HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-03, Page 8L 3 I86 'ICS ' Olt' eta. .y with SALE t, '1'rreeds,. .FORT:. n we are Firing fur. ref dire Iu . In priced r ey respect,, and Funeral. Director, Oise. ■I Porter's Ord Stand,. TD BOXES eS ;OTS S ' i is [mar r Bibtes, Santa Claus makes I MAIN STREET 'i h,or5 s that are: F•fereli to feed 1 [lough. A bersei rm. its a masa ning; up, I L�S i . s. fie loud,strength- and puts the holding up its ksystena is toned • drawl: from he IMERC] ▪ $6,000-,.0 $ 1,200 .0 .Fi discounted, D=r c fit rCipai cities: in (Lula, &c. • n} rates of frite'est lI :NI ay and _Noy tit-. f tial Pi€pE: r and r - i IRIS,Manag. fie f's' e k:E COMPANY 31�' ft.11•lwing stateirentt hseesauc:es in force 1,414,(63.32 97,130.11 r I4,4a4.u4 4,rim,316 21 kt1;C;.OE, District Manager ri L%8e3N, Agent,' Seaforthi JANUAR T 18 6. . HURON EXPOSITOR. • PRIZE WINNERS. SOM NEW MEN IN THE, FIFTY- FOURTH CON RESS, The Are a Cowboy, a oet, an Artist, a Furs Their al Read iuual clearing sale of y -made Cloth ng Ladies' MantI es nd General .Dry Goods. ri; •iris oto . EiElYIBER .. . When we want to sell a thing where people do not hesitate 'to CERTAINL ■ re put th price buy. ' 'Mance over the list of la ge discounts for this sale and you will observe T - E KNIFE has gone in deep and in some -base cut the price clear in two, elf -Sea to ill - I • Ladies' and Gent' Fur Co.-ts, 12)per cent. discount ; Ladies' Fur Ca les, 20 per cent. discount ; Muffs. Collars nd Rafts, _3) per emit. discount ; Frieze Oc ercoats, 12& per cent. discount ; Beaver an l Worsted- Over- coats, 20 per cent. distort •.t ; all other over- coats, 25 per cent. discou . t 1; Men's,Y •• uth's and Boy's Suits. 12?; per cent. disc•unt ; oda Pants, Coats and Ves s, 121, per cent;; discount ; white and gray Blankets, 2 ; per cent. discount ; splendid ange of bed Com- forters, 25 per cent. diseot nt ; wool sl nber Rugs, 20 per cent. discou r t ; women' • and children's Wool. Hosiery, 15 per cen dis- count ; all -Mantle Cloths, 25 per cent dis- count ; Woolen Shawls, 15 per cent dis- count : all fancy Shirting, annel, 2 per cent discount; large range of Mantle 0 oths,- price ; 50 pieces Flannel -t e (to ole ) 6ic per •yard ; all Ladies' H. is r off ; -i hat for 35c 75c hat for 25c ; 30p hat for 1 c ; 20 pieces 44 inch Dress Go ds (to Clea ) 28c per yard ; 15 pieces 42 in h Dress Goo Js (to clear) 2 2c per yard ; 4 pil s I of Print: (to to clear up) Vic .per yard our best grey, . dis- and aclies' all _l! per Wool flannel (at 25c and. over) 15 per cen count ; -all Ladies' Unders year (at 75 over) 20 per cent. disc unt ; all Lined Kid Gloves and- Mitts, eiee pric Men's 'Lined Kid Gloves and, Mitts, 1 cent. discount ; er.l1 knitted and fancy goods 25 per -cent. discount. Our over stock of Black Henrietta corn worth 70c j for 50c. Our Establishment is large BTT' WE. WANT LOTS 0 STUFF AND TTOOK TA TIE' ORDER. YOU WILL HAVE JANUARY, FEBRTJARY, MARCHj AND APRIL, L, ell us to clear lines . ■ ROOM FO ING,WILL SPRING COON J BE. • • 'o wear fe goods we are -1 >• Ev ythin � g ill be seasonal} you live 5 miles; ILO miles, 20 mi] this stole will be the place where you will be' well pleased with yot from us. .J • 1 Col . ionaths offering in this sale. e and ew goods.. 'hWhether es or 2 Miles from . •eaforth you an save mo a ey and ✓ day' n travel to i su chase CUT OUT THE DI COUNT LIST, - Bring it with you and make a Larges Seafo ss D stablishment. foods . PICKARD for o. Sal tion Officer, as, W and Journalists and La ere alore.. solute' now in logislattire. FI. Treloa of the Ninth Missou is of mu le and was nominate Champ Clark as a mere matter but he •e he .is. Hon. Frank Nineto nth . Now York; began farmhand, changed his profess' times nd is a successful la 31 as Carpenters finally IC on. Rowlrand Blennerh batty i charged with being a . cot, II Ho era and Bank- h as also boon iitinistor to Bukaiior; fcir a short time. Thoro aro several o her u1, in - hers about whom there is a deal of p pu- lar curiosity, and about none lore t Ian Colonel and lion:. George - B. cClei an. As the son of the groat general a is of in - n. W. M. a teacher against of form, Bltok, life lis a n a 'few yer, and sset la - [Special Correspo • dente. J W : HINGPON, Dec. 8. In tho Fifty- fourt ,congress are a co vboy, a poet,_ an artist and a Salvation' Arniy officer. Ther; are .carpenters, farmers, merchants and j urnalists, but by far the largest pro- porti n are lawyer's; and among those aro a surpr singly large number of corporation atter eys. Lawyers and bankers aro de- cided y in tho.lead, and ;this, in connection With he deinand for legislation about the ourre cy, is on of many reasons why I am e.niiclen1 the session; will be a very long no. '.lila. journalist naturally turns flrst to those' of his, own profession, and if any amen} them have risen high through years' !good service he expects most 'in, Ent when a former occupant of allery I conies back the boys buzz; d him like the stay at home members amily around a member who has est and Dome back riot), and the ho fills the bill in all these respects William E. Barrett of the Seventh husct s district. Ho is only 88 he was for two years editorial St. Albans (4t.) Daily Mes- eporter for the Boston Ad - 'long its Washington oorre- n umanaging, ditor of The nd The floor . and finally ager and chiefs proprietor of s a graduate vod six terms tire, in five of succeeds the ntrio Dr. Wi- le does not fellows • does yen fewer In ntwith us than t ir� but natural stook in advance n e. man of th this arouls of a gone man is Ho Masse years jild, yet on the then r and nt, th 'ser a ss Mian Besides all those he Erneut. college, has se Massal5husetts leglslat hewas speaker, and ly but .somewhat coca verstt in this holtso. often that one of, on: writer Mingo vertisi spend Adler busini -both. of Dal in the - .which sohola Ilam F happen so wel4 for the prizes aide e proportion to the. contes • in oth professions, so that w should take big be Mr. Barrett. . The 'veteran of . the N gation New city fo boon s is 68 , tion agains unmix' d Puritan blood, were 'among -the first, di land, . d ho is descendec and :Skerry who [was p original New Haven colo w England dela- is Hon. Nohenii 'II D. Sperry' of oven, who Was p.stmastor of that. over a quarter f a century, has cretary of- state of Connecticut and ears old. Our bo • s from that sec - y that ` they will put Mr. Sperry any other man '.•the country for for his ancestors sentors in Eng - from that Rich- otninent .in_ the y and sheltered nor.. *Mr ----1.••--. -:.- torest to all Ameri:eans, and, in, addit on, be is the youngest pian in this) congress, ' having just reached 30, and is not only a successful business man, but rdpresonted tle be peou1iai .y adroit in politic. l naandge- nsent. t When the fist members arriv d, it as known to evt;rybody that forei . u afl' irs and the policy of theadministrat ion th re= en would be one of the first subject• of oontrovorsy, but ,' ith each fro. h arrival - the warmth of feel ing is rapidly increased until it amounts, one might say to a sort of ferocity. Nob dy se0ms to cit -e any clear idea of what is to bo done r why we are to fight any' ody, but the - ld "d -fin -England" feeling is evidently st ogling u s again. lion: San uel C. Hyde, ho su ceods; Senator Jo 1u L. Wilson from t e First Washington •'strict, has an ambitio i to be - chief of th. jingoes and took the pains: to send his 'leas in -adva co in the form of a tel©gra . hod interview.) Here is part of it: 'cI b lieve this na ion has a destiny which dols not permit overlap- ping of this eoun y.by a larges p rt of the British empire. "ar with Gre t Britain ' must come) Who it does, B its h offices in North A mica will be no Die. In tho language o John Bright, we hall have a vast republ c stretching from f ozcn oceans • of the nortl to warm sons of tl e sleuth. 1 would lov to enlist as a pri at soldier again to pr Route that war." 7d' rtunate- ly for the p ace of tho world, fr Hyde is known to change ,his mind WI li great facility. _A.s a. youth ho 'wars a lu Merman in Wisconsin and served two yea a in the war for the Union. Ho is a 1: yer rind physically as big as his colt a - uo, hir. Doolittle. So Washington wig lave the heaviest delegation ie the hous - -' J. H.ADL1s. A WONDERFUL BUILDIN Largest.Office Structure In the- ' cirld. Now Being Erected In Buff :loll, [Special Correspondence 1 BUFFALO, Deo. 8.-Soine i a of the strides which the art of buildin h s taken in the past few years is to be 'Ob i ed from the prospectus, just . issued, (f what is claimed to be thelargest.omce a lei ug in. the world. This .magnificent licture is Coo • the Inc He has, railroa ELLICOTT SQIFsARE. gos who had condemned Charles I. known as Ellicott Square and i in the been teacher, builder, contractor, . bead[ of the business center of Bu alo. It man and postmaster, Whig and fronts on four streets -Main, Was ington, Swtin and South Division. The) ground mearsurcmont is 240 by 200 foot, and it is t. Tho are of 1 stories i0 story of the - 0. Tho and Cu) 1, 1896. original Republican and proudly boasts of ec g p or fro' 1 Abraham Lincoln. He is. not pnerely a' passive but a most tenacious ,fighter public episode we can buil ling;and site is to be $3,350,0 of 'the strong support be r000ived in the visor was be gusi on May 1, 1805, last coi`ibine, and that he will bo a fore- buil ling;is to be complete on May most fl urs in the committee on postoffioes. • It i now being inclosed. let biiilj3ing till contain on the! ground. 40 stores, n the second fie r space 16 banks or counting rooms and on loors above 600 offices. It t • 447,000 sq are feet of floor ton acres. Tho weight of• t fran�ie is 5,550 t ns and of the fire 12,000 tons. 'lhe building is i throughout, even the partitions isv brick. 'Tho 'wood .finish ding is quarter sawed red oak. 10 exterior is a light terra e briolc, resembling sandstone, and oratply modeled, • resembling fin tura. Tho cornice of terra cotta five cot, and the tvholo 1ltailcling and stately. Tia architect is D. I hal , the supervising architect Wor d's fair. _ Is the col ter of the building is tifu court 7i by 110 feet, upon wlii of t 10 offic s front. It will requi elec rise ligh -8'to light the buildin stoa n radia cors for heating purp es of steam and gas s. A refrigerating i ce water throughout th sur great boilers have horsepower. There pumps for various purposes. eivi 1 11is first cosnm'ission as ostinas- His battle for the I3ib1 chools of New Haven was a in the history of that city jaadgo pretty well as -to on in the notable and so source note steo. suet max buil ten stories high, or 144 for framework and foundation: substantial character that to may bo added, snaking a ing 280 feet high, The cos The I capitol .district 'is represented by T anotho votcran, [Hon. E. Stovons Henry, floor who is ` farmer and breeder of thorough- for brag st oh and has had much, eXporionoe.i the in tho , onnectIout general assembly and tain Minor haws. . Still another member of ova wido e pctienoo from that steno is Hon. E. J. Hiller the Fourth district, who is a vory stn oos;sful business sarin and a greab society' nail, being prominent in the',Odd Follow , Sons of the American. Revolt tion and so orth. Aiid all these aro liable to be stray ars, as their -districts are fairly good Ropul,lcnn ground. - . For ' oleo of the now mon of the wosit brillirirt promises 1 ares made, - Captain Thoma • Il. McKee of Logansport, . Ind., whose associntion Willi congressmen and recent bandiclacy for sergeant-at`armil, ought Ito have, made hind a -judge, picks out Col incl Charles G. Burton of the Fif- teenth sslllissouri as a stayer and the rising man of 'hat cloiegrition. "Ho is, 'I says Captaii McKee,- "a remarkably strong span iiiilevery respect, with great capabili- ties, and as a lawyer has that capacity for s of statem i law and pi ess." Tho elm= e!, battle i in tong Clark i has- ma "the n really Hon. J of New a cold's has bee t -a member of the Illinois legisla tura, U ited States district attorney, so licitor 'neat, od Stat, Hon. diana d the log had at being He saw old eno law, w as soon Hon. C A. - Sullowe ?amps' ire is the Sal and he ooks it. H Vie Tenth Texas is was bor done an house o succeed door of I the.house d congress; Hon H Massacl has had ence fox M. Hu carpent nt 'which is half the obably more than half man who beat Champ much ingtiired about, but so far utained a sort of incognito. As to i n that -beat Springer," ho has ad an extremely, varied career. Has Austin Connolly is a native Jersey, 52. Years -old, a lawyer ant. with a very brilliant record • I3 holy buil rT�J robot t 17 nil val.' us siz will supply ing. The 1 ity • 1 1,00 eight - steal) The pumpii g capacity for the wa er sup- ply 111 be equal to that for a vi lags of 8,00 t inhab tants. There will bo 2 eleva- tors, one of which is for freight nd the rust or pas,enger service, and fou gl va- tors for rec'iving and discharging re ht fro the sic ewalks. - . - • - `T e buil 'ing is to be highly orn merit - the national treasury by appoint edit rough ut With fancy iron tvor , Ital hich he declined, and again Unit- tan narblo nd marble mosaic. Th floors district attorney; oft a coed( ors aro to be of marble nosaio . Frank Hanley of the Ninth In and f the 'ffices hard maple cubo ded in trict is the infant member am cem nt. Si0. .thousand ballet's of p rtland %bin roan. BY all accounts .he cement wil be used in the building. - ugh time of it in youth, his father About o n e -third of the space n the ns invalid and his mother blind building ba: been leased six month d wood for a living until: he was of its coni •letion. The Western gh to teach hoot, then studied Telegraph ompany will occupy s elected to t1 a Indiana legislature space on th tenth floor, where it wi tea old enou _-. he and here he ia: •the largest olegraphic repeating stat gf the First New the world. The Ellicott club, coinl len Army captain, 600 of the eading business mei o Mies Crowley of falo, wildcupy elegant and s tiro cowboy, but he quarters on the tenth floor. A law library in Boston, i els been boss stege- of several t ousand volumes will be placed 1 -foreman • a d a member of • the on the nint floor for the use of ten zits of representati'esnfTexas, and now the buildin It is expected that' Moon Buck- - Buck- $ilg • :. who kicked in the Square will be a business commu ity of ring the Fifty-second 4,000 to 5,000people,- and that 60,0 0 poo - H.• Atwood, Tenth ple will pass in and out its doors da ly. usetts; is ar lss and architect and JEBOME W RD. a great deal .o_ legislative expert; ' a man but 2 ,roars old. Hon. , T. Taking, the whole land surface 1 the ley of Broo':lyn is an Irishman, globe into consideration, !there are '22% r and build ng contractor and ab- acres for each inhabitant on this (planet. ill con - pace, or ie stool proofing [reproof being of of the tta and is elab- sculpt rejects is rich Burn- of the a beau - 11 many ?e 7,000 , 1,524 -es and pipe of achine build- - capao- will be •: • ahead Union largo 11 have ;ion in 'rising Buf-„• aoious You says the t.. Louis Jou editorial a ' ut No -To Bao, cure. " We know of pian, one. a pro anent St.- Lo chewed for twenty years ; that even t a smell of tob Tp -Bac sol and guarante free. Star) ng Remedy C treat. - Sold b I. V. Fear, on't Ha • e to Swear Off Everybody in King's. ao. nal] of Agriculture in an th famous tobacco habit ease cured by NA -To -Bae is 4rchitect, smoked and boxes cured' him so co makes him sick." No- d nio pure, nb pay. Book ., 379 St. Paul St„ bion- Drugg• ist,. Seaforth. tw Everybody in King's County, N. B. nowa lir. George 8. Dryden, of Mitchell & Dryde , Sussex, N. B. He says : " Norway telae Syrup i the best cough remedy I have ever used. sty wife ad a very bad cough that was most distressing for days. I tried the Norway Pine Syrup and one bo tle cured her. .I never found its equal." . GEO. 8 DR'" LEN. - 1 Biliousness and Liver Co plaint, !lead he, etc., are cured by Burdock PIlls. Sonia Things to Pon • - and o :. Tha lul tF r. The besttime to Ie cite, to eel gr satisfaction, is not so ugh at t e open of the New Year as a he close f the when we know wh we ha e gain what we have achiev d and what we li reason to bethankful r, sad vq The exercise of me ry, however gr4iti Eying the things we ()Memb,er, never left fords such pleasure a . the exercise of ho lel which pictures overt' thing that (night diel but has not been. The New Year, them fQro, always appeals Ito us as promistii; the realization of the dc.erost wishes -of pm, heart and is in eons3glence exuberantly welcome. The profuse . distill) New Year's day was st England during Eli .a nearly her entire wai4ir jewelry was sup lied n oats. If the w mess bountifully flirty died overrated q leen Jan) 1 precious in heir eyes th together, b t the pr se be irretriev = bly bank ui ion of gifts on 1 the custom oth's reign, and e as well as he -ho. form of press f today were ad was the ; vastlyf would bo' more n all the holiday t makers wbuld In mediae al bines o • on enjoyed bising kissed on N w 'ear's d y under the Mis- tletoe. The Modbrn, hi; contemporaneous woman, is of parte 1 i about the mistle- toe or the di y either, ing, place and the man being = iven, she a ishos kissing gen- erally; Till with' • a few ars the wonyen of Now York t ere _n th obit of receiving their friend. in town New ear's day in grand sty s e. Now .those ciairning do bo fashionable Cy on tha day to the country, presumably to avoid. tl Dir foes -in other words, to got rid of b e3, who aro socially] the mostformidable o enemies. The Chinese at ho a gamble on' New Year's night to a pro li sous eXten .. In Wall : street New Yo ors gamble enor- mously on most of .th taer days • f the year. Tho good rosolutio s made on an. .1 hale generally provedit ••{be bad per orni= ances: before the endo bruary. The men who are ntinually "turning over a now leaf" on Year's di y aro apt to forget the leaf s after, or that they have turned the rif;over at all. re felt the next morning after New Y are may usua.ly be attributed to "treat -in the good resolu- tions they have made A that day.. Many Americalns o t ide of New York so detest the fugghee t of what it called social duties tha , they ould be delighted to see widely oxt'nde t e French' austere, which releases P risia s from the obliga- tion of making few ar's calls in con- - sideration of the send` g smallpreseits instead. They Would g ve liberally to !be entirely exempt front t o whole business of "visiting," b th • Tate Jan. 1 or any other, They .wold inch rather pay out than go out. The heac'.hches tha I Expectancy is so st breast that it am mit tion, as New Yes is matter how ill s tees had in all the yetrrs t pretty sure to be leve t will bring him a han happily his belie wig his burdens . if illt do lighter. • What ale be pen, but it make[ the It is a -great pi th year does not ins is apt to do. The a light heart and p ss 1n the cities of Cil Year's day offer u p temples. To use a co n: th y meet their par Jua Iu g in the human 'most to supers*'- illustrates. No , man May have t have past, he i$ _,I at the New Year of fortune. - And alp him to bgar not make th4m e may iiot hrtp- sent )righter. every, day of the eheee -as Jan4 1 old always carry a cheerful mind. he people 011 New ✓ prayers in the iercial phrase, do, en it falls due?. ENIII B1 olvNE. p • GRATE FUL-1- PP$x17 0 iFor1T B EAYFAST "By a th rough• knowl dg which gover the operatgiion o tion, and by careful appli a ties of weal -s looted Coz.ga, lr our'.Jreakfas add suppek a do erage which ay save its n an It is by the j diolous uSe o e1: a constltutio maybe gr d all; enough to r=hist every to de dreds of subt e maladies ar 11 to attack wh • iever•ther i a escape man a fatal sh ft y tortfifled wit. pure blo nd frame." -Civ 1 Service az tt Made sun ly with bo ling only in pack.ts, by tiro er:, 1 JAMES EPP, & CO., -LTD. 11 Lornox, E en, s KARL'S CLOVER ItOoT t gives freshness and clearneis cures Constipation, 25 cte., ,O by I. V, Fear Seaforth. -SHILOHts CURE Is s cures incipierit consninptio Cure. Only one cont a dos For Sale by I V. Fear, Seaf v G. UPP . he n oft plural taik�s direstionj and nut i- at n of the fie prop r - Epps has pr o tided. f r cured b v. ors' big s. f diet thnst til 'strn�rg so irtii . l n8 redly eh es w l I n urlohed heavy d e eh articles a r built up t icy to is . r gating arou .r !weak poin coping ou a properl3 titer or it Se1d belled this MCCOPATRI ci''i inns'r;i' ND. 1 1452 d great 131 o the Con ts., 81.0 ___ -Mrs. T.13 Hawkins, C " Shiloh's VI alizor' SAVE Ib the best re nedy for a d used." For yepopsia, Liv excels. - I'rIe i 75 eta. :Sol 1 s d rt od le. n a gunrfii t is the bee as, 50 Its. Railroad en men who aro troubled wit 'Ibis indicate precuisor of ptorne or ba all kidney tro box. at • urifle on ao or eel tee. Cou trd nooga. Tenn., say bll ated system eve r Mane trots subjected to. fe a erions Illness. kaehe take se -anti thus hies they h ne ht ve eamsteila and the just Inc, are oftA small 011 the aek Hamilton. I have taken o e bottle a d a alf f eit thing to•do me so much I go ti, I rt Nam td t highly. f DEAR. sifts, -I had severe htladache r the past two years and used all kinks of medi ne wi bout finding a cure until I tried ,L13u dock B1 od intent, when relief acid cpre quickly fo lowed. think there is no better medicine in the w I Norway Pine • cures all Throat roubles, gout ens the Lan and he, Cold etc. Signs of Wor the nose, eto. worm expeller. are vari le Sta$,-For SVC neuralgia and tri At last I was &fly and refused be rest -a failure. ever, and I foun which cured me. wculd not be wi years I d everyt A half it helpe If it co out it. Hagyard's Pee Asthma, Bronc • ral Bal 4m itis and all RV ng OU ne appetit itch g at is th beet been t otibl with I could 8 e or hear of. bottle .f 011 ht it wa like all the am] bou ht a bottle, Orate She • ught It Having used B ?dock Bitte keep from recom aiending it hundreds of bott elf from my other medicines ,.ought to " n MRS. 0 • tirst, Ont. ughs, Col and Lu 3tr for 15 pars I min t sto• re, a ii as L Ice p ely, ALD IC aNNEDY, Cale, onia, Ont. ore throat. end II aed,s Feb - ft ASH Y, - Hoarse Dear Birs,-I torsi Balsam as hoareeness and gahe y ajneocin re throat, ev yi-Law No! 26 OF THE Town of Seaforth. A Inr-LAW, TO RAISE BY WAY OF ' I OAN, THE SUM OF FIFTEEN UNDI1ED DOLLARS FOR THE Wh real, it is neceesary and desirable for Ilre pro - belt, e act an electric alarm systern and purchase ad- it1012 those for the Town ef Seafarth .at a -cost not xeee leg in the aggregate the sum of fifteen hue - red lars and to raiee the said sum, it will be nee- ssary issue debentures as hereinafter mentioned. And Whereas it will require the sum of seventy-five dollars to be raiged annually by special rate for the payment of interest as hereinafter mentioned. And Whereas it will require the stun of forty-five dollars end thirty-seven cents, to be raised annually by special rate for the payment of the said debt as also hereinafter mentioped. And Whereas the amount of the whole rata.ble property of the corporation irrespective of any in- come in the nature of tolls:interest, dividends, rents or fees from the said property and also- irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary in- vestment of the sinking fund or any part thereof ac- cording to the last revised asaessment roll for the eaid eeeporation, being for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety -live, is the sum of six hundred and fortrone thousand three hundred and twentrthree dollars, and whereas the existing de- benture debt of the said corporation is as Mows :- Six thousand dollars borrowed under the authority of 13y -Law No. 3 A, of the said Town of Seaforth and interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent., pay- able half yearly from the first day cf July, A.D., 1805, and eleven thousand dollars borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. 6 A, of the said Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at the rate of six per emit. per annum, payable half yearly from the fifteenth day of October, A„D.,1895, also • five thous- and five hundred dollars borrowed under the author- ity of By -Law No. 11 A of the Town of Seaforth for 318,6 and interest thereon at the rate of five per cent er e num, payable half yearly from the first day of ber,A.D.,1895. &leo four thousand dollars boa - under the authority of 13y -Law No. 2 of the Tow of Seaforth ter 1887 and interest thereon at the rate five per cent. per annum, payable half yearly from he first day of November, A.D.. 1896, and also viz t usand-dollars borrowed under the authority of w No. ft for 1889 and interest thereon at the rate t live per cent. per annum, payable half yearly froth, he first day of Jnly, A.D., 1895, and two thons. and 6 e hundred dollars borrowed unaler the author. ity of Bs -Law No. 8 for 1891, and interest thereon at the rP of five per cent. per annum, payable yearly from he 20th day _of October, A,D.; 1895, and also thre housand five huedred dollars borrowed under the ei thority of By -Law No. 26 13, of the Town of Seale th, and interest thereon at the rate of five per cent er annum, payable yearly from the 20th day A pri , A.D., 1895, and also fourteen thoueand dollars borro .ed under the authority of By -Law No 8 of the Wn of Seaforth for 1892, and interest thereon at t rate of five per cent. per annum, payable yearla from the first day of Jenuary, A.D , 1896, and there s nothing in arrears ,either for principal or And whereas it is made necessary to appoint the time and plaae for taking of the votes the duly quali- fied eleetors, and for appointing Deprity Returning meet og. Officr to tske the votes of the said eleetort at the . Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of th Town of Seaforth. That It shall be lawful for the Mayor of the -corporation to raise by way of loan from any ece ro we I. said pen n or persons, body or bodies, corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures, hereafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of fifteen hundred dollars. • II. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor to cause any number of debentures to be roade-for -suth sums of money as may -be required not less than one bun- dred dollars each and ni# exceeding in the aggregate the sum of fifteen hui-ed dollars and that the ,sald debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the 'said corporation and signed by the Mayor and the Treas- urer thereof. III. That said debentures shall bear intereit at and after the rate of five per cent. per manual from the day mentioned for this by-law to take effect, which interest shall be payable annually on the first day 61 March in each and every year at the cflice a the Treaaurer, et the said Municipality, at the Town of Seaforth. IV. That the said debentures shall be made pay- able at the- expiration of twentyyears from the date to, entioned for this by -Jaw te take effect and shall have attached to them coupons for the paa ment of nteresta V. That for the purpose of farming a sinking fund or the payment of the said debentures an equal rinual sum of forty-five dollars and thirty-seven ble property in the said corporation during the cur- ents, 8 all in addition to all other rated be raised, evied a d collected by special rate upon all the rate- ency o, the said debentures or any of them, and for he pur ,ose of paying. the interest of the said de- entur fa the sum of seventy-five dollars shall in ed- ition t all other rate% be raised, levied and collect - all the ratable property of the said (=per- eing the carrency of the said debentures or at it shall be lawful ler ..the Municipal f the Town of Seaforth to ap-propriate the d fro tAiinio.icit alnuillt of fifteen hundred dollars for the purehatei nd put 'Jig in position of a bell; fer the erection of an eleetrie alarm system, and for the purchase of ad- ditiona 'hose for llre protection purposes for the own c Seaforth. VII. This by-law to eome into operetion on the VIII. That the votes of the electors shall be taken na the oth day of January, A.D., 1896, commencing . For North Ward, polling sub -division No. 1, at E. at he hour of nine o'clock in the morning, and from th nee continue until five o'cleek in the efternoon, at he following places ; Caah's store. Goderich street ; for the East Ward, polling sub -division No. 2, at the Town Hall, and for the South Ward, polling sub -division No. 8, at 0, C. Willsou'e store, Main street, and that Edward Cash be Deptaty-Returning Officer for polling sub division No, 1 ; William Elliott be Deputy -Returning Officer for polling sub -division No. 2, and Samuel Stark be Deputy -Returning Officer for polling sub -division No. 8. XX. That the Mayoa of the said municipal mem- &ten shall attend at the Council ROOD1 on Friday, the 17th day of January, A.D.. 1890, at the hour of three o'clock p.m., for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places afore- said and final summoning up of the votes respective- Jy, on behalf of persons interested in and promoting or opposing. the hy-law respectively. X. That the Clerk of the municipal corporation shall, at the hour of twelve o'clock, neon, on the 21.st day of January, A.D., 1890, at the Town Hall, in the eaid Town of Seafarth, sum up the votes given for and against the by-law and grant the requisite certificates thereunder, The above is a true and -correct copy of a by-law which has been taken into consideration by the maple:pal council of the Town of Seaforth and which will be finally passed by the said council in the aveet of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication of said by-law in the newspaper called TDB HDDON EXPostroa, the date of which first publication Ntaa- Frilasy:3 the 27th day of December, A -D., 1895, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed, for . taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. • WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk.' A Great Chance • . JOHN VVARD, SEAFORTH'S PLD AND RELIABLE HARNESS MAKER Is still to the fore and offers Which are worth looking after. Ils, and Robes of ail kinds, he can. give better value than can be got elsewhere in the county, e has some very nice GALLOWAY ROBES hie are worth looking at. They are nice and cheap. Give me s call, 1t will pay you. fy shop is first door north *of the Town buildingSfain Street, Seaforth. John- Ward. THE City Grocery Ate- sers Is the 'place to buy your Christma-s Pres- ents. As we have this week opened up ea new line of Fancy China Goods Which we are offering at low prices to suit the times, We would like you to eall and see us. We have en hand a special stock of Choice Pi:suits CLEANED WITH OUR IMPROVED FRUIT Also a stock of nosing decided to remain in the Crotkery and Glassware trade, we are effer- ing our entire stock for sale in small Robb. -18& CM*, SEAFORTE Ri ht Now yo STOP AND, Think lien't wait to buy your ChristOuts Presents until every one is inistling about just a week in advance. Our holiday goods are here now hnd all the immense advantage...1 yours by ailing now, taking your time; e choose, a d when the selections are mor Of caurse you buy Xmas Presents Every body does, but, how ? Many buy in a hap -hazard. way, wandering around from store to store enly- , to be thoroughly dissatisfied in the end. Yon want some better way -then we've solved the problem fer you. Nothing eould be more euitabie for your wife! or daughter than a nice warta And nothing ;•,more suitable for your 'boy- _ than a nice new stuT OF CLOTHES We have a full stock of both to pleate any taste. Our prices never change ; always. McCosh 86 Jeffery, CARMICHAEL BLOCK, Nth SIGN OF THE CIECULAR tiO Pra *14 a•••!e'‘.. rib eml OMEN 1r tz VI rib lir • X 11,7 • Ind s • 131 PIP • 0 34 3 CD Co CD tO act CD CS bl LO to Sheriff's Sale of Lands. COUNTY OF HURON, TO WIT: Msjesty's County -Court County of Huron and By virtue of Writ se; belled Oa Of Her to me direeted and delivered against the land; and tenements of Ismer Denby mid Thomas -Coleman et - the suit of Mary Hamilton, I have seized and Mien in execution all the right, title, Interest and equity of redemption of the above pained defendant, JAMS. Denby, in,I to and out of the following lands and premWor, situate lying and being In the -County of Huron and Province of Ontario, viz : Lot 17, in the 43th Concesolon of the Township of Stanley, -00ntain- fog rine hundred OWNS of land, be thalami" more or less, which lands and tenements I *ball offer for sale, at my office, tbe Court HOlise, in the Town vs Goderieh, en TUESDAY, the Eleventh day of rob - rusty, 18964 at the hour of 11:80 of the elock, ROBERT GIBBON1485„642 Sheriff's Ohm, Goderieh, Nov. Oth, SIIERIFF see-