, Seaforth. M t d chairmafn, and the end- i i to remain another year.
e, , was appoin stormyna;ture of ith weather, the att lur] iosea hol ling onen Wednesday, Jaull-
1464-1 Clevelid,:Ohio, were the guests' of Mr.
Bella Waucrh nd Alfred Rammett. From se eral candidates resent addressed the ance was not large" a the chAdren's enter- Ans invitation is given to all in- Manni-nes fathO r. Richard Mwmiq,
THb,'Y. L C. A. classes, will all resuino y Class B to Primary, -Fanny Edge, Jen in etin! arid there w 'ery thorough dis- tainnient, on New Year's eve, but those Staidey.
xi week... A reet, the �ast week. -Messrs. Urqu-
Spro n work on their respective evenings rie v ere ited -ineo ucational ma;tters to be pre's Main q
('Dvenlock, Annie McLeod-, Barbara at� full tt d e of each class is especially desired, oil sior of town Iff'irs The meeting, who braved tbe,el 3Tn anCs and were present, N`OTES.-R. Reid, -B. A is a - present hart, McEwen and McDone.11, of fiensall.,
-orman. Caimpbell Arthur andpl;r-t"Unurly of the adult vocal class on-Wednes- th -oug idu tj was.. a �,ery armonio�us and felt well repaid for their trouble. I The chil- d* hi Christmas h a OTES.-We understand that Rev. Mr. paiy n�eter a flyinj visit 'on Monday *g1t
Fred _1�eattie, N h
k t pejn. inggicia olid is it home.
MeL an, William Papst, Charles parling, day even ug. 1464-1
e plo asaiafon�, 9;nd wai ep up until about dren who took part all said their* pieces to will ich a special sermon next &Uni 0
Lrdson and W. I tieliards6n, last. -Our village fathers gave
;Rrei -
Douglas Wilsoti. al at
well, and after a liberal distribution of ;un lay evejaing
-The 'curling season -was opened
ele ven D'CIO A., of Toronto, are spendin heir vaca- all- should hear him.- t;heirsfewardshipd ;the past 'yearto CURTANo. Candy and nuts, the', all went home, well t cL 11 Lit the' parental residen -A r. John, K�,'Ie-sporta a new cutter. -The large crowd of th� electors at the town hi
here on New Year's day-witil even moVe
pleased with the e�4 Ang's- enjo ment.-Mr.
and Mrs.! J Y. ari the auspices of Bay e on g folks had a " light fantastic ". -party on T ue a day evenijag IsE6 -Mr. Hugh, Gould tic
Christmas dalice- of the Junior Bachelors of: an to t res
C. -I& present confined to
th ' the usual enthusiasm. All- available 1 W -bb,'of Elinaville; U borne toivrishlp, were David Rouat, of Tudkersmith," hap moved teirian church, was held at th sidence of t A r. , Be4com3a OIL Tuesday eveni, t
the as held in Cardno's ball, on Ice ivaq Occupied in the forenoon by friendl Carlink.street, is
"Webos motber's,Mts. John r. Robert Mellveen on V.&T evening ir� the interest of D. Weismller
y vis.tin at Mrs. into the premises fo, merly occupied by S. eating
A1 o n evening. The hall was prettily games between memberp, and at� 2 p.m. the F bed with inmm
ill )mp ion, )'f McKillo-��, near Seafortb, last, J. Pollock. We h we much pleasure in A number were present, and -an en Was held in the ball on Wednesday evening. Thornat Ching
'16'y andson, Winnipeg-, are visi -
nual match, President %,a.
deco Vice -President,,
e , and the stage was transferred an law student of welcoming Mr. Roui�b as a, resident of our' jo the b,
't d we,,k,- -Mr. James Killoran large r. H. Oakes was laid up a few days the ing rell tives-in.4d around ti Ill Hot.
r N was commenced, and r a most interest- x
ra . -ing room, -where those who did Vable evening was spent . S ILS V, aala�
into aid a afte" I a 9. ke
To. ont.), is spendin the holidays� at his Village. -Mr..Pollock leaves in iL few days res t of from, a rail, but is recover- is a native moil
'not care to dnce might sit and watch the hag andenjoyable ga-me,' reftlted amounted to $18, admissionfeD being ten ... of this place. -Master
in a Vic- ho- ie bare.-�We are g ad to learn that Mr. to take up his abode in Uncle Sam's domaili. ceats. Next Friday evening in rom. the ]effect. -Mr. James Watkins�of Weste6tt, Seafoith, is i ing his unel
merry i4akerg. Besides 6, large number of tory for thevice-Presidill', by fiveshots. It a ocial will be i lIng visx-1,
We -are sorry to los Mr. Pollo* and he N,
IliamIrtine, who was for some time held at Mr. Sparrow's, Par Iiiie.-Aliss R Luc 7a"ow, vv�asherefor Christmas aniono, Mr. J. . Weatcott.-A Christmas tree I*..
-to state that: the uatud " watell- ay
young ppople froin town, guests were pres it only fair Th
e esed, as he was always his friends and relmives.-Mr. Fred - 19hep- connectioA with the Trivitt MemoriiI -
Mr. IV. Somer-sille in he ' express will b greatly mi 0. Riebardson, Who has beeri for the as
el Wingbalil, chell -ewhat WAI, I'
tb fro4i Clinton, service " the night before affected som t Sun
to elp hand in every �this week to- pursue'his studies day school was held in the school ballen. ffice liere, � but who has recently � had a willing three years teachifig in Schdbl' � e Ai on lirco 4, �pardketurna
Strtfor4l, WOOdSLtOok London, Lucan 4�id xdversely the�pNying of many of the com - in
good. work. g te daticil in!Duluth arr who was laid up -jo n wi his mapy friend" 11 illett, is spending the Christi ids holidays Veterinary college, Toronto.- Tuesday -The aspirants who are
Toronto,,. bout iine'o�clock, the diinciii4 petitors. This was Most noticeable on the at tho Ontario night last.
ere Nvith typhoid fevar, is now nearly re- in* wighing him God -s eed. . I
at home. She purposes resurnin her studies Mrs. Joseph �Vatkins is on the sick list at pre- unningfor the council this- i this-- started, and the gay throng made merry, rink skipped by the -worthy Pribsidexit, who and J. H. Lowery attended the Masonic
BiLklonlinei; Win. B.awden fo� reeve Thomas B,. -Car-
contir The
deputy, who has fust'returned'V) town has. Flibbert.
wereserved. Danoingwas tb andready to. return to work.- Village are
-light refrqghment suffered also slightly from thei fact that--hia oi ere at[ one of the County Collegiate i i n, �he ew ent.-INIesirii. J. W� H , J. J_McLaughli' Thomas _H, M.Ccalluin ancl
until mid -night, when i 3s Bell Richadon, -who is teaching it Y§ar. -The Misses Dowson, of
C, roming, came home to spend her holi- wl�o
with reneWed vigor, and ly had- time-io get, on his land legs for have been in Toronto foT o. e time �,,?ys 0 suppei in Clinton last Friday even.
was kept tip until scarce ling and A. Q. �Bobier for deputy: -For
a! s.: --Misses May Ke np and*Alaud Fowler THRFsHm; MACHINE PURCIIASE,
an earlv hour in the morning. Excelien HowevJ' D,-lvlr' b#e returned home. -Ing. Council John W.� Taylor Win.Treble, Win.
.t the winter. they will be lieaM Job' Scott, of the"10th concession, pur-
it"tc Guelph last Wo ek oil a visit to Mrs. n
music was furnished by Briglia',s orche from yet, and most likely in the local club Harding and Charles Snell, jr. All the .cause
chaged a McCloskey � separator from Mr.
ly.-Miss H. D.iDrum. I
W. uncan's-fami Winghm. others ivho were 'nominated have leftthe
of London. ir matches, which begin next week,
It -was a most enjoyable they will Samuel Horton, Ltiinley, last week. He Wro,xetei.
end,' rominent in ar circles in I
in fie very hot contest is looked for on
and all eemed to enjoy themselves thor- have an iortunity of revenging them- says he has a machin -NicrPAL.-Norninations were held
OPE eWhichwill make the N -Mr. Robert 'Gibson �ely pai
a the uest of her sister, Mrs. Vanlil mond OT". M prices.
.9 xoughlyt selvei; on some. of those o treated them so or a fe day. -Mr. John Muldrew stud- boy'� take a back seat 'in the threshing line. T1. orold. a visit on business. 7—M is Uliott,o�,i ithetownhallon Monday evening. There Tha
was a large a4endance. Mr W.Clelgwas
roughly in this contest.*. The drawing for AOTIMS.-Mr. � and M rs. George Brooks, of C1 esley, is the guest of Mrs. E . 3mith.
ont at I nox College, Toronto,'is spending S1
is Chri 08 Walton.
OjFiie is. -At a meeting of these" matches takes place net Tue Manitoba, are guests of Mr. Brook's father, Mr. D. A.1. Walker, com. I ialist, 0 eb e 2 chal
a at his homenere.- imerbial al efflu I
skinas holida the meeting layor
en so aI who intend. t y
a s . oug 8 Collegiate Inattue,, rockenshirei on, vnnsmy SrmvicE, Q. -Th
eVenina last - the followino officers ere i
Britannia Masonc lodge, held on Friday ev o take part hai whose -� constitution is inipaired.-Misg Ni Fal! declined re_�eleeti - and AxM eat b
or � a, Tj
ary . a, ce in con
nf ave their names banded to ihe sec Jennie E. Linton, orginist - at. Bethel', at- foi iorie McKenzie was elected mayor for nection with Dutfsj�
t r. J e's\P D las of the towni hip of
In- bet -er v "gara ry
rey, was school -mate of Mr. Ja merly principal of Wroxetei oblid ties RC- Church, Walton, Were held on Sabbath'an&-
ceremony in visiting friends here at
_sUffled for the ensuing year: John H. retary It once. The following shows th( 3hane, o i as eleated as the Liberal re tended a matrimonial the vi- schdoli is pi -esiat. - 96 by acclamation. R. 'C. Spali ig aria Th -f
Reid, master ; -Rev. J. W. Hodgins, omplosi(don arid score of the rinks in inatel a reeve an
past 0 ity of Toront week. -Mr. 1�obert T1 i. ii in Holqies were rd-eleeted d. Monday December 22nd and 2,3r4. -On Bab.
clu o last 6111 a Hemphill, hardware ine)
inikster ; 1.obert Smrlet, senior warden. ; above -alluded to Dresent ive for Montmal Centre a few days ' .1 -Clkanti,� Go thme
Grey, a well-to-do irmer,. of MoKillop, e of the stores in the Sinder'sor uy respettively, by acclamation. The bath, Rev. John '!Ross B-. A� f Brumis.,
Z. on ?yl g on
1.go. Mr. Douglas say i he was tbe* boys' it g04
has - latel-j - i emoved to:
R� Jackson, junior warden ; L. G. Van- PRE, STI)ENT; made a short visit -here last week. -One of blo 10k list of councx�llors will be seew in another 11reache with much acceptance, both nloa
E'rfmond, treasurer; George Dung -A Jimmie" then and hei, the "peoplesJim- or some years, . I ,
n, Chap enthites had a somewhat thrilling th, �!ce ing and evening. On MoMay, the tea- much
our sev � coluirin.
John Steele, Mr.�Schake, nie" now. -Mr. Gea ge Anderson,- inathe. tre store of the block er C,e( by him,
laia_; J. Orr Rose, secretary ; R. SaMP-i Thoe.,Riohard'son, James Scott; experience the other'day, with his horses. & 8 unimer. -Mr. Wil meenting 'was held. After all had one- 181
atical master'in Wi adsor Collegiate - In- son, I al o Loc-4,LiTiEts -We are having the worst
storm o' ne
senior deacon ; John Dodds, junior N. McLeod, J; stone, bli h )1, is spending lei he good things provided -by
A the gentleman desc Abes it, the grey is on the ieason this week. Soi amp .4stice to tL
deacon C. Jackson, inside guard ; A.C. W. 0. Reid, (P) 4 IWL titute, is spending his holidays in t:)wn. - pu� 10 Be 0( h
Picl!ard,. (v. P) IS olidayi, Tk
the bay, and the at hisi home in Atwood. 1 bay it is a sig a of a stormy January. -The �he ladio of the i' tion lhumai�r
W, inter, senior.steNvart George AT er. A. Stewart, of Ointon, occupi d the somewhat peevish, and bit- I, wrence congregu the ebiir,
Jas Anderson,
urray W. 134thune, bay kieked then the bay bit the grey, and- -.Lo Obapm*u's a taken'by Revol D. Forest, when a long
alpit of t %ielll wife and fa,
employees of Mr. W. tannery WA
J. C. Laidlaw. i R. S. Hay 9, he Preab teran church on unday mily, have r lied fro
ste-tvart A. emmon, master ojil R. LOgan, y ad varied programme was carri -be m
J. bf. Best, the gr kicked;. ther. they both kicked, the orthwest, on a visit' ad 'Out. The-
orning and evening ast.-The Co mbia to n (18, Af ber, presented Mr Chapman with a beautiful
IL F. Holmested. Choir wm,' very abl�y assisted by -the %fisew
eorrr M -free fro the vrNou. an - &*nce of soe years. do
ceranion, es ; (1
_.e Patterson, tyler ; W., and got� in silver fl, uit at uid on New Year's eve. Mr.
K. Pearce ad R. C. Cbeswright, �uditors ; D. Hutchison, r. R". I
ad calendar for 1896 as just been issued I(Ihii— , Land Mr.' J.
THE nominations in 1! Gainmell, Tracks 111 -and Daly
_Sco tt 011,11NATIONS.-+TM Aliebarl is �Chiprn was comple e
faines )y the Pope' Manu�fa turi ng . Compi 6ny r at home fronh Mani; -the tely taken by'surprise-
orr,&RLiSt. After labor a num - W. D. Brig4t, W. Pattersoil, &,for Scott of Seaforth! Owing to the udavor- Th
this township took place in the township witeri.-Rev. Mr. Gray, w but he 4-1y thanked
ber of the breth'ren retired to the Cornmer D. D. Wilson 1 W. McDougall Elatf�rd,' Connecticut� This han�y .�nd he i : ccupied the givers for the
Alex.. Wilson: 15 hall, S �affa, on Monday. There was a thf pulpit of the Pre 1kindne 8,!.i and ended -by wishing themia' ablev�e4tber there�', Were not so mAiny resent- Appy
aI hotel, where they partook of an oyster F. W. Tweddl� s iseful calen this
year t an ev- arch so,
large turn -out of ratepayers, and a' good ac( eptably fdor abbathsbacl -ilOurned ;happy New Year. -The Baptist Sabbath as otherwise woulil have been, but -&1 168111-
d&r'is bettLr some S Am
Stl.Dper, and spent a couple of'hours in uni Total.' 30 w cLn.d is of Particular interest and use to THU P
Total. 3 d f interest was manifested. Mr. Thos. to iis bom An Toronto on schooleaertainment; which was to be'held ed highly pleased. 'with the spiritui
ve�sal hose interested iia ic, �eles and bicycling. a I ri� Iy last. on New ]Year's eve, was postponed untl on Sbboith ..a n'liusi I cal treat
Ryan w is re-eleeted reeve. bv -a;celaniation, Th � ministers of the Presbytery 'V'il on monasy
--Miss Erie Clarke, of "Woodstock, spent a
-The y Friday T next, - on . account of the severe evening.;
Cr[ltr_�Tuvs TR.-ExE ENTMAMA I ew days with endsi town tbisWeek.- but a con eat will take place for the other thi 3 pr 1pit in' turns daring, the of
80.1 -TIE Ift'RON fki itience
_NSTXTITTF. entertaltimet given by lth,&�-pupil� of St Offices4 r. Peter Campbell, the present, Re Mr. Anderson. -The Met o4 storm. ev. Mr. Hall, of Belorave,preached NOT -Es. We are, pleased to see the genial' ow
Meetin-s for, the discussion -of 'a I d iss Ella Ed ward s,of � loront6, arid tormer- Christ
gplou tu deputy-rdve 'Rev . . . . . . OttaWall as1W
I will be opposed by Mr. Job]!' Mai �e entertainment passed fl ry suc- -
rat Jam es' I urc Sundai sichodl, in Cardno'� r ly a teacher in the -Sea''orth public choor, in theP:Sbyterian church last Sabbath..- face Of
ispices o. again L Belwood. a ems to agree witlk him.
hall, oQjfiday q n 1
9 vs'r
subjects, will be held under the at last, was a grea, i n town !,t iis week. - It the . M cL:,,qen, a, member of the present coun- cessful y and the performances f 0 1 e child- The ChIri tmas- tree in 8b. Paul's church, on
th vening e
e South Huron 1�ikririers)-Tjistitute, at success., The platform was neat! at�ranger I cil, and Thomas A. Pullman, who- was a rem NY(re very pleasing. -AIT. rt n' Thursdi'%_ of last week, was quite a success, tea -meeting at Walton Methodist
y r"ong MeN. Christian Association asses Hazle- _t H
rucefield, on Tuesday of next week, and for theloccasi6n. The opening �_Mnand, Mrs. John, Mowat ha' hurelfV&SLaffileeefig, Considering the way
*illbexesumed- in th.- usua'l ord nexti councillo� some years ago. The following woi id, who is attending Toronto I �n � versit, ve returned c
at Exeter 01, the -following Wednesday. the Suikday school children was well ren wee .-Miss Houghton Wingba An n W in thhisp rena.__. r to Toronto,�, H, go
of in visit -i are% the 6 ' dfillites far the con oil : Al atthe is a pen di ' a holiday -wi e frown their Wedding ton the read were drifted with snow. A o&
Ektch of these ineetingswill commence at dered -in fact no exception could be taker I Miller, Tilliarn Feeue , Robert Hogarth, old cou crowd was- present and stirring addremw
a week. -l -As irants . y lacif for thevillageis r and other places. -Mr. Burton, of
w eifriendsin town tb j r., anif axwellGrey. A8pirited contest- ace rn %tion for 96 31 ted Knox 00 Oy were enb
and &t each -place there ili to any' of the numbers executed -by the vari. for municipal honors ar on the war is is the guest of his gv. y Revs. Ottawell and Forest.
dancing Path e, Toro
au evening session. These nieetings ous performers, while the Scotch is looked for.
aunt Good: music was re�idered by the their an&
a amounted to
vlr.:, J.. Hayes by the MeMan-n children was especially en. twilship this Wee -, at ending the m4rri McKfflop, of Tees*ater, is visiting at her broiher�s, other talent. The proceed -ils
WIN be under t -he direetion of I Mrs. A Y otin were in Blenheim -0 M . J. Dickson. -Mr. Peter Scott,
1�1, A., pofessor of. natural hist $4 -A good deal of sickness preva
cry joyed. The beat scene was equally taking, o' their niece, Mr. Wal6r Taylor's. -Mr. A -If. Browia, of Ov'er 0-
iss all, to Mr. Guthrie, of Tuckersmith.
and geolon- in� the Ontario Agricultural and reflected great * on t,he S ALLTHE CONVS ?-T')e �near S",�Orth, has'been lleguet Of Mialf here at present. -We are pleased to see thatt�
t. A. U. Christian, B.
lunifries. if r'. Thomas Pkingle, of STATISTICS. - The financial rat -payers of McKillop are in-vit,-d to vote A. Has ngs Reti the 9 yeari old dutighter of Mr. U.,
pants. The varioiis' other parts of the pro- of Cleveland, have been �holid town. state ti. for the last :week. -Mr. Ed.
ricultut-al Oollege -,in Mr�. lyhoillas gramme, Buell ibe instrumentals, solos, e Gro Leod! is able tc be around again. She -
the At, a ever -important: qifeston at 11
sof tic aries,. ves,1 of Toronto, is visiting his parents,
A] CMillan, of Itu, t, ,besides se�,eral , local readings and recitations, sho-wed caeful The e6t blizard of th seas stru k this i Mr. and Mrs. J. Groves. -]Nclisa Etta John.- had' a severe atta6k of inflammation of the,
let nient, issued by the'council, for the on th,� M"
d as I hey wete the guest ilson. year ending December 15�h, shows the total mu icipal ' elect ons, in this township Dresse
inen. These ineatings will receipts of -the township, including a bal. Mo day next. Those --who. d6a by-law ston dmpheaL y
r ted 'b * mening . i tls and at -one- suingo
no -doubt be thought and preparation, and brought forth 'v einity on T�e d Iali but it was o, ly an ance .' ', Londesboro, is spending the holi- lungs,
very Interezating and proh from 1894, to have been $13,203.64. pasE ed; prohibiting all animals f i
ay c
e audience. a ig ng in w.M in, conditiou----�W&-
'hope that iti, 1, [table; and" we welYmerited applause froin th i fant.-The le bi no air good, unni. 19 days 'at home. -Mr. D. Kinkaid, of - Chi- ti e
- 1, The exp, nditures were as foll.owi: For at li 6rgb, will be asked to signify t ir : c e- . are glad!to say r@. M. Morrison is recO-
places they will: be avail-- Thb tableaux were especially fine, that re. e. -cept where "the high [wind av blown roads an dago,, i43; visiting his family in town. -Miss f
e(l Of largeL17 1)3, The farmers o the riLd_,ng, ting the scene at tbe'birth of o d bridges, $2,086.82; investments, sire onithat date, -rid those-whc' Ot w 11 Broadf,60 ring af ter a severli"prostration --froin heart,
and that the - v I presen i or its I I ife-like xppea�. a (10 � C, of Seafortb, is the guest of Miss e
ur tl e silow froirL the r�ad the 50 ; charitieg, $119.42 ; board of health, do the 'same. This vote is. to I e ta en for Ada, Scroggy, of Guelph,, is dise
will be verylargely:attended. Saviour being noted f n Moday vi aae.�At -the last regul:?,r meeting f
d rried out with faultless f i nie Hicks is $25; sch:)ols, $4,451.6.6; salaries, $'585; �he uidance of the council til a- 1111 ter. '172 Canadan "Order, of,
- - Ali
All fariner3, an �&Pecialy the- younc, inen, ance', arid was ca ron_i 'L PURCI Court Walton No
a. i . precision. olidays.-Mr. miseellan ous, $30; postage, station ry and IV BL �j E.
-11�l niore p of ; 10, en le oron�o rooll bo g at Air. Peter Fishe'
dilan by After- this came the distribution e Mr. Davi Ipt. a Foresters, the fol*lbwin- officers were elict-
attendi - ngthe�,e iop S ritford, were printing, 80.47, a total east WiWnj of Quebec, returned to er home on
u Monday, e after a mouth's visit with her sis A., A. AleQuaig.;
41 �Wng un- of the Christmas tiee,gifts by Santa Olals,'. this week the guests� of Mrs. J. - H. of $8,177.87. The 4f inthrop, has purchased ed
Cr the aispioeS of the Hu v! d Mrs. , I James Pringle,�`l` i L , Iroi R" JO
roa.Insti- which c , assets of the township are as follows : JViI iam. :Ross, of
aused.much.meeriment among the* Stanley� tl(- ,uperi. Smith - Adnancial. Secretary-, W. J. Smith
Bi -)adfoot'-M'JbSL Ella iriih second augli- School investment fund in in ter, Mrs. Alex. Ross."-Nlra. A McCormick, y . -_
ortgages, $16,- tbor ugh bred ball, 'Perfectin's Hei 1, of Gdderich, is visiting Mrs. Lionel Hanson'. g
tate, rill be in the town hall Brus- little folks,. and some big on L r
8, �too. At the ter -of Dr.!R. W. B. Snii b, o Haipiltou, is Record Secretary R Campbell - Tftm_
set,, on Alonday and Tuesda, Jailary co'neusion. of"this part -of hepro .713.50; promissory note-, $170; in:Canadian hitae4 as a yearling froni fr. Dar d r J. WT. Armstrong -Chap lain lil 2 grsLnlnle,., sp -nding �tbe holidays 1, with her Foung Bank of Commerce savin 0; U C ue -_ the audience, joined in singing the national 'f ri 6nds in _t i . + '; Jr. W..,
th and 2�4th za d t1e West Huron ine6t aplirine,'Of Ethel, for' $130. Thih ai itili'Ll
� 0 M a Horton an
�11 January 23rd and' own Air and berland Sr. W.. John 'McDonald
itift, at Aulluerl... - taxes deposited, $4,725.72; in t asurer's ilow three years old, is of �a'l,
-4 e re red ;n B.., R. Fraser
til. �inthem)'tllus bringing to. a Close a most en- nding a Zu�le of �e a W th- friei As in hand, George Smith ; 'Sr. $266-71 in collector's hand', uncol- color, and. is one of the best Of e km*!d in BR, m n- IT- laries - Exam., J, Al. Armstrong'.
ill be addressed by . H. joyable eveninry's e accorn- A] as Mai iell, is k pend- ev. G. A. Robson' 'J, Hum
sp% Bayfleld. B.,
e 'do
science, pani t k a pen
pCof �ssor ofveterinary ments -durin1kthe r. -Mi -y Bod,o. lected takes, $165.78; total, $22,741.21. the qount�. As a year old hoell tc
4ening ere -played ing, Christmas holidays v it g her parents se6o::: t -0hristmas at his home in'London M A ' .18 court is in a prosperous condi-
idd Liabilities: County rates, $3,712.81; schools PPZ at the Br cegeld show !i
gricultaral Coil ege ; I 'Pimpson Rennie, n a ring tion and is steadily, ad
by Miss-Alarie' and were executed an I other friends he'e.- r.- L R. Rose, of $1,064.84; total, $4,777.65. six, 11 $ )f t ownship. -Mr. 'Walter Baker, of Egmond- ding to its inpmber_�
Ailliken, and local men. rid the following year on re, I �r,
eek and A MERkY ClInISTvi.ts. -The 'resid ence of hono.-s. Ree will not only be i valui 6ble a,,-. I eenloelading aart, of his hOlidays in the us nes here m 4nd intends removinj
ith great taste and skill, while the piano Orillia, speut,01iri8tinas with M I e same I ill a former school principal r. Charles Shobbrook bus tlo-
Iused wasi'furnislied by Mr. - John Downey,';' H. Gibb, Goderich 3treeb.-Mr. John 'Ar. James Cooper, of the London-Road,was quisRion to 'Mr. R'
F.A.-One day last week. the local 1,gent for the Karn: Orai & Pial 6
oss' herd b-6 Will bave i illag a;.-' Mrs C W. Smith and daughter, toManitobs, whr�hbas secured a
Carnactictit was so unforti.-Luatb s to Co A M cLeod jof Detroi t, fo -inerly of Sea Forth, �he scene! 900
inpany, of -Woodatock of a very pretty wedding on a beaeficial influence on'the stc Ck in. t C La ]is' it -on., - V'Ve are 1yery sorry th -part *ith
9 Mic i an are the guests of Mr. po I
was married on ChristTa, i day -in London, "Ilriatmai Day, the �contracting parties be- neial orhood. t amek, h' ten. him as Ile has made many
fall while i% froul the barn to the f
I warm friends herO
e', the result )eing a severely sprained MENTAL r's second daughter, 'Miss IR -K PE -On it r. Henry Pollock son
hous ' b Rev W - J. C ark,. o. diss E. A. Ams- ng Mr Coope
j77 y i)eti:oit lady. We vi I )nday af- lE ad d%-"'Idi Ltisfaqtio as
-wrist and prabid, v one of the b' iDITOR del, a 1 Mr. and Airs. a gie J. i and Mr. Thomas F h.ter, and Mr. Thomas P61lock ar- and also gaeevery s2 ones parti- In your issue 6f� December 13th .9 ly orayth, the tern(on la�st, a large numbe Ve
Ved he e last Week -fron
-I noticed.. M(Leoda happy andiprojeroafuttir4l and opular teacher of the school in *se 8 a. wart d he i Manitoba. -Mr, e glad to�
Ally frautured. J i has, so far, Mused con. an article, Mental aria oratorical develop- ction Wo. youn , men from this vicini May sne-ce8sttea him. We ar
worl I al ty c)e see n lr. -A. K rr's smiling face -alnoligst,
trt st the d ivi ind y with �hem. 1, d. gp�tlege, of St. Thomas, and 'Alrs.
siderable pain. aitul will need much v;ide,'who wa)3 beautiful1v obed wenc mg their way towards the bi Lab of M -TowEll, of Hamilton see I* W
are for 'ineut." I have delayedianswering it, with -3 frs. Hicks, of purljey, �vho hasi been Bill, He is attending Trinity -Medies!
some tillic.-Air. were summoned here, us againJ
ia 0 31il
n in ront6 apq other p aces, essioil, I at -M owin is the -
bee duriag some ean, niece of the I n of College. --Miss Burk, of tratford)
room, and who was
Muldrqw, - vvbo has the expectation that so e one better ble visting at Orill was attended by Mias Sadie Willi Lin'McIntosh of the Ilth
years, - ar- would take up the line of thought, Ii lays being invited: by Messm. G.. 01 -e- and R. 't teir 'nother, A, rs. A. Routle& whom we
and- 'ret irned* home f' .- lucan t -of Aiss Flor� -McDonald
or the h
Ile Was accoinpa- �how the advantages of organizing a I ily attired in cream cashmere, while the Mani for the purpose of conye.-ti b soon r6cover.-The weather being
riVe(I 11()Lm e IaA,,reek.
society b board has en -,a e �8_sl fig into opei- id
ied by Iiis 1), Mr. J. d Mi I ten, ere of the occasion was supported by Mr. wood part of'the niust �be sai,d� u iwtlii-,
uldrew, of such as mentionA by "Prog," whether': a dat ghter of Mr. James Hilen, of McKillop, nsea�.!Iiatie Christmas passed over very -A d t b
ecision has at las een given
Knox College, 1111 o, came up from Toronto to Liberal -pa, W: Cooper, brother of the "bride. Dur- that 1 he boys did ample justice t) it
a qaie
club or a �oii etizan olm 'There as i ssistan t M'Odern 14ug a ige teacher. I She ngth"emarhalling of the quartette Miss I F theafternoon
In The township
attend the family reunion during Christmas. was in existence here', some,ye, when they. were fully'satisfied Logan mall�ox c"e.
airs:ago, a de. ha they �ull R<
as taught in the Niagara and Collipg ood . I r sever --Mr. T; J. been awarded,S7700 damages,- with full costs
-,Nlr. Ifector Elliott, teacher, is spending bating society, which'. prospered, -an o giate Institutes.! Mis 4illen is a c me Bell played the. Wedding march, after paired to the- residen�e of Mr. T. !LoV4, oor b it, is -
I Ousei last week receiv sad i�� against the Alitchell board of health.
Y;tcation at the parental home here.-- ever bich Rev, . Ac'hesori performed -the mar- where supper was - 'getice of the death of a sister, Alies -understood from this that
a in genera , that .1 is 3eenie t
I and ac�-oniplisbed young I # ad theLucan age rites in the prpsence of a large, number r ed the
We can hardly say, f min'ill, partaken 6f.
the individutt
regret to note the serious illness of Mrs. -tv;8 are in a,'stmte of retrogressio to be very satisfaciory to all -coil, rned, an' I abet
11 so 'we pe6ble will find her a ble acquisition to "I hoorehouse, at Shipton, York- membersof the board helth'for 1894, am
f the friends and relatives of 'the happy all joined in the disposing of tb B
(Xe01',gC Spr0at, *4o, has been corifined to repeat,, ivby ca not :Wia have another?' their high school teadhing staff te Mptl a ire, �En tile above sum and
bed for twd weeks.-AIr. and Mrs. -Mr, Will ouple. As sQon as tho marriage ceremony gland. -Thee was a large turnout personally liable for
y viands provided for the occa4o a by about and Patr
AlosU all to whoill I have spoken con- Beattie is visiting athis hoine here �ew was over Mr. and Mr�. ts which will probably amount to be hold a
0 - eb; 6tors at the town hall Monday, Cos
Forsythe led the Worth hostess and -e rw trds tile 1894 boar&
Clarke, of Toronto', liave, been holidaying sider it a -good thin- A few (f6ubting and Yea 1 a day passed over ver 7 quietly i* family. Af
wn. way to the dining r ME tion day.
�Iuriw, Cl�riihxias at the residence of Mr. apprehe e Tbc here ab ff still greater array of young The present reeve, Mr. $-200 mo�e. Tbe embers of
hC h t in- peol le cc uld 1) JameE Burns, ii to ouncillor
Don seen making their way to the new an, I Con, essra. W_
fattier of Mrs., Clarke.-I� not succeed, tile youn g mi�n Ivill. not, sta doors feel comfortable ; th 3url 0 ma in cacies of a most invi9fig Character. Fr"ei.- For councillors, James homson G'MU411Y, M r,
mases say; 11 No, it v�ill� The eather wis cold - e 1 couples sat down t6001111 laden wth delT be opposed b of healt were - Dr. Hurlbux
W a�k a tabwie
udg- medic us brick residence of Alr
R,: Stanbury, Th and IV.
there not Chri4i er, and would r&�-her exercise their e i, kh W wished t ng obristi6i;
ing from Mi, Fqrsyt4c�g enviable charac omas Ellio George the mayor'for 1894, y was slei
3ax sentiment enough in this tOgetli u� i to Permit those Tilliain. Taylo IV- R. D&vW.PF
where the social Vt of the 0 E rwin
e a a
14ames Fowli Bailey towu lerk.
e and Rich
Boll d�
h ,
f u
i e1h e tf
t e e
fe -
1 1, 0